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Episode 19: F%#k, s#1t, c***, BGA and more. image

Episode 19: F%#k, s#1t, c***, BGA and more.

S1 E19 ยท Board Game Chinwag
73 Plays1 year ago

This week we listen to our audience and swear more. It comes more natural to some than others.

Definitely includes explicit content.


Introduction & Hosts

Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Board Game Chinwag. Thank you very much for all of your attention. We would firstly like to apologize for our poor G-rated previous episode. So we're going to make a special effort this evening. Thanks to some feedback we got from some great friends to be a little bit more sweary. So please, if you're listening to this one in your car with your kids, maybe tune out for a little while. I'm your host for this evening, Dave. And with me, I have Mr. Steve.
How the fuck are you? Pretty fucking great. Excellent. Helen. I think you got really unnatural, but I'm going. I was really nervous. Hey buddy. Shayna. I'm fucking awesome. She thought. And G money. I'm okay. Insert cuss word here. You're not fucking adequate.
No, I'm okay. Not that insufficient. I had a great day today.

Swearing & Listener Feedback

Adequate and fucking adequate would be slightly different. Are you a fucking dalo? I could never do that. Are you a fucking benefit?
I would definitely fuck Ben Affleck to Dan. Oh, there we go. No, it was me, Damon. It was fucking Matt Damon, wasn't it? It's both of them. Oh, anyway. Look, it's going to be an interesting one this evening because we literally have no topic. I think we're just going to sit around and talk some shit. We might talk about some games that we played. We did get a good game of John Company in with a few of us in the group. And I think there's a fair bit to talk about with that one. Otherwise, just listen to the chinwag.
definitely some swearing in this episode, but try not to be as forced as we were in the intro, everybody. Or in Steve's case, so nervous. I do swear though. It just felt weird to like, I have to swear now. That was great.
So what games have we been playing?

Games Played Overview

I know Shane, you've had a fairly big hectic week. I've had a hectic week. We'll leave, maybe leave John company for a bit later for us all to talk about, given that was just brilliant. That was such a fun night and a real brainburner of a game. But we all learned it together, which was even better. But I also played on a Thursday night. We got
a brilliant game of Distilled. So after Dave mentioned how great it was last episode, Pastor Nick came around on Thursday night for chilled out games at Shane's house and
which is going to be an ongoing thing on Thursday night, just four people, whoever they are, can just rock up to my house and we play a game. But we played distilled and Dave, I agree. It was fantastic. I spent the whole night making two barrels of tequila and ended up with a massive, I think it was like a 40 point score.
near the in the last round for a point scoring and I was dead last but then I think I ended up second in the end which wasn't too bad but really enjoyable simple mechanics once you got into it but I realized that
Potentially, you know, just don't make tequila for the whole game. Maybe branch out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But when you, when you succeeded, did you go, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. Every move I was seeing in that. Yeah.
That's worth it, just for the whole game. You're right, that would be a game where you'd want to sing along. Like, not just with tequila, like, oh, there's drinks, there's songs about it. He makes a whiskey drink. He makes a side drink. He makes the vodka drink. Oh, God. I don't know if I could do that. He makes the activate drink.
Because the basic spirit that you make is if you don't get any other ingredients as vodka. Or moonshine. Yeah, or moonshine. But then you got aquavit, I think it is, aquavit, which everyone can make that almost. It's not very hard to make. But yeah, tequila is the hardest one to make. And then to age, the tequila is even harder.
because you add flavors. And that's what I really liked about the flavor card. Some of the flavors you can chuck into your whiskies or your tequilas. But no, my character was Pella di Esquilante. So like I was chosen to make tequila, to be honest with you. And I just went down that path. Super fun. And yeah, looking forward to playing that again.
I think the replayability is pretty high too because you can change all the spirits. So I didn't, we didn't have tequila in my game. We had a whole bunch of other stuff, but the flavors make it really fun. I think one person made bacon, maple bourbon, and someone else made like peaty tobacco whiskey. I'd go either of those, I think.
It's almost taken all the different types of flavor and notes that you get from wine. So vomit, socks, ass of the dog. But all the different types of flavors you can age your kids with.

Shane's Gaming Experiences

Super fun. I really enjoyed it. And then on Friday, I had Cass and Anita around from Friday night.
Every fortnight they're going to come around for a game night. And we played a very macabre game called Abomination. I don't know if anyone's played it here.
I had been involved in a game, but I didn't make it to the end, unfortunately. I love The Bloody Inn, which is a fantastic game where you're killing off people that stay in your hotel and trying to dodge the police, and sometimes you kill the police too. But in this game, I was a psychopath, and my special rule was I couldn't lose heart health, so I couldn't lose health, or I couldn't gain health for the whole game.
However, I could go to the alleyway and just murder people. So I pretty much spent every round murdering someone and then either keeping their body parts to make my Frankenstein or on selling body parts to the market to get money.
and then just buying off and blocking people along the way. Is there a big market for spare body parts? Massive market, you wouldn't believe. Different types of organs and bones.
At one point, I did have too many bones. I couldn't collect any more. So you had a maximum amount of organs you can carry, of course. But the organs spoil as well. So every round, your organs go up a level, which means you're going to get less points if you're adding those organs to build your body parts for your Frankenstein. But however, you can buy ice to keep the organs on ice.
Like it, this is, it's a sick game, but jeez, it was good fun. Um, and typical Anita, she has everything blinged out. So in the actual base combination game, it's just little cubes. So red cubes of blood. I think it's orange cubes of peak heads and peak bodies. And then you've got, uh, Brown, which are your bones. And then, uh, I think it's blue is your organs.
But no, Nita's got lungs, eyes, actual bones, ribs, pig's heads, carcass of the pig's body. Were you just building this? Did she pull up in a trailer or something? They're all 3D printed. But then she's got coffins as well that all the body parts are coming out of, so you're pulling the body parts out of a coffin.
So thematically, it was great. I just wanted to play Rocky Horror Picture, so soundtrack in the background, though, because it would have been just perfect soundtrack for that game. But I did really well on it for my first play, and I think Anita scored a higher score. I think she's played multiple plays of it. And I'm waving as well, even though I'm not on camera. And yeah, super fun. Radio gold, I think. Very enjoyable.
For those playing at home, my son just walked into the camera in the background, realises on camera, ran out and then was like, oh no, hang on, I'm going to come back and wave everyone. Yeah. Hey Shane, how many days a week do you actually play games? Last week was a rare one. I actually normally try and only play one to two nights a week for gaming only because it's, I've got such a busy, hectic work life. It's, it's nice to just have at least one game a night where I can just chill out.
However, you know, there's people in our group that reached out and said, you know, we'd like to have a game night on this night, but no one wants to put anything together. So I put something together. And then on the Friday night, Cass and Anita have got a spare fortnight. So they asked to continue a fortnightly gaming place at my place. So I said, okay. So you'll do one week of two, one week of three. One week of two, one week of one. Okay. All right. Cause ferrets not every week.
ferrets every fortnight as well. So ferrets next week. Nice. Again, for those playing at home, the ferret is a location where Shane goes and plays board games. He doesn't have a board game called ferret that he plays regularly every fortnight. No, he fucking does. He study his own Dungeons and Dragons called the ferret.
And I'm sure if I want to continue my 30 years of marriage with my wife, probably best I just limit it to that. I have to say, that's why I was like a little concerned. I'm like, it feels like you play five days a week. We did ask Lauren to come out and play Abomination with us last night. And she's like, hell no. I'm not surprised. Actually, she said, she said, fuck no. We're in that episode tonight where we can swear.
Well, that's every episode, but, you know, we're taking on board your feedback. Thank you, friendly listeners.

Helen's Game Night

Oh, all two of you. Helen, what did you, did you play any games this week? I did. I was saying to the boys earlier, um, G-Man and Shane, I had a bit of a hectic week. My dog was in hospital for three days. Um,
So I'm not allowed to buy board games for three years to pay for bills. But I did manage to go and play some games on Friday night. I played Ex Libris.
which I don't know if you guys know that one, but it's basically you're getting library books and having to put them in alphabetical order on a shelf and there's got to be stability on the shelf and there's cards, books that you don't want to get because they lose your points and you'll have a special type of book that you get extra points for. And then there's other things that give you points along the way. So that was a fun game. I've never played it before. So try to play new things.
But I thought it was good. It was a bit shorter too. It was not, you know, as meaty. And then it was, it was really hard to find for a long time. Like they did a, like a long time between print runs and there's a lot of people chasing it as like an out of print game. So there's a bit of a sort of underground following for it. I think I didn't actually get to play it either.
Yeah, no, I enjoyed it. And it's gotten me slightly closer to the whole playing a Garfield game because it was made by the same publishers. So I'm sort of to the side step at the moment. I haven't still played a Garfield game, but I've played one that was made by similar, like the same company physically made it rather than designed it, if that makes sense. I think I've explained that properly.
Um, but no, I thought it was a good game. I think it's, yeah, I think it was fun. We were talking at lunch on Friday about, you know, gamers versus non-gamers. And it's like, they were saying, you know, this example of, there's a game where you get library books and have to put them in alphabetical order. And I said, that sounds awesome. And he goes, exactly, but it wouldn't to a normal person. So, um, but no, it was good. And then we played.
At like 10, I'm like, oh, I should go by 12. So what should we play? And we decided to play Ark Nova. So that finished at 2am. But, um, it was really good. I loved it. So, and we had a really close scoring game of that actually. So one person had 10 points, but the other two were, were 35 and 36. So really going down to the wire. It was a good game. So that's what I've managed to get on the table. Nice. How about you, Steve?
It's a bit of a weird week because I've been my game

Steve's Game Comparisons

day at work. My lunchtime games only happened on Tuesday because I wasn't actually in the office on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. So we played Sushigo Party, which is always, you know, it's a game that I almost forget how good it is.
Because it just sits on the shelf, and it's not a difficult game. So I'm rarely jumping around going, oh, I want to play Sushi Go Party. But far out, that's a good game. It's like I taught four people who never played a game like that before, never played any kind of drafting game. We're playing within two minutes. They understood what they're doing within three minutes. And we smashed out a game in about 30 minutes with the teach. Then we backed it up straight away with another game that went for about 15 minutes.
It's just so clever and it's it's card drafting. Everyone loves card drafting. And they started towards the middle of the second game, they started figuring out that they could do a bit of hate drafting. So they look at the person next to them and go, oh, you want this card. So I'm going to take it.
And I'm like, yeah, cool. So that was a real hit. So it's been a long time since I played that. But that was definitely a good one. But then, yeah, I've been home for the last few days. So I've kind of had a rebirth on board Game Arena, which has been a long time coming. I think I went a little bit over the top about a year or so ago and
probably consumed far too much of my time. But I got to play a really, really good game of TO on there where I lost by two points and I beat third by I think one point and fourth was like five points behind. So the spread from first to last was like eight points in a four player game.
which was insane. And then I've like, Shane, I know you spoke about bad company and I've owned bad company now and I've played it.
And I'm here to say it is not a space-based killer, to the point where I've been playing a bit more space-based again. And that game, it's just, it's bad company came out first, and then space-based came out, people would be saying that space-based is the bad company killer. Because maybe it's just me, but what I love about space-based is the
the combos are like the building up and then, you know, oh, if someone rolls this, I'm going to be able to go nuts and do all of these things. And bad company kind of restricts what you can do there because it only only lets you do, I think, seven or eight upgrades in the whole game where space base is just like, just go for gold. Just have 30 upgrades if you want. Just go for gold. And I love it. I just, yeah, I got beaten by the, by the you win card twice, which is
insane because I don't think I've ever seen that before. On BGA. And it was so annoying because I'd triggered the endgame and I was on 51 points and no one was over 40. And there's one guy's like, 12, 12, 12, 12, and then he rolled a 12 and won the game like he passed it.
But no, it's still awesome. But yeah, other than that, been playing a bit of Ark Nova with Dave, which has been awesome. And so I haven't really had anything new come across. But I do have one really cool thing, which is a bit of a callback to Dan, your former 2D6 partner, Dave.
He was always keen to get me into tabletop war gaming, and it's not my jam. And then they played Blood Bowl one night when I was there. And I kept looking over because it sounded like they were just doing an NFL fantasy draft kind of thing. And he's like, it's pretty much what it is. And he's like, but knowing you, he's like, don't buy Blood Bowl. You need to get a copy of Dread Bowl.
And I'm like, OK, I don't even know what that is.

Steve's Exciting Purchase

And so we I was I went to the local store here. I've been to other stores and they're like, oh, no, that's that's out of print. It's been out of print for years. Picked up a copy online the other day for 50 bucks painted. So I'm like, happy day. So I've got Dread Ball coming in the mail and I'm going to be able to apparently is like a basketball version of Blood Bowl, which that sounds like me to a T. So I'm actually more excited about what's coming in the post than
playing anything at the moment. So yes. I saw you buy that on the marketplace post. Yeah. A bit of a departure for Mr. Jivards. Yeah. Well, I hope Dan's right in his assumptions because he's pretty sure that I'd really like that one. So yeah. We played a hell of a lot of blood bowl.
And so blood bowl is very much NFL, but almost with soccer scoring. And then it's more of a miniatures game where you actually just get to smash each other and hurt people rather than anything else. It's, it's like a skirmish sort of game where dread ball is actually a game that I guess it probably is similar to basketball.

John Company First Impressions

Um, some of the scoring and some of the angles and then like the distance means you get more points. So yeah, it'll be keen to see how you go that I, I played a couple of games. I played a couple of leagues. It wasn't.
wasn't really for me because it was sort of, it's very technical and fiddly. And I think if I'm playing a skirmish war game, I'm keen to just smash people around. If I'm playing a board game, it was a little bit too sort of fiddly, but keen to see what you think. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, that's really me. It's an old game, it's BGA and, uh, yeah, excitement about things coming in. So I'll, I'll handle whatever. Gamoni. Oh, hello everybody. Um, what did I do?
I let DG talk about John Company. I played Scout and Golem, which was really good. I hadn't played Scout before, but it's really, really, really fun once you get into it for a bit. Golem I liked a lot.
Um, the scores were me, me and the other guy were like 48 and 49 and then Haig scored 127. Cause we, we did not read the rules or care. And he did, he did the homework. Such a fucking criminal. What is column? Uh, it's this weird, like you got to.
golems go across the track and you've got to follow them with researchers and then you like research all about this stuff but it's jewish and i don't understand why there's dreidels everywhere and yeah i was confused but it was fun um i played a bit of that game i can't believe how excited i want to play golem based on that review yeah yeah i don't know why i did i was i was too afraid to ask
I asked for Mountain Jew but no one gave me any. I played Frosthaven and my new team is like really starting to sing now so I'm happy about that. I played Pax Premiere, I played three games of Pax Premiere today. I played a bunch of Architects of the West Kingdom on BGA and I played, I'm back on the Terraforming Mars app. So that was me.
We should hook up a game, G-Money. I was actually, um, that's something else that happened. My sister contacted me on Saturday morning. She's like, Oh, you're up for some terraforming sometime today. I'm like, yeah, that sounds great. And then I fucking forgot. And I was like eating dinner and I was looking at my shelf going, Oh, terraforming Mars. Oh, fuck.
Um, so, uh, and then I messaged her. I'm like, Oh, I'm really sorry. I'm a shit brother. And she's like, Oh, that's okay. I forced someone else to play a game with me instead. Um, but yeah, she's keen to play. So, um, yeah, like we'll definitely have to hook up a couple of games on the app for sure. Is the app pretty good? Fantastic. It's amazing. All right. I shall download now. Hours of your life lost right there. So tell us about Paximia.
Oh, packs for me. Um, I've never played any of those. It's not Jewish. There's no dreidels and I was equally as confused. Yeah. Afghans and British people. Um, really, really, really liked it. It took us a while. The first couple of games were like, we're playing it. And he's like, yeah, I can win now. And just one.
And that happened again. And then the last game went for like three of the, um, dominance cards that I managed to win right on the third one. The first two games were like, yeah, you got to pay attention. Um, but then eventually we all kind of got it and loved it. Super, super loved it. I think it's fantastic. Have you played Renaissance before? Apparently that is the best of the three. That's what they.
a lot of the reviewers tell you. So, I have to get that one at the table. Well, and I'm keen to hear even maybe afterwards what the comparison is with John Company, because they're obviously the same designer and, you know,
the play-through for John Company that I was watching this week, he said he started Whirligig Games called Whirly to make those two games, but John Company was the one he really wanted to make that he enjoyed the most. So yeah, I'm keen to hear how it compares to your money, but as you said, we played John Company second edition for the first time this week.
And it was a very enjoyable evening for most of us. There was some of the players that didn't enjoy it so much. It was a rule book learn for all five of us at the game. Again, not quite along the lines of what the walkthrough video said, where it was almost have a game, ask one person that knows how to play it and teach everybody else on the fly. So we didn't do that. We all decided to learn from the book and I think we fucked a couple of things up.
Still quite an enjoyable experience, I think. So there was elements that came through from John company for me, uh, a little bit of Twilight Imperium. There's a lot of negotiation and trading and you're supposed to actually work with the players, which we didn't all that much. Uh, there's also a lot of ways to fuck people over, which again, we didn't do too much of, but the whole premise of the game being the Dutch or British East India company.
So there's the company that you all work for and you'll have roles in and the roles are at the start equally driven, given out by cards, and then you can negotiate and trade them and the characters retire as you go through and play the game. But each person has a pivotal role or multiple roles within the company to try and make it succeed. So you're building up your shares and you're taking over parts of India and you're building your shipping fleet and you're trading your goods, but at the same time,
somebody's got to win. So you're trying to also get money for yourself and your family out of the roles that you're doing in the company. And there's a lot of ways that the company can actually fail completely, which ends the game. And then you divvy out based on how successful you weren't. Um, so if, if the company fails at everybody, that's a shareholder loses victory points. So if you've got a share in the company, you invested in it, winning and doing well and succeeding. And at the same time you're trying to,
hold onto your position like the chairman or the shipping master or whatever it is. Really interesting sort of interplay between the roles and the games. But for us, it was a great learning experience. I think we got three turns through the game. Yeah, did three rounds. Three rounds, yep.
Um, a few retirements, a few poor roles, a few people that just weren't all super interested in the game. But other than that, it's a really enjoyable experience. And it's got, as I said, there's notes of Twilight appearing with the promissory notes and the fact that you can trade your positions around. Um, there's a little bit of area control, but I think the main thing is that I really enjoyed the fact that you're either all trying to pull together or you're not, and you don't really know. And it can depend on what roles you have within the company.
So very excited to play it again soon. I think it's one of those games that it does polarize people a little bit. It's gonna be hard to get a group of people together to play that game. It's a longer game, it's a complex game. There's a bit of backstabbing, bit of fuckery. So I think it'll be an experience-y type game similar to TOI rather than anything else. But yeah, thank you both of you for playing. Any insights that you guys wanted to add into that?
Um, I would say that the real game is the negotiation and you'd have to play it a few times to get all the actions in. The actions aren't as important as the negotiation. So you'd have to play it quite a bit before you all started going. No, he can't have that because he's going to do this and she can't do that because she's going to do that. That kind of stuff. Yeah. I think the main thing that we missed from the teaching that the run-through that we did is.
you're supposed to like Shane did a little bit of fraud and embezzlement, which as a banker was quite interesting and entertaining. But it was like light fraud, light fraud. Tiki fraud. Yeah. But the you are actually supposed to play it that way. So you're supposed to
build up and stack the riders in the presidency of the area that you have and then force people to make that president make money for you. And then sort of keep that nepotism going where you just hire yourself. So you're kind of bodging the actions around you getting the money out of being the president of wherever. Yeah, we didn't really do that. We sort of, I think there's a light negotiation that we could have put a lot more backstabbery into.
And I think it's about setting up your family for success, like fuck everyone else, and make sure that you're retiring in the lavish village that you can afford and the most that you can afford. But also too, if you've got the big roles like the chairman or the minister of trade, that you are promoting others in your family, not being Mr. Nice Guy and promoting everyone else around the table. We'll give it as our first game.
versus me saying, you know what, now I'm promoting Camilla. In you go, Camilla, you can go now as a minister of trade, because we've just retired Ingrid. Ingrid's now got off into retirement and I'm paying for her whilst I'm just also about to embezzle a heap of money from our expenses. So the move that the Carter had, and it had to be played just for the experience factor. So we made all this money at the end of the round, and then before the expenses
were to be taken out. So you've got to pay for your army. You've got to pay for all your other family that are out there as well. They all cost you money. So before the expenses came, I threw down my card that said roll your dice, whatever the pips come out as, double off those pips out of the expenses. So if I rolled a six and we're sitting at 36, 36 income, that's going to go down to 24. And that money comes to me.
So money is critical in this game. It's a low scoring game when it comes to money. I only rolled a three, but still that was, you know, still six, six out of the income that came directly to me. And it totally fucked us. Like we couldn't pay our debts and we had to take some emergency loans to just to cover the debts. And also.
Shane had been bodging this thing together with the shareholders that he could like super over-debt the company. So then we got a lucky, so we were at maximum debt, one more debt and we'd fail. And that's the most that you can do. And you can only do that with agreement of majority of shareholders, which was one other person. So Shane managed to pull that off. Then we got a card that wiped away all of our debt. And then Shane immediately put us completely back into full debt and then embezzled the money. It's one of those games where I think
like almost like a TI and Nemesis, there's going to be a narrative that comes out of a lot of the games.

John Company Strategies

So if you can sit there with a group of experienced people that know how they're doing it, not screw up the rules like we fucked a couple, that you can just really get an awesome experience out of that game. I actually had a, we went from, I go for a walk with coffee with some of my team on Friday morning or every morning, we have to walk for coffee before we start our day. And I was actually explaining to the house people we did the night before. And I said, you know, I had a late night.
playing this, you know, new game, you know, a group of mates. And I actually explained the game to them. These guys are non-gamers, but it's basically, I was just talking in bank talk to them. You know, you're doing this, doing this, doing this, doing this. And they're like, that sounds like really cool. It's like, is that like the grass is greener thing? Like, whoa, we could be bad people over there.
And then Shane's like, I played the embezzlement card and then immediately, like, you know, bank security team comes up. And then eventually, we did eventually pay dividends out to the family, which I had, you know, myself and Luke had the majority shareholders, so we were getting the money from that as well. And it was really good. But that money, that card that G-Money had where it just wiped out debt, it was a brilliant card.
You know, I saw Grant have it and I was like, Grant, that's just got to be played. Yeah. So I think there's a game to coming where there's a lot more negotiation, a lot more trading, a lot more like horse trading where you're actually saying, I will give you this for you to give me that role. And, you know, one of the key things in the game is you.
You're not allowed to conduct nepotism where you hire your own family for roles behind yourself, unless everybody's cool with it. So there's a card that you can give people says, I am okay with you conducting nepotism. Okay. Then you can sell that card onto people. So it's, I'm guessing similar to Nemesis.
You don't really know who you're working with or against until it becomes obvious like throughout the gameplay. It sounds like it's sort of some sort of weird cooperative, but not scenario. And the way you're saying the next game. So this is, it's like a, like a, um,
Not legacy with like a campaign or something. No, definitely not. I'm keen to play it again. We want to play it again. Right. Gotcha. Gotcha. It is a bit like there's, you know, you don't know who you're forming alliances, but the alliances can change based on who has what role. Like I need to be allies with the master of shipping. So he takes my ships and then makes money for me. And to do that at the moment, it might be Shane, but next turn he might retire and Shane might give that role to G money.
So I'm going to need to shift my allegiance to G money and I might not have something he wants. So I have to go and buy that in or trade for it or, or deliberately, you know, assassinate somebody and take that role. So then G money can work together. So yeah, it's just this constant shiftings and nature of it, I think. And everyone has these favor cards as well that you can use throughout the game where you can say, look, I'm going to give you this card and you can call on this favor from me at any point in time. If you do this for me right now.
And we didn't play those cards. But we were playing the base game, which they suggest everyone plays with. But then there's the next level expert level version of this game, where you pretty much tank the company, go out and start your own company, and off you go as a family. And you're earning money just for you as a pure family. That's even next level.
I can't wait for us to get to that level where we're playing a lot of that. With the fans, yeah. Yeah. There's just some cool words like deregulation of the company. So John company to highly recommend, very keen to play it again.

Dave's Blood Rage Strategy

And yeah, Steve said the other thing, I've been playing a bit of BGA as well, just the turn based stuff. I've got a bit more time sitting in bed at night on my phone, but I just wanted to say I'm playing this perfect game of Blood Rage. And I'm so excited about it. I'm nearly finished. Really? Yeah.
So in every single age, I've got the upgrade that's get points for having dead people in Valhalla. So we're on age three and I've got all three of them. In every single age so far, I've had both of the quests to have people, the glorious death in Valhalla. So all I'm doing is dying and getting people in Valhalla. It's the start of turn three. I'm on like 90 points already.
I've got six points for every dead person coming through at the end of the turn. And I've got both the quest. I was like, oh, I reckon I can get 200 points in this game. It's just, you know, one of those games where everything comes together and yeah, the way BGA works, nobody cares. Nobody gives a shit. Yeah. It is funny. Like I had another game of TO where I just went, fuck it. I'm just going full masks.
And I lost my, I lost like a hundred. But I'm like, I don't care. Like I wouldn't set it up and have three people around and go, let's play TO and do that because that'd be a waste of like two hours of my night on a strategy that I know that it doesn't work without the expansions. But on BGL, I'm like, fuck it, masks, let's go. So when you guys played Ark Nova, you didn't actually play it together. You're just turn taking and playing it throughout a period of time.
Yeah. So if you're going BGA, for those who may not be aware, Board Game Arena is the site. And yeah, you can play games real time, so you just sit down and play a game online against other people. Or you can play turn-based, where over a period of you've got to take one or two turns a day, games can last for a month, depending on how they go. And when it's your turn, you just jump on and play your turn on five or six different games, and then come back on a few hours later or the next day, and you'll see which games it's your turn on again.
David and I are in the early stages of Game of Arc Nova. And I know how to play Arc Nova, but I hadn't played it in a while. And I will say this about BGA, it is not an easy platform to learn a game. I think it's great when you know a game.
and you can play it on BGA, like, but coming in, even with Arc Nova again, that if I sat down at the table, I could see everything and understand it. I'm just there going, what do I do again? And didn't I move up that track? Oh no, that's that track over there I moved up and I need to go over there. The layout looks different as well. And the other thing is, so you can play it from your phone or you can play it from the computer and the computer's got

Arc Nova & Online Gaming Tips

tool tips. So you hover over a thing and it goes, this is this. And it goes, you can play this card, it's of level five and it lets you do these and it breaks these things.
on the phone, there's none of that. So you've just got to hope when you click something that that's what happens. Cause the reason my game of Afternave was so good was that I ended up with, I think, I want to say almost 10, um, of the, um, sponsor cards and I managed to get every single one of them. I met every criteria for every single one of them. So I got to claim them all at the end of the game. So, um, and it was just so happened that I ended up getting.
My card at the start of the game was to get small animals. If I have 10 small animals, I get six points. But then I got another card, another sponsor that was like, if you put only small animals in your zoo, you can then put another one in from your hand, plus then pick one up from the row within your points. And then I also had another one that was every small animal is worth minus three.
to pay like costs you less, three less. And so it's just, I just happened to have all of these things that just helped each other trigger. Yeah. Yeah. And then all my things were fill your zoo and I filled my zoo and it was like, get to nine on this track. I did that. And yeah, it's so good, but you do need to know how to play. Well, it definitely helps. You don't, there's tutorials and things like that. So I've left mine on for Arknova. And every time I open the window, because here's the tutorial, I'm like, ask him.
I need to follow it, it's on stage. So I don't know what funds to click because I don't know how to do that. But I only played it that one time with you, Helen. Yeah, well, I don't like the idea of playing a turn-based app.
I mean, back when they did the whole words with friends with the Scrabble stuff, I was like, oh, I'm not waiting like three hours for someone to respond to me. That seems frustrating. Well, that's the problem. So you play a video. I've got 10 plus games going at the moment. So it's the problem is more, I don't know where I'm at with each game, especially playing multiple of the same game. Yeah.
Yeah. I have a rule that I only play one, one of each game at a time. Like I won't play, I wouldn't have to arc nervous going. Cause yeah, I'd do that. I'd jump into the game, go, Oh, that's right. I need to do this. Oh shit. That's the wrong game. That's the wrong move. Well, there's one thing you can do. You can leave notes, so you can add comments and you can put notes against things and people. And I, I use the feature for the first time the other week. Cause some guy fucking pissed me off the lot.
We're playing, it's a ranked game, so there's regular turn-based or regular real-time, so you can just play it. It's just having fun. But you get rankings, and once you get enough wins, you get enough rankings, you can play competitive games. So I've been playing competitive City of the Big Shoulders for a few years now.
And so I'm playing a competitive game of big shoulders and the way that the competitive games work, you get allocated an ad block of time. So it's seven days and that's your playing and thinking time. So as soon as someone passes on you, it starts winding that clock down. So over the course of a month, which is usually about how long the game takes, the main problem I had with this game is most of the people are international. So they'd pass it to me at like midnight, I'll be asleep. I wake up at 6.30, 7 o'clock, have my turn, but it
burns my time down. So I'm winning this game by a lot crushing these people. And one of the guys is Spanish guy and he was almost his turn just before my turn every time. So he had heaps of time left and I ran out of time. And we have like three or four moves away from finishing this game. I'm at 2000 points in front crushing everybody and my time ticks over. And as soon as the time ticks over, there's a button that appears that says skip players out of time and they automatically lose.
So this guy skips my turns, makes me lose the game. You fucker. I'm sorry. I went into the chat. I'm like, good one. You fuck head. Like good. Such a piece of shit. Anyway. So I've gone into the comments field and I've added notes to this guy. I said, fucking hate this guy. Yeah. And then because it's a, it's a ranked competitive game, big shoulders, the next game starts back up as soon as you finish the first game. So it's how the second year this guy's in my game. Like, yeah.
Bag of the shit out of him in the chat. Just absolutely go to town and just go. Anyway, he runs out of time. And so I said in the chat, I said, sorry, just just so you know, this guy skipped me last time. So I'm going to skip him because he's come.
And it was the best feeling I've ever had. Such a petty little like bullshit thing. Some random guy in Spain who doesn't give a shit about anything. I'm like, you're my nemesis now. I hate you. It is funny. It's, it's the one thing I will say about BGA, obviously we'd all love to play at the table for sure. Right. But, um,
It's funny how your attitude towards a game changes when you're playing on BGA. Like I don't care about playing cards that like are a bit take that where I don't do that when I play with people. I don't like to, you know, intentionally affect someone. But in that I'm like, I don't care. Like who are these people? You know? Way more cutthroat. Yeah. And then you're playing a game and then, and you get that feeling I used to get when I used to play video games where it's like, they're all against me.
because it just feels like everything's working against you. Like they're fucking teamed up and they're all against me. I'm going to lose this game because they're all assholes. Where in actual fact, that's all in my head. None of that is actually happening. And right there, you've explained exactly what is wrong with online, you know, chats.
Well, I don't even use a chat. No, no, no, I'm just saying this is why, you know, people online can be so vicious and nasty and, you know, people who write bad comments on people's Twitters and all that. It's because they don't think of them as people. Yeah, they're twats.
Yeah. Yeah. Everyone else is wrong except. We're doing it all correctly. Everyone else is doing it wrong. That's definitely how it's going. That depends on the game you play. I've never played on BGA. Is it, can you do it via your iPad, your phone, or is it GC? It's a webpage, it's anything. And when it's your turn, you get an email. So I just click on that link in my email and it just pops a window up.
All right. Okay. I'm going to chuck it on my iPad and I'm going to start learning something. Yeah. Like I said though, just be careful with the learning because it's not really a platform for that. It's like they do have, some of them have like, you can play solo tutorials and whatever else, but I found it exceed, like I've played Earth. I played Earth a couple of times.
Um, and I watched a video on how to play earth and then I played it on BGA and it was still a bit unclear. And then I've, I'm in my second game of that now and I'm still, it doesn't click, but it doesn't, it doesn't seem like it's a difficult game. It just doesn't click because again, you can't see everything. It's everything's there, but it's not.
It's not laid out because it's got to fit into a computer screen. It's not laid out how you would expect it to be. And so it's just it's not, like I said, for me, it's I use it to play the games that I love, that I know back to front. Like I've got a game of tapestry going, I've got a game of video culture going, always got a game of TO going because I love those games. I can jump into one of those games and be like, even if I forgot what I'm doing, I can spend five minutes, look at the board and go, ah,
Now I can see where I need to go from here. When I play Earth, I'm like, oh, I don't know. And I'm playing a game at Great Western Trail, which I've only played once, and I don't really remember. And I'm literally clicking buttons until the end of the game, because I've forgotten everything. And I'm just like, fuck it. I'll just move three. Good. Tick. Excellent. Yep. What am I doing? Oh, yep. My train's moving. Excellent. I can give some cows with things. Awesome. I have no idea how I'm doing in that game. I could not tell you anything about it.
So that's where it falls down for me, and that's on me, but yeah. I don't know whether I'd recommend that, but again, other people use it just for that, Shane, so it could be right for you.

BGA vs TTS Discussion

If you're used to playing a lot of tabletop simulator, it's nothing like that. Which I am. There's no customization, there's no moving, it is locked in, scripted, it is, you do your turn, these are the rules. It often even highlights what you can do and can't do.
based on what resources you've got at the time. It is a way to very easily, quickly play a game. And yeah, it's much better when you already know how to play the game. Like I was saying, if you compare Great Western Trail to what I could do on TTS, if I had to turn in TTS of Great Western Trail, I'd be like, OK, what are my options? What can I do? I can't remember. OK, I'll bring up a rule book. But in BGA, the areas that I can go to are flashing.
so i'm like all right i'll just click one of them you know what i mean so if i knew what i was doing i'd be like yeah cool i'm going here i know that and then my next time i can go here it's a bit more intuitive well yeah it is but it allows you to be lazy and allows you to get away with it hey that's my game okay how's this gonna go like i've got no idea um yeah so it's it's but yeah it's very good otherwise and
I'm a bit like what you were saying, Helen.

Community Engagement on BGA

Turn-based, I've got a few turn-based games going and they're great, but I really look for those times where I've got no one to play a board game with here. I don't feel like playing legacy of you again, even though I love that game. I'll just pull out the iPad and I'll just start looking for real-time games of those games I talked about, like your space bases, tapestry, et cetera, et cetera. Can someone post me a link to BGA in the Discord?
to sign. Yeah, sure. I'm going to join up tonight. I'm going to get hooked in. We'll start some games. He's back. He's back. Well, we should definitely get some games going because I often play a lot of tapestry and barrage and city of big shoulders. And they're just turn-based games. Like it's easy enough to just whack one on and play a couple of good turns a day. Thank you, Steve. It'd be nice if we could all get in some games. Yeah, definitely.
I did mention that the other week, like I'm, I'd be pretty keen too in that North, in your Brisbane Board Gamers Guild on Discord. Like if we started a BGA channel there, because you could then go on there and say, okay, we're starting a real-time game at 7pm tonight if anyone's in. Or I'm starting these turn-based games, if you want to jump in and join our turn-based game of this, you know?
So open it up to the community that way, you know, we've got a board game channel and organize a game. Even when they organize a game, which you've been doing anyway, Steve. Yeah. I tried to hook up a game of TO in there the other night. Yeah, I can see that now. Um, but I did want to mention, cause you know, we've, you did mention legacy of you, so segue to Garfield games.

New Releases & Excitement

Got to mention our non-official sponsor. This one goes out to GMoney if you aren't already following their Discord. Sign-ups for demoing Ezra and Nehemiah on Tabletop Simulator is happening right now. I can't make any of the times they put in. Grant. Well, I don't know what any of that is. I think it might be. I talked about it the other week how I'm desperate to play that game. Maybe you're getting me and GMoney confused.
No, no, no, no, no. I know Grant loves scholars. He loves wayfarers. Yeah, right. This is the new one, Grant. Is that the new one? Oh, right. Brand, brand, brand new one. Yeah, mate. Yeah, you can sign up now on their Discord and they are demoing on TTS. This is the one, G Money, that we talked about the other week where they said it was basically like a best of Garfield.
Um, but I saw their little, um, discussion about what it does. And while I can see that what they're talking about, it had massive elements of like the T games, like TO and Zulkin and stuff like that, that I was like, Oh, so like, that's like.
Yeah, it's a match made in heaven, I guess, for me. So if someone's going to combine two styles of games and they could combine Garfield games with the T series, then... I wonder whether they've listened to you, Steve, just talking for like a long time over a lot of mediums about how much it was T games, how much love Garfield games. And she's like, you know what? I'm going to make a game for Steve. He's a good guy.
I'm going to patch together two of his favorite things and just pump it out. Well, thank you for that, Dave. I'm going to assume that's exactly what happened. I'm going to tell everyone there's this game that's been made for me. Made it for me. It's got my name in it. Changing my name to Ezra. Very good. Well, there you go. So I guess BGA was our topic for this evening. Yeah, that's true. And swearing.
Came from nowhere. Yeah. Hit Pippa Ray. All right. Well, I guess we're going to go and play some BGA games at some stage soon. So I'm certainly going to log in and give it a go. All right. What, what do you want your first? So there, there is hundreds of games on there, Shane. Like what are you working, wrecking your first game as going to be on BGA? Ticket to ride. Just something easy. Fair enough.
Just so I can learn how to platform works. I don't know. Don't railroad yourself into anything. Did you see the announcement about Ticket to Ride Legacy? Yeah, I did. I'm all over that. I think that'd be awesome. I don't know. I don't know anything other than like you. It's just a legacy game, but I'm like, I'm in like Rob Davio. It's going to be like pandemic. So love it.
And did, did everyone see the, uh, the launch of, um, under Wallace designs, the final fantasy? Fighting fantasy. Fighting fantasy. Yeah. Finding fantasy. We're going to get sued by squares. Fighting fantasy, which is, I think it's like a choose your own venture back in the day, wasn't it? Or something similar. That's what I've heard. I've heard along the grapevine. I have no idea. That was you.
Not a clue. Not a clue. OK. Cool story. Maybe we can get Martin on. Martin and explain the whole body of it. Well, honestly, everyone's losing their shit over it. So I thought, you know, with the learned people we have around the table here, surely you guys would know. But no, OK. Never heard of it. No. There we go. Definitely. I don't have shit about fuck. Hey, there he is.
Well, our swears and cuss words per segment have actually significantly increased this week, so hopefully our performance has been received, Shane and Ingrid. Special shout out to you.
I think the only thing to do now is because we've listened to them and taken their feedback on board and then given them what they want. It's time they came on and joined us and did a podcast with us. So if you're listening to that, you're in. Next time, next time we do an episode, if we can, Shannon Ingrid, you got to be on the show. So, Shannon Ingrid, next Sunday night.
at 8 p.m. Be prepared. And the good thing is, because I've got my shit together now, because we're professionals. I'll give you this episode for the episode that we want you on the host. It's recorded. So win-win. That's what I didn't say next Sunday night. I was actually going to say the date.
I was going to say, because next Sunday night I actually, it'll be good that they're coming on because I won't be able to be here. Unfortunately, my husband has made a very strong rule that next weekend is Diablo weekend and I am not allowed at any point to use any computer. He is off parenting from Friday till Monday.
I just wish I didn't know what Diablo was and was just, you know those sticks with the things that were also called Diablo? The string. Oh yeah, the yoga thing. All we can go.
for the record Helen that is what I am picturing you're doing all weekend next weekend which is I will be being a parent yeah good thing one of you is but and has been a while since we've done that so look it's a quick shout out to anybody who listens or who knows us who's interested in coming on having a chinwag with us and
talking some shit, swearing occasionally, possibly drinking, depends that that's personal choice, but maybe talking about board games as well. So just as a heads up, the next one, the next topic will potentially involve singing. And Shane and Andrew may not know about that, but we'll see how well they're listening and paying attention to this episode. I think Steve came up with a great idea. So if we can all come up with some board game quiz questions.
for our next episode, along with the special, we won't name it, singing episode as well. It'd be good. Actually, you know what, to be fair, Shane, I think we should hold off on that one until we do have Helen with us because she's a performer. It might be hidden. By far the most talented of them.
I think you were saying that when you hear me sing. G-Money can bounce out a good show tune. Exactly. I will not pay. No, we will all pay. Yes.
Are we still going? Is this ended yet? No, it really hasn't. It is about it. Yeah, we're wrapping up G-Money, buddy. You know our wrap ups take 11 minutes, you know that? Yeah. Yeah. You haven't started Marvel Snap yet? No, don't do it until it's over. I've been waiting for 40 minutes.
So you're in for the first 15 minutes of the 44, 54 minutes that we've been going. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what happened after that. You blanked out a little bit. It's all right. You hit your like 20 word quota for the other episode. Yeah. You elaborated on a game too. Like that's it. Yeah. Don't get used to it. All right. Finish a tough day. All right. Yeah. We'll wrap a fucking bowl on this one, but, uh,
Hopefully you all enjoyed our cuss word filled expletive episode. I'm sure there's a title in there somewhere, Steve. We will be back next week with Shane and Ingrid potentially depends on how embarrassed they are about how many times they've been mentioned on this episode and potentially less swearing and maybe more drinking. Have a great week everybody. See you on BGA. Thank you very much. Bye. Bye guys.