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Episode 22: Games and looking forward image

Episode 22: Games and looking forward

S1 E22 ยท Board Game Chinwag
93 Plays1 year ago

Helen hosts a pretty short episode where we chat games and things that we are looking forward to!


Introduction and Intent

We're all here tonight to chat about games and silliness and hopefully not get too far off topic. Which is hard to do when you don't actually have a topic. But to start off with, why don't we just see what everybody's been playing? Let's start with you. Shane, you always have some good ones. I've been playing nothing.
That's an example of why we don't do anything, like we don't do any planning. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Oh my God, because I have played nothing. I'm kidding. Look, I'm going to be very boring. Actually, no, I'm not going to be boring, but I was asked, I had some good friends up over the weekend.
and they had their two children with them and they said, look, come over, come over Friday night and can you bring a ball game? Bring one of your ball games that, you know, the kids can play. So I took Ticket to Ride.

Shane's Gaming Adventures

And I taught Ticket to Ride within about five minutes and we were off playing. The children loved the game. The parents loved the game. They wanted to know
You know, what was the game called? They were taking photos of the box so they could, you know, when they got back home, they could, you know, look at buying it. And they just had such a great time playing the game. I didn't follow Vassal's rule. I absolutely thumped them.
So 153 points to about 61 points was the next one back. But I did teach them the way of playing it, et cetera. And then on the next day, they came over to our house in the afternoon and they said, Uncle Shane, can we play another game? And I said, of course we can. So I set up King of Tokyo for them. And they loved that as well.
They again took photos of the lid of the game so that when they get home, they're now going to increase their board game, family board game list to two games. So it's pretty nice. That's all I have played over the last couple of weeks. I haven't been playing much at all.
I did take them my copy of Ticket to Ride, so they had a game to take home with them. And so I got a text message this afternoon saying, we just finished our first game of Ticket to Ride. It was such a great game. So it was nice. That is awesome.

Future Plans and Events

And you get to be a fun uncle. A fun uncle. So they go, yeah, we're going to go see Uncle Stan. Uncle Stan. Uncle Stan, OK. Uncle Stan, no.
I feel like she went to say my name there, then was like, oh no, that's not right. And changed to Shane and ended up in Stane. That's better than Stane, which would have been a half and a half. Wow. That's a mighty weapon you've given me there.
I promise to use it poorly. No, but that's all I've been playing. That was nice. That was nice to hand over a game that I enjoy playing and so did us as a family, but then also to give me excuse to get the 20th anniversary box. Nice one. Now I'm going to follow that up with another question on the spot.
Um, what it's been a really hard year. It's been exhausting and everything. We're halfway through. I want to see if you have anything that you're going to do. That's going to be super fun in the next six months. So it's just going to add joy to your life. Do you want that answer now? Yeah.
I don't know. Oh, can I pause on that one? Let me think, go around the ground, see what else has everyone's been playing and then come back to me and they're not gonna answer that. Sounds good. Everybody can think about that question too. G Money, what have you been playing? I played Union Stockyards, which was good. It was vastly different than what I thought it was gonna be, but it was pretty quick. Kingdom Death Monster and a whole bunch of BGA stuff
I'm trying to learn how to play Arknove, I'm getting there. But I just find it super hard to get cards and line everything up. Yeah. I know what you mean, mate. Yeah, I've completely changed my patterning of how I play. So I've been playing a lot of solo to just work out the exact order to do things in. I found that really helpful. So if you do find that you want to get a little bit more understanding
I think the solo version of Arcanova works really well. It's finite. You've only got a certain amount of turns. But I think it works really well. So I would recommend doing it that way, you know, and that way get your things, you know, upgrade in different orders or upgrade different cards and just see how they play together.

Steve's Gaming Experience

Yeah, Steve, what have you been playing?
Oh, a few games. I had the pleasure of having Joe Pepper, who is a former Brisbaneite. He's moved out to Emerald. So I had the pleasure of having him around on Wednesday night, and we play Planet Unknown and Fantastic Factories. But more importantly, we just caught up. I haven't seen him in forever, and it was really nice to have a familiar face. And it's been, I've found some other board gaming folks up in Emerald, but it's,
They've each got their own kind of like...
style of game that they play. I don't really have anyone like me. You just will happily play anything and looking for new things all the time. It's very much these are the three games that we play. So, you know, feel free to come along whenever we play these three games. But Joe is a bit like me. He's just got a heap of heaps of games and keen to play and learn things. So that was really cool. And so we played two games. We're organized. We were supposed to play again on Saturday, but he's got a little bub and I had two kids come in sick on Friday. So I canceled that one. I didn't want to be the reason he's four week old got cook.
But, um, yeah, now I'm sure there'll be plenty more game days with him, which was, which was really cool. And, you know, planet unknown got another run this morning in Helen and I's, uh, Sunday morning gaming sessions. So, uh, that's just, it's a cracking game if you haven't played. So good. It's like Tetris forming Mars. Yeah. Yeah. And like, what, I mean, how, what, how can you go wrong with polyamino placement and five tracks? Like, come on, you can't lose.
So that's awesome. And Helen and I also cracked open Splenda Jewel today. So for anyone who plays Splenda, both Helen and I, after playing one game of it, went, I think we like this better than Splenda. So then we played it again and we're like, yeah, no, it's definitely better than Splenda. Yeah, just really a few other decisions to make. You have to really think about which cards you buy.
Uh, a bit more than Splendor where you just go, Oh, I can get that card for free. I'll grab it. There's a few other things that it adds in, which is really cool, but not difficult. Just more things to think about. You got three different ways you can end the game rather than just getting to 15 points. There's just getting to 20 points, just getting to 10 points of one color.
or getting 10 crowns and there's different cards that have crowns on them. Yeah, so that was really cool. So yeah, bit of Splendid Jewel, bit of Planet Unknown, Fantastic Factories, and as well as a lot of BGA. I did manage to play
a game of Earth, which was, I've played it a couple of times, but it was the first time I played it from start to finish knowing what I was doing. And that is just a cracking game. So I'm happy to teach you guys at any point because I feel like that's a gem, that one. So that was just on BGA. I don't have a physical copy yet, but yeah, that's all I've been playing. I think the BGA teachers thing is probably going to be a little bit better than just jumping into random games and
trying to figure it out because that is going poorly. Across multiple games. It's going poorly. Yeah, I'm a bit of a sucker to just accept. Yes. And what have you been playing, Dave?
Gene mentioned Union Stockyard, so he taught us that the other night. We played a full player count of that, which is five. So as a new Kickstarter has just come through, it was sort of touted as a bit of a city of big shoulders, which was pretty up my alley. So I grabbed a copy. It was nice. It was quite light. So game with the teacher was an hour and a half. We followed up with a second game, which was an hour. So we played two games in an evening. It's a simple, straightforward workplace in the game. You've got a bunch of tracks where you're
selling and slaughtering animals to take them to market if apologies if that's a fence then once you've got your types of different animals that you go up on the tracks and and it gets you get the
There's a flat market price and then your marker moves up. So every time you get a bump on the track, you get the difference between your marker and the bank marker, the sort of flat marker. And then each, the end of each round, the stock price changes based on what's been sold and what's still remaining on the board. So the bank ones are going up and down based on demand.
And your ones are going up based on what you actually pick. And then there's a couple of other actions that, yeah, like an appeal tracks in moto city, big shoulders. And, um, yeah, it's, it's fairly straightforward. You sort of buy some buildings, go up on some tracks, the end of the game, whoever's got the most points wins. So the game itself is probably an easier worker placement version of a simplified stock trading game. If that's something that you're interested in.
But very happy to give it a go. It really sort of plays well at about an hour. And yeah, it's very, very tight money game. So you're often making bad choices, but you've got to try and balance what's the better of the bad choices that I have to make you. Yeah. And then other than that, it's

Joy and Sobriety Journey

a bit of warhammer. So that's still a peaking interest of putting miniatures together and moving little plastic toys around our table. Yeah, that's awesome.
Uh, I literally, apart from BGA, haven't been playing anything. So I'm literally just been playing the trio. So wingspan tapestry and it's a wonderful world on rotation with a bit of Ark Nova thrown in. So that's sounds like a decent meal, but I survived the last two weeks. So I'm happy. I'm surviving life. So better than the alternative. Absolutely.
Um, Shane, did you figure out a response? Oh, yes. Okay. Um, so the question was something joyous. Yeah. Um, so I will be, we know we will be hosting and this brings joy to my life. Um, is the, are you okay day?
Um, which is going to be on a Friday and Saturday, so 15th to 16th of September. I can't wait for that. Um, I think that's a great day where, you know, we can get around chat and play some board games and we do it for a really good charity. Um, and we have really good people that turn up and support the event. So I'm also extending that to my work. So I'm going to host on the Thursday. I'm going to book out, um, a couple of the,
the boardrooms at work and take in a whole heap of games and I'll advertise it through work that anyone can come throughout from two to five o'clock on the Thursday and learn a board game with me. So I've actually had some interest and some people have asked. So that will certainly bring some joy to me. The other thing that also is bringing joy at the moment, I'm 23 days into Joy July.
So I'm going to continue. This ain't going to be a dry July. I'm enjoying it. I found a really good non-alcoholic beer in the Asahi and the non-alcoholic Gordon's Gin is quite nice too. So I'm just going to keep going and see how long I can go with it without having any alcohol. I had a
busy busy week and I caught up with someone a colleague and you know he's six months on from
When he first started doing it, he did a dry January and he's still going strong. I recently just watched an interview with Tom Holland and it was exactly the same thing. He did a dry January and thought, you know, I'm fine. But he got to the end of January and still really thought about alcohol every day, wanted to drink all of this. And so he went, well, if I still feel that way, I'll do it for another month.
And he ended up doing like six months because it took that long for him to not want the alcohol, like be actually thinking I'm not having a drink, you know, and actually being an effort to not drink. And so he's like, well, maybe I have a problem. So, you know, I think it's great, you know, I think it's great where people, you know, continue it on because of how good they start to feel. Yeah. Yeah. And I've been out, you know, at restaurants and for a few venues during the week.
And a lot of venues now support as well with having non-alcoholic options like your beers, your spirits even as well. And they make some mixes. So I'm going to keep going. So that does bring joy to my life too.
Yeah, I think that's amazing. And, oh, a caveat. I was not saying that Shane has a drinking problem. He doesn't. I was just using an example of someone else. Were you saying Tom Holland has a drinking problem? No, Tom Holland said he had a drinking problem. Yeah, he did. He did admit it. But what's amazing is he noticed it and did something about it, you know, before it became a proper problem when he was older. So I'm doing it and enjoying it. So there you go. Excellent.
G-Money, do you have anything joyful happening in the next six months? I'm going to steal DG's thunder and talk about our guys' trip that we've got in October. Very exciting. You guys can talk about it together. It was with McLean first, right? Yeah, it was whoever hell went to first. So I'll do half of it and then you can do the other half, right, DG? Nah, fuck you.
Well, I was looking forward to a boy's weekend and then I realised DG's coming over. Hey G money, fuck you. Without having people stalk you, like what, do you want to give any details about what your boy's trip is? Last couple of years we've been going to my rich friend's, rich friend's house. Nice. Oh, so this is up at Nusa? Yes. Up, you mean up at Nusa? I don't know what that, where it is yet, but anyway. His house has a lightning rod. Right.
because it gets hit by lightning because it's so high. Wow. Whatever you're envisaging in your mind right now, it's better. Yeah. Are you going to take gin again? No, I don't drink gin. Is that what we took? You took gin last time, didn't you? You took the trio of gins? I did. Yeah, I got pineapple gin. Yes. Yeah. He's a classy guy, Digi. Yeah. I was with him when he bought it. That's the only reason I know. Yeah, it didn't taste so good. I wouldn't do that again. No.
And we're going to play some games up in the Bunya Mountains. Nice. Oh, nice. The romance cottages. All friends of the show. OK, that's exciting. Yeah, we're going to play some Nemesis. What else we play in DG? I don't know. You're telling the story. Wait, so you're going on two guys trips? No, this is all the same one. When we would normally go to Noosa, we're now going to the Bunya Mountains this year.
Oh, okay. So the rich friend has multiple houses. No, this is renting a place. Oh, nice. Our rich friend is preoccupied that weekend with other people visiting. Yeah. Right. Well, he's allowed. It's his house. So how much are you going for just a weekend? Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And how many of you are going? Seven. Oh, that's amazing.
I don't actually have seven friends to go away with, but it sounds lovely. You do so. Unless you're saying we're not friends, technically. Would you go on holiday with me? Yeah. It'd be awesome.
I believe I've done that a few times. You could smash us all in board games in real life. Yeah, that's right. We've already experienced that once. Technically, DJ, just our families together is 11 people. Yeah, I was going to say that. If you include the children. You made people like they're your friends, aren't they? Yeah, they have to be. Yeah, I'm a family of five already. Yeah.
Now you will love me. Unconditionally, it's the reason I wanted to have a boy. So at once in my life, a boy unconditionally loved me. I just had to create my own. I'm sure he'll let me down later on. I'm sure he'll get married and be like, I don't care about you anymore. Old prune, go away. But right now he loves me.
Remember at the start of this episode where Helen mentioned that she wasn't going to go off topic? Yeah, yeah. She mentioned we weren't going to go off topic. That's true. I didn't say anything

Upcoming Vacations and Events

about me. I've done nothing but go off topic. That's about it for me. What's your joyful?
Well, mine's a pretty obvious one. My family and I are doing a eight week USA holiday in just under six weeks. So that's definitely the thing that we've been looking forward to for a very long time. And yeah, I cannot wait. There's so many bucket list items that are being checked off on that trip. Firstly, I'm going to the Dice Tower Retreat, which is pretty awesome. Going to see the Red Sox play at Fenway. Going to see a couple of shows on Broadway.
go into the Yosemite National Park. There's just, yeah, so much, like a couple of cruises. Yeah, it's going to be an epic time. And yeah, hopefully memories for life for all the families. So yeah. Yeah, nice. That's awesome. Anything to add, DG, other than your epic guys weekend? Look, it's always a good time. I feel like I've had a pretty joyful year so far, like, you know, went and saw my, my granddad.
for his 88th birthday, and I spent a bit of time with him, got a puppy. So, I don't know, I'm having a pretty great year. The boys trip's gonna be good, but guaranteed something else joyful will come up at some stage. I didn't buy a car, I've been thinking about buying a car. It's about time. Oh, nice. Do you know what type? Nah, do some research, I'll figure it out. Yeah, nice. I mean, you're very fortunate you have a joyful household.
So I, you know, I would consider you a very joyful family in general. So. Thank you very much. Yeah. So helps when I yell and scream at the children because they're being terrible little shitheads. Most of the time they're not. Yeah. Most of the time they're joyful and then you have to yell occasionally. It's better than mine. Mine's the opposite. Occasionally they're joyful. Most of the time they're yelling at each other.
Very exciting. What are you doing? What's your joyful thing? You can't skimp out on that. I mean, I could. I have nothing planned, but I'm hoping to try and find more of the joyful elements, I think is really important. So I'm more of a watch this space. We have been looking at houses and potentially thinking about building.
Um, so I guess in general, we'll decide whether we're staying here forever or, um, or moving. Um, so yeah, there's, um, but if we don't, if we stay, I would like to definitely take the kids away on a holiday. Um, I know we were actually, I've actually been talking to your lovely wife. We might even do something at Christmas. So just try and find those elements, you know, those weekends away and reconnect and with the family.
I don't know if this is the thing that's going on at the moment, because people through COVID built up a lot of leave, like not many people took annual leave.

Anticipated Board Games

So there's so many people on leave at my work at the moment, they're taking so many, like, yes, but like they're taking a week off. So outside of school holidays, they're going, oh, we're just going to snow or we're just going to New Zealand for like, just chuck a cheeky weeks holiday in because everyone's got so much holiday.
Yeah. I've got so many friends overseas at the moment, like my Facebook feed is full of people in Italy and France and Germany and America and Canada. And usually I'd be like super jealous, but you're like, well, it's going to be a few weeks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe it's just a thing. Maybe this is the year that the sort of
like COVID restrictions, everyone's eased up and everyone's got to be the cash and all the leave balances. Everyone feels comfortable to travel. Yeah. Less risk. Yeah. Yeah. You know, there's only like wars raging, you know, riots in France. I was probably excited by my mate who's in France, I'd reckon. Kind of be kind of what he's up to. Bit of a soccer hooligan. I need a holiday. That's all I know. I was meant to be on leave and had to cancel it, so.
I am going to see Kiss in October though. Oh, that's exciting. Yeah, looking forward to that. Lovely wife bought me a ticket so I can take it off the bucket list. Nice. Is anybody going to Taylor Swift? Waiting for G money to speak or? I was too. No, I didn't get tickets.
through lack of trying G money or you just couldn't find? Um, I think I tried like yesterday and they had none. There wasn't any six seconds after they were released. No, it was a couple of hours actually, surprisingly. Um, so I'm going to pivot back to games and this is open to the floor. So, um, why are we doing that now? I feel like we're on a good run of,
You know, a bit of A and a bit of B. Is there a game that is coming out this year that people are excited to play when it comes out? All right. I'm going to, I'll kick it off with this going, forgive me, board game father, for I have sinned. It's been two weeks since my last confession. Um,
And today I purchased one, two, three, four Martin Wallace games from a dude that had them all in shrink. I just couldn't hold back. So I purchased Moongar invaders, mad scientists and atomic monsters attack the earth. That was a mouthful. Sorry, that one game. That's one game.
I thought that was three. I actually had to check it. I had to check it was a game and it was a game. Moon Garden Raiders, mad scientists and toy posters deck the earth. Wow. I feel like that might've been more successful and more well-known if it had a better name. Like just the first section and just leave the rest off and this is just what happens during the game. Airplanes, aviation ascendant.
which is ships, limited edition tree frog one, which is basically similar to automobile, but with ships. And the ships look like the ships in Anno. And last one is the last trains to Wednesday Dale. So, shitballs, that takes my collection to 21 Martin Wallace games. Wow.
Yeah, I think I've got a problem. I think you've got a collection. No, you just found something you love. I do like his games. You do. I'm the same with Stonemaier, I get it. So yeah, and then the guy that was, these are all in shrink still. And he said, I've got one more. And it was Australia.
And I went, oh, I just can't do it. It was just, and it was a really good price too. So I'm just going to hold off for a few weeks and I'll go back and get it. So the dry July drinking thing's going amazingly, but the board game purchasing going on and on. He had all this extra money because he was having dry July. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, it was, it was meant to be because these are all hard to get games. Um, cause a lot of them are very old. So I just need to start playing them. I need to have a Martin Wallace weekend, I think, and just play games. No, I don't think you want to play his own games. You tell me to get stuffed. I think you just want to play junior period. Yes.
So there we go. And a game that I'm looking forward to coming out this year. There's a couple. There's Castles of Burgundy, of course. I cannot wait. I hopefully will have that in my hot hands within the next week or two. And Solar Sentinels, which is a card game by Chip Theory Games.
and you also have Too Many Bones, the card game, and Hoppler Marcus, the card game. So they should be out this year. Really looking forward to all of those coming through. So they're basically, it's like you're playing Too Many Bones, but with dice, and you have your dice, but you use cards. So you can't wait. Awesome. Does anybody else have any?
There's a few games I'm looking forward to playing when I go to Dust Tower Retreat because I've really skimped out on buying games over the last year in preparation for our holiday. There's a way of saving for a holiday. But there's a few like obviously Earth is one I spoke about earlier. I'd like to play that physically. I really want to play Heat Pedal to the Metal.
Um, that, um, Oh, Rome foundations of Rome, that huge box foundation of Rome. I'd never buy that because I looked into it once and the shipping was almost as much as the game. And the game was like 200 us dollars or something. So, um, that one can stay there, but I'd love to play it. So I think, yeah, not so much looking forward. There's a few games that are coming out. I'm sure that I'll buy games before the end of the year, but
There's a few games I'm really looking forward to playing when I'm over in the US at the convention. And probably the top three. Oh, and mobile markets, the smaller smartphone ink version game that has gotten some pretty rave reviews and smartphone ink being one of my favorite games. Very keen to check that out. If you happen to run into a second copy of that one, Steve, I wonder, just chuck it in your bag. I'd probably make it worth your while.
So sorry, you went a bit robotic there for a second, Dave. The potato internet's coming back. If you happen to sneak a second copy of mobile markets into your bag, I could probably find a good home for it. Fair enough. I will definitely try to. Yes. Because that was my next question was, is there any games that are really hard to get here that you're hoping to pick up while you're in the US because they are more readily available?

Kickstarter and Gaming Community

I'll have my eyes open. There's a few games that haven't been released here, a couple of ones I just mentioned. But I'm also conscious of the fact that they'll eventually get here and I'm then going to haul them across America for eight weeks.
Yeah, I am going to be in Miami towards the end of the holidays. So I thought if there are, for example, like I'm assuming at a convention, it's sponsored by Restoration Games. I'm assuming we're going to get like some free games when we check in. So I'm going to try and see if I can find someone
who can look after them and I can pick them up at the other end of my trip. So I don't have to haul them around to the States, but that, I mean, I could just be making that up. I might not be getting, you might get a sticker, who knows? But yeah, no, there'll definitely be a few that if I see them, I'll be like, ooh, can I, you know, do I really need that toiletries bag or, you know, can I, can I not brush my teeth for six more weeks and bring that game home? So yeah. I love that. Take an empty suitcase. Hmm.
Yeah, well, we've only got two big suitcases for the whole trip except for our flights over and back. So if I buy anything, I probably won't buy it until we get to Los Angeles at the end of our trip and do it then. But there's plenty of good gaming stores over there, so I'm sure I can find some things to fill. Provided the kids don't buy a whole bunch of junk instead and take up all the space.
I'm sure that Funko pop store in Hollywood that you can make your own Funko pops. I'm sure that's going to get a good shake. So cool. Um, DG, anything? Yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to void fall. Uh, it's probably the only one I've sort of fallen off the wagon a little bit in terms of keeping on top of the new hotness that's coming through. So, um, that's the only one I know should be here by the end of the year. I'm pretty excited to play it. My class did pretty good job in that sort of stuff.
I wouldn't mind having another crack at Anacrony when your copy comes in G. Yeah. That's been a little wild between drinks, but yeah, Voidfall is the main one for me. MG, anything? I kickstarted, I backed the whole Firefly, the card game thing. The game. Based on the TV show? Yeah. Nice. So I think the mat is like, stupidly big for it.
Like it's bigger than what your normal game table dimensions are. Right. So I'm going to have to find if it is that big, how to play it. I don't, I've never played it before. I've just had like lots of people rave about it. And it was like, here it is with everything. Cause everyone's like, they don't make the expansions anymore. And like people are trying to buy them and I'm just like, cool. I'll just get the whole thing then. Yeah. And it was like, I didn't really think about it. It was an impulse buy. Um, yeah. Anacrony.
I've wanted to play that since I played it the first time and looking forward to that there's something else but I don't think it's this year it's that new Vettel inventions I don't think that's this year I think that's next year yeah it could be soon I think it's on the list for this year but yeah I think it's the Kickstarter's ended but I think I don't I don't know when it comes out
All I know is that Deaf didn't playtest it this time. Because I was like, Deaf, tell me all about it. And he's like, I didn't playtest it because I want to actually experience one like from the get go. Yeah. Like not having played it like 30 times before I get it. That's it for me.
Wonderful and again, I'm hosting today. So I have no nothing to add or to Support any conversations But you know always excited to play new games But yeah, nothing that I'm aware of coming through I Think I've probably even forgotten the stack of games that we've got coming. I don't know Everyone else is involved in this southeast Queensland Kickstarter group
Yeah, Joe put a post up the other day. I think he said there's like 23 ones that are currently active. It's just ridiculous. I don't know. I'm probably involved in a lot of them. Do we do the obvious one? Yeah, yeah. We haven't mentioned Shen tonight. So, Charlie Sculls is on that list. Yeah, it's there. I just, yeah. Top five, you know. And, um...
the latest as well. We've all laid, we've all backed that as well. So the shipwrights, that's all been backed in as well. But it's just, I need to probably go to Joe and say, what am I involved in out of the 23? Because I feel like I'm involved in 22 at least. So. Fill to your spreadsheet, Joe. Tell me how many is my name again. Yeah.
Well, and to be honest, I wouldn't mind getting a copy of Distilled. I know it's the one that's coming out, and I didn't buy it. But yeah, I really enjoyed that game. I enjoyed that too. It's probably the game I played the most this year that I don't actually own. Hmm. Yeah, I played that once, really enjoyed it, and I just want to get it back to the table again. Have you got one? No. Oh dear. I knew you'd usually be good to sell it to me, so. Yeah.
I'll trade you a crisp intrigue Martin Wallace game. Yeah, that's right. The age of steam that you got there. Yeah. I've got a, I've got a Lancashire as well. Do you have Lancashire? No, I don't have Lancashire. I saw there was a post today, a guy was bragging on you about not having him played it. He said that was the best one. In his opinion.
In his opinion, yeah. Yeah, I haven't played it either. Maybe we've got a crack of Lancashire out. Yeah, probably. It's like the original brass. Yeah. So if you've ever played original brass, it's basically a reskin of the original brass. So I've got Age of Industry, which is basically similar to the original brass and brass Lancashire.
I found my list of games I really want to play at the convention, although I've already ticked off a few of them. So Heat, Cthulhu, Death May Die, Captain Sonar, so that's not new, but I've never played it. Earth, Bad Company, which I've already bought, played, and moved on. Ready Set Bet, which I've since bought and played and kept. And then Oath Sworn and Massive Darkness 2. So that was my list of games I want to play at the retreat.
I think if I was ever going to retreat, I'd have to play Merchant of Venus with Eric Summerer. That would just be cool to learn that game from him. If he's there. Captain Sona is a bit of fun. I've played it in a few different settings.
With eight players playing turn-based, it's quite good. Once you get through that learning period where everyone knows what they're doing, it is a bit of enjoyment. But I've never actually seen anybody commit to the real-time version and play it. I've done it a couple of times. Well, aggressively and competitively.
And it's a thing, it's a thing to do. Yeah, that's, that's kind of it, right? Like you're at a convention. It shouldn't be that hard to get eight people together to have a crack. So I kind of feel like I just need to do it. I don't necessarily need to own it. I don't need to do it heaps. I just want to do it. Well, are you okay though? That's me, Shane. Put me in full. Captain Sona real time. Okay. Sounds good. We can easily set that table up. Oh yeah.
Needs to be in the loud space. Yeah, because if you yell loud, the other team can't hear what they're doing. Yeah. Oh, really? OK. And also, there's no rules. It's Captain Sona. Like, it's, yeah. I think I've played that game at your house one night, DJ. I think it was at your birthday, or? Yeah, I think we did. We played a tone-based game. Yeah. That was the first time I met Helen, I think. Want me to play Captain Sona? Yeah, I think so.
I've definitely played it. I was like, Oh, you mentioned when I played. I know that game. I understood that reference. Exactly. Wonderful. Well, we might, what does everybody think? We might keep this one short and sweet so we can actually play some games. Sounds like a plan. Sounds like a plan.
All right. Plan it sounds like. Dave, sign us off. Be good to your mother. Take care, brush your hair. Yeah. What was that? Fucking put me on the spot. Jesus Christ. Give the hoot, don't pollute. Oh, where'd you pull that from? Give the hoot, don't pollute. That's what we use in our household every day.

Session Wrap-Up

That's how Central Highlands Regional Council anti-pollution campaign is. It is not.
It is. It's like an owl and everything. It was in the OC. What have you been reading my bloody media releases? What the hell? No, it's in the OC. So Summer says it to Seth when she leaves. She's like, give her a hoot, don't pollute. When she goes on to save the environment. Everything in life comes from... It comes back to the OC. Of course it does. There you go. Yeah, so you get what you get and you don't get upset. That's our household, Cash Fry. So.
In about five years, there would have been something much more witty and funny when you put me on spot, Helen, but fuck it. That's what you got. The other big saying in our house is, fucking go to sleep. So, you know. You will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep. Yeah. All right. Well, Captain Planet reference. Farewell, everyone. Ciao ciao. Have a good week, everyone.