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301 Plays8 months ago

Twitter user @oilygifs is back! Because we maybe jinxed the Oilers in the middle of the playoffs last time she was on, this time she joins us after the season is over to discuss the aftermath. We talk about Edmonton's run, annoying fans of other teams, and (most importantly) the Linus Ullmark trade. We also talk about the draft and say goodbye to a few players including the only two perfect things in our lives: Erik Brännström and Daryl Watts

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Introduction and Guest Reappearance

i mean I ran Michigan. I don't even know what he was thinking. He was just a complete birdcat. Greedy Kachunk. Amos is my best friend. I got a lot of good-looking nukes on my team. You just got nuked. I've got them. I've got them, we'll see. Hi everyone, and welcome to episode Anton Forsberg of Elite Sends Brain. As always, I'm Vyatta, I'm joined by my co-host, Twitter user EricSinsburner, and also by a special guest, I will let her introduce, I will let EricSinsburner introduce her guest. Sounds good. For the first ever time, I believe we've had a repeat guest, and it is Twitter user at OilyGifts. How are you doing?
Oh, don't ask good.
i was like oh i good But I didn't realize I was the first repeat guest. I feel so honored. You are. Yeah.

Sports Superstitions and Jinxes

e rose in Morgan's face and rusty because he pissed me off when I listened to the last episode. Yeah, we're really sorry about that. Do you want to tell the story of why you're on this podcast? Because we didn't just to like randomly invite you after like the most heartbreaking sports game of your entire life. ah there's There's more of a story there.
Yeah. So I think you guys asked me like either at the beginning of the series or before it even started. And I was obviously last year I came on in the middle of the Vegas series and then they lost that one after I talked a bunch of shit. So I was like, okay, we have to wait until after the series is over. And then it ended like that and it lasted 500 years. So this is where we're at. I was, okay, I obviously, I was rooting so hard for the Oilers. I, because if everyone remembers in that episode, we made an alliance and I didn't forget. Some of my co-hosts maybe forgot about the alliance, but I remembered.
and the whole time I was like I obviously really want the Oilers to win but oh my god if they win then it's proof that like we were the jinx and like I feel really bad for last year oh yeah I didn't even think about how but there are like so many 500 jinxes like by the time you get to that point in the playoffs like everything is working against each other I have like 500 more superstitions so I would have never remembered that that's where Yeah, that's understandable. I was worried after three games, I was worried that we had jinxed them just by like inviting you on. Yeah, oh my gosh. And then but you know what, I am like, I have evidence for this. I was saying like, I still believe. And like, you were saying that I remember. Yeah, it looked like they were gonna pull it off. I was like, Oh my god, like, I'm a genius.
But yeah, sadly it ended in tragedy and everyone should be upset about it. I don't even care about the Canadian's team, the Canada's team thing. As I pointed out on Twitter, we want fewer people to win the cup for the first time because now the Sens are just like, it's a dwindling list and they're still on it. And it's really embarrassing. So even like I wanted the Oilers to win for multiple reasons, but that should have been every Sens fans reason. So we're in mourning on this episode. ah I think the wild will stay on that forever, so hope you're good.

NHL Trades and Emotional Reactions

Yeah, well, actually, the main reason that we're in mourning right now is because of a certain player who was not brought back. So can we talk about the saddest news of the last... Sadder than the Stanley Cup final? Just devastating. um Where were both of you when you found out that Eric Branstrom was no longer an Ottawa senator?
i know i eric'sverer go first remember I'm pretty sure oily gifts it may have been just whenever we said in the chat like oh we have to talk about this on the podcast by the way so um that was probably less meaningful to you for me I literally I I don't I don't really actually remember where I was. I think I was in bed. It was yesterday at noon. Yeah, I just woke up because I was so tired. So I woke up, it was noon Eastern Standard Time. And I checked my phone and I got a text and it was from Vienna and it said, they're not qualifying branch jump. I was like, no, why? I was so upset.
But it's very fitting because that's also how I received every confirmation of his goals. Like, anytime he scored a goal, if people remember, it was just a text being, like, friendship scored. So it felt fitting that when he's gone now, I ah found out from text. So he's officially gone now. He signed a one-year deal in Colorado. which is terrible good even though they're not a rival that's still traitor behavior yeah exactly no but that's the thing i don't even blame him i'm like he did what he had to do like he got his bag like it's steos' fault for like
Anyway, where would you be at when you found out? That's more interesting because I was just in bed. I was helping a friend move. and i For the but for like the whole morning, I was thinking, this is a great arrangement because I'm not thinking about free agency at all. I forgot that free agency opened. I was just focused on moving furniture downstairs. And then right at like 11.45, my friends are like, okay, we're gonna go with the U-Haul to the new place, but we have all this furniture on the side of the road and we need someone to guard it so that nobody comes and steals it. Can you do this? And I said yes, and then immediately realized that that meant that I would have two hours to sit and think about free agency. And it was about to, or yeah, about free agency, and it was about to start. So I was really upset. That makes sense.
it's It's harder when you don't hear it from a friend. Like just reading it on like Elliot Friedman's Twitter or whatever feels evil. And it was just bad news after bad news. yeah But that ist just feels like a shock to the chest. I know. i know like ready You refresh Elliot Friedman's Twitter and it's like a shock to the chest. you like Literally every tweet. It's like he should have some sense of sensitivity to the news. like Like, it's so cold and uncaring. It could be like, no, Eric Bridstrom's not getting a qualifying offer. Sad face emoji, sad face emoji. Instead it just says it, like straight up what's happening. It's very, it's not good bedside manner is the issue.
But anyways, free agency in general is a discussion that we'll have later, because we just needed to talk about a hook brand strip, which is the most important thing to talk about right now. But of course, we need to talk about what happened almost exactly one week ago to the day, one week in one day. ah The biggest event of the the entire hockey season, can you both give your reactions to the Linus Ulmerc trade? and I can't believe it happened on the like morning or like before game seven. So I like had zero reaction to it because I'm like, in the throw up it's game seven today, right? And then after the game was over, I like wanted to tweet like, oh, that's the only thing that happened today was this almark trade or whatever. And I was like, we just trying to, I was muting like everything possible. So then it was just on my for you page, it was just Boston fans being really sad about.
And it was making me so happy because i not like, yeah, sometimes I am against Boston, but not even for a hater reason. I was just happy that there was like, no, I had gotten rid of it on my feet. Like it was just not Euler's panther stuff. It was just Lena's. Also, yeah, I feel like it would feel nice for like someone else to be so sad. It's like, yeah, exactly. You know how it feels. Yeah. My reaction to that was I was like, Uh, I was at, so I was at like a bar or something to watch game seven. And then I like, like the people I was there with, like, they were like, Oh my God, like, Linus Ulmer to Ottawa. And I didn't do anything. and I pull up my phone immediately to like see the terms of the train. And I was like, this is crazy. I was like

Playoffs Heartbreak and Rivalries

overwhelmed, literally watching the Oilers. I was so overwhelmed. I wanted them to win so bad. It felt like I was like, I can't care about this right now. It's game seven, which is crazy. They're not my team. And like, I like had to be reminded after like,
when i like I was so so stressed the whole time and I had to be reminded like you don't actually like care about this team that much and I was like oh yeah like um so I had like a muted reaction because of the game sub and also which makes no sense because I'm not an ortho fan but yeah that was my reaction I just thought it was great. i was I was so, I was overjoyed. I mostly just thought that that was the most incredible timing of all time. i like pier da yo The spirit of Pierre was in the Ottawa Senators that night.
Yeah, it was excellent because also like uh where I was like as soon as then an intermission when like they started talking about the sends at one point a lot of people were like or actually no I don't think it was a lot of people I think it was me and my friends who I was there with were like yeah finally like news like yeah finally they're talking about real hockey news um so that was fun. Yeah, it was the same thing where I didn't even, like they were talking about during intermission and I like couldn't process it until like afterwards. And I'm like, I was happy they did it that day, though, because I was like, Oh, maybe some just like, less people will watch my team, even though it's like game seven. it sad week go fun
so like Maybe a little less attention, but no. And then the 4U page on Twitter is so messed up now because it's like, okay, I try to mute everything and then it's just Boston fans. And then sometimes Boston fans are normally so I put like not interested. Then I get a bunch of like Leafs fans and it's like, it can only take one fan base at a time. It's so weird. like It's so funny. They're like, no, you need to be at least a little annoyed. Like, you need to either see Boston fans, Leafs fans, or like, Panthers fans. So you just have to pick. I love that like, one of the earliest reactions, one of the first things we saw about the Omric trade before we saw what, like what the return was, was we just saw Boston reporters being like, oh boy, Boston fans.
you're not gonna be happy and it's like holy shit what did we get him for like clearly this is gonna be a great trade for us yeah it was also a great one when I saw that also I was like I don't believe that it's like I don't believe that like Ottawa pulled something good off but it's like truly the reaction in Boston bands being that upset I was like good like this is a good good trade because like I knew it was good just based on the terms, but also just like based on how upset they were, I was like, okay. Not only did like we do good like on paper, like we have like emotionally wounded them with this because of the hug thing. They were so sad. Yeah, exactly. and like It was also funny because when we started to see that when we saw the timing of the trade, my first reaction was, oh, they're trying to bury the news.
And then I realized it was Boston trying to bury it. And apparently, according to the Athletic Hockey Show, Boston does have a long history of doing that. So it was fun to be on the other side of that. It was awesome. It was the best thing that happened that day. Absolutely. Bar none. I only think people will remember. Yeah. Like, that's the thing. Why? I feel like, okay, if they held a parade for like ah almark trade I feel like more people would show up to it than we currently at the Florida Panthers Parade. That's just my hot take on the subject. I'm going so hard for the Oilers in this episode because I feel so bad about Boston in the last episode.
No, that's fair. But also, like, yeah with the parade stuff, legit, I saw more of people talking because obviously I'm new to everything having to do with all of them. So I got sent this stuff, but it was like trying to make me feel better. Right. But then it's like, oh, there's fans need to like, share about the parade. They should have if they want the parade, they should have won. the law But it's like it wasn't just what I barely saw oilers fans doing because I think like me, they were avoiding Panthers celebration stuff. But I saw a lot of like ah Canada, like Canadian fan bases, or like just Dude Rose on Twitter, just like making fun of it. So I was like, this is fair game. like This isn't just like salty Oilers fans. And the fact that it rained, I'm just like, wow, there is a god and she has a plan for us. like and It all works out.
Yeah, that's my thoughts on that. And I was like, I can't like tweet about the parade because I just look salty, but I'm just like, some of the things. I'm like, Matthew Kuchek, why do you care about how it's more of an Edmonton right now? Like, you need to get over it. Like, I think we're over it. Yeah. I do think Matthew Kuchek is a god to your hater though. Yeah, like that's the thing is it's like he's doing excellent at it, but like I'm mad at him because I don't want him to be doing good at it. But also I was kind of like, okay.
Like, let it go. like you're Like, the Battle of Alberta lives on in his heart, I guess, but I'm like... Yeah, he's a bit too attached to it because he's like, oh, for the Flames fans. And then the Flames fans are such... Okay, the Flames fan base are such losers. And like, just, they have nothing to live for because their team sucks because of the Oilers, which is like, okay, yeah, I get why... Like, when I see hate from a Flames fan, I'm just like, well, you're supposed to do that. Like, I don't even find that offensive. But it's so sad that they were like, oh, Matthew Kuchak, he shouted us out. And I'm like, no, like you guys hated him when he left. Like, shut up. like If it wasn't the authors that he was playing that they wouldn't have cared. like They would be like, ah, he left us and then he won the cup. But yeah. I feel like that was just his moment of like, the Flames fans hate me so much. And I can win them back by saying this one thing.
and like people but Sorry, go ahead. ah People were trying to compare to the Nazem Kadri like what he was ah when he was like, to all the people, you can kiss my ass. And I'm like, that was actually a cool moment because there were a lot of haters. So this is not the same thing. I feel like I would be such a sucker for it though if I was a Flames fan, like because I'm imagining someone like a former Sen being like, and shout out to my fans in Ottawa. I literally think I'd like, swoon. I'd be like, oh my gosh, can you remember? Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I was like, if a former Senator beat like the Leafs in the finals, or the Habs I guess, but i mean obviously the more like obvious comparable would be the Leafs. And then at the end of it was like, shout out to my fans in Ottawa, like you know I couldn't let the Leafs win.
Sens fans would be like, build a statue right now. No, literally. But I think that's more a testament to like, a little Sens fans ask for. Yeah, yeah like like like Why are flames fans acting like fans fans? I know, like it's embarrassing. Like I'm like as my wondering. Yeah, if Johnny Pedro, like if he, if the Columbus somehow also beat the Oilers in the Stanley Cup final, like, and he did the same thing, like they hated Johnny Pedro when he left, but they would also eat that up because they're pathetic. So yeah, that's what happened. So one fan base I don't feel bad in front of because we're like supposed to hate each other. So it's like, you can't not do that.
That's fair. I feel like we've done worse to Leaf's fan multiple times on the podcast. I think there's a long list of fan bases that we've done. Oh, Red Wing's fan? Majorly. Oh, oh yeah. like Nothing's off the table truly. but it's It's funny to hear it. as like has I, eve ah despite everything I've said in this episode, I'm not technically an unknown Leafs fan. So it's like, I feel like it's like, whoa, like I'm getting an inside scoop. I guess it's just the same scoop. It's just like, imagine how Sens fans act towards like Leafs fans and the exact same thing. But I, because I like just don't think of the Calgary Flames that much at all. So I'm like, whoa, it's cool that they like can elicit a reaction.
It's like when like when you travel and you discover regional rivalries that you had never discovered before and you're like, wow, this random country I you know barely knew anything about has like major beef with this country that I just didn't think was that different. And it's like that with NHL fan bases where you're like, Damn, these fan bases really hate each other for no reason. It's like on Twitter you'll you'll see like the most negative like it's like mean-spirited tweet about like the Oilers or something like that and I'm like where did I and then it's like flames lover 101 like and you're like, okay I'm not even gonna take this seriously like you're just you know hating to hate like I remember when the Oilers started out really bad at the beginning of the season and like big David was like nursing an injury and stuff and So he didn't have as many points
And then the trade or not the treat the firing of the coach happened and it was his old OHL coach. And that was mainly like Euler's fans being annoyed with that because they thought like there was you know he was trying to mastermind something which he said wasn't true. But then what I was like, okay, this is the Oilers fan thing because who else cares about who what coach the Oilers hire, right? And then I see this tweet from it was like a flames podcast or something where it was like so brutal where it was like, oh,

Canadian Hockey Culture and Rivalries

Mick GM trying to do this. Of course that the player who's 118th in scoring would try to blah blah blah. And I was like, what the hell? like so Really? like Why are you looking up where he isn't scoring and like counting down? ah And literally a week later, he was like fifth in scoring again. And I was just like, you really was like, um this is my moment to like really get it. well I feel like Leafs fans should listen to this and learn how to react to Sens fans baiting them because a lot of what you're describing is like, oh, I do that about the Leafs, except Leafs fans take it seriously. And it sounds like you don't.
it's the smarter way to go about it but also it's like i feel like it's different because okay this is gonna sound like such loser energy but like the thing is this is nice that actually like oilers fans and flames fans acknowledge they have the rivalry because i feel like the thing that's so annoying that pisses me off the most is when like leaf fans or whatever are like we don't even think about fans fans like we have our own like rivalries i'm like damn it no like you care i know you care which is objectively very cringe, so I shouldn't have said that. I feel like there's something at all. I feel like that's what makes the rivalry what it is, that CEDS fans are just desperately trying to get attention from Leafs and Habs fans. And truly, they do care. They get so mad online. They care. They just don't want to think they're above it.
It is called the Battle of Ontario. No one cares because like Ottawa is so close to Quebec and it's like right in the middle, so no one cares. But yeah, I was also going to say about the thing being 118th score or whatever. like Yeah, I feel like as soon as they can at any point like in the season when McDavid isn't top like five I feel like fans are just like, oh my gosh, like it's a free-for-all. Thank God Like I gotta get this tweeted right now because in like five minutes He's gonna like score 10 goals and it's like I've lost my ammunition
that's when it happens matthew so yeah same And it happens at the beginning of every season where it's like, your team has played two games and others have played one. And they're like, Oh, ah Guy McGuy is way higher than McDavid at Dryside. I'm like, Oh, he's at the top of the league or something. And it's like Joel Fair, like, sorry, Victoria, where I could think of where they're like, this is the only time he'll have to like be a higher scorer than them. You should let him appreciate it. and And it's so cute. like i And that's my favorite chat. I tweet that everywhere. I'm like, oh, it's like the season of like random guys being high high scores.
It is nice also, I guess, to know that it will change immediately. like I feel like there's no one on the Sens I can count on enough to be like, this will be a fluke. or like this It's like too early in the season. like They will start scoring. At any given point, anyone on the Sens, I'm like, no, they might stay 300th in scoring. like I actually believe that that will happen, and oh my god. The last time we had that was Carlson. Yeah, exactly. You could always believe that he would be tops the top scoring defenseman. Now, who do we have? and That's why at the beginning of the season, we're like, what is wrong? Like, I want to.
Yeah, like literally this season, I've aged like 500 years, because like, I'm one of those people, I don't know if you guys watch all the preseason games too, like, all of them. But well, it depends on the year. Yeah, this year I zoned out. I was not invested. Yeah, that makes sense. But I do not think I'll be watching. Yeah, that's fair. and like I watch all the pre-season games, I watch the scrimmages of like training camp. like that They start out so badly. And it's to the Canucks. And I'm just like, Canucks fans, especially at the beginning of the season, they like obviously no one thought they'd be good again.
But like, they need just like, you give them an inch and they will think they're winning the cup, right? So I was like, Oh God, why? And it's it was two games back to back to the Canucks that they lost to start the season. And I was like, yeah, this is the worst, especially because like, we didn't think we'd have to fire our coach again. So it was just so bad. And then, then it's like, Okay, five game winning streak, three game losing streak, 16 game winning streak. And just like, I aged so much. And then the playoffs legit felt like five years long, like, and not even like, I'm not even complaining, but I'm just like,
i didn't In 2006, I was a kid, so it's not like I watched every single game and like you know followed along that intensely. I think the Canucks series, especially, like I think I aged like five years, and just from the Canucks series. like when it Before it started, I'm like, please be like five games, like please. And of course, it went to seven, and it was like super close the entire time. But yeah, so. And the way that the final went too, like that has to be the most harrowing way for it to go. And it's just like, I don't know, by the time they got to game seven, it's like, I don't know which is worse, like going, like getting reverse swept, or coming back from town three, nothing and still losing. Like either way, this is awful.
Yeah, like it was always going to be awful for someone. Yeah. yeah But after they went down 3-0, then I was like, oh, I'm going to kill myself. But like genuinely, I was like, I had already kind of mourned it. But then at the same time, after if once you see them like win one round, you're like, ah, this is fun. But if you see them win a third round, you're like, oh my god, they could actually do this. like you're picturing like You're trying not to be jinxed or be like superstitious or whatever. But in your head, you're like, OK, so who will pass? it to who and like blah blah blah in your head and then when they went down 3-0 I was like okay the dream is dead like it's not happening whatever like why'd they have to humiliate me like this like blah blah blah and then when they kept they came back then I had like double hope which was not like the thing yeah
And it was not the experience of a lot of other Oilers fans who were all like, oh yeah, I don't feel that sad because I mourned it after like game three. And I'm like, what? But that's the thing, you mourned it twice, right? You got like double the pain because you accepted that they were going to lose. And then like, you know, I'm assuming games for a game, you know, usually in A lot of series end with five games, with like, game four being a blowout for the losing team, you know? Like, games four and five, it's like, eh, they're probably gonna lose, we'll see, but then by the time they get to game six, and especially after they win game six, it's like, actually, it looks like they're gonna win, and then they have the momentum and everything, and the fact that it was a one goal game too, yeah just, I can't even imagine.
ah The thing was like leading up to it like because ah for game six I like this playoffs and Even right before the playoffs because I don't live in Edmonton and no one dogs me But I went I flew to Edmonton like three separate times just for like games even though I I didn't watch them like at the arena But like I just to be at a bar also I had a hundred percent but starting from 2022 I have a hundred percent success rate win rate when I watch the game at a bar and oh and i never really did and i don't do it that often which is why it's like you know so cool because obviously when i live here none of my friends here watch like hockey or anything so i don't really go out to bars to watch games but so after game three game four i went to a bar by myself because my parents were out of town my friends were all busy and i watched game four and i was like this could be the worst thing ever or
it could not and it would they won 8-1 and I was like oh my god this is crazy and then the next three games I watched at a bar and game six I went to Edmonton I called in sick for work and I watched it at a bar there and so after game six it felt insane to be there because obviously like the downtown yeah and then I was like I had so much belief because like I was there but then the day of game seven I just like had a weird feeling like I I don't know. I didn't feel like they had it or they were out of gas. Like David and I said, I'll injured probably a lot more others injured. I was like, I just don't think they had anything left like.
man yeah those last like two minutes of the game especially where i remember watching it being like why have they stopped trying like where's the urgency what is it and i they just clearly like just completely ran out of gas it was kind of sad that's how i felt at the beginning of the series too where they were like they had good chances but like they weren't converting and i was like yeah it's like three rounds of like playing i'm like i oh And I'm like, i they were like, it's just like if, but I'm like, if they were healthy, like, they wouldn't have gone to seven. Like, they just, they pushed it that close with, like, dry saddle being like super injured. I was just like, oh. Yeah. And wasn't it like dry saddle was injured like so early on in the conduct series or something? So it's like he had to play like so much so injured or something like that. Yeah. like And he, yeah.
and he had a splint like on his hand and the oilers like posted a video like them getting off the plane and you could clearly see the splint and then they deleted it but yeah and by the way i will say this because i people will take me seriously because i'm not an oilers fan like anyone who was actually hating on dry sidle for like not performing well in the final like fuck you he was so obviously injured like i know everyone's injured to some extent but And even if there wasn't like an official announcement he was injured, it was so obvious. Obviously, if Drysantles randomly playing badly, it's because he's injured. People are so stupid. Yeah, it's actually so funny, the amount. It's like it's just because they're like insane haters, and like to an extent, I respect it. But it's the fact that they genuinely, like I guess, believe, or like they just are forcing themselves to believe, it's like, no. Rather than like the more obvious conclusion that he's injured, I actually think that Leon Drysantles
got bad at hockey right now in the Stanley Cup finals, and he also doesn't care enough to try to be good at hockey. like I genuinely think that's what happened here. And it's like, you know what? like I also get delusional when I'm on my hater mode. I would say that about Austin Matthews. I'm not going to lie. If someone was like, Austin Matthews was injured, I'd be like, actually, he forgot how to play. That's really embarrassing for him. He doesn't care. Yeah. He just doesn't have it in him. The thing was, at the first two rounds, him and McDavid were tied for points. He's always been a good playoff performer.
So I'm like did I get round one was like five million years ago but like especially round one and round two like he was really good in those rounds and I'm like people really just like completely forgot about that or they're just being haters or whatever. Relatedly the discourse about the Khan Smythe was so stupid because again I will say this as a non-oilers fan We all know that if McDavid had come out onto the ice to accept the cons' might, there would have been a million jokes about, oh, he only cares about his individual awards. Look at this captain of the losing team, you know, out on the ice to celebrate. Oh, he looks miserable. Yeah. It would be memes about how sad he looks, and it's like, obviously people would be hating on him if he had gone out and like done anything to celebrate winning the Conn smite. So like, I think he made the right decision there, even if it was a little bit awkward with the trophy presentation. Yeah, it's also so funny though because it's like, okay, like,
Connor David is the most like stereotypical like we'll do it for the team like individual words don't matter like I only care about the team like to a fault he is like the hockey-ish guy like ever so it's so funny that people are like oh actually now like because I think some people also take fault with that, which is like fair enough. like If you say, like oh, hockey players like should have, okay, I know that this is a very annoying one, but like should have more personality about Conor McDavid specifically. But it's almost like, okay, so then in this instance, then you're thinking he did show a lot of personality by being like, actually, I'm not going to go out. And you're like, oh, I hate that guy. Why is he always like this?
like it's so like it's so out of character to be like it like obviously i think it came out later that like actually it was just because he was so emotional in the locker room with like his teammates and he's the captain so he can't come out which makes so much sense just like even if you think that he's being an asshole like i would applaud that loki i'd be like oh that's really interesting actually like that's cool yeah And what I didn't realize, I knew this was Dry Saddle, but I didn't know this about McDavid. In their like junior careers, they both have won MVP in a losing championship. And so I'm like, if you want a photo of them with an and MVP trophy looking sad, they're out there if you want to see them for some reason. But yeah, because obviously me and my like six other friends who also love McDavid Dry Saddle, we were like, of course they both have. That's happened.
I'm a dry saddle. It was like the memorial cup. They lost in overtime, the Kelowna Rockets. And I remember he went down. He did. So I'm like, that that whole thing was stupid. But it was more stupid that it wasn't even like like online hockey fans saying that. It was like reporters and stuff. you know and And then whenever it's a reporter from Pittsburgh, I'm like, shut up, like go home, like you don't, go watch the three Stanley Cup films that are in HD on YouTube. Just go watch them. Like don't even, like, yeah, it's so obnoxious. Oh, Sidney Crosby would have done that. Like, shut up, like.
I don't care. If your location has been to your reflection. I don't know if he would have done that. if he like If that had happened before he'd won a cup, you know? Maybe after his cups, he would have gone out. But I don't know. He's kind of just weird. That's the thing. It's like people are like, well, this guy would have done it. It's such a weird situation that's like only happened. like What was it? like This is the first time. and like 20 years or something that like they're losing and it's like not just like a losing player it's like the losing captain who's also like the best it's just like such a weird situation where it's like no one can actually imagine like i'm imagining like okay like obviously like in 2017 people wanted like Eric Carlson to win the cons might but it's like even that would have been different because it's like he wouldn't have been losing in the cup final at that point like he would have had time to like get over it
Yeah, me too. But I'm like, that would have even been different. It's like, this one is so weird. Like, it's like the weirdest situation ever. Like, you can't blame him for being like... Or the other thing I was saying, which was pissing me off more, that honestly, like, oh, he's workmanship, blah, blah, blah. Oh, like, David shouldn't have won it. Bob should have won it. And I'm like, fuck Bob. Like, he let in eight goals in game four. eight goals. It's like, if you exclude that game, his stats are actually blah, blah, blah. It's like, why would you exclude a game in the Stanley Cup final if you're trying to choose Konspice? Like, he doesn't care. He's on like 500 substances that are probably illegal, like celebrating the Cup. Like, be real. He doesn't care about the Konspice. I thought you were accusing him of doping for a second. No, you mean now. Okay, I see. While he was celebrating.
after the game. I have no statement on doping at this time. I was like, oh my god, we have an exclusive? Like we're saying he didn't deserve it? No. um yeah Yeah, especially since a lot of those same people were trying to um exclude, or no, only count the last two games for McDavid, right? And it's like, no, but it's about the whole playoffs.
Yeah, also like no offense to the Panthers. I was thinking about this. It's like you can't like almost fumble because at that point like they vote when we don't know who won the Stanley Cup, right? So it's like you can't almost fumble like a 3-0 series lead in the Stanley Cup final and then expect any of those guys to win the consmide. Like that's not fair. Like they stopped for like a little bit there. So like doesn't it say something good about your team that no one player was a clear standout? yeah like I think it's embarrassing and I think they should be ashamed actually. so
yeah that's also i would be i say yeah Yeah, understandable. So okay, we were talking a little bit like before we recorded about how but where this this Oilers loss stands in all of these 31 years of Canadian teams not winning the cup because like it's been 31 years now and it is absolutely wild like how many times we've come close and had these devastating losses like
it's actually nuts that there haven't that that nobody has that no Canadian team has won a cup in that time like I remember a few years ago down goes brown I think did a column where he was looking at the numbers of how likely is it that no Canadian team has won a cup during this stretch and found that it literally like if you run the numbers it's more likely that Canada would have won 10 cups in that time than won zero. It was the most the one with the highest chances was like four or five right it was just so statistically unlikely and yeah when you look at all of those close calls it's just absolutely nuts and truly I think that the Oilers have probably had it worse because you had two of them.
and like that But the 2016, and obviously I was a kid, so I just remember being like, oh, they'll be back. and But that's how a lot of people who were like adults during that time were also talking about it. Or they were like, oh, they'll be back. like This was just like a Cinderella story run, so it was like going to end at some point. But you know, it'll be fine. And then literally they fell off a cliff for like 10 years. So I don't know what... I'm talking to a lot of a Canadian teams. Even the Canucks like 2011, like that was also game seven, like, I don't feel bad for them, they're evil and stupid, but like, yeah. Wow, okay. I feel like to like, for me, the the most devastating ones, obviously, like from an objective standpoint, because to be the most devastating ones are 2017 and 2007.
But I feel like the two most devastating ones were this year's Oilers just because it was like it really felt like they were gonna win you know and the 2011 Canucks because that was such a good team and like they were legitimately the best team in the league and you know it went seven and everything like I feel like for a long time it felt like it would never get worse than 2011 Canucks. That was peak sports heartbreak. And then I guess also 2004 Flames because they technically scored the Stanley Cup winning goal and then had it called back. But it's also like that was game six. You had a whole other game to win and you didn't.
Yeah, I don't know which yeah, because 2011 like obviously before this I would also I'm just like in a Canucks hater mood right now. But yeah, I do get how it was like super devastating, especially because they were a really good team. And then the like they were a good team for a stretch there. And then they weren't able to do it. But and also Boston is such an easy team to hate too. So like, yeah, it makes it harder. Like, there was so much silliness like the amount of narratives of like weird things that happened and the whole like I don't know I was a Canucks fan at the time because my mom's a Canucks fan and it truly felt like this was a battle of good versus evil and a battle for like what hockey would be because the Bruins represented the old school like meat and potatoes you know hard hitting fighting like tough guys whereas the Canucks were like old speed and skill and
you know they didn't really fight that much and it was like this battle of you know if the Canucks win then hockey will have changed because everyone will acknowledge that the speed and skill are important and that's why it just felt so important and so I don't know there was just all that other stuff tacked on with the Canucks versus Bruins. My parents are also Canucks fans so like that series I remember like carrying I know like I wasn't really into hockey at that point but I just remember like the vitriol at Brad Martian like I like it palpitated I was like oh my god like this is an evil man like he needs to go to jail but yeah sweet of no you know if I was a sports broadcaster I'd be saying these are not good people these are evil people like people were unironically saying that no literally like I like
I literally think like one of my like parents' friends or whatever was like a Bruins fan at the time, and like we like didn't talk for a little. like Oh yeah, my family's friend was a Bruins fan. We can't talk to them. yeah like Genuinely, we had terrible fights over this. like i think iy We was still talked, and there was like banter and stuff, but I remember being legitimately upset. She was also she was talking about the Sedin sisters, which is it's wild that people were saying that. Yeah, wait, I think you were going to say Oyligiv. Sorry, I don't know if I should say your real name, but yeah, you were going to say a bunch of Cydines too, right? Yeah. No, it's fine. Yeah, like, and especially the whole Cydines narrative of, oh, they're getting pushed around, like blah, blah, blah. That's why it was wild for me to hear Connex fans, like this playoffs being like, oh, we just need to push McDabian Dryside all around. And I'm like,
Do you not remember your history here? Well, literally last season we're training, but I hope they're pushing Pederson around. I'm like, you need to figure out what time you're on. It was the way that that series just completely broke the knuck's brain where they so tried to go like they tried to get tougher and they brought in John Torella and stuff. it was just There was so much there. So I feel like that's very hard to beat. yeah one series or like one like so many how you're saying so many Canadian teams fell off a cliff like immediately after being so close and yeah because they they over correct i feel like so many teams over correct and like speaking a free agency i am surprised i'm like wait how did they bring like the Oilers how did they bring so many like most of them back because i was like i was like half of that's how i was like i need them to win i liked i like this guy and i like that guy and they're not to come back
but But like, yeah. cory perry's coming back i yeah oh But him, I wasn't scared about his curse because like, I was just like, whatever, ah maybe he won't even play half the time, which he didn't. like because It was like he kept going to finals and losing. But then there was that one year where the Leafs won and he was on Tampa and they lost him like the first round. So I was like, oh, curse. it It's like reset. It's like a factory reset. but there's no And then when he was up like, I was just like, this isn't even, I didn't even think about that, Jinx. And I'm like, I'm so stupid. I'm usually pretty superstitious. I didn't even think about the Corey Perry Jinx. No, I had the same thought where I was like, oh, but he didn't make the finals last year. So like, it's fine.
Yeah, it doesn't count if like there's a break in a year because that's like, again, proof that it's like, well, it wasn't that like it was something else. Yeah. There were too many jinxes and curses all working against each other. and I couldn't subtract. yeah um I do find it funny that like you know when you think back to all those close calls, the one team that does not show up anywhere is the Leafs because they have not gone anywhere close. like I was going through it and I found like okay technically the Leafs made like the conference finals a few times. I think I wrote down 2002.
I was like, they got kind of close, but I don't remember it. Well, okay, I was three years old, so of course I don't remember it. But people don't talk about that. It was a great year, you know, and people always talk about the Leafs beating the sins in the playoffs during that whole stretch of time, but like they never made it far. So, you know, they haven't made it close. I think that's really funny. The Habs have made it close, but like, they were never serious contenders like 2001 or sorry, 2021 doesn't count. the Jets weren't around for most of the curse, and they had 2018, which Jets fans talk about as like, this, you know, horrible heartbreak, although I think I looked it up and they lost in like five games or something in the conference finals. So like, why do you talk about this as this great run? And then the Suns had the one trip to the finals and the one trip to
had game 7 double overtime of the conference finals, both times not exactly serious contenders, but then they also had 2003 where, like, it was a winnable final and they could have made it, they almost made it to the finals, so Cens have had a lot of close calls, but their years of being good did not necessarily match up with their years of making it far, right? I don't know. There's been a lot of there's been a lot of pain spread around the Canadians. Yeah. And it's wild how like with the Leafs, especially like last year, they hated the Panthers. And they were like, these are like, i get once again, they were like, these are not good people. Like, they're mean, they're jerks. And then this year, I see Leafs fans.
being like go Panthers and I'm like okay sure like whatever you say like obviously with anything with these fans especially just don't take it seriously it's like with flames fans it's like your team like lost in the first round again and they could have easily won and it's like I can't take you seriously anymore like it's just like like a bee in the corner like you can't even like listen to it like I wish that I'm just so afraid of them making it far in the playoffs that they do unfortunately occupy a lot of space in my brain. That's the thing like as soon as they lose though I'm like I think I've said this on the podcast like I just feel like a weight off my shoulders I'm like oh my gosh like I can breathe again so it's it's a it's a great feeling every year but yeah that one year when they won like whatever last year when they won like the first round I was like this is genuinely devastating like they're gonna win the whole thing
And it was super quick, right? Like they went down three, got the hang they won game four, and then they lost game five. And there we go. You know, never really in doubt. So shout out to the Panthers for that. Yeah, that's the thing is I'm like surprised that because I guess like for Leafs fans, the turmoil is like they hate the Oilers, I guess like in the way that like a lot of Canadian fans just hate the other Canadian teams. And there's the Matthews versus McDavid. Yeah, that as well. But they also like keeping like McDavid to Toronto, which like, we don't have to talk about that. That's just like, that's obviously never gonna happen. Sorry, guys. It's also lingering resentment from them not getting McDavid.
well Oh, true. mean That's where it stems from. And they're like, he grew up, a but it's like he grew up near Toronto, like obviously every kid probably. in carocco That's the thing, like it doesn't go. He was was a Penn's fan, like he got Penn's jersey for Christmas, like he idolized Crosby. I'm like, yeah, you pray there's one picture of him with the Leafs jersey. And it's like so many burners, like profile picture. And I'm like, you are not serious people. i think Yeah, so that's why I'm like, hmm, it makes, I would have thought that they would hate the Panthers more, but I think, I guess it's just like, it's the Canadian team thing or whatever. Yeah, I don't know. But I was like, anytime I saw like, yeah, there are certain fan bases where I was like, them hating, I'm like, yeah that's, you're not serious. Like, you're just, you it feels forced, like. I hope people don't feel that way about sense fans hating.
It's never forced for us. It comes so naturally. Yeah, I think that's part of it. I think they're just like, sunspans are annoying about everything. So it's like, yeah, I would expect this. That's at least how I perceive it. and Yeah. At least you guys are funny. you Like there's so many fan bases where they're bad, like the team's bad and the fan base isn't funny. And it's just like, what's the point? What are we doing here? You think we're funny because you only follow some of us. No, actually, I think Sends fans in general, I think the Sends fanbase is like an average funnier than other fanbases. No, but sometimes I see Sends fans tweets that are like dude bros who have like a really insane take and I'm like, wait, who are you? Like, where did you go? I thought it was just Spiana and Aries Sendsburger.
That community has grown a lot over the last few years. It's very annoying. It's weird now. But yeah, oh my gosh, I saw actually this is like a tangent. I saw a tweet about like, Leafs fans. I think it was a Leafs fan talking about like how or no, it was like a Habs fan talking about like how the Atlantic is actually like, I'm serious now because like, like Tampa sucks, like, only the Panthers are good, like the Leafs are bad, like Sens are bad, blah, blah. And someone was like, I feel for Sends fans because like they deserve a better team. And then like they were like, no, Sends Twitter sucks. And the person was like, oh yeah, like people on Sends Twitter don't count. I'm talking about like normal people who live in Ottawa deserve a good team. And I was like, that's nice, actually. Wow. I just feel like there are two distinct
communities on Sun's Twitter. And some people, I think, okay, I think people interact more with the annoying side because those people are more likely to just like go into random people's replies and be annoying. And so that's what they see. Whereas the people who actually, not to brag, the people who actually do numbers on Twitter and have like good tweets, um they might be less likely to see that. I don't know. That's my theory. Yeah, my other theory is that a lot of Sends Twitter people who are good are either like, yeah, private accounts now, like, or like me, obviously. No, but I think like there's other people who like, like Steve on Sends, for example, is just private. So it's like, okay. Or like Frank Sender's, like guys like that, just on Blue Sky. So it's like, you don't see the funny people anymore. I'm also on Blue Sky, but But also what you said earlier about like, just normal people of Ottawa, legit, with there was so much like, I saw someone to discourse, like obviously throughout the playoffs, everyone hates Ottawa, blah, blah, blah. I'm not my Canada's team. And then people, and it's like that meme where it's like normal, but then people in real life are like, hey, how's it going?
And that's literally my experience. Because living in Saskatchewan, where it's like more neutral ground, but it's, you see every type of fan base, like, especially like, in my job, I see the public more often. So it's like you see people in different teams shirts. And I remember the day after the Oilers beat the Canucks, I was ah like, I saw this, I was working with this person. And it's like a brief interaction. And they were wearing an Oilers shirt. I was like, I got in my head, I'm like, Oh, but I was just like, Oh, how was like good game last night, right? And he was like, Yeah, like, I would have been happy either way, because I used to live in Vancouver. But I'm like, also know there's man. And it's like, yeah, most people are like, pretty chill. It's literally just people online who are like, really intense about it. It's true. Like most normal people in Canada were because people on Twitter weren't believing it that like,
people in other parts like People throughout Canada were just cheering for the Oilers because of the Canada's team thing. They were like, no way, everyone's a huge hater, all this stuff. it's like i kind of like It'd be funnier if that was the case, but like no i like just in general, people were just like, oh, I hope the Oilers win. It'd be nice for a Canadian team to win. it's like Everyone was being really normal in real life. yeah I feel like it's more common in cities that don't have their own team. like I used to live in Nova Scotia and people were definitely Canada's team people there. yeah and So I feel like you know Saskatchewan as well, like they might be more likely to like i mean yeah they might not have as strong loyalties. I just think if you're a really hardcore fan, like no, you're not into the Canada's team.
yeah they're not gonna be weird about it talking billion yeah you're not gonna be like i hate them actually to like a stranger yeah yeah i do that oh wait two strangers that's hilarious habs fans yeah yeah oh yeah they're like a different Are you supposed to say this thing? i like Mostly, okay, yeah, I wouldn't be like, oh, I hate the winners. Okay, no, as a joke, sometimes I'd be like, oh yeah, I'm not really a Canadian team fan. like i'm I'm too much of a sense fan, and right? yeah But you know not not seriously, like, oh, I hate that team.
But with Leafs fans and Habs fans, I do say like, no, I hate those teams. And then I'm like, oh, yeah, I'm a Sens fan. And they're like, okay, yeah, that makes sense. That me know that makes more sense. It's like how like I would expect a Flames fan in real life to potentially be like, oh, I hate the Oilers genuinely. If a random Sens fan is just like, I hate the Oilers like just in life, I'd be like, oh, really? Like, what? Yeah. yeah And it's funny because I don't know if you guys saw this tweet and I don't even know who tweeted it so like I'm not calling them out or anything but it was like there are I don't even think it just connects fans but I think but in terms of Canadian fan bases when it's like people new to hockey twitter or new to like being a fan of hockey a lot of them are connex fans
But this person was like, oh, I was at this Tim's and I was wearing a connect shirt and this man came up to me and he was like, Oh, the oilers beat you guys good or something. Right. And she, and this person was like, uh, how dare it? Like, that's so awful to say and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, but you're in a Tim Hortons wearing a hockey shirt. so Of course someone's going to come up to you and like talk about hockey. And I'm like, I bet like, I don't know, maybe that person was actually me. Um, like so many, like this happens to me all the time. we like men will just like banter about hockey and they're not like that serious about it but i'm like i think people on twitter and people in real life like there's a disconnect there because most of the time people are just bad especially in canada like it's such a thing to banter about like for teams like it's such a thing so i'm like this person i'm like is this your first time in canada
I don't know. Yeah, true. I will say Habs fans are less okay with banter. Like, they take things a lot more seriously than other fans do. Like, Leafs fans, you can always banter because they're like, oh yeah, I know it's the Leafs, like, whatever, everyone hates us, yeah, yeah, yeah. Habs fans are like, um, sorry, are you Francophobic? Like, no! Do you not support the francophone team of Canada? like Even if you're not a fan, you have to at least appreciate the history and the cultural significance. And it's like genuinely offensive if you don't. So often they don't really get the banter. But
They're the outliers, I would say, and not all of them are like that. That's such a French reaction. I feel like much each Canadian fanbase has their own like specific brand of insanity, and that's Montreal's. Yeah, it's actually so true. like I feel like they are just like big on like respect. like Respect is for our dynasty. Which is why Ottawa is such a good foil to them, you know? Yeah, it's like Ottawa demands no respect. a real French team of kid. Yeah, exactly. Well, we quite not anymore. Yeah. I guess we'll talk about that soon. Well, I don't know. Should we talk about?

Ottawa Senators Developments

So i mean I guess we brought you with a podcast to talk about the sends, actually. Yeah. Just like last time, you know, I've been reading up on your. I'm i'm so glad. So you know that things are not great right now.
Well, okay. They kind of, so so much has happened in the last two weeks. It's so funny because our last episode here, like there's nothing to talk about. So we have to bring on a guest. And now we were saying this is like three episodes in one. Like there's so much to talk about because of this weird schedule. But yeah, basically the draft happened. Some trades happened. Free agency happened. I guess we can start with the draft, which was like not that exciting, except that we did get a boy that I am immediately a huge fan of, Carter Yakimchuk. in 7th overall. I didn't realize you guys picked 7th overall. I really didn't watch the breadth. Because the Oilers didn't have a pick right until they traded up for one or something. Yeah, and then they got like the 30 second pick and I'm like, I would have dreamed to get the 30 second pick. I know. See, I joked about that. I was like, oh, they just wanted to know what it felt like because it just it felt a little bit on the nose, you know? And like I saw a tweet where Oilers fans, it was like, oh, if you told me like McDavid wins the cons fight and we have the 30 second pick.
ah But it was cool, the sphere looked really cool. I'm like, oh, I kind of now want to go there, even though it looks dystopian. Yeah, I think, yeah, the sense bit was interesting because I think, okay, I was not paying attention, but like, no one thought we were going to draft him, I think. Everyone wanted Sam Dickinson, or... There were a lot of options. Someone else, Zayn Perak. I think? Well, there was Ziv Buem, and there was... Yeah, okay, yeah, the one you mentioned. um I would have liked him, yeah. Yeah, but then... Yeah, so people were immediately mad, but I'm always like, I don't think you guys know what you're talking about, because like, not to say like, I know what I'm talking about, but it's like, no way you scouted these like, 18 year olds, because that'd be weird. Like, if you knew actually that much about like, these 18 year olds, I'd be like,
Why? Like, why do you know that? It's problematic. Yeah, literally, like, I'm actually, they're minors, so... Yeah. Well, and also the scouting report on this guy was like, he is insanely talented, has like, you know, goal scoring skill that we have not seen in defenseman, you know, in ages, we just don't know if he can play defense. And it's like, okay, isn't that exactly what you want in an 18 year old defense prospect? Like, doesn't everyone say that defense can be taught and um offense can't or like skill can't? They did have at the the draft, there was a line that was like,
about him that the the broadcaster said which is something like defense is a choice which really sounds like an Ottawa Senators thing they have been choosing not to defend for a while but yeah I was like oh this is great and also it's like I you know I was I've said a few times like the reason I can't become a Sanderson stan is that too many people like him but this guy Yakumchuk sounds like the kind of player that so many people are gonna hate so I immediately love him Yeah, I think it's a good pick in the end because, again, just so many people were just so like upset. And also randomly though, okay, I feel like every single draft, Corey Prodman hates what the sentence have done. like And it's really funny. This one though, he loved this pick. He was like the third ranked person. So I was like, oh, that's an interesting change of pace.
So yeah, I don't know if it's good or not. Yeah, who knows? We'll see. We'll see if Corey Pronman can be trusted, I guess. Also, did you guys notice, and I didn't watch the the draft, but i saw I watched it through my timeline. And um I think it was like on 32 thoughts where Elia Freeman was like, or no, I saw up tweets from like Panthers fans. Of course, people send them to me where they're like, right why haven't they congratulated the Panthers on this? That was so funny. And it was like, on 32 thoughts, it was to save time, obviously, which is yeah a good thing because they waste so much time, like not even congratulating the team, but they're like, and thanks to this place for hosting and this and that. and So it's a waste of time. But then it's so funny because on 32 thoughts, it was like, yeah, player reached out to me and was like, why didn't they congratulate Julie?
And I'm like, which panther? Like, guess the panther's player who's like getting excited for the draft. Like, this is my moment. And then they don't say congratulations. Which panther? I feel like that has Matthew Kachukchi up, but I was thinking. like it would have been funny if the Panthers had had a first round pick because like if I were them I would have gone up and been like congratulations to Florida Panthers on winning the Stanley Cup and now for our pick um but yeah it was just it was funny timing like yeah it makes sense that they cut it to save time but it's just awkward to not have that all of a sudden and it feels like everyone's like ah we don't care
Yeah, it felt like whoever the panther was gives major like, is everyone mad at me energy? Like, can I do something wrong? I was like, is it Ekblad? Because he just like looks like a cop. Oh, you know what? kind That actually makes more sense. Yeah. Yeah. but Yeah, I feel so happy yeah like doesn't care. He's just like, Oh, that's funny. Yeah, I feel like he would still be drunk. He'd be one of the ones who actually still, the whole point is to still be drunk. So if you're watching the draft, you're doing it wrong. It's actually so funny that someone watched the draft, like knowing that their team isn't even thinking in the first round. Like, why? Your draft is so funny. I'm like being disappointed, like turning it on, waiting, and then being like, oh shit, I'm i'm going to text Elliot.
Yeah, like this guy turned on the TV be just to hear the congratulations. It's like the part that he dreamed of as a kid wasn't like hoisting the cup or like whatever. It was like, Ben, when I watched the draft, someone will be like, hey, congrats. And all that's when I'll know, like in my heart, like I've made it. Yeah, so funny. So yeah, the rest of the draft, Ottawa apparently just like sorted the players by height and just picked the biggest boys, so I don't really care. I mean, Yakovchuk is also huge, but like he's good, so it's fine. But on free agency, the Sens finally made their big moves.
And we finally, the whole draft, especially the first round, I was like, every time Gary Bettman got up to say we have a trade to announce, I was like, Chikrin, Chikrin, Chikrin, like, we're moving into the top 10, we're, you know, we're getting another second or first round pick. And then each time it was just team swapping picks. It was so boring. But yeah yeah, finally happened on free agency day. And then I wish it hadn't happened. Yeah, terrible. Everything is bad now. The jokes about chicken are pretty funny though. boy Did you see Caps fans like found this one tweet from like 2012 where he was like, oh, yeah he was like replying to someone. And it was like, oh, I agree. Cindy Crosby is way better than a white kid or something like that. And Caps fans are like, what the hell with this guy? I love that players have a digital footprint now. with this Yeah, it's so awesome.
But yeah, I mean, I guess we'll see if the topwater in Washington has feminizing hormones in it. Because that's apparently a factor for him in resigning somewhere. Or I think it was Joe, like, ah who was like, I don't like how close he is to the Capitol building.
But you know, i i mean maybe this would solve some problems they have a few weeks left right until they can replace their candidate
So yeah, lots of jokes to be made about that. I mean, it's just so disappointing because like, yeah, I'm not mad about Chikren being traded. I accepted this a long time ago. He has weird vibes. I'm fine with him leaving. It's just the return. How has his value tanked so badly? And like there wasn't any rush to trade him. It wasn't urgent. He still has a year left on a really affordable contract. Steos could have waited for a better deal to come around.
Yeah, and we were talking about this before we started recording, but we were like, okay, the only thing that makes sense is if they're clearing room for Pinto. But then the Pinto signing happened like 15 minutes before we started recording, and they had enough money for everything. So it's very weird. That's the other thing with the the Joseph trade, where it's like, oh, they have to clear room for something. But no, they didn't. It would have been fine. Yeah, like I mean, maybe they're gearing up for some big signing, but it's just also like, you know, why did you sign David Perron, right? If you were, if you desperately needed to clear up cap space, why Michael LaMaudio? Like, you know, it's kind of funny that Michael LaMaudio was coming back and everything, but they made some free agent signings and then dumped like a decent, but slightly overpaid player and had to throw in a draft thing, like that's what
It all goes my mind, like you were not desperate to get rid of Master Joseph. You could have found other ways to clear up that cap space. You know, you were so desperate that you had to throw in a draft pick when like, ah surely he is, you know, at worst, ah just like neutral value player, you know? but Yeah, and like his contract is not like that bad. But the good thing is that apparently he went to St. Louis and his brother is also there. So that's cool. I was hoping his brother would sign in Ottawa. Yeah. I was like, in St. Louis, that's where I was like, Oh, they're gonna read that in St. Louis. I'm like, there could have been like, no offense to St. Louis, but the blues have kind of just been like, whatever. So I'm like, they could have picked like,
I don't know, of something but more fun. Yeah, they should have picked somewhere better. And the other thing is, it's funny that, like, that's the brother duo where, like, once the Ottawa senator is going to St. Louis. I was gonna say, like, imagine going back in time to, like, 2018 and saying, well, in 2024, the Ottawa senators will trade one brother, you know, one player to St. Louis, and in that player's brother will sign with St. Louis, and this brother duo will be playing in St. Louis. They feel like, holy shit, the kachaks are coming. Yeah, but you know what? This is better.
Like, I wish I would rather have both Joseph brothers than I would have both Kachek brothers. I think I'm the only person in the universe who thinks that, but I genuinely do that. But like, the vibes are good. I'm very happy for them that that's happening. And I also just wonder if, like, was Pierre WVU just waiting for that to happen before signing? Like, did he just desperately want to sign with his brother? That's sweet,

Family Ties and Professional Sports

if that's the case. Yeah. Like, oh, what if they'll be living together or something? That's just so sweet. Although also they like where they were not friendly when they played against each other. They were like trying to kill each other. So maybe it's maybe it's just like for the best that they're on the same team now.
and you This is how like, Aki siblings are like, close, like I'm, I would say I'm close with my brother, but I wouldn't like, want to be with him 24 seven, like, again, because I had my whole childhood where I did that. So I'm like, it is kind of weird, but not weird, but it's just like, and I feel like with siblings, it's like, you really want to be roommates again, like, like I guess so they probably grew up playing junior hockey apart from each other and stuff, but I'm just like, I can't relate to these hockey siblings where they're like, oh my god, let's be best friends like 24-7.
and like I wouldn't want to be co-workers with my siblings. I feel like I'd be like this is annoying. Also just like you bring the wrong energy like you know you're always competing with your siblings a little bit and it's just like I don't want people I don't want like my friends to see that side of me right? yes Yeah or like how LeBron just it's going to play with the son. I'm like, okay, that's fun for LeBron, but his son is going to be like, Hey, dad, can I go hang out with the guys? Like, yeah are you coming for drinks? Like, mom said I could have like, that's just imagine like being in a locker room with your sibling and like, I don't know. And your dad.
Yeah, yeah yeah worse dad is definitely like 100 times worse. i I know some siblings who like have the type of relationship where I think they'd be fine with that. But yeah, no parents. No, no, no. I did after, like, to get through by Oiler's depression, all I did was just read Bronny LeBron memes on Twitter, and they're so funny. I saw some of them, they were good. And I can't imagine, like, in a hockey context, like, you'd have to really have a kid young and then also play really old. Did Gordy how to play with his kid or did I make that up? He did, yeah. Listen, there was like a line with him and two of his kids, it was something like that, yeah.
It's like you have to be like deeply Nepo though, I think. Because randomly NHL-er kids, like if an NHL-er is really good, I feel like their kids, like their kids also being very good is like, obviously it happens like Heath Pichak and whatever, but it's like, for that to happen, but also for them to be the right age at all at the same time. like That feels kind of crazy. so and all i don't know yeah But was LeBron also like, I will only play for the team that drops my son? It's really nice, I guess. But but it's also like, how does his son feel about that? It's so funny. And it's funny because his son's name is like a LeBron Jr. So it's like... They're both LeBron James.
There's a lot of psychology I work there that we can unpack. That's on the team therapist or whatever. yeah that hurt i do yeah I do know people who like have lived with their siblings later in life and found that actually like it was a good living situation because you just like don't care, you know, you're like, Oh, yeah, I already know how to live with this person. So I guess maybe it could be something like that. like I'm sure it could work, but yeah, I don't know. i Again, I feel like i'm I just don't need people to see that side of me when I'm competing with Facebook links. I think it was Seth Jones and Caleb Jones where they played together and they made a big deal about it on social media, like the Hawks did. But I'm like, do these guys even want to play together? They don't seem that close. I don't think they care.
Yeah, some players it's clear that they want to but some players I feel like I don't care. Yeah, the kachaks obviously want to. Yeah. Yeah. Did you want to talk about Daryl Watts? I did yeah because like things have just been so bad for Ottawa teams it's so bad because I okay Daryl Watts has signed with Toronto and this is like one of the most devastating things that has ever happened to me like I I cannot believe this is still happening even with the PWHL but what pisses me off is that Daryl Watts has like
Okay, she claims that Team Canada was not really a factor, except her agent said something like, oh, we wanted to sign with a team, like one of our factors was a team that would like, you know, give her a good chance of getting on Team Canada.

PWHL and Recruitment Ethics

And what do you know, Toronto is run by the same people who run Team Canada and she signs with them and then immediately gets named to the Team Canada training camp or whatever. So I feel like there is some kind of like conflict of interest, some kind of corruption going on. Toronto is a deeply evil team.
I agree. They should take away their draft picks. they there's like There's gotta be rules against it. like I guess there's not, but like that feels unfair. It's an unfair advantage to be like, this is all the same management as Team Canada. There's something up there. If all this to say, if Ottawa did it, I'd be like, haha, like skill gap, like try to have the managers be the managers of Team Canada then. Yeah, but it's like, and it's so I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier, or because it's so obvious that players even if Toronto as a team does not mention it, obviously players are thinking, Oh, yeah,
Isn't it a great opportunity to play for the people who select Team Canada? Like, they'll probably, they'll get a better sense of who I am as a player if I'm playing for their team and everything. And I i think it was more than that. I think they were openly leveraging that. And I don't blame Daryl Watts for taking the opportunity, but I blame Toronto. Yeah, is that allowed? Like, should that be banned? How do you ban that? I think it should be banned. It's banned Toronto. Yeah, just banned? Yeah. Just fold that franchise.
this No one will miss it. Just fire the GM and then avoid all the contracts. That's a great thing for the players, I'm sure. And then because you need, obviously the players need somewhere to play. But another team somewhere, maybe in the same province, like in another major city in the province, off the top of my head I'm thinking Ottawa, Ontario, they could do with another one. Maybe like a techno team, you know? Or Kanata.
exact out of fans like the Yeah, looking now yeah I feel like this could work. yeah So that's our plan for the PWHL to prevent corruption and unfairness. Move all the teams to Ottawa. All of them. There are so many different areas of Ottawa, so many hockey fans here, I'm sure that we could support an entire league. Are you great? But yeah, I just needed to say that I was really mad about that. And I'm also mad about the sense.

Jacob Chikrin Trade Drama

And I don't care that Steve Staios is like, cleaning up Dorian's messes. He's doing it badly.
yeah and you know what it's like pierdorian made messes in the sense of like he cooked a delicious meal and then left all the dirty dishes but then it's like steve steos is coming in and being like i gotta clean this whole kitchen and he threw away the meal with the dish like he was like i'll wash all these dishes and oh this looks gross let me throw it out and he didn't compost it that's like what i think evil evil man yeah it's like you know okay sure jacob chikron was not he was kind of a weird fit for the sense but like you know he was worth a lot at the time they gave up a first and two seconds i think and that was considered a steal because it was way less than what arizona was asking for he's still a very good player like
he could fit on the team this year and if not you can find a better deal for him and like okay yes bringing in Nick Jensen is good like I think Nick Jensen is a good and fit for this team it sounds like it'll work but just yeah with like him and a third for Chikren that's not enough surely you could have gotten like a first round pick out of that just he needs to get better at negotiating yeah I also wonder if people didn't know that like Jacob Chikrin didn't want to be in Otto anymore, so they were like, whatever. But then he's just like, wait, wait until he wants to be in Otto again, then trade him so that you have more leverage. Or at least just be like, yeah, or you know, I don't know, deny the rumors, or if you can't, just be like, okay, yeah, but we're still gonna like stick with him over the year, you know? It sounds like he was just immediately like desperate to get rid of Chikrin, which
just did not make sense. There was no urgency there. There was no reason to make that trade that way. He saw the frog tap water and post and he was like... It was the weird Instagram behavior. He got the ick. he saw yeah He saw some of those those pictures of like the raw milk, and he was like, this guy is not going to pass his health tests. We're not going to get... I'm thinking in terms of like I'm a horse girl, so I'm like, you know when you buy a horse, you need to have like a vet inspection. I'm sure it's not like that with with NHL trades, but to me it feels like that.
Yeah, they will talk about these frames very weirdly so it's like you know he needed like a doctor's assessment and they were like this guy is gonna get bird flu like any day now we need to trade him right now before like his entire body comes out. like He's going to bring back some like medieval shit. like The bubonic plague is coming back through him. like We can't be like here for this. If he gets sick, it's getting to Shabbat right away and then it's getting immediately to Norris and then the entire team. This is just a disaster.
And the Capitals GM was like, oh, we, like after winning the Cup, he swam on a lot of weird fountains and like his immunity is really high. So it could work out there. Yeah, they're like they're like, our team is immune to everything. they They've already had everything. They've been exposed to all the diseases. yeah As soon as you drink out of the cup, like you get some crazy antibodies. But also, it's like, I wonder if Jacob Chikren will be the first to put raw milk in the Stanley Cup, and it'll be really interesting.
Well, we'll never know now that he's not on the Sens anymore. Yeah, I wanted to see it, but too bad now. He'll never win it. Only the Sens will win. I'm just imagining him milking a cow, like, into the Stanley Cup. He would probably do that. He's weird. Even, like, his Instagram stories, I feel like he's getting more intense with this. Like, just today, he was, okay, it wasn't weird, but he was posting, like, pictures of him just, like, frolicking into a field with a bunch of chickens, and he was, like, free range only or whatever.
Which, you know, that's that's a normal opinion to have. That's fine. But I just feel like he's he's really, really leading into this stuff. Like, I don't know what's going on. It's like borderline tradwife content, which is so weird. Like, he's like giving Nara Smith a little bit where it's like... Okay, you see, because one of these posts was, I think, from his fiance and he was reposting it, so I thought, whoa, what if, not not to blame the women, not to be a misogynist here, but like,
Maybe she's really into this, and like she got him onto this stuff. And I feel like the hypervascular, like, you know, worrying about distrust around levels is probably more him. I don't know. They match each other's freak. His next post will be like, how I fixed my defensive metrics from scratch. something like that like That's why they traded him to DC because ah because of Volk, you They need to fix him again. know He suddenly has all these ideas about like, you know, if you eat too much of this, you'll become bad at defense. And it turns out it's just like Shabbat's diet and he's just like judging.
But it's also just like, oh no man, like you can't drink water. gotta be like ah Every liquid you consume has to be like raw milk. and like it's like I feel like he has freak ideas. i I like how we're just slamming him in. He buys his own bottled water from a specific company and it's like all he'll drink. And then he doesn't drink Gatorade because they've got just too many chemicals in it. you know He's also, yeah, post from his girlfriend. Oh, that's what it was a post from or the fiance. I think I should check that it's actually the fiance and not just like some random friend of his, but it was something like, you know, today we just spent all day out in the sun, right? Like our schedule sun and then more sun and more sun and I'm like, buddy,
I know you like to post saying that sunscreen is cancer. You are going to literally get skin cancer. Oh my gosh. That's why he actually could never be Nara Smith because she made sunscreen from scratch. So well I don't know about the SPF coverage. It was something it was something anti sunscreen like or sunscreen is poison. That's what it was. You can't be that pale like as Jacob trickling and say that like it's like you're like after shaving your hands. ah yeah Oh god, yeah. I haven't noticed him being like um sunburned, so I don't know. Maybe he's just one of those people who doesn't burn. But that doesn't mean he can't get skin cancer. and I like how there's a whole, we had a whole segment just hitting on Jacob Chikren, like that's how it went. We were holding it all in. I am concerned for his health, you know? Okay, I'm on this girl's Instagram page and I cannot, like there's no mention of Jacob Chikren, so who the hell is this? It's funny, I'm just a random girl.
yeah probably just like a friend or something okay he's like in the engagement post he didn't tag anyone so maybe this isn't his fiancee i don't think it is he was just some random girl that he was hanging out with in a group so i don't know he's just he's very into this stuff And I'm kind of like, I'm going to keep following him on Instagram, just out of curiosity. I want to know, like, how far this goes. And I also need to know how soon it turns into homophobia, transphobia, and racism. I'm curious because it hasn't gone there yet, but we're on the way, I can tell. It's this close.
Yeah, it's like he's liking posts that are like, the tap water is turning, the frog is gay. And it's like, okay, you haven't said it yet, but like... We're almost there. Yeah, like and why is that a bad thing? like We just have to prompt him a little. Yeah, and it's like, oh why did you like this post? how Do you agree with all of it or just the stuff about raw needs? Anyway, it's like that's the thing. It was a good player and stuff, but he was getting weird. He had to go a little bit. It was the right time because like it was funny, we got our jokes, and now he's left before it gets bad. Yeah, like before it's like a serious problem, he's gone before I actually have to like think deeply about it. Yeah. So yeah, with that,

Conclusion and Farewell

I think that was all we had to discuss for the podcast, right? What's a fun note to end on? Man, I'm gonna miss being able to talk about Jacob Chikrin's eccentricities, you know, he's given us a lot of content.
You guys should have a segment where it's just like checking in on Jacob's channel. We should, yeah. Well it's like, oh man, we kind of dropped the ball on our What Did Brady Kachuk Do This Week segment. We were doing that for a while. Oh yeah. I mean, we know what he was up to this week. I don't want to know what he was doing. Yeah. It's fair enough. Yeah, no need to talk about that. It was like, it was kind of sweet, but it was also like, buddy, I need you to do this in Ottawa. Actually, you can't do this. No, literally. Like, you cannot leave. um yeah
So, anyways, ah thank you so much for joining us, OilyGips. It was such a pleasure to have you, as always, and hopefully you can continue to be the ah most frequent guest moving forward. We'll have to bring you on again sometime. Where can people find you? You can find me on Twitter at oyvgifts. Sometimes I go private because I get mad. but ah So just wait till I'm public again because I don't look at my clips.
You are one of the people I know who takes hockey the most seriously. Like, I have to remember, like, you know, to be careful around you, right? Because I'm like, oh, oh she's got her so little superstitions. She gets mad. It's okay. It's very funny. It's a great Twitter account. You should all follow. And um as always, everyone can find us on Twitter and Blue Sky at EliteSensBrain and Tumblr at Also Twitter and Blue Sky, I'm at C, B out at E. I'm at Erickson's Burner. And as always, Go Sends Go. Go Sends Go. And for today, Go Oilers Go also. Well, I mean, you can say that. I'll say it. You don't have to say it. Thank you. Go both owners and Sends. Bye. Bye.