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Only Figs! An all wrestling figure episode!!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays1 year ago
It’s an all figure episode! We start off with a heated discussion about the Nitro Entrance Stage crowdfund project before running thru all the amazing reveals from Wrestlemania Week. Plus, listener mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things Chick at

Introduction to Wrestling Figures

What is up Foley fan? We skipped the usual intro this week because this episode is all about wrestling figures. We kind of took a couple weeks off from the figure talk, even though there's been a ton of news and really interesting things to discuss. But we're coming back in full force to make up with it. We're giving you guys something that is typically always done really well numbers wise. So I think you guys are going to like this. But yeah, all figure talk all the time. Before we get into it, though, let me introduce the stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing?
I'm doing good. It feels like it has been forever since we've all recorded together because we did a pod warriors recap and then it was like a week that we took off and then now we're here. So yeah, time flies.
Yeah, I think I've recorded an episode individually with all three of you guys since since the last I did a fix quickie I think we did a figure view with you Did a podwares with Jordan then me and Marco did the the pilot episode of what the heel so yeah I've been I've been working the territory while you guys all been doing you doing your own thing Marco what's going on with you, man?
Uh, nothing much. Uh, yeah. I mean, it does. I think the last, uh, the last like kind of full group we did was the WrestleMania preview, right? With me, you would, you know, wasn't there that she was, uh, called in sick that one. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We had, we had fun. I forgot about not doing the WrestleMania preview. So yeah, it's been even longer for me. Wow.
All right, and we got the Chicago kid fresh off a trip to the Windy City.

Farm Life Anecdotes

Jordan, what's up, man? Still trying to recover from that trip. Seth, one of me record was in Chicago. That'd have been bad for everybody. Not good for business. So instead, you're going to get overly exhausted, Jordan. It's been a long two weeks, man. Tennessee trip backed up with a Chicago trip. It's been a long two weeks.
As our boys over at the tavern like to say, he's a tad baby. A tad baby. How many Cubs games did you go to? We went to two. And the Chicago Cubs, that's a baseball team, right? Yep, it sure is. Did you guys pay? I thought there was just a new zoo exhibit. Did you guys pay money to go to this game? Sure did. Was there not tickets to a grass growing competition or something that you could go to instead? Oh, my god.
No, I had much more fun at this. It was a great time. Maybe like the paint, the paint drying Olympics. Now we sat on the rooftops one night and that's unlimited food and drink. So I was doing just fine. I'm here for unlimited food and drink.
And even though I do hate baseball, I don't think I've ever gone to a live sporting event and had a bad time. So it's always a good time. But yeah, not a fan of baseball at all since about I think 2001. I think that year the Diamondbacks beat the Yankees in the World Series. That was the last time I was really invested in Major League Baseball. And it just kind of faded away, man.
Fade away and classify yourself as obsolete. Wow. Nice. Wow. Matt Hardy karaoke within the first five minutes of the show. I did not have that on my Chick Foley show bingo card for tonight. Man. Sheena, tell us what's new on the farm.
Oh man. Uh, well, I don't even know what's new since the last time we talked, but most recently we had, um, our broody hen Gigi, uh, she was sitting on a clutch of eggs. I think I mentioned her before, but those eggs, uh, three of the six hatched and I was just shocked. I totally did not think that that was going to happen to the first chicks that were born here on the farm, but I didn't think that those eggs were even viable anymore because one night she like nest hopped and went to a different clutch of eggs. And, uh, Seth was, you know, out there.
fiddling around after dark and bringing in the eggs and I wasn't fiddling around after dark yet like I was like creeping through like the barnyard I was Putting the animals to bed and basically putting everything up for the night. Yeah, he was he was closing down the backyard and He brought in the eggs and they were the ones that were marked and I was like, oh shit, man so they were all like cold and everything but I went and popped him back underneath there and Yeah, sure enough
Three little babies hatched out of that clutch of eggs so just goes to show you know when you're researching all that stuff It's like all the conditions have to be just right and all this stuff like it just just shows you nature's gonna nature dude And you know those chicks are a lot tougher than we give them credit you know
We got to say RIP to our boy Norman, the rooster. He passed away tragically at the start of WrestleMania weekend. And we got to point out, Sheena's the one that kind of called this out. A couple of episodes back when we were talking about Jordan and his family coming to visit us for WrestleMania weekend, we detailed some of the kind of mysterious, but
quite coincidental, really negative, disastrous things that have always seemed to happen when we get together with Jordan. And a chicken literally died less than an hour after Jordan set foot on the property, and then less than a couple of hours after he left, new life was born. So I don't know, man. I'm really starting to get... I really gotta plan out things, make sure I'm not putting myself in any hazardous, dangerous situations anytime we're having a visit from the Fig God.
Like John Hammond with death brings new life Yeah, there's a serious bad omen there, but you know what at least we're insured so if anything bad does happen We had you know the fig God has got us insured. So yeah, we should be good to go All right Let's get our clothes out of the way Sheena tell the listeners where they can find you guys on social media
You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. You can join our Facebook group and all the fun that we have over there and at chick Follow all of our pod foundation brother and I was just mentioning our turnbuckle tavern guys, extra cooler and coming down the aisle podcast at pod foundation. It's got all the wrestling content that you need for the week covered over there.
All right, does anybody got anything they would like to express feelings on before we get into some nitty gritty action figure talk Yeah, that rooster was sick before I got there. Let's not let the facts get in the way of a good story though
Yeah, well see why I see you know that kind of ruins the mystique to know it was sick No, you're right. We have to get the facts out there. So we didn't think I'm just death and destruction Okay Jordan's right. He was sick, but there's a big gap between sick and I've revived a lot I've been sick, you know a handful of times in my life and I haven't died but He was he the rooster was sick Jordan showed up to our house
The rooster died. Those are the facts of the case and I'm pretty sure those those three facts are undisputed, right? Yeah, and and it was after you picked up Norman to show him to Jordan so Norman saw I think Jordan touched him dude. No, I did not touch him I did not touch him got the freakin touch of death thriving and full of Vega
mind you, they were going to give the rooster away anyway. So I did them a favor. He was on his way out. Yeah, poor guy. He was a damn good rooster. He was not good for the family man. He did not like the kids. So he would jump anytime they would go out there. He would
don't jump at them if they got too close. So yeah, it was our parental responsibility. He was a small rooster too, which was good. There's some pretty big roosters that can do some damage. He wasn't a giant cock. He was a small cock, yeah. But yeah, he was a good rooster. We never lost a chicken on his watch. But like I said, unfortunately,
Couldn't couldn't let the kids be out in the backyard alone with them. So he was on his way out I was gonna find a new form for him and then he was like fuck that I'm not leaving here. I'm gonna I'm just gonna die here. So He went ahead and went to the big chicken coop in the sky
All right, if you are still with us after that, basically turn into like a mini pod on farming and backyard chicken keeping.

Crowdfunding Strategies for Wrestling Figures

If you're still with us, we're going to kick this off with just a little roundtable discussion of what has definitely been the hottest topic of conversation in the figure world.
over the last couple weeks. Just to be frank, we kind of tiptoed around it during the WrestleMania preview show and the Pod Warriors WrestleMania recap we did just because we love our friends at Mattel. Bill, even though he's got Sheena Block, we're a big fan of the stuff he does.
really really huge fans of our good friend Steve Ozer better known to figure collectors as action figure attack and they put a ton of effort regardless what you think of the strategy they did put a ton of effort into this thing but now that the dust started to sell a little bit and they're actually starting to pivot on their strategy a little bit you know we can kind of admit that some mistakes were made we can just go gloves off and just talk about this project from the ground up so I'll kick it off with Jordan man just what were your initial thoughts when we saw the rollout on the the nitro stage and the figure offerings
I liked the Nitro stage a lot. I thought it was really cool and innovative and definitely something we needed in our collection. As far as the figures go, me, just like everybody else, getting another Hogan, Rey Mysterio, man, couldn't be more excited. Nothing really gets people going like Rey Mysterio and Hulk Hogan figures.
I do feel like they should have used other people. Um, the 11,000 goal was never happening. I mean, Seth broke down the figure math on it and he figured out it was, what was it? 4.4 million dollars or something. 4.4 million. Yeah. Just take out the figures that are in on it. Take out anything else. Just tell yourself that collectively wrestling figure collectors around the world are going to have to pull their money together and come up with 4.4 million dollars to get the entire set.
So I guess my biggest thing is the next gen set was $250 and they gave us everything just for getting it funded. I don't understand how they thought raising the price $150 was with the figures that they put out even had a chance in hell of getting $11,000.
I think the biggest thing was just, I think having back-to-back entrance stage setups was kind of a miss. I think we had just gotten the new Gen Arena, which is cool, but I feel like the spacing issue was a thing for a lot of people. People are like, where am I going to put this thing? Where am I going to store this thing? I think they should just alternate. They should have just done a group of figures together
and had a crowdfund and then maybe give us a stage next time or give us some vehicles, give us something that's a little bit smaller scale that we could have gotten funded quickly or more efficiently, I guess I would say. But yeah, I think just going back to back on these crowdfunds and making them entrance stages and like big setups like that. And I mean, the figures weren't that great either. I mean, we can't deny that, but I think that really hurt it too.
See, I think people have been wanting a nice stage like this, because as cool as the new gen entrance was, it really wasn't a full stage. It was kind of just a curtain entrance. I think wrestling fans have wanted something like this, because it's really been since the Jax and Toy Biz Day since we've gotten a good entrance stage. All the ones that Mattel has dropped have been really underwhelming to me. The best thing we've gotten in the last few years were those cardboard ones that Wicked Cool Toys put out, which those are actually kind of cool.
But we've been wanting something like this. I think really the figure selection is what killed it, man. I was talking to somebody in the Facebook group. I think this thing would have been more effective if it was just straight up the stage. No figures, just the stage for 400 bucks and see how it does.
To me, I think it's kind of like the... Not to go all psychologists, but I think the problem was that there was such a gap in what you'd get for that 400 bucks. People would see the five figures with the stage and be like, okay, yeah, that looks like a $400 purchase. But when you go in and back this thing, you're going into it knowing that you're potentially getting just the stage in that Rey Mysterio figure. And that does not seem like it should be the same value.
I don't know, but I just, I think it was really the figure selection and the way the tear, I think that the figures plus the way they were teared out, man, just really had this thing set dead in the water after that initial day where you got just the hardcore maniacs that are backing it.
Wow. Everybody's just, I just, I, I, we, me and Seth talked about this numerous times. I never thought this was getting funded with those five figures. I mean, offering a hook, another Hogan and a rake for the start, just, it's not going to happen. I mean, dude, the new gen one didn't get going until they told us everything was coming with it and the macho man, like, and macho man is moving figures no matter what. So I don't know. This is just poor execution. It's just.
I don't know. $400, like everyone said. $400 is a lot of money for a lot of people. Dude, $400 is still a lot of money to me. It's not like it's just a small chunk of change you're throwing out for something you're not getting for a year either. That's the other problem. We already know we're not getting this until next year. I don't know.
The thing is, too, I think we talked about this the last time we spoke about this on the Mania Preview, is you want this to succeed, so there could be more things like this, but at the same time, I think this one technically had to happen, so now the next time around,
They can plan it a little bit better and make the changes that they need to and adjust. I think they are adjusting anyway with this one in particular, but I think you guys pretty much express it. It's expensive, not the space for it. I did see that you can make it a shelf. You can hang it on the wall.
I'm not sure how they come it didn't it didn't it come out that that was that was kind of like Yeah, one of the guys from Mattel said that and I think he just got tripped up on his words man You can't because the way he said I thought like oh there's like you know peg holes in the back of this thing to make it a shell Yeah, it's just you could just you could break it down to shelf sizes. It's modular like you can kind of you can resize it a little bit and
Yeah, I mean, even that, you know, I mean, not that that would that would sell it even better. But yeah, I think, you know, like I said, figure selection. It is a cool setup, like the, you know, the lights and everything. It is awesome, man. It's, it's, it's really cool. It's just, yeah, a $400 price tag plus those figures. Like, like Seth said, I think when you look at it, you're like, okay, $400. But then when you realize what you're actually getting, it kills the value, dude. So
And like I said, I think if you just show people what they're getting from the start, like if they had just showed the stage and just Ray and said $400, people would have been like, okay, well, this is what I'm getting. But then once you realize like you weren't getting all that, that they initially sent the pictures of, it was kind of a buzzkill. Yeah. I'm not going to want Ray to just kill it. I would drop that Ray. I think if they would have had a better.
figure coming with it and then Ray, man. The thing that was different on this from the new gen is we had that beautiful Doink Ultimate Edition that you just knew. There was very little chance that you're getting that figure outside of this execution. Yeah, exactly. All five of these figures here, outside of- Doink was the one that put it over. It wasn't everybody like, let's get Doink. What was the macho man? Oh, the macho man. Yeah, they threw in a macho man figure out of nowhere as that early bird bonus, and that's what pushed it over.
Um, but the, uh, you know, outside of this, outside of the warrior figure in jeans, I could totally see, we've already gotten this hook before, you know, I, the, the Ray DDP and Scott Steiner, I could totally see either these exact figures or something very close to him coming out in a regular ultimate edition liner or somewhere else as elites, man. Like the warrior is the only one that seems super unique. Like we're only going to get him through this set.
Not to be all doom and gloom. I'm still not 100% convinced it's getting funded even if they had Scott Steiner. I don't think it's getting funded. I mean, it's at 40% right now and people are dropping. We're 3,000 off with 22 days left. I'm still not even convinced it's going to get funded even adding a figure to it. Yeah. Don't you think?
No, go ahead, Marco. I was gonna say, don't you think, too, it's like kind of overkill with everything else that's coming out as well? Like, I think, like, the timing of these, I think we talked about this the first time around when it almost didn't get backed. Yeah, like it's a timing, like you're, you're doing it maybe a weekend, and you're doing all these
Different reveals, too, as well. So now you have the anticipation of all these other figures that are even way better. Setting aside money. Yeah. They're elite figures nonetheless, but these elite figures are way more intriguing than the ultimate edition. And that's the case most of the time.
A lot of the elite figures, those are the ones that come out and have the gear or the look that you wouldn't get in an Ultimate Edition, probably years from now, essentially. You're getting a better figure. It's a lot cheaper, obviously.
And then at the same time, it's like now you're throwing an abundance of these figures out and you're like, Oh, this is coming out at the end of this year. And this is coming out during the summer. You're already thinking about all, you're thinking about all the figures you could get for 400 bucks. I can take that 400 and you'll drop it down on ringside and pre-order all this stuff that you guys are dropping right now.
So yeah, dude, doing, doing, uh, the new gen one on San Diego comic con reveal weekend was a very bold choice. And then backing it up with this one the weekend before WrestleMania. It's like, dude, can you guys pick any worst times? Like 90,000 people are going to WrestleMania. You think they're back in a $400 stage right now? Like they just shell out probably 10 grand to go to WrestleMania. I don't understand the timing.
True but the thing is is like that's that's the time where the most i will same with the san diego comic the most eyeballs are gonna be on this product in real life then that's ever gonna see it you know i mean like i agree but it didn't get the boost of that so i was you know i've been tracking this thing i've got no where i'm doing the updates every single morning in the group and how much you know how many people subscribe back in the last 24 hours i thought.
that they were going to get a lot of people who probably weren't even figure collectors at the superstore because they had this thing set up. All you had to do is scan a QR code. It takes you to the page to back it. I thought that we were going to get a ton of just, you know, I mean, we've all been to WrestleMania, dude, you get kind of high and the wrestling fever, dude, you think people would see this thing and be like, fuck it, I'm backing it. You know what I mean? Probably maybe they get all the way through.
But it was a blimp, man. There was not much action during those WrestleMania days. Not any more than you would expect. I think if time-wise, man, let me know what you guys think of this. I think you announced this thing on January 1st and haven't run through the Royal Rumble, right? The Royal Rumble, that could be the cutoff day for funding it. And you make the promise that, hey, if this thing gets back, it'll be in hand by Christmas. I think that's the move right there, dude. You get people to mind it for people.
early Christmas presents. Christmas is expensive, but sometimes you get money from your parents' stuff. A lot of people may have a little bit of extra cash or something, or maybe announce the week before Christmas or something like that, and just to get people hyped up for it, they can start asking for it. That's a big ask for people. I know you don't pay until it gets backed. It doesn't take it out of your bank account until it gets backed. But even still, you're thinking, oh, I could walk over here to the superstore,
and get myself a replica title or some cool piece of merch and have it in my hands right now versus giving $400 to Mattel and walking away with nothing other than just you can put on your social media. I backed the WCW Nitro stage. Tomorrow's going to be a big day because they're going to announce it. I think it's going to be tomorrow morning. Let me do some public school math real quick. I think about 9 AM Pacific time.
They're going to officially announce that Scott Steiner is going to be in that first tier, along with Ray Mysterio Jr. And the other cool thing about it being tomorrow, it's the 15th. That's payday for most folks, right? So you're going to have a lot of people getting paid. And now it's Scott Steiner. I think we need to get a big boost tomorrow, man. I think we need to get close to 1,000 people.
back in this thing tomorrow. And then just pray that there's a tidal wave of momentum on that last day of it. Because I could tell you, I was watching it, I checked it probably 30 times that day for the cutoff for Hulk Hogan. Hulkster wasn't moving merch this time, brothers. That thing, there was...
I kept thinking like at some point there's gonna be gonna it's because you remember that's I was last time this thing. I think it did about half the new gen arena. I think half the backers backed it on the last day of the macho man preorder and it was just like a tidal wave right like you know, a couple dozen and all of a sudden it's a couple hunter and then before you know it we blew through and ended up with eight almost 8500 people backing it.
That didn't happen now, so now you're hoping it's going to happen on this last day. I'm really behind on Major Bro's content. Have they still been pushing hardcore for this thing or what's their stance on it? They've been the same as us, man. It's a challenging one and there was just some questionable decisions. I think their big stance is where I ended up selling on it.
You got to hope this thing gets back even if you don't necessarily love this because that will mean that the next thing is going to be that much quicker, dude. And I don't think this is going to... I don't like the scare tactics. I don't think this is going to kill WWE crowd funds forever if this doesn't get back because that's the whole... I mean, clearly there's interest. How many... I mean, you got like... 2,000 people. 2,000 people spent 400 bucks. I mean, there's definitely...
An extra figure attack has said that this is, you know, that's the whole reason they do crowdfund stuff. It's stuff that wouldn't work at traditional retail and they want to see what the market wants. But I think if it does fail, they're going to have to go back to the drawing board and really strategize for a while on what they do next. I think they should do some polls, man. Like, I think a lot of this could have been avoided if they would just roll out some polls and let folks vote on, you know, how they would want to see the tiers be structured and everything. Right. True. But we've seen how the voting goes for like the, you know,
Well, here's the thing. So Steve let everybody vote on what figure they would want to be added to the 5,000 tier. And he just did it on his IG story. So it's just a figure collector. Don't throw it on where people who haven't collected a figure since the LGN days can go on there and vote.
I don't know. Let's, uh, I, I've decided I'm going to back it. Even if it ends up just if they fucking cancel Scott Steiner and they say it's just going to be Ray and the stage, I'm still back in this thing. Jordan, are you in on it? Yeah, I'm back in it. No matter what. Even if it is a scare tactic, like I said, on the WrestleMania show, I don't want to be like, it ends up not going over by one and I'm the person that didn't, but I could never live with myself. That would be, uh, I would have the death touch at that point.
Yeah, I got a combination of that. And then I don't have so much FOMO when I see people actually getting this thing and putting it together. So even if I think it's totally realistic that I end up setting it up and having it set up for a couple weeks and then just boxing it back up and wait until it's profitable to resell. I mean, the big thing about the other one was like, you got those figures and you're thinking like, even if I just want this stage, like I can
Sell the figures either pay for the stage or vice versa sell the stage to pay I got a hundred bucks for that macho man So I ended up getting a ring. I entered stage diesel and joint for 150, which that's a steal exactly. So there's that that Situation doesn't exist with this pretty much. I mean there will always be figure You're gonna have to sit on it for a while You're not gonna be able to get it and flip it like my plant might what I plan to do right now and you know Maybe I once I get it in hand I'm like, okay I gotta just make room for this thing and make it work but I
I'm thinking right now I'm probably gonna get it set it up You know play with it for a little bit and then just put it back in the box and for like a year or two And because it's gonna be worth some money eventually, but you're just gonna have to wait a while Marco. Where are you? Are you in or out on this? I'm on the fence. I've ride the fence like Sheena Sheena would on her picks there Yeah
You know me, I'm frugal. I would wait till the very last day and I'm like, well, is this thing getting funded? And if I felt like it was going to get fully funded, I'd be like, all right, well, I'm jumping in. But to go in ahead of time, I'm not that girl. Seth's better about that than me. I'm like, no. I mean, you get your money back. You do. It's low risk, but that's not how I think. Yeah. The other thing too is did they give a reason why all the figures weren't
like all together and one thing like, why don't they just make it like, we need this many backers and you get everything at once as opposed to doing it. So they, they could have done that, but it wouldn't cost out. So I take Steve and his word, right? He could just be a corporate shield and be lying through his teeth, all of us, but
The way he explained it, the figures are set up. It's priced out to where they're getting minimum profitability off of this, but still making enough money that makes sense to do it. And that's why the figures were set up the way that they were. So yeah, they have to have... Because the factory costs to get it produced go up big time if the order is anything less than 5,000. So that's why 5,000 was the minimum tier. So it did... And that helps explain a little bit why. Because as far as like...
trying to make this thing successful. I don't think the figure selection makes sense, but when he said that it was the economics of it that were really driving how the tiers were structured, I could understand it a little bit more. Yeah, I just don't get the like, why not just like, we need 11k backers and here's everything.
Yeah, I think that would have worked too, man. It's just one package deal, dude. The tiers, it makes it weird, man. Especially with something like this, where you could potentially get a stage in five figures, you could potentially get a stage in one figure. It's just a big gap. If you're just more upfront with it, I think...
I think for something like this, yeah, making it less obscure. Yeah. Just like, Hey, here's the stage. Here's all the figures you get. We need 11, we need 11,000 backers by, you know, whatever the deadline was instead of like you get Hogan, you get Ray, you get Steiner and all that stuff. Um, I think that would have been a lot more palatable for some people. Um, my question to you guys would be, what do you think?

Celebration and Social Drinking

What would be the figures or figure or figures that would have changed your mind to be like, no, I'm back of this right away. There's no doubt in my mind. Because I see a lot of people find like, oh, they should have put this in it. They should have put this figure in it. They should have put this figure in it. What do you think is that one or more figure that would have just across the board people just back it without any question?
I think they could have had, they could have dropped the five figures. I think they could have done three figures and this thing would guarantee to get funded. I think if you want to get 5,000, no doubt about it, give us the stage and give us Ultimate Edition, Hall and Nash for Bash at the Beach, 1996, and then throw a stretch goal in there. I'm thinking like 7K, Glacier. I know he's not under any kind of legends deal right now, but he was probably the most toy edit guy who hasn't had a figure. Yeah, I'm not sure if Glacier even had a figure back in the Toy Biz days. I'd have to go look, but I can't recall ever seeing a Glacier figure.
And I think he would be like the doink of this set, man. I think people would go out and be ready to hand over the money. I think this thing would already be funded with those three figures. What do you guys got? What's some other ideas to throw out there? Yeah, the outsiders 100% would have got this. I think them alone would have got them to 7K personally. I just... Yeah.
Dude, you still could have done a Hogan. I'm actually considering the circumstances for this year and everything. Yeah, I think it would have. The Hogan would have still been fine with those two figures. I don't know, man. I just feel like they picked like Rey Mysterio. I get it. Dude, kids love Rey Mysterio, but how many kids are going to convince their parents to be like, hey, pay $400 for this stage in Rey Mysterio? My mom would have slapped the shit out of me if I asked her to buy this for me.
I just wish they would have given us a better rate. Even though we already got it back in the late 67, give us ultimate edition of that Halloween habit, Ray. You know what I mean? That was the most generic rape. That Ray Mysterio figure looks like those generic lucha wrestling figures you would find at Kroger or Dollar General back in the late 90s and early 2000s, like $2.99. Well, dude, if you're intent on Ray, why not give us Eddie Guerrero with Ray, like the mullet Eddie Guerrero.
Like, dude, that would have got it funded. You just have to give us something that we don't think we're going to get. Like, like that Ray Mysterio they put out, we could get any time that Hogan, we could get any time. The warrior and the Scott Steiner were the two for me that I was like, yeah, I mean, we might not be for those figures.
Yeah, we might not everybody's ripping on that warrior I think that warrior is cool because I honestly that's one I could see us never getting if this doesn't get funded It's just yeah Steve Steve actually clapped back on the wrestle figs forums because somebody was playing about it He said I guarantee if we unveiled this warrior in the legends line or somewhere else people would be going nuts for and I was like right, dude, of course What about you Sheena any
any figures on your end that you know i'm in alignment with what you guys i think eddie would have been really cool there's no wcw figures there's nobody from wcw that you want to see get an ultimate edition and here's it i don't know well here's the other thing that like that killed me where they could have took these two figures and put in the set they announced that monday night war's ultimate edition with like icon ronnie piper and
in Bret Hart, why weren't those the figures of the set? Why would you- It's the same reason why they didn't do Hall and Nash. They want to save stuff for retail, man. As much as we love Mattel, they're trying to have her cake and eat it too a little bit on this, man.
Because think about that diesel we got like there's definitely a better diesel Ultimate Edition to, to be made, you know what I mean? That was, that was pretty underwhelming attire, even though the figure ended up being really, really cool. Like there's a lot of really cool diesel figures they could have given us. I think they just want to hold back some of the heavy hitters for
For retail, but like another dude the DDP what if they would if that DDP was in jeans with the rib tape, man? That would have changed the whole because as it is now it's it's still gonna be really cool to have that if we get to 7,000 But he's just an upgraded version of the elite that we've already gotten twice But yeah jeans and a rib tape that would have been excellent man. Like I don't know There's a lot of good choices. They could add mortis, right? Well, the same veins is glacier like mortis is super super toy. I think like that would have been cool to have yeah, I
Yeah, this was a missed one for me. Like I said. What a shoulda coulda. Two of the figures. I definitely want the other three I could do without. I'm not even remotely sad that we're not getting the Hogan personally. It's just, I don't need that Hogan. I'm fine without it, but yeah. I mean, like I said, I'm still going to fund it because I just, I don't want to be the reason it doesn't get funded. I know that's weird to say, but I just, that's just, that just floats in the back of my mind.
I was talking to J-Bone about this, and we were talking, and I was like, someone on the Battelle team is a huge Hogan mark, and I think I have an idea of who it is. Yeah, someone on that team loves Hogan and is going to put him in every single, anything possible that they could put him in. So let's call it right now. Sheena, will this end up getting funded? No.
Jordan. No. Marco. Negative.
I was the only person that picked Roman and went on the show. I'm like, keep rolling the dice, man. I think. I mean, actually, Sheena was the only one. Yeah. She predicted him quietly on the pick-seek, right? Who was the one that was publicly defending him, arguing with people, going toe to toe, nonstop? I just kid much. But you didn't really believe. I did believe. I was just hedging my bets, though. Yeah, you did not believe. You didn't believe that. I did believe. I was just hedging. It's called Jordan. Explain to them what hedging your bets means.
All right, so you know you've got the right horse. You know 100% this horse is gonna win. But let's just say he breaks his leg on the back stretch. Gotta make sure you got that second horse too. This is not really hedging his bet, because there was only two people anyway. This was more just riding the fence.
Yeah, yeah, I don't think I was right in the fence. I just figured I knew I already had the I could I could get all the the Roman clout just because I've been talking so much shit to everybody about Roman winning. I figure, hey, you know what, at least if he does, unfortunately, lose, at least I could still have a shot to win the picks league, man. But but yeah, she did. She did go out. She was one of the handful of people that picked him to win. So we haven't we haven't even talked about me winning the Pixley. We talked about it on the episode. So for those of you who didn't listen to the pod warriors episode, I am your
Foley picks league champion because I selected Roman reigns to go over Cody Rhodes and Seth.
did not. So it does need to be pointed out why she's trying to rub it in my face that, uh, you know, she picked Roman and I didn't, um, we changed the format for the finals this year for the playoffs, just because it was going to work out that the last event was on WrestleMania and it just felt wrong to exclude anybody from, uh, you know, making, making predictions on WrestleMania. So we just made a big scramble with everybody in there under the original and Sheena complained when I did this Sheena, she was at the top, dude. I didn't want that.
I was in the bubble. I was on the bubble. But you weren't at the top. You were on the bubble. You're right. Exactly. I didn't want anybody being able to do it. She didn't complain. Why are we changing this, letting everybody be in the playoffs? I said, dude, it's going to be better. Just trust me. Turns out that was before the last event of the season. She would have missed the playoffs. Under the original format, she would have missed the playoffs. But because I had the foresight to craft the greatest championship ever, she was able to majestically rise from 11th and standings to first place over the course of the weekend.
I'm pretty sure if it wasn't outside of the Ring of Honor card, I think I had almost perfect cards the entire weekend. No, you did really good, but I'm saying you wouldn't have even shown up to the fight if it wasn't for me playing up the runway for you. Well, you know what? When the freaking runway opened up, I was like, move out the way, bitches. Coming through. All right. On that note, let's have a drink.
All right, it's time for the weekly beverage break where we tell you guys what we're sipping on as we pot. Sheena, what are you drinking? So I'm still working through this case of Simply Spiked Peach. I'm drinking the Mango Peach. So I think we talked about these in the Pod Warriors episode. I think Ari and I were both drinking these. And yeah, they're freaking delicious. So if you like the Simply Spiked Lemonade, this is a sweeter version. It's like, you know, it's a mango canned drink. So good stuff.
I tried a couple of them, the Simply Spike lemonade, it's got a permanent spot in my alcoholic beverage rotation. I don't think I'm adding the peaches, man. I think just a little bit too sweet. I do enjoy it and I definitely see myself drinking those from time to time, but I don't think they're going to be permanently in the rotation. The lemonades are definitely superior because again, I like the tangy lemon citrus of the lemonades.
I feel like I need to add another shot of vodka or something to those simply spiked peaches, man. Speaking of that, I don't think I ever told you guys really quickly while we're in the beverage break about my major margarita flub where I was like- It was a marga margarita. Yeah, oops, all alcohol. I can't remember. Oh, it was so... You guys know our dog Presley passed away. We were having a pretty effed up week.
to say the least. So we were going to drown a little bit of our emotions. So I went out and I'm not a heavy drinker by any stretch of the imagination. And I went out and got, you know, what I thought was, you know, margarita mix and, you know, just regular sour mix. I got some vodka. I got some, uh, some, um, gray man. Yay. You know, I'm just like about to make me like a bang and ass margarita. I freaking pour all this shit together, shake it all up. You know,
I'm like, damn, after a few drinks, I'm like, damn, I am feeling rocked right now. What is happening? And Seth comes in. I can't remember if it was the next day or that night. It was that night. It was that night, yeah. He comes in and he's like, did you mean to get the pre-mixed sour mix? So it was ready to drink. I saw the ready to drink Cuervo, and I was like, that's kind of weird. I was like, you just got the Jose Cuervo margarita? Because Sheena's typically likes to get a nicer tequila, which she's going to drink. And she was like, well, that was the only mix that they had.
Yeah, we were here in Oakland, so that was the only mix. I usually like to get a natural... That's when I looked up and I see there is a bottle of tequila there on the table also. And then suddenly put two and two together. I was like, what the hell? So I had poured an extra couple of shots of tequila on top of this ready to drink margarita mix and then added Grand Marnier on the top. Yeah, I was freaking lit. So yeah, definitely make sure you check your sour mix before you decide to make a margarita. And think twice if you're gonna let Sheena make you a cocktail.
All right, Jordan, what are you drinking, man? I am drinking the Beast Unleashed. It's Monster's alcoholic drinks. Oh my gosh. There is no caffeine in these at all, but it tastes exactly like a monster. If you like monsters, I'm sure you'll like them. They're 6.0. They're not bad. I'm just working through them right now. I've had them for three weeks, so that should tell you how much I enjoy them.
I wonder if they went away from the caffeine because of like all the four loco controversy back in the day remember like when the original four locos got banned and stuff I wonder if that's like I wonder if that's like a rule or if they just made a choice because it seems like I don't understand why a monster like hard seltzer or whatever wouldn't have free caffeine in it
Yeah, I thought they did have caffeine in them. So I took like the first sip and I'm like, God damn, this is just like a green monster. And then I was reading the can and I was like, Holy shit, there's no caffeine in these. Nope, no caffeine, no sugar, just all you guys remember the the four locos controversy. I mean, if they like they made it out to be like the if you drink a four locos, it could like kill you. Yeah, they made them they made them seem like it was like, you know, like you were doing like heroin or something.
That was the best viral marketing hype you could ever have, man. Yeah. Everybody wanted to try it. I remember going to 7-Eleven in Spotsylvania, Virginia and getting a watermelon four loco. I wasn't impressed, man. It was just... Yeah, that was gross. It's church wine. It was just harsh, man. I felt like I could feel it eating my insides while drinking it, and it probably was. Dude, the Fruit Punch... That's probably why they don't do it. The Fruit Punch one, that was the first one I ever tried, and I seriously thought it tasted like church wine. I'm like, what the hell is this?
Yeah, I think I think the one I had was orange and I just remember being like what the fuck is this? Like this is like who drinks this and that was back in you know I mean I was like what like 1920 at the time and I mean that's when you're like drinking, you know Mystery drinks out of fucking coolers. Oh, yeah. Whoops. I was definitely 21 I never drink for loco came out. Yeah, I was like 20 we know no no for local came out in like 2006 and
No, Four Loco came out in like 2010, 2011, dude. No, no. We were in Spotsylvania when Four Loco came out. No, it came out in, no. All right, real quick. 2005.
I told you I told you 2000 I knew you did not get four. They were you know they remastered it I lived in I lived in Orlando and I was drink I drank a fucking we were going to like Paradise Cove or whatever the little club site was and fucking Disney World when I worked at Disney and we were underage drinking outside of fucking Disney World um I
drinking the orange for loco. I remember specifically again, because I don't, you know, drink a ton. I remember that. Okay, I'm gonna read you guys this this little paragraph and this will tell you everything you need to know. So it was launched in 2005 in the United States. For loco branded products have been the object of legal ethical and health concerns related to the company.
allegedly marketing them to underage drinkers like Sheena Phelps. And the danger of combining alcohol and caffeine after the beverage was banned in several states of product reintroduction in December of 2010 removed caffeine, taurine, and guarana as ingredients and the malt beverage is no longer marketed as an energy drink.
Interesting. I told you dude. I'm no I'm not crazy. I know I definitely wasn't in my for loco era in 2010 dude. That was That was when we met Yeah, that was well beyond when I would have been drinking a for loco at any capacity dude I kind of swore it we were in it was when we lived in Frederick I remember you going I mean you had you had to be at least 21 cuz you went in and bought one I guess it was Virginia Beach, man. I thought we were in Frederick No, no, it was it was Virginia Beach and probably went to the fucking Wawa. I
Okay, enough for a local talk. Marco, what are you drinking, man? I was keeping it light with a broken skull American lager. Nothing fancy on this fine night.
I am drinking, this is from Edmund's Oast, really good brew that I've become fond of out of Charleston, South Carolina, a sour blueberry lime. It's an American sour ale brewed with blueberries and lime. She's going to tell Jordan that other one that they had today that was like perfect for what he likes. Oh, so yeah, this is the same brewing company. They had a mango passion fruit. Mm-hmm. A mango passion fruit guava situation. Yeah, I asked Seth if he wanted it. He said, text it to Jordan.
All right, we are going to just basically play catch up, man. So because it's been a while since we talked figs. So if you're listening at home and don't do this while you're driving, but if you're chilling at the house or whatever and want to follow along, go back to Ringside Collectibles on Instagram. And again, make sure you are using Code Chick Foley to save 10% when you preorder all the awesome figs that we're going through here.
When it's 90 degrees out, that would sound delicious.
But go to ringside collectibles, go to March 30th, the post for their Q&A. It's just the WrestleMania logo to submit your questions. That's where we're going to start.

New Releases and Figure Reviews

And we're just going to scroll up from there. So is everybody synced up, ready to go? I do think it's comical that you told them not to do it while they were driving, because as much as Seth gives me crap about me driving like Dale Earnhardt, I'm sitting in the front seat with this dude the entire time we're in Tennessee while he's driving.
And every time I look over, he's either texting somebody or looking at a picture of something. So quite comical. It was WrestleMania weekend. There was a lot of stuff going on. Yep. You've never done that before while I was in the car. All right. We will start with what I was most excited to see all weekend, the ringside collectibles defining moments four pack.
Yeah, this is super cool. I love that they're giving you the shipper box option. So it's like if you get all four, you get that beautiful shipper that's got the pictures of all the wrestlers on it and everything. Yeah, this is a beautiful set. I love that the defining moments are back and just
It's the same packaging. The defining moments, like packaging is one of the most beautiful packagings that Mattel has ever put out. So I'm glad it's just all the same. I don't think it's one of them. I think it's the best. Yeah, it's beautiful. It's probably my favorite figure line ever. I actually like defining moments over Ultimate Edition just because of the packaging. And I actually kind of prefer elites over Ultimate Editions as far as articulation goes. Obviously, the Ultimate Editions usually go all out on the deco and stuff.
These are awesome, man. What's you guys' favorite figure from the set?
That's tough. I don't know. They're all great. Yeah, they're all they're all pretty good. Of course. Yeah, we already know who you're gonna say Marco No, yeah, that was actually a pretty cool one the uh, I was I was not expecting a figure with that But definitely the mic Foley with the tooth in his nose is probably the wow you went you went left on me I thought you were gonna say the the Cody Rhodes Yeah, I think I think the the details on the mic Foley are awesome like you said the tooth and the nose the tacks in the back and
I love, you know, brown pants, black boots, white cut up shirt, Mick Foley, like one of my favorite man kinds. I just love it so much.
I have one bone to pick with this, this set of four. So I like the whole set and everything. The Cody is really cool. He does not belong in this set at all. Like, well, I mean, we got, we got three nineties wrestlers and then you throw Cody in there. Like I was a little disappointed he was in it. I mean, I'm fine with them getting one. I just would have preferred another nineties wrestler in this set, but
True, but I think you've got something for the modern fan. I think that's one benefit of this is that if you start a modern fan on this line, they'll be like, oh, I need to collect all of this. You know how you get the itch, dude. So they're going to throw some in there to kind of make the younger generation. If you're only buying this set because of Cody Rhodes, I got some bad news for you.
But, uh, the Sean Michael, the Sean Michaels in packaging. I swear, I can't unsee like how high the hat is up on his head. It makes me think of Jim Carrey and dumb and dumber. That's how the matcha man, ultimate addition was too, dude. I hated how the fucking hat said on him too. Oh man.
Yeah, I love the Brett and Sean, the Cody and mankind are really cool figures, but I got a thing. It's just like a mental block. I'm not a fan of any kind of like blood and guts figure, man, that shows like, I don't know, I don't know why I just cannot get into those kind of figures. So both of those two are going to be a pass for me. But the Brett and Sean, that's two figures I've been wanting for a long time. I loved HPK's look from
from Royal Rumble 1997 and they even got you know his face scan looks weirdly like really really sad so i think that's kind of to reflect that he was addicted to somas at the time uh you know he was right around when he lost a smile and then WrestleMania 8 Brett you know i i made i made Jordan watch the uh Brett Hart Roddy Piper match at uh like one o'clock in the morning over the weekend because that's one of my all-time favorites and i've been wanting that Brett figure for a really long time so uh the Brett i'm super stoked to get
Yeah, but you can't you can't deny that the Cody and the mankind those are those are definitely defining moments. Yeah, these are definitely these aren't you know ultimate warrior in the ultimate maniacs gear or you know Shinsuke Nakamura just because it was his first figure. These are true defining moments getting back to what the lines all about. Yeah, they said the set does good which I think it already it's already on backorder. Yeah.
This is going to be a thing that continues on and it's ringside exclusive. So I'm all about it. That's the best hit man jacket. That one in the 97 heart foundation hit man jacket. That's the two, that is the two best spread jackets there are. So yeah, really excited for this set. What are you laughing about? Jordan, they're saying HBK was on so much between that and the dumb and dumber hat. I don't know if I can enjoy this figure anymore.
I might do a head swap dude. I really, I'm thinking I might do a head swap with elite 19. I don't, I think the, the, the pegs have changed a little bit over the year. So I don't know if it will work, but I'm thinking I'm going to put that elite night, elite 19 HPK head scope. I can't stand that head sculpt dude.
All I can think about too is remember, this was a month before he lost a smile. And I think I'm like, maybe it's like an inside joke that made him look so sad. If you scroll up a little bit, you can see the individual post of HBK. You can see he's just got, like I said, it looks like he's soma'd out, dude. He popped three or four somas right before they did the reference shot for this figure. For the younger kids in the crowd or in our audience, can you explain what a soma is?
I think it's just like a muscle relaxer, man. I don't know. What it is is for it was the pill of choice for wrestlers of the 90s. You said it is a muscle relaxer. It is 100% a muscle relaxer. He just looks sad. He just looks relaxed.
His eyes do look a little bit relaxed. Yeah, it's not good. It's not great. I love that figure. Thanks for ruining it. In the nineties where the beer flows like wine and the women flock like the salmon of Capistrano.
Straight up a number reference for Sheena there. All right Let's go to the elite 102 reveals if you continue scrolling past the defining moment stuff We have the first figure of Gunther not Walter Gunther I need to check though. I think this might be the mate I think they may use the same parts for the torso I can't remember did they don't know Gunther I thought the Gunther was a little bit thicker in the
I thought the Walter is a thicker one. This guy has Abb definition. He has a belly. He has a little belly of the Walter figure. Very cool figure. And this guy is just on a roll right now. He overcame one of the all time whack name changes to have one of the best or continental championship rings we've had in a long time. So are we all in on this figure? All in.
All right, this Foley figure, I was not super invested in the product during the Commissioner Foley days. I don't like the figure, man. I know this is one that Jordan has been excited for for a really long time. Yeah, I think it's cool. He was pumped when they showed it at Comic Con last year. And I'll go on record saying that he had talked about wanting a Commissioner Foley figure even before we ever got that reveal. So Jordan, tell us how excited you are to finally begin Commissioner Mick.
Yeah, I'm really excited. I kind of wish the shirt wasn't molded on or painted on. I wish it was like a tear away shirt. That kind of sucks. The commissioner fully shirt should have been a tear away shirt, but either way, I'm still happy to get this. It's a cool figure and yeah, I never broke away from wrestling. So I enjoyed when he was commissioner fully.
Yeah, I need a nice little plant accessory. Yeah, you got Mitch Mitch. I think I think they should have went soft goods on the Commissioner t-shirt. Yeah, and then done a molded flannel like they did with cactus jack figures and like Luke Harper, you know what I mean? I think they should have did the the stone cold ultimate edition Like pull over a t-shirt and still kept that other. Yeah You can do that. You can get a little soft goods. Yeah, you can do that double the goods. I
Double the goods. All right. Rhea Ripley in Judgment Day. That's going to be an awesome figure. Yeah, must have. I hear Huffing. Is somebody not like this figure? Oh, no, no, no. This is phenomenal. She's got the butt harness and everything. No, that's just heavy breathing coming from the butt harness. That's heavy vertations. Yeah, he's like, she's got a butt harness. Yeah.
He can't wait to take that cloak off and get a full body inspection. That's going to be nice. Wow. I'm just saying. That's going to be nice to go along with her debut figure. So you kind of got looks for both of Ria's phases of her career. Then we got Sami Zane. I feel like this figure is...
about six months too late man this is the basically representing his his feud with the jackass guys it's really cool that we're getting the giant mouse trap and he's got the same he's ain't in the jackass swamp but come on dude there's one figure we want right now we want we want bloodline
Yeah, they're not gonna give us bloodline before they just do Sammy is so hot right now They're gonna give us every version of Sammy like until they like make us want the the bloodline version So or make us wait for the blood see I feel like this one's gonna kind of fall flat, dude I don't I don't know if I feel like Sammy's more of a lightning than a bottle guy than he is like Cody like Cody Yeah, I think we're gonna get a Cody figure every two or three elite sets for the next year and a half
I don't think we're going to get a long series of Sammy Zane figures, but they're definitely going to capitalize on this moment and give us all of the Sammy figures that they can within this little... I think you could almost do a defining moment, Sammy, from... He could be in the next wave of...
fighting moments because you don't got to do any new tooling. All you need to do is just some different different paint job and a couple soft goods tees. I think you can make it a two in one. Give us Sammy with the bloodline tee and Sammy with the like the the tee where he had like the what he has like duct taped over uh honorary ooze right or whatever whatever his post book line shirt was. Um yeah I don't know still cool figure though. I'm excited to get it. I never thought I'd be getting a giant mouse trap accessory with my figures. Yeah that's cool.
All right, somebody defend these Austin theory heads. Nope, move them on. Those are terrible, dude. As if the regular one's not bad enough, then you add in the Chase one, and dear God. He looks like the... They look like the Uncle Howdy Man.
Yeah, I was going for the chin he's looking for he looks like the mask like Jim Carrey's a mask Yeah, he looks like he put the mask He's doing this Paint his face green dude, you got you got the mask. Yeah. Yeah, it sucks speak I may try to do another head swap on this one cuz I really like the Captain America style gear I think it's a really nice figure but those head scopes are
They're tough to get past, dude. Yeah, that second one. At least if they ever want to go full articulation, at least we know they can nail the butthole. Wow. Wow, Jordan. We got an iPhone accessory. That's pretty cool. Yeah, that's neat. Judgment Day Edge. I think it's a little bit further up. They got pictures out of gear. This is a really cool figure, though. I think it's definitely much needed for the
Yeah, that's a good one for the collection. I love the salt and peppering and the beard. I think that's a good, a good touch. Yeah, we already got a purple Damien Priest that can pretty much go with these guys. We just need to get Finn now and then we'll pretty much be all set on Finn and Dom. Dom. We'll be set on Judge's Day

Wrestling Figure Collection Highlights

figures. We're definitely going to get a Dom. Alright, rolling on up, we have Elite 103 Stardust. I saw this, this was rumored on some leaked lineups that came out and I was thinking it was just a mistake somebody made at Mattel and it was going to be another Cody and not Stardust, but
I definitely put this figure in the pod foundation group chat. The moment I saw this, I immediately sent it out and I said, make no mistake about it, Cody Rhodes is losing this match. If he was going to win, they would not have made, they would not be dropping Stardust figures. I can vouch for that.
I say that even though I love this figure dude I'm more excited for this than I've been for any Cody figure in the last couple years man I love this is this is from the WrestleMania 32 ladder match he comes with the special dusty roads tribute tribute ladder I think this is a really cool figure and I'm excited to have it and I'm glad that because I'm sure they had to check with Cody I can't you know I'll jump you aside I can't imagine they made this figure without checking with Cody see if you're cool let's do a more stardust figures and and I'm really excited to get it how about you guys
Yeah, I love this. It's awesome. Yeah, it's pretty sick. Yeah, the ladder to the polka dot ladder that comes with it. He did mention it in the interview. He did with Aria Halwani. They're talking, I figure they're talking about like, and he did mention that he was like, oh, you know, they're totally like merch and all that stuff. And he had mentioned the Stardust figure and everything. So he's aware that there is a Stardust figure.
Yeah, I'm, uh, I'm very surprised, man. I honestly expected them to kind of just like do the men in black memory stick and just act like stardust never even happened. He came back every time this week, a lot more than they have. I definitely think it adds to Cody's story. Just taught me about wrestling in general. I think it definitely adds to his like, you know, rise to where he's at now. You know, I mean, he was stardust and could never get to the,
Dude, I feel like Stardust is such a mid-card gimmick with such a low ceiling on it. I feel like it's hard to reconcile. That's the point. Well, no, I think that you could still tell the same story with just his regular Cody Rhodes stuff he did, because he wasn't really going anywhere as Cody Rhodes either.
I don't know, man. I feel like the Stardust. I don't think it does Cody credit to bring up the Stardust stuff. I thought that would be on an off-limits thing. They tell people don't mention this in promos or whatever, but credit to him for not running from it and just facing it head on. Up next, we got Liv Morgan from Money in the Bank. I'm just whatever on this one.
It's a good-looking figure, but yeah, it's you know, just another little figure like it's a placeholder Yeah, you needed it. You needed something to represent that huge moment cuz I was definitely the biggest night of her career But yeah, it's whatever how about you Jordan you're the women's wrestling expert. Yeah, I got nothing for this one Alright, we got the street profits in the Orlando magic inspired gear. I love these figures. I think these look just tremendous
Dude, they could do a ton of Street Profits figures with all the gears they've had. And I hope we get one for the San Antonio Rumble where they have the throwback to the All-Star game. So yeah, I mean, I love Street Profits figures.
This is why I was wanting Cassius Ohno to get more figures. Remember Cassius Ohno used to do the various NBA-inspired gear. He had some really cool Sacramento Kings gear. But we only got the one figure for him, unfortunately. But yeah, these are great. We got a Roman. They're going to make us shell out. Go ahead, Marco. What was he going to say? Yeah, I was going to say, so judging from Bill's process on
on how he'd just watching his interviews and stuff like that from that weekend, you're probably not going to see any Street Profits figures after this anytime soon. Because the way he mentioned was, he was like, oh, I always want to do another set of Street Profits figures, but I was waiting for the right gear for them to wear, and then I see them in this inspired gear. That's what made him do it.
But there's been tons of other ones before this one that he could have done, so I'm not entirely sure you'll be getting all those fantasies. I don't know. He did say that these were his favorite of the set, though, when he was asked. Yeah. He said these were his favorite. But it took him so long to come up with another, and they've had way better gear between that time those other figures came out.
I'm not sure if he's... True. You just never know about licensing or what it takes to do the budget or whatever paint applications or tooling or whatever. There's probably a million things that go into all this crap that we Marx don't even consider. True. I think our next street profits related figure is going to be Montez Ford from Elimination Chamber this year. Yeah. That tremendous gear he was rocking. Oh, yeah.
All right, moving to more figures in Elite 103. They are really gonna make us spend another 20 bucks to get Roman with the acknowledge me finger.
I didn't even do that. That's the only difference from the Amazon. It's literally the same. We've never gotten it It's the Amazon. It's the Amazon figure It's a little the same exact head sculpt and everything just you just don't have the finger. It's not the Amazon finger Yeah, it's that he's doing the finger poke of doom to all of our bank accounts man, cuz you got to have it, right? That's like it's amazing that it's been this long. No, you gotta have it, dude. You gotta have it
It because you're gonna you're gonna get the uso's got it and their new figures, you know, eventually where you solo so Co has got it We're gonna see it with Sami Zayn like you gotta have it I want to see what the glove looks like because it looks like it's just I don't know. It doesn't look like it actually is the glove crap
Yeah, it's the glove hand. Like I said, I really feel like the whole reason this figure exists is just to give us the finger. I'm just going to take a Bobby Lashley finger and paint it and make it look like that. Oh my God. Bobby Lashley's up next. Speaking of another figure that we're going to have to shell out big bugs for something minuscule. We have to get this one, yeah. Our son, Brett, is kind of obsessed with Bobby Lashley right now. Really? Wow. For the first time ever,
Custom side plates on a secondary championship. That Bobby Lashley in Elite 103 has the Bobby Lashley side plates on the United States Championship. Brett's going to love that. So yeah, if you're a hardcore belt guy, you pretty much got to have that word. But as far as Bobby Lashley goes, it's just another. I feel like all these Bobby Lashley figures kind of run the same. They're all cool, but no one stands out above the rest.
I actually like that they started to do that with the side plates. They did it with the other Bobby Lashley, the top picks won. Yeah, Biggie's got it. Roman and Brock have had it. It's awesome. It's such a nice little touch. If you look at the two packs, those basic two packs, I think Becky Lynch has one. It's a one with her. Becky has one, and Charlotte also. Yeah.
All right, moving to the top picks way for we got the Jimmy Uso bloodline that's coming out very similar to elite 95 Jimmy. Except this one actually has the bloodline graphics on the pants. Another Roman, I don't know if it's just head of the table yet whatever we go past that and then
The rock with the rock side place. We got those rock side plates in the ultimate edition ultimate edition series 10 though So not the first time for this belt, but you know rock serious Simone representation in the top picks. Yeah. Oh, yeah Yeah, this will yeah top picks way for is repping the Onewa'i dynasty for sure. All right, let's go to Legends series 19 We have first time in the line Hellboy
white suit with the glasses, man. He's got, you know, it's hell boy. He's got his giant book and he's got his fleshlight also. He's got the limited edition white fleshlight there in his hand. I just don't know what the hell they're doing with this.
I've been wanting a brother love figure for the longest man and I'm still gonna be happy to have this for my collection But they just really went all they were on one when they designed this. Yeah, I thought that was a hold your breath edition of I Mean it's the red the red is so intense. It's like it's like almost like pink. It's I don't know
I think they were, I think they knew people would rake him over the coals if for whatever reason he wasn't red enough. And they're like, fuck it. Just put the red slider on 100. It's almost like a translucent. Yes. It looks like it looks like if you, it looks like a glow in the dark figure, like to light his head with glow.
It looks like the Matt Hardy, that AEW figure, the Matt Hardy would have the switchable heads. You could take like the- Yeah, for Vanguard. Yeah, it looks exactly like that. Yeah, like it's like- Oh yeah, the Vanguard head. Really cool figure though, very glad to finally be a head and brother love, even though the paid job's a little bit off. I'll probably end up getting it.
What, uh, we are, you know, small spoiler. We know we're going to see captain luau band a little bit later on. What other non wrestling personality from the late eighties, early nineties. Do you guys want to see a figure of?
What, non-wrestling personality? Yeah, like manager, announcer. I know you said, you know, I think you've talked about Captain Lou a million times. I think we need Cindy Lauper, dude. Yeah, that's a missing piece. I really think that that prophecy is going to come true and she's going to be the San Diego Comic Con exclusive with Captain Lou Albano this year. I think that's how we get Captain Lou's first figure, first proper figure, because always always the superstars, him and Cindy Lauper. I mean, they're, you know, cracking the mold. They got the superstars, you know, I mean, it's.
Marco, did you say the the doctor of style slick? Of course, always. Yeah, that'd be cool. I love the retro that zombie sailors put out of him. But yeah, it'd be great. Get him in the elite line. How about you, Jordan? I got nothing. I'm so laughing over the brother in love with the flashlight. I can't think I can get this figure now. Like I just I'm never going to see it the same. That that should make you want to get it more.
Yeah, I mean, it is 90, so it's probably a Jenna Jameson flashlight. Wow. I got a... I didn't expect a Jenna Jameson name drop on tonight's show. Yeah, we've gotten Dumb and Dumber, Four Loco, Jenna Jameson, we've been all over the place. Wow, we've got a fucking time machine. Trip down memory lane.
I got two, man. So for first time in the line, I want president Jack Tunney, just cause even though we really only saw him like three or four times a year, anytime he showed up, shit was going down, right? It wouldn't know, it wouldn't know pussyfoot around like Adam Pierce or like some of the other various commissioners and stuff over the years that are like struggling to put together a main event for raw. Like if Jack Tunney showed up, somebody was getting a fucking championship belt taken from them. Like no ifs ands or buts about it. He's announcing a tournament. Some, some crazy shit's going down anytime Jack Tunney had to make a ruling.
And for a repeat figure, I really want Elizabeth from WrestleMania 7, man. I don't know how we don't have that yet. That was such an all-time emotional angle. The SummerSlam Sherry we got was close enough to pass for it. We got Macho and we got Warrior. Give us Liz with the star-spangled sweater. I saw, if you guys were following the Instagram, I saw Liz at Brett's Karate. Oh, yeah. The star sweater and the leggings.
reappeared in 2023. So I was like, wow. All right, moving on. It's only fitting that right after they were real brother love, they showed us a new Undertaker figure. I'm still on the fence if I need this figure, but it is a very, very cool look man with the teardrop tattoo, the sleeveless duster and the hat. I think this is one of the cooler Undertaker figures they've dropped the last couple of years. Yeah, this is a really good figure. I mean, I'm going to do a Legends completionist, so I'm getting all these.
Yeah, now that I'm looking at it. I think I'm getting it man that early 97 undertaker. This is right off of his
World Championship win against it at WrestleMania 13. Yeah, I think you gotta have this Deelo Brown in the nation domination gotta have it man Yeah, Deelo had a really cool figure in Elite 52 that had kind of like nation-esque print on it So you could pass for a nation Deelo, but we got to have this one I'm assuming he's got to come with the the fist hand dude to do that You know the the nation the nation pose, but yeah, this deal looks awesome. I'm hoping
They you know, it's 2022. I think his first figure came out in 2017 or excuse me, it's 2023 So it's been six years since his first figure I'm hoping they make that the neck hole a little bit loose so we can get the patented deal Oh Brown head bobble, you know if you just shake the figure a little bit because that he was always talking some mad shit walking down to the ring But definitely grabbing this one probably gonna pass on the chase. I think I'm just getting the nation deal Oh, how about you guys? I did Jordan You said your completeness you're getting both. Yeah, I'm getting both
What about you Marco? Are you going with just Nation D.Lo or are you grabbing that Chase also? Just a Nation I think is fitting.
And then speaking of the nation, we got nation, comma, Mustafa. Now I got to do some soul searching on this one, dude. I don't love the parts choice that they had. My boy, Ivy, custom figures, Ivan Milanovich, dude, check him out. He does great work for really fair prices on customs. He made me a custom nation of validation, comma, out of the comma Supreme fighting machine that dropped, what was that? Was that 2021 when that figure came out?
He made me a custom of it, which was pretty damn good, man. And I kinda, I'm not, I feel like they switched up the torso on us, man. He doesn't look as, you know, Godfather slash Kama slash Papashanga was a pretty big dude. This figure looks a little skinny to me. How about you guys? He needs some dad bod, for sure, so... Yeah, he looks a little too ripped. Yeah. Yeah, he definitely doesn't look like his normal self, but still a cool figure. I mean, if you don't have a custom made, so...
It was much needed also, man. The only thing we're missing now is the good father, and we'll have every single gimmick that Charles Wright had. Can't wait to get that one.
No, nobody's right up for a right to censor a set of figures No, I think they're I think they're in the mix for worst faction of all time. All right up next legends 20 This is a figure that has been on my absolute dream list like Captain Lou Albano has been my number one most wanted for a while But this guy's been top three or four just cuz you know He's got sentimental value being in the first ever he was the main event of the first ever WWF show I went to along with honky-tonk man against the heart foundation and
This is just like one of the most iconic wrestling figures ever. The Hasbro, Greg Valentine. Now we got it in elite form and it looks tremendous, man. Like I think this figure is freaking awesome. Yeah, this is killer. I know you have been wanting this for a while. So it's cool to see your reaction in person when I was there. So yeah, this one's awesome. Is that it?
I'm waiting on Sheena and Marco to chime in. I mean, I just, I agree. I think it's, I think it's pretty cool that we're finally getting this figure. I mean, it's just been something that's, you know, kind of just been one of those, uh, mysterious freaking missing pieces for a long time. And I think it's, I think it's Greg Valentine's most iconic look to you, man. Like I, I've told you guys before, I could give a fuck less about seeing the regular hammer come down for a match, red and blue is Greg Valentine's where it's at. Yeah. I think, uh, who, who was it?
What are you guys that don't like the breakaway guitar? That's definitely Seth. I hate that guitar, dude. That guitar fucking sucks. First thing I'm doing when that guitar shows up is I'm super gluing that thing together, dude. Look at it. They literally have two or three rubber bands left just to hold it together. I appreciate the concept of a breakaway guitar, but let it be a really firm snap between the neck and the body of it. I don't need this thing to fucking...
explode into a thousand splinters if somebody farts in its general direction, man. They're just the worst. I actually went on eBay, dude, and spent like fucking 40 bucks for some little miniature dollhouse acoustic guitars that I use with my figures now instead of using these. That's how much it was worth it to me to not use these shit-ass guitars that they give us, man. The one Hasbro did with the Hasbro Honky Tonk, man, is better than the guitars that Mattel has given us. Agreed. I agree.
All right, we got $2 million man figures coming out. Both of them are going to include the old man Ted DiBiase head scan from when he was doing his storyline with Cameron Grimes, white suit and green suit.
I don't know, man. I'm kind of on the fence on these. I appreciate getting them into our man figure, but we already have, we got this same thing back in, was it like Legends 8 or Legends 9? The green wasn't basic though, right? Wasn't the- Right, but we got this same figure with the black suit and with the silver suit back nine or 10 Legends series ago. I'm probably definitely grabbing at least one of these, but not super stoked on Ted figures. I think I'm kind of almost set on Ted DiBiase at this point.
Yeah, I really do not like the green one. I don't know if some of us just, it doesn't look right to me, but the white, the white Ted or a million dollar random one looks good. Yeah.
Well the I think for this like the basic all the like materials were the same so it was all the same color this kind of looks like the pants and the jacket don't really match because the pants are that hard plastic and then the jackets kind of that rubber molded so even the white one doesn't look the same like the white jackets that kind of stark white and then the
The pants are kind of like a darker way. I don't know if it could just be shadowing, but the blue definitely doesn't match. And look at the arms. The arms don't match the thing. Yeah. Wow, man. Yeah. This Ted DiBiase figure is dying to death right here on the pod. There's still time. These are still prototypes, so maybe there's time to fix it up. Yeah. I mean, look, they don't even have his glasses. I mean, they don't even have his eyeballs in there. You know what I mean?
Another figure I'm not a huge fan of, this Mr. Perfect. So he comes with the soft rubber torso like we got on that ringside exclusive undertaker to where you can roll down the straps. Just give us a cloth singlet, dude. We can do the same thing with a cloth singlet, man. I don't like the look of this at all because it makes, it just, it doesn't even look like it's, it looks like he's got a tank top arm with shorts instead of his singlet. And then he's got those shit ass knee pads that I fucking hate. That's the worst thing in Mattel's life.
These knee blocker shield things that they put on people's legs sometimes That perfect figure is a hard pass which sucks because I would love to get a really good Mr. Perfect figure with the updated articulation and stuff But this one's a hard pass for me. Yeah Yeah, they should have went with the like the well, we're gonna get to it next with the Triple H knee pads Why don't they just go with that like the smaller?
Deep has a family with that. I hate those knee pads that almost that killed my buzz for the the razor Ramon Ultimate Edition and you know Scott Hall's in my top five favorites ever do but they use those same knee pads on him, man This Triple H. I don't need another Triple H figure at all for really any era, but especially from this era But I love that shirt dude. I wore that t-shirt I think I wore it about 25 times in eighth grade man to school I just I really this was like, you know post
potion michaels dx triple-h is when he's still in dx, but he's kind of starting to really do the singles thing I Loved that t-shirt. So I may get this figure just to throw that shirt like a wax Yeah, it's like a maker's mark Yeah, but it's it's the 3h I was thinking like Game of Thrones where they like, you know send the letters and do the little wax stamp Yeah, this was it is
I think that might be Triple H's most iconic t-shirt, man. Has he had a better shirt than that one? I don't want the three H's, maybe. Yeah, I was going to say, I think that was more popular, right? Yeah. And it has a game on the back, I think. That might be the more iconic one.
Big fan of Legends 20 though. All right, we got the next, past that we got some ruthless aggression elites. I think it was kind of unclear exactly what series these were coming through. You had edge with the purple camo. I'm not a real huge camo edge guy. How about you Marco? Nope, that's a pass.
We got the Miz with the shorts and the cap we had. I'm not a Miz fan at all. I definitely wasn't a Miz fan during this time period when he was first starting out. It is a cool figure though, yeah.
I'm not excited for it. I feel like when I see this on the pegs though. I might end up grabbing it just because it's such a unique It's a way to get miss I mean I feel like you know no shade to miss but all of his figures like he's always had He says the same gear the cloak and the headband whole nine yards and whatever like this is like a totally different Miss so I'm here for this. I think this is cool
I think we got a miss like this way back in like Elite 2, 3, 4, some of that. The first handful of Elite series, he had a figure like this, but nothing since then. We got JBL, man. The only other JBL figure we got was in his actual JBL gimmick was back in Elite 23 with the jacket and the towel. This was pretty cool, man. Super Toyota look with the red, white, and blue cowboy hat and the sleeveless duster. I'm all about this, man. I'm digging this JBL figure. Yeah, it's cool. Yeah, I like it.
We got Marco, you're the big MVP mark here. What do you think of this early ruthless aggression or MVP fig? This is actually pretty cool. I see a lot of good, a lot of people like looking to get this one. This is probably like the favorite out of, out of this.
set if this is the whole set. Yeah, no, I'm digging this actually. It's a cool figure, but it must be the photo angle or something in this. Yeah, super skinny. It looks really strange. He's super skinny around the waist and his legs are like fucking huge. Yeah, he skipped off. He gets over on the pose and yeah, Mattel is there... It's hard to say this without... I know you guys are going to giggle on this one. They need a bigger crotch piece for a lot. Yeah, man. MVP's packing a lot more than another show in here.
No, seriously. Most valuable package. If there was one thing I had to critique on the design of their figures, and this is going back from Elite One through Ultimate Edition 20, they're all way too narrow at the waist, man. Almost every figure they have is... That's why... I told you guys for the longest time, I was against Mattel Fierce because they look too slim. I think that's what it is, man. They all have very, very small waist and stuff. Give these boys some childbearing hips. I think at this point, you know...
It's such a big line. They kind of, it's just such a cost efficiency for them to use a lot of the same parts. And I don't think it's ever going to change. So it's something we got to live with. Hollywood rock is going to be cool. I have a custom version of this. Uh, so I'm looking forward to upgrading it. I like that the big Texas belt buckle, your favorite, your favorite guitar. Yeah. Got the guitar again. So looking forward to that. Tori Wilson, Jordan, you're a woman's wrestling man. Tell me why we should be excited for this Tori Wilson figure aside from it being first time in the line.
I mean, that's really the only reason you should be excited for it because it's the first time in the line. I mean, pretty basic figure. I mean, it comes with her dogs. That's kind of cool. But yeah, that's about it. And she's acknowledging the tribal chief. Oh, yeah. Yeah, she's in the bloodline. Yes.
All right, up next, these are listed on, there's just upcoming elites, we found out these are gonna be part of the Monday Night Wars line. This is gonna be exclusive to Walmart, so just plan on getting them from It's gonna be paying the ass to find these on the pegs, but some cool figures. These are grayscale prototypes.
Got another undertaker with a new head sculpt with the hair kind of down in the face. Looks pretty cool. And then the figure, this has been one of Jordan's most wanted for a long time. One of my most wanted for a long time. Scott Hall from the Nitro Invasion. Yeah, this is awesome. I mean, I'm glad we're getting it.
Um, me and Seth kind of critique this figure a little bit. Uh, the pants not being tucked into the boots is a definite bother, especially considering they did on an upcoming figure of bulldog where they did tuck his jeans into his boots. So I don't really understand the point of that, but either way, I'm still Jack to get this. Cause I mean, I've been begging for this for two or three years at least. So I'm happy to get it.
The other big thing that is gonna be corrected, he had his hair in a ponytail when he made that big promo. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It was already come with alternate head and action figure tech said that the ponytail head is going to be by default. And he said that that's what's going to be in the box. So I know it's important to Jordan be the MOC collector. And he said they are exploring potential part swaps to get the, you know, his boots and his jeans a little bit more accurate. So yeah, because I thought about, you know, you would be able to just get the
that British because that British Bulldogs have built a figure but sometimes the parts they use for build a figure are a little bit different and also you know you never know sometimes they're a little bit off on the scale but Bulldog was shorter than Razor Ramon so I don't know if it would work just do it because I thought about maybe just doing a part swap tiny legs
We got to do something with them. We got to Austin looks a little bit incomplete. He's just, it just shows him in jeans and a hat. I think on the renders later on, I think it's going to basically, this is going to end up being a rerelease of that defining moments. Austin with the, uh, the camo jam in the t-shirt. So yeah, it'll be really cool to get an upgraded version of that.
they'll build a figure from this set is going to be Lex Luger from the first episode of Nitro. He's going to come with a white dress shirt. What are you laughing about, Jean? Oh, nothing. I think the puppy shirt, it's going to be cool. I'm just laughing. I'm thinking about Jordan's love for Lex Luger.
The Seinfeld coffee shard is coming. Okay, wait. I only had one negative thing to say about him. Wheel his ass out of my four horseman figure. That was all I had. I don't know why that just came to me when Jordan was like, I wanted the four horseman photo op and I didn't want Lex Luger's ass in there. He's a four horseman. I mean, that would literally be the only thing you would see in that picture. Like you wouldn't even notice anything else. You'd just see Lex Luger. Sitting in the front. Yeah.
We got a Hogan in this set also. It's kind of, I can't tell if it's supposed to be Hogan from like the first night of the NWO or Hogan when he had that weird angle with Dungeon of Doom and he was wearing black for like two weeks. You guys remember that? I think it's, I think it's the one where he's wearing all black. I think they mentioned that. It is the Dungeon of Doom thing. Yeah.
Hopefully, he comes with a sword then. He was packing a sword at that time also. He has the regular stash shoe. He doesn't have the main shoe there. He has a regular... Yeah, I guess that is going to be Dungeon and Dealing with Hogarth. That's cool. All right, let's go to Ultimate Edition 17, Seth freaking Rollins. I love this. I think it's cool, dude. I love the stained glass jacket with the glitter on it and the fur.
the head scan. I love all the paint apps on the boots. I think this is awesome. I love it. I know Seth's probably going to say his Ultimate Edition should be a different gear, but... I love the figure. I don't love the entrance road, man. I've already made my mind up the top picks. I love the entrance road. The top picks, Seth Rollins came out last year, came with the black version.
Uh that jacket that uh, yo has like the furry collar. Yeah the eo charai style But you can still bend the it's it's got the soft rubber. You can bend the arms i'm already planning on pairing that jacket with uh With this figure and you know, maybe just I don't know if i'm gonna pose it with the robe on or not I mean, I like it, but I like
I don't know, dude. You guys know I love Seth Rollins, man. As cool as, as funny as the gimmick is sometimes, I kind of like set to be back and just ass kicker mode instead of all the nonsense. And I feel like this robe is peak Seth Rollins nonsense. True, but he had to, he had to cool off and do something different while Roman was in ass kicker mode. Like they couldn't both be fucking, you know, dominating ass kicking at the same time, you know?
Well, I mean, Seth's always had a little bit more of an edge than Roman where Roman stays cool no matter what. I don't know, man. I feel like Seth could go toe to toe with Roman right now. Yeah, I am not saying that. I'm just saying like just storyline purposes and like building, you know, Roman has both titles. So what the hell is fucking Seth fighting for? You know what I mean? If he's like out there just like kicking ass and taking names, if he's not going to fight Roman, then what's the purpose?
You're right. That's why like, I mean, I don't want to get too far off track, but they could totally split the titles and, you know, sounds like they're going to. So it sounds like they're going to. So you're going to get your wish. Yeah, I feel like Seth's got to do it. It's like you got, you know, Seth and Cody are kind of right below Roman right now and kayfabe level in WWE. And then you got.
like a weird mix of Kevin Owens, Brock, and maybe Drew McIntyre right below those guys. All right, the Andre figure. I kind of gave this one a grade of incomplete because we didn't get to see what the singlet looks like. They got imposed with the t-shirt, which it's cool. We're getting Andre with a soft goods tee, but I want to see what this singlet looks like, man. I got a bad feeling that it's going to be just painted on. Have we heard for sure if the singlet's going to be painted or molded?
Negative we have not heard nope I mean if it's an ultimate edition surely to God there's like it's molded or like soft goods or something the ultimate edition Hollywood Hogan figure had The legs were bare legs that had tights painted on they weren't the tight sculpt legs. So, you know, you can never
You can never assume anything man, even as good a job as Mattel's doing there's still weird choices I'm really kind of worried about this figure and the other thing that makes my red flags go up is the fact that He was only displayed with the shirt on at this at the restylania. I'm worried that ultimate edition torso I don't know if it really lends itself to the one stripe, you know because it's not like the crunch where it's a little straight-up ability elites and
This thing can swivel, dude. So depending on how it's set up, I feel like it'd be very easy for the straps to kind of be out of alignment. You guys know what I'm trying to explain?
Yeah. That's kind of weird, right? That they displayed them with the shirt instead of just seeing the singlet, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I agree. I don't know. Time will tell with Andre. We'll see. Dude, probably, it's probably between Greg Valentine, WrestleMania 8, Brad, and this next figure for the ones I'm excited for.
WrestleMania 7, Ultimate Edition Macho Man. The defining moments. This was way back in like the second series of defining moments when we got this figure. This is the figure that we've talked about on this show for years. This is the figure, the heist of the century, dude. No, it's not. It's not? No, that Macho Man was the one that was in the row. Oh, in the row, right? Okay, you're right. But did we find this one at Toys R Us, right? No, no. This figure came out in like 2011. This was while we weren't even watching wrestling, dude.
But I love this figure dude like it's it's prime It's in my like three or four favorite figures ever and now it's gonna be upgraded it It's gonna have the shirt underneath like this is just fucking beautiful comes with a new head sculpt for macho man Like I can't wait to get this figure in hand. Yeah Yeah, definitely get to match it up with the with the warrior that just came out as well
Yeah, I have I have both I have the ultimate ultimate editions I have the defining moments for both of these figures still still probably displayed because it's one of my favorite matches Yeah, I'm so excited to see this next to that ultimate war the ultimate edition ultimate war Yeah, like yeah, this just unbelievable figure man Give us all that I feel like there's still a ton of meat on the bone for ultimate edition macho man figures too like even though they've given us a handful I feel like there's so much more room to go with him like
Cut back on the next couple hogans you feel like doing there Mattel and give us some more Randy Savage. Yeah, come on.
All right, speaking of Randy, I'm actually not a huge fan of this Randy Orton figure, man. I would have rather seen Randy from like, you know, 2014, 2015 timeframe than RK-Bro Randy Orton for his first Ultimate Edition. Yeah, this is weird that they chose this to be his first Ultimate Edition. I mean, I did love the RK-Bro stuff and I thought Randy really looked like he was having a good time during that time period before he got injured. But yeah, it's a strange choice for this to be the Ultimate Edition figure.
I mean, all you gotta do is take the jacket off and it's completely fine. So I'm fine with this figure, honestly. I think it's gonna be cool. But he's got the mustache. I can't stand the Captain Jack Sparrow facial hair, dude. Yeah, the mustache and the chin straps. I kinda like bearded Randy.
What's your, what's your favorite Randy Orton facial hair configuration, Marco? I don't have one. I like baby face. I like clean shaven. I like the beard. Well, you like baby face, so like, no beard, Randy Orton? I like clean shaven, Randy Orton. No way, dude. No beard, Randy Orton, looks like a psychopath. That's exactly, that's the whole point. He's not a stable human being.
Exactly I like I like like WrestleMania 30. I really want to feel it when he's going to that place This mofo was about to just freakin so we got two people
That was five seconds audio that Seth needs to cut out for sound drops. I didn't hear you. What'd you say? When he goes to that place, I really want to feel it. That's it. I really want to feel it when he's going to that place. All right. Up next, we have the... These are going to be Walmart exclusives, the Rufus Aggression Ultimate Edition. Let's start off with Rob Van Dam, man. I'm a big fan of this one. How about you guys?
Yeah, it has an interchangeable ponytail. It's not to like a lot of it's awesome. So you can do like that interchangeable Oh, yes, it's like you got articulated almost like articulation on the pony do the frog splash and you could have it like moving In midair for the figure photographers out there. Yes, this is dope figure
Yeah, very cool. Rob Van Dam's got so many Toyatic attires and stuff that you could do a ton of figures on him and still be scratching the surface. Some not so Toyatic. Some not so Toyatic. Yeah, shout out to our friends in the land of the rising sun. Yes. One I wanted for a long time, all of the Ultimate Edition Brock's have been awesome. We're getting a ruthless aggression era Ultimate Edition Brock. I love baby Brock. Yeah, I'm definitely grabbing this figure, man. This is really like peak Brock to you. If you haven't, go back and watch some Brock matches from
from 2002, 2003, dude was just something else, man. He's still exciting to see in the ring, but he was on a whole different level back then. Ray Mysterio, man, this is, I'm not a huge fan of Ray from this time period, but this thing's so toyatic, man, you gotta have it. This looks awesome, dude. I mean, it's like, like we say on this show all the time, even if you were a kid just walking by, you'd be like, dude, I want that action figure, that looks dope. Yeah, who's not buying this figure? This is incredible.
Yeah, it sucks. These are going to be Walmart exclusives. I already know it's going to be a nightmare trying to get these. And then we got the Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero, man. I think this one's going to be a pass for me. I already pre-ordered this one, so I'm excited for this. Yeah, because it was both. It was the Ray and Eddie Guerrero when they announced this together.
I'm all about, like you guys mentioned on the discussion on the Nitro crowd. I'm all about like 1997 Bullet Eddie, man. That's my, that's kind of my, I was out on Wrestlements all the time. Yeah, this was heartfelt Eddie though, man. This was like a crowd was crying when he won the title and everything. Like this was, this was the special moment in Eddie Guerrero's career. So I'm all for it.
All right, we got another shot of the target exclusive Brett ultimate edition that's already basically everywhere. And then we find out the rock, you know, originally we thought this was just going to be a rerelease of that Amazon exclusive rock. They had a really weird distribution ended up being like the, the most valuable ultimate edition figure. But no, this guy's coming with the soft goods from early 99 rock after he had his pec surgery, dude, like really freaking incredible figure. Yeah, this is awesome.
Yeah, the gear is different. It has the, um, the rock elbow pads that he used to have with the, uh, like, let's say like laying the smack down or something like that. Um, yeah, completely different figure from the, uh, Amazon one. So all those people out there that have one, you're still kind of in the running. All right. We saw a updated shot of Logan Paul with packaging. I think this figure is tremendous.
The figure's tremendous. If I was an MOC collector, I would be freaking pissed though. This fits nowhere. This is going to have to have its own display in your collection day. You're going to have to face this thing forward, front and center. Logan Paul's going to be front and center in your... True.
in your collection but I mean the packaging looks amazing dude and the figure's awesome. I wish they could have given us just like a generic Pokemon card sticker on the necklace man. Yeah there's all kinds I mean there's all kinds of um customizers that can make you a decal though. True but think about all the MOC collectors dude like Jordan he's always gonna have this. I mean that's what you get for being an MOC dude. Yeah exactly. True. I wish they would have put a sticker on there for you Jordan.
It's not going to matter because I didn't prove this figure. I thought you were an Ultimate Edition Completionist. I am. Remember I told you on WrestleMania weekend I really effed up and kind of just forgot about this one. I think this was right around Christmas when this was on pre-sale. It was Black Friday I think. I had so much stuff going on that month so I just completely forgot about it. You can go on eBay and get one. Yeah, for $450.
I think I'll pass on that We have the ultimate edition Cody man. No, this figures in the tricky spot of Coming out, you know less than a year from the AW Supreme Cody and I think the jacket man is just it just does not hold up dude, like I I get what they were going for to make it different from this the Supreme but yeah, I Even though I like the overall figure better. I feel like this jacket just kills the soft goods missed on this This jacket does not look ultimate edition to me. No, it doesn't
It's Ultimate Mid-dition.
Wow, she is on fire tonight. Oh, geez. It's the mango peach, you know? It's got me going. All right, probably the most exciting thing we saw revealed, Survivor Series 90 Ultimate Edition 2 pack, Gobletty Gooker and the Undertaker. You guys, the girlhood dream has come true. I've been calling for a Gooker figure for years. I mean, so much so that we have our own custom Gooker,
Viking hall toys that we just you know that I love I'm still keeping the Viking hall toys Gooker even though I have this on pre-order Because they just they just look totally different But yeah, I love that you get the old-school Gooker and the new school Gooker head I love that they're giving us the freaking egg with the nest and you're getting a little backdrop situation as well Packaging is beautiful. The packaging is beautiful. The undertaker figure is really is a bonus but really super cool
Yeah. Love, love, love this man. I just, I couldn't believe it. I thought it was April Fool's joke. I could not- I thought it was April Fool's joke by Mattel that got leaked like a day early. But the thing is, is I woke up and I thought it was April Fool's, but the amount of people that tagged me in that, I was like, okay, this has got to be real, dude. There's some really high profile figure accounts that are tagging me in this freaking Undertaker
Gooker situation Jordan, what are you gonna do with your Viking hall toys? Gooker you gonna sell it cuz I'm pretty sure we could probably get a hundred bucks easy for those man on eBay Are you gonna keep it dude? That's a work of art. I will never He painted all those feathers individually like I think we're gonna make ours like a part of like the dining room display. Yeah, I kind of like the chickens and eggs Yeah, we'll have a nice little farmhouse turkey situation
All right, let's go some quick basics man. We'll just do quick thumbs up thumbs down on these dude Pat McAfee's first basic I give it a thumbs up I give it I give it a thumbs. Yeah, thumbs up. I give it a thumbs sideways I don't really love it, but I'm glad we're getting it. All right Was there anything else on that one? A lot of these are sliding posts. Okay. We got a new Matt Riddle thumbs down Yeah, not a fan. Yeah, they'll live Morgan with the all red pretty spirit. See that's actually a thumbs up. I'm grabbing that That's pretty cool. That's me
uh cena thumbs down yeah thumbs down hogan thumbs down that hogan does look kind of nice but thumbs down hogan he actually gets two thumbs down yeah all right next batch this is the upcoming top picks uh basics cody thumbs down this looks like they use the uh aew series one head on this cody look at the color he's like he's like pale
I kind of like that Matt Riddle, but you know, I don't need a basic Matt Riddle and then we got a Roman Championship showdown. So this one's kind of unique, man. If you swipe over, you got the Undertaker and Batista, first time they've done this. If you look, the Undertaker's name is actually on.
They did the nameplates dude, so I don't need it, but if you're an undertaker completionist, I feel like you need that belt. You have to have that belt. Yeah, that was kind of the belt that Undertaker was really competing for, mostly there in the mid 2000s, man. It's pretty neat.
And then the Ricochet Gunther set. Again, we saw Bobby Lashley debut the custom side plates on the US belt. We got some Gunther side plates. We got Gunther plates on the IC belt. So I gotta get this one, dude. I gotta get that Gunther figure, man. Yeah. Dang. All right. More Championship Showdown. If you go to the next post, we got a mankind and the rocket. That's not rocket saw. This is like 90... Oh yeah, this is like getting your head beat in by the chair.
Yeah. Yeah. OK. That's only half a sentence that you're going to keep going. We got Austin Theory with the side plates against Cody. When did Austin Theory and Cody fight for the U.S. Championship, though? Did that happen and I just totally sleptwalked through it? I don't think so. I don't remember. Maybe they jumped a gun on a story that's coming up or something. We're getting Austin Theory and Cody Rhodes Championship showdown 2-pack. Put that great head to it. Cody fighting for a mid-card belt. What else is new?
Alright, go to the next post, we got our next Colosseum collection reveals, Roddy Piper and George the Animal Steel. These are both really cool. George Steel is going to come with the actual turnbuckle stuffing. I think these are kind of like the same vein with the Jake the Snake and Rick Rude though. They're upgrades on figures we already got, but I don't think they're like...
Don't think these are any like figures worth like, you know dying over Titans gear on those Street Profits. Yeah, that's the summer slam here. Yeah, that's what they were the bit where that's cool I didn't even notice. All right, you went back to call see inflection. What are you guys thinking on the Piper George Steele? I just do I feel like they're not through three lines. They're not doing enough new stuff with this line We need that warrior dude I just I feel like they're they're gonna end up killing this line with the first three lines like
the Jake, I mean, the first two sets are still sitting on Mattel creations like, yeah, between the between the Hulk and the Jake, those were really kind of figures that we already had. And that's the same thing with Piper and Georgie animal steel, we kind of already have these figures, obviously, Ultimate Edition are always a cool upgrade, right? So the articulation, we get we're getting some nice head scopes.
But these aren't must-have figures, man. They should be given, like I said, that warrior with the orange trunks and the black boots. You could do boss, man. Give us some real stuff to get excited about, because I love this line. I love the concept of the line, and I really like the figures, but I just feel like it's going to end up kind of just dying on the vine. Yeah, I think they are going that route. I think they're just trying to kind of...
go in order of how the ljns were presented in the war didn't come out to like later down the line so i mean right i get that but dude you're gonna end up killing this line like like seth just said these are basically figures we already have and the problem is is um unless you're like a deep collector like us a lot of people aren't gonna buy these because they do already have them that
I don't know, man. I mean, how many people are getting really excited over another George the Animal Steel figure? I mean, I like George the Animal Steel. You do get it. You think you get a term buckle. You get a busted open term buckle. Right. Oh, yeah. That's going to make everyone go well. You get an articulated mind. You could just go to your grandma's bathroom and get in the cabinets and get a cotton ball and tear it in half and you're good to go.
I don't know, they're cool. I'll definitely be getting them, but I got some concerns starting to bubble up on the Colosseum collection. All right, let's look at the next retro reveals. I am in love with this set. We got Undertaker with the Phantom Mask, Paul Bearer, Vader, and Jerry Waller. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about this. I will be handing my money over at the moment pre-orders go live, and these are all going to be very welcome additions to my Hasbro retro collection. Yes, dope. This is the best retro set so far by far.
I think I, the only figure I would even put up in the mix with, with these four, man, like these might be the best four retros that Mattel has done outside of maybe like the Gemini Heart, Heart Foundation, man. Like these are just incredible, dude. Exactly what we need from this line to keep it going. Not a whole lot of new stuff seen for the superstars line. We got, you know, shots of that Hulk with the full body suit, Mr. T, but nothing really worth discussing there. It's going up. Nitro stage.
Yeah, agreed, man.
So we saw the greatest hits that are coming up. We already knew this line up, but actually seen them in person. I'm actually, I'm really excited for that Sean Michaels figure. It looks like they actually upgraded the entrance gear a little bit. What are you guys most excited for having the new greatest hits series? I mean, everybody's the most excited about Harley race. Harley race. Yeah. Harley, Harley mania is running wild. A lot of people on eBay must be like killing themselves right now.
resellers and shambles. Yeah, this is a great set though. Like everybody's just after the Harley, but I think the whole set's great. Yeah. Well, I think it's cool though, dude, because a lot of these were store exclusive, so I feel like this has given collectors a lot more opportunity to get these in their hands, too. Yeah.
And that just about does it. So from there, we just got, we got some renders and some prototypes, but nothing, nothing too crazy. We hadn't seen yet. We got first time in the line, Bron Breaker and Rick Steiner, but we didn't see any new prototypes of anything else. But yeah, I was happy with the reveals, man. I'm really excited for the stuff we got coming out the rest of this year. How'd you guys feel about the batch of, of WrestleMania reveals this year?
I thought it was cool. I was pleased. I was sports entertained. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, they had the Mattel reveals to the more internal one, and you can see the solo Seccola as well they announced.
Yeah, they got a beef solo up a little bit. He looked a little bit slim. Yeah, he has the one too, so he's coming with that. New AJ Styles, new McIntyre.
Um, and all the ultimate edition, uh, be, uh, Bianca Bell. Bobby Lashley doesn't have an articulated ponytail. I'm sending her back. The same articulation they had for Damien in the Coliseum collection. We need that for Bianca's. Well, I think since we see that Rob Van Dam with the, uh, with the extra ponytail, I think we'll probably be getting, maybe that's how they do it. We got, we gotta have something to do with soft goods. Just give us soft goods, ponytail, like an actual braided. Oh, that would be cool.
That would be really cool. I need to do something special for it. Like an actual- I'm kind of underwhelmed by that entire choice. Like an actual whip. Like you like whip somebody with it. That'd be pretty cool. All right, Sheen Dog, do we got some listener mail? Oh, yeah. All right, let's hit it.
All right. Our first listener mail comes in from, of course, our mailbox champion, Sam, bro. He says, uh, what's your opinions on releasing updated figures from early elite sets? I love getting better figures of those. I love getting better versions of those same figures. For example, Harley race. We kind of touched on this. I'm all for it. I know collectors get all been out of shape, um, because of the value, but as someone who has never collected for resell value, I think, um,
It doesn't really affect me that much. Yeah, a hundred percent man. I Understand the frustrations from some folks, but it to me it's never been about the buying or reselling of it So yeah, I enjoy it. So if we get you people out there Yeah Sam bro also says what's your preference between soft goods and rubbers? I know ses stands on this real quick So I'm gonna throw it. I'm gonna throw it to Jordan and get his take on sheena knows. I hate rubbers. Yeah. Oh my god
For the love. She said she knows my stance on this show. Oh my God. Okay, with that being said, Jordan, where do you stand? I mean, as an MOC collector, it really doesn't matter to me, honestly, because I mean, I'm not posing or anything like that. So I have no preference on this.
Yeah, but it doesn't but it doesn't affect you like the the look inside the box though, too Because I feel like sometimes you're missing a lot of detail with I mean it goes back and forth sometimes you're missing a lot of detail with the soft goods and sometimes The you know, poly pocket style doesn't really give you what we really have three now, dude, like sambro Thanks for all the question that appreciate the question But I think you really got to break it into three categories now because you got your soft goods You got the old style poly pocket
rubber jackets and shirts like we got for the first 80 or so Elite Series, but now we got the hybrid that we've seen in the Supreme and Ultimate Edition and occasionally in the Elite Line where it's articulated plastic jackets, right? It's plastic, but you can still move it. I think that's the best option. That's the best option. To me, the rubbers always look better, but I feel like the soft goods give you the articulation.
With t-shirts, I prefer soft goods, 100%. T-shirts has got to be soft goods. Yeah, the Polypogostal t-shirts suck, man. Yeah, nobody likes those.
But the jackets, it really depends on the jacket. A plain leather jacket like Brett wears, yeah, those are fine. But any of the really intricate, detailed stuff, I feel like it's just really hard to execute that in a soft good. Yeah. What about you, Marco? Yeah, it definitely depends on the figure and what it represents. You can take a Stone Cold Steve Austin vest, and obviously you would want it to be leathery.
It wouldn't fit the right way if it was loose looking, essentially. It'd be weird to have that. I'm not sure why you shot it to Jordan first because he's not a raw dog champ like us over here. He likes to give you that figure's protected. It's my favorite house that's protected. You got to go raw. You got to go raw.
Oh, man. So, so, Sam, bro, the ultimate answer is it depends. So Brett Sharrow says the Steiner and the crowdfund is kind of meh to me. Like, yeah, it's exciting to get Steiner and the new bicep mold is awesome. But I feel there's a better attires that should have been done. Which of the Steiner's are you looking forward to seeing make it into the line? The big booty. Come on now. Yeah. The chain. Yeah.
Nothing else. Yeah, they definitely they definitely cock tease us a little bit with that Scott Steiner because I feel like Yeah, that Steiner we're getting that's the one from like right after he turned heel Whereas to me like that's the third best option of like the three main Steiner looks the the two people really want would have been the you know, the OG Scotty Steiner with the you know, Michigan varsity jacket and the singlet
But that's not really when you're gonna release on the so that's gonna be with Rick And then like when he really kind of peaked as a heel with the chainmail and stuff You know that you know big Papa pumps your hookup all if you hear me like that's the one we really wanted But so yeah, I kind of agreed it's a little bit underwhelming, but it's still cool to finally get him in the Mattel line
All right, Sam bro with another one. What's the most controversial wrestler or time period you'd like released in big form? I mean, I think there's only one answer to this and it's he who shall not be named, right? Like, uh, I mean, you don't want to figure, you don't, you don't want to figure, but the most controversial that you don't have a figure of is definitely.
Well, who says that you'd like release? Oh, well, you're right. Sorry. You're right. Sheena is just on the record. Sheena just admitted she wants a figure of the child murderer, Crispin Law. Oh, boy. Oh, jeez. Yeah. OK. First of all, I did not say that. You said there's no, you said it's not even worth talking about. I didn't read that you said you liked release. There's the most controversial wrestler of all, like, I think that's great. That you'd like released. And you were like, we don't even got to talk about this one, guys. Fucking the Canadian Crispin Law, dude. Let's go. Let's go. Give me a basic elite Ultimate Edition championship showdown.
Full controversy with this one. The one I want, and our boy, the Mad Reaper, Elaine, he made an awesome custom of this a couple weeks back. I want the artist formerly known as Goldust when he was doing his freaky shit with Luna Michonne every week coming out with like the... Like a gag ball. Yeah, like the S&M. I mean... I just think it'd be super toyetic. I think Dustin Rhodes is one of the really most underrated guys over the last 30 years in wrestling. And I think it'd just be a really cool toy, dude. So give me the artist formerly known as Goldust. I think... Jordan?
Good Marco Marco, I was gonna say I think you know if you want to keep it in-house and you know keep it to You know the pod foundation the chick fully show we need an upgraded Heel big boss man fresh with a pepper. Yeah, it has to come with a little pepper dog It has to come with a cast big shows daddy. Well big shows dad as well as the news as well We need a news a news accessory. So yeah, that's that's what that's what we need I think Jordan I mean
There's a lot of people you could do as far as one that I would like the most. There's a lot of offensive gimmicks. Yeah, they did Muhammad Hassan. They've done a lot of stuff that was very offensive. I don't really have one that I want more than any of them, though, honestly. The stuff that was offensive, we can just leave it where it was for me. I don't really need any of it.
Dude, you know who I would love to get, but they're never going to make her, is Sunny, dude. Give me Sunny and the body donna gear, and then one from 1998 and just some sort of smoke show outfit, where she was basically just coming out and being like a... Yeah, you could do LOD, or she had a period where she literally wasn't even doing anything in kayfabe. They would just bring her out to be the ring announcer or just commentate for a match just because she was so fucking hot, dude.
I mean, I'd like to have the body Donnas in a set, but I feel like we're never going to get them because of who they were attached to. Yeah, they should get it. They should do a an elite three pack with Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Sonny. That'd be pretty sick. Wow. The sunny days. The sunny days. The sunny days edition. Amazon exclusive. Well, we might as well get a page. Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods.
Alberto's the chase. Alberto's holding the camera. Yeah. What about a, what about a macho Stephanie two pack? With the, with the page three pack, you could have like a little bottle of like cinnamon roll icing to dump on the diva's title.
Yeah, that's a couple of the Divas title as well. You can do an old man Vince with the mustache and he's got like three clipboards with like NDAs on him. Wow. Oh, man. Wrestling is weird. Dude, you know who else I would really... Okay, let's bring him back for the next question. Somebody that I...
Somebody that I would really want to get a figure of that's not gonna happen dude like this is like legit answer not joking around Jimmy Snooka would bear barefoot Jimmy Snooka cuz you remember they gave us that legends figure they had the trunks and the boots that's not Yeah Snook we like we need him with like the tiger trunks and the barefoot But you know that's not gonna happen cuz he's a murderer also allegedly
Allegedly allegedly, so I was reading this but Yeah, who's counting? Sam bro says what's the kids favorite figures? Well right now we already alluded to Brett's favorite figures Bobby Lashley But it's funny to me because Brett loves a lot of the older like 80s and 90s Wrestlers like he when he's doing a royal rumble. He'll pick like a lot of like the older gimmicks and stuff Well, he's mostly been playing with my Jack's bone crunchers
I know, but he's been at me. He also has access to like every freaking. Yeah. When he plays with like the elites, I got on there to figure his place big into like Yoko Zuna and some of the older guys and stuff. Yeah, sure.
Andre, mankind, like he's really, yeah, he picks a lot of the older guys. I mean, he throws Roman in there and stuff, but yeah, it's funny to me that he likes those guys. What about Zoe doesn't really play with wrestling figures, does she? She doesn't really play with any toys anymore. She's a little beyond the toy phase. Zoe's 10 going on like 18.
Yeah, she really is. I loved hanging out with Zoe while she was here. It was so good to get to see her. What about Twin Magic and Brother Bella? What are they into? Marco. Oh my gosh, we dropped Marco. What the heck? Marco, we lost him. Well, we're going to keep on with listener mail. I'm going to send Marco a message and see if we can get him back in here real quick.
Should we carry on with listening? Yeah, carry on. All right. Are Funko's figures, statues, or dog toys? I'm gonna throw this to our resident Funko expert. This is Jordan.
First of all, the fact that you threw dog toys in there is offensive. I mean, some of them could be dog toys, but I don't know, man. I just probably statues, I guess, more than anything. I mean, outside of like the Marvel ones and stuff, they're all statuesque. There's some bobblehead ones, but yeah, I mean, for the most part, they're probably just statues.
Man, the bobbleheads always pissed me off so bad. I really like, because they did it at all the Star Wars, and I know there's a reason. I think it was the classification of the figures, why they couldn't make them just regular Funkos. They had to change them and make them bobbleheads with some sort of licensing classification situation. But yeah, I always hated the freaking Funko bobbleheads, dude. Such a bull. I think they're figures, man. You definitely got to put an asterisk on them, dude.
They're not figures the same way in Elite are, but I still call them figures, man. You can move heads around, and they're toys.
Sambro again says, not sure of y'all's opinions, but I want real chest hair on my figures. Like you want like actual like legit. That's the term for that, it's flocked. Yeah, I know, but he said he wants real chest hair, so he wants like actual like, you know. Somebody like donated hairs. I'm cool with like an actual like real like hair slash fur application on a figure, but
But yeah, not, I don't know. Not real. I don't need, yeah, not real though. Yeah, I think flocking could be cool, but yeah, I don't know about how that would hold up over time, but yeah, I'm here for that.
Do Mattel know Cody is shit, so they're trying to milk his height before everyone else sees sense. Yeah, that's why they're dropping the Stardust figures. Yeah, they're trying to capitalize. Dougie Nunya, what's your favorite movie that has a wrestler active or retired or past as a main character? Favorite movie that has a wrestler? I'd hire you a suburban commando, dude, with Chad Ramsey. All right, Jordan.
Avengers Infinity War with Batista. Oh, yeah, I gotta go. I gotta go with Batista. Yeah, I like I like Guardians of the Galaxy. That's I love that movie. What are the first set first set of six maximum sweat figures you'd put out in a renewed goat figure line? I say we just do one. I'll go Brock Lesnar because that dude sweats a lot every one of his matches. What is that? What's what is I don't know what this means.
The maximum sweat. They were Jack's figures they actually sweated. I don't know. Who sweats a lot? Probably Bill. Bill! We need a Bill figure. I don't know. Jordan. Yes, I do sweat a lot. Thank you for noticing. Oh, I need a Jordan picture. Thank you for noticing. I wasn't a fan of these, so I don't really have an option on this one.
Yeah, I don't really know. I don't guess I'd pay attention to people's ability to sweat, so.
People's ability to bleed, you know, that's that's a totally different thing. But sweat is uh, not been on my radar the fig the fig goddess, uh, ariana ari wales No, listen i'm saying the reason ariana i'm like i'm real hard into scandal ball right now if any of you guys watch bravo, uh, there's been a You know tom cheated on ariana and i've been listening really non-stop non-stop bravo podcast So ariana is like on the top of my freaking well radar right now. So yeah so
So the scandal also we got Ari Wells says, what's one toy from your childhood that doesn't exist anymore that you still wish you had today? This is a good question. I'm trying to like think there's so many.
I wish they still made made Tonka trucks with the metal and the lead paint. I mean, dude, Tonka trucks were awesome, dude. Like, you legitimately felt like you have like a shrunk down like piece of construction equipment when they were so nice. I remember my brother, he would, you know, I didn't get like Tonka trucks, but my brother got them. And I remember them being just like, I mean, they were heavy as hell and just like, awesome, dude. Yeah, they're great.
I don't think I really got a good answer for that, dude. I feel like all the stuff I had as a kids and getting re-released, I really wished at Kinner Classics, their Ghostbusters, the Ghostbusters Kinner Classics died out after a couple series. We had the Toilet, the One-Eyed Ghost, and Slimer, and Stay Puff, and the Ghostbusters. I was really hoping they were going to drop the Firehouse, man, do a re-release of the Ghostbusters Firehouse. Yeah, that would have been cool. That would have been cool.
I don't know. I'm going to have to go with like, uh, maybe moon shoes. Those are right on par with that thing that it was like a bouncy ball, but it had like the plastic disc around it. So it was like a stick slash like ball. It was just like a broken elbow waiting to happen.
For the record, I never actually had moon shoes, but I always saw the commercials and I've always wanted it. I was like, dude, I need some freaking moon shoes, man. I want some moon shoes. You remember those shoes that were in, um, this will be more of a set than Marco, I think, but I don't know if Sheena got East Bay magazine when she was- Oh, yeah. You remember the shoes that were like, if you work out in these enough, you'll be able to dunk and it had like the front piece on it. Oh, yeah. The platform. The big platform front, yeah.
I never actually saw anybody wearing those in real life, I don't think. Yeah, that's because they were like $400. Oh my God. That's like core memory unlocked, dude. I remember seeing those shoes. Oh my God. I wanted to work out these for four months and you can dunk. Dude, your calves would be like, you'd have some sweet calves though by the end of the day. Basically, all it was doing was just going to make you walk on your tippy toes. Yeah. It's still not be able to dunk.
Yeah, Zach Hertzler says should Mattel be smart and try a figures only for the next crowdfund if so What what six figures do you want? Let's just all pick our let's everybody pick one. I'm gonna sit with Glacier dude I think like good. I feel like we need a glacier figure in the line I'm gonna go with that with the two-pack. We need us Cindy Lauper and Captain Lou dude I'm gonna go with six we need six from our
From actually, yeah, we need to do with sex. Yeah. And WO sex. I'm going to go with the tag team chronic from WCW. They Brian Adams and, uh, and Adam bomb, right? Yep. Yeah.
So um real quick just uh lightning round. Do you think do you think a set of figures for a crowd fund is a good idea? I think it should be individual figures. Don't do a sit Don't don't do a set because you're gonna have too many people bitching about the choices individual figures though Yeah, i'd love to see Mattel creations go that way. Yeah, i'm here for that too. Oh, you know, right kurt kilberg says Oh, go ahead mark. I was gonna say one more. We need a seven
figure from WCW. A six and a seven pack. That would be pretty cool. David Arquette. Kurt Kilburg says, not figure related, but have you guys ever had or made hot buttered oats? He said, I just listened to the cereal episode. I've never heard of this. Hot buttered oats. Well, me and Seth are not big on Cheerios, so I think we're out on that. I think we've given our thoughts on Cheerios.
Yeah, I'm gonna go hit that. So I screenshotted all this mail just so in case anything happened. Sometimes Facebook is weird, it will let you see all the comments and stuff. So I'm gonna go hit that during trivia and just see what it's all about and give you guys an update. Tony Barker says, what was one action figure that most people loved that you didn't see all the hype in and what figure did you like but others didn't appreciate or turned out to be a peg warmer?
I'll stick with the Ultimate Editions, man. I already talked about, I did not like the Ultimate Edition Macho Man from, I think that was Series 5 or maybe Series 7. It was basically a throwback to the Hasbro Macho Man with the entrance gear. I just, I thought there were so many better looking attires they could have picked from Macho Man, so I was just never a big fan of that figure at all, so passed on that one.
And I think the Ultimate Edition Shinsuke, I still feel like that figure is just criminally underrated, man. I know we have, it was like the third or fourth Shinsuke we'd gotten with the red jacket and all red gear, but I feel like they really just knocked it out of the park and it was just like a perfect little miniature Shinsuke.
The one that really sticks out to me that I loved and thought was just gonna be like, you know, impossible to find and everybody was gonna want it was, what series was the blue robe Charlotte that was just like peg warming? Series 54. Series 54 Charlotte, dude. I remember when that was announced, I was like, oh my gosh, this is beautiful. Then when I first saw it on the pegs, I was like, wow, this is such a stunning figure. And then it was just like, it was there for like eternity. Well, that was good. So she's the same way as that Tito Santana from the Hall of Fame set.
Rich Swan got released right as that figure, as that set was coming out. And so Rich Swan was only in the first batch of distribution of Elite 54. We got that. We got that figure. We found it at Target, I remember. No, I found it at Walmart. I thought it was at Target. No, it was at Walmart at Pearl City. Wasn't that when I was doing the dance? Yeah, it was at Walmart though.
That was during the dark ages when Target just never had anything like that. Oh, that's right. Well, all they had was Tito on the pegs. Yeah. But yeah, so Rich Swan wasn't in any of the re-releases of that set. They replaced him with Charlotte. Well, yeah, that was one that I was like, wow, I can't believe this is peg warmer of the cinch. What about you, Marco? Any that you loved and other people didn't see the hype in or
What? I think we should just keep it here and make it collective, the Nyla Rose figure. Still a fan of that. I think I'm the only one that didn't like that, so maybe I'm the odd man out. I actually found the Chase one a while back, so I have a Chase with the red. Finding a Chase is always exciting, even if it is Nyla Rose.
Other than that, yeah, there's not much that I didn't really like. Probably, I mean, I'm probably with Seth on the Macho Man one. That hat, dude. That hat could have been a tad bit smaller on that thing. It was like, it was ridiculous. Like the Yosemite Sam hat that they put on Macho Man. All right. Well, that wraps up listener mail.
And I think we're going to hit some trivia before we get out of here. All right, Jordan's in the hot seat, man. Trying to get a streak going. Great. All right. At WrestleMania 8, the guest ring announcer for the eight-man match was... Oh, my God. At WrestleMania 8, the guest ring announcer for the eight-man match. Oh, God. I think Seth had this question before. I know who that is.
I know he was a talk show or a game show. It's right on the tip of the top, dude. Come on, dude. I got faith. I got faith. I know you can do this. Where he comes.
Yeah, dude, it was it was a different question, but the same answer he was also they brought him back for survivor series 93 For the heart foundation versus you know hbk in the nights that that match so yeah same guy they like going to him for the the guest re-announce your spot back in in the midnight, okay? Well then I was thinking of a completely wrong thing because I seriously thought it was the same question you got I just pulled that one out and
Yeah, same answer, same answer, different question though. All right, Sheena, hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll wrap this up. We're already at plus two hours. My closing thoughts are, yes, I'd be down for hot buttered oats because it's literally just Cheerios and butter and a little bit of salt, I think. Oh man, that's good. You just warm it up, you can serve it warm or cooled. Sounds terrible. Here for that all day long.