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Final and first episode: Mate! Let's Play image

Final and first episode: Mate! Let's Play

S2 E1 · Board Game Chinwag
55 Plays17 days ago

Welcome to Shane and Steve's new show. That's right, the Chinwag has run its course, with the group deciding to hang up the headphones. Our episodes will still be there to be enjoyed, but for now, Shane and Steve have more to discuss.

Join them, as they introduce their new show, Mate! Let's Play. All future episodes will be found on that show.


Introduction to 'Mate Let's Play'

Welcome everyone to Mate Let's Play, a board game podcast with your hosts, both myself, Steve and Shane. How are you doing, Shane? I'm excellent, mate. Thank you very much for bringing us back to an awesome podcast and all about board games.
ah My pleasure. And if you're hearing this on the Board Game Chinwag podcast, it's because we're actually posting the first episode of this podcast on the Board Game Chinwag podcast as well, because over the Christmas period, the members of the Board Game Chinwag decided that that podcast had come to its natural end, and we all decided to give it ah give it a break from then on.

Reflecting on Board Game Chinwag

So before we get started on this podcast, I thought it'd be the right time to give a massive shout out to Dave, Helen and G-Money for what was just an amazing couple of years ah making a podcast but also just playing games, whether that was on BGA or whether that was those few times we got to do it all together in person. It was an amazing experience that i'll I'll hold very dear for for oh forever, I guess.
What are your thoughts, Shane? No, I absolutely agree with you. It was a highlight that, you know, once every three months we would come together and have a chinwag. But, you know, the... This crew was just awesome. i love playing ballgames with them all. And, um you know, I'm just looking forward to playing ballgames with them. And there's nothing to say that we can't drag them into this podcast every now and then just to say hello.
um But they are an awesome crew. And we'll miss having my chinwag. But, hey, they're only phone call away.

Transition to Enjoyment in Gaming

That's right. In fact, in fact um little ah behind the curtain stuff, we didn't put out a lot of episodes and we just certainly got a little bit larger of gaps between episodes towards the end, but we didn't, it wasn't like we weren't communicating. We just get on and be like, do we feel like recording or do we just feel like having a mad night of BGA instead? And and quite often that had been out. So it was clear that, you know, the content wasn't as important as the gaming, which is probably a good thing.

Future Plans for 'Mate Let's Play'

So. It's a great thing. it's a great thing just to have a chat and chin wag and, um, and with those awesome people. And yeah, it did. It did it ended up being more of an evolution of us just sitting back and playing BGA and having a good laugh ah instead of recording, which, you know what, from from a health perspective, let's do that all the time. You know, it's great.
Yeah. Yeah,

Bonding Through Board Games

for sure. And well, when we finished up, Shane and I both decided that we still wanted to do some sort of content. So we decided we'd we'd kick off, mate, let's play. So it's just the two of us. We may have guests in here and there. And as Shane alluded to, obviously any former Chinrad crew and be more than welcome to take a seat uh just a little bit about shane and i shane and i were both aware of each other before we'd actually met each other bizarrely enough uh so i came across shane on the uh friday what was it called the friday friday game there was a
Friday game time? No, no. Friday game night? Friday game night or something? Yeah, some that. It was segment on the Dice Tower where would submit videos based on a theme that was given out the week before. And I was looking at it back before I even joined the Board Game Barbecue podcast when I was thinking about doing some YouTube videos. And I thought, oh, there's this other Aussie boy doing it.
He's a solo gamer. I can't relate to that. But, you know, he's got some cricket um paraphernalia in the background. He seems all right. And then, lo and behold, saw did a podcast, Shane became a listener of the podcast, and then we caught up in Brisbane probably about a year later and first meet up, we played a ridiculously long game of Twilight Imperium 4th Edition. Does that kind of wrap it up?
It kind of wraps it up. And, you interesting fun fact is, like, when I got back in, when I got into board gaming in, I think it was in 2017, my boys said to me, they challenged me to jump on the Dice Tower and do some videos.
And, yeah, so I did i did those. Favourite Game Friday. Favourite Friday. That's the one. That's what it was called. And it was always always televised here on Saturday. So I was used to try and change it up a bit by saying, you know, it's Favourite Game Saturday here in Australia.
and um And that was really cool. ah It was a challenge for

Balancing Life with Board Games

myself because, you know, for me to put myself out there and and talk about not only solo games but, you know, games I used to enjoy playing.
And you're right, mate. I came across one night sitting there... um I think I was posting on all my Instagram feeds for Aussie Silo Gamer and a couple of ah podcast friends of yours. they um was chatting away to them and said, you know, there needs to be a really good Aussie podcast.
And lo and behold, you guys were doing it. And so that hooked me into listening to your podcast and ah loved it. it was It was a great podcast. And um from there, yeah, we met one day in Brizzy at the Brackenridge Library, I think.
I think that's it,

Game Reviews and Experiences

yeah. Where DG was hosting a bit of a game day um and ah you rocked up. And, yes, we did play probably most eventful game of TI4 I've ever played. And, ah you know, it the story for itself in the game has gone down in history.
just Just saying, you know, someone someone did take advantage of someone. But anyway. Unintentionally. Unintentionally. I'm still claiming that.
You don't believe it, but I'm totally claiming that. That's because, you know, you just took advantage of a sweet, innocent Aussie solo gamer at the time, mate. So and so for it's quite it's quite funny because that like of all the people that we played that game at the table with and G money was there, DG was teaching it.
Adrian, who was on the board game barbecue podcast with me at that time as well. And a few other people around the table, it was you and I that had that moment. That was just like the standup moment of the night after six or seven hours of gameplay.
It was just this beautiful thing where you had the, you had the, victory in the bag and all you had to do was not give me what I was asking and you gave it to me, which meant I had victory in the bag that was and that was all she wrote and I got my name engraved on the on the play mat. And I've never gotten close. A friendship was born.
A friendship was born, a great mateship, but I've never gotten closer to win that game. than I was that time. So, yeah, right. And, uh, Oh, it's gone down in history, that game.
So we, we all talk about it. Well, i think the next time you and I played that game was when all of the chin wag podcast crew played that game. And, Or we just sat back and watched Helen do what Helen does and destroy us all. Just destroy us.
Absolutely destroy us. And six other people at the same time. so Yes. Yeah. Yeah. But no, it's been a a wonderful friendship that's been born from board gaming. Let's just call it, right? And that's what happens in our industry. A lot of the lot of the friends that we've made, and if I look at and DG, when I first met DG, he sold me my 100th game.
go and which was this war of mine and um you know we hit it off from from the get-go from there and um and if I look at my little core group of gamers now with Nick, Andy and Phil every Thursday night here we've got a good mateship and we play we play every Thursday night some really cool games um which we'll probably touch on a couple of those tonight I suppose which i But yeah, and that's the great thing about board games. you you You form so many friendships um and friendships you probably wouldn't form because you know everyone has their own work life, everyone has their family life and then you know occasionally a hobby might drop in and you meet some really cool people.
I've met some great people in this industry. I think it's great too, because board gaming allows adults to come together and not rely on alcohol. I know that's a random offshoot, but quite often a lot of adults, the way they socialize is by going to the pub or going having having mates over and having a few drinks and watching some sport or something like that. And it's it's like board gaming. I'm not'm not going to stand up and jump up and say that board gaming is a healthy hobby because we usually sit down, drink soft drinks and eat chips and stuff.
But it's ah probably a mentally, definitely a mentally healthy hobby because you're using your brain, know, making decisions and thinking rather than losing your brain and using that as your entertainment. So correct it's kind of unique in that in that kind of way.
and You know, and yes yes, it's a healthy hobby and promotes health and awareness, it but it also hurts the old hip pocket because instead of buying, you know, case of beer, you're buying a board game or two.
Oh, yeah, it's definitely not a more economically viable hobby. No, definitely not. Definitely not. so ah And, you know, it was amazing how quickly my and your collection probably would have gone from zero to 300 within a few years.
And, you know, it's probably not looking at easing. So that does take a hit in the hip pocket. But you know what? it's It's a fun hobby. It gets our brain using yeah know being used for the good. So...
and And it's also for me, I don't know you about mate, but I mean, I i live a very busy work life um and ah that occupies a lot of my time. And any family time I have, I just want to devote 110% to my family time.
But there's also some time I need for me and that's ballgames. um So that's been a really, really

Exploration of Kickstarter and New Games

cool a really cool way to offset what is, you know, a challenging, challenging you know, I call it just life balance, right? You know, we we all have to work, we all have to have a family and we all,
have to have something engaged in there's no such thing as work life and work life balance it's just life so you know for me having having board games is just my time ah to to kick back relax and you know just talk with some friends
Yeah, can't agree more. I think it's ah like, without digging too much into it, I had a bit of a health scare over the last couple of months. And I i think I played more board games in the last two months than I ever have in any two month period.
And the first half of that was just to sort of take my mind off what else was going on. And then um after surgery and I had a six-week recovery, which I'm nearly at the end of now, and it was the opposite. It was to keep myself occupied rather than sitting around and doing nothing. So, yeah, ah yeah it ah it it can it can mend many wounds. so So what what was the BG stats in the end for you?
Oh, boy. So think played 172 in
And I'm already over 100 in February, so it's been a bit nuts. And the majority of those were in person. There was a fair few BGA games, but it was well over 100 games in person throughout January. And I think people just got sick of me, just like, hey, what are you doing? Let's play some board games.
Never. Never. I saw a fair few messages. Even when i was away, there was a message saying, oh, let's get together. a lot I'd love to. I'd love to. just interstate at the moment. Yeah. And i think it was I think it was the last time you were here in Queensland before you well, you're still in

Upcoming Gaming Plans

Queensland technically.
But when you were in Brisbane and then before you flew out. so Yeah, so that was good. I was able to come home a bit earlier than planned, which was nice. but Unfortunately, I missed... ah this is We're going on a random offshoot, but shout out to Joe and Shannon, who I used to play a lot of games with in Emerald. They missed me because they were coming down to Brisbane, I think, last weekend.
um And I've obviously now moved from Emerald up to even more remote because I don't know why. and that So it was a shame I didn't get catch up with them after moving away from Emerald, but I'm sure there'll be other times in the future.
Yeah, nice, mate. Nice. It was lovely to catch up with a few times when you were in Brisbane and play some games. so
Okay, so let's talk about games. Yeah. So we've got somewhat of a ranking system. It may change. But at the moment, is we'll talk about a game, and we'll at the end of that, we'll we'll discuss whether it's an all-out winner.
It's not for everyone, but for me, it's not for me or it's not for anyone. So I'll head it over you, Shane. what you What's first on your list? All right. So for the whole of the month of January, ah myself and Lucky Phil, Pastor Nick and Andy. I already know what this is.
yeah We partook in in what is ARCs and we decided we want to play it for the whole month so that we could really learn it, delve into it.
And I'm going to rank it already. It's not for everyone.
But it's for me. Okay, cool. And look, our group is really a really relaxed, chilled group. We have very rare table flipping moments.
and We have none, right? I don't think we've had any. Arcs came out and, oh, did it get heated? No, most nights were getting heated. there was There was one moment in week two, I think it was getting heated up the driveway and we even started playing the game yet, debating about the previous week's results.
so um but ah there were There were some really cool moments, but I think it was more around, we were learning the game, right so we're all trying to learn.
and instead of just taking a little bit of a deep breath, we're learning it, it was like we're combative already. But I think that's ARCS. ARCS is combative. So it is definitely not for everyone.
um And it tested our group. You know, we came through it by week four. We came through. It was almost big Kumbaya moments, hugging, and, you know, we did it, yay.
and um But we we we all enjoyed the game. there was I don't think... A couple didn't say they were overly thrilled with the game, um but I can say for a couple of others, yeah, we enjoyed it.
We enjoyed it. um And probably two of them thought, oh, it's kind of not for me. Right. But then for me, I loved that competitiveness.
It was great. I just sat back and I kind of egged it on a little bit and um dropped a few bombs here and there. and it it was good fun. It was really good fun. And to to really test our group as well, to say, you know, it really did.
It is a game that's going to test your group. So ARCS is great. Enjoyed it. um But it is definitely not for everyone. And, um you you know, if if you're about to teach it to a group of people,
and they don't know each other, don't do it. Because to to to even score points in arcs, you've got to be brutal. Yeah, right. It is a brutal, brutal game.
And, um um you know, there would be certainly people I know in the community I would not even bring theck board that game out to. because it it would just be hated from the first move and would just, yeah.
It just won't like it. Put myself on that list. Yeah, because you were even thinking about coming to play it and I went, i don't know, and I told you about it and you went, no, I'm out. Yeah.
And it's funny because one of the games I'm going to talk about, um I must have played at your house with another guy from that group, Pastor Mick, and it must have been in between week two and week three. It was after the nearly table-flipping moment that you had.
Yeah. So it's it's nice to hear that it came into a Kumbaya moment by the end of it because he was not that keen at that point. to play it again. No.
And I was being diplomatic, although he did win. He did win the last last two games. I think he ended up winning the last two. um So I think he he did he did start to grok the puzzle.
um But, yeah, it's just there's so many rules to try and learn. And there are little minutia rules as well. say um But, you know, yeah that's right because I think that's what think it's what actually when you when you heard Nick's version of the game, you just went, no, that's not for me. I'm out.
he He literally he looked visibly upset when he was talking about it. And noting he's a pastor. So it's very hard to upset.
But, no, it was good. It was really good. and yeah it but that's That's one thing i'm about it I'm really proud about this for that I play games with, like you know it was them that requested to play it for that final time.
Let's finish it. Let's do it. Yeah, cool. And so it wasn't me trying to, because you know the game night's at my house. It's not me setting it up. It's like, oh, no let's do arcs. We're going to do that final one, so which was really cool.
Well, on to that game that I played with you. And i think I think we played it with Pastor Nick. Maybe we just played it with Shane and Ingrid on another night. But I'm going talk about Flip 7. Flip 7.
Yes. Flip 7 is a great game. It's pretty widely available now, which it wasn't when I wanted it because I ordered it and it never got delivered in time in Emerald, so it got redirected to Bemiga, so i had to buy a second copy.
Actually, no, I've got to give it a second copy for Christmas off my son. So thank you, Raphael. And it was a great game that I played with you guys. I played with my family. I played basically anyone can play this game. I think that's the beauty of this game is that you've taught the rules in the first 30 seconds. it's There's no overload. It's just this is what you need to do. This is how you score points. This is what you want to avoid.
Let's go. It's great. ah So essentially ah we were playing it wrong for the first three weeks I was playing it in Brisbane. Is that the freeze card?
all Yeah, the all all the action cards. We were playing it wrong. And you know what? Still a bloody great game while playing it wrong. And then when Shane and Ingrid pointed out that we were playing it wrong, we played it the right way, and I'm like,
It's even better. It's quicker and it's even better. so And you don't have a runaway leader problem. It's fantastic. So, yeah, Flip 7, it's just a really basic game where everyone gets given a card and you basically hit or stay. So if you hit, you'll take another card. If it's the same value as one of the cards you've already got, you're out. You bust.
yeah If it's not, you score those points. You can stop at any point. And if you stop before you bust, you score the points you got in front of you. The end. You race to 200, it usually takes about probably eight or nine hands to get to 200. Game's over about 15 minutes.
It's... Great. And it's great at three or four, but it's outstanding at about seven or eight. Yep. I did play one game with 11 people.
With two decks? so while no, just the one deck. Wow, okay. Because think they say recommend two decks once you get to 18 because that happens all the time. Yeah, okay. yeah But the game at 11 was still pretty good. It's just the only downside was it actually did take a while to get back to your turn.
Yeah. um That was probably, but like, not not a long time, but in a short game, you're kind of, like, going, oh, got wait for this person, then that person, then that person, then that person, then that person, then that person. But we played it at ah yeah that was my brother's house. We had a few people over and ah people as young as 8 playing and yeah people as old as nearly 50 playing, all together having a good laugh. So, yeah, good-natured game.
Flip 7 is, to me, it's an all-out winner. Yep, I absolutely agree with you. I am a big fan of that game. It is an all-out winner for me as well. um I apologise to everyone at the Mango Hill Cafe that I taught it to one night because I taught the rules that we learnt and which was totally wrong. We'll call that flop seven. We'll steal it again.
But you know what? They still won't enjoyed it. ah Two of the people that played ended up buying it that night. They're all searching it. So that's when you know they they've enjoyed it. and But yeah, thanks to BGA, I learnt the rules correctly.
Well, um I'll tell you what, though. As far as modesty goes, it's definitely not the most modest game in the world. It literally says on the front cover, the greatest card game of all time. Yeah, that's stretch. It's putting itself out there. I don't know if I'd agree with that, but it's ah it's definitely not a bad game. It's a fantastic game. Yeah, no. It is a good fun party game, and I don't have my copy. I lent it out to a person that I taught it to that night because they had a board game weekend on that next weekend, and that person said, I really want to play this game. and I said, well, you just take my copy. It's all good.
And I just haven't seen that person since. So it is missing from my home and I'm looking forward it to it because I haven't played it with Loz and the boys yet. So it would be a good game to play with Lauren and the boys and um and the family.
So that's a good one. I do agree with you, mate. It is a winner. um Another game I played that I think is an absolute winner um is a choir.
So one Thursday night. Oh, right. Yep. um Pastor brought around his 1962 version of Acquire.
and And I apologize if got the the date wrong, Nick. um I'm assuming he's going to listen to this. And we set it all up and there was myself, Lucky Phil and Andy, so the Thursday night group.
And Acquire is all about, have you ever played it? No. Okay, so it's all about um putting down buildings. And so then you then own that building and then you buy the shares in that building, right? So you'll own the main share in it.
So then people can then buy shares in that building. And what you're trying to do is then expand on that building. So then you've lay down tiles oh next to that building to expand it and grow it. And so when you're growing that building, the shares also increase in value.
um So every round people can buy shares in anyone's company or anyone's building. Then what eventually will happen is there may be a takeover where another building will connect to your building and whatever has the most squares or the most tiles, they win the takeover bid.
right So then they'll eventually take you over and then they've expanded their empire. and um you know, unless unless the only time when you you can't expand and take over is if you've got 11 tiles down on your building, that means you're kind of immune to a takeover.
So your building's pretty big. um And then and eventually, know, so you're constantly buying, selling, you're selling out your stock, you're you're rebuying more stock, or you're holding onto stock.
And if you can imagine, this is a 1960-odd, I think it's older than that, I think it's from the fifty s even. um The instructions were printed on the box lid.
You don't see that nowadays, right? The whole game, how to play, is printed inside the box lid. And I thought that was brilliant. um And we use we used ah iron clays just to make it look a little bit nicer as far as you know money is concerned because it's all about money. And whoever's got the most money end the game, once you've sold everything off, wins the game.
ah Really basic, simple to learn. ah Nick is always awesome teacher when it comes to playing board games. Taught it to us within about 10 minutes and we're off playing. um At the end of it, I liked it so much, I jumped on to try and buy it.
And um lo and behold, they've just released like a hundred, was it? I don't know, is it a 60th birthday edition of a choir? I can't remember.
Yeah, that sounds about right, yeah. And so I bought that. And it's got its it's got iron clays in there. It's fully upgraded. I got it dirt cheap. Well, wouldn't say dirt cheap. was, think, about $130 that night.
and And um anyway, it got delivered within within a couple of days. And we'd finished playing ARCs and then we had a ah night, the other night we were playing another game, we started another game, which was Hansa Te Tonica.
And we had a bit of time afterwards, Hansa finished pretty quick and i said, well, let's play the new Acquire. So out came the new box, the new edition. God, it was good. There was three of us playing.
We knocked it off within about 40 minutes. um And it was just as good as playing four as it was three. um But apparently it plays really good at fives. I didn't think it was that short of a game. That's just interesting. Yeah, yeah, it was it was good. it was So for me, one of the, I mean, it's been a while since I've actually played a game and then jumped online straight away and bought it.
ah So for me, it's a winner. And I know the other guys really enjoyed playing it as well, given that we were playing a really, really old box edition, i am which was ni's which was Nick's dad's copy.
um that's how And Nick's dad loves playing it. And apparently when Pastor Nick's parents come over to Australia very soon, we are pulling out a choir and having a game with his dad. So we're looking forward to that. That's awesome. So it's an excellent game. Recommend it, mate.
Really good family game too. Your family would love it. City of big shoulders, very, very light. There you go. That's not what I thought it was. that's really interesting. Yeah, definitely. It sounds almost a little bit Lords of Vegas-y without all of the casino stuff. It's kind of like you you're building around someone's casino and once you have more than they have, you take over. Take it over.
Yeah, yeah. It's similar. Some of the things sound similar, yeah. Yeah, so it's ah very night game no yeah very enjoyable. Very enjoyable. And recommend if you're going to buy it, you have to get the deluxe deluxe edition.
sir Because the iron clay is... Not as good as the normal ironclays you get with brass. However, you've got like $20,000 chips. So it's a good way to then blend your ah yeah your brass ironclays together so you get some higher chips going as well.
Fair enough. Another game that I played a lot over the last couple of months and a game that I was certain I was not very good at is a Forest Shuffle.
So forest shuffle, forest shuffle. I played it for the first time. i've actually owned it for a couple of months and I played it for the first time when i was down in Brisbane and played it with my wife from her on holidays and she won quite comfortably and I scored about 150 and then We played again. I think I scored about 230 but still lost. And then ah played it at four players and I barely scored 100. I'm like, oh, that's really weird. I wonder whether it's like the point scale depending on the player count. I played at three players and got a score sort of in between those two and I thought, oh, that must be what it is. and But I really liked the game.
And, but i I was terrible. I just couldn't win a game to save, save. I'm not that I care about wins and losses, but at the same time, it's, it's a game all about points. So I kept on thinking, what am I doing wrong? Like, or more importantly, what is everybody else doing that I'm not? And I just, I could not see the matrix. And um I sat down and played a game on BGA with my brother the other night.
And I was telling him that same thing. And we sat down and played and I won the game with the score of 412. Yeah.
i ah So I saw the Matrix. Yeah. You did see the Matrix. I only beat him by 13, though. So he was on 399. I was on 412. it was super close.
And what's interesting is on BGA, you see the the score is visible, so you can see your score ah points accumulating and accumulating, and that really changes the game because you're sitting there going, well, if I take another Forest, I'll go up 10 and he'll lose 10.
because we both got like the, if you've got the most forest cards or whatever else, and then saying like, oh, well, if I do that, then can I go digging for cards to try and bring on the end of the game? So rather than just build your own thing, you really are playing that to and fro, which I guess I just hadn't got to in person yet. Like hadn't got to that level of being able to look up for my own forest. Yeah, because you're trying to build it. Yeah.
Yeah. ah So, but even when I was losing, this is a game that I think is not for everyone, but for me. And the reason it's not for everyone is because half of this game is at the end when you try to score all your cards.
It is not an easy task because you score the top, the bottom, the left and the right of every every tree plus the trees and you might have 10 or 12 trees. So that's, you know, what's that?
ah Potentially 50 or 60 different scoring combinations in your forest. But I'm a bit of a maths nerd, so I love it. I just love trying to figure it all out. And I think you mentioned they've got an app you can see. was going to say, yeah, there's an app that you can take a photo.
So you take a photo of everything. ah forest And it computes your score behind the scenes and it comes up with the whole score at the end. So if you're not a big maths nerd like me, get the app and you might enjoy the game more.
But I enjoyed it less when I used the app. Because I was like, oh, this is... but i don't like I don't get to be like, oh, I get points. Oh, I get points here. Oh, I get more points here. Like, it just didn't have that...
you know, that interesting accumulation thing that, you know, it's like me finding exciting. So did you, was going to ask, did you enjoy it live or more on BGA? And because for two players, I don't know i don't know if I'd enjoy two players because it's just bit back and forth. But to your point though, if you turned it into a bit of a, you know what, I'm going to block you from this.
to get this. So, you know, it's like similar to Azul when you play Azul 2 players, you i was just play that nasty. That's the only way to play it. Yeah, it really is because there's so much going on that in a four-player game, it'd be really, you'd have to be much smarter than me to be able keep a track on what's happening around the table.
um But in a two-player game, it's not that hard. and And you do things like, i don't want to play a tree now because that will reveal a blind card off the deck, and that might really help my opponent. And I don't want to give them that chance. Like, i don't want to.
And i was I was holding on to a butterfly that I knew my brother wanted. And i did I had no use for it, but I knew he wanted it. So I waited to play it until I knew that when I when i spent it, it would wipe the board because there'd be 10 more cards and he wouldn't be able to get to it.
So he saw it flash up. he was like, oh, that's the card want. No, it's gone. It was fantastic. Oh, that's perfect. I actually think it works really well on BGA ah real time.
I actually don't like it turn-based. Turn-based, It falls into that same category where if you've got a very small decisions to space on a turn, and so ah a game doesn't go for very long, like it's probably a 60-minute game maximum live.
But in that 60 minutes, you're making a heap of decisions. Well, imagine every one of those decisions when you have to wait maybe 24 hours to make one decision, that's going to take three weeks to play um in turn-based.
So it sort of falls into that Architects the West Kingdom category of games that are just a little bit too short of terms to be enjoyable turn-based. To your point around it needs to be played live, i agree, because I am had three games going all turn-based.
And if every time I'm like, okay, what am I doing here? and got going out with Where's the squealer? Oh, there's the squealer. Okay, I'm doing this strategy on this one. And then I go to the next one, I'm doing a squealer strategy here too.
Oh, God. and anyway And then, hang on, but I've got butterflies happening here as well. And ah and then ah at one point I was like, and I got to the third one, I was like, what am I doing here? Why am I holding bear?
Hang on, I'm going to cable those cards there. so It was tough. It was really tough. So I agree, it has to be played live. So um I'm definitely going to look at doing that.
One of the games I'm enjoying playing, on BGA at the moment is Bandito. Are you still going with Bandito? I'm still going with Bandito.
um glad I'm playing with Shane and Ingrid and I think we've completed it twice out of about seven times. It's just good.
I just like it, you know, because you don't need to worry about that being turn-based because every time you go back to it, you go, oh, why did you put that there? Or they're probably saying the same thing to me. What are you doing, Shane? What's that? and um But we've got one at the moment. We've got a game going.
We started off really well. I was thinking, I reckon we've got a chance in this. And then, no, we've got about, I think we've got about seven or eight cards left to go. There's no way we're closing it off, so.
buts tough it's I played a few games with the three of you and I didn't mind it either. Actually, that's not true. I loved it and I hated it in equal amounts. Yeah. um Because it is it's got to be the most frustrating game when you're like, honey and someone, invariably someone says it. They're like, we've only got to close off this one path and we win.
And then 35 cards later, you're dead. You're dead. it's just It feels like a game you need to win in the first nine cards or you're just not going to win. yeah Yep, I've done it probably about halfway through the game, like when you've got a lot of cards out, we've we've been ah managed to be able to do it.
um I've taught it to, I took it to a game day that I hosted at at work with our whole office. there's my business and there was another person's business.
And but we brought them all together for, it was for Mental Health Week and then I taught board games. And so I taught Bandito to a group of people. They loved it. But then my team loved it so much, they said, oh, can you leave the Bandito deck here so we can play it?
said, yeah, of course. So every lunchtime, they'd be out there cool playing Bandito on on the on the the lunch table and just relaxing. It was their way to chill out. And um out of the blue one day, I was interstate.
I get this photo, and they'd done it within like the first four moves. So there's this little square. And I our text back going, no, no, you've doctored that.
And they're like, no, we literally did it. We were jumping up and down in the office that we'd done it. So I said, well, put the deck away. You've done it you've done you've done a really good job. It's like winning Friday for the first time.
When you win Friday, it's got yet not done. Just put it away. Never played that game again after I won that. yeah But no, Bandido has been a fun one.
and Obviously, to your point, it's ah maybe you know maybe it's not for you, but it's still fun. sir ah Look, I'd happily be joined back in. I think there was a period there where you, like as soon as we finished a game, you started another one, and I think we did like 12 or 13 in a row, and I lost track of...
what like I'm like, oh, that's a really good piece. That'll help me over. Oh, hang on. That was last game that that was going to help me really well. I was just getting lost lost in the maze myself. yeah it's it's It's such a fun game.
Yeah, yeah. It's not bad. And I guess that's perfect for BGA too because when it's your turn, you're like, it's really simple. Here's my three cards. Where is it going to fit? Yeah. So when I was down in Brisbane, a couple of times I just wanted to get out of the folks' apartment. It's a bit small with the whole family there. And we went into vault games a couple of times and played some games with my family.
And one that was a hit with my son was Clank, just the original basic Clank. He loved it. And it's it's a fine game. I've got nothing wrong with Clank. I quite enjoyed a nice little deck builder.
But I had Clank Catacombs waiting for me when we got back to Bemiga, which is now where I live in case you were wondering where I meant when I said super remote. Look it up on a map. It's very tiny. ah But we we got it out, and it's fantastic.
It's like everything that's great about Clank with more with more of it making sense. Like in Clank, you're going down into a dungeon to try and look for artifacts, and you don't want to make noise because the dragon will hear you, and then the dragon might fire flames at you, and you might die.
And if you don't get back out, ah you'll you'll score zero points. If you get back out and don't make it home, you'll score your points that you got. and If you make it home, you get an extra bonus for getting home, and you get to kill people really quickly afterwards.
ah So that's the basis of Clank. But in Clank, you know where you're going. There's a map. You're looking at the whole thing. In Clank Catacombs, the map reveals itself as you travel.
ah They're tiles. And you pick a tile and you can rotate it in all directions and sit it on so you you don't know where you're going, which makes more sense. If you're exploring a dungeon, you're not going to know where you're going.
And obviously it's been more refined. Clank has come a long way since original Clank. There was Clank in space and then the legacy game. And this Clank Catacombs came in after legacy. And you can see that it's it's a much more refined game.
The money is always hard to come by, but then the payoff for buying things is really good. And some of the just, it's just really interesting cards that you can buy. But every time you buy a card from the market,
there's a chance that the dragon will attack so you don't want to do that if you're down deep in the depths but then if you don't you're not going to get good cards so some really just really good decisions and what for what is really just a simple deck builder so uh it's it's it's great it's probably i would say it just for an out and out deck builder it'd be my favorite out and out deck builder at the moment, ah probably sitting behind Doom Imperium for a game that involves deck building, but yeah it's it's so solid. And we've been playing it. And a great thing about that game is that it's over pretty quick. Like it's probably an hour max.
Because as soon as one person gets out, their whole turn becomes drawing out cubes from the bag, which kills off everybody else real quick. So everyone makes a mad dash for the exit as soon as one person gets out. So the game probably only the last two or three turns after the first person gets out. Yeah.
Yeah, it's I think it's an all-out winner. I think anyone could enjoy it. It's simple enough, but there's enough decisions to you to go with that push-your-luck element of do I stay down in the dungeon one more turn and try and get that yeah know that more expensive artifact and yeah potentially ending up with zero points? It's great.
So if you owned Original Clank, would you buy it? I would. ah but and the What would happen is I would never play Original Clank again. Okay. Yeah.
So it's it's markedly better, in my opinion. um I don't own Clank, but, yeah, I own Clank Legacy, which was great, and this is great as well. So, yeah, I i i don't have any urge to go and buy Clank in Space or Clank. I'm just happy to play this.
Yeah, I ask that because it's selfish, because i had Clank in Space and sold it, because it just wasn't getting played. Enjoyed it, though, and I agree with you, it's a great deck builder. ah But then recently just purchased it back into my collection.
so Maybe don't play Catacombs for a while, though. But Catacombs sounds cool, like you're revealing a tile which is going to you know choose your direction you're going, because it's a bit more like, do you remember a Subterra?
Subterra is great. so Yeah, yeah. You just reveal a tile, okay, where am I going go? Let's rotate it. Yeah, cool. I like it. I'm looking forward to playing it. ah Hopefully I'll have someone in the board game group that might have it and I'll play it with them because I'm not going buy it.
Well, there you go. well you will Well, you will after you play it. I should say that. You probably will. Yeah, okay. It'll be one of those acquire 60th anniversary purchases. Yeah, yeah, yeah. After. Yeah.
So one thing we wanted to talk about in in our segments was we're going to say is there anything appealing to us out there at the moment from a Kickstarter point of view, anything that's come across your eyesight where you think, you know what, we're probably going to look at ah putting my hat in the ring for that one.
But has anything caught your suspicion at the moment, mate? um Yeah, a couple. um Not something I've actually bought. Something actually very keen to play that is just a phenomenon, which is just the FinSpan thing that's happened.
Oh, really? Like, I'm desperate to play it. I know I won't buy it. Like, it's a weird thing. Like, I i got to play Wormspan for the first time when i was down at... When were down at Brizzy, yeah.
And it's really good. And it's so good that I think it's better than Wingspan. And I've played Wingspan a ton. Which is why i didn't buy Wormspan, because even though it was a great game, I just don't want to play game that game anymore. Like, I'm i'm done with Wingspan.
I've played it a ridiculous amount of times. So even though Wormspan was better in every way, could make an argument for every mechanism they've updated being better than Wingspan. I was like, but i but I'll never be the person to say we should play Wormspan.
And then Finspan is a lighter version, apparently. And I'm like, now I just want to play that once. Just once. That's all I want to do.
But I can't get over the fact that this, like in typical Stonemire fashion, he he comes out he says, Finspan's out. And, you a week later, people are getting it in the post. Like, I love that about Stonemire Games. There's none of this year and a half on Kickstarter or whatever else. It's like, hey, here's a new game.
You can buy it now. Yep. It's very Apple-ish how Apple do their things. Like, with here's the iPhone 16. You'll be able to get it in stores next week. Yep. which is great for the ah hobby that doesn't really do that pretty much for any other game.
So friends that we've met ah since moving to Bemiga, they've got it coming. And I'm like, great. I can't wait to give it a crack. But, I mean, how bizarre that we we're Wingspan is probably the biggest selling game since Catan, I would imagine. Yeah.
And then Wormspan, I don't think, I don't know how Wormspan went, but i'm sure it went okay, but nothing like Wingspan stuff. And, but I, again, even though I'm not interested in Wingspan anymore, and I'm really not interested in Wormspan or FinSpan, I love the fact that instead of just going, Hey,
We did Asia. We did Australia. We did Europe. Here's your South America box. Here's your Africa box. Here's your Antarctica box full of penguins. They've just gone, no, we're good with wingspan now.
We're going make these variants where one's a bit heavier, one's a bit lighter. I like the fact that they're doing that because I just think it's it's a good system. i'm I'm just done with it. But I'm blown away by the fact that it's not just wingspan.
released, but also the biggest selling game basically worldwide right now. um People have got three i three technical, it's got three variants to it, right? so um and So I watched the Dice Tower's top 100 and I don't know if you've seen it, but Z Garcia had FinSpan.
Yeah, I did see that. He said, you know, he he classified it as Wingspan and Wormspan, but he said FinSpan's the best of the whole three. So he said that's that's now in his top 100. I think it was a even in his top 50 from there. but Yeah, something around there, I think, yeah. Yeah, so um ah so for a new game, and you know, to get rated so highly above the others, up the level and I think a couple of others have said the same thing, where it it's a better game than than Wingspan.
I have zero interest. Zero. I don't mind Wingspan. I don't mind playing Wingspan. um and But when they brought out Wingspan, I was like, nope.
Then FinSpan, I was like, It's like, you know, how many variants of the same game can you have? so o does i have zero interest, mate.
Yeah, it's a weird thing. Like, I know I'm not going to buy it because I've played it out that system, but I'm very to try It's like one of those, um speaking Dice Tower, they did a video where games you should try once. I put that in. I'm going to try that game and yeah I'll probably like it.
And that's where that'll end. Yeah. Okay. Well, let me know how it goes. What about you? What about you? Have you come across anything? No, mate, it's been pretty dry in the old Kickstarter and GameFound.
I think there's a new... ah yeah You've played Point Salad before and Point City. got and They've got a new variant of that out called called Point Galaxy.
ah don't ah ah don't mind those games, and given that it's in space, I'm bit of a space theme, but I like space games, so I haven't gone ahead and backed it or anything like that, but I thought it'd be interesting. um one One thing that's kind of caught my interest is Nantinarking's got an expansion coming out very soon on GameFound.
Cthulhu? Cthulhu. Call of Cthulhu. And it looks really cool. And I've seen ah've seen all the updates, so I'm following. Without a doubt, I'm going to back it.
um Because I'm i a big... I like Unc Morpok. Unc Morpok is probably you know one of my favourite games. Nantinarking is just a spin-off on that, just you know set more in the old the old worldy days of of the UK.
um and you know If you can pick up a copy of Nantinarking, do it, because you won't get an Unk Morpok anywhere near the the price you can get Nantinarking for. and And honestly, they the quality of the Nantinarking, like you actually get little minis in there instead of with Unk Moorpock, it's just all wooden blocks.
um But the the game itself, it's all about area control. um It's actually a bit of everything. ah every Every person you're playing, so everyone has their own abilities.
and everyone has their own win condition on that ability. Um, so, so half the game, you're trying to work out who's doing what to try and win the game. And, um, so see, I would, I'm only assuming cause I haven't seen much of it that they'll just add a lot of cards.
That's going to be more Cthulhu related and in the Cthulhu realm. Uh, but still everyone would have their own ability to win the game. Um, it is super fun.
um The cards in Nantinaki are nowhere nowhere're near as fun as the cards in Ackmorpok because they're a little bit more quirky in Ackmorpok and ah there's a lot of take that in it.
So you need the right group to play it because you're stealing money, you're stealing cards off people, you're killing off their buildings. Yeah, um and you know if you don't have the right group, it can be quite nasty.
But um it is a favourite of mine, Ingrid's and Shane's to play. um Whenever we get together, we do ask to play it. and um So, Unk Maul Pox by Martin Wallace, and so Nancy Narkin. I don't know Call of Cthulhu's been done by Martin.
There's no mention to it in the GameFound site. Oh, okay. And it's not something i've asked him either. I haven't seen him for a while. So um it'd be interesting to see if it that has been done by Martin. You'd think it would be given Australia, right, because that's a train game with Cthulhu. Yeah, yeah. Which is another one of his games that's gone the Cthulhu paint job.
So, but there's just there's no mention of of Martin on the GameFound page, so. Maybe he's just started reading H.P. Lovecraft novels all of a sudden because I don't think it's in any ah many of his older games. Like, I guess, you Australia being the exception, I guess.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's ah interesting. I actually really enjoyed Ark Morpok and technically I shouldn't because I don't like area control and I don't like take that, but I actually really enjoyed that game we played. And it was easy to teach, wasn't it? a Quick, here's a card. Yeah.
He's everyone's winning ability winning ability, right? So you can actually clearly see who's going to try and win what. And um so we we don't I know when we played it, we spent half a game, like, you're doing this, you're doing this.
Yeah, yeah. And I was deliberately setting it up to try and make you guys think I was doing two or three other things yeah while I was trying to do something else and all that sort of stuff, yeah. So it's a good fun game and simple to teach.
So that has piqued my interest. I'll definitely be backing it. Interesting though, I have to buy Nanty Narkin again because i did sell my copy. so Oh, they're not offering it in as... they they are They are, but I think I can get it at the moment.
There's a couple of couple of cheaper copies out there. So I ah will be... I did on-sell that to someone that desperately wanted... That was part of his collection, and um given that I had Unk Moorpok, I thought, okay, well, no worries. On it goes, and now now that there's an expansion coming, I thought, and now need to rebuy it, because you do have to have it. You have to have the base game.
Well, I'm very interested to hear what your thoughts are on my last bit of Kickstarter game founding news. The South Tigress expansions. We're both devout Garfield Games fanboys.
We are. is charge But i I backed it. But I don't know why I backed it, if that makes sense.
Like, I love Wayfarers. Wayfarers is a great game. Yep. i don't I've never played that game and thought it was asking for anything more. The only reason, and this this is how shallow I am, the only reason I'm interested to see what it brings is because they've already got the spots for it in the insert that came in the box.
So I feel like it'll complete the game. I've only played Scholars, I think, three times, and I still haven't played Inventors yet. Yeah. And again, Scholars, the third time was the first time I played it. I might have played it four times, but it was the third game before I actually went Oh, I see. It clicked. Yeah, okay.
Yeah, and I can't imagine more stuff again for that. And I haven't played Inventors yet because, quite frankly, it's a little bit imposing. It's it's a little bit, you know, apparently it's as heavy as Scholars, if not heavier, and I'm like, you know what?
I don't know if I want to go that heavy. so And I also need to find other people who want to go that heavy and then be confident with the teach. So that's they're kind of the reasons it sat on my shelf. But, I mean, I know they're good because all Garfield games are good. Like, it's I can't remember the last Garfield game I played that I was, you know, a bit off on.
It was probably Chaos Order, but that's because that's not my type of game. I can see that it was a good game. um So I backed it, but I'm just like, i I've never been so close to not backing a project or going all in.
All right. So I didn't back Scholars, I didn't back Inventors, and ah I certainly have backed the expansions.
Yeah, okay. So one thing, you know, Garfield Games do really well. is they play to the completionist mindset of all the board gamers that are out there. i've got to have I've got to have that whole collection of Garfield games just stacked up on each other.
in the you know They started off with the small box, but then they brought the bigger box because it's going to look nicer on the shelves. So we all bought the bigger boxes, right? oh So it's brilliant, brilliant marketing by Shem and the team.
I... i I kind of went, no, these games are not for me. Um, so I thought I'm, I thought I'm not going to bother buying and So, um, I agree with you. Wayfarers is fun and Scholars was good. I mean, we got, we got a, we got, I think we got one of the early copies of Scholars to play test at BrizzCon one year.
And, um, I think G Money did a great job in, in, in teaching that game that whole weekend. Um, But I'd played it a few times. i was like, yeah, no, that's not for me. And then Inventors, I just went, no, if Scholars is not for me, Inventors not for me.
so and So that's, so mate, I'm not backing it. There you It'd be a waste of money because I don't own the other two games. you are You are right.
a ah The only one in the something of the something something series that I don't have is Explorers of the North Sea. And every time I walk past that shelf that has all of my Shem games in one perfect row, I go, i think I should just buy Explorers just so that it sits there with all of its brothers and sisters. Like, just doesn't, it's like the poor child that's left out. Like, ah so but I haven't, and, you know, maybe I'm smart enough to not buy it because I have played it and I wasn't a massive fan, but I feel like I should purely to finish that column of games.
Yeah. All righty. So probably a good place to end it there, right on a Shem Phillips game. i mean, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention at least Shem Phillips at least once every episode. Otherwise, we just wouldn't be true to ourselves. so I think that has to be a challenge, to be honest with you.
I don't think we need to challenge ourselves. I think it'll just happen organically. It seems to. Shem or Sam. I'm in the midst of a Hadrian's Wall solo campaign at the moment, so I'm sure that'll get a mention some point. Of course, of course.
And or Martin. Yeah, yeah, that's true. and We've got no G money, so Glynhaven might take a back seat for a while.
All right, so finishing off, basically, it's more back about the podcast is called Mate Let's Play. so Shane, what are you looking forward to playing in the next week or so?
I've got some Hansa de Tonica to play with our board game group, um and that's probably going to be about it. I don't think i'm going to be playing much else. I've got a few games going on BGA. um Plenty of Castles of Burgundy being played at present. and But Hansa, I enjoyed that. um It was the second time I played it the other night with the crew. and um it was I think I grokked it about halfway through. I thought, okay, I need to do this next time. So new strategy coming out on Thursday night. um
I'm hopeful that potentially I might be able to teach a choir to the family, but also too I have a stack of final gil for some solo play. Yeah, right. So they're the three.
Nice one. What about you? Well, for me. For me, um kind of we we every Wednesday we do a campaign night, just Helen, Raphael and I. Nice. And we've been doing Dice Run Adventures, which has been fun, but we just got Clank Legacy 2.
So I've got a feeling that might take, especially with Raph's new love of Clank and Helen and we did Clank Legacy last year with Joe and Shannon and Emerald and we loved my favourite legacy game of all legacy games.
So, yeah, I feel like Clang Legacy 2 might hit the table of this Wednesday, which would be lovely. Other than that, ah my son and I picked up this war of mine at Christmas and he's been bugging me to learn that. So I realised got it out today and read the rules and apparently you just play. The game teaches you as you go. so It does. It does.
Raph and I will almost certainly get that out one afternoon after he finishes school. And for a third. Just hang on. That comes with a warning. It comes with a warning, guess. Yeah. Yes, we've we've we've been told. but there's this There's some ways to die in that, mate. You don't want to read it out to Rafa.
ah Okay. right So I'll do the reading and I'll censor it as I go. Okay. Good to know. Good to know. um But aside of that, um Wonderland's War. We we played it once the other night and was a win for all three of us. We all loved it. So um I've got the fancy pants set thanks to Joe again. So I reckon we'll probably get that out again too. And I think that's my three.
So there we go. All right. Well, let's but's so make sure we all get them to the game. and But, yes, ah definitely this war of mine, mate. Just be careful. Okay. Fair enough. So it's not ah not a PG-rated game is what you're saying? No, I think it was one of the first R-rated board games.
Okay. Yes. I didn't know that about it, but he's he he he's yeah fascinated by war. like So he was like, oh, I'd love to play that. And I didn't think I thought the themes would be pretty dark, but I didn't yeah, the content itself well, we'll see. I guess I'll report back, see how it goes. Yeah.
um just Just, yeah, you control the narrative, you'll be fine. You'll be able to play school it, no doubt.
Well, on that note, that will bring us to the end of Episode 1. Shane, it's been awesome to chat board games again. It has been good and it's been too long. and Thank you very much.
And for those of you listening on the Board Game Chinwag podcast, find us on your usual podcast platforms. The podcast is called Mate Let's Play. And if you're listening to that somehow and you haven't heard it about Board Game Chinwag, it's only going to be up for another couple of weeks. So if you want to hear of that, make sure you download um the episodes to your device so you can listen to them after.
I'll eventually drop off all of the podcast servers in the near future. So with that in mind, again, big thanks to Shane and we'll catch you on the next episode. Thanks, Dave.
Appreciate it, man. Thanks, everyone.