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The Chick Foley Halloween Spooktacular

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays6 years ago
Phil and Sheena recap Evolution and the fallout from Roman Reigns' huge annoucement. Also, they discuss their favorite Halloween Havoc moments, scary wrestlers, and review the new "Halloween" film. Plus fig hunting and so much more!

Introduction and Tech Upgrades

The episode's so nice, we had to do it twice. Welcome to the Chick Foley Show. 2.0. 2.0. We are live here. I'm in the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. I got a brand new router. Not to brag. She's got a brand new microphone. We're high tech now, yeah. Doing big things over here in the Chick Foley Show. How you been,

Wrestling Week and Personal Updates

Sheena? It's been a crazy week, that's for sure.
Yeah. Yeah. It has been, it's been a crazy week of wrestling and it's been a crazy week at the chick Foley house with the baby face doing some, some teething. So yeah, if you have kiddos, you know that that is, um, that's a fight in and of itself.
She is Sheena Phelps. You can follow her on Instagram at Chick Foley. She's the queen of wrestling figures. I am the hot take kid Phil Gentile. You can follow me on social media at I hate JJ Reddick and you can follow our show at Chick Foley show on Twitter. I've been trying to be pretty active on there. I was tweeting out a bunch of photos from a ringside fest over the weekend. I wasn't there, but I saw some cool stuff.

Listener Feedback and Engagement

Yeah, they had some awesome, awesome unveilings at Ringside Fest. We'll get into that. We both bought a bunch of cool stuff this week. We'll get into that. We are both huge fans of Halloween, so we'll get into that. We both saw the new Halloween movie. But let's start off first with the early responses over that first episode that we recorded last week, man. I got a ton of great feedback from people. What about you?
Yeah, it was great. I was so happy to see that everybody tuned in and didn't heal off on the debut episode. I heard nothing but great, great reviews. And like I said, Chick Foley Nation, they're pretty loyal and they're pretty awesome. We have one of the best followings in the IWC. So thank you all so much for listening, downloading, rating and reviewing. It means so, so much. And we're so excited to bring you guys even more in the future.
for sure. We're doing some cool giveaways every single week, so be sure to follow us on social media for that kind of stuff. Yeah, I got a bunch of positive feedback. The only things that people were telling me is I had your microphone too low, so I'm making sure to have you up a little bit louder. That was on me.
And yeah, hopefully we you guys can hear me loud and clear this week and also like I was so super stoked I remember I we messaged Phil and told him that I was in the dentist when this happened and Hill husband was actually looking at the the podcast ratings the Sports and Recreation podcast and he sent me a message while I was in the dentist like dude the chick Foley show is 152 and I just was just like blown away because I had no, you know when you start something like this you have no expectations, but you guys like, you know, I
You rallied, you listened, and it was just awesome. Really cool, yeah. We were both Edge and Christian for a hot minute there, man. That's pretty crazy. That was cool. I kept that screenshot. I'm going to keep that forever. Exactly. I did too. You guys can find us on iTunes. Just go to the podcast app on your Apple device. We're on Stitcher, SoundCloud, Spotify, Podbean.
So any of the big podcast apps you can find our stuff, be sure to give us a nice review and check us out there. So we're going to get into Raw and SmackDown before we get into the Halloween

WWE Evolution Recap

stuff. But the biggest news of the last couple hours is the WWE's first women's pay-per-view evolution took place just moments ago. I wasn't able to watch.
doing some stuff here with the family getting ready for Halloween, but Sheena did because it's on super early there for her, so perfect timing. Maybe the babyface was taking a nap maybe, but how was evolution overall before we get into the individual matches?
Oh man, um, I was so pleasantly surprised after the kind of lack of buildup, you know, um, and kind of like having my expectations a little bit low, I was blown away. The women just went out there and performed and laid it all out there. And even like the matches that I was kind of like, like a little iffy on, um, I thought I was thoroughly entertained and I thought they just, they just nailed it.
Yeah, I'm surprised the I guess they move the Trish and lead a match to the curtain jerker Because because Alexa wasn't in we were gonna talk about that on the episode we recorded a couple days ago But she had that this concussion symptoms and I think she's she's on the shelf for a short matter of time So Alicia Fox took her spot. Was that match anything worth going back and revisiting? I
Yeah, it was actually surprisingly good. I mean, it was nothing that like, you know, it's not going to win like match of the year candidate or anything like that. But Lita and Trish got huge pops when they came out, especially Lita. It was just like a thunderous roar. So that was pretty cool to see. And there was one point in the match where
Trish summoned Mickey James out of the corner. And it was just like this meeting of the minds in the middle of the ring. And there was a huge pop for that too. But overall, it was awesome. It was a great match. Awesome. Nice. Nia Jax wins the Battle Royal. We kind of talked about her last week that usually the biggest combatant doesn't win. But in this case, she did. Hopefully, maybe another push for her coming up.
Yeah. Um, I mean, definitely, obviously we know now she's going to be, uh, facing Rhonda again, which will be cool because they, you know, they never had a definitive winner because Alexa cashed in at money in the bank in their match. So, um, this, it'll be cool to see, um, you know, Nia versus, uh, Rhonda Rousey and see how that turns out. But yeah, actually the battle Royal was the one I kind of poo poo'd on the most. Uh, and I had to like, you know, uh,
eat my words because it was actually it was actually really good considering it was it was a battle royal it came down to Tamina Tamina Oscar Nia Jackson Ember Moon and there was a really really good sequence in the end and Selena Vega was kind of laying low and then you know once it came down to the last three
Um, it was, uh, it came down to Ember Moon and Nia Jax and Selena Vega came in and was trying to, you know, pull the, pull the wool over them and get them over the ring. And, you know, Nia wasn't having it. All my prediction almost came true. I was, that was my dark horse. Yeah. I know. Yeah. Ember Moon was my dark horse too. And, uh, Nia took both of us out. Yeah. Well, that's a cool push for her. I'm glad to see that Sasha Bailey and Talia beat the Ryan squad. Uh, anything of note in that match?
Um, uh, Natalia pulled out her famous, uh, double sharpshooter this time. This time she didn't fall over, which I was like, when she was starting to put it on, I was like, Oh man. And then she, she nailed it. And it was really, it was actually really good. Um, also I kind of popped because they were in like, like low key Halloween costumes. Like the riot squad were wearing like leather face, um, Leatherface costume. And it was, yeah, jigsaw and, um,
Liv Morgan was actually wearing like an IT and IT inspired ring gear, which I thought was cool. And then, yeah. You touched on your Instagram story, the kind of the backstage interview segments where all the girls were kind of together. That's the only thing that does bother me about the women's division is that they don't really hide the fact that they're all friends and they're kind of like, you know, they, you know, just they break hayfabe way easier than they used to, which is kind of annoying.
Yeah and you know it kind of yeah I was gonna actually touch on that but it just the congratulatory segments like they kind of irk me like I get it like there's history being made as far as WWE is concerned but to me like it's a little condescending like look we're finally giving women a chance you know like I'm like you the only way to truly make it to make it meaningful it's like act like it's normal that's the culture of WWE we treat women
like we treat all of our superstars, right? Like we don't give them flowers after their match. You know what I'm saying? Nobody gave Brett and Sean flowers after their Iron Man match. You know what I'm saying? So I feel like it's just kind of like this.
weird thing. And then at the end when Ronda Rousey won the championship, or when she retained, the whole locker room was on the ramp waiting at the end for her. And I was like, cringe, cringe. I mean, yeah, let's just treat it like you said. If a match is great, or if it sucks, I don't care if it's men or women wrestling, it's wrestling. So that's the way it should be. We should all be treated equally, and I think the women have earned that.
Yeah they definitely have and it was like at the end of the Tony Storm and Io Shirai match like you know Triple H and Stephanie came out and presented them like roses and stuff and I was like God they just put on a freaking show like just just let that be like the norm you know what I'm saying like we don't have to give like a participation trophy because they're women you know.
Yeah. Like you said, save that for do one of those awesome documentaries, what they, what they need to do more of. Those things are freaking great. They're so great. Give them their flowers backstage. I love seeing that stuff on like the WWE 24s. I love, you know, even like a little raw segment that they did, you know, after Roman left raw and he was kind of like walking through and it was showing everybody just like, you know, showing their support for him as he left the arena. Like I love seeing that stuff, but I don't want to see it.
while I'm watching wrestling. You know what I'm saying? It just takes you out of the kayfabe. Yep, yep, for sure. Shayna Baszler becomes the first ever women's NXT two-time champion, beating Kari Sane. That looked like there were some awesome high spots from that match. Yeah, I actually have to go back and watch that. That was when the babyface was going down for a nap and then I came back down and Seth was like, uh, that may have been match of the night. So I was like, oh great, of course I missed match of the night.
But yeah, apparently they killed it. Becky beats Charlotte in the Last Woman Standing match. That's the one I was really looking forward to. How was that?
Oh my gosh. Like I said, they, I predicted they were going to beat the hell out of each other and they straight beat the hell out of each other. I mean, they pulled out all the stops. I mean, there was kendo sticks and chair shots and table spots. And I mean, they, they are going to be sore in the morning, but they, I mean, they both, both of them left it all out there and they, I mean, it was epic.
Was there any wonky finishes in any of these matches, like run-ins? They all seem kind of straightforward so far. I mean, usually on any pay-per-view you're going to get one of those fruit roll-up type match-ups. No, let me think. Did the Four Horsewomen get involved with the Shayna Baszler at all? Oh, yeah. Yeah, they did, actually.
kinda like wore over the barricade, you know what I'm saying? Then they jumped over and I can't remember, obviously I was putting the baby face down, but what I was seeing on Instagram, they got involved in some capacity, but I can't remember if it was the finish or, you know, how that came to be. But yeah, obviously Brie was kind of a factor in the Rousey versus Nikki Bella match, but that match was awesome too.

Roman Reigns' Announcement Impact

Nice. Cool. Yeah, I'm going to go back and check it out this week for sure. The wife usually goes to bed like 8 o'clock, so I have free reign of the TV after that. So that's always good. Yeah, I feel her pain. Yeah, you know how it is. That's mom life. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So to go back, like we had mentioned at the top of the show, we recorded an episode right after Raw and SmackDown on Wednesday or Thursday night.
He's come down with it again. So prayers are up to him and his family. It sounds like he's going to hope to be back. I don't know what the long-term prognosis is. It's still pretty early, but he forfeits the title, Sheena. And I'm sure the writers were scrambling to kind of readjust things on the fly after that. Yeah. And I mean, it was, I mean, it was pretty devastating. You know, I mean, obviously you could just tell by, I mean, you could hear a pin drop in that crowd after he started, you know, explaining what was going on and just the faces of everybody and
you know, obviously myself at home, I was just like all like, you know, tearing up and had big crocodile tears. And it just like, I mean, you just don't expect someone that looks like Roman Reigns, this superhero, you know, just like this champion to, you know, to say something like that, you know, and especially the fact that he had been living with leukemia for 11 years. And like, in the world of the internet, how did we not know this? You know, like that, that's what kind of just like, I'm like, boggles my mind.
Like, holy moly, I would have never in a million years thought that that was going to happen on Monday. Especially in WWE, where they use everything and anything as an angle, whether it's your family or your past, your drug use, your alcoholism. You would think they would...
use that up for, you know, not that they should and they probably shouldn't do that. And even if it wasn't, yeah, even if it wasn't used as an angle, I mean, just like, you know, all of the documentaries that we've seen on Roman, all of the, you know, behind the scenes segments and stuff, like it was just never, ever brought up or never mentioned, you know, like it wasn't, it just didn't exist until Monday, you know?
So I mean probably one of his best promos ever in that speech and it was pretty rousing and it got me pumped up to think about him coming back and like what a pop he is gonna get when he comes back. I talked about in the last show it's gonna be similar to that John Cena return at Royal Rumble where you know the crowd the freaking roof just blew off the place man so I think long term it's gonna be good for his you know on-screen persona
Yeah, we definitely wish him the best off the screen and hope he gets well soon I'm sure they're sure they scramble. What would what would you do? We talked about it What would you do in that situation if you're you know behind the scenes? You got to rewrite stuff and you're your champion on your main brand is out for extended period of time I mean honestly if I was I mean they did on Monday. They did the unthinkable But it was like a master class
Like with, with scrambling and just pushing Dean to go ahead and make the heel turn. Um, like, you know, some people were kind of like, Oh, is it appropriate? Like, you know, is this being insensitive, but let's be real, like.
With Dean doing that, obviously we're not going to know what the reason is until tomorrow. But he got nuclear level heat. He's like Becky Lynch in the sense that it doesn't matter whether he's a hardcore hero or a hardcore face. People are going to cheer Dean Ambrose. But after what he did on Monday,
You can't cheer. You know, like it's just like you just cannot cheer against him in the crowd's faces when they were panning around. Like that was just like brilliant. Like that's how you pull off a heel turn. Um, and I actually heard a really cool fan theory. Um, that, I mean, I don't know, it's kind of far fetched, but I mean, it might come to play out now, but I don't know. Part of me thinks that it would be awesome. And then part of me is like, well, then he's kind of back to that like weird tweener like face kind of thing. But they were saying like,
Um, the reason why he turned is because, you know, now like he was just overcome with emotion with Roman's announcement. And he just, he couldn't take the fact that like Seth had went out on his own and turned against them and like all those, you know, years that they could have been, you know, fighting together as a brotherhood. Um, you know, Seth went out on his own and, you know, was just looking out for himself and only cared about the championship and all of that. And so that's what caused him to like, just snap. Um, because you saw at one point, um,
Dean just threw the tag titles at him and he was like, you know, this is all you care about. This is all you care about. And then when I read that fan theory, I was like, Oh my God.

Dean Ambrose's Heel Turn Discussion

Yeah. He was saying something like you never said you were sorry or something like, you know, you could, you can obviously didn't have a mic up to his mouth. So you couldn't really hear what he was saying. But that's a, that's definitely an interesting theory. Cause that would, you know, that would make him a heel obviously, but it also give kind of a more realistic spin on it that he's not, you know, there's,
this dastardly guy. Every heel in every movie has a reason that they think they're doing something for good while they're really not. So that would be pretty cool. We also saw Elias turn face as well as Braun. I want to get your thought on those. I like the Elias turn. I think his gimmick could be pretty fun just kind of making fun of every heel he wrestles against. Making a song out of their gimmick or something like that would be pretty cool.
Yeah, for sure. And I think, you know, given the opportunity, especially with all the things that are going on on Raw and all the spots opening up, I think Elias is like he would be a perfect shoe-in for this to give him an opportunity to start to shine, you know, and really work his way up the ranks to be like a title contender. You know, I mean, I love Elias and I just think he just is fun and electric. And I mean, I just love his segments.
Yeah, it looks like Braun obviously turning face. Now he's going to wrestle Brock at the Crown Jewel event, which is now happening for sure in Saudi Arabia that we know of. And that's going to be for that vacant title. So I would think that they're going to play it safe, put the belt back on Brock, and maybe have Braun win it from at WrestleMania, which would be super predictable. But we'll see. I don't know. I'm thinking they're not going to do
I don't want, I think with all the heat that's on crown jewel, they are not going to have like, especially if Braun wins, like they're not going to have bronze crowning achievement. Nope. No play on words intended at crown jewel. Um, I think, um, what, what could possibly happen is like a double DQ situation with Drew McIntyre coming in and, you know, causing some sort of schmazzy ending. Um, and then they just push it to survivor series.
Um, and then maybe, you know, obviously we might see like a, you know, some sort of other elementary might get, you know, involved in some way or, you know, maybe they'll make the, uh, best in the world tournament mean something and put, put whoever wins that in the, in the match. But, um, like I said, I, my prediction is, is that no one's going to get crowned at crown jewel.
No, OK. Yeah, I could definitely see that. They're definitely going to build to something. I don't know how I feel. I mean, I would love to see Seth back in the, you know, I know you're a huge Seth Rollins mark, so I'm sure you feel the same way. Yeah, for sure. I'd love to see him back in the title picture. I don't know what, you know, is this going to be a feud that's going to stretch out for months and months and, you know, keep them sidetracked? What's going to happen with the tag team titles? I don't know. It's definitely, I mean, it's fun because it's going to make me really want to turn it, tune into Raw tomorrow night.
Yeah. Oh yeah. And did you see that? Well, obviously like tonight they did a promo for raw and it would, they like definitely highlighted like, you know, they were trying to get, trying to get those ratings up by saying like, you know, Dean's going to give his explanation of like why what happened. Um, so yeah, they're really pushing for that.
I wanted to give a shout out to some of the folks just real quick before I forget on Instagram that gave us a shout out on our first episode and asked people to give us a listen. Figgles underscore McGee, Fig Heel, Figure Obsessed, JR Figs 21, and Wrestle With Figs, all great guys that you need to follow. And I'll tweet those out or I'll tag them on some Instagram posts. Great guys around the Fig community.
And wrestling for sale, who if you ever need any vintage t-shirts, I know Sheena, you've gone through him for some stuff as well. He's got the hookup on some great old school shirts and gear and stuff. So give him a follow as well. All those guys gave us a shout and told all their followers to give us a listen. So we really appreciate it. Thanks, guys.
So we talked about Raw a little bit. We recapped Evolution. There wasn't really too much to talk about from SmackDown. I mean, I did want to talk about just the build for this Evolution pay-per-view. And we had talked about there was like, I think it was eight minutes of female wrestlers on Raw, you know, on the go-home show for this first women's pay-per-view, which is kind of disappointing that they didn't really put too much time. I know they have a lot of stuff going on with
Crown Jewel controversy, but I would have liked to see a bigger bigger promotion for this evolution pay-per-view But it doesn't sound like they need it sound like the action was was there Yeah, pardon me like on the back end, you know hindsight at first. I was like, yeah, this is this is crazy Why haven't they built this up? I was like, well, maybe now the talent was super fresh, you know They got a few days to rest and you know, they just laid it all out there for for the evolution pay-per-view so I
And also what I liked about the Evolution pay-per-view, I don't know, some people may take this as a pro and as a con, there's different ways to look at it. But it was kind of like when you see the feel of it, it was like a house show. Like they had the, obviously they didn't have any LED ring posts or ring skirts, which you could also be like, well, why didn't they roll out the red carpet for the women? And then the crowd was like dimly lit too. So to me, it felt like house show production, which I kind of like, but for them to build it up as like,
You know, since we're talking about the buildup, like if they're trying to make it like this big thing and like this history making event, like you think they would have like rolled out the red carpet and brought like everything out of the out of the box of gimmicks for them, you know? Yeah, I just I do like when they do things differently because when you go back to the attitude era and like, you know, the ruthless aggression era.
All the pay-per-views look different and now it's just the same set for every pay-per-view. It's just boring. There's just no personality to it. I don't know. I welcome something a little bit different, something old school. For sure. I personally like the old school look and feel of it. Like I said, we didn't need anything else because the women nailed it.
All right, well, let's get on to Halloween. So I know that's your biggest, your most favorite holiday, and it's one of mine as well.

Halloween Costumes and Movie Reviews

Halloween in a couple days here. You have not announced your costume yet, unless I missed it. No, I have not. I think I'll let you guys in on the podcast for all you listeners, since we had to be a little bit late this week recording.
Yeah, Phil, you go ahead and what are you guys going to be for Halloween? So I'm being Kevin Owens, the only wrestler physically that I can look like. So that works well. My wife's being Bailey and my three year old is going to be John Cena. So we're going to try to find a couple of spots tomorrow and Tuesday to hang out and do some trunk retreats or something. And then Wednesday night, we're just going to walk around and get some candy.
Awesome. You guys get a lot of trick or treaters where you are? No, not really. Not many. So we go to like another neighborhood that's maybe like a half a mile away and there's a ton. And we live on like the main road in our neighborhood. And I don't know, just people just don't trick or treat it in our neighborhood for some reason. When I was a kid, where I grew up, there was tons. And where we moved to here, it's just not many. Same. We make it work.
Yeah, I grew up in one of those like traditionally like you see on TV, like Halloween. Yeah. Yeah. Well, actually now that you mentioned it, like I grew up in Bowling Green, Kentucky, which actually inspired the original Halloween. So, um, yeah, like I, we went house to house to house. And I guess nowadays, like, you know, kids do a lot more of like trunk or treat, or they go to like, you know, events at like churches or community centers or whatever. It's not like going to people's houses anymore, but where we live now, it's a huge,
huge like neighborhood, you know, and we have tons and tons of trick-or-treaters. So it's always real fun. Nice. Awesome. Yeah. So we both saw, so what are you guys going to be? Let's not skip over that. Oh yeah. So, okay. So me and the baby face are doing a combined costume and he is going to be Hogan. And I'm going to be Andre the giant from our WrestleMania three is what we're
what we're shooting for. I can't picture you as Andre the Giant. I could see him as Hogan. That's going to be cute as hell.
Yes. Nice. I'm putting it together really nicely. The cool thing is, is I'm reusing my boots that I used when I was mankind. So that was a win that I didn't have to buy new boots. I was like, yes, recycle. Are you wearing like a Carmela ask, like one piece bathing suit type of thing? Oh, yeah. It's full one. It's full one shoulder. Andre like spot on like, you know,
Yeah, obviously I'm gonna have some things covering the other portion of my upper torso. But yeah, it's pretty epic. And your husband Seth is not as hardcore into Halloween as you are, which I was shocked. I know he's a big wrestling fanatic too, but he goes along with it, but he's not a big Halloween marker.
Dude, I already told him I was like, I will buy you a white suit and you can be Bobby Heenan and we will be like the most epic like that would be the most epic like family family Halloween costume that there is. But he wasn't into it. And thankfully, I mean, he's like super supportive and he's gotten more into Halloween as as the years have progressed and obviously being with me and I'm just kind of a fanatic about it.
But yeah, he's gonna be Rocco from Rocco's Modern Life. He likes to wear the big furry head so he doesn't have to talk to people. Nice, nice. I bought one of those Jack's specific world title belts as Toys R Us was shutting down. It was like 30 bucks. I think they're normally like 100 or something. I broke that out of the box yesterday.
That's going to be so epic. Those Jack's title belts are so nice. I am so pumped for them to continue to make those because if you're looking for an affordable option, those things are money. Even at $99, I feel like it's a freakin'... Yeah, it's heavy. It's pretty legit. It's leather. I mean, it smells like a leather belt, too. Yeah. It's not low quality. And I'm definitely thinking about, were we doing the basement and everything? Were it kind of my office area?
have it up on a shelf it looks pretty like legit like it's huge oh we have yeah we have the uh the world title and we have the women's champion the raw championship too like we we love those jacks belts like they're freaking awesome especially like i said for the money like that you would pay to get a uh a real like replica belt like heck yeah 99 bucks and you got it for what 35
Yeah, it was like 30 or 35 bucks. I made sure to hide one in my local Toys R Us as they were getting sadder and sadder as the shelves were getting more and more empty. And I wanted one of those. I know you have that Ric Flair robe, which is a little thin. It could be good like getting out of bed type of robe. But somebody snagged it before I can get it. I was pissed off. It went down to like 15 bucks or something.
dude i love that robe well obviously i'm in hawaii so i kind of like the thin robe but um but yeah it's it just makes you feel like a g when you're wearing it that's nice i do love that we're gonna do a holiday uh gift gift episode where we're gonna just do like a gift guide or something going through some
some wrestling figures and some gear like that and some video games, but that chalk line nature boy jacket is so mage, dude. I want it so bad. I don't know if I could pull it off in public, but the purple and black and all kinds of different colors, but it looks just like the old school Ric Flair robe basically in a jacket form. It's so nasty.
They nailed that jacket. I mean, I love all things chalk line, but that nature boy, and I'm not even the hugest like nature boy Mark, but I'm like, Oh my gosh, I love it. So nice. Yeah. Uh, so we both saw the new Halloween movie. Uh, so, uh, we don't want to give any spoilers, but we wanted to let people know kind of our thoughts on it. I know you're a huge, obviously huge Halloween movie Mark as well. What did you, how did you think it held up and what were your thoughts?
Um, I liked the new Halloween. Um, I, you know, I've heard it's, it's, it's pretty polarizing based on the returns that I've seen, you know, online and just from talking to different people, like people either loved it or they hated it. And I was kind of on team, team loved it, you know, um, it just really paid homage to the original. Um, and there was lots of callbacks, which I liked cause I'm super nostalgic. So to see like the callbacks that, you know, were part of the new movie that really were reminiscent of.
Um, the original Halloween was just like, I like kind of popped every time, you know? Um, yeah. And I still think like they just made Michael Myers. Like I just like that they, they stripped away everything. They stripped away all of the, you know, the previous movies. Um, it wasn't about his lineage or trying to go after Jamie Lee because she was his sister. It was just straight up like Michael Myers is this psychotic.
like force this like unknowable evil that is just like if you're in his path, you are bound for destruction, you know, and that is freaking scary.
So I loved it. I don't remember a horror movie where there was at no point, no scene that was ridiculous. I never was like, oh, come on, this is a joke. Not to say that it could ever happen, but basically a crazy dude got out of a mental institution and just started killing people.
And it was, yeah, like you said, you said it perfectly. It stripped away all the kind of bullshit and just made it what it should have been. And I liked it a lot. I thought it was pretty cool. There were some really cool scenes. There was the one that really like I think about now in the dark is, you know, just there's like an outdoor, like, you know, those outdoor lights that are motion activated. And, you know, he, you know, there's this, you know, young teenage kid, you know, whatever. But it was just very well done and like, you know, something you hadn't seen in a horror movie because
It's hard to scare people because you've seen everything in every movie that's come out, and that was a cool scene. So yeah, I definitely recommend people checking it out, especially over the next couple days as Halloween approaches.
Yeah, and I definitely, I recommend if you like the original or if it's been a while since you've seen the original, like watch the original before you go because it'll make you appreciate, like I said, the callbacks to the original and you'll kind of be like, oh, and you'll kind of see how the role reversal happens with him and Jamie Lee. And yeah, it's definitely worth a watch. I truly enjoyed it.
I mean, the thing I do like about the Halloween movie, it kind of ties into evolution. It's been 40 years since the original came out, but you forget the fact that this is a female lead character in a kind of more of a power position, not like the damsel in distress, as you see in most horror movies. She turns it up to 11 on the badass meter in this movie. She's pretty awesome.
Yeah, she was obviously troubled, but she used that trauma to like, you know, get, get her due. You know what I'm saying? Like she, like she came out, you know, came out on top and that was really, really cool to just see like that role reversal from like this.
Scared teenage girl to like this powerhouse. It's just like come at me bro. You know yeah for sure there was a my favorite scene was when Laurie Strode's like Granddaughters friend was babysitting this little kid, and he was I mean he stole the movie He had like the he was in the movie for maybe like two minutes Larias someone find him on a sitcom somewhere because he is a gold oh my gosh young Kevin Hart He was he was hilarious so yeah, definitely he was
that point in the movie, I was like, there has to be some kind of like, it's the only thing I would I would say there were just wasn't anything like, you know, there wasn't like a character. There was never a break. Yeah, there was never a break. There was no character that really like kind of brought levity to the movie until until he was on screen. Yeah, from start to finish, it was just this overwhelming sense of dread.
You know, so, but yeah, he definitely gave it a nice little break. And just no characters that he really cheered. I mean, Laurie Stroud just seemed kind of, you know, she's a prisoner in her own mind with, you know, how, you know, affected she is by the murders still 40 years later. And, you know, the guy trying to do a documentary, which is kind of a dickhead. And obviously, you can't cheer for Michael Myers because he's a psychopath. So, yeah, it just wasn't too many characters in the movie that you really were cheering for.
I think that was one of the things that was a little bit different than the original is just like you know one the body count was higher so you can't build relationships with these people whereas in the first you know John Carpenter really took his time he developed like these you know these teenage babysitters so you gave a look like you kind of like felt for them and everything and then when they you know died you were like oh my gosh you know versus this one it was kind of just like
everything was happening so quickly that there was no real character development and you didn't feel that relationship between the characters. So I would say that's probably one of the biggest differences between this one and the original.
You turned me on to the Halloween Unmasked podcast, which is part of the Ringer. Yes. It was like an eight part series. If you enjoy the Halloween movies, I would definitely check it out over the next couple of days. And it just really goes deep into the original Halloween, kind of the remakes, and also touches on interviews with all of it. Yeah, the psychology. Yeah. Yeah. It was really cool.
So definitely check that out. So yeah, I like the movie a lot. Now, I was actually about to rewatch Halloween 2, which I haven't seen in forever, but I didn't get a chance to tonight. So we're watching that house on Haunted Hill or whatever it is on Netflix, which is pretty good. Yeah. Let me know how you like that. I want to tune into that too. It's good. So much to watch. So little time. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. These damn jobs get in the way.
Let's talk about all-time scary movies, Halloween movies. You have a couple here and we both have like two or three that we want to touch on.
Yeah I mean some of my all-time favorite like you know I love Nightmare on Elm Street. I know he kind of came after Michael Myers and he was kind of like one of the the ones that people were like oh there was so many spin-offs you know with Freddie and Jason and everything but I have a soft spot for Freddie. I just love him and the thing about him is like you know Mike Myers like yeah he's he's in real life so you know if you don't you can try to avoid Mike Myers but like you're gonna go to sleep so if Freddie is after you like you're gonna fall asleep you're gonna be
Victim to him at some point or another so I love the nightmare series I mean some of them get to be a little bit corny obviously as they go on but that original nightmare on Elm Street was just awesome I Love it. Yeah, I that's that movie. I don't think I've ever seen it all the way through though It's scared the hell out of me as a kid, and I've never wanted to re revisit it so maybe I maybe I should on Halloween I
It was Johnny Depp's first movie, did you know that? Oh yeah, that's true, yeah. He died on the bed, like with the... The water bed. Yeah.
Yeah. What's one of your favorite movies? Well, I have three that I wanted to touch on. They were all movies I saw in the movie theater and they really kind of like scared the shit out of me and was almost like genre changing movies, each of them in a different way. So the first one was Scream. And I know you had gone back and rewatch that and said it still holds up. I want to give it a watch in the next couple of days.
It just kind of turned the whole horror genre up on its head because at that point it was getting very campy and you're into Halloween 10 or Jason 40. Oh yeah, Scream totally reunited the horror revolution. It was the first self-aware horror movie, right? It was the first horror movie to ever acknowledge the existence of other horror movies, which I thought was just so groundbreaking.
Yeah, it's very CM Punk pipe bomb-esque. Yeah, the fourth wall is not there. Another one was Blair Witch Project, living here in Maryland. We made sure to, shortly after seeing it in the theater, drive to Brookinsville and try and find where it was filmed. And to no avail, nothing ever happened. But that was a movie that was just very low budget, before indie movies were real and kind of well known.
And totally just the last scene really still kind of. Oh my gosh. Blair Witch Project scared me to death because I like grew up out in the sticks, like out in the country, like legit. Like if you called the cops, like they would not be there in time to save you.
Um, so yeah, the Blair Witch like scared me. Did you ever see the remake of the Blair Witch? Like the, you know, new age Blair Witch. Uh, I saw the sequel, which was pretty awful. No, there was one that came out a couple years ago and it was really, it was good. I was surprised at how good I was expecting it to be terrible. And I was actually very entertained and scared. Do you get pissed off when they remake movies within like 10? I don't even know how long it was, but it was probably within 10 years. I'm sure.
It depends, you know, sometimes yes and sometimes no. Like sometimes if there's like a big name like director or something, I'll get like excited. I'm like, Ooh, what are they going to do? You know, but sometimes I feel like it is, it is kind of a lack of a lack of creativity and a lack of imagination. Like, you know, I mean, I do think there's a place for different versions. I mean, if you look at Batman, like look at Batman, right? Like there's so many different variations of Batman. It doesn't mean that one's better than the other. It's just like different versions of the same character.
Which you can which you can appreciate all of them, you know, yeah Oh, yeah for that's true the same thing with like spider-man They just kind of keep redoing and redoing it and you know It's but I do appreciate a good a good creative like original idea as well. So, you know What's the best horror movie you've seen the last couple years that was just kind of an original?
I have one. The one where they can't talk. I forget the name of it. Yes, it's got Jim from The Office. A Quiet Space. Is it called A Quiet Space? A Quiet Place, maybe, something like that. A Quiet Place. Yeah. There's this one movie. It was just streaming. I don't think it ever came out in theaters, but it was called The Witch. And that was really scary. It came out in like 2000, 2011. I don't know if it's on Netflix or Hulu or what.

Spooky Movie and Wrestling Character Recommendations

Yeah, The Witch was really scary. Also, the Babadook, or Babadook movie. Oh man, that movie scared me, yeah. Yeah, that was creepy. Yeah, that scared me a little bit. Yeah, that was a good one. You had a couple more movies on your list here. Oh, for a strictly Halloween movie, if you're looking for something to watch, like on Halloween night, if you don't have anything better to do, obviously it's a Wednesday this year. So Trick or Treat is an amazing, just like straight up Halloween movie.
It's definitely not for the kiddos. There is some brief nudity and it's pretty graphic as far as the gore and stuff, but it just encompasses, it's like an anthology where it's like all of these different storylines going on at the same time, all in one night. And it just encompasses the feel of Halloween. And it's like the type of Halloween town that I wanna live in, obviously besides the murderous aspect of it all. But you see all these old houses and they have
50 jack-o'-lanterns in their yard and they like all decorated and everything and it's just like it just hits you right in the field spot with you know with how
how you should feel on Halloween. If you got kiddos, Hocus Pocus is definitely my go-to because that's an excellent movie. Yeah, I just watched it with the wife today. I've never seen it before. Oh my gosh. Maybe it's just a girl thing. Maybe it's just a girl's watch Hocus Pocus. I don't know. She seemed like she's watched it like a thousand times. She has. I guarantee that she has. Can we just address really quickly that on all these amazing Halloween movies, they have all these jack-o'-lanterns, and every time I see it, I'm like, I love it, and it gets me in the field spot.
Carving jack-o'-lanterns is a pain in the ass. Oh, it's awful. It never looks good either when I do it. No. Yeah. I can carve a good jack-o'-lantern, but after I've done one, I'm like, okay, I'm done. So when you see all these people that have 10 jack-o'-lanterns on their porch, I'm like, oh my god, you're doing the most. Or how about the ones in the commercial for the NFL games where they carve out the entire team or something. Who the hell has time to do that?
Oh, hold up, I totally made a Falcons pumpkin back in 2008 or 2009 maybe. I'll have to find a picture of it, but I nailed it. And the official Falcons Twitter retweeted it, and I was so proud of myself. That was before Instagram and all of that.
But yeah, I I legit carved out the Falcons logo and I did a Seth Rollins pumpkin a couple years ago And it was pretty freakin mage to nice I was gonna say Matt Ryan the skin color is like the same color as the pumpkin so that probably worked out forever forever sunburnt
Oh, poor guy. He's from the Northeast. His son doesn't know how to tan. That's true, yeah. Now he's down in the South. Yeah, he doesn't put on SPF 30 or anything. Let's talk about some scary wrestlers and get into some scary Halloween havoc stuff. So I have a list of some scary wrestlers on here. Give me some of yours that you wanted to talk about.
Um, I think when I, when I immediately think of spooky wrestlers, like Papa Sean goes like right there at the top of the list, um, of somebody that I just think is like really spooky with his like voodoo and all of that. And obviously his feud with warrior and like 92, where he like put a curse on him and made him like puke pea soup everywhere backstage, like Linda Blair. Um, and then when he was having that interview with me and Jean and his like head started bleeding that like black.
Whatever it was like that is freaking scary Yeah, I remember as a kid that that that and and when the macho man got bit by the snake both of those Like I was very worried for the other for the person. I was like, oh my god Are they gonna be okay? Yeah, Papa China was only around for a year man I felt like he could have could have been a pretty cool gimmick kind of I don't want to say undertaker esque but it could have had some different iterations and you could have made like a voodoo priestess type of guy so yeah, they just
I don't know why it didn't work. I don't know what, you know, they just changed him up. But yeah, I don't know why the Papa Shango thing didn't get over. Looks like they sent him down to like a developmentally, I'm just on the Wikipedia page because I was wondering, but then he came back as, as Kama and then Kama Mustafa and then, you know, all that stuff. So.
One of mine is the boogeyman, just because the dedication to the gimmick. The worms. Yeah, just painting. I mean, the guy was just, yeah, it was just scary. Yeah, he was just eating the worms and, you know, popped his teeth out for the gimmick and, you know, was living the life. Yeah, he looks like, he was like the Darth Maul before there was Darth Maul, you know? Oh, good call. Yeah, he did. Yeah, so like I said, the eating worms and making other people eat worms, like that just like,
freaked me out. Yeah. I had Waylon Mercy on my list, too, who only wrestled for probably six months. But he had like a very Cape Fear, Robert Downey Jr. type gimmick. And he was, you know, just seemed like a psychopath.
Yeah, when you mentioned him, I had to like actually go back and do a YouTube search and then like, you know, I was like, what's up? What? I wonder why he thinks this guy's spooky. And then all of a sudden I was like, oh yeah, he has like the creepiest five. And it was like a very unsuspecting like, you know, predator, not like predator, you know, alien and predator, like, you know, just like a, like a predator.
Yeah, like the, like the, the, the blade, like the knife tattoo in the middle was forehead. Yeah, it's just creepy looking dude. Uh, Halloween havoc. I never really watched much of those. I wasn't a big WCW guy until, you know, the Monday night wars kicked, kicked off.
But I do remember loving the spin the wheel, make the deal. I don't know why they don't do that. I don't know why they don't do a Halloween themed pay-per-view. The WWE just kind of, I mean, I'm sure they own the name to Halloween Havoc, right?
I think when I was looking it up, I think Halloween Havoc is still unclaimed. I don't think anyone owns the trademark to Halloween Havoc. I could be wrong, but I looked it up because I was thinking. I was like, oh my God, Halloween Havoc. Obviously, it's a popular opinion. People would love to see Halloween Havoc come back because it's just epic. You just remember those sets and how amazing they were.
Let's think back to October. We didn't have any major pay-per-views this month. We could have totally had a Halloween habit. We had Evolution, we had Super Showdown, and obviously we have Crown Jewel coming in a couple days, or obviously on the second.
I'm like, why can't we do this? Make it happen. Especially for the Australian thing. I forget the name of it. You just said it and I totally forgot it. Super Showdown. Super Showdown. That's the worst name ever. It sounds like an 80s TV show. Well, they totally missed the mark by not calling it Super Showdown Under. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. Make it like a specialty pay-per-view. Do some gimmick stuff and then it has its own place outside of the WWE storylines from Raw and just make it fun.
Yeah, some noteworthy Halloween Havoc matches that I remember were obviously like the first Halloween Havoc with, it was like the Thunderdome cage match with, it was Sting and Flair versus Terry Funk and Muda. And it was an 89 and it was, so it was like Rick Flair and Sting and they had Ole Anderson in their corner.
And it was Terry Funk and the great mooda and they had Gary Hart in their corner and Bruno San Martino was the guest referee. So they dropped down this like giant cage and it was like electric at the top. Um, and the crowd was just like on fire that night, which I was like, you know, going back and watching like, you know, eighties crowd, like it's so awesome. Like nobody's on their cell phone. Everybody's engaged in the, in what's
There's a bunch of old ladies for some reason, always old ladies. When do you ever see that now? No one's over 40 years old at wrestling shows. That is total grandma goals. I see all those little old ladies in the crowd and I'm like, God, I wish my grandma would have been into wrestling because that would have been so freaking awesome. You ever see that gif of Hogan getting in the face of some grandma when he was in the NWO?
Oh my god, I'll send that to you, it's hilarious. There was a cool match between Big Van Vader and Cactus Jack that Conrad Thompson always brings up just because Cactus Jack took some bumps, it peeled up the mats on the outside and he just took some
you know, flat back bombs, like right to the concrete, man. Oh, freaking Vader and, you know, Mick Foley, like they they beat the hell out of each other, like legit, like, you know, like the career ending injury type stuff, you know, like today in today's world would not would not get over. But yeah, any time you get those two together, it's going to be it's going to be an epic match. There's also one, the one that you were talking about, the spin the wheel, make the deal, which is so freaking
such a cool idea you know like you're not going to know what this gimmick is for the match until the match right um and they built it up and they did this like really cool commercial and it was like a mini movie have you ever seen it like the the commercial that they did with like jake the snake and like the wheel and like there's this chanting there in this like dark bar somewhere and sting comes in um that's awesome
oh it was so cool it was like it was legit like a little mini movie um you can find it on youtube if you just search like you know coal miners glove you know commercial or whatever um but like they had all these things and like they got jake the snake like going you know yeah it could be a cage match or a death match or a barbed wire match or an i quit match you know but you're not gonna know hahaha and then it was like the coal miners glove and i was just like what the freak like i
Why, you know, and it's like, to me, I was like, well, WCW is probably just like, well, do we want to load up this cage and all of this barbed wire and haul it, haul it over here? Or maybe we could just take this glove and make a gimmick out of it, you know? But apparently the, the wheel was not.
Gimmicked like it was like legit just landed on oh The coal miners glove like you know all the out of all those amazing matches that we could have seen The coal miners club have you ever watched that match? No, no, I remember hearing about it, but oh my gosh It was like too tall and they couldn't even climb up it so tall so tall and like you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jake the snake was not getting his big ass up there like you know he got up on the top rope once and act like pretended like he was gonna climb the pole and
Yeah, it was not happening. And then, you know, I don't know, it was just like, what there was like this non specific metal, like wrapped around the glove, you know, like, I don't know, I've never cold minded, I don't have any coal miners in my family. So I don't know if that's really what the gloves look like or not. But I thought it was was pretty crazy, you know, because when you think about like all of the, you know, famous weapons and wrestling, you know, chairs, kendo sticks, like ring bells,
like coal miners glove isn't going to be in anybody's like top 100. No, no, no, but it's definitely a good idea. I would hope WWE brings something back somewhere to that. So, uh, definitely, you know, that's the, that's the beauty of the WWE network that you can go back and watch all this stuff. And, uh, I know you've, you've put some cool stuff on Instagram, just kind of going through the pay-per-view. It was on WWE 2k 19 and, um, the sets look awesome on there for the new, for the new game for Halloween Havoc.
Oh, yeah. And you know, he'll husband's universe. I mean, he goes all out and I mean, he puts together some pretty incredible, incredible matches and he just like he has like everyone. So it's like nothing's off limits, which I absolutely love about 2k 19. Like he has all these like dream matches that you know, you would you would want to see in real life and like they come to life on your screen.
That's awesome. Yeah, I need to pick that up. I'm waiting for the Black Friday deals where it's like 20 bucks off or something. Yeah, for sure. I used to play video games a good amount, but I buy maybe one or two a year. And I bought Madden. I still haven't even played it. I haven't touched it once. My time is so limited that I don't even think to play video games. But there's some great ones out right now.
Oh yeah, before the Babyface, Seth and I, we used to play Madden together all the time and we had our own franchise and everything. And then obviously, like you said, your time is just so limited and unpredictable with those little people running around. But yes, Seth just picked up Red Dead Redemption, which is supposed to be one of the most epic video games. It's supposed to be on par with Zelda Ocarina of Time.
I did pick up one of the old school Nintendo retro kind of little tiny systems that have like 50 games on it. Oh, that's cool. I've been playing Dr. Wario or Dr. Mario, whatever it is, like a crackhead.
Yeah, we have an original NES and then a super NES. We used to have them hooked up, but I'm excited to break those out once the babyface is old enough to play video games and play some of those old stuff. So we are at the 50-minute mark here.

Wrestling Figure Acquisitions and Giveaways

I'm ready to talk some wrestling figures and it's a big part of what we wanted to do this podcast about. We recorded the last episode and I don't think we gave enough time to what we wanted to talk about. So what we're going to do every week is tell you guys what we bought, go through some news and some rumors of what's going on in the wrestling fig world.
I think in the next couple weeks, I definitely want to do a figure collecting 101 episode of where's the best place to get them, best place to store them, best way to trade them and find them on the web. So there's the baby face making an appearance. Oh, yeah. Sorry. No, it's all good. It's all good. The whole family's talking now. Nice. What did you buy this week? You got a pretty big delivery from ringside collectibles, I saw.
Oh, yeah. So we got we got a huge haul in from hang on just one moment. Let me let me handle these dogs for one. All good. All right. So, yeah. So Seth ordered a bunch of stuff during the ringside. They had a promotional sale for Halloween and we just got it in and it was like loaded to the brim. We got the Milkemania set, which was so freaking awesome. Like, I don't know if you've seen this up close, Phil, but it's got Kurt Angle.
Um, it's got Stephanie with two different headset, like head scopes. Like she's got her, you know, before and then after she's drenched in the milk. And then obviously you have a stone cold in there and it is just like so, so good. I love stone cold. That WCW t-shirt. That's a pretty cool figure. Are you going to keep that, uh, in the, in the box? Cause the box is pretty cool. Or do you, do you guys always take stuff out?
We always unbox everything. So I know like all you mints on box collectors like, oh, but we always take everything out of the box. We are keeping the Milkomania box though, because it's, it's super cool. So we are keeping it as like a, a keepsake, but yeah, everything's, we gotta, you gotta let the figures breathe. Let me breathe. Yeah. Yeah. We got to store that.
Put that Kurt angle up with like the milk hose like it looks so freaking awesome. Nice awesome Yeah, and you got a bunch of other stuff too. Yeah, we got the undisputed era set which was incredible we got Elite 62 sting which is like the the green and black got the face paint like awesome
And then Elite 64, Seth Rollins, which is like the, oh my gosh, what's the guy, the diner's, Guy Fieri, the Guy Fieri pants. Oh yeah, he does. But that's a great, that's a great scan of Rollins face. He looks super legit on that.
Yeah, they use the True Effects face skin. So yeah, it looks really, really good. He's got the interchangeable hands. And we even fixed him up. I can't remember which, I wish I could remember. We gave him a shout out on the Instagram, but I can't remember. Seth got a burn it down shirt to take that Seth Rollins a little bit further. So it looks totally legit.
And then entrance greats Goldberg. I have like one qualm with this figure like the figures awesome But the back of the package has like those sparks like all the you know like when he comes out like you have the pyro and everything if They had like put it in the box like that like put the sparks behind the figure it would have looked so so so mage and
And I'm like, if I was an inbox figure collector, I would be pissed. That is on the back of the box instead of inside the bubble. Yeah, that is weird. Yeah. Because I'm looking at it right now. It just has kind of like a red background with some spotlights on it. It's just the same standard entrance grates thing. And I'm like, dude, that would have been so. And if you look, like I said, I don't know if you've seen the back, but the back of it is so freaking awesome.
But we also got Shield, Kurt Angle, which is a ringside exclusive. Does he have the derpy smile that he had when he was walking down? That was my favorite when Rollins and Ambrose were looking all badass and then, you know, Angle's just smiling his ass off.
He does have a derpy smile. Sorry, Kurt. Like, I love Kurt Angle. Oh, I love Kurt Angle. Yeah, he just, he just, sometimes the things he does and says, I'm just like, oh my God. Like, he just cracks me up and he's not even trying to be, trying to be funny, which is, which is what I love about him. Um, and then we got the elite, the top talent, um, seriously elite AJ. He's got like silver pants, black knee pads, um, and then like black and silver vest. Um,
And then the interchangeable hands, obviously, and he's got the hood. So, and what else did we get? Oh, oh, we got the, uh, the Matt Hardy, the Ringside exclusive, like, you know, young Matt Hardy. ECW champ, right? Yeah. Yeah. Very cool. And then we got flashback. So it's been a big week. We got flashback series three too. So stone cold, Ricky the dragon, steamboat, Harley race, and then like that mid nineties, Jake the snake, and it had build a figure commissioner, Sean Michael. So it was a big, big figure week for the, the chick pulley fam.
That Jake Roberts, the snake is awesome in that. And I do like that Jake Roberts is just kind of like, you know, he's not like muscle bound. He definitely has like the dad bod going on. Yeah. Revelations, right? That is the snake. Yeah. Yeah. And the Harley race figure. I've never seen Harley race wrestle always before my time, but that figure is pretty badass looking too.
Oh yeah. I love any figure with like a, uh, with like a King's cape, except for maybe, um, Wade Barrett. Yeah. His King cape was pretty late. Look like Cruella de Vil or something. It was pretty bad.
I was able to pick up the entire Series 6 of the retro Mattel figures, Nakamura, Daniel Bryan, the Wolfpack Sting, and Bray Wyatt. I'm definitely keeping, I don't know what I'm doing with these. I have them since the beginning. I've kept them all in the package and I've never been like a big guy to keep stuff in the package still, but I just, I don't know.
But I've been finding like the original ones like The Undertaker and Triple H and Mankind and Kane at like a little store for like three or four bucks. I've been buying those and then putting them loose with all my old Hasbros. So if I can find them cheap like that, I'm definitely going to do it. And you were able to find me, the retro Ric Flair at one of your local Hawaii targets, which I appreciate very much.
Yeah, for sure. For sure. I'm always looking to hook up another, another member of the fig life community. Uh, like Seth always says, he's like, if I ever had the space or if I ever win the lottery, I'm going back and just putting together an entire set of like original retros, um, like the Hasbro's. So.
Yeah, that's my mission right now. I'm working on getting a lot of like 20 or 30 of them from a dude I've met off of Facebook and some skeevy Hasbro Facebook groups. So we'll see how that goes. But yeah, some of the newer ones, well, newer, like the 123 Kid ones are super, super expensive. I don't know if they were just more limited, like the Smoking Guns and Ludwig Borga and Yokozuna.
I'll probably have to wait on those guys. But yeah, that's been kind of my passion project as far as collecting. Yeah, Seth has a ton of the originals back home at his parents' house, but they're like beat all to hell. They legit got played with so, so much. Yeah, I was surprised. I still had all my, I have the Razor Ramon necklace and all that. My wife's like, how did you keep this stuff? I don't know. I was pretty anal about my toys when I was a little kid, so I guess it pays off.
Yeah it's you know but I mean as a kid like you never think I mean I guess now as toy collectors like we're like the gym we're like generation toys I feel like I feel like we're the ones who like we played with our figures and now we collect figures like our generation of people you know and I just feel like now like
Like, kids aren't really collectors, you know? Like, I don't know. Like, I feel like the next generation, they're not going to be, like, super, like, into collecting this. I think it's just, like, the nostalgia that us- Oh, for sure. Yeah. Us zinnials and millennials, early millennials have.
And I tried to, I also picked up a ton of stuff from, there's a store near me called Ollie's Outlet, which is basically like just a junk store where stores, after stuff gets old, they just send it to them and mark it down like crazy. But I found a bunch of old school elites, I think it was like, I talked to you, I was texting you about it, it was like 84 or 85. And they were like seven or eight bucks. I was like, man, let me just grab these and we'll do a giveaway with some of those as the weeks go on.
Yeah, we used to have a place like that back home called like Big Lots. Yeah, we still have that. But I've heard of people finding figs there too. Nice. Yeah, so I guess we can announce our giveaway for this week. We kind of announced it already on the first episode that didn't make air that's lost in the archives. It's the mythical episode for all of you guys who got to hear the first one. Sign up for the Patreon. If you spend $100 a month, we'll send you that episode for sure. We're both underwater.
Yeah, it's pretty, it's pretty, not our best work, but you know. The second episode, what do you expect? You gotta work out the kinks, right? Even the greatest podcasters of all times have had their not best episodes. There you go. So what was the giveaway this week and who won that bad boy?
So we were giving away a NECA Ultimate Pennywise figure, an OG Pennywise, which is just an incredible figure. I posted my personal one on the Chick Foley Instagram, and it is just such an amazing figure. It comes with balloons, multiple head scans, and we were giving it away to people who
Download the episode and then DM us that they were listening to the episode. So we had 37 entrants into the contest and our lucky winner is a friend of Chick Foley, Hulk smash dad. I'm so excited to send you your it ultimate NECA figure. And so make sure you DM Chick Foley with your address and we will get that sent out to you as soon as possible.
This week we will be announcing another contest, so stay tuned for that. We'll announce the details and stuff on the Chick Foley Instagram. We're gonna be giving away an entrance great Bobby Rude, which if you know what that fear looks like, it is glorious, yes.
I've been meaning to use the, I don't like myself, I love myself tagline for you when this show started, but I forgot to, but that was like the best line. I don't know what made me think of that just now, but that line from Becky was the best a couple weeks ago. I feel like we need to make that a drop for a podcast. Yeah, if anyone listening can make us some audio sound clips, I will definitely reimburse you either with monetarily or with wrestling figures for sure. So hit us up.
Chick Foley at

Dream Wrestler Interviews

Uh, speaking of Ask Chick Foley, we do have some, uh, listener mail. So yeah, yeah, we can go into, um, this, this one comes into us from Joe Harrison. He says, first off, congratulations on everything. Second, if you could interview any wrestler,
pastor present, and then in quotes he says, besides Bret Hart and Seth Rollins, he acts like I'm like bias or something. He said- He knows you well. Yeah, no, he's been following Chick-fil-A for a very, very long time. So he was one of the OG followers, so he's been with us for a while, he knows the deal. He said, who would it be and why? Thank you so much and keep on being badass. And so my answer would be Stone Cold Steve Austin. Oh, that's a great one.
Yeah, we already know so much about Stone Cold. He has his own podcast. He's given us the deal, you know, his stories of the road and all of that. But he, to me, he's just like my type of people. Like he is just like a down home, like country boy. Like I would feel comfortable just sitting with him and like shooting the breeze, drinking African, you know, broken school IPA and just kicking back around like a campfire or something. You know what I'm saying? Like he's just like, yeah.
Yeah, he just sounds like he's like my normal type of person that I would like to hang out with. So if I could just sit with anybody and interview him, it would definitely be the Global Icon National Treasure Stone Cold Steve Austin. What about you, Phil? Oh, he would probably have some great stories, man. He probably would definitely be fun to drink a beer with, for sure. Oh, yeah. I said Macho Man Randy Savage because we didn't get to hear much from him.
I don't know if you want to say Black Ball or what it was, but he wasn't featured on WWE television for a while, even after his death. But he was around for the heyday of WWF and went to NWO and helped build up WCW and was just taken from us way too early and was, I think, one of the most underrated wrestlers of all time. I loved watching him wrestle.
He was such a great personality and I'm sure he had a ton of great stories. It was one of my favorite episodes of something to wrestle with was the Macho Main episode they did.
Yeah. It was pretty, it was pretty cool hearing like Bruce, Bruce's take since he's so close to, you know, Vince and everything, like, you know, kind of hearing that side of it. But yeah, that was an awesome question. Joe comes from, from no comparison. Joe Harrison, you can find Joe, um, you know, on Instagram at O M G I J H and then Twitter, Joey H 1984. He is a, he's a wrestler. So make sure you support him. We like to support all of our, all of our up and coming wrestlers.
Oh, hell yeah. Nice. That's awesome. Yeah, askchickfully at Shoot us an email there. I also wanted to touch on some notes I have here from Ringside Fest, which this is the first I've ever heard about Ringside Fest. I'm just now getting more into collecting. I'm sure you're more aware of it. What is the size of this? Not as many releases as a Comic Con would be, but it's a pretty big event.
Yeah. I mean, as far as I know, I've never personally been to a ringside fest, but they always unveil, like they bring the heat every, every time you can always expect some serious like drops and you know, prototypes and everything to be released at a, at ringside. And obviously, you know, it's, it's wrestling figures. Whereas comic con, like you're looking for everything like, you know, Funko pops and like all of that, but like ringside is like, they're your go-to for like your, your wrestling drops.
One of the guys I follow on Instagram elite underscore toy underscore hunter underscore 24 was it was there and he Put on his Instagram story that they're stopping the Walmart flashbacks and the Hall of Champions after this next wave. They're done Did you hear this?
I did not hear that. No. Yeah. Oh man. I'm stumping the queen here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He didn't, he, I guess he talked to Bill Makita, whatever his name is. And he let them know that they're stopping those. I love those hall of champion figures. Those new, new age outlaw ones coming out are fire. I love the demon cane one. Yeah. They're cool, man.
They're just always up to something. It's just like with anything else. They give you just enough to make you be like, yeah, this is awesome. And then they take it away. They change it up to something else. But yeah, there was some pretty awesome. What was the figure that you were most excited to see on the lineup?
I love that Sensational Sherry Elite. I figured if it's a Walmart or a Target exclusive, it's one of the two. Walmart. I was listening to a podcast and it said Walmart was getting the Sensational Sherry. Nice. Yeah, that's pretty cool. My mom's works at Walmart, but you would think I would have a hookup there. I ask her to let me know when stuff comes in. She works in the back, kind of in the receiving stuff, and I never hear anything from her.
Oh, you need to be, you know, greasing your mom up a little bit. I know, man, right? Yeah, I mean, give her some free wine from time to time to see the deal. Yeah, like if you see Mattel boxes come in, please just send me a text message with a photo. It could be that she's embarrassed to ask for wrestlers for her, you know, 36-year-old son. That might be what it is. Oh, I can tell you the idea. Blame it on the grandson, you know.
I can totally see that. Seth went to bi-figures one time and he had a hall and the lady was like, oh, are these for your, this is before we had the baby face, mind you. And he was like, oh, are these for your kid? And he was like, yes. I'm like, you punk, like you sold out, you know. Yeah. Sometimes it's easier than just the follow up questions like, you know, like we're, or that judgmental look with her like, Oh wow. Okay. Yeah.
Yeah, but did you see that the the sherry like so her dress she has a cloth dress so the dress comes off and then There is a ring gear underneath two figures. Yeah, two figures in one which I thought was pretty cool. It's pretty cool Yeah, I did like they had a prototype of the velveteen dream. They're one of them Yeah, yeah, yeah him and Eric young that Naya figure is pretty impressive too and she comes with multiple head scans, which I thought was awesome and
Yeah, that's a new thing they've started to do recently, also with the

Wrestling Figure Details and Updates

hands. They've never done those before, have they? Multiple heads and things like that? No, we'll see. So I guess for the women, from what I understand, the women are not going to have interchangeable hands. So some of the figures are going to come with interchangeable heads. So I was like, okay, I appreciate that. I prefer more face scans than I do hands anyway. Oh, for sure. Yeah, they also had a cool Elias entrance crate, which looked pretty nice.
The only thing I don't like, I mean, I love Elias, but the figure just doesn't, you know, he doesn't have much to him when he comes out. You know, it's not like he has like a, I mean, he has the scarf, has a guitar, you know, doesn't have much of a, you know, discernment outfit besides that. But I also had a cool elimination chamber, even though it was a basic ring, not the elite full-size rings that I, me and my son used, but pretty badass nonetheless.
Yeah. Yeah. I dig the elimination chamber. I'm, I'm hoping that they're going to come out with the, uh, the full scale size for, you know, for us grownups collecting our elites for, you know, I'm sure that's going to be a pretty penny, but, uh, well worth it. Oh yeah. It's, it's not going to be cheap and I'm sure it'll be hard to hunt down there and they're going to make you buy it. They're going to put some exclusive figure in there that you must have. Um, you know, that you can only get with the elimination chamber, like a, like a Mabel, you know, King Mabel or something. Yeah.
Oh, it would be so dope. I mean, obviously this has nothing to do with the elimination chamber, but if they, like, you know, did a Black Friday drop, I keep waiting for them to drop the gobbledygooker on, like, a Black Friday, like, surprise thing, but, like, they did the, you know, chamber and they put the googer in there and you had to buy it, because I would totally spend the money on the chamber to get that gobbledygooker figure.
I saw, I don't know why I'm so obsessed with this, but I saw on like the Comic Con, they had like a Carmella, I don't know if it was an elite or what, but she had like the money in the bank outfits, just like with a bunch of dollar bills, like bills all over the outfit. And I haven't seen any update of when this is coming out or what it is. And this was like almost a year ago. So I don't know what the deal is. So it's been my personal mission to find out. Find it. Yeah. If anyone knows out there, let us know.
Yeah, for sure. But yeah, there was so much heat that was dropped. The rusev I wasn't crazy about. The Roman with the Shaka, I kind of popped for because, you know, obviously the Shaka hand I was down with, you know, being an island dweller. Let's see what else we got. Got another Undertaker. He's part of Series 93. Oh, it's basic. Let's see what else. There's a Ronda Rousey Elite 65. I don't know if they've announced the rest of the people in that set, but that looks pretty cool.
Yeah, it's like contract signing, like, you know, Rowdy, Roddy Piper leather jacket, Ronda Rousey. Yeah. Yeah. There's going to be all kinds of stuff for us. They're trying to get us right before, you know, holiday season, trying to open, open our wallets up. Yeah. I'm sure in the next couple of weeks, stores are going to start finally stocking stuff. So, uh, Oh my gosh. I went into Target last night and they had already like started putting Christmas and stuff up and in Walmart too. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, Halloween hasn't even happened yet.
Yeah, that's sad, man. I mean, as much as I love Christmas, yeah, it's crazy.

Crown Jewel Preview and Shoutouts

So we will be back next week. We will be previewing probably the crown jewel pay-per-view coming up from Saudi Arabia. We'll get into more figure talk, and we'll do that, announce the giveaway for Bobby Rood. Anything else you wanted to touch on from Ringside Fest or any other figure collecting news that we have?
Yeah, I think we covered it. I just want to say thank you to everyone who listened, subscribed, shared our podcast, spread the word. It means more to us than you guys can even know. So keep doing your thing, keep sharing the love, and yeah, we'll keep bringing you more and more stuff.
For sure. I'll also shout out real quick before I forget to the guys from the Fully Opposable podcast, Buddies of Ours, that are going to be featured on the Netflix show. I forget the name of it every time I talk about this. The toys that made us or something? Yeah. Pretty awesome, man. Those guys are super knowledgeable.
Yeah, totally well deserved. And I'm, I'm super, super excited to see, you know, what, what they bring, and they're going to be introducing a whole new, a whole new group of people to, to wrestling figures, which I think is just awesome. And all of it is well-deserved. They are great guys. And I'm excited to see what it does for their podcast. Um, and just everything there, they're great people over there.

Halloween Costume Excitement

For sure. Sheena, enjoy Halloween. I can't wait to see the pictures of you as Andre the Giant. Since I never thought I'd say. I know. I can't wait to see your family costumes as well. And make sure you tag Chick Foley. I always love seeing all your guys wrestling inspired costumes. So if you've got kiddos that are dressing up as superstars or you're dressing up as a superstar, please make sure to tag Chick Foley. I love seeing those things and I'll be sharing some on our stories and everything. So yep. Y'all have a great week.
All right, Sheena, enjoy. Stay classy out there, peckerheads. We'll talk to you next week. For sure. Take it easy.
And I'm coming to get you!