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The Bald Epidemic

E37 · Elite Sens Brain
355 Plays1 month ago

Happy New Year!

While we were battling illness, the Sens have been busy tearing up the NHL (on weekends only). After analyzing Tim Stützle's new haircut, we look back at the year that was, and make predictions for 2025.

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I ran Michigan. I don't even know what he was thinking. He was just a complete birdcat. Greedy Kachunk. Amos is my best friend. I got a lot of good-looking nukes on my team. You just got nuked. I've got them. I've got them, we'll see.


Hi everyone, and welcome to episode Donovan Sibrengo of Elite Sun's Brain. Happy New Year! As always, I'm Biata, and I am joined by my friend at Ericsson's Burner. How's it going? I'm doing well, how are you? I'm doing well, uh, without getting into details. Rough start to 2025.
ah Also, if my voice sounds weird this episode and I'm like coughing or something or sniffling, I'm so sorry, I'm going to try to edit it out. Maybe that'll give you an idea as to why we are recording our first episode of 2025, almost at the end, almost a month in.

When to Stop Saying 'Happy New Year'

But I am happy to be here to sit down and talk about the Ottawa Senators.
me too also yeah i like how this is our first episode of 2025 because it's like you know that thing of like when do you have to stop saying happy new year and most people's answer i think is like the like January 7th, like a week after New Year, you kind of have to stop it. And I was like, currently January 26th. And we're like, Happy New Year, guys. But, you know, we recorded really hor like a few days before Christmas or something. We did. We were complemented for not taking a holiday break.
Yeah, because we were on that grind. We were like being like Bob Cratchit, like and you guys were our Scrooge McDuck because I only have seen the Disney version of that, of A Christmas Carol. So true, and we would have recorded earlier if I had been able to get through a sentence without coughing. Yeah, exactly.
Well, no, not to like blame you. i'm saying like we We were like, we were remembering about the podcast. And we didn't forget about the podcast. Like we remembered the whole time that we weren't doing it. We were like, oh, we should record soon. But there were obstacles in our way. And whatever, because I remember you said like, you were coughing too much. And I was like, you know what, if we wait long enough, the s Sends might be back in their playoff spot. Because at that point, they just slipped. And unfortunately, they had slipped a little again. There was a point in the middle there when like they were there.
But like you know what, they had just entered the playoffs, like just gotten into their playoff spot during our last episode, and they've been in and out of that wildcard spot the whole time, so they've they've kept it up.
Yeah, so it was us. We did it. You guys are welcome. and Yeah, also like in my mind, the first three months of the year barely counts. And this is because I don't know if this makes sense. It's because I have a March birthday and I was born in 1999. And so I always like remember what age I was every year by like it's the year plus one.
So 2025 is the year that I'm 26 and it feels wrong when I'm 25 in 2025, you know, it's like the balance is off for a while.

Age and Birthdays

So that whole time, but I'm like still 25 during or still, like you know, the year I was the past year, it just feels wrong, you know, the year starts on my birthday. It's true.
You are, I was about to say you're Jesus, but actually Jesus was not born on January 1st, famously. um But I, that's interesting. This is already a tangent. I actually have like a different view of that. I was born in 2000 in like the middle of the year, but my thing is that like when I'm trying to remember, like if I look back on like something and it's like oh like this happened in like uh like whatever like february 2012 even though i would have been 11 at that point i just like associate myself as being like the age of like the year as soon as the year changes so it's like if anything happened in 2012 even if it wasn't my birthday yet i'm like i was 12 years old
like i feel like i was 12 for the whole year because like a 2000 birthday like all of my 2000 babies know it's the best year because you can just look you'll never forget unless you know it's the biggest it's before your birthday i mean like plus one or minus one is still pretty easy i' no actually no it's actually not as good so actually the best thing is that um see so like what year is it 2025 what year what age am i turning immediately no i don't even have to do any math oh yeah like 99 pretty good pretty good 2001 okay it's fine but you know nothing beats nothing beats a millennium whatever but then also people are like oh my gosh like my siblings like my older siblings while i was like you don't even like remember the turn of like the century like the millennium like so cringe it's like they were two and like five so whatever anyway i was
in french I went to school in French and sometimes we would have like split classes with the year below us. And I always noticed that when we were like reading the textbook out loud and there was a date, the 2,000 kids could not read dates in French. Whereas the 1999 kids, we had grown up have saying the year, min of san katre made enough so we knew how to say all the dates in French. 2,000 kids never picked up that though. We do have that over you.
is like 1999 in French, I'm saying it in English because I won't attempt it. That is like the most complex thing I feel like you could say. It is, it's such a flex. Yeah, I mean, I can say it, you can't because it's my birth year.
I can only say Demir and now we have to move on because I'm embarrassed. I won that argument. It wasn't even an argument,

Tim Stritzel's Buzz Cut

but I won. I have i've been owned with facts and logic anyway. So our big news today, the thing the first thing we need to go about is Tim Stritzel's new haircut.
Yeah. It's really upsetting. Yeah, which is to say he has no hair. That's a fair cut. He has gotten a buzz cut. And I read a quote from him that was like, yeah, my barber was like, you can't pull this off. So I was like, I gotta to do it. Like, what?
It's not a challenge! The barber was right to me! I know I feel like it's so at odds with like how I cut my hair because I will like I got bangs at one point and asked everyone in my life 20 times if they thought I could pull off bangs and they were all like yes and it still took me a full year after that to commit and I like how he was like heard that he was gonna look awful and was like whatever but No, I've had so many haircuts where like I couldn't properly describe what I wanted and I was unhappy with it. And my most recent haircut, I went to the salon and I was kind of describing what I wanted, but I was unsure and the guy was like, no, that's not what you want. This is what you want. And immediately I was like, I'm coming back. That's what I want to hear. Timmy.
he was right you can't pull it off you're too baby girl you need the you need the long hair he does need the long hair but then also it's like you know the thing with like hair carries memories so it's like after like their back-to-back shutouts i think he was like i need to shave my head and you know what to be fair who scored the first goal of their like who scored the first goal in three games for the sense it was tim stutzel with a buzz cut so Here's the thing though, going into the game, I was like, this looks so bad. And I had the thought, oh my God, if he scores right after getting this haircut, he is never growing out his hair again. Like guys, it's so over. And so a part of me was like, you know, obviously I was like, oh, I do hope that
you know, this this little change sparks Tim Strutsler's offense and he becomes good again because he was in a bit of a slump. He looked bad too. And then but then I also was like, but If it does break the curse, he's gonna, you know hockey players, they're very superstitious. He's gonna keep his hair short. and And so we won in some ways because he broke the curse, but we lost in a much more real way. Very true. But like also the thing I was thinking is that
you ever have where like you haven't washed your hair in a few days and you genuinely feel like your life is falling apart because like your hair is greasy like i feel like sometimes like the times i am most like a bitch to everyone in my life it's because my hair has not been washed in a few days and it's like my front bits are greasy and in my face and i'm like i'm gonna kill someone right now so like i'm wondering if it's like you just reached that point because i feel like i've had a thought many times when my hair has been kind of greasy where i've been like i'm shaving my head i can't live like this and i wonder if he was just like Maybe his hair was just greasy and he was like, I need to shave my head. I mean, real, like I also, you know, as soon as it starts taking me a long time to wash my hair, I'm like, I got to chop it off. So I get it, but I don't cut it that short. Yeah. Why? Why is there a bold epidemic in the NHL? Why are so many hockey players cutting off their hair? It doesn't look good. Yeah.
It doesn't. I don't know. Maybe he was sick of being baby girlified. Maybe he was like, I'm a man. I just I find that all of the players look so much worse when they go bald. And sometimes I'm just like, is this like really gave me to want them to have long hair? But like, all the straight women on my timeline are also in agreement that they look better with long hair. So it's not just that.
Yeah, I feel like the way that, like, the news of a hockey player shaving their head gets passed along is that you'll just see, like, a post on the timeline that's just like, oh no, like, oh god, or just like, I'm so sorry, and then, like, tagging whoever that, like, the person's favorite players, like, if, like, Morgan Frost ever, like, shaved his head, or no, Joel Faraby, I confuse them, I'm so sorry, fake hockey team, I'm so sorry, Victoria fake hockey team, but, like, if, like,
If Joel therapy, Joel therapy did like, get a haircut at some point. And I feel like so many of the posts on the timeline were just like, Victoria, I'm so sorry, like Victoria, don't check your phone. Well, as soon as the game started, and I saw his bald head, I texted my roommate Timmy is bald, because she hadn't come out of her room yet. And I was like, you need to know.
yeah i like saw the like post and i was like oh god this is something happened like something terrible happened i felt like i had to call my loved ones um yeah but yeah but like we say now it's gonna be his haircut forever so i'm condolences to his girlfriend if that if i can't remember his girlfriend i think he does but it's like i it's so funny whenever there's been like a man i know in like my personal life who has gotten a buzz cut and has a significant other the first question everyone has are always asked them was like and is your girlfriend okay with that like is your girlfriend okay that you did that and it's nice to like be like
controlling in a reverse like it's like reverse misogyny it's like yeah like so you not you say on so many things you know that like you can't shave your head without permission from a woman mm-hmm just kidding obviously like everyone should have bodily autonomy whatever but it's also just like oh my gosh like you gotta ask your girlfriend well maybe she was okay with it if he has a girlfriend I can't remember if he does maybe she was okay with it Maybe. it's just It's just really sad. But like you know good that he's playing well now, I guess.
ah Well, we'll see. they They have a game tonight, tonight, at 5pm for some reason. Which, yeah, actually, so i so we're recording this before the game, because I was like, do you want to record at like 4? And Beanna was like, oh yeah, sure, but they do play tonight at 5. Which like, why? I was like, oh my gosh, I didn't check their schedule, because I just assumed that why would they ever be doing that? ah Especially because they played last night too. I know, so it's like it's not even a full 24 hours.
But the Sens seem to play well in those circumstances. We've had a few weeks now of them crushing their weekend back-to-backs and then falling apart during the week. Which like, don't we all? Don't we all question on the weekend? So true.
But it's like, you know, personally, during the weekends, I feel like the Sens can do this. I've got other stuff going on. I'm not even always watching. The weekday is when I need to come home and watch the Ottawa Senators win. And they just make my day worse every single time. Yeah.
It's been very true. like The back-to-back shoutouts were actually so rough because they had been playing well so but like before. right And I posted on Blue Sky something about like how like the sends were so good or something. I was like this i said i said, the sends heal all wounds because I was like, that's a funny post.
and someone who doesn't follow me and is a Leafs fan I think replied about like how they healed their opponent's wounds and I was like no no the sends are good or whatever and then of course people don't believe the sends are good then that day they lost five nothing to the Rangers and then the same guy replied to me and was like it looks like they like the Rangers are like doing well or whatever and then I blocked him because I was like why are you don't even follow me get away but yeah but was wrong. That's the thing people people don't believe that the suns are good and you tell them the suns are good and then the suns become bad. I know it's so embarrassing. It's like, oh, you're embarrassing me in front of my enemies. It's so lame. Also, oh my god, that Rangers game pissed me off so much because that weekend, okay, I was supposed to recap the game the afternoon game against the Bruins that
everyone tells me was their best game of the season. I don't know because I know I will not be elaborating on that. I spent the whole day at the ER. I'm okay. I was there for me. I'm fine. It's whatever. But that was a horrible day. And then the next day, I was like, I, oh, I had to write the PWHL recap for silver seven. And the Sens were playing at the same time as the charge because they keep doing that this season. It's so annoying. So I was like, I'm gonna I don't respect men. I'm putting the sends on my laptop with the sound off and I'm gonna watch the charge because I need to give them my full attention. And of course the sends when? And the charge lose. So I'm pissed off. And then Tuesday, it's also sends and charge playing at the same time. And I'm like, I've learned my lesson. The sends are good now. Sends on the TV, charge on the laptop. I'm gonna be a misogynist.
And then the Sens fucking lose 5-0, so I missed their good games and then they became bad. So I was so upset. it was actually like the roughest i i couldn't well i watched like it was one of those games where it's like i watched the first bit and then i was like they're gonna lose this like like it was just so obvious maybe it's just like a trauma response on my part where i was just like it's so obvious they're gonna lose i'm turning it off it's so obvious so i feel like sometimes i have the feeling of like it's so obvious they're gonna lose and then they actually win and i'm like oh that's kind of hilarious but like yeah
Yeah, this time I was like, I'm not watching this. So i I did eventually switch over to the charge and they won. So there you go. But yeah, it was rough. And then like, again, they got shut out the next day. I don't even remember against who. I'm like, guys, guys, I needed them to win so bad. I've been sick. I was at the ER. I was like, the Ottawa Senators being good is the only thing I have, please.
And in my time of need, they let me down. Yeah. But then now they're back. Now they beat the Leafs. So, and they're playing Utah tonight. So this evening, I can't even say tonight. 5pm. I'm sorry. I'm still not over it. It's stupid. Ridiculous.
he yeah And you know what, I do feel good about the Sends. Obviously, they can certainly still lose this, but I have started listening to like general and NHL podcasts and stuff, because um as we have established, I only listen to them when they're going to be talking about the Sends, or when the Sends are good. Because I want to hear them talk about how good the Sends are. Everyone seems to believe that the Sends have the best chance of winning. like They actually have good underlying numbers.
So I trust the nerds. I'm actually not even that stressed. I'm like, the sends, they've got this in the bag. I believe it's nice to hear like people talking about the sends and not in like a like, oh, this is a dumpster fire type of way. Like it's very good to hear. I've been loving it.
It would have been nice if like literally at any point in the rebuild, the Sens had overperformed and people were like, this this fake-ass team just won't stop

Senators' Playoff Chances

winning. But you know what? like At least they're winning now. Yeah, like we'll take it. um yeah The one thing, this happened kind of a longer time. I don't and don't remember when this happened. But they went on a winning streak. Then they lost.
couple games or something and the athletic dropped them in their power rankings like so many points and I was like fucked up and I heard about it on blue sky from Matt Bosti so shout out Matt Bosti for being a watchdog for the athletics what the hell and then it was because it's because oh I don't even remember Dom And I don't remember, Sean Gentilly? I don't know how to say his name, but sorry to you. But yeah, basically, I think they dropped them. And I was like, ridiculous. This is what happens when you let Leaf fans run your publication. No, that's outrageous. Real, like, actual smart people who aren't Leaf fans know that the sends are actually good. And like, it does bring me joy whenever people are like, oh, the Habs are total fakers. Like, what a great story for them. And I'm like,
I'm glad that they're a fake good team, but it also pisses me off because I'm like, I don't want them to have a nice story. I don't want them to make the playoffs like go away already. Yeah, same with Detroit. But thankfully, Detroit, like they seem to be going away. Like I think it obviously if the Sens were ever a fake good team, it's like, what an amazing story. What a ragtag group of guys. That's so fun. They deserve to be here just because it's a good story. When other teams are fake good. It's like, um,
Like make way for the real good teams. Like you're kind of like, this is kind of like rude and you're taking the spot of someone who actually deserves to be here right now. Like, go away. Obviously, obviously, to be serious, I am not going to ah make fun of the Columbus Blue Jackets or, you know, prevent anyone from enjoying that fun story. That's great. I'm genuinely very happy about that. Like good for them. I'm talking about the Montreal Canadiens right now.
Just to be clear, I just need to clarify this for the audience that there are two wildcard spots that are up for grabs. We can both have them. I'm not rooting for the Columbus Blue Jackets, but I'm not I'm not actively being a hater the way I normally would if a team was like fake good because yeah For obvious reasons, I'm okay with them being fake good right now. yeah like The Columbus Blue Jackets, I am very happy. like If it's the Suns and Blue Jackets, genuinely I think would be overjoyed. like if like I think that's very like a great story. I'm talking specifically Montreal needs to get out. like Montreal, like I don't understand. In the sense of like they need to get out of the wild card spot because um like
I don't know, like I feel like a criticism is that such a high like everyone's talking about it now so like I feel like and a a in a unified front sense leave in the sense of like I don't want them in a wild card spot. So yeah, it's been it has been nice to enjoy the playoff race like I am enjoying actually looking at the standings and caring whether this ends win or lose in November. in um my gosh It started in November, usually that's when it goes downhill in January. I like that they're still playing gonna play meaningful games in February. If this were this time last year, I would have just been like, oh, yay, we're playing meaningful games in February. Now I don't give a fuck. I'm like, you better fucking get in the playoffs.
You losers! I don't care if you're close to the playoffs or you miss them, you have to make it. So like that makes it a little bit more stressful, I would say. yeah because it's like ah Yeah, it's like, when you're thinking about it, like, nebulously, and they're so bad that you're like, i just want to I just want them to play meaningful games down the stretch. That's all fun and games. But then once you're actually doing, like, you're watching meaningful games down the stretch, it's like, I've invested too much time. Like, you better not fuck this up for me, guys.
But I feel like even going into this season, I didn't, this is the first season in a while where I didn't even have the attitude of I want meaningful games. I was like, they better fucking make the playoffs. I'm so pissed off by now. Like, yeah, I didn't even expect meaningful games. But I was like, I'm gonna be so mad if they don't make the playoffs. Like we are so past the point of playing meaningful games being the goal. Yeah. So Yeah, they better do it. Otherwise, I'm going to be so, so mad, especially I cannot stress this enough. If they lose the playoff spot to the Montreal Canadiens, I will be so upset. At least you don't live in Montreal. Could you imagine what I'm going through? No, I can't. That's fair. I'm so sorry.
true nightmare scenario. I hope the Hobbs remain like just good enough that they're like, never actually close to the playoffs. But like, they don't get a good draft pick, you know, it's like, um it's just so annoying when they're still celebrating. They're like, this is crazy. What a great run Montreal is winning and i'm just like this was supposed to be our moment like we're the team that's finally breaking through and becoming good i mean yeah detroit did it last year who cares i've already forgotten that like fuck off montreal it's very true like i i'm sick of them and also like they already had this like does everyone remember they're like oh they're like storybook like run where they could have won the cup and then they didn't they they had that in 2021 the fake season remember
Why did they get everything? It's so stupid. I know. I want to be fake good. I mean, now I want to be real good. we We are actually like good, but it's just it pisses me off that throughout the whole rebuild, we were never fake good. I know it's actually like devastating. Like,
Why did we never have a point where people were gonna like, were like, they're gonna regress to the mean? Oh, you know what's even worse? People are like, they're gonna regress to the mean. And it's because they like somehow underperformed so severely that it's like, they have to get at least better than this. Like they were, they were like, real bad. But then they were fake, even worse than they actually should have been. It's like, we never had a moment of like, whoa, what a crazy like,
What a crazy, like, ah what what's that stat? Like, PDO? Is that the stat? Yeah. I don't even know what it is because it's never been relevant to the set. Well, it's been relevant in the sense that they always have terrible PDO. Yeah, exactly. God. So, yeah, it would have been nice for them to go on a fake good run. like I feel like everyone goes on a fake good run. I mean, New Jersey didn't. Buffalo. Oh, yeah. but I was like, New Jersey kind of broke through without yeah being fake good at any point. I feel like that's the closest comparable, but yeah, Buffalo. Shout out Buffalo all night. Oh my god. The best. We love you, Buffalo. Thank you for never even being fake good. Yeah, I really appreciate it. It wasn't even that long ago that Montreal was below Buffalo in the standings. I know! I feel like that was amazing. It pisses me off. yeah
Yeah. Those were the days. There was a brief period of time where the Sens were in the playoffs and Montreal was like so bad that they were worse than Buffalo. And I i miss that. Yeah, it's very disappointing. And as we mentioned, a lot of Sens games have overlapped with charge games, which means that we haven't been able to watch as many charge games. um And a lot of Sens fans haven't been able to.
But like, is that a bad thing? Yeah, the charger also lowkey bad. Like, or like, no, to be fair, the Sens aren't, and for the first time ever, and they've only been in existence for two seasons, but for the first time ever, the charger, like way worse than the Sens, in my like opinion. To be fair, I don't want, like, sorry, go ahead. Yeah, also lowkey the charger kind of fake good right now. Yeah, so.
Because it's like, I think there was a time when it's like, Oh, like maybe they're just can't like, because last season it was like, they're both bad. They were both trash. No hate to either teams, but actually, yes, they sucked. And then this year, it's like, Oh, it's like one can't be good without the other being bad. and I think we said this last episode, right? Yeah. Yeah. But it's like, well, they clearly have no issue both being bad. So just both be good. Like,
Yeah. Don't get it. Um, but yeah, the charge also had an interesting trade situation happen.

Ottawa Charge's Trades

We're very late to this, but we do need to say goodbye, Hailey Skamura. We love you so much. Yeah, and wait, you forgot someone too. Look!
I- this was deliberate. I care about Hailey Skamura and I'm really upset about her leaving. ah Savannah Harmon, look, good hockey player, seems like a nice girl, and she needed to be traded. Like, she needed that change of scenery. I'm wall less upset about that.
mean i like good Goodbye, Hailey Skamura, we're gonna miss you so. And also Savannah Harmon. Yeah, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Look, look, if it was a good trade, I would have been like, oh, you know, bye Savannah Harmon. Sorry, I didn't work out here. Like, you know, it makes sense as a hockey trade, but I'm sad about it. But like, I don't think the trade was good. And also the devastation of losing Hailey Skamura, who I just love so much. It was really sad.
I will say though first game was it the first game after it when it's like didn't Jocelyn the rock have like a crazy game like she yeah like yeah so it's like oh we won lowkey but also Jocelyn <unk> is the oldest player in the league getting yeah like low so but like she's good so mm-hmm I support old women rights. She's not even that old, I'm sorry. But you know, by hockey standards. Yeah, I guess even by like, I feel like women's hockey standards are different all the men's hockey standards. Even by, yeah, they don't think the population yeah is, yeah. And also like the population is smaller, I feel like ah like. Yeah, they're actually like, I have read interesting things about this where like,
there needs to be more like sports research into why women's hockey players. And like I think generally female athletes tend to have longer careers and like peak a little bit later. like I have read articles about this, that like it is a phenomenon that people are starting to notice and some of the theories are like they don't play as physical a game. So they're able to like that makes sense last a little bit longer, but could also be some physiological differences. I don't know. It's it's yeah interesting. I always thought it was because like,
I guess like, I always thought that because there are like fewer people, it's like you don't get pushed out as fast. Cause it's like the population is smaller. So it's like, I was always like, okay, so like you're allowed to like be the best one for longer probably. Cause like sadly like fewer women play hockey than men. So yeah, hope you know what? Just get more players, get like more women hockey players and we will push out the olds finally.
It's just that I get out of here. yeah Yeah, just kidding. But yeah, so it's been Victoria Bach is cool. I don't know that much about like go her. Yeah, actually, we have big blockbusters and stuff. Yeah, it was cool that like,
I feel like even though we were on the losing side of the trade, which is like I feel like everyone agreed that we lost. yes um It was nice that like it was talked it was so talked about. I was like, oh, it's cool that like everyone is like, damn, Ottawa really lost this one. I feel so familiar. Yeah.
true So that was cool. I posted like an ode to Hailey Skamura's headband and people were really confused. But like I just can't explain it. like It's really endearing to me. I love her little headband. I agree. so yeah like But now we must hate it.
And now, you know also the thing, I was like yeah like, obviously there are six teams in this league, so like that really limits who you're training with, but I was like, of course they had to train with Deceptors, of course, like that's so annoying. Gah, they have so many players that I like now, but of course I can't like them anymore. I know. Fucked up. So frustrating. So now that we've discussed current events, not very current. Month ago events.
Well, you know, we had to we had to discuss these things. um We are going to move into our new year segment. We always do something fun for new years. And this year we're just going to start with a recap of everything that happened in 2024 with our teams. I feel like I don't know about you.
I feel similarly about 2024 with like the sense as I did about just my life in general where I'm like, what even happened in 2024? This was not a year of big changes. This was just like, yeah, everything was the same. It was a status quo year for me for sure. So that was fun. Well, like it's kind of just like, but yeah.
Nothing much. Some big things did happen though. Some in the hockey and the hockey side. Namely, really Craig flapshotting to an empty net. This was my life highlight of 2024. It was an iconic moment. Yeah, that's when that was the best moment of the year. That was the peak of the Sens existence. I was obviously reminded of it recently because the Sens just played the Leafs.
tragically no empty net slapshots. It was just really fun how much the leaps and their fans freaked out about it. Because it really wasn't that big a deal. But people made such a big deal about it. Yeah. it was like fun yeah i feel like it was the type of thing where it's like it could have just been a thing where like send spans were like ha ha that's so funny and like talked about it but like kind of moved on after a bit but like the leafs fan reaction and the leafs reaction really made it i like i appreciate them for letting Ridley Gregg have this moment that like honestly not to like i know he got a prospect and like the
neck or whatever afterwards so I don't want to like be like oh like he obviously wanted that to happen but I feel like a small part of him was like I hope like like that would be hilarious like so yeah yeah so like he's an agitator it's his job yeah exactly so everyone got what they wanted it was truly really Greg's just like coming of age moment for the NHL mm-hmm Yeah, like it was the moment when like everyone was just like, who the hell is this asshole? And that's, I feel like, all he ever wanted. He became famous. Wow, what a year for Ridley Craig. By which I mean, what a singular moment that happens for Ridley Craig. And I believe that that single moment got him his contract. Oh, 100%. Yeah.
andhl Generally in the NHL, and Panthers won the cup against the Oilers. We did not get a Canadian team winning the cup. And of course we did get Brady Kachuk cheering on his brother, I guess. Yeah. Not much to say because when the Suns don't win the cup, I immediately don't care anymore. so Yeah. It's like, who cares?
Yeah. like I honestly don't even know, I don't remember who won two years ago. Vegas? Who cares? No one cares. No, I had to check. I was like, it was the Panthers left. Right? Because I remember, it but then I remembered it was definitely the Oilers in the final. That was fun. The Sens, you know, again, like the Sens, this wasn't a big year of like huge changes. It was a year of like,
Maybe that'll help. but I felt like 2024 was when we were finally like, fuck off. the Like, what is wrong with this team? They're so bad. What changes can they even make? So like, they made the coaching change, which clearly seems to have helped. Yeah, we yeah, we did say goodbye to DJ Smith. No, no, no, that was 2023. Because we had Jacques Martin.
Oh my god. Why did I forget about that entire era? Was he? That was just so weird where they just had like an interim head coach. I don't know. Did they job them for the entire year? I think so. When did Travis Breen get here? Over the offseason? Offseason, yeah. Well, because Shaka Mafte was like, you know,
interim for the rest of the season, basically. Oh, yes, yes, yes. But he was never going to stay. I fully forgot. like i That's hilarious.
here yeah but the heck I feel like I barely paid attention to the Suns in the beginning of 2024. Like, I was so pissed off. There was just, I couldn't care, you know? Yeah, that's so funny. Oh my gosh.
I had other stuff going on, probably. So yeah, we welcomed Travis Green. And yeah, I guess like it remains to be, I know, I guess like in 2024, now we know how it went. To be fair, he was only here for like, what, like three months of 2024. But I mean, the sense became good. Yeah. So I guess that's like a thing that happened. It became good in the final month of 2020, right under the wire.
Oh my god, they finally they finally like met their New Year's resolution that we gave them for 2023, which was stop being bad. And they did that in December of 2024. They stopped being bad. You know what, they're so me because my New Year's resolution last year was to read more books. And then in December, I was like, shit, I haven't read a book. I still didn't, but I like started reading a book. So I was like, there you go. They're just like me for real.
So relatable. ah Yeah, I guess they made they made some trades, they brought in Allmark, they said goodbye to Chikrin, you know, big moves, but they didn't feel that consequential because we were just pissed off about them. Yeah, to be fair, I think the Allmark one I do remember it was like game. It was a game six. Oh, yeah. It was game seven. It was like half an hour before fuck drops. Yeah. That was so funny. Yeah. I forgot about that. That's why you don't remember who won the cup because we were just talking about the all but such main characters. Yeah, that was everything has to be about the sends all the time.
Yeah, because I do remember like scrolling on the timeline and actually only seeing all of our tweets. I was like, this is funny. Like they are such main characters. Shout out to the Sens. That was my other favorite Sens moment of 2024 was the slap shot and then it's the timing of the Olmarch trade. Yeah, the Chikren trade though, I agree. I don't even remember when that happened. Like it was just Oh, I remember it because I was helping my friend move. So it was on July 1st, trade deadline day, or no, a free agency day. Oh, there you go. Wait, what did we get back? That was Jensen. Oh, okay.
I'm learning about them in real time, that's so funny. yeah What I do, i I want to say, going back to the homework thing, I actually remember like going to like the athletics, sportsnet, TSM, and all that, like trying to get news on the homework train and being pissed off that everyone was talking about the cup final.
I was like, you should be talking about The Sends. Like, I'm listening to the athletic hockey show being like, why are they talking about the Panthers right now? I want to hear about the autonomous senators and the trade they made. Because like, lowkey though, it's like, okay, so it's game seven, right? ah get A team will win the Stanley Cup. That's an inevitability. Who cares? We didn't know that there was going to be like a really awesome trade for The Sends. Like, I feel like that's more interesting because like, we didn't know what was going to happen. It was a complete surprise.
And it was really funny that every news outlet had to put out extra articles or have a segment of their podcasts where like, let's stop talking about the cup final to talk about the scents. I just needed more of it. That's very true. That was so funny. Wow, it was an iconic moment. Yeah, because I remember in the intermission of, because I watched the cup final at a sports bar or whatever, and I remember in the intermission they were like,
okay and also like they like a really short segment about the scents or whatever and it was just like at the end and i was like boo like why didn't they talk more about the scents like uh but then it was also people were posting like oh my god they're talking about the scents on the intermission of the cup final game seven we won it's so funny and then also it was awesome because everyone was talking about the Bruins to be like what the hell like this is terrible god amazing what a day we the scents were the true winners that night yeah exactly that like that will go down as like the all-merc trade day no one will remember who won the cup in 50 years everyone will just be like remember when the scents fleece the Bruins that was amazing the final thing in our 2024 recap it feels wild to say this but like
The Ottawa Charge, which at the time were just PWHL Ottawa, played their first game ever last year. like The PWHL has only existed for a year. That does feel nuts because like it was January 2024 that the first ever PWHL game was played, right? Is that the case?
yeah it yeah it was January 1st yeah oh okay so it feels like it was so much longer ago though like it's very much a thing where it's like even though even like the names and logos were just released recently in like my mind it's like a thing that's like it's always been there now like it feels crazy that was so recent and it's just like it is every time i think about it my i feel like my brain's gonna explode how much women's hockey blew up like It is wild how

Growth of Women's Hockey

mainstream it became. like You need to understand, January 1st, 2024, I put on the first ever PWHL game. It wasn't even involving Ottawa. And I had to leave halfway through the game, and I left the TV on because I was like, I need to artificially inflate their number. And now I don't give a shit.
like It is so refreshing that I don't have to care about this stuff because that's what being a women's hockey fan was It was I need to artificially inflate their numbers like this was literally for like a decade. This was my most niche interest Guys, you need to understand when I say I've been a women's hockey fan since 2014. I mean and I used to wear a Brampton Thunder merch because they were the only CWHL team that wasn't affiliated with an NHL team So I was like, I love these guys I would wear their merch out in public and people would be like, oh you're from Brampton You play for a girls hockey team called the Thunder and I'd have to be like, no I am a fan of this kind of professional team
And people had no idea what it was. It was like a quirky thing about me. I would have it on my like dating app profiles that I like women's hockey and people would be like, oh, that's so weird and underground. Like I watched the Olympics and that's it. And it was like a quirky thing that I knew what the PHF was. I attended the final CWHL game ever because it was the like Clarkson Cup final.
like this is how niche it was. Just in 2023, it was like, I was explaining the PHF folding drama to people. And it was just like this, literally my most niche interest. And now I'm like on the bus and people are wearing PWHL merch all the time. Yeah, like, I feel like now this i'm I'm prefacing this by being like, I'm joking. Sometimes when I'm at the games now, I'm like, this needs to get more niche. i There's too many for the people here and the bathroom lines are too long.
That's amazing! Who would have thought that the bathroom lines would ever be this long? I will say, I was in Ottawa during the World Juniors. I went to a bunch of games at TD Place. I really appreciated that there were gender neutral bathrooms, mostly because at a men's hockey game, everybody was afraid to go into the gender neutral bathroom, so there was no line.
Nice, nice. I was like, I could tell that everyone was like uncomfortable with it. They were too, too many dude bros. And I was like, I'm winning. But yeah, I get that too. Like, every once in a while just get kind of mean. We're like,
so many random people are like oh yeah i'm gonna go to a pwhl game that sounds fun and i'm like you don't understand you don't know how long i've been a fan of this you know yeah that's the thing like you are a realer fan than me because i only really got into women's hockey with the phf so like i am a newer fan but even that it's like i was explaining to my friend who like i go to a bunch of games with like uh pwhl games with um i was like explaining to her at one point like the phf and i was like wait like It's crazy, like it's crazy that like, cause she's super into the PWA channel now and it's like, whoa, it's so crazy how even like two, three years ago, it's like people were like, what? Like, what are you talking about? i Like, like if you, I was like, I was like a Connecticut whale fan. It's like, no one knows what that means. Yeah.
It's crazy how like and now it's like if you're like I'm going to like the charge game everyone's like oh cool like they know exactly what it is and exactly what's happening to be fair I guess Connecticut was like ah just a separate like place from where I live so it's like oh that's kind of funny you not yeah i think they didn't know like the six like they like they it wasn't like a very like in the forefront now Olivia Chow I saw her on like a podcast thing and they were like what's your favorite sports team in the city and she was like oh the scepters it's like whoa yeah well like i yeah like i was in montreal when the um yeah foster maral that was the phf team arrived nobody knew what the hell that was i didn't know a single person who had been to a game the women's hockey fans i knew were all concordia stingers fans which makes sense and even that was like you know that was the big women's hockey team in the city and it was still extremely niche like and yeah that versus the victoire like it's night and day
And it's just people who don't even like hockey are into it. Yeah, I become hockey fans through this. Everybody knows what it is. And like, back in, I remember trying to explain the Erica Nardini discourse to in 2021. Because I was wrapped up in that and I was getting harassed by barstool fans. And, you know, sometimes when you're just explaining a niche internet drama, and you're like, I need to log off, like I'm trying to explain this to people. And again, it was just like,
it was so nuts to try to to have to explain to people that I am like so on women's hockey twitter that there's like drama like like women's hockey twitter is a thing and that there's drama on it you know yeah or like in sorry I'm still ranting in 2022 I remember telling my co-workers oh yeah I woke up at like 4am to watch this Random women's hockey game between Czechia and Switzerland because women's hockey is because like the Olympics are you know?

Biata's Journey as a Fan

the the ah The big event for women's hockey fans like me and people were just kind of like oh you're like that into women's hockey like that's crazy
Yeah, like I feel like it has just gone like so mainstream, which is very good. Like it's like awesome to see, but it's also like, yeah, sometimes the bathroom lines are too long, but it's a small price to pay. Oh, now people don't think I'm cool and original because I have prompts about the PW retail and my dating app. Yeah, we like, yeah, another one I know. God, they don't realize just how cool I am.
I don't. And that's the biggest tragedy of all. They don't get it. You need to just be like, and also like put the prompt like that you're like a charge fan and also and then just list all your other like affiliations of like leagues that have sadly folded over the years. I mean, usually it does come up in conversation because it's like, oh, I'm being the asshole of being like, by the way, I'm a bigger fan than you are. Yeah, I was a fan before it was cool. Like 10 years before it was cool.
hi So yeah, good for the PWHL, even though we have a bit of a hipster complex about it. I always say I was a fan 10 years ago, but like it was hard to get genuinely invested, and one of the reasons was that like there was never an online community.
right so i mean like Obviously, there was like women's hockey Twitter generally, but the people who were really into women's hockey, like they were watching all the NCAA games and whatnot. i I just wanted one team to follow and to care about, and I didn't have that until the PWHL came around. so I'm really glad that I finally have that, because that's like all I've wanted for the last decade.
Yeah it's like because I feel like it's like obviously just like the best way to build up like a solid like fan community is just have like one aim to like everyone like post about everyone like cares about you know so yeah like I but like I appreciate the fans who were like deep in the trenches of like supporting such like teams that I've never heard of. you know to be clear There were fans who were way deeper in the trenches than I was. I'm not trying to take anything away from them. yeah like shout and honestly like yeah shut Shout out to you in my opinion. You were deep in the trenches. Shout out to the people even deeper in the trenches. yeah like You guys, like you built this from the ground up. but
Truly, know the people who wrote for like the Ice Garden and the Victory Press yeah during like before the PWHL came around, like you have bragging rights for the rest of your life. It's so true. And you deserve like every like every single time you brag, like you earned that so hard. ah So yeah, that was, I feel like that's everything that happened in 2024. You know, mainly it was the year of the PWHL since they didn't do anything exciting. They did two exciting things. That was it. and Yeah. and We're probably forgetting some like massive thing. I know. It's like ah someone to reply and be like, we totally forgot, but I can't think of anything. So.
Yeah. And now we thought we would revisit some of our trend forecasts and predictions from last year. Cause last year we revisited our new year's resolutions for the sentence. We didn't do resolutions last year. I think we just said stop being bad. and as we explains. they They did finally do that. So let's see how correct we were. our So first of all, what we said was in ah was better protective gear as in neck guards, helmets and warm ups. Don't think that happens. Tragically. Unless we count tent advisors as counting.
True. True. Protect your eyes. Yeah. God, Tim Stisla, he was so right with the tinted visor and then he had to cut off his hair. He was so powerful with the hair and the visor. ah So shout out Tim Stisla there. Yeah, there we go. We're counting it.
supporting Eric Branstrom failed miserably. That's the worst thing that happened in 2024. But we also said short defenseman in general, and Quinn Hughes was on the list. So I'm counting that as another win because like Quinn Hughes won the Norris. Am I right about this? Okay, yeah, there you go. So we also said Amanda Boudier is in she got traded. But you know,
she's in for Generally short defensemen. Yeah, they're in. Let's go. Comeback wins. I'd say the Suns got better at their comeback wins. I think they really did. That Boston game I didn't watch. and It was a great comeback win.
So I've heard yeah I was fighting for my life. I wasn't actually fighting for my life, guys. I was just having yeah ER nurses be very mean to me. Which is the same thing. lets think You were fighting for your life. But yeah, I feel like now watching the sentence, if they go down one nothing, two nothing, I'm like, you know what, maybe they won't lose. And I feel like that's a new feeling. And that's really nice.
Yeah, big, big change. I mean, they finally scored with the net empty. That's crazy. Yeah. I mean, I didn't see it, but I heard that happen. You know what's crazy? I thought of you as it was happening and I didn't know what you were going through. I was just like, oh my god, you guys are going to love this. I finally scored with the net empty. I didn't. Brady had scored if it's between the legs goal.
Oh no, thank god he didn't. I would have been so happy. Oh my god. And guys, I'm not going to explain why he was at the ER just because it's gross. I'm fine. I feel like the more I hype it up, the more it's like people are going to wonder. yeah It's not a story you tell on the podcast, but I'm fine. I should clarify that.
Um, we also said players signing long-term extensions in Ottawa. Don't feel like that happened. Yeah, not really. We said Angus Cruickshank is in, as in he's in the lineup. Really? No. We're another hope though. yeah I'll call that an in for Cruickshank.
We also said Shane Pinto was in. I think we did this before he got back from his suspension. So that happened. Yeah, he's been very in. He had a good year. Yeah. Yeah, very in last year. So what we said was out. First of all, oh my god, I still I'm still mad about this. My first thing was We need to do away with saying but I was told nobody watches women's sports whenever something good happens in women's sports. I'm still on this. Those jokes are not funny. There was a version of this recently where somebody was like women don't belong in men's hockey and like everybody was just talking about like, I don't give a fuck. Ignore these people. It's so annoying. Yeah, like
because you like the thing is like just talk about the positives like talk about how you're like a woman like working in men's hockey or something like you don't have to preface it with like people are like saying misogynistic things you know what i mean it's like it's i know very cool i think to just which like i'm obviously also like not trying to tell anyone how to like go about people like being misogynistic towards them because like it's your job and people are being misogynistic towards you and your job that's very annoying i'm just like we don't always have to like like pro Like promote like oh like this big it says this but actually it's like you can just like Prompt it by being like look how cool yeah And I do feel like people have gotten better with that like I feel like now the thing to say is just like everybody watches women's sports Which I know is like our response to nobody watches women's sports, but I do feel like that's slightly more positive I want us to keep moving in that direction and because I'm so fucking sick of everybody saying I do remember actually I muted the phrase nobody watches me with sports and every related thing so maybe that's why I'm seeing less of it to be fair I never muted it and I haven't seen it as much so that's good also controversial opinion related to 2024
I did not find the She's Gay Marcus meme that funny, not just because it was Montreal. I just like, again, why do you care that much about this random troll who was clearly, like when you actually read the thread, he wasn't being ignorant. He clearly was being homophobic.
by being like, where is her fiance? Because basically what happened is like somebody posted a tweet that was like, um it was Laura Stacy celebrating with Marie-Philippe and they were like, oh my god, score a goal and celebrate with your fiance. And then somebody was replying be like, I don't see her fiance behind the glass. And then someone replied, she's gay Marcus.
because it was a guy called Marcus who said this and everybody like it's on t-shirts everybody says it constantly it's like the funniest joke ever that she's gay Marcus I don't care I don't find it funny stop leave it in 2024 yeah it's like it I don't care about Marcus like I hate Marcus like I just I feel like every time you're making that joke the joke is just like haha some people are homophobic and yeah and it's just I don't know there are better jokes you can make although I from what I understand putting in Stacy find it funny so yeah looks like that's fair it get matter yeah
We just had to rant about that. It's related to one of our things that's out in 2024. So yeah, we've made good progress. It needs to be even more out for 2025. I don't want to see a single joke about how about women sports haters stop. Do you want to do the next one? and Okay, the next one. Did we believe this out in the original? I feel like I can't remember, but every single joke that Heat Daddy makes...
Yeah, I mean, i I feel like I haven't seen his jokes. So yeah, I think I blocked him. And also, I'm not on Twitter anymore. So yeah, perfect. There must have been a recent controversy when we did this. Yeah, we also said evergreen. Yeah. Okay. yeah We can only have one good defenseman. I feel like that did leave. Yeah, because now yeah they're like the tradeship bot. People have been more silent. So it's okay. He's like haters finally. So it's good. It's good.
Propazoid rule, unfortunately, I think that's that that's not leave, but we were out in the UW trial star. I don't remember if that is it a rule. I can't remember. I don't know. Curses picked up in Sweden. I feel like that did leave. We did leave those in 2024. I mean, in 2023. Yeah.
um Okay, we swimming playoff rounds. It's that it was out. Yeah, it was out in 2024. That's the Boston first round. We manifested it. Everybody say thank you. would lead some spring We also controversially, we were trying to figure out what the context was for this. We said that sends are winning the cup jokes are out. I think it was because we were so mad at the sense. Yeah, I think all our own.
uh like we did not do this we kept making these jokes they're back in for 2025 i think the thing was that we were like we will be withholding them until they get actually at least kind of good because like it's really pissing us off so like they did that and now they're back on the table and now they're not even jokes anymore because they are running the top it's just a fact yeah it was never a joke yeah oh here's the one we bleeped out I don't even give a fuck anymore. Mark Methot was supposed to be out for 2024. It didn't happen. He's out for 2025, guys. yeah We're continuing this. He's just gotten worse. We need him to deactivate. yeah and then the last And I'm not going to bleep it. Yeah, no. Mark Methot. Let's say it as clear as possible. um The last thing we said that was out for 2024 was gambling ads.
I honestly like they're very in still but like I feel like I've seen more people be like there's too many gambling ads like we hate these there's been more pushback so we got to keep that going we also saw our predictions for 2025 I feel like we were we were only right on one of them Yeah, um our first one was the NHL, I said, I thought I thought the NHL would make Stanley Cup jokes right after they go out of style, those in the Stanley Cups are gonna go out of style and the NHL is gonna make jokes during the promotion. They didn't do that. They should have.
Yeah, they just like never made a joke about it, which is weird. It's like, how did you know- I mean, Stanley Cups did go out of style. They went out of style by the time the playoffs rolled around, but the NHL was still not, was not even cool enough to be making those jokes then. Maybe they'll do them this year. Yeah, like I feel like there's a way to be like, you my oh, you know what? There was that sound, I'll take that, that was like my Stan, it was like my Birkin, my other Birkin, but like I feel like there was like a parody of it with my Stanley. I don't think if that's real. I don't actually think that was real, and I think I just made that up in my head.
But anyway, they could have done a joke on it, and they totally didn't. Karly And oh my god, Panthers players could have been like, pack my Stanley with me. Lae Yeah, like it could have been like my water that I'm putting in my Stanley, like that could have been so like, water talk. Oh my god, water talk. Why did they do water talk? It's great. Like they had a Stanley like a Matt, you know?
ah yeah they should done that mean That's why they didn't do it. Yeah, it's because it yeah, it still would have been funny. So they're like, no, we need to wait 10 years for this joke to be complete. This is why we need the sense to win in 2025. So I can tell Ian Mendes to do that would be so good. Okay, the next one. This was my prediction. It was that the Canucks will either get swept in the first round or win the cup. They sadly didn't do either. They were middling. So well that would come in but We did say here's the one we got right. We said the Leafs would lose in the first round again. wo Because 2023, they finally went around and I said they're going to go back to win to losing in the first round because that would be funny. And that's exactly what happened.
who And the last one is that PWHL Audible wins the Cubs. We were maybe a little optimistic with that one. no well o yeah anyway i thinks When we had recorded that they had played like what like one game because like it would have been in January that we said that. So there was no way for us to know like excuse us for being optimistic.
Yeah, it's not a crime. Yeah. So those are all our predictions. One for four is not bad, in my opinion. I mean, yeah, it's predictions. Like, yeah you're never gonna get them all right. So what are our predictions for 2025 to close out this podcast?

Senators' 2025 Playoff Prediction

and her You know what, I'm going to start strong with Ottawa Charge. Oh my god, my roommate sorry roommate texted me Josh Norris back from the dead. He's in the lineup. Oh my god. no maybe Maybe our prediction is Josh Norris. I'm feeling optimistic. Josh Norris. Oh, I was going to say he stays healthy, but now I'm going to jinx it. Yeah, don't say it. Josh Norris. What does he do? Josh Norris.
is happy. He has a lovely 2025. Yeah, Josh Norris has a good year just like in any sense of the word like in his personal life maybe in his professional life like in any sense he will have a good year. My other my second or my prediction is that The Ottawa charge will not miss the playoffs. I'm feeling optimistic. Like we said, they're being kind of fake good. I think they continue. I actually genuinely believe that the Ottawa Senators are going to make the playoffs. yeah
i like I don't want to believe. like I do believe, but I'm like too afraid. like i'm like I'm afraid I'm going to scare them away, you know what I mean? I know I'm like afraid to voice it, but truly, in my heart, I feel that they are going to make the playoffs. like I just know it on a deep level. I'm actually going to be really devastated if they don't, because like I actually really think they will. I do fear that they're going to get swept in the first round. You know what? They were still there. It's all good.
At least we'll know what it feels like again, even for them to get swept. Yeah, yeah. I don't know any other questions. I'll think of more sense ones in a minute. I will say so I did write down some predictions in my notes app. And I can read some of them out because some of them are hockey related. I'm going to start with the hockey related ones.
i I feel like this is pretty predictable. um I did say Ovechkin's going to break Gretzky's goal record and Canadians are going to get like really weirdly anti-Russian about it. like There's going to be just a huge wave of like, this man is Russian, we hate him. Yeah. ah yeah um i'd Sadly, I didn't see that happening. Yeah. PWH Halstar will get cancelled for appearing on Spitting Chicklets.
feel like we're due for this. Yeah. Yeah. And it's got to be like, I feel like PW told place going on spinning chocolates. I'm like, it must have already happened. I mean, I know that like, you know, Olympic players have must have been on before. But I feel like it's gonna be like a controversial moment when this happens, you know? Yeah. Oh, this is a big one. I said,
Either Canada or the US loses in the semi-finals of the women's worlds and the same men's hockey riders who say the tournament needs to get less predictable get mad about it. And my bonus prediction I think Czechia will make the final.
so and lose. but But I think, because you know what, the discourse is always like, ah, international tournaments and women's hockey will get fun when a team other than Canada or the US wins. yeah And they're always saying, like oh, they're not fun because of that. Which by the way, just watch the games between teams that are not Canada or the US. It's perfectly entertaining. But I think that there's going to be like a weird thing where this finally happens and everyone's like, oh my god.
this is so bad i don't know yeah i honestly can really see that happening because it is always such a thing where it's like also like i don't know like why they think that just like having fewer teams will make it be like better or whatever it's like ah there's no parity and thus like what's your solution it's like you know what i mean so yeah i do see them being like very upset like if canada or the us doesn't yeah It'll happen. I said hockey romance novel. ah Hold on. There's an off of my door. Yes.
Yeah, I am. I know. I know. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. Did you hear that? Yeah. Very important. Maybe I'll leave that in.
Oh, yeah, we are a breaking news podcast, breaking news guys. Josh Norris back from the dead. Crazy. Anyways, so my other my other prediction, um hockey romance novel, this very obviously hockey rpf with changed names gets published. I feel like we're due. It's gonna happen. There have already been like covers that look suspiciously like specific and NHL players.
and I feel like we need like fully just hockey rpf with changed names that's where the discourse is headed yeah I can like see it like so clearly in my mind's eye I think that's a great prediction and then my final hockey prediction I said capital's player misses significant time with a mysterious illness everyone thinks he caught bird flu from chikorin who doesn't miss a single game very specific but Yeah, but you know what? Like, yeah.
It's just everyone's talking about Chikren and his raw milk and everything. And also now there's a bunch of like egg recalls, I think. And it's like yeah like, I definitely eat raw eggs. But somehow, I believe Jacob Chikren to be immune, like he got like inoculated. So now he's fine or whatever. Like he built up like resistance. Those are good predictions. I genuinely believe every single one of them will happen.
I did get criticized for all my predictions being too too obvious by some kind of line. But for like I think it'll happen. Yeah, I feel like there are just the right amount of like, pulling the line, but because it's like, oh, the sun will rise, you know, like that obviously. But like these are like, you know what, I could see them going either way, but like in my heart of hearts, I'm like, this is gonna happen. It's so true. And now I'm trying to think of the sense ones. I don't know, I feel like the sense have been boring lately.
yeah like i mean like tim's just like pisses off another fan base it's just like we've seen this one before i don't know i honestly am like i only really want one prediction and it's for the playoffs so i'm like you know what i don't even know what else to say it's like i can only muster up saying that i want them to make the playoffs yeah i am gonna lock in that this is not the year brady kachuk scores it between the legs goal Imagine he does shit in the playoffs. God, that would be crazy. Oh, sense player that is not- okay, this was a discussion on Blue Sky recently. Sense player that is not Brady Kaczak scores it between the legs goal of the playoffs. Oh my god. I think- okay, we were talking about this on Blue Sky. Who do you think would be the funniest player to do that?
I'm like guru in my opinion because it's just like so opposite his vibe and be like, what the hell? No, but I feel like it kind of is his vibe for him to just be like, yeah, I'm gonna pull off this move that this kid can't figure out, you know? He just has aura, you know?
I think like in my like I'm like, he seems so like no nonsense, but I guess that is also like his vibe to just do something. He could be silly when he wants to be. and Yeah, yeah. I see we were saying on Blue Sky that Ridley Greg would be the funniest one. To me, it's like it'd be funny just because it's like, like it'd be funny because it's Ridley Greg. Like I'm wondering if like who's the least obvious person to do it because I think that like dad be a little funny too if it's just like what the hell like Travis Hamanek did it.
or whatever, you know what I mean? I think like that like an unexpected one might be funny too. um Okay, so if these are like, we're gonna have, I already have an idea for like specific predictions that we can do if the Sens make the playoffs, but I am gonna lock in one, which is Thomas Chabot gets over an hour of ice time in a playoff game. No, the sad thing is like, yeah, 100%.
I believe in my heart that Thomas Chabot is the type of player who will just ramp it up to 11 in the playoffs. Spoilers for our pre-playoff episode that I've been planning since 2021.
But I truly believe that he's not. Yeah. 100%. Like, he will walk in, like, and he's already so locked in, I truly just think that there's like, an unlocked level of him being able to lock in that like, he will reach when he like, makes it into the playoffs. I say 2025 is the year Thomas Chabot finally gets respect. It's like, we're in that right now. Maybe that means people start disrespecting Jake Sanderson.
I've seen it.

Blue Sky User's Controversial Picks

I've seen it on Blue Sky from one Blue Sky user. ah Yeah, shout out to the one Blue Sky user who loves to just like pick a player to hate and just go overboard with hating. It's actually so amusing to me. Yeah, I'm happy. its ah like uh like the bit has like transitioned from like twitter over to blue sky now like yeah it's nice because like in blue sky is such a positive space whatever like i'm happy that there's some like hate some vitriol on there now it's refreshing and she hundred percent yeah i also have non-hockey predictions i don't know if the if this is what we want i popped on the trend of like making all my 2025 predictions but i only shared them with my friends i didn't share them publicly that's fair
If you have any that you want to share, I'd be curious to know. But if not, that's okay. Here, I'll read them out. My first one, look, this is really big for me. um I'm revealing one of my interests on the podcast. I say Buddy Cannon coincides with major political news in the style of Destiel. I am coming out as a Buddy Shipper here. I i am so obsessed with the TV show 9-1-1.
I think we've talked about this before, I need to get on it because I feel like everyone I follow is just so into it. It's like, when you watch it, you'll understand why hockey Twitter loves it. It's a Ryan Murphy show. Oh my god. It's about firefighters. So it's just these big, like beefy firefighters who just have who are like so insanely queer coded, and like, very obviously need to get together. And Truly, I believe in my heart that this couple is getting together in 2025. I honestly think it's going to happen. I feel like if it does happen, the added bonus of it coinciding with like a political event is more likely than not because I just feel like there's so many political events happening at every single second. but it's like It would be less likely for it to not coincide with a major political event.
Yeah, um guys, you gotta get into 911 before Buddy Cannon. like You heard it here first, Buddy Cannon is happening. like You need to get on this. You have to experience it in real time. So this is this would be my highlight of 2025. Highlights of 2025 would be Sen's winning the cup, Charge winning the cup, and then Buddy Cannon. This is what I'm looking forward to the most. You don't understand. I'm so locked in. I'm manifesting it for you, even though I don't know what this means. fully you will because when it happens, you're gonna see it all over the timeline. I already know. You know what? i Yeah, that's a lie. I do a half know what it means just based on like osmosis from the timeline. Yeah. My other one is ah Taylor Swift releases debut TV but not as in debut Taylor's version, not reputation Taylor's version. And fans get another year of clowning. I feel like this is feeling less less likely. But I just think it's really funny that
this has been going on for so long. People have been coming for reputations. So I think it would be funny for her to release debut and not reputation in 2025. It would be very funny. The funniest thing is like, I see so many people that are like, this is why reputation tailored version is coming on this day. And then it's like, so how many letters are in and it's like, immediately you've lost me like that's and not how she does anything like they count and then divide and then like, do like Like, she's actually really obvious about her easter eggs, guys. Like, she like she like puts album names just in music videos. Like, that's how she does easter eggs. They're like, no, no, no, but like, did you know that on this day, it's National like um Wear Black Day? And um also, it's like, dude, what are you talking about? But yeah, I agree with that prediction. Or like, and maybe it won't happen, but like,
I agree with like the spirit of the prediction. Yeah. It's also just like, obviously everyone knows that she's going to do something really big for reputation, right? So it's like, they expect it to be kind of shocking and know and all that. So like, I get it. But I think that prediction would be funny. um I said popular TikTok romance novel revealed to have been written by AI. I feel like we're headed in that direction. Yeah, I feel like very much so.
I said Blue Sky gets its first main character, we're due. It needs to happen. And then I said Sunrise on the Reaping is even more heavy-handed with its political messaging than previous Hunger Games book, but still ends up on Obama's year-end list. That's definitely gonna happen. Yeah. Candidate in Canadian federal election gets exposed for having written problematic fanfiction. It's time this is the kind of controversy we need to be having.
This one, I'm afraid of putting it out into the world because I'm like, if we start talking about this, I'm going to manifest it. But I have some inside information that it's already starting. I believe the Canadian far right is going to begin their war on winter tires this year.
I think there's gonna be a big push toward like winter tires are woke, real men don't use winter tires, and it's gonna be disastrous and I really hope it doesn't happen.

Winter Tires Warning to Leftists

I'm afraid of like putting this out into the world. Guys, if you are a leftist, do not start posting about the importance of winter tires because that is the thing that will make this happen. We gotta be quiet about this.
So like yeah, I see it, which is sad.

Actor's Bitcoin Venture

um And then my final one was ah the guy who played Tommy on 911 launches his own Bitcoin. Look, he's been just doing a lot of grifting lately. I think he's ah he's he's headed toward his own Bitcoin. Those are

Year 2025 Predictions

my predictions for 2025. Why do I feel like you're an Oracle? Like, oh my god. I feel like all of these have a decent chance of happening.
yeah and like yeah i can like i can imagine them i have no predictions yeah now now everybody knows what's gonna happen in 2025 yeah spoilers guys so that is a wrap on this episode thank you for listening remember it to follow us on blue sky and also are we are you still on twitter i can't remember still technically on Twitter. I

Social Media Shoutouts

don't really use my Twitter that much anymore, so definitely follow me on Blue Sky. We do have, like, the Elite Sends Brain Twitter is still active, we're still posting there, um but mostly follow us on Blue Sky. I'm at cbiatae, and she's Ericsson's Burner, um or at Elite Sends Brain for the podcast. ah Go to EliteSendsBrain.tumblr and read Silver Seven Sends.

Ending with a Chant

to La Prigade if you want to hear me talk about the Ottawa charge in French. I think that's it. Yeah. The last thing to say is go sends go. ghost send Go sends go. Bye.