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134 Plays2 months ago

We still can't quite believe it, but... the Sens just can't stop winning. For the first time in what feels like forever, they're actually in a playoff spot, and that means we finally want to talk about them. Join us for a joyful, celebratory episode about how good the Sens are, how bad their enemies are, and how silly Brady Tkachuk is.

We also discuss the Ottawa pro hockey team that isn't doing very well, and announce Beata's new favourite Ottawa Charge player.

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Humorous Team Dynamics Discussion

I ran Michigan. I don't even know what he was thinking. He was just a complete bird town. Brady Kachunk. Thomas is my best friend. I got a lot of good-looking noobs on my team. You just got a noof. I've got them. I've got them. We'll see.

Episode Celebration and Player Reminiscence

Hi everyone, and welcome to episode Colin White of Elite Sense Brain. As always, I'm Viata, and I'm joined by my favorite poster on the whole internet, a user at Ericsson's Burner. How's it going? I'm doing so well because I'm so happy it's episode Colin White, and I'm so happy because right before we started recording, I remembered who wore 36. You forgot. Yeah. Colin White wore 36, and yeah, I'm proud of that actually.
And I said it's so exciting because we never got to episode Colin White on this Amelnikan life, and Colin White was obviously Poppy's favorite player back in the day, so this is a huge moment for us. Yeah, we are honoring Colin White today. What is he doing, actually? Is he at the NHL still? was that floor He was in Flordell, right, for a bit? i mean Yeah!
I'm gonna Google him right now. I'm pretty sure he's still like in the NHL. It's just I think he's maybe injured or scratched or something. It's always a good bet to say call. Oh, no, he's with the Habs. So he's dead, basically, to me as far as I'm concerned. God, that's so sad. RIP, Colin White. This has been a game. He hasn't played a game for them yet, though. i This season, I mean. he in He played for them last season, but not now. Yeah, absolute king.
He's honestly like he's just taking up like a roster spot and refusing to play is what I heard, just to try to try to screw them up, which I really appreciate. Oh yeah, the hero we all need.

Senators' Winning Streak and Playoff Push

So anyways, today is a huge episode, not just because it's episode Cullen White, but this feels fitting just because we love Cullen White, and this is one of the most important episodes we've ever done because the sends are good, guys! They're actually good!
it's actually nuts because okay so you texted me i think like two days ago and was like we need to record and like yes we do or like three days ago or something because the sends were for the first time i believe like that we've had this podcast and they've played more than like a few games that like don't really count like we actually get a trend of like where they're at are in a playoff position like This is the first time we recorded when they're like properly in a playoff position. Not just the first time since the podcast started. This is the first time this has happened since 2016-17. It's actually very nuts. And then when I was like, yes, we need to record, like this is a momentous occasion, I was so afraid that by the time we actually recorded, they would be out of their playoff position. Because like if something was going on, I think like if the
I don't know if they had lost and like the penguins won like it would have all fallen apart but they're still there because they just can't stop winning because of Kenzie Lalonde is what people are saying oh absolutely she's our good luck charm but she is the reason that they have been playing so well we need her to call every single game for the rest of time please never leave us Kenzie Oh, true. Literally, I am like, ah beside myself. I'm like, I don't even know what, like, this is new territory, truly, like...

Past Failures and Current Success

And what's wild is it's like, it's not even one of those things where they briefly ended up in a playoff spot because, you know, they just played more games than anyone, but then they lost it immediately and it was kind of a fluke, but we got to have fun with it. No, no, like, I keep looking at the standings.
And they've been in the playoff spot for several days now. That's crazy days guys, days in the playoff spot. They only lost it briefly for a few hours and then they regained it. They also have games in hand over pretty much every team that's close to them in the standings. They have a real chance of overtaking Boston because they're two points back with two games in hand. Like guys, this is crazy.
like they also like the way they did it also it's like they're on a five game winning streak which is nuts because before this they couldn't string together more than two wins and then they just like did it and did it even better than they needed to or they did need to win that much but like they did it better than we ever could have imagined yeah because it's it's like you know we were talking about this the last episode that Every year, they tank their season in November, and coming out of November, we always say, you know, all they need is a winning streak that's as dramatic as the losing streak that they just went on. And then they'll be fine, you know? Then they just, then they'll be back in the race.
And every year they failed to do that because every year they're like, Oh yeah, we're going to win two games. But as soon as we have a chance to get above 500, we're going to lose, right? They just like have doing that. And so they could never, they could improve their play, but they could never go on the like massive heater that they needed to get into the playoff conversation.

Brady Kachuk's Influence on Team Mentality

And this time the Suns did exactly that. They were like, yeah, we went on a losing streak, five game winning streak. Okay, we're right back in it. And now we just need to keep pace with all these teams for the rest of the season.
it's like yeah it's nuts because it's like i feel like like again this is what like we've just needed them to do for so long so it's crazy that it's actually happening but also i feel like this is something that just happens to other teams like all the time it's like oh like of course this team that i hate has gone on a five game winning streak but it's like now it's us who did that like it's the team i like who did it and it's like i'm just so happy And they're like doing it in fun ways. Like Brady Kachuk, obviously, like, everyone has always said it and like, I'm not gonna jinx it and say like, he's definitely like there, we obviously still don't know what will happen the postseason but it's like, Brady Kachuk is the type of player where it's like, he has fun, I feel like on a winning streak like more fun than any other player.
like he so this is we're recording right after the flames game last night and he scored the ot winner and did like the most the funniest celebration and he also like his mouth was all f'd up when he did it and it was awesome he's so goofy it's nice to see these players happy you know feels like they're never happy But yeah, it is really nice to see them happy. Yeah. And oh my gosh, like when it rains, it pours. People are like, uh, sorry that I doubted Thomas Chabot. I'm like, what the heck? Right? I know we talked about this in the last episode, but it's even more now. People are like, holy shit, Thomas Chabot is good now. And then everyone who, and then those of us who always believed in Chabot have to remind people he's always been good. But like people are actually acknowledging it now.
People are posting J-Fresh player

Playoff Chances and Team Rebuild Comparisons

cards of Thomas Chavotte. I've been mostly on Blue Sky recently, but I did see screenshots of tweets of J-Fresh. He replied to someone who posted the card and the like the caption of the card was like, is Thomas Chavotte good or something? And then he posted the player card from 2020 and said always has been. Exactly, exactly. Indicated. So freaking vindicated.
He's good, and everybody I'm glad that everybody is acknowledging it now, but I am going to take the opportunity to say I told you so. no yeah like we thought this before and like there Again, I think we said it last episode there is audio evidence that would we were already thinking this so Absolutely. Yeah, I'm glad that everyone has learned to appreciate him. I hope that he like Welcomes it and it's not like cuz if I were him I'd be like too little too late like I remember my real fans and a lot of you guys are not my real fans and I would say that verbatim
in my post-game interview. I feel like I'm a hater. He should give our podcast and a shout out because we are the two organizations that believed in him from day one.
it's very very true but yeah it's just been like so awesome because also like this was framed with i don't know if we talked about this but um because i think we recorded like right before this was happening but like when they went on their i guess losing streak there was like rumors i'm doing air quotes because this is a podcast you can't see but it's like oh like brady kachuk wants out like the rangers are gonna trade for brady kachuk all this stuff and it's like that was like obviously i was like this is fake and annoying but yeah and also the sends got mad about that did you see it yeah well like ian mendez right didn't he post i don't only saw ian mendez post about it but i didn't oh know it was michael and lauer getting mad about it oh yeah i did see that idea yeah because yeah he was like
It's called a Twint and pampering. I forgot about that because I remember Ian Mendez. He posted a screenshot of the definition of like, I don't even remember the word, but it was like basically implying that like

Trade Rumors and Fan Speculation

guy from I don't remember his name. The New York guy, who's a liar all the time. I don't even, I'm not going to remember his name because I don't care about him. But yeah, basically Ian Mendes called him a liar. Yeah, Michael Anlauer said he was tampering. But like, it's so nice that instead of just like having to be like, that was annoying, but oh my gosh, they're still losing. That's also annoying. It's like, that was annoying. And then they went on a huge winning streak. So like, why would Brady Kachukwon out now? Like he's our hero.
And I feel like part of the reason the sounds were mad about that is because in the NHL, it is kind of easy to just manifest rumors, you know? To be like, this player wants out. And then you start talking about like, oh, you know, should the team trade this player? And then it's like, yeah, we think the team should trade this player. And then it's just like, you know, it it's spirals and the more people talk about it, it kind of like becomes a reality. At least that's how it feels from the fan perspective a lot.
So it would have sucked if the sunset kept losing and we had had to just like keep talking about this but instead they started winning and it was like okay well that's that. Yeah it was so awesome and like the other thing about their awesome winning streak this will just be the whole episode just like us listing things we like about their winning streak but um It has like come at the hands a lot of like Linus Ulmark who has like been going off like I don't know how many shutouts he has in this street like two or three right like is oh yeah because Kenzie Lalonde called three games where they didn't have a goal again and like they weren't like ah they had a shadow against
the ducks, I believe, where it's like, okay, like that like we expect that much, but then they had a shadow against the hurricanes. It's like, what? That's a real team. That's a legitimate organization.
It's wild. I can't believe these are the Ottawa Senators. and of me dream It's also so funny because it's just like, this is normal hockey team stuff. Most hockey teams, you know, have losing streaks and winning streaks. And, you know, occasionally end up in a playoff spot in the month of December. And we're just like, holy shit, I can't believe this is my life. Like, this is crazy.
I hope it illustrates like how little we've had for so long. like We were hanging on to, like if you think back to like what we were hanging on to, it was like, yeah, so they're definitely not going to make the playoffs, but like they won a funny game against the Red Wings, and it was really, really funny, and that's what we're really happy about. and When we were chanting, we want playoffs, there were still several points out of a playoff spot.
it was like Not realistic, but we were like, we're making our wants

Excitement Over Playoff Scheduling

known. We were like, we want you to win every game from here on out. It was so funny. Cause it's like, I think at that point, like when we were changing, like we want playoffs, it had been like not even a winning streak. I think they like won one game or so. Maybe two, maybe they're on like a two game winning streak. And we were like, this is it. This is the wagon. Like this is what we've been waiting for. But now it's real.
Which is like yeah, this is just very much what other teams experience is like This is pretty normal, but this sentence Have always found a way to be so abnormal Yeah, well, because they tank their season before it even really starts and then they don't go on any winning streaks or at least winning streaks long enough to get them in the playoff conversation. I haven't checked the standings in years, at least not consistently. And now every day I'm like pulling up the NHL app several times a day, scrolling over to the wild card race, just being like, oh my God, I need to look at this.
I need to see it. Like, okay, guys, guys, I need to, I need to read this out to you so you can understand how beautiful this is. This never happens to the Ottawa Senators. It is so rare. We are Friday, December 20th, and the Ottawa Senators have have played 32 games and they have 36 points. They are two points behind Boston with two games in hand. So they have a better points percentage than Boston. They are definitely like it's very possible that they could catch Boston soon.
They are also one point ahead of Pittsburgh. And oh, it sounds like Pittsburgh is like right on our tails chasing us, but we also have two games in hand over Pittsburgh. So actually they're further behind us than you might think. And then the next best team is Philly, who have 32 points. So we're four points ahead of them. And we have a game in hand over Philly. And then at 31 points, New York Columbus and New York Islanders.
Yeah, New York Rangers, Columbus, and New York Islanders. And the Rangers are in free fall, so like I don't expect them to be in the race. So basically what I'm saying is we're guaranteed our playoff spot and nobody can possibly catch us.
This is what it looks like to me. That's honestly the vibes I'm getting. Also it'll be nice to, I'm glad you listed all that information, it'll be nice if like in the future they're bad again. and like In like 50 years right when they finally have lost, they've won 50 Stanley Cups in a row, you know maybe they're sun setting a little, it'll be nice to listen back on this and be like, this wow, what an incredible time this was.
Um, but yeah, it's crazy that like, we could be like, the Sens are winning the cup and it's like, maybe, like, they might get to the spot where they could potentially do that. Will I have to start making, will I have to stop making that joke in April? I won't, by the way. One day they'll be in the Stanley Cup final, going into like, a game where they could potentially win the Cup and be like, guys, the Sens are winning the Cup. It's crazy because I was like,
I don't know, it's like, oh my gosh, like maybe I have May plans for the first time in... Okay, I was thinking about this too, because last year I was at a game and i met up with a bunch of other sons game and I met up with a bunch of friends around my age, and we were all talking about how in our entire academic careers, and I mean like, you know, these people like... we were all doing degrees after undergrad and in our entire academic careers we had never once had to even think about exams conflicting with playoff hockey right the season was always gone it was always done by the time exams started and this year i was looking at my class schedule for the new year and i was like wait
When I'm choosing my courses, should I prioritize courses that have remote exams or have final papers so that I could potentially go to Ottawa for playoff hockey? I've never had to think about this ever in my life.
It's crazy. Like I'm not in, like I'm just like working so I don't have exams, but I'm like, I'm going to have to make plans to get to the Canadian higher center like in May. And that, that is honestly as big a commitment as like choosing your course schedule around the center. Like we're both making big plans based on it. Oh, so true. It's just wild. It's like, I like,
It's just crazy. And like, I don't even know, like it'd be so cool. Cause I'm like, what would the first round matcha be? I've never had to think about this or in so long. What would it be? Who knows?

Senators' Standings vs. Rivals

Yeah, I was thinking about that today that I was like, okay, I think it might be a little too early for that. No, see, I'm, I'm like, what will the what will the flight cup final be? Who will they be final with? They have a decent shot at third in the Atlantic. Like, I think they're more likely to get a wild card because Tampa has games in hand and everything. But like, I don't know. It's wild. It's also like,
It's even when the Suns were making the playoffs every few years, usually they were just outside the playoffs kind of chasing a spot and it's just so cool for them to be in a spot and being like, now the other teams are chasing us so we have to hold down this playoff spot because even back in the day that didn't happen, right?
Yeah, it'll be interesting I guess like to see like this is where the so-called like character I guess whatever that they've been building for like the past freaking like seven years or whatever like this is where it'll come in I guess it's like can you win when it matters? and So far yeah I did worry that they would get the playoff spot and then just immediately crumble so it's good that they didn't do that Yeah, it's nice to see because it's like, I feel like they, it's funny because in the past they haven't even been in a playoff position. It's been like they crumbled under the pressure of like chasing a playoff. It's like what once the playoffs have become a distant possibility, it's just too much pressure for them and they can't handle it. So I assumed that if they actually got into a playoff spot, that would also happen, but apparently not.

Impact of Coaching Changes on Team Maturity

like in the past it has very much been like if they mathematically are not like if they're like at like they have like a greater than 0.01% chance of making the playoffs now if they just like can hold on a little bit they're like oh my gosh like i can't do it and it's like that's so funny like and they did have like no maturity and it's funny because like It's basically the same guys. It's the same guys with like no, like you know the thing of like- This new coach made the difference. Oh, that's true. if Travis Green is very much- I honestly forgot he existed. I wonder if he is making a difference. Who knows? Who knows?
but like I have no idea what it is. Maybe it's Adam Gaudet. Maybe it's just having good goaltending. Honestly, that's what it is. Yeah, also we mentioned that before, but remember in the last episode I said that I believed Omar was injured. I feel vindicated. I didn't give up on him. I said there's something up. It might also be some people have suggested that maybe he was just adjusting to a new team and it takes a while to do that. i mean Previous Sends goalies haven't had that problem when they leave the Sends, but whatever the issue is, or was, I'm glad that Ulmerk is back. Yeah, the other nice thing is that according to Moneypuck, the mathematically worst goalie in the league is Jeremy Swamin. And I was like, that is poetry. I love it. Thank you. I didn't expect that, but man.
Yeah, and you know what? Corpus Salah, like obviously he hasn't played as much because like that's ranked for like I think like absolute like goals again so it's like Corpus Salah hasn't played him as much like obviously he won't have as many like expected goals against because it's like you know it's just like the absolute number but still he wasn't there and i was like you know what in the past i feel like he could have played three games and been like he let like in like 30 more goals than expected or something so it's funny that corpus sallow like it's funny that he did that thing he left ascends and was good but to me it's funnier that like why is jeremy swayman like the worst goalie in boston like that's very funny oh mark won the breakup you can say that
That's what I said on Loose Guy! Oh, I must have missed it. What a great pose. Wait, wait, our minds are so intertwined. Yeah, dude. What the heck? That's so funny. Wow.
he did win the breakup anyway so i don't know if there's anything more to like talk about other than to gush about them some more like i'm just so happy i'm so happy to have something positive to say about the sense you know so long until now it's been all like delusion and hypotheticals like oh my god guys they're gonna be good next year i swear and then they start playing and they're bad i know and it's also funny because literally last episode we were like they suck there's nothing to talk about because they're bad but like wow like how quickly things change in our defense though like defending like whatever two weeks ago us there was no reason to think anything was going to change so like no and we said it we were saying look they're gonna do their thing in november and then we'll reconvene and we'll like assess the damage and start watching again in december and look what happens yeah we knew
It's just so funny. They like they make the playoffs this year and then next year they also like take their season in November. They're just like, it's tradition now, we have to. It's how we honor like we honor DJ Smith, it's how we honor like Colin White, like it's how we honor all these past Sen's people. It's like, we need to tank November. It's like a ritual for them. If the other teams in the Atlantic and the Eastern Conference generally hadn't been so shit,
like the scents would still be screwed with this five game winning streak they really it was like the winning streak finally happening and also the other teams being shit that combined to make november not as disastrous as it could have been no literally that's actually so true but it's like to be honest like we deserve some of that luck like for so long the atlanta has been like half of the atlantic oh we can touch on the bottom half of the atlantic Namely, if you are a Buffalo Savers fan, oh my goodness. and What, 11 game losing streak? Have they won yet? Did they play yesterday or anything? and Check. I don't think so. I think I would have heard about it. That is and absolutely nuts. They play Toronto tonight. so like
Oh, so they're gonna win. So this is when the losing streak ends. Okay, okay. so When they were playing Toronto, it did look like because they played Toronto like a couple days ago, it did look like Toronto was gonna like finally like give them a win. And then they also do it. So it's very much I know I say it like a decent amount, but this is very much like stoppable force movable object. It's like,
why yeah Well, because also historically, like, the Leafs always play down to the Sabres, they always lose to the Sabres. So it's pretty wild that the Sabres found a way to lose. No, like, I feel bad, but also like, not really. But it's like I don't know. like I'm such a hater, and I specifically hate Buffalo, but it's gotten to a point where I just try to put myself in the shoes of a Sabres fan. I'm a Sens fan, and I'm going, oh my god, how would I even watch that, you know? Yeah, it's rough, it seems.
and it's just It's such a like cautionary tale of just the worst case scenario that could happen with a rebuild because they were so bad for so long and then you know, they were trying to finally start winning. I remember in 2021, in the bubble season, looking at the standings and going, why is Buffalo on like a 10 game losing streak? Why have they won like two games all season? Because weren't they supposed to be good this year? Because all their prospects have actually made the and NHL. And they had to do like another rebuild. And now, like, how is this even possible?
I don't like, I don't know. i To be fair, I don't pay enough attention to Buffalo to know how this is possible, but it's like, yeah in my head, I'm like, isn't like Owen Power good? Isn't like Dylan Cousins good? Isn't like Jack Quinn good now? Like even Jack Quinn was like, the time he was drafted, people were like, that's crazy. Like that was a reach, but it's like even he hit. So it's like, what happened? I guess they gave up Jeff Skinner and that was probably, that probably did a lot.
it's just and It's just so nice to know that like things could always be worse and you know to to feel better than at least one team, right? We have bragging rights over them, at least. Yeah, it is very much like, thank you so much. I presume Buffalo is to the sense what the sense are to a lot of teams. like Not now, not now, because the things are obviously amazing. In the past, I feel like it was very much like, well, at least we're not Ottawa. And like you know what?
like Like how Buffalo it's like It's not even like at least we're not Buffalo now like the Sens are good enough where it's like at least we're not like a slightly better team like Mm-hmm.

Rebuild Success Evaluation

It's like things are going well. So yeah, I feel bad also like That's what you get for being a team that I don't like next time be a team I like and maybe you will win Yeah, and, you know, we've said before, we don't want any of the teams that were bad at the same time as the Sens to be ahead of the Sens in their rebuild, right? The Sens have to be the first team in that, like, loser squad to make the playoffs. So, this better hold.
The scents have to be the best loser. and it's like Everyone knows who we're talking about. we're talking about like Buffalo, Habs, obviously scents. Red Wings. I think Columbus is in there, Red Wings are in there. like these The Devils were in there too when they made the playoffs. That pissed me off. You know what? The Devils, I hated them that one season they made the playoffs. I hated them so deeply. I believe I hated them more than the Leafs that season because I was like, this should have happened in the scents.
But yeah, then they lost, then they missed the playoffs last season. And I was like vindicated like, Oh, what happened? I thought you were supposed to be good. But yeah, I think they're good again now. But it's like, now I don't care. And I'm like, Yeah, well, so are we like, we're good too. It's fine. Yeah, then it doesn't matter.
So I'm just, I'm very happy that not only are the sounds good, but the other teams are bad because we can point at them and go, you suck. Our rebuild was better than yours. Because for a while, like Detroit has been doing that to us. So they were it's good. It's good that they're finally in their rightful place below us in the standings. Yeah. I remember.
the Raymond is better than Stutzler discourse. I remember it. Where are those people now? today Where are they? I don't know. a They left in shame. as Have I ever said that the reason that I started hating the Red Wings is because of an article on the athletic that was published a few years ago. And it was This article Ian Mendez was writing for The Athletic at the time and it was so Ian Mendez and the writer who covered the Red Wings doing this article comparing the two rebuilds saying which one is better, right? Or which team is closer to contention? And I remember I pulled up this article thinking, oh god this is going to be so bleak because everyone, I think this was two seasons ago, everyone was talking about how the Red Wings are ahead of the sense in their rebuild, right?
you know, Raymond and it was yeah, Raymond and the Ciders first season and they were all talking about the the rookies and oh my god they're on a playoff spot and the Red Wings are so far ahead of the Sens and then I read this article and at pretty much every like At every point where they were comparing the two teams, because they were like, oh, the forward group versus like the defense and all that, with every single thing, they were like, the sons are better. The sons are further ahead in their rebuild. The sons are closer to contention. And I was like, what the hell? Twitter lied to me? Like, what is this? Why is everyone acting like Steve Eisenman is a genius and the Red Wings are about to make take the next step.
When, apparently, these people that I've decided to believe say that, like, the sins are supposed to be better. And from that day on, I have hated the Red Wings. I should tell you and Mendoza about this. I never told him that he originated this hatred.
played such an integral role wait a second that's so funny I always assumed that it was like someone was being like the red wings are better than the Sens and as like an act of like hey screw you like no I hate the red wings it's funny that it was more so like a I'm gonna kick them while they're down type thing like oh they're so bad I hate them even more now But it was like they were ahead of the Sens and the Standings and people were talking about them like they were good.

Rivalry with Red Wings

And I was like, no, they're not. They're frauds. Wait, honestly, they're like having like.
I trust Ian Mendes with my life so like having like a legitimate like reason of why like because I feel like so much of it is just like um like Stuza is uh weak and he dives so red wings better it's like to have like a real thing to point to if like this is why I believe the sends are better and your red wings writer agreed with that I don't remember who it was I had no reason to trust this person but they were saying that the sends were good so I was like I trust you with my life and I remember that the article was really well done and they like it was well-reasoned and I just kept going like oh I didn't realize that these players that everyone hypes up on social media aren't even as good as I thought they were. It's so funny and you know what now like vindicated because it's like the Red Wings had like one year where they were like kind of fine last year still missed the playoffs mind you it was awesome it was the best thing that's ever happened to me um and now they suck like now they like actually suck
They sucked to the point that didn't this send- did this send us Win Pizza Line at Night? They did! head and it's Perfect segment, but it's like what? Well yeah, because we were saying that they never win these types of games, and yet they somehow managed to win Pizza Line Night. Yeah, that's how- Detroit! You are absolute losers! Oh my gosh. And it's like, it's funny how, um, like, where it's Alex Debrinket. Like, what- like, nowhere.
Like, where is he? And you know how I know he's nowhere? I have him on my fantasy team as an emotional hedge vet, and he does nothing. I love that. But yeah, they did win Pizza Lion Night. Apparently there was behind the scenes footage that I neglected to watch by accident, so...
Okay, it was cool. I just really enjoyed like Spetso. There was a breakaway video and Spetso was giggling the whole time. and It was just very sweet. And yeah, they kept going around like the locker rooms and stuff. And of course, as people know from a few episodes ago, I've been in that area. I was like, Oh my god, I know the layout of this. Like, I recognize the weird like warehouse looking area. That was not what I expected when I first went there. So it was cute. Heatless kids were cute. They've never seen snow before.
so Yeah, fun video. It's so cute. It's also just so funny that they decided to do that on Country Night. Oh my god, they did? Wait, I would have thought that, like, all the theming would have been Pizza Line Night. Like, I don't know why they had to- So that's how you know it was last minute. They were, like, trying to make it work with everyone's schedules and they were like, uh, guess we're gonna do this on Country Night. That's so cute, what the heck.
Well, I think that's still nice that happened. That's super nice. That's so awesome. What did the promotion end up being?

Honoring Past Senators Players

Did anyone get pizza? I know Jason Spezza was handing out free pizza to people in the 300s. They were showing him doing that. Also, there wasn't a ring of water thing or anything. They were just like, hey guys.
look at these three guys they're gonna drop the puck cool and then that's it that's so funny very much like we remember them don't you and it's like let's remember some guys let's remember some guys oh my gosh i feel like for the longest time like when um Like when the relationship with Alfie and the organization was still like kind of fraught, I won't say exactly why, we all know why. but Like I feel like whenever it was like he appeared, people it just got so hyped. So it's like, I feel like it's like shades of that where it's just like, we know what you want to see. Like you love these guys. And it's like, I can forgive. Well, no, I cannot forgive.
But for I'll momentarily forget that Jason Sveta turned his back on us in the most evil way possible and played for the Leafs. But you know like for this moment, I'll like be happy he's here. Yeah, exactly. And Danny Heatley saw water under the bridge. a you know We're going to have fun forgiving him officially.
in this it In this arena, in this moment, we have decided we will not boo him anymore. you Yeah, so that's nice. It's also nice they came to Ottawa, like especially Danny Heatley. He came to Ottawa in like kind of winter, so that was nice of him. Yeah, not the best time to come to Ottawa, so we appreciate it. Yeah.
Anyway, I think that's, like, everything from the pizza line, because, again, the scents weren't even able to fully commit a full night to it, so we don't have to commit a full segment to it. We'll just touch on it. That's what happened. Yeah, it was a cool thing that happened. And I think you want to talk about something cool that happened in a more recent game that was not in Autolyne's in Calgary. Yeah, I do. OK, basically, this was not in the episode outline. I don't make the episode outline as we've established. I read it and I said in my head, how could you forget? Hate McCray.
was at Calgary Flames game yesterday, and um like that's kind of it. I was just like, oh my god, cool. I'm honestly like, I don't really like Tate McCrae that much. I don't love her music. I have listened to X's by Tate McCrae like legitimately every day um since it came out, and it's really good to sing along and dance to because it makes no sense.
So yeah, the Tate McCree segment is that it was cool she was there. um On Twitter, whoever was running the Silver 7 account on Blue Sky said, hey, can we have some, and I'll give you one guess who it was.

Tate McCrae's Game Attendance

I was like, hey, we can we have some Tate McCree lyrics to put in the recap? And I worked my hardest to bring the lyrics that I thought fit the best. I read the recap. I was too sleepy. I'm sorry. I was too sleepy. I needed to sleep. And I didn't have the brain power to make all the puns I wanted to. And I felt very sad because I was like, this could have been a great recap full of Tate McRae lyrics. But also, I looked up more Tate McRae lyrics to be like, should I really commit to this?
And, you know, I found articles that were, like, Tate McCree's best lyrics and I was like, these these are the best. um You know, I mean, like, I've listened to her music and lots of it sounds nice. I think that she has some some good music. But when you see the lyrics just, like, out of context, they're not very good lyrics in my humble opinion.
She's a pop star. She channels Britney Spears in the sense that like, she's a wonderful dancer, like truly an amazing dancer. I think she was like a competition dancer before she became a pop star. So like, she's really, really good. Her lyrics do veer a lot of like, yeah, yeah, yeah is a lot of them. Um, so it's like, they're, they're not that great. Some of those songs are catchy. They were playing her, her music during the game in the arena in Calgary. And I thought that was cute.
yeah And then she also met Gerald McGinlay, which was
It's so funny whenever celebrities go to games that the sets are playing at, because it's just like, oh my god, this celebrity like is observing my team. You know, I'm not used to that. And so I was, during that game, I was like, oh my god, Tate McCray is like, watching Brady Kachuck be silly. She's like, and she's seeing Tim Stits that pull off these moves. Like, this is so wild. Do you think she's leaving the arena being like, yo, that number seven on the Ottawa Senators is whack. Like, what a strange man.
No, literally, it also was funny because it's like, Kate McCray, she's like a decently popular like artist right now. but like she's not Some people try to put her in main pop main pop girl status. I would argue that she's like just bubbling under. Yeah, like she's not just like, oh, fringe Canadian artist that nobody else knows about.
But she's not all and white yeah she's not quite main pop girl. Yeah, yeah exactly. So she's like between there. she's like Honestly, I would place her where like Sabrina Carpenter was like a couple years ago. like Maybe that's like where I would place her. But it's cool because, like first of all, like she's still a celebrity. Second of all, she like is friends with like Olivia Rodrigo. So I was like in my head, I was like, I wonder if Tate McCray will like tell Olivia Rodrigo about her evening and be like, I watched The Sens. And then Olivia Rodrigo can like tell all her like famous and I was like whoa like this brings us to like like how many degrees of separation away from like I guess that's just Olivia Rodrigo I don't know who else Olivia Rodrigo knows but yeah it was interesting because she knows a lot of well-connected people yeah and she's also legitimately a big hockey fan like I'm pretty sure she like actually is a Flames fan and probably knows lots about hockey which is just so funny
Yeah, I think her like, yeah, she obviously like grew up in Calgary. And I think like, it's a fair bet that like she watched a lot of hockey growing up and stuff. Also, her brother played like, not, I don't know, the like the highest level he got to but like, like pretty decent, I think. And she was famously a wag for a little bit. but Oh my god. Yeah, I forgot about that. Wow.
i was and oh well Yeah, she was totally she was at the All-Star game last year. she is yeah she's just She's a hockey fan. I almost said she's a sense fan. She's technically not, but... Maybe after last night's game, she is a sense fan. Exactly. She was like, these guys are so goofy. you Literally. And then she like looked them up in the standings, expecting to see them not even in a playoff spot. But then when she saw them in a playoff spot, she was like, wait a second. like This team's legit. me Now she's a fan.
who But yeah, that's everything I wanted to say about Tate McCray. It's just like she was there, and that's cool. Oh my god, the flames aren't even in the playoff spot. That's so embarrassing. Yeah, at least she watched one.

Brady Kachuk's Humorous Antics

I'm not going to call them playoff team yet, but like she watched one team in a playoff spot yesterday.
Thank God. Thank God one team decided to show up for Tate. I also wanted like the Tate McCrae like um updates pages on Twitter to be like, update like Tate McCrae spotted at like, or she like attended the like Sends Lames game, but they like, I don't think they mentioned the Sends in anything. Oh, that's so sad. That just shows you how niche and underground hockey is in the auto centers especially.
It's so true. But yeah, speaking of that game, if we want to bring it back to our segment, what did Brady Kachunk do this week? A lot of it was just in that game. What a guy. He is a comedian, the likes of which the hockey world has never seen before. It's so true.
Um, so yeah, yesterday it was funny because I think he fully, first of all, he did the noble thing and bled when he was high-sticked. So. Yeah. As any, as any true hockey player would. Yeah.
if you don't you just don't care about your team enough um so yeah he had like a busted mouth uh and like i think he lost a tooth oh yeah he like had a visible gap in his teeth and his lip was like all busted because he had he missed the rest of the second period because he was getting stitched up like it was pretty intense it was a lot of blood But then he came back, and he scored the OT winner, and then in his postgame, he was like, thank god we already did the Christmas cards. Which made me think, like, yeah, imagine you're like, his, like, wife watching this, and you haven't done the Christmas cards yet, I'd be like, god fucking damn it, like, come on. Man. And then he did the silliest goal celebration when he scored the OT winner, and it looked even stupider with the limp.
it did look so silly it's funny to remember like he's a father oh my god but it have yeah in a few years we'll be able to like to say wow his kid was watching that and come to see his dad be silly exactly um but yeah that was the main awesome thing he did i guess we also touched on like the rangers tried to capitalize on, and they tried to make it into what did pretty good check do this week by trying to um just manifest a rumor. Yeah, so they failed. So we won't be discussing that. We already discussed it. all Um, but yeah, and then also gonna be in the Amazon show.
Which is cool. Yeah. I'm going to be honest, I haven't watched season one of that show. Because why would I? It wasn't about the Ottawa Senators. A friend told me that there was a lot of Brady content in one of the episodes, but I didn't care enough.
Yeah, I watched a decent amount of it. Honestly, like, there were parts where I'm like, this is like, yeah, this isn't about the sense of who cares. But yeah, in the Matthew Kaczuk episode that I watched, Brady was also there. Like, it just kind of like, annoyed me because it was about the playoffs. And I was like, should have been pretty Kaczuk there. Like, I'm so mad. So yeah, it wasn't an awesome watch. But now finally, it'll be a good watch. Finally, they got some star power.
Finally, yeah. I'm looking forward to it. It would be really cool if the subs could make the playoffs this year. They can follow him through that. But if not, it would just be kind of funny to be like, yeah, and now we follow around this player on the shittiest team that has never made the playoffs ever. So literally, like, because I'm like, whoa, Amazon kind of has like confidence in him, like kind of cool. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to that.
hello And also, we skipped over that um after scoring his overtime winner, Brady also spoke to the media immediately afterward and was like, yeah, this is why you wear a mouth guard. Yes, Brady. Brady, maybe if you had been wearing your mouth guard, this wouldn't have happened. It's so funny.
like he also like flagrantly does not wear his mouth guard like he we see it outside of his mouth it's not even like he could be like like what does he think was gonna happen he had to know that this was a possibility yeah like not to harp on that too much also but it's like it's funny that he's like i hope it teaches you the importance of like all the safety stuff when like he is a big proponent for no helmets and warm up like
and like that even like could result in some worse stuff so. moon He just has to look cool. It is funny to think of him like he's the captain and he's just anti-safety and I can't tell if it would be funnier for him to like from this point forward become really diligent about wearing his mouth guard properly or for him to just keep blatantly not wearing the mouth guard.
like again i can just imagine his wife being like imagine they hadn't taken the christmas cards he got high sticked he wasn't wearing his mouth guard and you were like literally like just wear the mouth guard like i if i feel like if i were her and they hadn't taken the christmas cards i'd be pissed but or the christmas pictures but i guess it doesn't matter because like he's been photographed in his best state anyway so like probably it didn't matter but yeah like you should wear his I get that like it's hard when you're so used to like you know having something to chew on and the mouthguard is like kind of uncomfortable when you're wearing it and stuff. like I get it. I've played hockey, kind of, so I understand that it's not as easy as when he's so used to just chewing on his mouthguard. It won't be easy for him to start actually wearing it, but like I think he should. Yeah, for safety. yeah While we're at it, like
I'm still on the, like, everyone should wear their neck guard train. Koji who looks so cool with his neck guard. He really does. I literally think about it every time I see him. or I'm like, whoa, she looks really cool. Well, it's so cool. It's like you have that line where it's like G with his cool ass neck guard and Timmy with his tinted visor. It's like this is the coolest line. I'm still on that. safety Nothing's clearly in safety and also tinted visor for no apparent reason. You know what team, I'm going to do a fun segue. You know what team could maybe benefit from some tinted visors that might make them better at hockey? The Ottawa charge. Yeah, they really could. but i From what I remembered, their record is one and four.
is They had the one shootout loss, so it was one, ah three, and one.

Ottawa Charge's Season Struggles

Or no, they they do the standings differently because like yeah over time wins, so it's a one, zero, three, one, something like that. It's not good. Yeah, not great.
Yeah, and it's funny how, you know, before the season started, we were like, oh my god, thank god the charge are here to save the day, while the sends are bad. And then the charge were like pretty, I mean, the first two games were fine, but then they fell off a cliff after that. But then the sends became good. So we were like, okay, give us a shit about the charge. Yeah, like, I don't know if it's like,
if it's a situation where like you can't have two good teams in Ottawa at the same time like for a long time you can definitely have two bad ones at the same time yeah that's the thing because I was like oh maybe one of them always has to be good but no I remember last year they they had no issue both being bad so yeah it's not it's not the greatest situation you know what though
I'm trying to think of something that'll make me less sad about it. Their jerseys are not that bad, yeah in my opinion. Wow, that's actually really problematic that I'm like just commenting on women's fashion. Sorry, guys. Well, I will say some of the new players have stolen my heart. And some of my favorite players have been playing really well, too.
I- Jinsi Rose actually, I didn't like her that much last year and she's been on fire so nice to see her turn things around. Katarina Bratsova. Amazing. Aneta Terelova. She was one of my favorites last year. I love her.
And, most importantly, people have already heard me say this on multiple podcasts, but I need to say it here. I'm finally ready to announce my new favourite auto charge player, filling the hole in my heart that there are lots left. I am in love with Ronya Savalaita.
um so I guess this is not the first time you've making you're making this announcement, so it's not breaking news, but exciting news nonetheless. I love her so much. She's so good.
i I came to this decision in the very first game of the season, which I attended in person, and the people behind me were very amused by my constant yelling at the screen because it started with, who's that player? I think she was 88, right? Who's 88? I don't know who she is. Who's that? Wow, she's good. To like an hour later, that's my girl, my favorite player.
Oh my gosh. Also for a second, I forgot that their first game, so I attended their second game and then also the game at the CTC. So I think that was their third game. So for a second, when you've said you attended their first game, I didn't, I forgot that that like wasn't, because I attended their first game in Ottawa. I was like, we were at the same game and we didn't text each other, but no, we were not. But yeah, so I attended the second and third game. The second game, very fun. That's the one they won against the Sceptors, loved it.
um For people attending, you know, every time Daryl Watts touched the puck, we booed, which was fun. I could hear that on TV. Yeah, I was like from where I was sitting, I didn't have a great vantage at all times of who exactly had the puck, so I think I accidentally booed some random other players, which is fair enough. Yeah, I mean they're on Toronto, so it's fair game, yeah.
but yeah um uh that was very fun and they that was like a that was an like a electric win i really like that and then when i watched at the ctc um you know it was a loss and also i was sitting but like pretty close i mean it docks myself i guess whatever it was in the past if you saw me you saw me you knew you don't know what i looked like i was sitting decently close to like where the auto charge shot shot twice and so basically in the second period If you remember, Mary Philip Pele had like a breakaway goal and I got the best view of it. Like I saw it in perfect whatever. And I was like, okay, if any other, under any under circumstances, that would have been amazing. But I was like, damn, that sucks.
yeah um and then they kind of fell off like that was like kind of like a that was a close game uh i like really thought they were gonna pull out a win they did not but yeah like we've said they're not doing so hot and they're not even taking the games to overtime like they did last year where they just lost every game in overtime yeah so pretty brutal it was wild that last night the charge game overlapped with the sense game and obviously i had to watch the sense game because i was writing the recap And at the end of it, I was like, wow, I'm so glad I watched the Sens game instead of the charge. I never expected to say that. Yeah, you like, it's a real how the tables have turned situation because even last year when they were both bad, I was having way more fun with Ottawa, like auto charge that I guess they were PWHL Ottawa at that time than the Sens. Just because like, I guess they were new. And also it's like,
I just like held more space for them. I was like, you know what? It's fine. Like they're brand new. They're getting used to each other. The Sends, I was like, they were like the eldest kid who like kept effing up. I was like, yeah I'm done with you. You're kicked out of the house. But yeah, now it's interesting that why are they bad?
Mm-hmm. And obviously I still love them. I'm still gonna support them. I hope they turn things around. There's still plenty of of games left to go in the season, but yeah, they don't look good right now. So that's unfortunate. Yeah, we can't be too happy at any given moment. It'd be too greedy. Ha! Tate McCree reference. If we, um, if we had two good hockey teams to support. him Can't get greedy. That's so true. That's a Gracie Abrams reference. Oh, is it? Well, technically, I know it wasn't intentional, but that's her that's one of her most popular songs, which brings us into our last segment.
um So thank you to everyone who had us in their Spotify wrapped as one of their top top podcasts.

Spotify Wrapped Listener Acknowledgment

We appreciate it very much. We don't know. You clearly aren't listening to many podcasts if we're in your top 10 or whatever. because ah or No, if we're your number one podcast, I think there are 10 of you. That's where that number came from. But, you know, we're glad that you listened to us.
It's just like, you know how, uh, I don't know if I'm exposing this or if this knowledge is public, like, you know, how like, yeah, like maybe like a hundred, uh, like, I don't know how many listens we get, like 130 ish. Like, let's say I like to think like it's more than that. Oh, really? Okay. Wow. I, maybe I just haven't checked in a while. I feel like it's a few minutes.
but Yeah, let's say it's a few hundred. I like to just think that it's like just those people who had us as their top like podcast just listening over and over. Well, please do that. I mean, we we make no money off of this. But ah just for bragging rights, we would love it if you could just like play our episodes on a loop to like boost our stats for no good reason. Yeah, it's a nice boost.
I think, though, our listens almost directly correspond with how good the sends are at the given moment. Well, that makes sense because also I stop listening to hockey podcasts when the sends are bad and then I listen to hockey podcasts when they're good. It's the same with like I have a subscription to the athletic, but I only read it when the sends are good or when they do something noteworthy because I'm like, they're going to be talking about the sends.
And then I'm way more informed on the NHL when the sends are good, because I'm reading all the general NHL stuff like, aha, they're talking about the sends. No, literally. So, um, yeah, I guess all this to say this should be getting a million like this episode. Um, but yeah, so thanks to everyone who listened to us on Spotify. ah What did you listen to on Spotify this year? What was your rap like?
Um, my, it was a little bit all over the place, not quite as much as I thought. Some, some weirder options, like just missed the cut of the top five that I shared. And I'm going to say this right now. I am not the type of person who is consciously listening going, how will this affect my Spotify wrapped? My attitude is always, if my Spotify wrapped is embarrassing, I just won't share it. but um Because I just don't want to be like feeling perceived all the time when I'm listening to music.
So yeah, it was a little bit all over the place, but not that bad. What about you?
so and Do want to go back and forth with which artists we had? Sure, yeah. Starting with number five. Or do you do you know which artist just barely missed the cut for yours? Oh, you didn't share yours though. I shared mine. Okay, I can't find my phone, but I think I remember enough and I'll just like pull up the playlist on my computer. Okay. Okay. Do you know your number six artist?
you can find that if I like if you go on the songs on the playlist and you do share it'll tell you if the artist yeah yeah fy way like we don't need to share that I'm gonna presume I'm guessing it's Noah Khan if I had to guess and oh that makes sense see when I said the weirder options just miss the cut for me my number six artist was Warren Zivon which I was not surprised by I was surprised he didn't make my top five I have no explanation for this other than I am a lifelong Zevon superfan and I just listen to him a lot. I also know that my number six song was Desperados Under the Eves by Zevon, so in both cases just barely missed the cut, but I need to announce on the podcast that I'm a Zevon head. Dude, I'm gonna be embarrassed.
So who is that? He sings werewolves of London. That's the one song you would know. Oh, okay, okay. But he has other better songs. I have I have a whole playlist of ah the called Warren's Yvonne starter pack on my Spotify page, I can send it to you so you can be educated. Okay, yeah, do that. Because when we start getting into this,
I'm gonna be embarrassed. I'm gonna be exposed. No, all my other options are much more mainstream than that. Okay, because I'm like very much like I don't think of myself like this. Oh, I'm like a 20-something teenage girl. I don't subscribe to that idea, but I fear that my music taste does. Like I fear that that is who I am through my music taste. It's okay, mine kind of does too. Okay, okay. So do you want to trade songs? Like what? Oh, songs? We're gonna start with that? Or artists? Do you want to do artists? Yeah, I think i think it's it's more fun to start with the songs.
Okay. Do you want me to go first? Yeah, sure. No, you go first. Okay, okay. My number one, my number five songs, the songs are very exactly what you'd expect from me. Number five for me was Hot to Go by Chapel Row. Okay, so my number five was So American by Olivia Rodrigo, which is a, like, deluxe track. So, like, I'm a real Olivia Rodrigo head.
She dropped that around the time I saw Olivia Rodrigo in concert, so I was listening to that one a lot. It's ah it's really fun. I approve of that. Yeah, it's so good. Number four for me was Unknown slash Enth by Hozier, which is just one of my favorite songs of all time. I just listened to it. I just have to queue it up all the time whenever I'm listening to music.
That makes sense. I still need to listen to Hozier. I haven't listened very much. But yeah, from what I've listened, I've always liked so. I have a Hozier starter pack too that I can send you. and You just gotta go to my Spotify profile. Perfect, perfect. Okay, my number five of my number four was Casual by Chaplerone. Oh yeah, obviously. I think that was like seven or eight for me. Yeah.
My number three was Naked in Manhattan by Chapel Row, and that was my favorite song off Midwest Princess, so no no surprises there. and So my number three was Obsessed by Laphir Rodrigo, also a deluxe track. i um And it was good. It was a really fun song. I am Olivia at heart. That's what they called it. Absolutely. My number two was shocking only because I was really surprised this wasn't my number one. It was Good Luck Babe by Chapel Run. Oh, wow. That is shocking to me. Yeah. Oh, because I listened to it.
I listened to it like on repeat after it came out, so I was so sure it would be my number one, but you'll you'll understand the number one. There there was a ah four-month head start, I guess. So anyways, your number two, what was it? So my number two was All American Bitch by Peter Rodrigo, which like that one I did listen to quite a bit. I think I like went through a phase where I like streamed it for whole days at a time. Damn.
Yeah, i'm I'm telling you, I am maybe the biggest Deliver Rodrigo fan in the world. Just kidding. There's like a 14 year old who has me beat, but like, I'm almost there.
i really and I really liked her first album and I remember not liking her second album that much when it came out until I saw her live because I went to the gun store just for Chapel Road because Chapel Road was opening and I was like, look at me, I'm so quirky and like um and different from everyone else because I'm going here just for Chapel, this underground artist that nobody's heard of. And then I absolutely loved the music. like It was so good and there' was like I rediscovered that album so I'm yeah I i respect that yeah okay anyways yeah my because you said your number two song right yeah so my number one song that that managed to defeat Good Luck Babe was Red Wine Supernova by Chapel Grown which I started thing is also I started listening to that like this time last year because I discovered Chapel Grown because everyone was posting her on their Spotify raps and so I was like oh I should like
listened to her music and Red Wine Supernova was the one song that I got hooked on. Apparently, I was in the top 0.05% of listeners to that song with 94 streams over the course of the year. Oh my gosh, that is a good song, guys. Yeah, four month head start over. Good luck, babe.
There you go. I want to know how many because okay, my number one was Good Luck Babe by Olivia, by Olivia Rodrigo. Oh my god, by Tafel Rowan, which is not a surprise. But I don't remember if I was in the top one or it's top 0.1 or top zero point, like whatever, you know what I mean? So I'm like trying to figure out I think I was in the top zero point zero, I was in the top 0.01 listeners. Oh, wow.
I streamed it 108 times. I also did you get the um the extra notification a few that a few days later that said, for me, I was in the first 2% of Good Luck Babe listeners. It is. And I was like, man, that day, I woke up and the first thing I did was stream Good Luck Babe, so it must be just that I didn't listen to it right at midnight when it dropped.
you Yeah, so I didn't get that but it's like, I listened to it right when it came out. So I'm like, I don't know what happened. I was also listening to I was watching videos of chapel performing it before it came out. So yeah, like, I should count. Yeah, it should count. I think you're the number one chapel room fan. Uh, actually, there's like, there's gotta be someone who's more but like,
But yeah, we want to do we want to say our artists now? Because this is what I'm deeply embarrassed about. Oh no, am I starting again? ah you You can start. All right, my number my number five.
my my favorite bands, the greatest band in the world, ah my favorite band since 2020, Muna. They didn't even put out any new music, but I just listened to them. It's like they're one of those bands where like I go through phases where I'm like, okay, i'm I'm over the new album, over the new song, and then I'll listen to their music again. I'm like, wait, wait, wait hold on, hold on, hold on. I gotta listen to this. I rediscover songs. Also, when I'm like writing papers or something or I'm studying,
I like to have albums in the background because like the songs sound similar, so like it's you know it's easier to like listen to music. And I find that Muna albums are some of the best for studying, not so much their self-titled album, but their first two. I just find they're really good for studying, and also because like I just listened to them on repeat in 2020, so i I know this music so well that it can just fade into the background. So I listen to them a lot.
And in my heart, they are number one, but in my Spotify raps, they are number five, because they don't actually have that much music out. That makes sense. Okay, so see, that's a good number five. My number five in my heart is not on my Spotify rap, because I have excommunicated her. My number five was Gracie Abrams, which I'm deeply embarrassed about. I am like, now on Blue Sky, I might be the biggest video creator, but like, in my defense,
When I listen to music at work, when I'm working, I'm just gonna like, I don't know. Like I think this happened because I just listened to like, I didn't listen to a ton of artists. And honestly, my Spotify premium is probably wasted on me. Like I don't think I listened to a wide array of music enough to actually justify it. Like I should just buy the albums that I listen to over and over. But basically, whenever a song that I wanted to listen to came on, like finished, like of another artist, a Gracie Abrams song would come on.
And I would be like, you know what, this sounds kind of like Lorde. And sure, this is basically Lorde. I will listen because like derivative of Lorde in the absence of new Lorde music is basically like, eh, okay. You know what I mean? And like derivative of like Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers type whatever. So I'm like, okay, sure. So it's Gracie Abrams. I have since actually blocked charts and like I don't actually want to listen to any of this music anymore. So come back next year. I listened to some of her old music. like I think her first album, I enjoyed some of those songs back when they came out. And I listened to her album when it came out and it was fine. It just didn't grab me enough that I wanted to listen to any of those songs again. yeah It's okay, this is the same state.
I didn't hate on her too much. Like her music is like fine. It's just like pretty, it's just like whatever, you know? So it's like, that's fine. No hate to Gracie Abrams. I'm just off the Gracie Abrams train for right now. Maybe I'll rejoin. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
So my number four was Marianna's Trench. ah big ah Big comeback for them in my heart because this, as I think I mentioned in the last episode, Marianna's Trench was like my favorite band ever when I was in middle school. Like I was you don't understand i was obsessed with this is the only band where i have ever been interested enough in the band to like be watching all of their interviews and the behind the scenes the music videos and everything and like following them along this is the only time i have ever been in like a
I wasn't really in the fandom but like kind of almost in like ah a fandom for a band and that was me in middle school with Marianna's Trench so like the lore goes way back for that and earlier this year I figured out that their music is like perfect music for me to play while I'm in the shower because I know every lyric like it's just it's in the back of my brain like it just as soon as the song plays I know every single word and so it's really fun to sing in the shower And then also they did come out with a new album this year that like it's not quite on the level of their old music but I did enjoy listening to it and it's kind of perfect for like having on in the background as I work or I'm writing or something so for those two reasons They're their number four for me. Those are good reasons. I feel like
I love that one song that ran its trench stutter. When I first heard that, I was like, this is the greatest song I've ever heard and I maintain it's one of the greatest songs I've ever heard. so the that's kind the four songs The four songs that I'm always singing in the shower for them are All To Myself, Cross My Heart,
haven't had enough in desperate measures. For me those are the like Marianas Trench like pure like pop punk like absolute bangers and they haven't they haven't had any songs on that level since at least since Astoria I would argue since Ever After. So it's been a long time and I've given up hope that they will ever have like singles that good but those are my four favorites.
i I will listen after. You will also send me your Mariana's Trench Starter Pack. um So my number four artist was Chapel Rhone, who was actually lower than I would have expected, but then looking at my top three, it makes sense. So yeah, I'm happy she's there.
um My number three was also Chapel Road, and also I was shocked. I thought she would be my number one because I was playing her on repeat, but it's like she doesn't have that many songs. I think that's the thing, right? And also, she's one of the few artists that like I actually cannot listen to her music in the background while I do work, and that's the but yeah like the time when I'm listening to music the most, right? Because it's just the music is just too much for that. It's too distracting.
That's how she designed it. like It wasn't designed to ever be background music. like it its It's like a vent music. like You're listening to this. yeah But see, that's why like you know Spotify wrapped. It's not your favorite artist of the year. It's the artist you listen to the most often. right yeah It's like who you could put on in the background the most is basically, yeah.
So, my number three is Sabrina Carpenter, where this is just Stan Twitter taste. Like, I am just like- Absolutely. Yeah, but yeah- And there's no shame in that. Exactly. I liked her new album for the most part, loved Espresso. Espresso was like my seventh song, I think, according to like my, or no, like my sixth actually, according to my playlist.
um yeah I think I just like would listen to her album on repeat because I saw her in concert so I was like I gotta learn all the songs and I did learn all the songs but I was too shy to sing them at the concert so I was just like in my head I know these songs fair enough yeah I liked her new album. I really liked Taste. That was my favorite. Yeah, it's like she makes very like actually this is something where like I know it's fraught because of their history but like Olivia Rodrigo and Sabrina Carpentry both do something and honestly I think like Taylor Swift where it's like they do it well where it's like
They sing about stuff where I'm like, that's an embarrassing, like objectively and you know, like that's not a flattering thing to be singing about. But it's like, oh, like, it's still fun. Like it's still an emotion we experience. But it's like, paste is like the epitome of like, that's not flattering. But like, girl, like I get it. It's fun. And also it's great. Those types of songs are great for when you're making playlists based on fictional characters. And you need and you need like, hate songs about very specific situations.
There you go. So my number two, um I'm actually, okay, she has been my number one artist for several years running, and I'm actually shocked that she was on my spot if I wrapped up all this year. <unk> It's Taylor Swift. So she was finally unseated. And basically, look, here's the thing.
I like Taylor. I'm not a huge stan. I think she has fun music. I also am the type of person where like I get bored of music really quickly, so I'm constantly listening to lots of different music, and she has so much music that I listen to. that like that's how she always she She always makes my number one artist despite having like no songs in my top 10 or 20, right?
So and't there's no shame in liking Taylor Swift. I'm not trying to be like, oh, I'm not like other girls. i'm I don't like Taylor Swift. But this year I felt like I did not listen to her at all because I didn't like the tortured poets department. But the thing is, once I saw she was my number two, I was like, okay, to be fair, I did listen to the tortured poets department several times trying to convince myself that I like it.
trying to be like okay i'm sure i want to like this i want to understand and i just but i don't know i feel like i didn't listen to her at all but apparently i did so yeah i thought that i won't spoil mine but like i thought that i listened to her less than i did but also i listened to the tortured poets department so much and it's like I enter states where I'm like we know my opinions on this we have a podcast about where we were like this is bad album but I enter states where I'm like everything in my mind is clicking like it's all like everything's aligning I'm like wait a second like my third eye is opening I'm like wait a second I understand what she was doing here like I get it and you know what maybe
song and then like i'll listen to the album all the way through i'll be like let's go again because like i again just like listen to albums on repeat when i'm like working around like the bus or something i start again i'm like i don't want to listen this is bad like i don't like this so it's like it's really i i enter periods where i'm like you know what this is like i get it and i i posted about this on blue sky i said if you're in the right headspace you can convince yourself that this is a perfect album and she is a god and it's like sometimes i enter that headspace
I listened to a few of the songs off of that. like I actually really did like The Black Dog. That was one of my top songs. yeah i I listened to Prophecy on Repeat when PWHL Ottawa missed the playoffs.
and I was just really kidding at that moment. I don't think she makes music where it's like if you're experiencing something, you can just listen to it and be like, yeah. like She has so much music that she has a song for every emotion at this point. And also that's why she's the queen of character playlists. Although it's too much, guys, I have a take i that I need to share here. If you're making a playlist about a fictional character,
it cannot be more than 20% Taylor Swift and that's pushing it. So many character playlists are like 80% Taylor Swift and it's like, stop, stop. It's too much. easy like It's so easy to be like, oh, this is an emotion. Taylor Swift has written 10 songs about this emotion. And it's like, you know what? a Queen. I love her. We all know. I love her. like that she just writes so much music but yeah anyway so my all this my number two artist was Olivia Rodrigo which I was like actually really thought she would be my number one because like you saw on my top five songs like I listened to so much Olivia Rodrigo and I would just like put because I love her pop punk like I'm not a huge Olivia Rodrigo ballads girl like I don't really like the ballads I think she should just do like
like the songs that I listen to. She should do some American Express, All American Bitch, like that music forever. Yeah, I agree. I mean, we know my thoughts on Pop Punk, my number four artist, but yeah, I agree with you. Okay, is it my turn now? Number one? Yeah, I don't think it's gonna be a surprise. Who could have possibly unseated Taylor Swift? It was Hozier, that was my number one artist. That's a good one. And mine, no surprise, mine was ah Taylor Swift.
ah i'm I'm impressed that Hozier managed to unseat Taylor Swift this year. It was- he didn't even have a new album this year. I did see him in concert again. It was like, thing is I saw him in September last year, and then I was like still in my Hozier phase by um January, and then it's just there's something about like,
seeing Hosea live, where you're like, i I need to exclusively listen to Hosea for about six months straight. Like it just rewires your brain. um And then I saw him again over the summer. So then I had

Music Preferences and Concert Experiences

to listen to his music. I didn't like Too Sweet, by the way. But the other radio hit.
No, but the other songs of his that he put out this year, I did enjoy. And I was just listening to his old music. Like I said, like, I have albums in the background while I work and his albums I find are also pretty good for that. Also, after I saw Noah Khan live, I was like, I need like Noah Khan vibes. Like I was listening to obviously a lot of Noah Khan, but also like Hozier has similar vibes. So I had like,
I think I tried listening to like the Hozier radio on Spotify and it was so bad that I made a playlist called Hozier or was it Hozier mix but not made by Spotify's algorithm and it was like Hozier and Noah Khan so. Nicely.
Yeah, I got very into Noah Khan this year, actually. like That's why i was so I wasn't surprised, but like I had a week before Spotify Wrap was about to drop, and it was an out-of-body experience where I was like, wait a second, Gracie Abrams is gonna make like <unk>s going to be on my Spotify Wrap, isn't she?
But I was like, you know, I was like trying to be like, oh, but you know, I listened to a ton of Noah Khan, like maybe, maybe, just maybe, like he didn't know. But like, yeah, he was probably my number six. So like, I should just listen to Hozier. It's like, if I like Noah Khan that much, I definitely would like Hozier so My New Year's resolution is more Hozier. That's what you need to do is you need to go to to a Hozier concert, and then you will understand. I will.
I will. That's my New Year's resolution. But yeah, there's nothing to say about my number one artist. It's like, yeah, like I said, it's Taylor Swift. We've discussed her at length. You know, all of my- It's the sheer amount of songs in her discography that gets you, you know? Yeah. Cause yeah, like I think this is actually my first year of Spotify wrapped where none of her actual songs have been in my top five. like that There was a few years where like last, I think like a couple years ago like you all over me was my top song a couple of years ago like uh cruel summer was my second song like things like that she didn't even make the top five and she didn't even make the top six because my sixth song was espresso she made my top seven my seventh song was the black dog because that was a good one yeah that makes sense
I literally thought that she would be like my number six artist. I thought it would be like, Chappel Rhone, then Hoseier, then like Marietta's Trench, Lauren's Yvonne, and it was like, kind of, but not quite. It's so funny. She just, she sneaks her way in there. And you know what? Good for her. Like, I feel like I didn't listen to her. And yet, clearly I did.
I also wonder how much of it is like auto play. Like for me, I just like let auto play songs play a lot. That's how I'm like, again, justifying my Gracie Abrams. I'm like, ah, she just autoplayed. I didn't, I didn't seek her out. I don't do autoplay. I just have really, really long playlists. And I also just like queue up entire albums. Well, like I said, when I'm working, I want like full albums. And so I have several albums that I just queue up usually. That makes sense. Cause sometimes they autoplay the same one over and over. So like I listened to like the beginning of birds of the feather, like a million times, but then I would like also listen to the song all the way through. And then it was just like playing. And I'm like, okay, like I don't want to listen to the song again.
But yeah. Anyway, that's everything.

Podcast Wrap-Up and Social Media Promotion

That's it for this episode. So, um, make sure to follow us at Elite Sun's Brain, or at CVPoutofE and Ericsson's Burner on Twitter and Blue Sky, mostly Blue Sky these days.
read, subscribe, or no, follow us on tumblr at, and listen to my new podcast, Charles-Réabluc, with Labrigade, if you speak French. We have, we recorded a new episode that will be out around the same time as this one, so that's fun. You can find that by going to Labrigade on your favorite streaming platform. Go Sens Go!
So go bye. Bye.