11 Plays5 hours ago

Lots of celebrity deaths,Maga looters, Invisible art scandal, rat birth control?, and so much more news to make you say WTF!?!?

FOLLOW US EVERYWHERE Bio.link/nosensicalnetwork

I would really appreciate it if you do that.
I don't know why, but that feels like the longest intro in the world. Really? Yes. I was going to say Saturdays is way longer.
Yeah, it just feels like it's never gonna stop Are you are you saying are you saying you get over it overly excited for set over for Wednesdays? That's what I'm hearing Like I want to get this in um so excited like that every pocket talking um about When you're the man and you're the greatest podcast host of all time and you podcast for 12 Oh, he must've dropped down. I don't know what the hell happened. i to do you Geez. Oh, his gerbil died. Yeah. Keep talking. Okay. ah i know This is like, this is like the, what is the 12th or 13 day, 13th day in a row podcasting for me. I love it though, man. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm enjoying it. I'm not even, I'm not even complaining. and
I had a lot of fun doing it anyways. Happy Wednesday, motherfuckers. It's hump day. What's going on? Welcome to what the fuck news part of the nonsensical network brought to you by the nonsensical network, a nonsensical network production presentation. If you will, I don't know where we're going with it, but it's part of the nonsensical network. If you're not already good, check this out. Y'all, especially the YouTube go follow us on YouTube.
Yes, we do have the show live on multiple platforms every day of the week, but YouTube is the best. And on YouTube, you're going to get all of our replays, all of our live shows and all the extras, all the extras. um about youre being sponsor We were being sponsored by YouTube all of a sudden. i was like No, no, no, no, no. All of our, all of our extras are little reels and shorts. I think I'm about done with tick tock.
Really? I think I'm gonna retire. I think I'm gonna retire from TikTok. I'm never on there, man. And every time I do post something, they just piss me off because they're stupid ass fucking guidelines. I've never even i'm never even on there um' become a lurker on TikTok. why I enjoy YouTube shorts, Facebook reels, Instagram reels more than I enjoy TikTok because it's the same shit. It's literally. Yeah. It's exactly the same thing. Yeah. We were just talking. Yeah. We were just talking about it last night. It's literally nine million jerk offs doing the same exact thing and repeating usually. Yeah. It's usually they, they copied off TikTok anyways, put it on the YouTube reels or
Instagram ales anyway or or you'll have or you know, you'll you'll have somebody that creates something that's funny for a while and it's like they're So repetitive that it makes you want to put a bull? yeah and and Well, then you get 500 people that do the exact same thing and claim they were the first ones to do it Yeah, and it's just like I just I don't I don't really care. I'm not about anything I'm not about taking credit. I do like occasionally I like to do I Well, I used to do videos of like, I lip synced to a stupid song. Well, yeah, I mean, that's what, but but I never took credit for it. Oh, yeah. No, it's like, by the way, you're the lead singer of Creed, everybody just bloody. Yeah. Yeah. i've I've had people comment and you have a great voice. I'm like, yeah, that's that's Aaron Tippen. Not me.
I'm not Asian so that that delay it looked a voice That's just how I know But speaking of the social medias we are everywhere Facebook Instagram X Yes, we still are on tiktok. Yes. We will stay on tiktok. Just don't expect much activity out of us on tiktok But the shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and Rumble now. We're swimming the Rumble waters. So you guys can check us out live on all four of those channels. Or like I said, I think YouTube is the best place to watch us. The delay is to shoot us. The comments come through. And so make sure you guys give us a follow on YouTube. Everything we've ever done has been on YouTube. And it's still on YouTube. One or two things.
Yeah. Every, every episode is on YouTube. Um, and then you can also listen to us anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts at Spotify, uh, Apple music, uh, tune in wherever you listen to podcasts that more likely we're there. Just look up the nonsensical network or simply go to bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. They're going to have all of our links there, including the link to our merch store.
You guys could check out our merch store and pick you up a little something something. If you do, send us a snapshot and we'll post it on our social media as long as you don't mind giving you a little shout out our way to say thank you for buying our merch. I am going to hopefully try. I know I've been saying it, but I am going to try this weekend. Put an order in for I want to get a hat. I want to get a shirt. And I think I want to get a hoodie. Well, I actually before you get yes, I understand. those well i understand that
your fiance has a new addiction well you spanish She, she will be doing stuff for us down the road, not anything in the near future, but down the road, she'll be doing stuff for us. Um, she was learning the process and and all that fun stuff, but, but she said she likes it according to her Facebook posts. Yeah. She, she, she's done a couple of shirts. They look great. Um, she's ordering some designs and she's figuring everything out right now. We want to push, she's going to start her own, uh, her own little, uh, business, a little I get it.
This is not going to be like the other 95% of women on social media that just get an Onlyfans. That's me. I have the Onlyfans. It is kind of a ah reversal, rural reversal there. You have the Onlyfans he makes with t-shirts. Hey, i would have make you you know what? That's an idea, baby. You can make me a shirt with my Onlyfans on it with the QR code on the back so people can just scan it. yeah
and instantly scan it i'll get scan just put on the back, scared it. I dare you. Oh, my God. Oh, hey, just get a bunch of people on the street. Oh, Jesus. I never thought I'd say that. Yeah.
see that He'll give us. However, I do want to do. Have you seen? There's there's a a trend with the whole QR code where people are putting their QR code on their back window. And when you scan it, it it like shows a dick pic or it shows up. Yeah, I want to do something like that, but I want to do something stupidly funny. I just haven't figured out what yet. Oh, there you go. um Yeah, I want to do the ritual video.
I think that went out like 10 years ago. there is an I agree. Uh, no, she's, she's starting her own little, her own little business here at the house. but I got tired. Like I said, a couple of weeks ago, I got tired of listening to her talk about it and I just bought her what she needed. So here you go. Now do get on it. Make me some money woman.
Uh, But down the road, she'll do some stuff for us. yeah Down the road, she'll do some stuff for us for the network. I think, i think you know, Blaze and I talked about doing some giveaways or like when we're out and about, you know, like if we're doing a gig somewhere live, being able to take stuff with us would be nice. Right.
whether we sell it or whatever the case may be, but that'd be nice. Um, but you know, we'll, we'll figure that out. We'll, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Uh, but in the meantime, we do have our merch store. We do have stuff. So like yeah you could do get yourself a decent sized piece of fabric and have her make you a banner for the front of the booth.
ah Yeah, I would like I want to I want to get one then sheetats and call day yeah here's a pillow face go for it yeah exactly i am I was pricing out some fabric because I'm gonna get I'm gonna set I'm gonna do me a green screen set up so right I can have that and be able to play around my backgrounds and shit so but uh No um I forgot where I was going with all that, but, uh, yeah, anywho, welcome to what the fuck news. He's Jeff. I'm Glick. Uh, it's Wednesday. So we got the news of the week that makes you say, but do ah dude, it has been a crazy week. Uh, I saw that in the, uh,
in the world in general, um, no, in the world of, let's see if I can find it here real quick. Um, Where's it at? I just was looking at it. Here we go. Celebrity death, man. um No. um We had John Amos just passed away. I just saw that, yeah. He was in Good Times. He was he was the dad. He was the dad in in Coming to America. No. He played the girl's dad, yes. McDougal's.
Yeah. You have McDowell's. Yeah. He played. He played Mr. McDowell. Yeah. 100 percent. He was in he was in good times. He was made his debut on the Cosby show. I believe he was the dad in one of my favorite fucking movies of all time. I don't care what anybody says. Barry Gordy's Last Dragon. Bruce Leroy. Shona. Who's the master? and so I still don't see that movie. So, dude, you as much as we love Cheesy, corny movies that are so bad, they're good. I know. I need to get around to watching it. I've been... I fucking love that movie. What's going on, Arliss? What's up, Arliss? Shit, I got busy when I got home. I forgot to listen to... I'm going to have to listen to those tonight. Arliss sent me a ah gift in the in the old email box today. I'll have to sit down and listen listen to him with Nikki tonight and see what she thinks as well.
ah But yeah, John Amos passed away. ah ah g something Kim Page, who was the voice of Oogie Boogie in Nightmare Before Christmas. Oh, no kidding. He was the yeah the weird ghost. He was he he was also one of the original cast members of Cats. He was he was old Deuteronomy.
Deuteronomy, I don't know if anybody's a fan of cats out there. I am I happen to love that play. Yeah, I think it's fantastic um i've um bits of pieces on it ah like ah Frank Fritz from American Pickers. I heard that. Yeah, he was the bigger guy totally He was only 60, bro Really? He kind of looked like Brian, like Texas Brian. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, he put a face to the name, so to speak. But yeah, I heard about that. yeah
melo yeah a Obviously, Chris Kristofferson passed away. We talked about that on oh I have I have a little funny story for that. So I saw the Chris Christofferson died and Somebody put on tick-tock a RIP Chris Christofferson and it was a slideshow, you know, you slide your finger across and you see pictures, but they were all pictures of Sam Elliott And I was like really
Like I was so confused. like that makes experiences good star But yeah, um people one of his movies that Chris Kristoffson did, he did the movie Conboy. Yeah. Jeff Roseau.
Yeah. Chris Christopher said he was great. Hey, uh, James, I can ask Jay that question for you. Um, but that was from last night when, uh, James was with us, but I can, I can get that question and I can relate the answer buddy. Uh, what up Chris? Um, yeah. Tony award-winning, uh, Broadway star Gavin Creole passed away this week. Um,
Oh, there he is. Okay. Sorry about that. I don't know what that is. It was my internet. All of a sudden. Yeah. Now I'm Chris. Chris Kristofferson also known. I mean, he had so many great songs.
rubb yeah Great movies. I loved him in the Blade series as Whistler. mean i i grew up i feel I grew up listening to Chris Christopherson, either listening to him on the radio or watching him on TV. You know what I mean? Right. I definitely grew up. um Tony Award winning Broadway star Gavin Creole passed away. Kim Bae Mutombo died. He was only 58.
Oh, no, no, no, not in my house. Oh, dude, aless I'm so jealous that you, you knew him like that. Right.
um ah Ken Page, the voice of Oogie Boogie died. Maggie Smith, which we talked about.
Catherine Crosby. She was the widow of Bing Crosby. Oh, okay. I'm going to duct tape your kid's mouth. They are so loud and obnoxious. Normally they don't bother me, but they are so loud. They're arguing the word. Who's using the phone? And I'm like, seriously, guys, shut up. Take you to another room.
ah Days of Our Livestar, Drake Hagenstein died. Uh, AKA, uh, John, uh, was it John Black, Jack Black? Did you ever watch days? Uh, my sisters did. He was, he was married to Marlena on the show. I couldn't take him out of the lineup. but and He might be able to, uh, jazz great, Benny Golsan passed away. Tito Jackson passed away a couple of weeks ago. Uh, Maggie Smith, we talked about and.
and And this has just been in like the last week and a half, all these deaths. ah John Ashton Taggart from Beverly Hills Cop. No shit. Yeah. Well, he was eight he we did get to see him in the the the newest Bev Hills. So yeah, we did. We did get to see him and in the newest one. He was 70.
76 when he passed away. So it's been a wild week for... Chad McQueen passed recently. He was in Karate Kid and he was the son of Steve steve McQueen. He was 63. Oh, wow. Frankie Beverly passed away, and soul singer, R&B singer. I didn't see that.
Uh, of course we talked about James Earl Jones passing away. Yeah. So this is just been, just been in the last couple of weeks and motherfucking Jimmy Carter. Yeah. I was about to say celebrated, his 100th fucking birthday yesterday and still kicking. Been in hospice for almost two years now. You had a good run, Jimmy. It's time to hang it up, sir.
It's time to check out. All right. What are you doing? What are you doing? You can't even leave your house. He's going to live to be 110. I'm calling it now. If he doesn't die this year, I'm picking him again next year. Right. edge your bets and Let it be known nobody's allowed to take Jimmy Carter. He's mine. I fucking suffered this whole goddamn year if he doesn't die this year yeah Like said, you're gonna pick him for the next nine years he's gonna die at hundred and ten i'm just like eventually i does die you're like like and i'm like really did you that I Called that shit you been say that for nine years Oh
Uh, yeah, just real quick, a little celebrity death update and only one person off of our list. Uh, we talked about it Saturday night, Maggie Smith, uh, from Harry Potter and and Downton Abbey. and And I'm sure she's done a bunch of others things. I couldn't tell you, I couldn't tell you anything she's done. The only reason I know she was in Harry Potter was because when I looked at her face, I was like, Oh yeah. I seen her when the kids were watching. They were like, when they gave them, we're watching. reckon Um,
Yeah, like I knew her it's the only thing I know her from so that's you know, here's what's crazy This woman is that woman was acting from the 40s until up about three years ago Yeah, but um, ah that's right. She was in sister act dude. She played uh mother superior in sister act one. Oh Was she okay? Yeah. Yeah, she was she was the one that she was uh, she told uh, She told the the one guy go with go with god crispy one of our famous lines Yeah. Uh, the spirit Halloween one, Chris, is that what you're talking about? Um, uh, I do want to, I do want to, before we get too far into the show, I do want to say, uh, shout out a huge shout out to, uh, Jay Valor last night. He was on Glick's house of music. Um, and he was awesome. We had, we had a great time, great conversation. Um, definitely having a lot of fun with, uh,
with easy macho man with my guests. God damn it. That's not what I wanted. We had fun. So if you guys haven't already, check that out. It is up on YouTube. You can watch the replay on YouTube and I will try to get it up on the podcasting platforms tonight. um It was funny cause I was going into that interview with, with,
hell man with I did see that technician. I saw a clip of it on TikTok and I almost fell off my ass laughing. Oh, no, I didn't see that. ah they They did the perfect parodies. Yeah. Jay was cool, but it was funny because I was going into last night's interview and that was my last scheduled interview.
Like I hadn't had anybody scheduled. So as I'm setting up the studio, I set up three more interviews and during the show, I set up another one. And then this morning I set up two more. So I'm good for like, and I'm still, I'm still booking out for all of November. Uh, but I'm looking forward to next Tuesday night. I got a young lady coming on, uh, Kaylin Cole. Uh, I think she's going to be, I, I wanted to, I, I wanted to start trying to reach out to more women and get some female singers on the show.
And I didn't think it was I didn't think it was gonna I didn't think it was gonna go very well um But my next Three of my next four guests ah Let me Excuse me. Oh, yeah, three of my next four guests are all female singers ah so I'm like, Oh yeah, there we go. I can branch out into that world and, you know, Hey ladies, it's all right to go on to Glick's house of music. and You know, ah it's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, really. I'm not as scary as I look, I promise, but, uh, no, man, uh, Jay was awesome. Uh, really good dude. And definitely, uh, down the road, hopefully, uh, much like with everybody else, do some other things with them, do some, do, uh, some different shows, have them.
You know, make an appearance here and there. Um, but, uh, so tune in on Tuesday nights, guys. Uh, Glick's house of music is starting to, uh, it's is' starting to just do its own thing. I actually reached out to a couple of people I haven't heard back from yet, but I reached out to a couple of people, uh, four.
uh for glitch house music um and like i said i i did it today because i was i was scrolling through and i found a couple people i was like hey and i hit him up on messages i was like hey you know my buddy's got a podcast for interviews artists would it be something you'd be down for it's completely remote let me know and you know if they say yeah i'll be like okay i'm gonna give you his contact info give him a holler i'll give you or vice versa um And and you know nothing crazy, it's not like I ran it and shouted out the jelly roll or something. you know is just like I saw online and I was like, hey, you're using really well. I've heard back from Arliss to answer your question. Arliss actually hit me up last week with three names um um and and I reached out to them. I've heard back from one of them.
ah um I'm not gonna hold my breath. but I'll have to ah talk talk off air about that. to to I'll give you the off-air scoop, Arliss, but we'll wait and see what happens. um not I'm not giving up, but um You know, I, I, you know, I was down. I didn't have any more interviews scheduled coming up. So I've been reaching out to people and then all of a sudden out of nowhere last night, everybody got back to me. Like bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Like I was like, holy shit. Uh, first come first serve, you know, these, you know, whoever hits me up, you know, with the date, you know, then we'll, we'll lock you in. But no, it was really cool. Heartless.
messaged me the other day and he said, uh, Hey, give me a call whenever you get a chance and gave me a few names, uh, definitely some well-known names. Um, so, uh, I'll be, I'll be, I get it. Yeah. I'll be, I'll be, uh, I'll be, uh, excited and and anxious to to get them on the show. Uh, if that happens down the road, but, uh, you know, I, I'm loving it. Uh, I'm having, I kind of found my,
My little, my little happy home. I'm like, this is my fucking world right here. And then, uh, this Friday night we'll be doing Cassius show. And, um, we might have Darren back on to be our, our special guest, quote unquote celebrity picker to make his mix.
Predictions for the pay-per-view Saturday. So gar That reminds me this Friday Blaze and I are going live. We're gonna we have to figure out the logistics, but we're gonna be watching that that Zombie movie that I haven't seen um we we're we're We're gonna watch it off-screen but Watch it together. So you see our reactions as we talk about it So you won't be able to see it, but we'll give you guys, we'll we'll drop links on where you can watch it and getting i let you know where it's streaming. but Saturday nights are just crazy. Thursday nights are cached. I'm working on getting some rasslers to come up and and hang out with us and chit-chat with us. What about Brian?
What's up, Brian? Brian, I stick around because I think this story that I have coming up is about you. I want to make sure it's not you. So, yeah, yeah, I think I'm working on getting some rasslers to come up but with Cash ah for Cash's show and no sign of that, man, and just just fucking doing things around here. What the fuck, man? What the fuck is right? I agree.
um Well, sorry for the little banter guys. We will take a, we'll take a real quick break, any break, break. Uh, and then we'll, uh, then we'll, uh, get back in here with the news that makes you say, what the fuck? Um, you guys were here last night. You may have already heard this. If you weren't there last night and maybe you're going to hear it for the first time. Uh, this is a cover.
that Jay Valer did. Here you go right there at Jay Valer music on all the socials. You guys can go show him some love. You did a cover of it. It was funny. I'm going to have to I'm going to have to clip that. I'm going to have to clip that video him telling the story about him learning, learning about this song because he did a cover of Teddy swims lose control. OK. And you know, you know, just not too long ago and even still, it was like one of the biggest freaking songs in the world. It was literally everywhere. Right.
And Jay had never heard it before. Somebody asked him to play it. And he never heard it before. It wasn't until after the fact. So I'll have to get that clip. I'll have to get that clip and see if I can find it. And I'll get it posted up on socials. But we're going to take a real quick break. We'll be back. Well, Jay Valor with his cover of Teddy Swim's Lose Control. And he absolutely kills it.
I'm not mad at that. I thought he did an excellent job. Nah, he absolutely killed it man. I told him the first time I listened to it, I was jamming out. I'm like, oh, yeah, man, this is this is awesome. You know, and then he hit that high note. I was not fucking expecting him to hit that high note. I was like, where the hell did that come from? He's a busy guy, man. He literally we're going to get into the news. He literally was in Vegas. He was doing two shows a day for he said five or six days in a row. Got on a plane yesterday morning at six a.m.
flew home. He had to yesterday and today off tomorrow night. He's performing in Nashville and then he's back to Vegas. I think he said from the eight through the twelve. Hey man. I I'm happy. I'm happy for him. I'm happy for all these people that I'm interviewing and and and watching them watching watching their journey. ah You know, as a fan from the sidelines and becoming friends with them. That's that's the other cool thing because I didn't expect to you know, make as many friends as I'm making with, with, with, you know, these guys and and staying in contact and, and, and planning things together and whatnot, you know, um, but I'm, I'm loving it. I'm very thankful for it. Well, welcome back to what the fuck news everybody. He's Jeff. I'm Glick. We all are what the fuck news. And we are part of the nonsensical network, the best podcast out there with the best network out there. Don't listen to what anybody else says cause they're telling lies.
um If they tell you we're not the best, they're false prophets. and Sure. and know you do post profits You stone them to death. You say so, buddy.
i'm just trying Well, I got a story here. i I'm having, I'm having, I'm trying to have the people take care of our problems because this is the cult of cult of Glick. I see.
i seea will do my bidding for me. And then I'm like, I didn't make them stone a bunch of well speaking, speaking of a speaking of, uh, uh, type of cult. Um, the, the supporters of certain politicians have been called cultists. I think both people on the left and right are borderline. Uh, well, uh, that being said to Florida man,
were arrested for looting a store during the hurricane. I heard about this. ah good yeah The store was a Trump store and they made up with Trump cowboy hats and coffee mugs. ah And they their excuse was that it washed up on the beach. Yeah.
I mean, can you prove that it didn't wash up on the beach? Well, exactly. So, uh, Lance, I can't pronounce his last name. At the beginning, uh, 57. Brian Elam and his little habit. Uh, looting, looting, despite the state issued emergency during hurricane Helen.
ah in possession of Trump theme merchandise. And they were carrying it by the retail shop. And when they were asked about it, they said, well, it washed up. So we we didn't want it to get damaged. They were arrested. They they they are they should they they should be treated like the American heroes that they are.
they were They were trying to save somebody's merchandise. They were they were saving the the Trump swag, doing the right thing, doing the American thing, and not letting that hurricane make off off your way all that yeah makeoff wash away all that Trump swag. The police law enforcement described as both men very intoxicated in quotes. I have a feeling I could tell, I could tell you exactly how this went down. If they were very intoxicated, A, they were having a hurricane party. Yeah. As one does. he B, one of them said to the other, I haven't. And that's as far as he got. And the other one was like, let's go get the truck. When do we leave?
you know And then they were in the swag shop. If it was a good man and an Ohio man, I would have thought it'd been us. yeah yeah And then they went to the swag shop and the one guy was like, I got a coffee mug and a flag. And then the other guy said, hold my beer. And he he's like, I got a cowboy hat. I got cowboy boots.
And then he went out of there wearing the Trump flag as a king. It's a hurricane. You know, we've we've all had those hurricane parties ah or been to one. And and I'm not going to lie, I've looted, but I looted dog food. I have never in my life let the idea of looting a store cross my mind. so So here's what happened was like during Hurricane Wilma, which was several years ago,
um my girlfriend at the time she was in charge of like 300 people that were in a shelter and right after the hurricane So you fed them dog food? No, no, no. We we were told, she was told by her bosses, Hey, you need to go check on these people because you know, they're tourists. So we went over and checked on them. And as we're there, everybody's running in and out of the mall. And I'm like, I, and I, you ever seen that scene in in Pirates of the Caribbean where, where dude ships blown up and he's slowly walking down the stairs. I'm that dude just walking through the store and everybody's running around like crazy. I'm just like, Hey, I don't have any dog food.
And I got to the exit and there's just cops there and they're like, what are you taking? And I was like, dog food. And they're like, go So it was, it was justified because my dogs didn't have any food. So whatever, but ah yeah, like I said, never, never in my entire life has the cross as it that's a thought. of know it's It's crazy. Cause like, I could have grabbed like TVs and a bunch of other shit. I grabbed dog food because my dogs needed it.
You know, it's a hurricane. There was other people. There was like dude a dude going past me. He had six TVs on a flatbed. just yeah And I was like.
yeah They're not gonna let you out with that it's not goingnna happen Look he did i was I was a looter and I was stealing but I wasn't as bad as everybody else i don't no because just is guilty As I went in as I went in the cops as you go into the stores during during a hurricane here the cops especially like the big stores like Walmart shit like that the cops stand outside and they're like if you're gonna take something Make sure it's something you need and then they check you on the way out you know, as, but as fast as they can. And they're like, what are you taking? And I'm like, it's dog food. My dogs have no, but okay. but But if you're trying to walk out like six TVs, they're like, yeah, not going to have to put it down over there. So it was justified, but, uh, whatever, whatever helps you sleep better at night, brother. Well, a Florida, I'm not, I'm not here to judge is suing an artist over in our teeth. he bought
He's suing him for $18,000. Do you want to take a gander of a guess on why he's suing the artist? The penis was too small. Well, the artist sold him a stack, a sculpture. It was an invisible sculpture.
but that's right yeah Like you can't make this shit up, dude. I got to show you because there's a picture of the sculpture. It sounds like There's the picture of the sculpture. That is a beautiful sculpture. Yeah. Yeah. I really hope that that does not go to court and the judge is like, are you fucking serious? The Italian artist named Salvador, whatever, uh, made headlines with his invisible sculpture and then sold it at Oxford for $18,300.
Okay. So, it was it was advertised as a an invisible sculpture. Yeah. I hope like hell they brought in a truck and they had delivery guys with like a dolly and they were really selling it like. Oh god. It's very heavy. It's very heavy. I'm going to need a back brace. Yeah. It's going to take three of us. This is very heavy. Where do you want it at? Tell us it's not going upstairs. I'm going to need overtime. Yeah. This is heavy. I got to pick up the little pieces too.
I agree, you know, and and I get it, you know. OK, so at the end of the day, what do you know what you bought? Yeah, you bought it. now like you bought oh Did you really think it was that he had the Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility on? Did you really think it was a real fucking you're an idiot? That that person you bought it should be locked up. They should be locked up. Oh, no, that's not why he's suing him.
Tom Miller is threatening to file lawsuit against the artist claiming the the Italian artist stole his idea and didn't give it, give him credit. Oh, Jesus Christ. even I don't know what's worst. Wow. Buying an invisible sculpture or trying to take credit for. Hey, Jeff. I'm throwing my hat in that ring. It was my idea first. Hey, Jeff.
I took up, you know, as if I don't have enough ah on my plate, I took up a new, I took up a new hobby. I now do invisible paintings. Here it is. Would you like to buy one? That's amazing. It's beautiful, right? 18 grand, right? no I could take 18 grand for it. Yeah. This is a one of a kind. This is a one of a kind. Never been done before. I call it the O to invisibility. Oh, nice. Thank you.
it is It is just it is a picture of a Sasquatch in the woods. i I did it that art is subjective because but there was I recently just read a story. I just recently read a story that this guy was at an art gallery and he dropped his glasses and didn't realize it. And people came by and started taking pictures of them because they thought they were an art installation. Yes.
But invisible art and you're spending almost 20 grand on it. Come on. Come on, man. Come on, man. No, here's my thought. Because if art is stolen, you get an insurance claim. I'm part of it right now. Somebody stole it right as I bought it. I need my insurance, man. I need my money back. And I had it valued at $3 million.
um see there there is there i mean yeah but but yeah i mean i'm just uh speaking of uh speaking of art a uh
So i thought if you Google Tom Miller, nothing, you can easily see there's a whole paradigm of sorted out before Salvador, the artist, had even thought of doing the sculpture of nothing. So this guy has this is not the first time this dude has he's actually done it before he's just Tom Miller is just not known for it.
So he has multiple sculptures out there of nothing, invisible art. So he he, and he's like, he stole my idea. I did nothing first. I'm like, prove it. That's what I want the lawyer to say. Prove it. Show me a picture of nothing. Oh, look at that. You don't have one. Yeah. Just follow me. What?
Uh, yes, I think it's like all the other ones, maybe oh two.
So, uh, speaking, speaking of art, a, uh, but I, i thought I wasn't even going to talk about this until you brought up the art. A, uh, a, a junk dealer's wife hated this horrible painting.
A man discovered an old painting in his home that turned out to be, and now I'm going to hold on and I'm going to say what hold off and and thats necessari and how much it was worth hidden away for decade. All because his mother hated it.
He held on to just despite his mother. No, it was hidden. Andrew Andrea LaRosa low. Excuse me. LaRosa said his dad Luigi, who worked as a junk dealer,
was cleaning out a cellar in a house in Capri, Italy, in 62, when he came across a piece of artwork. My father was from Capri and would collect junk to sell for next to nothing. La Rosso's son, Andrea, now 60, said, but despite the distinctive signature in the top left-hand corner, La Rosso somehow didn't realize the Spanish painter was famous.
um said Spanish painter was no, a none other than Pablo Picasso. Nice. And the painting was worth $6.6 million. dollars but because there now But because his mom hated it when his dad first found it, it was stashed away to never be seen again. And Andrea over here was cleaning out Pops' cellar. I'm assuming after after a death, maybe, I don't want to speculate. Hopefully, nobody's... But Andrea is 60, so I think it's safe to say that his his parents are... Pops is gone, yeah yeah. And he came across this painting, and thank God Mama hated this painting so much that that Dad decided to hide it away, and now
family, $6.6 million. Your mom don't hate it now. well um Imagine stumbling across a fucking Pablo Picasso. Well, no, I can top it. Did you hear the new artist? An artist dropped an album long after his death.
A well-named artist. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You could say it. by the name of Mozart. Oh, yeah. I mean, that's not that far fetched. Well, basically what happened, these nuns, they had this artwork, they they had this sheet music that they found in their in their convent. And it turns out it's all written and never performed by Mozart himself. Nice. ah And I just have that one from memory. but
Yeah, that's not that far fetched because I mean when Prince passed they said that the that he had in he's got a vote ah yeah had hundreds of songs that were never released or or or song they never heard of yeah live music video attached yeah having michael tra tells that story Kevin Smith tells that story where they're like on and You know what the rest of my family No, I want to stay. I'm a meat eater. I don't eat salad. mean I mean, yeah, I think Michael Jackson had a bunch of unreleased stuff as well. There's a lot of artists out there ah that, you know, you discover in their archive or their archives, a whole bunch of unreleased music and shit like that. And then you turn around. I think Pac had some stuff, too, ah enough songs where they could do like one or two albums. It's just a family is not allowing it or whatever.
Yeah, it's, it was kind of a, I mean, yeah, 6.6 million. Holy cow. You don't want to talk about life changing. Like, it's like, you know, you see those people go on Antique Roadshow, and they, they, my dad's had this lying around for years, and it's worth like, you know, $15 million. And your daughter's there, ask her, who's Riley? Who the fuck is Riley?
you what ah Florida man claims to be the devil as he terrorizes women, quoting, I'm Satan. That's about right. Uh, Roberto land, Pena, uh, decided to break into the highlight woman's home.
completely naked and claiming to be Satan himself. According to the news this news article, WTJTVJ,
Pena 26, picked the absolute absolute worst way to introduce himself walking into her apartment after she just left for a second. How you doing? When she came back, there he was. The dark self-proclaimed Dark Lord. entire Completely naked birthday suit and all in her bedroom.
And headline is I'm Satan, a naked Florida man claims to be devil. That's a good shot it is that is a what?
first card for DoorDash for the pizza. Okay. Only if we would know who Riley is. What's Riley? Michelle just said. What's lunch?
Oh. What are you doing?
I guess Mickey accidentally used her son's card for DoorDash the other day. so yeah they didn't know and it out um ah So the suspected drunken Largo woman. I'm not sure where Largo is. Uh, it's obviously Florida, but the suspected drunken Largo woman.
grabs Frouper's genitals and bites leg after I-4 crash. So the 25-year-old Tishaara Williams of Largo was traveling westbound on I-4 approaching the 275 when she lost control and crashed into the barrier wall. Frouper said Williams was impaired while she was being arrested and the woman The woman resisted and had to physically be physically restrained. The officer tried to restrain her. Williams grabbed the trooper's genitals and then bit his leg. Williams was charged with resisting arrest with violent and violence and a DUI, says the police station. That is literally the only part of the story. There is nothing more. but like What leg did she bite? What leg did she bite? I don't know.
I mean, come on. let you buy this v little ah chris I 15 a.m. ah She was already hammered. She was just in the club or our apartment you know what they say? Nothing good happens after 2 a.m. So or or she lives life by the old saying the early bird gets the worm. So she was woke up she got that worm. All right. she ah Chris, I could use a two-liter Pepsi, maybe a two-liter Mountain Dew as well, and a package of Doritos sounds good. I appreciate you. Thank you, Chris. You're the man. Cool ranch Doritos for me, Chris. Just regular Doritos for me. Thank you, Chris. You're a hell of a guy. I don't care what anybody says.
but Yeah. You know, So for whatever reason, my algorithm, and this has been killing me because I hate, I hate motherfuckers on crouch rockets that that drive like assholes and I think they own the road and everything else. Right. It's one thing to learn. It's like, it's another thing to drive like an asshole. I get that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. But for whatever reason, the newest thing in my, in my algorithm on YouTube, on the reels,
are these assholes who try to outrun the cops on their motorcycles. And, and hold on, it gets better, Jeff. And they don't realize where their gas gauge is.
And the bike goes, yeah. yeah and And I was watching one video. This guy, get on have a full thank boy yeah I guy jumped off his bike. He was running for the car. The bike died. It ran out of gas and he jumped off his bike. And instead of like dropping the bike and running, no, he's running with the bike. He like jumps off and he's running with the bike and the cop gets on the loudspeaker and he was like, where are you going?
out of, you had a guess that the guy, you could hear him in his helmet, his GoPro. Yeah. He was like, if you're dumb for running. Yeah. He's like, he's like, you ever been to jail? The guy was like, yeah, lots. He's like, well, you're going again. Cops on the, on his, on his loudspeaker.
And then I was, you know, and I scrolled and then there was another one. It was just chick. And all you can see is just her massive fucking rack. And it says had a case of the zoomy. So went out for a joy ride and decided to run from the cops. Dot, dot, dot, dot. Didn't check gas gauge. And then it flashes to her mug shot.
Like you dumb bitch, but i I don't know why that's I don't know why that's the new algorithm for me because I don't watch motorcycle I don't watch motorcycle videos or anything like that, but I'm in I'm enjoying the hell out of it. I know I I Watched there's a guy on on YouTube. He calls himself Something dark like dark rider or something like that and he's somewhere in Europe I want to say London, something like that. This dude has been doing videos for like 10 years, or he did videos like 10 years ago, where he's doing 200, 250 kilometers an hour, which is well over 150 miles, 160, 170 miles an hour.
through these like running from cops holding on yards. And he stopped for a long time. Then like a year ago, he started putting out these videos. If you watch these videos, it will give you anxiety to the point where like, Jesus, this guy's gonna die. And like, I can't watch more than 30 seconds. And he's been, he's gone for five minutes. I would, I've been on bikes. I don't run from the cops for the simple fact. I'm not that great a writer. And I'm gonna die if I do more than 60.
yeah I did see a guy that uh yesterday he um he's at the gas station getting gas and he's got a brand new Ducati still got 30 day tags on it and these cops pulling and they're like uh we got a report of a guy dressed like you on a Ducati doing 150 miles an hour and dudes like I literally just left my house like five minutes ago and they're like no it had to be you Did you come from this way? He's like, yeah, my house is like three blocks that way. Like, it must have been you. He's like, I have everything on my GoPro. It's been running for 20 minutes, and I've been driving for 20 minutes. The bike has a total of 12 miles on it. And they're like, like, after 45 minutes, and the guy's like, you realize my bike only has 12 miles on it. And the guy, the cop looks at it, and he's like,
Nevermind. It gets in his car and drives away. Check answers. But yeah, I know those videos scared the shit out of me, dude.
e um'm I'm always um'm always um pro pavement when when I see videos of the guys on the motorcycles driving like assholes. I'm like, God, I hope you eat the pavement.
Yeah, you know what, i get you know, you're doing a hundred miles an hour through town. You're not, you have no idea when a car is going to pull out. And every time I see him, cover somebody crosses the street. Yeah. Every time I come see him come to a four way, I'm like, not that I want to, not that I wish death upon anybody, but man, I hope, I hope my truck comes out.
Like I did it. Nobody wants to get a ticket. Nobody wants to go to jail. Nobody wants, but you know what? You did bad. you It's a, you know, you're speeding. Okay. What you're going to get a speedy ticket. And so you running from the cops is going to end a whole hell of a lot worse than getting a little time. The problem is, is like, if you're on, if you're on a Ducati or, or, or anything bigger than a 600 CC, you can totally outrun the cops.
out You out you there's an old saying that got that cops say all the time and you can outrun a vehicle But you can't out right on the radio But there there are the times where these guys get away especially guys like the guy i was talking about no Yeah, there's a lot of times where they just run a plate. He doesn't even have a plate on his bike Yeah, there's a lot of times where the cops give up because it's a safety hazard Yeah, you're putting ah you know, you're putting tons of people at risk because you don't want to get a fucking a speeding ticket. Yeah. And you think you're fucking Joe Cool on a motorcycle. Well, well and and not just the motorcycle cars, whatever you're driving. If you're running from the cops, you're instantly if you like, I don't care who you are. I don't care what car you're driving as a car guy. You are not going to outrun everybody. You're going to run out of gas. i'm my ash You're not as good a driver as you think you are.
yeah I might be a heartless cold son of a **** but at that moment in time when I see those videos, I'm rooting for a tree. You just see you get ripped in half by a **** tree. You know, because at the end of the day,
Sorry, you, you, you punched your ticket. You, you, you, you are a waste of oxygen in my, in my book because and three and not that I give a damn that you're running, but the moment you decide to run for the cops, you put a whole bunch of innocent people in danger. And that just shows that you don't value anybody else's life. So nobody should value your loan. Well, speaking of cops, a thrill seeking Polk County deputy, he resigned the other day, Chris.
Take a guess why he resigned. He was streaking in the Yee courtyard. Oh my God, you're so close. He was flashing the ladies. He was fluttering himself in a plug in public. Sometimes the urge takes over. I get it. He was outside a Davenport apartment complex and while touching himself and knew
Do you get one when you rub one out? No. Now if a lady was doing that, that would be hot. I don't agree. Lady like shows about to start boys. Let's get the popcorn. But like dude got fully naked to rub one out. That's weird. I don't even do that when I'm like your home alone. Not unless I'm in the shower already. And I'm like, yeah, i'm right exactly.
That's the only time I've ever rubbed one out naked. Yeah. Scooter Bobby, what's going on with you, brother? Apparently, dude was... How you doing, man? Yeah. That's a... That is a ballsy move, my friend. A ballsy move. Yeah.
ah he he He was a rookie though, so he was hired in November 23. Less than a year on the job. How bored is it in that county? A year on the job, you're already bored and like, I'm a robot one out. Better get naked first.
that's it's a little That's a little weird. But, uh, let's, uh, Bobby, let's, uh, let's take ourselves a real quick break. We'll come back with more news of the, what the fuck variety. Uh, let's do a little Zeg Grassley.
all the way down there from South Carolina with a little Southern charm. Y'all check him out. He is everywhere on the socials and his music is everywhere at Zegrassly. Go show him some love. Let him know we sent you his way. And we're back in just a few minutes.
Yeah, that was good. Yeah, I do it man. I will be some of a grassley. He was ah he was another fun former guest on the show. um i Reach back out with him. ah I was tuning in I was doing my break time assault ah On another shop podcast but charge to sleep ah Whatever the hell there I don't know what they're talking about I just went in there and talk shit like I always do I called the break time and salt Pop in talk some shit, but speaking of another shop podcast We'll be teaming up with those guys next week here on what the fuck news. We're gonna do our
spooky season show. We're going to do a, we're going to do a show on, um, you know, maybe share some stories, uh, ghost stories about our local area or our state or our country. Uh, maybe share share some personal experiences, whether you believe, whether you don't believe. Um, but we're going to partner up with those guys and, uh, we'll have a good time. We'll have a good show.
Uh, Bill and I, the host of another shot, him and I were talking about doing some collabs down the road together. And I've been helping them as they get started since day one. And I still help them. Um, so I was like, yeah, let's do it on a Wednesday night. You guys are normally live on Wednesday nights as well. You know, come on over to the, to the show. We'll throw it up on your Facebook and YouTube channel. And, uh, and, uh, we'll have have a good time with it. We'll have a fun time with it because we, we're kind of split. We have.
You know, Jeff and I are kind of split here. I'm a believer. He's a skeptic. Uh, Bill and his co-host are kind of split between believers and skeptics and whatnot. So it'll be a fun conversation. It'll be fun. That'll be next Wednesday night. Um, a little, little, uh, spooky season, uh, special, but, uh, welcome back to what the fuck news he's Jeff. I'm Glick. We're talking to news is in the news and it makes us say what the fuck? Well, we're probably going to talk about it. Um,
If you're not already, go ahead and check us out. We are literally everywhere. Y'all give us a follow. Make sure you follow us on YouTube. Uh, that's probably the best location to follow us. You're going to get all of our live shows, all of our replays are there and all the little extra tidbits and the stuff that that I put up, you know, the little reels and shorts and whatever you want to call them.
Well, uh, generally going to go to Instagram and YouTube. Uh, but you can also listen to us wherever you listen to podcasts, all at the nonsensical network or simply, uh, go to bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. All those links are there, uh, including the, uh, merch shop and the link is for, for that is there as well. So give us a follow up, give us a like, give us a little share. If you, uh, decide to support us by grabbing some of our merch, send us a picture and we'll throw it up on our socials and, uh, shout you out our way of saying thank you for, uh,
buying a swag if you will but um we'll get back here into the uh the old news of Ruski. Oh let's see where uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll keep that there uh where was that at I wanted to start with this so check this out man and we we've talked about New York City.
we know we we We all know anybody who watches the news or pays any attention to the news. We all know New York City is like a fucking jungle. It's not even the Wild West anymore, man. It's a straight up jungle. The, you know, it is it is it is the equivalent of when the dinosaurs escaped Jurassic Park. 100 percent. 100 percent. And started running run on rampant. Well, but we all know that New York has
A bit of a problem with rodents, rats in particular. Oh, yes. Jeff, would you like to take a stab at how they're going to start to control the rat population in New York? They're going to give you a flute. A what? A flute. I'm not a piper. Yeah.
Just click, walk it down the street. All these rats fall him over to Jersey.
Here, Jersey, it's your problem now. ah yeah Your monkey, your circus. ah They're going to do like Disney and just get a bunch of cats. No, because then they would have a then they would have a stray cat problem. Yeah, but cats are cute as opposed to no fucking cats. Yeah, but the they're better than rats.
Well, New York City rats might be infertile very soon. nine reports reports m neuter ah that There are reports that the New York City Council has recently passed a bill that would allow the city to leave rat bait that includes birth control in And why she's held the city departments are set to work together to leave a new, kind to leave the new contraceptives in specific Manhattan neighborhoods, including upper Manhattan, uh, condoms, the rat. Yeah. that that' i That's what I was just going to say. rap i believe They go start leaving condoms out next. Like, uh,
We'll manage your abortion clinics for the rats too. Yeah. yeah yeah your Your body, your choice rat. yeah The rat contraceptive was tested at a pilot program last year, but wasn't seen as a success. However, the new beta is said to be tastier formula that the rodents will like. the Mind you, rodents literally eat anything and everything. i was just say they don't they're They're not really discerning.
Yeah, they're not really sound like Oh, i I don't feel like that one today. i prefer know they got and I'm vegan. Is this is this rat bait vegan because I only know this doesn't harm the planet, right? Okay, just check. Yeah, the the measure the measure also asked that health inspectors report on the efficiency of the new bait. I don't know how you report on that unless you start to see a major decrease and the rat population. The fact that you see more than one rat says there's a problem. Well, that's not necessarily true. And I get it. It's not small area. But, you know, I was in Mexico City for like three weeks at a time. I didn't say a single rat.
And it's just the same sense, about the same size of New York City, if not bigger. So. Yeah. ah The move was made after it was discovered that the city's current rat poison was making birds sick. So what, the pigeons, which are rats with wings? um yeah I was going to say, so we're saving the rats with wings to make the rats without wings infertile? Making the birds sick in the New York area, including Central Park Zoo.
Uh, you're an Asian Eagle, Al Flacco, who, after escaping from his enclosure in 2023, crashed into a building and died earlier this year from ingesting rat poison, which, you know, when a rat eats poison, if like a cat or a dog or a bird eats them shortly afterwards or kills them, they will ingest the, the, the, the poison. Um, so yeah. Yeah. Uh, Donna and, uh, in Florida.
are in Florida and New York, they, uh, they're, they're going to start giving the ranch birth control, man. Yeah. I'm just giving condoms.
Yes. I'm doing whatever, man. Oh, a little, a little breeze by a little drive by here on this one. Uh, we've, we've talked about the Diddy situation on here and we've talked about everything that's happened.
Well, the fallout is starting to happen now. Nice. I haven't been on the phone. I haven't been on any social media in the past couple of weeks. The the fallout, meaning all the celebrities connected and tied to him and tied to the parties. and um There was a tweet that resurfaced from 2016 by Ellen DeGeneres calling Diddy cuddle mix snuggle stuff.
And people are stunned that this tweet is still up. only but so That's one of the things that like, I heard that, uh, I think it was Usher, like got rid of all his previous tweets, like all of them. Usher, I think pink.
Yeah. i Wipe their, they, they wiped their Twitter's, um, as if they were new Ashton, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis tried to jump out in front of the freight train. And he was like, yeah, Diddy and I were friends, but I never, blah, blah, blah, blah. And a lot of people are coming out and going, and yeah, well, this is a picture of you at the infamous white party. Uh, and you're right.
Awful chummy because it's a picture of him and be Diddy like, you know, he's behind be Diddy with his, ah you know, like arms around even everything. It's like, yeah. Right. The the the fallout of all these celebrities who were friends with Diddy are now trying to get out ahead of this freight trade. And I don't know how well it's going to work out for him, because as we said, even if you were at a party and left,
when the shenanigans started to happen. It still means you knew something was gonna happen. You still knew things were happening and that makes you an accomplice, guilty by association, you didn't say anything. Or accessory. Yeah. You knew bad things were happening to people and you did nothing about it when you could have. Yeah. So that still makes you part of the old problem there.
I agree, you know, uh, somebody said that this, this whole thing could kill Hollywood. And you know what? I'm not mad if he do, if it does. I mean, at the end of the day, what are you going to do? Yeah. you know I mean, you know, I've never wanted to be a celebrity, but if I'm sure glad I'm not and because, Oh,
Well, cause like, you got to remember that most celebrities, I'm not saying they all know each other, but like, if you're big, like, and I'm not accusing anybody, but let's say you're, you're fucking you're as big as Brad Pitt. And, and I'm as big as, you know, Oprah, I can get ahold of you if I want to. Oh, yeah.
And we're like, hey, let's hang out kind of thing. So like, it it doesn't take much to to tie everybody together. and Well, yeah, I mean, it's like, it's like one of those things, you know, Jamie, there was an awards thing or something, a ceremony or whatever. And Jamie Foxx was there and and I think it was in honor of RDJ, Robert Downey Jr. And Jamie Foxx was there and he was telling a story about his his kid. And it was it was, I think it was his daughter. It was her birthday party.
And she said what she wanted for her birthday was Tony Stark to come. And she asked Jamie, he was like, she was like, do you think you could get Iron Man to come to my party? And Jamie's like, and she was referring to, you know, Robert Downey Jr. And he was like, Oh shit. Like he was telling his story. He was like, I was freaking out. He was like, so this is like at noon in the parties at five o'clock or whatever. And he's like, I shot Robert a text and said, Hey, my daughter is a huge fan. Uh, you know,
Iron Man's her favorite Avenger, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, we have a birthday party. do Do you think you could swing by and just say hi? And he's like, Robert, he's like, you know, he shot me back a message within a matter of a couple of minutes. He was like, sure. What, where's it at? And what time when and where? And Robert JB Fox was like,
Five o'clock today. And he was like, all I got back from from Robert Downey, juniors, I'll see you in a couple of hours or I'll be there or something like that. And sure as hell, he he showed he showed up at his daughter's birthday party, you know, and and you of course, made made her fucking day because yeah an Iron Man, sir, you know. Well, you know, and yeah and I'm not saying all celebrities are bad, but no, no, I'm not saying they're all bad. oh I'm saying like, what was it?
uh they can they can they can reach out to each other they can exactly it's it's it's like you know it's something it's like if if's it's like if if somebody was like fans of us and they and they they knew me and they're like hey can you get going to show up at my party i'm like no but but it's the same kind of concept they don't have that reach but you know you you end up having somebody with that reach but it's like You know, could you get Glick to show up at my party? You do realize this man calls himself the champ. Like, you really think he's got time for you? You really think he has time for you, little people? He was calling himself a god, just a couple of weeks ago. You know, you you hear stories of like, we've we've all heard the stories of celebrities that are assholes in real life. Like, apparently Kevin James is like a huge asshole in real life.
ah like to the point where he was he was at a restaurant and the waiters were told, don't speak to Mr. James directly. I mean, it's fucking waiter. But then you hear stories of like Keanu Reeves where he's like nicest guy on the fucking planet, you know? And it's like those chickens are all going to come to roost. Oh, yeah. honor mean Yeah, I think, you know, this is this is going to be this is going to be an interesting um Second fire to watch this is gonna be an interesting fire to watch burn um and And like I said, i I you know, I will say the same thing I said about Diddy Everybody involved anybody who participated anybody that knew about it. Y'all should be fucking locked up forever agree um I'm not I'm not changing my and all your money should go to me just and me
Right. Yeah. as You should go. All all all monies recovered from these celebrities that are caught with this should be evenly doled out to the nonsensical network. Yes. We'll put it to good use. We'll distribute it to the victims.
Namely us. Yes. Why are you a victim? Because I was forced to listen to fucking P Diddy's music in the late 90s and early 2000s.
I was never a big fan of him. Anyways, I always thought he was a fucking douche. Anywho, away from ah ah away from ah P. Dittay. Oh, shit. You know, we for I'm going to do this and then we'll then then we'll go into what we forgot to do. um Check this out. the This this headline reads kissing could kill me. Men must follow three strict rules before we can smooch because of this chronic condition.
Uh-oh. Uh, now call it, call it the kiss of death. Uh, guys looking to lock lips with Carolyn Craig Quinn better be careful because a smooch could prove fatal. The Boston based beauty, um,
suffers from severe food allergies as well as a chronic condition known as mass cell activation syndrome. MCAS, uh, MCAS is an immune disease that causes her cells to incorrectly identify things as severe allergens. Wow. That's fucked up. Uh, including all but two foods, oats and hypo allergenic formula. The disorder causes intense episodes of swelling, shortness of breath, hives, diarrhea, vomiting,
and other symptoms and severe cases, it may lead to life-threatening asphyxiation.
Thus, any men looking to kiss Quinn need to follow three rules. Rule number one is that they can't have any of my six main um allergens and things that she's allergic to uh peanuts tree nuts sesame kiwi mustard or seafood within 24 hours of kissing me quinn explained to more than i've really got the mustard yeah more than her like come here maybe 1.7 million tiktok viewers and a vi but she's a cute she she's not like super hot or anything like that but she's she's a cute chick
um i don't know the second The second rule is that they can't eat anything three hours prior to kissing me. The cautious kisser continues in the clip. Rule number three is that they have to brush their teeth. Should a prospective paramour fail to meet those three weeksek pre prerequisites prior to buckering up, the consequences could be deadly for the blonde. um And she's got. Take that alllthough all those chicks that want to date a six foot six, you know, six figure guy. Yeah, she actually has standards where you're just a cunt. Yeah, she actually has video pictures where like she's all broken out on her neck and on her chest. There's a picture of her in the hospital getting breathing treatments. Lord. um I wonder does it affect her eating habits.
Uh, it's got to, uh, easy oats, maybe for you. I don't know. Uh, and it goes on to say, and sadly, she's not alone. Uh, roughly one in six people, including the A-list likes of singers, Billy, uh, Billy Eilish and, uh, Hasley, Hasley, housely, whatever, um, are diagnosed with the form of mass cell disease.
with MCAS being the most common according to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, EDS clinic. Natasha Coates, 27, a UK gymnast stricken with the disease is severely allergic to strong emotions.
Bouts of laughter, sadness, or stress could trigger a fatal chemical reaction.
This is a part of that MCAS. I get that. But then just because because you have to you you have to remember when we laugh or when we cry or when we're sad and our body finns or our body our bodies release chemicals and shit. Coats who like Quinn has shared the heroin details of her health struggles online revealed she planned her own funeral at age 20 due to the seriousness of her sickness. I guarantee she doesn't listen to us because she would die from life.
I was just going to say, miss coats, please don't listen to us because you'll either laugh or you'll be mad or you'll cry or all three or all three at the same time. Yeah. Um, it would give us props. We we killed someone by life. You know, uh, shout out to shout out to Quinn. She said she has made it her mission to focus on living a full and happy life.
Rather than preparing for death since being diagnosed, uh, in 2017, uh, she said she got sick in 2017 after one true allergic reaction to cross-contamination with nuts. She got nuts. she the That was soft, dude. Yeah. It smiled into a series of anaphylactic episodes to foods. I wasn't allergic to.
uh my allergist at the time is seriously yeah man this would this would uh uh she she she she told her tiktok oh viewers kissing boys is definitely a risk it invites potential instability into my life but so does everyday life for me yeah but i mean that's like some serious like Like if this chick, that chick laughs too hard, she'll die. yeah How many times would you and I be dead? oh yeah From this show alone? Yeah, that's that's the other chick, the UK gymnast. She could experience anaphylaxis. yeah she could She could experience anaphylaxis from something as benign as a dog licking her on the cheek. Wow, that's horrible.
She's she sounds lonely. Yeah, she said she'd rather roll the dice by smooching his smoke show than abstaining altogether. So it's not like it's not like she's like, I'm just going to not date. And, you know, like, hey, I mean, if you're dating a guy and you explain like your condition, I think it's a dick move to be like, yeah, whatever. Fuck you. I'm going to do what I want. I'm going to live my life. Don't tell me how to live my life. Like, hey, man. I mean, she's again, like I said, she's
She's not a bad looking young lady. Oh, she's pretty. Yeah. Yeah. Still, that's horrible. Like, like I'm not allergic to anything that I know of. But it's.
Yeah, no, she she she says ah here at the end, she says as much as I'm going to read of it because there's a lot here. Uh, she says, uh, thankfully Quinn has only endured minor allergic reactions while canoodling with a honk. Can you imagine that? You know what? However, on devil's advocate playing devil's advocate here, if I were to make out with her and accidentally kill her, you want to talk about maybe I kiss so good I'll kill you.
You make the weirdest things flexes. That's not a flex, Jim. It would be a weird flex. Yeah, like there's that's not something to brag about. I'll make you laugh so hard. You'll die. Yeah. It's still flex. What? What? Who's Riley? Chrisley knocked me in the mouth today. Who? Chrisley. OK. I'm one on one. He knocked me in the mouth today. Did you survive? I'm in pain. Who's Riley?
so jeff just stay off my phone not on you that's one man we go one message in the heat of the moment He said he said one message ah lie he said two Oh my god, I replied to you He replied to you Yeah Yeah, she said she's only endured minor allergic reactions that her mouth will get itchy and Her lips and her tongue will get itchy. She said online adding that she's also experienced a bit of Flushing and some head rush so she gets like the hot flashes or whatever. Okay. Okay. Um, so it's not like instantaneous death or something. Yeah, that would be horrible because Because you know that the first time you're hanging out with somebody and they're really good looking and you're like you finally get to kiss them and then Like that would be horrible
Yeah, so it doesn't come on like super fast. And it's it's just that she can quell the flare ups by immediately brushing her teeth and downs a dose of her emergency medications like Benetryl. So, you know, it's it's it's not going to like instantaneous instantaneously kill her. It's it's more of like.
Is that an insult? Oh, I'm making out with you. And then all of a sudden you brush your teeth real quick. Like damn, baby. Is my breath that I would much rather you go do that than die while we're making, I agree le out was like, don't take offense. I'm going to just take the financial. Yeah. Right. and am i Um, anyways, we're going to take a, we're going to take our last break of the night.
And then we're going to come back and we totally forgot to recap fantasy football. So we'll recap fantasy football. We'll, we'll, we'll, uh, we'll talk about the upcoming week's matches and then we'll end with Jeff's favorite part of the night. Penis.
fifty Uh, we'll get back into our, our, uh, our, our, our list here that we have. So let's see, what do we want to do for, uh, you know, let's do, uh, let's do a little, uh,
you know what? Let's, uh, let's do a little Jules or Jules in the howl for you. And we'll be back here in just a few minutes. Go ahead and check out Jules. Guys, she is everywhere. at Jules in the house. Go show her some love and i let her know we sent you. We'll be back here in just a few minutes.
Keep it down
I'm gonna swallow and keep it down
Yeah, choose now would bow down ask kha jewel love she is everywhere y'all Jules and the Howl
Or as we were lone wolfing it around here, like we do on Sundays, on unnecessary roughness, lone wolfing, hit them with that.
Uh, no, she's awesome. Former guest of clicks house of music. She's, she, she's an awesome little rock star. I love her to death. Uh, but welcome back to what the fuck news everybody. We are back. We forgot to do this at the beginning of the show, like we normally do. So we're going to do it now here at the tail end before we roll into the penis room art. Uh, so we had week four fantasy football. Um,
Yeah. The, um, the nonsensical network, uh, league. Right. We had match-ups with, uh, well, Justin was on a bi-week. Let's just call that, we'll call that a spade, call it spade a spade. Justin was on a bi-week this week. Uh, so he won. Uh, we had, uh, cam or I'm sorry, uh, Connor taken on Jeff.
Connor one 125 to 107 moves up to three and one ah Jeff drops down to one and three ah Cam took on Derek Wayne Derek Wayne got his second win of the season 126 to 112 over Cameron ah Derek Wayne moves up to two and two on the season cam is two and two as well and then I went up against Brian. Uh, I could not get any help. I'm still dealing with a lot of injuries. My team lost. Brian beat me 139 to 106, uh, puts me at two and two. I've lost two in a fucking row. Uh, and Brian has moved up to.
three in one, our current standings, uh, tie for first place between Brian Connor and Justin. They're all three in one. And then fourth place is Derek cam and myself in a three way tie. And then hanging out at the bottom of the barrel all by himself this week is Jeffrey with a one in three.
record. However, however, we still got a lot of football left. There's still, uh, 10, what, 10 more weeks before we get into the playoffs. Let's see. Uh, so week fourteen yeah we got more weeks before the playoff starts. A lot could happen. Uh, coming up this week, week five, uh, Derek Scott, the bi-week this week. So he'll be advancing to three and two. Uh, Justin is playing Brian. So we got a matchup.
Uh, between, uh, two of the three and one teams, somebody's going to drop out of that, that three and one position. Uh, Jeff is going up against cam and I am going up against Connor oh and don't forget tomorrow football starts. So check your fantasy football. Uh, make sure, you know,
Uh, we have Atlanta and Tampa Bay playing each other. So if you got guys on either team, if you want them to play, get them in. If you don't want them to play and I'm out, uh, Oh, unfortunately I've got, uh, I'm, I'm, I made up, man. I've got, I've got five, I've got one guy out, uh, two guys that are on IR that if they come back, man, if they come back and I'm still in the hunt, I'm going to be a force to be reckoned with and when they come back.
Cause these are heavy hitters that are, that are on the IR. Uh, and I've got, uh, and I've got four guys that are questionable, man. Uh, I'm still, I'm eight up over here. Uh, all of us are, um, yeah. Uh, Derek's got, um, three, four, he's got four, he's got four guys on the, on the questionable list. He's got two guys on the IR.
Uh, Brian, Justin each head. Well, Brian has three guys that are questionable. Justin has three guys that are questionable. Uh, Jeff, you've actually got one of your wide receivers. That is out that you have. He's out. I noticed that. Yeah. Uh, I noticed that last night, but I couldn't do anything about it. Yeah. yeah Somebody can put in there. I'm sure. I'm sure I do. Um,
What the hell do you have this guy? What the hell is that guy? Why do you have Lad McConkley? I think I might have got him because he had the most potential points. Okay, there you go. So yeah, I mean, we're going into week five.
Justin's projected to be Brian. You're projected to be cam by a point. Uh, uh, Connor's projected to be me by six points, but, uh, projections change once games start. Uh, and of course Derek's on a bye week, so he'll get the easy win, uh, this week and move on to, uh, three and two. So we could potentially have, um, some ties in the three and two position coming out of this week. Uh, and that.
And that is a fantasy booze ball. However, I will, I will say in Tony's league, I'm, uh, I'm, I'm coming around. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I'm going to smash cam this week. I started out a little sluggish, but, uh, I'm creeping my way up in there, uh, getting, getting into those top spots. I'm going to smash cam this week and.
hopefully a couple people will take some L's over there in the fantasy belt Kings fantasy football league. So I think that's what it's called. Um, but yeah, so are you ready? Oh, I'm absolutely ready. Are you ready for the penis report? kids That's weird. Nevermind. Yeah.
Gather on, kiddies, we're going to talk a little bit about penis. I'm talking about some penises. Gather around, adults, people. This is this is this is an adult friendly segment. ah This is not kid friendly. And if you're easily offended or squeamish or anything like that, please turn their volumes down now because. Penis.
firmly grasp it in your hand firmly grasp it in your hand we are doing buzzfeeds 15 penis horror stories that'll make you want to bomb it uh i gotta remember where we were on this list um i honestly don't remember but it was i remember cringing a lot yeah we had the little boy falling on this sharp toy Didn't we? Yeah, we did. No. Got my knee. I kind of needed the nuts. Yeah. We talked about that. The football player who's nuts were up inside his stomach. Uh, the sharp toy. Um, Elizabeth writes in my son tripped on, he tripped in his bedroom and fell on a toy with sharp parts. The urologist discovered that he had punctured his penis in two places.
And one was all the way through. through Oh, the poor kid. Yes. Uh, I like this attempt and fail. I was having sex with my ex when we stopped mid-coitus to laugh at the show that was on in the background. How about the planeseced how boring your Well, the fact that you sit on.
the fact that he said the fact that he said coitus or she said coitus makes me believe that this might be Sheldon and and uh yeah after a particular long giggle fit she thrust hard little did we realize she had became less um lubricated oh
Ever snapped an elastic band? Yeah. Imagine your foreskin. It's attached to your tip doing that. Yeah. Yowses.
Yeah, that hurts. Sailor. with yeah Sounds, sounds painful. ah Sailor Wenis says, I love that name. weness but but I developed a fungal infection.
on my foreskin. My poor penis, yeah, like wash your junk. My poor penis got all dry and cracked. The problem with that was that my foreskin had gotten so irritated ah that it got swollen. My foreskin got so tight. How many times are you gonna say, fucking foreskin in this? Right? I think you need to say it like six more times.
Yeah. My foreskin got so tight that I couldn't pull it back without creating micro tears. Ow. A year and a half later, my foreskin still looks a little longer than what it used to be. I think that, I think it would be about high time to go get a circumcision. Agreed. Yes.
I'm sorry, but that's on him dude clean your dick Uh, yeah, okay, so Okay Okay, we're gonna have to Really unwind this one and I don't know if he's gonna dive into it ah DB D4b He says I once accidentally cut off a bit of my foreskin with a pair of scissors and I had been cruising for sex in the park in very cold weather and got chapped foreskin, just like chapped lips. Okay. Wait a minute. Okay. Hold on a second. you walk out of your dick out ah Before I go any farther. Yeah. What are you doing? What do you mean cruising the park for sex? Are you like?
um in It's just like a mangrove thing or are you like a cereal rapist? Yeah. ah I decided that I could cure it overnight with moisturizer and plastic cover. You were wrong. But I had no clean film so I put my crown jewels in a sandwich bag and secured it in place with an elastic band.
During the night, I had to pee and decided to cut off the corner of the sandwich. But this guy, yeah this guy, this guy is everywhere. Crews in the park for sex. It was cold. He chapped his penis. He put his penis in a Ziploc baggie with moisturizer and a rubber band to seal it. And instead of just taking the bag off to go take a piss,
Like a normal person. Like a normal sane human being would do. He decided to cut off the corner of the sandwich bag. And that's when I cut off a bit of skin. I bet you he don't do it. I have to say it did hurt. You can think. and think
Jesus Christ. There was a lot on package in that fucking story There's a lot going on. There's probably a reason why he didn't use his real name and it was deep or beat. Yeah Kristin she writes it and she says When I first started having the sex with my ex I was very I was very inexperienced and He was too nice to tell me when things weren't great He said that once when we were fooling around, I wasn't being very gentle. It turns out that I had given him dick hickies. I'm not mad at that. I don't know. It sounds like fun. Yeah, I'm not mad at it. Yeah.
i on the hoover
All right, we're gonna do we're gonna do one more here and then we'll save the last five for next week Oh Valerie writes in but we were in high school my friend and his girlfriend started having sex wait a minute hold on when we were in high school my friend and his girlfriend started having sex Okay. Guy's friend has sex with a girlfriend. No, no, no. She said it was just, they were in high school. It's like his woman had, had sex last night. a ya yeah Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Was not processing.
It's going into some weird three way. When we were in high school, my friend and his girlfriend started having sex. They skipped the foreplay and went straight into penetration. Nice. He was he was sitting down and she started to go on top. There was a bit of pain, so she quickly got up and noticed a lot of blood. Oh, you know, it happens. Yeah, first time my friends, my friends penis literally peeled
like his foreskin, his foreskin was totally pushed back and he was losing a lot of blood. He had surgery to repair his penis and was given a circumcision just like a banana. You know, if you never learned anything from the Hawk to a girl, you got to spit on that thing. It just sounds like to me that that goes back to a whole lubrication issue.
yeah he wasn't ready but he was like we're doing this well i mean like she was ready but she wasn't ready yeah that's what i'm saying but i mean like have you ever have you ever like Jump like right into bed with somebody with no foreplay or anything. You're just like fucking we're fucking this, you know Yeah, you might be in the mood, and you know You guys might be in the mood, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the brain has reached all the way down there yet for hi agree agree you know yeah yeah The-lubing station had the loop yeah like I said, you got a
If we can learn anything from the hot to a girl and I don't mean to give her any credit or any ballot but validity at all, but you got to spit on that thing. Or as Jeff was doing Saturday night, you could always do that too. That was just weird and creepy. And it's my usual that I never wanted to see. I killed that motherfucker, peeled that motherfucker back, like, like, like, uh, like, uh, like, uh,
Uh, uh, Johnny from the Fantastic Four and Deadpool will ring just charge like Nick Cage. And I want to take his face off. Oh my God. That's ah like, that's horrifying. Like, can you imagine this poor girl? It's like, like, let's say this is like her second, maybe third time I haven't sex. She's got a weird flex from now on. This is so tight. It'll hurt you.
Yeah, again, not a flex that you want to brag about. No, oh no, no. I mean, there's a reason why her friends didn't tell the entire fucking world this because they didn't want anybody to know. Let's do like now. Now, nosy McGillicuddy over here is just telling the whole hey my friends when we were in high school.
Yeah, but it's like, it's like, that's like saying, you know, you know, he got his top back it's like a tall tale. You know, I'm sure it's true, but it it gets that mythical status. yeah and i Yeah. Like, that's, that's like one of the things you tell your kids to deter them from sex. You know, there was a kid I knew in school that when he had sex, his dick peeled back like a banana.
Yeah. Trust me. You tell me that story when I'm 14, 15. I'm not having sex till maybe I'm married. Like, you know what? I'm good. I'm going to go home and rub on out. I'll see you later, baby. Yeah, I don't want my, I don't want my penis peeled back. Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. Getting a lie.
ah ah yeah man Go ahead and peel this skin back and make some beef jerky some pork rinds out of it. I'm gonna make some cock rinds ah you imagine explaining that to Like okay, so I don't to anybody No, no, no. No, I'm just, I don't want to go to the hospital. You're in high school. They can't operate on you at the, at the hospital without consent of the parent, which means you have to explain to your parents. So I was having sex and your dad's like, yeah, right. And my dick got peeled back. Wait a minute. What? Yeah, doc, don't make my mom stay in the waiting room. Uh, only send that in.
Yeah. Like, and then he has to be sworn to secrecy. Like dad's side is NDA. Like a death pact. If you tell anybody it is instant death. good yeah Like that, like, like, so, so the first time when I lost my virginity, I, I, you know, I was having, I had sex with my girlfriend and we, we, we were at a track meet and we went on to the school buses and kind of knocked one out. And the school found out.
And I had to explain to my mother why I was getting kicked out of school for three days. That was embarrassing. Can you imagine explaining this similar situation? Like, Hey, I busted my cherry, but my cherry is all over my lap now. Like visually that, oh, that's horrible. I i bet you that kid hasn't touched another chick since he's like, you know what? I'm good.
I'm definitely willing to bet he's got a lifetime supply of lube. I was going to say he's friends with, cause he's got that lube set up. He's like, you want to have sex? Give me another bottle, Diddy. I'm ready. I have not taken any risk at the end of the day. Cause yeah, man, that's just, um,
Man, you got to have the foreplay though, man. The foreplay is the best. The foreplay is key. I do, too. Yeah. you know Even when I was there even... There's times... There's times... Now, I'm not saying I prefer it, but there's times I prefer the foreplay to the actual sex. There's times it's... There's times it's all I do. I can't. I'm going to lunch anytime. Yeah. you know everybody Everybody reaches that mountain top. Everybody's happy. Everybody's good. Hey, man.
and I'm gonna take a nap. I'll catch you when I wake up. Yeah. Do this another time. Money's on the dresser. Money's on the dresser. Good game. Good game. Lock the door on your way in. Lock the door on your way out. Don't move. I'll get you a towel.
ah for I'm a gentleman. Let me get you a towel. Yeah. but but but uh yeah you know what i miss about kids being in diapers baby wipes she's like there here let me get your baby wipe you know how scared i was i weren't talking about but no no we're talking about peeled penises and foreplay and all of a sudden you're like you know what i love about babies oh jesus god no no like that's the one great thing about having kids is like when they're when they're young and you know you
you know, you have that moment where you got to clean up after. but You know that they make, you know, you know, they make these things called dude wipes, man. Yeah. But baby wipes, I can get them. I get them for like three bucks for a pack. Yeah. A pack of dude wipes are not that expensive or fresh wipes or whatever. I mean, like i not i mean it is yeah, I mean, they're, they're actually bigger than baby the baby wipes. So you really one of them will do the job. Well, they have, they have at the, at the one store, the, the,
The girly makeup store, they have, they have makeup wipes. They're basically baby wipes, just bigger. I feel like, I feel like, I feel like there's different chemicals on that that should probably. That's what Kevin said. That's Kevin. He said, they have makeup remover on them. And I was like, Hmm. Yeah.
But yeah yeah, you probably, you probably don't want to probably don't. I i mean, i now I'm no expert. I'm no expert by no means. Hey, but i ire patdy brushes um' i'm going to I'm going to say probably not want to put that down in that region. That's a little bit more sensitive. Here's, here's the thought behind it. You're going to end up on one of these buzzfeeds. Here's the thing. Here's, here's, here's why it's a good idea. You know how we, you've heard of a Pavlov dog.
You know, dude rung a bell, the dog would start to salve. Well, girls get used to that, that makeup remover smell. So they want to be around it kind of thing. know
yeah I don't know. I don't, don't, I don't, I don't think that's how it works. So time for before we blow the, you know, have blown. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't know. I don't think makeup remover turns them on or get some excited.
No, but it's like, you know, they're used to it. So they're like, oh, it's not that bad. yeah Jeff, sometimes I don't understand your logic. Why are you switching over to Necessary Roughness? Because I want to show you something before we close out. I was playing Sunday. Check this out. Play it.
i'm looking intro for
I think this is fucking fire, man.
It sounds like something out of a movie, like a montage. Yeah, it sounds like a montage, it's like raining. Yeah, it's like an 80s montage. yeah
Yeah. I tried doing one for, uh, for men caring for men. And I, and I, and I did the first one I did. It was the lyrics were awesome, dude. It was like spot on. And I, and I had the, the, uh, the music I wanted and everything like that. And when I hit generate for whatever reason, it generated a, a country acoustic country version of that song. Oh, nice.
And I was like, what the fuck? And then I could never get good lyrics. again And I'm like, shit. Yeah. Well, you know, you can I was playing with a little bit. I haven't played with a lot, but like you can copy the lyrics and put them in and have it make those lyrics. Yeah. Well, it I didn't I didn't think about that until like, you know, like I said, I just put it in and it came up with these great lyrics. And I was like, man, I hope this acoustic country rock sounds good.
And the song, the music itself sounded bad-ass, but it generated the football song again for some reason. I was like, God damn it. It's a, it's a little catch 22 ish. Yeah. So I was like, da but yeah I know we, I know we talked about, uh, I know we talked about, um, maybe, maybe, uh, getting, uh, getting the, uh, yeah, getting the app, getting the actual account for it and and whatnot. I mean, $10 a month, we could play with it and do shit.
Um, but, uh, no, anyways, yeah, we're going to get the flock out of here for tonight. I gotta to go eat. I'm hungry as hell. I didn't do cold. It's actually got a chili out here. I need to get cold. My tootsies. I can see my breath. I can see my breath. Yeah. I never have that problem here. My tootsies are my tootsies is cold and I'm hungry. You know what? You know, when I have that problem of seeing my breath when it's too cold in my bedroom.
my aces always on i keep it yeah i keep it pretty pretty cold in my house i can hang meat from my fucking ceiling but uh yeah no it's my only thing that's really cold is my tootsies my tootsies are cold and they're starting to hurt because you cold you just um one po of nipples Now, uh, we do appreciate everybody listening, uh, replay, you know, everybody that was in the chat that was watching live tonight. Appreciate you being here. Uh, replay viewers. Thanks for checking this out. And if you're listening to us over there on them podcasts and platforms.
Awesome. Thank you so much guys. Um, hopefully you enjoyed the show. If you're not already, go ahead and check us out. We are on Facebook, Instagram X and tick tock shows alive Sunday through Monday, uh, on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and rumble.
And like I said, you can listen anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts at all the nonsensical network, or you can simply run on over to bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. All them links are there, including the link to our merch store. If you're interested in any merch, feel free to grab you a little something, something we'll greatly appreciate it. And if you send us a little pick of you rocking our gear, uh, send it our way and we'll, we'll throw it up on our socials. If you don't mind. is our way to say thanks. Speaking of the shows here on the network, Mondays we kick off ah the week with Men Can for Men. It is a men's mental health show hosted by myself and Connor. um It is an open forum. We dropped the link in the chat. So it's an open invitation to all men to come on the show and either partake in the conversation
and or uh if you got something on your chest something on your mind something weighing heavy on you and you need to talk to somebody well you're you are absolutely more than welcome to come on and talk to us it is a safe place and we're just doing our small little part to uh help erase the stigma when it comes to men's mental health uh we've been there we're not experts we're just speaking from experience Tuesday nights is Glick's house of music. That's me. It's e angellic me. and I'm And I'm hanging out with up and coming local artists. We're chatting about their music. We're chatting about life. We're just hanging out. We're having a good time. I had a great show last night with Jay Valor. You guys can get all the replays on and YouTube. Go over there and follow us on YouTube.
You can watch the replays anytime as well as on the podcasting platforms for all the shows. But I got to hang out with Jay Valor. We had a real fun conversation. We had fun hanging out, shooting the shit, getting to know him a little bit better. This Tuesday coming in up, I have a young lady coming on to join me. I'm excited to start getting some more female artists on.
ah I have Kaylin Cole is joining me this Tuesday on Glick's House of Music. Wednesdays is this here show right here. What the fuck news? If it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck, we're going to talk about it. And don't forget, we always got your mandatory penis stories covered as well. That's hosted by myself and Jeff.
Thursdays, every other Thursday is Cassius corner. It's hosted by cash, my son and myself, and we're talking WWE. We're talking a little bit of wrestling. We'll be doing a show this Thursday, but we will be doing a show Friday. This Friday evening, we'll be doing a show. Uh, we may have a special celebrity guest picker.
Uh, Darren O'Hannon, uh, Honan, sorry, I don't know why I said, uh, Honan, he'll be coming on. Uh, you guys might know him from TikTok fame. He's, he's bigger around TikTok. He's getting into the music world now and, and, uh, whatnot former guests of Glick's house music, but he's also a wrestling fan. And I also may reach out to, uh, James Luecker, cause I know he's a wrestling fan as well. So we'll have a couple, uh, maybe one or two celebrity guest pickers as we make our picks and predictions for the upcoming, um,
PLE pay-per-view event ah Bad blood coming up on Saturday and then Saturday night In a Friday night also is a new episode and you guys are gonna be alive this Friday. I Yeah, we're doing it Friday and we're doing some it's a zombie movie. but Yeah, we aren't doing it live um You won't be able to see it but we're gonna drop a link. Range 15, thank you. We're gonna watch it live. You won't be able to hear it or see it, but you'll be able to hear our reactions and hear us talk about it. ah And we'll actually drop a link where people can see it. Yeah. So there'll be a live Friday night. You'll get a double header on Friday. You'll get cash this corner on Friday and then nonsense and chill. I think that's what you guys are calling it, right? On Friday night after. yeah
after Cash and I are done. Saturdays is the main event. It is nonsensical nonsense. It is unhinged. It's unapologetic. It's comedy based. It's just a bunch of guys and girls that they want to come up hanging out, talking shit, laughing, having a good time. ah You know, it's Saturday night shenanigans.
We do an open door challenge. We drop the link in the chat. and We challenge you guys to come up and hang out with us. All we ask is that you turn your camera on and please keep your butthole and your penis in your pants. There it is. There's the nonsense and chill. Blaze and Jay's nonsense chill. Yeah. Uh, then we round the week up with unnecessary roughness is your kickoff to kickoff hosted by myself.
Derek Wayne Douglas, again, another former guest that flicks out some music. but Got them guys sprinkled in everywhere throughout throughout the shows. Derek Wayne is with me and we have the occasional sometimes guest of Cam and and Rick, and we're making picks and predictions and me talking shit about the NFL. while We're having a good time talking some football and hanging out. And then also sometimes on Sundays, ah Sunday evenings is Jeff's garage hosted by Jeff and whoever he has with him, Blaze or Benji or his brother. i got new those coming i' um ah I'm actually working out scheduling issues, but yeah.
Yep. So, you know, that's, there's a full lineup of shows, man. There's something for everybody. We've got, we've got music. We've got the news. We've got a movie um and entertainment. Yeah. You got hobbies. You got wrestling. You got just unhinged craziness, men's mental health. We covered all and guess what? Like six of the seven days you get to see my beautiful face.
I wonder why we don't have any fucking viewers. I just figured it out. actually I mean, if other people would step up or, so you know, if I could find people that I could count on and trust, I would gladly walk away from something. Okay. So that's something you and I have to talk about. I don't know what it is, but I tried to post Jeff's garage on Sunday to a bunch of different websites, but not a bunch of different pages on Facebook. It wouldn't let me post a single one. Couldn't figure out why.
You have to go from your personal page Ah, that's what it is. And then go to air mine first Yeah, so share it to your no, so you can share it to your page from From the network page and then while you're on your personal page share it from the network page. Don't share it from your page um But you'll be able to then you'll be able to share it out wherever you want. I think that was the problem So now that I know how to do it, I can do it Yeah, so yeah, um But, uh, yeah, I got, I mean, there's shows across the board. Uh, I'm having fun doing them. Hopefully, hopefully y'all are enjoying what we're doing here. We're having a good time. We're having fun. Uh, coming up on the 19th of October, nonsensical nonsense. We'll be back at Buckeye axe throwing blaze. And I will be there for their Halloween glow party, uh, along with, um,
They're going to have a musician there, Jordan Reese. He will be there as well performing and maybe we'll get him on the show. Um, I was hoping to have him on Glick's house of music prior to that, but that's not going to happen because now I'm completely booked up for the entire month of October. So we'll try to get him on that Saturday night. We'll try to get him to pop over and hang out for a few minutes. Um, also if you're on the old Facebook and I will work on getting it shared onto our Facebook page. Um,
The, what is it called? God bless it. I don't know. Um, we were talking about it earlier. My fiance has started doing, started her own little business here at the house. Oh yes. She is doing shirts. She'll be doing shirts, cups,
and, um, is she going to do hats? Yes. She will be doing hats as well. Nice. Uh, come on. Where's it at? I know you got to put it somewhere there lady. I thought I saw it the other day. Beauty and the beer beauty in the beard creative corner on Facebook. Uh, go, go give her a follow. And, um, hopefully before long she'll be taking orders. There you go. So she can do shirts, hoodies, uh, long sleeve shirts, tank tops, uh, hats, cups.
So we'll be rocking stuff out, man. Uh, so with that being said, appreciate y'all listening. Appreciate you hanging out. We did lots of music tonight. I think we're fine with just signing the fuck off. Jeff, have you got anything to say before we get out of here? No, I'm ready for go eat and go to bed. Me too. It would be in that being said, we are your number one source in the news. It makes you say what the fuck. Hopefully we made you say what the fuck we will see you Friday.
for the next live show. Nothing going on tomorrow. Nothing going on tomorrow unless I read. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I do also have another side project. It's part of Glick's House of Music. I'll be doing reviews and reactions to albums and songs by the artists that have been on Glick's House of Music. And that'll just randomly happen whenever I'm home alone and have nothing better to do. That's why when you do subscribe, hit that little notification so when we go live, you know we're live so you can walk.
Ring our bells. Ring our bells, bitches. Ring our bells. Yeah, with that being said. Ring ding dong.