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I'm diving deep into the power of authentic female friendships and the profound healing that comes from reconnecting with our inner selves. I share insights from a recent girls trip to North Carolina that was truly soul-nourishing and reflect on my personal healing journey from childhood trauma to living in my authentic truth.

We talk about breaking free from societal limitations, healing our nervous systems, and the magic of living life aligned with our true selves. Plus, I discuss the immense potential we unlock when we embrace who we are meant to be, regardless of societal expectations. 

I also discuss the paradigm shift we're witnessing as more people awaken to consciousness and healing, over achievement and perfectionism. And I’m really excited to highlight the incredible work being done in my intimate Inner Work groups, where individuals from different generations come together to heal and grow. 

If you're feeling called to dive deeper into your healing journey and want to join these transformative groups, check them out here...

Thank you all for your continued support and for being part of this beautiful community. Let's continue to heal and grow together. 

Love you all, and I'll see you soon!


Introduction to 'Misunderstood' Podcast

Hello, beautiful souls. I'm so grateful that you're tuning in. Welcome to my podcast, Misunderstood, guiding highly sensitive people through an emotional dark age. I'm your host, Candice Van Dal, and I'm honored to embark on this transformative journey with you.
Have you ever felt like you didn't quite fit into the world around you or even your own family? Like your sensitivity was a burden rather than a gift. If so, you're not alone. And here's the truth. Your sensitivity is not a flaw. It's a superpower. It's what allows you to feel deeply, to connect with others on a profound level, and to access a higher realm of consciousness.
And on this podcast, we're going to explore how to harness that power and use it to create a life of purpose, passion, and true confidence. Here in this sacred space, we honor your sensitivity as the gift it truly is. Get ready to embark on the journey of unapologetic emotional honesty and next level healing.

Personal Reflections and Solo Episode

Let's dive in together.
Hey guys, welcome back to Misunderstood, getting highly sensitive people through this emotional dark age. I'm your host, Candice Vandell. I thought I would do a little solo episode today. I'm actually waiting for the person I'm interviewing and I thought, oh, I'll just do this episode before he shows up.
because I had some downloads this

The Power of Female Friendship

morning. I took a girl's trip this weekend with an old friend that I went to University of Santa Monica with. We haven't seen each other in seven years. And I invited another friend of mine who I had reconnected with this year after not seeing each other for about 20 years. We had reconnected earlier this year, so I've seen her a few times.
sense our reconnect, but I wanted to invite these women together and I rented us this really adorable house in the mountains in North Carolina. I had never been to North Carolina and I wanted to check out some things and we were all able to drive and meet each other and it was so good for the soul. I love female friendship connections. I've always had strong long-term good, deep female connections. And I know that's not true for a lot of people, but I feel very lucky for that. Growing up in a family where I wasn't super close to my mother or my own sister for many, many years, I think my you know chosen family were my girlfriends. And so I've just really noticed in the last few years how lucky I am to have that through divorce, through big moves, through career change. And it's amazing to come back together and be like, wow,
The soul is the same, right? And life changes, but the soul is the same. And so we were having these deep talks this weekend about

Embracing Authentic Truth and Potential

healing. And so many of us grow up feeling these personal limitations, these societal limitations, these familial or generational limitations. And I was just reflecting this week on how I've broken free from so many of those things and how, as I've healed my nervous system, my childhood trauma, and assisted thousands and thousands of others to do it, it constantly proves to be the same thing for me, which is our limitations fall away when we come back into our authentic truth, when we heal our traumas back into the authenticity that we were born to be.
One of my biggest um i guess messages as a child was that you know I might not be able to reach my highest potential because I have attention deficit. right and It's interesting. That was a societal label and that was also a societal limitation. and What I've proven in my life, first I started proving it through force. I'm going to do this. I'm going to be hard on myself. I'm going to be a perfectionist. I'm going to, um, just push for certain things that looked more ideal rather than feeling authentic and real. And through my last, what, 12 years of deep healing, the inner child, sorry, if you guys see me looking in this direction, I'm entertaining my dogs who doesn't bark, but through this deep,
specifically focused inner child healing and trauma healing and mother wound, father wound, generational um trauma healing, I've noticed that my full potential has come into being.

Journey of an Empath in a Modern World

And this is what I mean. I'm on that road because I'm doing the things that make me feel lit up, happy. I'm good at, so I love. And it's been who I've always been since I was a child. I always wanted to heal and be into healing and had spiritual gifts and things. And just living a life totally authentic to that
regardless of society. And one of the things I noticed, cause I want to encourage a lot of these unhealed empaths to do this, to really follow yourself regardless of society. When I was young and I had these abilities that I started to really wake up to and know, I was like, gosh, if I'm these things, I won't fit into society. Well, I did those things anyway. And what's interesting is society started to shift. We started having a paradigm shift. We started having an awakening. We started waking up from 3d to 5d.
to consciousness, to healing, overdoing and becoming. It's healing and you're becoming who you are through that healing, not achieving to to become, right? And when you do heal, you do end up achieving because it's totally natural. When you are being your authentic self and knowing you're enough and living in alignment with the healed version of you or the healing version of you, you start to feel very satisfied, and very fulfilled, very capable,
And I want to really focus on that word capable because so often in our healing journeys, we don't think that we're capable. So we want a partner who seems more capable and it all seems to be around what society has said is enough or successful. And when you really dive into what you feel successful in and happy in society will mirror that.

Rise of Spiritual Coaching

A good example of this is when I started becoming a spiritual coach in 2012. There really wasn't spiritual coaches. I think there was Gabby Bernstein, right? and And there wasn't really this thing. And since I've been doing this work over the last, what, 12 years, it's become a popular thing. And I noticed this morning how I'm starting to love these old ideas of needing to prove have shifted into just wanting to be.
Hey what do i really think about marriage now i've married a divorce the reason i got married was probably different than i would think about it now i healed so much during that ten years together.
Then I look at community. There used to be so few people I could resonate with in the spiritual way. Now there's so many. I'm i'm inviting so many of them onto my podcast. ah They're all immediately saying, yes, it's like this new understanding that everyone's sort of waking up to a new way of being that is so beautiful, that is all about healing.
so much of myself over the years was, I guess I would say, um not upset or frustrated, but yeah, frustrated about the fact that I had been who who I am my whole life and I was told that was wrong and having to heal back to being right. but The only thing I realized now that was wrong in my life was me thinking something was wrong with me.
and This is one of the first things they say to any client that comes to me because we all have that block of there must be something bad and wrong and when we do that shadow work in that mother wound to father wound and generational healing we start to realize that the only thing wrong is what we thought was wrong but yeah and when we start to relate to the issue differently and relate to ourself differently in the issue we start to realize that we're not wrong but maybe society was wrong about things maybe our parents weren't fully healed And maybe the world was in an emotional dark

Mission and Vision of the Podcast

age. That's why I called this podcast misunderstood, guiding highly sensitive people through an emotional dark age. And when we can really understand that the dark age is really about waking up to the emotional intelligence of ourselves, giving ourselves and God,
the permission slip to tell us we're enough, not society as God, right? And so I really wanted to dive into this today because as I continue to heal deeper and deeper, I start to unravel these old definitions of why I've even done things and waking up to this constant support that holds me when I hold myself. I always say to clients that when we are in support of our true self, we feel that support of the universe because the universe is a reflection of our true self. The universe, God created you perfect for your purpose. And when you heal back to this authenticity, if I don't need to prove and I don't need to deny and I don't need to be something other than I am, but I just need to exist and heal and relax and let my nervous system regulate.
We truly already know that everything that we are and everything that we feel is perfect. So I wanted to just let you know that, gosh, this has been a really interesting episode as I've been trying to regulate my dog's nervous system this whole time.

Engage with Daily Tips on Instagram

But I'm going to leave that here and I want you guys to go and check me out on Instagram at Candace van Dal for my daily little tips about this stuff, my reals and my quotes. I want you guys to check out my inner work classes because they are starting every single month, the new one about the deep dive of inner work.
Okay with me and a tiny group the thing about tiny groups is it's profound mirroring in this is in this current group i have one week six coming up this week there's eight weeks total and i've got a twenty. Twenty one year old who's with me since she was sixteen seven twenty one year old inside a radio i have,
ah forty-something-year-old, fifty-something-year-old, sixty-something-year-old, and seventy-year-old. and They all say they love the dynamics of the different generations because it heals the different different generations within them that maybe still are not fully healed. and For the young ones, it helps her see a perspective of people who are older and wise in a different way, who have lived in a different way. and That healing of parts of ourselves and parts of our our consciousness and also our wise one, our wise guide inside is priceless. So check out those offerings, you guys. Come say hi to me. Please share this with anyone that you think it will help. And thank you again for being here and supporting me. And I love you and I'll see you soon.