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RAW Reunion Recap: Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and.....Eve Torres? image

RAW Reunion Recap: Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and.....Eve Torres?

The Chick Foley Show
8 Plays5 years ago
Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and.....Eve Torres? Sheena and Phil recap the RAW Reunion plus discuss the updated Summerslam card, 24/7 title ridiculousness, The O.C. and much more! Patreon link:

Critique of Performer's Actions

to write your ticket. You had a chance to go off into the sunset as the greatest performer of all time. And what did you do? Every single chance you got, you shuffled back out here and waved to the crowd. It was embarrassing. It was as embarrassing as those wannabe legends last night, as embarrassing as Goldberg in a wrestling ring. You were embarrassing.
I'm gonna tell you something that no one else around here has the guts to say to your face. You were embarrassing. I'm not gonna disagree with you. It was embarrassing. I was embarrassed.
Do you wanna know something? What's more embarrassing to me is working your whole career, given everything you've got, and still left with nothing except being known as a second-rate Shawn Michaels wannabe. He said it. He went there, Tom.
Sean Michaels bringing the heat on the intro.

Introduction to the Chick Foley Show

It's the Chick Foley show. Welcome as we approach SummerSlam. We're in the middle of the summer here. I'm in the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios here in Baltimore. I am Phil Gentile. I'm the hot take kid. The lovely Sheena Phelps coming to us from beautiful downtown Norfolk, Virginia. How you doing Sheena?
Can you hear me, man? I don't know why. My thing cut out. I can't believe we're already having technical issues at the top of the show. That is not a good sign. Oh, I can hear you. I can hear you good. You didn't hear anything I said. I had a pretty fire intro there. Yeah, I heard your intro. And then you went to the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studio. And then you drowned, man. I was like, oh, god. I think Phil fell into the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. And he's in the Upside Down.
That'd be a good place to drown in like sushi and crab cakes and all that stuff Yeah, if you gotta go Jimmy's famous seafood will be a nice place to go. How are you? What's new?

Parenting and Intern Insights

Nothing man. He'll husband is back for the time being so that has been nice having having him here and
you know, taking a little bit of the, uh, the parenting, uh, you know, the share of the parenting responsibility. So that's been, that's been cool. And just, you know, like I said, it sucks, sucks being here alone when you're like the only adult, you know, and it's like, Oh, I'm talking to a toddler who can't very well communicate with me. But, uh, other than that man, just same old, same old.
For the second week in a row, we have the intern of all interns, Marco Denton, on the line here. He's going to be with us for the next couple of weeks here. And he's been kicking it with us. You can follow Marco on Twitter. That's InglouriousGNT, InglouriousGent. What's going on, Marco? Nothing much. Just having a fun day today. Kind of remind myself to never
comment on a Chick-Fully post on IG ever again.
People like to really come for people who comment on it. I mean, they do it to me all the time, but it's funny when it happens to other people. I can't tell you how many huge arguments I've just seen go down in the comment section of Chick Foley posts. So yeah, it was pretty funny. It was a Ko-fi comment, which was very unexpected. So yeah, I couldn't believe that they came out and drove. It was only one guy, but it was seriously.
you know, upset about, upset about your opinion. But he's been, he's been falling cheek fully for a long time. It's pretty funny that he felt so strongly about, about Kofi as champion. Um, basically what happened was he was, he was going off saying Kofi was a terrible champion. Uh, Marco was defending him and then it all just kind of like the went down from there. But yeah, it was funny to watch. It's funny to be behind the scenes and watch it all unfold in the, in the comment section.

Wrestling Fans' Changing Opinions

I love how everyone wanted Seth and Kofi to be champion. And now like those are the two guys getting like, and now everybody wants, you know, make Finn Balor champion that. And then three months later, people will be sick of that wrestling fans. And now I can say this is a wrestling fan. Wrestling fans are the worst sometimes. They really, they really are.
Fickle fickle dude. I literally just had this discussion with heel husband. I was like, why is everybody shitting on coffee right now? Oh my dude It was like what was it? WrestleMania was like that was like what three months ago, right less than three months ago and People were I mean it was like coffee mania You know people were so behind Kofi pushing and people are so ready to like push these mid carters to the moon which is where Kofi had been right like right right in the mid car top of the mid car but I
right there. Um, and then that's the problem with these mid carters is when they do get those championship pushes, like people turn against them and it's like, it pisses me off every single time. Cause I'm like, this is what you asked for. This is what you wanted. And now you're mad about it, you know? Um, and it just, God,
That's why those guys, you know what, that's why those guys are mid-Karters and they're mid-Karters for a reason. You know, they're not the Seth Rollinses and the John Cena's of the world and the Brock Lesnar's of the world. Like those are your main eventers and people get pissed off that they get pushed all the time. But this is exactly what happens when a mid-Karter gets pushed to the moon and gets a championship title reign as the fans turn on them and it just pisses me off. Yeah, sometimes wrestling fans are the worst. And I can say that because I am a wrestling fan.
It's the same way it's not to single out wrestling fans when you are deep. I was on Raven's Twitter for a long time and I listen to sports talk radio all the time. Diehard fans, if anything, are really the worst because they're just so invested and they just are so... We just want the newest, greatest thing because we've seen everything
you know,
meaningful more exciting run than Seth even has this this go around you know but like you said it's kind of like when you know watching college basketball like everybody likes to see you know um these these you know lower level teams these undercard teams like go go on these huge runs and then when they get to like the elite eight people like why am i watching middle tennessee state in the elite eight like you know and you're like you were just cheering for this team you know what i mean like you were just
You were just behind this team and now all of a sudden you're watching them in what's supposed to be some of the most exciting games of the year and you're pissed off that they're there. That's exactly what happens with these guys. Me, I watch wrestling to be entertained. I take it for what it's worth. I'm not above criticizing the things that I dislike and talking about ways that they can improve.
But I am not just going to sit here and be pissed off and nitpick every little thing and then continue to still watch it, right? That's what I get so pissed off about wrestling fans is they nitpick every single little thing and then they keep watching and I'm like, dude, this is your one precious life and your precious hours of the day. And wrestling takes up a lot of your week. Let's be real, if you're watching wrestling, all the wrestling that's out there, it takes up a lot of your week and you're spending a lot of time being angry.
Speaking of criticizing, you can follow us on social media and criticize us there. That's always fun. It's at Chick Foley on Instagram to get in touch with Sheena, and I am at I hate J.J. Reddick. And the show is at Chick Foley show on Twitter, so hit us up there. And if you need to send us an email, it's askchickfolly at
And feel free to go to iTunes and leave us a nice five star review, five star Frog Splash review there. It's always nice to get those, right? We always appreciate those reviews. And tell us what you like about the show. Let's get some plugs out of the way first, you know, before we get into Raw and SmackDown. Our friends at Ringside Collectibles sponsor the show. They have all the fire, all the heat. We'll get into it later in the show with some
pre-sale stuff going on over there. It's chick Foley is the coupon code for 10% off at ringside collectibles. It's code chick at chalk line for 15% off. Yeah. Our buddies over at chalk line hooked it up. You know, I mean, listen guys, I don't know if you know, but like there's not a lot of people out there that got, you know, the chalk line, the chalk line hookup, right? And we're, we don't get, I don't get a kickback on this, you know, but chalk line, like I'm a hardcore supporter for chalk line. I just love their product. I love what they're doing.
Um, and, uh, yeah, they're going to give you 15% off anything that you purchase from their site, uh, by using code chick. So they don't give, they don't give out, they don't give out coupon codes just to anybody. So you're, you're part of a very exclusive club. If you use the chick, the chick coupon code.
100%. Yeah, they have some great stuff over there. And sort of the folks at Collar and Elbow, it's and use code CHICK for 10% off there. I've sung their praises. Sheena has sung their praises. They've got some badass shirts. Their prices are really good. They've got to always have some sales going on there. They've got shirts for less than $10. Yeah, you can't beat that.
If you want to get some Chick Foley swag, go over to and search Chick Foley show. You can find our shirts there. And we appreciate all the support. So that's all the plugs, man. These are three. I tweeted about it this week. These are three. If you're a wrestling fan, three websites you need to support because they're huge parts of the wrestling business. They all live and breathe wrestling.

Raw Reunion Review

So you should support them like you support us.
for sure. Um, but let's just jump right into it this week. It's, you know, we don't have a ton to talk about, but we have, we have some really interesting, some really interesting things to talk about here at the top of the show. We had, um, an odd week of raw. We had the raw reunion.
Um, which is a first, right? I mean, we've had nostalgia shows in the past. Obviously we had smackdown 1000 and we had, um, you know, uh, what was it? Raw 20, uh, raw 25. And, um, but yeah, this raw reunion, I thought personally, um, I'll just give my, my overall thoughts here. It's, I thought it was better than either one of those shows. As far as nostalgia shows go, I thought it was the best of the bunch that we've had in recent years.
For sure. Real quick, Marco just reminded me, if you place an order with each of those websites, Collin Elbow, Ringside, and our friends over at Chalk Line, you should take a screenshot of your order for all three. We will get you on our show, and you can co-host a segment with me and Sheena. So that offer is standing. And back to the raw recap.
Um, yeah, it was, it was a good show. It was definitely interesting the way they did it. I was a little disappointed because with all that talent in the building, Sheena and Marco, you can probably talk about this a little bit too. I don't know if you agree. I just, I was expecting more. I just feel like there wasn't anything really memorable besides the speech at the end from stone cold that we'll get to. There wasn't anything that really jumped out at me that I'm going to remember about this show in six months.
You know, I totally understand what you mean. It all kind of ran together and I felt like, unlike most raw episodes, I felt like it was moving very quickly. Like there were so many segments within the show that I felt like it was just like a constant...
a constant go go go go whereas raw you know you usually have these long drawn out like you know backstage segments or you know in ring segments and then you have the matches and you know you have all this stuff going on and you know ad breaks and whatnot but i felt like they just kept rolling out the the legends and then you know the different the different little comedy bits and the 24 7 title changing hands so i can totally see how like all of those segments kind of got lost in the shuffle a little bit and you don't there was nothing that was like
Super memorable, but when you go back and kind of like read it like if you go back and watch the recap You're like, oh, yeah, that was cool or oh, yeah That was that was funny, you know, like but it's I do agree that there wasn't other than stone cold There wasn't anything that was like a standout Moment, right? Yeah. What do you think Marco? Do you agree or you think it was a good show? I thought it was a good show. I thought it paced really well I'm gonna agree that they it did seem kind of rushed
Um, but it, I thought it was weird that it was, it fell rushed for a three hour show. Cause normally Ross seems like it takes Robert to end, but they show over some reason, just like dead by with like, and you were just like, that's, that's pretty, that's it. That's nothing like extra you want to add to it. Um, they couldn't even add in some of that after, um, raw stuff that they posted on there on a
But yeah, I thought it was a good show. And it did feel rushed, but it was good. They used the legend correctly. They didn't oversaturate anything. They made them work well with the current roster and stuff like that. So I thought they did a good job with that. It was an entertaining show, Sheena. I mean, I was entertained. I could say that.
Yeah, I saw a lot of criticism that, um, that the legends weren't putting over new talent. Um, which I can see both sides of that, right? Like I totally understand like getting the rub from, from a WWE legend, you know, it's, it's a great way to get put over and all of those things with the exception of, uh, Mick Foley and brave. We'll talk about that a little bit later, but, um, honestly, like I don't.
I don't even look at it like that. You know what I mean? I don't need John Cena and Rikishi to put over the revival. Do you know what I mean? I don't need that. The revival is going to beat up a broken down Rikishi who's not even cleared to do the stink face. You know what I mean? That's not going to do anything for me. Same with the whole people were so pissed off about.
the segment with, you know, uh, DX and the click and all of that, like, you know, and the, um, and the OC as they are referred to now, the, the club. Um, Oh my God, that, that just, it just aggravates the shit out of me when they just changed stuff for, for no apparent reason. And, and the OC of all things like,
why are you calling it the OC? But anyway, that's neither here nor there, but I don't care. It's not gonna do anything to me if AJ Styles and the club beat up a broken down Shawn Michaels, you know what I mean? That kind of stuff, I guess Shawn Michaels would be an exception because he's a little bit above your average legend, you know what I mean? He's in the upper echelon of the legends. He's not on a boogeyman level or something like that.
I don't to me. It doesn't take anything away. I feel like this was kind of a one-off show It didn't it kind of just it did what it was supposed to do for me it popped when I saw the legends and whatnot But I don't feel like
I don't feel like I expected there to be these groundbreaking moments that happened during the raw reunion. We know it is literally a ratings grab. They had more legends, I think, than they've had in previous nostalgia shows. I think, what was it, like 40 legends showed up, including Alicia Fox. That was odd. Yeah.
That was so odd. Me and Seth were looking at each other. I was like, why is Alicia Fox out there? What is happening right now? She's got that figure coming out. She's got to get some screen time. Some people don't, that doesn't turn into a peg warmer. True. That was the most Alicia Fox that I've seen in a very, very long time. But yeah, it's funny that it did happen immediately following her, and it's DCC.
figure reveal but um you know overall i you know i thought it was great the sina rap i thought they really like cut they cut low on some of these on some of these promos like when he talked about the usos getting arrested i was kind of like wait a minute was he supposed to say that you know and then the usos obviously played it off and they they all were kind of like hugging and whatnot and you know they was they could tell it was like a joke or whatever but i was like oh my god like i was like
Whoa, you know, I couldn't believe that WWE was making light of the fact that, you know, the Usos got arrested. I mean, one of them was like, uh, was it public intoxication? I don't think it was. It wasn't driving drunk, but I think it was like public intoxication.
Yeah, I think Naomi was driving down the wrong side of the road when they left like a bar or something and he like got out to like talk to the cop and just got mouthy or something from what I remember. There was a graphic that somebody posted on Twitter before the show of this Raw reunion. It has a bunch of superstars and it's literally Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Booker T, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Mark Henry, and Eve Torres.
Oh my God. Who made this graphic, seriously? You have some of the greatest wrestlers of all time and then Eve Torres. I didn't even recognize who that was. She's been gone. I won't even get on to the women. I was telling the heel husband,
the other day when it came on, I was like, yeah, you can definitely tell that's a different generation of women. Those are divas and the women we have now are female superstars. No shade to the divas. I mean, they did their thing. They were there when it was a different time and they served their purpose. And there were some great women's wrestlers back then, right? They couldn't help that WWE was kind of like living in that playboy.
era, right? Um, but at the same time, like there, there is a very stark difference in like someone like Becky Lynch or, you know, Ruby riots and looking at like Kelly Kelly. You know what I mean? Uh, it was, it's just kind of, it's just kind of like, um, you know, and the, the women that they had come on the show did, did nothing for me, especially a lunge or blaze. Oh my God. How much she's a 20, she's a 24 champion.
The 24 champion that like, when is WWE going to learn that you cannot give a Linger Blaze a hot mic? Like she is a walking dumpster fire on the microphone. She was at the Crockett Cup. I don't know if you, uh, watch the Crockett Cup, but she was introducing the.
the women's title and dude she had index cards like she was she couldn't even remember the people's name she kept reading the index cards and she screwed it up she couldn't even she didn't know who was wrestling it was horrible um and then there was something else that she did that i can't remember that she just complete oh during the the women's first royal rumble um jbl was trying to get her to like pick a winner and she could she just refused to like pick somebody like she didn't even know who was in the royal rumble and she was on like the pre-show commentary and i was like
oh my god you know of course i have like you know um a little bit of underlying beef with alundra blaze because she made extended eye contact with with seth at wrestle con like smiled at him and i was like bitch i was like back up uh no but but seriously like i have all the respect in the world for alundra blaze as far as like what she's accomplished in the ring and being a trailblazer for women's wrestling
But dude, stop bringing her out there. And she looked like one of the weird sisters from the Sabrina show. I mean, she was wearing that little witch costume. I hate when girls wear clothes like that, like that short dress with the short sleeves and the collar. It looks so stupid.
Listen, I don't mind a good like goth dress, right? Like if it's your style and that's what you're going for, but that was like, that's like completely, like that's not what a Lundra Blaze, like I've seen her wear other things. Like what was she, who picked that out for her? That is not her style. That is not, I mean, how old is she? That's from the dress barn down the street.
How old is she? No, it's from a Hot Topic freakin blowout sale. You know what I mean? Like that, that was like a, you know, Hot Topic dress that was on the clearance rack. Um, but also I hate that the only thing that WWE ever does was a Linger Blazer. I didn't even mean to get on a Linger Blaze tangent, but like her throwing the title away, like, okay, we get it. She's done so much in her career that was like great. And
this is the only thing that WWE ever does when they bring her out for a shtick is like, oh, let me throw the title away. You know, like that was, that was her low point. You know what I mean? Like that was like when I thought a Linger Blaze was like garbage, like no pun intended, right? Like I was like, why would she do that? Like that's freaking horrible. You know? Um, I'm going to play at the end of the show, but, uh, Michael Cole had a great line during that whole segment. And he's basically,
That's it. Yep. That's a trash can like people know it was a trash can if we couldn't tell oh My god. Yeah, like we didn't know all under blaze was reaching for a trash can first of all She said I'm not gonna be the 24 7 champion for very long and I was like, oh god, here we go You know, thank god. Thank god Ted DiBiase freakin
kind of ran in and saved the day and like bought the title before she like dumped it in the trash. But, um, you know, yeah, I know. Yeah. And she just took her money and run. I was like, please just, just don't ever show up on my TV again. Like no shade, but stay away. I've always had something for Candace Michelle, man. She still looks good. Still like with the, with like the Kim Kardashian bodysuit, whatever she was wearing. I mean, that was roll, that was roll tide. That sealed the show for me.
Yeah, but she was trying to do that like Nikki Bella like spin. Yeah. It was a slow spin. It was not happening. It was so awkward. I was like, are your hips okay? Like what's happening right now? You know, she was trying to do that, you know, the sexy twirl and it was just, it was just not, not good. But, um, yeah, there was a lot, there was a lot of really cool moments. I think what the 24 seven championship changed hands, like, like what's
eight times i can't remember exactly we'll have to get the stat guy on that um or the intern to look that up how many times it changed hands but um it was cool i think it kept the show going i think it gave people a lot of stuff to watch i didn't like that they let kelly kelly win that i think that was a huge missed opportunity i was listening to another podcast this morning and they were talking about how you know if you were gonna let a woman win like be a first woman
to win the 24 seven like why wouldn't you give that opportunity to Carmella you know what I mean somebody who's like dedicated like all these weeks to chasing the 24 seven title and been part of like you know all these sketches um have her turn on truth and
Yes, we've been saying that for weeks now, like how cool that would be, you know, for her to, for her to turn on our truth and like become the first women's 24 seven champion. But instead they like wasted that moment and wasted it on, um, you know, Kelly Kelly, which I mean,
by all intents and purposes as far as wrestling is concerned she's irrelevant you know now I mean I know I know she has some accolades from her from her from her day right don't don't all the Kelly Kelly fans come you know with your pitchforks at me but I mean
You know, she didn't deserve to have that bestowed upon her. Yeah, it should have been a current superstar. I mean, it could have been it could have been Drake, my wife, could have been Carmella. There's a lot of ways you could have gone with it, you know, over someone who really wasn't even you know, it wasn't even like they give it to Trish or Lita or something. They give it to Kelly Kelly, who's still like in her defense. She looks like she did when she was like 25. I mean, she looks freaking amazing, too. But I digress.
What did you like the fact that Pat Patterson didn't couldn't even like get down on

24/7 Title Criticism and Viking Raiders

the ground to do a cover. He just like he literally put his foot on. Who was that? I was totally. Yeah, I was totally there for that, though. I mean, dude, I love Pat Patterson. How old is Pat Patterson? I mean, he's got to be like freaking 70.
78 he is 78 years old no I did not want to see Pat Patterson on the ground rolling anybody up and like break a hip you know what I mean I think what he did was perfect seeing him when it was was super cool so I actually popped for that moment and I kind of popped for you know the boogeyman moment with the worms and
and all of that. So yeah, you know, I know a lot of people were like, Oh God, Pat Patterson couldn't even, you know, take a bump or anything. I'm like, God dang, he's 80 years old. You're probably 30 years old and couldn't take a bump. You know what I mean? Like, shut up. Very true. Yeah. I mean, I'm almost done with the 24 seven title just because the hardcore title was
like at least there was a little bit of a match that happened and now it's just I mean how many how many title teams have just been a roll up like just not even like when someone rolls you up and you're not even letting you're like a hundred percent health like is that really gonna pin like a professional wrestler like it's just it's just gotten to the point where it is funny but I don't know how much longer they're gonna be able to keep keep going
I was, something else I was listening to was talking about how the, yeah, how the roll up is so devastating. Like all the guys that are contending for the 24 seven title, like all you have to do is roll them up because like that, that movie is just absolutely devastating. There's no way to kick out of it because it works every freaking time, you know?
And I was like, yeah, you know what? So I mean, I knew it like you when you see it week to week, you're like, oh, God, I just gonna roll him up. But yeah, when you start to think about it, you're like, yeah, like that would that wouldn't work on anybody in any other situation unless it was like the end of a hard fought match or there was some sort of like, you know, distraction or, you know, something like that. But yeah, all the 24 seven guys just like get rolled up and, you know, there they go.
But yeah, the Viking Raiders, they squashed the Major Brothers, which was I was kind of OK with because I'm glad that they finally squashed somebody with some clout, you know, versus like just squashing jobbers. But I was surprised that, you know, they they put Zach and Kurt in that in that position.
Yeah, it needed to happen. I think you need to build those guys up for maybe a eventual few with AOP or a title run. It's a good way to get people back, get them in the forefront. I liked that. I also liked using Mick Foley to put over the fiend, which was probably the best segment of the night. That was really well done. And using that mandible claw, it's like a more of a heel move. I love to see him continue to use that move. That would be kind of a cool passing of the torch.
Yeah, I thought it was really cool and it looked really like devastating, you know, because he was like really digging it in there. And plus, you know, when you see like someone like that with that mask, I mean, obviously kind of like, you know, mankind, you know, just like this crazy psycho and this mask on top of you with, uh, you know, his, his hand in your mouth. Whoa, somebody's got their, their speaker on, but, um, yeah, I thought it was, I thought that was a cool moment and I thought it was cool that, you know, Mick Foley put, uh,
put Bray over. Also, I can't remember if I mentioned this last week, but I wish they would just call him the fiend instead of Bray. I think the fiend just sounds just sounds better. I did like how I
told you, you know, I know we're going to touch on SmackDown just a little bit, but how they did the SmackDown thing the next night, right? Like we were kind of wondering how it was all going to play out with the interview segments and whatnot. But since we're on the topic of the theme, I like how they did the Firefly Fun House, like the backstage promo. And he was kind of speaking for the Fiend, you know, I thought that was cool.
I thought it worked, you know, I was like, you know, I was like, kind of like when the Firefly Funhouse logo came up, I was a little bit like, oh, God, oh, God, what's going to happen? You know, how's this going to how's this going to work? And then after it was over, I was kind of relieved. I was like, OK, I could be down for this, you know, like the split personality type thing.
Yeah, I liked it a lot. I mean, it'd be cool to just continue that going. And even maybe have him as like a, how cool would it be to have him as like the fiend on Raw and then like this face tweener thing on SmackDown, just to kind of like, you know, he's like beating the shit out of somebody on Monday, then he apologizes about it on Tuesday or something and just like, you know, tries to make amends or something.
Definitely a ton they can do with that character. And we just needed something like that with the Undertaker being kind of on the way out. You have something more supernatural, more like kind of, it's not just a guy in shorts with a Joe Smith versus John Thompson or something. You have just a cool character. I'm looking forward to that match. It's one of the few matches I'm looking forward to at SummerSlam, that match against Finn Balor, the demon. Yeah. Demon Kang is gonna be good.
Yeah, I think it's going to be I think it's going to be really good. I mean, Summertime is shaping up to be good and we're going to touch on the card just a little bit. But as far as the raw reunion overall, I mean, we did have, you know, an amazing Mike and Maria Canella segment. If you didn't see that, you know, Maria was talking about her stretch marks.
Um, just just classic amazing stuff that you should definitely go back and watch on on the network I'm pretty sure it's probably still in the hulu version as well. Um, but gotta put that lotion on put the lotion on put the lotion on the skin like, you know, silence of the lambs, you know buffalo bill, you know, put the lotion on the skin Um, let's see what else what else happened on freaking raw

Stone Cold's Impactful Speech

reunion? I think um, I want to just go ahead and jump into uh
the moment with Stone Cold Steve Austin. I thought it was great. I thought it's just, to me, Stone Cold, he's always the same Stone Cold Steve Austin, no matter where you hear him, no matter where he is. I just love how authentic he is and how genuine he sounds, and he doesn't sound
super scripted I mean you know he even kind of came out and admitted like you know what I went backstage and I was asking you know what am I gonna say and like just be yourself you know and that's exactly what he was I mean when you listen to his podcast when you see the shows that he hosts like this is who he is you know and I thought it was just really cool for him to kind of like wrap the show up and kind of like put a nice little bow on the show and I heard him once say that you know the best gimmicks are just your own natural
persona and personality just like turned up to a thousand you know like who you are inside like just crank it all the way up to its most extreme um and that's who he is with with stone cold versus like being just steve austin you know it's it's the same guy it's just stone cold is literally like turned up to a thousand and i think that's what just makes him such an icon and such a legend and i mean
There's a reason why they saved him for the very last segment of raw. I mean, they knew people were not going to turn off their TVs until they saw Stone Cold Steve Austin, or even if they did turn off their TVs, they were going to turn it back on in that third hour to see what Stone Cold Steve Austin.
had to do you know and I was really pissed off because when the graphic first came up it was like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan I was like why are they lumping him in with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair you know what I mean like those guys aren't gonna have anything interesting to say at all you know I mean you know Ric Flair is just gonna do his same old you know woo which he didn't end up saying anything which I was okay with um and then Hogan did his his normal shtick right that you can you know you can always count on on the Hogan shtick
Um, but then Steve Austin came out and like actually went down to the ring and I was like, thank God they're giving him like his own, his own moment. Have you seen the gif or the, or the photo of a Booker T's face, uh, from behind when he's watching like Hulk Hogan, like hug somebody? Oh my God. Oh my God. It's got like the, the devil's eyes. Like, you know, this motherfucker. Oh seriously? Yeah. Look it up. Look it up or Marco can find it for us. But, um, yeah, it's, it was pretty hilarious. So.
Overall, a good show. I don't know if it did enough to pump up some of the current day superstars, but you get that nostalgia feel for sure. I don't know if they do this once a year. I lose track of time with Raw's. No, this is the first time I've done the Raw reunion that I know of. And I was going to ask if you think this should be an annual thing. I could totally be down for it being just a
a once a year type of thing i don't think it needs to be any more frequently than that i don't think there needs to be much many more nostalgia shows than that a year but i think one good nostalgia show a year is is really good it allows you know those legends to get a little bit of shine you know a lot of these guys like
like you know as much as we revere them and love them I mean they don't really do a lot with the business or anything you know like a lot of them don't do like promotional signings or anything like that um maybe like WrestleMania weekend right but like it's cool for them to be able to get a big pop and be reminded like how much they meant to us um which I think is you know a good reason to have these shows and also like you know what's funny is that I never even thought about because I've been a viewer for so long and been a wrestling fan for so long that like
I was listening to something earlier and it was talking about how new reviewers won't even, don't even know who a lot

Nostalgia in Wrestling

of these people are. And I'm like, Oh my God, like you're so right. Like there's a whole like generation of people out there that are just starting to watch wrestling or I've just gotten into wrestling during like ruthless aggression era or something like that. And you know, they may know Ric Flair and obviously I think, you know, people can identify Hulk Hogan, but like other than that, you know, I mean,
A lot of these people don't know any of these legends you know or why they should care about them and that's kind of like it's kind of sad right because one day they're going to be gone. It definitely is and it's cool that they can bring these guys out and then kids or whoever watching younger fans can like become.
know who they are, then they can use these characters and like, you know, toy lines and cartoons and, you know, and kids know who Sergeant Slaughter is and, and all that kind of stuff. Marco just found the picture of Booker T. Oh my gosh. I'm looking at the picture. Oh my God. It is worth a thousand, a thousand, whatever the saying is, pictures worth a thousand words. A thousand words. Oh my God. Yeah, dude, you guys, I have to, I'll have to post this on the Instagram feed. Thank you, Marco, for finding this. It's, it's Hulk Hogan hugging Rick Flair.
And yeah, Booker T. I mean, I don't know if they just caught him at that perfect moment or if he had that look on his face the whole time, but he looks like he is staring a hole through the back of Hulk Hogan's head and he's got like the meanest mug.
of all time. Oh my God. Like, that's insane. This is the face I made when my mom was like after church would stand outside church for like an hour talking to all our friends and I just want to get home and watch WCW Saturday night so bad. Oh my God. Because we went to church on Saturdays for some reason.
Yeah. Marco also brought up the fact that at SummerSlam, they have not mentioned the Demon Kang. It's just Finn Balor right now facing the Fiend. So I don't know if maybe, I know there's been rumors that Finn Balor wants to take some time away. So maybe they do Finn Balor versus the Fiend and then he comes back and they have a rematch as the Demon Kang. I don't know.
Interesting. I mean, it's got, no, I think it's got to be the demon at SummerSlam. There's no way that the demon is not coming out at SummerSlam. I mean, it's just not going to not happen. You know what I mean? It's just not going to not happen. You're right. I don't even, I don't even know what, if you really broke that down, what sense that would make, but it's, he's coming out as the demon. Yeah, he has. He definitely has to, but it's the WWE.
especially as the fit like you're going up against the fiend who which is like an unknown you know force of evil that you've got to go up against like why wouldn't you bring out all the heat you know just like you didn't bring all the heat when he went against Brock I was like what are you doing like why would you not
be the demon in one of the biggest matches of your freaking life. The demon is undefeated. So yeah, if he doesn't come out the demon, I'm poo poo and I'm fan because that's going to piss me the hell off. Um, also Marco, thank you. Marco did, um, some rundown since the inception, the 24 seven title has changed hands 15 total times since it's inception. It changed hands a total of six times
on monday it was only six on monday i thought it was more than that um marco do you have the the rundown of who it actually was on monday as far as like you know who it started with and then back and forth yeah let me pull it up real quick so on monday it was pat paterson um gerald briscoe was the next kelly kelly wasn't after that candace michelle alanja blaze and then her sale to the
And that was the final, except for, you know, um, our truth getting it back at the end. But that was, that could be the seventh time, but I don't count him because he's always winning the title. Wait, didn't, um, Drake got it back from Ted DiBiase in the limo. And then, and then our truth got it back. So that would be, that would be eight times, right? Yeah, eight times. Yeah, technically. Yeah. Okay. So yeah.
I was like, oh my gosh, like I knew it. I was like, man, I didn't change that because it changed hands three times right there at the end. You know, Ted DiBiase, then, um, you know, Drake and then back to, back

Real-life Tensions: Kofi and Randy

to our truth. But yeah, anyway, it bounced around a freaking lot. Um, and I, and I actually didn't mind it a lot. I mean, the women I could have went without, but I did like seeing some of the legends actually, actually get it. But that's pretty much all from, from the raw reunion.
I just want to touch on SmackDown. We did get a match set up for SummerSlam between Shane and KO. If K.O. loses, he quits. He quits the company. So what do you make of that?
I think Shane has somehow been able to go from feud to feud without any kind of like even a week in between each feud. He's just been like feuding. He's still feuding with Roman Reigns. He's still like, you know, he's he's just like taking on all comers here. But I think it's going to be a badass match. I think it'll probably top that that mismatch from WrestleMania somehow. I think, you know, him and KO on the mic and also in the ring, it's going to be fun.
Yeah, I definitely think so too. I think it's gonna be good. Speaking of Shane, we didn't see him on Monday. Can you believe we had a raw reunion and we did not see Shane McMahon one time? Yeah, where's Stephanie been? Stephanie's been gone for a while too. She's not ever on the show anymore. She having more kids or something?
Who knows? I'm not going to be mad. Take the McMans off my TV for a little while. Bring them back every once in a while. Sometimes you need them for a little ratings booster, a pop or whatever. I don't mind the McMans being off my telly.
Yeah, I just thought that was an interesting point because the Robert Union went on. I was like, my God, this is the first week where I haven't seen Shane multiple times on my TV, which was a pretty crazy feeling. Obviously, he made his appearance known on SmackDown by setting up that match with KO. And then, Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston got set up and
kind of like shelled out what we all kind of like already knew that there was like this underlying like real life beef between Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston um and of course I was talking to the heel husband about this and he was like um he was like I don't know how real that is and I was like dude I'm telling you it's real you know like it's it's not you know of course he always thinks like everything's everything's a work you know in wrestling
But I'm with him. I'm with him. I think everything that happens on every show on every show is fake and everyone it is. I love to see people on Twitter just think something is real, which, you know, you know, makes me think, you know, saying the boss is still real, but.
Hey, kids who are watching this, Santa Claus is still real, OK? Don't let the mean hot take kid, you know, make you crush your dreams. But dude, no, it is so real because in 2010, Kofi, it was a triple threat match between John Cena and Kofi and Randy Orton. And Kofi had Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody, I believe, were his lackeys. And this was when I was kind of like out of the product. So I wasn't actually- Legacy. That was legacy, yeah.
Yeah, so they had him and then Ted DiBiase Jr. comes in and does like he hits Kofi in the leg and apparently Kofi botched the ending of the match, right? This was back on Randy Orton. If you've ever watched any documentaries on Randy Orton or any of the WWE specials,
There was a period of Randy Orton's career where he was extremely arrogant, extremely hot-headed, extremely temperamental. But he was really good, and the company absolutely loved him. So he could do no wrong, and they just kept giving him more chances. But that's kind of a set-this-up backstory.
Um, he Kofi botches the botches the ending. You can see, if you watch the clip, I will, I'll send you a link to the clip, but if you watch the clip,
I mean Randy Orton goes the F off on Kofi in the middle of the ring during an episode of Raw like he's like yelling at him like stupid stupid like for F's sake you know I mean he's just like he is pissed off he doesn't even let the ref like raise his hand um so apparently you know when when uh Randy gets down and does his like you know pounding of the fists and does it like he's going to that place right um Kofi was supposed to stay down so that he could kick him in the face right
and uh well Kofi stood up too soon so he didn't get to do that part of his of his ending before the RKO and Orton RKO's him gets pissed off and then just like rolls him up and dude it is a scene and apparently after that he goes
backstage and you know lets everybody know how frustrated and how pissed he is and kind of kills Kofi's push because Kofi was supposed to be I think in money in the bank that was coming up later later in the year and he was like set to set to win the money in the bank and yeah he wasn't even in the match after after that match yeah
Yeah, it should be a good match. I'm half tempted to think they're going to take the belt off them. I mean, as much as I love Kofi as champion, I wouldn't mind seeing one more run for Randy Orton as a world champion. And this would be, you know, leading into like the kind of the slope time of the year between SummerSlam and Royal Rumble. I wouldn't mind it too much. So, you know, but I don't know. I feel like I feel like this could be Kofi's like Kofi's like
his moment in the sun. You know what I mean? Like, I mean, obviously at his moment in the sun at WrestleMania, but like this could be like his revenge moment, right? I guess it's not revenge if you're a baby face, but his like, you know, what's the word I'm looking for? Redemption. Redemption. That's the R word I was looking for. Not revenge. Now I'm a heel. I think only revenge. So
It's redemption moment, right? Like his full circle, like it's been 10 years and all of this stuff. I mean, I don't know if they've squashed their like real life shoot beef or not. Like, I don't know. You know, it's been 10 years, hopefully to God they've grown up a little since then, but you know, it is a good story to tell. It is something, you know, it's been a decade in the making. Um, and I think it would be really cool if Kofi comes out on top.
I like Randy Orton. I have no issues with him. He's one of those guys that you can count on all the time. Technically, he's amazing in the ring. He doesn't like to make mistakes, you can tell. He's very proud of his work. And there's no shade to Randy Orton. And I don't think there's any, he's not gonna lose anything by losing to Kofi, you know what I mean? If they give us a great match and Kofi goes over and it tells a really good story, I'm not gonna be mad at it.
The marks are going to be mad because they're all pissed off at Kofi right now, but I mean, I don't care. Yeah, whatevs. I loved Elijah Woods on commentary. I love to hear him more in that role. I think he was great. He was hilarious on there. Going back to Raw real quick, how did you never like Samoa Joe? He's so fucking good. He is so fucking good, dude.
God. Listen, I told you, that was a whole work. That was like years in the making. But yeah, I had to suppress. Any good thing that Samoa Joe did for the last three and a half years, I had to suppress it because I couldn't let the smarks in behind the curtain of what was really going on. But yes, Samoa Joe is really effing good. And I am really,
freaking excited for him and Roman Reigns to have a good feud. I mean, obviously we saw them at backlash in 2018, which is arguably one of like the worst pay-per-views like ever. Um, and it wasn't, they didn't have a good, they didn't have a good feud in my opinion. So I'm excited for them, these two guys to go head to head. And when they like met in the ring, it felt important and it felt, it felt like, Ooh,
You know, like you have Samoan Joe and then you got Joe from Samoa and I was like, oh my God, like this is great. I love this. I'm so into this. Anything else we should touch on from SmackDown before we get to get a move in here? I don't think so. I mean, you know, there was this that but I mean, we'll get it. We'll get more into it. Oh.
I do want to touch on one. Oh, yeah, we got to touch on the freakin Shawn Michaels Dolph Ziegler beef. I thought that was incredible. And that was one of those moments that made me go. Oh,
when Dolph Ziggler was telling Shawn Michaels that he was an embarrassment since his return and all that stuff. And the fact that he even returned embarrassed him. And then Shawn Michaels just comes in with the knockout blow. And he says, you know what's even more embarrassing than that? Because he admits he was embarrassed for his return and how embarrassing it was. But he says, you know what was even more embarrassing than that?
is that you have worked your whole career and you have nothing to show for other than being compared to a second rate Shawn Michaels wanna be.
Yes, exactly. I was like, oh my God. Like, this is amazing. And then obviously, you know, Dolph comes back and says, you know, only second rate Shawn Michaels is, you know, right here in front of me, but it didn't have the same. It didn't have the same punch as when Shawn Michaels like hit him with that first, that first TKL almost like, oh my freaking God. And it was so funny. I don't know if you saw, but like, you can see Ms face. Like, I don't know if Ms knew that line was coming, but when, when he said it, Ms was like, Oh,
You know, so I thought that was, I thought that was a great, a great moment. Um, and I, I've heard teasings that Shawn Michaels is going to make another return. Um, obviously we saw on, on Monday, uh, he was chasing AJ Styles around the ring apparently and like yelling at him and getting really mouthy with him. And then at one point, AJ Styles yells out to Shawn Michaels.
Dude, like I know where I know where NXT is. Don't think that I won't come down there. Um, and I was like, Hmm. Hmm. Interesting. You know, I mean, I would, I would not be mad at a Shawn Michaels, AJ Styles match. You know, even if it was like a one-off and not like, not like a long feud, but like, you know, a one-off match, I'd be, I'd be okay with that. Marco, did you have something to add there?
I thought I heard you talk. Never mind. What's up with Ziegler talking shit about Goldberg? You said this twice now. I mean, what is this setting up, first off? Because is this going to go anywhere? Is this just another kind of like a raw reunion, like kind of hangover here with Shawn Michaels getting some mic time? Or is this going to set up something? But I was confused by that. And also Ziegler, like this is the second
The last Miz TV with him and the Miz, he talked shit about Goldberg and now he's talking shit about Goldberg again. Are we going to get another maybe one more Goldberg match where he just beats the shit out of Ziggler? I don't know. Maybe Ziggler. I think Ziggler's just grabbing the low hanging fruit. You know what I mean? It's just a high level jobber.
Yeah, it's just something for him to say. I don't foresee a dolphin. If they are, they're really planting the seeds in a very subtle way. If this is how they're planting the seeds for a dolphin and Goldberg match.
Yeah, I don't foresee that happening. But yeah, it was a great week in wrestling. It was nice not to have like seven million shows to watch and a pay-per-view to watch and all of those things. It was nice just to be able to watch Raw and SmackDown. I tuned into a little NXT tonight. I'm gonna go back and watch the whole show. But yeah, it was good to get back to my weekly viewing schedule.
Yeah, Velveteen Dream, Ronark Strong, Pete Dunne, Triple Threat at TakeOver. Holy shit. Holy macaroni. I was like, when Pete Dunne showed up, I was like, holy crap. So apparently he's in NXT now. I know this wasn't even on our radar for us to talk about tonight. But yeah, apparently Pete Dunne is in NXT. Obviously he was in NXT UK, but now he's in NXT USA. USA.
So, um, yeah, that was, that was really, really surprising and I'm, I'm stoked for it.
Yeah, I've said it last week. I want to say it again. They WWE knows what they're doing. They're, they're pulling out all the stops. They're going to put in the car. They're going to put NXT head to head with this AEW weekly show in October. And it's going to be tough to, you know, see who's going to win that because, you know, there's a ton of fire on NXT. You had Pete done to that mix. Um, I still don't know what Daniel Bryan is going to

WWE Network Updates

hint at. Did he, did he even come out this week? I didn't see him on the Hulu version.
I did not see Daniel Bryan at all. I mean, I watched the live broadcast and unless I missed it, I did not see Daniel Bryan at all. So yeah, I don't know what his announcement was. So maybe I need to put my ear to the ground and you know, yeah, Marco says no Daniel sighting. So that's confirmation.
I don't know if he made any announcements via social media or YouTube or anything like that. I have not been in tune with all that. But yeah, no Daniel Bryan. So he still has yet to announce his life altering news. So we wish y'all stay tuned for that. Did you see that WWE Network is rolling out an updated version? Remember we just talked about how WWE Network needed to update itself? Well,
we have we obviously have a mole once again and yeah wwe it's there they have a little preview um if you go to like pro wrestling is where i saw it um it's uh you know they're rolling out it's like a new interface and all of this stuff it looks so so nice it's kind of it does have that like net that netflix feel to it there's going to be like individual superstar pages and um you know more search options and things like that so
Yeah, it looks like it's gonna be really, really nice. I hope it's good. I hope they don't just like give us like a flop, like an iPhone update or something. You know what I mean? I hope it's like a legit overhaul that really does make a difference in the viewing experience for WWE Network.
Yeah, speaking of, uh, you know, Netflix and hula hula is the worst. Uh, it's like, you can't even tell when you're scrolling through things. You can't even tell what you're like highlighted on. Like it doesn't like it, whatever your like cursor is on, doesn't like jump out at you. And I hate that about hula. So hopefully that's something they fix about, uh, the WWE network version. But, uh, yeah.
that we actually recorded a Patreon version of this podcast with some ways to fix the WWE Network.

Fantasy Football League

So if you're a Patreon subscriber, you can go back and listen to that. We actually have one new Patreon subscriber this week. We didn't touch on at the beginning of the show, but shit.
Chef Shane. Shane Eby is a new Patreon subscriber, so welcome Shane. He's actually already in our Chick-fil-A fantasy football league, so we have 14 teams already. I'm going to run them down real quick. It's me.
with our buddy Alex Sintron, Mike Lanham, of course, Marco, the interns in there, Kevin Harrison, John Warchester, Alan Day, Charles Messing, Seth at Phoenix Rocket on Twitter, Fig Booth, Chef Shane that I talked about, a couple other folks.
We have a who's who of folks here of our Foley family, 14 of us, $10 each. The winner take all. It's going to be $140 shopping spree at Ringside Collectibles once the season is over. And if I win,
I'm either going to donate that or I'm going to pick one random person in the league to give that to. So it's going to be fun. I'm ready to kick everybody's ass. She know there's only a couple things in this world that I'm really good at. And one of those is fantasy football. So I'm excited to see what happens here.
Yeah, I am a three time fantasy football champion myself. Um, gave it up after, you know, after during the first pregnancy and you know, the baby faces, it gets a little hard to keep up with, with all the things and all the things you need to do for fantasy football, because it's like a part time job, listening to all the podcasts and updates and keeping up with all your players and whatnot.
But, uh, yeah, I did love it when, uh, so I'm excited to see who, how you guys all shake out and who I'm excited to see how you guys, uh, draft and who you, who you guys pick. So I'm pumped for that. Um, also an announcement for all you guys in, uh, cashville, Tennessee, that's like a.
ancient reference, sorry, I'm old. But they're doing WWE Smackville in Nashville.

WWE Smackville Promotion

So you can go, it's basically like a, it's gonna be like a glorified, you know, boosted up house show, but that they're gonna actually be, you know, recording and showing on TV. So
That is July 27th at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee. So make sure, you know, that's something that you're interested in or if you're in the area and you want to go to WWE Smackville. Look for tickets so far. The matches that are confirmed are we're having a triple threat between Kofi Kingston, Samoa Joe and Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Championship.
Triple threat between Bailey Alexa Bliss and Charlotte Flair for the SmackDown Women's Championship And then we got Shinsuke versus Finn Balor for the IC title So those are the confirmed matches so far and obviously I'm sure they're gonna add add some more as the as we get closer Would you recommend have you ever been to Nashville?
I live, yes, I live literally like 35 minutes from Nashville, like maybe 40 minutes, depending on where you are. But yeah, I live like north of Nashville. That's where I grew up. We're trying to figure out a family vacation for next year with my parents and the kids and all this stuff. And we put a bunch of places in the hat. We're going to pick it out. And of course, that just divulged into a bunch of bickering and like too much analysis. But Nashville was one of the places that I picked. I'm just wondering if it's of like a, you know,
I like a fan a bachelor party I think would be cool there I don't know if there's a ton of stuff to do for you know families do you think it's like a good like place to spend a week or think something more beachy a week would be a little long I think to spin in Nashville yeah if you're not like a
a bachelor and gonna do like the nightlife and stuff like that. I mean there's a zoo and like a um kids museum and stuff like that down there but as far as like um taking your family there for a week I mean you can see like you know grand old Opry and stuff like that but yeah I I go to the beach dude that way your kids can just play in the sand you can sit back and you know uh drink some beer. Crush beers yeah.
Yeah, and enjoy yourself. So yeah, I would definitely. Nashville is definitely a cool place to visit. I would take my family there for a week, though. Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to be more of a mommy and daddy trip without the family, without the kids. Yeah, so sorry for the side note. But Ron Smackdown in the books, you talked about Smackville, awful name. But it's cool to get stuff like that on the network on a Saturday night. If you're not doing anything, pop it on.
And have a couple cold beers and watch some watch some free wrestling. So that's always cool Anything else to add anything we missed Marco from Raw and Smackdown before we get into our weekly purchases Pretty much covered everything We're so good at this now, I mean well if you want to go over the
The, the great match that a Paul Cruz had with Shinsuke Nakamura, he really showed out,

Apollo Crews' Performance

I think. Really? That was a match on SmackDown. Uh, I think that's pretty much it. The Ember Moon Show match wasn't that much to talk about for roll up ending. Yeah, that was pretty much it. Yeah. I think just see a Paul Cruz and Shinsuke match, I think was a pretty much of a standout of that night. Okay. Cool. Uh, let's get into our weekly purchases.
Here we go!
Oh, everybody's favorite segment with Sheena and I. I guess Marco can chime in as well with our weekly purchases. This is when Sheena and I usually tell everyone what we bought this week. Figures, wrestling memorabilia, what have you. So it's always everyone's favorite. Sheena, do you want to start?
Yeah. Um, so we, uh, we had a pretty good week. I can't remember last week if I touched on, um, getting elite 69. So I have complete.
Elite 69 series, which is just a banger of a freaking elite series. A lot of people were saying it's the best series today. I don't know. I mean, I guess that's like a quick knee jerk reaction. And I mean, if I was just looking at it, like, yeah, it's pretty damn strong, but I would literally have to go back and look at all the different elite series to figure out if this is the best one of all time. But there, I think people are hyped because there's a lot of first time in line. I mean, we have Ali, we have ricochet, we have Bobby Lashley that are first time in line. And then.
You know, you got Rey Mysterio, a really cool Miz figure, and then my man, even though it's not his first time in line, it's his first time this version of him, and that is Mr. Blackheart to Maso Champa. That figure is so dope. So I did some unboxings.
and posted them over at the YouTube page and on the Patreon page, so make sure you check those out. I unboxed all the first time in line, so we did get all of Elite 69. We did have a ringside order come in today, actually, and I got Elite 69. I got the Chase Ollie as well, so I got the red. It comes in red. Oh, nice. Yeah, it comes in red and yellow, so they both look incredible, but I think I'm going to keep the
I'm going to keep the red one. And then I am actually sending the yellow over to Marco, the intern, because, you know, we like to we like to share the love around here. So I'm sending him elite 69, Ray and Ali. And yeah, so I'm excited to get that. And then we get the summer slam, Brett, the basic, because we're going to do a head swap on our ultimate edition.

Wrestling Merchandise Purchases

Yeah, you know at the head sculpt on the the new SummerSlam Brett was really it still got the hair in the face, but it's not like that one like clump of like turd hair. You know what I mean? Like it's like it's kind of like wispy. It's a little more wispy or so. I like I like that basic face scan that they have on there. So we're going to do a quick head swap on that and then we got Elite 68 Roman Reigns. What's cool about this? I mean, you know, let's be.
If you've seen one Roman Reigns figure, you've pretty much seen them all. We love our man Roman, but this one is really cool because it's the first ever Roman that comes with the closed fist for Superman punching. So I love that it's got the swappable hands for the Superman punch instead of just having the open punching hand, right? You can actually legit have a closed fist. And we also picked up a few of the new series of the WWE pop. So we got,
Bret Hart, we got Becky, and then we got Elias. We're the three that we picked up from the series. We left, there was Undertaker, Trish, and
someone else I can't remember that we that we left behind but uh yeah we wanted to make sure that we picked up those three for sure so as far as weekly purchases I think that is all we got but I think you have a pretty solid list of purchases that you picked up this week right yeah I actually pre-ordered that uh Brett Hart pop uh vinyl from Amazon should be arriving it was supposed to arrive in September looks like it's been moved up to August I ordered it back in April so I totally forgot all about it until you said what that sentence so uh
it is a pretty cool I'm I'm I'm slowly I'm not gonna get deep into pops but I have I'm gonna have like a little wall here I already have I think of warrior savage and Hogan I'm just gonna get like a like a Mount Rushmore like a five a five should maybe get Rick flair and be done with it now that I have Bret Hart coming so
Uh, I know a lot of people get into those pops. There's a slippery slope for sure. Yeah, it is. Even just the WWE line. I mean, it's expanding. It's expanding quite a bit. You know, I used to have tons and tons and tons of pops. Like I was collecting so many different lines. And so I finally cut it off and was like, no more pops. I sold off a bunch of my pops and we were only going to keep my horror and Halloween pops. And then the WWE pops.
Well, the WWE, I'm like, my gosh, we don't even get all the variants and everything. You know what I mean? We don't even get all of the WWE pops. We get all the individual characters. If there's a new character that comes out, we'll get that. But we won't get every single version or variant of the pop. Because literally, it's so much. But yeah, they are slippery slope because they're a lot of fun. I don't even know why I like them or why other people like them. I mean, they literally are nothing but display pieces.
You know, um, I mean, I know people do photography with them and stuff, but like no articulation besides like some head articulation. And they're basically just like little mass produced figures, but like, I don't know. I don't know what the appeal is, but something about them just like gets me right in the field spot. Oh, also, did you get your email that your macho man from entertainment earth shipped because my order is officially shipped. So I should be getting that very soon.
didn't get the email, but they charged my credit card. So that's a good sign. That's a good sign. Yeah. So hopefully that'll come. We got a couple of those coming. Um, so yeah, I'm excited for that. Hopefully in the next week or so. I also received Elite 69 Ali and Ricochet, our good buddy Daris put in their order and we kind of piggybacked off each other to save on the shipping. So I got,
Both of those, I got the Jeff Hardy SummerSlam Basic, which one of our Patreon subscribers, Zach Eaglehoff, who does a lot of graphics for us, he saw those SummerSlam Basics at his local Walmart today, sent me a picture. So those are starting to show up, which is good.
And I also got that SmackDown pop-up stage for the kids. So I have a growing box of toys for my son. He's going to get that Jeff Hardy basic and he's going to get the pop-up stage. But he's got a bunch of elites already for Christmas. I sadly have a box already building of stuff for him.
We'll see how that goes. I messaged you the other night because I was diving into this defining moments collection.

WWE Retro Figures Hiatus

I found the Crow Sting, Razor Ramon, and Undertaker defining moments for 65 bucks for the three of them, not counting shipping. So I jumped on that. Those should be coming here very, very soon.
the the
but also this week I picked up retro series 7 actually today the whole set I'd already had a couple series sets of those but they're $5 at Walmart right now so we can tweet out the link if you follow on Twitter
who's one of my favorite follows. He's all about the retros. It's retro. It's at WWE Retro Stars. He's always tweeting about different places you can find. He tweeted a brick seek link to find the Walmarts near you that those are on sale for $5.
and a
You know, it sucks. I'm bummed about it. But the fact that they're still seeing all of these in stores and they're having to mark them down to five bucks is not a good sign. I mean, obviously, there's a strong fan base for them. But they're just not selling. All my Walmarts have these, Series 7. And not many of them get into Series 8. So I mean, if they're marking them down to five bucks, it can't be good for the bottom line, however the company is looking at.
Yeah, I mean, it's not a good sign, but I am staying optimistic that the fact that they said hiatus instead of just like discontinued, you know, straight up just coming out and telling us like, yeah, they're gone. You know what I mean? Like no more 10 series. Like that's it. Um, they said hiatus, which I mean, again is, is, doesn't look good. It's not promising, but
it's hopeful. You know, I mean, there's, there's hope to come back from a hiatus. I mean, we just saw Sean Michaels came back from his, from his retirement. So, uh, you know, in anything, anything can happen. Um, so
You know, I'm not giving up on them just yet, but we are going to do a Patreon episode with our buddy Mike Lanham. Him and Phil are going to be running down the retro series. We're going to be talking about Hasbro's and things like that. So stay tuned for that. We'll be recording that hopefully this week and getting it out to you guys. And, you know, we planned that episode long before we knew that the, you know, that the retros were going to be
We're going to be gone from our lives forever, so it'll have a little bit different tone than what we had originally anticipated. I forgot to mention, I have a couple more things here. I got home today from work and I had a package on the front steps from the one Sheena Phelps of Retro Series 10 from Ringside Collectibles. You sent it over to me because you don't collect them after you did a video on our YouTube.
in the figure defenders these things are beautiful man i gotta pick up some of these for my for my mint on card collection but yeah these are great i already have them loose i opened up the entire series 10 for our patreon subscribers uh but now i have a whole other set so all i need now is series nine to collect it to complete the collection um i did also pick up the yoko zuna
from the Hasbro in the red diaper. I guess you want to call it. Uh from the Hasbro collection from our buddy Hastell Toy who uh always been a great source for if you're looking for old wrestling figures. He has like a a whole store now somewhere in New Jersey and like a like a pop up location but um he's Hastell Toy H. A. S. T. T. E. L. Toy on Instagram. He's a great follow. Um he's always uh hanging out with the major
Yeah, he's a he has a bunch of great older stuff that if you're looking for something check him out there And you actually have we'll get into a little bit. Yeah a little retro Not retro recommendation. What am I what am I talking about our random merch random merch? Yeah, you got some old-school Hasbro green cards here, but I'm trying to think of I have anything else that I purchased I don't think I
I do hear so I did I did start seeing the WrestleMania basics showing up at five below That's like Elias and Charlotte and Kevin Nash with the Fabio hair and mom jeans John Cena So those will be at your local five below for five dollars if you need some some basic figure figures But that's it. That's it for me. Hopefully have some more additions next week as well
Yeah, real quick. Um, you mentioned our buddies, Zach Egoff. Um, and I had to tell this story really quickly because my friend, Taryn hit me up in my DMS the other day and she was like, you know, we're loving your show. And she said, the boyfriend is a wrestling fan. And he noticed that a friend of his had interacted with your show too. Z Egoff is his screen name, but wow, your show is great. We're listening. Uh, we are going to listen to more. I try to keep up with wrestling a little bit here and there. And he watches it too, but heading to Hilton head to see his parents for the week and loving your show.
And I was like, Oh my gosh, like, thank you so much. You know, and like, so this guy, um, I, her boyfriend's name is, uh, Andrew doll and he is like college buddies with our buddy, Zach Eagle. So like, yeah. So like how small of a world, like, you know, the world feels so small sometimes when, you know, like I went to college with Taryn.
And then she's dating a guy who is like, you know, a friend of a friend of a fan of our show now, you know what I mean? Like it's, I don't know. Yeah. It's crazy how like the world connects you sometimes and you're like, man, this is such a small place. I just started following Taryn from, uh, on Instagram because she started following me. So, uh,
Yeah, Taryn. Yeah, Taryn is a she's she's awesome. She's like a super cool chick. She's the one. Do you remember a while back when we were talking about like albums and you said you love Dave Matthews and I was talking about my crazy roommate who like had the Dave Matthews tattoo like that's Taryn. Oh, cool. Nice. Nice. Yeah. So so that's her. So yeah, I just thought that was a funny little a funny little moment. But yeah, I definitely want to get into this random merch of the week since
I feel like it is appropriate because RIP retros, we barely knew you, 10 series and there was so much, so much more potential

Rare Hasbro WWF Figures

for them. We never even saw a single women's
retro figure which I think is like a total shame but we do have um there's a complete set on the ebay of Hasbro WWF green carded um figures don't tell me the price I want I want to guess but keep going with the
So let me give you the description first and then you can guess the price. So this is the green series. This is the last ever series of Hasbros, probably the least amount of distribution of any of the series of Hasbros. So they're super valuable, right? Even if you find these things loose, they are super valuable. But this guy has them. They are meant on card. It's the entire series.
I mean, he says the cards are in perfect condition. No yellowing of the bubbles. The bubbles are tightly attached to the cards.
Yeah, got nice tight bubbles for you guys. And I mean, he said they're in amazing shape. No breaks, no cracks, no holes, no splits, no dents, no missing pieces. And all of the cards are actually in plastic. So he's like sealed them in plastic. So, you know, they won't get dirty or anything like that. But anyways, what would you think an entire series of
green card Hasbro's would go to. So that this includes Crush, Atom Bomb, Smoking Guns, Yokozuna, Ludwig Borga, and the 1-2-3 Kid. All MOC mint on card. Did you say Atom Bomb too? Atom Bomb's on there? Yep. Okay. Yeah, I have all of these except for 1-2-3 Kid, but mine are loose. Are we doing Price is Right rules? Can't go over.
Yeah, I say I say you can't go over you go over you bust all right. Oh my god. This is gonna be expensive I'm gonna say it is free shipping. Oh, I hope so. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna say two grand
Yeah. You're not even in the ballpark. Um, it's 30, $3,500 with free shipping. Um, it says or best offer. So you might be able to offer him two grand and see, and see if he'll budge. But yeah, they are, they are beautiful, man. I mean, the cards do look, and he's got the cards. So the cards are obviously, I didn't even see this the first time, but they're, they're on the cards and then the cards are in protector cases.
So yeah, so they are being, you know, like he's taking the utmost care of these figures and then they are wrapped in plastic on top of that. So, um, I mean, they are, they are really, really nice, but damn dude, 3,500. I mean, but I mean, it's the, it's the whole collection in one fell swoop. So it's like, you know, you just check out that, that jingle jingle and you know, you get them, you get them all.
Man, sometimes I wish I had a time machine and I could do so many cool things with a time machine, but the first thing I'd probably do is go back and buy, go to KB Toys and buy all these for five bucks each and just have a mansion somewhere. Yeah, what was it, like three for 10? There was the Hasbro sale, like three for 10, I think is what it was back in the day. Can you imagine?
Yeah, no, I can't, I cannot imagine. Um, yeah, keeping these on cards, like it'd be like that, that back to the future moment, you know, like getting, getting the almanac and then betting on all the sports games, you know, like you go back and collect all the figures that, you know, are going to be, you know, hard to find and, you know, keep all your L J N's on cards and all that stuff, you know?
Yeah. Crazy, yeah. I mean, it is a hard set to get. And the one I'm missing, the 1, 2, 3 kid, is probably a good $7,800 of that $3,500. So yeah. Marco just sent me the link. I don't even want to look at this. Oh my god. Yeah. You can look at it. I mean, it's definitely good eye candy. But at the same time, it's just like, ugh, that price tag hurts. You almost feel like he's
He like doesn't want to sell them. You know what I mean? Like he's just kind of like, let me throw this up and see if somebody will give me $3,500 for these because I really don't want to sell them. But if I have to, you know.
Marco found the same exact thing, not in finger defenders, for $2,000 on eBay. So he just sent us a link here. Oh, no way. Wow. Of course, what a random that he would say the same price that I was thinking of. That's pretty cool. Yeah. But yeah, those, I mean, if you're into Hasbros and you don't have these figures, I think they're only going to go up and up and up and up, obviously, especially with the scarcity of them and the quality of them being on card. Shit.
You could do a lot with these. So yeah, cool, great. This might be my favorite eBay find that you've ever had, random merch of the week. This is awesome. Yeah, it is pretty sweet. So yeah, I was stoked to come across that. It was just like, because I like to go back and forth. I like to have some reasonably priced merch, and then get some expensive things, and then go back to some reasonably priced merch. And I was like,

Summer Slam 97 Highlights

This is definitely in that, that expensive category. But, um, that brings us to our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. And you know, it's summer slam month, so we are kicking it off with all summer slam picks. And this one is an epic one. It is summer from summer slam 97.
Undertaker versus Bret Hart for the World Championship. And it is HBK as the guest referee. So this was like the pinnacle of heel Bret, just like America hating Bret. So super awesome. This is the match where he became a five time champ. Him and Hulk Hogan were the only two at that point in time who had been a five time champ. Actually, at that point in time,
him and Hulk Hogan were the only champions who had won over three world world championships. So, um, you know, to say that Bret Hart was, was doing the damn thing is a, is an understatement. But what's really cool about this match is again, you know, HBK was the guest referee. He, you know, hits undertaker with a chair. He's trying to hit Brett, which Brett
He spits one of his epic loogies right in the face of Shawn Michaels. I mean, if you, if you see this thing, like it's intense, like Brett can spit, you know, say what you want about Bret Hart, but the man can hock a loogie. Um, and he hopped it right in Sean's face. And I mean, you can see whenever he hits Undertaker,
with the chair knocks him out. It pans right to Sean's face and you can see Brett spit like hanging off of Sean's lip and it is so it is so gross but he you know gets the count. Brett becomes a five-time champ and you know this ultimately led to Undertaker versus Sean at Hell in the Cell. So if you got some time this
this weekend definitely check out summer slam 97 there's some actually some really good matches on this card um unfortunately this is the also the event the event where uh Owen Hart broke Stone Cold's Z Austin's neck um which was which was completely unfortunate but um and also your husband and I were talking about this and at this point so we were we were watching it
the other night and the end of the match you know the Heart Foundation comes out you know you got Davey Boyd, Brian Pillman and Owen and at this point Brian Pillman only has like I think what was it like two two and a half months until his unfortunate passing um and it was so eerie to like see him you know there
just in the ring, you know, living his life. And then you're like, Oh my God, like this is like two months before he passes away. Um, so it's, it's pretty crazy to go back and watch some of these old matches, you know, and kind of like knowing what we know now and kind of like knowing the history and all of that. Like it's, it's really crazy, but it was a really great match. So it is your wrestling recommendation, retro wrestling recommendation of the week.
Yeah, it's funny, I was just watching, I don't know if you had had it last week or not, or I think I was listening to the Jim Ross podcast with Conrad Thompson, but they did the in your house Canadian Stampede recap. And that's the pay per view right before this one. And that is an awesome this this 97 year might be more. I might be more of a fan of this year than the attitude era. I mean, you have. Yeah.
You have Brett and Sean at the top of their game. You still have Stone Cold about to really become what he was. The Undertaker is still in his prime. And you still have some guys kind of hanging over. You still have Hunter Hearst Helmsley about to become Triple H in a year or so. Mankind is at the top of his game.
A lot of talented guys. I love the bulldog and shamrock, you know, this was a really good card to this summer slam card. So yeah, definitely check it out. And yeah, I mean that that match is, you know, I'll never forget it. That was one of my favorite summer slams. So good call.
Yeah. To add to that, I mean, if you want to watch it, what is, what is in my opinion, the best complete year in wrestling start in November 96 and then go to November 97. And to me, like that is like the best year in, in wrestling history. Um, it's, it's just absolutely incredible for everything that you just said, you know, Brett and Sean, you undertaker, all of it is just.
It's just unbelievable. It's an unbelievable year in wrestling. So, um, you know, if you want to really, you know, get hype and relive, relive a really great part of the, of the WWF past.

Biggest Letdown Figures

Um, that's it. November 96 to November 97.
Good call. Uh, do we have any listener mail this week? I think we do. Right. Yes. Yes. We got some listener mail. Um, we actually had some, some questions posted on the chick Foley Facebook page. Um, so this says, um, what, okay. What elite has been the biggest letdown this year so far? Biggest letdown so far.
What do you think, Phil? Do you have any? I'm trying to think. Let's let Marco answer it first so I can think of something about that.
you're gonna put Marco on the spot yeah he's an intern man i can't i mean i can't think of anything off the top of my head which is probably uh a good a good thing uh probably the ronda elite that that's pretty with the with like the full black suit and the the concrete the contract signing i don't know if that was that was maybe the very beginning of the year
or the very end of last year. I was like, I know you're not saying the Ultimate Editions because that's one of the best figures. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. Elite 65. So that was probably more toward the end of last year, beginning of this year. But that was her first real elite figure, and it was not very good.
Yeah, there's an there's an elite Alexa Bliss It's like a Walgreens Alexa Bliss that I thought was just kind of like man, man, you know, I love Alexa Bliss But I just didn't think there was anything special about about that figure I mean she's wearing like, you know black black shorts black boots like a black and pink top and like little pink hair tips and she's got the the raw women's championship, but it's just I feel like that was one of those that was just kind of like
I feel like they could have done a lot, a lot better. Yeah, I can't think of it. Marco, you got something? I would probably say, I mean, there's a Becky Lynch as well. That was like a Walgreens. That isn't that great. They canceled that line pretty quick because, yeah, those figures sucked. Yeah, the other one I could think of, which it's not really a bad figure. Let's see. Let's see, the Shayna Baszler with the
the horrible title that they gave her. The figures ought to let down. It's just that whole, the package doesn't let down, we'll say.
Yeah, I agree. I was about to say the figure was actually pretty freaking bomb. But the fact that they gave us the men's NXT title instead of giving us a women's NXT title was such a bummer. It was such a freaking buzzkill. I was like, I cannot believe they just pulled the Okeydoke on us. Cuz all the renderings and all the photos and everything showed the women's title. And it was legit just the men's title in a women's packaging. So yeah, that was definitely
I'll let down. Our next question comes in from Charles Messing, and that was from our buddy Darris Johnson, the elite question. So thank you, Darris. This is from Charles Messing. He says, any plans to do any watch-alongs or open chat threads for SummerSlam or All Out or All In or Full House or Straight Flush? So he's making a jab at AEW.
So I said, yeah, I'm totally down to do some chat threads. We have our Discord chat, or we could do our live Facebook chat. So I'm totally down to do that, Charlie. So, you know.
Yeah, I thought it would be cool for us to figure out a way to Skype and then send people the link and throw it on YouTube and then we can kind of watch it while we're on our computers while we're in front of our computers. I definitely need someone tech savvy to help me figure all that out. I know our buddy Zach is my go-to person when I need anything internet related that I can't figure out.
Yeah, I would love to start doing that stuff. And now that Sheena's kind of settled more, the summer is in full swing here. We're going to start doing some more cool stuff like that. So Charles, stay tuned, dude. Yeah, Charlie, I'll be watching both SummerSlam and Straight Flush. So you can count on me to watch both shows and I'll be interacting with you guys.
Any interacting with you guys live? So thank you for asking a question. Another question comes in from Corey Handy. He says, if you could keep one figure from your entire collection, which one would it be? OK, so.
This may surprise you, but I would keep, um, my Hasbro Bret Hart. Um, because it has very sentimental value. It was, I took that to the hospital with me and it was in the room whenever I had my son. So I had it set up, you know, you bring like, you know, all of your little possessions that you want to make.
to make the room feel comfortable. So I couldn't bring the dogs with me. So I brought my, um, you know, my little dog pops, my little wiener dog pops. Um, I brought Brett Hasbro and then I brought, um, a, you, do you know what a dorbs figure is? No idea. No idea. It's like, it's like a little, it's basically like, it's, it's made by Funko. I think they're made by Funko, I believe. But, um, they're, they're basically like little mini Funko pops, you know, essentially, uh, I brought a Texas chainsaw, mask, or dorb.
And I brought a Game of Thrones dragon. So yeah, I brought lots of little knickknacks and like twinkle lights and everything for my room, my delivery room so that it would feel like home. And it worked. I had a smooth labor and delivery. It was nice. So ladies out there, if your figure marks, make sure you set up, get you some nice figures for your labor and delivery room, some twinkle lights. Makes all the difference in the world.
Man, I want to say, I might even say the same. Is this the pink shades? Hasbro, Bret Hart? Yeah.
Yeah. I'm going to say the same exact figure for different reasons, obviously. I've been building this Hasbro collection for a long time. And Bret Hart was always my favorite restaurant. I never had a Bret Hart Hasbro. And I think I've mentioned this to my wife. This was like two years ago, maybe. And she bought me that for either my birthday or Father's Day. She bought it off. She had never used eBay. She doesn't use it as much as me and you do. But she surprised me and just had a little gift bag. It was cool. It probably isn't.
the most expensive Hasbro in my collection, but it means a lot to me because it has some sentimental meaning for sure.
So cool. Yeah, that is cool. And isn't it funny like how like, you know, you think like your partner and you say something and you think they're not listening or you think they're not paying attention and then all of a sudden they do something sweet like that and you're like, Oh my God, you do love me. Yeah, that's the, that's probably the best advice I can give to someone and they, you know, people younger than us and I don't know if Marco can attest to this, but, uh, my wife has gotten me into the habit of it and I've tried to be really good about it. But, you know,
listening and you know because we know you like me and like you and Seth you guys buy whatever you want blah blah blah blah blah so it gets kind of hard around the holidays or Valentine's Day or your birthday to kind of surprise people or come up with gifts but you know you I make a little mental list or you know in my phone and my notes I'll just make you know my you know Chris if
Even if it's something kitchen related, or it's not clothing, it's not anything cool. But if I hear her mention something that, God, I wish I had to do one of these, or this is getting old, I'll make a little list. It's really the thought of, OK, you took the time to remember and think about me when I said some random sentence in the middle of the night. So that's always, if anybody who's getting married or in a long-term relationship, just
Just be a good listener, you know? Just be a good listener, yeah. Take notes and just like do little things all the time to, you know, just show your spouse appreciation. It doesn't always have to be buying things, but, you know, giving little gifts or giving little, you know, little things here and there, it does make a difference. It doesn't have to be anything over the top, like you said. I mean, just taking notes. Like if your wife says she needs something in the kitchen and you're like,
Noted, you know? So yeah, that's a good relationship tip, Phil. We're trying to build people up around here, not tear them down.
Hell yeah, hell yeah. So thank you Cory for that question. We got two more and then we are gonna hit the road. This one comes in from Kevin Harrison. He says he was listening to JR's podcast and he keeps harping on the fact that there are no current, there's no current promotion that has an over mega heel and it's a major problem in the business.

Mega Heel Storyline Suggestions

What do you feel is the main thing missing from today's wrestling
And he says, side note, he thinks if WWE turned big E on Kofi in New Day that they would have a great over mega heel. So his question is, what do you think the main thing that is missing from today's wrestling? And honestly, I think it's just a mix of things, right? We've talked about the way WWE could improve the product, but honestly, I think just having
Like back in the attitude era and stuff you just you realize like everybody on the roster had like a role they had something they were doing you know and they had something that they were shooting for even if it was like a little comedy act or something like that like i feel like everybody kind of played their part and all the stories kind of intermingled with one another and everybody had a storyline um and i think that's something that's kind of missing
today and we're getting better you know I mean they did they didn't implement the 24 seven which gets a lot more guys screen time despite what you may think about the 24 seven title I mean there's a lot of guys getting TV time that we're not getting TV time previously right so that's definitely something to be happy about with the 24 seven title despite how you feel about it but I do think you know just
like back in the attitude era like i said just having everybody kind of have something going on instead of just like now it's like a couple of big storylines and like that's it you know if you're not part of one of these like major four or five storylines like meh
Uh, how many times have they turned Braun Strowman face and heel in the last year? I don't know. And I don't even know if that's a question Marco could answer because literally like it's one, it's one of those things that's like, you don't even know when it's happening. You're like, wait a minute. Is he a face? I don't know.
I don't know, you know? This isn't new. I mean, they've done this to the big show for the last decade, but I mean, you could have Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens could both be one on each show. Just keep them healed their entire career.
You know, you can you can have Kevin Owens get into kind of a tweener period here and there, but there's no right way Kevin Owens should be a face. I mean, I don't I don't hate what they're doing right now with him with Shane. It works. But he's at his best. And so is Samoa Joe when they're the hateable shit kicking heel persona guys. And both of those guys do it really well. But neither of them are at the top of the card right now. I mean, Brock Lesnar is. And, you know, I guess you can call him a heel. But
I don't know. Yeah well we talked about you know a couple weeks ago we talked about the same thing about not having any major heels on any of the shows right but they did turn AJ which is a huge step in the right direction because AJ is a top guy. AJ's at the top of the card he is incredible as a heel especially you know when you're that when you're that top of the card over mega heel you gotta have your lackeys right so he's got the club he's got the good brothers hopefully he gets Finn
Um, you know, and that will just really put that faction over. And I really think that, you know, that could make a huge difference just having AJ just be hardcore heal AJ. I think it's gonna, I think it's gonna make a lot of things more interesting. Um, so yeah, I do agree. Like there was a long time that we were like, you know, wait a minute, like who's, who's the real bad guy here? You know what I mean? That Seth Rollins was it for a while. And I mean, I loved heal Seth.
Um, I still prefer heal Seth over babyface Seth. Um, but you know, it's just not what we're, it's not what we're getting right now.
So if somebody's got to be heel, I'm totally down with it being AJ because he does. He he is an amazing heel. So thank you so much for that question, Kevin. We appreciate it. And this last question comes in from Kenneth Dinkins. He says with the Ziegler and the Miz going into the new storyline are going into a new storyline. Are we going to see HBK play more of a role or was it a one time thing when he took a super kick on Smackdown?

Shawn Michaels' Potential Role

We kind of touched on this a little bit earlier in the show.
I know there's rumblings of Shawn Michaels making a return. I don't know. I mean, I don't, I don't know. I don't, I don't think it's going to be against, like we talked about. I don't think it's going to be against Ziegler or the Miz. I mean, that really wouldn't make sense, right? Um, I could see him going against somebody like AJ, somebody that's a little more
you know of a main eventer um and I feel like they kind of set that up on the the raw reunion but I really don't have an answer for that do you think he's gonna make a return and you know do something have a storyline I don't know I don't know it's it's weird because he hasn't looked good in the last couple of times we've seen him he looks kind of he definitely looks older I mean using using the sexy boy song still you know I mean oh god we talked about that sexy boy grandpa sexy grandpa all right
Yeah. We, we need to just get rid of the lyrics. Like I'm okay with the music, but like the, the lyrics gotta go. Um, I do agree with that, but I mean, we said that about undertaker. I mean, undertaker kind of looked like crap the last few times we saw him and then he kind of looked really good at extreme rules. I mean, really good relative to recent undertaker and for his age and capabilities and whatnot. I mean, I thought he, I thought he did a really good job at extreme rules. So maybe Shawn Michaels has one more match in there. You know what I mean?
How old is Shawn Michaels? Marco, pull that up for me, please. Would it be cool if he just came out and said, hey, I'm the best and I want to prove I'm the best, so I want to wrestle. I got a list of guys that I want to wrestle before I retire, and I want to wrestle Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, and Seth Rollins.
and they just did like three straight paper views like it's not even like an angle or like there's no title involved or it's just kind of almost like an unsanctioned match where it was just like you know just to see if he's still got it or something like that I think so Marco says he's 54 years old so you know I think he's
True. I would be down for that as just somebody who wants to see like, you know, exhibition almost like cool, cool wrestling. But at the same time, like, can you imagine if WWE was going to take AJ Styles, Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan, like,
Completely out of a pay-per-view cycle. You know what I mean? Like not have not had to interact with somebody on the main roster like week to week first for storyline purposes Like that would never that would never happen, but it is good fantasy booking I mean, you know, those are three guys that I would definitely like to see face up against Shawn Michaels. So Awesome question. Thank you so much you guys for for hitting us up with some last-minute questions on the the chick fully show Facebook page and
What do you think about next time Pro Wrestling Tees does a sale? Like one of those 20% off sales, they do it like I read two, three months. Anybody who buys our shirts during that sale, we call them on the podcast and then we can make it like a separate Patreon episode or something and we'll just talk wrestling with them for like
We'll just have a list of questions to boom, boom, boom. Who's your favorite this? What's your favorite match? That'd be pretty cool, wouldn't it? Get somebody on who doesn't get a chance. Somebody that listens to the show might want to get some air time. That'd be pretty cool, right? It would be cool, but you know how awkward people are. Let me be real. The other podcasts I listened to, they got some awkward-ass listeners. We got some badass
We do that we have that we do have the best listeners in podcasting I do not doubt that at all But let me just I was listening to the major brothers podcast the other day and they were doing like they did something similar where they you know somebody who bought and I can't remember what it was but they were calling them or whatnot and they called this guy and they pretended to be Bruce and Vince and
And he legit thought it was Bruce and Vince, because he had bought a t-shirt from Bruce Pritchard too, like, which shirt did you buy? He's like, oh, I bought the doot-doot-doot t-shirt. And they're like, wait a minute, you really think that this is Bruce Pritchard and Vince McMahon? And he was like, well, yeah, I was expecting a call from them, you know? And like, of course he was like so embarrassed and everything. And I'm like, oh my God, like that kind of stuff. Yeah, that kind of stuff just makes me like, oh my God, like so
cringy. You know what I mean? Like I never want anyone to feel like pressured or embarrassed or anything cause I know I hate feeling like that. So I can't imagine like,
calling somebody and being like, hey. That's true. Chick Foley here. And they're like, oh, I'm at the drive-thru in Chick-fil-A. Can I call you back? Yeah, it would be entertaining, though. It would be kind of off the cuff. And we'd ask them one question, like, hey, tell us your favorite magic of all time or something. Tell us why you love, who do you love more, Philoshina? Yeah. I mean, duh. You would win all of those, obviously.
Unless, unless, you know, it depends. If we got Twitter followers, yeah, they probably choose me, but you never, you never know. You know, there's got to be some hardcore, some hardcore Phil marks out there somewhere. There's a couple. There's a couple. Yeah. There's a couple. Uh, so we next week, I guess we'll recap smackville.
on the show here. We didn't even touch on the fact that today AEW announced what we already reported last week that they will have their first show on October 2nd and here in the DC area. So anybody listening here in the DC area, and I think they're going to do a Conrad Thompson
JR podcast is that Monday or Tuesday, probably Jimmy's Famous Seafood. So that's another insight into the AW world. So best of luck to those guys. I don't know how that's going to turn out doing a weekly live show in different areas. I think they should probably stick to a full sale type schedule, but I wish them all the best. I don't know if they'll be able to sell out of 20, 25 person arena, but they can.
A 25-person arena, is that what you said? Oh, I meant 25,000. I'm sorry. I was like, damn, Phil is shooting hard on A&W, man. No, no, don't. I don't want the haters to come out. And we said we were going to keep this episode at about an hour, and we're approaching 1.45. So it's impossible. I apologize. If you don't want a long episode, just listen to half of it on your way to work and half of it on your way back from work.
Yeah. Yeah. Just break us up. You know what I mean? Break it up. Yeah. So great

Patreon Benefits Discussion

stuff. If you have any questions or concerns or stuff that you want to let us know about the show, it's askchickfoli at It's slash chickfoli show if you want to sign up. It starts at $1 a month.
and you get Sheena's show notes sent to your email every single week. You get access to our Facebook group and you get entry into all of our figure giveaways. So it goes up from there, but basically a dollar a month supports the show and gets you some cool stuff. If you're listening and you haven't signed up, I highly recommend it Sheena.
I will talk to you next week and we will have a, I guess we'll get closer and closer to SummerSlam here. We'll have a more of a full card and we'll probably have some new stuff that we bought. Marco, thank you for joining us tonight, my man. Yeah, no problem. Always a pleasure to hang out with you too. All right. Thank you, Marco, for all your hard work. Sheena, anything else you want to tell the people before we get out of here?
Not a whole lot, man. If you're looking to get in ring shape, fight in shape, hit me up over at Sheena Phelps. I have some really cool stuff going on right now. Um, you know, if you want, if you want to, you know, get your winter body in check, right? Like we're, we're already in the summer. So you want to go ahead and get your winter body, winter body in check before it gets too far gone. Uh, hit me up over at Sheena Phelps or coach Sheena Phelps at And I'll be there to help you out. All right. Stay classy marks. We'll talk to you next week.
Used to keep it cool, used to be a fool All about the bounce in my step Watch it on the news, what you gonna do I could hit refresh and forget Used to keep it cool Should I keep it light, stay out of the fight No one's gonna listen to me If I write a song, preach em what is wrong
I told everyone that I wasn't gonna be 24-7 champion for long. That's indeed a trash can.
Let it go walk into the show gawking at the tricks of your sleep