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Episode 15: Marie Kondo-ing a board game collection image

Episode 15: Marie Kondo-ing a board game collection

S1 E15 ยท Board Game Chinwag
75 Plays1 year ago

Join us again as we have a yarn about our collections - whether to collect or sell.


Podcast Introduction

Welcome to the board game chinwag. We're laughing because we've been talking about board games for 10 minutes and we haven't started the show. So it's a smaller crew. We've got Shane, David, Helen, how are you everyone? Hi, good. I'm fantastic. Thanks. Hello.

'Beer and Bread' Discussion

All right. We'll continue on, Shane.
So long story short, we ended up playing beer and bread, which is, I don't even ask me who it's by, or it's a new game out, and fantastic two-player game. It's all about making beer and bread, that simple. You are in charge of two farms, and you're harvesting the resources to make beer or bread, and it's played over six rounds.
You've got five cards. When you're in a fruitful harvest, so you're in a plentiful year, you're actually exchanging cards, so you'll play a card. So you'll either play a card for resources, you'll build beer or bread, or you'll tuck a card for game-breaking rules. So one card has three different actions you can take. I like it already. Yeah, it's good.
And then so, but as soon as you've done that action, you've then got to hand your four cards. So you're trying to, you know, what combos can I build out of this in my hand? And then once the second player has taken their go, you hand cards over and you take theirs. So potentially you may not get that card back. It's like a draft, but you play as the draft goes on. You play as you're going. So then you'll go, okay, now I've got a whole new set of four cards. What I'm going to do, I'm going to play for resources and I'm going to
try and build beer and bread, but you can't really do the first couple of cars that go through. But the other mechanism is when you're building resources, when you lay down a card, if you've already put down a water and hops, for example, and then you put down another card that has water and wheat, you get two water and one wheat.
So it actually chains off all your resources. But then you also have a limited supply of resources that you can hold as well. So you can only hold nine resources. However, there's game-breaking cards you can tuck that give you extra spaces for resources as well. It just is fantastic. As a two-player game, Lauren really liked it. So I think I put on my Facebook page, trying to recruit Lauren into the board game hobby.
It's been, you know, it's like a mission and we played it and she said, I actually like this one. This is really good. Reminded her of Lords of Waterdeep because you're building, you know, you're placing things out to build cards. But then what happens too is then in the dry years, so anything you've picked, anything you've placed down for resources, you pick those cards up and then you top your deck back up to five, top your hand back up to five.
But in the dry year, you don't swap cards. So you're playing with your five cards only. So it's a little bit different, but also too, your resources are almost less. They're a lot less than what they are in a fruitful year. So you know, thematic is there, makes sense. At the end of the game too, the scoring is different. So you count up all the
beers that you've made and sold, all the bread that you've sold have a certain amount of points. So the harder bread and the harder beer to brew is worth more points at the end of the game. But then you have also too, in your game breaking rules, extra points that you can have. But the end game score is based on your lowest score of either beer or bread. Whatever the lowest of those two is
going to be, you know, who's going

'Dice Throne' 2v2 Format

to win the game. So potentially you can have a belter of a beer, you know, brewing session and selling and have a really, really poor bread.
And that other person might have a poor lower score as well, but they may beat you by one or two on the lower score. So really good game. Lauren liked it a lot. I then... It's still set up. It's actually still set up because she said, I want to play it again. Max came out and played it. And Max is like a super brain when it comes to these games.
took me about 10 minutes just to go through the rules with him. And he said, yep, got it dad. And he did really well. Like he has these big combinations coming out. He said, I'm gonna do this, this, this. And he just had this chain that he happened. And then the cards that you tuck, you can stack the cards that you're tucking as well. So you can have multiple rule breakers all under one. And he had this one rule where when he clears his beer and he sells his beer and bread,
it gets him all these resources for free. So he was pretty much getting one of every resource every time he sold on beer or bread. It was just brilliant. So beer and bread.
Great games. Really good game. I played a interesting game yesterday for Family Game Night, which is a game I play to heat, but I love. It's just dice thrown. But I played it a way that I've never played it before. So I play the usual 1v1 is the standard way to play. And I've also played a five player game where it's you basically roll a dice and that determines who you're attacking. That's all for one kind of deal. But last night we played a 2v2 game.
And it turns a game into a super tactical game. It felt like a different game. It didn't feel like Dice Throne. And the only downside I would say is it does, you are kind of waiting for your turn a little bit.
while someone else has their turn, because, like, say, for example, Helen and I were on the same team against Raf and Seb. So I'd play, then Raf would play, then Helen would play, then Seb would play, and then they'd go like that. They'd just go around like that. So unless you're being attacked, you're kind of not doing anything for a while, which is the only downside. But oh, there's actually one other downside. But what I'll get to in a second. But the good thing is, is it's like,
you as a team you've got 50 health so you don't have 50 health each so and you get to choose who you are attacking in in the attacking phase so we were playing against was the marvel set so that we were playing against loki and and miles morales and loki's got this amazing thing when you attack him if he's got this i can't remember what it's called but if he's got his special ability
instead of hitting him, he puts out three cards and you've got to choose one of those three cards. One's a success, one's a fail, and one's a partial success. So the idea is Loki, there's three Lokis, you know, like, because that's what Loki does, which is pretty cool. But because in this game, you get to choose who you're attacking, every time Seb was playing Loki, every time he had that special ability, we just attacked Raph because why would you take the chance?
So it really weakened his character, which was interesting because that's the other negative, I guess, is that if you've got a character who's super strong on defense, then you're just going to get ignored and your opponent, your teammates is going to take it all.
um with their weaker defense but um aside of that though the actual gameplay itself was much more like okay well because you can you can talk to your teammate you can show each other your hand of cards so it really became a thing with Helen and I were like all right well let's save up all of our wilds and all that sort of business so that we can do like we can roll five sixes um
but even if we don't roll any you know like I'll turn one you've got this and we'll do that we'll do that so you're kind of building towards these combos almost like a like an engine because you're working together and you're going to be able to do it because you've both got combat points to spend on cards and and whatever else so it just started feeling like this almost
Euro-esque game where we're not even worried about what happens now. We're planning for what's going to happen in the later stage of the game. It's just really different. It wasn't that just bang smash, smash, smash sort of game that it usually is. So it was interesting. I don't know whether I like, I think I still like Diceroy Better 1v1, but I certainly would play the 2v2 version again.
Especially for people who've played a lot of dice and haven't tried that out because it was it just became super interesting but I think that the downsides that I spoke about could easily be negated by Just being a bit more thoughtful around the characters that get chosen so like I don't know how much you guys know about dice or but there's a character called the It's the zen guy
The monk, yeah. And he creates, he builds up an accumulation of Zen, or she, of she. And then he can spend she to negate damage. So that's not a good plot. That's not a good one to have in this game because it's too strong of an offense, therefore would never get attacked.
Um, so it was just, it was just interesting to like, if you don't have to find forward more balanced characters, but I reckon it'd be an absolute awesome time. And game went for a lot longer, but it was a lot more thinky than a usual, just the artsy style, fight them up, beat them up game.

Family Involvement in Board Games

So yeah, that was very interesting. Plus you have four people in your house, right?
We have five, but Heidi was at work, so it was just the four of us. Yeah, so worked out perfect. I found the same thing with Unmatched, that some of the sets that you can play up to four, if you got an extra few, you can play that as well. And 1v1, it's quite a fun, bash them up, little bit of tactics game. But if you add the team element in, and it doesn't matter what your characters are, it's often much more tactical and strategic.
But I think with unmatched, it gives you that, well, if the board positioning means you sort of know what you're going to hit and how you're going to hit, you don't just get to go, well, I'm going to not attack you because you're strong. Attack the other one. Yeah, right. You've got to position it and you've got to target it. So, but I mean, it changes the game completely from a one on one quick muck around fun game where either rolling dice or whatever to it's an actual tactical strategy game where you've got to work as a team to beat the other team.
Yeah. And, and like it was still the thing I love about Dicerone is I don't understand how it happens, but every time is it's a close game. And it happened again, like Helen and I got off to a big lead and we won the game with one health left.
And the only reason it wasn't a tie was because Raphael, this is such a, like, we felt like absolute terrible parents for doing this. But, um, in Raphael's defensive role, if he got one of one side of his dice, he inflicted a damage on us in his defense. So we've smashed him. They've gone to zero, but he still gets his defensive role. He rolled two, which took us from two health to zero, but Helen had a card and some combat points left to say, you get to reroll one of your dice.
So she made him re-roll a die and then he didn't get that simple again. So we survived with one health, but I mean, how good's that? Like we, two, like my two kids are nine and a 12 year old, nine 13 year old playing against two adults. They were doing the same thing. They were working out how they can best attack us and all that sort of stuff. And to finish with a game where you start with 50 health and someone wins with one health left.

Exploring 'Libertalia'

Yeah. It just, I don't know how it does it. It just always does it.
It was good. I've got to play it a bit more because I've only ever played it once and I own the game. And that was with you, DG, when I played it at your house once and I really enjoyed it. Um, so I, because it reminds me, I think the boys would like it because it reminds me a bit of King of Tokyo where you just constantly attack each other. Um, and I know that's their favorite game. So I'll have to get it out and give it another go. And there's a guy in the North Brisbane group, Jace, and he runs a competitive league.
around Brisbane and he's always with the players. I think there's a, there's one coming up sort of next week, like a introductory come and try out competitive dice. It is one of those games that lends itself to a competitive scene. If you're really quite keen on it, except for the dice rolling elements, limited luck.
Like you can, you can stack your deck, you can work out what you want to do. You can pick the right character, but it all comes down to that battle gassy aspect of it. You got to get the dice rolls. That's right. It's on the first of April, isn't it? That one. So I need, I need to get one. Maybe that's probably where I need to go to, to relearn it all and then be able to teach it to the boys. So.
It's funny though, Dave, because while it can be that too, it is also just a crazy stupid laugh if you want it to be as well. It really depends on how serious you want to make it. Because I remember Jace got in contact with me because we were running a game day once and I jokingly said that we're going to have the unofficial official, the unofficial official Dice Throne World Championships of Australia. It was just a stupid title I made up because it sounded ridiculous.
And he like reached out to me going, Oh, so what's the story? What are the prizes? Like, and I'm like, Oh no, it's just like, I don't think you understand. I'm not trying to do that. It's like a joking way to say, Hey, come and have fun doing it. So, but yeah, like he was, he, he runs out like, yeah, there is prizes and there is competitiveness. Yeah. Anyway, that's, um, that's something I've been playing lately. It was, um, it was just a real surprise. So yeah.
Well, I've been prepping myself for, um, for the board game weekend coming up. So I got Libertalia onto the table twice in the last week and a bit. And I love it. Great game. I've actually, I borrowed it from DG and I've, um, bought it. So I've got that on its way. But yeah, it's really good. Have you guys all played it? Yes. Hmm.
A lot of times, love it. You haven't played it, you own it. Yeah. Yeah. We did actually say, I have to say when we were playing it the first time, it's like, these cards do not feel played with. This deck feels like it's been shuffled once. All the others felt like they were pristine. G money borrowed it and then played it once, then gave it to me. Yeah. And now you're borrowing it. That's not an uncommon thing that I own a game where I haven't played yet. That other people have played. That other people have played. It's certainly a game I've played a handful of times, which is rare.
which says how much I enjoy playing it, it's a really good game. But me and G Money actually played a fair bit of the original version when it first came out, like 2012 or 2013 or whatever that was. Yeah. So I had a conversation about the original version because apparently it was really crap because there was a mechanism in it, not that it was really crap, there was good elements of it, but there was a mechanism in it where it was colour based. So if you were a certain colour, you were always trumped by every other colour.
So if you happen to be that colour, you are going to always come last in the roles. Whereas in the Stonema version, they've actually got a system where you earn... The word's escaping me, isn't it? Pirate Woods. Pardon? Pirate Woods. Pirate Woods, no. No, no, no, no, no. I just know that there's doubloons in the game, so I'm just saying doubloons. It's great work. The best doubloons you'll ever see in a game before.
Sorry. The quality of your player, what is that called? Why am I not thinking of this? It's the main word they all use. It's not victory points. I've only played it once with Ingrid and Shane, and it was a while ago, so I don't remember the terms, unfortunately. Anyway, you draw a color and based off where you are in the ranking. Yes.
you get to play but you can change your ranking throughout the game which changes when you what card goes in which order and then you've got your day ability and then your night ability and then your night abilities but yeah yeah i find it very enjoyable it's got all the elements of stonemaia that i i love and all the others and yeah it's really can be really mean too which is good
Yeah, we got rid of a lot of sabers because you can get these tokens that are a saber and that allows you to steal, like basically discard someone else's card from the island before they get to put them on the ship. So it can severely impact their game. But yeah. It's a lot of fun in that too. Yeah. So that's definitely a favorite of the moment for me. Were you able to get a copy with the Bloons?
Yeah, I pay. Well, because I got my stone, I bought, I got the stone, my membership. So they had the metal. They've got the metal, the blue coins. So I got them with the copy. They are good coins. Yeah, Dave has them. They're beautiful. I do. I'm good.
Yeah. Matt was like, cause at the end of the year round, at the end of each voyage, you have to like tally them up in your treasure chest and return the coins. And he's like, but that's just mean. I want to keep my coins cause they're so nice to hold. He's like, I don't want to give up my coins. Like you make them back. We, um.
because we're moving the games around because I'm finishing the Reynolds on the house. So I've shifted a shelf around and obviously some games had fallen down behind the shelf, which I didn't know. So you can see from the back now and the kids came in today and they're like, Oh, can we play this? Can we play this? So they pulled out like four games off the shelf today. So just sitting around the house on the floor, cause we haven't got a table at the moment. We played Rhino hero. We played five minute Marvel.
We played Go Away Monster, which is like a game, right game that the, you know, the little ones could play. It's like a really easy mystery drawer out of a bag for three year olds kind of thing. Um, but yeah, they loved it. It's just, they, out of sight, out of mind. And all of a sudden they discovered these things again. They're like, Oh yeah, we love games. Let's play games, dad. So yeah, we played a bunch of kids games. Um, but I was just sitting there thinking I was actually for heaps of games. I went to a friend's house. I haven't seen for a little while last night. I went to Josh's house. Um, and I,
They asked if we could bring some games, so I brought Royals by Peter Hawes and Camelot. So, again, both of those games are still in shrink. I'm like, oh, good, sort of half an hour, easy games for non-gamers, punched them both out, taught them both. Initially, they were all a bit overwhelmed with Royals. It's like, there's what? There's how many cubes and colors and tokens? I'm like, don't worry about it, it's really easy. And we played one hand and Luke goes, oh, it's like, ticket to ride.
Yeah, kind of. It's a ticket to a ride but mean. Did you message that to Peter Horns? He loves that. No, yeah. Bit of a joke on that one. I did chuckle, but anyway, yeah, they all loved it. It was a fairly close game. And Cam Lutt, we've had a couple of games and they were pretty close as well. So, yeah, it was just nice chilling out with some guys I haven't seen for a while.
And then the other game I talked to brand new three people this week is Teotihuacan. Oh, classic. We're just sitting around with nothing else to do on Monday night. Well, I'm in a quandary with that game because they're about to release this new fandangled version on Kickstarter. I'm like, I've got everything and I've upgraded everything. So they better not put like one module in there that's new. Did you see the little screen printed meeples? I don't even know what they're for.
Yeah, yes, I did see them and I'm like, that'd have to be for the expansion period. Yeah. I would imagine, but I'm just like, what I'm hoping it's not, I hope it's just a deluxe version, in which case I'll stay away.
Because it's like, you know, when a band puts out a greatest hits album and there's two new songs on there, you're like, Oh, come on. They're not your greatest hits. No one knows them until now. Like don't put them on an album. So I have to go and buy a whole album for two songs, you bastards. That's what I'm hoping it's not going to be. Anyway, sorry. I don't want to steal your thunder. Talk about TO what you like. Well, again, we had to punch it out and there was a lot of tokens in that game.
trying to set it up with three new people. There's a lot of tokens, just little stacks. And I'm sort of reading through the two page setup and there's like 20 steps, you know, put this stack of tokens here and then separate that stack out and put it in these three places on the border. Like, oh man, I forgot how much the setups kind of suck, but, um, everybody loved it. It was just really well thought. Every, everybody had a great game. Um, Tio is such a good sort of tactile game with building the pyramid and, um,
upgrading the dice and everyone went really hard and operated their workers in the first round and got the extra workers and then spent the whole rest of the game realizing that that's probably not the best thing to do. And then locking away the dice and then kicking other people out. Like it was not the sort of game you'd play of TO with people that know how to play the game. It was very much a three new people exploring the game, but they all loved it. So we're going to play it again tomorrow. Nice, who are you playing it with?
That'd be Troy and Luke and another guy. Yeah, classic Monday night fun, but it's here. I have to say Steve, I've been telling everybody that I got Ark Nova from you and that it was already sleeved. And they're like, you should have, you should have paid them extra for that.
From Shane. I think she's been Shane. I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure I've still got my ass over. Did you drive to Emerald? I did. I'm pretty sure it's not sleep. I was bored ahead of time. Speaking of Arknova, I saw someone posted up they're doing final beta testing on PGA for Arknova.
All right. That's interesting. Random side note here. Have anyone watched the Dice Tower's latest top five video they did from Dice Tower West? Not yet, no. It's worth watching to the end because inexplicably, which is something I never thought I'd... Tom Vassal makes a sex joke.

Introduction to 'Bad Company'

Um, which is just unusual, but it's about, he's talking about how he doesn't like sleevers. And, um, and so after, like, just talk about groups of people he doesn't like. And then Camilla says, so what, you don't like sleevers? He's like, of course I don't. I've got seven kids. And just sort of.
You trickled through and you're like, oh wow. A very, very tame joke. He usually keeps it pretty G rated. I was like, there you go. Well, there you go. Sorry. Just mentioned the sleeves that made me think of it. I had a bit of a chuckle when I was watching it yesterday. Sorry, Shane. No, that's all right. I thought I'd talk about another game that I've been playing. And Steve, it is the space-based killer. Is this bad company? It is bad company.
I almost don't want to play it because I've heard it's a space-based killer. What does that mean? Is it you wouldn't play space-based once you've played that? Yes. So Bad Company is similar to space-based, similar to Machikaro where you start off with, you've got 12 of your crew. So you're recruiting 12 crew. And those 12 crew are your dice from 1 to 12, for example.
And these crew have these special abilities. When you roll them, you trigger an action that they give you. And that action then either gives you the ability to move around the board. So you've got police chasing you. So you're moving around these roads and you've got to stay ahead of the police. And as you move around these roads, you're picking up goods as well along the way.
and or you're collecting money, collecting gems, collecting whatever it is to fulfill heists. So you've got these heist cards that you've got to fulfill. And those heist cards are worth victory points at the end of the game. The first person to complete six heists is an endgame trigger. But the really cool thing is that as per space base, as per Machikaru,
When you roll the dice, you've got four dice that you roll and you've got another dice that is for the police car that moves the police car chasing you. You get to choose to make combinations of pairs, so two pairs. So if you're the controller of the dice, you can then trigger two lots of cards to help build your heists, et cetera, or build gems or build your heists to get your heists and build your heist cards.
But then also too, everyone else around the table gets to choose one pair of those dice. Cool. And trigger as well. Play goes around, next person rolls. There's game breaking cards in the game too that enables, so I got this one card when I was teaching it for the first time last Wednesday night at the ferret to two other couples, another couple that came along, lovely people. They loved it as well, really enjoyed it.
And I had this ability where every time they rolled, I could play a card and I could trigger both their dice instead of only triggering one. Nice. So I ended up with three of these cards. So that came up to near the end of the game. So I was just like, yep, we're going to take both of those sets and then build that card. There's another heist. I didn't trigger the end game.
someone else on the table triggered the end game, but I still won, so I broke Vassal's rule of teaching a game. Technically you were teaching it to yourself too, so that's fine. Yeah, we were all playing it for the first time, but it was such fun, like some of the combos, like if you can imagine some of the really good combo-tastic moves you can do in Hadrian's Wall, where you go, I'll do that, and I go triggers that, triggers that, triggers that, triggers that, triggers that.
There was some moves going on when you, you would do five or six moves before it would even, that's just off one set of dice. And then you do the same thing again. Oh God, it was so satisfying. You don't get that in space base. Sorry, Steve. It was hurting me too. Cause you know, I love the game too. It's in my top 10 and it was just super fun. So I'm going to bring it, if I go Tuesday night to the Aspley Tavern, I will be bringing it and I can teach it.
God, it was good. Such a good game. Recommend it. Buy it. Kill space base off. It's a different theme, right? If you want to go into space, you can play space base, but if you want to...
have some just full combo-tastic moves, Bad Company is brilliant. Just a brilliant game. I have been very keen to play it because I've heard a lot about how it's better than Space Base and Space Base was my Machi Koro killer. I had Machi Koro and I got Space Base and I never played Machi Koro for ages and ended up selling it because why would I ever play that when I could pull Space Base off the shelf?
I find it hard to believe there'd be a game that'd make me do that in Space Base, but hey, look, if there is, I'm just happy to know that there's a better game out there. I won't sell Space Base because if I want to play a space-themed game, plus I want to get that total endgame in Space Base, I need to actually do that once.
where you roll the four or five twelves in a row. Yeah, the win card. The win card, right? I need to get that win card out and then I'll sell it. It's like Friday. I kept Friday until I've now broken Friday. I can win Friday every time now. So Friday is now going up for sale.
So I won't ever sell Space Base until I either do the win card first, but it's good to keep just if you want a space game to play and have that same type of theme. However, a bad company takes that theme just to that next level. It is cool.

Board Gaming Culture and Mechanics

So cool. Just on that whole like different theme thing, a bit of a side jump here. Helen, you've never played Dwellings of Elodile yet, have you?
I have. I played it with Dave Wuns. I loved it. Yeah, right. But I just was with my friends yesterday and I was mentioning to them, we really need to play Jordans. And I'm like, meh. So they played it and didn't love it. So it's interesting. They didn't hate it. They were just like, it didn't rock their world. But I thought it was great. That sounds like you just need new friends.
But what I was going to say, the four of us, we all love dwellings. And then Andromeda's Edge was just on Kickstarter not long ago. And by all accounts, it's like a slightly better version because they've made a few little changes and differences. But I didn't end up backing it just because I don't love space as a theme. And almost jokingly, what I just said then about space-based, I also didn't back it because I'm like, you can't take my dwellings away from me. Dwellings is amazing.
Is that a real reason to not want to play a better game?
What I find interesting is how brutal you guys are with your games. Like there's none of this. So I don't, you know, I buy games, I'll keep them forever because I figure, you know, there's not just my time of playing games, but also my kids will grow up and go through their different zones. And I would want to have that game for them to play, to enjoy as much as I had. So, yeah, I find it interesting how you guys are so cutthroat. It's like, nope, done, go away. I don't need you anywhere. Because it gets to the point you're like, either.
I don't buy any more games or I buy new shelves and past that, I have to either knock down walls or take over other rooms in my house. I better sell some games here. When I moved to Emerald, I sold 69 games. I didn't quite get to 70. Specifically 69? I counted up and I remembered 69, believe it or not.
And then, um, and that got my count down to 200. Just under 200. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, like, I think I had too many games. That's the, yeah, that's the reality of it at that point. My kids have too many toys. So I figure, you know, you're entitled. Yeah, fair. But I'll just take it over. Yeah. I'm with you, Steve. I didn't back and drum the Z either. Yeah. And I was like, I can't get rid of dwellings. I just couldn't.
couldn't add something else to it that could take it away from dwellings because I love dwelling so much. Well, I'm the same, but the reason I didn't back it is because Joe couldn't get any discount on the group. But before I do move on from bad company, there's one really cool mechanism I didn't, because you know, in space-based where you buy a card, replace the card, tuck the card, right?
In bad company, you're actually building on top of a card. So you'll buy another crew member. So you'll pick up three crew and you choose one. And then that card goes on top of the other card. So whenever you roll a seven, for example, you trigger the ability twice. But what happens is when you put the new crew member on top, it's kind of like that matches their waste.
So you end up building this really tall person as they get taller and taller because their legs just keep growing. It's really cool. The benefits sit underneath. Sit underneath, yeah. Right, okay. So yeah, it sits underneath their waist. So you know, you'll trigger, you know, you might get all these different types of heist gear that you need.
Um, every time you roll a seven, for example. So, uh, one of the players had five people stacked on seven. So every time anyone was rolling at seven, um, she was just going, yeah, you beauty. I'm grabbing all that stuff. So bad company. Just before we move on, speaking of really good combos, we played a game of red rising last night and, um,
one of the players because I don't know if you guys know but in Red Rising you can have seven cards and any extra cards you get that you have to spend it costs you 10 points for every card you have over your seven but this person had the most amazing combo cards and so they were able to one of their combo one of their cards allowed them at the end of the game to pick up every discarded these three specific characters and all reds
from the discard pile and there were like 30 cards in the discard pile because they just kept shoving them. So they ended up with 17 cards to get points from at the end of the game. So they ended up with a score. I think it was
I want to say it was like 424 because after the 100 points they lost for the extra 10 cards. It was just crazy. And we're going through the game and I'm like, I don't even know why we're playing at this point because we had no chance of winning because we just watched him get more and more. And there were a few cards out that were like, you know, if you've got more than the person next to you, draw two and then pass this card along. And they got two of those as well. It's just like, it was insane. I've never seen such high card counts for a game. No one had less than seven.
That eerily reminds me of another Stonemeyer game, which is Scythe. There's an encounter that you can draw in Scythe that puts all of the wheat that is remaining in the supply on one hex on the board. And if that gets drawn and you're already on that hex, then you own all the wheat.
And you become a massive target for the rest of the game. But we had it happen as the first encounter. So it was just like the game turned into we all want that space and it was just ridiculous.
It's yeah, and I would never think that that would work in a game because you think that I could blow it out and make it You know unbalanced or else but I guess maybe it does in Red Rising but it's just so funny that you've talked about that like this crazy ability that can give you all of this stuff and there's another stone my again that has a similar and
It's hilarious. But I've seen the same thing. It was the second encounter that came out. And so it was right next to the tunnel outside of the little island that you start on. Yeah. And it was just everybody went immediately there. So like you would spend a turn, you'd do your bottom action with your wheat. So I'm gonna come kill you, then they'd do it. And so I'm gonna come kill them and they'd spend some more of it. The community. Yeah.
It's such a weird game. It's a bloodshed thrown in. Yeah. The honeypot's not weak, I'm just saying. Yeah, that's right. Weird that you talk about it, because I play a lot of tapestry on BGA, and there's a lot of tapestry like math heads, like people that math hammer it out.
optimise the perfect game for that. And so you can get phenomenally high scores on tapestry, like 400 plus, just from my base game of tapestry, like my average score is something like 150. And you're playing, yeah, you're playing a competitive game, you might get like to 200. If you're really pushing it, you really have a good game. But then all of a sudden, someone will come out with like a 480 point game. What? How did you do that? And it's just
Random combo plus random combo plus broken mechanic means they get 11 civilizations and each one gives them 50 points or something like that. I remember, I remember not long after it came on BGA, there was someone who was like, BGA, the BGA mod's broken. And they're like, why is it broken? It's like, I was supposed to have 10 civilization, but it wouldn't let me get more than nine. And I'm just going, hold on, hold on. Take it a few steps back. I've had two civilizations at once before.
I don't know how I could handle more than two at once, just quietly. I wouldn't look for a third if I had two. No, it's just that there's a way to do it where you trigger a thing and it doubles a square and when you're on that square, you get another civilization and then you get a take and it lets you take another action, which let you take the double square and you get another two. You mean civilizations in the maps?
Yeah, but not the maps, the actual, the actual like, um, the people, like the architects or the builders or whatever. Where do you put them just on top of the last one? No, just next to them. Oh, really? Yeah. I've never had that.
Well, it's the top of the warfare track is you get one. So there's also a tech card. You can take the action with such a duplicate spot, so you can take the tech, they'll let you duplicate tech. And that's the small part of luck that comes into it, right? You could do one of those things, but to get a combination of enough of them to be having 10 cards is insane. Yeah. Sorry, I just wanted to say before we move on to Peter Hawes. Yes, Dave did say math.
on tapestry. You'd have to ask Sean Cody. We played a game once and he had this combo that
Like I wish I could remember how it went. I think I could probably look up at our chat because I literally narrated how it went because it was unbelievable. Like his turn went for about 12 minutes. Um, and he, and, and like, it was so funny. You could see it all happening in his brain. Like he's like, hang on. So if I do this, then that let's me move over there, which then does this, which makes me go back here. And then if I'd played that there, then that'll push me back up here so I can do this again. And, and, and he's like,
So what happens now, like, because I've done that, does that also mean I can, and I'm like, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what it means. And we've like got the rule book out where everyone's looking at it and just by the end, we all just sat back and went, holy shit. Like, oh my God.
And I don't know, like, and I don't mean this to discredit Sean, but I honestly don't think he knew what he had done until he started going through those steps. Like obviously he was building towards a combo, but I don't think even he realized how big this combo was. It just kept going and going and going. And I just like, it's those moments where you sit back and you go, I didn't know this game could do that. Like, didn't know that was a thing. That's like a thing that Jamie does on purpose. He like puts these little Easter egg mega combos in his games. Yeah.
or whether he played testing and goes, nah, that'll never come up. I was chatting to Sean the other day and I said that he should come on and host an episode. So I'll have to bring that up if he gets on. Yeah, yeah. I'll bring him in for sure. Love tapestry. And Jamie, if you're listening, you're always invited to.
I'll talk about another game I've been playing. I played a lot of. I played like seven or eight games in a row. I think I shared it in our chat, which is Planet Unknown. Have any of you guys played Planet Unknown? No. So I got the Kickstarter or the big fancy version. And to be honest, it kind of hits me off because
There's no cover on the Lazy Susan. So unless you place it on your shelf horizontally, the pieces go everywhere, which is annoying, you know? But anyway, once you get past that, um, it's this, I played the first time I played it, I played it with my parents and I love my parents, but they just have a negative effect on a game. You know, like I rarely play, rarely play a game with my parents.
And it's a super enjoyable time because my dad, um, and they don't listen to the show, so I can say what I like. Um, but my dad is like, he's like, you were at, um, on Mars, Helen, he'll come in halfway through and go, I was picking up as I go along, but he won't like.
that's where he changes from you. He won't pick it up, but he'll believe that he's picked it up. And then he'll start critiquing what Mum does, who's listened to the rules and understands how to play. And then he starts telling her about all the things she's doing wrong, even though she's not doing anything wrong. Um, so it's, it's always, it's always a treat. Um, but for some reason I keep signing up for it. But anyway, we played Planet Unknown and it was okay. And I remember just going, ah, it's a fine game.
And I pulled it out a couple of weeks ago and I just played a couple of games with Raph. And far out, that's a good game. It's like, it's my favorite polyomino placement game. Like, solely polyomino present. Like, it's not Feast for Oden, but it's...
really, really clever with how it does it. So similar to your space bases and whatever else, it's never a term where you're not doing anything because there's this lazy Susan that's got these six areas in it. So the four of us are playing around. We all choose which wedge is our wedge. And then when it's your turn, you get to move it around. So you get to choose whichever tile you want.
But wherever everyone else's wedge is placing, they get to take a tile from one of the two spots that it's facing. So you always get a tile. You always get to play something. And every time you play something, it has two separate tracks that you get to move up. So if you're like me and you love tracks in games, like it's you've got to move up on two tracks and then those tracks will trigger other things. And and, you know, if you go up the tech track far enough, suddenly you get better advantages that other people don't get. And you get the rover that goes around and cleans up the planet, gets rid of asteroids.
what they call meteorites or whatever else. So there's a lot happening with just this simple polyomino placement game. And we played it. And then we played it. We finished it. We played it again. We finished it. We played it again. We played it again. And I'm like, I looked at the box and it said it goes for 70 to 90 minutes. No way. It's like a 25 minute game. I literally went back and read the rules again because I thought maybe we've done something wrong here because
And even at six players, it would still be a 20 to 25 minute game because everyone's taking a turn, every turn, like there's no downtime. So I was almost perplexed, like I'd done something wrong, but it's just such a solid game and it's over, like it's pretty quick.
There's loads of variability. The first four times we played, we just used to have a basic planet and a basic faction. But on the back of every planet is a variable planet. And on the back of every faction is a variable faction. And we mapped around with a few of the combos of those. And it was just insane. It has a lot of depth for what is essentially a simple polyomino placement game.
Baron Park with tracks and variability, like, but more, much more interesting. I think I like Baron Park, don't get me wrong, but this was a much more interesting game. So yeah, I, I've blown away by it. I thought it was really good. I've seen it being played before and it does look impressive on the table. Um, with that, with that lazy Susan going around, um, and I think
I think I was booked to actually play the game with the group that came along to a game night one night, but then I got taken away to teach some other games. So I'm looking forward to it. I want to play it. Well, that gives me an idea. And I think it's a topic for now because we can sort of talk about it and then maybe come back and talk about it as a future topic. And we didn't really have a topic for tonight's episode.
What's a game, what's a game that you want to play in the next month that you maybe don't own or you've never played and you really want to get here. So, and why? So Shane could be planet planet unknown or if you've got another one, but what's a game in the next month, let's say before Brisbane, do you want to try and get on the table? Go Helen. Viticulture.
Yes. So I borrowed it from you. I have played that one. Yes. I might take it away for Easter. I don't have any cool coins in there though.
No, that's okay. I can lend you some. Well, if I like it, I've looked already looked on Stonemaier and it cost me like $264 or something dollars to get it all. But there's a wine, there's like a wine barrel crate you can get as well to put it all in.
Interesting. I've actually got Australian $0.05, $0.02 and $0.01 coins that I use for viticulture. Oh, do you? I can give them today for you at the Easter weekend for you and use them. I did ask last night if we could play it, but nobody, they hadn't really played it before. Two people had played it once and it's like we weren't going to learn a new game, which is why we replayed Libertalia. But yeah, so viticulture, I really want to learn it.
It's such a great game. It's, it's like right on the car. It didn't make out our top 10 or 13 or whatever we did, but far out. That's a good game. See, I, I played it once and it was maybe the timing and maybe the group. So we're all sort of a little tipsy and we thought, Oh, we'll play a wine theme game. So we learned it from the rule book just didn't land. I don't know. I didn't enjoy it all that much. It seemed fairly bland worker placement for me.
Yeah, look, I think, and I quite like this standard edition. I don't have a problem with that, but there is no doubt that if you do like it, Helen, the very next purchase you need to make is Tuscany, because Tuscany makes it a four season game. So in normal viticulture, you've just got, you've got four seasons, but
I think is that spring is basically choosing the player order.

In-depth Look at 'Viticulture'

Then you've got summer, then you've got autumn, which is so summer stuff happens. And then in autumn, you're just drawing cards. And then winter is the stuff happens, right? In the Tuscany version, stuff happens in all four seasons and it's a bit more in depth. There's a bit more going on. But still, I think base viticulture is awesome. But there's no doubt viticulture with Tuscany is awesome. Yeah, the viticulture essential edition.
is what you want to get. Yeah. Well, that's what, yeah, so Dave's got- It's the essential edition, but it doesn't have Tuscany in it. Oh, okay. Yeah, you need to get Tuscany essential edition after that, if you like. Yes. And it'll go from like an eight to a 10 in my eyes. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, it's- Well, yeah, I'm really curious because obviously, you know, I'm a massive fan. My friends knew I'd like the battalion. I really did. I obviously like wingspan.
tapestry is my favorite. So I'm excited to give it a go and find out, you know, if it has a place. What would you say it's similar to? Did you say you'd played, you said you played, what was it? David was talking about Lords of Waterdeep earlier.
Day is right. It's pretty basic worker placement. What I love about the game is that even though it is quite like
Basically, there's all these spots on the board, depending on how many players, there'll either be one, two, or three spots open on each action, whether you're playing with a two, four, or six players, or whatever else. It does get super tight because there are certainly definitely places that you all want to be going. It's essentially just a massive efficiency puzzle. You're all trying to do the same thing. You're all trying to make wines and sell them.
So basically what you do in the first season, you'll get your crops sorted, you'll put them in your fields and then you might do a wine tour to try and get some money or something like that. And then you go into the next phase and then you'll start harvesting your crops and then maybe you want to
uh bottle bottle your um okay that's a bottle what is it it's um making to wine it's just called making to wine step or um yeah and that's basically just pretty much the the gate or you up or your your crop ages as well so you your little clear sell up
So at the end of every year, everything gets better. But you can only get to a certain point until you upgrade your wine cellar. So there's a few little things, little stops. You run out of money real quick early on. So you've got to be doing something to gain money. It's one of those great games, almost like...
I don't want to say Dominion because it's a lot of people say, oh, it's like Dominion, but it's that idea that money is super important and hard to get early. And then there comes a time when you're getting so much money that it doesn't matter anymore. Like that money is useless to you for the rest of the game. How many rounds has it played over?
It's played until someone, the base game is played until someone gets to 20 points or more, and then you finish that year out. And then I think Tuscany goes to 25. And I used to think it was a downside. The thing I love about that game is that everyone's working to get their engine just right.
And then you've only really got one year that you get the benefit of that engine because someone will go to 20 and you'd be like, so many times like, I just want to play another round because everything's working, you know, but it just ends.

Board Game Collection Management

Um, and actually weirdly I like that. I think that's kind of cool because you've really got to pay attention to where other people are at and what they've got going on in their fields. And yeah, it's, it's, but in the end it's basic worker placement.
Yeah, similar to like, a little bit similar to architects at the West Kingdom, you know, where you've got certain spots where you can go to get actions. But then have we spoken about the big worker? Did you talk about that? Grande, yeah. Grande worker? Yeah. So these spots are very much like, if you're there, no one else can go there, unless there's a spare spot left over. But the Grande, which everyone has,
they can go on any spot, whether it's been used up or not. So it's kind of like a wild. Yeah. So it's a very helpful thing to have in the game. The other thing that's great too, is that you start in the summer and you finish in the winter, but in the first round, you've only got two workers in your grande. And if you use them all up in the summer, then you're done. You've got to hold on to them to do those winter actions later on as well.
Yeah. I'd have to say- There's a fraction of Ron Mars in there, Helen, with the worker placement with the different time periods where if you block all your workers away, you can't get them later in the game. Can't get them later in the game. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Awesome. It has to be my favorite, stay my game. Oh, okay. Interesting. It'd be my second favorite.
It'll be, for me, it'd be scythe, then viticulture, then wingspan, I'd say, and then tapestry. And to be honest, that'd be my top four. And they're all probably in my top 30, I'd say. I'd go viticulture, scythe, libertalia, wingspan.
I don't think Dave would go tapestry and no others. Actually tapestry would be in there too, yeah. For tapestry, I've just the amount of times I've played it. So it's good and Lynx means good. And Fred Rosling, I don't mind. I haven't played enough of Italia or at all. So yeah, can't make a good call. But I don't mind so much. I like the quality of the games. I like the effort that's put into them. And I like how clean they are. But viticulture for me, it's a good worker placement game. I could see the appeal.
I didn't enjoy it when I played it. No, look, none of them are overly difficult, right? They're easy to, like, they're easy to understand and you just, they're just an easy fun, fun play. Do you know what I mean? They're certainly not like an on Mars where you're using your brain and you're really strategizing. Although I will say I used to think I was good at video culture until it turned up on BGA and then I realized I was definitely not good at that game. Doesn't that do that to you a lot? Like, I think I'm pretty good at Barrett. I'm not good at Barrett.
What's your game, Dave? Oh, look, I've been looking at it for a little while because it's in my pile now that I've moved and it was covered in dust and obviously haven't opened for a little while. Eclipse. Got a copy of Eclipse sitting in shrink there that I probably should play. Well, call me up. I'll come around for that one.
Yeah, it's just, I don't know, like it's not a weeknight game. It's too much for a night. It needs to be a really concerted effort. Well, I'm not a Twilight Imperium for the six hour thing, but you've got to learn it and I don't have to punch it. So I've got to like prep it as well. Yeah, seriously. I go back to what I said a few weeks back.
Like, you should be able to pay like 10 bucks more to have the game turn up, punched, ready to go. And for a game like Eclipse, I would pay 30 bucks more. You know, I'm sure there's people out there who would pay you to punch your games for you. I have a friend, Luke, he loves doing that. I just wait till he comes to punch out games. You've played Eclipse before, haven't you? I've played Eclipse before. You played it with me that night. That's when I went through, walked out.
Yes, that's right. That night. Yeah, we played somebody else's side. After that night, I got it and have never looked at it again. And the other one, it's still sitting there looking at me as well. I did unwrap the shrink, but corrosion.
I don't know if you've heard of erosion. Oh, yeah. It's like reverse barrage. It's like, yeah. It's just the wheels and the element around gaining resources. So it came with these metal coins and I kept misplaced in the back. So I took the shrink off and chuck the coins in the box. The little metal cogs and they're cool pieces. But yeah, I really want to give that a go. And I just haven't found the time or the group to learn it and play it. So one of those two will be my I would like to get in the next month. It's exciting.
Well, unfortunately, because Shane can't make it down to the Gold Coast when I'm down there, he has the two games that I want to play in the next month. I saw him in his shopping bag. That's a bad company and ready set bet. So I will try and find a way to get those games played in the next month or so. Are you both going down to the Gold Coast? The other two? Dave? I'll probably go to the shop. Yeah.
If I can get G money, then, you know, there might be the four of us. Maybe we can do a... I can give you the game so you can take them with you. Yeah. Let's do that. Sounds good. Hey, look, I'm not going to complain. I will find out. This is not really podcast chat, but I've got to find out what day would be best with regards to the draw and make sure it works for you guys as well. So yeah, I'll find that out and let you guys know.
But that would be cool as, so. Yeah, yeah. Like if I can, I will jump in the car as well and come down. But if I can't, at least I will give Dave the games to breathe with him.
Well, make sure you let me know. I'm looking at it. Realistically, any night works. Because the latest game we have is 5 p.m. and that's on Tuesday. So that'd finish around 6.30, 7 o'clock. But the next morning, our first game isn't until like 9.30. So we could quite easily stay up to all hours on that night. You know what I mean? We'd be able to make it work on any night. Anyway. Yeah. Well, it just worked for me. But I mean, I could pick up Ellen on the way past and she's halfway the goal cuts anyway.
Yeah, right. We could get there for like seven-ish and knock out a quick game or two, leave it like 11, get back a bit after midnight. Absolutely. I'm game. I'm game. I've seen so much about it, but I don't even know how it works. I just want to play it. There's an app. You run it on the app. Hang on. I'll just bring it up so you can see it. So sorry for everyone that doesn't have a vision. Which is everyone recording it.
You are literally playing off an app. Okay. You can either be the person that's rolling the dice, and there's your horses. They're ready to go. Yep. Are we just betting on horses? You're just betting on all these different types of bets that are going on. You're betting on first place, second place, and third place, so they go first.
So win, place and show, it's called. But then you've got all these other side bets that you can do throughout the game. You've got game breaking rules as well that you can hold cards. And you just, it's mayhem. And so you're just placing your chips down to place your bets. And it's played over four rounds. I know I'm talking about another game we've just played, but I've played it, I taught it.
Two weeks ago, Tuesday night at Aspley, we played two games, nine players. So you can imagine the mayhem that was going on. We actually put ourselves out of the standard room that we played at Aspley because we knew we were going to be loud. And everyone's cheering on horses, like really loud tuning. People come over thinking it was a TAB.
People would come and just look at it and go, what are these guys playing? And we've got this whole bedding sheet set up on the table. And we're throwing down chips. And what's even worse is you're about to place a chip down on a horse and someone else jumps in and puts it down first. So no, unless you've got the one card that's in the game where it allows you to place a chip on someone else's chip. Oh, it's going to be unique. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You've only got, you know, her first down gets that bet. And God, it was fun with nine players with full player count.
So I did the first race as the race caller. So I'm the one rolling all the dice and moving all the horses. And then the second race, I showed the app so everyone could see how the app works. God, it was good fun. And then on Wednesday night, so after I played Bad Company, we had a six player group just wandering around and said, how about we set up Ready Set Bet, quickly set it all up. And we had a crowd of people watching. Everyone's cheering on horses again. It's just good.
Good party game. Leave your brain at the door. Just have fun. Sounds good. So what's yours then, Shane? So while I'm talking, uh, Cloudspire. I'm yet to play Cloudspire. I've got it sitting on the shelf. Um, and, uh, so over the next month, I want to, I don't want to play it solo though. I actually want to play it with some people. Um, Get G money if you can. He, he loves it. He played. Does he? Yeah. All right. I'll get G to come around one night and
And so over the next month, I definitely want to play Clouds Fire. And maybe if I'm going to play a solo game, Batman Solitaire, the Batman Solitaire game that I bought. So I got the full Kickstarter bling with all the bat dice and everything.

Planning Board Game Meetups

It's a real campaign type of game, little minis. I want to get that to the table as well the next month.
I think that that's a pretty good way to end the show there, right? So we can go back and talk about those in a couple of episodes, see how we went. Yeah, absolutely. All right. Well, play them together, probably.
Most of me. I'll definitely be bringing Planet Unknown down. I know that was no one's choice, but I'll definitely be bringing that down to the Gold Coast because it's an easy game to get to the table with people. Even if it's just me and my son. Do you know that game literally looks like two games that I played recently, which was, sorry, just very quickly, Steam Up.
which is like, you got the steamers and number nine, which again looks like Tetris pieces. Everybody gets to pick a piece every time and you've got to stack them on top of each other and you only get points for every layer above the bottom layer. But you can't, you have to place over two other numbers and you have to, and there has to be no gaps. And then you just play the numbers. You just played every number from zero to nine twice.
based off when the card gets dealt is what order you place them in. Just a really quick like 10 minute game. But it's good. But yeah, it's funny because I looked at I looked up planet unknown. I'm like, Oh, this literally looks like these two games I've just recently played together.
Yeah, well, thank you folks. It's been a while. In fact, we just discussed with Helen while we were waiting for you guys to join in that the last time I was on Discord was when I sent Shane the link for the last show, which was on the 11th of February. So it's been a while.
No, it hasn't peaked that long. Oh, it has. I'm pretty sure. It's February. No. It's been a month. No. Yeah, well, look at you. Yeah, job on there. We do have our own work lives as well. Yeah. That's what's caught up with us, I think, with all of us. We've all had something coming on in our work life that's really- It's been a crazy month. It's been a crazy. Look, honestly, I needed tonight. I needed to sit down and talk to you guys.
So I'm glad, even Lauren said, you need your podcast tonight. I said, Oh yeah, I do. That's a different response than I get. I get, I got to do my podcast now and I get, Oh, is that on tonight?

Reflections on Board Gaming Joy

We were going to do X, Y or Z. So, um, yeah. So that's so good. But no, it's, I was going to say, it's been a while, but it's been awesome. It's, uh, the fifth, the fifth of March, we did the fifth of March. Okay. So that's three weeks ago, three weeks ago.
Yeah, all right, apologies. I'm like seven weeks. Yeah, but with Steve on that one? Yeah, I don't think I've missed one yet. Shane wasn't, Helen. The other Steve. One of you needs to change your name. All right, Shane, I'll change my name to Shane. You could be the fifth Shane in the group. You won't get confused that way.
What if you will answer? Well, thank you very much for listening. If you have been listening, it was nice just to talk about games and really not have a topic. Although I really like how you finish that one off, Dave. So thanks again, everyone. And we'll catch you next time. Cheers. Thank you. Thank you.