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Episode 31 - Tier listing the BGG top 100 image

Episode 31 - Tier listing the BGG top 100

S1 E31 ยท Board Game Chinwag
58 Plays6 months ago

Dave, Steve, Helen and G$ put every game in the BGG top 100 into a tier list. That's it.


Introduction to Podcast

This is the Board Game Chinwag podcast. Welcome back. Welcome back to this.

Creating a Tier List Discussion

who um So the plan is I've got a tier list of the top 100 board games on Board Game Geek and I'm going to mention them and we're going to just talk about whether we like them, hate them, wherever they should sit. So ah for either the people who are on the podcast or God forbid anyone listening, um not for familiar with the tier list. There's ah S, which is I think it stands for super, but that's super. Yeah. And then there's ABCD and then F obviously being a fail. Um, and then there's haven't played, but want to haven't played, but don't want to other two other categories. So we just got to figure out where it sits. We're going to come to some sort of consensus, which will be interesting for some games. I'm sure. And this is a really big thing on BGG about six months ago.
yeah Yeah, when when we started talking about doing this that we bring it back is because it was happening now, it's no longer happening bringing it back a logo yeah I think it was in july only because it's the top 100 july 2024 That's the list i'm going off and no one's made an august one. So i'm assuming it kind of died in july. We're doing it now, baby what And by the way, it's late august right now yeah In september because we're two days off

Debating Mage Knight

september. They're definitely not coming out in august Yes, and this is being recorded in late august coming out sometimes some time hopefully never um so if we've worked out that and so who's eating chips it wasn't me there's only one person without a camera yeah you can prove nothing hey at least he's engaged and not like playing a game of his all at the same time I have I have been going
So if S is sufficient and A is adequate, what are we saying B, C, D is G money? Oh, I'm eating tips. Don't ask me questions. Borderline. Borderline. You like that? C word. C word. Crap. delusional. Isn't that delulu? Delulu.
That's nasty, where I live. so right down and then That's ex for doubt. Maybe divisive. because that's Yeah, we don't need to argue about D rank games. like I think it's S or A, yeah or we haven't played it, or it doesn't matter. Yeah, we don't need to worry about tapestry in the D category. agree That's all right. worry about that o sick burn Well, the first game on the list is, I don't even, I think this could go straight into haven't played and I'll, for me anyway, and I'll definitely put it in the but don't want to category, but hey, I'm willing to be proven wrong. Mage Knight. Haven't played it, want to. Haven't played it, want to. Haven't played it. I have no idea if I want to.

Player Experience with Mage Knight

Well, that's two versus one versus, uh, something that was a real roller coaster for everyone. but well We're a great start. starting off yeah yeah no one's play anyone know who now Does anyone have any information about this game? so It's a really good solo game, apparently. It's like in the solo community, it's considered one of the best games to play solo. It's aggressive sort of combat. I have played it. I played a three player version of this game and I legitimately took seven turns and it took four hours. Right. And so I would put it firmly in F, but I'm willing to majority said they haven't played it and I didn't really play it how it's supposed to be played. So I'll leave it there. But I definitely don't want to play

Lords of Waterdeep Analysis

it again.
Well, I'm glad we didn't play out one game in the top 100 that nobody's played card. I'm glad you played it at least once. Yeah. but Even though it was awful. All right. The next game, recent entrant into the board game Hall of Fame and the first worker placement game I ever played, which is Lords of Waterdeep. Any of you guys played it? Yeah. I have not. Is it worth playing? Absolutely. Especially with the expansion. Fantastic.
So then what ranking do you guys give it? Oh, it's an A. Probably an A, yeah. Would have been an S about 10 years ago. Somewhere between A and B, like, yeah. But probably A. Stick in an A for now and we can can see what else falls there. and this one You would love it, Helen. Would I? ah yeah Is it a game I'd lose or win?
Oh, you win. You win everything. kids You win against us for sure. i mean What universe do you live in? You're asking against like regular people because then you don't know. but yeah If it's against us, it's a given, right? Yeah. Against pieces of shit like us. You win. You're like shooting the grab and you eat us for breakfast. If this was a list of would Helen win or would she not? Then there's only one column that needs any attention. Well, Twilight Imperium.
yeah That'll come up at some stage, Helen. Yeah, buddy. Has 100% undefeated. Yep. The one time I played. All right, next one.

Mixed Opinions on Castle's Burgundy

I'm pretty sure we were all across. I think, Helen, you may have played this. I'm pretty sure you have. Castle's Burgundy. No. Cool. Okay. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I'd say that's an S for me.
I'm a long way away from that. I was wasn't for so long. And then I, in the last year or two, it's just, I've realized what all the fuss was about. Like, cause you sold me a copy of this, or gave me, or sold me, I can't remember, a copy of the, the original deluxe edition. So not the original, but then the next one before they brought out the crazy edition. And I was like, meh. But then, but now I'm like, I've always got a game of it going, but all right, we won't go as though if it's, what do you reckon G money?
Never played it, 1-2, bought the complete Kickstarter, have never played it. so we've got someone Waiting for someone to teach me. Waiting for Shane to teach me, and it's about as luck as that if he's actually showing up on this podcast.
um And I would go see, like like you, I'm like meh. So okay do it that much you will. All right. Oh, well I'll put it in B and we might, we'll move it around after that. B for burgundy. a for burgundy There we go. That'd be, we can wait till this way easier. Um, right. This one would have to go somewhere else because it's war of the ring. Never played one two. Never played one two. Yep. I would agree. Never played one two.
And Helen's on mute and doesn't get a vote. Helen's on mute so we can move on. I've never played it. Is it got anything to do with Lord of the Rings? It's basically Lord of the Rings in the box. The game. It's yeah slightly, slightly associated, yeah. They've just brought out a June version, which I'm keen to give a go. But then you're looking at games, is it stay that me every night is it a game where it's just a skin?
No, no, it's very it's all theme like it's yeah, it's like dudes on a map you you know, it's Um aggressive combat area control one on one one on one two player game. So yeah Fair enough. Um, all right g money. I'm pretty sure I know where you're gonna put this one s Puerto Rico Puerto Rico s Started it all, baby. Yeah. All right.

Twilight Imperium and Eclipse Discussions

I'll throw it up there. Plus, S for slaves. S for slaves. Are you going to get the fancy? Are you going to get it? Yeah, I probably will. Yeah, I think I probably. it's It's the same as Burgundy, right? I played it. It was like, oh, this is all right. But then like ah I've learned that I'm a sucker for fancy bits because Newcastle's a Burgundy's amazing. You just learned that now?
Oh, no. It just keeps getting more and more... The Castles of Burgundy be like your 50th fancy bits game. Well, you know what it was actually? so well you read a Random offshoot. I bought the BGG bits before I bought all the, I bought the bits before I bought the game. I had played it though. But what it was, was I actually played Joe's fancy schmancy version of Castles of Burgundy. And I was like, why would you spend so much money on a game that's not like a big grandiose game? And then I played it and I'm like, oh, I get it because
It goes for about an hour. You're going to play that way more than I'm going to pull off dwellings of elder vowels. So that kind of changed my thinking about it all. So I was like, um, and I love dwellings, but you just, it's too long to get to the table too often. and And I can make Helen play as in my Helen plays classes of burgundy and she doesn't play dwellings. So it is fantastic.
Oh, but like, you can't just go, ooh, Wednesday night, got an hour before bedtime, let's just rock out a game of dwellings. I mean, you could try. You can if you know what you want to do and you just make quick decisions. All right, speaking of games that you can finish within an hour, eclipse. That's a lie. Um, maybe an A. I do like it. We're talking second order.
Uh, well, I think it's, I think they're both in here. I can't understand. Oh yeah, they're both in here. So this is the, this is the original. Right. Well, yeah. Didn't play it, didn't want to. All right. I have played it. It was all right. I'll put, we'll put it at a C. We'll probably put the other one higher up surely. Five tries. The movie was great. Why? That's the impact I just had. Eclipse. Yeah. The Twilight saga. The Twilight movie. Yeah.
Believe it or not. It's an older code, but it checks out.
Well, you keep saying games I've never played. We haven't gotten to a single one I have. I mean, technically I think how I play Puerto Rico is at the one where you can get like, you mill things. Yeah. I think GM only taught both of us on the same night. Yeah. I don't remember loving it, but you know, we played it. I'm pretty sure I lost. I'm pretty sure I lost.
What? I don't believe it. Liza and Slender. But you should play Eclipse then, if you, yeah, we'll sort that one out. That's like, it's compared to TI, but it's a two and a half hour game. It's not really TI. It's more like track management and resource management stuff. Fair enough. All right. Five

Five Tribes and Blood Rage Praise

tribes. Anyone? Oh, yes. There. Yay. We've got one. I sold my copy. I'm played to Helen.
And now I'm wondering, I know I'm sure I played it. That's the one with the, um, it's right behind your head. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's a great game. That's an S for me. yes I really enjoyed it. It's an easy game. It's a game you could play with anybody.
i am I was scared of this game right when I started the hobby because there were so many pieces and I'm like, and I just bounced straight off it without even trying it. And then like, found out that it's actually kind of like a gateway game. So I could have easily learned it. But at the time I was like, too many bits. I'm going to learn terraforming Mars instead. So we putting it at S and E. I know you guys can put it in A. I don't think it's an S overall. I've never played it. Never played it. wouldn't Would you like to? I wouldn't put it as an S for everybody.
So I say we'll put it at the name. All right. Okay. Um, all right. Two player Uwe game fields of Arles. I'd be never played at one two. Yep. Never played at one two. Never played it. Don't want to. Never played it. Never heard of it.
cool that's not a column yield okay fine never played it don't want to okay hey like to make so ah couldfu at me sorry we needa never played it yeah color ah man um all right star wars imperial assault um i think i've played it it's a miniatures game i think yeah with like random pack miniatures you don't just get like an army or something
I haven't played it, would love to. i'm I'm probably putting in the dope for me, but do you guys want to? Yeah, I'd like to play it. I will stand out voted. All right. i'm Speaking of games, they're in here twice for some reason. I've got Through the Ages, a story of civilization and Through the Ages, a new story of civilization. Let's just count them as one. Yeah, they brought out like a newer version, but slightly different. So there's two versions in the top 100.
I have played it. um Too long for my liking. It was fine, but just went forever. It's not being GA and I see it and I want to play it, but it is a long one that I don't want to just click buttons for four hours worth of game time. I used to have the app on my ah iPad. And when I flew from Cloncari to Brisbane, which was a two and a half hour flight, I would get one game in. So two and a half hours on digital. That probably tells you all you need to know for length of game.
Yeah, haven't played it but want to Haven't played it but would like to hear heard lots of good things about it. Well, I'll throw the old version in um ah I'll throw the new version there and I'll throw the old version and see for my experience. Yeah There's this little-known game called gloom Haven next I Haven't played it, don't want to. It's already been put in its rightful home, up at the top. yeah for next Have you played it, Helen? I have not. I've not played Blue Heaven or Frost Heaven. It's currently sitting on its own. Oh, no. It's sitting with Puerto Rico in S currently. This will be an interesting one, because I think, Helen, you played this. Blood Rage.
ah I don't think it went well from memory. for everyone else yeah multiple times. like I love it. That was that was the start of the Helen beats us at everything meme I think. all right I love that game. I've never not enjoyed a gameplay of that game. There was one time I was winning so much that I actually lost on purpose just so the gap wasn't so big. Far out. yeah nice I could have wiped them out completely. Helen is very good at blood rage.
i was playing nest for me and I was playing once with Helen and I could see the fire in her eyes and I dropped a spoon off the table and she reached over and smashed my face into the table for distracting her.
My first play was with you though, wasn't it G-Money? Yeah, and that's what happened. You literally broke your spirits. Well, you taught it well. Actually, it's your own fault. If you taught me badly, I wouldn't win. Yes, no. It's my fault. that That's what they always say.
Yeah, a big fan. I mean, not of getting obliterated every time I play with Helen, but big fan of the game. Yep, I think it's a fair-esque game, that one. Pandemic Legacy Season 1. Oh, what a time to be alive. It was a great 12 games. Yep. Magical. My experience was a little sub-ordinary.
Yeah. I think, but the group that I play with, it sort of really died. Like I played, so gee, I played with Luke and Kin. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. yeah In fairness, DJ, you were looking for a while to find someone to play with. Yeah. And I don't exactly know how it came about that I played with Luke and Kin and one of Kin's random friends, but we just started playing it one day and then we had to keep playing it and they all hated it by like five games in.
So did you stop and just not finish it? No, we finished it.

Legacy Games Approach

We stuck, we pushed through, played dumbly the entire time, lost every single game. Like most of the last half of the season, we lost two games in a row. Wow. Yeah. So I can see the fun and I don't mind the game, but my experience was not at S.
Where do you have a G money? I'd have it between an S s and an A. So yeah, we'll leave it there. Because it's the first one and it started like a big sort of thing of that. And it was pretty cool. Yeah. I would put it as S. And I would put it as have not played lived it. So therefore don't want to play it.
That, however, did start my appreciation for burning board game elements. When we were doing the legacy games, we we started setting the cards on fire instead of wrecking them up. That's not bad. And then that continued right through to Chani. Right through to today. And he's not going out of sea properly again. Voyages of Marco Polo. Anyone played that? Own a copy of it, never played it, would like to. Is that our first known blade?
but no No, we've got a few. War of the Ring, Fields of Arl, Imperial Assault. Like 50% of the game so far? Made it through the air. In fact, it's the biggest category so far. Yeah. We're doing all right. We've got 4 in S, which is the most of all the other categories. And we've got no F's yet. No games that start with F. What I like is, though, that we're a board game podcast and we have barely played any of the board games.
That's just because we're niche. We like all the games that aren't that popular. Yeah, City of Big Shoulders is like 3,000 or something crazy. All right, our first Vital game. We've got the Galerist. Eh, this is a bitty. And that's your favorite board game maker? No, no. I wouldn't say that. I don't mind Vital. It's not my favorite Vital game. I haven't played the Galerist yet. I hilariously accidentally bought a skate plan thinking I was buying the Galerist.
Um, because I thought I could get Helen into heavy gains by having a gate about an art gallery and ended up with the escape plan somehow. But anyway, um, consequently escape plan is my favorite Patel game. Um, anyway, um, seven wonders jewel.
Oh, I probably, ah yeah. I was thinking like A or B. Yeah, definitely. In terms of two player game, pretty strong, like top top.
And it was one of the the last games I played with Mr. Matt Bonner before he passed away. We used to smash out like three or four games of that in a session. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Well, I own

Seven Wonders Duel and Food Chain Magnate

it. I have played it. So, yay. ah Yeah, we all played one, haven't we? Yeah, it's an all play. um All right, Food Chain Magnet. Ooh, tea money. Sneaky little one in here, eh? Yeah. Played a few times. Really like it. Oh, I don't know where to put it, though.
I think in terms of myself B yeah like but and it is probably higher than that but yeah yeah I think B like I think again Luke ruined it for us a little bit but that's fair of everything yeah yeah he de tends to do that somewhat but yeah he sucked a lot of the fun out of it. Speaking of Luke, what soccer position do both Luke and I?
You got us. It's got to be Striker, right? It's the cool thing. It is Striker. Of course it is. Yes, you got it. I didn't even hear the question. I just heard you want soccer position. I'm like, oh yeah. So I couldn't get in there. EG, your stocks just went down a few points for me. Only people in TV shows are strikers. Everyone's a striker. It's 11 strikers. That's it. And they're all point guards in basketball. They're all quarterbacks in football. Yeah. yeah But no no LP like I thought it'd be a really like a game that's down his alley be perfect for him and then I don't think he enjoyed it and Then we tried it again, and I still don't think he enjoyed it even though he knew how to play the second time Even if you you taught it better the second time Well to us teach Now Jim and I'm pretty sure I know where you'll put this one I'm not sure about where the DJ's played it Kingdom death monster Well
Depends who you play it with. It is not the most thrilling thing. It's a very grindy thing. But if you play it with the right people, it's pretty good. So I'd probably put it as a B, but I had an S experience with it. Fair enough. I think I remember on the on our top 10, you like said, I don't even know if it's a good game. But I've played like 70 games of it. yeah yeah and Mostly while abusing Hague. Yeah.
uh mansions of madness have played yeah i bounced off it sold it yeah my copy's been sitting untouched on the end of the shelf here for about four years i did a few times it's solid b solid b type thing yeah solid b i was going c but yeah i'm happy to bump it up to a b no dramas now the other one um straight after it was staying in the kafulu Mythos, we've got Arkham Horror the card game.
Have not played, have read the instructions and got it ready like multiple times to play, but never got there. I disliked it, which is odd because I really like Marvel champions and they kind of share a bit of DNA, but my brother who is mad for it, um reckons it's just that the the base box is shit. So like, you're not gonna get a great experience if you only play the base box and that's all I played, so. Yeah, I'm the same. I've only played the base box and it was meh. It was a C. Yeah, I think a C.
A secret Cthulhu. But as you said there is like 80 different expansions that you can play with and so if they are better then yeah we're missing out. All right the next game is a clear S for me. In fact the next two games are clear S's for me. A feast for Odin. Yeah. Straight to the top. Yeah. With a bullet. Have not played it. Must play it. Must, must play it. Play with us on VGA.
And learn how to play it first, please. Because you're like, play it on BGA. I don't know how to play it. You know what's going to teach me. And so I'll just lose. Like I did with that stupid game where you had to like, what was that one with the boats? Puerto Rico. Oh, was that, was that? now ah No, know. You know, no, not that one. I know what you're saying. No, like you had to get like, I don't know. Like you dug like squares of stuff.
and you had to fill things. Oh, not Imhotep. Was it? Because that game is not great. Imhotep. Imhotep. That's from The Mummy. Is it? Which one?
The first and only one, the 1992 masterpiece starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Yes, but learn Feast of Odin and then play it on VGA with us because I think the first time I played with DGA. No, isn't Feast of Odin, I you play Feast for Odin?
I think we did play it on BGA. Oh, we may have. And I had no idea how to play it. I'm like, this is just shit. This could be the one you're talking about. It's what I'm talking about. Now starting to sound like it. Yeah. Yes. And you get all the O&O pieces and you got to try and figure out how to put them on a map.
Yes. And then string and you sell the string to get other like you've got you upgrade stuff. Yes. No. Yes. That's a solid F for me. Well, but if you just, if you like literally play it, it is, I would say it would be the worst game to learn by clicking buttons on BGA. I think it would take you longer than any other game. I swear I got to the end and was in a worse position than before I started. Yeah, you can't learn anything from clicking on that game. Like most games, you click buttons. Like we're playing Beyond the Sun. Never played it before. I'm just clicking buttons and it's not making sense a little bit. But please throw it at you. like I'm playing Orleans and I'm killing it by pressing buttons. yeah I felt that way with... Doubt. Press X for doubt. I can't lose anything more if I don't have anything to lose, mate. That's it. Like Torch is really bad in that game. now i realize No, it's not if you don't have anything. I don't give a shit.
um All right, the next game is an S game for me and it's sentimental as well and that is size.

Scythe's Impact on Players

I like playing it with you. It's all right. It's it's a pretty good. It's an A for me. Yeah, I'd say an A. I enjoyed it. I've only played it once. Obviously, this is our first Stonemire game. Just putting that out there. It's one of the few ones I don't own.
Um, yeah, I played it at a full game barbecue. Um, yeah. We, we got it out the other weekend and another goes, it was all right. Yeah. are gonna I'll move it down to A purely because it has dropped off my top tens of last couple of years so I can't can't hold that candle all the time but it is yes it's probably the most and like yeah like impactful game in my board gaming journey I guess for me that just sort of drops off after. Have you played Expeditions? Is that similar?
It is. No, it's not similar. It's a better game at lower player counts and side is a better game at higher player counts. That'd be my, but I have played expeditions like maybe five times and I've played side over 200 times. So I can't really, yeah, it's not the same kind of level of understanding. Robinson Crusoe.
Haven't played it. Haven't played would like to. I always get confused between that and like Treasure Island.
i apparently Is this the solo one that's like super hard? Rob is in Crusoe or is it cooperative? I think it might just be cooperative and really hard. um What's cool is that so far we haven't got anything in the haven't played, but don't want to collectively. It's good. So we are not board game stops. So, uh, mix versus minions.
Haven't played it, don't want to. Don't say it. Haven't played it, don't want to. Haven't played it, would like to. I tried to buy it once but it's too damn expensive. Aeon's End. Yay!
oh Probably like a bit. It's hard because I played Legacy with Helen and um it was an awesome experience, but we've not gone back to anything A on Z since. So it's not, yeah I can't put it at S because it's not dragging us back in. So I like maybe a B. This is just A on Z by the way, like base game A on Z.
Well, the only one I've played is the legacy and we didn't finish it. We got like four through and I was like, this is boring. And it quickly devolved into inappropriate jokes. So we packed it away and never played it again. money I liked it. I bought my own copy of it and played it by myself. Yeah, you did. You played through the whole thing solo. Much, much, much to everyone else's chagin. Yeah. But you're talking about the legacy version. Yeah. And I've played the original as well.
Yeah, I've played the original a couple of times. That's good. Yeah. Oh, I reckon I would be. Yeah, I think it'd be. I have not played. All right. I'm all assertive. Liz Boer.
You have not reached it in my. Sorry, go ahead, Helen. No, I was just saying I have played that. Haven't played one to. Yeah, I haven't played one to. I would also be in that category, although Helen, what would you rank it? Well, no, now I'm thinking I haven't played it.
He's like rebuilding Portugal, isn't it? Don't doubt yourself, Helen. No, I haven't. I haven't. I was getting confused. Well, doubt yourself then. I haven't played it. I haven't played it with like two. All right. The next one I, when I first played it, I gave it a three out of 10. And when I played it again, three years later, I gave it like an eight. And that is Concordia.
Yeah, but you had that awful experience with that. Oh yeah, big time. And that was my, yeah, redemption story for sure. I'd probably put it as a B. I sold it without playing it. Haven't played it, would like to.
Brass linkage here. Or just brass if you've played the old school brass. So not Birmingham. Haven't played it, would like to. Well, if you'd like to Gmail me, I've got a Kickstarter copy of mine.
cabinet. I should play one time. Sweet. I have played it. I played a lot of the original brass. I'd probably put it probably at an A. It's, it's like, I think Birmingham is better, but it's like, they're very similar games. It just doesn't have beer. I haven't played it, but look forward to playing it with Dave and G-Money. Speaking of brass Birmingham, brass Birmingham. Yeah.
Where do we put the number one game? Like A? right Yeah, agree. Like great games. I will move Brass Lynxier down one from wherever Brass is spinning in, because I think that's kind of where it sits. Just below Brass moving in. So if we're putting Brass at an A, I'll put Brass Lynxier at a B. Yeah, it's pretty good. I don't mind whenever I play it, but it's hard to play... It's hard to remember in between plays.
I've got the steam app now and I play that every now and again, almost just as like homework.

Opinions on Anachrony

Just so when I do get to play the board game again, I don't have to relearn everything again. Yeah, dan that would help. Uh, anacrony. Oh, my grail game. You got it. I got it. Love it. Love it. Yeah. I am at the AATF for me.
Wow. This would be my first F tier. A for an acronym. Anyone else want to jump in before I put it? So far we've got an A and an F. Yeah, I liked it. We played it once and I sold it and then I regretted it. What a roller coaster for you. Because we played it with Blue Control in the similar vein. It didn't land. Then I sold it and then now I'm excited to play your copy again.
Christie taught me, and usually when Christie teaches a game, that it's awesome, right? Christie's an awesome teacher. Yeah, he is an awesome teacher. But I think i'd I'd been, I went into it thinking it was going to be way better than it was. Like the the time travel, that's not really that cool of a mechanism in the end, which I thought was going to be so cool. And then it's, you got these beautiful big mechs, but they're essentially just like meeples. They're just placeholders. in Yeah. And I'm like, I was like, ah so it didn't hit for me, but Um, I, I will, I'll put it in a, the, someone's solid for a game. Someone's solid for a game. It's got to, even out outside from S to A. Yeah. I said B. yeah
let think it in bay Benacrity. Um, all right. Clans of Caledonia. Cracker. I'd say probably A2. Yeah. Great game.
I played one game on BGN and I know what's going on so I can't really judge it. Alright, well we'll stick it in A. Trust us, that's good. yeah a Twilight Struggle. Former member of the team. In you go, DG. Yeah, I reckon that's an A. Twilight Struggle's an A, I reckon.
Uh, the only game I've ever owned twice and still not played and like sold twice. Like I've had it twice and I've sold it twice and I still have not played it. And I bought the app on the iPad and also haven't played that. So I really want to play it until I actually have time to play it. Then I'm like, so I will have to play it.
Yeah, I've got the app sitting in my Steam wishlist as soon as it goes inside. I'm going to buy it. It's very good with the right player. And I think I played some really good games. You got the Imperial Struggle too, don't you? Well, I did, which I also like, which is I think an improvement. All right. All right. This one might be a bit divisive. Terraforming Mars. Is it still an ST game? Yep. For me, it is. Yeah.
I don't think it is for me. I'd probably, I'd have it down and I'd probably have it an A, but I could, again, I could be, I mean, for a period there, it would have been S with a bullet. I'm happy with an A. It's, I like it. I like playing with you guys. It's good. I don't know that it's an S. Some might not play blessed. Well, we all played this one and we've all played it together. So Twilight Imperium.
F. Haven't played Don't Want To.
How am I ever going to learn how to attack G-Money? Well, what you do is not this. I'll show you the opposite of how to do it. It's got to be an S-tier game. It has to be one of the very clear unanimous S-tier games.
Cause like it was in everyone's, I think it was everyone else's top 10. I didn't have it in my top 10, but partially because the only time I've ever played it was with, is with you guys. And it's like once in every two years. or something so That's it's why it's hard to read. Like yeah i agree it's an experience. It's not a game. Yeah. Yeah. No other game requires your preparation. And no, but what I would say is 12 hours has never gone so easily.

Twilight Imperium Gameplay

Like it didn't feel it's not a game that while it's a long game, it doesn't feel like you're playing a long game. It doesn't feel like it's dragging or you're exhausted. and feel like a That definitely depends on who you play it with. Yeah. Because I have played some very rough games of that, even though I love it. Like I would like to shoot myself in the face. I'm playing with some specific people who shall remain nameless. But we know who they are and they know, they know what they did.
Do you know what's though, before we played it, I 100% thought that that game was like a roleplay type game. yeah It can be. We had to like be arrogant. Yeah. I roleplay playing as players. Now we know what we're doing next time. Yeah. I roleplay enjoying your game. Can you imagine negotiating with the lions and they're just like, give me the lion's share. Yeah. Oh, look, I don't think it's an S.
Like it is it is really hard to play. It's really hard to get to the table and 12 hours is too long for a game. I mean, you could play all the other S games that we've picked up so far in the same time you play one game of that. Well, assuming you're only playing one scenario of Gloomhaven. Yeah, true. But we talked about it so much. ah Yeah, we've almost talked about Gloomhaven as much as it takes to do the game thing.
ah Actually, that just made me think of something. Let's have a look. Oh no, that's all good. Don't worry. Um, I'll explain what that is later. Not worried in the slightest. I have no interest in Android netrunner. Anyone would, would, rob would love to play it, but never going to probably. Yeah.
I think we missed the boat on that G. I think. Yeah. Nobody we know actually got it. Uh, all right. Moving on to the next game, which is I think the first party game, uh, Decrypto is in the top 100. Who knew? No, not anymore. They've run out of copies. They keep going into fires. There was a brief period where it was in the top 3000 and then it quickly fell out. Yeah. Decrypto. Never played it would like to.
Charlie Party is ranked 11,953. Too high. That's way too high. Oh, I've played Decrypto. Oh, cool. Where would you rate it? Where would you rate it? The fact that you didn't know that you played it probably means it's probably not an S or an A. that you D for Decrypto. Yep. I'm happy with that. No.
if game What dare you besmirch the the good honour of Dick Ripdough. It's a solid Solid B? Alright, I'll throw it there. C for crap.
pen day and te dad that Pandemic Legacy Season 2. I have not played that. B, C even almost. C? I have not played it too long. It's not good. No. That much of a drop from Season 1. Yeah, it was garbage.
Wow, okay, how do you do first? Well, probably not, but... Alright, Everdell. Never played it. I'm gonna have to go with A, I think. I'd probably come in into to C, personally. And I'll give it a cheeky B. Do we go in the law of averages and go with a B?
Go with an A for Everdell. Creating a column for that. All I say is whatever letter it starts with. <unk>m glad you
I'm just going to listen to you guys because I know I disagree with you on this one. Root. B? Yeah. I think it's a solid B. Do you love it? What were you going to say, Steve? No, no, no.
If I hadn't played it, it'd be, and haven't played it, don't want to, be because I have played it. You still don't want to. do Played it, regret it. I wouldn't say it's as bad as an F, but I'd put it, be like a C or a D for me. I have no interest in playing it ever again. No, I do think, I don't, it's not my style of game, but I appreciated the game. But which of it is not your style of game, Miss Bloodrage?
Their blood rage doesn't require you to know five different ways. No, neither does this. You can literally just be murder hobos and obliterate people, which are really good. Then you have to know what the murder hobos are doing. Then you have to know what the cats

Complexity of Root

are doing. And then you have to know what the bunnies are doing. Is there any toasters on the toast? You really don't like, there's so many raises in there. They're up to like 14 races. I don't think the group, down you don't need to. Yeah.
It got past that point, good be but you do if you're the teacher and and I like, you know, invariably I ended up being a teacher and I just don't want to learn it enough to be able to teach it. I've seen you teach at DG and you do a great job. So maybe I should play it with you teaching. It was the first game I ever taught to anybody at an organized game day and it went really poorly. And I learned from that experience. ah Yeah. Dave's rules teach.
It was. Dave rosewars but days Rose Dave Rose. That was a great game, that. I had a great time.
ah Star Wars Rebellion. Or against an A. Haven't played it, would like to. Yeah, I'm in that category too, G-Man. Yeah, I haven't played it, G-Money. No, always one or two. You would like. It's like Twilight or Salt. Twilight and Peering or whatever.
Try struggle. I struggled about Star Wars. But Star Wars. And like with the theming that the rebellion's hidden. That's the one where there's all the planets are spaced out and they're hot it's like they're hidden somewhere and you gotta to find them. Yeah, yep. And you do like your track of production so you're like, you're gonna make a status draw, it'll take you three turns to make and then it gets closer. I like it. Yeah, you would like it.
uh barrage oh god here we go it'll be an a for me but i think it's hard for you guys right i i would put yeah i yeah i mean s is something you've got to revert reserve for like the most special right so i put it as an a but an a plus yeah a plus but yeah it's funny you say that g money because i'm looking at what we've got an s now and it's still stuck at five but like it's it's a feast for Odin pandemic legacy season one blood rage gloom haven in Puerto Rico like it's it's not some special stuff in there yeah that's right some memories wait till my legendary kicks out of a barrage comes we'll see
Concordia Venus, I've not played Concordia Venus and to be fair I've got Concordia now and I don't think I'd ever want anymore. So I put it in there don't want to play It's funny because they did a joint box with both of them. So Concordia and Venus and Everyone reckons. It's like the other half of the game that's missing thank you Concordia with Venus is a good full game But you can't play either half well do Has anyone actually played it? No. We'd love to, but yeah. All right, we'll put it in the one but want to play then. Back to Vital, we've got On Mars. Ooh, A. Yeah. Not S, but very good. Helen's call of the century with that one, when she turns up halfway through the teaching, is, ah, just let's just start playing, I'll get it. Yeah, I would have.
No, you would not. Yeah, rough, common sense. A guitar with a certain kind of a common sense, I don't think so. I'm usually pretty nice to you, Helen. Like, you couldn't pick up Earth on BGA. I don't think they would pick up on that. Oh, shots fired. I hated it. It's not that I couldn't pick it up, I just hated it. And you're closer to Earth than you are to Mars. So you should get on, you should get Earth. I played on Mars fine.
Yeah, one I had to go back and do the teach. Did you terraform it though? Do you know? No, I didn't, which is why I haven't played that one. Um, that was a game that even the person, like one of the people who were playing with this, like, I hated it, but I liked it, but I really hated it in the middle. And then he went and bought it. So like, he just, you know, it was just, it was a frustrating game.
because it is slow and it goes for so long. So you do go through a myriad of emotions playing that game. But yeah, I think an a A is fine. I do need to play it more to have more sense of only play the one.
I, I, it's a weird one for me. I've never had a good experience with it, but I still want to play it again. Because every, like I can, I can attribute the reasons my experiences haven't been great to other things. So yeah, I don't know. We'll see. Tainted Grail. Haven't played it. Don't want to. Haven't played it, but would like to. I didn't even hear what game you said. Tainted Grail.
No, um, have no opinion. Uh, yeah. Well, we'll stick it in. One of us wants to play it at the very least. So it can go there. Um, uh, clink just basic clink, a deck building adventure, or should I say clank? Cause there's an exclamation mark.
I like clink yeah, haven't played it would love to you clink legacy is outstanding but clink probably like a B decent deck builder you you're the only plan Is that the acquisitions incorporated one that's the legacy version yeah, can you be Jim dark magic in it? You can be whatever you want you name your character But are there and are there any of the actual hacking oh yeah people in it? Yeah, he turns up, yes. Nice. Yeah, he's a card. Yeah. Excellent. Does he jersey he do Jim's magic missile? I think we only got him in the last scenario, so I don't know i't know if he's come up on the on the adventure deck yet, on the adventure board. But yeah, trust me, if you if I know nothing of what you are talking about, G-Money, and I love it. So if you know any of that, then you'll- I watched all of Acquisitions Incorporated when it was going.
Yeah, I don't even know what it is. So it's D and&D. It's D and&D before Critical Role made it. Cool. It's Penny Arcade, the Penny Arcade guys.

Acquisitions Incorporated Mention

Yeah. Yeah. Cause that, yeah, and they wrote all the material for it. Yep. Yep. Mike drew it and yeah.
Oh yeah, no, you gotta get on that. it It is outstanding. If you don't mind reading, because there is more more words in that legacy game than any other legacy game I've seen. But it's like it's actually funny. You know when people try to write funny and it's not? It's actually funny. like it's It's quite good humor. so Yeah, they know what they're doing. and yeah Some little game called Wingspan.
We shall flock

Wingspan and Shem Phillips Games

A or B? Solid B. C. Stick it in B. Never enjoyed it. I do like it a lot. i am Yeah, I think a B. You can find harder if you want to make it A. No, I feel like it's a really good learning game. I think it's a game that anyone can play.
Um, I don't know how much playability it has over multiple like extended times. And I, I think with Worms fan, I would put Worms fan above it. And so if I said a Worms fan was an A, I would say that it is a B. Fair enough. Power grid. I'm definitely in the haven't played it, but one, two category. Yep. Me too.
yep Me three. And what I went looking for earlier, because I was worried that we were going to have a podcast where we didn't mention Shem. Paladins of the West Kingdom. ah Go straight to the top of the mountain, too. Yeah, I think so. I have not played any of the Shem game. Well, don't start with Paladins, but get there. So I did start with Paladins. And there isn't it's an A. like I enjoyed it. You know, I played it and liked it.
But, and then bought a whole bunch of other sham games. But yeah, it was a challenging start.
yes I think I like architects better. I just flip-flopped between the three West Kingdom games as and Wayfarers. Those four, I don't know which one of them is my favorite. Yeah, Wayfarers is good. Yeah. Pax Pumby here. Undefeated.
yeah Um, I have no idea where to rate this one. Um, so I'll just get you undefeated. I know I've lost in seven minutes as well. Remember my first game was losing in seven minutes. So yeah, but winning clicking random buttons, there's no category for that. I have not played. I really liked it. Yeah, I'd put it in. a Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, this one gets an S for me. T-O, T-Wakan. Sea of Gods. Oh, haven't played it would like to. T-O, T-Wakan. Hey, mommy my all-in Kickstarter comes in two weeks if you want to, do you want to? Yes, please. Okay. Joe's been, every time I see Joe like twice a year, he's like, oh, Dave's got that T-O, do a card for you, too. Yeah, it's coming in two weeks. I played it, but I don't know what I'm doing, so I haven't really played it. yeah I would fight for S tier on this

Teotihuacan and Inis Reviews

one. Yeah. I'm not going to, I'm not going to fight you because you were away at Emerald or somewhere. Yeah, no, I've got the computer. So it's an S. Yeah, it's a hundred S. What are you going to do with the list? Don't let's go see it anyway. I'm bringing facts into the story. You, you aren't writing shit. I know you and you've got bloody nothing up.
Except for like a list of games, you aren't putting anything in any columns. I'll take a screenshot and share it on our Facebook page when we make one in three years. Or not. For episode 40. We have a Facebook group? No. Oh, thank God. Jesus. Not even we follow it.
staying Staying with Daniel Tashini Games, Zulkin, the mine calendar. Haven't played it, would like to. I haven't played it. Sold it unplayed. I'd put it probably A or B. I'd probably go B. Great game, though. It's got the cogs. Helen painted up, my Helen painted up all the cogs. It's fucking amazing. I could just change my name. Well done, Helen. I just need to stop referring to my wife, because she doesn't play that many board games. So it's like, it's surprising how often I've met you. It's not how that sounds.
um Okay, Cthulhu death may die.
I would put that at an A. It's currently an S, but i can I'm giving in some recency bias there, so I drop it down to an A. You are very generous with your scoring. Jesus, did you play that with Gil? What what game?
Cthulhu Death May Die. Oh, no, I've never played Cthulhu Death May Die, but I really liked it. I played the Cthulhu one, which is the big map we got. ah It's an area controlled game. The Kulu... Cthulhu Wars? Yeah, I think that one. ah yeah That was awesome. Yeah. Death May Die is amazing. it's it's It's definitely worth playing. I think that's the one that Troy got the $800. That that's big statue thing that Shane had for ages and then he was told that he couldn't have it anymore.
Yeah. Um, Lauren wouldn't let him have it in the house. Yeah. He sold that because none of us want to play it. So. And now he's playing it with his game group. What a legend. Um, with Cass and someone he's playing death made I again. Oh, no, sorry. Troy. Troy bought the all in Kickstarter and sold it off. Cause none about none of but none me or G money or Luca and he didn't want to play it. Okay.
Um, all right. Uh, Innish. Solid for me. Is this Innes like INIS? Yes. So as i I like to put a B in front of that and call it Binnish because that's where it belongs. as far as i My boss like loves board games and he always tells me that this is the greatest game ever made. I disagree. And I would like to play it because it's like ranked like 98 or something on the, on the top 100 or something.
Well, do you have Phyllis memorized? Uh, yeah. What, you don't? Negative, ghostwriter. It's probably like 20. I was just, I was Samsonite. I was way out. Well, I won't put it in everything. You were really close. Yeah. Nailed it.
The fact that you actually want to play at G Money, I won't put it in F then. Okay. No, I don't care. No, I'll ignore my player. Solid D. like Okay. we'll put it it We'll put it in, haven't played it but wanted because it sounds, if someone says it's their best game ever, then it's, yeah, it's obviously not that. Underwater Cities. Uh oh. Go for Helen.
Well, I haven't played it. I thought you loved that game. I've never played Underwater Cities. so What am I thinking of? I I really like Underwater Cities. I i looked at it, it survived my mega-carl. It's still in my list and I still want to play it. I really like the combination of how you actually select the actions to build the city stuff. I'd say a solid B. I haven't played it but would like to.
Well, we should play it sometimes. I think you'd like it. It gets compared to Terrifying Mars, which I can see with the card stuff, but it's it adds in a little like um matchy element where like you've got a coloured action on the board. And if you play a coloured card with a coloured action, you get a doublebo

Clank Legacy Praise

bo double bonus. double bonus. Yeah.
But you can still play your card. If it doesn't match, you just don't get the extra stuff. But I want double. As we talked about clink earlier, clink legacy is actually in the top 100 as well. Yeah, nailed it. So I'll chuck that in A. Yeah, love to play it. Great Western Trail original version. But looks like both versions are in it. So the same game. So yeah. A, A tier, I think for me.
Because you've got to rustle them cows. ah Marvel chips. Oh, look out. Does it go higher than S? No, I'm just joking. I'm sort of wavering between A and B because I just haven't played it anywhere near as much in the last year or two than I did in the first year or two. But Iceman's so good. does anyone Where does anyone else sit on Marvel chips? A to S somewhere between there. But I understand.
I'll chuck it in A because I still love it. I just don't- You got it. Yeah. Yeah. I met and sold it. Sold it all. Never played. Uh, Marikaido. Is that how you say that?
Oh, there's a deep cut. Yeah. Uh, thought I'd like it more than I did. Yeah, I'm a bit in that camp too. Maybe a C. Haven't played it would like to.
Kanban. Oh, baby. The Lacerda I wish I had. The A, the a yeah. Gloomhaven, Jaws of the Line.
The only Gloomhaven I finished. it like It was really good when we played it, but it's definitely not on the level as the other two.

Cascadia's Player Reactions

That's A and B somewhere between there. Yeah. Ingrid A.
And then Frosthaven. Does it go to S.G.M? Yeah, sure does. I think I haven't played it enough to have an opinion, so that works for me. Cascadia. Well, you all know my theory on this game, so anyone else? What's your theory on this game? Well, not theory. Well, it is kind of a theory. It's that It makes passes time, so people seem to like it, but I don't feel like you're doing anything. But it's a nice way to pass time. So like parks or taquitos, sort of. Yeah, yeah. and People talk about like it's this great, amazing game. I'm like, I don't understand. I'm just putting hexes down anyway. So I'm not a big fan, but it's very popular. I haven't played it, but would like to. I have played it.
i'll put it in b see C is kind of like yeah like 50% like I'd play it if it was set up and someone needed someone to sit down I think that's what i'd look at see no b I could be slightly interested in playing a he's like yeah I'll play that and this is like are you kidding me yeah i think it's a be okay eclipse second dawn not gonna put that eye weren't we yeah not breaking dawn No, definitely not. Race for the galaxy?
It's all right. Yeah, B. Feels like a B. Feels like I'd play it. Yeah. Never even heard of it. What are your, I think one of your old favorites, DG, Terra Mystica? Yeah. It's a good game. Good game is good. Strong. I i love it. I'll play that regularly. That's a so A for me.
No, not it is because
They've done it a few different ways that are also as good. And, and it's kind of unbalanced. So depends on, like they had to put in a bidding element to try and balance a little bit, just so you can yeah try and even up the stats a little bit. So speaking of alternative versions, guy project. Yeah, that one. I don't know. Most people like guy project. Well, I didn't, um, I would say guy project would be a B for termistic as a.
I'm happy. I sold Guy Project. see yeah I don't mind Guy Project, but um I don't really sort out playing it. Has anyone played pending Pandemic Legacy season zero? Yep. Where does that sit? Fantastic. It's an A, but only because you can make up silly names and have disguises and you go around in Jeeps killing communists. OK, so we've got wagons. Season one is an S, season O as an A, and season two is... Two can fuck right off.
Cavanagh. Yay. I love that game. I'm happy with that. You know, I didn't realize you'd never played it before, DG. So beyond the sun, but we had to. That's right. I deliberately put that on because it's a been a while since I played it, but I really wanted to get back into it because I remember it being really cool. So I'll chuck it it as a bee because I haven't played it forever.
B for button pressing. Maybe the teachers. I feel like this we've got our next S game. Because I think it's in all of our top tens. Although ah Helen didn't do her top tens so much about hers.
that's a She can do the next one with her breath. Yeah, yeah. How many Stonewaller games are there? I've played this though. I'm pretty sure you've played this. It's in Imperium. It's got to be an S, right? Yeah. 100%. Yeah. You didn't play it? No.
Oh, I've let you down there, Helen. I'm sorry. Well, you don't actually play games with me because you don't like, hey, I'm playing games and you invite me. I'm just sitting at home, just, you know. Bold and paper flowers. How about those games? Oh no, I just spent like 70 hours making costumes. If it makes you feel any better, Helen, I don't get invited to his game nights either. Yeah, but you don't live in the same, like, zone.
And Steve, I play more games with you than anybody else. That's probably true. We don't play with Helen because she lets her wingspan do its go for 35 days. yeah You know what happened? we laugh yeah and i can't get into it it won't let me ah Just a junior period. the X has come out on Steam now and I got it there. There was like 15 bucks or something and it's it's great. I played like a dozen games already. Yeah, cool. Yeah. All right. Does this go in S or A? um Oh, Book Week photos. That's what I've been spending my time doing.
Sorry, that' for those listening at home, this is a photo of Helen's kids. Good podcasting. Fantastic book week. Did you cut it out? I love it. I love that Raphael has a Harry Potter costume because it's just like every year it's like, Oh crap, it's book week today. What are you going as? Harry Potter? Done. yeah Just go every day as Harry Potter. It's like, this has worked out well for me. yeah Um, G money. I think you'll probably be an S for you, Lost Ruins of Arnak.
Yeah. No, no, I think it's an A. Okay. I had it in A. Like I love to play it, but it's not the be all and end all of everything. It's a great game, but. It's no junior period. No. Haven't played it but would like to. I'll do the next two together, the crew and the crew. So crew quest for pellet nine, crew deep sea, deep mission deep sea. Pretty good.
I reckon they're A or B level. I reckon they're somewhere in there. Maybe B for the first one and A for the second one. Yeah, it could be between there. Yeah, for sure. I played both of them one time in one session with my family. How many, like one mission? No, do you play you make more than one? No, like one session. So like four or five missions. Yeah, right. Okay. That's really specific. This is like the first mission. The intro one with no extra rules.
haven Um, I'm surprised. I didn't know this was in the top 100. Um, hegemony have played almost a full game hey g and would love to play more. It was one of the games where it all like, it made sense. Like you're like, Oh, I'm that I should do that. And it was like, that was the thing that you could do. And it made sense.
66 I'd be keen to play it as well. Well, I'll just put it in haven't played it But want to because obviously if you haven't played a full game and you're still keen to go back That sounds like it's in the right spot Search for planet X I'll probably put that at about a B. What's that?
Oh, it's ah i I'm about to say it like an A, but it's it's a so it's a deduction of socialduction it's a deduction game where you're trying to find X in the galaxy and you're doing it by getting like you're being drip-fed clues and you're watching what other people are doing to try and figure out like where it lands. um It's really cool, so I hope you say it B. Yeah, would love to play.
Obsession! Sorry, give us a time count, Steve. How are we going in the list? Are we about halfway? Uh, no, we're past halfway. We've got 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23 left. All right.
This could be our longest episode ever. We'll pick up the pace. Obsession. Haven't played it. Do want to though. Just assume I haven't played. There's been a lot of games where you just... No, that's fine. just this you so but safe from Save that time. I'll just i say nothing. Helen, you you would want to play Obsession. like The theme is Victorian England and you're building mansions and dresses and stuff. And it's brilliant. I would put it as an A. Yeah, I'd put it as an A.
Yeah and the best thing about it Helen is that because it's set in like 19th century like Victorian England if you're an American doesn't matter how good of an American you are, you're negative victory points because you're an American. Love that. Yeah. Favorite thing about that game. There's other things but yes that's great. Sleeping Gods. Love it. Would love to play it. A. A? That's good to hear. Played it twice. I would put the next game at A as well. The half. Yeah.
I haven't played it. I'd love to. I tried to play with you one time, Steve, but didn't get there. Okay. Did we not play it all the way through? Oh, it must be. Okay. It was a lahar. That good. Uh, Quacks of Kedlamirk. Oh, that's gotta to be an A. Oh, is it an S? It could be. It's hard to have a bad game of Quacks. It is.
It's been a long time since I played it. Yeah, well, you can play with anybody though. You can play with kids, you can play with non-gamers. Amazing gateway game. Hard gamers. You've convinced me I've put it up in S. I had it as a B. Quacks has an S in it, so yeah, there you go. Logic. Yes, it does. The game I've been waiting to come out of BTA IV forever, and it finally has all y'all. Yeah, it's good. It's an A. My opinion may be skewed.
So I will say I would like to play it. I have learnt things by watching you play G-Money like... Yeah! Sound not to be shit! I didn't realise there was... How to ignore torture. Can't lose anything if you don't have anything.
Oh, the next game might be an S2. And this is one that you've played, Helen. Ark Nova. Yeah. Yeah, I would say I wrote it. I think it's an S, yeah. I love that, Jimmy. I'm just really bad at it. It's also better in real life. I don't know I don't know that it is. It definitely holds up on BGA, like there are some. It does hold up on BGA. It makes it so much easier. It's a great game. I would put that as an S. Yeah, me too. I can understand why people don't like Earth on BGA, but if you like Arknova, you're going to love it on BGA or at the table, I feel like. Yes, I'm upset. It's a great game.
um video culture haven't played would like to i'd probably say an a or a b yeah d yeah i wouldn't put it i wouldn't put it as an a i'd put it put it in did not enjoy it but you need to apparently it's better if you have all the expenses. Apparently it's the way that's quite bland. Although Helen and I have been playing, sorry, my wife and I have been playing- Again, there it is. Big big culture world, the the cooperative game. Yeah. And it's like so hard. Like it's ridiculous hard to the point where we've just gone buggered trying to finish it in six turns. We're just going to keep going until we finish it because we just like, you only get six rounds to do the whole thing. You like to get 25 points. It's insane.
um Next game is I would say either an S or an A. um Too many bones. Yeah, depending upon who you ask. I would say it's an A, but I think there'd be a lot of people out there, the experiences that they had with it would easily be an S. yeah And I know one friend of the show. It's not about many, it's just about the four of us. Yeah, I'd probably put it an A, because yes, I love it every time I play it, but it just takes so long that i you don't get to play it as often.
The only time I played that game was when I went to Shane's house and took over for you, Steve, as you had to leave, there was two turns left and I didn't even roll the dice. Not ideal. No. Less bones. Less than or many

High Praises for Heat Pedal to the Metal

bones. it was There wasn't any bones. Just one bone. Has anyone played Earthsworn? Would love to. Would dearly love to. Yes. That's definitely and would love to play, for sure.
Look controversial, but my next game I think is an S game aye and it's a very new game. It's only been out for about a year. Hold on DG Heat pedal to the metal. Yeah Fucking I do like it. It's a it's it's it's an S for me I I don't think I've played a game as much in the last year than that as that Yeah, I could do an S What do you think, G?

Grand Austria Hotel and Spirit Island Discussion

I would probably say it's an A, but that's because I'm not very good at it. yeah That's me with arc over. I keep getting in the lead, and that's the last place you want to be in here, is in front. But every every game I'm playing at the moment, I end up in front early, and I'm like, this is bad. I'm going to lose. And yeah, every time I get overtaken. But I still love it. Grand Austria Hotel. Haven't played, don't want to. Haven't played, would like to. Haven't stayed there either.
I have played, but it was so long ago. I've forgotten. So I'm happy to put it in. I haven't played. It's like, I wouldn't remember anything. Azul. A i for Azul. There is no Dana only Azul.
It's just base Azul or is it like all Azul? Well, it's base Azul that's in a hundred. So we'll go with that. yeah Spirit Island. A slash S for Spirit Island.
helen's looking Helen's asleep. yeah I am not asleep. I'm waiting for Dave to give his opinion because I know... Look, I really like it. I'd say it's an A, but... Yeah, I think it's an A. Well, there you go. We're all agreed. I was just wondering if you were going to go an S or whether it had dropped. I was just curious to listen. Well, Steve was the king. Yeah, it'd probably be a C for me, but...

Sky Team and Age of Innovation

I just think there's brilliance there that I've missed because it's gotta be good, right? Everyone loves it. Have you played it solo or have you played it with other people? I've only played it solo with one spirit and I've played it four player game, which was enjoyable, but super long. And I didn't think that it was like time well spent. Like, you know what I mean? So, uh, seven wonders. Yeah. I know B. And B. Yeah, that's pretty simple. Jewel dwarfs it.
Yeah. I would put the next one in an A, Sky Team, if either either of you guys played Sky Team yet. Somehow I have not, but would love to. It's such a great two-player game. It's probably my favorite two-player game. Okay. Like, yeah, really good. And it's cooperative. I play it with Raf, play it with my wife. Who's that? my My daughter. My daughter's name is Heidi, if you're asking, yeah. Which is apparently a German derivative of Helen, so. Ah, lol. Yeah.
that um Age of innovation, that's also a terroristic a game, isn't it? Yes, own it have never played it would love to Have you played it did you know? We'll stick it there Do an Imperium uprising. We're just gonna put that with doing appearing straight to the top, baby No, I would say it's almost a B for me, but I Yeah. We, we play ah a bus that I was version of both together just to give it more. I think maybe once more expansions come in, it might go up. Yeah. It is one of those things that yes, it's a different game, but realistically, like it shouldn't both be on the top 100. It's a homunculus of the first one.

Humor in Dominant Species and El Grande

Yeah. Uh, dominant species. Haven't played highly rated. Would love to.
i would I would probably be in the not want to, but and I guess that's why you'll never be the dominant species. hey um Anyone else played it or Ellen, as I'm sure. Yeah, she is the dominant one. Yeah, that's it. It's her it's her game. like I would not play that with her because I know how that's going to end in that game. And she's controlling the game. You guys made me sound like an absolute cow.
You're just very good at games. I'd apologize for being the best thing ever made.
El Grundy. Is that a Starbucks order? Can you order that at Starbucks while they give you something? You can. and it be bayig covered It's a with a game in it. It's like an area control game that I get into. I love a lot of area control games, but it was pretty good.
I saw it at, um, they were playing it at the other games. They, the other day it looked fantastic. So I would love to play it. I'll stick it in. We'd love to play because I've only played it the once and I did enjoy it, but I was again, it was a long time ago. It's like 2020 or something.

Pronunciation Debate on Agricola

Agricola four left for those playing. Is that how you say it? I thought it was Agricola. It's an Agricola. It's Agricola. Yeah. Agricola is a new flavor of Coke coming out next month. And he knows that. Uh,
a i I like it as a challenging game, but I really play it. I'd say B. B, yeah. Haven't played would like to. I reckon Croconol. I reckon that's an A. Yeah. Yeah. Never played it.
It's an all play. That one. Everyone get in. Okay. Next time you're at my house, you're playing crocodile fellas. Okay. You know, it's the big circle thing. Oh yes. Yeah. And doubles as a shield in case you ever needed to block arrows. So it turns out there's two Agricolas and they look almost identical. I don't know what that's all about. Uh, so there's only one game left and it's Nemesis.

Tier List Recap and Games Retreat

Well, see, we're in that odd spot that with Troy, it's an S. Yeah. But I don't. With anybody else, it's not. Yeah. But with that, in that perfect environment, it's an S, but yeah. Yeah. All right. We are done. So we had one, haven't played, but don't want to, which was Netrunner. We had, haven't played, but want to. We had Mage Knight, Osborn, War of the Ring, Taney Growl, Fields of Arl, Imperial Assault, Through the Ages. Uh,
Marco Polo, Robinson Crusoe, Max First Minions, Lisboa, Concordia Venus, Age of it Innovation, Power Grid, Inish, El Grande, Hegemony, Grand Ostro Hotel and Dominant Species. So that Yeah, that's not too bad. ah We suck.
And then ST Games, we had Puerto Rico, Gloomhaven, Dunimperium, Bloodrage, Heat Pedal to the Metal, Pen Minute Waking Season 1, T.O.T. Warkhan, Paladins of the West Kingdom, A Feast for Oden, Frosthaven, Quacks of Quendlinburg, and Ark Nova. That sounds like a rich joke. Who put TO to a card in the S category? That's bullshit. I didn't vote for that.
Too bad. Um, but like, if we were going to go away to a games day and they were the only games we brought, that'd be a pretty like a games retreat. That'd be pretty awesome. If that were the only games you played. Well, as you were reading them out, I'm like, they're the only one I wouldn't choose to voluntarily set up and play at the table. Yeah. For a statement or glue, maybe just cause it's such a pain. I would say that I clearly don't have any taste because all the games that I love were not even listed.
in that but this is he's been in the top one hundred before it must have dropped other than a over though like That's the only one but you had a few like you're The only one who played five tribes that's in the a column that's above your head in the top shoes now 276 What pipeline i think that's exactly what i think that's isn't that like this but point game but pi game baby average score yeah
like is would that be the average score of that gain maybe like five seventy six feel lucky you hundred sometimes you get eight hundred 80 said he taught someone they got minus 257. Yeah, was that you no i' got Minus 500. Thank you very much
That's pretty cool. All right. I don't know if that was entertaining viewing or listening. I have to say that I don't believe that Of the two there were two stone my games there. I don't believe either of them should have been the two stone my games I I don't think that the viticulture should be in there No, I would I would firmly my two favorites that my games are side of the viticulture. So are they really Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Vidiculture is just, it's like one of the, it's what I think people think, what people have Cascadia, I have Vidiculture. Like it's just a game that I can set up very

Excitement for Rise of Fenris

relaxing. Just sort of just do your turns to try and be efficient. Then it gets really tight towards the end and you get start yelling at each other and then you pack it up. It's great.
And Syed is just, Syed is phenomenal. Actually, um Joe's talking about getting Rise of Fenris played because he's never done it before. And he's like, I don't know if he'd be interested because you've already done it, but would you do Rise of Fenris again? I'm like, dude, I've done it like four times. I'm in. And it's kind of cool because Helen's never done it and Raphael has never done it. So I'm like, well, maybe we can do it as five and five is just a great number to play that game. Nice.
Well, is it over now? Is it over now? That is our tier list. Yeah. If you're listening to this and you would like to see our tier list, it's too bad we don't have anywhere to post it. Message one of us and we'll... Not me. You can write it in the comments. Lazy bastards expecting us to do it. You can write it in the comments on your podcast. Leave us a Yelp review. Because they could just go, oh, it's all here. Why don't we even leave a listen? Give us a Yelp review.

Honorable Mentions and Celebrity Tangents

I'm just having a look at the honorable mentions list of like next 10 so architects is 103 Scout is 105 Carnegie at 108 Yes, he Carnegie could be in the top hundred. I reckon. Yeah dwellings is 115 travesty and Darwin's Journey 120 7th continent Crap game.
Age of steam? That's a great game, that. That's been in the 100 for a long time, so that must have only recently dropped out. Yeah. Lady Gaga loves that game. She sings about it all the time. You know, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, you know? That's what she's singing about, right? and any amu but eming about it too I'm pretty sure. but So I get in trouble from like randomly talking about like Twilight random movies or OC, but you're allowed to like make obscure podcast reference. By the way, how are you coping with JLo being available again? Look, it's been a rough time. I'm not going to lie. I had to question a few things, yeah but I'm staying strong. Your love of Affleck. Affleck's the biggest cat in the world. Doesn't deserve anything.
I have cats. A negative derogatory term. The worst negative I can give somebody. Is that they're a cat? Yep. Not a sexy cat either. No, not a... Ah, he's not a sexy cat. What was that? That's Nick Cage.
I'm a vampire. Proof that I was actually clicking buttons. Yeah, look. J.Lo deserves much better. I don't think the human race can produce anything that's up to her standard. Maybe Henry Cavill. We could offer Cavill? You can't offer Cavill. Cavill's having a baby with someone else. But I don't think even he would be worth it. She transcends everything.
Yeah, that's ah that's a solid list there, Steve. I think we've done a good thing this evening.

Chin Wag Championship Proposal

It's very top heavy. So, you know, we like a lot of games. we did not go through a hundred games yeah it was technically about 96 because there was a couple of double ups you were there the whole time yeah i drifted in yeah so so did i like i'm just getting back in now i kind of drifted out at the start when everyone said welcome to the podcast you actually got like a pre-recorded he's looking at the picture going adequate satisfactory
What the fuck are all these games? yeah i remember time yeah um like I've never played it, I've just been lying this whole time.
i would believe that I just before we finish up I had this idea and I put it in the chat But tom if you guys are keen and then we might throw it out to our huge listening audience of Shane and Ingrid It starting like a chin wag championships in BGA like all the games that we play on BGA that we like like your wingspans arc novas You know a few other ones like feast heat just look at the list of games that we just put in, like games that we put in the S and A category that are also on VGA. And then like, well, if it's there, um, it hasn't showed up in Alfie yet. So apparently it's coming. Um, but like putting it together and then we can just like have like a round robin where we all play.
ah number of each of the games and then sort of just have a chin-wag champion at the end of some period of time. Sounds great. Can you start can we start our own tournaments? Like you can start tournaments but they're only for specific games so we'd have to do like a like a google sheet that people can go in and update their results you know something. Oh okay. Yeah but well sounds like a great idea Steve. Cool.
when I, now that I'm working crazy hours again, I'll do that when I get time. Yay! Probably probably before I edit this podcast. And probably before the next episode of the podcast. We have to do another episode? Next year. Okay. Well, you know, we got to come around about about Halloween, right? And do our top 13 again, because apparently that's our thing. And we'll talk about our board gaming weekend in October. And Shane's got to talk about his board gaming weekend. so football boying weekend be you had a boyss weekend
yeah Yeah, the same one we do every year. Same one we do every year. drink cover of the year the there you go Well, I think we need to do a chin wag retreat. And the five of us get together and play games somewhere for a weekend.
We kind of do that whenever we all get together, like when you were here for Christmas last year. But I also like the idea of drinking alcohol by a pool in the office in between games.
yeah um We should probably talk about this off here because I'm sure that's not you thrilling listening for the sex people to say, hey, we're going to catch it up with together and fuck you guys. I had to sit through it. They have to sit through it too. i You have to go.

Episode Wrap-Up

yeah loud
All right, we'll cap it there. Thanks for the episode. I hope that was interesting. I don't know if it was just a whole bunch of people saying A, B. Now that I think about it, maybe not great radio, but hey. It was fun for us. Fun to do, which is why we do this, right? Yeah, that's it. Well, good to see you all again. It's been a while. Yeah, it was. We'll catch you on the next episode, which will certainly be within two weeks.