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Episode 20: Quiz night! And 4 terribly out of tune singers who probably should have stuck to board games image

Episode 20: Quiz night! And 4 terribly out of tune singers who probably should have stuck to board games

S1 E20 ยท Board Game Chinwag
77 Plays1 year ago

In tonights episode, Shane hosts quiz night! All of us come with questions, and then we all endure each other singing... Maybe skip that part.


Introduction & Episode Overview

Have we got a quiz say, quiz say music? Hang on, I've got. Last baseball one.
Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, chinwaggers, and welcome to the board game chinwag episode 20.

Recent Board Game Adventures

Tonight, we are going to do a bit of exploratory surgery on board games, seeing what everyone's been playing over the last week, but also do something a little bit different tonight, a bit of a board game quiz show happening in the chinwag lounge room. So tonight we have Steve. Hey, hey. Welcome, welcome, mate. Hey, pleasure to be here. DG.
Ahoy, hoy. Ahoy, hoy, back. G Money, how are you this evening? Hello. Yep, pretty good, thank you. Pretty good, thank you. That's good to hear. And tonight we are missing the amazing Helen, who apparently is venturing down the Diablo scene tonight for Diablo Weekend. So over to what we've been playing this week. Dave, why don't you hit us off? Oh fuck, I was hoping you'd think me last. I played nothing this week except for TGA.
The closest I got into a board game was actually talking to my kids today about playing charades because Christian got there for his birthday last week, so I played zero board games.
zero board games. Wow. That's, is that a rarity for you? Yeah, it is too busy at work. Everyone was a bit sick just to lock on. So BGA was my friend this weekend. Yeah. Zero physical board games. Yeah. Yeah. Many, many, many, many BGA games. Yeah. Yeah. We popped Shane's BGA cherry. And so we cracked out a few wonderful BGA games. So I did play six nimped and we started a blood rage and I played a bunch of Ark Nova, which I really enjoy and get back into. So
Yeah, there's games in my week, but no physical board games, unfortunately. Nice. We'll talk about BGA a bit later, but yes, it is wonderful. Steve, what have you been up to?
I've had a pretty good week for board games, to be honest. Probably the highlight of my week was actually this morning, where I got to play Tio with Helen, as in my Helen, my wife. She hadn't played it since 2020. And so essentially we treated it like her first game ever. We did the whole teach, went through the whole thing again. And yeah, she ended up winning, which is not unusual for Helen. She's a bit of a nice. I may have not played the most optimal game of Tio I've ever played in my life, but that's all right.
And, but more important than that is I asked her at the end, I said, what'd you think? And she's like, yeah, it was good. I want to play it again next week though. So I understand it better. I'm like, oh, well that could be arranged. So it's just exciting to play my favorite game. It's starting to, you know, obviously have Helen enjoy it. So it was awesome. Other than that, yeah, it's pretty much been, oh, we played a game of ice cool.
Um, today with, uh, Raphael and one of his friends and the flicking penguin game, the flicking penguin game. That's the one. Yeah. It's a, it was a bit of a laugh. It was, it was good fun. And then, um, other than that, yeah, it's pretty much been, Oh, not just BGA, but BGA reminded me of how good Ark Nova was. And I've got them back and got the actual physical copy out and played a couple of solo rounds because it's really good solo. It actually runs through really quick. Um,
So I've been playing a bit of Ark Know that both on BGA and in the flesh, which, and it's just, it's, geez, that's a good game. Every time I play it again, I'm like, I go two ways. I either go, this is amazing. How about this? Or I go, I don't know what to do.
my brain is melting, I need to stop. And I've had a few of each of those. Like against the solo, the first time I played it, I won by like, I got like 30 points. The second time I played it, I think I won by five. And the last time I played it, I lost by 15. I'm like, I'm supposed to be getting better. I'm actually going in the opposite direction. So yeah. And then yeah, loads of BGA with you guys and whatnot. So yeah, it's been awesome. That's good.
I'm a big believer in solo games. You shouldn't win every game. You know, they've got to, they've got to be hard. Yeah. Problem is it says in the back of the rule book, it's like start on 20, but if you want to make it a challenge, go to 10 or go to five. Um, like on appeal, start on 20 appeal, appeal or five appeal. And I'm like, well, hang on. I just got walloped when I was starting on 20 appeal. I'm not ready to jump back yet and make it hard. Yeah. Very cool. That's good. Uh, G money. What are you even playing?
Um, last Monday we played Dune Imperium. Yeah. Let me get my list out. Um, and then, uh, went to the Barbecue Wood game weekend and taught Wayfarers of the South Tigress and Beast. Beast? It was really good. I haven't heard of Beast. What's that about, mate? Uh, it's a hidden movement one versus many game. Oh, cool. And, uh, we won't go on about Wayfarers too much.
No, because that's the mandatory one chem reference. Okay. It is such a good game. I was Wednesday night, my only board game night actually. I actually played a physical board game. I went to the ferret for the Wednesday night game night with the group. We had a good group actually, a good turnout for what was state of origin night. So I wasn't expecting many.
but we actually packed the place. Plus other people that were eating in the restaurant actually joined into the games. So we introduced some new people into the ball game hobby, which was nice. And I played, I taught downforce, which is a great little classic game and nice and easy under an hour. And that was fun. I did not follow vassal's rule though. I did win that one.
So I actually showed everyone around the table that you don't actually have to have the best cars in the race and the winning cars to actually win the game. Gotta be the street gambler. Gotta be the very street gambler and just back it in. But also too, what cards you have in your hand? What other cars can you get across the line? And then Callum actually taught us something I've always wanted to play and it's called Rococo.
Where you're going to make dresses and material. Then you've got to go out and stock thread and all these different types of tapestries and build a dress or build a suit. But then you've got to then place that in the hall and then you've got to upgrade your hall. And I found it quite interesting and really enjoyed it actually. Looks pretty on the table though, really colorful.
That was again another game under an hour with four players. Everyone enjoyed it. So it's what I like about going to these game nights instead of getting one big game out and playing it for three hours. I'm really enjoying getting a couple of easy ones on the table.
Yeah, for sure. You're smiling at me, Steve. No, no, I absolutely agree. Like I was saying last week with like Sushi Go Party and that sort of stuff. Sometimes it's great to play a three hour game. Sometimes it's good to play 10, 20 minute games.
Yeah, it was good fun. I wouldn't have thought Rococo was an hour though. Yeah, that's true. That's an air-driven game with massive box and lots of complex parts. I thought that was me. No, no, we nailed it within an hour because one of the people that was playing said, look, you know, they want to get home by a certain time because they want to start work. Could we get it done in an hour? Is that Callum? That sounds like Callum. No, it wasn't Callum. No. Callum doesn't tell you he's going to do it to you until he leaves. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shanking in the back. You're on his time.

Brisbane Board Gamers Co-op & Online Gaming Benefits

are, but he did a really quick teach, great teach by the way. And then, and then we were straight into the game, very easy to learn, but the artwork and on the table visually, it looks great. Did anyone get stitched up? Any problems that you had to address? No, no. You working on this area?
Yeah, he's been working hard on that. They all cottoned onto it pretty quick. Oh no, stop. Do we have a boom-tish sound effect there, mate? I want you to pay me out, I only had one. Last one always counts. That's good. That's pretty good. And that was good. Nice little chuck in two. I enjoyed that.
Brilliant, so that's been our weekend of ballgames, and then yes, my cherry was popped to BGA, and God, it was good. I've heard about BGA, and I'm used to playing TTS, and TTS I kind of avoid now, because it's just so challenging. You've got to do this, click this, control-alt-Z this, and all this other stuff that I don't enjoy doing. Versus BGA, it tells you, press this button, do this, do that.
very enjoyable evening on Friday evening, playing with you guys. I think we were up till about 11, playing multiple games, loved it. So for our one listener out there, jump on BGA, look up our board game group, the board game, it's a board game together Queensland group. I think it's board game is guild, Brisbane board game is guild group or something along those lines, yeah. Or it could be, I don't remember what I called it.
Look up that group and request to join us. I'll actually look it up. I can tell you the real name. We didn't really tell you what the name was. Brisbane Board Gamers Co-op. There we go. Brisbane Board Gamers Co-op. So look up our one listener. You know who you are. Look up the Brisbane Board Gamers Co-op and join us and have some fun playing some BGA. Literally being
I joined premium membership over the weekend because I was sick of not being able to jump in into some games. But I've been playing a crap ton of Bandito and a crap ton of six nimps. So super, super fun. And then we've got our game of Azul and City of the Big Shoulders happening right now with downforce pending. Obviously, Helen doesn't want to play it. I want to start it with the four of us.
Yeah. And sorry, I'm not going to go easy on you and big shoulders either. Like, that's getting the full experience of that one. You're also welcome, DG, that I allowed you to produce in the first turn. Oh, is that happened? Does that happen? Yeah. Thank you. Yep. Well, considering I have two shots, two stocks in your company, I want you to do well. I was going to say, like, I was going to say thank you for everyone to help me in supporting my company and buying at least one share. So, struggling.
might buy some more of my own. Um, that's not good. Brilliant guys. I looked it up. The last time I played big shoulders was with, was with you, Dave and Def and Shane.

Board Game Quiz Show

Yeah. It was, it was the, it was the, um, I was at the vault games though. Yeah. The vault games though. Play big shoulders. Wow. Yeah, that was ages ago. Yeah. That was ages ago. I think the last time I played a big shoulders with, with DG.
And Phil. And, um, Phil's birthday. Yeah. Well, she will go on that big shoulders game changer. So, you know, I can't, well, I'm in a podcast now. We might have to wait. I've got, I think I've got 35 hours before my next move done. I just might string it out. You go one minute over that 35 years. I'm gonna kick you. I've seen it happen.
Something I found in BGA today, because I was playing Six Nymph, and I was playing this, it was like this elite group, all strong players, and it was fast time. Are you timed in, like you're timed in your plays, you got like two minutes to make your turn. But I was making my turn within that two, well within those two minutes, and I got booted from the game. And then I got this purple symbol saying, you know, you were taking too long. Have you guys ever seen that?
I'd say someone just at one moment you must've gone to one second over and someone's just gone, bam. Probably someone who was losing and they were like, oh, if I can kick someone out, then everybody wins. There is a little bit of that that goes on. That's right. That's why everyone won then. Yeah. Except for you. Except for me, you fuckers. Sorry. Sorry. And thank you for all the positive feedback on our last episode. That's just been released today.
Everyone's been so excited that we're back to the... To break the fourth wall. That is you, Adnan. Former host. Former host. Yeah. But no, there was no reason why we went to G-rated. It was purely
I don't know. I don't think we actually went to G-rated. It just must have accidentally happened once. Do we? Yeah. Anyway. As I said, it's strange to think that we actually have a plan because this is definitely the least planned podcast in potentially history.
I did actually reply with something like that. All right. Plan? Story? Are you sure you listened to our podcast? That's good. We do have a plan for tonight, right? Yeah. We do. This is somewhat of a plan. This is the most I've spent getting ready for an episode. Tonight we are playing a quiz.
And the quiz is three questions each. So we might just, I think we'll just go around the grounds with three questions. I got like seven.
I've got a whole section. I've got three questions. I've got three. Dave's got three. Steve's got seven. Grant's got seven. So guess what? Dave and I are going to get off with just three and you guys are going to give us your seven each. That's so dirty. That looks so dirty. I'll give you my full seven. Then we'll head into what is a bit of a
something a bit different tonight and that's a bit of a, we'll end the episode with each of us playing a bit of what they call spics and specs where we have a rule book in front of us and we are going to sing a song to that rule book. You have to guess the song and you have to guess the game. How does that sound? Terrifying. Sounds daunting.
it is daunting it is honestly daunting but shit it's fun and if this gets cut out then we'll make sure we clip that little intro bit because yeah this could be shit
That's true. This will be shithouse. In that direction. As opposed to all their other podcast content, which was amazing 10 out of 10. Worst podcast so far. The first 60 episodes were all right. After that, it got a bit downhill. Season 2 was rubbish. Went a bit G-rated for a while there. Yeah. We are now in episode 20, so congratulations, everyone. How do we get to 20? Must have like 30 listens though now. Yeah.
And that's each of us a few times, too. I will never, have never, and will never listen to it. No, you haven't. You haven't listened to it. You experience it, though. That's the most important thing. So, all right, there's got to be something online. What's the prize? Who wins? We got 20 questions. There's got to be a winner. Oh, good maths. Well, no, the worst thing is you know seven of the answers.
Well, crap, is this for us? I thought this was for the people, the one listener. Oh, you guys are going to answer. We said the question and then we gave it a stop and then they could answer at home. This is a BGA-style turn-based podcast. We're going to ask one question. Email in your response. We'll ask the second one next week when we're going to answer. Email in your response and you'll get a response when the next one's ready.
No, fuck that, fuck the email. We're gonna do letters. You're gonna post your accounts. Fire a pigeon. Steamboat and pigeon. Who's kicking us off, Shane? Let's kick off. I'll start with me, won't I?
Why not? Why not? So are we just like buzzing or are we just going like, what's going to go? Steve, I think it's me. Yeah. Sounds good. Silence. If I make silence, that's my buzzer. No, we've all got to guess the answer because like, imagine they get hard. Just so you yell out the answer sort of thing. All right, cool. Okay. How many pips are on a D6 dice? 21.
Hey, Grant, well done. One point to Grant. Wait, did I do it right? You did. Was I supposed to wait or? No, you're good. You're on the board. In what year was the original version of RISC released? 1959. I'm giving this multiple choice. 1967. 1969. Or 1963.
I'm going 63, D. A. 69, nice. Nice. Dave, well done. 1959. It's got that, you know, Cold War 50s feel. Final question for me, because I'm, you know, smart. It'll take all of six minutes, this quiz. Swart. Jenga is Swahili IV.
Now this is multiple choice. Tower, fall, build, or block. Block. I'll go build. Got to be tower. Got to be tower. Well done, Steve. Steve's got it. Yeah, I got a point. It's good because I can't get any of my seven, right? So that's awesome. You know everything I can get. All right. After rapid fire Shane round, we won a piece. Won a piece. Except for Shane. Loser.
Alrighty, let's go to, let's do some sevens. Let's go Grant. Oh, I'm eating pizza. True. Yes! Go to Steve. Cut this, go to Steve. What sort of pizza am I eating? Homemade. Homemade, pepperoni, cheese. Let's not focus on the pizza and let Steve go with questions.
I want a team on the pizza. No, I don't want to eat great pizza after he's eaten pizza. All right, I can go now. King Krusty Krust. I thought they were the questions. All right, gentlemen, where did the term meeple come from? Oh, Carcassonne. The country? The board game, Carcassonne was the first ones to use meeples and they called them meeples.
Yeah, it was coined in the year 2000 by Allison Hansel. Used to describe the wooden figures in the game, Carcassonne. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Trump the game or shark fin soup? I'm going to go shark fin soup. Which one? Yeah, I was going to get the first one. Okay. Shark fin soup is not a real game. You monsters. Who picked that one? Shane. All right. What common room is not featured on a Cluedo board?
So what common room you'll find in a house is not on a Cluedo board. The pool room. The toilet or the bathroom. I'll go the, um, I don't know, media room. Bathroom is correct. What is the slogan for monopoly? Hmm.
deal phone trade and deal something like that hate yourself and your family yeah that's it no it's own it all yeah which is sorry for the monopoly question what no reason in Scrabble which letters are worth the most points C and Z Q and Z
Maybe Jay, throw a J in there too. Q and Z are correct. They're both worth 10 points. I don't dare. Jay's worth eight points. Pizza update. It's all gone. Oh, well done. Hey, true. Thank you. You've done well at eating it while asking the questions. What is the first ever board game in history? Uh, part-cheesy. Chest. It's an Egyptian game.
allegedly known as Senate. S-E-N-E-T. That's what the internet told me. Yep. And I'm not giving you the exact multiple choice options for this, but the closest to the actual figure will get the answer correct. How many spinoffs slash different versions of pandemic are there? 11. 7. 17. There are 18. Oh!
I mean, Dave, did you like the way I asked it? Is that what I was getting at? Good question. That's my poultry offering. Over to you, Dave. All right. There's no multiple choice. Before you do go, let's do a score recap. Yeah. Steve, one. Grant, one.
Shane, one, day four. I've got Steve on two. Yeah, I've got two, mate. Cut me short like that. Yeah, yeah. How dare you? That's 50, that's 110 of his income. I've got to get all three of Dave's right and hope that none of you get any of mine right to win this thing. Changing the answers now. These are pretty hard. Good luck. Jim Fitzpatrick, who was the artist for the board game Innish, was also very famous for what other piece of art?
Mona Lisa. Is it Mona Lisa? I'm pretty sure it's Mona Lisa. Campbell's can of soup. Close-ish. I don't know, some video game like Snopper Elite. Dune. The Che Guevara painting. What even is that? What questions are these? Yeah, I told you, these are good. No, they're not.
Started his initial YouTube channel as a video tutorial series for what game? No, that's a good question. I think I've heard him mention this, what his first game was. Because he'd been going for a while now, right? Yeah. This game we all know. His first 20 videos were all like a playthrough slash walkthrough of which game?
Wow, 20. 20 videos. 20 videos on it. That's not even so essential. Age of Steam. Age of Steam. I don't know, Gloomhaven? Ooh, Mansions of Madness. Oh, there you go. What is the name of the designer of Scrabble? John Wallscrabble. I'll take any of the three names. Lettuce Man.
How many points does his name score? I'll work backwards. You ready? Alfred Mosher Butts. With two T's. Two T's. Good on him. Alfred Butts. Alfred Butts. I'll never forget that one now. Yeah, you will.
After you play another week of BGA, you'll forget everything. Sorry, I feel like I've gone way too hard with these questions. No, never. Those were insane. You could say you showed up your position, really. So I also do have a bonus question, which is my backup, just in case we went further. Which Hollywood star made the board game unveiled as
a bride's groom party in a box, or a bridesmaid party in a box. It's that Elizabeth Banks, isn't it? It is Elizabeth Banks, Team Muddy. Well done. Well done. Good work. Elizabeth Banks is a published board game designer. Yeah, she's doing so many things. She also made cocaine bear happen. She did. But she also did that female Charlie Angels, the one where men weren't supposed to watch it.
And then she got all upset because it didn't do very well. That didn't work out so great. So it hits him, missus. Yeah, it does not have good response on BGA. What the, the bride, how many copies have you got coming? According to BGA, four people own it. Like, like in the world. Yeah.
I mean, you knew that. That's amazing, G-Money. And I do mean you this time. There we go. Try and find that one. It's rarer and then glory to Rome. Okay.
That's me now. So I've done something totally different. I have a theme for mine. It's a game called guess the game from the law. So I've taken the law from board games or the explanation of what you're doing. Um, and you guys have got to guess. So for my example is pretty obvious. You are bird enthusiasts, researchers, birdwatches, ornithologists, and collectors seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of life while life preserves. What's the game?
Wingspan. Yeah, it's wingspan. Yeah. So that's, that's the, that's the example question. Feel free to, these are long, so I might cut them short. So, um, feel free to buzz in with the answer. If you think, you know, they get this, they should start fairly easy and hopefully get a bit harder. All right. So question one, old world tusking in your weights, your wine making skill in Australia. Correct. All right.
You are a monarch, like your parents before you. A ruler of a small, pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you do have hopes and dreams. You want a bigger and more pleasant kingdom with more rivers and wider... What's that? No. King Domino.
with more rivers and a wider variety of trees. In all directions lie fiefs, freeholds, and feudums. All small bits of land controlled by petty lords emerging on anarchy. You will bring civilization to these unfortunates, uniting them under your banner. But wait, it must be something in the air. Several other monarchs have had the exact same idea. You must race to get as much of the unclaimed land as possible while you can, fainting them off along the way.
Do this. We will hire your minions, construct buildings, spruce up your castle, and fill the coffers of your treasury. Your parents wouldn't be proud, but your grandparents on your mother's side would be delighted. That paladins? Dominion. Dominion. Dominion. Dominion. That's good. There

Creative Challenges with Games & Songs

is a theme. Well done. Well done. All right.
Um, has a venerable Elvelin. You're a respected member of the council and chief of war. You have been sent by the King to form an army of capable and capable of confronting and defeating the bloodthirsty monster. Enter every tavern in the kingdom and hire the most skillful dwarves. Um, thingy, uh, Lord of Waterdeep. Taverns of teeth though? No, the last word. I thought the last one would have given it to you. Wolves.
And to every tavern in the kingdom, hire the most skillful dwarves. Nidalee? Yeah. Yeah, well done. Well done, Dave. I didn't expect to read every word of this out. It's radio gold, Shane. You are playing as an unusual race of adventurers headed into a land overrun by all sorts of hostile creatures.
your race has lived hidden in the deep wood for centuries. And only recently your kin have been forced to forge, have been forced to emerge to the south and take shelter within the walls of Obendar. Oh. I do know of Obendar, but I don't know. You do know of Obendar. I do. Adrian.
You gotta kick yourself, Shane. It's too many bones. I was thinking too many fucking bones. I expected you guys to get a few more of these. I apologize. You are one of the secret rulers of this great city. Through your agents, you recruit adventurers to complete quests and advance your agendas. You have all the safety of your city at heart, but each of you are laying down your own plans. Yes.
The back door that gave it to me. Oh boy.
Despite recent efforts to develop the city, outlying townships are still under threat from the outsiders. Saracen scout the borders, while Vikings plunder wealth and livestock. Even Byzantines from the east have shown their darker side. As noble men and women, you must gather workers from the city to defend against enemies. Paladin? Yes, paladins is correct. The Garfield game, we knew that.
Yeah, I had to throw one in in case it hadn't been mentioned in the show, but I didn't have to. And finally, this is all this board game gives you. You are trying to achieve dominance. You are trying to receive dominance in various areas in medieval France. You'll get goods, coins, and victory points. Oh, Leon. Yes. I was going to say. There was only four more words in that whole thing. That was it. I thought you were going to throw a terrifying mouse in there, and I just went for it.
I just love the fact that Alliorn would have victory points in its lore. You will compete for victory points. Designers don't even know what that game's about. I love it. There you go. That's my seven. Well done. So score check, Shane one, Steve two, Grant three, Dave eight. Well done, Dave. Killing it, Dave. Thank you. All right. Down to final rounds.
and we are going to sing. So I'm going to kick it off. How's that sound? Good. Sounds great. Sounds good. All right. You've got to guess the game. And I've got a paragraph here to read. So guess the song first, and then you've got to guess the game. OK. So do we wait till you're finished? No, no. Anyone can buzz in at any point once I'm singing. The sooner the better.
uh for our rescue me that could be a good song um all right now we're ready no let go anyway you have suddenly been appointed as a leader of the circus using of the members of the circus you must put together a show that will beat out your rivals everyone on your team has i'm doing really bad
Is it? Circus and teams. All right. So stop and let us figure it out. Most importantly, stop. Yeah. Let us try to figure it out. It's got something to do with the circus, right? Like unfair. No. We had to sit through, but what was the game? But you aren't, you're on the right track. Scout. Yeah. Yes. Scout is the game. Good luck.
You have certainly been appointed as the leader of a circus. It's ATDC. You shook me all night long. Oh wow. Of course it was. No one hear that. You guys are going to think back in the 80s I'm old. That was really dope.
Alright, I'm gonna ruin it. I'm gonna go worse than that. Alright, ready for this? Me, me, me, me, me, me, me. Hang on. Players attempt to palm off as many cards as possible on other players. This is done by showing card player to your choice.
And declaring what it is this player on the receiving end must decide whether to accept the card or declare whether the passing player was bluffing or not. Oh, it's Sheriff Adonningham. Yeah, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's double there. Well done. Well done, Steve.
It was 100% baby shark. Actually, it was Whitney Houston, the bodyguard song, but I kind of didn't quite get there. Good work, G, buddy. That's good stuff. All right. Flip the coin. Dave? Go heads. You're up.
Why did you give him control over it? All right, okay. I'm just going to bring the words in front of me so I can look at them. I'm recording now, live recording. We're already recording, keep money. Feel free to jump in as early as possible.
All right. Players take turns, maneuvering their fighters on the battlefield to win. You must be the first to defeat your opponent's hero, which happens when they are reduced to zero health. Die thrown.
These rules are for two players, not three or four. See page 15 if you want team play. The setup goes, don't do it out of order. Not step two, start at step one, choose a battlefield and place it on the table.
Choose a hero, take the corresponding action cards, 30 total. Now step three. And then there's like super fantasy rule. Jesus Christ. I know the song. I know the song you're doing. I just, I can't, it's just too distracting with the words. I've got one last little bit and then I'm done. Daughter. Yes, it's daughter. Yes.
Of the three options you must take two. They are... STEAM ATTACK MANOVER! Oh, sorry. Hang on. I think something went wrong with the recording there. You have a hand limit of seven cards.
At the end of your turn, you must discard down. Now it's your opponent. It's their turn now.

Episode Wrap-up & Future Teasers

The first to reduce the other hero to zero wins. And then you're the victor. That's what I've got. Unmatched? Yes, it's unmatched. Why don't you wait till the last line, you bastard? He knew it. He knew both of them. He knew both of them immediately.
I was so worried that I was so embarrassed. I'm like, I'm going to do this, right? So at least it doesn't suck balls. You got it. You got, you got there. You channeled some Eddie Vedder. Oh yeah. Yeah. So it was just like.
That's going to be hard to follow. That's all I'm going to say. Sorry, I think my internet's cutting out. Go, guys. Here we go. Got to get the intro going in my head.
I can't even judge it. Only he thought already. This is podcast gold. Can't even remember how the start of the song goes there. Yeah. Why hello there young person my name is trolley tom in this game players take turns
acting as conductor and directing the trolley to murder everyone. Is this trolley by trolley? Trolley by trolley, it's nirvana. It smells like tin spirit. It smells like tin spirit. Trolley by trolley. Wow. Grant got the nirvana. Steve got the gag. I didn't know, I knew it was nirvana but I didn't remember the name of the song until obviously it was said. Well done. Good work everyone.
now round two there's no no round two no no that's the end of the podcast we're done now right we're never coming back oh man do you know how long i spent getting that first one down a ad hoc for number two this is my nightmare guys this is my nightmare
Hang on, hang on, hang on. Let me just bring it up. Players take... Oh, I never read it on that one, Dennis. Well, given that, you know, the guys did plan seven questions, I did plan two songs. Oh, great. Right? So I'm going to make a dick of myself, right? You can, by all means, string this out for seven minutes, so we hit that 50-minute mark. What I love is how smart Helen was when she's like, oh, I'm busy, I can't do this one.
I'm not interested. What a bit of something. The Airblade Weekend. Yeah. Yeah. All right. And Hamilton. Something in Hamilton. Done. From right. Yep. Let's give this one a go. During the game, the players take the chairman. Go tokens with these tokens. They purchase.
development cards which worth prestige points and or bonuses these bonuses on our players to purchase subsequent development cards for lesser cards when our player has enough bonuses they immediately receive a visit from a new boat which is worth prestige points
I don't know either. I got something with the Prestige points. He got me there. I just... Just think of the tune. No, I'm going to stop. I'm just not helping. What's wrong with him? The tune is out, William. Reaches 15 points. Wow. Hang on. Prestige in 15.
The player with the most pressing points is to play the winner. It's got to be Queen, right? No. Close. Prestige points. That's a game. I just, my God, I know what this is. I've got the cards that give you prestige points. Go get a 15. If it was 10, I'd say it was Reza, but it's not. I got nothing. Yeah, I got nothing.
And I got no idea on the song. I'm so sorry. You put a lot into that. It was so well done. I could not focus on anything. How mortal ears could not decipher. It was angelic. It was above us. The game was Splendor. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And the song was If I Could Turn Back Time.
for picking that song as a human male. Did you get dressed up for it? That's why his video is not on. He's straddling something right now. It's a cannon. I'm on the big cannon.
I think we may be on the wrong podcast if we're going for Golden Geek or any recognition whatsoever. What about an aria? What about an aria?
Anyway, good fun. Good fun. Well done. Well done, DJ. You are the winner. Quizmaster. That's part of that idea for at least five years. Yeah. Next time we're doing Taskmaster level. That's what you came in with, wasn't it, Dave? What? No. You guys watched Taskmaster, right? Yeah. Isn't that really difficult? No, no, no. I'm thinking of Mastermind. Sorry. Actually, have you guys been watching this show called The One Percenters? No.
It's like, it's a quiz show. They did three episodes so far. And it's, it's basically, they do questions that, you know, 90% of the Australian public would know the answer to. And they get right down to 1% of the Australian public will know the answer to this. It is really good. It's a really good brain burner. I love that Pointless, Pointless, the British show, sort of a similar process is that you're trying to find the most unique answer. And if you can come up with a pointless answer, which is
Um, an answer that no one else gave, but he's correct. Then that's like the best thing as a point. Oh, and it's so funny. Cause like you win a pointless trophy, you know, like it sounds kind of tongue in cheekish and it's got that guy. What's his name with the, um, he's a British British comedian, but very, yeah, anyway, boring story. Sometimes he's on countdown. Yeah. Well, we are now 46 minutes into tonight's episode and, uh, look, it's been fun.
been fun so far. What's everyone got on their agenda for the week? Any games on the agenda? Well, I've got tomorrow and Wednesday off this week, thanks to show day. I'll be I'll be doing some board gaming on those days for sure. Also probably staying up after this to play some more BJ if anyone's keen.
I am disappearing to Tasmania for a few days. So I was going to check out a, see if there's any board game shops down in, you know, the apple aisle. No, I don't know. Yeah. It's been a while. It's been a while. Yeah. I know that, you know, the dice man from there, I think I'm probably not catch up with them and just didn't swap podcasting stories, but if there's anybody else that lives in Tasmania that's keen for a catch up, let me know. I'm having five listeners that we have. Yeah.
Oh, we've gone up four since the standard episode next time. Are you talking about our podcast or your position in 16th? No, no, no, no. It's no more 16th. I'm just looking at my next play for City of Big Shadows. You had your turn on a Zool all the time. You had your turn on a Zool all the time. You had your turn on a Zool all the time. You had your turn on a Zool all the time.
What's this noise in the background? I'm going to take the blue ones. Multitasking, posting a podcast and playing as well. Yeah. Thank you. It's all you, mate. It was, uh, I've, I've laughed a lot more than usual. I'm glad I made everyone laugh. We might as well just finish it up there anyway. Let's be honest, because no one would have listened past that music. Everyone has stopped. All I hope, all I hope is that there's people in their car and they went home after a shit day of work.
and listen to that section of the podcast and just think, oh, it's actually not that bad. Or even better, no, no, better than that is that they're at a set of traffic lights with the window down and that comes on and people are walking past going, the fuck is that guy listening to? The fuck? It's like a big cover of a song, but it doesn't sound right and the words are all wrong. What the hell? We can make a few people smile and laugh. That's all good for me.
Uh, but no, mate, I'm, I'm doing, I'm doing nothing but working all weeks for me. So, and then I've got my Thursday night game night at my house with a few people and then Friday night with a couple more people. So looking forward to the back end of the week for me from a board game perspective. Um, but thank you everyone. It's been fun.
I really appreciate everyone dialing in tonight and having a bit of a chuckle and putting themselves outside their comfort zone too. Thanks Shane and Ingrid for not turning up either you slackers. I gave you a full four hours to listen to the previous episode before joining this one. Well I can't wait to see how quick Steve professionalism can kick in and we just get this one out in like 20 minutes.
Oh, I could do it. You guys, you guys, you guys stopped me. You guys stopped me last time and we got me all worried about editing stuff out, but there wasn't anything to edit out. So I was fine. Yeah, it was pretty abusive. Well, thank you. And thank you everyone for listening tonight, um, today or this morning, wherever you are listening around the world, which is pretty much Australia.
We can check that, right? Hey, hey, what are we doing next time? Oh boy. I've got an idea. What's your Mount Rushmore of board games? Wouldn't that just be our top four games, though? Potentially. We can do it.
I guess he could, because I'd put ticket, spoilers, I'd put ticket to ride on my Mount Rushmore of games. And it's not my top four. So yeah, fair call. Yeah. Now, is Mount Rushmore like your ones that you really want to play, that you don't get to? It can be that. Or maybe ones that you put up on a pedestal and never play again. Well, you have to have played that in the first place. So what does the Mount Rushmore of games mean? Whatever it means to you.
Pick four games and talk about them. Yeah, there you go. Pick four games and talk about them. Okay. And we have to guess the theme. Do we have to sing the... No. No. But I'll do it anyway. Baby Shark. Sing the whole podcast. Let's go. Alright folks, have a lovely evening. Thanks everyone for listening. Peace out. Bye bye bye.