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Episode 32: Board games galore with special guest, Mark image

Episode 32: Board games galore with special guest, Mark

S1 E32 ยท Board Game Chinwag
57 Plays5 months ago

Steve's brother Mark joins the crew for this episode as they discuss many games played at RUOK to Play Day and elsewhere.

Welcome to the board game chin wag podcast. We have a full crew plus one today. We've got DG, Shane, G money, Helen, and another guy who sounds a bit like me. Um, probably because he's my brother. We got Mark. Hey, do Mark. Yeah, I'm all right. There you go. It wasn't me saying that. I promise we'll talk at the same time later. How's everybody else? He doesn't say anything like you. He actually doesn't know.
That's great. Cause we've been told that all of our life that we sound the same to the point we'll talk about earlier today, actually, that my mother, if she's, she answers the phone and just answers it without looking at it. And then here's one of his talk. There's always this slight pause afterwards where she's like, Oh, hang on. And you can literally hear her getting her phone out of a pocket and looking at the front of the screen. And then she'll go, Oh, hi Steve. So it's good to know that we don't sound alike. That's, that's good news.
You know, maybe it's just the women in our life, because my my wife had a yeah ah conversation with my dad once when we were dating that went a little bit too long, not knowing she wasn't talking to me. In fact, if you do have a wife, you're on very different mics. But when you talk for longer periods, I'm like, oh, no, I get it.
but you're on a very crystal clear mic, Steve, and then Mark, you're a little bit more distant, so I think that's- Yeah, I don't have any gear, so I'm using just the good old microphone on the computer I have. It's working well. Well, welcome, Mark. Just good old Jack. Thank you. So the plan for tonight was just to talk about games. It's been a while since we've done a podcast, but actually, in our terms, it's actually been not that long. It's only been like a month.
ah So go us. Sorry, everybody. But we had the pleasure. I didn't get, we didn't catch up with G money last weekend, but I got to catch up with DG, Shane and Helen and play some games at the are you okay to play day, which was awesome. I think maybe to kick it off. and We have to mention the gang, right? We all played the game. And Helen, I've got some great news for you.
I don't know if you've already heard, but ah Helen and I played the gang on the Friday night with herself, a couple of others, and her daughter. And we did all right. we I think we won, two, and lost one. So on Saturday. We were absolute dog shit. We were shit. And that's been generous. It was fucking horrendous. However, there's one kind of common denominator, and we'll let you carry on with the story, Steve. Go. Well, i was just it was just more that,
Helen wasn't there, so we lost. That's just how it works, right? yeah but We decided people were just but were just going to stick at it until we won. And ah halfway through that process, Shane Kroll just went, I've had enough. I'm out. And then Shane T was like, uh, then I think we got someone else in. And then Shane and T was like, nah, I'm out. And then we won the very next game.
yeah So I'm blaming it all on Shane. Sorry, mate. No, Shane. Any game will do. Any game will do. It was a Shane's. We completely screwed it up. But what a great game. I ended up buying it, Steve. Got it today. Yes, sir. I almost bought it. It was funny, though, because when I was playing with Liv, so my 10-year-old, she was so like, you know, um Steve would take a coin and she would just go and take it back off him. And he'd take it back. That's my coin. She was just like, we are one.
allow yeah I got into a couple arguments with my son over here that was the same same ah strength. um So we were like, oh, that's why we were arguing so heavily. But yeah, i do um don't I haven't played as much poker as the other people that were at the table. And so, yeah, I think I joined that group when you guys were on your losing streak, and I think I helped it go longer.
i Yeah, from memory, I think you chose a six on a pair of fours or something, Mark, or something like that. It was something ridiculous. Well, no one was taking anything. So I was like, well, you all must have terrible hands. I at least have a pair. Yeah. Yes. There were some moments, I remember one specific moment where I had a four and a six. It was rubbish. And then the flop came out and there was a four and a six on the flop. So I immediately grabbed a six and Mark's like, no. I'm like, you like,
Clearly, you know what I've hit. can It's so obvious what I've hit. And then I started talking about all these other hands that I could have hit. And it took like another five minutes before Mick just went, oh, he's probably got a four and a six. I'm like, yeah, you think? Jeez. I was sitting there looking at, I wasn't thinking about like matching two cards in your hand. I was like, oh, if you pick a pair, it's worse than my, I think at the time I had a pair of queens. And there was a four and a six come out. I'm like, well,
My pair of queens beats your four and your pair of fours or your pair of sixes. It didn't occur to me that you had both. i um I enjoyed the game so much that this week, like I've been working in the city, but the trains in Brisbane were screwed. So you'd have to you'd have to get on a train to a certain spot. Dave Shaken, he knows what I'm talking about. Then you had to get off in another spot, catch a bus into the city.
And it was a two-hour trip to get into work and then two hours to get home. It was shit. And like I wanted to go to Vault Games because I knew Vault Games had a copy of the gang. But I was so exhausted from bloody trains and bus rides and stinky people on the buses, I went, I can't fucking do it. So today JT comes up and he goes, Dad, can we meet his girlfriend down at Chermside? I was like, hmm.
Yes, hey how you can can you take me? I said absolutely I can take you because I knew they had game traders. So there I'm, game traders website, do they have the game? And they had a copy and so instantly I went straight there, one copy sitting there, $34.90, purchase, done. So I'll put you out of your misery, Shane, because I did go to Vault Games on Monday and bought their last copy. So you must have been able to get one anyway.
I had a um horror run home the next day, because, of course, I live in northern New South Wales, so I've come and left the game day. And um I've checked out just about every game shop you can find, except there's one on the Gold Coast called Sir Square Toes, which I'd never been to at Elinora. And I thought, oh, well, look, I'm driving past there. But that's also where all the roadworks is at the moment on the freeway as you're heading south. So by the time I got to the southern end of the Gold Coast and sat in traffic for about half an hour, I was like, oh, this better be worth it. But I knew, I checked it out. I'd hopped on their website that morning.
They're open and only open every second Sunday, but we're on one of the Sundays are open. They had it in stock. I was like, this is going to be perfect. I'll go in there. They're open. I've checked. They're open. I've checked. They've got stock. ah And as it turns out, they just don't update update their website.
na Crushed. So yeah to get out of the traffic and back into the traffic probably cost me a good 40 minutes. I'm home yeah for for some apples, as it turns out.
No, um you got to think there's a game that we've all played for one day and the majority of us have bought it. So that's pretty good. And Dave, I can't wait to hear the stories that come out of your weekend away when you're playing that with G and everyone else. So I'm turning it into a drinking game and I reckon the person that fucks it up has to have a shot.
i on Yeah, that is the rule. You fuck it up, you have a show. Yeah, that's great. I reckon you might beat seven straight losses if that's that's what's happening. but I can't imagine it's going to get better. yeah Especially when Truett drinks black sandbuca. It gets messy real quick. It is a funny one in that it got um It just got an extra dimension ah when you played with six. We played it earlier in the morning, Steve, with four. And I think we just won it on the first go and and I thought, oh yeah, I can see how you could lose that one, but it doesn't seem too bad. It kind of reminded me a bit of the crew um at that particular point. It's like, ah if you think about it, you'll get it done. It's fine. But playing at six, it was a completely different game. yeah it was It was a lot harder, but as well as that, because it was a lot harder, it was a lot more chaotic and and interesting.
Well, for the benefit of probably D money, unless you've played it and anyone else who's listening going, what the hell is the gang? It's essentially cooperative poker. You probably should have done this at the start. but so i love working out So yeah, if you've ever played poker before, obviously I say it all the time poker to be good needs to have money spent.
Um, but if you don't want to spend money, then playing poker is not really a game because you just, you go for the big, you know, the long shots and all that because there's not, no, you've got no skin in the game where this is ah essentially Texas hold on poker. Except what you're trying to do is rank your hands from worst to best.
And you do it at every point. You do it ah after you get your whole cards. You do it after the flop, then the turn, then the river. And when you do it after the river, the the goal is to have it in a perfect lineup from worst to best. And you've got to do that three times before you can't do it three times. um That's the game. So it's not really that you like you can literally play this with a deck of cards. You don't necessarily need the game, except the chips are nice and the player powers, like the benefits. If you if you win, you get a something to make it harder next round. If you lose, you get something to make it easier the next round.
they're kind of cool so other than that it's it's pretty straightforward and um yeah it's been a it's been a every time i've seen it be played it's been like the game that everyone talked about afterwards so which is which is super cool so and being that you love it don't buy a deck of cards buy the game and support the game people what i'mset yeah yeah for like 35 bucks or whatever it's like it's not yes cheap as And um it's by Cosmos, so you would imagine it'll show up quite, like it'd be easy enough to get long-term, similar to like the crew and their two-player line. So yeah, there should be, even if it is out of stock and you have this out, there'll be there'll be plenty of opportunity. I've gotten into a bit of
In the last 12 months, I've got ah fairly heavily into a lot of card games. I grew up playing a lot of 500s, so all of a sudden, yes sometime last year, I think, along with a whole bunch of other people, I went, oh yeah, trick-taking games. um and And it's one of those things where ah the games like that and the regicide, where you don't really need the the deck, I just forget to play them. you know You're looking at you you're looking the games that you have in your in your shelf. and if you know And if I play Regicide just with a normal deck of cards, then I don't think to ever suggest it. um So I kind of like having the box there anyway. and It sounds like a pretty stupid reason to have a game. But um yeah, I know i have there's ah there's a game I play at the moment called The Green Fivera, which I can't get the actual original of it. I've got a deck of cards in the drawer that I've sort of made to work for the game. And it's a fantastic game. And I've showed it to people and gone, this is really good. And they've agreed with me.
but I never play it enough because you just don't think of it. and So it's sort of one of those things. yeah the but The powers that are there, you need that need it for that. But yeah, they put all this time and effort to it into it, much like Redecide, they put all that time and effort into designing it, make it look fantastic, the app to go with it. For the price they're charging, they deserve a couple of dollars. Yeah, I agree. 100%. And trick taking kind of like took off really when you know Scout hit the scene. Then you got Cat in the Box, which is another fun game.
Um, but, uh, I'm enjoying all the card games at the moment. I bought red seven the other day, uh, by Carl Chudwick and we played that Helen and Dave, um, another little cool little card game over and within about five minutes per hand. And, uh, good fun. His expressions, the card game my only played on BGA. Yeah, it is. Yeah. very I was going to mention that too. Like it's funny. I brought down.
Return to Dark Tower, like this humongous that took up half of my suitcase just to bring Return to Dark Tower down. And we played it and it was fine. I ruined it for everybody by dying too early. um And I was really keen to play it, but I was like, oh it was wasn't the greatest run through of the game for sure.
But it was expressions, it was the gang, and it was um ah things in rings, like all these tiny small box games that were the end, even the game that Mark, you showed us, which was that Spotz. Spotz. I think I brought a spot. It was all the little card games that were the winners for the day for me. it was the best big I can't even think of the best big box game I played, um or even if I did, other than Return of the Dark Tower, to be honest.
I think my my favourite game of the day would have to be City Pick Shoulders, with Helen from the first round, when she got the game, saying how much it sucks and how she's losing already. and i didn't know I did not say something. Round two, she's you know saying how she's losing again, everyone sucks. and Then she ends up coming second today by about, what was it, four bucks, Dave? Oh, it was about 20 bucks or something. It was just $6050 to $6030, something like that. It was honestly hilarious. And I just went over in my mind all the things I did wrong. Because I just never put that much effort into a game. Did you enjoy it though?
I did, I did. But I was just like, oh, what can I have done differently to win? And I just never even think like that. It's a game that you want to win. It's bizarre. Like, yeah, because I really don't. I know that you guys joke that I win everything, but I... You win. You win next game. You got a joke if it's not funny. The next time you play that, you will crush us all. Inclusive of day. DG's like world ranked in that game.
And you beat him like a little bit. Yeah, but he was playing Dave's feature mode, not Dave's feature mode. No, he wasn't. He has no soul when it comes to that game. But I remember saying to Dave after this made me laugh. How you were just like, this game, this is shit and blah, blah, blah. I'm winning. I don't know what you're talking about. I could have lost. I could have lost.
Like in a big way, I just. Yeah. If I'd done that one thing, I would have won. Yeah. Yeah. It was that one thing in the last round you would have won. and And I was like, that's my favorite moment the whole day was yes Helen being Helen crushing us really. When you think about it, it was good. it's I always, I go back to that eight player game of TI4 we play, which was Helen's first game of TI4 with a whole bunch of people. I think I was the next.
newest to the game and I played it four or five times. Everyone else had played it a handful, a handful more times than that. And she crushed us.
But at least that when I was prepared, I listened to a 30 minute pod on my way to Dave's house. So I kind of knew how to play the game. Who needs all that actual game experience when you just listen to a 30-minute podcast negotiating Brisbane traffic? That was one of my favourite moments of the day, was playing that game. It was good fun. So it made me gig. Even on the way home, I was still giggling to myself. Just replaying Helen in my game. I'm sorry. You're not sorry. It was good.
I didn't win G-Money, so it doesn't matter. I didn't win. Yeah, next time you were there. But I think we're talking about it, though. and But mind you, i did I did put a post in. I did put a post in for a four-player City Big Shoulders in BGA, and no one accepted. No, I accepted. Inclusive. Helen mustn't have accepted then. Oh. Helen doesn't accept helen doesn't play BGA. And then she's on mute. Yeah, I'm mute. The best way to have me, really.
um my ah My account expired and I haven't resubmitted. You don't need to. You don't need to play with us. yeah All right. I'll get back on it. The narrator, she did in fact not get back to BGM. It was that like 50 days expired wingspan. I think that was all right. Hells not playing this. It was the Architects of West Kingdom for me when I ah went to America and I was like,
I'm going to hold everyone up. I'm really sorry. I'm going on an eight week holiday. and well i back back it was still howen's you You're like, I've got to get on a flight right now. I'll squeeze one in. So I'm not holding everything up. It was pretty funny. Yeah. and question yeah Just to get us back on track and stop this Helen bashing that's going on.
I am curious because we know that Steve got into games, you know, during, you know, a stopover of sport, I guess is the best way to explain it. like and Did you already play Mark or have you played since Steve got into it or how does that fit in? Yeah, no, like most things in my life, my little brother probably gives me ideas. So um I ah got in I got in because of Steve, but what what had actually happened is my birthday came along, and ah Steve had been on about board games for a while, and I was like, yeah, whatever, mate. And my birthday came along, and um and my other passion is cycling. And so my on Steve's advice, my parents bought me Flem Rouge um for my birthday, and I opened it. I sort of had this look, which I often have with my parents' presents, and just go,
Oh, what's that? And just sort of put that to the side. and And I literally didn't read the instructions, didn't open it, didn't care. It just went on a shelf somewhere and I went, oh yeah, ah whatever.
And then, yeah, obviously that look wasn't as obvious as I thought it was, because for Christmas off my parents' demons help, I've got Dominion. like And then I sat down and read the rules, and Dominion is not the best game to start with when you read the thematic introduction to Dominion. I think people have bothered to read the thematic introduction to Dominion.
But I'm reading the rest of the rules going, how does this fit in with this? oh Doesn't make any sense. But anyway, we sat down and played it. And I think our first game of Dominion went for something like two and a half hours. ah But we enjoyed it, which was weird. And we were even more surprised when we played like the, got to the third game and it took like 20 minutes and we went, how's it go so quickly this time? Anyway, um and then I,
Once I realized I liked that, I cracked open flamrouge and I went, oh, this isn't so bad either. Um, and so I just sort of grew from there and, you know, went through the phase of buying 15,000 games in five minutes. And, and then Steven was at the time sort of growing old with getting a bit sort of annoyed and bored with Kickstarter and I went, what's that? And then yeah's putting yeah oops went down a hole somewhere. So, uh, yeah, so I think we're about 2020 and I think it just worked well.
our kids had reached that age where we were past kid things. um So 2020 would have been, our oldest would have been 18 and our youngest would have been 14. So just the right age for that sort of complex board games. um And actually that's one of the the reasons I've played a lot of card games recently, because with them all moving away, when they come home, you want to You want to have a chat. you don't want to You don't want to pull out on Mars and say right now, focus on this little board and do this little thing and pretend I'm not on this side of the table, off you go. um Yeah, something like the I had the whole family home last week for my daughter's graduation. And so, yeah, we played a lot of 535, Nikosu Dice, Chardon for it, a scout, that sort of stuff. Because you can, with the family around and when they're not around a lot, you can just sit down at the table, deal them around.
and and have a chat going at the same time. And obviously the game itself is a little bit more interactive, but um my son, I could see that he was a bit annoyed that we didn't get food chain magnet out.
what um
I love that. That's nice. I love that you started in a one like super easy games too. Yeah, yeah. And it was, I think the the way you buy games when you first start out too, I think I bought wingspan because everybody had wingspan.
Um, and yeah, you you you buy a few of those games and start to figure out what you like. I think, um, I think it was actually, I think I'll ring you up Steven about Katarn and then you put me on there. That might've been when I got into Shem game. No, you came to visit for Shem games. Yeah. You didn't like architects. I'm like, what? Yeah. I played that once and I didn't enjoy it. Yeah. And then it was Mezcal that was like Mezcal's Mark's wife. And she was like, I really enjoyed that game. You should buy it. Honestly,
Honestly, my wife seems to think that if you teach a game, I'll hate it, and then she'll force me to buy it, and then I'll like it. yeah yeah But then having said that, I'm a control freak. I much ah generally prefer to read than tea then than get taught a game. So I consider myself reasonably good at teaching games, but I don't know. I might be horrible at teaching games.
um But I've had to teach my family how to play every game. So the new box comes in, I read the rules, off we go. um And that just feels more comfortable for me. So when I sit down and ah at ah at a table and someone starts barking the rules at me, um I'm just not used to learning a game that way. Not that you barked necessarily. It worked for me school. And it led to a wall of Shem behind you, so it must have done something right. Yeah, it did all right. but I think the first time you played Raiders with us, that immediately Raiders just absolutely clicked with me. um And I will say, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, but um I think Architects is the weakest of the three from the West Kingdom. I love Viscount, I love Paladins. Architects, I can take or leave. Architects is great. Palins is the best solo. That's the best solo game.
I suppose that's the thing too, is um we play now, so especially my wife and I play a lot of games at two, um and paladins at two isn't as, I played it at three and four and it does drag a little bit more, but paladins at two is not too bad. Architects when you play brutal is amazing. Great fun. Yeah. Well, we got our Shemin. G Money, do you want to talk about Gloomhaven?
It's the rarest thing ever. There you go, done. I've still never played a shim game. I've done one scenario of frost taking. Don't let her because she'll beat her. She'll beat herself. I know, I know. I'll take your right as a starter and then it'll be like this kind of shit. She's played like a half a game of architects on BGA. If we're calling that played.
Well, I'm just wondering if we teach her Gloomhaven, whether after scenario one, she'll already be level nine. a I don't even know what you're talking about. Should be the scenario and kill you at the same time. Yeah. Oh, you mean we went together? Well, I play co-op games.
ah wait What else obviously you guys played Big Shoulders, but what else did you guys play aside of the gang and Dark Tower? Nothing. No, we played Red Seven.
yeah i read so It's all we mentioned, not Burn. And we played Trio. Which one? ah Trio, yeah, on Friday night.
ye Yeah, that was kind of cool. I liked that. Yeah, that's a hard one to find. So that's like, you get a set of cards and there's like cards from I think one to 12, 10, 12. You've got to get three sets of three. So you've got to ask people do they have a card or do they have but you can only ask them for their highest or lowest card. So it's like, do you have a 12? If 12 is the highest card they have, they can give it to you. anybody but so Say that you asked for an eight, but they had a 10. They can't give you the eight because it's not their highest card. They can just show you their highest card. So you asked to see their highest card or their lowest card, and you've got to get three sets. Go fish with more rules.
Steve, is it Go Fish? Well, it's it's it's somewhat of a memory game, I'll give you that. um But what's what's interesting is when you get to lower numbers of cards, you got like you're fishing for a two or a three, and you'll ask them what their lowest card is, and I'll show you an eight. And you're like, oh, shit, OK.
So hates my highest card. So I know on my next turn, I'll ask you for your lowest and I'll ask, you know, Helen for her highest and then with my eight, them all I'll have all the eights. So you kind of got to keep track of not only who's got what, but where in their hand it sits, which was was kind of interesting. The other game that we played, I think I played with all or some of you was, um, Kabanga. but I don't know. I played with Mark.
i thought we got I thought we got to get kicked out of and then in because it was loud. um yeah And we're playing with another member who was, um ah initially, I think she was um holding back a little. um And then it just got, well, for the lack of a better word, it just got sexual.
but Suddenly, Kibenga took on a different meaning. And, you know, do you really want to Kibenga me right here, right now kind of thing? And it just became a little bit... I think you won't enjoy that, Steve, because I completely lost it.
you You just use all level of seriousness. Like the game hadn't devolved yet. But with a very serious face, you turn to her and said, oh, that's uncabangable. And at that point, I lost it. Just the sincerity with which that was delivered, that line was delivered. It was it very serious, very serious use of the word uncabangable.
and that point I've just lost it. It was a very confusing game. like It was was a fun game, but it was like the whole time I'm like, this is going too far when my nephew is sitting across from me. but like this is And some lady that I've never met before, and I'm like, this this like it was raucous. it was It was great fun, but it got a little bit out of hand for a while there. which was ah Interesting. But yes, Kabanga was a bit of a winner. I think Helen and I, we played Kabanga on Friday night too. Um, that was okay no apparently not, I played it on Friday night with someone. that Sorry. Um, but that was really good. And then the other one was, uh, which I play with Shane as well as some others was, uh, comic hunters. Great. That was an awesome game. That was so fun. Shit. That was shit. But probably so but sorry the actual, the actual quality of the game was crap.
Yeah, really poor. Really poor quality game, but fundamentally it's fun. but I think I spent more on sleeves than they did on making the game. Yeah, it's it's worse than a prototype, but still it was good. It's a funny game because I...
I get picked on in my family because I don't like Marvel. I'm not a Marvel and DC guy. I don't i don't care for all that sort of stuff. And I don't like it in the board games because I guess um i guess if you think of Dice Throne, when they had just general sort of characters, then you got a little bit of room for your imagination. You go, OK, I'm a barbarian, but you can think I can think I'm this kind of barbarian or someone else can think of it from another point of view. And yeah when you play Spider-Man, you're Spider-Man.
There's that much that you know about Spider-Man already. It's like, oh, well, great. ah That's my character. um What I liked about that game is it was about the collection of the card collection of the comics. it wasn't about yeah I wasn't trying to be Hulk or Spider-Man. I was just trying to collect as much as much of the um the comics. I thought the theme really sort of sang from the game, especially when you think of those people that do you know collect their first editions and the and the mint copies and all that sort of stuff.
um Yes, it was an atrociously put together game. But, you know, a couple of of coin sleeves and a couple of card sleeves and, you know, it'll probably be okay. I did come home and order that one off Bards and Noble. Oh, did you? Yes, I did. I enjoyed it. That was a good game. I like the old, was it the old puzzle shuffle around of cards? Yeah. What's that puzzle called?
where Like a slide puzzle? like Yeah, like a slide puzzle where you've got a little gap, you've got to slide the cards into the gap. That was good. that Very different. Haven't seen that before. and I like that everything you discard goes into there. so like Everything's still available it's kind of yeah because you're not discarding it. yeahre like Thematically, you're selling your copies of games to the to wherever you're buying them from to buy the games. so then it's ah it's yeah It's conceivable that that'll show up later in a convention to buy again kind of thing. I quite like that. but I also like the fact that
If you go first, it's just it goes around, you have two cracks at it, which means if you go first, you're also going last. So and you get first bite and you can really you know pick the best row at that point. But then when it comes back to you, when you're last in a four-player game and seven other people, seven other turns have happened, you're like, wow, there is nothing left. So I like that it rewards, like it not rewards, but I guess it balances itself because of that. I enjoyed returning to Dark Tower. That was good fun.
um you know Apart from dying in the end, completely losing. That was Steve's fault. We were doing okay. I thought we were doing all right. We're shuffling along, we're getting there getting all the... um the well What was the... um The trees and stuff? The trees, yeah we were but planning it really well.
And then Steve ends up killing us. Yeah, I ruined it. It's annoying too, because when you get to the big boss, it's so cool how you fight the big boss, because you can't just go in and one person smashing to death. You kind of like, you work, you have to work as a team and kind of wear them down. And we restore that. Cause I went and tried to take on that golem looking character and he kicked my ass.
That was good, that was a good day. And very, very 80s, very 80s board game. That's what I liked about it too.
um There's some other games that I've been playing outside of R U OK Day. So we had our retreat recently where myself, Pastor Nick, Andy and Phil, Lucky Phil, we went away to Maloney and had two days It's been a nice little townhouse. It was great. We played so many games. We started off, what we did, we all had to bring five games. Five of our games that we wanted to play. And then it was all put in a randomizer. Nick would hit the randomizer and we'd have to play that game. Our first game was Dwellings. We're out of our house. And I did so poorly in that game. It wasn't funny. But it was good fun. Good fun had.
And I think that was the only game we played that night. We played a couple of little small games, little card games in between. I took my little box of you know quick 10 minute games that we can play, little fillers. And then um I think one of the other events was obsession. We played, you know obsession got no got a call up. No, it's not nice, no, no.
did you Did you not nice as in it's not a nice like it's I got i didn't like it. No, it was I really Got to the point where I actually ended up Sitting on the couch Every time my move came up. It's my guy I get off the couch. Yep. Just do this this this go back and sit on the couch I was done. It was such a shit game. I can't stand it. why Yeah, they get I like it and I oh That's probably, it was the fourth time I played it too, so I've given it a good shot. Yeah, right. And we played that. We played Unk Ball Park, that was good fun.
um That one there, we we ended up winning, that was Andy won that one within about, only half an hour. So he quickly killed us off. So we played that.
um But it was an awesome weekend of board games. We played so many games. And then the next day, ah Martin Wallace was coming around my house to play test the expansion for bloodstones.
i So we we we played the expansion of the dwarves and the Djinn expansion for bloodstones. And that was that was awesome.
I like Bloodstones, good game. The Dwarves adds a different dimension to the game where the Dwarves can actually tunnel under and pop up in spots on the board ah for free moves and um still do poorly in it but Martin was changing some rules so it was really cool to, he said look I'm changing these rules here and then we saw those rules play out through the game as well.
That was awesome. And then after that, we played Steam Power with the cat expansion, with a new map. um And that was, I love Steam Power. And if you can imagine, the cat expansion is very similar to, have you guys played VR Nebula? It's another one of these games. I've heard you talk about it before. Yeah, it's good, it's good.
um The cat expansions, is it's a bit of a via nebula. So if you go past a cat, you wake the cat up, and that cat actually has i like a something bad's gonna happen to you as you go past it. so ah But that game, it ended up being Martin won it in a draw with someone, and then I was one point behind, and then fuel was another one point behind me. So we're talking four points between first and fourth.
It was really good. I did back steam power and I saw the cat expansion and just immediately ignored it. I know. The cat expansion. and i and I don't want to speak out of turn here, but I felt like that was Cassie's influence. Yeah, it was. It was. Yeah. Not surprised. And honestly, it's not too bad.
It's not too bad. It's a different spin on it. So, you know, you have these cats sitting on pillows on the map. How does the scene fit into the train? It doesn't. There's no train. I can't even create it, mate. Maybe I can create it if I, you know, sat down and had a few beers or something like that. But no, you can't create it. But having the cats on the pillows as you go past them. In a train game, of course. Yeah.
I mean, that added beer into brass. like it's general I see where he's coming from. It was similar to Australia, right? Cthulhu in a train game, right? It's it's weird. um But but it it added a little bit of extra flavor to that what is you know steam power. But we were we were done within 40 minutes at a five-player.
So, no weird thing. Yeah, cool. That was 5 player. We played 5 player. Because Mark was in there as well. That was good. Really good. And then we played his other game, which is this little quick filler that he's got coming out soon. I can't remember what that's called. That's good fun as well. What about you G-Money? Obviously we all went to the game day and you didn't. Have you been playing anything noteworthy?
um Elder Scrolls. Board game. Okay, yeah, right. It is unbelievably good. The latest chip theory? Yep. Unbelievably good. It's like too many bones, but like a big campaign of too many bones. I can't say enough good stuff about it. And you've, you've done all the Skyrim stuff before, right? You come in with a bit of knowledge yeah of the world. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you think that is a, is a, like a, not a necessity, but like, okay.
Now, I think it's like, I reckon it's the kind of game where if you've got enough people who play like typical board games, like 40 minute, one hour, one hour, 10, you could get them into this. Yeah. Okay. It's like in the first session, we played three days worth of game, which is like probably 10, 20 minutes. I'd already got like two skill tree unlocks and a new skill tree in like 30 minutes. Yeah, cool.
Like we're almost, we've played it for probably about roughly four or five hours and we're almost ma almost max characters. Yeah, right. And like we are a third of the way through one of the five campaigns.
Fair enough. And like missions are like you just roll a dice and it's like you do a town event where you can go to town and do your skill training and buy items, etc. You can do an event event, which is what we call an event and offend event. um And one of them was, oh, you're walking along, you accidentally wade into a poisonous river, take the starting tile and flick cubes on, to flick dice onto it. if you If the dice lands on it, you're safe. If not, you're poisoned.
and The events can go from 30 seconds to 10 minutes and then there's just battles and everything's random you just keep playing and I just kept trying to flick cubes into Hague to try and knock him off but I managed to do the most impotent flick of a dice you will ever see it barely moved. There's a couple of those sort of style of a style of levels in Too Many Bones I think I've hit one once where we had to had to slide discs or something or slide dice or knock over towers or something like that. I can't remember exactly how it was, but it was like, hey, yo this is a dexterity dexterity game all of a sudden. Where'd this come from? Yeah, I think it's incredible.
Yeah. I didn't back it, but and didn but i but then I've heard that like what you said G money that it's because I didn't really get into clouds by and then I didn't, I didn't, I've never tried burn cycle. Um, and I, so I'd kind of like, you know, too many bones was kind of like my chip theory game. But then I heard that people are saying that it's, it's essentially just a, like a too many bones.
Um, but with fast improvements and in, um, in not only gameplay, but also in, like you said, in like the time per session, because the biggest downside with too many bones is if you want to play it and you want to play a session, it's a few hours. So you're saying that you can, you can punch through it a lot quicker. Yeah. Like you could play for an hour and still get significant progress.
Yeah. And especially if someone knows, like, there's not a lot to running the game. If someone was in charge of running the game, then just, you know, gamers can just play it. It's like, all I have to do is roll these dice and then make choices. It's great. It's like no time at all. Yeah, cool.
I can't think of what else. I also played Bloodstones. But I thought it was OK. I'm not a huge fan of that game. I played Jun Imperium at the game day, but Jun Imperium Uprising. It had been a little while. I was a little bit rusty, but I haven't played Uprising. I've only played the base game. However, we've got the three expansions, or two expansions I can't remember. and I like it. I like Jun Imperium expanded as I have it.
um And when that uprising came out, the general views that you read and or watched sort of suggested that, well, this is, you wouldn't, you wouldn't play Junior Imperium, you know, you'd play uprising. And maybe I need another play at it. You know, once again, it was a game where somebody else was teaching the rules. So maybe I just got to read the rule book. But it was, I sort of sat there when I I think it saved that saved me probably, what is it, 90 bucks? Because I was looking sitting there looking and going, I'm probably going to grab that because I like that game.
But it didn't seem like there was anything that special going on that that killed. Like, if you don't have Juniperium, by all means buy that, that makes perfect sense. It's still a good game. But i I'll stick with my copy of base Juniperium with my expansions. I don't think I'll rush out to get the the new version. But I don't know what everyone else's take on that was. But ah yeah, it did really, when when that game hit, it was this whole, oh this is, this is This is new to the Imperium. You'll want this." and And I didn't get that from the player I had. So, from memory, the person that taught you the uprising was Martin, wasn't it? Yes. He's getting taught by Martin Wallace how to play to an uprising. I didn't know how much teaching went on. I turned around and looked at their game and Martin was winning by five points. Martin would be He would be killing him.
And my my son, who was sitting there and and he was, um i he was floundering a bit because my wife and I are the ones who played you in Imperium. We've sort of picked that up after my son left and got a uni. So yeah, he was, I think he's played at once at home before and probably what, a year and a half, two years ago. um So he was really floundering. And yeah, I almost felt like I was um I sort of had to lift my game a little bit because, you know, Martin did seem to have that sort of very serious sort of approach to the game. And, and and I was sort of, I was happy to sort of take things as they went. Actually, we played that casus belli. And i game yeah after done on that one and yeah got I got absolutely smashed in that game. But I,
It was clear that it was clear while playing that it seemed to be bothering that in him that I was playing it in a very bad way. But I didn't really mind because I was doing my... I had one goal in the game and I didn't care. Winning ah winning the game wasn't actually my goal. There was the Borg or whatever. It's not the Borg because you can't be the Borg. But basically the Borg came out and started attacking my planets.
um And I just went, well, I'll kill one of their ships ah because they're really hard to kill. And I think it was bothering him that I hadn't realised that the thing to do was to play around them. I didn't care. I just wanted to blow up a big ship.
I managed to finish Clink Legacy just before we came down actually. Helen, my wife Helen, sorry. She came back for school holidays and the first thing we did, she got home on Sunday and she was like, right, when are we going around to Joe and Shannon's to finish Clink Legacy? So Monday night, we rock up and we play our second last game and then Tuesday night we backed it up and played our last game of it.
And it was it was a really it was quite funny actually. It was ah almost a almost a miss mixed up, messed up final game because I won't go into too much obviously because it's a legacy game and I don't want to spoil it for people. But there's an event that happens in the last round of the game that if you don't achieve it, then um it may not be your last game.
And we achieved it, but forgot to do anything about that. So we assumed that we'd lost. And I will driving home and Joe rings up and goes, um, you know how we found all those friends? Well, we didn't read the, we didn't read the thing that comes from that. So do you guys want to come back? So we literally turned around, went back and like in the third line of what happened, it basically said that you're going to finish the game this time. So.
We were like, oh, shit. So then we had to sit down and work out all the scoring and I'd scored zero in the last round. So I was quite happy to have to replay it and all this. And it was just it was hilarious. But it was so it's such a great legacy game. It's I'd say it's my favorite legacy game for sure. um What was interesting is the whole way through it, because it's a competitive game.
The whole way through it, we didn't actually know what it was going to take to win the campaign because is it the person who won the most individual games? Every game they have what's called an associate spotlight, which you don't necessarily win when you get that. It's just something that you get if you do something specific to that particular mission.
um if you if you don't get above the lining clank and die then you score zero points so like it does that does it factor in how many overall points you get like there's all these different ways you can sort of measure it up to see who would win and without giving anything away we got to the end and I scored so they score you in stars I scored half a star Shannon scored half a star Helen scored no stars and Joe scored seven and a half stars So without actually knowing what to do, he did everything right. So to the point where we were questioning like, did you like, did you read ahead? Did you figure out, you know, it just seems so unbelievable. Every time we read out a new thing, it's like, oh, wow. Well, that's Joe. I was like, oh, that's Joe again. So he smashed us. But it was such a great time. It was some of the some of the yeah cards that came out, some of the events that you had to do. We had a really good group in the sense that whenever we got a quest,
everyone put aside winning the game as their main priority to make sure that we did all the things. We pressed all the buttons, we did all the quests. And um yeah if we got home, then that was a bonus where you could play that with someone who's just a bit more ruthless and they go, well, bugger the quests. I'm just going to go and get myself a, what do you call it? What are the things you get? A gosh, I can't even think.
um The things you go and collect that you need, I can't remember what they are now, but then you take the um you can take them home and an artifact. There we go. You get your artifact and you go home. and When you go home with your artifact, you can just sit at home and draw cubes out of the bag trying to kill all the other players. You could quite easily have raced down, grab an artifact, race back, and just try to kill the opponents. You would have probably smashed everybody. But the fact that none of us cared about that, we cared about pressing all the buttons, just made it.
a longer experience, no doubt, but a much better experience. So I absolutely, it's a 100% recommend. I've already got season two on order. So um yeah, excellent.
And I wasted all of my money buying Jim Dark Magic because of UG money. yes and i And I personally blame that move on me sucking so bad in the last round.
ah because I had no feet. He didn't come with any feet so I couldn't move and I kept getting stuck and I'm like and when he was up there was another card that had two feet that I could have bought but I had enough for Jim so I'm like nah bugger it I'm buying Jim and that was a bad that was a big mistake but you were the coolest though well apparently according to you and you only he is the worst wizard ever though Well, I can back i could back that up. There we go. He actively went, I'm going to jump up in in the air upside down, shoot magic missiles, and then land in acid once.
I really want you to play that G money and hear you talk about it, because with that background that you have, i ah i'd be I'd love to know whether you would think, oh, it was pretty poorly done in comparison to the RPG, or you would be the same as me and go, that was freaking awesome. But yeah i'd say yeah, if and when you do play that, I'd love to chat with you about what you thought of it.
If only you had a mechanism to chat about it together with the podcast or something. Well, unfortunately I kind of can't talk about it. yeah I might actually have to like dial numbers. irish
and Two cups on the end of a piece of string. So I have some more questions for Mark. Okay. We've just been scrolling through all our old questions that we still ask ourselves. So this is sort of how you win games, is you? No, it's not how you win games. There's a slip in pressure on that. Still need to know about that stuff. That's just innate. I win anyway. Alan just wins. All I do is win. All I do is win. Win this group only. All right. What are three games you would take with you if you marooned on a desert island?
You know, that's the funniest thing because I think when Steve contacted me today, we he's been asking me to go on this for a little while and um I usually say no. um and Fuck you too. yeah he'si Anyway, so we just, the thing about it is we tend to, I tend to ring up Steve and talk for now about games anyway. So ah yeah.
It's sort of fine, but we were talking about that earlier today, and I was talking about your three games you would take. Actually, I had 10 games I'd take into a nuclear bunker is actually the way I said it at the time. And I don't know for sure what all of them are, but I know one of them would be Calico. um and And the reason I said that at a time is um Of the games that do what Calico does, it's the best in my opinion. I was always amazed that Cascadia was released by the same publishing house after Calico. I felt like they got the game right and then they released what looked like the prototype for the right game, if that makes sense. I think Cascadia is, I think Steve agrees with me here. is it's it's
It's a past time. It's not a game. um it's It's something you do and you you put the tiles out and you go, hey, i look at that. i We played for an hour and I won by one point. for some reason, um whereas Calico is, you know, you are playing the game. um So I've got a lot of other games I prefer to Calico, but you know, if I had to choose between, um but i but as i say what I say earlier today, you know, Brass, Birmingham, Art, Nerva, then they're kind of scratching the same itch. um But I would, ah much to Shane's disgust, I would definitely take obsession.
um i I love that game. Tomorrow, the next... Fucking shit game, that one. it is it is for most i fully I fully agree with you to extend.
um You have to, like a lot of games, I guess, if you play it, um what the guy does, what I like about what the the designer of it, what he does is he's is he made one game. And then he just keeps supporting it. And so each time there's ah there's a new expansion, as well as that in the rule book, comes some ideas on how to get the best out of your obsession experience. And so um there is variations that we play with in the house. And I know when we got into BGA earlier in the year,
Um, it was almost like it was, I was playing a different game on BJ because they were playing with not this alteration of the rules and not that alteration of the rules. And, uh, yeah, depending on what play count you're at, there's ways to make it a little bit more interesting. And I suppose it's also one of those games where if I'm playing with my wife, we're we're done in 40 minutes. Um, it i got i've got so even, even when I'm going to, you know, Lord Farqua,
You know, it takes Dame Edna to the badminton court for, you know, a bit of frisky frisky action. but but That's how we try and take that game to. And it's just shit.
It is shit. He has this game of all time. He's one of those games where, I know there's other games around where people play it enough and they start to see the connections and they, and immediately, you know, a card comes out and they're like, that's a good card. And you're sitting there going, you know, cause you're playing game two of the game and you're like, how do you know that's a good card? And it's gotten to that stage where my wife and I will play and you get to the end with the scores. And you know, we're just like,
one I'll win or she'll win and and the loser will invariably say, yeah, I just couldn't find an American. um You know, because the Americans have all the money. and they better What's that? They all had negative value.
They all have negative value, but at yeah at least they have money. you can yeah While you've got a low reputation, you can hang around with Americans, that's okay. um you got to get yeah you got to You get a start. and so and The comedy's there in the game, sort of, but like it's nicely put into there. I've just played enough of it, and once again, you've got a... I think you have to have the upstairs downstairs expansion. um I've not enjoyed the games anywhere near as much without it, because It adds, I guess it gets going a bit quicker and it adds extra um servants and you generally get more servants as well. So it just makes the game work a little bit better. ah But one of the biggest things, because we play a lot at two player, there's one rule variation where you just every round take the lowest ranked tile and throw it away. And so that tile market keeps moving. um And I know when we first started playing it, that was that was something that if we didn't do that,
If I didn't buy a card, ah didn't buy a tile, and then my wife had her go and she didn't buy a tile, it'd come back to me and you're like, she didn't want any of those in the first place. It's just, yeah, it starts to get a bit stale. But yeah, it does need it does need a bit of playing because that rule book at first, when you're going back to it for the first time in three or four months and you just want to check,
um it It's generally done well the rule book once you know the game, but if you're trying to put it to the table and you haven't played it for six months, you're going to spend an hour looking through and finding things. time But oh yes that's true of a lot of games.
So I guess I'll take obsession and I guess Shane's not coming to the desert island with me. I'm going to say Nikosu Dice.
um in my run with tricktakers of late, um that game just melts my head. i um The one regret I had from the game day um was we got to the end of the day and I'm packing up, and some lady, I don't know her name, she walked past the games that I'd sort of got out at the end of the day going, oh, maybe we'll play this, and she saw that. And she's like, oh, I so want to play that night. Oh, I so wanted to find you three hours ago. oh ah But yeah, it's... um it's It's just a trick. A lot of the trick taker games, they're nice and light and fluffy. This one is one that you will melt your brain. um There's dice and there's cards. Both of them um are equal. So if you've got a fire if you've rolled a five purple, that's the same as a five purple card.
um And so you get dealt your hand of cards, and then ah yeah but depending on player count, there's a number of dice that are in the middle that you draft. And the dice that nobody, the dice, sorry I should say, dice, dice is a singular. um The dice that nobody drafts becomes the trump dice.
um So that it has this whole leftover mechanic. The thing that you don't want or that no one takes becomes the Trump. um And then as well as that, while you've got your cards and they're private to you, the dice are public information and the last dice that you would, you after you play your second last dice, you've only got one dice left.
And that now is your bid. So ah you can have a situation where you've got ah a yellow one and a green six sitting on your on your board. And um you yeah yeah you want to play you want to bid one because you've won one trick and that's all you're going to get. And somebody leads to that one. And so you have to play it. Now you bid six. um So it's got that. You've got you've got to leave yourself options. you've got to yeah it It is just one of those games that when you're playing it, it does your head in. I am awful at it. um like to I come last most of the time, but I love that game. So there you go, there's three games. That'll do for now. Wonderful, all right. What's your favourite game of all time?
um Arkham Horror, LCG, I'd have to say. It's Close with Aeon's End. um I've played a lot of Aeon, I've played it played a lot of both, but yeah, Arkham Horror got to the stage where I had to pack it away because my wife, ah probably that would definitely be my wife's favourite game. My wife would probably play that game and only that game until the end of time.
And so occasionally I just have to pack it away. When we finish a campaign, I purposely pull the characters all apart and put them back in their little booklets and those sorts of things, because we just never play anything else. Once it's going, that's it. And it's just such a great little sandbox.
They can, because of the way it's designed, you can have campaigns that vary widely. We've done a few of the print and play ones. Last year, my wife and I worked our way through the Alice in Wonderland fan made campaign for that. And ah the fan made stuff, honestly, sometimes is better than the produced stuff. There's so much love and care that goes into that stuff.
And yeah, this had a ah beautiful little sort of mechanic where you at the start you decide if you're going to go through the looking glass or down the rabbit hole. And that affects the order in which you you do all of the missions in Wonderland. And it affects the setup and and the way those play. But yeah, it's although I still find myself hanging on to one of the earlier games I played, ah there is a character um I'm going to forget the character's name because I just call him Duke because he has a dog. ah Ashcan Pete is his name and his little his little sidekick is a dog and you don't play Ashcan Pete, you play the dog.
And the dog works really well for you if you keep him fed, and he eats items. So you feed him any item you can. And there's just so something so fun with sort of going, oh, I need to attack this bad guy. ah Here you go, Duke. Eat this magnifying glass and help me out here. ah yeah yeah yeah I fed him the newspaper. I fed him magnifying glasses. I fed him shoes. ah He would eat anything. And if he ate it, it was We were strong. But yeah. it is it's it's
It's many games all in one. it's It's more that there's just sort of a ah sandbox to play in. Very similar, I guess, to Skyrim, ah which I quite like. i'm ah I've not played the actual the the game you were talking about before G-Money, but too many hours into the actual video game.
Excellent. um Couple more. What's a game that you're desperate to play but haven't had a chance to yet? oh I don't have many going at the moment. I used to, I've slowed down a bit with the kickstarter and all the Kickstarter and all that sort of stuff. I'll have to think about that one. I've got no answer for that right now. That's okay. What's a game that you don't get why people have a hype for it? Similar to Shane with obsession.
oh that
i I go through phases with Wingspan, but I played Wingspan on Friday night. And having spent probably the last year trying to convince my son that it's not as bad as we thought it was, um my son and I sat down and had an atrocious game ah where it just seemed like the cards were against us. And I know that's not how it was. And I'm probably the way I played it. And somebody else could sit down and play it better than I did. But I saw more cards than anyone at the table.
uh you know put a lot of time into the into the water row and it just seemed that everybody else was picking up the gold and I was seeing the rubbish uh but yeah it's it is one of those games I've it's particularly bad on board game arena, because if you're playing with some people from, from, you know, America and Europe and those sorts of places, once people start getting those cards that, you know, when someone does this, you can do this, you know, you you trust me and you've got wait two days for it to come back to you so you can finish your turn. It's, um it's, it's a ah refuse to play it on board game arena. But yeah, it is, it's just not as good
as it gets the credit for, in my opinion. It's still a good game, but it's not Aeon's end good. It's not obsession good. not Stop it. The Greatest Card Game is just on my left hand shoulder right there. Can you see that? Yeah. No one else can see that. But Glory to Rome is the greatest card game of all time.
Oh, I've, I had an opportunity. That's, that's the one you've got to basically get a reprint done now. It's, it's, is that right? Or am I the original one? I have my left hand child. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. You are right though, Mark. It's the game that no one has a license to make anymore, but it's correct. Yeah. Yes.
yes kal chaek yeah greatest card yeah all time brilliant I'm part of a Facebook group where they were, again, most of you guys probably are similar as well, but they were, that went around a little while ago, I think there was a- Doing a reprint for 85 bucks. Yeah, something like that, yeah.
i didn't I didn't get on it, but I was i was and interested immediately in in the in a game that people, much like Netrunner. um yeah any any game Any game that the fanbase keeps alive, even though you can't buy the game again, it's immediately sort of interesting, isn't it? It's it's that thing where you go, well, there must be something to it if if it's stopped being published, but there's people still out there trying to get it. Yeah. You can play the original with me.
I'll bring it, greatest card game ever. Love it. It's a date.
And that is, in the TV show, the OC, what did the... Jeez, really? No. What did the Coens and their guests eat for Thanksgiving dinner? Turkey? I've never watched the OC. That's the correct answer.
that would The correct answer is Chinese food. how base is The correct answer is no thank you. that love to go to the yeah That's fantastic. That is the payoff. If you listen to an hour of this podcast you just, that's the gold. You must switch it up now. It's all down the hill.
It's funny like we've had guests on before and we've asked those same questions and I've been really interested and I don't mean this to say that I wasn't interested. I've just heard all of that before. So i think I spent my time looking at DG going boy that guy looks like he's drunk half a bottle of whiskey today. guys good ice coffees for run out i'm like once I was expecting T.G. to keep it kick going on it. It started at lunchtime, mate, so I'm tired. Got him out of his misery. yes Well, on that note, we might we might wind it up there. Thank you, Mark, for guesting on the podcast tonight.
No problems. And thanks to everyone else. And it was awesome to play games with you guys again. It was great. Always a pleasure to come down to Brizzy and catch up. And hopefully next time I'll get to catch up with Gene Money. But in the meantime, ah thanks to everyone. And we'll catch everyone on in podcast land again, whenever we do this again, whenever that is. Hopefully never.