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Join us in our first episode back since taking time off to hold space for the lyrics of Defying Gravity. We discuss how the Sens fared in November and then quickly move onto the important things like Tim Stützle's tinted visor and whatever is going on between Josh Norris and Quinn Hughes.

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The Michigan Run and Team Dynamics

I ran Michigan. I don't even know what he was thinking. He was just a complete birdcat. Greedy Kachunk. Amos is my best friend. I got a lot of good-looking nukes on my team. You just got nuked. I've got them. I've got them, we'll see.

Linus Olmurg's Introduction and Music Reflections

Hi, everyone, and welcome to episode Linus Olmurg. Uh-oh. I love the neat sun sprite. As always, I am Viata, and I am joined by Twitter and BlueSkyPowerUser at Ericsson's Burner. How's it going? I'm doing pretty good. How are you?
I'm doing very well, you know? I have spent the last month really holding space for the lyrics of Defying Gravity. Really, you know, feeling power in that, thinking about things that are not the Ottawa Senators. It's been it's been great.
No, that's the thing. like We didn't fall off like the like our two week-ish like schedule. What happened was that it takes a month to truly and completely hold space for the lyrics to Defy in Gravity. So that's what we've been doing since we last recorded.
yeah and you know I've been holding space for also not the lyrics, but you know the song Danger Flutes as well. The sends haven't been doing that. Maybe if they started holding space for Danger Flutes, they would be at a playoff spot right now, but they're not.

Taylor Swift's Impact on the Ottawa Senators

yeah You were holding space for a lot of Taylor Swift songs, weren't you?
I was, I was holding space for a lot of Taylor Swift songs. You can't, no one can dox me anymore because it's in the past. I did in fact go to the era's tour. Thanks for asking everyone. I was getting constant BN. Were you thinking about the Ottawa Senators during the songs that we discussed on our episode?
Honestly, I can't remember which songs we associated with the Ottawa Senators, but I was associating every single song with the Ottawa Senators, so like it didn't even matter. I definitely was. and i'm i'm currently I'm reaching through the screen and in my mind I'm holding your finger very delicately as we talk about this. I grew a good visual for everyone listening right now.
Thank you. yeah Yeah, you went to the Aeros tour, I went to the equally exciting Marianna's Trench concert, which is very big for 12 year old me. i um I've been holding space for the lyrics of Shake Tramp, which I got to see live for the first time. Don't look up that song. Anyways, so it's

Ottawa Senators' November Struggles

it's November. Okay, another reason that we like didn't do an episode two weeks ago this is because it's like, we need to just have the month of November happen. And do a little post-mortem because what use is it talking about the Ottawa Senators in the middle of the month of November? It's like writing a eulogy when the person's still like kind of kicking it. It's like oh it's kind of disrespectful. like Let them die. Yeah, so really shocking news, but the Suns have been pretty bad in the month of November. They've been losing a lot.
Yeah, and I can't be the first person to think this. Definitely not. I think like people have said this a bunch. Do they have like seasonal affective disorder? Because it's like it coincided scarily with like daylight savings time doing whatever like now it's dark all the time.
It's like people are trying to argue that we should trade players and it's like, look, they're just depressed. They can't help it. It's going to take them a little while to adjust. Get them one of those lamps that is like sunlight. They should hire you. I'm saying. I'm going to recommend this if you're listening.
Should I slide into Ian Mendez' DMs to suggest this? Like, we gotta to try something here. No, we really do, because also it's like, yeah speaking of like our episode title namesake,
why do goalies go to Ottawa to like why is it like elephant graveyard for goalies I guess that's goalie graveyard I guess you can just describe it that way I don't understand yeah honestly I am telling myself that Linus Omar is injured I truly like look he was good and then he got injured and then he came back bad so in my head he's still injured so guys stop being mean to him yeah that's the thing sorry i didn't mean to be mean just now i was more like i'm concerned oh i wasn't talking to you oh okay well on twitter don't worry yeah exactly people on twitter need to stop being mean i was being like does he have depression like maybe yeah you were concerned for his well-being yeah maybe he's injured and it's in a way that we can't see but it's still very real
Yeah, yeah, that is such a good point a really important reminder to everyone these days. Yeah, exactly So yeah, I don't know like the sends were really bad and it's still technically November. I don't know how many games they have left Technically, I guess they have yeah, they've got a couple because they're on the West Coast right now and

Social Media and the Senators' Playoff Hopes

Yeah. See, this is the thing though, it's like you're allowed to write a eulogy when the person's like, it's like, it's like, okay, it's going to happen. You know what I mean? Like now we can, we can do it now. It's not in Porte's anymore.
yeah you know the good thing is like yes their record is like i think worse this year than it has been in past years but they are closer to the playoffs than they have been in past years at this point so like you know what i'm not gonna stay up to watch them play the ducks tonight but like if they win it's not that bad you know like they they can still manage you know they can get back on track with just like a long winning streak but then i'm like i hear myself say that and i'm like how many times have i said that over the years like here's the thing it's like i feel like last year we hit the point where it was like i have nothing new to say about this team in the month of november like there is nothing new that you can say there is no like magic solution that's gonna fix this especially because they already fired their coach now
and you know new ownership and all of that like all the excuses are gone they have a new goalie all of that it's just like i'm i'm out of ideas i don't want to talk about it yeah it is very much like the another reason why we didn't record is because you can just listen to like the episode dated exactly like one year and two weeks ago from today and it's the same episode
like it's like we There's no more that we can say about it. It's like, I don't know. It's just what they are. People are on social media saying that we need to trade everyone. And you know what? If that's your way of coping, I respect it. I have elected to log off.
yeah Like, I don't know. I don't even know who they would trade. And it's like, I don't want to entertain this idea. Trade the guys I don't like. That's, but I've been saying that. We've been saying that. Yeah, exactly. Like they should have done that over the off season. They should have done it like years ago. So I don't know why they haven't already done that. But yeah, it's just like, I don't think that, well, my honest opinion is I don't think that trading the court is the right move right now. But also I don't fucking know.
I don't know why they're bad guys. Why are they bad again? That's the thing. It's not even our job. Like we have other stuff going on. There's some people whose entire job it is to know what's going on with the sense and they're bad at their job. Because why don't they know how to make the sense not bad?
And it's also like, we know what's going to happen. They're going to start winning again. And then by the end of the season, we're going to be like, well, next year is our year and then they're going to lose in November. It's like, could they not just like change up the script a little bit?
It's actually so nuts. Also, I didn't listen back, but I'm trying to think back to like our predictions video of how many, I think like one of the predictions was how many games will the Sens win in the month of November. I said zero, so it's like I guess technically I should be happy because it was they did infinitely better than I thought they could do.
Well, they sure didn't live up to my prediction, which is that they were going to lose the first game of November and then win every other game in November because I thought they were going to change things up and I thought they were going to go on a losing streak in December instead.

Fan Reactions and Emotional Detachment

So maybe this means that they're going to go on a winning streak in December when they go on that long road trip. Yeah, maybe. That's nice. They can't win games on the road.
yeah Oh, yeah. That's the other hilarious thing about this team is they can't win any road games. It's like, Ottawa is just so like, it's just like their home. Like, they're just they can't do it anywhere. And, you know, I respect it. I, I love that the boys love Ottawa so much. But I yeah, they do kind of need to win on the road, ah you know, in a few weeks.
Yeah, you know, we'll see if they... do that. I have faith still. The thing is, I think I have more faith than other Sens fans because I haven't actually been watching that many games. I've just been kind of like happening. So I haven't like seen it with my own eyes. So it's like hearing something where I'm like, I'm sure it's fine. Like I haven't like actually witnessed much of this. As soon as they started their like downward spiral, I was like, I'm out. I don't want to watch this anymore.
That's so real. I'm kind of emotionally checked out just like last year. I'm like, you know what? Once this losing streak is done, once they're done with this, I will check in again. I'll pay attention. I would love to see what the suns are up to.
after they get this out of their systems. We can assess the damage once that's done. But for the moment, like, again, I have nothing new to say. So anyway, yeah, that's our, like, send summary, is that it's the same thing as all the time. Oh my god, what's that one song? I don't know that song, but you know that one there, it's like Meet the Old Boss, Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss? Like, Meet the New Send, Same as the Old Send. Right? Yeah, I think so. I love that song.
buts like That's the one song of them that I love, because I'm like, why is that? Won't be fooled again by The Who. Yeah. yeah won like That is just like a summary of the auto senators. I think the actual song is about like fascism or something, which pretty much, same thing. You should listen to The Who. They're great. yeah I should. My dad loves The Who. But yeah, anyway, that's what that's what I think of The Sens. Meet the new Sens same as the old Sens. So true. Really a metaphor for our society.
yeah There's just so much going

Player Performances: Shabbat and Sanderson

on there. But you know, one thing that's really bringing me so much joy about The Suns right now is not something that's different because I think he's always been good, but Shabbat has been absolutely killing it and he's killing it so much that people are acknowledging how good he is, which is amazing. Which like we knew all along. To us, it's meet the new Thomas Shabbat, same as the old Thomas Shabbat.
Exactly. But I guess some people thought think he's been bad for a few years just because he was playing through injury. But I would say even when he was injured, he still wasn't even that bad. He's still better now. But he was not bad before.
Yeah, he was never bad. And this is the thing. I don't think he was ever bad, so I would never post this. But if you thought he was bad, someone should post, Thomas Shabbat took the substance. Because I think that's very topical. If any if anyone has done that already, shout out to them. I haven't seen it because I haven't been on Twitter. And like Blue Sky, I don't think anyone has said that on Blue Sky. But free tweet idea for those of you who, but then you're exposing yourself as someone who doubted him. So, double-edged sword. And like, I don't think any of our listeners doubted him.
yeah Because if you listen to our podcast, you're really smart and you know that Shabbat is good. I don't think anyone who knows what took the substance means is a Shabbat. Oh man. It's just a terrible situation. It's like this great tweet, but like nobody can tweet it. So sad. Yeah.
if If I ever doubted him, that's what I would say. But yes, we know that he has never taken the substance. He is just the the same guy he's always been. He's so good, and everyone is acknowledging it. Probably helps a little bit that and Sanderson has not been great the last few games, so people can't, like, hype up Sanderson to tear down the Shabbat, which, like, for the record, I i do not support that. Do not pit beautiful women against each other.
No, literally. And like we've discussed it. Jake Sanderson eats raw liver so like don't- Maybe that's why he hasn't been good recently. Bro, he has? Oh my god, did you see like raw milk has bird flu? Like maybe that's what's going on. Oh my god, I know.
yo This is also our first post-election episode, so now there's gonna be more raw milk everywhere, because who the fuck knows what's gonna happen to the FDA? Like... Yeah. Oh my gosh, Jacob Chikrin is in heaven, dude. He's like, oh my gosh. Well, because isn't RFK, like, in charge of something important? The Department of Health, he's in charge, dude. Jacob Chikrin must be thrilled.
The thing is- Because he's a big ah RFK guy. Yeah, he was a huge RFK guy. he like So it was like Carrie Parse's wife, which is interesting. Like, though like okay, whatever. That's the thing, it's like Trump people, obviously, I'm like crazy. RFK people? I'm like, wait, why is that even more nuts to me?
But whatever. um yeah All this to say, Jacob Tricken will be there on January 6, I think, but in like a supportive capacity. and like Yeah, like yeah so yeah like was he there on the other January 6? We don't know, but he'll be there this time.
yeah I mean, he's in he's in Washington now, so. Yeah. And the funny thing is I think people looked this up immediately after he was traded and actually they have an away game, like around or on January 6th. So they were like, okay. They did it on purpose. They were like, we can't have hockey players in Washington DC on January 6th. No, literally. They were like, ah, it's going to be bad for business. So, but anyway. He comes down with a mysterious illness such as the bird flu on January 6th.
Maybe he just needed to celebrate. um Anyways, yeah, I think the topic was Jake Sanderson um well yes he might get bird flu at some point. And well, we don't know if he's drinking unpasteurized milk. We do know that he's eating raw liver. We we shouldn't assume that that leads to one leads to the other. But you know, it's like Jake Sanderson, obviously, I'm a fan. Maybe he needed to be like,
a little have a bit of a like not a down year but like a bit of a slump during the year so that people could appreciate Shabbat and also question his diet you know like it's kind of necessary yeah I agree cuz yeah people were getting real smug people were getting real why do we even have Shabbat trade Shabbat Sanderson is better than Shabbat all this stuff now you see that like You can't just do that every time. Like you can't just, you can't just replace, like this is the substance also. It's all the substance all the way down. You know what I mean? It's like, and it's also nothing new, but we already did that. Like we did that like a year ago. Um, but yeah, so thank you Jake Sanderson for struggling and making people remember how good Thomas Chabot is.
We need both. I've been saying this the whole time. When one of them is in a slump, you need the other one to be good. Also, the subs have tried having only one good defenseman many times, and it's never worked out for them. So why would you think that it would work out now? It just makes no sense. It doesn't. You know what else makes no sense?

Visor Aesthetics and Player Mystique

Tim's just the stupid ass visor.
Do we know why he- did he have a concussion? Or like- No! Because most of the times people do that, like I know people do that like they have concussions or something and then they like they get migraines. I know like William Nylander like gets migraines or something so like that's why he does it. Did Tim Stutsa do it to look cool we think? It must be a whole thing. I think so because he started the season with it. Like didn't he- but didn't he have it in preseason too? No, he just showed up this year and he was like It's tinted visor time. Well, if you think about it, it is like 3D, or like 3D. It's like, it's like 180 sunglasses. It's like sunglasses that cover like a lot of your head. So that's kind of cool, I guess. I, yeah, see I thought, because I didn't notice it before you started like tweeting about it. I thought that it had to do with his crazy black eye that one time, but I guess he just had it the whole time. No, it was even before that.
Yeah, also his crazy black eye. We were talking about this before the episode started. I was like, we haven't recorded in so long. We totally missed that whole like saga. But dude, it looked terrible. I was like, no offense to him. But I was like, what the hell? It looks awful. I had to like cover the screen every time literally they showed him on screen. It was horrifying. toiti I hope you're okay.
yeah i hope you're all good and also josh norris did that did he like hit him with a puck or something was that the story yeah i heard something about that that's so mean i know what the hell of that wow drama in the polycule it's a joke obviously guys i would never i would never accuse the players of something like that that's so funny but yeah look my stance on the tint advisor is that it looks so stupid and that's why I'm obsessed with it. like It brings me so much joy. You have no idea. Every time I see Tim Stutzler on the ice and I'm like, haha, look at that stupid ass visor. Anyone who watches games with me can attest to this. I'm commenting on it every time we get a close up of Tim Stutzler. I'm like, baby girl, you look so stupid.
Oh my gosh. Imagine it comes out, it's like for like a very like real and like important health reason. And now we just have to like retcon all of this. It's like, yeah, he has migraines and like he had a concussion over the off season or something. Oh my god, I would feel terrible. But like, I love the Tinted Visor. I hope he keeps it. yeah just It looks really stupid. And that's why I love it so much. Well, so does he wear, he doesn't, right? He doesn't wear a helmet helmet and warmups. Last I remembered, he doesn't.
Like, that's kind of nuts to me. I don't know. I feel like Tint Advisor, yes, but Helmet and Warmup's no, is just such a- because that like to me that indicates that like he is doing it for looks. because it's like if you like Otherwise, like you'd probably need your Tint Advisor at all times, including Warmup's. So he's just like, how do I maximize how cool I look? Warmup's no Helmet. During the game, I gotta have my- Yeah, I think, yeah. So that's very interesting to me. Tim Stutzler is an enigma. I guess like other people do it too, but it's just so confusing. And you know what? It's working. Why is he so good?
absolutely nuts like okay every time he's on the ice i am either going holy shit timmy how did you do that or i'm like your advisor looks so stupid like those are the two things i say about tim stutzler because what is he on he took the substance he i haven't seen the movie i'm just going along with your jokes you mean either i haven't seen the substance
I don't know what it is. Yeah, he's on another level. It's insane. Yeah. Maybe his thing is like, I will wear the tinted visor so that like my um opponents are like, he looks so dumb, I'm distracted. And then that's the move. I mean, it's working. Whatever he's doing. They're like, who's this fucking idiot skating toward me?
Yeah, they just like, they just have to like throw their heads back and laugh so they take their eye off the puck and that's when he strikes. They're just like so ah repulsed by it. They're like, oh my god, who the hell is this guy? And then like, you know, before they can even react, he's like blown past them.

Viral Photos and Fan Speculations

yeah exactly we figured it out and he's a genius for that he is he's so important to me it's just special guy he is a very special guy so anyways bringing it back to the joke i made about the polycule i'm trying to do a good segue we could just say bringing it to like another special guy but i like your i like your one better So, even though I try to avoid making those types of jokes publicly, there are some people on the internet who are not afraid to make those types of jokes. And we're making those jokes on r slash Canucks after the game between the Sens and the Canucks. Look, my friends showed this to me.
It was like, you have to see this. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Basically, there was some drama in Sens versus Knux because Quinn Hughes hit Josh Norris from behind. It looked like Josh was maybe hurt, maybe his shoulder, but then he came back to the game, so it was fine. And Quinn Hughes got ejected from the game. And then people, apparently people on r slash Knux were, they were, they were writing some RPF.
They were talking, look, somebody shared the the picture of Josh Norris and Quinn Hughes. If you've never seen the picture, I don't know how to describe it to you. i Look, it sounds like it would be some kind of fan art, but it's real. I'm not even gonna describe it. You know which picture it is, if you know what it is.
And people were making some jokes about what might have happened between Josh Norris and Quinn Hughes before the NHL, what might have happened immediately after the game. They were saying some things where I was like, I would get cancelled on Twitter for saying this. So it was just it was very amusing to me to see just normie hockey fans making those jokes, you know, acknowledging that there's something something interesting going on between Josh Norris and Quinn Hughes.
yeah i feel like like AO3 like girlies are, and that you should feel like vindicated right now. It's like it crossed over completely into the mainstream. It's like you guys were on this from the beginning. Like round of applause. Like yeah, massive congratulations. That's very impressive. Also like while this has kind of happened to Josh Norris twice with two different teammates,
like there's a picture with Thomas Chabot that makes the rounds on gay hockey twitter every few days and there's also a famous picture of him with Quinn Hughes it's like
another funny thing I saw um which is only funny because Josh Morris is okay like at the time I saw it I didn't know he was okay so I was like oh my gosh you guys can't say this but it was a picture of um like it was like the moment Quinn Hughes like uh like boarded him with the caption any Sabrina Carpenter fans out here will know what I mean it was like have you ever tried this one it was very funny
I can't remember if there was any, um, I need a hockey romance book with this plot. Yeah, someone should have done that too. I should have, I guess. Yeah, you gotta to get, you missed the chair. Well, I'm guessing there is, there are plenty of hockey romance books with that plot. If you go on AO3 and go with a hockey RPM tag, I have no doubt that you could find that. Again, I don't read this and I'm not saying that sarcastically.
but you know i'm sure it's there there's no doubt in my mind yeah it was also funny because i was trying to a little bit describe it to my parents but i didn't want to like i didn't want to describe this whole thing guys like i don't have that kind of relationship with my parents and i don't think anyone does actually But my dad was like, oh my gosh, did you see Quinn Hughes boarded Josh Norris? I think he was okay, but still. And I was trying to make my dad have to understand the gravity of the situation at all. And so I was like, yeah, and even their friends. So it was really crazy. So I accidentally erased their identities a little, depending on who you asked.
I mean, you know I think there are a lot of people on hockey Twitter who would say if it was a man and a woman, you wouldn't have questioned this. I know, I'm sorry. It's pretty problematic of you. I'm sorry, I'm listening and learning. I mean, we're not we're not putting a label on things at all. We don't know what's going on between them. We're not here to speculate. And it was also funny because apparently when Hughes went to the Ottawa locker room to apologize and Josh had already returned to the ice.
That's so funny. I also know a lot of Canucks fans. I think like Quinn Hughes is the Canucks version of Thomas Chavotte in many ways it seems, but like in one way it's like he gets so much ice time. Um, some people are like, he did it just to like, like get not have to play like, like so much. Yeah, Canucks fans were the same. yeah We have so much in common. Also, wild yeah, like Josh has a type, doesn't he? That's crazy.
like overworked defensemen. Yeah. Yeah. So that was fun. That's like the most exciting thing that's happened to The Sends in November, truly the drama with Quinn Hughes and Josh Norris. Yeah, I guess. Thank you to the people of r slash Canucks for yeah some incredible entertainment.
Shout out always. Honestly, I know we have the Boilers Alliance, I feel like. So that means we can't do another like Western Canadian hockey team alliance. But if we could, Sens Canucks Alliance feels like very natural. Oh, I feel like there's always been a bit of an unspoken alliance. I used to be a Canucks fan, so did you, you know? Yeah.
it's ah There are two teams that like in some ways have similar energy and also teams that don't really have beef with each other, so it's easy to appreciate both, I think. like there's There's no drama there, so it does make a lot of sense. I'm going to look at the that the actual thread on Reddit. I'll cut this out if there's nothing interesting. I see someone says, I fear I may have misunderstood when I was told Hughes was a Norris winner.
I feel like I'm interrupting something. This pic is fucking wild and it's it's the picture. Again, if you know, you know, lots of, oh, some broke back mountain quotes. That was pretty fun.
And one that I don't- I think I'm gonna have to edit this out. Someone says, guess it wasn't the first time he hid him from behind. Oh my god.
Genuinely, like, what were they- I don't understand the context of the picture, like, in real life, like, what were they doing, if not, like, what the Reddit thread says. Like, I'm so confused.
I know! I once described it to a friend when I was like explaining, oh my friend Julia who's been on the podcast, when I was explaining lore to her because like you know she was new to hockey and I would just like give her full explanations. and When I was explaining the Josh Norris, Quinn Hughes thing, what I said was, I don't know what was going on with them, but I think they wanted everyone to think they were fucking. And I don't know why. I don't know why they wanted people to think that.
fake dating trope and fake dating to to lover's trope yeah like why? it's just like why? i don't even know where this picture comes from i know like that's the thing it's like i don't know the origin and it's funny because it's like it's not even like you could edit it because it's like the only thing you could edit is the text but the text is the most normal thing about it yeah ah I just, okay, I guess I have to, I finally have to explain it. If you didn't know, it's a picture of Josh Norris and Quinn Hughes lying in bed together and Norris doesn't have a shirt on and it's just a selfie. And it's just like, you look at it and you're like, I'm interrupting something. Like, why did you post this? What's going on?
It just has a certain energy to it. And there's just text that says like, go, sends, go, right? It just says sends. Also, I don't know if that was in the original picture. That's so funny. Guys, if anybody knows the context behind this, even, not even Twitter user, Nuxleepdemon, knows the context. Because I asked her. Nobody seems to know where this comes from. And r slash Canucks has finally discovered it. So funny. It's like, uh,
It's like you know that thing where it's like in a hundred years like internet like archaeologists are gonna find this and be so confused. It's like this was like recent like this was probably like what like five six years ago?
Maybe more. I don't know how old they are in the picture, but it's like, it seems very recent. I mean, it's from their college days, isn't it? Oh, yeah. I always assumed it was, yeah. It must have been like, when, well, it must have been after Josh Norris got traded, right? Cause like otherwise, why would it say SENS? Unless someone edited that. Yeah. So like, I don't, yeah. Cause he wasn't even, it was after he was drafted. Cause he was drafted by San Jose. So nuts. Such an interesting,
post such an interesting picture rather and it's just like it always makes me think you know how much do they regret that picture getting out like I'm assuming they must have posted it how much do they regret posting that do they regret it at all And then how much does Josh Norris regret that picture of him and Thomas Chabot getting out? Because that wasn't intentional. The camera caught an intimate moment there you at the end of a game. But also Josh continues to act a certain way around Thomas Chabot in all the videos. ah So he can't be that bothered by it. I'm just so fascinated.
i think they're not bothered by it because it's like going off of like the only other context i have for this it's like you guys know larry like louie thomas and harry styles oh god i'm like you know how like people took it so far and then they had to stop acting like like they had to stop like sitting next to each other and stuff because they were just like oh like they obviously like hated it so like yeah it's like that was very obvious this though it's like they seem to be doing like josh norris and everyone seems to be doing nothing to like but like make the rumors or not rumors i guess Make the joke stop. so like i him i guess they're fine like Either they don't know or they're like, yeah, whatever. Yeah, who knows. i don't It's not that I'm shipping real people, it's just like I'm really fascinated by why they posted that.
yeah i don't know i don't i don't really know enough men who played hockey in their like youth i guess i'm making assumptions here but it seems like a lot of them think the funniest joke or like the best joke ever is like we're having sex like you know what i mean like i feel like there's an undercurrent on that it's like i don't know if it's just that but it's like obviously it's like well i don't know like these people's lives so it's like i don't want to make any assumptions guys but like No, I get that. It's like, yeah, they're joking about it because they think it's so funny. and then But then people on Twitter are like, wait, what if it's real? And then it's like, do they hate that? Well, literally, it's like the Tyler Sagan effect, where it's like that one tweet of his. Yeah. I was I don't know. The homophobic tweet that was interpreted as a coming out. Yeah. It's like exactly like,
yeah But I don't know. like I don't know what Josh Norris and Quinn Hughes were thinking in the moment. This is all speculation. I was like, okay, here we go. No, this is a good this is a good conclusion to this segment. A PSA to hockey players, if you're going to act gay as a joke, we are allowed to take you seriously. Be warned.
If you start acting gay around your teammates, we will assume that you are together. but That is like a very good conclusion, actually. We've solved it, guys. Cause yeah, did we even talk about that video with Josh Avad and Josh Norris recently? Not even that recently, but when they were predicting, is it the World Series? And they were just, why were they looking at each other like that?

Real Person Fiction Ethics

It's just like, so...
I don't know, it's so funny. I'm i'm i'm glad it it all exists. like I'm glad that this is a part of the sense, because even when the scents are bad on ice, they give us like interesting off-ice content. And it's just like, I feel like at least once a week now, I'll just see a tweet that's like the picture of Thomas Chabot and Josh Norris kissing on the ice, being like, hey guys, what's going on here?
Oh, it crossed over into the mainstream. Yeah. It did. Nobody cared because the scents were somehow even worse than they are now when that picture was taken. So no one was paying attention to them. So, yeah. Nobody cared in 2022 when we were posting about Nordisk and Shabbat kissing on the mouth at the end of the season. But suddenly, now they care.
Yeah, I feel like the ultimate, like, I liked the picture of them kissing on ice before it was cool. Like, I liked it before it was like widespread on hockey. I was sharing it before anyone knew what it was. Who took, do we know who took the the original screenshot? that Because it's the same screenshot that always took. It was someone on Tumblr. Oh, okay. Shout out to you Tumblr user, or whoever you are. You have, like, saved the world.
wait hold on okay somebody on tumblr i remember someone on tumblr posted a gif i was the first one to post it on twitter though oh my god so like did i screenshot that yeah oh god what have i done what have i done josh norris thomas shabot i'm so sorry and josh norris and thomas shabot are listening to this like we got her we we got her folks after too long in my defense guys look sometimes it happens I posted it on Circles and people who were in my circle took the picture and posted it publicly. And that's not my problem. It's none of my business what people do with the content I share on Circles. Yeah, exactly. I did nothing wrong.
I agree. I agree. And also it's like, they did it and like the camera guy caught it. It's like, what? We're just supposed to close our eyes? What is this haze code? of Like, so true. This is our most RPF heavy episode ever. Yeah, it's just really funny. It is. But it's like, Josh Norris is really interesting to us. He is really interesting. Also, though, like, I feel like whenever Well, not so much because I don't post on Twitter much anymore, like I'm just constantly deactivated. But like, ever I like I even eluded to like RPF existing in the past, people would like angrily reply and be like, oh, have you ever heard of it? It's like, bro, like, I don't know. This is a tangent. But oh, my God, the ethics of RPF writers fascinate me so much because people seem to believe that in this like imaginary social contract where it's like,
we just hide the RPF away and then the other the people it's about like don't encroach on our space or whatever and it's like they never agreed to this.
it is like deeply funny i don't know like obviously sometimes i'm like oh i can see like why like for example like it might like cause some authors to get hate and stuff and that's like never good but sometimes they'll be like um why did anyone mention that it exists like um that's actually really problematic because this is our fandom space it's like dude it exists like it's not even saying that it exists it's perfectly ethical just as long as nobody ever talks about how it exists which makes me think it's probably just not ethical guys i don't know i don't like i don't know where i land with rpm because i'm like honestly just like imagine i'm like because i'm like well imagine that happened to me it's like i think i would find it endlessly entertaining so it's like i don't know like what the are around it. It's like if people wrote RPF about me I'd just be like whoa it's like okay like what am I doing now? But like I can see obviously it's like they don't like it and obviously yeah. Sometimes I'll see the way people talk about hockey players on Twitter and I'm like your opinion on this hockey player must be informed by fanfiction.
this let's go It is so interesting how it's like people will fully stan players that they actually like know little to nothing about and they're just fine because it's like oh like if you like like whatever like it doesn't really matter why you like a player but it's like they they like have projected such a personality onto them where I'm like whoa this is a crazy disconnect actually I know I do occasionally read like hockey AU's because I do read a lot of fan fiction. I just only read it about like books and TV shows and stuff. And it's always so I always read them mostly because I'm like, it's so it's always so inaccurate. And it's so funny to me. And I'm like, I could write a good hockey AU like one day I will.
But recently, I clicked on a that I thought would be really, like, I was, you know, it seemed interesting. I was like, okay, here's a fandom that I'm in, and it's like, hockey. And the author's note was like, so this player, you know, if you notice any similarities between him and a certain alternate captain on the Maple Leafs, and I clicked out. I was like, I am, you are not tricking me into reading Mitch Marner fanfic.
You are not giving Mitch Marner's personality to this like, random fictional character that I love. So like, I like see in my head, I was like, does Marner even have an A? So I immediately went Morgan Riley. And I was like, is that Morgan? They were baby girlifying Morgan Riley. No,
um no it was somebody was basically writing a fanfic where a certain fictional character was basically Mitch Marner. And I was not interested in it. But if the author is listening, I do support your creative endeavors and I wasn't trying to shame you. I won't say what fandom it was from. I just, I don't want to read about Mitch Marner. Which is fair. If they were like a certain number nine on the autonomous senators, I feel like, oh, interesting. Yeah.
Actually, now that I think about it, that would have been a better... That, I feel like the character works better as Tronj Norris than as Mitch Marner, but whatever. That's the thing, I feel like that's like, I don't read fanfiction, but I'm like, I feel like I would appreciate an author's note like that. So I could like, immediately if you want to like opt out or opt in, it's like if someone was like, I don't know about this, but then they were like, ah, it's based on Mitch Marner, gotta give it a go.
So shout out to the author. That's good practice, probably. I don't actually know what the best practice is, but that seems like good practice. Yeah it is funny to me though to directly base it off of like one character. Like actually years ago I did write an unpublished um hockey au because I was reading hockey au's and I was like I could do this better and all of the players I just gave them like hockey archetypes. I was like oh you know this player is like the captain who was a first overall draft pick who like never lived up to expectations. This player is like an enforcer, this player is a steady stay-at-home defenseman, you know? It was like that.
And I feel like that's more interesting to play around with them being like, this player is Sidney Crosby. I don't know. But that's also, I guess, interesting because it's like, obviously, like, no matter how much you can try to learn about hockey players, they are like, deeply, you don't actually know what they're like, they're like actually like some of the most deeply private, like, athletes or public personalities ever.

Hockey Archetypes in Fanfiction

So it is a little bit like, I wonder how, like, I feel like they do just, like,
Project a decent amount of like archetypes onto people like I feel like like Mitch Marner is like guy seeking dad It's approval and also he's like fun loving whatever, you know, I mean, it's like it's a little guys Marner listens to Joe Rogan. He is not your baby girl He does I'm sure he does there was a meltdown on hockey Twitter over it a while ago Oh wait, is he shared Joe Rogan or something? Right or no, he talked about him in an interview It's so crazy like have some shame. This is the thing, I'm not going to say whatever is problematic, but it's like it's like you need to just never talk about it. like There needs to be a fourth wall if you're listening to Joe Rogan. like You can just never like tell anyone about it in public or anything like that, and that's the only way to ethically do it. Karly Yeah, that's that's so true. Anyways, ah one last thing about the sends.

Senators' Cultural Matches and Pizza Line Reunion

The pizza line is reuniting, and I don't know what that means.
I, yeah, truly have no idea. Before we started recording, we were talking about this. I was like, doesn't Jason Spencer have a job? the And he was pointed out, yeah, with a team that's not the team they're playing. um They're gonna do it on the the game against the Red Wings, but Jason Spencer works for the Penguins. So maybe he just took like paid time off or something. Oh my gosh, he's gonna call in sick. He's gonna see him on the Jumbotron. That's so embarrassing. Oh my god. Wow.
I feel like as a front office executive, he probably has the ability to you know go to different games and stuff. Kyle Dubas was just in Ottawa at a random game that I was at, so I feel like it's fine.
Yeah, definitely it's fine. I'm sorry Jason Spitza. I wasn't trying to get you in trouble with your employer Yeah, so like ah fuck the Red Wings I don't give a fuck if Alfie played one season with them. They do not get any like claim on Alfie They don't get to participate in all these things like please exclude them from these events going forward Yeah, it because I actually didn't even put two and two together I was like, why are they doing this against the Red Wings and you pointed out like yeah well I the whole thing about how Alfie played for a season there. I blocked that out of my memory. I have no recollection of that. That's why I was so confused about it.
Also, like, the Red Wings, like, suck. Like, they're not even like a good team now. And I'm a Sen fan, so that's saying a lot. Like, the Red Wings are a bad team. So it's not even gonna be like an entertaining, or it might be an entertaining game, you never know. But like, yeah, it's the Red Wings, it's always gonna be entertaining. Yeah, but it's not even like, oh, like, so-and-so is in town, like, so exciting. I'm not excited.
Well, so I did say this on Blue Sky. The Sends do have a habit of when of losing all the sort of culturally important games for Sends fans, you know, they've lost every Alfie game.
like the return game, the jersey retirement game, they lost the Hall of Fame induction game, it just Alfie is there and they just freeze up and they lose. So maybe this was an attempt to be like, guys, get your shit together, we're gonna give you the easiest possible opponent. But I think that it's worse that way because like, we know they're gonna find a way to lose and like that game was a guaranteed win. But now it's a guaranteed loss.
you know But it's a very unstoppable force and movable object. It's like what great what is stronger? Them wanting to beat the Red Wings or them wanting to lose when something is important to Alfie? True. We'll find out. Yeah, I know.
And like Danny Heatley coming back, that's fun. I'm guessing, I'm assuming there might be like a Ring of Honor thing, maybe for Heatley and Spezza? Or I wonder if they're just gonna like honor the pizza line in some way? Or are they gonna take warmups? Like, I don't know. I want to know what's going on.
they Yeah, they didn't explain it. They were just like pizza line reuniting. I wonder oh my gosh I wonder if everyone who attends the game is gonna get free pizza. That'd be a good promotion like a free Gabriel's pizza. They should do sense Ian Mendes if you're listening Like this is what you guys should do if you haven't already like made that so you're a genius they say I also love that in the promotional video, it was like they put out this little video where they were like texting in a group chat and the guys were literally responding, hey, Ian. I was like, you gotta make sure that that Ian gets credit for this.
you feel like you If the like communications director would forget what his exact title is, I feel like if that had been an unknown person, people would have been like, who the hell is tech is this random name in the group chat? like They would have been so confused, but because everyone knows it's Ian Mendez, we're like, hell yeah, Ian. Yeah.

Danny Heatley's Legacy

But yeah, so that's an exciting thing happening maybe.
I guess we're assuming it's exciting. It might just be like they come out and wave and then that's it. We find them in the crowd. They were in the building today. Yeah, it is nice though, like Danny Heatley, i was I was a child when Danny Heatley left and he was like a public enemy number one. Like you don't understand how serious this was to the children of Ottawa. He was like a lot of people's favorite player around that time. He was one of the first player hockey players that I knew the name of because people in my class were always talking about him. And when he left, it was like,
this man should go to jail like he is a criminal how dare he he is like this is the biggest betrayal of all time and you know it was my first like important hockey trade so really you know, left his mark on me. And I feel like he was so hated for so long. But now it's been long enough that we're like, no, this is fun. Like, but we had fun hating him. We had fun cheering for him. Like, let's bring him back. Yeah, it is true. Like, like a time heals all wounds type thing. Like it's nice that we can reminisce now.
Yeah, and it's like, you know, we've also just been through so many of these that it's like, aw, it's so cute that we thought that that was bad, you know? Very true. Wait, I gotta find out, what Taylor Swift song did we assign to him? Danny Heatley? Yeah. I don't remember.
We wrote it down though in the episode, or he wrote it out, but I don't read it. Oh, I gave him a picture to burn. That's a good one. Yeah, because that was how we felt. It was just like, early on, it was we just hate him, just pure hatred. He's just another picture to burn, but it's okay. We love him now. So welcome back to Ottawa. Danny Healy, we can't wait to have you. It'll be good.
Maybe people will be getting free pizza. it'll be ah It'll be a fun time, maybe. This is all speculation. I don't know what's happening there, guys. Man, I gotta make sure to eat pizza that day. Yeah! hi every Everyone eat pizza in honor. It's a good PSA. Yeah. Yeah.

The Ottawa Charge and New Beginnings

Well, just as November wraps up and the Suns hopefully become good in the near future, we do have another team to talk about because the Ottawa Charts start their season in like three days. Yeah, but it's, I don't know where they're playing because it's not in, they're playing Montreal, but it's not in Ottawa or Montreal, right? It's like somewhere else. Is that true? Or is it in Montreal? No, it's in Laval. Oh, guys.
ah because I was like, I don't recognize either of these places. In my head, it's not in either of the places. But that makes sense. It's in Laval, guys. Laval is like the canada of Montreal. Oh, so it's not in Montreal or Ottawa, guys.
I was so confused. Is that where plays all the time? Yeah, so I think this season they're only playing, well, like all of their regular home games are gonna be there. Last season they had two windows and that was one of them. Okay, that's why I was confused, I think. I don't know. I also haven't ever been to Montreal, except for once when I was 12. So it's confusing, guys. Because you won't come visit me! I know! Well, doxxing yourself! I won't come visit!
someone. It's okay, I have mentioned living in Montreal enough times. But yeah, so hopefully they are good this season. But we need a win. We need a team that's good, guys. Imagine how good this might pass with me if the team was good. You know what, I just want more than anything. I want a team that outperforms their expectations. why I want a fake ass team that rides a high shooting percentage and good goaltending to first in the league when they don't deserve it. It's just a playoff spot that they don't deserve. This is all I want, guys.
I want a team where all the analytics people are like, this team fucking sucks, but nobody cares because we're in the playoffs.

French Podcast and Language Appreciation

Why can't I get this? It's actually so tragic. Instead, we get like, oh, well, if you look at the analytics, actually, like the high danger shots mean that actually the s sends aren't as bad as their record shows. And it's like they're like that until the end of January and then it progresses to the mean.
Oh my god. Or a classic if the sense could just get some goaltending, they'd be good. How many years have we heard this? Anyway, here's hoping that the Ottawa charge are better than that.
I really hope so. And I, I don't know, I'm a little nervous. I feel like it's like they got Danielle Sordakny. And it was like, for one moment, it was like, oh my god, Sordakny hands Daryl Watts on the same team.
And then they lost Daryl Watts! So now they're just kind of like even, you know? It's actually- someone pointed it out too. I don't know when, but they were like, I can't believe- who pointed this out? Whoever they are is a genius. Whoever was like, and we don't have Watts, and they're called Ottawa Charge. I know! And it's the saddest thing. The worst thing. Anyway, it's it's very sad. It's just, I'm so mad. And also the jury's are mad. It's very, very- I think all the jury's are mad. It's so sad. Yeah.
It's so hard being an Ottawa hockey fan. Guys, it's like really, really hard to be us. yeah Also guys, this season, my true thoughts on The Ottawa Charge, my full breakdown of their season, will be behind a language barrier. It's like when you when you have like a suddenly all your work is paywalled or something, um you have to speak French to hear my true thoughts on The Ottawa Charge. I am starting a new podcast with La Prigade. It's in the La Prigade feed and it's called Charles J. Aplock and our first episode is already out. So if you want to hear me be sad,
about the auto charge, but also give my honest opinions. Beau over to d'applicade. But I won't give all my opinions here because I already gave them in French and that would be unfair to the francophones. Actually, according to like the federal regulations, everything needs to be official, everything needs to be available in both official languages, I'm pretty sure. um rule I'll let it slide. No, actually, though,
I feel like i'm gonna I'm going to use that podcast like to get good at French, listen to French radio. it's like if we'll See, that's the thing. I think it's perfect.
I expect most of our listeners based out there to be government workers, like public servants who are like, I need to practice my French. Because that podcast is also me practicing my French. And it's the only podcast that you're on where everyone pronounces the French names properly.
it's you know It's such a like relief to finally be on a podcast where everyone can pronounce the French names properly. It's so true. Wait, listen, listen, listen, listen. Jihoo. Oh my god, you're so good at that. That's crazy. Thank you. All this to say, listen to the French podcast. Listen to Champs-Réplac. And to find it, you literally just subscribe to l'éprechade. You'll have to hear some fucking guys talking about the autumn with senators in French. But no, no, actually do.
I am being sarcastic to be clear. L'Épregade is great. It's great for working on your French. So just just subscribe to L'Épregade and maybe listen to all of their episodes. Maybe just listen to the one with me. They did have an episode with the mullet man. It was pretty fun. It was cool. I will be listening. I need to improve my French, guys. Just for my own personal. I'm like, I missed my French that I had when I was younger. So I will be subscribing.
So that's the thing, that was me after high school where I was like, man, I used to be so francophone and I'm not anymore, you know? the thing, I was like never that good, but I'm like, I used to like, I feel like my kindergarten vocabulary was better than my current vocabulary. So it's embarrassing me. Anyway, this has been a big tangent episode. Is that everything we wanted to talk about? And of like a bunch of stuff we didn't want to talk about?

Podcast Focus and Social Media Engagement

Look, you got what you signed up for it with Elite Sense Brain. It was this or no episode. So it's like, we had a whole episode about dressage. And it's like, it's that or no episode, you know? Yeah.
take what you somebody okay what i did when i posted on blue sky i'm sorry if i'm like calling out someone who's listening right now when i posted on blue sky that we needed like ideas for what tos talk about on the episode one person did earnestly respond like talk about whether they need to trade a core piece and i e i just responded like no we're talking on this podcast absolutely the fuck not like you must be new here and then they said that's not very was it not very elite of us which the response was not very many yeah not an elite response which is fair um it's just like i feel like they maybe you know maybe this person found us through a twitter list or a like blue sky follow list or something us to discuss that, you probably don't listen to the podcast, is what I'm saying. yeah Because that's not really a vibe. I will say thank you to anyone who has put us on lists. I don't know if we are on follow lists, but if we are, thank you. In the future, maybe put us on follow lists that like are like, like, sans hockey, but in brackets it's like, little weird or something like that. Like, little like, yeah yeah like, odd though.
I have described my niche as gay sends Twitter. There's gay Twitter, there's sends Twitter, and there's like ah a little tiny, you know the Venn diagram like overlaps a little bit, right? so yeah Yeah. There's like 50 people that make up the community and it's amazing. Exactly. That's what we are. Exactly. If you're looking for a podcast that discusses whether we should trade a core piece, like That's not us, but I hope people have enjoyed this episode where we go on many tangents. Um, if you enjoyed this for some reason, follow us on Twitter and blue sky at elite sense brain, or I am C Biala E. I'm at Erickson's burner.
ah Follow us on tumblr elite Read because I still write there I don't always promote my stuff on Twitter, but I I am still very much writing there and some of my stuff is very fun and Also, obviously listen to shelfjap luck, and I think that's all the promo we wanted to do so everyone for this until the next episode make sure to hold space for Danger Flutes, and it really manifest that it returned to the Sens. I am now holding his go your finger. Okay, bye. Go Sens Go.