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When Batista Met our Black Friday recap!

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays5 years ago
Tis the season for wrestling! Phil, Sheena and Marco discuss this week in wrestling, crazy Black Friday pickups, a new spin-off Chick Foley podcast, MOTU and Gorilla Monsoon hitting stores,

Introduction and Family Updates

Oh, Dana Brooke, how can you do it to me? It's the Chick Foley Show. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. We appreciate you listening. We are weeks away from Christmas, weeks away from a new member of the Foley family being born. And we got a lot to get to. This is Phil Gentillo, the hot take kid here in the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. And thank you for joining us. We have the lovely Sheena Phelps in Virginia Beach. What's up, Sheena?
Not a whole lot, man. Uh, just went and got some fresh new color on my hair. You know, gotta, gotta look good for, for the big day. Uh, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So I don't want like Stella coming out and being like, you know, Oh, that's my mom with all them roots, you know? So, uh, I had to get myself freshened up for, uh, the big day.

Fitness and Everyday Tasks

Nice. Yeah. And speaking of freshened up, we got our man Marco, the MVP over on the other side of the glass. What's going on, Marco? Uh, nothing much. So I'm trying to get out of this, uh,
the snowfall that we got buried with for the past couple of days. Yeah, I was actually talking to Sheena like separately about like being like, you know, fit and exercising and you know, getting your cardio up and stuff like that. I actually shoveling was like not a problem this this time around last year. I was like out of breath. I couldn't really do anything this year. I'm like, I started working out a few months ago and
Yeah. Like I can shovel the whole block if I wanted to. It's all about the functional fitness. That's why you work out. It's not just about six pack abs. It's about being able to shovel your damn driveway without running out of gas. Yeah, right on. It's about being like Keith Lee.
Just being a massive man, just being able to move around the area and do the unthinkable. Just do manly things. Be manly AF. Put together furniture, move your house, shovel your driveway, pick up cars, whatever you need to do. Exactly. I don't use snow blowers or anything like that. It's all these hands.
I break out the snowblower for like three inches of snowman. I have no shame. Me and the neighbors went in on it and we all share.

Wrestling Relationships and Community Engagement

I think we all split it and since we bought it, it hasn't snowed more than like three inches in the last two winters, but always pull that thing out.
I'm physically fit, but I pull the I pull the blower out for like leaves. OK, so yeah, I'm all about I'm all about working smarter, not harder. So, you know, I don't even have to have snow. I just got leaves. I'm like, hey, let's blow these off the driveway. You know, could easily sweep them. But why?
Speaking of pulling the blower out, Dana Brooke and Batista seem to be dating. That was just a good segue there. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. My girl, Dana Brooke, and I don't know if the rumors are true about Batista, but if they are, she's in good hands. Man, I am so interested in this. I did not really even know, but I had kind of heard and saw things on Instagram and stuff.
Um, and then I was asking Marco about it tonight and he was telling me all about the Twitter stuff. So I looked it up and yeah, sure enough, it's legit. They're like, you know, going on a date and, uh, I don't know. I mean, I think they make a cute match, but how old is she? Like, I would say early late twenties. Marco get on that, please. I know, I know. Mr. Batista is probably in his late forties. Late. You think he's late forties. I don't know why I thought he was, I thought he was. Yeah. Yeah.
she's 31 it says she's November 29th is her birthday actually so he will be 32 he'll be 51 in January oh my gosh yeah wow he's 50 years old but you know what when you got marble money you can date whatever age you want to you know what i mean like let's be real when you're when you're Drax you can do whatever the hell you want
Well, we got a bunch of cool stuff going on, and we have some giveaways that I want to get to at the top of the show. We asked everyone on Twitter to screenshot you listening to last week's episode. We had a bunch of people doing that, and I was going to give away the WrestleMania elites, the Mick Foley and the Booker T elites that Ringside Collectibles got us, and HasbroWWE at HasbroWWE is the one who won those, so I will be sending those to you.
And we're actually doing a giveaway right now on her Twitter account. Our lovely Patreon subscriber, TJ McHugh, has donated a Minty Fresh Shield three-pack box set that we were giving away on the, I guess it's going to be the TLC preview episode next week. We haven't heard a single match announced for that yet, but
It's crazy that we have a pay-per-view in less than two weeks, but nevertheless, on next week's show, we will announce that, and all you have to do is just go to our Twitter account at Chick Foley Show and follow a couple people and retweet us, and we ask you to put a gif of your favorite wrestling stable up on the Twitter account, so that's something there. And if you're a Patreon subscriber, on our Patreon page, on Thanksgiving Day,
I announced that I was going to give away a minty fresh Jeff Hardy Elite 67. And that's going to our buddy Corey Handy. Corey, you're going to get that sent to you, buddy. So if you want to become a Patreon subscriber, you can do that pretty easily. Let them know where they can do that, Sheena.
You can go to backslash chickfully show and sign up there. You can join us for freaking a dollar a month and get you into our Facebook group. We have an awesome awesome community of people over there. Always figure hunting for one another. Always just like cutting up and you know there's hilarious freaking stuff going

New Podcast Announcements and Exclusive Content

on during the shows. People posting their thoughts and opinions and you know just sharing the love and
Speaking of our Patreons, I definitely got to send some love out to our man Chad Roberts. I don't want to start to show off on a bummer note, but he did lose a member of his fur family today. He had a, you know, a dash chow and I definitely want to send some love out to him as a crazy wiener dog lady myself. You know, I got to show the Foley fam some love and send him all of our thoughts and prayers, you know, because it's always tough losing a pet. You know what I mean?
Yeah, thoughts and prayers go out to you, Chad. I know that's got to be tough. Uh, it's slash chick Foley show. We just had a member on our patreon page announced that he was, he was possibly selling off his entire collection of 190, 190 elites. And it was like sharks in the water, man. I mean, I'm, I'm at the top of the list. I want, I don't even know what I want, but I want something.
And it's been pretty cool. We have about 70 people, 71 people, I think, in there. And we all help each other out. We talk wrestling. We buy and trade and sell figures to each other. And I want to announce here on the show that our Patreon subscribers are going to get my new spin-off podcast that I've been recording secretly on the side.
uh in in the just in case sheena misses any time from uh from you know popping the baby out shortly it's gonna be it's gonna be called the chick foley lounge it's gonna be me one on one with a bunch of my favorite people from the wrestling community i've recorded two episodes so far that will drop pretty soon uh for the uh the five dollar a month patreon crowd and then a week or two later it'll go on to our lot our normal feed so you'll be able to listen to it if you aren't a patreon subscriber eventually but
I interviewed last night, stat guy Greg from the Cheap Heat podcast. Love stat guy Greg. Oh my gosh, he's like the best. You know who he loves? He loves Marco. He's a listener of our show and he's like, man, Marco, I was like, dude, we basically copied what you did with how you got started with the podcast, with your show. And he was like, yeah, Marco's been doing a great job. So he listens, he's a fan of Marco.
And I got down to the nitty gritty. I learned more about how he, I have no idea how he even got involved with cheap heat. If you listen to that, him and Peter Rosenberg do a wrestling podcast for ESPN. And we talked about 45 minutes about wrestling, wrestling figures, and all kinds of stuff. And a couple of weeks ago, I interviewed AEW Backstage reporter Chris Van Fleet, who's interviewed everybody from The Rock to John Cena to John Moxley.
Cody Rhodes and we had a good 30 40 minute conversation about Some of his favorite people to interview and I have a couple other names lined up that I don't want to spoil yet But I'm gonna start posting those up if you know during the holidays here if we miss some episodes I will be able to supplement you guys with some extra content. So I'm pretty excited about that and
And it's been going pretty good so far. I love interviewing people and kind of getting some backstory from some of these people that are in the wrestling community that everyone knows that we just never hear from. So yeah. Oh man, even I'm excited for this. I'm an insider and I'm super pumped about this.
Yeah, I've been keeping it close to the vest because I wanted it to be a surprise for everybody. So it's going to be pretty fun. And I have a couple names that I'm trying to get locked down with schedules and everything that are pretty big. So it's going to be fun. I'll keep everybody
tuned in, but I wanted to, you know, our Patreon subscribers support us so much and they're so awesome. I really wanted to give them some extra, some cool stuff. So that's coming down the

Wrestling Ratings and Promotions

pike there. So it's chick Foley at slash chick Foley show. And you can follow on social media. You can follow us. Like I said, Sheena is at chick Foley on Instagram. The Twitter account is at chick Foley show. If you want to follow us like the major brothers do, I would recommend it. Shout out to those guys and love them.
Let's get inside the squared circle. This is sponsored in part by chalk line You can use code chick there for 15% off or hopefully over the the holiday we can use the the code for 35% off Dude, that was money It was money. Yeah, I sent I sent my mom some some Bret Hart pants that I wanted some macho madness pants that I wanted and she asked me if I was Having a midlife crisis and I told her no, I just want some comfy. They're not jinkos
Yeah, I'm not going to, you know, Pacific Sunway or something, Mom. Come on, Jesus. Let's run down some of the shows last week, NXT and AEW. We don't really talk about ratings here, but this was a week the NXT crew beat AEW in the ratings and it was a pretty packed show and there were some pretty memorable moments on it. Let's run it down here. What was the biggest thing that stood out to you, Sheena?
Oh man, there was a few things. Ray Ripley challenged Shana again for the women's title, which tonight we saw. I didn't get to watch all of NXT tonight, but I'm going to go back and watch it. But I did get to see Shana came out and beat down Ray Ripley and spoiler alert for anyone who.
may not have seen it yet but they are going to have a women's title match on december 18th so i am super super excited for that to see if we finally get a title change um you know shana shana finally drops it so i was super excited for that tonight um
Obviously we saw a few different things happen on SmackDown last week. Adam Cole tried to run in a couple times and didn't work out very well for Adam Cole last week. He got beat up a little bit by Keith Lee and by Finn Balor. So Keith Lee, if you guys have not seen the moment where
uh Adam Cole tries to run down during the tag team match and Keith Lee intercepts him and like basically like sends him five rows deep into the into the stands it is like one of the funniest freaking things I've ever seen you know and I know Adam Cole is little right and I know our our favorite big dude Keith Lee is is a freaking massive humanity but like Adam Cole is still a grown man you know and he went like flying over the over the bleacher so that was pretty cool um and then we saw
Champa get a beat down and Finn Balor turned on Adam Cole too. So obviously he has no interest in being a part of the undisputed era. He wants to, he wants to stand alone. So we've got a lot of, a lot of storylines coming, coming together in NXT.
So what so they're just there really gets a title shot. It's just a normal episode of NXT Yeah, not gonna be a takeover. Wow. Cool. I know that's that's one of the beautiful things about take over about NXT man You know, I mean they only have a few takeovers a year So you got you got to have stuff popping off on the on the regular weekly shows which I mean, that's a big draw You know what I mean? I feel like that's that's that's gonna be a huge draw for NXT so I wouldn't be surprised to see them, you know, I
pop the ratings and beat AEW on the 18th as well. Yeah, everybody was talking about that GIF, and there was a GIF from tonight's episode where basically Finn Balor's in the corner, he's cocking back, ready to hit somebody, and Keith Lee pops up from behind him. And it's just like, from last week to this week, Keith Lee is like the... He's been the MVP of NXT, man. He's getting some great
great play and we talked about Survivor Series last week and seems like Vince is pretty high on him and you know we've been a big fan of his for you know since the big dude season started so yeah to see him get he's got a new figure coming out that we'll talk about later in the show too so a lot of things happen for Keith Lee you know
Yeah, I'm super excited. NXT has been really, really exciting. Like I said, we got a lot of storylines developing. Speaking of NXT and Tommaso Ciampa, did you guys see on, what is Lillian's podcast? It's called Chasing Glory, right? Isn't that the name of her podcast? He did an interview with Lillian Garcia where he said,
You know he didn't want to get called up to raw or Smackdown initially like he fought it initially when you know they called up him and Gargano and ricochet and all those guys. But then after his you know injury and all that and having to be out like he knew that he wasn't going to go back and he's made it blatantly like.
Blayton that he's not gonna go to raw or Smackdown like he says if he if he gets called up He's just gonna retire which I think is it like it's such a smart move You know what I mean? I mean like knowing like he could make so much more money probably on the main roster but like this is a guy who cares about his career and
He cares about his family, knows what he wants as far as his workload and stuff like that. It's just something that I totally respect and love about him. And I just think it's super cool that he's just like, no, dude, if I have to go to Rosh MacDown, I'll be a coach or trainer. I want to be a part of it, but I'm not taking on that workload. I'm just not doing it. And I think that's really admirable. And me, I'm a Champa Mark through and through, but I was just like, yeah, hell yeah, Champa. Stay at NXT.
Yeah, me and, actually, not to name drop it, me and Stack Guy Greg were talking about this last night. I hadn't heard about him saying this, but it makes sense. I mean, number one, you know what you're getting with NXT. You know the fan base is rabid. You know the matches are going to be five stars on the takeovers, but also just- You're going to be at full sale.
Yeah, the logistics of it. If you live in Orlando, I know they go on the road occasionally, but you're going to record every week live at the same place. Kurt Hawkins and Zach Ryder talk on their podcast about how they're in the car.
They're just on the road all day, all day. 300 days a year. Yeah, it's just insane. So to cut down on that, I mean, even if you're making less money, I mean, these guys are paying out of pocket for hotel rooms and rental cars and shit like that. And cars, and insurance, and all those things. And another thing to consider is his neck injury. You know what I mean? He knows with that workload that the main roster requires, he has a very limited shelf life. Any bump could be his last bump.
but with with the workload of nxt like he's increasing the longevity of his career like he even mentioned like you know i have i have four five more years at nxt you know i have a great career and stretch it out versus like going to the main roster and maybe like having a six-month run and then getting put on the shelf you know what i mean so it's just like he's just he's just so smart and like so i just love that he stood up for himself and
You know, I know not everybody has that luxury or not. Everybody wants that. Some people want the glory that comes along with, you know, being a raw superstar. They want to be, you know, the universal champion or whatever. But I just think it's super cool that, you know, he kind of just like put his foot down and drew a line in the sand and was like, you know, no, no, like I'm going to do it my way. And I think that's super cool.
It is cool and I mean he's been back for a month now how many times he wrestled that was that war games match was insane I finally went back and watched that but I mean oh my gosh you have the time to like recuperate like you said like you're not going to you're not doing house shows every like three four days a week I mean I mean Gorgano can rest and he's been out but I mean how much has he missed you know he can he can appearance here and there and you know by the time he's back and healthy we're ready to watch him again so
It's a pretty cool thing you have down here on the script Marco that the the lady ref Jessica is headed to Smackdown I saw a clip on social media of Champa at the end of NXT last week kind of give a send-off What I didn't know they move referees I guess referees are the same thing they can kind of like they kind of train in NXT and then move up to raw or Smackdown Yeah, I think that's what they're doing now especially with with with like lady referees and
you know, AW, they probably showcase their lady referee

AEW's Storytelling and Character Development

there. So like, and WWE doesn't have one on the main roster yet. So I think it's a, I think that's something they're going to see a lot of. She's the first that I know of that's on the, like, on a main show. So that's going to be, that's going to be pretty awesome. She's actually really good too. I'm not sure she's going to do like the, like getting in anyone's faces and all that stuff and like,
you know, being a real part of it. I don't think WWE doesn't really do that with their referees. Were they like a part of the match or they, you know, they, they are a part of it, but they're not like in the storyline. So it's everything. But, um, if you guys see it where like Jericho gets in our face and all that stuff and like, it makes her like a part of it. You, you kind of wonder if she's going to like doing anything to like, you know, retaliate, retaliate, throw the match off or something like that. And so like, I don't think they're going to do that with her, but, um, they did like a really awesome send off.
It's a really long video. It's probably eight or nine minutes long. It starts with Ciampa talking about her and then Triple H comes out and does his stuff and then they give her the mic and she does her speech and stuff like that. So it was really cool. I'm actually happy to see a woman referee on Smackdown on their network show.
Like they're previously pretty awesome. She delivered a really heartfelt speech and I thought it was super cool and I loved it. And I love that she's gonna go up to SmackDown. Cuz it's just about representation and just showing people what's possible, you know what I mean? We've seen in WWE specifically women just breaking the glass ceiling, knocking down barriers, being trailblazers, left and right, making history.
And I just think it's, like, awesome that, you know, like, this is another avenue that's opened up for, you know, girls and women who are interested in being a part of the wrestling product in some capacity, right? Like, this is something else that they can do, not just, you know, be backstage doing interviews, which is cool, too, right? Like, that's cool if that's your role, but, like, there's just more opportunities, and I love that.
100%, yeah. It is cool that our kids are going to grow up in an age where they're going to probably listen to this episode and be like, you know, why was it a big deal that a woman was like, you know, women can do anything a man can do, especially like, you know, women's wrestling from when we were kids. So now when our kids are kids, it's like 180 of what it looks like in the ring.
Unless you're growing up in the Sandman household, apparently he went on record and said that women man eventing is wrong. I mean, not that anybody takes anything that freaking Sandman says, you just got to take it with a grain of salt. You know what I mean? Nobody takes him seriously, but it was just like, seriously, dude, come on.
Yeah, there's still some stupid people out there. I mean, that's a given. Over to AEW, there was a big debut that no one really, outside of the hardcore fans knew, but Marco has a good attachment here to the script about the butcher and the blade. Yeah, the MVP is all elite, so we're going to pass it over to our AEW correspondent here.
Yeah, you don't have to read all this, but this is some good info that you gave us here. But tell us why we should know who these guys are. In other words, they're not from my favorite place in the world, so they already got one strike again. Yeah. Oh, geez. Sorry, Buffalo. The Ravens play the Bills this weekend, so I have extra hate in my heart for Buffalo right now. Oh, geez. I mean, you don't really need hate for Buffalo when your team plays them. They're going to lose anyway, so it doesn't matter.
You should feel sympathy for the Buffalo Bills when they play any elite team in the NFL. But yeah, so if you guys are familiar with their Pepper Parks, it was in Impact Wrestling. If you guys are familiar, we don't really talk about Impact Wrestling that much. But that's where he's from. And Ali is actually married to him. So that's not like a, she's with them for a reason, the bunny as they call her.
as a part of that package. So yeah, so they repackaged her as the bunny. She's married to which one? I believe I'm going to get it wrong. I want to say Andy Williams, which is a smaller guy. Not the guy with the mustache. Yeah, not the scary looking guy with the tattoos. The masked man. Yeah, the masked man's pretty good. That mask is so awesome, by the way. I actually love that. It creeps me out every time I see it. It's like Slender Man.
Yeah, almost. And AEW, it's a black version of it. It's kind of like a gimp mask almost. I know we have a gimp thing going on with me. Dark Order, which is why I don't know why I brought that up, but now it's back in the open. But yeah, so they're definitely on the indie circuit. They actually ran into the likes of like Sammy Callahan at one point during their Ohio Valley wrestling, and Jon Moxley too, which is
As you know Dean Ambrose if you guys don't know John Moxley is by now. I don't know what you're doing Yeah, exactly I spent some time in our Empire State Wrestling ESW if you not familiar with that CZW where John Moxley is from and a lot of those like hardcore guys are from And uh, just a long story short they they interact with a lot of a W guys and Cody Rhodes actually is a fan of theirs and
on the Andy circuit. He's, he's seen a lot of their matches and stuff like that. So that was an obvious signing, but obviously they didn't do like the package right and have them, you know, appear in the right way. Cause nobody knew who the hell they were. Did they, did they sign like a, like a legit contract? Like they're like going to be exclusive to AEW. Yeah, they are. They are going to be with AEW. Um, they, a lot of the, a lot of the contracts now, uh, Tony Khan and a lot of interviews said that a lot of those guys are like,
gonna be locked down after like, once they're on TV, they're their property now, essentially. I'm assuming maybe if they were doing something indie, they won't have Ally with them, because she's signed to AW, and if maybe they're a tag team by themselves anyway, so maybe they can like fold around and stuff like that. But you have Jericho going to New Japan, so I'm not sure how like ironclad their contracts are, so they might pop up somewhere.
Um, but yeah, they, they faced everybody, even on, um, the rock and roll express, they've faced, uh, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus, um, in LAX, if you're familiar with them, um, and Beyond Wrestling, which is another, um, wrestling organization, stuff like that. So they've interacted with a lot of like people that you know, um, know and love. So yeah, I mean, I wish they would have did like a video package, like a,
Before they appeared because they are like a cool AEW yeah, a W is notorious for that. I mean we saw that whenever Freakin oh my god, what's their names the tag team?
No. Oh, I'm proud and proud of Puerto Rican. Proud and powerful, Doug. Yeah, whenever the proud and powerful debut, like it was just like, wait, what? Like, who are the who are these guys? Yeah, this is the problem. Who are these guys when they show up and there's no build up or anything and they look almost exactly like the freaking Dark Order? Like I understand if they're badass, but
Yeah, it's like a gift and a curse. I found myself complaining about this with WWE before, but it's because I don't, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm more familiar with people who debut in WWE because typically they're called up from like NXT or something like that. But it's like,
I'm like, well, just surprise me. Just don't, don't do all these announcements, you know, cause like, they'll be like, Oh, they'll do all these video packages with like so-and-so is getting called up or like, you know, so-and-so is going to debut. Remember Emma. I mean, they did like a three month freaking buildup, you know, like bringing bringing Emma back. Um, and I'm like, dude, can we just like surprise me for once? But then when it happens in AEW, I'm like, well, hit a minute. Can you tell me a little bit about these people? Because like, I am unfamiliar.
And this is the same way the Jack Hager thing showed up and the Warlow guy or Narwhal, whatever that guy's name is. Narwhal. Have you been watching Elf already? Yeah, whatever his name is. But it's like, you know, it's like, give us a little bit. Now they're finally starting to do some vignettes for the Dark Order, which are pretty interesting the way they're doing it. It's kind of like a cult type of thing. It's like Wyatt, family and Jay.
which they should have done that from the very beginning and people would have like been into it but now I mean I understand these guys are badass they look cool and and you know it's interesting but I mean what's the explanation for Ali going from like a face wrestling like a female wrestler to now she's like a heel manager like there was no
explanation as to why that hasn't really done anything of note, you know what I mean? It really wasn't that big of a stretch to like change her character. You know what I mean? It'd be one thing if she was like the women's champion and all of a sudden they were like, Oh, but by the way, you're going to do this instead. But I mean, I guess when you kind of just haven't really made really major Mark.
or AEW yet, I mean, it was just kind of an easy transition for her to change characters. Did you guys see the ads, the AEW ads that were kind of like, that mentioned NXT? Like it was showing all of the different publications that had talked about AEW beating them in the ratings. Like they acknowledged that they acknowledged NXT on their own ad. And I'm like, you guys just won't give it up. Like, you know, like, can you please just get WWE out your mouth?
for a moment and do your own thing. But yeah, even their ads are splattered with WWE. Today, tonight on the show, I did watch a couple moments of it. And they had, Nyla Rose was beating up a bunch of women wrestlers. And I guess Britt Baker was in the first row or in the crowd for some reason. And Excalibur said, that's Adam Cole's girlfriend.
I give AEW a chance here that they have to do something next year to really set themself apart because yeah, they can start by fixing their audio. Yeah, that was a big problem for them today. And for the last two weeks.
Yeah, when I turned it on today on the Sling thing on my PlayStation, it was fine, but that was like, you know, 45 minutes into the show. So I don't know if it was the beginning, but I mean, their ratings have steadily declined. I mean, NXT has gone down, too, and neither show is where they want it to be. But people aren't returning back. You know, it's not, you know, I was at the last pay per view. It wasn't a full crowd. The ratings are going down. They have to do something to like you have the hardcore fans. They're there. OK, you have them.
You gotta get the people that are just watching casually to tune in. That's it, you know? True, but do you think it could be a result of like this time of year too? Like this is like a crazy time of year for people. People are working, people are doing Christmas shopping, people are preoccupied with other things versus like, you know, summer months it's a little more chill, it's a little more, you know, relaxed versus like holiday season. It's just like, you know, boom, boom, boom, one thing after another, you know what I mean?
do you think that has anything to do with like the ratings going down or you think it's like legitimately just people just falling off and like losing interest yeah i know i don't think i mean summertime people are traveling and and at the pool and at the beach i mean you could make the same argument for true anytime a year i mean i think it's just
they haven't caught people's attention. I don't think it's been as different enough for people to really grasp onto it and think it's a better product. I mean, it doesn't help that you're splitting the wrestling audience already with people tuning into NXT and you have people that can, you know, I'm just gonna record them both. I can't watch them both, so I'll just record them. But, you know, I'm sure they have some names that they want to grab. I know there's a bunch of names that contracts are coming up next
in the next year or so from WWE. I know Marty Skirrell, the villain, is a big name that they probably, I'm assuming they would want to get, whose contract is done with ROH. So we will see.
The one thing that NXT has going for it, though, is it has two other major platforms for it to always constantly promote. I mean, we saw a Survivor Series. I mean, they have they have SmackDown and Raw, which are two huge vehicles to like promote their show. Right. Whereas AEW only has AEW Dynamite. Like that's their only
Promotion right like that they they have to promote on YouTube and do their ads and stuff like that But they don't have any other shows like giving them shine but whereas NXT like now we've seen Raw like you know with the invasion and all that stuff like people are getting to see what they may not have been able to see before when when NXT was strictly on the network That's very true.

Wrestling Event Reviews and Returns

Good. Good call Anything else from AW before we move on to Raw and Smackdown here?
One last thing, I don't think Chris Jericho knows what the word lexicon means. Um, I know you didn't get to watch, uh, watch AEW tonight, but he brought back the list. Um, so he's got a clipboard and now he calls it La Lexicon.
But I'm like, I don't think that's the word you're looking for because lexicon means like it's like a person's vocabulary or like their branch of knowledge or language or whatever. It's not list or unless unless like like less less icon is like a French word for list and I just don't know. But I was like, I don't think that's the word you're looking for.
Yeah, that means like you you you're very like, you know, a lot of like your vocabulary is. Yeah, it's your vocabulary. Yeah. Yeah. But it was basically it was just a it was just the same thing as a list. He was listing off all the people that couldn't contend for his for his title. Wasn't that what it was? He was the people that couldn't contend for his title. Yeah, that he gave a jungle boy a title shot for these. Yeah. The last.
TV show for the year, the television video date it is. I think it's the 18th. It's the same day as the Rhea Ripley. So yeah, I don't know. I don't know how much of a draw. Jungle Boy Chris Jericho is going to be versus Rhea Ripley and Shayna Baszler, but we'll see. I mean, people do love Jungle Boy. I love Jungle Boy. I might tune in to watch that because it might be some close falls on that one. I don't think he's actually going to win, but if they
do close out the year, him winning. Cause now they said like all the, the, um, the stats start over next year. Oh yeah. So it's a possibility. He made the champion going into next year. That'd be pretty insane, but they want to do something. That would be an insane swing for sure. If they did that and I give it to Scorpio Scott, I give it to jungle boy, which would be pretty awesome anyway. Yeah. I love jungle boy. I think he's like the cutest thing ever. He's just like adorable.
Not as not as cute as baby Yoda, but close There was a video floating around a baby Yoda like turning on the music in like the spaceship with the Mandalorian and People were just adding like random music to it. And the best one I've saved it to our Twitter. It was the Brie the Brie modes Oh my god, I have to go I have to go see that Good stuff
Alright, I tried to watch Starrcade and it didn't work for the first like 10 minutes and I just turned it off. I didn't even try to watch it. Did you guys watch Starrcade?
Yeah, I got to watch it. I wasn't locked in like I normally am. I was doing a lot of other stuff during Starrcade, but I didn't have the technical issues that so many other people were having. I felt like we kind of just logged on and then started watching. And then after the fact, I saw so many people like, what the hell? I can't log into Starrcade. And I was like, oh, that's bad.
Yeah, I don't know. I guess I thought it was everybody, but I guess props to you. That's cool. I heard the main event that the cage match with Bray Wyatt and Braun was like only five minutes long or something.
I didn't even, I wasn't even televised. We didn't even see the cage match. Yeah. One of our, one of our Twitter followers is, uh, was there live and we talked about it. So that, that match wasn't, wasn't on the card. I think they only showed like an hour. It was like four. Yeah. It was like, there was like four matches on the, on the card. Uh, Kevin Owens was like the host of the show and he,
you know, introduce Ric Flair and like put Ric Flair over and, you know, did all those things. Um, it was okay. I mean, there was nothing, I mean, I was really expecting a lot out of the, like the four way, uh, women's tag match, but it, it was just blah. Like I felt like after the fact, I was just kind of like, you know, well, I could have went without watching that. You know what I mean?
Yeah, for sure. I mean, you know, it's cool that extra content up on the network. But, you know, I don't know if it's must see TV at this point. So whatever. No, I don't think they should have made it a big deal and called it Starcade. Like, I feel like they could have really made something like something meaningful with it with the Starcade name versus just like kind of like just throwing it, slapping it on what was just like kind of an elevated house show, you know.
We had three big returns on SmackDown on Friday, Alexa, Sheamus, and Elias. And I wanna know which one are you two most excited for out of those three?
I didn't get to watch SmackDown, but I will say I am probably most excited for Alexa to get back in the fold. Um, I saw, I saw a couple of clips of Seamus and he's like back to being like old school Seamus, like, you know, just looking like the Celtic, the Celtic warrior. Um, but yeah, I'm excited for Alexa to get back in there. I love me some Miss Bliss. What about you, Marco? I'm probably gonna say Elias. That was a big surprise, actually.
And he tried to move in on Batista's girl during his return. He was singing her a song there. And Drake Maverick was trying to get her to, he was trying to get her like, he had a mistletoe on him. He was trying to, oh, it's a holiday season, maybe we should do this. And that's when Elias came in and did his own song. But yeah, they kind of ruined it.
Why are they, why are they, do they know who she's associated with now? Why would they even bother? Their careers will be over before they even start. Exactly. But I'm excited to see Elias back because I'm kind of curious as to what they're going to do with him or what kind of program they got to put him in now where it seems like not that his gimmick is like not relevant now, but like how are they going to put him into the, the smackdown fold?
Yeah, he was over pretty big as a face, as a good guy, when he would just kind of come out and play songs and make fun of people, and I wish they would, hopefully they were going to get back to that. I think, you know, the crowd was super behind him. I'm crazy. The other way between you guys, I'm Seamus, I think.
We all picked one of these people, but I think you need this like big time. He's a former world champion. He's a great heel. Like I think you can, you could put him into the main event and make, you know, he could meet main event and challenge for a title on a pay-per-view and you wouldn't bat eye. I mean, he's a guy, he's a well-known name and a guy that you like, you forget about him. You know what I mean? He was on the tag team for so long with the bar and, um, but I, but that's just it. You forget about him.
Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Like to me, Seamus is a good worker. I have no issues with the way that Seamus works. Like he's a freaking hard hitter and like he's legit, but to me it, uh, he just, like you said, he's forgettable and like, he's not that great on the mic. So, I mean, yeah, I could see him being, you know, in title contention, but at the same time, like, would I be excited about it? Probably not. You know, like,
Would you say he's a modern-day British bulldog? Um...
as far as just like, just a spot on the car. Like he, he, he's like upper middle card. He could, you could see him in a title match, but you're not going to believe him now to be a champion. But I mean, you could, you know, he's like the, you know, has the power, has the size to be. Yeah. He's he's got all the, all the things, but there's just some, there's just something that's missing that's keeping him from like the upper echelon of like, um,
Like where where he could like, you know be be a world champ. Yeah, I could totally see that I mean, he's definitely a good mid Carter Like I think he he's perfect for the US title or the intercontinental title and stuff like that But even when he was world champ, I was just kind of like oh You know, I just it was so boring to me like I had no interest in Seamus at all I love the stuff he did with the bar I loved him and Cesaro together and
I thought their chemistry together, their, you know, their friendship and all of that really played well together. But other than that, like, you know, Seamus has really done, um, you know, nothing for me personally.

The Fiend's Title Belt Debate

I hear you. Okay. Uh, we have to talk about the Fiend's new title belt, which is his literal face on a title. And, um, we just, we just switched over to the blue universal title and now we have a new title for him. What do you make of this? Oh man. Um,
Marcos Marcos kid woke up. I know he had, he had some, he had some thoughts. So we'll have to make sure if he comes back, uh, that he, uh, he gets to, he gets to chime in on his piece for the fiends title. But me personally, I just feel like it's, it's stupid. Like I hate to just like heal off on it. Um, and it's made even stupider. It looks good. So I was already kind of like initially like put off by it. Like why would the fiend where I built up his own face?
on himself, right? Like, I think it's cool. Like, it would be cool to, you know, the like Bray Wyatt has a title and then the Fiend has a title. It's like split personalities, you know, like that was cool with me. But the design of the title just looks like a Halloween prop. It doesn't look like a title belt, you know, like why didn't he do like the Bray Wyatt face on his title belt? You know what I mean? If he's going to do like that design, like why would he wear his own face on there? So
I don't know. I guess it's just like to me in a non kayfabe way, I'm just like, OK, yeah, they see that the fiends the fiends merch is number one right now. Like it's like it's topping the charts at like, you know, the highest selling merch in the company. So they were just like, let's just put out whatever whatever shit we can whatever shit we can put out. The sad thing is, is like the replica, these replica belts are sixty five hundred dollars. Well, I guess they're not replicas because they're like like authentic made by what's his name, Tom.
It's freaking Selene. Tom Savini. He's basically like the Babe Ruth of costume and horror movie design. He's a pretty big name. That's super cool. But at the same time, who are you marketing this to?
Like who would like i don't understand i feel like you've missed the mark right this is something that a kid would love right there like oh my god like this is so cool and so scary like you know like a little pre teenager or a younger kid with love but at the same time.
you make it $6,500 because it's exclusively made by this high-end famous costumer. You know what I mean? Yeah, for sure. I mean, what's it, almost seven grand for this title? And I think someone went online and you can buy every other title that is in the WWE right now on the WWE Shop website. It doesn't cost that much.
But if they sell 10 of them, which I'm sure they're going to do, right? 10, that's not impossible. I mean, that's seven. Who's buying it, Phil? Some moron. Some moron. There's a sucker born every minute. I mean, God. I mean, there's people that have money, I'm sure. I mean, 10, the millions of people that watch WWE, I'm sure they're going to sell. True. They sell five. That's how much?
thirty five hundred dollars i don't i don't know like but i wonder is there like a limited number of these things are they made to order like is it like if you if you purchase it is he gonna make it like for you because like i can't imagine that they made like a hundred of these things and they're just gonna sit him around and like wait for someone to come around with sixty five hundred dollars and
Hopefully purchase it, you know, and like is this gonna be part of like when they have title belts like 40% off or whatever Like are they gonna put are they gonna put the the fiend belt in there? And apparently it's being used I mean like he's using it at like house shows and stuff, you know, like it's like that's his legitimate like the fiend legitimate title he's not using the blue universal title, which we saw Bray Wyatt with with the the fiend side plates and everything and
So I don't know. I know Marco was going to try to defend this thing, but I mean, what do you think about it? What's your thoughts on just the overall design?
I think it could be much more kick-ass than what it is now. I feel like it's just his face. I mean, it doesn't even look like a title to me. And it looks stupid while he's wearing it because it's just his face, like three feet below his actual face. It could have been done a lot cooler. I think I would have loved to see the actual
Title belt like not like the hardcore title used to be but like maybe the logo yeah like you know Exactly in the background. It's just like all like a snake leather type of bat You know just something like and make it your own kind of spinner belt or the rated R Superstar You know all that kind of stuff so
Or yeah, like, cause the actual strap is not bad. Like, you know, like the flesh looking strap or whatever, like that's okay. Like whatever, but like, yeah, put like a, like an actual plate on it, even if it's like distressed or like something, but I feel like just making it what looks like a mask of your face is like.
It doesn't make sense, you know, like it's I would rather see freakin huskies the hogs face on there then then Bray Wyatt's face You know what I mean? I just feel like it's just stupid and I don't I don't understand it I understand it's a money grab but you know, I don't know if you're out there and
and you're listening and you've purchased this, please call us. You can be on our new spin-off show, The Lounge. We would love to interview you and get your thoughts on the Bray Wyatt Fiend title and why you love it so much.
Um, have you seen the rumor? I forget who put this on Instagram, but, uh, that everyone that the fiend has come in contact with, they have changed them for either the good or the bad. Like Dan O'Brien. Turned them heel, right? Yeah. Like I saw, I saw something like that.
or Daniel Bryan, they forced him to bring back the yes movement. So he's, they've, you've kind of changed him for, you know, for the better. Uh, but you know, Seth Rollins and, uh, who was, what was the other name that I, it's escaping me now that someone he's, he's feuded with. Um,
Did he pipe in, right? Yeah. So it's interesting. I mean, you can go a lot of directions with that. So we'll get Marco's thoughts on the belt when he gets back here into the room. But let's
that's what
over, dude. She is good on the mic. She might be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life, and she is now, I think, coming into her own. I know she was really good as the Rusev manager Russian role, the ravishing Russian thing, but I think she right now is just like the hateable, crazy ex-wife thing is working for her.
Yeah, um, she she's I've always felt like she's been good on the mic. I mean like she was always rusev's mouthpiece and always, you know, I thought she always had a talent for that. Um, she is just a freaking believably beautiful. Uh, the heel has been like, you know, he loves, he loves Lana. He always talks about, you know, besides I think, I think it's Becky Lynch and then Lana are his are his top two.
hottest babes in WWE, but I feel like she was over one because they were in Nashville, right? It's like she's from like, so she, you know, that's her, it hurts her hometown. So I feel like that was one reason why she was over. Cause the storyline is just, okay, let me, let me, let me back up.
the build up for Bobby Lashley and Rusev has actually been okay. Like I think it's going to be when they finally meet and go head to head and like, you know, for whatever reason to end the feud, I think it's going to be a good match, but it's, we've just, it's like the whole, um, Ronda Rousey, uh, Charlotte and Becky thing. Like we, we've just went in like complete and total circles to get here. You know what I mean? Like we don't know why we're fighting, what we're fighting about.
What the reason was that him and Lana didn't work out, you know, like why she chose Bobby Lashley. Like we're just kind of like going along for the ride. Like, okay, well now, now Bobby and Lana are getting arrested. You know, Rusev got arrested and all of a sudden he just shows up in the ring, you know, like, well, okay, I guess so. You know, like it just, it's all, it's all very nonsensical. You really have to suspend disbelief and just kind of like, you know, suspend your embarrassment. Like if you're watching it with other people.
100% super cringe-worthy, but yeah, like you said, that is her hometown, so it would make sense that people were behind her. But it was entertaining, and I don't know how they'll do the blow-off here when that'll happen, but we'll see. I'm maybe a T.O., so. It was pretty cool how they involved Kevin Owens in it, and kind of like escalated, kind of intertwined storylines, which I really like. They had Bobby and KO go head-to-head, and then AOP came out,
beat Kevin up and I feel like it was just kind of like a good intermingling like you know Raw and SmackDown traditionally have had a really good run of just making everything seem very segmented and compartmentalized and like okay this story now we're gonna transition to this storyline now we're gonna transition to this storyline and nothing kind of like intertwines
But like I feel like now we're getting a little bit more of like, you know, people people mixing a little bit more, which I which I really appreciate. Yeah. And you're mixing the Seth Rollins thing, which I love what they're doing with him. It's a great little tweak on his character and getting back to his like kind of smarmy, like snarky roots a

Seth Rollins's Character Evolution

little bit. But I can also like.
what he's saying is not wrong. I mean, everything he said on, on the WWE backstage and on raw, I mean, everything is true. It's just the way he's saying it is making him like, is he heal? Is he not here? And I love the addition of the AOP as, you know, are they, are they his backup? Are they new? Are they the new pulling the puppet strings?
for AOP. You know what I mean? That's the question on everybody's mind right now. Who is controlling AOP? Is it going to end up being Rollins? Is it going to end up being completely unrelated? What's going on with AOP? This is definitely the most interesting thing that they've had going on in a long time. I thought it was going to be Kevin Owens as a twist, but that didn't happen. They came out and beat the hell out of him. So we will see. Very interesting. What did Seth say on backstage? I haven't got to watch it. I saw that
They said Seth Rollins is going to reveal something. And then he came on Twitter and was like, you know, if you think you're going to use me to pop ratings, like I'm not going to reveal anything. I'm just going to come on there and like tell my, you know, side of the story or whatever. Um, so what did he end up saying on, on WWE backstage? He just kind of, the only thing that I saw those, he was just like, yeah, I'm here. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm here talking. I don't know where CM Punk is. Like, I don't know. Oh, he, he named dropped CM Punk again.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, interesting. Do you think that's real that he got in trouble for name drop? Because like, um, apparently they went back and edited the raw that he, that he said that I'm like, Hey guys, like I tried to get CM punk here when they were in Chicago. I imagine he's like, when, um,
I try to get seeing punk here, but he he just wouldn't show up and then I heard like after that It was like Vince is really mad like he you know that wasn't that was an unauthorized like name drop And then that they edited it out of like the the Hulu version or even I guess I guess on the network when it goes on the network It'll be edited out like that. He didn't say that and
Yeah, that makes sense. I still think there, I mean, there has to be a reason that they're, they're playing this off on both on any kind of show. Like if they weren't going to use it for anything, I think, I think this is going to end up being some sort of WrestleMania match. It would make, it would make sense. Um, but, uh, I think Seth going heel was the way to go, man. I think, you know, I think that's, that's where they're heading.
Slowly, but yeah, the face thing is just not working like it's just it's not you know I love all things Seth Rollins I say this every time we talk about Seth Rollins, but it's just like even I can't Get behind it like I love that He you know overpowered Brock and won the championship and brought it back to raw and like all of those things like I love all those high high spots of Seth's face run you know what I mean like I love it all but I
I feel like deep down in my heart I know that he's meant to be a heel and he's just much better as like a Weasley heel who uses you know cowardly tactics to get out of getting beat in the end that he can be beat you know what I mean because right now he's kind of like invincible you know what I mean like he's
He's faced the Fiend, he's faced Brock Lesnar, he's had all these amazing matches against the biggest superstars in the company. But I love when he's running from the competition, instead of being like, yeah, I'll face anybody at any time. Because it just doesn't seem genuine, you know what I mean?
Yeah, it's definitely better this way. I think it's gonna be, I think we'll see a couple years of him being a heel and you could set up so many more matches that way. You could run back him in Roman, I don't know, I think it would be interesting. It was interesting on WWE backstage, they finally confirmed that John Morrison has resigned a multi-year deal with the WWE and
talked about on this show, I was a huge fan of his. I think he was very underrated during his time with WWE. I'm excited, I'm sure he's gonna be more of a mid card, US title kind of guy, but I'm excited to

Commentary Changes and Social Media Controversies

have him back. I don't know if it'll be on Raw or SmackDown, but we'll see. Yeah, we'll see. I knew as soon as I saw that news come out, I was like, feels gonna be freaking stoked. So I was happy for you to get your dude back.
Outside of the squared circle, now we're seeing Samoa Joe on, he was on commentary on Raw. Looks like, I don't know how severe that thumb injury or whatever he has is, but he's been out for a while. I would love to see him come back, but he's going to be on commentary. So I guess Dio Madden is going to pursue a career back in the ring on Raw. I know he's a former NFL player and he was training in NXT and then they kind of switched him to commentary because he had such a good on air personality. But it'd be interesting to see what they do with him there.
Yeah. You know, and I thought, I thought Dio did a really good job on, on raw. I thought he was, I thought he was really good on commentary. So, um, you know, I'm sad to see him go. Um, I hope, I hope that whatever he decides to do, he does well, but, uh, yeah, I was, I was kind of bummed that he, that he left commentary.
Yeah, I think, I mean, it's probably, I don't know, I'm sure there's probably a brighter future for him on commentary instead of in the ring. I mean, you have, how many people, where's he gonna go? Just start back at the bottom at NXT? I mean, the roster is so freaking packed, but best of luck to him. I know, can we just get rid of Jerry? Come on. Without the crown and everything, it just doesn't work.
Yeah, it's just awkward like just he's just never um, he's in that he's in that place where um Oh, oh my god freaking jim cornet is like he never developed. You know what I mean? Like he kind of got stuck in an era and he's just like stuck there and then he never like Like evolved with the times, you know, and I just feel like okay, we got to get him out of here, you know Yeah, I mean listen for how many times he does the
What the heck? That's spot on. Do you normally do that impression of Vic? No, no, never. Anytime anything happens, that's all he has to say. I do like Vic Joseph. Is that the guy's name, Vic Joseph, the main commentator now, like the new Michael Cole? Vic Joseph. It's Vic something. I think it is Vic Joseph. Yeah, he's pretty good. He has a good sound for a main commentator. I think he's going to be good.
Uh, that was cool. He has on the script here, WWE action figure showdown. I don't know what the, what the hell that is. Hmm. I don't know. Okay. Well, that'll have to wait for Marco to get back on that one. Uh, this happened right after we recorded last week, the, the Corey Graves, Mara Rinalo, uh, Twitter beef where Mara Rinalo went. Did we talk about this last week? Uh, we didn't know. We didn't cause it was a, you know, it, it had happened, but we, for whatever reason, we didn't, we didn't talk about it, but,
Yeah, things have come a long way since then. I think Marle was on commentary tonight, if I remember correctly. So he's back, but yeah, there was a big to-do over a tweet, which you know, I could fight both sides of this, you know, but I feel like there was no reason for Corey to
send the tweet in the first place like you know it was unprofessional and obviously Corey's side is that he was just doing it to you know stir up some on-screen drama or like have something to talk about on the podcast
But obviously it like went viral Twitter and that's never a good thing. And with with morals, like, you know, previous problems with, you know, mental health and all those things and depression and all that kind of stuff, it just kind of like spiraled and then became this like victim versus like bully type of situation. And I think it just all kind of got out of hand. What do you think?
I think Marco is back. Welcome back, Marco. Welcome back, Marco. Hashtag DadLife. Yeah, I think the whole situation is for him, for Corey Graves to say he was just doing it for material for his podcast. Bro, you got enough material for your podcast. Yeah, that was bull crap. I call bull crap on that. You have Raw and SmackDown and NXT and Pay-Per-Views and all other things to talk about in a 45-minute podcast every week. I'm pretty sure you have enough content.
But, on the flip side, and I guess I'm different from you two, I think, I mean, nothing he said was that bad. Like, I understand, and I'm sensitive to the fact that Marwanala has a history of mental illness and depression and that kind of stuff, and that makes sense. But, I mean, come on, man. Like, really? You're gonna delete your Twitter because stupid-ass Corey Graves said something about you that was, like, vaguely, like, offensive to you?
I, so my, my thing, my theory is, is like, no, nothing he said was super offensive. Like it wasn't like any sort of like racial slur or anything that was like, like, I don't feel like it was like pointed or, you know, he didn't like call, he didn't call Marl out by name. But my thing is, is like, when you're a public figure like that, you have the following that Corey Graves has, when you tweet something like that,
You have to know there's going to be backlash and there's going to be people and you have to know who you're tweeting it to like you're tweeting it out to. We know what the Twitter what the Twitter sphere is made out of like there's there's some good people on Twitter. Don't get me wrong, but.
For the most part, there's a bunch of frickin trolls and people who are trying to be offended by something or people who are trying to blow something out of proportion. Um, so when you put something out there like that, obviously people are going to blow it out of proportion one way or another, whether it's in your favor saying like, yeah, Maro's like, he's, he's way over the top. Like I'm tired of all of his hip hop references and I'm tired of all of his. And that was another thing. Like he went on to say.
take another shot at morrow to like how many somebody said how many hip-hop references have um has he said already and somebody was like oh way too many so i mean he was he was it was like one after another and i just feel like as someone who has been on the
the crappy end of viral social media. I mean, we know Corey Graves got freaking drug through the mud with his ex wife situation and the Carmela situation and all of the backlash that happened on social media that you wouldn't think that someone who had experienced that would want to put that on someone else, especially someone that has, you know, a history of mental health problems. Marco, what's your thoughts now that you're back with us here? Um,
Yeah, I think I express it like in our group chat there that I think he could have handled it differently. They're professionals. Like I said, they they they're probably really friendly with each other. They are commentators with the same company. So I'm assuming they've they've had conversations off mic and behind the scenes about stuff. And like I think that's something that Corey Graves could have said to him personally. You guys, you already didn't say anything too like dramatic, but he did. The way I read it was like,
hey, you have a former world champion and a Hall of Famer, why you have to listen to this loud mouth? Essentially, that's how it came off as. This guy's just overbearing, and you can't hear anything. These two other intelligent people have the same meaning. This guy's not legit enough to speak on what's going on in the ring. Listen to these other two people. Or if you didn't know, there are two other people there that can actually speak on this as well. But like I said, I think he's just
I'm not sure if he is jealous, but I think he's jealous that like, he has like a following. He has like, he has chants going on. Yeah, he has like the mama mia and the oh, mama, like they, like they do that during the NXT events. And I think like any commentator, Jim Ross, anyone would like idolize that, like that type of, that type of like love from the fans. And I think like he, yeah, no one's, he doesn't have any like cool catch phrases or anything like that.
I think, obviously, he probably doesn't care about having a cool catchphrase or like, or connecting with the fans or anything like that. But like, I think like, he's, Maurineau is not trying to like, like, do that on purpose. That's who he is. If you've watched him in like MMA, when he did commentary for Bellator, that's his, that's who he is. That's how he, that's, that's his commentary to take it or leave it. It's not like he put on, he puts on a show for NXT. That's,
just who it is. And there are times that he is over the top and it is like, okay, Maro, like, you know, like everything doesn't have to be like that. But I mean, that's what you expect from him. And he's, he's one of the best. You know what I mean? And I do think there is a level of jealousy there. And I think also Corey Graves loses a little bit of benefit of the doubt because like, you know, in the past on certain things, he's been notoriously kind of like a dickhead, you know, and kind of like a douchebag about things. So it's like,
I think people automatically like jumped to the defensive tomorrow because they're like, well, Corey's just picking on him because Corey's kind of a dick sometimes. You know what I mean? Um, and I think it was just kind of like, you know, I think the whole thing got blown out of proportion. I do think it was a little bit over the top with all the, all of the things that, you know, came afterwards. But I feel like you have to be smart about what you freaking put out there on social media when you have so many eyeballs watching.
Yeah, he did a, he went on a rant on CM Punk a while back. Do you remember that? It was like a drunken Twitter rant. It was kind of like the same thing. Like you basically shit on CM Punk and like, and people backlash against him for that. Obviously CM Punk probably didn't really care about what he put out there, but like he did the same thing to him. So it's like, he has like a kind of like a history of doing things like that. But when you,
When you're doing it to somebody that has a history of mental illness and has been affected by it before with the bullying and stuff like that, it's like we don't know what type of level of mental illness he has. He could probably just say one little thing like, oh, you have lint on your shirt. He might just like, we don't know. Yeah.
Why even go there? You know what I mean? Like why even like broach the subject or like, you know, why even like put yourself in that position to create a situation like that? But I mean, I know, I know things happen. Um, you know, Herman Edwards, he always said, you know, don't press it. You know, like that was like his, his speech. If you guys watched, um, the, oh my God, what's the, what's the show that they do in the preseason show? Hard knocks.
He was like doing the interview and he was telling his players about tweeting and stuff. He was like, just don't press send. Write it up, but don't press send. And I feel like people need to heed that advice because it is very, very smart advice. When in doubt, just don't press send.
Yeah, I have to listen to that advice sometimes as well. So it makes it makes sense and I can see both sides here But I'm glad everything is resolved and I would you know, I enjoy Maro quite a bit on the takeovers and I think I love it I love his passion love his energy and I think Cory's great on commentary too, you know, I mean they're just different in their in their approach, you know, I
Yeah, Cory has some great like one line, like Attitude Era, Jerry Lawler type of one liners, if you listen, you know, closely to him. So it's definitely getting gang type of differences. So before we get into our go figure segment, we talked about John Morrison, we talked about Samoa Joe. What is this WWE action figure showdown that you have on the script here, Marco? I have no idea what that is. Yes, I was perusing the website.
And they had some action figures showing up. Well, they have motion captured elite action figures facing each other, which was pretty cool. Like battle stories? Do you guys follow battle stories?
on Instagram. Like we found him like a long time ago and he's like freaking amazing. Like does the best like stop motion. He actually did. He actually helped with the masters of the universe commercial. Um, yeah, I think the stop action, like he, he makes like, if you don't watch it's a battle underscore stories underscore. Um, and I mean, he just, he like does like an insane, like the best like stop motion that I've, I've ever seen in my life.
Yeah, I think he may be behind that. Let me see. Let me pull it up real quick. But yeah, it was pretty cool, actually. It was like... I'm trying to... It's not even like stop motion. I would call it like full-on animation.
because it's just like it's like so smooth and it's like insane the amount of like effort and like energy that he puts into these into these productions but yeah if you guys saw the masters of the universe commercial on tv with all like the the animation the way the figures were moving and stuff like that's exactly the the kind of stuff that he does so definitely give him give him a follow on
on instagram if you don't but i'm excited to hear about this action figure showdown and also really quickly after you give us the rundown on that phil and i gave our our thoughts on the the fiend title but i do want to you said you were going to try to defend it so i do want to hear your argument um just so i can you know see if uh yeah see if i'm losing my mind and maybe i'm just like way off base
So what was your like a quick recap of your I just think I thought it was ridiculous. I think I think that it's completely nonsensical that the fiend would wear his own face on his belt. I think it's nonsensical that WWE is like like marketing these things for sixty five hundred dollars even regardless of whether they're made
buy a famous you know costumer or not like who like this is not something that an adult audience i feel like is gonna be drawn to you know i mean so like i feel like it's something that a younger crowd would be drawn to but like no younger people have sixty five hundred dollars to spend on this thing i'm sure they'll be a cheaper replica.
eventually in the like, you know, in the future. But I just feel like the whole thing is ridiculous and it could have been executed like so much better. I'm all for the Fiend and Bray Wyatt having separate titles like that's cool, you know, like but like just the execution of the actual Fiend title was just I didn't I didn't dig it at all. Yeah. So I showed someone at work that also watches wrestling. They're more of an AEW fan than anything.
because they love the young bucks and they love their passion and what they did and all that stuff. But I couldn't. I was like, hey, did you see the title? They're like, no. What did they do to it? I was like, oh, they just showed me a picture. They're like, oh my god, that's really cool. I think that's really kind of unique. And I was like, how do you actually like it? You don't think it's ugly or anything? She was like, no, I think it's actually pretty cool that they kind of made it in his image. Because this isn't her thoughts, but this is mine.
remember a while back where you're like, if he wins a title, like why would they give the feet of title? He doesn't care about titles. He's, he's a fiend. He's, he's just there to hurt or heal people, essentially. He's, he's out there to win championships. He's out there to do anything. Um, so I think that's the idea behind the title, essentially keeping a kayfabe, like it's, he doesn't care about the title. It's, it's his face and that's all that matters. It's like, it's, it's like,
That's who he is. He, he like absorbed the, the universal title. Like it's, it's an entity now. It's like, it's, it's, it's a part of him. And then it wouldn't basically, when it passes on, obviously it'll be, it'll go back to the regular way it looks. But I think that's what they're going for. It's like, it's, it's a part of that universe now. It's not a part of, um, the WWE universe. It's part of the, the fiend's universe, essentially. True. But I think it could have been like, it could have been like, um, the, uh,
the upside down, you know, if you're familiar with Stranger Things, like they could have done the WWE title, but then they could have done like the upside down version of the WWE title, right? Where it's all like mangled and like fleshy and like, you know, that thing, but it could have still like resembled like the title just in a very fiendish way. I just feel like, I just feel like it looks very, um,
like childish for it to have like for it to be a mask essentially on the belt, right? Like, yeah, it's just kind of silly that it's his face. I'm all for it having like a distressed and destructive, like a crazy fiendish feel to it. But I just feel like it didn't have to be like so blatant, like his his body. Yeah. God is a very good word. Yeah. The other the other thing I think too is like if you ever see him like
Any pictures of him like walking to the like his entrance with the title he wears it around his neck So it's almost like a like a mask like a double mask. Yeah, that's what that I think that's what they added because he was doing that with the blue title and I think they kind of messed up in the sense where It's a blue title not the red title if it was the red title still I think they would have just kept it that way but they may have would have just sold the the feed title as like a
like a one-off thing. Because you can see how much it costs. Oh, yeah. It is almost $7,000. Yeah. And it's not that many. And it's created by the special effects guy. I think it is. We talked about Tom Savini. Yeah, Tom Savini. Yeah. So it's like one of ones, or he actually numbered them individually and stuff like that. So it is a collector's item in that sense. But I think they're going for the horror aspect, too. What would like, if Freddy Krueger would have
the universal title, what would the universal title look like? It would be made of the souls of the children that he killed. It would look like his chest with like those little faces, little faces. Exactly. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like it would be representative of something other than just like, I don't, I don't feel like Freddy Krueger would just like have his, his face on a title. You know what I mean? I feel like he would have something. Yeah, exactly. Um, the other thing I thought they could have done, um, I'm not a designer or a creator of any sort of any sort.
But it would have been cool if they just did like the Bray Wyatt lantern face on it. That's exactly what I said. Yes. OK. Yeah, that would have been awesome. Mm hmm. I think I could get down with that. Or just or or one of the puppets I could have did like Huskus.
All right. You know, you and I are always on the same page. I legitimately said that. Did you say? Oh, my God. I said, dude, I would be more I would be more like excited if they put Huskus the hog on there. Oh, my God. Wow. That's definitely the same way. Oh, so if I was if I was in issues, but I mean, I don't I personally don't entirely hate the title. It's it is what it is. It's it's it's out there. It's not going anywhere, you know.
They're gonna run it into the ground for sure, of course And he's I'm not sure what he's gonna lose the title or or I mean usually With stuff like that when they give someone got a custom title. They kind of hold on to it for a while. So
Who knows if that sounds right? It will be cool if they have the Mr. Rogers Bray Wyatt character still coming out with the regular blue universal title and just have maybe two belts. When he's in one personality, he has one belt. And when he's the fiend, he has the other belt. Well, that's what I'm assuming that it's happening. Yeah, that's what's happening. When you see Bray Wyatt, he's always going to have the blue belt. And then whenever you see the fiend, he's going to have
the Fiend belt. Yeah, that's actually the idea. That's what they want to do is separate the two, the two entities, as they say. So the Fiend has his own custom title and Bray has his universal title when he's on the Firefly front house. So I mean, we'll see where it goes from here. But I said, I don't hate it.

Wrestling Merchandise and Collectibles

Speaking speaking of of merch I think we got a lot like Phil has like a freaking boatload of merch to go over so we better get to our Go figure segment because I think Phil Phil said like his biggest haul of the year. Let's do it
Oh yeah, you know it. At that time, everyone's favorite segment, but to this time of year, it's our Go Figure segment. We're out fig hunting. We're finding stuff in the wild. We're taking advantage of some of these sweet, sweet ringside collectible deals. And speaking of ringside collectibles,
They're actually our sponsor here for this segment on our show, so check them out. It's You can use the code CHICKFOLY for 10% off of your order, and we appreciate if you do that because they are awesome sponsors. We love working with them, and they've been really great to us, so do us a favor and help them out there and patronize their website.
I'll let you guys start because I have quite a bit of stuff here. And like I said, this might be my biggest big haul of all time. So I'll let one of you guys start first. Biggest big haul of all time. Wow. So I think the only thing that we got the heel has been grabbed a couple of Lucy's off of eBay this week. He got Elite Series 12, Justin Gabriel and then Elite
Series 16 Ezekiel Jackson. Um, Justin Gabriel, I know for a fact was like, he, he was in WWE during my like dark period of, you know, when, whenever I was not watching the product. So I don't know much about him. You guys familiar with Justin Gabriel's catalog of work. I think he's in ring of honor now. Yeah. He was part of the, uh, what was this? Right. The nexus. Yeah. It was a cool high flying type of guy. Yeah.
Yeah. So, um, he grabbed him, um, pretty cool looking figure, uh, but just, you know, just nothing, nothing, nothing super special. Um, and then like I said, the Ezekiel Jackson, and he was in WWE until like 2014, like 2014 was when we started getting back into maybe late 2013, 2014 is when we started getting back into it. So, um, yeah, not, not super familiar with, with his, his catalog either, but you know, Hey, you know, we're rounding out the collection.
Yeah, gotta have, um, you know, gotta have one of every, of every character, right?
Maybe the worst intercontinental champion of all time. Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, do you ever remember that he was an intercontinental champion? No, I did. Nope. No. Yeah. Look right here. Yeah. Being the Ezekiel Jackson where he held the ECW championship being the last title holder and WWE intercontinental champion. Uh, yeah. So yeah, didn't, did not know that. So you know why he sucked.
Why? He went to alma mater, University of Buffalo. A Buffalo? It all comes back to Buffalo.
I've actually thought of buying that figure to adding it to my new generation collection and making it my Ahmed Johnson because I don't think we're ever going to get an Ahmed Johnson figure. They look kind of similar, similar builds. They were basically the same wrestler. They both look like a million bucks, but neither one could do anything on the mic.
I thought, I thought whenever it showed up for like a brief moment, I was like, Oh, did, did the heel has been get like a Titus custom? Um, because we don't, can you believe, uh, to this day we do not have a Titus elite, like crazy. He's been probably been around for 10 years, right?
I mean, dude, and like he was completely over when he was part of the, um, yeah, making moves, making moves, making million dollar moves like that. What's the name of their tag team, Marco? Oh God.
Yeah, they were over. I cannot believe Annie got the freaking Titus world slide. Like give the man a freaking elite. Right? I know. Amazing. Amazing. You know, give me, give me, where's Naomi even? By the way, this is a side track, but she's still a wrestler. Does she still work for WWE?
Yes. She is apparently with all of the legal stuff that's been going on with, uh, the usos and like they're drunk driving and all of that kind of stuff and PIs and all of that. She kind of got just kind of lumped into that. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like she's just kind of like an innocent bystander in all of their like, you know, bad behavior. So unfortunately it's like keeping her off TV too, which really sucks. Um, so, you know, but I mean,
You do the crime. You gotta, you gotta pay the time. You know what I mean? Catering food. She's eating that catering. She's eating that. I don't even know if she's backstage. I legitimately have not seen a trace of Naomi and I can't even tell you.
how long. And that's a damn shame because I love Naomi. Like I just think, you know, I'm a total divas Mark two and everything I've ever seen about her. She's like the sweetest, like kindest chick ever. And she's, and she's a pretty bad ass wrestler. So yeah, for sure. Uh, Marco, did you pick up? So Sheena, you didn't get anything for the, uh, the black Friday sale or the cyber Monday site sale at a ringside collectibles.
I didn't purchase anything. I was too busy purchasing baby stuff. The heel has been, may have made some purchases that I am unaware of. Um, so I'll, I'll have to ask him, but yeah, for sure. I, I was buying like, you know, baby clothes and loungers and swaddles and all, all the things that all the things us moms need. Yeah. I don't know. I wasn't a, but they did have a killer sale. I mean, I was like posting some of the stuff like all, I mean, they had like, you know, three 99 elites. It was, it was almost as good as the seer sale.
Oh, yeah, but people actually get their fingers in the mail. But they actually get their fingers. Yeah, yeah. Mark? Did you hear Sears did that again? Sorry to interrupt. Did you hear Sears did it again? Like they had another sale? Yeah, and no one told me. And then people were just posting pictures about it. And I guess, like, the Ds were insane. Yeah, some people actually got their orders fulfilled this time. I was like, whoa. To have the balls to go back to Sears and order and place an order, I guess your boldness is rewarded.
True, but I mean, you know, I mean, they did refund you last time. So what do you have to lose? You know, it wasn't anybody lost money. It was just kind of a matter of like, you know, it's sucking when you got that that cancellation notice. But yeah, people were like, well, screw it. What do I have to lose? And then it actually went freaking through. Marco, what'd you get this weekend? So I actually just sent you guys a link to that that action figure showdown.
Yeah, if you just if you search YouTube just if you go to YouTube and just search action figure showdown it comes up They've only done like like they do like one every year like there's not a ton of them
Yeah, but I didn't even know they did anything like that, which is pretty cool. It's awesome. There was one from three months ago. It was Ricochet and Ali versus the Hardy Boys, and it's just like watching a match. It's so freaking fluid. I would love to find out who made these for them, because I don't know. I mean, it's partnered with Ringside Collectibles.
I don't know who actually did the stop motion stuff, but it's pretty cool. Definitely check it out. It's Action Figure Showdown on YouTube. It's part of the WWE YouTube channel. Yeah, so I got my brothers of destruction from the one Sheena Phelps, which is pretty awesome. I also went on Amazon and I seen
the, um, cause they never owned it. The networks, uh, spotlight, oh no, the fan central, sorry. Bobby Heeden was on sale for like 17 bucks. So I picked that up, um, just around that elk as girl monsoon's coming. So he needs his commentary partner there with him. Um, then, uh, actually it was on Walmart. Phil actually hit me up about the, um, the WWE masters of the universe, um, ring
that comes with John Cena and Triple H. So ordered that. I'll be picking that up. I didn't do a delivery. I'll just pick it up at my local Walmart, which is pretty awesome. They're still not in my local Walmart as to just walk in and buy one. You can't find any. Say they were like, there's nothing. The only thing that they have is like elite 71, like Nikki Bella. That's pretty much it, which is very random.
The other thing, actually the last thing I picked up was at Target they actually put out all the basic 100 figures and I don't buy basics at all just like the ladies but I figured it was like a significant like
Yeah, it's a pretty it's a pretty big deal that any series of toys has like a hundred Different series come out like that's that's a big freakin deal You know what I mean? Like not many toy lines can say that they've had like a hundred separate series of Toys like I think that's pretty cool. Yeah, exactly the back of the packaging actually acknowledge that like, you know with the fan support that they're able to do a hundred a series 100 so they're
you know, they're displaying like the significant, you know, um, wrestlers over that course of time. So that was pretty awesome. And in my collective mind, I'm like, Oh, I, I have all those characters are also a ghostbuster character. So now I have to get all five of those to match with that. So we have, they're not bad looking figures at all. Um, the only, I'm not sure if anyone else did picks us at all, but I really hate the fact that like, um,
If it's a guy with chest hair, they do not put the chest hair on the character. Like, Shawn Michaels doesn't have chest hair. Uh, AJ Sal's Basics does not have chest hair. Uh, Fraser Ramone, his Basic December 7th does not have chest hair. Yeah, you get the, that, that pain app costs extra money. You get what you pay for. That is very true. And I have to get some, uh, take some, like,
art lessons to add some chest here myself on my basics. But other than that, yeah, I mean, it's pretty decent pickup for the week of, you know, that, like I said, holiday season, got to tighten up the belt a little bit, but I'm nitpicking here and there when I, when I can, if I'm going out to grab like, you know, like a little like accoutrement, as I like to say, I'll toss in a little fig if I have to. But yeah, it's pretty much it.
Honey, we can't go to dinner tonight. I'm drawing chests here on my AJ Styles toy. Yeah, exactly. She better understand that. That's important.
Yeah, I'm watching this action figure showdown This looks like it definitely looks like the work of either like, you know Someone like our boy Trey from my damn toys or battle stories like those guys are I mean, they're just insane like yeah I was gonna say shout out my damn toys because they do some cool stuff too. He doesn't awesome like paper Oh, yeah, like the paper views that he puts together like I'm just like Jesus Christ man, like you are so just like it's so detailed and so it's like literally like watching a
a legitimate pay-per-view, you know, with commentary and the whole thing, so. So I placed more ringside collectible orders in the last four days than I have the entire year, so here. Oh my gosh. I pre-ordered the Natalia Elite 74 because I knew that I was gonna need that one. So that, I don't know, that'll probably come later on this month. I'm not holding my breath for any time soon because that just got announced.
I've made I've for some reason I've decided to start my an AJ Styles collect elite collection So I have three or four now. Oh Jesus you're gonna do I know I'm not gonna do the top picks, but I bought AJ Styles elite 51 for $6.99 and AJ Styles survivor series from last year for $7.99 just to just to have those because those were cheap and
I picked up one of our one of our followers on Twitter who graciously sent me $50 he didn't want to send it he didn't didn't want to ship the figs which makes total sense to me he he just
sent me the money via PayPal which we're all about that life if you want to do that and I'm gonna pull up his name right now so Scott Dan at SDAN 31 sent me some money so what I did I went on to ringside collectibles because they had free shipping for over $50 and I got
three Xavier Woods retros, three Kofi Kingston retros, and three Big E retros. Oh, sweet. For the toy drive, so thank yous. I asked Scott, I said, do you want me to use your real name or do you want me to use Scott Dan? He said, nope, that is my real name. I have two first names, so I felt like an asshole.
It just seems like a person's name, but there's definitely worse names I can think of. So Scott, thank you so much for your donation, man. That has been ordered and that is on the way to the Casa here. So thank you so much. And I've got more donations from people. The Foley family has been amazing and we still have people sending stuff in. I've talked to a bunch of people that are PayPal-ing me money.
I've gotten zero donations from anyone I've met in real life. Nothing. I mean, my mom did give me some too. My mom gave me some. But I'm like- Internet friends are the best friends. They are. They really are. I mean, my Facebook friends and people that I know, neighbors and relatives, nobody's done shit.
Uh, thank you. Thank you for everyone listening. That's donated. I have a whole list. I know you're like, how many cookies and bullshit have I bought off your kids over the years and like, you know, donated to your, your kids' schools and everything. And like, give me, give me a damn toy.
I wanted to support our buddies over at the Major Brothers podcast, so I bought one Jeff Hardy Elite, sorry, Basic 97, it was $3.99, because, and I recommend everyone to do this, you can ship it to their PO Box, it's free shipping from Ringside Collectibles.
And I think everyone who donates to their toy drive, they're doing a drawing from Ringside is donating like eight different prizes like the full Elite 70 series and Ultimate Edition and a bunch of different stuff. So everyone who donates gets one entry into that. So pretty cool thing that they're doing over there. I wanted to support those guys.
well so I did that the lovely Sheena Phelps and the heel husband sent a big old box of stuff for the toy drive which I apologize I don't have in front of me I can run it down next week but it's up with all the other other stuff up in the the spare bedroom so Sheena thank you so much and you sent me the figure arts stone cold Steve Austin which is an awesome figure
I got that from you as well. And you sent me, without me knowing, the Kari Sane Elite 73, I think it is, 73? Yeah, that's a dope, that's a dope fig. Dude, awesome man. It is an awesome figure. Thank you so much for doing that. Did I talk about last week my Survivor Series Alexa Bliss and Fan Central Carmella? I think I did. I don't think so. You finally picked up the Fan Central?
Yep, we got both of those in, so adding to my women's collection there. I picked up Elite 69 Ricochet. I found randomly at a target for my son for Christmas, because he for some reason wants that one now, so I've added that to the list.
And I have to apologize. I shit on these Masters of the Universe figures so hard. Yeah, you did. I'll be the first to admit, I haven't been swept up. I haven't called you out on it yet. No, I'll call myself out.
I'll call myself out. I think they're growing on me 100%. I still miss the retros, but I think it's something cool and kitschy and different. So I picked up the Ring Bundle from and I'm going to pick that up. I think it's next week it's supposed to come in.
But that comes with John Cena and Triple H. And I was sold just from looking at it, and then from the Mage Brothers, they pointed out in their podcast that I think you can pop off the arms and the legs, and you can switch all the parts out with all the different wrestlers. So that's a pretty cool feature that we haven't seen in quite a while with wrestling figures.
I added that to the collection. That'll come hopefully soon. I have an addiction, guys. I'm addicted to these freaking $5 retros at five below. I have an entire loose collection. I have an entire mint on card collection. And now I'm almost like halfway to building a third collection. I guess what I'm going to do. Are you just going to open them halfway so that they're like halfway between mint and loose?
Yeah, Dick's Half Way In. There's a bar here in Baltimore called Dick's Half Way In, by the way, which is amazing. I'm going to just give them to my son and let him play with him, because he wants to play with my loose ones anyway. And I cringe when I watch him just smash them together like it's a demolition derby. So I'm compiling all of those together. So our buddy Zach Egloff today, he hit me up in the DMs and said, hey, are you still looking for retros?
I mean only if they have the diesel and junkyard dog series and he just responded with a picture and they was exactly what I was looking for and I just said nah fuck buy me one of each of them thank you thank you so much so he picked those up for me I know I know and our good buddy TJ McHugh who's giving away that that shield three-pack
He's sending me the Elite, sorry, the Retro Series 9, which is the Goldust, Macho Man, Samoa Joe series. So that's coming to me here. So I mean, for $5 a piece, I really can't pass. I love the Retro's so much. I mean, it goes back to my love for the Hasbro's.
I know, but you're you're getting into like, you know, the territory status. It's going to be. Yeah, it's going to be like because you feel like, oh, I can't leave them behind. You know what I mean? Like as a collector, I've totally been there where you're just like, oh, my God, like it's only five dollars. Am I really going to leave it? But then at the same time, it's like, what the hell? I have five of these things already. You know, adds up. Yeah. Yeah. You know, but.
I'm sure the kid will enjoy them if you see our backyard right now it's literally littered with freaking basic figures and some elites but it's just like the little guy I mean you know we think oh they're gonna play so nicely it's gonna be so much fun and like literally Brett will I take it and like launch it
Um, so I look forward to the day when he actually like plays wrestlers, like, you know, like wrestles with them in the ring and makes them do all the things. Um, because right now they're just projectiles and like, you know, digging tools and things like that. Yeah, it's coming. It's coming. Another six months or so you'll be good.
I picked up the Bret Hart Ultimate Edition. I'm not gonna get all of those. I'm not a big fan of some of them. I'm probably gonna pick up the Shawn Michaels too and have kind of the Bret Hart and the Shawn Michaels. The backstory here on some of these figures that I've picked up, so I won two Apple AirPods from my work and I listened to zero music.
Outside of my car. I don't I don't Listen to I don't even know where my ear pods my normal Headphones are I don't ever listen to music ever Outside of the car so I was like I don't want these things I sold one to somebody on Facebook and the first one I I randomly went to Target and said hey my grandma bought me these I don't have a receipt I Know I just
Man, this is the Robin Hood the Robin Hood fig story. So I was like, I just don't want them They're in the package. They're brand new. I just don't want this. I don't have a receipt my grandma's old She just she she can't find the receipt. I'm a grandma's old. She bought me these AirPods. Old people die. That's what they do. She didn't like knit you any socks like you're your old ass grandma who went to the went to Target and bought you some AirPods
Yeah, so the lady at Target like fell bad for me So she she she gave me a merchandise credit card for like I think it was like a hundred with tax like a hundred and sixty-nine dollars So I've that's been like okay any any figure I buy a target. I'm just using this card. It's down Like if we have any target loss prevention people listening to this podcast like please don't come for us
Oh, I mean, hey, it was still in the package. Listen, I would feel bad if Target hadn't like, you know, dicked me over so many damn times, but you know what? Screw Target. Right? Yeah. I'm still showing the business. And then like, now whenever I see something, I'm like, oh man, okay, I guess I'll get this because I've been dragging my feet on this Bret Hart Ultimate Edition for so long. So I picked that up.
It's a good thing. It is. It is pretty cool. I haven't popped it out of the package yet, but I'm liking the different arms and the face scans are good, except for the hair and the face, but we've talked about that. Our good buddy, again, Zach Eaglehoff, picked up for me the Elite 71 Jeff Hardy with the pink paint for my son. So I'm adding that to this Christmas collection, so that'll be good.
Oh, I think that's, oh, our good buddy Mike Lanham sent me the Shawn Michaels Basic 100 variant with the white pants with the red hearts on them and a Curt Hawkins Elite. Oh, nice. For a giftsky, a little giftsky from Mike Lanham for donating to his fundraiser for a couple weeks ago. So big on Mike for sending those things over to me.
And, um, I have a bunch of other stuff that has not gotten here yet, which I will talk about, um, next week. So I can say, I totally forgot, um, to, to mention that I grabbed, these aren't wrestling figures, but I got, um, the bebop and rock steady, the NECA, the car that go with the cartoon turtle two packs. Um, we actually, yeah, we found the bebop and rock steady and dude, they are.
mage like they look so freaking dope like they're just like large and in charge like it's total like big dude season with our turtles like you know what I mean like these are like these are like the big dude season contenders in the turtle pack so
love love love those and then we also picked up um i forgot seth got um him and the baby face a couple roosevelt's t-shirts i don't know if you heard like the the tees i don't know if you know about the roosevelt's shirts but they're pretty freaking awesome i have some of the sandlot tees that i got like last year or year before i can't remember
But they have a license with WWE and they make like a really like some really, really cool, super, super soft like button downs. And he got himself the razor Ramon and he got the baby face, the macho man. So they're on our Instagram. You can go check them out. But yeah, Roosevelt's like they they kill it with their with their designs. What was what was the website, Marco, that you pointed out that had like the dress, the dress shirts that were like DX and Undertaker inspired was that Roosevelt's?
Well, Roosevelt has some, but if it's Marco, isn't it like WWE shirts or something like that? Like they hit me up not too long ago. They're like long sleeve. Like they look like a Persian nightclub owner would wear these shirts. Yeah. Yeah. They're not the Roosevelt ones. I forget the name of the company. I'll have to go back to the Twitter machine and
Yeah, this I'll have to look through my DMS because they DMed me like a few times like show me showing me some of their designs and stuff and I'm like I'm like Listen, you want me to you want me to freakin shout you out you I gotta see the quality You know I'm saying I ain't trying to shout out no stiff ass shirts like Roosevelt's I can I can like talk about the quality of those I stand behind those like they're super soft like they're the they're the kind of material you want on your body, but these WWE Shirts, I don't know
I can't speak to the quality. So I'm like, I need you to send me one, bro. Like, so Roosevelt's just on this website now for the first time ever. They have a stone cold three 16 sleeveless like button up that looks like the vest you would wear to the ring. Yes. I might need to buy that tonight. That is amazing.
It is pretty freaking awesome. Let's get them as sponsors, please. On their Facebook, they have a group called Roosevelt's Insiders and sometimes they'll drop promo codes for the Insiders and stuff. So make sure you're a part of that if you like their merch. And there's also people that go out and like scour and find clearance racks and stuff at these stores called Bucky's. I've never heard of Bucky's before, but apparently they're like a Texas thing or like a kind of a Western
uh, America thing. Um, but I've like, there's like bucky shirts and they carry Roosevelt. So they'll do a lot of hunting for you. I do have a little surprise for both of you guys. Lo Gifsky that, uh, our friends over at alphabet legends are giving us, you can follow them on Instagram at alphabet legends. I reached out to them because shut your mouth. I love alphabet legend. Nice. Okay. So they're doing, they did a wrestling legends alphabet book where basically like,
You have kids yeah, it's basically a is for Kurt angle. He was champion blah blah blah on every page is a different letter So they're sending us three copies of those well They're sending three to me, and I'm gonna send one to each of you guys. Oh my gosh
Yeah, pretty, pretty, pretty cool stuff, man. But yeah, check them out. They have one for every, you know, more. They have everything. Golf legends, NBA legends. It's a freaking million dollar idea. It's a great idea for kids because my son loves like the books where he can just basically like he can basically read them because he knows the alphabet now. So pretty cool stuff. So it's alphabet legends on They have one for wrestling and we will once we get it in hand, we will check it out and
See if it's kid approved, but I'm sure it's gonna be it looks pretty awesome. The drawings are really cool. So yeah No problem, yeah, I'll get those sent out to you guys pretty soon I did want to give a shout out to a couple of Facebook groups that I am a part of that I think everyone should be I
One of them is Fandemonium, so it's F-A-N and then D-E-M-O-N-I-U-M. It's a great Facebook group. It's basically similar to the R group where it's, I think it's like four or five thousand people in there now, but it's
It's run by Andy Brown, who's a good buddy of mine, who's a fig collector, and he does a bunch of raffles and a bunch of stuff like that. And the other one is wrestling figures and collectibles. If you search WFC, it should come up. It's a private group. It's run by a buddy of mine, Dougie Nunya.
I mean, this group is where I get a lot of my links to stuff. When stuff goes live on and all different websites, he's always posting it. I don't know if he just has one of those jobs where he can just sit in front of a computer, which I'm jealous of.
He's not in a car all day like I am so he's able to post a bunch of links So both of both of those if you're on Facebook are groups that I would highly recommend joining if you are a Facebook user, so check those out there and Yeah, that's that's about it for for stuff if you still want to donate to the toy drive You can do that. We've had a couple donations like I said come in over the last couple days and
our buddy Qstown collector on Instagram sent me, I think he sent me 50 bucks. 60 bucks. 60 bucks. Yeah. And always sent it to you and then you sent it over to me and I went to five below and pulled the card out and just basically piled a bunch of retros into my
And then my cart, you can follow him on Instagram at Q's town collector. C U S E town underscore collector. He's been one of our followers since we, I think since we first started doing the podcast. Yeah, he's one of our, yeah, he's one of our Foley fam and, uh, yeah, Dustin, yeah, Dustin, he hit me up and he, he sent a donation and then he's like, yeah, my fiance was sitting right beside me whenever I donated and she wanted to donate more. So they, they threw in a little more. I was like, dude, that's so freaking awesome. So yeah, so we got some, we got some really cool stuff coming for that. So.
Yep. Yep. So the address is, and you probably need to get these out in the next couple of days. Maybe your best bet is Amazon or Ringside Collectibles, but it's Chick Foley Toy Drive, PO Box 3203, Catonsville, Maryland, 21228.
or you can just send it to my, you can hit us up on Instagram or Twitter and we'll give you our PayPal, and you can just send the money to us. Not as fun, but it definitely saves you a bunch of money on shipping, and that's more money that you can give to us for figures for the kids. That's gonna go to- And you'll have to go to the post office. Yes, yes, which this time of year is the shit, in a bad way, not a good way.
And yeah, we'll post a picture of whatever we pick up for you and we'll talk about it here on the show. So whatever we can do, we appreciate. We've had a ton of donations come in. We have a list of everybody who's donated. We're going to give a prize to one lucky person, but we appreciate everything that's come through here. So that's it for my pickups and for my spiel on the toy drive. Yeah.
Cool. Well, speaking of merch again, let's get into our random merch. Um, we found this really cool, uh, pretty, pretty damn random too. Um, it is a WWF leap and Lanny Poffo orange frisbee. If you remember when, uh, leap and Lanny used to come to the ring, you're like, you know, tossing out frisbees and it's got like the little spiel on the front of the, of the frisbee. But this one is autographed.
It does say to Dennis. So if your name is Dennis you get bonus points, but if not, you know, you still get you still get leap and lannies autograph and this frisbee is $75 with $10 and 56 cents shipping. So I don't know if they have a if they have a best offer Yeah, they or best offer so you can make an offer on this if you're a huge, you know Leaping lanny mark, but yeah pretty cool little piece of random merch there I mean because I mean that had to come from like
Well, like the 80s, right? Like, 80, 87, you know? Yeah, that's before he was a genius. Yeah, yeah. So, I mean, this is like, this is an old ass frisbee. So, a pretty cool little piece of merch here for our random merch. I'll post a picture of it on the Instagram whenever we post the show notes and everything.
Very nice. Cool stuff. Yeah. Let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. And this is brought to you in part by our buddies at You can find our Chick Foley swag there. If you search Chick Foley show.
and a ton of wrestling stuff there. The place to go for independent wrestling t-shirts and a good friend of ours. Let's go. This was a match that I picked, actually. I thought it was at a TLC match, but I guess it was just a TLC match at a different event. But nonetheless, it was pretty fun.
Yeah, so this happened at Extreme Rules 2014, and this was on the pre-show, but it was a TLC match, but it was a TLC match between Hornswoggle and El Torito, so they called it the Wii-LC match, which I guess in 2019, I guess it could be seen as like, you know,
uh offensive or whatever or like you know this this could have went a lot of ways you know people you know using little people to be like comedy acts or whatever but dude like this match is like a classic like i absolutely love it and i can't believe we've never had a another wlc match ever since because
like i said i think it was one of those things where you know when you heard about it and you're like what the hell is this gonna be like you know they're gonna put these guys out there and like have them just do a bunch of stupid stuff um but they like beat the piss out of each other you know what i mean like these these two guys just like went all in and there was some funny moments like there was a um
A spot when, oh my gosh, I can't remember who was on the top of the ladder, whether it was Hornswoggle or El Tirito. But I think it was El Tirito was on the top of the ladder and he was acting like he was scared and they had like many ladders and many tables. But these guys put on like a crazy good match and it is just like a lot of fun from start to finish. And it's funny because I was reading an article that said like when they went backstage, like they got like a standing ovation from everybody that was in gorilla position. You know what I mean?
Yeah, like even even Vince was just and like the crowd was so into it. You know what I mean? And like even Vince who probably just put this out there as like, you know, this is good shit, pal. You know, like he even thought that they did a really, really awesome job. So if you haven't seen it, go to your network, go to Extreme Rules 2014. It's on the pre-show. It's the we LC match. Like I said, it's it's a it's a lot of fun.
They had a little people announce table, they called it a small little JR, a little king, and they pulled out a little step stool ladder. It was really well done and funny. Like you said, in 2019, I'm sure people on Twitter would have an uproar about it.
But, you know, it was good. I mean, El Torito back in the day, man. I mean, back in the day, this was five years ago, but I mean, that's a long time in wrestling time. Yeah, it is. Oh, yeah. Dude, the freaking Matadors or whatever their names were, the El Matadors, is that what the name of their tag team was? They used to just like toss him around like a freaking
You know, it was, it was crazy, but yeah, he, he did some crazy spots for them, um, back in the day, five years ago. But yeah, I love, I love me some El Dorito and horn swaggle. So, um, yeah, I definitely wanted to pick this match because even though it's not a, you know, a match on TLC, since that's our pay-per-view coming up, it is one of like a classic TLC moment.
Have they announced anything for TLC 2019 yet?

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I mean that's I think it's on the 16th. I think whatever that Sunday 15th 15th. Yeah Let's see TLC 2019 card Let's pull that up on our Google machine and see what what comes up. I Don't know I'm sure we're gonna have Bobby and
Rusev right like that's gotta be one. Oh, yeah, no matches have been confirmed for 2019 TLC card The predictions are Bray Wyatt Daniel Bryan KO and Seth Rollins versus the AOP Women's Tag Team Championship Kabuki Warriors versus Becky and Charlotte and then King Corbin versus Roman Reigns Bayley versus Lacey and Rusev versus Bobby Lashley is what the predictions are showing Yeah
What is money in the bank? I feel like it's been forever since we had a money in the bank. I don't even remember who won the last money in the bank. Money in the bank is in the summer if I'm not completely brain dead right now. I thought it was right after WrestleMania. Is it? Let me see. Nope, it's in June. Wow, okay. Let's see when it is this year. Maybe they changed it.
it's no it's in may so it's going to be in may this year may 19th 2019 so yeah it is was it was a bronze stroma the one last year does it matter and no it doesn't i'm just trying to like think of it was um it was brock lesner and bailey oh yeah brock how did we forget brock won money in the bank so enough holly was at the top of the ladder yeah
Yeah, the kid knows I got we know who's winning this one. Yeah, he'd be the boombox Brock. Yeah. Yeah Good call. Good call. That's why we pay the big bucks Marco. Thank you All right Yeah, that was that's it for us listener mail I don't I don't think we I meant to put a post on our patreon page. Do you have anything Sheena? I
I don't have anything for this week, man. Nope. It's a wrap. It's been a pretty quiet week in wrestling, so not a whole lot going on. We had a lot more outside the ring news than we had inside the ring news this week. For sure. The Ringside Collectibles Black Friday, Cyber Monday deal is done, but I just put up their website. They have a holiday sale, which I'm sure is probably going all the way till Christmas.
If you want to grab anything you can there, you can use code CHICKFOLY for 10% off. Hit us up if you have anything for the toy drive. Next week, I guess we'll be previewing TLC, even though we don't have a single match for that yet. And we'll announce the giveaway winner for our Shield 3-pack.
And we'll get into more Christmasy stuff. So I talked about the bonus episodes for the Patreon subscribers. We are going to do a Home Alone watch-along. Hopefully we can record that maybe at some point this weekend. This week, yeah. Yeah, that would be nice. And it's a little late now, but myself, Sheena, Marco, Mike Lanham, and the heel husband did a fantasy football type of draft for some
figure survivor series teams. We picked our five favorite figures of all time and we'll get that recorded at some point soon. So with the holidays and the baby coming and home improvements and a bunch of stuff, we've been slacking a little bit, but I promise we will. We'll just post a graphic and let you guys vote because we picked some pretty mage.
Uh, some pretty major action figure teams. So, uh, I'm excited to get that up and letting you guys, and we're not going to tell you whose team is whose we're just like, it's going to be a blind, a blind test. So taste test. Yeah. All right. So thank you everyone for listening. We appreciate all of the support on, uh, on social media. Thank you so much. Follow us there. We've been.
I've been trying to post as many deals and any kind of links I can to any websites when stuff becomes available or good sales happen. So definitely follow us there. For Marco and Sheena, thank you for listening and we will be back here same time next week, folks. Stay classy, Marx.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Thank you.