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We NEED A Hockey Romance Book With This Plot

E34 · Elite Sens Brain
145 Plays3 months ago

Have you ever wanted to know what REALLY goes on in the Ottawa Senators' press box? Well then this episode is for you. Join us for a full debrief of Beata's experience being credentialed for a few Sens games, for some reason, including a review of press box beverages and a behind-the-scenes look at how post-game media scrums actually work.

Then, we discuss some of the not-so-shocking truths revealed in the latest "Sens call out other teams" video, and make fun of John Tavares for his magical amulet.

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Confusion and Team Dynamics

i mean I ran, but I don't even know what he was thinking. He was just a complete burden. Brady Kachunk. Thomas is my best friend. I got a lot of good-looking noobs on my team. You just gotten new them got I got them. I got them, we'll see.

Podcast Introduction and Early Season Analysis

Hi everyone, and welcome to episode Joey d'accord of Elite Sunsprain. As always, I am Bianna, and I am joined by my favorite Twitter user ever, Twitter user at Ericssonsburner. How's it going? I'm doing pretty good. How are you? I'm doing great. It's just us this time. Been a little while since our last episode, but that means we have lots to talk about because this end the sun season has already started.
exciting and they are off to like a mid start which is good Yeah, yeah, like, the thing is, after the last few seasons, I feel like I can't take any conclusions from this tense play. I can't get excited. I can't like, you know, I know I can get upset. um I have certainly been getting upset. That's the one thing I can do. But I'm just like, until they make it through the month of November, I cannot like assume that everything that anything will have changed, you know,

Suns' Season Opener and Performance Recap

that makes sense. I was like describing the sends to a friend of mine um because she was into hockey, then like kind of took a hiatus and was like, I want to get back into it. And I was like, okay, this is a really good season for you to get into it. If they are still bad by November, opt out. like Just yeah like you're not just don't this don't make this the season. Just try again next season.
I feel like that's what I did last year. and like it worked all right yeah um It's very I feel like we've only had like five games, right? And it's been very it's so over, we're so back. That's how I have felt. you know First game against the Panthers, it's like, okay, it's a season opener. like usually Usually they win the season opener and then they lose every game after that. so you you know It doesn't matter what happens. Either they win or they break the curse, right? We're playing the defending cup champs, so like no expectations here. And then they play okay. Linus Ulmark bails them out and it's like, let's fucking go. We have goaltending now, right?
That's the exciting thing. So then we're excited about the season opener because it's different. Now the Suns are good or bad. Well, no, they're like mid, but they have goaltending and that's exciting. And then we get to the Habs game and they lose. And the whole time I have Habs fans texting me gloating.

Rivalry Games and Performance Evaluation

And I was like, I hate this. yeah We haven't lost the Habs in so long.
And then, what was it? Oh, the weird LA Kings game, which was very, it's go over, we're so bad. Like they were bad, but like most of the goaltending was bad. And then, you know, in New Jersey, they lost, they played okay, the goaltending again was bad. And then, you know, thrilling win over the Lightning. And it's it's hard to tell if the sends are good or not, I would say. Yeah, it's very much like,
like they keep just they keep they've won which is good but then it's like yeah they made Montreal look like ah what like a great team and I was like oh like that's not only bad on the sense that's like how dare you do that like how dare you make people think that Montreal are a good team Yeah, although I will say for years, I have always stood by the opinion that rivalry games do not count when it comes to evaluating the team, especially against the Hobbs. It's always so silly. I feel like you just can't have any takeaways from that. It's just like that was a dumb game. It was weird. Let's just let's just forget it happens, whether they win or lose. It doesn't matter how they played because those games are always going to be weird. So personally, I'm not too concerned. That makes sense. That makes sense.
Yeah, and then the Lightning game was nuts. Josh Norris, the king of my heart, I love him so much, he saved the day. But why was it 8-7? That is not a good score. Yeah, you mean the King's game. I think you said Lightning. What did I say?
Yeah, yeah. King's game. King's game. But that was hilarious, too, because like other people around the league ah like other fans of other teams were like taking note. And it's like, oh, not good to have be having this this early in the season. People are like, what is going on in Ottawa? And I was like, don't look. Stop it. Please look away respectfully.
Yeah. And then the light yeah the lightning game was awesome. That was a good hockey game. Yeah. So it's a mixed bag for the Sends. Yeah, you know, it's been entertaining. But, you know, I feel like at this time of the year, often, we see a lot of games that the Sends, well, it's like, you know, they could have won this, but they didn't. so And now it's like, I don't know if they should have won this, but they did. So that's a good change of pace. But then again, they're not winning as much as they'd like.
Yeah, like it'd be like i am kind in my head, I was like, this season, everything changes. They are gonna go, like, 10-0. Like the, like the ah whatever, Devils did like a couple years ago. I was like, this is their starting 10-0 season. And then they like immediately didn't. Because then also, after the first game, I was like, oh my god, it's gonna happen. And then immediately no. And then they're playing the Habs. That's an automatic win, basically.
I know. And it was sad because like we got, I think a lot of people got their screenshots off of like, the Sends are the first in the like division and it immediately ended. And like I was like, oh, the Sends are like on pace to not lose

Press Box Experiences and Media Interactions

any games. like Tim Stutz was on pace to score 164 goals. And then it like all came crashing down like one game later. So like i could I kind of wish that we could have gotten more jokes off about that. Because it's like it's nice when like you still haven't been like you still haven't lost so you get to talk about that a lot yeah you were making a lot of those jokes I was really enjoying them yeah cuz then obviously Toronto lost and didn't score any goals in their home opener and I was like wow if this holds then or I don't know if it was their home opener season opener but anyway I was like if this holds then like this is a very very bad hockey team and then of course they had to win prison line
Also like Austin Matthews Connor McDavid, we're off to a cold start. That was great. People are like, these are all the corners. What if they don't score? They're on pace to not score any goals. Like, that's wild. Yeah, people are cut yeah people are like keeping track of all the corners who had scored that weren't Connor McDavid, which was nice. That was fun. Also though, I still believe in Tim Stuza. I think he could score 164 goals. Yeah, I think he just needs to have like one game where he scores like 10, and then like, that gets him back on pace.
yeah exactly and then just keeps up the two goals per game thing which i think is perfectly reasonable yeah i like i just don't see like if you can do it in one game i don't understand not being able to do it in every game if you've proven what you're capable of what's the issue yeah so that's our expectation pretty much that's there yeah anything less we won't be mad we'll just be extremely disappointed Yeah, well, because we know what he's capable of. Yeah, exactly. Like he's not living up to his potential if he's not scoring two goals every single game.
So look forward to that this season. I don't know if there's anything else to really talk about. Um, in fact, I have like some of the games I did like totally turn off, but some of the games like the the Montreal game I turned off, but some of the games you were unable to turn off because I was stuck there. I had to watch. Yeah. And you couldn't even leave early to beat the traffic because you were in a location where that would have probably been frowned upon.
I left late to beat the traffic actually. Yeah. Hung around. Um, yeah, some of you might've seen on social media, I was in the press box for the games against the devils and the lightning. And my real fans will know that this is the second time I've been able to be in the press box for the Sends. Um, a few years ago, back in like 2018, 19, there was this weird,
but they called the influencer program with The Suns, where they basically were going through a PR nightmare and hired some new like marketing person who was just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. And one of the things she did was she just invited a bunch of social media people to like watch games from the press box. So I had that experience from a few years ago. I was able to go to like a handful of games. That was a really weird time. Uh, but this time was very different. Actually but basically and started Ian Mendez, my favorite, uh, did reach out to me and basically said like, Hey, let me know when you're in Ottawa, I'll get you in the press box.
And I was like, what the hell? oh Why? what? This is very kind of you, but like I... And yeah, I was in Ottawa this past week and I was like, hey, were you serious about that offer? And he was like, yep, absolutely. Email these people. I'll get you in the press box. And then I was just like, I actually had like full media access. It was so weird.
That's so deserved. like if I think they should take away everyone else's media access and just make you the sole like reporter for the Ottawa Centre. And it was so funny because like obviously last time it was an actual program, so you know I like showed up to the CTC and someone came and like you know welcomed me and said, oh, here's where you go, like I'm going to show you the ropes. And like I was there with a bunch of random social media people, so I was hanging out with them and also If people might remember from like, if you listen to this amount like in life, we actually had a separate press box. So the influencers were like kind of off to the side, like yeah away from the actual serious people. So it was just sort of like, it really felt
more like, oh, we're fans who get this cool experience of being in the press box than, like, we're media, necessarily? I mean, it was sort of in between that, but yeah, this time it was just straight up like, oh yeah, I have, like, my media credential, and I'm here just with all the actual journalists.
like And nobody was there to tell me what where to go, what to do, show me the ropes, introduce me to people. I was just like, yep, I totally belong here. Nothing weird about me being here at all. There was nothing weird. but That's so funny, though. I feel like this...
it's your first time I feel like they should have or like even your first or second time I feel like they should have just like a I understand why they can't because it's like it is just like it's like it'd be kind of like weird if someone new was at work and they just like had a buddy and was like well this is like everyone but I feel like it's such a weird environment that they should do it yeah and it's like You know, obviously I recognize a lot of the people there, and like I had met some of those people in passing, but for one, all those people were like busy actually working, and for another, like I didn't know anyone well enough to just be like, I'm gonna stick to you the whole time.
um Also, i I don't know how well this comes across online, but like I am extremely shy in real life, so i I was too shy to introduce myself to people. If any of our listeners have ever like met me at at an event and were like, oh my god, she didn't come and talk to me, just know like it's not you, it's me. I'm really shy.
fair but yeah that feels like an insane environment if you're like even a little bit shy i'd be like what the hell like because especially because like the opportunity and the reality of people being there who like have you blocked a little bit like this kind of weird i don't think anyone there had you blocked maybe bruce garyuk i can't remember he blocked me at some point but i can't remember I think Dr. Scariok went through a benevolent phase where he just unblocked people. Because I think I got unblocked in that. I think I was just begging, and then I got unblocked. I was like, wait. Honestly, it was truly less nerve-wracking than going to the season launch event where there were going to be influencers, but I didn't know who would be there. Because the other influencers scare me more than media people.
so funny but yeah that's so wild so how was the experience and what is inside gossip inside gossip inside dossip yeah so guys i'm not a real media person so i'm here to like debrief with all my parasocial friends give you all the inside scoop um if anyone wants some so yeah listen up guys because if any of you wants inside information on how the press box works, how media scrums work, all of that. If there are any hockey romance writers following me because of those tweets I made this is these last few weeks who were very confused, uh here's here's your like research into how this works. So now I'm like oh my god but I can't believe but what kind of stories are these people writing? I don't want to know. but
a battle
Yeah, if people just want to know how this works, basically. Yeah, I showed up I was told like where to park, ah which gate to go to showed up there. And, you know, went through security and I was like, is anyone gonna ask why I'm here? Like, I don't know. And then I was I asked like, oh,
pass up here to pick it up and they direct me directed me over to a table where i just gave my game they gave me my little single game press pass uh and then they asked me if i wanted to eat the meal for the media because they do offer food uh before the game which makes sense because like you know you're going to be there for a while it's around dinner time And I was like, okay, I guess, because I didn't know what I was going to be able to eat. And then just like, walked into a room with just media people. It was very like high school, like everyone was just in their little, their little groups hanging out. And I was like, I don't know many of these people I need to find a spot on YouTube. No.
Wait, was the food good? but Well, it was fine. well I was so nervous that I like couldn't taste it, you know? It was pretty good. It was fine. And then, yeah, again, like nobody told me like where to go. i was So I was walking around the arena, like, I seem to remember there being an elevator. Like, where is it, you know? um But yeah, there's an elevator like right outside like right inside Gate 3, so.
uh went all the way up to the 400 level so that's where all the suites are so if you ever had like a suite like you know a box and stuff there are like famous people walking around those hallways so not saying you should hang out in the hallways but like you might run into people Um, but anyways, yeah, went up there, asked, there was a person standing, directing people to where their suites were. And I was like, where's the press box? And, you know, walks down the hallways and everything, found the press box. i'm I'm really walking you through like every single detail of this, but people want to know the layout. Okay. Yeah. I'm just like, why is nobody telling me where to go?
but it was okay I was trying to pretend I knew what I was doing, but I kept i kept like half expecting someone to just stop me and be like, excuse me, where is your press pass? like What are you doing here? And then they never did. I just like just walked around.
And anyway, so you press box, you walk in, and it's actually like a very big area. Like the the section that you see on TV whenever they pan to like the team execs or the players or something, like that's a very small section of the press box, right? So... you walk in and there's sort of like a long hallway and then on your right you have you know there are different areas with like tables and snacks there's popcorn and fountain drinks there was no water found that really weird i drank so much ginger ale at those games because there wasn't any water to drink normally like the fountain has like an option for just water so there was a sign that said don't use it and there was also oh no water thing maybe one of them like it was labeled as coke and it was actually water something i don't know i don't know
I was just drinking ginger ale all night.
big ginger ale fan, personally. um And then, so yeah, that's on your right. And then on your left, this is the exciting thing. There are like these are sort of doors leading to little like rooms, like little booths. And those are for all the important people. So you'll be like, you know, TSM 1200 is right here. Sportsnet, NHL stats, you know, the visiting teams, executives, they're there. And I'm assuming there's one for like, players and like, Ottawa Senators people, but that's like, further back at the end of the press box.
And then in between those, there are these little stairs that go down and then there's like a very, there's like an area sort of slightly lower with a long table and a bunch of chairs. And it's like, it's numbered. So they're all like each seat has a number and there's a seating chart elsewhere in the press box. So you can figure out where you're sitting. And that's where the media people are. That's where I was.
And yeah, it was just, it was all the media people who were all there. And I didn't, for the record, people were asking like, oh my God, say hi to Lena's Omar. No, I didn't see them. Like I watched, I saw them in passing sometimes. ah I may have stared at Ridley Gregg a little bit too much because he did notice. I caught him staring back at me a little bit.
So yeah, it's all like different areas. And, you know, I was mostly just interacting with media people also at intermission. I remembered this from last time. Everyone of the media people all do trivia and intermissions. It used to be run by Ian Mendes. This time he was a participant and it was other people running it. And also, yeah, first intermission, they give you food. I forgot that, but that was also the case last time. The food was good.

Media Scrums and Post-Game Process

So that was cool. I did get free food there.
And yeah, that was when I was at intermission when you were getting food, that that like, that's when the important people would sort of walk through. I was like, oh my god, that's Marzé-Prodard! Like, really crying, just right there! So it was just funny, but guys, I promise I was normal the whole time. i was I was completely normal. I didn't act weird. I was worried that I would be weird, but I wasn't. So everyone would be proud of me.
I feel like I knew this, like I knew that you would be normal. I feel like you would, you're very good at that. Oh, thank you. But it's also like when you're surrounded by other people who are also being normal. It's like, you know, that helps you feel normal about it, right? Yeah. I was just like, oh yeah, there was just one point where it was really Greg walked past me. I was like, wait, wait, that's really Greg. Why is he so short?
What the hell? This is actually insider information. like Do we think he is lying? like What's he listed as? know it wasn' ok I It wasn't like I noticed that he was short. i was just like Every time I've seen a hockey player in person, I've been kind of shocked at how tall they are. And I didn't notice that. like He was just kind of average height.
But he doesn't think is he doesn't play like that like when you watch him on TV like on the ice He doesn't seem that small But every time I've seen him in person either like cuz I was watching the warm-ups or that time in the press box I was like, he's so short Weird you look at like his skates and they're just like platform like they're just like six inches And it's like oh, that's why okay But see, even when I was watching the warmups at the game, when he was in the streets, he still seems small. It's so weird. He just has like tall person energy. I don't know. Yeah, he has like a big presence. Yeah, exactly.
Uh, so yeah, that was, that was mostly the press box experience. Um, spoke to lots of people, but then, oh, the crazy thing is, okay. So last time I was in the press box, um, they did not let us join like media scrums or anything.
you know, maybe if I had asked, I don't know, but like, none of the influencers were involved in that, so after the game we just left, it was a very weird experience, that whole influencer program. But I was kind of expecting that, because I was just like, oh, I'm not not real media, like, i'll I'll just leave after the game, it's fine. But right at the end, the other media people were asking me like, oh, are you joining for the scrum? And I was like,
Am I allowed? Like, I don't know. And they said, oh yeah, just follow us, it's fine. So completely unprepared for this. I ended up joining the media scrums at the end of the game, which was wild. That's like so, I feel like that's so cool though. Cause it's like, like even just like having your microphone, like you had your microphone in their face. That's cool. Like,
ah It's like on TV. It is, yeah. And then, okay, I was mildly nervous because I was just telling this story before we were credited. I've told it to a few people but um the only time other time that I've done like a media scrum for NHL stuff was when I was covering the draft two years ago in Montreal and I have this vivid memory of Jory and Donovan doing media right after getting drafted. This was like fairly late in the draft so, you know, not a lot of players were there and it was kind of cool that Jory and Donovan was there, right?
And there weren't like that many media people and I joined, but I was like, I don't have questions already. Like, I don't know. I didn't know I was going to be able to join this. Like, this is so cool. And I i vividly remember people were asking questions and at one point they were sort of a pause and Jorian like makes eye contact with me and kind of nods. and i I just shook my head. I was like, I don't have any questions.
So Jory and Donovan, very polite young boy. Unfortunately, I was unprepared for that. And I was so worried that this would happen again, but it didn't. It's fine. There were too many people asking questions. That's so funny. I feel like if I was like caught off guard like that, like if I was like, he'd ask a question, I'd just be like, how are you? How's it going? Yeah, like how's the family? Are you enjoying Montreal?
Yeah, that's so funny. Oh my gosh. But yeah, so who did you get to be in the scrum for? Okay, first of all, I need to explain how this how this whole process works. Because I have no idea, like you don't see this, ah you know, when you're watching the like media availability after the game, right? You don't know how the whole thing works. So, so basically,
I was you know directed toward like a and special media elevator you go through the press box for it and go down to the hundred level basically to ice level and then they let the the elevator lets you out into like but looks like just a warehouse like are we in the basement of the ctc like what's going on I guess some people some people listening might have like done tours of the like locker rooms or whatever so you know about this. I get it! I was like why why is there like concrete floors and just random like merch and just like random stuff all over here just some random warehouse. There's sort of tape on the floors and so you follow that into
well toward the walker room but it's sort of like there's a curtain kind of blocking it off and that's where you hang around and wait for the players to be ready I guess. And a few times there were like a few players hanging out. I walked past also like the ah visiting teams like media whole section right? ah Yeah and like you know the injured players who were in the press box start like they they join in where they're hanging out around that area, right? Because it's like right outside the locker room. And then when the players are ready, they sort of take down the curtain and you walk through. And then the players are just like hanging out in the hallways. That was kind of weird. I was like, oh, there's a pretty kachuk, just like hanging out. Cool. And then you walk into the locker room. And guys, I didn't realize this. When the media goes into the locker room, it's empty. Like the only player there is the player who's doing media.
so yeah the first time it was the um uh the devil's game and it was just nick cousins who was there so we were all like crowded around nick cousins also didn't realize there is a reason these microphones need to be right at their faces because these players mumble they wake up i couldn't hear them it's so funny also wait shocking revelation that it's only one player in the press box big or not in the press box in like the locker room because i feel like i've seen clips of like other players, like maybe it works differently sometimes. but Haven't you seen like the ones where it's like another player will like interrupt and be like, ah, whatever. So I thought they were so like, i maybe it's changed in recent years, like maybe after COVID. I don't know. yeah Also, okay, sometimes the other players who were going to do media were like hanging out around there. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, but usually it was like they cleared out and then they have like the whiteboard with which players are doing media. And the players sort of come in one at a time.
That's also why sometimes they're doing their interviews in front of other players stalls. Because, you know, like with Nick Cousins, like we started out at Nick Cousins stall in the locker room, and then the media was all like gathered around that. And so when JBD came in, he just like, went in front of Nick Cousins the stall instead of yeah moving over to his that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. It was just like, what? That's so weird. And then so yeah, first game I got Nick Cousins and JBD Forsberg was supposed to show up, but he never did.
I don't know if that's like a why inside info. I think he was upset. ah He comes across as like a very awkward guy. So probably just something like that. And then for game two, it was more exciting because I got Khloé Giroud and ah Drake Batherson, which was kind of funny, if you know my history. And then Sanderson and Noah Greger.
So that's the locker room portion. And of course, yeah, I didn't ask any questions in those. Like, I don't know what I'm doing. And everyone else all had it covered. So I didn't even know what I was going to do with these questions, right? I was like, i did I'm not writing the types of articles or you like add quotes for the players, right? um it It was just kind of funny. And then So yeah, after that, you move away from the locker room and there's like a little room for media and that's where you interview the coach and that like you have little seats to sit down. So that's why yeah, the coach is always like behind a little podium with like the sends logos in the background and everything. It's in a separate room. I found it kind of weird. It's just like, why not just have all the players go in there too? Like they did during COVID. It's just very weird that like go into the locker room one on one. I don't know.
ki So yeah, that was the media experience. And after that, you just like leave the, you go back and sort of fit through the the locker room, um, out to the doors. And then, yeah, again, there were just like players hanging out. I saw Nick Paul also saw Josh Norris right at the exit. It was funny. Again, I was normal. I was just like, pretending that they were just, just any other person, you know? I think I did a good job of being normal.
I feel like you definitely did. I feel like that's so awesome also. It's cool that you saw Josh Morris. That's like, wow. Yeah. It's like you would have thought that he would have been injured in the press box, right? Like just based on his like, and so it's like you missed out on that opportunity to see him in the press box. Yeah, but again, I didn't really see the injured players that much. Yeah, but they were they like, like saw them like walk in or Yeah, just walking past usually just during the intermissions. That was it. I guess because they they wanted the food, you know? That makes sense. That's where everybody converges. Pael Dubas was also there in that lightning game.
because apparently he's a scout for like the Four Nations Cup so that's why he showed up but I remember noticing him like all the way at the other end of the press box and being like is that Kyle Dubas like what is he doing here he's the GM of the Pittsburgh Penguins clearly it's someone else that I'm mistaking for Kyle Dubas but now it was him that could have been like an insane scoop like oh my gosh penguins sends trade incoming we are re-acquiring Eric Carla
Yeah, crazy that my mind didn't even go to that. I was just like, why is it here? my My immediate thought was, oh, I must be mistaken. There's no way that's actually Kyle Jupis. That's so cool, though. Whoa, you had a crazy experience. Yeah, crazy week, crazy three days for me. So yeah, that's that's the scoop.

Hockey Romance Novels and Press Box Anecdotes

And again, many of you are writers who need to know how post-game scrums work.
that's my insight into how they work that's the thing is like actually I feel like the book talk girls like do need a hockey romance about this ASAP like they should no I'm just kidding because like But it could be cool if like someone is writing about an NHL team or something. like This is what it's like. But I guess they would specifically have to be like on the Ottawa Senators, the player that they're writing about, because like this is how the Ottawa Senators press box works.
Yeah, exactly. Like, this is actually my like like agenda here. i I don't read hockey romance novels, but I do get mad when people are talking about other teams that are not The Sends. You know, it's like, I don't care about hockey wrist novels, I'm not going to read them. But when I see that they're all talk all like, based on different teams, I'm like, where are The Sends in all this? Same with like, I don't read RPF. But when I find out that like,
all the all the like RPF writers, hockey RPF writers, are writing about teams other than the scents. I'm like, excuse me, the scents are important. You should be writing about them. Yeah, or they get the characterization completely wrong. like I feel like I remember seeing somewhere that there's like a decent amount of like, Brady Kachuk, Tim Stutzler fix, and like that's just incorrect. like You need to learn the lore before you jump into this.
That's the thing, it's like, I'm never going to read these things, but I'm still mad. Yeah. So, you know, I don't condone RPF, but if any RPF writers are listening to this, now you know how the Ottawa Senators press box works. Just saying. And you don't know how any of the other press boxes work. Mm hmm. This is real insider information.
It's like the thing where it's like, you gave such a specific layout that it's like, if anyone ever wants to rob the Autositter's Press Box now, they have like the whole floor plan. True. True. You want to rob the soda fountain? Yeah. Or the popcorn? My assigned seat, by the way, was right below the opposing team's play-by-play, both games, and it was so annoying. Like, do you know how annoying it is? Yeah, when you get the whole play-by-play, which is cool.
But then, every time the other team scores, they're all excited. It's like, what the hell? That sucks. Yeah. really annoying. They do that. Anyways, I don't think hockey romance writers, from what I've heard, do any research into how hockey works, so they might not hear this. But again, as you said, i I have attracted the attention of some of the book talk girlies because I made some funny tweets making fun of them that they thought were serious. They were very funny though. Thank you. I'm trying to make this coffee pasta take
Yeah, I feel like it's mean a lot of people like, like running with the bit that you have started. So I feel like it's actually like the biggest bit on hockey Twitter as of late. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, for those who didn't see, somebody made a really gross comment about a woman being hired in the and NHL saying that they want a hockey romance novel with that plot. The joke I've been doing is just, is just having that comment, putting that comment over like every bit of NHL news or anything that happens in a hockey game. Just like, book talk girls, assemble! I need a hockey romance novel with this plot right now!
So yeah, I feel like also people have been doing it just for players in interesting positions. Like, this is nice too. I mean, yeah, I did that too. I just want to clarify for anyone listening, I am not a book talk girly, I'm afraid, not a big hockey romance person. But I do love that many book talk girlies did, in fact, find my tweets and give me book talk recommendations.
and Good for you guys. Like, truly, your heart I, you know, I will not be participating in that trend, but like, hats off to those guys. I appreciate book talk girlies, except when they're being weird about women being hired to the and NHL. Yeah.
Other than that, they are, oh my gosh, but also that whole book talk saga from like, but that's right I actually don't really respect them. Yeah, take it back. All right, then. I saw who wait i saw sp a funny tweet though. Someone like saw all of Quinn Hughes's books and then like made a note of what they all were. But someone edited like someone said like, number one, like no pucking around or something like that. And like a bunch of people believed it. I was like, that's so hilarious. That is a really good tweet. That is funny. I like the idea of hockey players of reading hockey romance novels. Mm hmm.
Yeah. So anyways, that concludes our bit, my our little debrief about the press box. I hope nobody from those ends is listening, because I feel like some of these jokes were unprofessional. Whatever. They know what you're about. Yeah, yeah. I just, I need to let my fans in on the insider experience. I'm not a professional.
I'm just some random blogger and I had a good time at the press box and I hope that they invite

Press Box Amenities and Player Interactions

me back. It would be cool. Yeah, I also didn't realize how much free food and like drinks and popcorn is happening there. That's really cool. Okay, to be fair, the media meal like before the game, I did have to pay for it. And they didn't tell me that either. They were like, are you eating the media meal? It was like, yeah, I guess. Okay, cool. Credit card. But it was okay. I was prepared to pay for food, so like it was fine. um It was $15, by the way.
for insider reasons as well. I feel like, I guess I don't know how much food it was, but like for a full meal, it was like a good meal. Yeah, like you could have, I mean, you were being served out of like large amounts, right? So and it was a good meal. Yeah. So um you could get a lot of food from it. And then yeah, they do give you free food at the intermissions though. That was cool. Yeah. And free drinks, fountain drinks, but not free water.
What's their agenda there? They're like big dentists. I mean like there are watercrownges at the CTC. You can probably like leave the press box and go get water. maybe Maybe there was water the whole time and someone's gonna like tell me that I was really stupid and didn't find it. Maybe they're like, now that I'm thinking about it, like was there like a pitcher of water somewhere? I don't know. I don't remember.
i only husband also conclusion i was gonna we were gonna move on to another thing but i have to give an update remember that last time i was in the press box i complained about the coffee mostly because i just think it's like you know it's one thing that i could say to like flex that i've been in the press box it's like oh my god the coffee is so bad there literally it was the worst coffee i'd ever had in my life but This time, I did try the coffee just to like see, to be like, is it still the worst I've ever had in my life? I know, it was it was mid. It was fine. Oh, okay. They upgraded that. Yeah, it's a little better now. Yeah. Okay, anyways, anyways that's it for the PressBox saga. Hope everybody enjoyed. Now, we gotta talk about the important things, which is silly videos involving The Sends.
yeah so this i feel like it's like an annual thing now where it's on the bar down youtube channel so i'm not gonna say we condone it but the sends and other teams do do like call out videos which are fun yeah we don't agree well we have issues with some of the social media behavior of some bar down employees let's just say that so we're not huge fans of bar down but unfortunately they do provide great content so sorry if this is unethical of us to discuss but we need to talk about some of the things that the players said in this video yeah because like sadly like it is one of the only I feel like NHL media is sometimes just like so not fun but it's like it's the most fun when they just like kind of give the players a prompt and like let them explain things about because sometimes I feel like it's way too like trying to be contrived where it's like they try to like force a funny situation when it's most funny to just kind of be like tell us about like this thing that we don't really know about and then just like give them an open-ended prompt kind of and then they say funny things so that's why they're good videos especially when it's like talk shit about other teams like that's fun yeah yeah exactly like some people really thrive in that we will talk about that in a second but yeah so to start off Josh Norris grew a mustache for media and then immediately shaved it off which I don't understand like his mustache makes an appearance I'm so obsessed with this logic I'm sorry that mustache that mustache looks so stupid
And it is fascinating to me that he showed up for all the media stuff with this mustache. He was like, I need this for my headshot for the season. I need it for all the like media stuff I'm doing. But like then I'll shave it. like What is the logic there? It's funny, my roommate and I have been making a lot of jokes about him being similar to Eddie Diaz from 911. We've both really gotten into that show.
And Eddie showed up to start this season with a stupid-ass mustache that he's shaving somewhere he's going to shave in a few episodes. And we made a lot of jokes about what Josh Norris' mustache must symbolize, cause because Eddie symbolizes something. I won't elaborate on that.
so He's so Eddie Diaz.
I like everyone getting into that show. I should watch it. You should. It's really stupid, but it's fine. Because the I most respect on Twitter are like fans of the show, so I really respect these people. Maybe I should just give it a chance. That's the thing. I accidentally follow so many people who are so into the show, mostly because like I used to write about TV, so I'm still friends with like a lot of the people that I do then, and they're all really into it. And so I just see these posts about it constantly, and obviously my roommate is really into it.
And I finally caved. I finally started watching it and truly it's a show that brings so much joy.
Awesome. We will, I will give it a chance. Anyway, so yeah, Josh Norris grew a mustache. That's like my main takeaway from the video. I loved it. What were you? What else did he do, Belle? Yeah. Well, also he was just like in, I feel like in all these videos, Josh is always just like, I'm just a nice guy. I don't have beef with any tea. It was like,
which is true because it's like i feel like he got injured so much that it's like teams are like who are you like i haven't seen go
And he is just like genuinely nice. Yeah, and it's just funny like on this team, this team is so full of like a shit disturbers, you know, so many players who just love to like cause problems on purpose for fun. And then you just have Josh Norris, who just is there to balance out the vibes, right? Where he's like, actually, I don't have any rivalries. I'm, I'm not here to piss off anyone. I'm just here to have a good time.
Yeah, I also like how it's so in contrast to literally Brady Kaczak. I feel like Brady Kaczak has just brought their friendship. He must have just like handled it all enough were it to the point that Josh Morris was just like, i don't like why would I do anything? like That's being taken care of. Yeah, exactly. They're a great like contrast to each other. What a wonderful best friend duo.
it Speaking of also mustaches that may or may not be good, Shane Pinto is also in the video, which is cool. I feel like Pinto's mustache is growing on me. It's very like the current style, you know, where men will have like a mustache and then like a mullet. He needs a mullet. That's the the important thing. But, you know, on him, I'm like, yeah, I can see what he's going for. Like, that's a very trendy look right now.
Yeah, it's like he does give like TikToker, he has like his finger on the pulse in terms of the trends. So I guess he had time to last to keep up with the trends. He had a lot of downtime. um But yeah, so in the video, he talks about how his favorite player to rattle is Thomas Chabot. Yeah, because they're like, what's the team that has your like favorite player to rattle? And he's just like, honestly, the Sens like I love pissing off Thomas Chabot.
Which is so funny. I feel like that does so play into Thomas Chavotte's like motherly like or whatever like this is just one of his kids who likes to get a rise out of him. It's a ah great dynamic. And then yeah with that question obviously Timmy was just like ah fucking haves. Put the logo upside down again. Oh, it's just so good. I love that. He's like, I don't respect you guys at all. But yeah, I like how he is. I wish he would have put like, ah red wings too. Because I feel like
He didn't, right? Cause it's like, I feel like we can see how he rattles red wings bands. So I hope that he can like, understand that too. I don't feel, I don't think any team is like on the same level as the Habs in terms of like, Timmy Stiff is fizzing them off. It's so funny. I, ah by the way, I did wear a Timmy Stiff jersey to this like, Sens versus Habs pre-season game, uh, at the Bell Center.

Rivalries and Fan Reactions

And that was really funny cause like, I was, you know, walking from the Metro and I just heard snippets of conversation where people kept being like,
you had like, why very much like, why would you wear that jersey? Like, oh, God, imagine being a fan of like, so many people were talking about me as I walked past. It was so funny. That's so funny. That's yeah, he does like he is the player that like, well, most if I feel like any sense Jersey would have probably gotten like looks and stuff. But like a Stuza jersey specifically is just like, oh, that is the cherry on top. Like they hate that guy. It's really funny.
and he hates them it's very nice it's very like think it's it's mutual yeah which is the thing i'm always wanting because it's like embarrassing if it's like it's one-sided because i'm like ah you don't even care like what the hell but they care so much they care even more it's actually crazy like anytime i feel like he in one of the games and and like the game against the habs that they played I don't know if it was preseason or not, I can't remember. Okay, yeah, I think like Arbor Jack I probably like definitely did injure someone something. oh no that was a free season like cause that was the one i was at Yeah, i thought yeah fun
yeah preseason Arbor Jack I did injure and then they were like, oh, like, wow, like divers or whatever. It's like, no, he literally hits people. and Yeah, also, okay, can we do a tangent about arbitrary because the obsession I have fans have with this guy is so funny to me. Like, let me tell you, I live in Montreal.
I see so many jack-eye jerseys just like out and about or going to the games. I swear it's like the most common jersey I see is Caulfield and then it's Suzuki and then it's jack-eye and then it's like, you know, former players. Like, why?
why i don't get it because like he's not good and he also i'm sorry others he other fan bases don't care about him nearly as much as haps fans think they do i know because it's like he's the type of player where it's like when you like you remember him when you see him injuring a player you like and you're like oh yeah jack guy he always is injuring people that's annoying but it's like other than that i'm not just like uh jack guy like i hate him oh the habs are so lucky to have him like i wish like it's not like that thing where it's like i don't care about him that much but it's like yeah they are very much like oh like
players are afraid to go against Jack Eye. Players are so afraid to like like play against him. It's like, I think it's fine. Everyone needs to calm down. He's not good, also. He's not good at hockey. I had a very controversial take about him.
um that pissed off a lot of people, a lot of Cens fans, a lot, but truly think this is accurate. Arbor Jackeye is to the Habs, or is to Habs fans what Chris Neil was to Cens fans. In the sense that if you talk to either fanbase about this player they'll be like oh my god that's a legend he does so many good things on the ice like you know yeah he's not the most skilled player but like he just he you know the intangibles are so good and like every team is terrified to face him and then you ask any other fan base and they're just like yeah like average enforcer i don't know like he's just kind of shit i mean obviously they're very different players like christina never got a suspension and all that and like you know it was christina was definitely like a better player than jack i is but like it's just the
the fan, like, the way that the fans perceive this player, to me, is the same. And you know, like, when Chris Neil was playing for the Sens, you would walk around Ottawa and see Chris Neil jerseys everywhere, right? And it's like, it was just very weird that there was this like, huge obsession with some random enforcer. And I think it was really cringe, personally. I also think other fan bases were making fun of us a lot. And I think we need to bully Habs fans about this.
because it's really cringe that they're so obsessed with this like random enforcer who can't even crack an NHL lineup most of the time. Yeah, I agree with that take. so yeah we will agree Oh yeah, we were talking about how the suits of the rattles happen. All this to say arber jackeye It's just like not, I don't really care about him. It's just fun when like, Jim Stutzler like pisses him off or whatever, or like when he gets so mad. But it's not fun because then he injures people. So it's like, oh, that kind of sucks. Yeah, I think it's more fun when to me pisses off like Brendan Gallagher, who I swear every season I'm like, he's still in the NHL. Like, I'm not even tired years ago. I'm sorry. I'm like,
i I can't believe he's still there. Because in my head, he's also like 45 years old. So I'm like, how is he still playing? Yeah, I mean, I feel like he's injured a lot. So that's why I keep thinking he's retired. But it's just very funny that he has beef with Tim Stutzler. Like, that's a baby. Like, why do you care so much about this child? You're an old man. And you have beef with like a 20, what, two year old?
something like that. Well, he started beefing up with him when he was like 20. Yeah, literally, people forget, or I don't know if people forget, but that's why it all started. Stupid friending Gallagher, who should be retired, was like, oh, like he's a diver. And now Tim Stitzler can't get a call, because he dives. like Let's be honest, but it's not, he shouldn't have talked about it. Look, Tim Stitzler dives, and it's wonderful. Tim Stitzler also just can't stay on his feet.
And that's not his fault. He's like a Bambi type. Like it's not his fault. He falls over. I don't know where his center of gravity is. Legit have no idea because it seems like like a breeze could like touch his hair and he'd be like, whoa, like I fell over. So I don't understand. But yeah.
and Justice for Tim Stetson. Yeah, he, it's like, you'd love him on your team. If he was a diver on your team, you'd be like, awesome. He's done it again. He's so good at diving. Multi-talented. He's my favorite.
I think those were the highlights of the videos, of the video. I don't know if, I didn't watch any of the others. I saw Leafs did it, don't care. Oh, I only watched them, so I don't care about others. Yes, exactly. Winnipeg did it, care even less. I don't hate to Winnipeg, but. Yeah. So speaking of babies, talking about your now we finally get to return to our segments, a recurring segment. What did Brady Kuchuk do this time?
Do you want to tell us what he did? Yeah, he had a baby. Well, his his wife gave birth to the baby. and He is the baby's father. That's crazy. Boss baby has a baby. Yeah. And they were born on the same day, which is really cute, actually. Like, I think that's very cute.
It is. I was very stressed when the baby attended a game. It was the Panthers game and he was on the ice. And I was like, that is a fresh baby. Like the baby at that point was like less than a month old must have been right.
Oh, literally just like a few weeks, I think. Yeah. So it's like, cause I think now the baby's like a month old. I think like one's ready to check his birthday, September 15th or something. So like it's, we're recording this on October 20th. So like and the baby's like about a month now, but like, yeah, at the time the baby was like a couple of weeks

Personal Stories and Speculations

old. And I was like, what? Cause to my understanding, you don't really bring the baby out until it's like a little bit older, especially not on like ice. We're like, I know that they're professional hockey players and won't fall over, but like you never know. Like.
I know. I was very stressed about that whole situation. I was like asking my parents, I was like, what did you bring me out? And they were like, not that early. I was like, I know, right? Crazy that he shouldn't have done that. Just kidding. I'm not like judging his like fathering or whatever, like his fatherhood skills. I'm just like, that is wild. That is a new baby. And he brought him to like a restaurant too. I saw on Twitter, I was like, the baby can't eat at the restaurant.
They have, like, steak and stuff there. You can't give- you can't give steak to a baby! Famously. And Brady isn't the only one with a new baby, too. Coaching who has had an interesting month. Yeah. He had a baby, and then he had something taken away from him, which was his car.
Also, like, randomly, like, Ottawa has, like, I think a big- I think it's a bunch of places around Ontario, but, like, big issues with car theft. I've heard a lot of, like, people I know having the car stolen. Yeah, it's so weird, and also the car got a speeding ticket, and they said it's a good deal. Yeah, it was, like, the night that it got stolen, the thief sped away. Poor guy. No, I hope he gets the car back.
Yeah, I've had so much going on. But yeah, congratulations to Claude Giroux on his new baby as well. Yeah, didn't Nick Jensen i also have a kid? But like, i won't I don't know Nick Jensen as well as I know the other ones, you know. Nick Jensen is not my friend yet. We don't, he was an acquaintance. Your social relationship hasn't formed. Yeah. But anyway, I guess congratulations to Nick Jensen if he had a baby too.
I think he has multiple kids because his kids were there ringing the bell at the lightning game with Chloe Jigul's kids. It was really cute. It was so cute. Anyway, yeah, so everyone congrats on your babies. Hope to see them all. Well, not all of them, but I hope to see some of them in Sen's jerseys in like whatever, Tony. I can't do the math right now. In like 18 years. We're going to have an all Jigul line.
Yeah. Except then Timmy won't get to live his dream of playing on a line with Gavin. Oh my god. Timmy will play with Gavin for a few years and then after Timmy retires, the youngest one, I forget the name, will get to take Timmy's place. That's the plan. Yeah, exactly. We're mapping it all out. And they'll get to play with baby Kachuk. Yeah.
That'll be nice. Yeah. I'm really looking forward to that. Yeah. And in that time, the Sens will have won like 20 cups. So that's cool too. Yeah. It's going to be so cool. who So much to look forward to in the future. Yeah. This is all guaranteed. So yeah. Everyone remembered to bet on this. Exactly.
And don't ask what sense fans used to say about the Alfredson children back in the day. I don't know about that. I really thought we would have Alfredson's playing on the team by now. But I do believe that we will have all the Shihu children eventually.
ah hint Anyway, so yeah, it was sad. I guess like the the general thing is it's sad that Khloger's car got stolen, but it's nice that everyone's having a baby. But I feel like something that could protect against your car getting stolen, just throwing us out there, potentially an amulet of some kind. I feel like it might offer you protection.
um But? Yeah, I mean, I think it's really cool that hockey players are trying to protect themselves against Wi-Fi. I've always said that that's like a a big threat to your well-being, you know? And I just think that more hockey players should be looking outside the box.
for solutions to their team's problems. I can't say that that has been working very well for the players who have given it a try but like who knows how bad the Leafs would have been if John Tavares didn't have an amulet. My other thing though is that like famously I feel like amulets are a very cursed item like in media and stuff it's always a cursed amulet. Have we considered that the amulet might be the root of some of their problems?
I wouldn't rule it out. yeah you know if i I feel like if I was the captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs, at some point I'd be like, there's something going on here. like We gotta find some supernatural help here because ah this is not working. So like I get the thought process. Yeah. Also, yeah. I'm sure everyone is familiar, but the thing we're talking about is that John Tavares wears a magic amulet that blocks Wi-Fi signals.
Which, no, it doesn't. like it It doesn't, but it purports to um because it helps his health. And he said, apparently he was like so happy about this amulet that he was like, I need to be like an athlete like testimonial on your website. ah So he's there, and everyone has been making fun of him, obviously, because that's a crazy thing.
And also now I'm just thinking like I wonder if it does a little bit work and people are just like man I hate hanging out around John man like I don't get my texts like so annoying. I'm always trying to post tweets and I just can't when I'm around John Tavares. Yeah so John Tavares is like I feel like your Billy didn't expect it from him actually because he seems pretty normal.
Which I guess just goes to show that he's never. He's not the type of guy that you'd be like, yeah, he's into magical amulets. Yeah. If Jacob Chikrin was into this, I'd be like, yeah, might as well. Exactly. Oh my god, Jacob Chikrin is definitely like, holy shit, how have I not gotten on this? I got to get a magic amulet too.
he's listening to some like weird podcast episode that's like, you got to protect yourself from the Wi Fi signals. And he's like, this is so true.
But yeah, it is just crazy. Like, I'm just like, how are so many NHL are so weird? Like, as people? I don't understand why that happens.
but it does make funny content for when they buy magic amulets. So that's cool. But also like they're so superstitious that I see it. Yeah. But the thing about the amulet is that it says it's like rooted in science.
because it's like it like literally blocks wifi signals, whatever. And John Tavares is like, this has really helped my health. So it's like, I respect like, uh, like, oh, I wear the same socks I've worn since junior. Like they are one strand of like thread now and they they're not talks anymore it's like okay that's superstition and you know a little bit like obviously this isn't like this is just like i am like this is my superstition but the amulet it's like he thinks i think that it's like science so and i love i like was reading about it more because i was like for a second i was like wait is it science like is there some science here that i just don't know that's like operating on a higher level and it's like no absolutely not this is not science
Yeah, I saw a good tweet, I wish I remember who it was by, from someone saying, imagine you're one of the doctors on the Toronto Maple Leafs who works tirelessly to keep John Tavares in good health, and he's like, thanks so much to the magical amulet I bought! Yeah, that's the best part of the saga, obviously, has been a lot of people have gotten really good tweets out about it. I encourage everyone to go check it out. It's cool that we've had such a funny thing happen so early in the season, like this is usually mid-season content, you know?
Yeah, and it does feel like the type of thing that has legs, where like if anything happens now, weird to John Tavares, or like, oh my god, like the amulet malfunctioned or something. like It feels like this is something that will last, just like we'll keep him like we'll keep with him throughout his career. I've already seen Leafs fans thanking the amulet for every Leafs win.
That's so good. But it's like, again, maybe, you know, without the amulet, the Leafs never would have even made the playoffs for these last few years. Yeah, maybe. They wouldn't have won that one round. Yeah, maybe that's like when he got the amulet is when they won the round. And then also I've seen people being like, like in pictures, you do see has like a black cord around his neck and they're like, this is the amulet.
And people are trying to like go on the website and figure out which amulet he has based on that. It's good. Yeah. So thank you to the amulet for providing excellent content. Yeah. And for protecting us from Wi-Fi and whatever electromagnetic waves or whatever. Yeah. I mean, it's so important that you protect yourself from that. Yeah.
god Anyway, so someone who may have gotten an amulet because he's doing well recently, Eric Branstra.

Closing Remarks and Social Media Call-to-Action

Yeah, so because he was traded to Colorado in the offseason. Was it a trade? Yeah, it was, I think.
And then, what did we even get? We should have gotten something amazing. It should have been like Eric Branstrom for Cal McCar and also Nathan McKinnon. That's what he was worth in my heart. But then Colorado doesn't value him, placed him on waivers.
and then Vancouver picked him up and then they waved him but he wasn't claimed and so he played in the AHL for a bit and then got called up and it's so funny to see all the Canucks fan tweets being like holy shit Eric Brandstrom is so good he's the real deal and it was like first time huh like I remember those days yeah it's so I'm glad that he's somewhere where like I know Swedish players thrive. I hope that he and Elias Pedersen are getting along. I hope he's met the Sedins and they're like, we believe in you. um I miss him, but it's good to see that he is doing well.
I'm happy for him. I hope Canucks fans appreciate him like Sun Swans never did. Yeah, I hope they never turn on him because like you like him now you like him now when he's being sick but you know just remember this time when he hasn't scored a goal in like two seasons or whatever just like remember your love for him don't forget that keep believing in her yeah keep believing Yeah, so I'm glad that he went to a team that I like, also kind of like, would have been better. Yeah, it's nice. I know a lot of Canucks fans, so it's like I see them appreciating that him and I'm like, you know what's up. Maybe they appreciate him because so many Canucks fans listen to Elite Sun's brain. Yeah, I would believe it. Yeah, and it's like, you know how a lot of people, when they see us being obsessed with Eric Branstrom, they assume that he's kind of bad.
because sometimes when people are just obsessed with random depth players, it means that the players are kind of bad. So maybe they were under the impression that he wasn't very good. And now it's like, wait, yeah they were on to something. Oh, no, no, no. Yeah. We were literally being legitimate about this. We truly think he's good. I literally do think he's good. Me too. Stats people think he's good. So that means he is. yeah He is an analytical darling, and he's a darling in so many ways. So, he's the best. He's just a fun guy, and I hope they appreciate him. I hope he's getting to have fun in Vancouver. I hope he's eating good food. I hope he's at Cactus Club, like living it up. I really hope he and Elias Pedersen are friends. Yeah, I feel like I need that. That's my greatest help.
I don't think he had that many close friends in Ottawa. He needs friends in Vancouver. yeah i think I'm just worried about him. I think it's Ottawa with kind of Swedes. Like in the Swedish people always like they do love, I guess because it's just like they have so like stuff in common. They can speak their like, uh, like language and stuff. Cause I think he was friends with Anton Forsberg, but other than that, like I think people like sometimes hyped him up on Instagram. I think I remember one time someone commented like Branny or something and I was like, Oh, they're friends. Yeah. But yeah.
Yeah, take care of him, Vancouver. And on that note, that's all we have for this episode. Hope everyone enjoyed. um how do i do the intro i'm forgetting um yeah i hope i do it i did it last time you haven't done it in so long because i did it last time yeah exactly um ah so remember to follow us at elite sunsbrain on twitter and blue sky follow me at c biata e also twitter and blue sky follow me at erickson's burner twitter and blue sky
and follow us at elitesendsbrain.tumblr, read, and subscribe to give us money, please. And we will see you next time. Go Sends Go! Go Sends Go! Bye! Bye!