Nonsense and Chill Ep2 Furiosa Part 2 image

Nonsense and Chill Ep2 Furiosa Part 2

Nonsensical Network
8 Plays7 hours ago

Blaze and Jay finish their review of Furiosa

mr po Hey, welcome back everybody to part two of Blaze and Jay's review of Furiosa here on a Nonsense and Shield. I just want to remind everybody that this is a recorded stream, even though it does say live and it is live, but it is a pre-record. It's a three hour movie, got to do in two parts. So please, if you want to leave comments, leave them down below. That way we get a notification so you'll have to comment. Don't leave them over here on the live.
Unfortunately, we won't be able to respond that way. We are setting these pre-records up to help Jeff and I schedule out. But as a bonus, just to let you guys know, next Friday will be a live recording. And you guys will be able to chit-chat in the live with us while we review a corny, funny zombie movie. Anyway, guys, enjoy part two. Thank you for joining us. And yeah, let's get on with it.
Is it me or does that guy look like a really like a wish version of Walter Goggins?
Is it me or is it just the way he does? He does look like Walter Goggins a little bit. Is that guy fucking smothered? We're on act three we're not even halfway through the movie. Such a long movie but it's such a good one but before we Get on with Act 3. I just want to go ahead and remind everybody about, you know, the whole network and what we have for you throughout the week. Monday nights, we have Men Caring for Men. Tuesday nights, we have Glick's House of Music. Wednesday night, we got what the fuck news? Thursday night. What is Thursday night? Oh, every other Thursday is Cash's Corner Wrestling Updates. Friday is
Whose argument is it anyway last week this week? You got this special for you And then Saturday is a flagship show a nonsensical nonsense open door challenge The links get dropped and you get to come on up and then on Sundays we had Jeff's garage and a new addition that Glick is doing during the football seasons where he does a recap. Is it a recap? I Think it's a recap and predictions for the week, but a football overview called unnecessary unnecessary roughness and Yeah, that's that's the gist for the week If you guys are enjoying what we do and you want more hit the like the subscribe hit that notify Bell as well
and and follow everything we do on the nonsensical network uh bio dot link slash nonsensical network sorry i was just about to drop that um did you already oh yep you already did i already got it i'm on the ball buddy fuck yeah you'll be yeah um and we got our bio links if you want to check uh check us out uh more to come and also we got nonsensical hyphen nonsense.myspreadshop.com where we got some merch out there. We got tumblers, we got stickers, we got some shirts, some of these hats coming soon. Yes, hats are coming soon. So please log on, buy yourself something, spread us on to you and enjoy. And there let's you roll through it. Act three, the stowaway.
I love, I love the ritual thing here. Like, is that, is that audience yet? It's still not her now. Yeah. I mean, like, she's only in the last half of the movie, which is kind of impressive. From all these body parts.
two hefty v8 engines a chassis for a prior mover 2857 pounds object and we are going to put this all together we are going oh this is a badass truck they're building yeah it so they're building the war rig uh this is the second generation of the war rig uh you know uh obviously the the war rig was destroyed when Keith Ledger's character uh apparently they're well they're upgrading when When the heap legend took over Gastown, they were like, we need a new war rig. So yeah this is them building it. And said oh creepy or useful is is like, I know this chick.
got going to build ahation lostqui open coins over here species grun and the wasteland bigger strong You know, okay. So,
Is it me or do you want to build one of these? I'm not too sure about the but the swing the swinging race on the end, but it looks lucky. Well, you know what what's worse is like they don't really show it in use ah enough. You've done the most runs in Fury Road. Last practice has been practical. Shit.
And I love this steering wheel. I want one of these steering wheels. So I've noticed that in other movies, like the steering wheel is like something they take with them. Yeah, well, every one of their vehicles has a removable steering wheel, which It's like, it's a bit extra. Is it like their own steering wheel? You know what I mean? Like, like, like if you hopped in a different truck, yes. Okay. So it's like, it's like a symbol. This is my truck during, this is my vehicle while I have it. I think, it I think it is. it's I think it's something like that. Um, you know, it's going on. He catches her. She's planning her escape.
The planning behind this is kind of impressive Why so shy it's just I was just going pay pay Horny horny guy. Look there's horny guys logo. He's added the logo. Yep This is a is this another rival gang or is this Hemsworth's first? I think it is because Hemsworth through all lives in Gastown. So this is another rival gang. You know, obviously the war rigs got gas in it. So that's what everybody wants.
I'm not sure what game this is. There's so many of them. yeah Yeah, they don't really have colors or logos Yeah, i find so way everything is so dirty in this movie, but that truck is pristine. It's clean Yeah, it's just the maiden voyage of this truck that we're seeing. I think so. Yeah, it is it is. I think that's why it's so clean Like how many flap wheels did they go through before they yeah right finished it
And that's a cool, that's a cool feature. I don't know how practical it is. Oh, yeah. they set Well, I mean, it's definitely practical. Not anymore. They've gone wrong. what' the hell
So this part of the movie I like, um, because you you think of like choreography when it comes to fight scenes and dancing and shit this is like this fight scene with the vehicles and everything in sight is like it's so well orchestrated it's like a whole dance number itself the choreography yeah my dude is water skiing yeah fan skiing i guess is he like like every every
Every move, everything they did, all is just like by the nose. By the nose. Yeah. I respect the fuck out of it. and This little dude fucking... He tries to hide the entire time he's so... He wants to press the button. And he still does make it. He still doesn't make it before he dies.
Witness me!
Look, this is her stowaway plan. She had a bike and everything inside of it. Yeah. That is a planning, like... Holy crap. She doesn't let go. She doesn't. Yeah, I was wondering, so I didn't really catch it the first time that she was planning on escaping that way.
And I'm like, why did she get the bike? Is that like backup or something? But yeah. no it's good So when she, you know, the truck stops, she can drive off into the sunset. I think it's a genius plan. Unfortunately, the truck just ran over somebody else and caught it. But look at, she's dragging that bike. She's got some strength behind it. There's a chain to it.
So, so she really wasn't even supposed to be on this voyage at all. No, she's not. and She gains my dude's respect here like you read about. Yeah. There it is. There's your fans.
I'm saying a walkway, you know, one of the swinging bridges or something that that's a little bit more practical than that. Fucking that shit, dude. Yeah, no, I'm not doing this. in movement mechanic yeah yeah yeah that's that dude needs like they need another vehicle to go next to the war rig to hold that guy's balls yeah they just need a dump truck trailing that's how you lose body parts oh ah
and okay
There you go. He doesn't give up either, does he? he doesn't. And he gave her the part she needed, the fuel line. Yeah. And she's like, I got this, bro. No, you don't. What's that got to be doing? 60? I know. What's he pouring on himself?
like so they carry around the bottles and they piss in the bottles and then they keep it in case they need to put out a fire that that's is dope that low rider bike it is built for speed boy
Unnecessary. And they don't even turn to somebody under there. They're like, fuck it. Yeah, unnecessary. Like you pop a tire that way, really bad. Yeah. What's up? What's up? All right, let calm down. She's literally, oh my gosh, she's millimeters from that. Oh my, yeah, I couldn't hear that beat. I'm talking. You know, you have like a loose button, a loose string or something.
Yeah, it's gonna catch it and it'll suck you in so fast. You want to know what happened
My poor dude just laying on the cabbage and green. watch So there's no fuel in this truck. It's all food. No. So, so basically what in a closet real quick, cause I got to bring this up. So what they use the, the whole tanker, they go to gas town with food that's grown in the Citadel. They trade it for gasoline. Gotcha. Then they take it back.
unload it into the citadel or or the bullet voice and then load it up with bullets so Do they rinse it out because you just put gasoline in there now you got food in there or vice versa i'm sure they looked to sure I'm sure they cleaned it out. I'm sure they probably clean it out after they take them put more food in there later I was I would hope so because I mean, we're just the outer layers. Damnation alone. I don't know. That's a weird one. Oh, wow. Did she ride a storm? That chrome is so tight. It's fucking in its glass. Yeah. Unnecessary. Oh, yeah. Unnecessary sight. Because, let's be honest, they're just going to fuck this truck up. Slowly.
Over the years. You think that little dude's down there like, well, this is my last meal. I'm going to cabbage it up. I would, too. Like, the whole way there and back. I'm just going to eat. Oh, shit.
That little Ranchero's badass, too. It is. I'm more, um I've always been more of an El Camino guy. but I am, too.
I'd see that. I need the old one. but about rid i where she's literally She's like, I just got to fix them too, man. I got a bomb. It's got some lights. Oh man.
Anybody, anybody got one little fucking bottle. No, but if you've ever tried to put water into a boiling over radiator, it doesn't work. No, just sending the fuck back out. And this time now, it's all fucking piss. And you're doing 70, 60, 70 miles an hour? Yeah. Yeah, it's not gonna work. Oh my God, he's at, what? Look that, that's what I love here. What the fuck?
He says, Witness me! Witness! Like, he's just like, I'm just gonna go kill myself. You didn't have to kill yourself. It's unnecessary. And you fucked it up. You didn't do that. You didn't do it right.
Oh no. Now it's on you, Taylor Joy. It is. Okay, so... Odd transition. Go ahead and pause it real quick. Yeah, i it probably took them a while to build that truck is what I was thinking, like a long time. Right, but like, was it Anya's underneath the truck? Or did they switch from the one girl to Anya in that scene? No, I think it's it was for the entire time. Okay, was it? Okay. no I just, I didn't catch it and I was like,
So I thought it, i I didn't either. I thought it was the younger, younger person. So we have the first appearance of of my girl Anya Taylor Joy. Nobody can tell me wrong about this girl. And she's about to show us her badassness. Am I wrong? No, you're absolutely right. She's a badass. Character's very badass. Let's play.
but uh i love how he kind of takes her under her wing here a little bit becomes her mentor and he knows he knows she's not she's not wanting to stick around well he even even helps her plan her escape yeah he plans to escape with it i think he's got kind of a like a love thing well this dude's like He's just bored. I want to cleanse my spray. My hands grow. He's going to waste all his chrome. He's not going to be able to witness. He doesn't get a chance to win this before school.
I love the the cruise control on this truck. You just lock it down. That's like old school manual shit, man. Fuck that.
She's just climbing all over this truck like it ain't nothing. Have they built a truck that actually now i was that the They have years of experience of people trying to track the war ring. So that makes sense. He's still driving.
the students time your old There comes the octopus. Nope, that's not octopus yet. That's later on. Oh no, it is the octopus. Oh, so it is, it's the marauders or whoever. I guess they know. Okay, they see. Defect it from Dementus, but they're still doing it. Yeah.
Unfortunately, he doesn't get a chance to cut his head it off, Ben. Oh, he shot him through the fucking door. I was wondering how he got shot by him. Well, and they they show it, but like at that point, ever as the viewer, the first time seeing this, you're like, wait a minute. Did he didn't die? Did he die or did he just hide? Because he's a giant pussy. And then you see, he gets over there.
You see the bullet hole through the cupboard. And there's one in his head. It is an octopus. Oh, yep.
That's cool. That is a cool look. I like that. Yeah. Little boy died. He was just playing with his brain. Nobody got to witness you, little man.
all shit
holy not every so we're on act four home-bound yeah the the That's the thing the the scenes or the the different parts of the movie acts. Thank you They're not caught up even. No, they're not and that's I plays, it's the same way, you know, you got different acts, but each, like, just like the kind of like the an arc of stories you have your, your beginning or your introductions, and you figure out, you know, what the but what with the plot is with with the MacGuffin is and shit like that characters and then then toward the middle, they start to peak, you know, and then
And that's kind of what, what they're doing. We're on what act four right now. So we got, yeah, this is the beginning of act four and just a little over halfway in act three was, was sort of the peak. It's all the major action, major action. Yes. We're all the, she's an adult now. She's going to.
yeah yeah okay let's let's get into her this is her planning on making her escape as uh what what is this character's name i know you looked him up oh uh britorian jack britorian jack so britorian jack he's his character uh there's her getting she's getting i think it's um like a rite of passage thing getting the black forehead It almost seems like everything they do has a ritualistic sort of... Yeah! Um... But Tori and Jack, his character... There's my girl.
he He's... He's still gunning for Dementus, too. Oh, yeah. Well, well technically he killed his mother, her mother. I don't blame him. Now, I'm curious on how how long...
between acts and what the timeline is. I don't know because she looks older, but it's the same actress. Yeah. Like she looks a little bit more wiser, a little bit more older as they're pulling into. Is this gas down the phone into or is it a bullet town? I think this is gas town. I know this is bullet town. Yeah. Bullet farm. Bullet farm. The The third fortress of the wasteland.
Yes As I think I Love how they load the bullets here. They just pull on just Dump that shit in bear bells. I mean that makes sense though. I mean, yeah, well, I mean now I mean honestly where we pack ammo and military as you can yeah, right, but I In, in, in. He is yellow. Everybody is white, but this motherfucker is yellow. Is he like the main behind guy? you know you know yeah i know what li apply No, I think he's the warboy's version of bullet block. Because a couple other guys were in the back they were yellow, too. You see him back there? So they have their own distinct coloring. So they mix piss in with their... yeah Instead of gasoline, they mix piss?
And maybe the war boys are actually ah that from thunder to the Citadel. They use milk. I don't know, man. She don't do it for me. She's so good at it. I think she's beautiful.
shavaan I did I would like I'd like to see I would like to see that these sets in in real life Agreed like the vehicles and hell I would like to watch a taping I'm pretty sure if you go onto YouTube, there's a whole there's a whole section of and I'm just gonna skip over this them talking um the the They do like behind the scenes things. Yeah. Yeah. They did one for Fury Road where they showed the different vehicles, how they were made and stuff. I love stuff like that because, you know, as a car guy, you know, I watch stuff like that all the time. But I think they did one for this because I i know there's a video where they talked about Hemsworth's fight. Oh, this is where she has those bad dreams.
I'm going to have to check that out, because I wouldn't mind seeing how some of that stuff goes. I'll see if I can find some clips. I'll send them your way. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can imagine how the shit's made. I have a mechanical background, but still to watch it, like the work that we're into. The work is the planning.
I love, dude. But in all honesty, if you really want to make vehicles like that on on the cheap, all you need to do is buy a bunch of meth heads and Just give them a welder and say go. Go at it. There's a bunch of meth filled me up. Mad meth. That is a shiny tank for you. Let me tell you. So they got a gas town, a bullet town, fucking weed town. Where's the drug town? Like, where's all the drugs at?
That's what... Like who makes the chrome? How's the chrome made when it goes into the chrome? Well, I think it's not necessarily chrome. I think it's just... me or These are the answers to the questions that I need. You know, you know and here's the thing, because because in between beatings and runs, they got nothing better to do, so they just polished metal. It seems like that's constantly what they're doing. They're either doing runs or they're doing chores. Yeah.
and night Where's the alcohol town? Who makes the booze? Because here's the thing, you know you don't go this far into like the future apocalyptic wise and humans just regret that we discovered the booze, you know what I mean? What's that weed stuff you guys used to talk about? You know, yeah. Yeah. I agree. And they got they have potatoes. You can make at least vodka.
I love this truck. and page ride
why not used and sort of flavor headster arch What's that? He's a terrible leader. He's he's oh yeah by this side. Yeah, this is this is years down the road. He's turning gray and speak to me and he still just is cocky dumbass.
boomstick we're in a black spot we can't keep up supply everyone's time they rank swindled and short shine I wonder, I'm curious. The. And I'm trying to figure out how to put this the. The breeding part of the lower life. Yes, you have the breeders of of mortal Joe's, but.
the common folk, they're still fucking right. Is that the problem that's happening at Gastown? i don't have too much you There's not enough food. There was another scene earlier where it showed a boy, like a kid kid. So I'm assuming yeah. Yeah. So I think it's gotten out of hooker out of rear far out of control in Gastown, which is why M's one of this like, we don't have enough food, we need more food, we need this. And we're not. can We can't give up supply. You can tell that his leadership skills over the years is like, totally more eyes impugned oh like, gang, you should be saying, his homies, his tribe.
That's a badass fucking truck ride. I'm sorry. Her driving this truck just makes her more sexy to me. Any kick picker can drive a truck like that. I'm like, I'm impressed. I was commenting on the truck in front, the big monster truck, and I was pretty confident. Oh yeah. that The six by six? Yeah. She does got some big ass eyes. I told you she's got big, beautiful eyes, and they're really only blue the s i don't know if they're actually blue in real life or they've done that for the movie i think those are real eyes but like maybe they gave her contacts maybe i that as the camera went pans by the body you can hear the flies nice detail
So her eyes are actually green. Those are her real eyes. I know her eyes in real life. um'm I'm looking it up as this. Um, there are shades of green so in the movie. They made a blue.
of water two thousand bits of mothers and then you return empty and not a drop so holling We've been killed.
kill right now I think the the breeders are mostly for like royalty births, you know? Yeah, the like the good-looking girls. sound again that a tight general idea Yeah, that's why they're held in that vault. Yeah. But I'm sure the common folk probably scribe you. Oh, yeah. That's human nature is the funk.
ah life a bullet farm with your tankers empty I like these gun holes too. How do you sit down with that gun? Right? i want every bullet and firear every caibber in size He's such a powerful character. this this The actor who plays immoral Joe, I mean his voice, he'd almost play like good like billion winoon and yeah he like an animated series like batman he'd play like if hed voice bain or something right yeah He's got a voice not unlike Tom Hardy like he's got that Wow, I got scary as fuck because of yeah Yeah, I get that. Yeah, Tom Brady Bane was like intimidating Definitely had fear in him. But this guy is just like psychotic
fucking this place at the end of your map of secrets or is it she still hasn't really talked since now that's when the song breaks out millions of beaches beaches for me i It's a good song. mothering five I like that group. We got some awesome banners. The President of the United States of America. It's a good vampire. Was that right?
the Would that not bother the shit out of you have that black stuff on your face? oh yeah it it would both like it It bothers me. It bothers me staring at it. Now, I won't say it would make me itch. So we've had this discussion. I've been to the gathering. I've been an ICP fan. So yes, I have put grease paint on my face, right?
after doing it after a while you kind of just get used to it like it doesn't yes yeah i got the point where it literally looks like it literally looks like they are the worst mechanics ever yeah oh yeah oh yeah we all know that mechanic by six a.m you know started five by six he's covered in green he's just constantly wiping his forearms fucking looking for it
Like I can i can work i could take apart an entire car and not get as dirty as she is right now.
I was worried that this was going to turn into like a romance, like love interest. Yeah, I was too. And I was like don't do it, it would be creepy. She's like what? She's got to be like 15, 20 years younger here. Yeah. So it makes it's like this.
But it's really become like a father's daughter kind of thing. Yeah, I think that's a better dynamic. I think that character looks a lot better. Mentor, mentee kind of thing. Yeah. and When I first saw that, I was like, no, don't make this a love interest. Don't kiss my girl. yeah it' just Fuck up the entire movie.
That is a cool look. Yeah. Fire coming to like thats a the really cool, like that would be a cool screen saver.
So this scene of him seemingly the ultimate sacrifice scene, like he almost ends it to save her. This kind of shows that dynamic of the father-daughter relationship kind of thing they have going. Yeah. And it's it's a beautiful scene, but it's almost like if he did die. it would
Okay, so I like to know what you learned. Exactly. She's born with a football. This dude has taught her everything over the past couple of years. But we don't know nothing about him. In the next movie they're going to do a backstory about him. I think they should. like an iba or about He's kind of a badass. But does it or does it not? Does he does it? and mel gibson ah
Billy Ray Cyrus kind of vibes. Yeah. Look at his face. He looks like a young Billy Cyrus. Oh man. He's the wish. He's, he's a wish version of Billy Cyrus and we got the wish version of a Walt Goggins. Okay.
okay So this part right here does make no fucking sense. Agreed. She's, he's not that heavy. And no, it's not that it's like, it's, it's the direction of the grapple.
What do you mean? Pulling it through the dirt like that. Are you thinking it would catch? Yeah. Yeah. However, with him holding it over, he's holding on to it like this. He's over the ledge. So you've got these other two hooks on his opposite side, dragging the ground. it Is it a three prong or is it two? Or is it four? Four. It's four. Yeah. Yeah. just Well, here's the thing.
She has to do a full-on burnout and to hold him up. Maybe three. Maybe it was three. And then she drives away with it still freaking go, which I mean, you're going to get out of it. I get back what that. It is four. But if that thing catches, you are fucked. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. i know that That's like, I get a desperate move, but ugh. Oh, yeah. Let that fucking thing loose. We're good.
This is an old value. That's like a 61. Almost looks just like it was getting in lava. Yeah.
Don't touch the ground. The floor is sounds like there's this king of floor is lava. Dude, he just drove up the side of a cliff. Yep.
I saw that. Well, head east for three days he he drives over. He drives over a bit bigger fucking bikes over here a little bit. So so it's three day drive east.
According to her math. OK, only three days. a little Yeah, I would. How they've been three days away from this place, they've never found it.
with all the driving around the desert. Right. Well, yeah, but it's, it's, it's one of those things like if you're, if you're driving in the desert, you want to stick to the roads and areas, you know. Okay. Yeah. You don't want to get lost out the middle of nowhere, as we talked about earlier. So how much time do you spend in the Mexican desert? Never. I will. This truck right here is pretty bad ass. I like the pack that uses the dump truck bucket or the bucket up front. Yeah.
that's done that but so They're actually the back of a say a man you give an army like an army of 20 that has a bunch of meth in a junkyard man You can recreate mad max Okay, so this valiant I would totally drive that around oh, yeah with the bikes in it. and That one's not the push button. No. Well, well, obviously you see later on that they they just kind of they need a body. They put a body on a chassis and they go. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So they modify it. Nothing's hot. You're like this toy on a Tundra body will fit on the Ford Ranger chassis. That will. make you I love the rake on it. The rake on that thing is insane.
yeah dude remember the old rat rod style and the old fucking uh uh rat the the cartoon the fucking drawings and shit oh it's uh um you know what i'm talking is about uh this right here this is when he drives that fucking truck up the side of the fucking mountain yeah just balls and what was the name that artwork I know what you're talking about. Is something rat stink? Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. Rat fake. Yeah. Rat fake. They went with moon eyes.
So did they have that rifle in there? I didn't see anything. I didn't see anything. She got blew up.
I guess it hides really well. He hid it underneath the holes of the fucking jackpot.
It's like Grand Theft Auto style, just pulled out of nowhere. Where'd he go? Find it! Find it! The exhaust on this truck, the exhaust on this truck is a bit nuts because as he was stopped, it had no noise. As soon as he hit the gas, it is louder than all anything on the plate.
This is the sound guy didn't know when to add it. Yeah. It's going to help rinse the motor sound. Over a mile. Fuck yeah. And this is why that right there is why I couldn't work underneath. Agreed. But not only that, now she's lost her map.
That's right. You're right. That's why she ended up couldn't find her way home because. Exactly. She has no more maps. She has no more. She, she can't reference anything. No. Well, she tattooed her arm by memory. You would think after looking at it for so long, it would still be in her read, but it's been, um you got to figure it's been what? 20 years yeah or at least <unk> say let's call it 10 minimum 10 to 15 years. I would see. Yeah.
I'll take 10. I'll take 10. I can't. roll like i have I have a But what I mean is she put it through. Yeah but I can't I I have a clock tattoo and I can't tell you what time it is unless I look at it or not. Well, you're weird. It's 125. Why do you tattoo 125 on your arm? I have no idea.
right It went along with the tattoo. Fair. I would have told him he's put fucking 420 on it, but that's me. I am a walking 30. Actually, the 1.5 at reference is
man This whole here, go ahead and like keep it playing. But this whole scene here of him torturing her, it's 20 something hours. that She's hanging there. The brutality and he just sits on the hood of the truck like it ain't. Hangs her up by her bad arm too. Yeah.
you too break my Does he recognize her? I don't think so. I don't think he recognizes her until she's getting ready to take the dementors. The doctors cannot afford to be soft. Surprised I pray to be your leader. Surprised we all pray to survive in the wasteland. We cannot be soft. God in the beginning of this he looks so regal and clean.
and now his cape is like three or four different colors it went from white to red to now black and red gray and haggard yeah the symbolism of him of his cape going from pure white to then red and now it's old and black and slowly the cape is genius bring her up a dollar And and my poor dude my poor Billy Ray Cyrus he Ray Cyrus here gets dragged around for the 20-something hours that she's Brutal He's still running How long did you go? I wouldn't make it. I wouldn't make it a laugh No, I've been just fucking dragged me to my death Oh
I love that she doesn't make a sound. That's one tough picture. Look, he made a lap.
I would have made it a lap. That's not too much. I've been dead already. Yeah, there I go. You know what? Just fucking shoot me because I'm done. There ain't no way in hell. I'm letting you drag me around. I will slip my own throat somehow. That's right.
There's no cigarettes in Mad Max World. There's nobody there to make them. I know. I would be healthy. You would be healthy. i would be I would be healthier. I think I'd be dead. think that probably me I mouth off the wrong person. ah Right? Yeah. I would totally be like, they're like, sacrifice yourself. Fuck you. I don't know. I'm dead anyway. I definitely could be a war boy. I would definitely not be a war boy. I'd probably be a general laborer.
yeah and i'd be one of the guys on that weird wench thing that before she climbed on that stupid truck they were hoisting up yeah beyond that thing it's literally just it's a Stairmaster let's be honest the greatest legs in the history of the fucking wasteland because i walk on a Stairmaster 12 hours a day i'm awesome look it goes through the dark it is I would say easily. This is 12 hours of torture. They put her through and and he's still going. He gets bored. Oh, he's not talking.
Him and his microphone. He likes to hear himself. They talk, I think. Oh, yeah.
champion and fits is narcissistic grand yeah yeah personnel champion can
Now this is genius.
She's gone. Which means they weren't watching her the entire time. The neglect. became her ally. very It's very reminiscent of the Count of Monte Cristo. What the hell happened to the fucking truck?
Oh, she tied something to the truck so when it drives off it breaks the axle. Oh, damn, she's smoke. Yeah, she's quick wit.
The riders made her smart. Yeah, I think between her own quick win and team of Billy's side, Billy Ray Cyrus really helped her out. I thought we were going into the final act. So it's about there though. We should be here any second.
Okay. She's got to be in. Just slow walk all those miles. That's still quite a bit of ways. And look, I love this Mad Max reference here. Like Mad Max is actually watching her. Oh, is that who that's supposed to be? Yeah, it's supposed to be Mad Max before he gets caught. And now we're going, no, we're still not. I'm going to have to rewatch the other movies, man.
I'm not making some of these connection connections. So that Mad Max reference that we just saw is the opening scene of Fury Road. He's sitting there and he gets caught by the Warboys. That's right, yes. The maggots that's disgusting. Like, ugh. I can't. That's, oh. The smell of all that rotting flesh around her.
She's in a, like, area of bones and rotting bones. Like, Like, thank God, smell of it is the same thing because... That shows her strength. That old woman was like, you're gonna die in peace here. She's like, no, I'm i'm all about that life. i'm um I'm gonna throw down before I go. What happened to you? Ow!
knowing heo years and years later, she's like I I'm her. I'm talking. I'm I said, you know, oh, she said between the two acts between the two acts, she's been riding with team who Billy Ray Cyrus for a while well while she's been talking over. So she's been talking. She's She's still stowing. Oh yeah, she's known as Eriosa the Dryland. Yeah. And it's the Black Fortin. Not Eriosa, the little girl that was kidnapped. Right. victoriarian jack
Where's our warrior? He's taking the bullet farm. You're lying. He's taking the bullet farm and he's coming here next. How do you know that? They're coming with grappling hooks and ladders. He wants to take the fitted up. Then we go to the bullet bar. Meet him head on right now. It's Gus Salas voting. He's a Gus Salas. He wants to draw you to Gus Town. He's obviously the munitions guy or the... Yeah. why like and he's got He's got like literally... He's wearing bullets. He's wearing the bullet belt as as a hairpiece like he like he's George Washington. Yeah. That's a choice. With the powder wig. And crush him. That's my choice.
We make him think we're going to Gastown. Like some of these Drawsons are cool if someone is over the side. I love that Immortal Joe knows his smarts. Because he's like, you know, everybody else is like, we need to go to this dude head on. He's like, we're gonna make him think we're going to Gastown. What he wants us to do is abandon ined the Citadel. So like he's, he's shown his brain.
he's He's a much better leader. I'm not saying he's not an asshole, but he's a much better leader. Yeah, definite definitely more tactical. Tactical. Tactical, thank you. Yeah. But in world of Joe does hasn't got where he yet he is. also might be ugly exactly I want this Cadillac.
I wanted this Cadillac ever saw, as I saw here in the road. I would drive that to the store just to pick up something.
a 45 gallons of gas just to drive five minutes down the road, but totally worth it.
We are about to witness the takeoff of the first manned rocket to outer space. We pick up the count. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero! We're off to visit the planets. There are treats to lure in the stars. Venus is loaded with candy.
with pop on this butter And But the best of them all is the planet Where all of these treats are at hand And that is the spot we now head for Our theater refreshments Miss Goggin's over there I think this is into... Yes! Yeah! Let's take a brick break Then the final act final act now we're going to do a quick uh commercial break as you were uh let's do a a little obviously go ahead and check us out bio dot.link slash nonsensical network word nonsensical network wow uh and then of course check out our merch if you go to that bio lake yeah right it's late um you you'll have our merch link where you can go check out our merch as we mentioned before we do have
You know, all sorts of cool hats, shirts, sweatshirts, the whole nine yards. Check them out. We're going to continue on here. Play, and let's get back into this. Do it. He's still rocking the chariot after all these years.
She's picking them off left and right, man. Are the hell she at? Oh, the top of the hill.
Yeah, they have that's why they went to the bottom of the hill before they stopped because get out of that line of sight. She could just pick him off right there. We could end this movie.
So she picked him up while moving.
Chris, hill i not his acting style. He's a funny guy. He really is. No matter what role as serious as this role is, it's a he brings committed relief to it. I like that. You know, what do you do before he was an actor? He didn't start off as an actor, did he? I think he must. Well, I'm sure he's done something before.
I would totally drive that thing as well. There's very few cars in this movie I wouldn't keep for myself. You know?
I wonder how practical that sharing is. I'm sure that somebody has got as done it. Now, no motorcycle steering races are a place to go. I've seen those. But I can't remember if it was one bike or multiple. I think they used to. I've never seen three.
The power this thing's got in. That's a fucking hill climb right there. I love how low that ground I think is. Look at her coming down that hill, like... Fucking down that hill? Yes, and going!
That's... Okay, so that chick on that motorcycle that she's chasing down right now and fighting with... she's One of the fighters from the earth one of the fighters from earlier He's been around for a while. Yeah, looks like she got beat by fucking rich a few times Yeah This dude. Oh, he thought he got away with it. He said we switched bikes.
Funny is those the weapon on the on her head like the heart, you know what? I don't think those don't actually look like you Probably not wait for the fucking sandworm to come out, ah right? I I thought had that thought when I was the first time I said they chose fan world. I'm done Like I'm like gets over I did It went from cool to ridiculous real quick But it never happened. So I was like, okay, I'm still in
I think she's a choice. She had this shot, but she didn't take it. Yeah, but she's got the choice because he, dude just told her we switched bikes. So she doesn't know which way Hemsworth went, which is kind of, it's the interesting dilemma. Which one do you go after? He's like one of those cockroaches. Yeah. What you think he's down, he's he's still there. And she, this is where she realized I'm, that's,
She hesitates in the best way. She's like, oh, it's the creepy guy with no eye. And the dude was bald the whole time. I that. Dude with faking hair. Faking hair. He's got a mannequin on him. Don't lie. I kind of want to fire with i do that i was gonna say I would do something that I would totally do. It wouldn't be that hard either.
No, you can strap it up there. I would like to cut it out so it fits over your headlight and strap it down. You're ready to rock. I'm I'm in and it would be hilarious. Give her a name. This is Justine. Be all creepy about it. ah
My baby case. Oh, there's a hole in your leather. water these tug She let him rest and she came in and she sabotaged his water, sabotaged his bike. She's monotonous about this. This is a genius.
Took him up there on the bike, man. Where'd the wheel go? She took the wheel off? She took it. She sabotaged everything. She will let him sleep. And in silence, she went to fuck with him. How do you take the wheel off of waking a motherfucker up, though?
You really got it. You could have next me on the night, but you didn't. See, you must be that other thing. Are you that thing?
She took his bullets to Captain No nipples. Yeah, right. He doesn't have nipples at this point. He lost his nipples years ago. We haven't seen him since. He runs the opposite way, but he's scared of her. I would be. She basically just said, I could take you anytime.
Without saying a thing, she said, I can take your life anytime I want. I'm just toying with you. The way you, I'm torturing you, similar to the way you tortured my mother. Yeah.
yeah He doesn't even realize it's her. Not yet. I think he does realize it. He does see her coming up. I think she she kind of proves it to him. I just don't remember how.
get that this screw back I love this. As he steps forward, she backs it up. She's letting himself wear himself out.
This is genius on her property. Fuck you, man. I throw my gun. Well, he ain't got no bullets.
That would be the perfect time to use the harpoon gun. I don't think it's functional. It's harpooning. I don't think so either, but. I think he's just sitting on top of the air cleaner. Oh, that's a good point. No, because the air cleaner's in the back. The motor's in the back. Oh, good point. That's why the air cleaner's above her head.
Mmm above the roof You're right, we're engine That's a nice old fucking Coop She's wearing the oh Yeah, dude, she is just pull out all the stops. It's a million. Yeah, she's like you're gonna know I cut you and I cut you hard and
Her exposition here of her saying, I'm going to kill you slowly. da Then you'll still be sorrowing your lovey-dovey and your mummy magnificent, you idiot. You can never balance the scales of that suffering. Oh, you have no idea. Yeah, seems like she's doing pretty good.
I can't! What do you want, dear? For my cries of anguished. Anguished without anger. But we came to do that. I would, but I don't fear the loss of bliss in heaven or retribution in hell. But I've got a dangerously high pain threshold. Oh, my goodness. Judith! She's wearing herself out beating the shit out of me. If you can't do me quick, you'll have to do me slow.
I'm going to use that line. and Right? yeah I was just saying the same thing. I was like, I could be taken two different ways.
A little double entendre there. Having a seizure? I think he's faking it. He's faking it. I can't remember. I don't need it. I love this. She's got this little motor.
Like a little hobby motor for like a hobby airplane. I think it's attached to like something. I forget what it's attached to.
Oh. It's it's a teddy bear. She's taking the teddy bear with us. She's got many jaws of life to rescue the teddy bear. Yeah, that's kind of cool.
She took away his voice and they spent the rest of the day in silence. How'd she take away his voice? There are those who prefer that she did more. Just jag him? There he is. He's gone. Lately. He's dead. He's dead now. In ways more fitting. Oh, no. No, because... How did... I tell him he looked like he just killed him. Litting mutilations. Unless he, like, got knocked out.
That's right! Because makes him a plant! why the hydroponic garden there is a tree on and the it about each one that's That's a way to go! That's what she put in the gun!
She put the peach pit in the gun and shot it into his gut. Oh, it was a miracle. And then drugging back there so it would grow. Fucking gnarly.
That's brutal. This is our first fruit, but it's not for you and me. Each of us in our own way will vanish from this earth. That's a big ass demon.
Some uncorrupted life will rise to a doorknob. And this is where Mad Maxbury Road begins. Yep. There's a new war rig and there's old Lenny Kravitz's daughter.
This is genius. like So these movies literally happen back to back. Yeah, yeah. So that was Furiosa,
a Mad Max saga. What did we think, buddy? I don't know what we thought, but I know what I thought. I thought it was yeah really fucking good. There was a couple like a questionable marks, but all in all, dude, it was a good, it's a fun action movie to watch if you're a Mad Max fan.
Um, it's gritty, it's violent, it's, uh, you know, I'm glad there wasn't a lot of sex in it. You know what? In a movie like this, sex can really ruin it. Yeah. You know, like it kind of takes you out of it. Um, you know, one of ah one of my, one of the guys I watch online, he's like, oh, that's Keith's block. No, it's not. He says that's a joke.
He says it as a joke. okay ah But it's like it's not key to the plot. it's It doesn't need to happen. it So I'm glad they didn't have it. um
I'm still pretty sure that creepy guy that stole her hair, or the reason why she shaved her hair, that wasn't the first time he had been in her room. So all that is is, it's left up the audience to get, I get that.
I like that. Where it's like, you could kind of make your own some of assumptions about this movie. But all in all, I thought it was an excellent movie. Yeah, it's a little long. It is very long. That's it's a very long fucking movie. um Honestly, I think there was enough unwritten parts of that story. They could have got away with two longer movies. But right. Well, the problem is, like, if you if if you cut up a movie into multiple parts, like like they do with, like they did it with Harry Potter, they did it with Mockingjay movies and stuff like that. You might not get the second movie because people's schedules get in the way and you know, so I'm glad they made it all one movie. I think there were some stuff that could, like it could have been edited down a little bit. The confusing thing that we literally just saw of
We thought she killed him. Because he falls back. She's got the gun to his head. Then she's dragging him. So was that just her tapping on her forehead? he's I don't know. Because it looked like she pointed at at his forehead, not his gut. Right. I don't know.
so and it is I got to say, there are scenes in this movie the the cinematography beautiful. I don't want to go there. I don't want to live there, but they they look great on screen. Oh, yeah, whoever like he had mentioned earlier, whoever the director of photography was in a job. a How many blazing J's do you give it? Oh, e I like that one. Um, well,
So I'm one to five. How many how many blades and J's to give it? Five being its perfect moment. Hmm. Or let's do ten. Let's do ten. I have to. How many blades and J's do you give it? Ten being this is the greatest movie ever. One being this is absolute dog shit. OK. All right. I think I would give it as I'd give it a seven point five. I'm giving it. I'm right around that too. And I'm giving the point five because it is a long movie. So I get to squeeze another joint in.
I'm good with that. Well, I'm I'm gonna give it and and I'm prejudiced on this point because it's my girl Anya Taylor Joy. I love her like if if I ever get like free pass kind of thing, she's my free pass. So I'm giving it in heaven Jeff is Jeff is the official fan club. I'm giving it an eight.
because she's in it. Fair enough. Okay. All right. Bonus points. But I'm taking away half a point because of length. So I might say, okay, it is a little too long for my taste. Uh, this is not something like you have to be prepared to watch this movie. Yes. Oh, absolutely. 7.5 for different reasons. I almost wish I would have sat on my sciatica pillow and tell you the truth.
I agree. So I'm going to, we're going to, I'm going to start a list of, um, and we'll kind of keep track throughout the history of us doing this, where movies lie. So we'll see, you know, after at the end of the first year of us doing this, we'll see what movies are top ranked in our book under the blazing J's. How many blazing J's we give it?
7.5 from both of us yeah all right that's what 14 15 out of 20 that's not bad no it's definitely a movie i'll probably watch again uh nowhere in the near future because i've already watched it twice in the last couple of weeks And um for me to watch a movie back to back to back to back a lot, it has to be like some ground breaking fucking genre or generational a defining movie like The Big Lebowski. And if you write you know if you don't agree with me, then fighting words and I will fight you for it. I'm assuming the higher the percentage, the better the movie. That's my understanding. OK, Rotten Tomatoes it has a 90 percent on there.
That's from 416 reviews. So it says 90% fresh, right? Yeah. Okay. so it's Oh, here's the tomato meter. Okay. Top critics. This is from the 75 top critic reviews. It's a fresh 63 rotten 12. So it's eight out of 10 rating. so we not have quarrel off I mean,
They gave it an eight. It felt like we're competing with rotten tomatoes. No, but rotten tomatoes is kind of like the so far to become the industry standard. Has it? Well, it's what everybody references. Oh, OK. Well, yeah. Tomato meter. So on the tomato meter, it was an eight. And we gave it 7.5. And I think we dropped a 0.5. I added a 0.5. I would have been seven, but I added 0.5 for the link.
You could like it longer. I liked it longer for the sense of Blaze and Jaze. Okay. It gives me that extra J to Blaze. Yeah. Well, that is true. So, yeah, that is our review and commentary, so to speak, on Furiosa, a Mad Max saga. Fury is born is the tagline. I like that.
um We're going to go ahead and edit this and get it out. and Thanks for everybody watching. The next episode, we'll we' we're not going to give away what we're going to watch, but only because we haven't figured it out yet. So i know it's on we don't plan that far ahead. Let's be honest. But yes, stay tuned. We're going to in the next couple of weeks, we're going to go ahead and do another one.
This was fun. This was absolutely fun. I enjoyed this. Yes. I'm sure we probably wrote some other people in here to have a panel. Agreed. Agreed. Once they figured out how Netflix or Nonsense and Chill works. So for Blaze and Jay's Nonsense and Chill, I'm, he's Blaze. I'm Jay. I'm Blaze. Thanks for everybody listening. Thanks for everybody watching. We'll see you next time. At the movies. At the movies.
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