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Draft Day + Ultimate Edition 11 Live Review image

Draft Day + Ultimate Edition 11 Live Review

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays3 years ago
We talk about the excitement, or lack thereof, surrounding the WWE Draft and what could be done to make it better! In the Royal Rumble, we once and for all crown the worst Trick R Treat candy in the game. During Figure Four, we live review Undertaker & Kane and determine How Many Marcos each figure is worth and discuss the surprising news of Al Snow's return to the wrestling figure game! We each offer a Retro Wrestling Recommendation plus Listener Mail! Become a premium Foley Fam Member Video Version of The Chick Foley Show Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Check out the Pod Foundation Chick Foley Show Pint Glasses Try Verb energy bars!

Introduction and Weekly Catch-up

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up Foley fam? We are back with episode 148 of the Chick Foley show. We are one week closer to Halloween and another week of professional wrestling is in the books. We're taping a day late this week. So you guys are going to have a little bit of Saturday morning goodness from us. We just kind of had a busy week and Thursday just wasn't going to work out. So it's a Friday night special from the Foley fam.

Personal Updates and Episode Excitement

Let's kick it off by introducing the stars of the show. Sheena, how are you doing?
I'm doing good, man. I'm ready to record this. You know, I was kind of bummed that we had to push it from last night, but, uh, you know, we're all here tonight and, you know, for no better way to kick off, uh, our weekend than hanging out with you guys, talking wrestling. Oh yeah. Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts? Good, good. I was actually, uh, the, uh, king of the ring and the queen's crown tournament started tonight. So I was watching a little bit of smack down before we hopped on, but, um, ready to go. Let's, uh, let's jump into some wrestling. Oh yeah.

Social Media Promotions and Events

Sheena, tell the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show. Most importantly, you can join our Foley fam at chick Foley We have our new Halloween havoc watch along posts. It's going to be posted this weekend. Um, it's a good one guys. So definitely, definitely tune in for one special this week. Yeah. Tune in for that.

Wrestling Interviews and Content Highlights

Oh, yeah All right, yeah, so it's gonna be the coal miners glove on a pole match the famous main event from Halloween having 92 and then the Chamber of Horrors match which was just Incredible it was a lot of fun going back and reliving that one Marco let's do with the pod foundation this week. Oh Man as always turnbuckle tavern just cranking out the shows this week you had
They had Rip, um, I always get his name wrong. Rip Bison, uh, today, uh, that dropped today's, um, he visited the Turbuckle Tavern. So check out that interview. Uh, we also, every time I see RIP, I'm always thinking like somebody died. Cause I saw they posted and said, RIP and I'll at my immediate before I even realized it was, I was like, Oh God, who died? And then I was like, Oh yeah, my bad. Yeah. And then they also had, um, they had obviously the regular show, um, everything with AEW.
indies, all that stuff, all in one show. I mean, super detailed. If you need to get your AEW review and all things in need, definitely hit up Turnbuckle Tavern. Extra cooler also this week. Check that out. The cover art actually has a King, the King Mabel on there. So yeah, definitely not going to give any more details on that. Definitely listen to that. It's very timely because he, you know, I'll give a hint. He is wearing something on his head.
So we'll leave it at that. But other than that, I mean, you guys already hit up the fact that we, you know, we had our, our Halloween Havoc show that we recorded this past week could be, which will be dropping soon. So yeah, lots of stuff pumping out from the, uh, from pod foundation. Hell yeah. Love all the, uh, the pod foundation fam.

Elite 89 Nia Jax Giveaway Announcement

Uh, Sheeny, you ready to give away some figures? Show them that, uh, that elite 89 Nia Jax you got in your stack over there.
Oh my gosh. Hold on. Let me, let me move some of these figures. I have a whole stack over here. All right. Yeah, we had, we had a big week in a figure receiving. All right. So yeah, this is elite 89 Nia Jax with the, uh, I'm going to call it the first time in the line women's tag team championship belt. You know, it's not the womb. A's with an H we actually got the N on there this time. And, uh, we were ready to give it away. It's a stunning figure. Really high praise. All right. She, and you're ready to give this one away.
Yep, let's do it. Our good buddy, John Swallow, Jay Bone from the Coming Down the Isle podcast has won this Nia Jax figure. So congrats, dude. Super stoked for you to have this in your collection. Yeah, Elite 89 looks amazing. So we already have your deets, I'm sure. So we'll get this out to you as soon as possible.
Hell yeah, slide into the DMs, John. Oh yeah, actually, yeah, you're right, Shane. We already got his address, so yeah, we're good. Yeah. That figure will be heading your way shortly.

New Giveaway and Patreon Benefits

Sheena, hold up that ringside exclusive Cactus Jack. Boy, do we got a giveaway for you guys next week.
This is the Green Side Collectibles exclusive Cactus Jack. To me, I think it's between this and the original Elite Mankind that was an Amazon exclusive that came in that weird basic packaging for the Bismick Foley figure we've gotten from Mattel. This thing's awesome. It's really a two-in-one because you can take off that ECW shirt and he looks like the classic early 90s WCW Cactus Jack.
But we're going to be giving away this figure at the start of next week's show. And for a figure like this, we got to keep it inside the family, man. This one's going to be strictly for the premium fully fan members and the Patreon-exclusive Facebook group. So if you're a Patreon member and you're listening to this, don't worry. You were already entered to win Cactus Jack. If you have not signed up yet, you can join the group for as little as $2 a month or $20 a year. And I'm telling you, it's going to be a lot of fun.
a lot of entertaining. You're going to have an awesome, you know, just a place for fellowship for the love of all things professional wrestling. So that's probably the most important thing. But then we also got a lot of fun events and a lot of I guess community figure hunting, communal figure hunting would be the best way to describe it how we all team up. We got some serious figure hunters within the group.
And you can benefit from that as well. So hit it up at And that's in addition to all of our awesome bonus content with the podcast and Unbox-a-Mania, which is going to be starting back up here very soon. So it started next week's show. We're drama free. We keep it a drama free zone, too. So you ain't got to worry about no craziness, no madness. Most important. We keep the fully fam friendly. So it's a good place to be. Oh, yeah. It's an inclusive. Very few places like that one's on the internet. Oh, yeah, definitely. It's an inclusive environment, for sure.
So yeah, hit that up. If you are, uh, if you've been on the fence thing about upgrading your, uh, Foley fan membership, the, the higher tier you are, you'll get additional entries for that, that cactus Jack figure.

WWE Draft Outcomes and Impact

Um, we want to remind you guys, anytime we're talking figures, make sure you guys are using code chick bully to save 10% at ringside collectibles. And are you guys ready to get into the weekend wrestling? Let's go do it. All right.
We are going to kick off this week's show by talking about the WWE draft. So this concept came back in 2016 with the original, um, with the original brand split. Um, I'll save my feelings at the end of it. Let's, let's start, uh, let's start off overall. We're just looking at how the draft broke down Marco. Who do you think got the best of the, um, of the, of the roster out of this new draft?
Um, probably gonna go with let's probably gonna know it's SmackDown. Obviously. Um, I mean, they get, I mean, obviously they kept the, uh, the big dog, the tribal chief Roman Reigns kept them on the blue chipper brand, but then they also, yeah, they also acquired Charlotte. So now they have Charlotte Flair. They arguably the two of the best men and women in wrestling on the same show.
So I think they kind of stole that draft just on them two alone. Yeah, I mean, obviously, Jeff Hardy, someone that we've been talking about for the past few weeks, we think he's going to get some type of main event run or some type of awesome run in the coming weeks. And he kind of tees that he's going to free up his character a little bit. So a lot of speculation that we might get a
Jeff Hardy alter ego. Yes. That'd be pretty awesome if that happens, but, um, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm pumped for the, uh, for SmackDown, uh, raw, obviously, you know, I think they, they, they got a good deal, but you know, they have Becky Lynch, they got Bianca Belair. Seth Rollins. They're stacked, dude. I mean, you know, it seems like, yeah, you got these two big,
main players like in Charlotte and Roman Reigns, like, you know, those are crowd draws, crowd favorites. But I mean, you got a lot of star power on Raw, whether or not they're going to utilize that star power correctly on that three hours and that Monday night is to be seen. But, you know, they, it's not for lack of talent. If Raw sucks, it's not for lack of talent. So it's definitely going to be for lack of creative, you know, storytelling.
Yeah, definitely. What do we think they're going to do with the women's titles? Because we got Charlotte taking the raw title to SmackDown. Becky bringing the SmackDown title raw, do we think? Because I think this isn't going to take effect until after Crown Jewel. So they got time to pull some shenanigans. Or do we think it's going to be similar to what New Day and Street Profits did last year, where they basically just traded the belt?
Well, they're having some sort of, they're having the tournament, right? So I feel, I feel like, uh, this could be a chance. I mean, Sasha Banks is clearly going to win the SmackDown championship, right? I mean, there's really the only main, I mean, I think so. Yeah. I don't see that possibility. Becky can't keep the SmackDown belt on raw. That doesn't make any sense. That's what I'm saying. I mean, maybe they'll do the, uh, the switcheroo like they did, uh,
with new day and street profits where they just traded the tag team belts. Oh, okay. I see. Yeah. So is Charlotte, is she defending right at crown jewel or I don't think I seen her. I don't think we've seen that announced yet. We know we got the triple threat with Sasha and Bianca and Becky. But yeah, I haven't seen anything announced yet for Charlotte because really she's kind of run through the whole raw women's division at this point. Yeah.
Yeah. And she, and she obviously has the, uh, the raw women's title on the Smackdown brand. So they'll get, like you said, I mean, if, if, uh, if, um, Sasha Banks does win, it's essentially, you know, two belts on one brand. So how do they, you know,
the belt off of Charlotte or. Yeah, pretty much the options are either going to have Charlotte and Becky each have to drop their belts before October 22nd, which I just I can't see that one happening or we do another swap. The swap made a lot of sense. It really kind of was like the most logical thing, even if it was a little bit weird. But, you know, time will tell. That's why I think they should really they should have the women's belts and even like the tag belts come up with two different names on them. So they're not so tied in with one show. You know what I mean? Because it just makes it awkward, like.
You can have a scenario where the WWE championship and the universal championship end up on the same show and it won't be quite as awkward as it is. Uh, yeah, the current situation we have right now that the belts are literally blue and red. You know what I mean? Like, uh, that's right. It's not blue anymore. Yeah. The universal is the one that changes, uh, universal changes colors. The WWE one stays, uh, yeah, they say with the black leather.
So either way, so that's something else that's got to get worked out.

Critique of WWE Draft Format

Sheena, are you a fan of the draft just kind of as a concept in the WWE universe? No, you know, I know there's going to be a time when you got to shake things up because clearly, you know, based on what we saw in the draft, like they decided like we're not going to pull the trigger on Seth versus Roman. So we got to get Seth over to the to the other show, you know, because otherwise he's just going to be stuck here in no man's land, like, you know, feuding with like agents of sorrow for eternity. Right. But to me, it just
I don't know. I hate the draft dude. I really do. I don't, I don't have any ideas how to make it better, how to shake things up. You know, I don't like the superstar shake up either. I just, I don't know what could, what you could do to make it more like.
I don't know, like tolerable. Cause it's kind of obnoxious. I actually hate it. You know, I hate the whole draft concept. At least they didn't do the draft rooms this year with, you know, the big announcements and like the, you know, Fox, they had the little guys in there with like their pens and papers, you know, doing all that stuff. So at least it wasn't that obnoxious and they didn't, you know, have Stephanie being like, man going to raw. We got, you know, um, so I don't know. I hate it. What about you guys? What are your, what are your thoughts on the draft?
So I'm not a big fan. I think they should either do away with it and just treat the two shows like they're two separate leagues and just get rid of it. Or the other option, I think they should lean farther into the real sports aspects of it. Really, now that NXT is back to being developmental, I feel like the draft should just be for the NXT superstars. I think each year at the draft, they should make the top
like 20 to 24 NXT superstars, like eligible for it. And then the two shows can go back and pick. And that doesn't necessarily mean somebody's going to get called up as soon as they get drafted. It'd be just like in, um, in like baseball, how like, you know, guys may be on the, in the minors for like three or four years, even though they're signed to like the Yankees or Red Sox or something, you know, so it would just be like, you know, Ron breaker, you know, his rights belong to Monday Night Raw whenever he does leave NXT, you know, something like that. And for the superstars that are already drafted,
Give them some kayfabe contracts. Roman Reigns is on a one-year contract to SmackDown, you know what I mean? Seth Rollins is on a six-month contract to Raw. And then when their contracts come up, I'll make that like a storyline aspect. You could have whoever the Raw GM is trying to re-sign Seth, or maybe he pulls a swerve and goes and jumpship to SmackDown. I would do something like that. Oh my gosh. You got, so you could have fake content posted out about the
contract negotiations and all that, the political intrigue behind it. So I think that could be fun. I'm sure they'd find a way to wear that out after a while. I don't hate that idea. I think that's a good idea, but I think I can't imagine in any world where WWE is going to keep up with.
any of that. There's no way that they would go into it. That might be a bridge too far. Oh, Roman Reigns' contract has... I mean, they can't even keep up with their real-life contracts, so the fact that they keep up with kayfabe contracts is completely out there. It's not going to happen, but I don't hate that idea.
Probably the NXT draft. I think that'd probably be the way to do it. That'd be a lot of fun, because then you could start to build anticipation. And it would give people who may only watch Raw and SmackDown a reason to watch NXT so they could see like, hey, this guy was the number one pick in the draft.
Let's grab him. And it'd be a way to get guys pushed more in NXT. Even though they're still gonna be in NXT for another 6, 9, 12 months, it'd be cool to know, hey, this is the number one draft pick in WWE for 2021 or whatever. What about you, Marco? What's some of your thoughts on different ways they could take the draft?
I think that like, that only works if they bring back kind of like the GMs, the respective brands instead of having, you know, what do you call it, Sonya Deville. Adam Pierce and Sonya Deville. Adam Pierce has like, they're on their both shows. If you separated them, maybe have Sonya Deville take over SmackDown and Adam Pierce, you know, be the raw GM, but keep it as they are doing it now. Like they're not out there as part of the storylines. We're not starting every single show.
Yeah, they're not they're not in every single show like interfering and doing all the stuff like yeah they come out of the beginning doing announcement and you know act as they are now but just have it know that you know these two are the You know the GM's of these brands and then that stuff you come to play that Seth talked about like, you know the contract negotiations Maybe they trade like they did with um, Eric Bischoff and Stephanie when they were like trade. Yeah. Yeah, that was back and forth and stuff like that and
Yeah, I think that was neat. Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah, no, you could definitely have something like, even with NXT, like, I mean, they haven't really shown like, I mean, Regal can be a part of it as well. Like he could be a part of the negotiations too. Like, you know, maybe they go down there and they say, Hey, we want to, we're looking at this superstar at NXT. We want them to come up and they could be like, they could vie for that. Like you said, that number one draft act.
Um, and they can state their case and, you know, then it gets more intriguing of the NXT superstar. That's going to make it like they have to make that decision. I want to go to the raw side or like that type of stuff. So yeah, I mean, it could be awesome if they did that, but like, even Sheena said it's too, they have to like really keep track of.

Ideas to Improve WWE Draft

You'd have to have the continuity going back further than three weeks to make it work. And then like you said, you'd have to bring back the authority figures, which it has been a breath of fresh air and not having authority figures on the
the main shows the last couple of years because they were just, they overdid it. I missed the authority figures, like, like president Jack Tunney back in the day. You know what I mean? Like when you saw Jack Tunney coming on the screen to announce something, he knew some shit was about to go down. Yeah. A title, we're about to get some kind of tournament, some big stipulation. Like, yeah, he, it was always, uh, it was something big. Yeah. Yeah.
All right, so I think we're all kind of in a unanimous that the draft kind of sucks as is. Hopefully, if our source of WWE is listening right now, we can get some of these improvements in place for next year. Let's hear from the two bad chairs. I would love to hear what the listeners, real quick, I would love to hear what the listeners have to say about this because we have some really, in our fully fam especially, after the show, you guys always come up with some
really great ideas and let us know what you thought of these questions that we ask on the show. So if you're listening to this and you have a better idea for the draft, I'd be curious to know what you think could be done to improve it.
Yeah, definitely. We can, uh, we can pull some of that stuff in listener mail next week. I don't think even our group of, you know, 200 hardcore wrestling fans, I'd have to go back and check. There wasn't much mention of any draft stuff. So it really didn't move the needle for the hardcore fans. It does episode has traditionally pulled big numbers. So I think that's probably the real driving force, why it's still around. Um, but yeah, thumbs down for us. Let's hear from the two bad chats.
Drop by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday, we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDE. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.
All right, Foley fan, we did encounter some rare technical difficulties there in the opening

Technical Fixes and AEW Excitement

segment. So some stuff sounded slightly out of sync, not the usual pure audio gold you're used to from us. That was to blame, but we got to sort it out. I went and reset the modem. Everybody cycled their computers, did all their little gimmick updates and everything. And I think we're all set to kick off the Royal Rumble. So we'll start off with Sheena. We saw Virginia's own Adam Hangman page return at the end of dynamite to get the big poker chip and claim his
World Championship shot at Kenny Omega. What were your thoughts on the hangman's return?
Oh, it was epic, dude. It was a star-studded casino battle royal. I don't think anyone there could really enjoy what was happening in the ring because everyone was chomping at the bit to see who was going to come out in that Joker spot. And when Hangman's music hit, dude, it just interrupted. It was just so awesome to see everybody excited to see Hangman back. So it was clear that AEW made the right choice putting him in that Joker spot. I can't wait.
to see Hangman take his rightful place as the king of AEW and lead the fans to Kenny. And hopefully it happens before we go to the AEW show in November. So let's keep our fingers crossed for that because I would love to see champion Hangman for the first time for my first AEW show. That episode of Dynamite is going to be the first one after revolution. So that'd be a hell of a way to kick off Hangman's Virginia homecoming with
walking out with that AW championship, or it could be the ultimate way to just really level up Kenny again as a heel. Imagine if he comes out and hang man's home state to show off, you know, beating the cowboy. We'll let you guys behind the curtain real quick. We started this Royal Rumble segment, maybe what guys, like six, seven weeks ago. I've had, if you guys noticed the people that watch on YouTube, which also we got some new webcams this week. So, you know, it's a new 4k goodness on the YouTube for those watching me and Sheena.
But I have to like fiddle fuck with it because I'll give them the topic and I start the countdown on our soundboard. Then I'm hitting the, I'm starting to stop watch on my iPhone and stuff. I just realized, I do. There's a timer running in the top left corner of our, uh, Zen casher screen. I could have just been using that this whole time. So, uh, yeah, this, this, this, uh, this segment just became a lot less anxiety inducing for me as the, uh, quote unquote host of the show, uh, Marco.
We're going over to you next. So dynamite celebrated its two year anniversary. What is your favorite moment of dynamite's first two years? Uh, definitely has to be the, uh, my, my first appearance at an AWW show in Boston. Um, I think it was, I believe it was that third show that they had overall, uh, for dynamite. It was pretty awesome. Um, actually the figure that, um, the Dustin
Rhodes figure is actually, that gear is from, if you look on the back of the packaging, it was actually from that night, which is actually cool, so it's a little tidbit. But also, Matt Hardy's appearance when he first debuted in AEW, and he appeared all over the arena in different sections of the different empty seating during the pandemic era was pretty awesome. Lots of crazy things happened during the pandemic era. They wasted no time taking advantage of the empty arena set up to do those pre-takes.
Pretty cool. All right, Sheena, you're going to be up next. This one's going to be an easy one. The newly unveiled TBS championship. Discuss.
Okay, so I don't know whether you mean discuss like the look of it or like my thoughts on it, but I guess I'm gonna touch on both. So I have mixed emotions because I've been asking for a midcard title for the WWE Women's Division for so long because they have so much talent and it should be a great way for more women to be featured in different interesting storylines. But with this budding Women's Division and AEW that's finally getting interesting, finally, and we're already adding a midcard title, I think it can be a mistake, but I'm gonna stay optimistic and say,
I hope that maybe it will get more women on TV and get a more experienced. The title design though, doo-doo, not a fan. I do not go for the big TV logo in the middle. I think it looks like poop.
I like the design of both belts. Me and Sheena have talked about this off air a lot. I would say we use the classic logos, like use the classic yellow and red TNT logo, and then use the old TBS Super Station logo. The new logos they have, TNT one's just plain. It's just plain block letters TNT. And the TBS one, it looks so 2019, like slash 2020. I don't know. I feel like if they would use the classic logos, it would have made the title seem a little bit more prestigious.
And just, just been a little bit cooler, but the TNT title has extra, I like the smooth background just looks, it looks like there's too much empty space. I don't know what it is about it. And you know, I mean, it doesn't have titles don't have to be overdone or overly, you know, ornate, but I just feel like TNT ones, they got the revamp Sammy, Sammy G, he debuted the new and it's got like sparkles. It looks like it's got like little diamonds or something behind it now. It's like, yeah.
Swarovski crystals are heavily exactly. Yeah, it's got it's got texture on behind it. So they got rid of the smooth plate for that one Yeah, it is a
The belt design has been, it's definitely improved over time. The one that started off was garbage. Which is crazy because their main title is beautiful. I'm just like, AEW did such a great job with their main title. I'm like, why do these titles look so... Maybe that's why they look so poo poo is because I feel like they're all trying to... I'm like, well, there's this beautiful title and you've got these two made card titles that are just kind of like...
Anyway, I'm not going to bet you about belts. You know, Seth Rollins told us not to do that. So let's get with the NXT 2.0. Halloween Havoc is coming up soon. Again, you can buy your Chick-Bully show, Halloween Havoc pint glasses with the link in our show notes. It's coming up soon. And it looks like Braun Breaker versus Tommaso Ciampa is going to be the main event. Braun Breaker is a Steiner. So Mark, are you going to do some Steiner math? What percentage chance?
Do you give Brian breaker to walk out with the NXT championship at Halloween? So, I mean, I mean, for the final conclusion, he definitely has 141, two thirds percent chance of emerging victorious in that match, but.
You get a I mean, if you want to work backwards, obviously you get the 50 percent chance of giving the competitor, you know, that winning winning even. And then you have the 33 and one third percent chance of winning. If it was a triple threat, you can do it. You go that route as well. So I'm sure he's winning because signer math really doesn't add up. Doesn't translate. Yeah. It's like it's like crypto, man. It just doesn't have any real world application. You just got to roll. Yeah.
All right, we're going to go away from wrestling for our final topic. All right, Shane, take candy corn out of the mix because that's too easy. That's Halloween's whipping boy. What is the worst trick or treat candy?
I think probably bootleg gummy bears. You know what I mean? Like splurge and go ahead and spend the extra money and get Haribo. Get the Haribo. Because anything else is subpar. Don't be passing out those super sticky, overly squishy, generic gummy bears covered in that crappy sugar or whatever. Give your trick-or-treaters that perfect waxy, bouncy bite. Get the golden bears, right? Yeah. The happy colas of twin cherries. Yeah.
Aside from that, it's probably Mike and Ike's or Sweetest Fish. I feel like those are the worst. You don't even give me the countdown anymore, dude. This is why you need the timer, bruh. I thought you were rolling. I mean, you seem like you're on a roll, so that's why I went ahead and just... Oh, you just went ahead and silenced it out? I got you. Okay. Well, it just kills the dramatic effect. You know what I mean? You're on a roll, though.
Oh, I could talk about Halloween candy all day. You don't, you don't want me, I'll ruin the Royal Rumble segment. You know what I mean? You, you don't have to twist my arm for me to keep talking. This is the last segment. So there's no, but this is the last segment. So there's nobody coming out. You know what I mean? Well, that's true. I'm intro at number 30. That's right. I think dots, man, whatever the fuck those were. I think that was the worst candy. But who even hands those out anymore? I think those are in circulation anymore. They still show up at Halloween. I'm telling you, I promise you the kids are going to come up with, you don't realize they were like, like,
on the paper paper no they were no no they were just called dots they came in a yellow box
They were like those are kind of like Mike and I could chase like they're just like squish gummy like generic gummy candy, but they were super sticky. Like the only thing dots are good for is if like you don't have like dental insurance at your job and you got like a feeling it's been boggling and you just want to like pull the feeling out like yeah. Yeah. I remember dots. I don't know why I was thinking paper dots dots are definitely still around, but I was thinking like the little paper candy. I think those actually called candy buttons. I think that's what those are called.
I mean, yeah, they could never actually peel from the paper because the paper would always just stick to the back. Yeah. You just eat it anyway. The candy back when we were kids, like you think about all the like, you know, the little wax bottles, like we used to like chew on that wax. God only knows what kind of chemicals and stuff like using that paraffin, you know, like you drink the little juice out of the inside and then like chomp on the wax. Like what the hell? All right. Let's have a drink.
All right, so we have a little bit of an extended beverage break this week. For those watching on YouTube, you guys saw me get up and make a mad dash over to the fridge to grab my beer for the beverage break. Sheena, you can kick it off. What are you drinking this week? I got onto the guys last week, or I can't remember if it was on our exclusive episode or not, but they didn't bring any fall love. Nothing spooky, nothing Halloween, nothing fall flavored, so I had to get onto them. I'm always coming correct with the
I got the Halloween Jack O'Lantern koozie from our friends over at little shop of gore. And I got this, um, we demon, uh, ale. So it's a 95 Cal IPA. It's like a white IPA.
Yeah, it's like by Two Roads Brewing Company. It's out of Stanford, Connecticut, of all places. You know, that place might sound familiar to you guys. And I always feel like such a fraud because like, you know, I listen to the Extra Cooler Show and Matt's always like talking about his favorite hops and like all this. He's like, oh, it's got such and such hops. You know, that's my favorite. I'm like, I don't have a favorite hop, but I know a good beer when I taste one. And I'm not like Sasha Banks. This is definitely a nice, smooth IPA, so.
Yeah, solid, solid craft beer for if you're counting calories. Marco, what are you drinking? Yeah, so this is a this is a new beer. And it was actually last week that she got on us about not having a Halloween beer. So I remember it and actually picks them up. But here's the weirdest thing. So like we always talk about this like weird like like telekinetic.
Connection that me and Sheena have when it comes when it comes like certain things. I'm looking at this can now Guess what company it's from? Oh, I don't know two roads brewing
It's, um, uh, stay for Connecticut. Yeah. So this is called, uh, roads, Mary's baby, not roads, like, you know, roads to the top, but not, not, not codes, Cody roads. Not Cody roads, baby. Not that. Um, but it's a big inconvenience, but it's an ale brewed with a pumpkin and spices aged in rug barrels with vanilla beans. Oh, that sounds tasty dude. Yes. It's, it's a title, the scary, good pumpkin ale. So yeah, it's actually, yeah. You can see the two roads.
Uh, logo at the top of the show, you can see cause of the light, but yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Literally just notice that. So cheers Marco. Yeah. Marco and I are always, uh, you know, on the same wavelength. Yeah. That's crazy because that weed demon was a straight up like random total wine pickup. Like I had to stop a total wine to, uh, get a restock on broken skull IPA. And I was just kind of scrolling for something and the can caught my eye and I was like, all right, locale IPA. That sounds cool. So.
I'm putting the finishing touches on one of the staples of the Chick-fil-A show, Broken Skull IPA. I'm kind of loosely Halloween related. My follow-up is going to be a stone. This one's just called Delicious IPA, so they don't need any creative names.
They're telling you straight up. It's a delicious IPA. Got the demon right there on the front. It's a little bit Halloween themed. But listen to the two types of hops that go into this. And tell me this doesn't make you want to drink this beer. Citrusy, lemon drop, and tropical El Dorado. Tell me that doesn't just get the juices flowing, man. Yeah, it actually does. Sounds good.
Yeah. The Broken Skull works too, because it's got the skull logo. I'm going to give you a pass for tonight. The Broken Skull's all year Halloween theme. There's a skull. Santa Claus drinks Broken Skull IPA. Definitely. I'm sticking with the Cali beers. You got El Segundo, a Broken Skull, and then Stone is out of San Diego, which was my home away from home there for a few years. Let's get into the figure four.
Still need the listeners to harass Gina to get that freestyle rap going over that beat. I was expecting to hear something, some bars. No bars are dropped on that beat yet. Maybe not next week, because it'll be a crazy week. I'll be recording from off studio. I won't be in Sharpyear's studio next week when I'm recording. But maybe in a couple of weeks, maybe in November. I'll give you guys, if you guys are for Thanksgiving, I'll bring the raps.
That would be awesome. So we're going to start off by jumping the gun on weekly purchases just because this was such a mage set. We'd have to go back and really analyze it. But I think this is arguably the best Ultimate Edition series so far. This afternoon, we received from Ringside Collectibles, again, used Code Chick Foley to save 10% Ultimate Edition Series 11. The Undertaker and Kane basically recreating their classic match at WrestleMania.
14 so let's get right into it Sheen. We're gonna give you the chance to do a on-air live review How many Marcos are you giving these figures from one to ten? Oh, oh my goodness. You put me right on the spot dude, I Look the cane I'm start with cane the cane is freaking awesome, dude So you got the little voice box you got the cape which is a very very yeah, very very unique and
Kane, I don't think he ever even wore this in like, you know, it was like, wasn't even televised, right? It was part of the concept art for Kane's look from WWE creative. There were some house shows that he wore it at shortly after his debut.
It looked epic. I really, if I'm being as cool as it looked, I think it probably wouldn't have worked for his like, you know, Michael Myers style character on TV. And it's got some figure, some figure history because on his Bendoms figure, the box art for it had him with the cape, you know, they did that. I guess just toys was like, we're getting this figure out right away, you know, send us what you got there to be we'll start on it. And yeah, they use the concept art for the character. So
It's really cool to finally get it. I think that's the best Kane figure ever made. Imagine him at debut of Kane. Him just ripping that door off with a cape on. How lackluster that would have been. The cape was just too far, dude. Kane was already a character that was out there.
Without the Cape, he still looks scary. I felt like the Cape, if he would have had the Cape, I think his run would have ended after WrestleMania 14. I think he would have been like, cause that, you know, if you hear Bruce Pritchard talk about it, originally Kane was just, he was just supposed to be the WrestleMania opponent for Undertaker, similar to like giant Gonzalez, you know, come in, raise hell, be scary as, be scary as hell, and, and then go away after one, one big match, but he got over so much, man, that, uh, that's why I stuck around. So, so what's the final ranking on this machine? How many, how many Marcos?
Um, I don't know, man. You know, I, this, this cane is epic. Like I'm not going to lie. I agree that it's definitely one of the best. I do love me a good double sleeved cane though. You know, double long sleeve. I feel like that's like one of my favorite cane looks. And we got that, um, ironically in the, it was the ringside exclusive, right? That had the double sleeves, but it wasn't even, it wasn't even a cane figure, but it was the undertaker, but you could pop it, you could pop a cane head on it and then you have a perfect double sleeve taker, but our perfect double sleeve cane. But.
I'm going to give it. So it's a scale of one to five, right? Marcos? No, no. Remember chick. How many chicks are one to five? So the conversion rate is, is yeah. Two Marcos equals one chick. So that's why it's a one to 10 scale for these. Gotcha. Um, I think I'm going to give it
I'm going to give it a 9.5. First of all, it's got all the Ultimate Edition articulation, which is awesome. Again, it comes with a super unique niche accessory. And yeah, the head scans are on point. I mean, you can't make a bad cane figure. Like, let's be real. Yeah. Yeah. Some of those guys like Booker T or like Ultimate Warrior, like there's just, there's not a bad figure of them. They're just super deli at it. So I'm giving it 9.5. I think it's an excellent figure.
The only thing holding this back from being perfect, I don't know if you guys saw some of the pictures folks took after they unboxed it today. On the sleeved arm, underneath the joints and stuff aren't painted. So it's a painted figure, right? It's not cast in red. So if you bend it, some of the seams under his elbow are flesh colored stuff. So depending on what kind of photography you're doing.
I mean, it's a minor quibble, but I can't give it a perfect 10. That's the only thing keeping it from getting a perfect 10. Do you think it's like that on all of them? Or do you think, should I box this? No, it's a manufacturing thing. Yeah. It wasn't like an error or something. But yeah, it's awesome. It's basically all encompassing of Kane's first year because it's got the look from the debut house shows. It's got the voice box from when he started talking. And it even comes with the Attitude Era World Championship from when he had that one day title ring over Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Yeah, big fan of it. All right, Shane, let's show off that Undertaker. Again, for anybody, you know, tune into the Chick-Fully show on YouTube. Shane has shown off these figures on her brand new HD webcam, so. Yeah, I'm trying to get all the glare off for you guys, so, you know, still working on this. Yeah, again, epic version of Taker. Face scans on point. It looks just like little tiny Taker. Say anything bad, Shane. The bell's tolling. I know, scary.
Keeping the spooky vibe alive. Um, I do love that he comes with the, the tongue out like pinning face where it's like the tongue out eyes rolling back in the, in the head. Um, love that extra head scan. I love this big cloak like that he comes with. So people have been clamoring for this undertaker, the WrestleMania 14 undertaker to like this, such an epic figure, man. 98 taker much needed. Yeah. Yeah. It's awesome, dude. I'm going to give it.
I'm going to give it another 9.5 dude. I think it is just, it looks excellent. Again, you can't F with the ultimate edition articulation. It's the best in the game. Um, and yeah, this figure is just mage. Yeah. These figures are definitely cream of the crop. Like, I mean, probably the definitive undertaker and cane figure. So when we're, we're really nitpicking on like basically what's keeping them from being perfect to me. My only issue is the two alternate head scans.
I'm not a hundred percent sure. Those are 98 undertaker. Those look closer to like 2010, 2011 undertaker and they just do them in there. Um, the only, the only face, the only head scan that really to me looks like 1998 is the one that's actually on the figure, but that's a small complaint because they did do such a good job with it. And, and I love this figure. So yeah, I'm right there with you. Like, you know, 9.5 range. How about you, Marko? What's your thoughts on ultimate undertaker?
Yeah, I mean, I mean, I might not take a fan, so... If you're not, do you even really like this one? Yeah, I mean, I pretty much... I'm not gonna say I have all his figures, but pretty close. Yeah. That's definitely probably gonna be the, you know, the mainstay or the main displayed one when I get it in, but yeah, that's pretty awesome. I still wanna... It might be the defining moments, actually, because the defining moments,
Ministry of darkness undertake it was pretty that's awesome And then he had the he also has the defining moments with the Batman with the wings and stuff. Oh, yeah, exactly. Yeah Undertaker has some awesome figures. I still kind of want I still kind of want the I want a black and purple Ultimate edition, you know because that was my favorite era of Undertaker even though that we've got good figures of that version of him and
We talked about it before, kind of fantasy booking. They can do an Ultimate Edition that comes with the purple and the gray gloves and you can just swap them out and stuff. I think that'd be pretty sweet. I really want to see it. But either way, hats off to Mattel. I hope the Ultimate Edition collection is around for a really, really long time. And I can't wait to see what comes next. You know, they're just crushing it right now.
Let's go to Chella Toys out of the UK. We got an Al Snow figure coming out. Marco, tell me you remember all the controversy with the Al Snow pole punching action figure back in 1999.
Oh, yeah. What do you call it? I think Bruce Prichard actually talks about it on one of the, well, you have to go back in the archives, but they touched on that with, you know, I mean, the controversy with Al Snow's figures in general, with the head, with head. I mean, it's, you know, the angry bombs out there saying, you know, why is this figure kind of the decapitated woman's head? When it's clearly a Vatican,
I mean, if you've seen a mannequin head, it looks exactly like that. I mean, it did have like a Barbie doll type of hair. So it did kind of look like a woman's head in the box. But I mean, yeah, I mean. But how did that? So yeah, I never really understood that. So they were thinking that it was supposed to be a decapitated woman's head or something. Yeah, yeah. I mean, obviously. I think it was just kind of like
you know, the disrespect and abuse of women. You know what I mean? Like, I thought it was just kind of like, I'm not rolling my eyes at, you know, abuse to women. Obviously, like, yeah, that's not cool. And yeah, fuck anybody that like, you know, is mean to anybody, man or woman. But I just don't know why you couldn't be. And if you did like five seconds of research, you would know that it was just like a joke within wrestling. But it's crazy that, you know, we know what, you know, the
the popular culture is like in 2021. This figure got canceled back in 1999. So are we expecting any more, any blowback on this at all? Or do we need this figure coming no matter what? I think it's fine. I think I'm good. Yeah, I think it's fine. With all the F-ed up shit in the world, Al Snow coming out with a figure with a hit like this. Yeah.
That's Kyle's play. Kyle's play. Exactly. And it's not going to be in stores, obviously, you have to order it. I think that makes a big difference, too. It doesn't have to hit a retail space. Literally. You can sell whatever the hell you want online. Yeah, exactly. You can sell real decapitated heads if you wanted to. Yeah. And even Bruce Pritchard, I remember him talking about when he actually, Al Sow's figures are like,
They were one of the top selling figures at the time when he was out. They were flying off the shelves. He was over Rover, man. He said there was a lady one day that was in the store with her son. Walmart. He wanted that figure. She's seen it with the... That's what happened. That's why it got canned. It's going to be adults buying it. There's not going to be some six-year-old kid on his... I don't know how that...
I'm not sure if a kid's going to take their parents' credit card and go to cello toys and order anything like that, but it's going to be for adult collectors. It's in retro form, so it doesn't look like an actual man. He kind of looks cartoonish.
the head looks kind of cartoonish. I'm wondering if the hand, so to me, the way the drawing looks, it looks like the hand will come off and you can put on a hand that is holding the head. Yes. Because the way the head looks, it looks like there's fingers around the neck, so it looks like it's already sculpted on there. It doesn't look like an additional accessory that you would put in his hand, so it looks like it's going to be like a swappable.
hand. Yeah, so it's like a hand choking a decapitate decapitate even worse. No, but I mean, it's either. Nevermind. Nevermind. I just zoomed in and it says on the text left hand open grip to allow head to fit snugly. So it is just it is just the head accessory. But a day we let it like you know, like what a time we live in you have else know with the headcount of it, man. Also, I mean, you've engaged, engaged with the
the busted fluorescent bulb with the pizza cutter. Oh yeah. Life is good man. The golden age for figure collectors, man. I always got a soft spot for Al Snow because even though he never really rose above like the lower mid card in WWE,
When I was first turned on the ECW in late 96, early 97, Al Snow was the freaking man, dude, busting the snow plow, finisher out. The ECW fans would toss all the styrofoam, mangan heads into the ring. He was the man, so that's why I always really liked Al Snow. I have fond memories of him.
And I'm excited to see, to get a new figure of his. Hopefully he gets released in their, what is this, Unchained or whatever? Is that what their elite style line is going to be called from Chella? I don't think it's Unchained. What was it? It was something about like, cause it's basically everybody that's been banned or whatever. Let me... Is it Uncensored?
Maybe it was uncensored. I don't know. We'll keep looking. We'll, uh, we'll figure it out. Let's move on to legends 12 though. So it's starting to hit shelves on, on a target. I think she, we got it pre-ordered. She, uh, you just got junkyard dog that shipped so far, right? Um, and Roddy Piper.
Nice, nice. The other two are still showing back order until like October 12th, I think is what it's saying on target, but you never know. Target could just cancel you with no notice. It makes sense because with the new Legends sets, they're shipping in individual cases, as opposed to all four guys being in one case. Real quick, let me interject. It's called uncensored. Unchained was close. That was a good guess, man. Anyways, Marco, which Legends 12 figure are you most excited for?
Let's see, probably JYD in the red pants. Because we already have the one with the white pants in elite form. I don't think there was a red pants JYD in elite form, right?
No, the elite was just the white pants. Yeah. Yeah. I'm really, I'm going to actually, I know this is a kind of like sacrilege to say as a collector, I'm actually going to be like low key bummed. If I get the blue tights, I really, that's the chase. I really want the red tights because that's the one that matches the LJN and that LJN junkyard dog was one of the interesting figures I was playing with. Yeah. And they, the red pants, he, he wore it mid sell too. So I was his original, his original gear before he switched over obviously.
Update, Billy Gunn shipped for us too. So we got Roddy Piper, we got JYD, and we got Billy Gunn that are coming. So the Billy Gunn one, that's an interesting one for me. She in a pre-order just because I told her to just grab the whole set because sometimes that's easier than trying to like
pick and cheese, which ones you get a pre-order. I don't love that figure with the white trunks, but I kind of feel like I need to have the entire DX invasion group. I told you, I think I said that to you. I told you I was out of it.
It happened in Norfolk. That's why I'm kind of feeling that it's like, I need to have this set, man, just because. And we're going to sneak up to the scope and get some photo shoot, you know, some big talks. The scope is like 10 minutes from here. I've got just a ton of ties to this area. I mean, I lived here for almost six years, then we moved up to Northern Virginia before we went on to Hawaii for a while. You lived here when you were a baby too.
Yeah. And I lived here when I was a baby. Yeah. My, my parents lived here for a little bit. So I got a lot of ties to the local area. And again, the scope is as the crow flies, it's like five minutes from where, where me and Sheena are sitting recording this podcast right now. So maybe I'll, um, maybe I'll grab, cause I'm not in love with any of the figures that are coming out. I already got an awesome China road dog, Billy and, um, and triple eight. So maybe we'll, uh, maybe I'll just rob the accessories. You know what I mean? Maybe, maybe I'll just snatch the accessories from him and throw them on the figures we already got. But.
As it's gotten closer to the release, I'm getting more and more tempted to add that Billy Gunn to the collection as opposed to just giving it away in a podcast or something. For me, the one I'm most excited for is probably a tie between JYD and that Kevin Nash. I love that Kevin Nash figure. It's just so cool. I think the best Kevin Nash figure is still the Elite 16 with the red. All red. Yeah, the red singlet and everything.
But this figure is just so cool, man. It's got the old school outsiders, like bootleg, a Jace t-shirt and the bandana. Like, yeah, this is just like, it's, it's Wolfpack Kevin Nash to a T. So yeah, I'm a, I'm a big fan of this one. Yeah. That Scott Hall is pretty awesome too as well. You can complete the outsiders. Yeah. He's going to look great with that Scott Hall, man. It's going to look so sick. Um, any more thoughts on legends 12 before we move on to some AW talk?
All right. So again, going back to the Royal Rumble segment, two years of dynamite are now in the books. It's pretty crazy. Let's go around. She knew you could start. What is your favorite AW figure so far? Man, there's, uh, there's so many that I love. Oh my gosh. It's so hard. Uh, that's what she said.
You can't do that's what she said on your own, your own line. Yes, I can. I think you can. I do it all the time. Man. Okay. I don't want to do what I normally do and like take all the meat off the bone and pick all my favorite figures. I'm going to go ahead and say that
probably Chase Darby is the best AEW figure so far, even though there's another one that's like, I love so much. If it doesn't get picked by one of you guys, I'm going to come back around and share it too. But yeah, that Chase Darby was just epic, like with the full body paint and then the additional painting on the skateboard and everything. So
Yeah, an amazing figure. Thank God we got the, um, Oh my gosh, what's their other line called? I'm totally blanking, not unrivaled. It's unmatched, unmatched, unmatched. Darby was trying to keep track of everything. I know so many figures, but the unmatched Darby made it to where like I, uh, it's close because it does have the full body paint and everything. So it made the chase not seem so elusive to me, but I still love that, that chased Darby.
Yeah, I kind of like the, uh, the unrivaled one better. It was unmatched the unmatched because it was like the tree design. I kind of like the tree design is like, you know, uh, Margaret, how about you? Which very AWW figure so far? Oh my God. So, so hard to pick. I mean, you know who I'm going to choose. Now I'm joking. Which one?
Yeah, of course all the Cody's. I mean, I'm joking. My favorite probably is the, probably the Orange Cassidy is my favorite figure. It still hasn't been done yet. There still hasn't been a figure with pockets built into it that you could put the hands in. It's revolutionary.
He's revolutionary. I mean, it's just like the figure list just looks cool. I mean, I would have definitely liked it if the jacket actually removed. There was a t-shirt under it and it wasn't all one piece. Yeah. Other than that, I think that's definitely my favorite. It's innovative. No one's done it yet. I think I know who Seth's going to pick, but I want to wait and see if I'm right. Cody Rhodes, of course.
Yeah. Well, duh. I mean, yeah. The throne. If not for Cody Rhodes. Yeah. So I'll mention, I'll pull a Sheena. I'll mention two because there was one that's a close runner up that I think is probably going back. Same thing with Kevin Nash, you know, best doesn't necessarily equal favorite. All right. So right.
I'll go with two different answers. So to me, the best is the ringside exclusive Luchasaurus. The main one, Luchasaurus was sick, but the white and green just hits different. That was my second figure that I was going to mention. The Luchasaurus figure is just the wow factor. I still remember when those came in, we opened them up outside, so we had the natural sunlight coming down on, so we got to see it in all its glory.
And I want to say maybe Hangman was on top of the box. So we saw, we were like, oh, this is cool. And then when I removed Hangman, Luchasaurus was right there. And me and Sheena were both like, whoa. We both go, whoa. It looks so damn good.
Yeah. So I think that's the best one, which, I mean, Luchasaurus figures, that's almost like cheating because he's just so freaking toyetic. Yeah, he's toyetic, dude. I mean, he's just amazing. Again, that was going to be my pick. I just, ah, God, I love her. I love, I think my love for Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy as a whole, like, you know, Jurassic Express.
It just makes that figure so much more epic and the fact that they just absolutely nailed it and it looks amazing both The the regular series and the ringside exclusive both just look incredible. So yeah, that figure is insane insane So that one's the best but if I had to go my favorite
It's the one Chase that's in my possession. It is Chase. Yeah, that's what I was going to guess. Yeah, Chase unrivaled Series 5 Mox. I think it's the best Mox figure that they've done. He's got the eye patch, just sick, sick figure. I can't wait to open that thing up. We were able to get the steal of a deal on it because it had the damaged packaging, but we're going to open it up anyway. So it just made sense for us. So yeah, I love Mox. He's my favorite wrestler in AEW.
And I think that's my favorite figure so far. So Marco, correct me if I'm wrong. You said you're dry this week on the weekly purchases. Yeah, I'm dry, man. All this stuff's hung up in the USPS. Yeah, everything's in Red Bull, either in FedEx or USPS. So I have Elite Series 89. It's basically pending. It doesn't say like, it's here at Mass, but there's no delivery date on it.
The liger is supposed to be showing up at some point too as well. Um, so that with the debut attire, um, and then they can't undertake her too. So those are all just like floating around. I'm glad we could show those to you tonight. Yes. Yeah. Just teasing you. Throw up that, uh, of that debut liger from store. Look, we haven't even peeled the tissue off of this lift. Let's give you a little ASMR action. Ready?
All right. Yeah, this is getting creepy, man. Yeah, a little bit. ASMR is not always dirty. Sometimes it's just a relaxing thing. It started off as just a relaxing thing, and then people just fetishized it. I'm an ASMR person. I watch those videos. Oh, yeah? Not those videos.
Somebody's getting an HRD off of that right now. Yeah, I guess I just remember that laughing over. It might be Marco.
Whatever. Marco's listening to, you know, slime fapping or whatever. Oh man. Davey Liger. Very cool figure, man. Davey Liger. Okay. So I understand why they do this. Um, but I, it just, God, it makes me so angry because these, the packages for these Ligers are epic. They look amazing. I love, love the flat finish cardboard. Yes. Like the flat matte, like, you know, color that the pictures always look amazing.
But dude, can we do something about the excessive plastic packet? Like the layers of plastic in there. And I know it's to keep from like having paint, you know, transfer and all of that stuff. I mean, these are premium figures, but if you're not going to open it, that's the thing. That's the thing that pisses me off is I'm like.
Yeah, for me, I'm like, cool, stuff all that in there because, you know, I don't want my shit all scuffed up or whatever, right? Kills the look though, yeah. But if you're just displaying it in the package, it absolutely kills the look. Not only is it under a plastic window, it's under another plastic piece and like a, probably like a little clamshell on top. Like, and it's just, that's the one thing I do not like about these Storm Collectible figures, but everything else. I mean, they're amazing figures in hand. Um, look incredible. Dude, I cannot- Dorit has just nailed it with the- Yeah.
I won't even mention the you know the scale issues we talked about before because at this point it doesn't even matter. Storm has done such an incredible job.
with the Liger figures they've released. I mean, even if you just had all the Ligers that they've dropped over the last almost two years now, that'd be a hell of a figure collection, right? Yeah, that's an incredible collection. I have them all. That one's on its way. But yeah, no, they're just seeing them all together, too, like the color schemes. Do you keep them in box, Marco? I know you keep a lot of things loose, but I have two. I have loose and I have box as well, so I do both. I really hope it would be a level up for them. I'm really hoping that,
The next one we get is the Kishin Liger, you know, when he goes like full, like, fully phased up. Yeah. Yeah. And he's and you know, the mask is off. You see the face paint and stuff. Yeah. Murder people. Yeah. That's a pretty cool. Yeah. That'd be pretty cool to see them tackle that when I feel like it's got to be coming sooner or later. Maybe that'll be like, you know, the coup de gras. That'll be the last one in the line. That'd be pretty awesome. I love the storm collectibles is doing. I'm starting to get closer to getting that that king figure. You know, we talked about it a couple of weeks back from Tekken.
Cause I think that one will be, I think that's the scale will be kind of accurate enough that we can add to the collection. So I went till it comes in stock though. I can't, I can't justify dropping a hundred bucks for a figure that's like, you know, six years away. Yeah. We know how the Japanese lines, like they're going to release the figures when they're right now, when they're, you know, they're not going to rush. So I don't want to have another island town. They're like on Hawaii time, dude. They're like, yeah, we'll get it done when it's done.
Yeah. I don't want another super seven situation where I'm giving some figure company my money two years in advance. Uh, what else we got Shane? We have, uh, warlord. Yeah. Great figure.
Uh, his other elite was awesome too from his solo run, but this is from the powers of pain run. I love the attention to detail that they had because the powers of pain, they kind of botched their tights. They did the same thing a lot of wrestlers did back then where they put a pair of trunks over their long tights. But the problem was that they were rocking plain black trunks over it. So if you look on his legs, they actually say words of pain instead of powers of pain. Cause the trunks interrupt, you know, I remember at first on like the wrestle figs forums, people were like,
Oh, how did Mattel botch this? How did this get through QA? And then other folks actually pulled up pictures and they're like, no, that's actually what their tights look like back in the day. Pretty funny.
It is driving me crazy that we do not have, that there's no impending barbarian going along with it. The LJN line all over again. LJN, we got this badass warlord figure, but no barbarian. I got a save search running on eBay right now to get the classic superstars barbarian figure and try to grab a second warlord and make some sort of custom.
It's gonna be iffy because the skin tones don't match man So I think you have to get somebody else's torso and just kind of like Frankenstein a barbarian together. So yeah
We'll see, but I got to make it happen because my OCD, I'm not going to be able to rest without a matching barbarian to go with that figure because it's so sick. Did you grab Warlord yet, Marco? I did not. No, I didn't grab a Warlord yet. I think someone asked me, I think it was, I think Tom, the OG Fig kid asked me if I seen any food around my area. I haven't seen any at all yet. So he's been showing up most most of the the Walmart exclusives.
They're hot when they first start hitting pegs, but I've ended up seeing all of them on the pegs. I think Nick Jones found one in the group today. His Walmart was totally stocked with elites. I've never even seen a Walmart that... In five years, I haven't seen a Walmart that stocked with elites. I've been keeping tabs on the eBay prices too. He was going for 55 bucks as recently as a week and a half ago, but now you can score a world for 36, 37 bucks on eBay, which...
if you take the gas money out of it sometimes it's worth it to just spend 15 bucks to just you know an extra 15 bucks to just have it yeah but yeah great figure but
Dude, we got it. We got to get barbarian. All right. What's next? Last but not least, we have a pop get for this week. We have Ray Mysterio. Uh, Brett was calling it, um, Spider-Man. He was like, Oh, it's funny because, yeah, because he knows Ray Mysterio, you know, but I don't know why he just thought this was Spider-Man. I thought Brett knew. That was Stella. Yeah. Brett, as soon as he grabbed it, he was like, is this Ray Mysterio? You know, but yeah.
Stella was the one to say. Okay, that's right. Yes. Spiderman, Spiderman. I love the white eyes. I think it's a big improvement over the first Ray Funko. I think Ray was actually in like the first, uh, first rollout at WWE Funko. So this was really cool. He had that exclusive, like that 7-Eleven exclusive is like one of the most expensive pop. Yeah, a few. Yeah. I think that, I think the 7-Eleven exclusive Ray though, that's the most expensive, uh,
WWE Funko. Yeah, that was cool. That was the latest wave. We got those off from Amazon. They came in staggered. He was the last one. Very cool pop though. Anything else you need or was that it for us? I think that's it for this week. Yep. All right. Let's hear from Extra Cooler. Hey, everyone. It's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
This retro wrestling recommendation of the week is where myself, the heel husband, Chick Foley, and Marco the MVP give you guys a recommendation from a match or event from years gone by to get you through the weekend. This segment is brought to you by our good friends at Chalk Line. Chalk Line specializes in bringing you the absolute best in retro inspired fan wear. They can be found on Instagram at Chalk Line Official or at
All right. And we cannot kick off the retro wrestling recommendation of the week without our chalk line check-in. And this is where I ask the heel husband, which of his 60 pair of chalk line shorts he's wearing for tonight's episode. So heel husband, what do you got for us tonight? Uh, tonight I'm rocking the WCW NWO revenge shorts. You see right there, classic NWO logo on there.
Best game, the best WCW video game ever made. It's kind of timely because we introduced, we hooked the N64 back up last week and introduced it to the hit baby, the baby face, the bread man. And he's loving it. You know, all he wants to do is go play Mario Kart and stuff. But yeah, the WCW, NWO revenge inspired chocolate and shorts.
All right. So I'm going to kick off the retro wrestling recommendation. Um, it's, you know, I'm kind of, kind of break the rules here. You know, I don't, I don't typically make a rule or actually I break the rules all the time. So, you know, whatever, but yeah, it's kind of a gimmick, but you know, Seth and Marco, we're going to hit you with a couple of awesome wrestling watches this week, but I wanted to take this time to, to do a retro, um,
It's a retro listen for you guys. Um, I know this is usually what we keep in our, our, you know, Tranquilo and chill segment, but I have to bust this out because October is, you know, it'll be short. It's going to go, it's going to go by like that. And I want you guys to have an opportunity to listen to something that I absolutely love. It is, um, a podcast called Halloween unmasked. I've talked about this before, but we've gotten a lot of new listeners, um, over the past year. So for those of you who may not have listened in the past October, when I recommended this, here you go. You're welcome. It is a podcast by the ringer.
And they do a deep dive into the Halloween series that came out in like 2018, I believe whenever H 40 came out. And so it's just super entertaining, very interesting. And if you even casually like the Halloween series of movies, you'll really enjoy it. So, um, you know, they get junk.
Carpenter on. It's just a really, really fun podcast. I think it might only be available on Spotify right now, but if you go to, if you just search Google, ring your Halloween unmasked, it'll come up and you can find where you can download and listen to it. So again, I know it's not wrestling related, but I want you guys to, it's the perfect October listening fodder for you guys. So definitely check it out. Highly recommend.
I just checked it out. Let's see here. You can still get Halloween Unmasked on Apple iTunes also. Okay,

Classic Wrestling Matches Revisited

cool, cool. Nice. It's still available. Nice. I was inspired by Ultimate Edition.
Um, 11. So I went with undertaker and Kane, not from WrestleMania though. So the WrestleMania match was pretty good for a big man on big man match, but they actually topped it the following month at the April pay-per-view from 1998. Unforgiven. We had the first ever inferno match. Yeah.
That is just a hell of a match, dude. First, the guys just fought their asses off. It was a hell of a showing for them. It was a little bit more fast paced. It was all just big offense. And then, of course, it was accompanied by the ring being surrounded by flames. So it was awesome. They had the gimmick where anytime there was a big move,
the flames like, you know, went higher and higher and stuff, which was makes zero sense from a KFA basket, but it was still cool to see, you know, can gets choke slam and the flame shoot eight feet high. So definitely go back and check that one out on a peacock. And I think you guys will be highly entertained by it. Oh man. So my pick is, uh, we're going to go way back to 1988.
main event, WWF main event to be exact, February 5th. We had Hulk Hogan versus Andre the giant for the WWF championship. And on this day in particular, it was the debut of the winged eagle, WWF title. You know, if you guys read the news that, you know, the king of belts, Reggie parks,
pass away, uh, do it a complication. So yeah, I thought that was like a, a good, a good pick. Cause you know, the winged eagle is, you know, it's a favorite amongst, you know, you have the big, big gold, obviously that's, that's the favorite. Oh, I think the winged eagle is the best title of all time. I love that title. I think Reggie parks designs in general were the best man. He did the, he did NWA to WCW site. He did, he did a lot of, I mean, he did pretty much every title back in the eighties and nineties.
So not just WWF, I know that Wing Deagle is more iconic in that sense. Obviously, they did the World Tag Team Championships as well as the Intercontinental titles. He did the WCW Tag Team titles as well.
Yeah, it's a, I thought that was a good, uh, like a perfect pick. Cause you know, get, you get the debut of that, that iconic belt that, uh, you know, that a lot of those guys made famous back in the late eighties and the nineties, especially, you know, Brett Hart, the wings eagle. And I see, I, yeah, I have two Reggie parks belt design sitting up in our, uh, our wrestling room right now. So yeah, thoughts and prayers to his family. Um, again, the best belt maker in the history of the game. So yeah, great pick Marco. That's right.

Halloween Horror Nights and Experiences

All right, Gina, we got any listener mail? We sure do.
All right. First question comes in from our buddy, Johnny JB. He says, have y'all been to Halloween Horror Nights? If not, would you consider going in the future? I'll kick it off. I have not been to Halloween Horror Nights, but I would absolutely 1000% go. Like it's totally my scene. I love all things like spooky, scary, you know, haunted houses, all that kind of stuff. I don't know.
I chickened out at a haunted house like a few years ago. Um, so maybe I'm not as brave. Yeah. That went in K-bay and Hawaii. Yeah. Maybe it was scary as fuck, dude. It was in 2014 we hit it and it was, I mean, it was fucking scary.
Was it the ones we had to sign a waiver before you go on or those types of? They just did a really, really good job, dude. The scares were there. It wasn't like a fun one. This was fucking a dark, scary haunted house. I would say it was like an extreme haunted house. It was for the people really going for the adrenaline rush of the fear. It wasn't for laughs.
you were going to be scared. It was really awesome. But yeah, in the next year, we went to it again. And like, yeah, we got like all the way we got into the parking lot. We got to the parking lot. And we were like, yeah, I think it was it. Yeah, we got to the parking lot and we saw it again. It looked like it was like the similar vibe to the year before except they leveled up on shit. I think I was the one I think I was the initial one that like pull the plug. Like I told Sheena like, I really don't want to do this. And then she was like, yeah, you know, I really don't want to do it either. So you both you both over Simpson back into the bushes.
We did. It's just, dude, it's so, it's exhausting doing those, man. Like some of them are really fucking, like there's some that are like fun, scary. These were just scary. Yeah. We went to, um, it was, it was several years ago. It was before we lived in Hawaii. I think Busch Gardens has some, was it Busch Gardens? Yeah. Hallowscream. We went to Hallowscream. We've done Hallowscream at Busch Gardens and then King's Dominion. I forget what they call theirs. King's Dominion puts on a really good one too. Yeah. So we've, we've been to those. Those are more like fun, scary.
Yeah i mean they're still scary but yeah it's like it's like more yeah like i said more fun scary it's not just like complete dark like they were just they were gonna get your heart fucking racing. If anyone wants to do the research i did this one year maybe last year the year before.
We were gonna somebody's we were gonna go to New York because they had some like some one of those extreme Haunted houses that was just like yeah. Yeah, you had to sign a waiver and like they gonna make you grab you would like But um, so I went on like I don't you can read reviews that think you're not supposed to review it You're supposed to like go experience it but there are people that you know wrote reviews and stuff like that But then I went on like a
Like a rabbit hole of like there's a bunch of these different haunted houses across the country that are like Really? Yeah way extreme like yes, like some of them like overnight ones Where you watch one of those shows with like the most extreme horror house or haunted houses in the country get off on it, man That's their thing. It's like, you know, something like a bungee jump or whatever So we just want to go and get the shit scared out of them
So I love to be scared. Like this is, you know, anyone who's known me for any amount of time, like, you know, I've run off plenty of babysitters as a child. Cause I'd be like, Hey, you guys want to watch Friday the 13th? And they were like, we're never coming back and babysitting your child for kids. You know? Um, but, uh, yeah,

Missed Exhibit and Horror Icon Battle

I don't know. I guess as I'm getting older, I'm a little more cautious of that. I'm like, but, uh,
I haven't been to a haunted house in a while, but Halloween Horror Nights is totally my scene. A few years ago, they did a Rob Zombie exhibit. He had a big thing set up where you could go through, and there was a lot of Rob Zombie stuff, and I was like, man, I'm so sad that I'm missing this. He lives on the island, so clearly we weren't able to go. But yeah, Halloween Horror Nights is totally my scene, Johnny.
I would absolutely go. And it sounds like the guys would go too. So, um, yeah, Tony Barker says fatal four way, no holds barred. Who you got? Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, or leather face. And then real quick, uh, the fig God, Jordan Wells says, uh, he chimed in on that comment section and said, I noticed you left off captain Spalding, uh, because you know, the answer who would win then 2d fucking fruity. So Jordan's, Jordan's, uh, you know, planning the run in, yeah, with captain Spalding.
What do you got out of Freddy Jason, Mike Myers, or Leatherface? Actually, I think Captain Spalding would be like the first one out, because he was just more of a colleague. I do, too. Yeah. I was like, let's do it. Yeah. I mean, so even at K-Tape, I feel like Freddy Krueger's got it, dude, because you got to be asleep. You got to kill him in your dreams. And I don't really see.
You know, Michael Myers, Leatherface, or Jason hit like a hard rim cycle to really get into that deep sleep to attack Freddy. So I think Freddy's coming out on top, man. But then again, Freddy can only kill them if they're asleep also. Yeah, exactly. So if they're asleep in that, I mean, we'll say Freddy's a non-factor. It's the other three. I think Mike Myers is just fucking them up, man. Mike Myers, he's got the size, right? I think he's the biggest of the three of them. Really? I don't know. Leatherface is huge, dude. Leatherface is a beast. Jason's pretty huge, too. Yeah, but Leatherface is really frantic, man. You know what I mean? Leatherface is going to be rushing around.
Michael Myers is so calm, cool, and collected that he's gonna wait for the other guys to make a mistake and he's gonna fuck them up. Okay, so I would be with you, Seth, because I think Jason is just a big mama's boy. He's just avenging his mother's death. Jason's out of the picture for me. Mike Myers is cool, calm, and collected. He is the ultimate calculated.
guy, but Leatherface has a faction, dude. He's got the Sawyer family, right? Oh, man. He's got this cannibalistic family that's going to just come in and surround the ring and just freaking F shit up. Let's be real, Leatherface, he may be frantic, but he's bringing a chainsaw to a knife fight. You know what I mean? I feel like he's got the leg up, dude. I'm going with Leatherface. Seth is going with Mike Myers. Who you pulling for, Marco? Damn.
That's a hard choice because I do love Freddy. He did face Jason. They did scare off. I think Freddy did actually. Freddy was the mastermind. Jason was kind of just like a mush brain. Didn't he go into Jason's dreams? He seemed like the Camp Crystal Lake and all this other stuff.
You can't do that you can get into like you can get into their minds and beat them out

Unique Wrestling Match Types

with it. The most manipulative dude. Freddie has all the, you know, he's turning. Yeah, if we're working gimmicks, Freddie's probably got it. He's the most supernatural of the four of them. Yeah, he can turn them all on each other and make like, you know, but uh.
I do love. I mean, just just out of nostalgia, like I love Jason, man. Yeah, my favorite Friday, the 13th movies is a yeah, six for some reason. I don't know why. I just remember Jason goes to Manhattan or whatever. No, it's he it's what I remember. I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember there's like a there was a live paintball war going on in the movie. Do you remember this?
What do you think about Friday the 13th? Is it one that they can all kind of run together because like it's literally just a body count factor. I think it's called, I think it's, uh, he comes up from the grave and stuff. Yep. Jason lives. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. I think like the electric bolt comes down and hits his grave and then he comes up out of the grave, but just, I don't know why I just, that movie in particular, that six, I used to watch constantly because I think I had the VHS of it and it just like, I don't know. I just,
I have to pick Jason. Yeah, I'm a nightmare on Elm Street. I've seen every nightmare on Elm Street countless times. I know all about those. Those are my favorite, but if I was going to pick somebody to win a fight, I would definitely pick Leatherface. The Fig God has another question for us. He says, if you could pick a spin the wheel, make the deal match, what would you put on the wheel?
I was, I talked about it and you know, mild spoiler for the Patreon episode coming this week. Cause we did watch the, uh, spend the wheel, make the deal between Jake, the snake and sting. I still want to know what in the flying fuck is a prince of darkness match. Yeah. I'm going that one on there. Prince of darkness match. I want to see it. How about you, Marco?
Dang. I'm going to assume Prince of Darkness has something to do with the devil. So they'd probably be going to hell to fight or something like that, something ridiculous. Dang, let me think.
I don't know. I feel like I want to do, um, I don't know. So while you keep thinking, Shane, I just can't put it. So a prince of darkness match is just a bad ass name for a blindfold match. So picture WrestleMania seven, Jake, the snake Roberts versus Rick Martell.
Uh, that's a Prince of darkness match. Yeah. I found it on Yeah. Prince of darkness match is a match where both wrestlers are hooded so they cannot see their opponent. So yikes. Yeah. That ends up being more of a comedy match. And he's being cool, but still a badass name. So I'll stick to that one. I think I'm going to do a Freddy's glove on a pole match, you know, and then you could just, uh, yeah, you know, whoever gets it could just jab their opponent, you know? Yeah. I kind of like the, uh, I think it was called the, uh, with Dexter Lewis. Um,
Was it like a house of horrors match or something like that where they they went to that twice? Yeah Yeah, I kind of like those if they're done, right? I think the the Dexter Lucas one was done a little bit better than the Randy Orton Bray when it was a little bit more comical great thing about the Randy Orton and Bray one is that
It ended in the live arena, except the problem was that the show was in Sacramento, California. So the cinematic part, it was nighttime, but it was still, because it was the West coast, it was still like six o'clock in the evening. The sun was still out when they showed up at the live arena. So yeah. All right. Last question. Uh, it's from Zach Hertzler. He

Etiquette in Social Situations

out with a friend, coworker, would you be nice and pick up the bar tab or just pay for your drinks? We've paid like, I mean, first of all, coworkers, like depends on the coworker, dude. Like, you know, some, some coworkers can go suck it. You know what I mean? I'm not paying for their drinks, but
friends on the other hand, yeah, I've picked up countless bar tabs for friends. We actually have a funny story about somebody in my family being all weird. Seth and I are the most generous people. We're just like, oh yeah, cool. We got it. No big deal or whatever. Yeah. If I was treating somebody, Marco, if we were all going out and I wanted to treat you, I would just be like, yeah, I got it, dude.
put it put it all in one check. But yeah, he made this dude made it. I hope they're not listening. I can't imagine they are. But the deal is like at the start of it, he was like, put their he was like, put their drinks on our tab. You know what I mean? Like he specified like so he's like, I'll buy their drinks. But
but nothing else. And it just made it like really weird, you know? Yeah. So not even that. Okay. So let's just, let's just bag it up. So not even that. So we only had appetizers and we went to this restaurant that they wanted to go to like, you know, they came to Hawaii, like a week and they, I can't, I think it was called like Tiki's or something. Like all fucking, we got to go to Tiki's. We got to go to Tiki's, which yeah, that's again, that's another like etiquette thing. Like,
If you're insisting you to drag other people to some restaurant, like, yeah, it's kind of expected that you're gonna pay for the meal, you know? Yeah, which we did not expect, like it's whatever, but it was just, you know, anyway, we went there, we took them there, we drove them there, like the whole nine, right?
And then we got like one round of drinks and then we just got appetizers because we were just there for a little while, right? Like we were just not, we were not making it. Oh yeah. He didn't say it till the end of the meal. Yeah, you're right. It was the end of the meal. We just got, we just got appetizers. So it was just like, you know, me and Seth, him and his wife, there was, so it was like four little appetizers. And then we had like one, maybe two rounds of drinks. I don't, I don't remember.
But anyway, when the check came, he was like, you can put their drinks on ours. I was like, then she had to split off their drinks. Give us the pay for the two appetizers. I was like, dude, I would rather just like pay for our own and like have this weird, like, you know, oh no, put their two drinks on my tab. Like, dude, like pay for the tab just to get out of there quicker. Like I'm like, you know what? I don't got to wait for this other person to do whatever they got to do. Like,
I like to be in control of the situation, so yeah, that's why. Yeah. And it was a nice gesture. I'm not trying to like, yo, anytime anybody pays for your drinks, like cool, like, you know, I'm, you know, whatever. But it was just weird that it was like, oh, we're going to pay for their two beers, but by God, don't put those fucking appetizers. We're not putting that shit in. Now you're crossing the line. You're crossing the line, you know?
And the dude's a fucking doctor, so it's not like he could, you know what I mean? It's not like he was like, you know, a pinch of pennies or anything. So it's just like, okay, like whatever. And they stayed with us for a week for fucking free, you know, like in Hawaii. Yeah, no, I think you just pay. That's how I grew up. That's all my friends are like that, my family and stuff like that. You can offer, I mean, if, you know,
A lot of people are just going to be like, no, no, no, I'll pay. The official thing to do is to have the fake fight over the check. You know what I mean? Like, I got it. Yeah. Everybody can pay for their own. That's totally fine. But if you're going to like pick up the check, like just pick up the freaking check. Don't be like being like, oh, what did you have? Like, you know, oh, no, I don't want to put that salad on my check. Make sure you put that on her check and then you can put her, her, you know, soda on my check. Like, no. No, it's like, yeah, no.
Even if we all went out, I'd probably be like, no, it's my treat. Yes. But where stuff was like, I like to be in control. I like to pay. That's where the fake, no, no, I get it. Yeah, but it's just like, oh, you got me next time. You know what I mean? Like, oh, you can get it next time. Like, no big deal. If I say I'm paying, I can be the one to say, hey, go ahead and bring the check and put a pin in the night. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah, exactly.
That's where it's really coming from, my anti-social stuff more than anything else. I just want to be able to put the three count on the evening whenever I'm ready for it to go night night. Yeah. Anyway, yeah. There's all kinds of etiquette. Do what you do, but yeah, just don't make it weird for people. Whether you're paying or not paying, just don't make it fucking weird for people. Oh yeah.
All right, that is going to put a pin in episode 148 of the Chick Foley

Chick Foley Social Media Information

Show. We're two away from 150. We've still got to come up with a plan, guys, for that milestone episode. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley Show. Join our Foley fam at and come be a part of the festivities.
All right. And remember to use code chick Foley to save 10% on all of your ringside collectibles purchases. I'm back in the hot seat this week. Sheena. What is our trivia question? Shoot. I got to hear y'all could talk real quick. I'm going to go get the trivia question. I totally forgot. What a botch. What a botch by Sheena. Just a fail. Yeah. All right. Marco, how are you doing? I'm doing fine. How are you? I'm good.
Well, that was fast. Look at that. Look at that. I am right back here, you guys. So far Marco's got the record with getting exactly one question correct in a row. So I'm trying to get a streak going. Let's go, Shane. At the October 1995 in your house, what was the first match? Wow.
What was the opener? It was Hunter Hearst Helmsley versus Making a Difference Fatu. Oh my God. Yes. Wow. I'm Chris. I'm the new generation king, dude. I will plant that flag, dude. From 93 to 97, I watched every episode of Raw, every episode of Mania, every paper you religiously.
Yeah, I remember that one. Yeah, I couldn't. So I had to think because that pay-per-view also had Goldust debut. He fought Marty Gennady. And that was the only thing that had me questioning in my mind. I couldn't remember what was the first match. Was it Triple H and Fatu? Or was it, uh, well, that's the Marty Gennady, but color me impressed. All right. So that's one Marco. I'm very, we're tied for the record now, man. I'm breaking it next week, man. We're going to, uh, number two, Sheena, uh, give us some closing thoughts for this week's episode.
Take your friends to dinner, have a good time, don't make it awkward. All right, thanks everybody for listening. We'll talk to you guys next week.