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Episode 21: Back to normality, with games and nonsense image

Episode 21: Back to normality, with games and nonsense

S1 E21 ยท Board Game Chinwag
71 Plays1 year ago

Steve blathers on about the Scythe sequel, and everyone discusses what's been on the table recently.


Introduction and Host Welcome

Have we got a quiz say music? Hang on, I've got... Last baseball one.
Hello there. Welcome to the board game. Chinwag, you're joined by the regular five. We've got Dave. How you doing? Hello. I was about to take a drink of my tea, but hello. All good. All good. And Shane, how are you, mate? Fantastic, mate. We've got Helen, and you won't see the video, but Helen is currently sitting in a very regal seat. That sounds like her in the toilet. It totally sounded like I was in the toilet. Guarantee, she's not. How are you doing, Helen? Yeah, good. Thank you. How are you?
Good. It's actually her bed, just in case anyone's wondering what the hell I'm talking about. But I

Cricket and Podcast Theme

am sitting. Yes. Yes. Angie Money, how you doing, bud? I'm all right, and I am definitely on the toilet. That's why we can't see your camera. I love it.
That's the only place to watch the cricket, I was aware of. So just so you're aware tonight at numerous times we might throw to G-Money for a score update because it is currently day four of the Ashes game three. Australia's up 2-0 so if we win this one we win the series and play two dead rubbers so we'll be getting some score checks. What's the current score G-Money? They are one for 42. Oh did they appeal the other out?
Nope, they just that was just one their first wicket. Oh, I think so. Okay, very good. Okay, very good All right. So we don't have a topic for tonight's podcast either. So I don't really have anything to throw 21. So I guess Tell us the new um scythe game I could start with that. Yeah. I had a

Review of 'Expeditions' Board Game

um, I got my copy of expeditions Uh, which I was very excited about um for anyone who isn't aware my scythe is kind of like the it is we talked about our um
What do we call it? Our four games. We're at Rushmore of Games and side is definitely number one on that list for me. And so I was very excited to see there was a sequel, but also very nervous because Stonema has been a bit hit and miss for the last few years for me. So I was a bit concerned. Oh, there's a couple of games that just didn't hit the mark. There are some great ones, but there's also been some not so great ones.
Fair call, my apologies. Yeah, I was going to say that card game, Red Rising, yeah. Oh, don't you dare. Red Rising is amazing. It's not as good as Fantasy Realms, though, and that's an easier, quicker game. Anyway, but bottom line is I got Expeditions, and I was a bit excited, so we cracked it out, and it's an interesting game. It's not Scythe. It's definitely not Scythe. That's very clear there too.
I wouldn't say very different games, but different enough. There's enough in Expeditions that makes you realize that you're playing in that same world, which is cool. Like the characters that you run are the same. And I like that it's changed it up. So there's
Sometimes when you love a game, you love it for its flaws just as much as you do for its really good things. And so I've had some flaws. There are some factions that are much stronger than others. There are some factions that are easier to learn than others. There's just things that, and there's map combinations with factions that are overpowered and others that are really hard.
What I love about this game is it's obviously learned from those little flaws and made this game better. So what you do is you randomly get assigned a leader, and that'll be the same leaders as before, whether it's, you know, Vesna or, you know, whatever their names are. I kind of remember their names, but anyway, them. And then you'll get their sidekicks. So they're their animal sidekicks that they've always had. And then you'll be
then you'll just randomly be assigned a mech because the mechs aren't your mechs anymore. That's kind of moved on. You're not in Europa. You're actually heading to Siberia. So the mech that you have isn't necessarily tied to your race or your people.
So that was kind of cool because what that means is the setup is random, but also balanced because the mech strengths, they're not like, they're not huge. They're just little tiny differences. So there's, I mean, I've only played it twice. I couldn't tell you that if there's any imbalance, but it kind of feels like it's set for balance. I can't see how

Building vs Combat in Board Games

any combination could be considered stronger than the other because they are it is it's quite even across the field uh that's cool but the game itself is it's an exploration game obviously with a name like expeditions but it's also a deck builder um which it doesn't really
sort of promote itself as one, but it really is. It's an open-handed deck builder. So whenever you get a card, it goes into your active row, which could also be called a discard. And then when you refresh, you get all your cards from your discard and you put them into your hand, which is actually on the table in front of you. You never actually hold cards in your hand. And then when you play turns, when you do the play action, you take one of your cards and you put it in the active row and you take that action. And you start with two cards that are fine.
But as the game progresses, you gain more and more cards with better benefits. So it's a deck builder. That's basically what the game is. But a really simple action selection thing where you've got this little cube. After you refresh, you move to this one square. It has three arrows pointing up to the three actions you can take, which is move, gather, and play.
So you can take all three of them because nothing is blocking that. On your next turn, you have to move your action token from that square to one of those three squares, so one of the move, gathers, or plays. And what you're doing is actually blocking out that action, but you can take the other two actions. And you can move it around those three as much as you want, so long as you don't repeat the same thing twice. So you can't do move and play and then move and play again.
So once you get your head around that, basically it's a decision of, do I want to go and explore? Do I want to play cards out of my hand? And the gather action, each hex itself has its own benefit that you can take when you're on it. And that's the gather action.
You go around, you can do some really cool upgrades. So on your board, on the top side, you've got quests you can complete. And the more quests you complete means that your trophies at the end are worth more. So at the start, they're worth five coins for every trophy you succeed in. But if you have three or more, they're worth 10. And two and one is worth like six and eight or something.
So that's like building your victory points at the end of the game. On the side is upgrades. So they're like these special item cards. And if you upgrade them, you'll get them for the rest of the game as individual benefits. And then underneath, you can meld meteorites into these other benefits. And whenever you do that, you get every other melded card. So the more of them you have, you trigger your high-love combinations. It's like, I get this, now I get this, now I get this, now I get this. How cool is that?
sort of thing. So there's so much you can do on this one little spot space in front of you on your board. And then obviously you've got all your card play. I really enjoyed it. I can already see what people aren't going to like about it. And that is that one thing that annoyed people about side is it looked like a big fighty fighty game and it really isn't. There is no fighting in this game.
So you have your one huge mech, and they are huge. But that's your mech that's going out into this area. It's what you're traveling on. There's no fighting. There's no conflict. When you're playing against other players, you're essentially racing them to the end rather than fighting against them. So I wouldn't say it's multiplayer solo, but I'd say it's
there's a fair bit of time where you might be on, I played at two players. So it's probably even more, more exaggerated where you're just not in each other's way and there's no real benefit to getting in each other's way. Um, so if you're not, if you're into, if you're into the combat and you want that, then maybe it's not for you. But if you're like me, who just likes to build an engine and let it run, then this game lets you do that time and time again. So yeah, I really enjoyed it. That's exciting.
Sounds like my version of Scythe without the fighting. Well, even in Scythe, like, you know, you probably, I've played games where I've never had a fight in Scythe and won the game. You know, like it was, it was always not the major part of that game. And so many, and I was, I thought that there might've been a chance that this game would have been more fighting because so many people wanted that out of Scythe and didn't get it, but they actually went the other way and they, yeah, that's, it's an exploration game. So yeah, if you, but if you don't like combat yet, absolutely.
And how does it go, Jay? I was just going to say the combat in Scythe is the best type of combat in board games where you only do it if you get something out of it. Yeah. Like you don't do it for the sake of doing it. Because if you do it, someone will just do it back to you straight away. Yeah. It weakens you so much. Yeah. So you really want to get something good out of it to do it.
Yeah, that's what I like about tapestry too, right? It's the same thing. You don't have to fight, but you can, but it's for a purpose if you're doing it. If you're going into that center, it's to do that. It's not to attack people. Unless you're playing against Helen, who's got three trap cards. Yes. Hey, I didn't attack anyone. You guys all attacked me. I just defended myself.
I didn't attack anyone either. I only had one. Anyway, we're talking about a game of tapestry that we played on DGA, but yes, I think I put one thing out, whatever they're called. Anyway, yeah, so anyway, that was Expeditions. I really enjoyed it. I'm very keen to play it with

Recent Board Game Experiences

more players. Two players was, like I said, it was pretty cruisy. I think with more players, it would become a little bit more
I mean, you can still, you can move through people. You just can't finish on the same hex, but there was a few times even at two where I was like, ah, damn, that's where I wanted to go. You know, that kind of thing. So I can only imagine it's more so with five or four. What's the max player count? Currently five. Yeah. But I got a feeling that there's probably expansions in the works. I would imagine. What's the multi-card use like?
Yeah, well that's what I was talking about before where you can upgrade or you can do quests or you can do melding. They also have a benefit that they could just play the card to get and you can put a worker on it to make that a benefit even stronger. So you could potentially never do those things and still have a really strong, like it is a decision to tuck a card and lose that as benefits. But at the same time,
a bit like side, you've got these goals that you try to achieve. And once someone's achieved four of them, that triggers the end of the game. Three of those game ending triggers or three of those goals are get four quests done, get four upgrades done, or get four meldings done. So you are encouraged to do that throughout the game.
And you can find, I found cards really easy to come by. Like at one point I had like 12 cards in my hand and Raph at one point only like was playing against me and only had three cards.
But we were both still getting really effective turns. So cards while they're there, they aren't also the be all and end all. You can just go and explore. And he had this really cool benefit, which is whenever you explore, you get a map token and he could trade his map tokens in for strength or guile, which you need to get rid of corruption. So he was getting rid of heap of corruption because he kept on trading in these map tokens where I didn't really go down that road. I went down the road of getting cards and getting combos and stuff. So yeah.
Cool. Would you liken it to more of the, like a game like Fort or Glory to Rome, Innovation? Well, you've mentioned two games that I haven't played and one that I played like maybe twice in Fort. Um, yeah, no, I would say it's, um, and this is going to sound really like, you know, whatever.
typical Steve answer, but it's kind of like a, it's probably more terraforming Marzi than, like a cross between terraforming Mars and Dominion would be with a hint of size. That's kind of, if you had to compare it to games, that's where I go. Because the card play and the comboing, that's very terraforming Marzi and the deck building, whenever I think of deck building, I always think of Dominion.
Yeah, not really. It's not much like Dominion, but I guess, yeah, if I had to put another game spin on it, I'd probably go that way more so. Well, that's you've been playing. Well, I've been playing a heap. But maybe someone else can talk, because I've got a dry mouth after dealing through that whole expedition's run through. What have you been playing, Shane? I'll go through the list of mammoth games I've been playing since the last pod.
And it kicked off at the game day at the community place, where I ended up playing, I taught via Nebula. I taught it once, and I taught it twice and played it once in my second play. And then ended up in a game of Kanban EV. So it was probably my fourth game of that I've ever played and really enjoyed that game. Such a brain burn. Really simple mechanic though, when you think about it,
put your person here, do the action, make sure you don't get caught by Sandra. And then we ended up playing an epic five-player game of The Godfather calling on Zempire, which is by far, I love that game. If I ever had five players, that game's always gonna come out. We ended up, I think we probably ended up with around 15 or 16 of our characters all in the Hudson River.
you know, murdered by drive-by shootings or car bombs going off in the whole suburbs. It's just brilliant. And close game, too, really close game. And for three people, it was their first play of it, and all three really enjoyed it. So that was there. Then we ended up in the next, I think it was at the Ferret, where we played an epic game of City of the Big Shoulders. It was brilliant. Loved it.
Was that for your birthday? It was. It was for my birthday. And Dave was there. It was great to play that game and he beat us. It was close. 17 points, wasn't it? Between you and me. It was a close one. A new player. He was pretty good. Yeah, he was excellent. Picked it up really quick. And for the first time I had three companies going. It was that very last round.
So you didn't make the same errors that you'd made on BGA? Oh my god, it's just terrible in the BGA game. I think it was my first time I was trying to learn City of the East, I was on BGA. I've gotten better since then, so let's crank out another game on BGA. I'll be ready to go on that one. And what else have we been playing? I have played this, or this week, we ended up playing The Godfather again.
on Thursday night at my house with a few people or five, we had five players. We actually started, sorry, we actually, the week before that, we started pandemic legacy season zero two, by the way. We've started cranking that one out on a Thursday night. So we're going to play that whole game throughout. But last Thursday night, we had an extra body. So five player game was requested. So Godfather Corleone's Empire came out and another epic game.
people dying everywhere, left, right and center. It was a really cool play. Pastor Nick had one of his mates up from Adelaide and it was pretty much the last round. And Nick was hanging onto these three items, which he needed to do the car bomb, right? To let off the car bomb and just pretty much destroy a whole suburb. And that was his plan. But his mate,
decided he was doing the same thing, took the communal car bomb from the communal play area, which Nick needed, destroyed the whole city. And Nick was sitting there going, he was waiting for this move the whole game. He had done not much throughout the whole game. And this was going to be his big moment.
and his mate stole it from him. But then his mate also had the car bomb card. So Nick's like, why didn't you play that card? And then I could have had, you know, my go using the communal card. And he would have been epic to have two car bombs go off straight after the other. Husband would have been filled up with dead bodies. That was really cool. It was good fun.
And then on Friday night with Anita and Cass, we played Wonderland's War. I really enjoyed that game. It was the first time I played it. I've had it for a little bit. And it's kind of like, you know, you've got a Rondelle. Has everyone played it here? No. You've got this Rondelle action where you've got your character, you move them to a dinner plate around the
around the table and you do the action of the card that's sitting on that dinner plate and and then what that action does is gives you releases some of your meeples your characters or your and then you go out and you put them into spots to for area control and then you go into an attack phase where you are drawing chips out of your bag
Um, so it's kind of like battle quacks or yeah, it's like battle quacks. That's what I call it. So you are, you are in the end having these battles for area control and whoever wins the battle, um, gets the points and then you move it around two and then round three.
But throughout the game, you're actually upgrading your chips, you're forging your chips to better chips, so they're replacing your bag. You're also getting all these different other characters that can help you in the fight, and their chips get added to your bag as well. So it's similar to Quacks, like I think I had one chip where if I drew it, I could then draw two more chips out of my bag, but put one back. And it was such a fun game. And I point the difference. Cass got me by a point.
Um, it was really good. And then straight after that, the girls wanted another game of something. So we played, oh, via Nebula. So I taught that to the two ladies and they said, if we only learned this before we played brass. Yeah, right. Um, she said, you know, we should be telling everyone before you even look at trying to play brass, you should play via Nebula. And, um,
Then I think the best game though I think I've played over the last couple of weeks since we've been away is Wild Serengeti. Has everyone here heard of that, seen it, played it? I got a copy of it and it looks really nice on the table. It's just this board on the table with different hexes and it looks like a land, like a landscape.
and then you've got all these animal meeples. So you've got lions, elephants, giraffes, and it just looks fantastic when you put it all out. But Lauren and I, I taught it to Lauren, and I phrase it to her, I said, we're all videographers and filmmakers for David Attenborough.
And so we need to go out into the Serengeti and create wild scenes. So what you've actually to do is you've got these cards, and in the cards are scenes that you need to create out in the Serengeti. So you might have to have an elephant adjacent to a lion, adjacent to a giraffe, right? Or you might have to have them all in a lion.
or have one in the mountains, one in the lakes, and one in the forest. So you've got to create these movie scenes. And when you do, you add the card to your points. You get points at the end of the game. It was really good. Looks great on the table. You can move the meeples around as well. So part of your actions is you can move your meeples around the board so you can create the scene that you want to create.
And a good test for me is that Lauren said, can we leave this set up so we can play it again? And I said, yeah. So left it set up. Unfortunately, we didn't get to have another game of it because the week got away. And I ended up packing it away on Thursday night before we could play it again. But Lauren wants to play it. She really, really liked it. So when

Solo Board Games as a Distraction

you have an onboard gamer say, that's a game that I want to continue playing, that was a win for me. So it was a good moment.
So all the games played, hence why no gaming this weekend. So I'm intrigued. I know that there was an intention to play Union Stockyards. Did that get to the table or? Not yet, no. No, we decided on City of the Big Shoulders instead. Yeah. Game we knew versus a game we'd probably have to learn. Yeah, fair. Yeah. All right. Score check, G-Money.
One for 60 odd. What about you Helen? Have you been playing lately?
Not a lot. I have been trying and failing at solo games on BGA. So I played a couple of rounds of tapestry and a round of Ark Nova. And I probably should have checked what their rules were as to what I meant to do before I started just playing the way I wanted to play. So I failed miserably at that. I did have a game start on Friday night. So I did get, we played a game of Mysterium, which we were unsuccessful.
And then we played a game of It's Wonderful World, which I won. It went really well. Changed the way I normally play it to be a little bit more tactical. And then we played a game I cannot remember the name of.
It was a party sort of charade style game so you've got all these pictures down and you've got these cards and you've got like to you know tell people what the clues are out of the pictures that are on the board and you've got like question marks and exclamation marks to put down to try and get them to say you know it's a story and this is the major components and these are the other components. Okay. So but I don't actually remember what it was called but it was good fun and we played that a couple of times so that was really good.
But other than that, it's just been the games we've played. So obviously we played a game of Tapestry, which I lost to Dave. Um, we played a game of Ark Nova, which, who won Ark? I think I did that game. Yeah. Yeah. So I've just, I had a lot of, apart from that one game of it's wonderful world in real life, I've had a lot of failures in my game playing lately, just failing, failing at them all.
But playing is the real winning, doesn't it? Yeah. Yeah. And, and I was excited to go, oh, I'm sitting playing on my phone. I'll just play a game, a quick game of solo mode, just as something else to do. So it stopped me scrolling. So it was good fun to do that, to play a game instead of, cause at least I'm interacting in part of it. So yeah, it's good fun.
Besides watching the Ashes, do you want any of you been playing many games? No, I had a week off from work and I devoted myself to Frosthaven again. Not your children? No, no, no, they were somewhere there, they yelled a bit. I devoted myself to doing a few things that I was trying, that I wanted to do in the game but sort of didn't have time previously.
So a few quests that I wanted to do that were side quests and try out a few different items and stuff like that. So it was good. Yeah. Nice. How far through I like, what was it? The, uh, the years, how far through are you at now? I would say it's a terrible sentence. I've done like four, two full years, like two summers and winters. Yep. And about halfway through the next summer, I'd roughly say about halfway through the game, I'd say.
Nice. Wow.

Warhammer 40k Mechanics and Lore

That's an effort, mate. Well done. Oh, there's Helen in the background. There she goes. See? She does exist. And Dave?
To be fair, not a lot of board gaming going on lately. We had the 10th edition of Warhammer 40k launched last month, so our group has pivoted a little bit to play some tabletop wargaming, which we do occasionally.
it's taken up probably most of our gaming time. So it's initially what they go through a bit of a similar pattern with the relaunches of Warhammer. So it's the 10th edition, the things been going for about 30 years now. And the formula that they've kind of built up is
they set out new rules for the entire game and they bring everybody back to parody basically and then because there's 20 to 30 different factions that you can play periodically each month they'll release a new special rule book for that faction which then introduces more complex rules and a lot more you know ways to play the game for that specific one but when the edition first launches everybody's on par nobody knows what they're doing and
For some people, the more you play the game, the better you get at it, obviously. That usually helps, but the more you play a specific faction also helps. So by resetting all of that knowledge, you don't then have all that to rely on. So Troy, who we regularly play with, is a very good player for Warhammer. He knows a lot of individual armies and individual sort of factions that you can play and how to play them. So, I mean, ultimately it's a very asymmetric game.
And each of the factions has a sort of flavor in how you play. So I've had a couple of games of that. One went very horribly. One went really well.
and the way that they've set the mechanics up to run the new additions quite interesting. It's got a fair bit of a board gamey sort of element with the cards. So standard game is there's five points on the map and you just control them and each turn you get victory points and whoever's got the most victory points at the end of the game wins. So it's fairly straightforward and easy to understand in that fashion. When they bring in sort of more complexity or more
Challenge to the game you get objectives and missions and things that you need to do so the way they've set it up There's a deck of six cards and you can choose there's two different decks one is ongoing benefits so if you hold objective number two each turn you get two points or If you hold the center objective you get four points, but if you take it off the other player you get eight points something like that and
and plays up to 100. So there's ways that you can play it that are ongoing objectives. They've also got another deck now, which is one-offs. So it might be, if you can get a unit to every corner of the map, you get 10 victory points. And then you've achieved that mission and that's done for the rest of the game. So you don't get staggered increases by achieving stuff, you just get a one-off hit.
They've also put in these new things called gambits. And so you have your four objectives that you play through the game. But if you're failing at those, or if you're getting absolutely obliterated in the board game, you can play a gambit card. And the gambit card is a super unachievable, really hard to win thing. But if you manage to pull it off, you get 30 victory points, probably gonna win you the game. So for example, one of them is if you
hold the center objective, and that's the only one you hold, you have to roll two dice. And if you can get a 12, and it's modified by every unit that you've got within that objective, then you win the game, basically. So it feels a bit like that space base sort of 12. Yeah, it's the last turn of the game, and I'm losing by heaps, but I've got three units left in my arm, and you start with something like 10.
You go, I'm going to rush into the center. I'm going to play this card and I'm going to roll the dice. And if I get a 10 plus, then I win. Cool. So they've added a bit of sort of randomness to it. Like often is very tactically heavy strategy game. You have to know what you do. You know, your opponent does position and line of sight is quite key, but they've added this element of, well, just totally random bullshit like that. Often you have a small chance of winning, but you might win.
So it'd be interesting to play a little bit with that. I think of the two games that I've played so far, a lot of it is learning the rules. It is very rules heavy. The rule book for the game is about 60 pages long. But you can very easily treat it like you're treating a board game. It's just a one-on-one area control with missions that you need to achieve.
Uh, so interesting 10th edition looks to be a bit of fun. I think they're trying to simplify it and make it a bit more, uh, onboard friendly for new people. So that's mostly what I've been doing. Obviously we had that game big shoulders, which was good. And then a few VGA games. So that's me.
I have to say before you went through all that, the biggest thing I knew about Warhammer was that it's Henry Cavill's favourite game to play. That's really all you need to know. Isn't it though? It is, yeah, absolutely.
and the faction that he plays. So it's got this fantastic, almost Marvel Cinematic Universe level of lore that goes along with it. So it's the year 40,000. The Emperor is still alive, but he's a husk of a man. And he controls and keeps the enemies of humanity at bay through psychic power. And he's got these special bodyguards who are eight feet tall, superhuman. They've got two hearts, three lungs. They're invincible warriors, basically. That's who Henry Cavill plays.
Oh, you know who he plays. Yeah, he shows the painting that he does. He's the golden best of humanity. Golden warriors.
Well, aside of expeditions, I've been playing a few games. I think I might have told you guys that on a Sunday morning, Helen and I play games together. That's our time allotted for that. And we have been playing a lot of TO, which has been great. But we gave that a break last week and we played some Ticket to Ride, but not the standard Ticket to Ride. We pulled out the UK and Pennsylvania maps, which if you haven't played, a very different take on Ticket to Ride without
adding too much complexity. But we played two games of each of those. And just I'll give a quick rundown, essentially, to get to our Pennsylvanians, a very basic map. But every time you build a route between cities, you get to take a stock in one of the companies that runs that route, that line.

Weekly Board Gaming and Ticket to Ride Variations

then becomes a bit of a set collection game because whoever has the most stocks in each company wins a certain amount of money. Obviously, that points at the end of the game, has the second most, gets a smaller amount of points, that sort of thing. So there's not much else to the game. And because it's such a basic map, it's really easy to grasp that new mechanic. It doesn't require, doesn't over, you don't have to overthink the game, which is really cool. So we jumped into that and I actually really enjoyed that side of the map. That's probably my favorite side of the map.
Um, just because it's kind of cool to be like, oh, I'm going to go here and I can see that there's only four lines that have this company. So I've got to take that share here. And then you go, oh, but no, maybe I won't because now that I've gone here, Helen can't go here, which means she can't get to the other three lines. So as long as I take one of those other three lines, I only need to get one share and I, and I have that advantage. So there's little things you can do like that in the game, which is pretty cool.
But on the other side is the UK side and it's really cool. You start in England and you can't go out of England until you get your your Wales concession or your Scotland concession or your Ireland and France concession. They cost you got to pay not the rainbow, the locomotives to buy them, which is pretty cool. And then but you also you can't go you can't go on a ferry route until you've built the propellers and you can only do routes that are one or two in distance until you've
added your steam turbine or whatever it is, whatever they're called. But you have to continually keep upgrading your machinery in order to be able to actively go and spread across the map. But what's really cool is almost every track is either, there's not very many long tracks. So you could potentially conceivably play the whole game and just be doing one and two tracks everywhere. And I've never played a version of Ticket to Ride where you can get so many tickets because
It's such a, it's a full-size map, but because it's the UK, it's quite small. It's easy to get around. So quite often you'll draw new ticket cards and you'll be like, oh, I've already got that. I've already got that. Oh, I only need one more train to get that. And so you end up at the end of the game and it's like, how many tickets have you got? 16. What about you? 12. You're like, holy moly. Wow. Yeah.
So it's so good. And it's very tight because of that small map. It is quite tight to get around, but there's always another way. To get from Leeds to Manchester, I think there's three different ways to do it, but there's a more efficient, not quite as efficient and least efficient kind of way.
But yeah, so I really enjoyed that. It was good to I have played the England, the UK one before, but it was a long time ago. But it was nice just to play both and have two rounds of each so we could really figure it all out. And Helen again proved her dominance over me in that game. And I
lost all four games. We tied in one game and she went on a count back on the tiebreaker, which was how many tickets you had. And she had 13 and I had 12. So I didn't even get a win, but it was good.
And then today, which was also the next Sunday on, we played Vity Culture, Tuscany edition, which was just awesome. It's been so long since I played that game on the table, and specifically Tuscany because even the BGA version isn't Tuscany. So it was really cool. I've missed that game. It was, again, Helen beat me. And it was one of those things where she sort of forgotten more than I had. So we kind of went over the rules a bit.
Halfway through the game, she's like, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm like, it looks like you do. You've got an entire wine cellar of wine and I've got nothing. And it's really, it's such a tight game at two because you only one spot's open on every action. So unless you use your grande, only one person can do every action.
So, Steve, I'm just asking for a friend. Can you give us a quick run learning how to play video culture? Ask him for two friends. Place workers do actions. Make more. Yeah, trying to bail you that. You haven't sold all your fields, have you? Don't do that. That won't help.
It is funny, one of the things I love about the game is that everyone, you can play up to six players, and in a six-player game, you are all trying to do exactly the same thing. It's just a matter of who can do it more efficiently. It's the definition of an efficiency puzzle, and I don't think it actually gets
credit for that. Um, it gets credited as a, as a good little worker placement game. But I really think it's like, it's not like you can't take a different path. You can't, you know, go off and decide to sell grapes in the supermarket. You don't have those options. It's make wines or lose the game. So I really liked that about the game, but, um, as it proved again today, Helen is more efficient than I, um, there was her last term was great because the one downside I've always had with viticulture is that once you get your engine pumping, the game ends.
Like you don't get another round where everything is just seen. It just, it ends, which is cool. But at the same time, I'm like, oh, I just want to have one more turn where I get to do all the things. But so I was going second in turn order and I was the whole time I'm sitting there going, if she fills an order first, she wins. And if I fill an order first, I win.
because we both had our grande so we both could have filled two orders but whoever got there first could only fill one and she was going first and of course she filled an order but she ended up being able to fill three orders because she filled an order and then I filled an order and then she used the grande to fill an order and we had a special worker which is another thing and you get in Tuscany where its ability is if you play it you can then remove one of your previous played workers off the board
So she played that, removed her Grunday, and went back again and did a third order. So she just, she smashed me. I was about four points in front, and then she ended up winning the game by, I think, seven. So it was just, it was awesome to see. So what you're saying is that potentially Vidiculture could use a Venus expansion like Terraforming Mars? No, no. So then you can produce a lot faster and maybe produce a little bit longer into the game.
No, I don't think it needs that. I think I like the pace of it. I like that you start and you're desperate for money and there's nowhere to get money. Like you can go into a tour for two bucks. You're like, great, the building I want to build is six. I love that it gets tight. But then all of a sudden, like a lot of games, you get to this point in the game where it changes and it's all about victory points. And suddenly money is worthless. And that's just when you start getting money. Like you get this every year, you get a reciprocal amount of money depending on how many orders you've placed.
which starts at zero and ends up at five. And it gets to a point where you're getting $5 every year and you're like, cool, what do I do with this? Like, I've got nothing to do with this money. I love that. I love the pace of the game. I wouldn't change the start or the end. If anything, if I wanted to have like just a jump, like if I was playing with someone, we could just have a joke turn where we just played another round and saw how many points we could get to. But it'd get silly because
in that last round, invariably someone will get 10 victory points in that round and end the game. If you played another round, you'd probably both get like 15 victory points. And it's kind of, you know, in a game where it's first to 25, 15 is big, big deal sort of thing. So yeah.

Personal Board Game Collections and Market

I was just going to say, I think the cards you choose is really relevant to in that game. So you know how you get to choose your cards in the two extra, I don't remember. Yeah. At the start. At the start and then in autumn or whatever. Yeah, when you go into the fall. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But they, cause that, that's where I really found that game saying for me was just what I chose and how they then helped my game a lot. I think, yeah, you can, for a longest time I played that game. I never bought the cottage. Um,
but then I realized that the cottage allows you to get an extra card in the fall. And yeah, if you can get some good cards, you don't have to worry about spots that get blocked. You can just go and play your cards. And if you play your cards right, you'll do all right. Yeah, tasting table's good too, because you get people going there and you get money for that as well.
Yeah, it's a great game and I'm just so glad to play it again. And it was another game where we played it and at the end we're like, we should really play this again next week just to ride it home and have another crack. Yeah, that's that other than that. Oh, Raph and I started My City today. So we played the first three rounds of My City. So I don't understand, I get so frustrated with children because we played it and we got to the end of round three.
And what do you do at the end of the round three? You get to open a new envelope to play around four. Now, if that was me, I'd be like, cool. We get to open. It was me. I'm like, cool. We get to open a new envelope. And Raskon, I think three is enough for today. We'll play it again next week. I'm like, what? We're at the envelope stage. What are we working here for? And that was it. We're done. So next time we get to open an envelope. All right.
I say, well done, Raph. Keep him hanging. Do you know what? He probably knew how much it would annoy you, and that was worth every cent of stopping at that point. That was perfect, Raph. I think he knows his dad really well. In fact, Shane, for someone who's playing a couple of games with Lauren, but she's not a massive board gamer,
My city would be a really good recommendation for you because it's a simple tile laying game. You flip a card and place a tile. It's not that difficult. But what's cool about it is if you do well,
You kind of get punished. And if you do poorly, you get a helping hand. So, and it plays over 24 rounds. So like, it's a sort of a game where if losses kick in your ass, it's going to make it harder for her and vice versa. So you're never going to have it. You can't have a runaway leader. Yeah, it's, it's cool like that. It keeps it nice and even. So great idea. I had it for so long.
and she said we're never gonna play it. So I ended up selling it at the Briskon. I was gonna drink when I sold it. There you go. Unlike you to sell games, mate. Unlike me. Maybe you should try the new one. What's the new one they're bringing out? My something. My island, I don't know. It's probably quite a good segue, because I think Mr. Chivas, you might have something that you need to fess up to in terms of selling games. Yeah, I do. I sold a top 10 game of mine today.
current top 10 or probably on the cusp probably probably heading the other way which is partially the reason but I sold my everything of terra fully Mars today so it was a bit of a strange one but in the end my justification is
I've had the big box since it came out on Kickstarter. I've used it once, which was on my 40th birthday when I had a great game of it with Gene Money, my sister and my son, my brother and my nephew. That's the word I'm looking for, my nephew. And then it sat on my shelf for the best part of two years. And I've got Ares Expedition, which is a bit quicker and easier to get to the table.
And I play the app, you know, every other day. And to be fair, and G money, you're probably going to, you know, jump through my screen and punch me in the face with this.
I like other engine building games better now. Like I think I enjoy Ark Nova more. Um, I'm starting to get the hang of earth, which is a quicker version of that again. So I'm like, I don't know if I need it anymore. And if I do, I've got the app and I've got areas expedition. So taking it out of like refs, like, sorry, do you know what I mean? You've taken it out of the family. So no one gets it.
Well, yeah, none of my family were interested in playing it. That's another reason why it's out of my shelf for so long. For whatever reason, and maybe because I'm like this, but none of my family are interested in games about space, except for space-based, because the theme means nothing. So it's hard to get those sort of games to the table anyway, where it's game like Dwellings of Eldavale is a bit easier because it's fantasy and it's bright colors and things happening.
Um, yeah, I get what you're saying. And, uh, but at the same time, someone offered me not, not a crazy amount of money, like a fair, fair amount of money for that game. And I thought they're in a gaming group that are desperate to play it and they want everything in their completionists. So I'm like, cool. Well, I'll take your money and you can go and have hundreds and hundreds of hours of fun. So yeah, happy days. And you've opened up space on your shelf.
A large chunk of space. Yes. He probably fit three games in that space now. So yeah. I mean, it's a good point and I'm not, not really knew about it. I think that, you know, we've all made that sort of determination and it probably makes sense at the time to do it. But, um, I saw today that gameology have started offering pre-orders for the Street Fighter's miniature game. I don't know if you guys all saw that. I didn't, but you have that.
Well, I do have that. And so I paid it what at the time was an exorbitant amount of money for a Kickstarter all in version of that. So it cost me $500. And that was, I think, a rounded up version of what the person actually paid for it. So I bought it off somebody who got back to you all then. So I think with shipping and with
you know, translating to whatever currency it was from, I don't think it was American, maybe it was US dollars, but it was around $475 or something like that. So it paid $500 quite nice. Gameology at a pre-order discount of 15% or something like that, everything in that game, $1120.
Wow. I was, I was stunned. So I'm like, I don't know how people are going to pay that much money. This thing I've had for two years. I played it a little bit. The minis are quite cool. We just, it's a... Would you then go and sell it for 800? Well, that's what I'm tossing up. Like it's a, it's taken up a big chunk on my shelf. I even got like a G money and I spent an entire evening sorting it all into a play case so that you could easily transport it and use it. Um,
I don't know that it's worth that amount of money for what's effectively just a bit better unmatched or a similar sort of game to that. Like it's a good one-on-one fighting game with cool minis that at 500 seemed like it was a lot of money. And I just, I can't see how people are going to pay 1100 bucks for a game. That's crazy. That is crazy.
Yeah, what do you like more? Street Fighter on your shelf for 800 bucks and your wallet. Yeah. Well, I mean, yeah. At the moment, yeah, it's in a box. You can't even see it. But yeah, the minis are quite cool. It's just that's the sort of thing I think we get to a stage in our hoarding of board games.
you need to make those sort of decisions. And if a game has gone out of favor and there's other games replacing it, because that's what happens. People learn from the games and your tastes grow and change. And there's always a bit of sentimental value that you'll attach to things. But, you know, terrifying Mars, you've still play very regularly, but other options on how to do that. It's just, you don't need a $300 game to play it. And you kind of find your wheelhouse of what games you really enjoy playing.
And what type of genres you like to play and anything that kind of doesn't fit that wheelhouse is kind of an easier decision to move on. Shoulders does not come into favor there. That was a different decision in my life. And it's funny you say that. It was the right decision at the time. It was the right decision at the time.
John McDonald and I were having a chat the other day and he's got another local Brisbane podcast and he said he never sells games and he always tries to buy his games and collects them because he's been playing games for so long the people that he sort of joint shared purchase of a game with he doesn't see them anymore so he's losing friends and gaming groups faster than he's losing access to games.
So he's very selective in what he buys and keeps because that's the stuff he wants to play. It doesn't matter if other people have got it. If he wants to play it, he needs to own it. I've bought games because I enjoy playing it. I haven't played my copy, but I have it in case I need it at any point. But I also go, well, I've got a lot of life left to live. My kids have a lot of life, as I've mentioned before. So I just think at some point they'll get old enough that I'll be able to play with them if nothing else.
The guy that's buying it off me though, it's been really cool. It's like, I know what he's doing. He's bought it off me and he's obviously played it and he's liked it. And like he said, he's a completionist, so he wants everything. So he saw that and he's like, I want that. But then since you've had this chat, he's obviously then doing some Googling.
I get this message going, hey, just wanted to check. Do you have the upgraded boards? So he's obviously found out that the boards were shit. And I'm like, yeah, I've got the upgraded boards. He's like, oh, awesome. And then I got another message going, oh, do you have any promo cards? And I'm like, yeah, I've got these promo cards. He's like, oh, brilliant. And he's like, I can feel the enjoyment coming out of him because as he's finding these things on the internet that he's like, you should have this. He's like, oh, I wonder if he's got that. Oh, he does have that. Awesome. So yeah, it's been really cool.
That is good. And look, you know, sometimes we all just make spur-of-the-minute decisions. So I own a copy of TO and I like it and I've played it a few times and enjoy the game. I don't have any expansions.
And then in the recent Kickstarter, Joe was finalizing a group buy and he factored me into buying a copy without knowing that I had one. So I've got a choice. I could either just accept a copy or go on all in through the Kickstarter and sell my copy. So I guess that's what I'm doing. I'm just buying a buying and everything for Teo.
It's not a bad decision. No, look, it can't be. But that's a good version. I know I like the base game and I'll play it regularly. The expansions for that I know are actually good, so I think that'll help. So if anybody's looking for a copy of TO, I've got a spare one. Well, that's my confessional for the week anyway. I feel good about that one, though. I'm sure I'll regret it at some point in the future. But for now, I'm pretty content with my decision.
Um, I I might as well just you know confess as well, you know, I feel like I'm really confessional I'm already drunk before the end of the episode And bought a boy game No, no, I have finished my lies whiskey though and uh my cordial, um but I I have just i'm obsessed with bloody martin ballast games at the moment. Oh, we've picked that up far out It's killing me like
The collector in me, I almost have a whole Kallax shelf, top shelf, all Martin Wallace games. So I bought in the last month, a study in Emerald. So you stopped not buying them?
No. The stakes have been made. Sorry, that was a bit of a double negative. You stopped not buying, so you are buying? I did say it was meant to be dry July. Double dry July, right? Yep. So no booze and no board games. It's the 9th of July. How'd you go with that one? The booze is fine. The booze is fine. No booze yet. It's all good then. We'll just wait that one's waiting.
But no, I ended up breaking the rule with a game called Among the Stars or something like that. It's basically a few acres of snow set in space. Is this a mountain game? Yeah, it is. And it's hard to get. A sky full of stars, I think it's called, from memory. So that broke my dry July.
was sitting there and the collection though at the moment is just ridiculous. I got a study in Emerald. I then had... Did you get an anti-narking? I saw you asked for that. Yeah, I got an anti-narking, which I own, uh, Unk Morpok as well, which basically it's the same game that's set in, um, uh, in Britain. It's a different theme. Um, then I got, what was that? Something else that arrived.
It's another rare one. Oh, automobile as well, which I think actually is gonna be really good. It's another game,

Future Board Game Plans and Backlogs

so I kind of sit in the states in the early 20s and 30s and you're making cars and selling cars to a market. So I got that and I could keep going on the amount of games I bought recently that were his. But again, back to my point, I found something that I enjoy playing.
And so why not stick to something that I like playing, which at the moment are his games. They're good. And conveniently he's not far away from us. Conveniently if I ever need to learn, I could potentially ask him. I reckon he'd enjoy being asked to play games that aren't brass. I'm sure he loves brass, but I'm sure he's like, he gets that everywhere. Like he teaches how to play brass because it's the Hallmark game. Well, no, Alan did that.
Didn't you ask him how to play growth? We were already learning it and I said, oh, you got any pointers? And he's like, nope. And just kept walking. It's a handful of stars. Handful of stars, that's it. Yeah. Because that's another one I've got on with to Venus.
Which is another one of his I managed to get a copy of that in shrink So these are all like games that he made under his own company under tree frog games back in the early days Do you know what his first game was? No Lords of creation, okay Did you end up getting a justin yes The man what no you got my one
Oh, the other one. No, no. The deluxe one. Yeah, I've got the deluxe one. But there is a copy on eBay for an original first edition. 49 bucks and I'm just not buying it. I'm just holding back. $49? No, $49. That's very cheap. It's that one. The one that Dave's holding up. The original first edition. Martin Wallace. It still says Martin Wallace on it. That one's in shrink, Shane. Yeah.
So, collector's iron for sure. That is a collector's iron. Because I don't think this other one's in shrink. I'm disappointed though, the automobile game I bought, because that's another really hard one to get. It's very rare. The guy that I bought it off, there was no commentary on the condition. It just said, you know, good condition. But the box has got like, peel marks in corners and
The box had like another heavy box sitting on top of the lid so that it's sunken the box lid in so right now I've got a whole heap of iron clay sitting on top of it just to try and flatten it back out again and Then I'll just carefully try and repair the box if I can So I'm looking for that'd be a game for for us Dave and G and It's a good one looks really good It's automobile automobile
Man, I've got so many Kickstarter's that keep coming in that I just haven't got to yet. I really need to find some time and actually learn Kickstarter games as they come through, otherwise they just sit there and I get to play them. Still got Darwin's Journey sitting there. Union Stockyards is now arrived. I never got to High Frontier for all, which I really wanted to play. That's a huge one, isn't it? High Frontier. A huge map.
Like that space map, but there's entry level versions of the game which aren't too bad. But yeah, it eventually gets up to worse than an 18xx game. We've got Castles of Burgundy arriving any day now. It has to be any day. I'm getting sick of seeing everyone bloody unboxing the bugger around the world. And I'm sitting there, where's my copy? And that's talking about going all in and expensive Kickstarter. Is that someone I did go all in on?
I've still got all the new Too Many Bones stuff a couple of weeks ago. I'll unbreak them all and all the extra bits for that. If anything, it's maybe not want to play the game more because I'm like, oh, where do I start? When do I have eight hours spare that I can go through all this stuff? So I just sat there and shrink looking at me, I'm like, I got to do that.
Somewhere Liam's like, I, someone needs me. Yeah, that's right. Phone a friend. I'm driving in a direction that ends up at your house. Yeah. Well, I feel like putting the plate. Liam was trying to buy some too many, but his stuff the other day.
trying to get in there and get it. Yeah, right. Well, my theory is I've really slowed down on Kickstarters. Like I haven't backed and not, I haven't like made a decision. I've just haven't, haven't backed Kickstarters for a while. So I'm starting to get a couple in now. And then I've obviously, I'm still backing Shem Games. So I backed Shipwrights.
Um, but there's nothing really else. I used to go looking for games on Kickstarter where now I'm like, if I know that something is coming up or someone, a designer that I really like is releasing in your game, like I've got the planet unknown expansion because planet unknown is awesome. Right.
But as far as new games that I'm not going and looking and exploring. So my theory is that the postman is going to stop coming to my door and that's going to free up some time to start actually chipping away at these games rather than having the pile grow and grow and grow. That's my theory.

Conclusion and Humorous Stories

Look, it's a good theory. And I've done the same thing. I haven't backed a Kickstarter myself in nearly 12 months. So my backlog is actually gone. But Joe just uses me as like a number filler.
So all of a sudden I'll get added into these random kicks out. He's like, oh, I've got 11 out of 12. I just need one more DJ. Okay. I guess I'm getting that one. That's the thing about, you know, you're living so far away, Steve. If you were in town.
you'll be hopping on everyone at Joe's Kickstarter with us. Possibly, yeah. It was actually when I knew that I was leaving for Emerald because, you know, Kickstarters are gonna be a few months. It was good to, when he messaged me and goes, how are you getting on this? I'm like, oh, I won't be here when it delivers. It was like my easy out. Yeah, there's still a lot. They punch a lot through, so.
I think there's a few good ones coming through in the next couple of months. I absolutely recommend Planet Unknown 2, guys. While that's still open, it's such a great game. If we redid our Games of the Year from last year, I think it would be my Game of the Year. A lot of people rave about it. Cool. Well, anyway, that's probably enough of us chatting about board games. G-Money, can we get an update? There are two down.
We're going to lose. Australia's going to win that for sure. Well, thank you very much everyone for listening and that was a pretty clean episode too. No sweat. What's going on there? Was it intentional? Adnan, it's not intentional. I'm telling you. I had a story all prepped and ready.
So I had a full day with my kids today and I don't know if you guys have this, but like you do something tiny or little and you just go under your breath. Do you guys do that? Yeah. Yeah. I don't do it under my breath. I just do it out loud. That's just little things. Like I had one of those sugar packets and I was putting it in the tea before and I dropped it in the team. Like, ah, fuck. Kid goes, what was that? Oh, I forgot you were there. Um, nothing. Sorry.
Don't say those words, please. I didn't get in trouble. The other night, I was driving, we were going into the city to pick up Josh, and we had a car full, so it was me, Lauren, and Max. And this guy cut in front of Lauren, and I just went, you fucking see you next Tuesday. Really? And Lauren went, don't say that in front of Max. I said, what? Fuck, shit, no. The other one. Next Tuesday.
He needs to learn. The boy needs to learn. The internet's taught him way worse than that, mate. Don't worry about it. My best mate, he's got a young, he had a young boy. Oh, he still does. I was hanging out with him and the young boy swore. He was like probably six or seven at the stage. He dropped the F-bomb and now he's just gone, hey, don't swear. He's like, the kid's gone, why?
And now he's just gone, um, I don't really know why. Basically when you're an adult, you're allowed to swear and everyone accepts it's okay. But for some reason, when you're a child, you're not allowed to do it and you get in trouble. I can't really tell you why. And I can't really be a good role model for you, but you're definitely not allowed to swear.
That's so true. That's absolutely true. It's really important that you don't swear, but don't listen to us when we speak. And if you ever go to a teacher's staff room, holy moly. Yeah, that's a... I think as long as you swear, you swear in context and you swear at the right time. It makes sense, right? So when I called that guy, I fucking see you next Tuesday. It made sense because that guy was a fucking see you next Tuesday. Perfect.
Moment done. Road Rage is such a good example of swearing. It's always appropriate. Yeah. I saw like one of those Instagram slash Tik Toki things where it was like, you know, what I didn't know as an American teacher coming into Australia. And it was literally, it was like, are you going to introduce this C-U-N-T? Like, do you know what I mean? And she's like, he just swore at you. She's like, no, I didn't.
And it's like, that word's not a swear word here. It's just a word for, oi, get introduced again next to you. It's just like, huh. I'm like, I think it's still a swear word.
You know, I don't think it's any worse than any other swear word, if I'm honest. But I wouldn't want it coming out of my kid's mouth. My old boss, when I worked at the school, a principal, I remember I had to take a kid to her office because he would be small. And he was pretty, not a great kid. So when he was in the office, he called her a motherfucker. And without even hesitating, she just gone, well, that's not possible. My mom's dead.
It's just, you can just see the look at his face like, hang on, I'm supposed to be in trouble now. And she's called me up on the technicality. What's going on? You can always dig things up, mate. The technique is not correct at all. Anyway, on that note, we've just, I'm now going to have to click the explicit language button on this podcast now after the last three minutes, but that's okay. Sorry, DG, you had something?
I actually got like, there's a line as well. So I was in the car with the kids today, and we put on the flight of the concords. So it was hip hop and bottom off. And it starts with, I'm the mother flipping. And I'm goes, what's that? I'm like, don't worry about it. And he lines the bottom line. Yeah.
If you say mother flipping, I'm pretty sure I'm still going to get in trouble, even though you're technically not swearing. So we might just skip this one. We ended up throwing it on the ground and the favorite line in that, which I found out and they've repeated a hundred times is, tasing on my butthole. Over and over. The phonies wouldn't let up.
Yeah, it's a six-year-old and the four-year-old said, tase it in my butthole. Nice. You've made it. You've done it. That's six minutes. You're a good father after that. That's fantastic. Yeah, I feel like it's been a good day. On that fantastic note, who better to send us out than fly to the concords? Thank you all again for an awesome chat. It's been a while, and we'll catch everyone on the next pod. Sounds good. Take care, everyone. Have fun. Bye. Thanks, guys. Bye.