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23 Plays8 months ago

Welcome back! This week, after the normal Rigmarole (dental work, fire department woes, death of movie theaters); Ron decides we need to pick which villain in Dungeons and Dragons we would be; Chris talks about the end of Destiny the game and what it has meant to him. As always please like, subscribe, and share with your friends. Come join the discussions on the Discord Channel ( and follow us on Twitter, @cltruitt22. Thanks and take care!


Morning Routines and Sleep Woes

Welcome back to another episode of the Mythic Draft podcast. I'm Chris. And I'm Ron. Why do you sound so down? I'm not down. Pretty good. I slept in today. I woke up at six 40. Wow. What's that like? My wife was like, you never sleep in them. Yeah. Yeah. Your body needed it. Apparently. Apparently. Cause until we get to the point where we can chip ourselves and program our sleep,
Well, it might have been something to do with the alcoholic adult beverages I had yesterday. Ah. Gotcha. Yeah, I almost messaged you to say, hey, you know, to see if you want to record last night. But I had dental work done and I was a stroke patient till about six thirty seven o'clock last night. Hmm. That's no bueno. Yeah. Yeah. I'd have a filling put in on the bottom molars. He's like, yeah, the only way to really numb that area is I got to go in the jaw.
So I couldn't feel like from my eyeball down to like my clavicle practically. Yeah. It's always a fun needle stick too. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then, you know, he's like getting done. He's like, okay, you know, bite down, you know, to check the bite, you know, like cleaning it up and everything. He said, bite down. Oh no, don't bite your cheek. I'm like, I can't feel my cheek. I don't know. Yeah.
Yeah, he's like, OK, now rinse. I looked at him. I was like, you jackass. You just want me to drool all over myself. Did they do the the filling where they like use the UV light? Mm hmm. And they all put on goggles and like there's a little shield for them and they're just sticking it in your face. It's like, wait a second. Wait. Oh, I don't have any idea because I was I kept my eyes closed the whole time. Yeah, I didn't want. Nope. Yeah. But yeah, I could hear that light. Everything a little beep beep. It's like, oh, yeah, they're using that thing.
And again, this, he is elbow deep in my oral cavity going, so got any plans for the weekend? Oh yeah, that sounds fun. I mean, God, I wonder if that's a class they take at dental school, how to understand somebody who's got, you know, stuff in their mouth. I think they just pretend like they understand and move by with their lives.
Yeah. Yeah.

Work Systems and Equipment Challenges

All right, man, I have to go with those next week. Hmm. Draining it now. Yeah. It's like we went to admin lunch yesterday. I was like, I should get something that's chock full, like garlic and onion. Something that sticks to your real breasts, real meaty, like mustard, garlic. Just give me all the mustard you got and all the garlic you got. Now chomp it on. Eat an onion on the way there like an apple.
Oh, no, no. Yes, we know. And I don't my dentist, he's he's a nice guy, but it's just I don't think anybody's like, yeah, I get to go to the dentist. No, God, no, no. I mean, my dentist is fine. Sure. I see. My dentist, you see him for three minutes of the visit. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the rest of them is a hygienist or. Well, they say they're a hygienist. Who knows?
You just have to go by their word. I feel like it's kind of pretty much everybody. Yeah, but I'm saying you go to like the doctor's office. There's usually, you know, like their diploma somewhere or something. I could go buy some scrubs. And, yep, I'm a dental hygienist. I mean, I've ever done a paramedic for like 20 years. So, you know, you've got a you've got a certificate for that. Uh, sort of sort.
I couldn't find one the other day for, for Maryland. Still have no idea because our office manager wouldn't take my word for just national registry. They needed also the Maryland one last year. That's a lie. Yeah. I don't know. I said, why don't we just have a list and I can verify it as the EMS officer. I know who's legit and who's not. I would hope.
that we would have caught on to it before then, but sure. Right. Yeah. It's not like we're a department of 1,000 paramedics. Right. And there's only so many officers that are paramedics. It's not that many. Yeah. It's yet another antiquated thing we do. Yeah. Like printing out time cards. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which always boggles my mind. I have stopped signing them. Good.
That's my little, you know, first line in the sand. I'm going to stop signing anytime. But it boggles my, like we never did it before. And then we still got paid. Yeah. And then they just got a hair of their ass and they started making us do it. But then we always have to change them. People take overtime or people, you know, the fire department is this weird system where we don't stop work on a Friday at four o'clock. Things happen, you know, and
I just pull the numbers at Saturday morning at 8am. Have it automatically dumped the payroll. Done. Unis will do that. I'm sure it would. Yeah. Because it's 2024. Right. And things do things. Well, evidently the police department still uses green slips. No, they don't. Yes, they do. Why? Yeah, I don't know. What do they do with them? Throwing up trash?
I probably. What's the point? Whatever. Well, we've always done it this way.

The Future of Movie Theaters

I mean, my wife's last job, they were still using paper medical records. What? When she left three years ago, they were still using paper medical records.
I was like, do you guys just have a room full of, she's like, oh, they just have cabinets, like filing cabinets full of, every time they do a, you know, a patient contact, somebody called them on the phone, that's a paper, I was like, why would you do this to yourselves?
In 2024, we went to, I mean, everybody went to electronic medical records 20 years ago. Yeah. It's crazy. It's crazy. Even the Shorebillies have done that. Yeah. Yeah. They've almost got MDTs and box alarms down. No, they do not. Almost. No. No. I remember when we got the Rippin' Run. Oh my gosh. Everybody was excited. I was like, we've had Rippin' Runs around since Johnny and Roy. The old grab and grumble.
Yeah. Crazy. You can hear that thing kick on too. You're like, oh, call's coming in. Oh yeah. I love, we had the, at my volley house, we had the one that had like the, with the perforated edges paper, you know? Like the dot matrix or whatever. The dot matrix, yeah. Okay, got a call coming in. You hear that, a whole, everywhere in the building. Grab your walkie talkie.
That's fair. That's really all we have is walkie doggies anymore. We're just kids with little belts. We can't even figure out two, we can't have radios with two different batteries that don't work in all the radios. Oh my, yeah. Somebody's like, oh, I can't believe that there's a different battery. I was like, I can. This is how they make money. Right. And you fools don't buy things future proof.
We do everything five years behind. That's why we're the cutting edge of the fire service, which is sad to say we are probably on the cutting edge and we're just five years behind.

Evolving Work Conditions

I mean, besides our staffing and our station layouts and all of those things. But for equipment,
Yeah, for equipment. Yeah, we're pretty up there. We're pretty up there. There's some there's some real dog shit equipment in some fire departments. Yeah. Yeah. But you know what? Those guys are tickled pink.
Sure. I guess. I don't know. I've seen some pretty bad guys as they were riding milk crates around instead of seats. Yeah, I will give you that. But like I've seen guys on beat up engines, it looks like they took like a stop sign to patch the side of it and just smiling, laughing. Well, when you and I were young bucks with hair, we still have hair. We rode those twins that were
beat up old people, you just took them everywhere and you didn't care. You never would have been like, Hey chief, there's a small dent in it. Oh my God, the world's ending. Hey chief, engine four's bumper fell off. Can you tape it back? Yeah. Okay then. Zip ties it is. Yeah. It's just how it was back then. Now it's, Oh my God.
The small piece of rubber has fallen off. The world's ending. Yeah. Yeah. That's really warm in the cab. When you open the windows all the way up. I didn't think of that. God. A friend of mine is a moco cat. One day I was complaining. I was like, man, we're in a stupid backup engine. She's like, why are you in a backup engine?
It's like, oh, the air conditioner, our engine, Brooks, like, yeah, we had air conditioning in our engine in like three years. I'm like, oh, no, we would quit. We definitely wouldn't hold the repair shop at fault for it. Yeah. Yeah. Got you. You thought I.
kicked a puppy the other day. I was like, so we're getting a replacement engine in the budget coming up. It's like, why don't we just refurb? Oh, yeah. So unfortunately, I think those two engines are. Not that they can't be refurbed, but I don't know that they can be refurbed and be frontline. For another 10 years, you know what I'm saying?
But we have two engines that would last the next five years easy. We could just refer board and make it a backup. Yeah. Yeah. I don't see us getting a six station anytime soon. No. Or a fourth. Yeah, I was about to say six. I mean, we've got two more to go before that. Yeah. Well, that's how many stations we'd have to have before we ran out of engines. Yeah. Well, I mean, we're lending one out right now. Which is insane. Yes.
It's. Yeah. Yeah. I. Yep. To us. And they're not even running it. No. That's the worst part. They can have a backup. So they can have a backup. Yep. Well, when your engine breaks, call us and then we'll lend you an engine. No, no, no. Call a department that runs less than, you know, 15000 calls a year. But yeah, that's also fair. Yeah. Yeah. Why don't you call call your friends in Powellville that run, you know,
52 calls a year. Yeah. Yeah. Boggles the mind.

Destiny Game Series: Impact and Legacy

Well, it sounds like movie theaters are getting closer to dying. I was I was literally going to bring that up. Not my topic, but as my rigmarole. Yeah. I mean, every movie that's come out this year, all I see is I'm saying, oh, it's so disappointing that, you know, the numbers are so bad. Right.
I don't think it has to do with the quality of the movie. No, I think people have. Yeah, I think the pandemic taught us. It's like, wait, wait, we can just stream this stuff. Right. Nice. Great. I don't I don't have to go to this expensive experience that sit in a chair that's not mine. You know, pay. Listen to people talk that aren't my wife. You know, throw things at it. Side tangent to that. The other night, my daughter's graduation, they had said before, you know,
Don't talk, you know, don't interrupt other, you know, mess up other people's enjoyment of this. The band was playing something and the people behind me. So I turned and I thought, yeah, they quiet down for a minute and then again. So I turned around. I was like, excuse me.
And the guy was like, honey, you need to shut up. You're making a scene. And I was like, way to stand up for your woman, A, and B, good shut up, both of you. God almighty. This is the last time I'll hear my daughter play in this band. Yeah. Even though I'm still volunteering to help the band. Yes. Yeah. Even though my other kid is not in the band. Yeah. Yeah. You hear that, Justin? I'm still going to be around for the band.
Sucker. Yeah. But yeah, the movie theater, I just... None of the movies that are coming out was I like, oh, I have to go see this in a theater. A. And I just feel like now I don't... Very rarely I'm like, oh my God, I have to watch this movie. The first two weeks it comes out. Right.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I would like to see Mad Max in the theater, but it's just because it's Miller's got, you know, very cinematic style all his own. But could I just sit in my comfy chair? Yeah. Watch it in a room that I get to control the temperature in. Well, like I just watched the previous four to catch up and, you know, just a recap and I watched it on my iPad. Right.
Yeah. I mean, I got those movies. Hold up. Great. Just like that. I didn't go see the Dune movie. I do want to watch it. Yeah. Just watch it on streaming. As I say, it's out on streaming now. Yeah. At my leisure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If I want to sit around in my underwear and watch a movie, I'm going to watch a movie. Yeah. That's the biggest problem with the theater. You're going to wear pants. But again, I also don't want to pay eight dollars for a bottle of water.
or $18 to see a movie. Yeah. You know, how much does a movie ticket these days? I don't know. It's crazy. Ridiculous. Yeah. I feel like, oh, you go to the matinee. The matinees are like a dollar cheaper. It's not like, I can remember as a kid, like matinee was like $2 and you got to see a movie. Yeah. And sometimes I don't want to go to the movie theater at two o'clock in the afternoon. Yeah. I have other things going on in my life. Right. And maybe I want to pause in the middle of the movie and
Come back to it. Yeah. All of these things. And I get like the Hollywood freak outside of it because like for so long they've tied box office success to movie success. So they probably haven't figured out a new metric for success yet. Or they got to grow. Sure. Well, there's not a lot of whale whalers out there anymore, right? They used to be the number one industry in the country. Yeah.
You know, there's one whaler out there. He's on his boat listening to his zoom. Damn it. I'm out here. Yeah. But it's got to adapt with the times. You know, it's robots are going to replace most of us anyways. You know, there's a good chance robots are going to replace firefighters. Oh, yeah. You know, makes sense.
I'm not released drone can, you know, like a drone kind of thing. Yeah. I mean, sure. But I'm not a hundred percent convinced that telehealth won't really replace 911 EMS. I think that's kind of on the way too. I think you could make an argument that we could go to a thousand calls a year.

Future of Paramedics and Telehealth

and everything else could be telehealth. Yeah, I could see that. How many of our EMS calls are truly emergent calls that require intervention by either an EMT or a paramedic? Hell, even the doctor.
Sure. But I think the future of paramedicine is going to be in telehealth. Oh yeah, I agree. I think just like nursing is going to and home health, doctors, it's all going to be telehealth. And you might get into a world where your ambulance is like an Uber and there's just a guy on a video screen talking to you.
There might be an ENT going, hey, I'm going to set up this 12 leads, but the paramedics in Wichita. Good old Wichita. Known for its paramedics. Just known for being in a place out in the middle of nowhere. I was thinking about the other day,
We were having a discussion because we are part-time paramedic and I was talking about how we don't innovate anymore really. Probably from some of the research shouldn't be innovating at all. We don't really, our drug regimen is less aggressive than it's ever been. And now we have Ivy Tech EMTs. Paramedics are getting a little,
I mean, if I was like a new paramedic, I'd be like, man, what the hell is this going to look like in 20 years? What's my career going to be? Well, it's going to be more of the MIH stuff. Yeah, which- It's going to be more preventative medicine than reactive medicine. But if I had been 20, what was that, 24 when I went to paramedic school, I wouldn't have gone to paramedic school to do MIH.
It's a different field. It's a different personality that wants to do that job. It's interesting. It's going to be something, but I do think we will go to telehealth paramedics. Not for everything, but for a good chunk. Can we just get robot driving cars so the assholes can stay off the road?
Yeah, but then like everybody in Maryland wouldn't be able to drive. That's fine. They don't need to. I don't care anymore. How about just a train? Oh my gosh. How about just a train to get to the goddamn beach? Why do you people want to go to the beach? Well, as you see inside baseball local, Ocean City had like the worst Memorial Day weekend they've had in
Years and years. Aw, so sad. But I think that might also be kind of a post-pandemic thing. Yeah. Plus, we talked about a couple of shops. That was because they're like, kids aren't drinking alcohol as much anymore. Right. So those kids that are getting into college are not like, well, I'm not going to go to secrets. Yeah. I'm not going to go to the cork bar, because why would I? Yeah, who wants to drink cork? Yeah.
And Ocean City, unlike other beach towns, really doesn't have a great beach. No. You know, it's fine. Oh, you mean the beach that they constantly have to pump out or pump new sand into? Oh, yeah. Because they built the resort on a barrier island. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're really doom and gloom in it early in this podcast. Killed the movie industry, coming off beach towns.
There's a lot of horses that know. I saw some interview the other day, like, oh, you look at a horse, it's playing with the toboggan on the girl's head. I was like, I was trying to eat her. That's what it's doing. Like, oh, look, it's just messing with. I was like, no, it's trying to pull that off so I can get to her tasty, tasty brain. A horse is known for the brains.
I would imagine horses are like marrow crackers. Like they get to the bones just to get to the sweet, sweet marrow. Sweet, sweet marrow. That's what I would think. Yeah. Yeah. Four legged animals. Real. Real mood today. Play good video games.
Actually, I went back and I'm almost through the Mad Max game from nine years ago. Oh, it holds up. That's good. Yeah, so. I guess it's kind of more. I think you've talked about before, where is Mad Max just the legend? Not really a guy. So it's not like it kind of fits in the timelines, but it's also not like, oh, this is this and this is this. It's, you know,
roaming around the wasteland, driving your car, getting better engines and upgrades for your car and making it look your way. That's a stupid cat in front of my house. God, six. I'm going to rant for one second. Release the hounds. Well, I can't release them out front. They'll kill the people. But it's got a lot of very expensive landscape work done. And now all that I've done is create litter boxes for the cats.
Oh, that's the worst. Yeah. Yeah. Is it just a feral cat or? Oh, they're just neighborhood feral cats. There's like five of them. That's crazy. And the county won't do anything about them. Yeah, my project. Trap them and then take them down to Salisbury. Yeah, that's what I should do.
But the landscaping project where I told my wife, I don't want anything to do with it, and I don't want to end up doing mulching. Right. What do you think I spent my Sunday after getting off work doing? Mulching. Mm-hmm. God. Two trips to Lowe's because we didn't buy enough mulch the first time. Oh, nice. Nice. Yeah. Wow. Couldn't fit more mulch in the car. I would have been riding on the roof. No. You let her get in, and then you put the mulch on her lap.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Did you see that nice earthy smell inside? Yeah, that's the best part is like it was a nice hot day, so my car smelled like mulch when it got done. Just like the car stinks. It's like, oh, do you think it stinks? That's weird. Does it smell like decomposing wood chips that I'm spending way too much money on? No, you sit in it for a while, honey. Yeah. Soak it in. Yeah, I'm closing the doors and the windows, and so you sit in the sun, bake with it.
I think somebody might call the cops on you for that. That's what you get for making me mulch. I just hate it so much. Yeah. Yeah. We didn't mulch this year. Thank goodness. Yeah. I didn't have that option. Cause clearly, even though I said I didn't want to do it, I still end up doing it. So I lost. That's the way it works. Yeah. It's 99% done with this cabinet project. So cool.
All we got to do is some touch up paint here and there. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. I was looking at my next project, and it's probably to paint some ceilings. Oh, yeah. Hire, hire somebody. I might have to just do it. Yeah. Oh, that's all right, because I had some touch up paint on the walls to do. I was like, I'll do that while I'm I was waiting for one of the doors to dry. I went out of the garage and I was like, this looks like the same color wall paint I put like
I don't know, a good four inch wide by three foot swath of it on the wall. I was like, I think that's a different color. My youngest goes, yeah, that's a different color. I'm like, oh, OK, great. So it's like, oh, I was like, why do you let the color blank blind guy try to figure this out? I didn't know you were doing it. Hide the paint from me then. That's OK, because my closest friend in the world in the fire department called out my colorblindness in front of the entire department the other day.
What? Yeah, you. No, I didn't. Yes, you did. No. We're getting our 20-year pens and you go, Wizard, why are you wearing a black shirt? Oh. To me, it looked like a black shirt. They all look black to me. I'm colorblind, I'm blue-black. I can't tell you the difference. I get whatever shirt they issue me and I put it on. That's what I do.
Some of them look like lighter black, some of them are darker black. Wouldn't that be a gray? I don't know. I can see gray. Gray's like my second favorite color. Because, you know. It's like my soul. Gray like a Jedi. Yeah, like the good Jedi.
Well, you ready to move on to topic one? Yeah, topic one. All right, my friend. This is probably the most important decision you're going to make of your entire life. Oh, gosh. I need you to think, I want you to put real thoughts and real, real reasoning out of it. Okay. You have to be a D and D villain. You have no choice. What D and D villain are you going to be? Now,
I am not. I was originally going to make this a realm specific villain, but you can pick from any of the major D&D realms. Yeah. What villain or what big bad guy are you and why? Man, that's tricky. It's very tricky. There's some that's like, yeah, they're super powerful, but they're also like
undead or. Yeah. Hmm. I mean, I think about. I am the villain, right? Like, so I have to enjoy my life on top of being a villain. Right. Yeah. So if you pick Lich, you're basically a mortal unless somebody kills you. Right. They have to destroy your factory. Right. But you're undead. Yes. Equality of life. Yeah. Yeah. You don't know.
Don't get to taste or feel, smell anything.

D&D Villains: Which Would You Be?

Kind of the same with being a Ravenloft vampire. That's, yeah, I was like, yeah, you don't want to be Strahd because. Right? You're going to be an undead vampire. Yeah. Your life is terrible. Yeah. You know, could you be a ghoul? I mean, you're kind of alive. You feel things. Yeah. You just eat flesh all the time. Yeah. Yeah.
I have my answer, but my answer comes with a real bad caveat, which I understand. It's the risk reward kind of thing. My answer is I would be a black dragon from Dragon Lance. Dragon Lance dragons can take the form of humans.
So you got to, you know, still be sociable. Mm hmm. But there's always some prick trying to stab you with a, you know, silver lance. Right. And the other downside of being a evil dragon in Dragonlance is you got to listen to that stupid Tiamat and take her orders. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So are you really the so you're not really the big bad, you're just a bad. Well, you're a big bad. Yeah. I mean, I'm not saying you're going to be a god.
That's a crazy talk. Give it a black dragon. You'd be living in a swamp. Uh, I think a dragon lands black dragon. So they just live where they want. Okay. Yeah. It's like the evil dragons are the black, the red, the white, the blue. And the green. And the green. Yeah. Yeah. And then the good dragons are the silver, bronze, gold. Copper and brass.
Copper and brass maybe, yeah. Which really, is there much difference between bronze, copper, and brass dragons? I think in Dragon Lands, one of those doesn't, one of them shoots lightning. That's right. I think that's brass. Yeah, maybe. And then one of them has no shooting attack. Yeah. This is really fast. Yeah. But I feel like that's the right way to go.
Black dragon, because he's the most powerful dragon. You don't want to be a red dragon, because they're like kind of wimps. They're the biggest though, aren't they? I think black dragons are bigger than red dragons. The white dragons are the wimpy ones. Well, they're also the dumbest. The white dragons? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Let's see. It would be a glitch. It would really be undead.
Ooh. So what about, yeah. This horror thing also is trying to pick out being a bad guy. Sure, but you have no choice. You are going to be the bad guy. You don't have to be a monster. You could choose to be a human with all of that downside. Yeah, I just hold on, stupid dog.
And I will just vamp for a second, talk about the dragons. You know, we have blue dragons in the desert. In coastal, we have blue and bronze dragons, the dragon turtle. Is he back yet? I don't think the dragon turtle gets enough talk. Isn't it just like a big snapping turtle? I think it's a big snapping turtle. Yeah. Let's see.
Gosh, I think I'd have to go with Manshoon from the Forgotten Realms. Manshoon. He's the leader of the Zhents. So you're being a specific person? Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Because super powerful mage, but also he's got like 100 clones. So if something happens to him, he just dumps into the next one. Yeah. Yeah. So it's almost like that you get to live forever.
Let's get all the great your comforts. Oh, yeah, it's a cult. Yeah, it's like a cult. Yeah. It's not as bad as like a cult of the dragon, but yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's OK. Let's you know, that's a good answer. I think my original thought and immediately what the same way you did was. Oh, undead. It's like the way to go, right? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I'd be Strahd. Right. It was as Tam. I'll be some sort of but the quality of life is terrible.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because everything you read, you know, or, you know, you see in movies and stuff, it's the undead. They're like, I wish I could taste an apple. Right. Like be a death knight. What are they called? What's the. The Night of the Black Rose. Oh, what is his name? Oh, I can see him. Yeah. What is his name? Yeah.
What was his name? Lord Soth. Soth, yeah. I mean, like, when you read his books, she's like, oh, he's super powerful. And also his life sucks a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you don't want to be that. No. Like any sort of paladin or dark paladin, that seems kind of rough. Yeah. Yeah.
You know, kind of the same thing with being a zen like Colton. Yeah. Yeah. Once I got thought, I was like, oh, maybe go with a drow, but then you got to listen to the crazy spider queen. And being a drow would be terrible. Well, you'd have to be a woman. You'd have to be a woman, which you don't have to be. You don't want to be a guy. That's fine, bully for them, but. Right. Yeah. Well, unless you're that one drow, the mercenary guy. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, but he's not really a bad guy anymore. I bet he was ish. But yeah, and even if you were a woman, like a matron, you have to kill people all the time and you have to kill your allies all the time because they're trying to kill you. Yeah, exactly. It's a constant kill, kill, kill. And if if if you even screw up a little bit, then, like, Gegelettes are coming to kill you. Right. Yeah. Yeah. But your job would suck.
Yeah. Uh, I thought about beholder beholder. What's the quality of life of being a beholder? You can never scratch your back. You have minions to do that for you. You do have minions. I mean, you could be a mind flayer. Ah, brains all the time. I mean, they're, they're tasty. Maybe they are. Yeah. But you know, you got all the minions you want.
Yeah, that's true. You know, that's the one downside of being a black dragon. You don't really have minions. Oh, you could get minions at Cobalt's, but they're all crazy. Yeah. Um, yeah. I don't know if a beholder, I don't know about a beholder. I don't think I'd be into that. I got to think about eyes anyways. I meant allergy season would be terrible. Oh yeah. Yeah. I don't ever talk about that in the books.
Well, it's how they get taken down. I mean, you know, somebody cast, you know, they don't. It's not cloud kill. It's cloud pollen and six man. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.
Yeah, it's it's a it'd be terrible to be a goblin Uh, I mean a tiger might be okay Um I don't want to be an undead dragon. That'd be terrible. Oh, yeah. No drag a lich. Yeah, you know I I wouldn't want anything to do with loaf Yeah, no, that's the thing. Yeah, she's a crazy crazy god. Yeah
The holder would be okay until allergy season. Um, I mean, I guess if you're in the right realm, being a mage is okay. Yeah. But I think if you're a black mage, that's pretty terrible in dragon lands. Like you're getting crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Gif Yankee.
I guess it depends which kind of get yankee you are. Yeah. Are they the bad guys? I think. Because if yankee gets very. Would not want to worship Bane. You'd kill a lot of people. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Astrilon would be pretty good. I mean, he's a pretty badass dragon. Oh, yeah. He could be a gnoll.
You know, bugbear. Yeah. You could be a necromancer. I think the downside of the necromancer is the smell. Yeah, that's got to be the smell. Yeah. It's got to be the smell. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, do you just get nose blind to it after a while? I mean, you have to. It's got to be constant. Main shoe, the many faced.
Yeah. I mean, he's got like the holders and stuff that answer to him. It's true. Yeah. Yeah. But I mean, a dragon dragon, really any dragon to be cool. Yeah, I think dragon. I'm going to get your file a loot. Yeah. Can fly. It's just don't want to be.
So, ooh, how does it work? I might want to be an infernal. Ooh. I mean, I get quality of life being an infernal. You got to torture all the time. Yeah. You do it though. It's always hot. It's a dry heat. You have to come out to the mortal planes. Yeah. Yeah.
So as a dragon, if you polymorph down to a human size and you eat a meal, when you go back to being a dragon, is your stomach still full? Or do you have to eat tons and tons of like cows? This is an interesting question. So the theory would be that when you polymorph,
It's just a matter of calories, right? And the calories don't scale up. Yeah. I think you're back to eating as soon as you. Yes, as soon as you get back to dragon size, would you have to eat? I feel like you'd have to show. That's the thing. Yeah, that's a lot. It's a lot. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not being stradd. We got no. Yeah. Really any vampire.
Any vampire read this bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm still going to dragon. I think it's the coolest answer. Yeah. No, I'll give you that. But infernal might be my backup now. Yeah. I feel like there's a pretty good argument that infernals have. I mean, look at them. They all live in their little palaces. They all got their own little, you know. But it's kind of like the drow thing.
The ones around you are trying to take you down. Yeah, yeah, it's fair. And you're always, I mean, it's an internal, you know, eternal war. So yeah, yeah. Got stuck with that whole problem. Yeah. But I mean, as a strong mage, you can kind of turn yourself into anything.
Yes, I think the mage problem is what kind of major area. Yeah. And what realm you're living in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you're in forgotten realms, it's not bad. Yeah. You have a lot open to you. But yeah, dragon lance or you're the white, red or black. Being a black mage sucks. Yeah. Yeah. But they're strong.
They are strong. They're not that strong in. You know, Dragon Lance. Yeah. They're fine. Yeah. Well, as always, Dragon Lance, the mages weren't really the powerhouses. Yeah, no dragons. Yeah. So dragons do. Dragon does what dragon does. So the dragon is going to do what a dragon is going to do.
There's the motto somebody's going to have. Yeah. Let's put that on a sticker. Yeah. Nice little senior quote for somebody. Definitely put that in a yearbook. My daughter didn't have a senior quote. What? Yes. That's um. It's like what? Didn't like quote some weird song lyrics or? Make up something. Yeah.
You know, so, you know, daughter's going to do what I was going to do. Yeah. Yeah. So I have not played Baldur's Gate since I got like a week and a half ago, so I still have to go on the evil route and I got to take down the grove. Do it's going to be tough.
Yeah, I don't think I could do it. I don't have the fortitude. Well, we'll see. That's why I think it shows it since I haven't played in a couple of weeks that it's a conundrum for me. So that's why you got to be the dragon. So you kill them from distance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't have to see the victims. Yeah. Now, as a black dragon, do you think you'd always have like a bad taste in your mouth because the acid?
Mm hmm. I bet your acid reflexes real bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Real bad. But you do have acid breath. Yeah, that's pretty freaking cool. You got those wicked horns that come around the side and everything. Yeah. Yeah. They're wicked cool. Yeah. Black Dragon's probably a coolest looking dragon. Yeah. There's somebody at the radio. Well, actually, you know what? Suck it.
I mean, maybe little white dragons. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Yeah. They're like the special needs of the dragon. They are. Gosh, wait for Lucky. Here he comes. Just walking, flying into walls and crap. Don't. No, no, no, no, it's over. Yep. Yep. Nope. Yep. There you go. There you go, buddy. Yeah.
Well, ready to move on to topic two? Sure. Topic two. You have to be any hero. So next, well, actually, when this posts, the next day is the final chapter in destiny.

Destiny Series: Endgame and Evolution

Forever. Yeah, that's what they say. They say this is it.
So light fall is how it's all going to wrap up together. So I know you dabbled in destiny for a while. I did. I did. Yeah. So just, uh, all right. Destiny is definitely the game that got me more comfortable with the online play. And yeah, I think at the end of the day, it goes down in my top two games of all time. Wow. Yeah.
That's a big it's I always go back to it. It's I've made some great friends through it. It's got a good story for the most part. So and now with late fall, we get Cade comes back. What? Yeah, yeah, you're going into the heart of the traveler and somehow Cade is inside the traveler. But it's like a different like
His eyes look different and his gun is like pieced together. So it's I don't know. Definitely be interesting to see how that part of the story plays out, but. You know, I, Destiny. I think Destiny's had a rocky run. Oh, yeah. I mean, the first couple of years of Destiny were rough. Yeah, I do.
I think the one thing that I think is great about Destiny, if they really are going to close it, is I think that's fine. Yeah. Sometimes these these not even sometimes almost all of these game franchises have now become so long in the tooth that they aren't even recognizable anymore. Oh, yeah. I mean, look at Assassin's Creed. Yeah. Which evidently it's Japan this time.
Sure. That'd be cool. Or, but I mean, Halo is probably my most, if I was going to pick a game franchise that I love the most, it would be Halo. Yeah. And this latest Halo, I was so underwhelmed that now I just feel like I kind of wish they had stopped. Yeah. Yeah. You know. How many times can you Halo the Halo? Yeah. Like.
The story of Halo was so good. And now you've, because you keep trying to force it, it's become meh. Yeah. It's like, it dilutes it down and takes away from the importance of it. You know, one of the greatest, I think sci-fi TV shows that ever existed was Babylon five. And J. Michael Straczynski talks about how when he started writing it,
It was he had an end point, and that's as far as it went. And that's. Kind of great, because it gave him a place to end. Yeah. Yes, I have that feeling of it's got to keep going. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, because not every story has to keep going on and on and on. I mean, it's. There's only one that does that, the never ending story.
I mean, I remember the movie ending. Yeah, it did. Yeah, it did. Yeah. Watch that. You know, I try you with the swan. I will say I will. That horse. Yeah, that made me upset. That horse. Hmm. It's terrible. Yeah. But the the. The idea of destiny closing actually makes me happy. Yeah. Weirdly. No. Yeah.
Yeah, I appreciate that. And I feel the same way. It's, you know, I want to see what the studio can do after that. Yeah, I want to see. Well, I kind of want to see if the studio still exists. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. Yeah. Well, Bungie will still exist. Will it? Does it still exist now? I think. How many people did they lay off recently?
Yeah. Well, see, that's the whole layoffs and all that. I think a big part of that is so many people like upstaffed crazy over pandemic. And then when people will start going back to work, they're like, oh, we can't support this, can we? Yeah, that's fair. But I mean,
All of these studios have been bought and sold and moved out so much and just feel like Bungie was such a cool studio because it had like its thing. And maybe the next thing will be something even greater. Yeah. That's to be seen. They're working on a marathon or whatever. Well, marathon was the original Bungie game, right? Yeah, but it's supposed to be a re
launch, I guess, I don't know how it's worded. Sure. It's, you know, I'm excited to see what they can do. I love, I think they really
push the boundaries of games with life service games with what Destiny became. No other game was like that. But now the problem is every game wants to be like that. Right. Yeah. When I think that's what we talked about where Larian was like, yeah, we're not doing expansions and DLC and stuff to Baldur's Gate 3. That's the game. Right. It's the game. I respect that. We've moved on. Yeah.
Which is great. I mean, it hurts as a fan, but it means I get to see what their next project's going to be. Yeah, exactly. So do something totally different, like chess. It's also, I think the game scape is so
different now. And this is one of the things I kind of disliked about Bungie with Destiny was like, if you wanted to play Destiny, it became a job. Yeah. You know, there was no other time for other games. Right. Because, you know, grinding out the seasons, grinding out the, you know, to get to the next piece of content, get to this. And it's like, well, that was the whole thing with the seasons. It's got very confusing. It's like, okay, wait, to
be able to do this. I've got to have this expansion plus this add-on. Yeah. I will say one of the things I didn't like about how Destiny rolled out was I felt like you were never powerful. Because of the way the seasons worked, it was always
And you know how like you kind of want to revel in being a badass for a while. Yeah. And I feel like you never had that. Yeah. Yeah, because it's yeah. Oh, the next season's coming around. I know I'll get, you know.
down in power. Everything's getting dropped down. And even if I, even if I bust my hump and finish this season and I've got everything maxed out, which was a lot of work. Yeah. It doesn't feel like it's getting me anywhere because in a month it's all over. You know, it's gonna be a whole new thing. Yeah. It's, it's a little, that's the one of the problems with some of these games. Yeah. I just,
Sometimes you want to play a game and feel like you're a badass. Yeah. Stupidly overpowered. Yeah. Yeah. Except was always the thing I would do in, you know, like a lot of RPGs. I would sit there and grind away. So I was like 10 levels higher than everything. And I could just walk through it. Right. Yeah. Yeah. We're willing to challenge myself. Yeah. Sure. I stayed at the same level or a little bit below and went through, but. It's why you are in the fantasy. Yeah. Yeah. That's what like.
Mad Max, I'm having fun with that because I'm like, okay, well, I could do these side things, get a bunch of extra stuff, beef up my car and then just run over anybody I want. Yeah. Well, that's the Diablo thing, right? I get to level 100 and I'm just like this all powerful God and I just float around killing things with my laser balls. Yeah. As one does. As one does. But Diablo now has seasons and
Oh, which ends in seasons. Everything's changed. Like, yeah, it's kind of drove it. It kind of drove me out of it. Yeah, I didn't want to. I got through the season of blood and I was like, Oh, I don't want to do this again. Yeah. You know, yeah. That's a destiny. I want the story to wrap up. See what happens to these characters and then go from there. Because I mean,
Yeah, I'm looking in my office now and I've got one, two, like four or five destiny things sitting on my shelf. Sure. So. Yeah, I mean, it's it's it's been a great story. I've got it. I've got a warlock emblem on the side of my jeep. Hmm. I mean, that's like warlock. Now you can finally change how their faces look. It's amazing. You can finally edit your character's face.
It's only took 20 years. Yeah. 10 years. But it does make me feel nostalgic. I kind of, I mean, I would hate for them to do it, but I would love for them to just turn the servers off. We're putting out my fall. We're going to keep the servers up for six months. Then then that was a bubble in time. You know,
Because then you get those epic stories of like, I'm the last guy still on Destiny. I was there when the servers got off. Which, what happens? You just get a disconnect? Yeah. Servers close and you're disconnected and that's it? On install. Wow. It's like that meme of the guy sitting there on the swing or whatever. It's like, I don't know what to do with my life now.
Yeah. Hmm. I think it's it's tough with those types of games now because it's just the time commitment that you're making. Yeah. Is. It's crazy. Yeah. And like you said, you know, you joked about it's taken 10 years or whatever to edit your character, but like it's taken this long for them to get the the what you call it.
team finder to work. Like now you can go in and click and say, OK, I want to do strikes at this level cap with. Out of microphone and it'll give you 18 different people to select from and gives you like little indications of, oh, they're you know, they've guided.
2,800 people through this person has never done anything. This, you know, shows you all that kind of stuff. So yeah, look after that. Always terrible and destiny. Yeah. Oh, I'm glad they've gotten that fixed. But they got it fixed in time and shut it down. Yeah. Which they're not going to shut down anytime soon. No, they're not. But there will be a point where they shut it down. I'm sure. Yeah. Yeah, there will be. Just has to be. Yeah.
Yeah, at a certain point, it's not worth the return on investment to keep things running. Well, not that, but say I want to work on my next project, if I still have people who have to dedicate time to making sure the servers are running and the bugs aren't killing the program, it's just manpower that you need for other projects. Well, the bug's killing them. I mean, that's in Helldivers, right? Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that's a game that I really liked. And then all of a sudden, I was done with it. Yeah. But I still feel like that's fine. Right, yeah. A lot of people see that as a, my neighbor is like, I can't believe you only played it for X. I'm like, I mean, I played it. I enjoyed it. I got the gist of it. What else do I do that? Not every game has to be a 100 hour time sink.
His view is the opposite. Every game needs to be a thousand hour time signal. A hundred hours, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's not what I think. There are times I like just a six to eight hour adventure. Yeah. Yeah. That will charge me 80 bucks for it. No, but I mean, I saw somebody had their whatever it is, showcase or what have you yesterday. One of the things they announced for this fall is Astro Bot. I was like, awesome. That'll probably be it.
maybe 10 hour max thing, but you get to be a cute little robot and run around and do stupid things. Yeah, that's why I like the game I'm most excited for this year right now. Thanks. Yeah, good. That says something to me, you know, because I think. We are just through the grind of playing these grindy games. Yeah, yeah. Every time I think about playing a grind, I'll yeah, I'll fire destiny up all, you know.
Do something like that. Yeah. I don't need a grind in every game of my life. You kids and your Fortnite's. I mean, I think when you say you kids and your Fortnite's, you're talking about 20 year olds at this point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What is it? My kids play Roblox. I think when you're talking about kids that plays Roblox, you're talking about 18 year olds. I don't know what the Utes play.
They had the kids had my wife play Roblox with them the other day. And I don't know what they were playing. It's like, I heard, Mom, push, push the switch. I don't know how to push the switch. Use your hand. Just laughing. Yeah. Yeah. Just got to put my headset on and enjoy.
Yeah, it's the best. Yeah. It's my wife watching my wife try to play Halo. Couldn't get upstairs. Yeah. Couldn't handle stairs. You don't have to hit anything to go upstairs, do you? No, not really. No, you just have to walk straight at them, right? Yeah. And just, you know, sometimes you want to look up. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It was cute. But did you play Monster Hunter?
I tried Monster Hunter. I was going to say, evidently there's a new one of those coming out. I would not say I played it. Yeah. I'm not sure I would enjoy it. Yeah. I got about a couple of, I mean, I probably took six hours in and I realized, oh, this is a game you need to play a hundred hours in before it's fun. Oh, yes. No. Yeah. No. And I said, Oh, I'm not in for this. Yeah. Yeah.
It's not like when we were kids and it's like, oh, you got, you know, a game for your birthday. And if it sucked, guess what? You're still playing that game. Yeah, kind of. That's what you had. Yeah. But it's just also. If I log into a game and the tutorial is taking me more than five minutes, I kind of out. Yeah. Yeah, I can see that. Like, oh, this is going to be too much.
You know, just it's really the roguelike games now where I can just play them. Oh, see, I don't I don't like the roguelikes because I want to I want to keep my stuff. Yeah. It's just just stuff, though. Let it go. Well, buddy, I think we casted the pod. We have casted the pod. You know, we're petering out of our end here. Yeah, everybody's.
taking care of themselves. Yeah. Enjoying some of the warmer weather. Now the pollen has calmed down some. It's not raining every day. Yeah. Stay away from the beach. Yes, animals. Nobody needs to go to the beach. Yeah. You know what we say that if you like going to the beach, good on you. Just don't go to any beach in Maryland. Yeah, just just don't go to Delaware. Go to go to somewhere like the Carolinas or something.
Yeah. Yeah. Somewhere we're not messing with our traffic. Yeah. Come join the discord. I actually had somebody new hop in the discord the other day. Yeah. Follow us on Twitter. Yeah. That's the ultra at 22. There it is folks. Yep. But yeah, be good. Yeah. Be great.