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224 - Tomb Raider (2018) image

224 - Tomb Raider (2018)

S5 E224 · Disenfranchised
32 Plays1 day ago

“Daddy loves you”

Hey, Tucker here. Stephen is busy this week which means he isn’t part of this episode and could not write the show notes, so I’ll be taking a crack at it!

Brett and I talk about video games in this episode. A lot of them. Sometimes we talk about Tomb Raider, but mostly Resident Evil. Enjoy!

Social media is a thing that exists, and if it were a tomb, we would raid the shit out of it:


Introduction and Host Banter

franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams. All myths are foundations of reality, and all podcasts are not the disenfranchised podcast.
Or the podcast all about those franchises of one, those films that fancied themselves full-fledged franchises but falling flat on their face after the first film. I'm your host, Brett Wright, not Steven.
Steven is on assignment tracking down the Ark of the Covenant. um But with me in his stead is the man who is too stubborn to tap out. It's Tucker. Hi, Tucker.
Hello, Brett. Wait, no. No, that was wrong. It sounded like hello, nurse. Like I was catcalling you. I think I'm catcalling Brett. I'm sorry. You want to take it again?
No, no. I'm going to stand by it. you know That was my first instinct. you know We'll see where it goes. Yeah, no, it's fine. i Look, I liked it. Yeah, it was good. It was a little too Hello Nurse for me.
Look, it's fine. We can't all be me. That's true it true. If we were, there'd be no podcast because they'd just be thinking your thoughts. We'd all be thinking your thoughts, Brett.

Psychonauts Game Discussion

Would it be like ah the John Malkovich movie? Being John Malkovich. We'll go in the little door and then we're inside Brett. Exactly like that. Brett, Brett, Brett, bret bret Brett. fret brett No, nobody wants that. Believe me. you don't You don't want to be anywhere in this brain.
Let me tell you that right now. i don't know. I'd take it for a test drive. See what's up. It's fucking dark in there. thats my My Psychonauts level would be real dark.
I didn't play that game. Dude. You fucking should. It's rad as shit. yeah They did a sequel very recently. Psychonauts is in my top five games of all time.
Really? Yes. Really? Which is crazy that I never played the sequel. That is crazy. It's still there. It exists. Yeah. yeah like could exactly i could I could go play it.
What's keeping you? What's keeping you from it? I don't know. That's a good question. I kind of forget that it exists. Because it wasn't a major release.
They, like, kickstarted it. It's on Game Pass. Oh, but that's cool. Yeah, Game Pass. it I think it's still on Game Pass. Yeah, they they kickstarted it. It took them, like, five years to make.
And then it came out. And that's it. There was no fanfare. There was no like, hey, Sagonauts 2 is out. that's It's a thing you can play now. It was just... yay No confetti. like no No streamers.
None of that. It came out to like mediocre reviews. I think I was like, well, I can wait to play

Kingdom Two Crowns Addiction

that. I'll tell you what, though, um maybe not as much as you think, though, because I'm like, I know that Psychonauts is the thing that exists.
I don't know what it is. It's not in my periphery. Like, I got no dogs in that race. But I did know the second one was coming out at least a few months before it came out, just through, like, advertising on the Xbox dashboard and stuff.
Oh. Yeah. That's cool. It might have came out as an Xbox exclusive to start with, which is may maybe why I didn't play it. Maybe. sure Maybe. Yeah.
And why i didn't know this thing. But your enjoyment of it will depend heavily on if you like ah third-person collect-a-thon games.
Oh, kind of like a like ah Donkey Kong 64 sort of thing? Yeah, your Banjo-Kazooie's, your Donkey Kong 64's, your Conker's Bad Fur Days.
Donkey Kong 64 is kind of evil, though, because it's just good enough so that you don't hate it, but like it gets you addicted, but then it gets really incessantly like annoying with how many things you have to get and how many times you have to go back to the same area with different Kongs.
And I've beaten it before, but not because I wanted to, because I felt like I had to. Yeah, Donkey Kong 64 is notorious for how shitty it is. It's insane. don't think I have ever played a game with that many collectibles in my life, nor do I ever want to.
Yeah, see, Sakunas does not have that many collectibles, but it does have a very funny story. very interesting story. Wait, it's the guy though, right? Who does the games?
He's... um He did... Yeah, that guy. No, he did... What's the one with Jack Black? And he's the metalhead guy? Oh, yeah. um Double Fine. That's the yeah company, right?
That guy has been making games forever. has. Forever. He's a very funny dude. Yeah. yeah It's like he's kind of his own genre when it comes to tone of games, I'd say.
Yeah, but he hasn't really done anything since Psychonauts 2. What's that guy's name? Tim Kring? Tim something. Tim Krieg?
Tim Kring? Tim Krang? Maybe. Something like that. You're close, Brett. You're close. Yeah, the name is rattling around in here somewhere. But no, yeah. Go go play it man. It's great.
Okay. It's funny. Okay. it's It's really cool. You go inside people's brains and each different world is what their psyche is like. It's going to be a while, though, Brett, because I'm currently addicted.
Like, hardcore addicted. So hardcore addicted that... I started the movie late tonight and i almost was like, let's just do it Wednesday because I want to keep playing this game.
Brett, I've been playing Kingdom Two Crowns. Yeah. heard about this? You seen this? Tell me about it week. Kingdom of Two Crowns? Tell me about last week. Holy shit. I'm addicted.
I'm straight up addicted. And ive i've I've cleared three islands. There are five in the main game. I'm getting there. I was struggling on the fourth island for a while, but I'm getting it.
I'm getting it. All right. Partner and I are still waist deep in Baldur's Gate 3. There's different versions of Kingdom. Like there's expansions for two crowns that change like the settings and like little parts of the game.
And there's even one called Kingdom Did I tell you about this already? No, not this part. It's like a Stranger Things sort of deal where your kid's on bikes instead of like medieval soldiers and stuff.
ah But there's many different variations of it, and I'm on board. I'm way on board. like I can't stop playing this game. it's got The loop is... It's hard. I don't know that I've ever... got Every time...
Now that I've said every word in the English language, let me say what I want to say. Every time I stop playing this game, it's not because I want to.
I could comfortably live life just existing and playing this game. You can just morph into your couch, controller in hand.
And you know what I love about it, and a lot of people hate about it, is that it doesn't It leads you in the right direction, but it doesn't tell you what to do. You have to figure everything out from the beginning. And normally I don't like that, but I like how intuitive it is to start figuring things out.
ah Yeah, I quite enjoy it. And, ah you know, after I finish this, I think I'm going to have to, before I do another Kingdom game, I might have to play that first.

Tomb Raider 2018 Film Analysis

Tomb Raider reboot. That's right, Brett. Speaking of Tomb Raider. We're here to straight up talk about Tomb Raider movie, toma movie dude And it's ah written by a whole bunch of people.
Geneva Robertson-Dwarit, Alistair Siddons, Evan Daughtry, Susan O'Connor, and Rihanna Pratchett are the people who wrote this film.
A lot of writers. A lot of people. Directed by Roar Uthog. His first name is Roar. R-O-A-R.
but you know Oh, well he's from somewhere Norwegian. He's from Norwegia. is It's where he hails from. I mean, that had making any better I mean andt want to be culturally insensitive, but Roar still sounds like a ah he made a movie called troll, but not that troll.
Oh, not the good troll. of Is it the fan footage troll? No, no, no, no. I don't think it's that one. No, this is 2022. know which one you're talking about. That's called Troll Hunter, my friend. Oh, okay. Troll Hunter.
It looks like he's directed ah Doritos commercial, which is tight, tight, tight, tight. tight tight um The rest of this looks like Norwegian stuff. Nothing that I've heard of.
um But boy, I'll bet that was a good. No, want some Doritos. I want to play Tomb Raider and I want to eat Doritos. But, you know, you'd think I want to drink Mountain Dew because video games, but I had a little bit of Mountain Dew at work the other day and i don't drink soda that often.
So once a week at work since I have Soda Fountain at my work. I'll get a soda and usually I get Pepsi, but I got Mountain Dew and it just tasted like it just kind of tastes like like chemicals, like sugar and chemicals.
I got to have Code Red at least like standard Mountain Dew. No, thanks. Especially from the fountain. It's got to be Code Red or Baja Blast is the only two Mountain Dews I touch. I like. Did I tell you why I can't do Baja Blast, Brett?
I don't think so. Well, you know, the sauce that's on the cheesy gordita crunch, I think they call it like a jalapeno ranch or something now. course they used to call it Of course.
They used to call it Baja sauce, Brett. They used call it Baja sauce. So when Mountain Dew Baja Blast came out, I was like, a re exileled too I can't do it. No.
Like I can do green ketchup, but like the only thing I know that tastes like Baja is the jalapeno ranch. I don't even know what the motherfucking Baja is. i don't know if that's an object or like a state of mind or what it is.
It's a place down in Mexico, I think. Okay. All right. Okay, but still, I don't want some jalapeno ranch taste Mountain Dew, Brett. And I know it doesn't taste like that. People have told me.
But I still will. It will never pass through my lips. Now, I will still continue to eat cheesy gordita crunches with potatoes instead of meat. Fuck yeah. the best item on the menu. I will reiterate it's the best item on the menu. I'll pay that premium price for it, goddammit. Dude, yes. And you know what? I had, when I was eating meat there for some months,
I had a cheesy gordita crunch of like a proper one. And it's pretty good. But I think I've gotten so used to the potatoes that I prefer the potato ones now. I mean, I'm a regular meat eater, and i I kind of want to dry it with potatoes now. It's so good, dude. Anything on that menu replace the meat with potatoes, dude.
Ooh, it's good. It's real, real good. But anyway, Mountain Dew. This cast is pretty good. Yeah, but we were talking about Mountain Dew for a reason. Why are we talking about... Oh!
Doritos. Because I wanted to eat Doritos, yes. Okay. ah so it stars this movie, this Tomb Raider movie from 2018 that we watched. um Stars Alicia Vikander.
Our boy Dominic West from The Motherfucking Wire, Brett. Your boy, Jimmy. not Not my boy, Jimmy, but your boy, Jimmy, from The Wire. You know. I don't. I never watched the White Rock Carrier.
That's too bad because like he's one of those British actors, Dominic West, just like the guy who plays Happ in Happ and Leonard, who is just extremely British. But you would never be able to tell because the dude from Happ and Leonard does a really good like Louisiana accent and Dominic West does a fantastic Baltimore act accent.
So when I hear him talk in his natural accent, I'm like, it's like when Christian Bale talks in his Welsh accent. You're like, uh, no, thank you. You're not the same guy anymore. Like, get out of my fucking face. What's wrong with you?
Talk normal. What are you doing? Yeah, it's talk normal. This is weird. This is weird. And I've seen him in movies where he's British, too. Both of these guys, all three of these guys. And yeah but Dominic West is the shit. I think he was he was fine in this.
he He knew what movie he was in. ah Walton Goggins as well. Daniel Wu. Kristen Scott Thomas. Derek Jacoby. Alexandre William.
I wasn't saying that silly. It's W-I-L-L-A-U-M-E. So William. That's how I assume it's pronounced. ah Tamer Burjack, Adrian Collins, Kenan Harrison, Adrian Maziv, Milton Shore, Hannah John Kamen, Peter Waysen. I don't think he was. There was somebody, though.
um That guy's a post-weight. Who was in this movie? It was towards... Oh, yeah. um Our boy Nick Frost is in this movie. Oh, yeah.
He's the pawnbroker. He shows up again at the end, and that's when, uh, spoilers for Brett, who didn't finish the movie, uh, that's when Lara gets her signature fucking double pistolas, dude, from that pawn shop.
Makes me angry. It was really cool. It was really cool. you know what was really fucking cool? How they did it in the games. Anyway, let's carry on. What a cast. What a cast. what Straight up.
What ah what a, device on the Disenfranchised podcast, it seems like it's a divisive picture this time. Because it wasn't anything special, but as a fan of the game, I appreciated um how it was pretty much just a live action cinematic movie.
It was video game storytelling and the strip script was about as strong as ah most video games of this ilk. And I think they an all the ridiculous sloughs they added to it that did nothing to the story and only made Laura less the character. The first 20 minutes, before they get on the island, no thanks. But it is kind of necessary.
I don't think they did it as well as they could have. It isn't necessary at all. I think the second and third act... what be cool is if there were the six other fucking characters that were on that ship with her in the game that they could have explored.
TV show. If you can bring those guys, you need a TV show. There's not enough time for all those guys. Then it should have been a TV show. That's why you just get the boat guy and dad. The boat guy isn't even in the games anywhere.
The boat guy sometimes just made for this movie. No, they just needed a love interest in this fucking movie is what they needed. They or i don't love... They're, look, man, you know. They don't love. They would have explored that in a sequel.
Maybe. Straight up, maybe. But they would You know they would. I don't know. after After they leave the island, he's not around. There's a little bit of an epilogue. ah He does help her get off the island.
um But, like, only her and her dad are in the tomb with Walton Goggins and his boys. Like, homeboy and all the other escaped slaves. Yeah.
Like, straight up ah Temple of Doom. All the escaped slave children. No, all the escaped slaves, um they help him find her after...
the tomb collapses. They'd be raiding some tombs in this. I'm telling you, Brett. Like it wasn't like i said, it wasn't anything special, but I was entertained, especially as a fan of the game. Maybe you want to play the game.
There were so many instances. And, you know, i'm I'm the kind of guy who is sniffing out that fan service when it doesn't feel natural. But a lot of... A good portion of this just felt like straight up remade cutscenes from that first game.
And action set pieces as well. And I really enjoyed how they translated it. Does that mean they did it well? I don't know. Maybe. i i know I just know that I enjoyed it. I was entertained and I wasn't offended as a fan of the reboot trilogy.
Well, I guess and inside of us all are two wolves. And one person is a fan of the games and thought this movie was okay. And another one is a a fan of the games and thought this movie was terrible.
But let's explore that, Brett. We might be able to get to the bottom of that by talking out ah talking about our experiences with this franchise, this game franchise, and this film franchise even, because there are other Tomb Raider movies.
That's true. Let's start with you, Brett. What's your history with this franchise as a whole, this multimedia franchise? And your boy's been playing Tomb Raider since Laura's boobs were triangular pixels.
Oh, shit. when When Laura was over-sexualized to an extreme degree. Short shorts. giant and massive breasts yeah just my god um and that like i i understand why they got angelina jolie to play her in those first two movies because that's like her face just like those eyes and like the big lips like yeah yeah i didn't I didn't care for the Angelina Jolie movies either because they were even worse with the source material. Oh, word.
Yeah. um Because that was that was the early but is that early two thousand s late nineties, early two thousands. Um, yeah, i remember they had the ride at King's Island and it was late nineties that Paramount owned King's Island. So it would have had to be late nineties.
I would look it up if I weren't in the middle of taking a shot, Brett. Sure. Fair enough. I'll continue while you take your shot. Um, so, uh, I lost the plot on what I was going to say there.
Um, no, you were talking about the original movies. Yeah, the the late 90s were the early days of video game adaptations. For sure.
Where most of them were definitely written by somebody that... um <unk> I don't know if Wikipedia was as popular back then, but the best way to put it is written by somebody who read the Wikipedia article on the game they're writing for.
2001 and 2003, Brett. um Okay, there we That makes sense. Close enough. It is, yeah. Because, it you know... It's a product of the time.
um For sure. same sort of like you know The same way we talk about superhero movies around that same time. Just people who didn't understand the source material and were just trying to cash in on the name.
um We've come a long way since then. um Shout out to Last of Us Season 2, which has just released a trailer for Season 2. Oh, word.
I never played that game. So they're great, man. they're They're the height of video game storytelling. I figure, though, I don't want to watch the show before. i I don't know if I'm ever going to play the game, but I don't want to watch the show before I play the game, because if I do experience that story, I want it to be interactive.
Sure. The show is different enough from the game that I think you could get away with it. But i mean, that's your prerogative.
I have a PS4, so how many? I could play all of them, right? There's only two of them, right? I could play both of them on the PS4, right? Yeah. Sweet. I think, yeah. I'll probably get a five at some point because I got to play that other Spider-Man.
Probably when the six comes out, I'll get a five so I can play that other Spider-Man. Yeah, there you go. I could wait.
And also shout out to Fallout, who Walton Goggins is also in. Yeah, dude. It's fantastic, but I've seen some shots of the filming of season two of Fallout. and I'm so excited. I'm so glad I liked that show, Brett, because that's the thing is like, I've always really enjoyed the story and I liked the original games before they became Bethesda first person RPGs.

Resident Evil Game Mechanics

Right. and um But I never... I really don't like that style of Bethesda game. Like, even I tried the Indiana Jones game, and I was like, ah, it's too Bethesda. Something about the way they do their games is just not for me. But I've always been... always really liked the Fallout story. And in fact, I've watched... just I've just watched my friends play the other Fallout games. Like, I watched my roommate play Fallout 4, and back when New Vegas came out, I started playing New Vegas, and I was like, ugh. Ugh.
This is really interesting, but I don't want to play it, so I made my roommate play that so I could watch it. Yeah. I'm really glad the TV show was good because I'm really interested in it. I just don't want to fucking play those games.
All the shots I've seen of the casinos from the Strip, like the sets. People have been leaking like pictures of the sets. So you get like you know the Welcome to the Strip like sign made all like the sheet metal and shit.
Nice. The Lucky 38 sign, and the Topps sign, and the Gamora sign. like yo Yo, Brett, how come they haven't made... like You know...
their original games the isometric ones um would be so easy to do as a mobile game what the fuck whoever i'm being bethesda owns the rights to continue making the series i don't do they own the rights to the originals do you think because why haven't why hasn't someone put out a fucking fallout mobile game you could very easily do those original games even tactics you could do tactics on mobile easy real easy Uh, maybe on an iPad. I can't imagine trying to play on the phone. No, Bethesda does own the rights to distribute those original games because they're on Game Pass for PC.
Okay, there you go. That's how I played them a couple years ago because I hadn't played them in years. And then i found out that it was on Game Pass for PC and i was like, holy shit. So I played the first two games. It's really fun.
I didn't play Tactics. I want to. I just haven't gotten to it. Well, Tactics is, what is it, Nebulous Cannon, I think is what you would call it. Yeah.
That and in the Brotherhood of Steel game are Nebulous Cannon at best. They're Elsewhere Worlds. Kind of. Elsewhere Worlds. Yeah. I mean, all that stuff, I guess. A little bit, yeah.
ah But anyway, back to what i was saying, like the writing, the writing of the those first Tomb Raider movies, not great. Actually, I just had a random memory of seeing the second Tomb Raider movie at the drive-in.
Yeah. That's weird. don't why that memory popped back into my head all of a sudden. But yeah, like, so the writing of this movie is,
Hits a little bit like that. um But just like but like but like with a little bit more knowledge of the series and the games. Just because this movie takes the setup of the second game and plugs it into the setup of the first game.
Yeah, it's kind of a kind of a mashup. Which I think is why the first act is so annoyingly just full of really stupid exposition.
I think if they had just just done just flat out done the first game, it changed a few things because it is an adaptation. like the word it You're not just going to do the exact same story, so you had to adapt it a bit. but but Sure, i get that, I suppose.
But like why do you have to make Laura this like stubborn, down-on-her-luck character Like, were they afraid that if she was a successful archaeological college student with money, nobody would like her?
They had to make her this down-on-her-luck, stubborn, that doesn't want to take her dad's inheritance? like i think I think that's kind of what they were doing because they want her to have money, but they don't want her to start out with money. they want i think they want you to feel...
a certain way about her before she has all that money so that you don't dislike her because she's so filthy rich, which is kind of dumb because like 90% of movies are about rich white people anyway. So maybe not rich on that level, but like, have you seen the houses those kids live in and scream?
Damn. what yeah and but that's it's funny uh well i mean and look at look at mean tv shows like friends like you got do you where's their income coming from right how are they importing these apartments there's no way mean i realize there's like four of them in each apartment but still yeah so who's working not joey ah No, he's a barely working actor until he gets that regular series on a soap opera. But anyway, um but like you don't even have to mention it, really.
Like what would be wrong with her just starting as a successful archaeological student that like i agree with you but is researching this whole thing? like this This is the problem that encapsulates what's wrong with a lot of failed franchises that we talk about all the time, is that they're trying to rush to cram so much into a story that they don't want to stretch it out.
it's It's one of two things. It's either they rush through it thinking they're going to get a sequel, or they rush through it because they they have to get it all into one movie.
like The first act of this movie, Brett, is a fucking mess. Absolutely. but Which is why I maybe should have given the second half a chance because i couldn't. It's fun.
The action looks good. like The CG looks good. Even there are a few times I noticed they did a few like full body CG things. things during action parts, but like it was shot so well that you could barely notice it and it looked pretty good and the practical shit looked really good and it really captured, um once they got on the island, it really looked like and felt like, and the that first game especially.
Because it's a lot more grounded. Because the second game, but like you play the first game, the first reboot game, then you play the second one and you're like, okay, they're going, okay, they're going to, okay, got it.
right They're going to go full Supernatural. Like, all right, okay. At least they didn't do that. This is very, it's it's very nice that at the end it ends up not being supernatural.
Supernatural, it's a plague. It's like it's a virus. That's what the mummy has. like If you touch it, you have a virus. Alright, now I'm mad again.
Because it's supernatural in the games. it's But what I'm telling you is there there are a lot of implications that go along with the things that happen in that tomb to suggest that the supernatural does exist. And at the end of this movie, she's about to. It's just like the first game in the second game.
like Like I say, in the second game, they're like, all right, just kidding. It's all real. Now you're swimming in blood and there's these big, scary, possessed guys and it's really fun.
So that's why I would want to watch the sequel as well because they really they really kind of gear up for it. they see What's crazy is I don't know what the sequel would have been about. The sequel is about her dad trying to find this, you know,
amulet of immortality or something like that and the whole like trinity group and but like they already sort of shoot their wad on that in this in this movie so like what does the sequel to this movie look like she's going after trinity dude that doesn't happen until the third game I understand this. And i never i never finished the third game.
Because the first two games were very, very straightforward. That's a really good segue into my experience with this franchise. Oh yeah, we should get to your experience. and May i finish my thought excuse me though before I go back to the beginning of my experience?
um I don't remember what that thought was. Anyway... I never played any of the original games. I was a Saturn kid and only the first Tomb Raider came to Saturn and the port was shit.
So I never played it. I never played any of those games, anything. I never engaged with the films because they look really stupid, like way too slick and flashy.
And I really liked the ride at King's Island. It was really, really rad. I wish they would have kept it open. But I played just on a whim because it was on sale when the first one came out for Xbox 360, the first reboot game.
I played that and it blew my fucking mind.
Because it was it was a lot like Uncharted, but more. But like more of all of that stuff. And better in a lot of ways. That first reboot game?
Mmm, Brett. Boy, I tell you what. That's a good one. like i Don't me wrong, I love the first reboot game, but no the difference is it's more serious than Uncharted.
I like the goofiness. The little but sprinkle of Indiana Jones in Uncharted that Tomb Raider doesn't really have. You know what? That just made me think of um there are a lot of times as a player of the game, you know, they're in the reboot games, there are some very grisly deaths.
And sometimes they come from split second like reactions to things. And there were so many split second reactions that she had in this movie that I knew what the result was going to be if she hadn't made the right decision because I had played those games.
And it like brings that up and you're like, oh, fuck, I'm so glad she's okay. I've seen how that ends. I'm so glad she's fine. Holy crap. yeah Multiple times when she's in the... When she's going through the water, through the lake, you're like, oh, fuck.
Be careful, please. I don't have a sense. but yeah i've know i've I've seen her face impaled by a branch one too many times. you woof It's rough. That poor gal.
And the way the way they ended, like, people made fun of them at the time for, like, how intensely they animated them. Like, it wasn't just, like, she gets impaled and dies. She's, like, she's grasping at the branch and she's choking and dying and bleeding out before it says game over. Like, come on, guys.
It's rough. do you Do you have to do that? It makes you not want to die. Makes you want to get good. That's what it did for me. Yeah, exactly. um But no, i look, ah I get that.
Like the scene on the plane, which happened before I stopped watching, you know, the, dude the rusted plane where I'm just like afraid of tetanus the whole time. and She's, she's gonna, she's got a cut. She has tetanus. I don't care. As long as she's had, according to OSHA, as long as she's had a tetanus shot in the last five years, she should be good.
yeah but she's probably up on that who gets a regular tetanus shot really a down on her left woman like her i don't think she would have been able to afford a regular nice ass bike when they when she was talking about how poor she was i was like well your clothes look good that's a nice ass motherfucking bike you got there Hard to believe.
That is a designer bag you have on as you're riding down the street on that really nice, like $5,000, $6,000 bike that you're on. Are you sure you haven't taken a little bit of your inheritance? Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, man. Just bit? Take a couple checks. Just couple checks. Get yourself started. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
yeah No. is likewise But real quick, like, the the action scene with the plane almost kept me in the movie. Yeah, it was good. Walton Goggins shows up. I'm like, okay, I'm back in. Yep.
Then the scene with the plane, i'm like, okay, that actually was pretty good. Felt like the game. I'm back in. yeah And then her dad shows back up and then I was like, fuck this. I'm gone. my house oh yeah i liked it. i like well Number one, it's Dominic West. You don't have you don't have the Dominic West.
You're not a fan. yeah And just to see him, he's i wouldn't say that he's hamming it up, but like I said before, he knows he knows what movies he what movie he's in. He's giving the exact performance that he should be.
in this movie because it's a silly movie the games are silly like in a way that you have to kind of suspend your disbelief like some impossible shit is gonna go down so you have to kind of be ready for it yeah that's too bad dude because there's so many really cool set pieces after that dude Dude Yeah well we'll get to that in a minute well Let's go back to your your history are you still Oh yeah so I played the second Reboot game it was really rad Then the third reboot game um I got through the first Part of it and then you're like in this town Or something and you have to Talk to people and like I was like no I don't want to do that I just want to Pew pew and climb and puzzle Can do that
I want a tomb raid. Can you let me tomb raid, please? It's like, no, you got talk to a guy and do a thing. And I'm like, don't want to talk to a guy, man. I'm trying to talk to dude. and Did you finish the third one?
i don't think I ever played the third one. I'm going to give it another chance just because, I don't know, i I do a replay of the first two every couple years just because they're so rad. The third one felt a lot like how I was just talking about Psychonauts 2.
like The third, the Shadow Exumeraider, it like came out like a wet fart, and nobody talked about it. Nobody said anything, and it was barely promoted, and didn't really get a lot of good reviews. And I was like, well, maybe I just don't play it.
So I never did. I think now that I know what I'm getting into, maybe I'll be willing to sort of see where it goes. But I'll want to play the first two again, though. I'm not going to go straight to the third one.
Sure. Yeah. I mean, is it it is one continuous story. so Which is why I'm worried that the third maybe the third one ends on a cliffhanger and we know we're never going to get a fourth one. that would suck.
Yeah. I don't know if that's the case. i don't know if that's real. don't know if maybe the end of the third one is a definitive ending or not. But... So what's going on with the franchise, Brett? Do you know? The video games.
Excuse me. Nothing as as I'm of. Because I know they did the remasters or the remakes of all the pointy-boobed ones. Yeah. Those came out, like like Legacy Collection or whatever.
don't know, man. Square Enix owns them. So who knows? Is that where the where it started out? Tomb Raider's always been Square Enix. No, Raider started out in Eidos Interactive.
And then Square bought them a little, like maybe a year or two before the first reboot. And it's because like they were thinking about just continuing the series under the Square Enix banner.
Then they're like, you know what we should do instead? It's been enough time. And the tone of the original games doesn't really vibe with what people are into nowadays. Let's reboot it.
You know what's popular? Uncharted. Let's make Tomb Raider like Uncharted. But more serious. Because it is more serious. crossover game. That's what I want is a crossover game. I mean... How cool would that be?
Come on, Naughty Dog and Square Enix. Square Enix is notorious for not liking to do crossover games. They they were in the 90s. They were all about that shit in the 90s. And then they got burned too many times.
and like we don't Then they became super protective of their properties. And they don't let anybody touch them anymore. why why you won't see Geno or Mallow anywhere in anything outside of a Super Mario RPG game.
Yeah. The fact that that remake exists is a goddamn miracle. It's miracle. That's how much this Square Enix does not like working with partners anymore. Yeah.
Square, Naughty Dog, let's do this. But how would you split it up? Would you make it like ah like a Resident Evil 5 sort of thing where it's co-op? Or would you like do alternating missions? Like one person's doing this and one person's doing that and when they meet you switch characters.
Or kind of like an Alan Wake 2 thing where maybe you there are places where you can switch to the different parts of the story. and think any of those would be great. Or a Resident Evil Zero style gameplay where you had to switch back and forth between the two to solve puzzles and get the other out of trouble.
Nobody wants that. What? I can't... Look. The best thing that I've heard in years is that we're doing a modern re-engine fucking Resident Evil Zero remake, Brett, because that game deserves its due.
The version that we got... Yeah. great i loved it just because it's charming and different not always in good ways but it's it's good enough so that's why i'm always saying that remakes should be for good ideas that were poorly executed instead of remaking things that are already fucking perfect So I'm way into Resident Evil Zero getting remade. And I heard on the internet, Brett, that that's the next one they're doing.
And i'm hoping it's it's I'm hoping it's Zero and the original because as much as I love the GameCube remake, I would love for them to do a Resident Evil 2, 3, 4 remake of the original. Well, I mean that's what it would be.
if they if they did If they did another remake of the first game, it would be in line with two and three yeah and that's what i want yeah but i mean i've heard i've heard multiple rumors there are multiple rumors floating around right now because next year is too new five's too new to remake I've heard Code Veronica as well.
I'd take that. I'd take Code Veronica, please. That's another, like, that's a tie. Next year's an anniversary, isn't it? Something, I don't know. What's next year? 20, no, 2026? Maybe the 25 or 30. I forget. Oh, yeah. So here's what they do.
You do a, well, no, fuck, because that'd be three full games. I'm thinking you do Zero and the original game as, like, together.
You put that out as one package. And then Code Veronica comes later. Because Code Veronica is Resident Evil 3. You know this. Brett knows this. ah Resident Evil 3 is Code Veronica, but because they were beholden to PlayStation for numbered entries, they couldn't call Code Veronica 3 because it was a Dreamcast exclusive when it came out.
You knew thats like bre knew this. Brett knew Somebody came out and said that's a myth. You're a myth, Brett. I don't remember. That's like a weird memory. like It's like, yes, I remember what you're saying. I remember that. It used to be a fact for the longest time.
But I also seem to recall recently... Sorry, Brett, go ahead. That's a myth. Yeah. there's like They came out and said that's not true. That's that's not Yeah.
that's not true Well, I'll tell you, whether it's true or not, Code Veronica feels like more of a Resident Evil 3 than Nemesis does. Nemesis feels more like a full... Like, if instead of there were two characters to play as in Resident Evil 2, there were four.
That's what 3 feels like. It feels like DLC almost.
Because you do i mean you go through some of the same places. i mean There's a lot of reused assets in 3. For sure. There are, yeah. and i mean that's my code That's exactly what the remake of 3 was.
The remake of 3 was supposed to be DLC for remake 2. But they decided to release it as a full separate game. Which was not appreciated by the fans. Even though they... um
They cut some stuff out of the third one. They cut a lot of stuff out. They cut a lot out of the third remake.
That's too bad because I can't go back to tank controls. That's why I need a ah modern remake of the original. Because I can't go back to tank controls, man. I keep trying to to play Resident Evil Zero because I used to love the shit out of that game on GameCube when I got it.
presently look A remake of Resident Evil Zero would be good as long as you give me item boxes. Oh, I don't know. There's a certain strategy to leaving things in places.
There are some times, Brett, where there will be something somewhere, and I don't have room for it in my inventory in Resident Evil Zero, and I will put down something else.
I will pick that thing up, take it to a room where I know it's going to be like... closer or on my way to where I'm going, where I'll need it, and I go back and get the other thing, and then eventually I swing back around to it. it's It's annoying, but it does kind of... It makes you think, Brad.
It really makes you think.
You know? Sure. no yeah Sure. Am I exhausting you with my shitty opinions, Brad? Resident Evil Zero has its enjoyers, okay? Oh, I love it There are dozens of you.
doesn't The dumbwaiter puzzle, like as soon as you come to that, you're like, okay, I get it. I get this now. Okay. Yeah. It's fun. i like I like Rebecca, too. Rebecca's fun.
Bring Rebecca back. Rebecca's great. Rebecca's a great character. Bring her back. When's the last time we saw her? the movies. Fucking multiplayer for Resident Evil 5? The he animated movies.
She's come back in the animated movies, which are canon. I still need to watch those, man. You've been telling me, and I've been wanting to, but it seems like such a chore. The most recent one order feels like Resident Evil Avengers.
Like, all of them assemble, and there's a scene at the end of the wall. Leon's there? Leon, Jill, Claire, Chris.
think that's it. Leon, Jill, Claire, and Chris. And they're all fighting ah giant monster. What about Ada? don't think Ada's there. Oh, man.
That's my girl. I love the voice actress Resident Evil 4 and the 2 remake. And she's she plays her in person in Welcome Raccoon City as well.
That's the guy who voices her in the remakes. It's the guy who played her in Welcome to Raccoon City. The voice actress for Ada in the second remake is different from the voice actress that does her in 4. Okay, so 4 and Welcome to Raccoon City are the same person. One is a voice and one is the full performance.
And I love in 4 how just very nonchalant she is about everything. Like, she really does the character justice because Ada's a character that...
she has a conscience but she fucking hates that she has a conscience like she doesn't want to like she's constantly just like ugh like her whole vibe is ugh even when she's throwing leon the rocket launcher she's like uh here use this i guess fuck that's her whole vibe but i love it it's fantastic which it might surprise you to find out that the fan base hated her performance in resident evil 4.
I love it. It's so flat and boring and emotional. Yes! In the best way, dude. In the best way. That's what I love about back and forth. I go back and forth. There are some scenes where it's like, could you give us a little more, please? Because she's so detached.
But you also say know but through her actions like that she's just like, fuck, man. Gotta help this idiot. Man. but yeah He's so cute. He's such a pretty man.
ah gotta help him. Compare it to the Resident Evil 2 remake performance. and like that That one's great. That one's okay. not as memorable for me Not as memorable for me. Didn't stand out as much. I like her in 2.
I like the character and the voice acting is fine, but for remake Ada is, it's peak. It's peak for me. Another shitty opinion. another Another hot take.
No, look, man. If there's a community that has shitty takes about just about everything, it's the Resident Evil community. Oh, good. The Resident Evil community is just is right up there with the Star Wars community in terms of shitty opinions and rampant misogyny.
it's Nice. Yeah. Yeah. I say sarcastically, I swear. These are the motherfuckers that got mad that they, you know, the alternate in the Resident Evil 3 remake, you can have Jill wear her original skirt and tube top.
Yeah. that's ah That's an outfit in the remake. um But they made the skirt like the skorts. And the community was mad that you couldn't see up Jill's skirt anymore.
Oh, cool. Yeah, that's the correct response. Wow. Utter disgust. I mean, I'm not above like trying to see some video game nudity or whatever, but it's not...
Ain't that deep, man. No, it really isn't. It's gross. I try to avoid discourse in that community at all costs.
Woof. Woof. yeah What I'm saying is I'm not against it, but I'm not for it. That's for sure. Definitely not for it. What I was going to say, though, is the remake cycle, before we move on, we can end this tangent soon once I get through this. i The remake cycle seems to have a pattern where the previous game informs what they're testing for the next game.
So like in the Resident Evil 2 remake, you have Mr. x That sort of is what they they were testing how Nemesis would work in the Resident Evil 3 remake. Yeah. um
And then in, what is it, Resident Evil 7? No, Resident Evil 8. I didn't play that one. They were testing a few things that were in that game that showed up in the Resident Evil 4 remake. Yeah.
ah With the inventory system and the upgrading and all of that. Resident Evil 8 feels a lot like Resident Evil 4. like But it's first person, right? It started out that way. but You can play it third person now.
They have a third person mode. I played 7 it just was so... Great? You're about to say great, right? No, it didn't make me feel good. like It felt very mean-spirited. don't...
I don't know. Here's the thing. Maybe... i think that these remakes are a good thing. Because like you were saying, some of the newer games have informed the remakes.
So it sort of weaves the games together in a way... a gameplay style, even. Because like when I played 5, when it came out...
I didn't like it. But now, having played the 4 remake, I kind of want to play 5 and 6. I kind of do. yeah But I kind of want to anyway, because 8 is in it.
It's real bad. It's real bad. But then like I played 7, and i didn't it was like, where's where is everybody? What is this?
is this It felt more like felt more like a Silent hill I didn't play very much of it, I will admit to that. I played like maybe 10 minutes of it and I was like, no thanks. I tapped out.
oh it felt more like ah It felt more like a Silent Hill than a Resident Evil.
yeah There was no stars. The fact that you didn't play past the first 10-15 minutes tells me everything I need to know about that opinion. Well, and that's what I'm saying. like Now that I've been playing these remakes...
ah Because in the past, Resident Evil was a series that I was into, but I couldn't get very far in the games.
It's just my brain didn't work that way. But with the remakes, because of the quality of life improvements, everything seems a little more intuitive and like it clicks in my brain. And I get it.
Which is why I would love a remake of Code Veronica. and Zero because I've never finished either of those games. But I loved what I played. It just got too... My brain like stopped understanding it at a certain point.
With the remakes, like I said, they've they've made it so it's a little more intuitive. And that's that's those where I was going was... If you look at the mechanics in Resident Evil 4...
then you can see where it's set up to do either a remake of 5 or a remake of Code Veronica. Because those could easily do a partner system. They could easily add a partner system into Code Veronica, and there's already a partner system in 5.
so So why not do 0, 2? To your point, though, they could could do that for 0. There could be a 0 remake because there's also a partner system in 0. So... so I've seen more.
Actually, I've only seen articles saying that zero is the is going to be the next one. And I really hope that it's seeing that. And I've seen that like one place. Most people are saying it's Code Veronica or five.
That's what I've been seeing everywhere. Well, here's the deal, Brett. You're probably like in the community and stuff. um I'm just like like straight up Google News, and it's one of the topics that I subscribe to in Google News. So whenever there's like some Resident Evil shit, it pops up.
And all that I've seen has been Resident Evil Zero, and I really hope that if that's the case, that it's packaged with a re-remake of the original as well.
Because that's... It's the smallest of all of them. It would, I feel like compared to, it's shorter than the remake of three, the original Resident Evil.
they're all the same length i don't know if you knew really i had no idea yeah they can all be beaten within three to four hours that is the all of them are that long there was recent discourse about like the original resident evil 3 was shorter than all the other resident evil games yeah not true it's patently not true it's the same length as all as the all of the others Yeah, but now it is, though, right? Since they shortened the remake? Like, the remake... All the remakes aren't the same length.
No. Wait, you can get through four in four hours?
I don't... I mean, I don't know about the remakes. The discourse was about the original games, not the remakes. Okay. Up to what? don't
uh four think you could beat the original four included for like four hours three well there's an achievement to beat it in under eight hours and i was thinking i was going to get that because i started a infinite rocket launcher run but that got really boring really quick and i was not having fun
That's what drove me to Kingdom Two Crowns, Brett. don't know why you found it, Borg. You can't use the infinite rocket launcher everywhere. Are you going to blow yourself up? like what were Yeah, I know, but I wanted to. I wanted to just like run through it.
Oh. No wonder you didn't think it was fun. That's no fun at all. Well, because when do you decide to you know pull out your pistol? When do you decide to... like I'm trying to get it in under eight hours. like I don't want to waste any fucking time.
you you know If you can run past a group of enemies, you run past them. Oh, I do be doing that sometimes. Yeah, definitely don't engage with everything. Don't pick up anything because you don't need to. Yeah, exactly.
But then I realized that was a lot of the fun of the game was doing treasure. i mean, yeah, that's the same. Headshotting motherfuckers. Like, I'm a pistol guy. Like, I will upgrade all my other weapons.
Like, I will use my rifle when I need to use, like I told you, I will shoot dudes like three chapters away with my rifle if I can. Mm-hmm. But I'm mainly a pistol guy. I get my pistol upgraded and i go for precision.
And so to just get all sloppy and stupid, and it's just it's not fun because it's too easy. There's no challenge. Fun rifle fact. If you get the super scope on the rifle, you stand on top of a house in the first village when they're all attacking you.
And if you know where to zoom into... you can ring the bell early with the rifle. Oh, look, at that point, if your weapons are upgrade, if you're on your at least second run, you don't need to ring that bell.
no time after my first run, did they not like, they were like, okay, he's killed too many. We have to ring the bell. Like in every other run, like they're like, this man must be stopped.
but We gotta get to bingo faster than this. we can Because I'm just like pop, pop, pop, pop. pop puff Just one after another. Just bodies falling in a pile in front of me.
Fantastic. and know It's just more of a fun thing to know. Yeah. Hey, you'd think, Brett, you would think, though you would be wrong, you would think that we're talking about a Resident Evil movie.
No, we're talking about Tomb Raider, ladies gentlemen. Somehow, someway, we're talking about Tomb Raider. You know, last week when I got real mad that we were talking about Assassin's Creed, I feel like a hypocrite right now.
That's what's weird, Brett, because like Assassin's Creed, like I enjoyed the parts that were good, but like I had a lot more fun with this than I did that movie. And maybe i would have had fun with Tomb Raider had I not had such a low ah threshold for the bullshit at the beginning of this movie.
I can dig it. Maybe I would have turned it around in the second half. Who knows? We'll never know now. never know Could I go back and watch that last hour? I've got 48 hours to do so.
Maybe I will. You know what? Maybe I will. yeah The rental expires in 48 hours. Hey, man, you never know. You're already past the hard part. That's true.
i am. And there's more Walton Goggins later, I assume. There is. And there's there's more Dominic West, which is always a good thing. got like I think we should talk about Walton Goggins a little bit because we love Walton Goggins on this podcast. Let's talk about him.
What do you want to talk about about about? I mean, I don't know. this this is I'm just copying Steven at this point. Yeah. Oh, yeah. you're doing You're doing a Stephen? Having a Stephen? I'm doing a Stephen. and That's exactly what we're going go.
Let's talk about Walton Goggins. And then he'd look up Walton Goggins' filmography. and We've talked about it while for a little while. Okay, yeah. We really love Walton Goggins.
We do. um Yo, he's you know he's an Invincible. I'm two episodes behind on Invincible. yeah I found that out recently. Yeah, he's an Invincible. so so Have you not been watching Invincible?
i have not, no. i'm well I'm way behind on Invincible. Oh, that's too bad, yeah. That's too bad. I mean, Daredevil just started. yeah Oh, hey, you know what? Walden Goggins is really cool, but brett let's talk about Daredevil real quick. Let's not, because I haven't watched the first two episodes yet. Oh, you haven't? I thought you did. That's why I wanted to talk about it. thought you said you were what you did watch it. No, longnggoggins are not Walden Goggins. Daredevil is out.
But I haven't started watching yet, because that's usually what I do with these Disney Plus Marvel series. Oh, you're the Benji guy. you got I'm a Benji guy. I'll wait to like... No, not all of them. I respect it, Brett, but damn it, I just... I can't ah can't do it.
Because that's what I'm doing with Severance, too. I haven't watched any of the new season of Severance, because I can't... I can't bring myself to watch that show one episode at a time. i would go insane. I'm complete opposite, Brett. I would never... remember I would not retain anything from it. I have to have that... breath That's so crazy.
That we could be so... like how How do you retain things better when you've got a week in between episodes? like i feel id be I'd be thinking about it. The thing is, like shit comes at me on the screen, right?
yeah I got about an hour, 45 minutes of stuff that that I've witnessed. And then... you know I kind of think about it, and it kind of runs around in my brain until the next episode, and then they do the previously on, and I'm reminded of those things, and I'm like, okay, all right, I know where I am. I know where I'm at. I've had this time to digest it.
ah If I binge, which sometimes I do because i I don't want to, but it's like how I don't want to stop playing Kingdom Two Crowns. Sometimes...
I just, I can't deny something. I can't stop watching something because it's so good. But in every instance, I retain less because it's so much all at once.
I can't retain all of that. Like, as as a normal human being in society, i only retain about 30% of what anybody says to me.
like The rest of that other 70% just like goes out the other ear. And not on purpose. I'm paying attention. It's just I'm thinking about other shit. Like that ah that last episode of Severance.
You know? were're like i'm I'm the opposite. That's so wild. It's not it's not great. cause like i'm um'm I'm similar but different. I will binge... i will be like Like the first season of Severance, I binged all of it in like two days, two and a half, three days. Nice.
Because that shit sucked me in real hard. um But then my problem occurs when I'm done. And then I get to the end of that three-day binge, and I've watched the whole first season.
I'm going, man, that was great. I can't wait to see where the story goes. You know what happens about 24 hours later?
gone all gone It's all gone. It was never there to begin with. and was never there. like i have I'm going to have to re-watch season one because fuck me if I remember what happens.
i like I'm not going to remember what happened in season one enough to like watch season two effectively. yeah So that's my problem. That's my burden when it comes to watching shit.
You know what? i do i do let myself binge if it's something I've already seen. Like when I rewatch Fargo, which like every time a new season of Fargo comes out, just like there are some shows like Fargo, True Detective, and there's a couple others where every time there's a new show. I'm sorry, a new season.
I watch all of the other seasons in preparation. I rewatched them. um And usually I do this with, and not anthology shows, but shows that are anthology season by season.
Like each season is a different story with different characters, not each episode. No. Like I said, Fargo and True Detective, where there are some interconnected parts of it, but each season is its own thing.
Yeah. Yeah. And those, uh, I'll rewatch those. I'll binge those. Just because I've already, like, I know everything that happens. Yeah.
And they're really fun to watch, especially True Detective. Man, Marv watched True Detective and he didn't like season two, man. Not a lot of people did from what I understand.
No, I love season two though. It's my favorite. I never watched it, but like i the discourse I hear is that like season one was so incredible that there's no way season two could have ever lived up to the hype.
Well, season one is the best. Like I would say, well, season one and the most recent season, uh, the kind of spinoffy one, the Alaska one with, with, with Jodie Foster and the other gal was in it.
Um, what's that called? Night, night, something. I want to say night Springs, but that's Alan Wake. Uh,
But anyway... Do what? A solar system in your soup. Wink.
No, but the first season is the best of True Detective, and... The second season for me is it's kind of like Starship Troopers and Starship Troopers 2. don't know i've ever seen Starship Troopers 2, but it's a low key fucking zombie movie.
Like it takes place in one place. It's a little tiny horror B movie. So different from the original. I don't know. That's why I appreciate season two of true detective. It's just Colin Farrell acting his dick off and Vince Vaughn playing, not Vince Vaughn to the extent that spoilers his death in that series is one of my favorite all time character deaths of like anything film, television, anything.
It's fantastic. Boy, season two, I tell you what,
Anyway, they really should have made this a TV show, Brett. You're right. And then they could have explored all that stuff because, you you know, all the missing characters. They had to kind of switch all that together, trying to put so much into... but have been around later, who we were just talking about, but got sidetracked. Yes, Walton Goggins. He was in the fallouts. We saw that.
People love the Justifieds with the Timothy Oliphant. I tried to watch that, and, like, it was good, but I just wasn't into it. I watched, like, three episodes, and I'm like, you yeah, this is... kind of not my fine but no i I can see where this is popular and I'm happy that it is but it's not me really even though I love Timothy Oliphant I love Walton Goggins I'm not a big Timothy Oliphant really but we watched the crazies Brett were you there for that episode did you watch the crazies No, I watched The Crazies on Halloween.
I watched The Crazies recently on Halloween. these days That's pretty good. I didn't really care for the film. Really? The remake of Crazies? Yeah. really We did that in the last couple of years. Were you just not on that episode?
I don't think I was, no. Fuck a duck, Brett. No, no. Yeah. Fuck a duck. But think we all quite enjoy. Righteous Gemstones?
Righteous Gemstones. Straight up Baby Billy? uncle baby Yo, but Vice Principals, I will still argue for Vice Principals as best Danny McBride, Walton Goggins pairing.
I love that show so much. As much as I, again, same with True Detective, look, Righteous Gemstones is the better show. I will concede to that.
Sure. But Vice Principles, ooh wee. That's a mean show. i love how mean that show is. Ooh.
You seen Vice Principles all the way through, Brett? I have not, no. Boy, I tell you what. That's it for me. I like all the Danny McBride shows, though. why the Vice Principles. we' showing Yeah, people love that show.
Yeah. I love that shit. Yeah. Sons of Anarchy, I guess he was in some of that.
Oh, he was in Machete Kills. When are they going to make Machete in Space, man? Come on, don't. Come on, man. Mel Gibson had gone to space. Let's do it. Let's go. Danny Trejo is getting up there in age. We got to get on that. they got You got hurry, man. Machete in Space. ah I'm actually really mad because I spent money to see both those movies at the theater and I own both of them.
I feel like I'm owed the third one. I have invested in this shit multiple times and I'm on board. I've invested since the beginning. Your boy saw Grindhouse at the movie theater three times, then bought that special edition Blu-ray as soon as it came out.
Yeah, bitch. I saw the full Grindhouse experience in theaters with the fake trailers in between the two movies and everything. That was a fantastic time.
That was ah what year? I don't know what year that was that Grindhouse came out, but that was a good was good year for movies because I also saw Hot Fuzz multiple times in the movie theater that that same year.
Yarp. Oh boy, that was a good one. NARP?
Yeah, no, Walton Gagans is just great. He's good times. don't think that I've ever... Oh, he's in Daddy and Them, which is film that we're going to watch on not the next straight up, but the straight up after next. We will be doing Daddy and Them, written and directed by Billy Bob Thornton, the last theatrically released performance by Jim Varney.
as well but walton goggins has one of the best scenes in that movie and i'm very excited for you to see i'm actually very curious to see what both of what see what both of you think of that film because it's kind of a weird movie but i'm specifically interested to talk about that scene the the scene The scene with Walton Goggins. I can't wait to talk about that. so i mean there's Yeah, Walton Goggins... If it's a straight up, it's a weird movie.
It just goes without saying. It's weird. It's like a It's like a redneck Paul Simon play. like Everybody's arguing and yelling at each other. and like Not Paul Simon. I'm sorry. um
What's the playwright guy that did a California Suite? Um...
Steven's screaming at his podcaster right now. Golly. Steven, scream louder. We can't hear you. What is it, buddy? What is it? um o
I'm almost there. um It wouldn't be an episode that doesn't franchise if it didn't have somebody looking at something. Neil Simon. That's the playwright. Neil Simon.
In a way, that Day of the Dead is the Neil Simon zombie movie where people are just arguing. All they do is argue. Constantly yelling at each other for 90 minutes and it's my favorite Romero zombie film.
Though I hate plays like that. It's so weird. It's like how like I don't really like musicals but my favorite film is a musical. I'm a complicated dude, Brett. don't know what to tell you. Complicated as hell.
You contain multitudes. At least. what what mean What else do we got to fucking say about Tomb Raider? Rise the Laura Shadowcroft.
I got to talk about the straight up box office for this, but I don't know where Steven gets that. but We don't. i mean we knowt we we We discuss if there's anything else we have to talk about.
then we go into the box office. if we Yeah, but we don't have anything else to talk about. The reason you brought that up, Brett, is because don't have anything else to talk about. and That's exactly what Steven says. Steven says, is there anything else we have about? Yes, but you're the only one here, Brett. it's it play You're like David Spade at the SNL 50th. I get it.
I got the risk. Yeah. No. i would like is Is there anything else? because like Maybe there's something you specifically wanted to talk about that we haven't touched on yet. I really liked it, but I mean, that's going to go. I didn't really like it, but like I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. And I was just mad that they completely changed everything and could have done a much better job that they not made Laura so dependent on dudes the entire time.
At least in the beginning. Apparently it gets better. Apparently the second half of this movie she's not dependent on dudes all the time. No. No, she's very much... I mean, like her dad's there a bit, but like whatever.
is Like her dad is not alive in the games at all. Like he's he's dead.
Spoiler, the Anna chick at the beginning was like, you know, was her dad's business partner or whatever. Yeah. Um, That bitch straight up murdered him in the games.
That's true. She's operative for Trinity. She straight up kills Well, yeah, they reveal that at the end. Oh, they do? We figure, Lara figures that out. After she signs, basically signs control of the company over to her. So that's fucking cool.
She's like, I trust you. You're the only person who can run this. We are friends. And then like, she figures it out and she's like, oh shit. And then let's see it in the movie. It's pretty rad.
By rad you mean terrible. Yes, rad. I guess so, if you're into that sort of thing, right? Rad. Golly, so rad. so to Why hey do they have to do this? talking like Let me just say this real quick. Why do they have to do this?
I don't understand. When you have ah story in front of you, I get that adaptation has to be a thing, right? like You have to change some things. But sometimes there are things you don't need to change.
like look Look at how many times, and they're doing it again. i don't know if you've heard this. With Resident Evil, how many times they've tried to adapt it Yes, but...

Resident Evil Adaptations

They miss... Like, why? Why did you need to add Alice into the first movie? Do you remember how there was that Netflix show like at the same time that Welcome to Racktoon City was coming out?
You don't talk about that Netflix show. that does That Netflix show doesn't exist, and I will refuse to acknowledge it. hey Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we are back on Resident Evil again. ah But here we go Like, look, I i mean, it's the most notorious adaptation. They fumbled over and over.
And I get what you're saying and I agree with you. And it it definitely applies to what you were saying before. But I am on. I'm kind of hopeful because Zack Kreger has been my boy since whitest kids, you know, and Barbarian was the shit.
So I think if anybody, if anybody can, Right now, it's going to be him. I'm not saying he can, but if anybody can, we'll see.
Look, i'm i'm I'm a battered housewife when it comes to Resident Evil. like I will keep coming. yeah I will come back and be like, this time he's changed. You have to consider. Well, and I'm glad you're coming back because I think Zack Greger is going to be good for the film franchise because he's in that blank check phase.
like ba Barbarian hits so hard that he's he's, I'm sure he's getting full creative control and all this shit. I mean, I know Resident Evil is a franchise that, you know, Capcom has some say in it, but I think with where he is in his career right now, he's going to probably get more creative control.
Well, not more, because I guess everybody that's made a Resident Evil movie, for better for worse, has kind of That's the problem. That's what I was about to say. Every other writer, except for the TV series, I never really saw any interviews with Jack Knight. I didn't see the TV series, so I have no reference. You don't want to.
i don't. I have no... no i But all the others, like the guy that wrote Welcome to the Reckoning City and Paul W.S. Anderson, and even Mila Jovovich, who sought out the movie.
who said she was a fan who watched her brother play a lot and went out of her way. Like she was, she was going to try to adapt resident evil whole cloth. Like she was going to do it herself.
Yeah. When she found out Paul WS Anderson was doing it and she was like, yeah, I'm on board. Also you're hot. I'm going to marry you. But like, that's completely different. And that ruined the series in other ways.
Yo, they brought the trap, the, the laser trap. is in separate ways, dude. The laser trap from the first movie. The laser trap shows up in the original Resident Evil 4 after the movie.
That's the funny thing. That's so The games pick and choose what they want to take from the movies. but Yeah, as long as it's not tied to a character, something like the the laser thing, that's rad. Yeah, fucking take it.
They used, I think, the Red Queen. the The Red Queen from the first movie. I think they put that in a game at some point. Nice. um Yeah, they pick and choose some stuff every once why not? steal from the movies.
Do it, yeah. But like all of those people that have worked on these movies before have also said they were a big fan of the games. yeah And that happens a lot in adaptations of video game movies to be begin with. You'll get somebody on the project that goes, yeah, I'm a huge fan of these games.
I've played them a lot. I can't wait to adapt it. And then they fuck it up. Well, I believe it for the Welcome to Raccoon City guy because it was faithful, if nothing else. It wasn't a good movie, but a lot like this movie, in some ways, it was like a film adaptation of the cutscenes.
Yeah, that's that's... You know what I mean? And that's that's maybe why Resident Evil is so hard to adapt, is because you have the Paul W.S. Anderson adaptation, which is like, we're going to pick and choose a couple things from the games. and It's just the name and like a few references. Just stamp it on there and make it scary in action. And have the Welcome to Recon City adaptation, which is too faithful.
Yeah. And, like, look, I love it.
There's part of me deep down that really, really likes Welcome Raccoon City. We had, yeah, we talked about that during that episode. We had a good time with it. We both i we both admitted that it was not good, but that we loved it.
ah that yeah Yeah. If you're going to give me a straight up like live action recreation of the... And the truck and the sandwich. like It's all there. Yeah. ah The set design, the fucking ammo boxes in the background, like a complete live action recreation of the twins cut scene. Like, but coach Veronica, come on.
You could have Leon though. That's not Leon. but See, but then they go and massacre my boy, Leon. Like, see what they did to my boy. Like, what are you doing? What happens? Who is that?
Who is? Look, we look, that's already that's already a character. The guy that's in three, right? Like, he looks more like the guy in three. That's what everybody said. Like, this motherfucker should be Carlos. Why isn't he Carlos? like How? He looks at like did someone got confused.
I think I don't know who or how and why it wasn't caught, but somebody got confused, Brett. That's why maybe it's so hard to adapt. Because you need to have somebody that has a love for the games, but also knows how to adapt something properly.
And I think that's the ultimate problem with video game movies is you can't do it in movie form. You have to do it in TV series form.
Yeah. Let's go back to Last of Us and Fallout. If those have been movies, no, it doesn't work. Well, there's so much lore and like a lot of these games, like there's several hours.
Hmm. Like, you get a game like Alan Wake 2 that's like 20 hours. Could you imagine trying to adapt that in something coherent? Yeah, you can.
It's difficult. Maybe the turn is coming. Maybe people will realize that these video games, if we're going to adapt them, they need to be TV series. But then you get Resident Evil, and and I'm just like, I throw my hands up and go, what the fuck is going on?
The TV series is the epitome of in-name only. Oh, wow. I thought it had the liquors, though. I saw a picture of the liquors. Sure, maybe. in liquors I tell you what.
It does this stupid... Let me tell you, Tucker, because you're not going to watch it. I'm sure you never watch it. um Sure. like It alternates between the story when the outbreak first happens and the future where the zombie apocalypse has occurred already.
um But... Right. No, I know. um i And so like... Is there touch time travel a part of it?
No. It's flashbacks. The the the current current day is the zombie apocalypse. um And there's flashbacks to before it happened.
um And so that it's the two daughters are the main characters. They are daughters of Albert Wesker, played by Lance Reddick.
But why any of that? Any of those words you just said, but why? and he's he's But he's like a clone of other like the original Wesker. He's not the real clone of Wesker. So does this take place in the middle of shit? And like there ah they're implying other things happened before? Are we in the middle of the story here, Brett? What the fuck is this?
Exactly, Tucker. Exactly. i don't know what they were thinking or what they were trying to do with the TV series, but... Huh? Man.
Man. Yeah, I never had plans on watching it, but I definitely won't watch it now because that just does not sound like something even I could enjoy. yeah And you know, that means like you're swirling the bowl if even I can't enjoy it.
Right. That's true. If I can't find something, you fucked up. You fucked up hard. yep You have fucked up now. You did a bad thing.

The Whitest Kids U'Know and Media Availability

are you ready go to the box office? I was just going to say, every time I hear now you fucked up, I just think of the whitest kids you know, Abraham Lincoln sketch. You fucked up! You fucked up!
You have fucked up! Now yeah you have fucked up! Now you have fucked up!
That's your boy, Zach Kregger, dude. That's your boy. Yeah, is he the one that died? No, Trevor died. okay.
He just fell down the stairs at his house and broke his neck. Just like one Hot Wheel astray on the floor and your life is over. Dude, man.
Life is fucking wild. can end It can end on a drop of Yeah, watch where you step, for sure. Yeah, or it could all end. ah But some good news despite that sad news.
um Everything on the creative side and all of the voices had been recorded for their new animated film before he died. So that is still scheduled to come out. It's called Mars, I think.
Cool. That's exciting. I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah. So that would be the third Why Does Kids You Know film because you have the Civil War on drugs, which was presented as like a segment at the end of every episode of one of the seasons, but you can buy it as a movie.
And then, of course, you have Miss March, which is really bad, but I also think it's really funny. And then um this new one coming out, Mars animated. I'll check it out.
Yeah, me too. Well, Brett, let's get to that box office. But before we do, I have to pee. So I'm going to go pee. And I'll edit this part out. Where are we? About 125 into the business here. 125. All right, I have to pee. I'll be right back.
All right. Oh, God, I've been holding it so long. Five minutes later. Oh, yeah? What are you watching there, bud? Watching some wise kids, you know? Yeah, I just brought it.
I was going to watch the sketch while you were in the bathroom, but I did not get to it. Dude, my favorite. um Oh, gosh. Probably auto-erotic asphyxiation.
is one of my favorite sketches where it's before the show and Trevor decides to autoerotic asphyxiate himself and he accidentally dies. And like he pops out as a ghost and everybody keeps finding him.
And like somehow his thumb gets up his butt and there's gay porn in his. That that reminded me what sketch you were talking about. I don't know why that's for at first. I was like, I don't remember this sketch. Oh, that. but There's the photographer.
He's taking pictures. Here, put this gay porn under his arm.
Yeah. That's one of my favorites. That and the poop rope when they're in the balloon.
Darren takes the poop really long and everybody climbs down. Because they're losing weight. So they're losing weight.
oh man, that's such a good show. Shout Factory, you have the HD Masters. Why are you only offering a DVD? Give me a Blu-ray. Man, come the fuck on. Don't make me buy it digitally.
Fuck. I was so excited when they announced that, and then when it got its proper announcement right before it came out, it's like, on DVD! And I'm like, great.
I guess? Yeah. Yeah, sure. Like, if it comes down to it, I'll buy the DVD and just watch it on my CRT.
I don't think I had an HDTV when I was watching West could you know anyway when I first started watching it I was watching it on like a 70s Sony big screen like front projection TV that had like the the red blue and green projector and a mirror and like the projector shot and then the mirror hit the mirror and went on like this metal screen it was wild Oh yeah, I think my grandparents had one like that. Yeah.
Yeah. And you had the remote. You could tilt the mirror with the remote and like focus it and stuff. It's fucking ridiculous. That was a piece of hardware right there.
That's also what I watched the majority of Dexter on. Yeah. Yeah. It was a really cool TV. Played a lot of Nintendo Wii on that TV.
The Wii Wii. Yeah. Oh, we were doing the Yeah, we're going office. Wow. me weird. Stop. Stop. Stop. No, Red No, Stop. Red Red Stop. No, Red Stop. No, Red No, Red No, Red Stop. Red Stop. No, Stop. Red Red No,
wow ah bread stop make you really weird No, Red No, Red Red Stop. No, No, Stop. Red Stop. Stop. No, No, Stop. No, Red Red Stop. No, Red Red Stop. No, Red Red Stop. ah Stop.
Stop. Red Red Stop. Stop. Stop. Red Stop. No, Red Stop. Stop. No, Stop. Stop. No, Stop. Red Red Stop. Red At number one at the Barks Orifice, Brett. Really? You believe that? You believe that? I don't actually. That's kind of surprising.
Yeah, well, I'll tell you what. um It opened at $9 million, dollars basically. made its first weekend.
nine million eight million nine hundred eighty four thousand dollars as how much it made its first weak On a budget of... oh no, this was just the first day that it came out. I don't Fuck.
ah Give me the week. Man, I don't know how this shit works. Isn't it kind of the numbers? Isn't the name of the website called The Numbers? Man, I don't fucking know, dude. Shit.
Oh, look, I'm just going to tell you what else opened and where it was. okay Okay. number two that week was Black Panther. And been out for like a month. um Number three was I Can Only Imagine. I don't even know what the fuck that is.
Hold on. I found it. Okay.
I know. Wow. A lot of these movies I'm not familiar with. Is that the Death Wish with Bruce Willis?
Oh, Annihilation. We covered that. That was a good ass movie. Wait. webinar Brett, did you find it? Are you going to read it off? What's going on? Hold on. OK, because I could keep going. I'll bet it's probably the same.
ah Number four is something called Love, Simon. I don't know what that is. got it Hold on. Hold your horses, Brad. Has it? I said what number four was. All right.
So Tomb Raider 2018.
Opens on what day, Tucker? March 16, 2018, according to IMDB.
a And it makes $23 million in its opening weekend. Sweet. on On a budget of $90 million. Fuck yeah, Eddie. Goes on to earn...
58 million domestic. But it opened at number one. I was right, right? It did, yeah. I'm pretty sure.
Yeah. it does Total domestic box office, 58 million. worldwide Ending with a worldwide box office of 273 million. That's not bad. No. 90 million budget.
Yeah. Hey, there's an IMDb page for the sequel. just saying. So maybe. Maybe there's a sequel. I would watch the fuck out of it. Hopefully it's better than this one.
Yeah, maybe. Which I didn't hate this one, but I would like the sequel to be better. Obviously. At least we wouldn't have to deal with the the shitty first act, because we're past it.
So the sequel probably would be better.
um And actually, it did not open in number one. It opened in number two behind Black Panther.
But Black Panther had been out for like four weeks, right? Black Panther had been out for one week. Well, i don't know if it been out for four weeks, but it it was number one the week before. It made $26 million.
Number two was Tomb Raider. At number two, made number $23 million. So

Horror Movie Adaptations vs TV Series

close. Almost beat Black Panther on its second week. Number three, a movie called I Can Only Imagine.
Number four, A Wrinkle in Time. Oh, yeah. hate it when time be wrinkling. ah Number two is the week before. Number five, Love, Simon.
Love, Simon. Yeah. and Number six, down from five the week before, Game Night. I've heard a lot of good things about Game Night. was heard that i feel that's yeah that's a movie.
someone number seven ah peter rabbit down from six the week before eight number eight down from three so the strangers pray at night how many of those strangers movies is there these days i mean they recently did a reboot so i think there were three and then they did a reboot you keep doing the numbers i'm gonna Oh, wait, I already have it. So there's The Strangers, The Strangers Pray at Night, which is the one we're just talking about.
And then the Strangers Chapter 1, which came out last year. And apparently there's a sequel to that, The Strangers Chapter 2, coming out this year that's like three hours long.
Yeah, apparently The Strangers Chapter 1 and 2 are just... It's one big deal. One big deal. TV show. What the fuck are you doing, man? Come on. Just make a TV show, dude. Like, i like horror in the theater, but I don't need horror in the theater. Like, that's not... Well, not... I mean, sometimes.
But Strangers, I don't need to watch that in the theater. I would have loved to have seen this movie in theater. I would have loved to have seen Tomb Raider in the theater. I had no desire to, but having seen it here, those action set pieces would have...
Definitely benefited from the big sound and the big screen at a movie theater. um Number eight, down for number three the week before there ah was a Strangers, Pray at Night. Number nine, down for number four the week before, Red Sparrow.
And then number ten, Death Wish. The one with Bruce Willey. Let's see.
I don't know. Because there was the one with Kevin Bacon, but they called it something else. summar Do you know i'm talking about though, Brett? Outside of looking it up.
Really? If you look up Death Wish on the IMDb's
it will show you what came before and what came after. it is Bruce Willis. It is the Bruce Willey one. um with Vince D'Onofrio Elizabeth Shue Vincent D'Onofrio did you just D'Onofrio Vincent D'Onofrio Brett motherfucking Wilson Fisk put some respect on that name Brett damn funny to say it weird damn Elizabeth Shue now I have to watch it one of my first crushes Adventures in Babysitting Elizabeth Shue ooh wee
Ooh, we directed by Eli Roth, our sometimes boy Eli Roth.
What was the one with Kevin Bacon, though? It was directed by the like the saw guy, right? Was it called long Death Sentence? It was James John Goodman, Kevin Bacon, directed by James Wan. It is.
Well, it I heard it was a remake of Death Wish.
Oh, okay. Based on the book Death Sentence, the direct sequel novel to Death Wish, which itself was made into the movie Death Wish in 1974, starring Charles Bronson, which this remake that we're talking about is a remake of that film.
Based on the novel Push by Sapphire. The James Wan film with Kevin Bacon is an adaptation of the sequel novel. Not a sequel to any Death Wish film.
I'm glad we cleared that up. Now we all know the Death Wish timelines. The separate Death Wish timelines. You've got like the 12 starring Charles Bronson.
And the remake. And the book sequel adaptation. Anyway, i guess that's it, Brett. I think we did it.
Yeah, now we got to rat yeah i do the ratings. I guess so, sure. Well, Brett, what do you think? Out of five stars, what do you think? Hold on, hold on. Hold on, why? Why I got to hold on?
what What did I miss? Because IMDB gives it a 6.3. Oh, shit, I guess. The telemetometer score. No, you're right.
The Tome Metometer score is a 52% out of 324 reviews. Laura Croft is the fiercely independent daughter. was Wait a minute. Hold on.
whoa where's the Where's the reviews? How do you do don't know, dude. don't know anything about That's why man that's what Steven's for, man.
yeah then no there was a Maybe he doesn't read. i don't think there's a consensus. He just picks one of the reviews and reads it. We need a disenfranchised Bible. Like a guidebook. you know Like a Google Doc that just goes through all the beats of the show and all of the sources and where we find everything.
We should do that. We should do that. A fan wiki. if you will, but not that at all.
I'm not sure why I said that. think just stalling. So i'm go I'm going to take that again. Stitch this together. And the telmetometer score is a 55%, with 324 critics saying, ah though it's far from breaking new ground and is plagued by poor writing, it's a mostly enjoyable action film.
That's what I thought. That's pretty spot on. new for For sure. I definitely agree with the poor writing. um ah But then over on Letterboxd, you want to take a shot at what the average rating is, Tucker?
I'm going to say somewhere between 2.6 3.0.
2.7, my man. You are back. Hey, back. We're so back. We're so back. Finally. So then that leaves us with our ratings. Tucker, what would you give 2018's Tomb Raider out of five stars?
Out of five stars? This gets a three from me because it's pretty middle of the road. But the action scenes in the second and third act are very intense.
There's some nail biters. There's some really well done suspense in some of those action scenes. Some of it's corny. Some of it's cheesy. Some of it's full of tropes. But some of it is is truly suspenseful and had me on the edge of my seat. And that's a good time.
Like, I don't give a fuck what's happening in the first act. If you got me on the edge of my seat in the second and third act... We're having a good time. So three stars from your boy. Cool. I'm going to give it a one, but also a DNF. Because you watched

Concluding Remarks and Podcast Promotion

just the first hour. I watched the shitty part. Yeah. So, I mean, I might keep an eye on my letterbox. I might change it if I go back and watch the rest of the film. Maybe. I don't know.
So, I might change my mind. We'll see. maybe since Maybe since you didn't watch the whole thing and Steven's not a part of this episode, if maybe if there's another sort of video game theme month in the future, maybe we'll revisit it. Who knows?
Who knows? um Stranger teams have happened. Yama. um We don't need to be doing that as 40-year-old white dudes. um There's white people with that accent. Chet Hanks has that accent. Haven't you seen Atlanta?
that's ah That's a poll. well That's the thing. like yeah ski it but I'm not sure if I'm going to edit it because that might be too awesome to cut. Yeah.
ah Anyway, but anyway, so that's been that's been this franchise for the 2018 Tomb Raider. We did it. We started. We did it. We did it. And you know what?
I think we did all right. Like it is true that Steven is the glue of the show. He's the heart of the Ghostbusters. Whereas, you know, like you're you're the you're the brain and I'm the wild card.
Like, you're Egon, and I'm Peter, and... I'll take it. And Steven is Ray. Like, he's what brings all that together.
But you know what? We can handle it on our own, is what I'm saying. It's not something that's ideal, but when we do it, it's a whole different vibe, and it's ah it's kind of a a nice little different thing that we do every once in a while.
So I guess we're going to have to do it on our own. We're going to have to take control, Brett. We've got to, got to take control, dude.
And if it's up to us, yeah look, if it's up to us, then we got to take control, right? It's too hot to handle, too cold to hold. They call the Ghostbusters and they're in control.
They damned it, yeah. And I'm throwing a party for a bunch of children, Tucker. Okay, you've gone too far. You've gone too far. It's over. The bit's over, Brent. Almost a lot of the slime was under the building, Tucker.
You know what, though, Brent? I didn't understand the hand coming from the ground. You know, because I knew it wasn't mine. It was somebody else, right? It was somebody else. I don't know who it was.
Who was it? We don't know.
Now this is what happens when Steven isn't around. Just unfettered Ghostbusters 2 content. Yes.
Yes, a indeed. oh boy. Goddamn. Yeah. Well, we did it, Brett. We should have breaded it. We did. We should have breaded it.
credit ah Well, all right. So let's ah look at that how does how does Stephen do this? do We take it home. um You do another quote for the movie. Do you want me to look it up while you talk about? Sure. We have to do socials. you have to do socials. Don't forget. Yeah, this this has been disenfranchised. I've been your host, Brett Wright. Stephen's not here.
um Hopefully he's found the Ark of the Covenant by now. It's a religious artifact. I feel like he'd probably do a good job hunting those down. He's got that whole degree, right? He went to school for that shit, right? He does, yeah.
He's like our own personal Indiana Jones. could a Tomb Raider. He knows all the stuff. He'd be the guy, like Indiana Jones, with the book because he's read the ship. He has the receipts.
Indiana. Let it go, Indiana. We named the dog Indiana.
Junior. Junior.
Sean Connery is such a doofus, but I love him. um just for years that's That's been Tucker. You can email us at disenfranchepod at Let us know what you thought of Tomb Raider.
um barbara did Did you fall on the Tucker side of things or did you fall on the Brett side of things? Or did you fall on the Steven side of things and didn't bother to watch it but want to tell us anyway?
Please send us an email. um I have been your host, as previously mentioned. I'm really borking this real bad. ah I've been your host, Brett.
You can find me on Letterboxd at sus underscore warlock. i don't I'm not on any other social media because burn it all to the ground. um ah Tucker, where can people find you out on the internet?
Well, here's the deal. Like I'm pretty much done with Instagram, but I had a record swap with Jimmy Friday night. And when I have a record, let me tell you, you know what about the record swap? Have I told you about the record swap?
I do not. you have not Jimmy and i we are brothers and we are musically connected through our souls, actually. And so sometimes to help to maintain our long distance friendship, we have record swaps.
And I will give him a record to listen to that he has never heard before. And he will give me a record to listen to that I have never heard before. And we will listen to those records. And then when we are both finished listening to those records, we will call each other. we will talk about those records.
And then after we've completed talking about the records, we just have a friend conversation. You know, we talk about what's going on with our lives and shit. So these conversations with the record swap content included usually last about three to five hours.
And when I'm on the phone, Brett, worse than any other activity that I can do where I lose track of how much alcohol I am ingesting and how many times I'm hitting my my little weed pipe here, my ah my weed flute.
um I lose track when I'm on the phone more than any other activity. And so the other night after I got home off the phone with Jimmy, i I was really inebriated, like embarrassingly inebriated. Like I'm not the person who does these things to get fucked up.
I do these things to maintain a manageable buzz so that I can still like have a good time being creative or, you know, watching entertainment. You know, it's just a nice little thing.
So when I get that snookered, it's it's a little embarrassing. And i was listening to the album Eternally Hard by Bitchin' Animal, which was not related to our album Swap. We listened to two totally different records.
ah He... assigned me a record by Panda Bear, which is a ah British electronic guy that was really cool. And I assigned him Devendra Bonhart, who was kind of a psych folk guy from the early 2000s. Around the time um that the two original Tomb Raiders came out, Devendra Bonhart was putting out records that were really rad.
Now they kind of suck. But that's a different story. I was listening to Eternally Hard by Bitchin' Animal, and there's a song on it called Best Cock on the Block. And i was really excited to be listening to Bitchin' Animal because it's a really, that record in particular is a very important record to me.
And so I posted on Instagram a screenshot of me listening to Best Cock on the Block. And i was so inebriated that I didn't really make the connection that it seemed like I was boasting about my own genitalia, which I was not.
It's just a really good song made by two lesbians with a bass guitar and a violin. And like, it's about dildos.
And I didn't even think about it when I posted it, but I can't delete it because people have liked it and I'm not sure why they liked it. Like, maybe they get it. Like, Jimmy gets because Jimmy's heard. I've forced that record upon him many times.
So, like, he gets it, and he liked it. But the other people that liked it, I'm like, I don't want them to think that I'm trying to, like, I'm not... I just really like that song. It's not...
any kind of boast, any he sort of him implied boast about my swimsuit area.
that's That's it. Anyway, I'm on Instagram and YouTube at IceNight09. That's what I heard. That's I-C-E-N-I-N-E.
The number zero and the number nine. uh also tuck mugs is still around we're not really adding to it but i'm i really want to move it to a different platform but i don't know where to move it or what that entails like uh there's some big life stuff going on in the next couple months so probably in the late summer or fall i'll deal with tuck mugs move that somewhere everything's dying and everything sucks we'll figure it out But hey, if you're if you're not already following Tuck Mugs on Instagram, um check it out. It's pretty rad. There's still a lot of content there. It's just we won't be doing anything new because I kind of want to move it off of the meta stuff. But yeah, that's it. Brett, you mentioned the Patreon, right? And how that's the official conversation of...
Oh, yeah, the Patreon. Did you mention that? Yeah, the official conversation happening over on Patreon at slash Dish and Franch Pod. um You can join for free um and join the conversation.
um But you can also give us $5 to earn to hear some content. Hours. Months. There's a lot. Look, we haven't we haven't done anything in a while and we're looking to...
ah correct that and i know Brett that you're very passionate about getting back into it as you said last episode and I've been thinking about it a lot it's just a matter of making it work I know Steven just had a move he was doing a move so we're going through life stuff right now but we're getting back on it but in the meantime if you're not already a subscriber there's so much shit on there dude You're not kidding when you say months. like You could listen to a good amount of that Patreon, a couple episodes a day of whatever, for literally months.
There's so much shit on there. So much. And that's free. You get free seven-day trial, and then you can give us money after that if you like what you Sign up for the trial, and then forget about it, and just keep paying us. like that's It's like five bucks. You're never going to miss it, and it's going to help us out a lot.
Exactly. Like the reason Brett sounds so good right now, instead of sounding like he's in a tunnel, is because we spent Patreon money man i don't even know what that is we spent patreon money on a little doohickey for Brett's mic.
That's not good to sound. Look at that. He sounds like he's in a vocal booth. There's like no reverb, no natural reverb. Doesn't this sound so fucking good right now? And it's just a piece of styrofoam around his microphone. It's insane. It was like 40 bucks.
It's making you feel some things. It's like 40 bucks. I'm just saying, like, you're not giving us five buck bucks a month to go, like, spend on hookers.
Like, we're using it on productive shit. And actually, we're not using it. it's It's really just kind of sitting around. Eventually, I'm going to figure out advertising.
And you know I got to watch some YouTube videos on it. I'll figure it out. Yeah, we'll there. And then we'll spend some money on that maybe. we're We're giving you a peek behind the curtain we probably shouldn't be giving you. But look, this is the type of content you get on Patreon. But on Patreon, if you give us money,
You get hear it all, man. There's no sound shit. There's no editing most of the time. That's true. Outside of like private, personal information, like phone numbers and addresses, which I always bleep out.
um God damn it. And damn it. I did it to myself. And I did it on purpose, and I don't even know why. um Golly.
Anyway, that's it, you guys. I don't even care. That's it. i Look, I promised myself I wouldn't drop an example, is the thing. And now, here we are. here we are Yeah, and email us if you want. Did you talk about the email, Brett? you said I did drop the email, yes.
so I think i was looking something up when we were doing all that shit. I couldn't i mean, you can find Steven at Chewy Walrus pretty much everywhere. Steven's got a book, too. I haven't read it yet because I had to finish the book I was reading. He finally gave it to me at Christmas.
um yeah What's it called? I didn't get a copy, but you know, that's fine. Well, I bought a copy, Brett, so i don't know what to tell you. Okay, that's different. I thought he just gave you one, and I was slightly offended. No, no, no, no. he Look, I bought it on Amazon and had it shipped to his apartment so that him and his partner could sign it.
So, yeah, I did not get this. There was no I'm not plugging it because I got it for free. There's no promotion here, but I got it signed, as you can see. from our friends. That's fantastic signature for an audio medium.
Anyway, yeah that's been us. It's called Check In, Check Out. It's on Amazon. I'm going to get to it and I'm excited to read it. Like I'm, I'm sure as an indie, uh, indie production, there'll probably be some editing errors, but you know, that's just how it goes.
We'll see. We don't got to we don't gotta to go down that. We don't got to do that. We don't got to say stuff there aint nothing wrong with it. and I'm saying as long as the story's there, I can handle them spelling here and there. Are you fucking f***er?
Man, Brett. I thought we was friends, man. Damn. We are friends. I love you. look Damn. ah That's the seventh timestamp, Brett.
The seventh. And I was going into this like, we're not going to do any. but And only one of them has been dead air, Brett. Well, anyway, let's wrap it up then. We're done.
We're were i'm going to go to bed. It's time to get the fuck out of here. It's late. It really is. um So for Tucker, for Steven, whoever he is i is, you know, it what does he say? and Until next time, we're not flirting. We're just naturally charismatic.
Thank you.