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This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris sharpen their homemade knives and dive into 2003's The Hunted, which just released on 4K for the first time.

Directed by the late William Friedkin, The Hunted stars Benicio Del Toro as Aaron Hallam, a former special forces soldier who suffers from PTSD and goes rogue, killing several people in state parks in Oregon.  His former mentor, L.T. Bonham (Tommy Lee Jones) is brought in to the help the FBI track Hallam and it becomes a deadly cat and mouse game between teacher and student.  Zach and Chris discuss the similarities to First Blood, the CQC training class, stone vs steel knives, the deeper ideas hidden behind the simple premise, clothing continuity errors, and more.

You can check out the new 4K version of The Hunted or watch it streaming on Paramount+.  Next week, we're heading to PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, and to get into the board game mindset, we're discussing the OG Jumanji.

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Introduction and Overview

Welcome to the Everything Action Cast, the official podcast of
Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast podcast for the week of November 25th, 2024. I'm your I'm your co-host, Chris.

Discussing 'The Hunted' 4K Release

Yeah, this week we are sharpening our homemade knives and talking about the hunted.
the 2003 William freaking movie because it just got a 4k release for first time this week. Um, and then neither of us has seen it in a while. I think I, I know I haven't seen this in like, uh, probably a couple of years. I saw this last year. Oh, you saw it last year. Okay. Yeah. It just sort of like showed up one day and I was like, you know, I haven't seen this movie in God knows. when Well, what if it showed

William Friedkin's Legacy

up? Cause cause cause cause you know, obviously William freaking the passed away last year. So I think a lot it might've come up a lot.
in like late summer when he passed away. Like, hey, remember really freaking director that we called the hunted along with like the Exorcist? That sounds about right.

Comparisons to 'Rambo' and 'The Fugitive'

It is, it is, it is kind of like an odd, like, um, it's like, I'm just gonna make this like random, like kind of like a Rambo. Like it's like first blood mixed with like the fugitive. Uh, yeah, there's a lot of like,
Elements in here from those like soldier comes back from war stories Oh It does something different completely with like the formula. Yeah, I was just like wait for you to kind of just jump around and do whatever though Like he was like he like his run ups like the hunted was blue chips jade Rules of engagement and then the hunted So although there's wildly different genres of different tones I
And then right after then right one of you this was a bug that like actually judged like horror movie.

Psychological Themes in Friedkin's Films

That's another movie where it has a deal with like mental illness and and sort of like subversion. And that's, I'm feeling freaking really love playing with like the human mind and his later years of like, Oh, is this a horror movie? Well, what if the horror was in your mind and this it's like,
An action movie? What if some of the action was in your mind?
yeah But yeah, lots lots of, um you know, kind of similar to First Blood.

Plot and Character Analysis

You know, it's like a special forces soldier who kind of has PTSD and, yeah you know, is not dealing with it well and runs into the woods and his like former mentor has to come in and try to find him and stop him.
in. Well, again, this movie kind of paints it that way at first, and you think it's going to be the classic, you know, super soldier guy snaps, and then they need the the best to hunt him. Yeah, like the like the the mentor or like what normally is another like commando. Well, this is, it'd be like if Colonel Troutman actually like went into the woods, it was like, I gotta, find I gotta find Rambo myself. Oh, not even, I gotta to go in the woods and just talk to Rambo. I need a knife fight Rambo. Yeah. Cause I'm the one who taught him how to knife fight. kill people yeah It's not even like Troutman, even in that whole series of movies, he didn't even have like ah a giant Bowie knife, like Rambo. Yeah.
I think that would have been different if he did. He was teaching like a CQC school in the woods.
Which I guess um it's like the CQC knife fighting stuff is actually like um it's Sayak Kali. It's like a Filipino martial art. Yeah, I wonder why they chose that style of knife fighting.

Knife Fighting Styles in Film

Is that like the new standard Marine knife fight skill?
Or is that the, just the best like, yeah, just look super awesome. Yup. Well, how like certain movies when a crop Maga became popular, like every movie had a crop Maga, but before that it was just like judo. Yeah. Well, they had, they had to figure out a way to top the, Tony uh, Jones, previous epic knife fight, which was under siege. Yeah, I totally forget that, like, he has a knife fight choreography training because he rarely uses that. Yeah, it's also hard to see. I would love to see in a like knife fight in Batman forever. Just like I don't know where to face is just like knife fighting Batman. But it has to be some sort of gimmick with the knife, though. It has to be like he's had two knives and one of them would have to be like,
ah like weird or something you're like one still one sharp like which one I would have been like one color on one side of the knife another color on the other side like that simple orts or it's or it's a knife with like it's like a dark dirt small knife with it has like a knife in both ends so it's just like a double knife you mean like uh just like a staff knife yeah but like but like a like a like a normal like normal sized knife but it has like double and like it, like both ends have knives on them. Eh, I like mine better. Yours, it sounds like he's going to stab himself putting that knife in his pocket. Probably.

Tommy Lee Jones and Role Analysis

I was also going to say, it's interesting, like, so you had like this, you know, this it's it's movie about this guy like super special forces soldier that is like, you know, it's suffering from obesity and like goes in the woods and like it's like killing people. And then Tally Jones was actually like in a movie like that in like, I think it was the 80s, like the park is mine.
But that was like it was like, he was like in Central Park and he was like, like i think yeah I think he came back from like Vietnam. And then he's just like, well, i like I'm um having deal um um trouble dealing with like coming back. I'm just gonna be like in the Central Park and I'm just feel like, you can't come in here. I own the park now. He was the guy.
Interesting. I don't know. He had like another knife fight movie. And he, and he would like, Tommy Lee Jones was like the initial tour of that movie. Like he was like, like the guy, like, you know, in the, but like the veteran in the woods, like, Oh, the guy who takes it too far. Yeah.
I think it's like, it's, it's, ah it's like, I'm like YouTube and full of everyone. I always, I always, I haven't seen it. I just heard about it, but I've always become me to like, watch that one. Just like, it's like the premise is kind of crazy.

Black Ops and Military Critique

in the trailers is like it's like people are like driving through like the like the bridges and tunnels such a bargain like he's like I'm like all rigged up with bombs and stuff and but anyway yeah this movie um The Hunted um yeah so Billy Chateau is a special forces soldier I guess he's I guess in according to Wikipedia he's a delta force
And he is, like in 1990, sending it to Kosovo. and And the mission is weird because like the mission is only to like go and kill this one Serbian commander who's attacking um villages and slaughtering everybody. And then so it's it's this it's this whole crazy opening sequence where he has to sneak past like all his soldiers. and it's It's very like, it's very like, it's very like Metal Gear, like he has like, he has like, you know, stealthily moved through like this like war zone. Oh, he like speeds run this battle thing to get there. Yeah, actively. I mean, it's crazy that during this war zone, instead of like, I don't know, like a precision missile, they they send a guy with a knife. Yeah. and yeah the guy I mean, yeah, they're doing like NATO is doing like air bombings, but they're just like, well, we can't
We can't bomb this, like, Serbian commander. We have to, like, send, like, one guy in with a knife. A knife he made by himself.
I'm thinking, um yeah, that's, like, the ah thing. Like, i see, that's why they don't want to show you that it's, like, truly black ops, because it seems like they were sanctioned, but they don't want, like, an explanation of how um they did it, you know? So it's like, all right, that's why we send the knife guy. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if like, I don't know if the US was like directly involved in like, the Kosovo war. So I don't think they can like, you know, just like, we're gonna like, drop, i have like a missile drop, an American missile drop this guy and like, kill a Serbian guy. Makes sense. See, like, the like, that's one of those clever things that the movie does not explain. And that's just something you have to figure out just by knowing the timeline and then how like,
war engagements of war mean, because the movie does not explain any of this.

Moral Complexities and Trauma

Well, also, also it kind of builds up as like, you know, initially it was like trauma because he like, he can't intervene in like anything he's seeing. Like he's seen all these people getting slaughtered and he can't do anything about it because it's not part of his mission. Yeah. They trained him to basically do like an assassination. He just became an assassin. He's no longer just like a soldier.
And did he even have a gun? I don't know you think he had a gun when he was like, yeah he did, but he just kept using the knife. Yeah. Uh, but like, that's another interesting thing is like, he went to the school that specifically taught you survival knife fight training. And it made it seem like, so you had just have a whole squadron of these knife guys and only one out of the like,
let's say 10 from that year, what kind of AWOL, like that's a. Yeah, you know, like it seems like this is like the old, like basically the only one that's kind of like gone nuts. I would have liked it if Tommy Jones said like, not again, shot to my soldiers or it's like, all right, like let's call it the whole squad. I told every I train like who's surviving? Like, did you did you just burn through the list of people I've trained?
Oh, that'd been interesting if like being sure it was like killing all like the all the other like, but like classmates or whatever something. Yeah, see, that could have been another like, like up the ante where, you know, oh, just so before we get into the like theories and stuff like that, like, the problem with this movie, it's like a thinking man's action movie. But the But as this movie ages over time and as the viewer like older viewers watch this or like, you know, if you've seen a lot of movies, his business, El Toro's character, like he's kind of right at certain points. Like it doesn't seem like you don't know how to disagree or agree with him. You're definitely going to disagree on his morals and like his tactics that involve like innocent people. But.
for a majority of the movie, I always feel like if this was a Rambo Rambo movie, he's the hero. Yeah. Yeah, he was he was you yeah yeah used up by the the military and then they just like let they just dumped him out there. They're going to stop him out and kill him. And then, oh, no, he didn't like he was on mission like six months ago. Yeah. So it wasn't like ah he just abandoned and went became a ghost like he he was still doing like black ops missions, but then I guess you can't tell if he actually went, he snapped during the black ops or he snapped after the black ops. I think they mentioned in like, when like Mark Pellegrino and like the trench coat guys show up, which is hilarious. So they're all, all three of them show up in trench coats. Yeah, they're like CIA guys or like is like all their, all their Delta force guys. Cause like, I guess it was, it was like rest of his squad. Cause like they're in the, they're in like the opening scene at the end when he's getting like his silver star.
but they aren't as good as him. Like, you know what I mean? They all went to the same school. They just like, they, I don't know. I always feel like them dressing up the same like that and they're like obvious 90s CIA clothing. Like it's just like, come on guys, you're supposed to be like discreet. You can't just do that. With like a, like a

Government Agencies and Interactions

printed out letter that anyone could have printed out and just be like, Hey, it's like, we have full control of this person.
It's not even sealed. It's just like a loose thing they got. like Was it even signed? like like You just type it up at computers. like We have a letter from the um Mr. DOD that says we can take him. It's funny. It's only 2003, so the filming was 2002. That's how good like technology was to get government official documents. Yeah.
You know what would have been funnier? Or an easier thing? Just a phone call. Like, hey, these guys come in your office, they're with me, blah, blah, blah. Oh, yeah. The classic, like, oh, would you like approval from the president? Yeah, that's a classic. You want to talk to the director of the CIA? Here you go.
like Well, they're the FBI. So the CIA, I think, beats the FBI when it comes to certain things, because they're more government. And then FBI is just all around the nation. Well, Kai Nielsen and all the other guys are like, yeah, they're all FBI. They're like, Mark Parker, we're assuming they're CIA, or they're like black ops, or whatever. Because they never say who they are or what they're doing. Yeah, they don't say they're a branch. They're just there. Yeah. Well, I think what I'm saying,
Like when they're in like, when you haven't looked at the prisoner van, I think they show him like that. It's like, they show him like the news clip or whatever, where it's like, he was supposed to just blow up like one, like he's supposed to kill one person. He blew up the entire family. So he's, he's been like, he's he's like ramping up. Like he like, he's like going to extreme and like, he's like ramping up his like, like he's not surgical anymore. He's just like going crazy. Like he's going rogue and like blowing up like the collateral damage now. So they can't have that.
Yeah, I think it's like making too much attention. See you what I mean? Like it's like because he's he's turning to like desperate measures and the war is getting uglier and it's taking more of his soul. That makes more sense that that's what's turning on the like. The like that's what's sort of like making him like mentally worse.
And again, the movie pays no attention to like, Hey, like what led to this? Like, anyway, here's Tommy Jones, like staring at grass, like, well, just fine. But, you know, I kind of like if they just paid a little more attention to him. Yeah. bishop tos's He's like the classic, he's like the, like the modern like Marvel villain thing. Like, you know, it's like, um, it's like people are, they have a point, but they go too far. Yep.
Oh my God. Yeah. If you were, if you it was like a Killmonger thing where yeah he's he's totally, yeah, he's totally would be like a Killmonger of like, Oh yeah. I mean, if you didn't like, you know, kill a bunch of like random hunters, like you could, like, people would be like, probably listen to you and like helping you, but

Character and Timeline Inconsistencies

it's, you're like, you're virtuously killing hunters in the woods. So yeah we got, like, we got to stop you. And It went from six months of like the last mission to then going to national parks and just like killing people. And then then but time by the time they get Tom Lee Jones from Canada, I think did did you say did they say that the first two guys were like actually like park rangers or something. That's why I got involved because they like he killed like government officials, like ah basically like government agents.
Yeah. So I think that's what started it. it's I think it's like it's clever enough to imply that basically it was like an accident first. Like maybe he killed him because his paranoia was pretty high. And then it's like, all right, now it's like every every kill since then it's just fueling his like paranoia. Yeah. His all his like his like Stan M&M letters are like, you know, all these people that you're sending against me have robots like Well, okay. So that's debatable. So if you actually look online, people ask what that means. Cause it's like, are they, does he think they're not human in a way, or it's like their robots are serving out like their masters at that point. They're just like, they're, it's like no longer he's caring about humanity. He's just like, well, this is just the system and everyone in my way. shows So sort of like a robot, a mindless like droid that I need to like get out of my way.
or Or chicken, like, he has that whole thing about chickens, like he, that's the way in the Turkish movies, he's like, did you know they kill six million chickens? What if they did that to humans? Like... see You see, he's not like a, if this like this is the Marvel villain speech, where like, oh, I might be on his side. And then, you know, he blows up like a plane. You're like, oh no, I'm not anymore. Well, the whole the whole thing, too, is like Bishatore is like, he's so calm.
Like he's he never like, it's like a freak out or like, a rate like he's not yelling. He's just like, he's deadly calm the entire movie. I think that's what's also interesting about him as the villain because of that. Like because there's no, uh, like ranting, raving of like some unhinged thought or something that's like, Oh, it's always been in him. And like now he's free. Like, you know, he's, he's always been a killer and that this is like war gave him an excuse to Like just kill whenever he feels like it. Like, you know, this is like a serial killer kind of thing. He doesn't do that. He does the whole like, hey, like I've I've been writing letters like for help and like I know like I got a girlfriend, you know, I try to live like the real life. But he can't turn it off, man. He can't turn off that CQC training. Yeah, which they say in halfway point in the movie, it's like it's not so much that like the physical will put you like in the right mindset and like get you ready for it. But like,
hey, once you like do this, like it's hard to turn off. And it's right. like It's something that I think Rambo did a good job of explaining. And they do in such a wacky way that I think people forget the message because by Rambo too, it's all he does. that's all you know im mean like a the The point of the first Rambo and the book Rambo was to show you that like it doesn't just end with the war or the battle. right It's like a whole process. For some reason. It's the los like whole like monologue at the end of First Blood. Yeah, you just can't turn it off. And then he says that sort of like that in Rambo Part 2. But they sent him back. Well, we have some more patriotic speech at the end of Rambo.
Yeah. I want our country to love us as much as we love it. See, that's the thing. If Bernice and Asura survived in this, and they did a hunted too.

Mentor-Protégé Relationship

And he gives the weird speech like that at the end. He's like, sometimes you know what it's like to be hunted. Sometimes you are the hunted. And Tommy Joseph is like, I don't care. He just stabs him.
Yeah, also, this is an interesting point because you mentioned the the fugitive part and Tommy Jones such does such a good job as a like cop commander like character where if even if he didn't fight, he's still such a good like captain or like, hey, I'm in charge. Let me tell you what to do. But then, yeah, he he does all of the like the like groundwork in this movie. Yes.
And because it's it's also, I think we're gonna talk about this more like edit it weird where he'll have like dry clothes, thirty boys his hair will be wet, his hair will be dry. um He'll be in like one location of, I forget where they are, like Washington and then. ice portland yeah And then he'll just be miles away to some other like tourist area. I'm like, how did he get there on foot? Yeah, there's a lot of like costume things that are weird. Like, yeah, like,
Like, like he's he's but he's he gets like once scene that he's like drenched, he's like in a like a raging river from the river. And the next next time you see him, like his hair is like really dry, but his his shirt still wet. Yep. Another scene that stands out for me um is that I think it's right. Right after the. I think it's like when he enters the city and like he's looking for a producer who um is blending into the crowd. And there's one scene where Townley Jones is looking at a water fountain, and he's wearing this dirty shirt. I don't know how his shirt got this dirty, but it's really goddamn filthy. But then the next frame, the next scene with him again, and it's supposed to imply that maybe 10 minutes went by, his shirt's clean. It's just like, ah, there's no consistency.
Yeah, being wet to dry, I get it. Eventually, if you keep walking around, your clothes will dry, but they don't clean themselves like this. You know, like, I get that. Well, I think the most egregious thing, I think we we both talked about it and ah before we started recording, is ah They go to, um, so Bideach del Toro, like, after he escapes, like, he gets captured, being his and he, like, does the whole, but it's basically the scene from, like, the fugitive with the van crashes, but it's it does, like, a different way, but it's basically the same thing, where that's how he escapes, like, again. Um, but then he goes and visits, like, this, yeah, this single mom he's been seeing, and, like, her little girl, and then the little girl, like, loves Bideach del Toro.
But, uh, like, it but Timely Jones and Tiny Nails will track him there and then he escapes out the window. Um, and there's a scene, there's a scene in like, I guess, like it's like the attic or something of that house, they like the book's house, the but the base of the house. And britishto he's had he has like a locker in there that has like four locks on it. And so it's a, it's a scene like, uh, Timely Jones and Tiny Nails start breaking open this locks and open this trunk, but they're both wearing completely different clothes than they were like the second before you saw them in the other scene. And they're also like drenched through the sweat.

Editing and Scene Placement Issues

And then and also the scene is is like kind of pointless because it's just like you see, it's like, oh, he wrote letters and it's like, here's a drawing of that knife that I taught him how to make. And then cut kind and cut the next scene and they're like wearing like jackets and then their hair is like really dry and different and then. Oh, they're like in a car. It's a day.
Uh, I think, I think we' think we're, I think we're both guessing that, that, that scene felt, it must've been like at the end or close to the end or something. And then they moved into like the middle, just like, I guess show like his, like his state of mind or something, or what his plans are maybe or something. I don't know.
Yeah, he's going to build he said bill his knife again. mike And maybe that's why, to show you that, like, oh, he has schematics, but I don't think you he needs it at that point. like you just you're It's already explained that he's good at knife skills by the flashback, where he's taught the knife skills. Yeah, I think I'm pretty sure that during that course, that Tyler Jones course, that that he like forced them to memorize how to make the knife.
like I'm sure they made like should probably made like a hundred knives. Yeah it makes sense to like drill it in the hole make a knife out of stuff around the place but I totally like can see that was just like a studio interference so like well how do you know to make the knife it's like all right we gotta find a scene where we have like Or how did you annex but how did how do you remember how to make

Intense Final Act Knife Fight

a knife or something? Yeah. I'm just like, ah it's not needed. but i Really, everyone remembers this movie by the last act, where basically they're making weapons and they're just having a knife fight.
Yeah, i I totally forgot how much this movie was like not in the woods. I i but i my remember this movie before I watched it again was like, oh, it was it was like all in the woods and they were like tracking like having this cat and mouse game in the woods. like You forget the middle act where they're just in the city and like also in a like refinery plant or something. It's some sort of it's like a sewer or something. It's like it's under construction thing. And then yeah, then like pi short like He's in there, he kills two of the FBI guys. And an innocent construction worker. Yeah. Just to steal his hat. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think Bichatoro went to, like, AG-47 school after he went to Tamalee Jones's school, because he just, like, is able to easily switch outfits and, like, blend in. So I don't know if that's part of the Tamalee Jones training. I mean, it looked like it. They were doing, like, it was all about, like, knife fighting and, like,
So I mean it's all about like blending into your surrounding and you people think that oh maybe the city it's hard to blend but it's not like not if you know exactly what to do and that's something I did read where that is something they they consulted to a urban specialist who like teaches CIA agents that like okay grab whatever's around blend into like your so surroundings like You know, you you should treat the city just like any other setting and you're supposed to just like mimic your thing. But, Benicio Torro's first thing was not dressing like a hippie in Portland in 2003. You know, like he still stands out wearing like a black jacket, black pants. Like I'm trying to think the fashion that he should have got like a pair of jankos. You know, he should dress like a juggalo. That's how you dress like in Portland in 2003.
and then he should have been getting like Starbucks yeah or like ah just like a small artisan craft cafe but but there's also like times like he it seemed like he has like supernatural like disappearing skills like he just he just vanished like Yeah. you So the city chase is pretty cool, but it's at it in such a weird way where I think, again, we're distracted by just like, hey, you know, what time of day is this? Or like, but how how do they clean themselves? But that chase sequence, it almost feels like a family guy parody of like a chase sequence at times, because it's like, like, they like the characters would go in different directions. But for some weird reason, they still end up in the same location.
while I like that like Tommy Jones is like using like his like woods tracking skills to be like oh look it's a construction hat he went that way yeah it' like and there's like there's footprints in this park I'm gonna follow these footprints in the park and it's all wild guesses from like the hat yes but the footprints come there's so many people you're in a city like that's really hard to track it's not like there was like a little bit of blood where like, okay, I stabbed him. That's, that's the right direction. Or like, that's a smell. Cause I threw something at him. Like that makes more sense, but it's literally just like, well, that footprint. What are the chances that someone else without like treads on their shoe walked in this direction?
I'm still trying to figure out how, um, be sure to tour like, i like escape from the, behind the waterfall. Cause he, uh, he was behind the waterfall telling Joe's behind the waterfall.

Waterfall Scene and Unrealistic Escape

And then he like is like, it's like the air inside the waterfall. Yeah, that, that's like, that was like a bad effect of the waterfall of like seeing that figure. So I think what happened was he saw Toro like swam up the waterfall and then he stood there for a while and then he swam under it again.
But it's like, but's it's like a, it's like, it's a water, it's like a sculpture though. So it's like a water fountain. It's not like, it's like ah not like a whole artist. It's not like a you know woods, like that natural waterfall. It seemed like there's only one way in that waterfall. So like, unless he dived in and was like super stealthy about it, or he was never under the waterfall. I don't know. he just Just imagine he was under the waterfall. Yeah.
I mean, at that point, if you're searching frantically and you're just guessing, yeah, your imagination will think there's someone underneath that waterfall. Go take a look. Yeah. And then you find out it's nothing. Like, it's just like, I don't know, like I think about a loose animal that's lost in like Portland, like a snake or something. Yeah. Or like, uh, like a bear or wolf. Yeah. Like the wolf, that time we Jones saves the beginning of the movie.
He turns out his wolf friend comes and helps him at the end. That would be great. That would be great if the final fight was like in like, you know, like Canada, where we're like Tony Jones lives. And there's no attractive there. Like I'm going to finish it at your house, then but then the wolf comes and rescues him. Yeah. I would have liked that as a third act, where essentially you think, because you think for most of the time, this editorial is the one that's being hunted by Tommy Jones, right? Yeah.
last act, now Tommy Jones is the one being hunted by Vanessa del Toro. And like his home turf. Yeah, they could have had like, they think they killed him. And then it's like, so that Tommy Jones is home and then like, they sure is like, I knew I know where you live. i did um i you You never have my letters. like but I knew where you live. That's like, yeah yeah, that's the like, all right, like any more redeemable thing or kind of like if you were on his side, like even though he was right, but you're on the Even though he was right, but he's the villain arc of that gets destroyed when he shows up at the villain, the hero's house to like, I need to kill you or else like I'm going to go crazy. So you're like, if he declares either you kill me or I kill you, but like this ends now. Yeah. That would have been like, a okay, he's just like at the he's at he's fallen off like or longer.
British tourists like I gotta to stop you from like like making any more of me like oh that's even clever that's a that's a clever one but see okay I think I mentioned this earlier like Tommy Jones's character is also comp secretly complex by the end of the movie where he reveals that like he's never killed. He's, he's praying people to kill. He's sort of responsible for like all these killers, but like he himself has, it doesn't think like, because he didn't actively kill, he's not part of it, but I think he's not even in the army. Like he's just like, like civilian his his dad, like his dad was in the army and then, or like his dad became a tracker and then trained him to be, they, they just taught themselves to be like, you know, this like Filipino martial arts somehow. And then.
the government's like, Hey, you guys are good at that. Let's like trade our like Delta four soldiers. Maybe, maybe that's the point. Is that like, well, I also feel like one version of the script, he probably was, um, like a military guy. And then they had to redact that because they don't want to make it seem like that was the problem. Like it's a generational, like, you know, it's like, okay, you keep making killers like by accident.
So they said, all right, you're just a really good civilian killer guy who isn't a real killer, but we will train our top like agents in your school in the woods. Well, that's Tanya Jones is actually is like the technical advisor for this movie is also the guy that they based Tanya Jones character on Tom Brown Jr. Who is like he's like a tracker survivalist like he wrote a bunch of books. um Apparently, like something like this happened to him. Like one of the guys he trained did like disappear in the woods and then he'd like to go like track him down. And cause it was like some like soldier like PTSD, like just like to spread in the woods and they were like, where are you doing? He's going to do something. And then do they find him? I think, I think, I think that, I think that, I think he, like he, basically like he got called in, like, like help track this guy down. Okay. And he, he, he, he, like Tom, Tom Brown dude died like in August this year. Wow.
Did he die officially from something or did he have to knife fight someone? I don't know. He's from New Jersey. yeah he's from new jersey know that i don't I just feel like, you know, like any kind of fictionalized take on historical things or like kind of real life events or people like it's embellish.
You know, I think go like blood sport. You know, it's like it's good that like they got the guy because he probably was like, hey, we just can you track this guy and then we'll handle the rest. Because right now, I think right now we see a guy person missing. We have so much like technology that we don't need to get someone out of retirement to be like, you know, the woods for us.
Yeah, he yeah had to track down and fight a former like ah Special Forces student of his. No, I think what would happen is we would set that forest on fire. like In a dumb, modern take, that's like super goddamn stupid, but like that's where we live in in today's society. it's like We would just burn that forest down. It would be like the same thing as like the Joker thing that Alfred tells you. How would you stop the thief? ah We burned it down. like all right like That's tried and true.
Well, I mean, we had drones now too. Like we sent a bunch of drones. I mean, you can't, you can't like bomb but but someone in America's soil with a drone. brohel But like you can have like drones, like track him. You know what's sad is infrared and like all the stuff now. Yeah. You know, it's really sad though. Like that's a fact after the seventies, because they did that in Philly. They like bombed a city block just because like so they might've thought someone lived there. That was like bad. And it's like, they said so many fires because of that.
And then I think after that, they're like, no more doing that.
But no, it's sort of like, again, this movie does make you have a conversation. It's clever, but I said it. This is more of an art house action movie because the trailer makes you think you're going to see like this awesome, like hunting in the woods movie, like knife fight, bonanza. And if anything, it's just like a close, uh, like analysts of like, um,
I guess like the, the, the, like the mental degradation of, of like top black ops agents. And it's funny cause I think everyone thinks like Metal Gear Solid, right? Or like Metal Gear Solid 3 particularly, which came out, I think like, like two years after this, 2005 was Metal Gear Solid 3.
two hundred four Yeah, the year after, so. Yeah, yeah. So I definitely think Hido Kojima

Influence on Metal Gear Solid

definitely saw this. as He might have quoted it, and he says, like yeah, that's pretty cool. And then added way more to it. But they already had CQC, and like it was like in MGS2, right? Nope. They introduced that in 3? Yep. OK. The point of that was um they kind of they yeah So Snake explains that like doesn't you seek he was taught Seek, you see. But because like it was perfected by ah Big Boss, that he refuses to use it like after the events of Metal Gear. Because it's like, well, he taught me that way. like He's also not like a hero. He realizes that he became like kind of like a terrorist. that he goes like i He explains it somewhere.
I think it's like in the comic or sort of like like why he doesn't use it like actively. um But then I think by the time Metal Gear 4, it's like sort of there, but because he doesn't have a knife, it's not CQC. I think it's a teaser. But yeah, it's not the same. It's not like the the deadly like close combat that was trained But yeah, it kind of makes sense where like you idolize the fight stance of someone and then it's like, well, now it turns out to be like the villain. You're like, well, screw that. I don't know. I haven't seen like a movie do that either. Like another one where it's like some crazy martial arts movie where like they use the same style and it's like, well, I, my style is better than my version of the style is better than your style. And then that's usually it. It's not like someone goes, nope, I'm going to learn a whole new one just to like, piss you off.
You know, I think, OK, this is many tangent. But think about Rocky 3, where Rocky has to learn whole new boxing.
Yeah, from from Apollo. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. let's See, like his regular boxing couldn't beat Mr. T, but then he had to learn like funk boxing, like rhythm boxing.
And that's what beats him, and then he never uses that rhythm again.

Knife-Making Symbolism

Like, it's it's so weird. But yeah, no, this this makes sense. We're like, I guess that knife style, they both know. um And at that point, like, because the tutorial, that's all he knows is the fight style. And then, like,
ah at that point, like, again, like I think we mentioned, like, if you just take away the fight style, he's still like vulnerable to like gunshots and, and like, tranq darts. Like, oh my god the trainer yeah he gets hit during this whole movie is with that tranq dart. And I'm like, why just keep using tranq darts? He's weak against tranq darts.
you know
I love that the, um, The trach dart is on like this it's got like it shot the same way like the knives are. i love it's so it's like so and really like like It's not at all, but when a knife flies through the air, like it's clear out of the wire. Oh, it's shot like a Nerf dart. It yeah flies in a weird pattern that's unrealistic. like Every time Levee should have thrown his knife, it's like it's like on like a, it's on a wire. and Like there's no spin. There's no, it's just a deadly straight throw. so they Like itself in the things. Just, just like super aerodynamic. No, it's as if he threw it from like a foot away, but it's like, he's a good yards away or like, you know, like he, it, yeah you're right. Like the, the first time you see it where he like, he kind of does the hip throw, like he pulls it in the knife from the hip and throws it into the tree. Yeah.
And that's where, so if you watch this movie the first time, you think, okay, wow, he's just really good. But at a rewatch, you realize like, oh, that's intentional. he He essentially was just like playing with these guys. And he's like, check out my cool knife trick.
He's like, he's like doing, he's like moving around, and like whispering at them, like a predator or something. He's like, that's not a good sport. You guys, it's like, that's not, that's not sporting. You're not hunters. I would have liked it if he kept doing that to like every other fight or something, but for like the last two fights in the movie, he's quiet. He doesn't do any of the taunting. He doesn't do any running gun. I mean, he's got nowhere to hide, but Yeah, he doesn't have the same attitude as in the beginning where he is like a supernatural woods like spirit.
You know, if his whole stick was like, Oh, I did this for the animals like to protect nature or something like there's a natural order. That would have been kind of interesting because Because, that's yeah, this because it's kind of a it's like that's kind of his deal like initially. and it's like That's why he kills the hunters, because he's like, oh, you're going to kill animals in this unsportsmanly way? I'm going to kill you, the same like an animal. And then like we so when he's talking to the little girl that's like his like girlfriend's daughter, and he's teaching her about all the different animal like tracks, and he's like, oh, that's like the cat. He's like, oh, but he's hunting too, so don't bother him right now. Yeah.
Doesn't that make like a better sense? He's like a brutal version of like Chuck Norris and like the forest warrior. He's like, I am the spirit of the forest. I must protect the forest. he's And then at the closest thing after that, he's like a Lorax. He's the um killer Lorax. He was just like, I speak for the trees. and i'm just stabs these guys. Again, the beginning of the movie, if they showed us basically like obvious that these were like innocent people, I would believe that. But because the movie sets up that the first kills in the movie, you don't know like what's their deal, and it's ambiguous. And even when they talk about it later, they're like, oh, for all we know, they're a businessman. Anyway, on to the next thing. like they They ignore that so hard.
One guy had ah at a handgun also on him, which is odd for hunting maybe. I don't know. No, I think that is. I'm not sure you're supposed to bring a handgun to shoot beer. I feel like you could because it's like there's no laws as you can't, but It doesn't sound right, right? i'm As a hunt non-hunter, I'm just like, that doesn't sound right. No, I feel like you just bring your bow, you bring your rifle, and you bring whatever like your main thing you're going to use is. But then what have you encountered beneath the autor on the woods? Yeah, then you're screwed. Then you're screwed. Then you're like, oh, man, I should have brought rocks. Or I should have brought my tranq gun. Yes. Honestly, it is weird to think in the beginning, he gets taken down by that tranq gun. And then that tranq guy just leaves the movie.
Mm hmm. It's not like that was an agent we know of. So it's not like a specialist. They brought in like like it was it it was it was it was Tamalee Jones. It was just like, yeah, they tell me Joseph's bait. Like that was another part of the movie where Tommy Jones is like, oh, he's being played, too, because like technology is always going to be like, you know, close combat.
Yeah. Especially when. Yeah. was i say I like um we we he's first going to go on the woods. It's like trek down. bi to He's just like um like, well, how do we, how do we find you? And it's like, um if I don't come back in two days, I'm dead. like What a crazy statement. Honestly, for a man that like his introduction to the police group is him throwing up.
but my god yeah Because he's afraid of heights which doesn't factor in really at all after that It's just like whatever they're fighting on they're fighting at the last fight is I a cliff like a cliff up like super high above like the water he's ah He's perfectly fine. I Guess it's not it's not so much the height. I think it's more of like the act of the miners. Yeah the movement it's just motion sickness So I think that's what his problem is but Yeah, that's like a you thinking that can come back or it's like they drop or like Maybe he uses his vomit as a weapon. I don't know See that I mean we will get to the final fight like and d detail a little bit like I do love there's when I've never seen in a movie like we're like be sure to like throws on blood it totally joins his face like blind him and
Yeah, it it's ah i've seen that it's a crazy move. yeah I've seen that in the jet like older anime, like 90s anime, throwing some of your blood to blind your enemy. It's super dishonorable, but like it makes sense of like, it's a tactical move. yeah So, no, it's gross, but yeah.
Hey, could have been worse. If this is like a Chinese movie, that would have been P. Oh, geez. I think I've seen movies where like the P is like a tactic move too. But it's like a comedy action. Not like, like, I don't know where in this series movie, the main heroes just start peeing on the person like, oh.
But yeah, the first time when he goes to the woods like, tell me Jones just goes in with like, he's got like a flail shirt on and he has no, I don't even think he has his knife with him. He's just like, I'm gonna go in the woods with like nothing and just like try to fight this guy. I think he just wanted to talk. I think he just wanted to talk, see if he can talk him down, but then he has to fight him off with a stick.
So what's weird is that even with like him trying to talk first, um, Tommy Jones, his first thing is to try to smack the news editor on the face. Like he starts the fight. These are actually shows. I've been like, Hey man, like you got my letters and like, it's good to see you again. Like he's, you know, he's just to like talk to him. Just like, I don't know you. Yeah. And then that just sets her off. Cause it's like, Oh, like maybe you know, his psychosis is true. Or it's like, oh, they got to you too. Like you're in on it. See, I mean, like, doesn't that make sense to for him where it's like, he thought he had a friend, but now the friend is just like, I don't know who the hell you are. And it's like, let me try to knife you. Give me your knife. Like they don't have a discussion. It's just like straight up like, Oh, we're having a fight in the woods and
that point news on Toros was like, well, I gotta do what I do best. um It kind of reminds me almost like a Wolverine thing. There are cool Wolverine stories where he does just get out in the woods and it's isolated and then like a shield that has to go get him or like other people have to go like find him. There's like Berserker Rage where he doesn't can't tell friend and foe anymore. Yeah. So like, that's cool. But the way they do it here it's like yeah like you're gonna have to want to sleep and eat you just can't go in the woods and like I don't know just hang out there wait for more cops and get caught because again we still don't know why he hung around there more yeah well had he had to make traps like how how did he make those giant log traps
Oh, that's by the end of the movie. that he Yeah. But like when, how do you have the time and like the like shrank to like lift two giant logs and like, like set them up, like try to crush Tommy Lee Jones. good It's out of nowhere. I think that's like another edit that just didn't fit. So they just threw it in, but it it doesn't make sense either. I kind of forgot that like, cause it's like, Oh, I think cause they saw predator and they went, yeah, I had that. And then let's just do that.
Because he he he didn't he didn't have a lot of time. He had a head start on Tommy Jones. He didn't have that much of a bad start. they also like he's He's just one guy, and he's like he's those logs were probably a couple hundred pounds each. like he lift He had to lift them up into trees. And then you have to make rope? Yep. Make that rope sturdy? I don't know, man. I don't know of a certain level of

Realism of Wilderness Knife Forging

survival fitness. like You can just do this in an hour. and that any but then And he also had to forge his knife, too. like He was forging his knife and rigging up this like log trap.
So it makes sense where Tom, like that, like this character made the rock knife because it's quicker compared to forging a metal knife. Yeah, I don't. That's so i was what I was watching. like like I don't think you can forge metal in like a campfire. I think you need like and that's why that you need like an actual like forge. Like and high I don't know if you get it. I don't know. I think you can make like a shit like I don't think that knife's kind of like.
you know, yeah, another steel knife. Like it was lucky enough that Tommy Jones's knife was made out of rock and not like carbon steel or something like nothing nothing like, um, what's it called? Like, like, like obsidian or something? Like, like ah oh like god it wasn't like, yo, he'd think I was near a volcano. He made like an obsidian knife.
But I'm thinking like, what was it? Like you temper it because it's all about the tamper and then the folds to make it like that. Yeah. It's like layers that you made thin. There's yeah. So there's there's there's no fold to this. slide It's just like I made the edge sharp. Well, yeah, he just like smushed. I don't know a car like beam. And then he. Well, he did forge it by making it hot and cold. He did. He shaped it and then put like a yeah, put like his the handle on it.
Is that considered forging when you just do that, or is it just like smithing? I don't know there i don't if there's a difference between forging. I don't think he forged. I think he smith. Or smithing forging. I don't know the technical thing. Yeah. I don't i don't think... You have to watch more Forged by Fire and see. Technically, you didn't forge. You smith. Yeah.
But yeah, he probably would fail. he he That knife would fail the fortunately fired test of like cutting a pig in half or chopping bamboo or something. Well, that's another thing. So Tom Lee Jones just snapped like a thicker piece of like plant life, which is fine enough for him. But then the editorial doesn't do like the knife test where like he smashes it into like a tree or like cuts a cut something fleshy. You know, like you just sort of ah good enough. Like, yeah, I mean, it's impressive for him to try to find scrap metal and turn into a weapon.
It is, it is weird. It was weird that like they both had the equal amount of time to like make a something and then they're like, all right, let's just eat up. Cause he imagined like three fourths of the way of GSA tutorials, like forging and Tommy Jones is like, ha ha. Like I made the rock knife. Like I taught you to like the quickest one is the easiest. yeah's he's yeah He's still trying to make his metal one. It's like.
Yeah. So it's quicker. I do. I do. I i do love this scene, like the flash scene, where it's just like it's like the arts and crafts of that class, where everybody's just is like chipping away at making knives. Silently chipping away as if it's like a crocheting thing. Like yeah in it's just guys in camo like hitting rocks against each other and then chipping away silently. Like no talking. No, no commentary. No, no like.
You know, there should have be something tell me Jones sang like, you know. If in in in if the circumstances calls for it, the stone knife will be your best friend in in like a crisis or something like, you know, yeah. And it's like the difference in like the time where, like, because how many jobs make the rock knife, he's faster to get there and like be ready. And because these are chose like. Presentation, you know, and like.
um I guess like more fancier knife techniques. Like that's what he failed on. yeah And that's why like, that's why Tommy Jones is the master. You know, like that's, I wish to see more of that dynamic. He, know he, yeah, he knows what knife to make for which, which situation. Well, that's what I'm assuming, but like,
The rock one made sense. And also because Tommy Jones was like in the woods and he just found rocks to make out of like the right. I don't think you just take any rock and make it. No, it's going to be like, like you have to be able to shape it, but also needs to be like strong. Yep. But then it's like, what if like he also had that right knife and then it's like when they cancel each other out, like they hit each other, they both shattered instantly. Yeah, like the crumble, like the same intensity is just gone.
You don't see that happen a lot, but sometimes you do. Like when, when blades like hit each other at the right weak spots and then it's just like right shatter.
That's why I always find it funny about like knife guys. It's like, this is the most amazing sword, blah, blah, blah. And it's just like, well, like any sword, there's only so much you can do in like a few swings before like that blade is bending. And then it's just like, I get a new one. Yeah. We got to reforge it, which is pain.
See, reforging to me always sounds like you got to take like a bunch of different pieces and put it together. That makes sense for forging.
This one made it seem like Bill's tutorial just took like a current rod and then made it pointy. Yeah. Also, I feel like this the um a longer spear will beat the knife. ah Yeah.
So that tie your rock knife to like a giant stick. like I mean, tell me Jones did pretty well with just the tree branch in the beginning of the movie. Yeah. Yeah. So if you just made one of those edges sharp, I feel like you've got a better chance.
Oh, what I did want to mention like just don't think about the class before you like like wrap up the final battle is but those guys that like Tony Jones has that just have to stand there and take all like the like knife tactics is like the worst job in the world. Like those guys, there's like guys, they just like, he doesn't have like, you know, the, like the like combat dummies. He has like actual dudes and just to stand there and take it. I'm also thinking, uh, like those were actually from a real military like school. So they were, they were very, they were very calm. Yeah. So it's like,
but it's it's like I feel like Tommy Jones like LT is like a guy that like does it have like dull knives because but it's like we're using we use the real thing yeah you gotta learn how to use the real thing so it's I feel like he would have like them using like actual like super sharp knives doing all this like practice like practice kills
I would give him like what like foam knives or something. Is that a real knife? That seems like part of Tommy Jones' like thing. I was like, yeah, I used the real thing. Yeah, get like yeah like the feel, the weight of it. Yeah, no, but what's like like. Yeah. And then I was just going to be like, all right, hopefully, no one nicks my artery at this distance time. They go a little too far, jabbing the throat.
Also, so shoutout shout out to Tommy Jones's like flashback stash.
Like he sees he's like that sweet like mustache. Yeah, he's wearing just like the instructor 101 look. He's older than everyone, but just having a light like not like a bushy mustache, but just like the command look. Yes.
I mean, Tamalee Jones with facial hair is always interesting to me. Cause like, it's not like you can't tell that's him. And this one, he is a beard, like he's wearing the beard, but honestly- Oh excellent beard, excellent beard in this movie. Uh, but like you could show me a Tamalee Jones photo between like now and like he does, he ages every 12 years.
he doesn't look that older if you look at a photo of him like 1990 something like under siege yeah he still looks he'll say yeah he looks the same yeah he might be like like a little skinnier back then but i don't know he's like like he just wasn't a diet he was just in that like what was that finest kind like like parallel plus movie like last year he looks the same yeah if you look at his look of like um No country from old man. like He it looks like that looked for like a while until like his next movie role and then he either puts on weight or loses it.
Honestly, he almost looked this like the same in Captain America.
Imagine if that was like his like, he was like, he was like, all right, all right, Captain America, you're you're not for sure a knife. You learn the CQC is that this I kill Nazis. Well, I would like to see in Captain America where like they need to explain shield fighting. Mm hmm. And Tommy Jones was since he was like the trainer, like he has to explain shield fighting and then it's like,
like they had to like open up a Spartan shield book or something like it's all right all right cap you're gonna forge you're gonna take this you're gonna take this giant rock and make your own you're gonna make a shield out of this carve your own shield out of this boulder take this take ah take this scrap metal make yourself a shield and when you're ready we'll give you the one that's made by you know magic meteor rock
But yeah, the ah final fight is pretty awesome. ah like yeah what Like we said, that like no no dialogue. is just those like It's just like them just like super intense, just like trying to kill each other, and then like lots of like brutal like slashes. and ah
like Tiny Jones just slashes off the face, and then instead of her, it's like, jabbed in the arm. It's super brutal. and then um Tally Jones finally he gets like, he finally is able to like, he was like, finishes his own knife and stab it with a, and then kills him. His first kill ever, yeah the first time he's ever killed anyone. And he kind of brushes it off. <unk>s It's something where I think the movie was supposed to build up that like, he's become the monster, he regret it. But then the movie just ends before we even see that kind of closure or that kind of effect.
Well, there's something with like the wolf too, I think, cause like, it's like he was he able, he was able to save the wolf. and But then, so like Vistro, Vistro was like, was was, was also like the wolf, but then he wasn't able to save him.
Oh, okay. That's... Maybe. I don't know. The symbolism. I think of it like that. Like, you know, it's such a like, all right, I'll take it because, you know, I'm ranting about a look at things and there's a whole community of people who see this movie later in life. And then they just like, wait a minute. And they see like parallels. And then like the like the the different subversion of a typical action movie because but like it's supposed to do something where you think it's going to be simple genre like okay it's following the color by numbers and then it's like well no let's turn something on its head like not everything but just like enough background detail that by the time you get to the end you're like you think about it like that's something i do am about the hunted and then maybe think about watching it last year
um Was that like it's not it's not it wasn't like it was sort of it did okay in the general audience But like it's not something you see a lot or like people talk about a lot That's for like the story people always praise the knife fight parts Yeah, it's definitely it's definitely a deep cut like early 2000s action movie and like a deep cut like really freaking movie Yeah, I mean also it's not like a movie then you had a market to like tweens and There's no, like, rock new metal or... It's Johnny Cash, baby. Johnny Cash and his final performance on film. Was it? Like, he recorded, like those like, the opening and and like closing, like, ah ah you know spoken word stuff. And then they used the man comes around for the credits song. Gotcha, gotcha.
Yeah, that was the final final time like Giant Cash did anything for film was recording like the opening narration and the closing narration.
Which I think was, I think also was like part of like one of the, like that, whatever like the album that like the make up was around was on. There was like, it was like, I think it was like that like story of Abraham stuff was on there. Hmm. Yeah. There's a point, um, where, uh, Tommy Jones digs through beneath the tutorials like cave.
He fights the Bible with like, yeah. And it's it's it's all about, you know, kill your son. Like. Yeah, they they show you that and it's just like, oh, I get it. But then I think that's what like horrifies how many drones because it's like, oh, he sees me as his father figure. Like. I've become like his war daddy. Hmm.
and now and And there's no helping him now after I have to kill him. Yeah, I have to become like, uh, judgment and punishment. Even though the FBI lady, like super gun ho on trying to complete her mission. Well, after after like Bishop George does like my throat, like her, like partners that throat and like kills him and kills like her boss. True.
because yeah Because before that, she was like, oh yeah, once that time of the Jones tried to stop like talk him down or something. and then after that it's like Then it's like, oh, he killed two FBI agents. it's like He's a cop killer now. like Take him out. If you have a shot, kill him.
yeah Anything else, Chris, about the hunted? um Yeah, I think the first time I saw this movie was on like TBS or something. It was like very censored. I think, yeah, I think, you know, we we talked about Gladier last week. um That was like a TNT movie. I feel that this was like also like a TNT kind of movie, like shows a lot. And then because I saw that way and then because of commercial breaks, I never like figured out like the but like symbolism and all that. But like watching it in like a sitting and just uninterrupted is like a whole different experience.
um Yeah, that's why I'm like shocked, like watching it again. I was just like, oh, yeah, like it's definitely like a smarter movie than people give it credit for. I'm not saying it's amazing. It's not. And it's also like the subtleties there. um But it's still early 2000s, like shaky camera work. And it's not as bad as like it's not as bad as like, like, you know, yeah like born ultimatum or whatever. It's something that's the poggy grass, like. So speaking of that, a lot of people did say that this is the like the Jason Bourne realistic take on it where if Jason Bourne went rogue and you get Jason Bourne's mentor and it's like Jason Bourne, even though he he's spilling out like conspiracies and truths and all these other things that like he was part of, it's like he knows too much to live. You know, like he's become a liability. Like if you're that secret of a government agency and stuff like
No doubt you have an X on your head. Even if he's right, it's like you'll be constantly being hunted.
And that's what's sad. was like You'll be the hunted. Yeah, I know. Honestly, I'm surprised no one told him that or he said that or something. He's like, I am the hunted. And then like you know like Jason Bourne almost has the anti-war anti-war, anti-political, like don't be a puppet who governments thing. And it's like, oh, yeah, they did do this again. like the next year, or that same year, Jason Bourne?

Comparison with the Bourne Series

Yeah, the Bourne movies were definitely around this time, so. Yeah, yeah. Even though I think the first Bourne movie was like in the 70s, that like May for TV movie. Oh, yeah. Bourne Identity was 2002, so this is a year after Bourne Identity. Yeah, so I think that's another thing that people forget. Bourne Identity blew this storytelling out of the water. It's the same concept, but because it's in like Portland and not like Romania,
Yeah, it's not this like global globetrotting, like, SB-dodge, thriller, like. Yeah. But almost the same. Oh, what one other thing I remembered quick was, um there's there's a there's a part where Tony Jones basically does the Colonel Troutman, like, if you're gonna need a whole lot of body bag speech. Like, um it's I think it's right after, um ah like,
ah These are like jumps like like they think he jumps in the water off the bridge and they're trying to find them and then like Kind of like well we got set up guys get boats I want guys a boat to my guys like probably the riverbanks and I'm telling you just like You like you send that many people is everyone he said he's a kill like you just want how many people like you want dying like Go against this guy I Mean does he know how to fight in water combat?
Maybe, I mean, we didn't see that in the, Trey was just like, it was just like, if a guy's standing in front of you, you do this, and then you like, you cut the artery, and then you also like chisel stone.
But yeah, but it's, it's basically, it's basically like, he's like, like, Tommy Jones is is like, just goes full trauma to that point, just like, yeah, it's like, you said that, but you guys, the whole body, a whole bunch of body bags.
but it's it's it's like It's like the most deliberate like ah like first blood so like reference or kind of like ah connection. Gotcha.

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yeah Overall, solid, cool movie. It's on Paramount Plus if you want to watch it um or get that get that new 4K that just came out. and Come back next week when we're talking about the OG Jumanji.
Uh, cause we're heading to the packs on plug next week. Um, so by the time you hear that next week, five people will be in Philadelphia playing a bunch of board games. But we thought, why don't we talk about one of the OG board game movies, which is Jumanji. So we'll, we'll head into the jungle with that next week. And, um,
Also, on a set right now, if you were listening to this, our Thanksgiving a commentary is up, which we actually watched Thanksgiving. We watched the Eli Roth ah ah Last Year Slasher movie. So you can not download that, stick it up, and watch ah Thanksgiving with us, even though it's, you know, Black Friday now or like afterwards when you're hearing this probably. But you excellent it's on brand for that movie.
Oh yeah, yeah yeah they see it came out like in the summer or something. or like i I don't think it came out like around Thanksgiving. I think it was like earlier than Thanksgiving. But it's it's it's ah it's a it's a it's a you know it's a super fun slasher movie. So it's you know atime it's a a kind of a time watch.
And then all of our other stuff is on the site as well. I got a Gladiator 2 review if I want to read my thoughts about Gladiator 2. We got Game Box 2 on November 1. You can check out all the games we played in November. All kinds of stuff on the site. However, check all the stuff out. And yes, for Chris, I am Zach, and we will see you next week. For more from Everything Action, head to
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