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Roman Reigns OUT For Wrestlemania......Who's Next? image

Roman Reigns OUT For Wrestlemania......Who's Next?

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays4 years ago
Sheena, Phil and Marco discuss Roman Reigns missing Wrestlemania, Dark Side of the Ring premiere, Gronk and his terrible dancing, plus a new segment called "Quarantine & Chill" and an epic week of fig hunting!!

Introduction and Hosts

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of the Chick Foley show. Roman Reigns is out for WrestleMania. We'll get into that. We are in the Jimmy's famous seafood studios here. Quarantine day, I think 300. I think we're at 300 now. It's no end in sight. I am Phil Gentile, AKA the hot

Quarantine Predictions

take kid. I got Sheena Phelps on the line.
What's going on? Apparently we're gonna be we're gonna be out of this thing by Easter according to the president So, you know go ahead and get your your Easter outfit ready Yeah, get your get your pastels ready. Speaking of pastels Marco Denton up in Boston What's up Marco? Yeah, you know what's going on the the quarantine dream is here for you guys. Love it
A lot of fun stuff happening right

Show Preview

now. We have a pretty packed show. We have to finish up the Q&A from last week's show. We asked a bunch of our listeners for some questions. They gave those to us. We got some, of course, big WrestleMania news to touch on. We have a Macho Man Masters of the Universe giveaway to talk about.
You know, plenty of figure, not figure news, but just depressing figure talk because there's nothing coming overseas anytime soon. But how are you guys adjusting? What's new with you?

Personal Impacts of COVID-19

My wife is now furloughed. So she'll be out of work for a couple of weeks. And I've decided to now stay home almost full time because of health concerns with everything. But other than that, life is great.
Yeah. You know, for us over here, I think it's actually taken a little bit of a pressure off, you know, because I'm here by myself and typically for myself, I'm like, Oh, what do I gotta, we gotta plan something where you get these kids out of the house. We gotta go do something, you know, but here I'm like, well, we're not doing anything today, kids.
enjoy the backyard so it's actually taking a little bit of like pressure off of me just to like you know be like all right well i don't feel like i'm missing anything out in the world because the world's shut down you know yeah um they asked my wife to maybe work on weekends and i was like okay there's nothing what are weekends now what are we gonna do like yeah the girl across the street is home from college and her mom was like oh yeah she can watch nash while you guys uh having a date night i was like where would we even i don't even know where we would go for a walk
You do, yeah, you go for a walk. You could go for, you could go for a drive, an adult only drive. Um, I would, I would really enjoy like, you know, just an adult only conversation, you know, like I'm, like I'm having right now, but yeah, you could get out and drive around, you know, just don't get out anywhere.
True, yeah, yeah, just like, yeah, just keep spraying Purell all over the place. Marco, the best part, the worst part I talked about today on Twitter is no Taco Bell breakfast. I love me some Taco Bell breakfast, and they're not opening up to like 10 or 11 now, so they're not doing breakfast anymore. Really pissed me off this morning. The best part is Charlie Caruso has been doing some good workout videos on her Instagram Live, which have been kind of the bright spot of my day.
Oh my God. I've been doing workout videos on my Instagram for five years, Phil. Thanks for the, thanks for, I enjoy those. I enjoy those in a much different way, Sheena, you know, because, you know, sorry that I look like a troll. No, you're like a sister. You're like a sister to me, you know? Oh my God.

Supporting the Show

But yeah, so let's get into it here. We have some plug skis to get out of the way. Of course, if you want to support our show, if you want to support some independent wrestlers that are maybe struggling right now, the best place to do that is You can find our shirts at slash Chick Foley. We have a bunch of new designs, and I highly suggest you checking those out there. You can follow Sheena on Instagram if you want to watch her workout stuff at Chick Foley.
and we are on twitter at chick foley show if you want to yell at us for going out and fig hunting you can do that there best place to email us is ask chick foley at and of course if you want to support us support us on patreon you can do that at chick foley is the easiest way to do that so that's all that's all the plug skis to get out of the way here
And, um, let's jump right into it guys inside the

Critique of Gronkowski at WrestleMania

squared circle. This is sponsored by our good friends at chalk line. You can get 15% off of your order there by using the code chick C H I C K. We had a pretty big debut on smackdown and maybe the worst dance I've ever seen, Sheena. Yeah, it was pretty bad, man. I mean, I, you know, I kind of touched on last week, how I thought Gronk was going to be not, not the best, but at the same time.
It was bad. Like I said, it really goes to show you the level of talent that goes into just being a professional wrestler or a sports entertainer. Like it's a whole different level of artistry because when somebody isn't trained in that, you know, in that profession, they stand out like a sore thumb. Like he looked like he was just trying to do like way too much. Am I wrong? Like it was very distracting just watching him and Mojo back there, like, you know, like giggling like little schoolgirls. I don't know.
Yeah, I mean, it was one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life. I mean, I think Gronk is a great personality. I don't know why he came out dancing like a handicap stripper.
Yeah, it was really bad. And I think it was only magnified by the lack of audience. I think if there would have been an audience there, it probably wouldn't have been so awkward. But the fact that there was no cheering, no anything. And then he comes out with that weird little jig that he did. It was just too much. And then, like I said, his segment with Mojo and Baron Corbin, it was embarrassing. I was cringing the whole time watching it. I was like, he's acting like he is like,
19 years old, hanging out at a fraternity house, like, no, this is not, no. And when did, when did Mojo just decide that he was just gonna become like, you know, party Mojo again and stop being like, you know, emojo?
Yeah, Google. I think there should be a rule. If your arms are like four feet long, you shouldn't be. I mean, he looked like he was swinging two tree trunks out there. I mean, he's a monster. He could have been one of the Bailey buddies. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. So he's going to be the host of WrestleMania. I don't know if we talked about this on last week's show. I don't think we did. I think it would happen right afterwards. No, it came out after, yeah. That it's going to be two days. Is that what you were thinking I was going with that? Yeah. I like that a lot. And I think that's going to be
a nice little break for us. I mean, why have it all in one day if you don't have to? And you can have a whole weekend out of this. They're going to tape it. It sounds like so. Hopefully we'll probably be avoiding social media for the weeks leading up to that to make sure that we don't get anything spoiled. But I like the two days.
Yeah, I'm down for two days. And like you said, I'm not going to post any spoilers on any of my social media feeds. Like if I see anything, obviously I'm not going to post anything because I just think that's whack. But I will be posting live feeds throughout the actual event, but especially with the
the virus and everything i do think it's the safest move to go to two days you don't have to have as many people in the facility when you when you break it up like that and also i think it's just gonna really keep the show from feeling like it's dragging on because it doesn't have an audience or the environment that we're used to for wrestlemania so i definitely think it's a good call i wonder i'm wondering if if it goes well if this will like set the precedent
for like future manias or do you think they'll continue to have it on you know one one day and have like a big long seven hour show i don't know so i guess we'll see how it goes
Yeah, I mean, I would love to see them break it up permanently.

WrestleMania Adjustments

And that's a week from Saturday is when it is. Wow, that's so crazy. I know, isn't it? I mean, we've been talking. Remember they were talking about canceling and saying it was so far away that maybe this coronavirus thing would be over by then? Yeah. No, that's not happening. But we are Patreon subscribers. One of the benefits to becoming a Patreon subscriber, if you haven't already, is we do a live Discord chat. It's kind of like a chat app that we can all
watch along with each other and discuss it in real time. So that's always fun to do. Jump on there. So that'll be a week from, that'll be Saturday and Sunday of next week. So we already have one of our Patreon subscribers coming on to do a Patreon recap on our WrestleMania recap show. Daryl is coming on to do that with us. We still don't have anyone to do
the WrestleMania preview with us. That's our highest Patreon tier. Here's what I would suggest. You can jump on with us and co-host the entire episode of that WrestleMania preview. If you sign up for our highest Patreon tier, it's slash Chick Foley show. You also get a Chick Foley show t-shirt along with it.
Afterwards, drop down to one of the lower tiers. It's fine with us. I mean, I think it would be fun to have a listener on. We did it last year for WrestleMania and it was a lot of fun. So I would love to do that again. And like I said, you don't have to stay on that higher tier for weeks and weeks and months or months or whatever. Times are tough right now. So always jump back down. But any current Patreon subscriber, if you want to jump up to that, we would love to have you on to the show and co-host that with us. It's always a fun episode.
I'm excited about WrestleMania though, Sheena, but being taped now, I'm putting this on a little bit of a higher platform because there's no reason this shouldn't be an awesome event. I mean, you're going to tape this thing. We know the outcomes are predetermined, but if you're taping this, I mean, it should be
awesome camera angles. It should be very like, I don't want to say cinematic, but it should be like that Boneyard match. They can do a lot of cool stuff with that. I mean, there's a lot of things they can do with this being taped in advance. I mean, they should use, you know, all the facilities they have to their disposal to make this a, you know, an awesome basically event for us wrestling fans.
Yeah, I think, you know, I do think they'll make it a little more, you know, like you said, cinematic with, with the camera angles and get a little more creative, which is, which is totally fine with me. Maybe we'll actually find out what the hell a boneyard match is, uh, on WrestleMania day. I don't think they even know. I think they just like threw something out there and we're like, yeah, we're going to have a boney, boneyard match. And then they were like, what the hell is a boneyard match? And they're still, they're still trying to figure out how they're going to make that.
a stipulation or something i have no idea how they're gonna make that work especially with like no audience or anything i'm really i'm really curious to see what what comes out of that but yeah there's no reason why it shouldn't be you know
the best quality but I mean at the same time I mean I don't think they're gonna like if something goes wrong in a match they're not gonna like restart the match you know exactly yeah well I mean you could just they could say cut I mean what's what's to say they can't you can't just say cut and like treat like a movie I mean if you're taping it
If they fuck a move up or like if we get a gold dust I mean, sorry Goldberg Undertaker finish with a you know, just like a crappy tombstone at the end like, you know, okay guys take a break Let's redo that. I mean, you don't want to hear that as a wrestling fan, but we'll never know if they do. You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean we might know it could it could be blatantly obvious. Oh, yeah, we get we get tell that they totally like reset Hey
Yeah, I'm interested. Like you said, it's definitely not ideal. I mean, especially for all the people who were flying in and traveling and had tickets and had their hearts set on going to mania. And especially for us at home as spectators, we want a spectacle event. And this is not the ideal situation.
definitely commend WWE for pushing on and still just doing the damn thing and getting it done and doing it in the safest way that they're able to.
So we have on the script here to talk about the Roman Reigns Goldberg contract signing. For some reason, I broke it to both of you that just moments before we started recording, Roman Reigns has pulled out of WrestleMania due to health concerns with his past of leukemia. He doesn't want to risk wrestling. It seems like a great decision on his part. I totally don't blame him. But what do you do now, Sheena? Fantasy booked this thing on the fly for me.
If you have Goldberg as a champ, obviously everyone was assuming that Reigns was gonna take the belt off of him at WrestleMania. What do you do here? I mean, it's turned into, I mean, people are pissed off that the Fiend lost the belt. Now they're gonna be pissed off that Goldberg's gonna keep it. What do you do?
Maybe they maybe they book him with ricochet. Maybe this is ricochet's moment You know, he can he can step up and actually like, you know Be like, you know what? I've lost all I've lost for the last like two months. I'm coming for the belt I don't know, you know, I mean it's it's really unfortunate. I mean, it's not unfortunate. It's definitely smart I you know, I think it's the right thing for Romans to do being an immunocompromised
person, it's not worth doing WrestleMania to risk his life potentially. That's what we're talking about here. It literally is like a life or death situation potentially for him. So it's not worth it, but I don't know. I don't know what you do with Goldberg, because I wasn't even super hyped for Roman and Goldberg. And I love watching Roman Reigns wrestle, so I don't even know who you would slide into that spot to make me hype about it. What do you think, Marco?
Um, there's only one person that you could actually put in that spot. And that would be the bro himself. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I think that'd be like the biggest thing. I missed that. I told him. Yeah, bro. You'd have to throw him in there. That's like, that would get the pop of the cinch. Oh yeah. You want eyes on your Wrestle media this, this time around.
put Maverick over there and you'll get it. I said it was to get the pop of the cinch, but there's going to be nobody there to pop. Nevermind. You could build a good little, I mean, you have enough clips from those guys chatting up and like backstage stuff and Twitter info that you can like make a good angle in like a week, right? I mean, if you started on Raw.
Raw and NXT and SmackDown for the next three, four days. For sure, yeah. And have them just kind of tweet at each other. I think, you know, obviously I would have Goldberg go over here. I don't think you're going to have Riddle win, but I mean, you can, I mean, that's a, that's a damn good match. I mean, that's, you know, a shoot fest, you know, I think it would be fun to watch. And what's, what's Riddle doing? He's not doing anything right now. They're not, they're not having takeover. So, you know, he's,
He's totally, he's totally free that weekend. So I would imagine, um, that would be, that would be definitely a seamless transition. Cause like you said, they do have that already built in history where you wouldn't have to just like make a bunch of step up on, on the fly. Uh, we saw the, uh, six pack challenge at WrestleMania is going to be for, uh, Bailey's, uh, Smackdown women's championship. And it looks like now Sasha Banks is a member of that. She replaced who Dana Brooke?
Uh, I don't know who she replaced, but my question was, was like, when did Paige get the authority to just like make matches? Yeah. What did she, is she even like a, like, where did she come from? She was just like up on the Titan Tron and she was like, you know what, Bailey, you know, and I'm going to get you Sasha. That's what she always is like Sasha. Um, yeah, I thought it was really weird that she like made that, made that match up. I don't know how they're trying to like slide and page back in here, but, um,
It is what it is. I hope Bayley does not come out of WrestleMania as the champion. I'm ready to see a new torch bearer carrying the belt. Yeah, they have. So the reason was actually Ray Visteria is a part. It's it's in the we'll talk about it later, but yeah, Ray Visteria was out as well as well as a data brook who was in that match. Yeah, she's in quarantine. So it's technically. Yeah. So I mean, Sasha Banks is already in it. She was a part of it.
but I don't think they've updated it on their website yet to take Dana Brooke over. Yeah, she's self quarantining as well as Ray Mysterio. So they are both out. So that's three down out of WrestleMania eight days away.
I mean that that's I mean that's another reason why you just had to like they have to like go ahead and just record I don't know when they're actually recording it or if they've already recorded it but I mean they have to like start cranking it out as quickly as possible because this is what you're dealing with you're gonna start dealing with superstars quarantining or you know things being on lockdown and you can't risk your talent getting sick and that sort of thing cuz I mean it could literally devastate the show
If I had to quarantine with somebody, Dana Brooke would be pretty high up on that list, I have to say. I don't know. I don't know who. I would maybe I might quarantine with Otis.
I think, I think Otis would be a fun, a fun quarantine buddy. Um, maybe, maybe Seth Rollins, if we're talking about just like straight up, like, you know, like tingle factor. But, uh, if I just want to, like, if I just wanted to have some fun and like, you know, hang out and have a good time, I think I would quarantine myself with Otis. What about you, Marco? Who are you quarantining with?

Quarantine Companions

Oh, man. I don't even know. This is so much to choose from. Um,
It would be probably cool to quarantine with, probably Sasha Banks. I think she'd be cool to quarantine with, I think. Yeah, she likes to play video games and, you know. She's going to cry a lot, though. She's going to cry. She does cry a lot. She is going to cry. Don't be afraid of those video games. You're used to that, Marco. Yeah, you're used to that. You have three kids. Like, what's one more person crying? And her cousin's Snoop Dogg. So, I mean, yeah, that's a part of the face of the Snoop Dogg. She loves Eddie Guerrero. And she does love it. We can watch Eddie Guerrero matches quarantine. It'd be great.
Moving on to RAW, we had a new camera set up for RAW, and I like it a lot. I'm surprised none of the other wrestling companies have done this. It looks really good. RAW is the first one to do it, so props to RAW for being kind of the trendsetter there, and then EW copied off of them a couple nights later.
Oh my God, Phil. You've never failed to amaze me with your pot stirring abilities. Right? No, but it was a good move. AEW set it up well, and they probably saw what Raw looked like a couple weeks ago and said, oh, this looks like shit. We can't show all these empty seats. I don't think Raw even had the seats. I mean, no NXT didn't the other night last night. Didn't even have the chair set up. Yeah, it looked a lot better, even on Raw.
You couldn't see the seats.

Impact of No Audience

I think just having like changing everything up putting additional lighting making it look a little more produced Really brought it up a notch even as crazy as things look with no audience I think it was a definitely a good move and having it on the hard cam facing the ramp especially with that They have like the above like Titan Tron like the the hanging like yeah over the ring like use that more often and just pan up to that when someone's in the ring doing their intro like it's a pretty cool look something different so
Yeah, we all look a lot better there. We saw Randy Orton accept the match with Edge, which I feel like that's been happening. I think I'm just now ready for this to be over, which is good. We only have another week left. It wasn't milked out for months and months and months. It was a good build from Royal Rumble to Mania.
Let it go. Yeah, Orton's doing the best mic work of his career right now since his storyline with Edge started. I mean, it's just been like spot on. I've loved it. I mean, Edge is obviously really great too. But yeah, I'm ready to see this match come to fruition. I think it's going to be, I think it's going to be amazing. It's, it's unfortunate, like I said, that this match isn't happening in front of like, you know, thousands of people.
Yeah, this would have been a showstealer for sure. And I'm sure it'll still be an entertaining match. I don't know what you can do at WrestleMania to make.
I think just you just need something. I don't know. I don't want to pipe in crowd noise. That would be lame, but I mean just just WrestleMania without any kind of like you just get so much from the crowd. You know what I mean? Like yeah, add so much to the show might if it's pre-recorded They might actually like pipe in like, you know, like a sitcom has a laugh track You know pipe in like, you know people chanting and being like, you know fight forever
So, I mean, they have enough audio from like previous pay-per-views and raws and stuff that they could literally, you know. Yeah, but like a shitty CM Punk Chan in there. Yeah, totally. I could absolutely see that happening because like you said, it's just not going to be the same as it would with actual crowd visuals. It's just going to be like, you're just going to hear like this splashing of the mat and it's going to be awkward.
Very true. This is an odd world we live in, but they're dealing with what they got. Marco, do you think
We're gonna get, I mean, after WrestleMania, are they gonna take a break here and just let things simmer off and just show clips, clip shows for the next couple months to get through all this? Are they gonna just keep, I mean, just keep going business as usual? What do you think's gonna happen here? Because they could wrap up all these storylines pretty nicely, take a nice little break, and show clips, highlights of past wrestlers. What do you think happens here? I mean, they did that with NXT.
And I mean, if you've watched WWE and you're like a hardcore fan, you've seen all the stuff that they're going to show in clip shows. So it could kind of get boring too, but it would be good for like the newer viewers to do that type of stuff. So I can see them doing that, but not like entirely doing it. I see it as like a, they'll probably do a mix of like live stuff and clip shows on air. Cause I don't think I don't see them stopping anytime soon. Maybe I don't think you'll,
You probably won't see like another pay-per-view until like SummerSlam I'm assuming. I could be wrong. But they could move things up. It's looking like for a lot of places, it's looking like July is like the reopening of the country as opposed to April 12th. But if it does happen April 12th, great. But in like other news as like a lot of things like WWE that's going on like, you know, Vince McMahon actually like sold some of his like
Stocks again, and the company, did you hear about that at all? Or I read a lot of the business stuff on WWE in this. Vincent Landed? Yeah, again. They won't go through to another four or five years. But yeah, a lot of companies now are doing, a lot of people that have stocks in different companies, they're all pulling back. If you watch the news, you see that. You see that a lot of big companies now. There's a lot of people pulling their money out of stuff. So that might be a telltale sign as well.
I'll look into that, like their next big pay-per-view is SummerSlam. And I'm guessing you might not see like another pay-per-view until SummerSlam. And this might be like little special episodes on like Sundays, they might do like a special airing of, you know, like they've been doing ESPN, replay the Wrestle manias or replay a certain pay-per-view on other networks or on the network. That's what I see anyway, the foreseeable future after this. I don't think they can continue on with
doing like pre-recorded paper views and all that stuff. It's, I don't know, unless this is successful and it actually works. But other than that, I don't see it happening.
Yeah, I think the only way it happens is if Vince is forced to shut things down. If things get worse and worse and worse, and maybe a couple wrestlers end up contracting the virus, they'll shut things down. But if not, I think they're going to just do the best they can and keep the product rolling. But I wouldn't mind seeing, like, one week we see a bunch of Eddie Guerrero matches. Next week we see the best of Stone Cold. The next week we see the best of Kurt Angle, whatever. It would be a nice little
Break and just let them reset all the storylines get everybody healthy You know, obviously we would miss wrestling because that's really the only thing to watch nowadays except for Tiger King or whatever it's called What what what did we see from AJ's boneyard? I didn't see all of Ross you have to walk me through this but what was was that kind of more like a contract signing type of thing with AJ accepting the boneyard the boneyard match and
I know he challenged. Oh, he challenged. He came up with a boneyard match. Yeah. And they didn't explain what it was. So no one has any clue what a boneyard matches. But yeah, even commentary said, you know, like I guess we'll find out what a boneyard matches at WrestleMania. Yeah, it's it's going to be like more of like a theatrical thing. Just some things I've been like reading online is like a lot of the matches are going to use. It's going to be like big production type of thing. So like the feed and John Cena, for instance, is going to be like more of like a
almost like a movie type of match, which is going to be pretty cool to see. Like, so I think you'll have the Boneyard match will probably be very similar, similar in that sense.
What is a boneyard? I just keep thinking of a cemetery, but that's not the same thing. My opinion, I think a boneyard is like an unmarked cemetery. Like it would be like a cemetery that's not like sanctioned, right? It's an unsanctioned cemetery.
It just sounds better than a cemetery match, you know what I mean? Like, you know, I think Boneyard just has a different, you know,
I think you could do something cool with this and just make it totally out of the movies. Have him with the fog and tombstones everywhere and he can't find the Undertaker. It's not really going to be a match. I think he's just going to end up burying AJ Styles or something.
That'd be a good way. That's how I imagine it is like headstones and like empty like, you know, getting thrown into empty holes, you know, like old school taker matches like a buried alive match. That's kind of what I'm what I'm envisioning in my mind.
Speaking of getting thrown into empty holes, I don't have a segue for that. We saw Becky Lynch make her return, get some revenge against- Yeah, Shaina gave a good promo. I thought she did really good. Who was she up there with, Charlie? I think she was up there with Charlie. And she did, she cut a really nice promo. She's really good on the mic. I don't know, she's very disbelievable as like a badass bully. She's gotten better for sure.
Yeah, she's gotten better. And so like everything was kind of blacked out, which was nice. Like they just had the spotlight on the ring. So you couldn't see anything in the background. And then Becky comes up with the chair and just like smashes her, which again, just feels so strange with the absence of the, you know, or the cheers or whatever, you know, so, um, it was very awkward. She like smashed her like one time with the chair and then just like rolled out of the ring and our music hit and she walked away. Um, so that's how, that's, you know, that's how she got her.
got her revenge from getting her neck eaten. I'm excited about that match. I think those two will go pretty well. I don't think they've announced the lineups for these cards. I don't think they will. I think they're going to give us the matches, but they're not going to tell us what order they're going to be in. What would you cap off of both of these nights with? Oh.
I don't know. Well, I was good. I mean, you would think like Rains Goldberg would be one of them. And then obviously.
I don't know, Fiend Cena. I think you can now do Edge, the Edge match as a main event here because now that you don't have that Goldberg match, it's a perfect excuse to put that second to last or middle of the card or something because no one's going to care about that match now. So it'll be interesting to see what they do there. Another great promo from Rollins. I guess we're going to see him versus KO at WrestleMania.
Yeah, me and Marco were talking about this before we started recording. Like I just, I loved everything about this promo. I love everything about Rollins' heel work right now. It's like a different, he's a different heel than he was when he was with like JJ security and when he was Mr. Money in the Bank and the architect. Like this, like his cadence is different. Like his types of promos are different. Just like admitting that he's like, you know, the best and he, he built
NXT like all the people in NXT owe him because you know, he basically like blazed the path Like I just loved everything about that promo. He looked amazing And I mean everything he said was true, you know He said he he basically called out Kevin Owens and like, you know How many WrestleMania moments do you have zero and he said, you know, you couldn't beat me on my worst day and WrestleMania is never my worst day and I was telling Marco like this like I
Out of all the people in the decade, he's got one of the best Mania records in the entire decade behind Undertaker. I mean, he's six and one at Mania. And he would be seven and one, which would be tied with the Undertaker. But he was missing at WrestleMania 32, you know? Yep, that was the one glaring weakness in his schedule there. But yeah, six and one is nothing to sneeze at.
No, the one, the one match he lost against Randy Orton one was like, you know, the best RKO of all time. Yeah. He left the freaking building with the heavyweight championship. So, I mean, you know, even though he lost his match, he still won the night. So, I mean, that one is like not even really relevant. You know what I mean?
It's pretty cool. They had, they, they aired WrestleMania 30 on ESPN the other night and they got the highest rating of the entire weekend for WrestleMania. Oh wow. For ESPN.

WrestleMania on ESPN

Yeah. I mean, there's nothing else on, but still, I mean, it was cool. They only announced it like a couple of days before and it was
It was a great WrestleMania, it's one of my favorite WrestleManias ever. So hopefully they end up doing more with ESPN now with all of, this is a good time for them to start doing stuff like that. I'm sure ESPN is dying for any kind of content they can get. Just real quickly between NXT and AEW last night.
Very uneventful night of NXT as far as matches go. This was one of the first nights I've watched strictly NXT. I mean, I flipped back and forth to AEW during commercials, but it was mostly NXT for me. Super boring. I mean, it was just squash matches. There was nothing. We saw a promo from Keith Lee. We did get at the end of the show, we got a nice Gargano Champa.
Interaction, it sounds like in two weeks they're going to fight in some sort of empty arena match. And then we did see... Wow, it's different. Yeah, I know, right? They're all empty arena matches right now. Triple H was like, I'll find an empty arena. It's not going to be too hard right now. Every arena in the world is empty.
But we did see the debut of a new tag team managed by Malcolm Bivens They look like the head drinkers 2.0. They didn't say their names Yeah, but they look like kind of like a Samoan type of I think they were like Indian or something I don't know what they were but they looked pretty pretty cool. I
And then Killer Cross had a little vignette interrupting Gargano and Champa. So I don't know how he's going to play into that match or that feud. But yeah, pretty cool. I mean, he's a guy I've heard a lot about. I'm excited to see how his character is going to be brought into NXT. And he had a cool almost like a Bray Wyatt type of vignette. I don't know if you guys saw it. Yeah, I've seen it. Yeah, it's like it looked like the ring video almost. If you ever see the movie The Ring, they had like a lot of like
Kind of like gory stuff in it, which is pretty awesome. Also the return of Io Shirai that happened last night as well. Only because I'm laying there. Me and my son are laying down while watching it. He watches like the first, like maybe like the last half hour of it. So she comes out and he's like, oh, who's that? And I'm like, oh, it's Io Shirai.
You gonna buy her at Target? I'm like, nah, I don't think she's there yet. Maybe a year or so, a few years, she'll be at Target. He knows what's up. I got trained. His brain is trained already. That's so funny.
But yeah, it sounds like that's that's gonna be a blow-off like the Gargano Champa thing is gonna be like this is like the the end of this story Which I don't know if that's gonna be true because it's such a great, you know, those two are just true
It's just hard, it's a hard time right now because you don't have anything that you're really building to,

Challenges for WWE Storylines

you know what I mean? You don't have any, at this point everything is so unknown that you don't have any takeovers that you're building toward or, you know, big shows. It's like you just, you don't know what's gonna happen. So it's really hard to like, you know, really like, uh,
map out these storylines long term because it's like we don't know what the hell is going to happen, you know, so it's better just to go ahead and put a bow on it and then you can revisit it maybe at a later time. But yeah, go ahead and go ahead and just like, you know, tie it up and then, you know, we'll see how everything how everything pans out.
I was hoping to see those guys wrestle on a WrestleMania or on a SummerSlam, and that could still happen down the road at some point, so we will see. So A.W., I did not get to see much of that. Marco, you are our official A.W. correspondent. I did see a new youngster make his debut at the end of the show, though, or it was not his debut. He was on there last week, but a young Matt Hardy.
Yeah, young Matt showed up. Wow. Up and comer. I've been hearing a lot about him. Yeah, he's pretty, uh, he's pretty new. He's pretty green, but, uh, you know, he's going to be, he's going to be fun to watch. And, uh, you know, they're just really pushing all this young talent. That's why I'm people really loving AEW. And it's more of a sports feel, Sheena. That's what they're telling us. You know, that's what I've heard. I kind of, I kind of feel, I feel, I feel a little, it feels a little sporty to me.
Yeah, and sports, all the time in sports, they teleport around arenas. That happens all the time in sports. I see that. I see Lebron do that. Yeah, and there's always dinosaurs and aliens in sports. So it's been good. Don't forget drones. We did see Brody Lee make his in-ring debut. Yeah. Right? How was that? It wasn't bad. He had a pretty cool video before it.
Because he's the head of the Dark Order. So they did some video where he's at dinner with the other two guys. I can't think of their names right now. The other two guys are wearing their masks. And they're sitting. And they can't eat dinner unless he finishes his plate. So they're just sitting there listening to him talk the whole time. And one of them gets ready to eat. He kicks him out. Then the other one sneezes. And he was disgusted by him. So he kicked him out. So that was very entertaining. And it wasn't entertaining at all. But the entertaining thing was, I was telling Sheena before,
Our audio goal that we're doing before the podcast was Chris Jericho again proved that he's a grace of all time By having a promo with Vanguard one. Did you see this Phil? I did not I did not see the drone the drone Vanguard what he tried to get Vanguard one into the inner circle Yeah, he tried to recruit him he said I'll get him all the women all those all those drone IG models and
He'll get them if he wants. He'll, uh, he'll get him the money. All that stuff. Drone models. Yes. So, uh, Vanguard one obviously is, is with Matt Hardy through and through and started to veer off. And then Jericho proceeded to call Vanguard one a piece of shit. It was hilarious. If they have two, if they have two drones have sex on a W I'm going to, I'm going to watch a W that'll be, that'll be, I'll never talk shit about a W ever again.
He's like, we're going to get you on that Mavic piece. Yeah, it's still. Yeah. And the fans are still banned from any AEW shows, poor order of the go Chris Jericho, by the way, as well. Yeah, I love that.
They delayed Blood and Guts, which was going to be kind of like their war games, which makes sense. You can't really have eight people or whatever it was, 10 people in the ring at one time when you can only have 10 people in one place at one time. So it was a good place. And of course, people were complaining that delayed this show. But I mean, it just doesn't make sense. So it looks like we're going to get it. It's a global crisis, people. This is not.
This is not just your average everyday, you know, shit's going on. Like literally the world is coming apart at the seams and we all need to be respectful of that. Yeah, I saw a woman buying like flowers at the grocery store today like, come on lady, what are you doing? Get out of my way, buying flowers? Oh my god, maybe she wanted to make herself feel better. She's like trapped in her probably little dark dank apartment and she just wanted a little bit of freaking life in there, Phil. Give her a break. If I didn't have these two kids, I'd go buy myself some damn flowers. Okay, okay.
We did see Kenny Omega versus Sammy Guevara for the prestigious AAA mega championship, which I had no idea that Kenny Omega Held I didn't know anything about he's never worn this belt ever on TV It was a pretty good match though. I did I did watch that because it was during a pretty boring part of NXT. So yeah, that was good
But I don't know, I mean, I know AAA is a lucha, a Mexican company, but I didn't know he was a champion of that company. I didn't, they never talk about it. It's pretty random. All right, no thoughts on that from anybody? Cool. I believe he beat, actually, I think he beat Ray Phoenix for it, if I'm not mistaken, but I'm gonna look that up. Was Cody on commentary the whole night? Was that him? Yes, he was. He was pretty good.
Yeah, I'm assuming because Jim Ross probably also has underlying medical issues so he cannot be anywhere near anybody at all.
Yeah, but Tony Schiavone's pretty old, too. He was there. His caliber wasn't there. It was Tony Schiavone and Cody. And Cody did really well on commentary. I enjoyed him. I didn't know who it was. I kind of could place the voice, but I was like, is that Cody? And they would say something. I was like, no, that's not Cody. Because he wasn't talking like he was a wrestler. He was kind of talking in the third person. So it was good stuff. So yeah, EW just kind of running back some things. I don't know when their next show is going to be. I'm sure they don't either.
They're live shows a little more exciting because they still have some big names. Whereas NXT is just kind of, all the matches were just basically squash matches. Nothing really big to report on anything that happened in NXT. And AEW, we can go outside the squared circle now if you

Dark Side of the Ring: Chris Benoit

guys want to. Get ready to go outside.
Let's go outside. I'm ready for some fresh air. Biggest, biggest news of this week was the premiere episode of season two of the dark side of the ring, uh, featuring the one and only Chris Benoit and, uh, a lot of, uh, strong, strong opinions from people on this episode. First off, I gotta, I want to go around the table and get your thoughts. I thought it was a well done, really good, uh, two hour episode. What did you guys think?
Yeah, I thought it was I thought it was incredible. It definitely brought to light. I think it brought to light everything that happened in a very respectful way, in a very just kind of like matter of fact way. And it didn't really try to
I don't, I don't think it tried to vilify Chris Benoit, even though, you know, obviously like he deserves all the vilification, you know, for what he did. But I think it was really just presenting like the facts of what happened. Um, and I thought like everybody that was on there, like Chavo and Vicki and, um, Dean Malenko and even his son, David is his name, right? David? Yep. Yep. Yeah. I thought everybody's interviews were really good and Sandra and Nancy's sister. Um, I just thought everything
Which is awesome Chris Jericho. I mean obviously he he just delivers everything in such a way that is just like it makes you just You know, it's just captivating
Yeah, we talked about it in our group chat quite a bit. The part that rang the hardest for me was at the end, they're interviewing Nancy's sister and Chris Benoit's son. And you don't think about it, but both of them have probably been blackballed since this all happened, especially Chris Benoit's son. When I look at him,
I just get, I don't know, I don't get mad, but I just get like, he's almost like, I feel like, how dare you defend your dad who did such a terrible thing. But, you know, as everyone said in that show, between Chavo and Chris Jericho, I mean, this was a good guy who, you know, had no signs of anything happening. He did a terrible, terrible thing.
But it sounded like it was so out of left field and caught the people that are close to him totally by surprise, not making it right at all. But his son, I'm sure, he looks just like him. I mean, God, he looks exactly like his dad. I'm sure he's had to suffer through a lot of things. And I mean, his family's gone now. I don't know what he's done to survive this long and kind of be a thriving person, but props to him.
He was on our friend Chris Van Fleet's podcast about a month or two ago, and it was a good interview. But yeah, I mean, it was a really hard watch. I mean, there was definitely parts. I mean, obviously, I've known about this since it happened. And I mean, I've read tons of articles and stuff about it over the years and seen news stories and clips and stuff.
watching it all put together like that in such a way it was still very emotional like even like the Eddie stuff was like very emotional like seeing Vicky get really emotional about it and watching Chris Chris's promo like the night that it happened and everything or his little tribute and then obviously
everything that happened after Chris Benoit did what he did and then seeing his son kind of like recall like that being the darkest time of his life and like you said I mean it's hard to understand how somebody could say you know that's my hero but at the same time like I don't I don't fault him for that I mean that I mean I cannot imagine what that kid's been through emotionally and just the the trauma that him and you know I mean
everybody that's related to Chris Benoit you know what I mean like everybody you know like it's just like you said they just kind of like became blacklisted like you can't even say like even Jericho said it on the on the show you know you can't even say the Benoit name without it just having this like haunting stigma behind it you know and it's really the most unfortunate for Nancy Benoit because like they like they talked about in the documentary like it's
She was such a trailblazer and such a you know played such a vital role for so many years and really now the only thing that she is remembered by is you know getting murdered by her husband and you know and it was just it was really it was really tough to watch.
And Jericho was kind of annoying throughout the whole thing a little bit but he had some really good points and one of them was basically like Chris Benoit, he cared about wrestling more than anything in the world and for him to have done what he did and now him being kind of his memories and his legacy
Swept away and just erased would would have been the thing that would just hurt him the most like if he would have known That's would have come of all of this, you know, who knows what he would have done But it was a good looking to CTE and we had a good look into Eddie Guerrero a little bit I mean had a good, you know a little bit of everything so
It wasn't the most uplifting show to watch if you're depressed from being stuck inside 24 hours a day, but it was definitely entertaining. I'm excited about this season of Dark Side of the Ring. I think we have New Jack next week, which I don't know too much about. I didn't watch too much ECW growing up.
Yeah, I would watch it if I were you.

Dark Side of the Ring: New Jack

Oh no, I'm definitely going to, yeah. I was never allowed to watch as a kid. I was like 10, 11, 12, 13 when ECW was kind of in its heyday and I think my mom let me order one pay-per-view and she sat there for like a minute and it was just F-bomb City and she was like, okay, this is, nope, we're not watching this.
You know, but uh, I would definitely I know there's a ton of great stories and he's definitely interesting character So I will be checking that out for sure Yeah, and the way that vice puts this show together is just so amazing Like I love like the little like the reenactments like I mean, I'm sure people probably could say you know that they're kind of cheesy but I just think the way that they
They do it in the storytelling and kind of the mood that they set, not just for the Chris Benoit episodes, but for the whole season one and everything. They just really do a good job of setting the tone for what they're trying to convey.
Well, they also don't have like an overriding narrator throughout the show. It's basically the, everyone they interview is just kind of piecing the story together and telling it, right? I mean, it could be wrong, but I think, I don't remember there being like a narrator. I mean, they would show
you know clips and 911 calls and then you would have Jericho or Vicki Guerrero or Chavo or you know Cornette and all these people kind of chiming in and talking which is yeah those are the people that you want to hear from because they're the people that actually were there and know the whole story so uh interesting stuff as depressing as it may be
Uh, we talked about WrestleMania being pre-taped. We didn't talk about NXT takeover matches are now going to be on regular NXT programming. I'm assuming, uh, I guess next week because next week would have been a week from Friday would have been a takeover, right? Yeah. Next week. And then even the, even after WrestleMania, they're doing matches as well from, from NXT takeover. So.
I'm thinking they're gonna do that a lot so like if they're not gonna do pay-per-views They get you're gonna see a lot of like big matches on like regular shows like raw Smackdown hopefully and NXT that's what that that would be my guess There's a lot of the big big matches you would see on those pay-per-views are gonna be spread amongst the shows which would be smart because obviously ratings matter of course if they do that that that draws more eyeballs to the product and
Do you guys, are you familiar with Killer Cross at all? Have you seen any of his wrestling? I've never seen him wrestle before. I have not, no. I've heard of him. Not for me. I want to do some homework because I've heard nothing but good things. I heard he's a great promo. I heard he's awesome in the ring. He's a good look, obviously. So I'm interested to see what he's going to bring to NXT because he needs some more heels, I feel like. I don't know.
Gargano doesn't come over, come off as a heel to me. He's just too, like he, I feel like he's the underdog perfect Daniel Bryan type character, you know? As much as he tries to be heel. I think they should, and they're trying to flip things over a little bit and chomp us the face here, but I like it the other way around, but I'm not in charge of WWE. So that's about it for outside of the squared circle. Should we get into our go figure segment? Yeah. Let's do it. Let's do it.
Here we go!
It's that time of the show. A lot of storage will close down, but Walmart and Target aren't. We'll let some virus bully you around. It's our Go Figures segment. This is brought to us in part, brought to you in part by our good, good friends at Ringside Collectibles. You can hit them up and get 10% off of your order if you use code CHICKFOLY.
at checkout. We highly recommend they are taking orders still. Their warehouse is shut down temporarily. They are still taking orders. If you place orders with them, they will be honored and fulfilled once they get things back up and running. We hear so much about Ringside Collectible Sheena, but they're a small business. They're not a huge global corporation, so they definitely would need our help. They're an awesome sponsor bar, so definitely keep buying from them as all this is going on.
Yeah. And that, you know, that's one cool thing about a lot of like the smaller businesses that are temporarily out of, you know, out of their warehouses, out of their offices and stuff is that they're still allowing the orders to come through, which is really nice. And it's basically just you reserving your thing, but they can go ahead and still utilize the funds that you're giving them that you would have given them anyway, you know, to go ahead and keep things.
keep things afloat because it's gonna be tough times for a lot of small businesses and you know like like Phil said they have a huge presence like ringside has a huge presence but they still are a small operation same with pro wrestling tees and same with chalk line like all these people that we're talking about like these are small little operations if you've ever seen the pro wrestling tees documentary you see like it's a little it's a little mom and pop shop you would never know that they produce like the thousands
Of t-shirts that they that they like freaking crank out, but it's a little like like I said mom and pop operation So all these people that are you know our sponsors on the show make sure that you are spending your dollars wisely and giving them to these smaller folks During these tough times because it's hard times, baby
All right, who wants to go first? I know it's been some pickings out there. It's actually been pretty good for me as far as finding figures wise because nobody wants to go out to stores because they're afraid of dying. As they should be. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's an easy one.
Yeah, it's definitely a real concern. But I'll go ahead and start. I only got one figure this week, I believe. I think I went ahead and talked about, yeah, last week I talked about my wrestling for sale pickup. And so this week I got Peyton Royce from At Virtual Suplex. You know, good brother on there. He sent me Peyton Royce. I told him just to send it loose. So that was a killer find because she's been really hard to pick up. I know Phil, you found a couple today as well, didn't you?
I did. I did the other day. Yeah, I found a... Oh, the other day. Yeah, I found a... I was like, let me hit up Walmart real quick before I go to work. I jumped on our Facebook page and did a live video like, I never find anything at this Walmart. Let me just do a quick live video. And there was two Peyton Royces just sitting on the shelf.
And I flipped out. I did one to our buddy Martin Morrow, who's one of our Patreon subscribers. And then I put another one onto our Facebook page and said, hey, I did a live video and said, the first person to show me a picture of yourself with a Kurt Engel figure gets to purchase this beautiful Peyton Royce figure. And our buddy Chad was the first one to do that, and he was
Quick on the draw there. So Chad Roberts, he's the lucky purchaser of that Peyton Royce. So thank you, Chad, for that. And then the next draw, I was like, oh, let me get a target now. I'm feeling kind of frisky. I'm feeling kind of frisky here. I found a gym, the Anvil Nightheart.
So I actually hooked up one of my local guys who's actually also a Patreon subscriber and Lauren Soto I actually already owed him a figure that I had had not given to him a Actually, no, no, no, I found him a hurricane. I apologize. I found him a hurricane figure
Uh, the gym, the animal night heart was for myself. So, uh, I apologize, but I found him a hurricane at target and I had already owed him a Brock Lesnar figure that I had found him like a couple of weeks before. So I met up with him the other day. It was good to meet him face to face. A good listener of our program. So, uh, uh, that was it. And the gym, the animal night heart was for me. So I have that now loose and M O C.
Sheena, I decided to go all in now that there's nothing really to buy. I'm going all in on the Ultimate Editions. I already had the Bret Hart. So if you don't know, Target right now has a 25% off one toy, if you're a member of the Target Circle, I think it's called, Target Circle or something.
So you just have to download the app and sign up for Circle. It takes like three seconds and you get 25% off. So I took it up to the counter and I was like, hey, I want both of these. I have, you know, here's the picture of the coupon and the girl just looked at me confused and I just kept showing it to her. And she just mainly gave me 25% off of both a Finn Balor Ultimate Edition and a Triple H Ultimate Edition. So that saved me like a good seven or eight bucks on each of those.
Yeah, I was trying to use that coupon today as a matter of fact. I was trying to get the baby face a slide and I was like there's no coupon code here, but it's like.
Didn't apply it to my purchase and I'm like, well as a slide not considered a toy Is that not like a is that in the toy category because yeah, my target coupon was not working for me But I'm not going to the store I was gonna do no I was not going to the store I was going to just like order it through my through my app and then have them, you know do drive up pickup or whatever but I couldn't get my my 25% off applied to to my slide and
Target app the target app is awful. I mean there's not if you go to search like elite figures on the target app There's nothing on there, but I mean so I mean it's it's crazy right now with everything going on They they aren't like they're almost like forcing people to go into the store I mean not forcing people, but if you want to use this 25% off I think you have to like show it if scan a little barcode at the register which is insane, but
I then, uh, so the girl didn't even, she just manually did it. So I did, she didn't even scan my target app. So I went in and found the gym name of a night heart and, and showed her the app. And then I got 25% off of that. So I got 25% off of three figures this week. So you have a nice little pretty penny. Um, and the money that I received from the guys.
for those Peyton Royces, I went on to Wrestling Figure Shop, which is another wrestling website, and I purchased the Brock Lesnar Ultimate Edition and the Shawn Michaels Ultimate Edition. They're delivering, and actually I bought it a couple days ago, it'll be here tomorrow. So,
I'm making some good headway. I think I'm going to wait for Ringside Collectos to open back up and get the Ronda Ultimate and the Nakamura because they're like 14 or 15 bucks on there. They're super cheap. My goal was really just to not have to pay full price for any of these Ultimate Editions because it's nice to save a little bit of money here. I'm not totally torn to like, I don't need them right this second. There's no real rush for me.
I picked those up, and that target thing is good until the 28th, so we're recording here on the 26th on Thursday. So Friday or Saturday, if you go into the store, you can get that 25% off of any toy, I think it is, except for like Legos, or it says it in a couple different things there.
Uh, pretty good, pretty good, uh, fake finding for me, uh, over the last couple of days. Uh, what did I find? I found something today. Didn't I? Did I find something today? I don't know. I don't know. I have not, I have not been on the book of faces too much today. Oh, I found another Jim, the evil night heart today.
And I jumped on the Facebook page and I said, if you can, you can post a picture of any member of the Heart Foundation loose. I will sell this Jimmy of the Night Heart to you and our buddy Bob Zegler posted a picture and he is going to get that sent to him.
It's been pretty fun. Everybody wants these figures, so I'm trying to think of some creative ways of who to give it to. I just don't want to just pick someone randomly. So hey, the first person quick on the draw is going to get them. Did Bob post a picture of the British Bulldog? He actually posted a picture of, I think it was a Jack's Owen heart with the caution outfit.
which I didn't even think of. I was naming off people and I was like, there hasn't been any hard figures, but I forget there was wrestlers before Mattel started making figures. So yeah, so that was pretty cool. So yeah, all of those have been spoken for. There's been some pictures on the Major Brothers.
Facebook page and on Instagram of people going to Walmart's and there's like seven or eight Peyton Royce's I guess now it's like They're finally shipping all those out and they're just like I think they're like two per case now So they were super hard to find for a while, but I think this week they're finally just landing everywhere No, that's why we tell people to be patient don't go on there. Yeah, don't go on there and support the freakin $200 scalpers like that's just not you it's not worth it. It will show up. You know what they seduce, you know
They should jump on to slash chick Foley show one dollar per month gets you access to our Facebook group gets you our show notes email to every single week access to our discord chat during pay-per-views giveaways all kinds of cool stuff and Marco you have a way for us to start watching live shows and interacting with people here as we're in quarantine
Tell me how that's going to work because I'm I'm an idiot as far as technology goes. So there's a cool Chrome extension. So if you use a Chrome browser as well, it's it's also an app on iOS and Android. It's called House Party. So basically it's a application where you can invite as many people as you want to basically have a house party that you can chat with anybody. They do have some integration with like Snapchat as well.
because I know Snapchat has some kind of like group chat feature. Snapchat is still around. I didn't even know Snapchat was still a thing. Yeah, it's still a thing. And Facebook has integration with Facebook. So if you were to like connect your Facebook to house party, you would have a list of all your friends. So you can actually, if they don't have it, you can invite them to download the application or Chrome extension and add them to like a party.
Basically what you do, since it's in a browser, you can watch stuff together. So you can pretty much pull up the network or pull up Netflix and just have a group of people all at the same time watching something. So if I pull it up on my computer and I'm watching, I can start the chat and everybody just sees what's on my screen, basically? You can. You can share your screen, which is pretty cool. So you don't have to be on video. You can share your screen and everyone can watch it together.
Well, not you, Phil, because I think you're still using Firefox, right? Yeah. No, no. I don't have Firefox. I don't throw them all the way, baby. I've always been throwing them since day one. Well, that you're using Netscape. Did you say you're using Netscape? No, I'm an Internet Explorer kind of guy. What about your mouse with the cord? I have a wireless mouse. I just... You guys don't use mouse. Is this really...
Mouses? Is that the plural of- Mice? Mice? Yeah, we had this conversation before. Nobody uses mice nowadays. How do you click on things? You don't have a desktop, that's the thing. But you have a touchscreen on your computer. You can just click on things with the touchscreen. Yeah, you can just use your finger to touch- My fingers are super fat, Sheena. I can't. I can't just touch mine. Sausage fingers.
All right, so yeah, so slash Chick Foley show. We're doing a lot of cool things during these hard times, baby. But a ton of giveaways. All the figures that we have, we are selling to people in our Patreon group. They're the people that are supporting us, and especially you guys that are listening. No better time to sign up than now. It's $1 per month. And I promise you, you will get your money's worth within the first 15 minutes of signing up. So check it out.
Actually, so my findings for this week were the I found two pay pays so two pay ins at Walmart as well as a You know sure I say that's now that's stuck in my head Jesus kid This kid. Yeah, it was Dang it. All right, that's uh, I didn't want to fit anyone, but I apologize anyway So and also a Daniel Bryan
As well, so I still have an extra pay in I'm not sure what I want to do it. Oh, obviously I'm keeping myself But yeah, so we'll see TBD on that one. The other cool find was I hardly ever talk about this But there's a local comic shop that actually it's two floors One floor is a all comic books and books and all stuff. The second floor is all vintage toys It's insane. What's the name of this? I will it's called out comically speaking
Which is a pretty cool name? Scott name that he would come up with pretty much. Yeah So I go down there one day and I'm like just looking around like oh good They'd like a little and they have a section with like All wrestling figures it was as well as like UFC figures and all that stuff So I'm looking around there this like top shelf with bigger boxes of stuff So they have like the three-pack jacks and the stuff that people like sell to the comic channel stuff I walk across guess what I see
on the talk show. It's not a Harley race, don't even. That definitely wasn't it. But it was a figure that I actually gave to you. Macho Man, defining moments? Yeah, defining moments. Macho Man. You've been looking for that, too. Insane. So I was like, guess what? It's being grabbed. So I grabbed that. Nice. I actually did a trade with them, too, because they do trades as well. So you don't have to sell stuff for money. You can just come up with some figures and be like, hey, what can I get for this?
You do kind of like a barter system. Oh, I haven't bought that. Oh, my god. So yeah, no, the guy's actually really cool. The owner of the shop and the guy that works actually at the desk are pretty awesome. But yeah, so actually, their cell connection is super horrible down there. So one day I go in there, I'm going to try to do a live video so you can see the whole section. They have old Hasbros. They have, like I said, Jax figures. They have everything, literally anything you can think of.
So if anyone likes to see like old vintage figures or wants to buy something, I could definitely throw that up in the Facebook Live at some point. Very nice. That's awesome, man. You keep stuff close to the vest when you get stuff. You don't post it in our group chat. I like that. I mean, I try to keep it a surprise for the show. Like, hey, this is news to them. But other than that, with the paintings, I had to divulge that I got those because I was
That was a miraculous find right there. Of course, of course. Oh, props to our buddy, Mike Lanham, who found three of the, uh, those Funko, or they're like, uh, the Funko lunch boxes, but the Andre the giant Hulk Hogan lunch boxes.
10, 15 different things of just some old Hasbro's and some loose figures and all kinds of cool stuff. So look out for that too. So we're always giving away cool stuff. Um, I didn't want to say that, um, we were going to, uh, they did this, uh, fan takeover elite line Sheena. They've been, it's been kind of underwhelming. They started off with, uh, Seth Rollins, uh, which we've seen a thousand figures of them. We got a Ricky the dragon steamboat and some, some outfits we've seen before this week. Uh, it was, um,
Adam Cole, Bay Bay, who just wears like banana hammocks of different, so it was either like a gray banana hammock or a yellow banana hammock. But just as of earlier today, they announced that Shayna Baszler was the next one, and she has some different outfits. Really? Shayna Baszler? Yeah, she has some cool outfits. I mean, what kind of different, I don't really think of her as having like very definitive
Ring your choices. You know what I mean? She always wears that like like sports bra and like, you know pants and That's it. Yeah, the pictures that they have is low just basically one of her like an all All black outfit and then one with like a black and red and then one more more red
uh they're all pretty one with red and black one with red and black the other with black and red and the other with black with a little bit of red no but yeah they're slightly different i mean there's there's nothing you know this has been a very like that's what i'm saying like you know like it's like oh let's give you these like very very slightly different figures for you to choose from like i mean the ricky the ricky steamboat was was a little bit is probably the most
Exciting so far i mean seth ron's was okay he did he had some good choices but i mean adam cole was very underwhelming it's like you said it was just like. Okay well the little bit of slight differentiation in the trunks there was like a camo pair of trunks and then like a like you said yellow but i'll look up the chain and see but yeah i think i think it should just be something that's like.
I don't know. Like it really feels like, Oh man, like which figure do I want to choose? Cause really I don't, I don't care which Adam Cole they make. Exactly. I don't care about any of these things they've done so far. You know, I don't, I would rather, I rather see like three random ass wrestlers and let me pick one. Like give me a Jeff Jarrett, uh, and like a comma and, and Duke, the dubster Josie or something like, give me three, like random wrestlers that you're never going to make all three of them. But if you get votes enough for, for
No, they're just, they're just doing stuff that they already have pre-existing scans for. You know what I mean? It's just like, it's like a super lazy move. Um, but I mean, it's better than nothing. I mean, I guess, I guess we should not complain that they're letting us have a little bit because maybe we should take advantage of this and maybe the next time they'll do something a little more exciting. You know, it's like, it's like those baby steps, you know, if we all, if we all participate in this and it's a big hit, then maybe they'll give us, they'll give us a little bit more the next time.
There you go. I put an article on our Patreon. I've been trying to write some more articles on there about some outfits and some characters I'd like to see. I want to see an NWO Hogan. I had that on the list. I want to see a Double J. I want to see an Ultimate Warrior from WrestleMania 12. So I don't know if we'll get any of those. But I'm sure, though, I mean, you've got to do Warrior in this. I mean, there's so many different outfits. He's one of those guys that has so many different costumes and looks you could do. It'd be perfect for this.
And and I meant to say some Marco that you mentioned that comically speaking I'm actually in my free time. This is pretty pathetic. I'm making a spreadsheet of every by every state every vintage toy store
Huh. It's been pretty painstaking. I'm just going state by state. Every once in a while, I'll tweet out like, hey, anybody know of any toy stores in Nevada? And I'll get a couple people responding. So I just want to just kind of a database of if you go on vacation or if you're traveling somewhere of the four or five best places to go find vintage wrestling figures, because I'm always wondering where things are.
I'm pretty much about halfway done, but I'll post that onto our group, of course, when it is. It probably won't be for another couple months, but just a little peek behind the curtain. It's been a labor of love for sure. I'm putting in the address and the phone number and some
places I'm calling the people and saying, hey, do you guys sell? Because sometimes you go to a toy store with your kid, and it's one of those educational learning toy stores that's not even really a toy store. You know what I mean? It's all smart kid stuff. They sell kinetic sand. Yeah, like books. Erector sets. Books about sharing and shit like that. So yeah, I'm not looking for that. I want a vintage toy store. So that'll be coming out. That's something that we have in the pipeline as well.
Um, as far as figure news, I don't know if we have a ton right now. I mean, obviously things are on hold. Uh, we are seeing a lot of, like I said, don't want people to go out if you don't have to, but if you're going out to Walmart or Target for medicine or, or some bananas or lube or something, uh, definitely go and check out the figures because people are not buying anything right now as, as you can expect. Uh, so people have had some good success, you know, with wrestling figures finally on the pegs.
Good success. Yeah, lots of success. I like my sister, Bilo. So yeah, good shit there. We talked about the Funko display. The stores are still getting those WrestleMania displays.
Oh, I apologize. Our newest segment is called Quarantine and Chill. And I totally stole your thunder, Marco, here for the Dark Side of the Ring. My apologies. I didn't know we were going to mention that here. But we're trying to think of some shows for people to watch while you're home, you're sick of your kid, your wife's falling asleep on the couch at 9.30. You need something to

Quarantine Netflix Recommendations

watch. So we talked about Dark Side of the Ring. I today watch the first episode of this Tiger King show, Sheena.
Oh my God, I'm all in on the Tiger King. It's insane. I finished it today. I watched the final episode and I won't post any spoilers here because I wouldn't want anybody to spoil it for me.
but it is just like it's the most bizarre thing and I've watched lots of bizarre things but it is literally like I feel like George RR Martin could not write this script on his best day you know like make this stuff up because it is just like complete and total insanity like when you think
When you think the story's going one way, it just takes a hard left and goes a totally different way. I wrote a post today. It's like, S Town meets the wild and wonderful whites of West Virginia meets Crime Junkies meets Scarface meets Sister Wives meets The Jungle Book. There's just so many elements to this show that just make it in
insane. So if you haven't watched it, it's the new show on Netflix. It should be like one of the first things like, you know, on the on the new trending shows on your Netflix page. Definitely not a kid friendly show. There's a lot of adult content and things like that. So make sure you know you're not you're not watching it with your little ones. But if you're just looking for something that's like a total freaking car crash that you can't take your eyes off of. It's it's definitely Tiger King.
The first episode was pretty interesting and it sounds like it gets a lot crazier from there. So I'll have four of you. I'm sure by next week, uh, next week, have you been watching Marco? Uh, no, I haven't watched yet. I have to wait for the, uh, for the wife to watch it. I can, uh, just jump into it.
Exiled. I know. I felt bad watching Dark Side of the Ring, because that's one of my incest shows that we watched together. And there's a handful of shows that we wait for each other to watch. And Dark Side of the Ring is one. But I was like, we're going to talk about it on the show. So I got to watch the Benoit episode. But yeah, I haven't watched any of the new Curb Your Enthusiasm because I'm waiting for.
The heel the ad the heel husband to get back. It's been a pretty good season. It's pretty funny. Oh, yeah Anything else quarantine show did you guys

Reality TV Commentary

finish up? Love is blind Oh, yeah, I totally finished up. Love is blind. Okay. Here's one thing I noticed like I've watched a lot of reality TV over the years and I've watched a lot of reunion shows and I know you were like Oh, you gotta watch the reunion show
Let me just say that those people were the most kind, gentle-hearted reunion show people. I'm used to the Real Housewives and Vanderpump Rules where they literally just sink their teeth into one another and just drag each other like legal stuff and put all their shit out there. These people were like, I totally respect your opinion. It's totally fine. We had a really good time. I'm so happy for you and your new relationship. I just learned a lot.
And you know, they were going back and forth having these thoughtful conversations. Obviously there was some craziness with what's her name, Amber and Jessica, like the hot mess express. But other than that, I felt like everybody was kind of very nice.
Yeah, it was kind of a disappointment. I was hoping for a little more hair pulling and stuff like that. But it was definitely an interesting concept. It's worth the time if you have a day to spend just binge watching it. It's pretty crazy. So any suggestions you have for us, make sure you post them and tweet us and hit us on Facebook or whatever. Everyone's looking for some stuff to watch.
And I think Tiger King will be mine for the weekend. I'm going to get in some old WWE network. I actually decided tomorrow I'm going to finish up some of my fig cave. I'm going to purchase some, now that IKEA is closed for, I don't know how long.
I don't know how long I'll be out of IKEA but I'm gonna go Marco buy some bookcases and Start displaying stuff a little bit better here in the man cave because I've got a ton of stuff in bins that I just need to put up and get out somewhere because people have been asking me to do a little Little video of the fig cave down here. I wanted to get nice and nice and all displayed for people I'd say I have half my figs displayed and half them or not. So
Yeah, same here. I have to dismantle mine down a little bit because the work from home. So a lot of like video conference and type of stuff can't have a can't have alternate warrior just chilling in the background. I'm talking like customers and stuff like that. So I take down part of it. So I'm kind of like in the middle of like a halfway type of deal, like you are half thing, half business set up.
All right. I logged into this house party thing. So after this is over, we'll have to play around with this if you're not too tired. Um, Sheena is taking care of the kids real quick. So let's get into our random merch of the week.

Wrestling Merchandise and Music

This is a, uh, kind of fitting, uh, uh, West side gun, Chris Benoit hoodie. What does this? Yeah. So, yeah. So she, she actually found this cause I didn't even think of this. It was like, damn, I want to have a random birch. And I was like, she does really good at finding these things. So.
She actually pulled this one up. So it's actually a, uh, it's a, he's a rapper. Um, he's actually really into wrestling as well. Um, he has a company called, uh, uh, fourth rope and it's, uh, he actually teamed up with, um, uh, uh, HOG or hog wrestling, which is, um, was recently purchased by master P. Uh, they're an independent company. So he like kind of like hooked up with them too. But a lot of his, a lot of the, the sweatshirts and a lot of the,
close up they make if you look through this. I'm not sure if like everything is on here, but it's a lot. It's a lot of wrestlers and stuff like that. So like, I know there's like an alternate warrior one. There's a bean gene, Oakland hoodie or t-shirt and stuff like that. Um, a lot of the songs that he has on his like albums are named out the wrestlers and he's like, he's at literally like every single show they got. Cause I've seen him before. I'll see him front row at like at pay per views and stuff like that. Yeah. Um, he has, he has pictures with like, if you go on his Instagram, fit baller,
He's really close with like, it's insane. Like he's really, really into wrestling. So like a lot of his, uh, some of the wrestling, not like the, the songs aren't about wrestling, but the, the title, like a lot of like the imagery and a lot of the titles of the songs that are geared towards wrestlers and stuff like that. So like one of the apps he did was like, kind of like I wasn't like an older Crispin wall, but it was like a, a lot of throughout the album, a lot of the interludes and stuff like that were like promos at Crispin wall would cut the intro of the album was, um,
Um, it was a problem that he cut about bringing, uh, Crispin wine. So it was like, I figured, uh, WCW show was, but he's talking about like how he went over to new Japan and he seen this guy named Crispin one. Um, that guy was going to be something. So he brought him over to the WCW to, you know, and then he added to the four horsemen. He's a part of the four horsemen, that type of stuff. So, but yeah, um, super expensive hoodies. They are all around that price. So that's not wrong. Um, cause they're like, they're homemade there. As you can see, it's pretty stylish if you're into that stuff.
It's $350 for a hoodie. They are champion hoodies, which is, they're really good quality hoodies. But yeah, that's it, that's the gist of that. If anyone else, any other questions on, if you want to hear his music, I'll be gladly to point you in that direction. If you're into like 90s hardcore hip-hop, so like, like Bob Deep and like Nas and that type of stuff, that's the type of music he makes it now. So that's like for the old school, like the old school heads, but
It's not another newer type of wrap stuff. It's like more of the old-school stuff. Yes. I will check it out, man. That's awesome. So, yeah, it's West Side Gun, Crispin Wives, $350 if you search it on eBay. There is a make and offer, so you can maybe get a little bit cheaper than

Classic WrestleMania Matches

Our retro wrestling recommendation of the week is sponsored in part by our friends at is brought to us by our good friend Charlie Messing. He suggested one of my favorite matches of all time, Arco. It is Brent the Hitman Hart versus Roddy Piper from WrestleMania 8. This was the very beginning of my wrestling fanhood. I think this is the first pay-per-view that I ever watched.
and it was a great, I mean, it's a really good wrestling match, but the storytelling in this match is probably what makes it the best. I mean, we saw Piper coming as the heel. I guess he was the heel on this one and, you know, it was close to bashing Hart over the head with the bell. Has a change of heart, no pun intended. And then
You know, Bret Hart wins with the fruit roll up at the end, but a great match and kind of cemented Bret Hart is kind of the, he put Bret Hart over in a big way as like the next big baby face in this one. Yeah. Card isn't that bad either too. The whole like Wrestle media card, even back then, like the cards are pretty, pretty decent. But I always say that match was like the perfect match of like, like Bret Hart's skillset and Roddy Piper's skillset. So you got a good mix of like the technical stuff as well as
Like brawling, like if Bret Hart had to brawl, but Ronnie Piper, he's going to do it. Something like that. So that's, I always say that's like a perfect, like if you ever want to see like a perfect match of like technical skills at brawling, I would definitely say Hart versus Piper in that sense.
Yeah, it's a great match. It really is. And I was never a huge Roddy Piper fan. I just don't like that style. It's kind of reminiscent to the Dean Ambrose, Jon Moxley style. It's just a personal preference. But it melds so well when you have a guy like Bret Hart on the other side of the ring. So really well done. Great picks, Charlie. Another one of our Patreon subscribers.
Another podcast that I would recommend if you want to get into some retro wrestling is our good friends at Our Vantage Point. They do a great podcast. It comes out every Monday. They go into the depths of wrestling and find some good old stuff to review, and it's really entertaining. So check them out at Our Vantage Point. They are on iTunes as well, just like us, and also Spotify.
All right, we're going to give away courtesy of our good friend, the OG fig kid on Twitter, Thomas. He is donating a macho man master of the universe figure. This is a awesome figure, Marco. I know you just picked this up recently. Did you have somebody get this whole set for you?

Celebrity Insights in Quarantine

Was it Mike Lanham that picked it up for you? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I couldn't just get that one. It had to be all of them because they all look pretty cool, especially the John Cena.
Like, it's kind of like see-through figure. Yeah, yeah. The Walmart Whisperer strikes again. So we actually just retweeted a tweet that we had up on our Twitter account. And I'm going to pick one person randomly right now. And it is going to be by process of elimination. I'm stalling here while I pick. It's going to be ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-boom, ba-ba-ba-boom, ba-ba-boom.
oh f scoopers figure scooper f scoopers on twitter a great follow on twitter yeah um i enjoy reading his stuff he is a good follow there so f i think i said scoopers s c o p e r on twitter
Give us a shoot me a DM with your info brother and we will get that. We'll have Thomas send that out to you. And again, Thomas, thank you for donating that to the cause. Anybody listening, if you want to donate a figure for a giveaway, I'm not going to fight you. We always appreciate that. And you'll get some props here on the show.
So yeah, we're always doing giveaways. It's fun. Especially this time of year or this time of what's going on right now. Marco, it's tough for people. People don't want to leave the house. People, websites are shut down. It's hard to get figures out to people. So we're doing our little part here.
Trying, trying, you know, keep keeping the culture moving forward. Uh, we have some listener mail. I need to pull up. I don't have that in front of me. I think you sent that to us in an email and I am slacking. Uh, let me pull that up. She knows. Yeah, Sheena pulled it up as well. I didn't have it pulled up. All right. I got it here. Okay. I don't remember which ones we read and which ones we didn't here.
Okay. This is Tom Sliney. I don't think we did this question with all of this quarantine talk. If you had to be cooped up and pick the brain of one wrestler dead or alive, who would it be? And he also says, what about a non wrestler celebrity? So this is kind of similar to the question that we asked earlier, but just kind of, just to kind of chat with someone and pick the brain of someone. I have my answer immediately. As soon as I, I wasn't even done reading the question. I knew who it was going to be, but Mark, I want to hear yours first.
car geez you put me on the spot there i can't even know i can do my uh... if you want to think my mind was thinking that my was by the brain heenan right off the bat he's one of the most entertaining dudes probably has so many awesome stories of of
in the ring and out of the ring and traveling with all these guys in kind of the golden era of wrestling. It was such a smart ass tour. It was probably funniest shit to talk to, have a drink with. He would be my pick. Obviously, he has passed away, but he said dead or alive, so Tom, that would be my pick. As far as non-wrestling celebrity,
Man, that's tough. I don't know I I want to say like a Baltimore superstar like a like a Ray Lewis, but he would get annoying a shit man He would be so fucking preachy and he would just be like, you know he's not like the most fun guy to talk to because he's just like You know, he's just like a like a like a count like a work like a quote calendar just come to life, you know, just like motivational like just not like a real person I feel like
I don't know. I always thought David Wells would be a fun guy to talk to and hang out with. He's a drinker, a partier, you know, he's a, you know, obviously a pitcher for over 15 years in the major leagues, uh, would be a fun guy. Huh. I don't know. I mean, Anna Kendrick for different reasons would be one of my picks too, but a non wrestler is harder for me. I can pick a wrestler really quick. What about you, Marco? Um, yeah. So I'm gonna have to go dip into the favorites and probably go,
with Macho Man for a dead wrestler to speak to. Yeah, because, I mean, obviously, tons of stories. And just listening to Eric Bischoff's podcast when he's talking about when he met Randy and how he was super intense, but at the same time, one of the probably the most honest guys, probably one of those sweetest guys that you could ever speak to. And you do every word he said he meant it and he believed in it.
So I think just talking to someone like that would be pretty awesome. I'd actually like to hear his regular speaking voice. I don't think I've ever heard him speak regular at all. It's always been intense promos. Even when he's on talk shows and stuff and did interviews, he's pretty intense as well. So just to get him a regular setting would be...
be pretty cool and just hang out just what a day in the life with much of it would be like would be pretty crazy picture what his regular voice would be I don't think he's ever like used a regular voice ever yeah exactly that's why I would like trying to like that's what that's the one person I would probably want to talk to just so just with that fact alone alive that's a hard one probably Tom Brady and ask him why that's it that's all I ask just one question why
After 20 years, I probably would. Actually, that'd be not a bad interview. Just like to hear because he obviously wasn't the most athletic guy when he got drafted. Everyone knows that story. But just to talk to him and ask him how he became arguably the greatest quarterback of all time and what it took to get to that point in his life.
And when he actually recognized that he was, I'd be pretty cool. I think he wouldn't be too humble. I mean, actually, he'd probably be humble. I would assume anyway. What was the other one? Was there another one or just just one dead one alive? No, no, it's just one dead or alive. And then it was like the next question was like a non wrestler celebrity. Oh, yeah. I mean, that'd be the non wrestler. I mean, obviously, there's other there's other ones that would love to interview some rappers. Definitely. I have a list of rappers I would definitely love to
hear some stories from Jason Conig had some good questions.

Humorous Wrestling Moves

What finishing move would defeat the coronavirus and what would be coronavirus's finishing move? Oh, that's tough. What finishing move would beat would put the coronavirus down.
something involving your hands. You don't want to get your hands dirty. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Like a sweet, sweet chin music or a sharpshooter, a little sharpshooter, maybe sharp, maybe sharpshooter, but you're still grabbing stuff like that. So coronavirus is just like a, like a, like a gray ball with a bunch of red spikes. So maybe the, maybe the crush, the crush, like head crush thing, the coronavirus until it pops or the, um, Eric Roman, uh,
That would be like the iron claw, but iron claw slam that he does. He like grabs you out of the head. Unless he ever just slams you on the ground. You just smash him to pieces maybe. That would probably work. Or a claymore kick. There you go. Yeah. Coronavirus's finishing move would be, oh man, maybe the headbutt off the top rope. I don't know. It's kind of hard not to, I'm not going to answer that question because it's too jokey.
Cause you can make a joke out of, people might get mad, but yeah, we'll go fly and headbutt. How about that? That's a safe one. And Josh Boggs. Oh no, this is also Jason. If you were a home brewer, what style of beer would you make? That's a good question. Probably an IPA.
You know, I have the neighbor right across the street from me home brews, or used to home brew, and I helped him out one time. It's a lot of freaking work. I don't know if you've ever brewed beer yourself. It's so freaking, it's so much work, and it tastes like shit. It does not taste like, there's like sediment, it's like gritty, it's like stuff settles to the bottom of the bottle, and ugh, it's just, it's like a lot of things. It's just, just pay for it, you know, just, you know.
Like my neighbor right next door. Awesome dude. He comes over and brings us fresh bread. He makes bread. He has half of his backyard. He's turned into this huge vegetable garden.
For what? I mean, he brings half of it over us because he can't use it all. But it's all like, you know, cucumbers that are like, you know, half the size that you would get at the grocery store. And like, you know, how much how much is a cucumber cost? Like 70 cents? Like he's spent the last like four weekends building this fucking thing. And like just to get like, you know, I can just buy vegetables for like 30 dollars in the last two weeks.
come on dude uh so yeah does he listen to the show at all or no no he's no no he doesn't have he doesn't have cable doesn't have cable listen to the radio he's like he's like 45 going on like 75 he's like one of those dudes
Yeah, one of those off the grid. He works for the government, but he always has bonfires. He's a good IPA, craft beer type of guy. So we bond over that. So I bring him beers every once in a while. He makes fresh bread every week or so and brings them over. So it's a good trade. We've got some coronavirus end of the world bordering going on in this neighborhood. It's nice. I have the alcohol to supply to people, and I just need some food, some sustenance.
You can't go wrong there. What about you? What beer would you brew? I'd probably say I pay as well, but I'm going to switch it up and probably go with a nice Pilsner beer. OK. Say, like, your bill of lights and this. Obviously, there's other companies that do it. There's a lot of local breweries around my area that actually, there's one that's like five minutes from my house that does a really, really, really good Pilsner beer. So I started getting into those. For some reason, I don't know why.
I think it was just a part of like a one of those like variety packs from that brewery. You know, I think that was one of the kids of bearing there and I tried and I was like, Oh, I actually really like Pilsner Bears. I'm going to drink some more of these. So yeah, tip my hand. I think I feel like IPAs would be a lot more time consuming for some reason. I could be wrong. I have no clue how that works, but Pilsner would probably seem easier too.
to make it at an IPA. It's probably a lot easier. All right, last question.

Rewriting WWE History

Aaron Casanova Collins, one of my favorite names on the Facebook group, Aaron Casanova Collins. I don't know if that's his real middle name or what that is, but it seems like a great wrestling gimmick. Like an Italian gigolo type of thing. Aaron says, if you could rewrite one match in the history of WWE,
What would it be and why? That's easy to be. You could go if you have an answer already. I'm going to predict you're going to say the screw job. No, actually. Which would be a good one. It was already a match. They just... I mean... Well, yeah. Rewrite it. Yeah. Rewrite it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We could do that. But I was going to go with another round. What were we going to say?
I'm going to go rewrite the Booker T Triple H match at WrestleMania and have Booker T win the match. That's that makes a ton of sense. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's it took them like how many years later to do it with Kofi Kingston, technically. But I just the whole like, if you listen to like the something in Russell, they did like a whole thing on it. Well, like pretty much like, you know, it was the storyline leading up to the matches is more just like
Booker T's not good enough, but then there was like some like racial undertones and stuff like that. And like, so it made him look like he was really like, this is the buildup. Like they're going to just like trot him down, trot him down. Booker T's never going to win this. He's just not good enough. And then you get to the main stage and he doesn't win it. So you have all these people going like, Oh my God, it's going to happen. It's going to happen. Or like thinking he's going to win. Nope. It's, it was a 25 minute triple H win. I mean, it was just like,
It's just like the whole if you go back and like watch the whole storyline and just like everything that was happening with the words Triple H was using and the tone they were using like it was obviously it was like racist. But if you're going to do that, have the have the guy come out on top if you're going to go. Yeah, exactly. But they didn't. So I left a sour taste in a lot of a lot of people's. If you watch Booker T do interviews on it, he didn't care. He thought it was an opportunity. He was he made an event. It was a main event. I believe it was a main event.
I don't know if it was or not. That would have been the Undertaker main event that year. Oh, yeah. That's right. That's right. Yeah. Maybe it was a co-made event. Yeah. But his thing was like, I was at Wrestle Media. I wrestled for a title. That was good for him. But obviously, the fans are like, no, that's not good enough. Did you, were you a part of that? Do you remember all that stuff that you were, that was being said to you during that whole time? But yeah, I would definitely try to, I would rewrite that.
would definitely. That's a totally good call. I'm going to say this crew job and as much as, you know, it's a super easy answer, it's super cliche and probably that would have changed the course of wrestling history if that didn't happen. Probably not for the better, but I would have wanted a better finish and a better send off for Bret Hart leaving the company. But I understand why it all happened and, you know, there's
Rumors that it wasn't a that was it wasn't for real that it was all work Well, I don't think we'll ever know but I do want to give a shout out I didn't didn't mention earlier. We have seven new patreon subscribers Tyson Trevino, Michael Sanchez, Brandon Carter, Dan Arcadio Travis Walter, Matt Hodge and Christian Garcia Thank you guys all for having really easy to pronounce names and welcome to the Foley family
We're excited to have you guys.

Patreon Shoutouts and Future Plans

We are continuing to grow. I think we're over 115 patrons at this point now. So thank you guys so much. We appreciate you supporting what we do here and we thank you so much. So that's our question and answer. We have some more of those. We'll get to probably once Sheena's back on next week. Yeah, I guess next week we're going to do our WrestleMania.
Sorry. Thank you. Yeah, preview on either Tuesday or Wednesday. I don't know if we'll maybe do it a little bit early since WrestleMania starts on Saturday. Maybe we'll shoot for Tuesday and the episode will be up on Wednesday morning. And we will be around all weekend. We'll be covering WrestleMania. We'll be on social media on Saturday and Sunday. We'll be probably doing some Facebook Live videos and on Discord all weekend long. And then of course the week after we'll do a full WrestleMania recap.
So a lot of stuff going on here as we get closer and closer to WrestleMania. It doesn't feel like we're that close to WrestleMania with everything going on. But just everybody be safe out there, wash your hands, be careful. I know there's been some conflicting reports about how long all of this is going to last for.
Until we are out of the woods, just be safe, keep your family safe, stay home if you can on the weekends. And like I said, we promise to crank out some extra content. Myself, Marco, and Tom Sliney, one of our Patreon subscribers, is going to be doing another watch-along episode this weekend. We're going to record it. It's going to be Shawn Michaels versus Rick Flair.
Man, I'm losing my voice. From WrestleMania, I think that was WrestleMania 24, Ric Flair's final match. So that'll be pretty cool to do. So we're gonna start to do some more of those watch-along episodes. And I guess if we get this house party thing synced up, we'll be able to start watching some stuff together in the company of our own home. So that's all I got. Marco, anything you need to add before we get the hell out of here? No, just same old, same old. Just keep it safe out there.
Do your social distancing if you can. Yeah, don't go to the store unless you have to. Keep safe. Head over to iTunes, give us a nice five-star review. We appreciate that there. Everything you need to know about our show is at We love you guys. We thank you for supporting us. Myself, Marco and Sheena will be back with you right here next week to preview WrestleMania. So until then, stay classy, Smarts. We'll talk to you soon.
Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!
Oh, shit.