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Star Trek the Next Generation - Time's Arrow Part I image

Star Trek the Next Generation - Time's Arrow Part I

E157 ยท Starfleet Boy - A Star Trek Podcast
42 Plays5 years ago

A chilling end to the 5th season of Star Trek the Next Generation but a delightful one for Starfleet Boy. Join Sean and I as we talk about this amazing episode, Time's Arrow Part one and let us know your thoughts too. I'm joined by Sean from


Introduction & Star Trek Fandom

Welcome to Starfleet Boy, where we have a casual and informal discussion about our beloved series, Star Trek.
We are back on another exciting episode of Starfleet Boy, where we have a casual and informal conversation about Star Trek.

Season 5 Finale Excitement

And today we are talking about the last episode of season five. I cannot believe this is happening, time's arrow, and it's a very exciting
place for me personally as Starfleet boy because it's like five seasons of Starfleet boy oh my gosh like what is that how does that happen um and I'm joined by the magnificent Sean from Trek on the Tomb hello Sean hello aren't you feeling special aren't you feeling special you're like the you're the guy that finishes season five of Starfleet boy
It's an honor. It's an honor to be the one that finishes season five of Starfleet Boy. So we are celebrating today with a little Nespresso and they're not a sponsor.
But they could be They totally could be give me a call in this press. I'm happy to I'm happy to like, you know talk about your Magnificent coffee once an episode for a small fee or or I'll just do it anyways So, I know captain Picard drinks tea but
I think he'll forgive me for toasting to Time's Arrow with a cup of coffee.

Humorous Debate on Episode Summary

Sean, do you want to do the summary or shall I? Oh dear lord. He who does the summary controls the episode.
Oh, that's interesting. I don't know if that's true. He who does the summary, can he dismiss the rating of the other person? No, I think everyone's going to have a good rating on this one. I think so. I'm good. Try and do the summary if you want. I'm not as professional as you. I just do it from the top of my head. You're definitely going to be more professional.

Plot Overview: 'Time's Arrow'

Okay, okay, so the enterprise is The enterprise is called back to sector 001 earth because Some people have found Evidence of alien presence in what is it like the 18th century is it? The early 19th century
19th century on Earth. So they've called the Enterprise, Captain Picard, to the surface and data. And they're checking out this evidence. Nothing, you know, is a dead giveaway of alien presence until they start talking about, you know, science-y stuff, technobabble readings, and then data's head. Which both explains and justifies why they call the Enterprise back to Earth, because any old scientist could have done this. But this data's hit.
And so they figure out that this techno-level science-y stuff that they're talking about, these emissions or radiations or whatever, only exists in one other place in the galaxy on, what is it, Davidia II?
David. Yeah, Davidia too. That's it. So, um, they, it was, cause also it was a microbe that they found. There's a microbe or something. So they grabbed, they grabbed his head. They grabbed, they grabbed the bag of evidence. Um, germs, germs are everywhere. Number one, blast this area with lasers right now. Sterilize this whole cabin.
So they grab the bag of artifacts and off they go to Davidia too. And so everyone's worried about, like we have this kind of emotional moment, a segment as they're going to the planet where everyone's kind of distressed about the fact that, you know, we now know that Data will eventually die. We don't know when, but we know that he will. And so this is, I mean, I don't know, affecting people, not him.
because he's uneffectible. But so other people are being affected by this. And so he's just going to make new friends. He's so cold. And then they would die. And then I would outlive them, too. He's sitting there looking at his only friend, like, oh, god damn.

Data's Time Travel Adventure

Anyway, I exaggerate. Anyway, so they arrived on the video, too.
They scan for the readings and Ms. Deanna Troy senses that there are humans here, you know, elderly people and children and what have you. They send data to do some additional scans in like an out of phase variance because it would seem that these presence, these life forms that they're sensing are kind of out of phase, the out of time.
and he has to he's the only one that he's the most logical choice because it's built his system has like the right kind of equipment or whatever to to just phase easily into this thing I remember that was like a big deal to you sorry I didn't mean to make it professional
Anyway, so he phases into this other time. He takes a look at what's going on on this other side. He does this description of us. It turns into a podcast, so we're all very closely listening to what Data has to say. And then something happens. He gets flung into the past and finds himself in early 19th century Earth.
And from there... Could you help out a 49er? I love that guy. Which I have to Google because I didn't know what that was. I didn't know what a 49er was. Oh, awesome. That's awesome. Anyway, so he doesn't help out the 49er. Turns out he gets helped by the 49er. The 49th state in the union. It's also a great football team now. Oh, okay.
Yeah. Do you watch football? No, come on. I don't actually watch football except for the commercials like during the Super Bowl. I'm pretty convinced Americans are the only ones that watch football. Oh, wow. It's not a it's not a world thing.
You have to finish your summary, but a question that you must answer is, what did you think of Data's French accent? Anyways, go on. It was good. It's one of my notes. What have I got? Oh, perfect. Where is it? Brent's finest French is actually pretty good.
Oh wow, okay, go on, sorry. The other guy, no. Anyway. That's Marco Alaimo, but yeah, go. Anyway. So then the plot becomes very much divided into like two storylines. We have one. Data needs to find a way to get back home, get back to his own time.
And the crew of the Enterprise need to figure out where data is, in addition to still figure out what's going on. They have this ongoing investigation of why his head was on the planet and whatever.
I mean, where do we go from there? Data is... Then it gets crazy as fuck because, like, Data finds out that Gynan... Then it gets real crazy, right? Because Data's all trying to figure out how to get home, so he's like inventing stuff. He's sending out his boy to go get stuff for him. And the guy brings back a newspaper in which he sees Gynan.
And she gets heavy because he goes to sea and he realizes that Guinan was actually not only alive and kicking, but she was around on Earth for some, you know, God knows what reason, in the early 19th century.
I have a lot of questions about that scene when we get into our discussion. So that's what happens to Data. He's trying to get home and he pretty much finishes with him talking to Gynan for the first time. And on the other side of the galaxy and the time zone,
The crew of the enterprise are still trying to figure out and get him back and they realize that the Davidians are some sort of out of phase crazy race that are what absorbing humans in order to nourish themselves, which is just some sort of crazy concept, right?

Star Trek Memorabilia

And that's it. That's the end of part one. They leave you with this huge cliffhanger. What's going on? What's happening? It's intense. And there's Mark Twain. There's Mark Twain and Jack London. Although I think we don't find out it's Jack London. I think he's just the boy for the moment, isn't he?
Well, Data calls him Jack in one scene. I've watched this episode a lot of times, so I have noticed a lot of things. Okay, that was an awesome summary. You nailed it. And I'm glad you did it, because it saved my precious voice from- Oh, your precious voice. For having to do so many summaries.
Like I've done like over a hundred of them. So it's very nice. It's very nice I see that you have like a limited amount of voice that you can use up in Starfleet boy
So if you use it all up in the first seasons, then you have no more budget, like no more voice budget for the seasons, right? It's 100% true. I found this picture and I have to share it. I'm not sure what it is at the moment. I couldn't find a version of it with credit yet, but that's pretty cool. So Gary, is that from Gary, Gary, AKA tricker prize.
once did like an interview segment with some online trickies within the community on his website and so he did a few questions for me and so answered a few questions and he actually asked me what would be like the one prop that I want? What would be the one memorabilia, one piece of memorabilia?
from Star Trek and I really don't know, I didn't know what to say and I was like actually what would be awesome would be have like to have Data's head. I know it's kind of creepy,

Character Analysis: Worf, Riker, and Troi

right, but. No, look at it. It's an amazing, look at. It would be amazing to have that. It's an amazing piece. Look at how beautiful that, someone like made that. I would feel, I would kind of feel like I have like a decapitated Brent Spiner
Well, like the- Do you think- The head prop- We should find out what happened to the head prop. I bet you Brent Spiner has it in his home. If you ever become friends with Brent Spiner, I bet you he has the original- I hope fucking not, because that's so fucking awkward to explain when guests come by, right? You just got your head propped up. Oh my goodness. It would be a great way to start a fun evening. That's what I know. It's fine to have like a wand. You steal a wand from the Harry Potter set or something, but I'm not sure about the- like your own head, right?
It's true. I would pay $200 for a data head prop and I think your countrymen Weta should do, you know, it should do it. New Zealand-based Weta should make a data head prop and sell it to fans. I would buy a data head prop.
Yeah, that's a, that's an awesome. Okay. Anyways, now that we've, uh, I would buy like a, uh, a captain Picard ball camp as well. Like, Oh boy, Sean. Once again, you're going too deep. It's just too deep. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm too much for this podcast.
no no no no oh come on get it together mr wolf um did you so there's so much to talk about we could just start anywhere but that reminded me of um
Warf's very creepy statement to Riker when he finds out that they have to travel back in time to find data, or just travel through this portal to find data. They get rid of him very easily in the plot, by the way. They're like, you need to stay and defend the Enterprise.
But Worf is like, this may be the actual mission in which we all die together. And he's so excited about it. He's like, commander. And he's like, commander, this may be the actual mission in which we find out what happens to Commander Data, thus dying ourselves.
I was like, no wonder they left him behind. They were like, holy shit. He's a little intense. I think it's best in your state if you stayed aboard the Enterprise and monitored sensors for us. What do you think of that, Mr. Wolf? He gets all the intense play on sometimes.
Um, you get, okay, okay. Wolf is strange because sometimes I get what they're trying to get at. They want to make you feel like he doesn't mind dying in honorable debt. Like he doesn't mind dying in the line of duty, right?
But sometimes I feel like Worf's a little too intense. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't not mind. He just wants to. He's actively looking for a way to kill himself in the line of duty. Because he always wants to fight everything. Kill everything. Shoot everything. This is not even the season recap, but this season alone Worf wanted to commit suicide because his back was broken. I know. Remember?
I know. He's always, he's always around you. That in a sense is justified because there's like an actual reason, but just generally speaking, every time there's something to do, like he wants to involve his own death in that doing something, like in the thing that he's doing, he's too Klingon. He's too Klingon for the Klingons. Commander, perhaps today is a good day to die.
Assimilate this. The scenes that ensue after Data and the team are analyzing his head to figure out how the heck did it get here.
You touched upon that in your summary, and I thought that the turbolift scene was really touching, where Riker's having a hard time dealing with the whole thing. Remember, there's a couple of scenes where he's just like, I don't understand how data can be so calm. And Troy's basically like, well, Will, he is an android. She's like. Yeah, I mean. He understands it only, actually.
But anyways, in the TurboLift, data surprises them when Riker says something about, like, you know, however he talks about missing people, which is like, my sensors become accustomed to your algorithm or something like that. And he says it to... That's an amazing scene. Yeah, he goes, data goes, oh, I understand. Well, I'm fond of you too, Commander, and you as well, you know, Counselor. And then they're just like, oh, he like totally gets it.
Which is cool. I really love that like that moment between Diana and Riker. Yeah, it was a cool scene too. It's like you're angry. I'm not angry. And then so she explains the whole thing to him and then yeah, in the Turbo Left he just, you know, spurts it back out at Data.
I didn't realize when I was a kid how I thought Riker was so advanced and futuristic when I was a kid. Riker's always two steps behind. He's kind of like a dad. He's like a dad. He is, but I'll tell you what though, at the moment we're watching Voyager and Deep Space Nine, so we're watching them as they're released on TV, which means like it's pretty much one episode of Deep Space Nine, one episode of Voyager, then two of Deep Space Nine and one of Voyager, it's complicated. But anyway, we watch them as they're released on TV.

Guinan & El-Aurians Exploration

And then I do I do which is awesome because there's a lot of continuity and then Once a week I watched like the TNG episode that we're gonna review that we're gonna talk about and Every time I come back to watch an episode of TNG. I'm pleased to see right here. I like I like the guy I like the character. I like yeah, it's pleasing to have you know and Beverly crush me in this episode at all and
No, she totally is. You just ignore, you just erased her from your mom. You completely erased her. She's like constant. No, I'm so horrible. Wow. Was she really in this episode? No, she wasn't. She was telling in this episode. You lied, sir. She was scanning things, and at the very end, she's part of the team that go with Picard through the portal. Oh, that's right. She did go through the portal.
That's because they do they do a lot of focus on you got Indiana on the planet You completely free. She had lots of great scenes in fact my notes, which apparently are a lot more accepting
Oh my god, I'm horrible. You've erased Beverly. How could you? She's my favorite one! What? Well, Picard would probably save Beverly before Riker. Do you think? Do you really think so? No, I don't think so. He couldn't choose. He would die for his crew. Picard's that kind of guy. Yeah, probably. He would. He would die for his crew, but not all of them. Would he die for a row? 100%.
What's that? Would he die for Roe? For Ensign Roe? Yeah. He might be like, well, you're only in four episodes. I can't really see saving you. Here's a shuttlecraft. Good luck. Good luck. I hope you find this Mackey that you're looking for.
May you die honorably. May you die honorably. Are the Marquis terrorists? Marquis terrorists, right? Yeah, but they aren't introduced yet, I don't think. Have they been? Yes, they were. They were, slightly. I forgot the Marquis. You forgot Dr. Crusher and I. I forgot the Marquis. OK. We're even now. It all gets stuck in your head after you've seen so much Star Trek, doesn't it? It gets so very confusing.
what did you think about the references to is this your first 10 episode what are you doing like there's there's no discussion
are you still getting over the fact that you forgot beverly and all of a sudden floods of information is in your head about this oh my god i missed half the episode now come on what did i what did i enjoy ask me chances i did enjoy it
Did you enjoy the reveal of who Guinan is to Picard in this episode? And what do you think of that relationship? Because I think that's one of the biggest things that comes out of it. I enjoyed that very much. The thing is, I think that they were actually... Okay, so we never get an actual clue to the relationship.
like this isn't actually explained until this two-parter but i can feel like they were even if they didn't have this story line specifically in their mind i feel like they were still building towards this for quite a while especially through the season we constantly get these weird awkward things like you know you kinda get this vibe that they've known each other for like a lot longer than what Picard realizes yeah i can't name any specifics but there's a ton of situations between them it's just throughout the season you kinda feel that and um...
And this kind of just brings it all together. Brings it full circle, right? And I love how he trusts her so blindly too. He says, you need to be on this mission. And he's like, okay. He beams down. Yes, that's enterprise is the same thing. Is it yesterday's enterprise? Yeah, it is. It's like, she says this, this isn't the right, you know, whatever was a timeline of ship or whatever. And he's like, okay, I believe you. It's amazing.
but then you start to see why because when you realize what who got in is like what kind of what her species is it's kind of like mind-blowing right she's been alive for over at least at this point probably like eight hundred years or something yeah it's insane right because i was thinking we could do okay it's very hard to recast what we go but i was thinking we could do like a series on a younger guy but then i was thinking a younger guy
Like that would have to be way before us 19th century. That's a long time. Right. She's actually the implication. I think people have always assumed. I don't know if there's any kind of like she doesn't. She's well, no, it's that.
Her species is long lived, so like, this is like her, the Guinan we meet, even though she looks very similar, like they age so slowly that like, the Guinan we meet in the 19th century sequences in San Francisco is probably like an adolescent, like a teenager, because she's like, oh, tell my father, you know, for her species, which means maybe 200 years. Imagine if you're like adolescents last 200 years. Maybe.
I never got that vibe. I never got that she was an adolescent. I more got it like that that she um It's simply that at this point she she just left the planet like she left El Oria and Her parents or at least the father disapproves of the decision and that it's pretty much it because you can be an adult and still have like your parents disapproval You know from right? I never got the the adolescent vibe
I get the impression that Elloria was one of these like very advanced civilizations that are in deep space because like for the Borg to have attacked and destroyed them. Yeah, it was someone. No territories. Actually, I don't know where that I don't know where Elloria is. There's so much going on in this episode that, you know,
Right, Ellorian's not like a Federation... No, not at all.

Davidians & Time Travel Exploration

It's not. Ellorians are kind of like... The whole planet's like destroyed something, isn't it? Yeah. Ellorians are kind of like unicorns. Like every single Ellorian we've met has been pretty extraordinary so far. You know, there's Guinan, of course. There's the character of... On Deep Space Nine. That one guy. Deep Space Nine. That one guy that plays with balls.
And then the main villain of Generations is, of course, Dr. Soren.
Yeah, okay. There's no information about Elloria on memory alpha. It's a mystery. Well, it's destroyed by the time the next generation. Is it destroyed or is it just overrun by the Borg? Because they were attacked by the Borg, and so they all had to flee the planet. But then, like, was it just assimilated?
Or was it why you when you watch like when you when you see the planets that the Borg have assimilated in the past it seems like they cut the whole city out and then process like the city into like Matter to build ships and stuff like that. It's amazing. They don't just like they don't just assimilate
Yeah, they don't just assimilate... They assimilate your culture, like your technology and everything. Your planet, your technology. They take everything and they use it to make more Borg things. What a species. What a species. Living the life, right? Yeah, so...
But it is cool at this point in the 19th century when we do meet her, Elloria still exists out there somewhere. It'd be cool to see it. I think that an anthology Star Trek TV series that would feature seasons that talk about one character, like each season would be about a different character, would be a very interesting concept, and I think one of those seasons could be on Guinan.
And it could be like the young Guinan before this 19th century thing up until pretty much like when her planet gets assimilated or taken over or whatever. And we know the rest. We know some of the rest. We know the part where she's on the Enterprise. But I think that would be interesting.
a gynan's show would have been amazing i think uh... like uh... you know just kind of following uh... her adventures during the uh... had tng come out in this in this day and age i think that instead of the short tricks we would have had like uh... a gynan thing going on uh... in between seasons oh yeah i like the way you think that can still happen whoopi Goldberg I'm sure would be down to play very old gynan like two thousand year old guy but that would work too
That would work, too. No, I know. It's amazing. Like, in the next short tricks, next season short tricks, what's his face? Kraft meets Gynum. Oh. Oh, my God. Can someone at the I hope the CBS algorithms are listening to this and just steal that idea? They need to. I mean, they were hooked by the episode summary.
So they stayed. And now they're listening to us, right? So they stayed. It's true. I agree. Thank you for doing the summary of this episode. Thanks for my audience retention boost. That's amazing. I really appreciate those things. OK, that's a good thing.
So what is she doing on earth? Like she seems to be there just having parties. She's just chilling right? That's what I that's why I thought she was an adolescent because that's what I would have done Would you have gone to that party? Like oh, yeah, heck yeah, are you kidding like all the artists like she had Samuel Clemens Mark Twain at her party That's a big deal. Like back then he was super famous
Okay. Mark Twain was like the Kanye. So you wouldn't go to like Roman orgies and shit. What's that? You wouldn't go to like a Roman orgy or something. No, I don't think I'd do that.
I might I might go with a friend to observe you know just to like kind of be a wallflower like the serving boys that like give you more wine you know I say this because this episode is about time travel but truth is she's not time traveling right she's just she's just no planet which is a lot that was yeah that's crazy it's insane
And she's pretending to be human, which is probably the reason why she picks up so fast on what date is saying. Even though she has no knowledge of what's going to go on with the enterprise later on, the moment he says Starship, he's like, OK, this guy's clearly out of place.
He's talking about something that these people know nothing of. Yeah, and then she's freaked out too because she's like, oh no, now he's going to contaminate. Yeah. Like Guinan, Guinan seems to have some kind of like. Prime directive, this L-O-R-E and prime directive going on. I think it's just like a basic moral compass, right? I think it is. If you were suddenly thrust, if you were just thrust back in time, you would try your best not to change the future. Oh, absolutely. But then, okay, think about it this way.
If if if we were actually but for her sorry, that's all BS that I said because for her it's not even it's not even She's just trying to keep advanced technology secret. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Okay. This is a thing, right? If we were to go to another planet today and this other planet was like in them, you know middle ages, I mean
The idea to go on that planet is to not contaminate the timeline, not even because of, you know, the prime directive, but just because then it doesn't make it interesting. What's interesting is the fact that you're going to this out of place, out of time kind of place, right? If you start showing them out of, you know, do this and do that, it's not interesting anymore.
Right, it's true. So the fun of it for her, I suppose, is living on a 19th century planet. Because I'm assuming the Elorians went through their version of it. But then that would have been millennia ago.

Technobabble & Dr. Soong's Creations

Yeah. That was when the Q were corporeal.
Perhaps. Wouldn't it be interesting if the reason why Guinan knows the Q so well is because part of her part of Ellorians decided to trade sense. Oh my god, the Q are like the Romulans of the Ellorians. And then the other part of Ellorians decided to stay mortals, basically, even though they're very long lived. You know, they're not immortal. Guinan can die, we think. I think she can die.
And so that's why the queue's like, the queue's like, keep that traitorous woman away from me. She's not a real queue. She thinks, you know, just cause we spawned from the Allurians.
Q should not have been in this episode because it's awesome by itself, but don't you think Q should be in the Old Man Picard show? This is our Old Man Picard segment. Okay, I would have kept a lot of these characters out if it were only like a small self-contained season, but since they're announcing this as an ongoing series, so with multiple seasons, I think that a lot of characters deserve to have at least one cameo appearance.
But then it shouldn't be just the cameos. Oh, hey, look, it's it's it's Q right now. It needs to have some sort of validity to it. They need to actually find a way to integrate. You would think that Q would haunt Picard forever. Like, you know, I think Q is genuinely in love with Picard.
Yeah, like, well, but like, as a pal, like, I don't think he necessarily has sexual desires per se, but like, I don't think he has sexual desires at all. I don't think that's how you love desires. Sorry. Yeah. Or even love desires. I think he just sees Picard as like a interesting pet. He reproduces in voyaging though, doesn't he? He has a child. Oh, isn't it Janeway?
with Janeway? There's like no there's a there's a female cue that well she's also called just cue and the kids called cue as well very confusing you know I love it yeah I do too I love the concept. The cue is amazing because it's kind of like if you were to compare it to another you know
big huge franchise and Marvel that's kind of like how Asgardians are you know they're like they're viewed as these like you know godlike beings and I think that's what the Q are to the humans and Romulans and the Q continuum isn't a place it's a people
It took me a second longer than it should have to get that. But yes, exactly. Tom Hiddleston should play Q in Star Trek Beyond Beyond. I think Tom Hiddleston would be an amazing Q, actually. I agree. I agree. I approve that. Yeah, no, absolutely.
Were you, uh, were you, did you think that the, uh, the, the depiction of the past of that era of San Francisco or even just, you know, any city in the, in the world in general looked realistic. Did you feel immersed in like the past in this episode or did it look like a holodeck? Um, okay. It felt recreation. Okay. I'm not well versed in, in history and I don't know much about like 19th century United States. Um,
It did feel a bit studio. But then it doesn't take me out of the episode so much. Because I just accept it as it is, right? Like, this is the past and then... It's better than crappy CG that we have in certain TV series nowadays.
Well, that's because I mean the episodes like extremely well crafted in terms of like the dialogue the way the story moves along like Just everything like it still holds up for me. Even though I know the outcome. I know what's happening in part two I still get It's a great episode in the way that it exploits every aspect of TNG in the right way like it's enough science fiction but enough character based and then you have like every character kind of has their part to play it wolf and
um which kind of just gets abandoned but like someone has to stay behind i would have gotten so much work done oh there's these reports i've been meaning to do now that no one's the whole entire crew left
That's so standard procedure. I can now go fight the monsters in the holodeck with my back left. Like basically, the situation is so desperate that Picard's like, uh, we may never come back, Mr. Wolf, but, uh, you have, you have the Enterprise. Have fun. Have fun. Go out there. Go avenge your family, Mr. Wolf. I give you full permission. There's this other mission going on.
Wharf is like, oh, the Klingons are having a battle with the Romulans. Can we cloak the Enterprise's registry? And they're like, yeah, let's go. And they start destroying Romulans all rogue for the whole time. The card wouldn't mind. It's the Romulans, right? It's fine. When they come back. Mr. Wolf, was there anything interesting to report while I was away? No, Captain. I just got a few reports done.
No, he's too honorable to do that. He wouldn't do that. Mr. Wolf wouldn't even do something like that. All my impressions sound like the same person you have to help me out here. I know, but I can't imitate people. I don't know how to do that.
I did like how the, all the explanations of like throughout the caper when they're trying to figure out like, you know, what is going on exactly, how it leads them to the Davidians with that, that microbe, which was, I wrote it down LB10445. But it's kind of cool that like,
Something that Star Trek alludes to a lot is they like to go to Sherlock Holmes a lot because there is a lot of mystery solving in Star Trek episodes. Especially in TNG. It's very much mystery based. In TNG. Wait, what's that? Especially in TNG. It's very much mystery based all the time. There's a mystery we need to solve. Solving the problem.
But it's done really well in this episode because like the the the science was interesting like the how they get to it and everything like that it made you it made you realize that like We so when tng was out we were on the cut in real life We were on the cutting edge of the things that like now when I watch this episode like oh we can do this The crazy thing about this to a degree I mean it's not as fast as the enterprise does it you know the enterprise just like there's a beam that goes And then it has all the data you like that's it
I love how the technobabble in this episode like it's on point it is technobabble which means it means nothing but you understand everything that's going on which is awesome because sometimes not the case especially with voyager they have this very heavy technobabble which at the end of the day you look kind of like that doesn't mean anything but I mean I now understand the plot but this this is different this felt like it was it actually has substance to it
Right. Do you think technobabble could be more present in Star Trek Discovery? I think it could be better executed because I think there's a lot of technobabble in Discovery, but it's very vague. You know, they don't actually explain how and why they're going to do something. They just say that this is happening or this like this is what we're doing. It's not as precise. I have no specific examples. I do apologize.
But, um, I know I just put you on the spot. They kind of like, they kind of explain how they explain how planet Parvo is going to amplify. Um, they're going to amplify the signal of planet Parvo and then that's going to render the Klingon cloaks useless. But then I couldn't explain how and why they got to that conclusion. It just, that's it. It just is because it's necessary, which I feel like it's not as well executed as we've seen in previous iterations of Star Trek.
And then, of course, Voyager has the overuse. I think it's well done, but there's too much of it. Which sometimes, it's good to do out-of-this-world concepts, but if you have too much of a hard time justifying it... So, TNG was like the Goldilocks Zone of Technoballon, you're saying? Of Technoballon, I think it was. TNG and Deep Space Nine, I think. Yeah. Or the Goldilocks Zone. Okay, got it.
Take note. I think so. Hey look, this is my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong. Take note, Star Trek Discovery. Let's see. Okay, I wanted to say, by the way, you're talking about the microbe and whatever its name was.

Character Journeys: Data & Guinan

I noticed something. During that whole interaction in engineering, they have Data's head propped up there. And Picard says, is it Law's head? Could it be Law's head?
Oh, yeah, that's right. And so that is like, no, he says law has a type L positronic, whatever matrix, whatever he says, I have a type R, because I type R. He gets all angry and he acts like he knows what he's talking about. You have no clue. You don't know what the fuck's going on. Like what? You think Picard, you think Picard didn't know what it was? He had no clue.
Picard's very technical. He's a very technical captain. No, he really is. No one knew. There was a type R or a type L before Data said it at that point. Maybe Geordi knew it because it was mentioned. Come on. I just... I refuse to believe that Picard was aware that there were different types of heads. I think we don't see it on screen, but I think Picard took on Android making as a hobby when he was a girl. Oh yeah, of course.
Well, Data would be so happy to have a child or a companion, so I'm going to make one for him. Don't tell him. I actually created his cat. What you're actually hearing is Picard being upset. He's not angry. He's upset because he's like, type off. Damn it. I use a type B in my Android.
When everyone leaves engineering and the lights are off, he goes back in and sneaks out parts from the headlight.
I'll be down if I don't have a time. Oh my goodness. I feel like that was that was.
That was exactly what's happening. We make Picard sound like an asshole every time. Mystery solved. He's not, he's just human. We have to realize, Captain Picard is just human. He does. But then, I mean, it is necessary for him to acquire this knowledge of how to construct an android because they eventually kill his final, his entire family. Right.
So he needs to build a new one. All right, that's really traumatizing to you. It's not the first I've seen generations every time I rewatch an episode of TNG. I'm like this poor man What do they do? It is I have to say that that like, you know, I was so excited to see TNG on the big screen, but I remember one that I
That scene was particularly horrifying when it came out. And they burn them alive! Why do they burn them alive? Why do they have to do that? I'm sorry. This episode is not about that. I can't wait to get to our TNG film discussion. You're totally invited to the Generations one. Oh yes, amazing.
We'll explore the depths of your trauma live for everyone to experience. Did we? Mega difference. So Jordi, you also alluded to the Jordi scene in your summary and I had a few notes about that actually.
Data's like, do we need to talk about death? And he goes, yes, actually, I do. And he goes, oh, OK. Data realizes, like, Jordy's the one who actually needs to talk about his death. I kind of love this scene because it really kind of shows you that data is
something else. He's not you know, it's easy to forget that data, you know, since data is searching and trying to be human all the time, you know, or trying to emulate humanity. We forget that he's actually a completely alien thing in an in and of himself. He's he's unique in a sense. But he's also not a human. He's like, he's an Andrew. He gets to define what he is. It's crazy. I have a question regarding that. Yeah.
Is he trying to be human? Because he has like the appearance the physical like appearance of a human or is he trying to be human because his creator was human Because he could try to be clean
Well, was it because he was designed to resemble a human that he wants to be one? I think Dr. Soon, definitely. The thing that's interesting about Data is that Dr. Soon, as we know from the various meetings of him, is that like, he definitely like, this was his kind of like way of living forever. He wanted to have children. He couldn't have children with his wife, so he created lore and data. He even calls them his children, right? And before.
What's the end before yeah, but actually before I think I don't know if this is my head cannon or where I heard this but I Really latched on to this idea that before he built so that he could build data and lore like before is super basic Yeah
He's like a robot an alpha version, you know more than it. Oh, you think he was using him? As a tool. Okay, so before has the capacity to you know Do things fast like data and law and so he was able to connect things that maybe a human couldn't oh, that's interesting Right. I like the idea. Yeah, that's how that's the way that I thought of before Okay, I'd never thought of it that way but that's that's actually pretty interesting. Oh
but he ends up being the first step of course because the body of before is like indistinguishable from data like it's almost like soon perfected the the body first but then that would be like the same design as soon as body when he was young right that would be like he's trying to emulate his his younger self is
Oh, yeah, I think yeah. Yeah, I mean he that that's the kind of funny part, right? Is that soon makes data and Lord look like himself, which is good because usually in sci-fi, you know, people make, you know, um, six pots. They make like a woman, right?
Is that a usual thing in sci-fi? Does that happen? What kind of sci-fi are you watching? I've never seen... Is that happening? Have you not seen X? God damn. Oh, that's right. That's right. Oh, yeah.
I forgot about Ex Machina, but you're damn right. That's so true. Oh my gosh. Oh boy. Make me sound like I'm watching some sci-fi porn or something.
Dr. Soon has always reminded me kind of like a lovable Dr. Frankenstein in a sense. Data in a sense is a Frankenstein's monster. It's that kind of idea of this thing, but of course lovable. He's not scary. Sometimes he is when he looks at you, when he breaks.
Like when he gets taken over because Dr. Hsu recalls him. Like, Dr. Hsu can press a button and Data just breaks and then... That's fucking scary, right? Yeah, it's just so scary. And Sun's an asshole too, because he sends Data, like, Data's in Starfleet. He knows Data's in Starfleet, right? He knows that he's doing all this important stuff on the flagship of the Federation of

Historical & Cultural Elements in 'Time's Arrow'

Starfleet. And then he's all like, I'll just activate this dude and have him shut down everything and come.
Because Data also doesn't just take a shovel. He commandeers the Enterprise. He commandeers the Enterprise, it's true. It doesn't do a half job. Anyway. But yeah, anyways, the point, I mean, it is sad because Dr. Soon was dying, but you can understand and forgive him. But you're right, it's still inconsiderate. And he forgot Lore. He didn't even think Lore was going to show us.
So now that we've gone on our data tangent from this episode Okay, okay last thing on data, which is it ties back into the episode I understand that he's the only one that can like physically. I'm kind of well. He's the House they put it in a way that he's the best To do the transition like the phasing right? I mean still is it not too easy?
Was it not too easy for them to phase into this other time zone or time reality or dimension or whatever it was? It just felt like they picked up a box, fiddled on it a little, and then they just sent them over.
It seems like something there was there was a cool track explanation in the episode and I didn't write down like I remember being like, oh, that explains it. But something about Data's hardware in his body was like perfect to match the frequency of this other phase universe, like right away, like he was ready to go. Geordi still had to develop.
Right, so Jordy still had to develop the technology to be compatible with humans, and it wasn't until the scene later on where Picard's like, okay, now we lost data, what the fuck are we going to do next? And Jordy's like, well, it's not perfect, but I think I can make it happen now, like I figured it out or whatever, so.
And then, of course, they go into this place. And what did you think about the Davidians or whatever we were seeing? Oh, I love that. I've always loved that. They've always freaked me out. Like the design of them is just so freaky. Yeah, they're really scary. OK, the shiny blue is maybe a little, you know, aggressive. But no, I still like it. I like just the way that they're completely alien, right?
Um, well, they're not just alien, but they also are out of phase with our reality They don't even like they don't even like the cave to us is just an empty cave But inside that cave like crazy shit. Yeah, what's going on? And then that snake the afidian it's um, oh the afidian. Yeah, it's it's freaky. I love it I love everything about this episode. This is so much that I like I like the human form by the way
Um, like the scary couple that, that, um, that killed a 49er. Um, I love them. That was sad. That was really sad. That was really sad. It was disappointing. Cause he like, I thought that was, so this actor, I, I,
i have to look him up again but this actor like seemed really realistic to like he just like it seemed like they like they literally took him like they off the street they found a person from like 1900 that was homeless and transported them to oh my god 1992 and like we're like oh my god just act for a few just like talk for a few minutes uh talk for a few no don't you think he was like they left it like they brought him to the future but they left him homeless
That's so dark, Sean. Paramount would not have done that. I'm sorry. They sent him back with a bar of gold and that's what they did. That is funny, though. While not clarified in this episode, 49ers were veterans of the 1849 California gold rush. Yes.
Oh, it's not the 49th state? No, it's um... I failed. It was the 1849ers. It was a reference to the Gold Rush. It was a reference to the Gold Rush. Duh! What number state is California, Sean, since you're on the information? Oh, okay. California state. Let me uh, let me Google this. Statehood. Hmm? Statehood. We call it statehood, like what year?
state i'm teaching you american statehood statehood as in what do you mean when did it achieve statehood
California 1850 1850 1850 okay, so but that's the year what was oh, and then what was its number does it tell you the number which state it was It doesn't here night September 9th I Don't know it doesn't seem here say we're gonna try Siri. Hey Siri what number state is California in the Union and
Oh, I think I found the same article that you did. He doesn't tell you, right? He's just a dick. He tells you you found something, but then won't share it with you. I have that information, but I will withhold it now. So horrible.
Wow, this is an actual research moment brought to you by Nespresso Coffee. Oh, come on. Not really. Not really. 31st state.
Thank you. So 49er I had in my head all this time. I didn't know my own country's history. How terrible am I? Oh my god This whole time I had the number of the state wrong in my head I grew up in Florida. So And Florida doesn't come up in Star Trek until Until Enterprise something horrible happens to Florida. Yeah an enterprise Mmm
It's so sad that I didn't know that about California. They're already revoking my right to travel there now. Oh, wow. California. Oh, do not let Starfleet boy come to Austin. The NSA did not listen to this podcast.
What's that? Is it the NSA listening to this podcast? I don't think like I think their computers probably listen to everything. So if we say terrorism too much Then we might get we might get shut down. Can you go back to to being just so pro? It's just so pro Don't that don't sabotage my channel. That's how William Shatner says sabotage. Don't sabotage
don't sabotage my channel okay so let's talk about riker giving orders on the bridge do that shit on your own channel no i'm just kidding i like riker giving orders on the bridge he gets um once they know that they have to go to the planet he like yells a few names what is he says like
Troy, Geordi, Kosho, you're with me. Whatever it is, he says. I love that. I love it when he gets all, you know, authoritarian, like, captain-like. That excites you. That doesn't excite me. It's just... You love it when Ryker gets like, authoritarian. Ryker's the Star Trek Captain America.
we could swap you know i i don't i don't i think you want to live in the united states we have a slight situation a situation that might be more comfortable for your for your likes down here in down here in the united states oh my oh my we have descended into the the the most sidetrack we've ever been on an episode i'm talking i'm talking about his he's giving orders on the bridge
And I like... It's true, I'm the one who descended. It's true, you're right. I'm teasing him. I like my Riker with authority. What's that? I like my Riker to have authority.
You can't blame me for that. We all do, right? It's like when he says, I know what you're trying to write. It's like when he goes, fire. And then it's like, you know. OK, so here's a question. You have this. Do you recognize this thing? Yeah, I do. Well, you showed it last time, to be fair. Yes, I did know. It's Picard's desk crystal. It's so cool. Anyways, go on. OK. Sponsored by Picard's desk crystal. Or maybe not sponsored.
You once complained, or I don't know if it was a complaint or more comment, but you once commented about how usually when we have attractive young people come aboard the Enterprise, it's a woman.
So usually that's what happens. There's like an old Giza scientist and then he's got this young attractive woman with him, right? And then so this displeases you for a good reason. So what do you think about, what's his face, Jack? Jack, the Jack London. He's a charming young man, right?
He's very charming, and I think that, like, we know a lot about Jack London, by the way. I mean, he ain't no Riker. He is what Riker's based on, though, because he's like in Alaska. Later on, you know, he goes to he goes on to live in Alaska and he mentions it, I think, in this episode or maybe maybe that's from part two. I'm not sure. But have you ever read a Jack London novel? Never.
They were required reading in I want to say middle school in the 49th state 30 second. I already forgot actually what you said. It doesn't even matter Starfleet boy does not have the best memory but uh
or I have the best memory at the wrong time. But anyways, surely when you were a kid, you saw the movie White Fang. No. There's an animated White Fang that was just released on Netflix, which I put on my list, which I haven't seen it. Really? Well, that's one of his most famous works. White Fang. Right. He wrote a bunch of them. And I think that one is famous because it
It introduced people. Jack London wrote this book and kind of introduced people to what the wilderness of Alaska, which was hard to get to at that time. They didn't have flights going there. You had to sail there or traverse great kind of distances with the kinds of cars. Well, yeah, it would have been really far away back then. Alaska, come on.
This is like an entire Canada to get there. I mean, Canada didn't even exist back then. No, I'm just kidding. Is White Fang comparable to Balto? I think Balto's like probably inspired by White Fang. Isn't Balto inspired by the story of Balto? Like, isn't it like a real story? Is it? I think so.
My favorite dog movie is Beethoven, so whatever. Really? I don't enjoy dog movies. Yeah, those are awesome. Actually, I did enjoy Marley. Benji? And Marley and me, what about Benji? Benji's an amazing dog movie. I don't think I've ever seen Benji. That was Benji.
In fact, that's one of the main reasons I kept watching enterprise. Initially, even when I started to lose interest, I watched it, hoping that it would turn into a 2018 movie. Oh no. Okay. That's a remake. A port those adventures. And she came out in 1974.
Oh my god, he's immersed. You didn't hear my question. I did. I did. And I think what you're talking about, I think there's an episode where they kind of follow Porthos around the ship. Is that what you're talking about? Right. It's like from his perspective, right? Kind of. Yeah. But I'm not sure if that. I think you know about you only hear segments of conversations as he enters rooms or something. I forget.
Do you know about Mark Twain? Did you read any of his books in school? No. I know about Mark Twain. It's just that I think my mother read quite a lot of Mark Twain, but I couldn't say what he's written. Oh, no, wait a minute. Didn't he write, is it Huckleberry Finn? Yes, Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Tom Sawyer. So I've read that. And also the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. That was required. Yeah. Good.
So I have that, but then I'm not much of a reader. Now you can watch the movie, Huck, or is it Finn? I forgot. Like here, I would like a really terrible. You can watch the movie, Huck or Finn, right? Huckle Finn. Similar Clemens at age 15 looked like Colin Firth. What? What?
So you were asking me if I thought Jack London was attractive, is that what you were asking me? Well, is this Jack London in this enterprise attractive? I thought he was a charming young man. He has a certain swagger, right? I don't know what you thought of this as a non-American, but the scene where he's sitting with Data and
You know, well, first of all, the whole storyline is pretty cute. Like in terms of like how data meets Jack and like data is like on a mission. He's like, he doesn't like care about anything that's going on. Like he's just like, I need to construct a device so that I can get out. Yeah. I need to get home. Right. But Jack's like, like, uh, you know, Oh, you, you're here. Where are you from? And he's like, I'm a Frenchman and he's like, Oh yeah. Okay. That makes sense. Now I understand why you're wearing pajamas.
I love that, by the way. I love that they always default to, like, French. But, um, I just, I find it believable that if you're odd in some kind of way, especially back then, you just say, I'm, I'm from Europe, right? Like, oh yeah, okay, that's fine.
I mean, I mean, they must be a little, they're all a little weirded out by how pale he is. They're all looking at him like that guy's sick. He's got like a jaundice or something. You know what? You know what? I understand how he feels because I'm, you know, quite white as it turns out. And when I was times where I can't tell you apart from the wall behind you, that's, that's the running joke, right? Anyway. So once I got to the South of France where people are not pale, they, um,
you know kind of brownish and especially when when summer comes along they get even browner but i remain pale because if i if i go red if i go into the sun that i immediately burn up like a i go up pink like a shrimp red so yeah so i stay white and um i i get i get how data feels right i stand out you should cosplay as you should cosplay as data but a french data you should only speak french
like and when people ask you what you're you can be like very specific i'm data stuck in french like i can't speak any other language it's like cosplaying is buzz light year but the spanish version of buzz light year this is like oh my gosh uh i don't

Multiverse Themes & New Viewer Appeal

I interrupted my summary so mark in that scene so anyways again all the Jack London scenes are awesome because you know it's very believable how they move through data like figuring stuff out you know I mean like he comes over he realizes data realizes he has no money but he does have a gold badge he knows he's not gonna lose he's the best
know me
poker player possible, right? Like data's like data's like master. He's been playing against Riker and he's been winning. So, who are these schmucks anyway? These guys are just losers from the 19th century.
I do think I meant to research it, but I wrote down the names of the characters because I wanted to research. I think they might actually be luminaries from the time or historical figures. But anyways, Marco Lamo, who plays Gull Ducat, played the New Orleans Mr. LaRue. He has this very recognizable voice to me.
Yeah. But face too, I think his face comes through the Cardassian makeup. Like when I saw Mark Alemo in this episode, I immediately recognized him. Is it Alemo? What is Alemo? He looks. Oh, Alemo. I don't know. I look, I don't know. I'm always pronouncing the names wrong because I say Michael. Me too.
I think it's Chabon, but I don't know. I don't know. We don't know. I've never, I've never heard him say his name. I know. You gotta hear these people say their names. It should be required. Once you become like famous, you need to have a YouTube video where you say your name.
No, Google's doing a bad job. When you're watching Netflix, a little thing should pop up and say, do you know who this actor is? This is how they pronounce their names. This is how they pronounce their name. Starfleet. Boy. Starfleet. Boy. Boy. It's like, boy. Hey, boy. Hey.
Stop, leap-boy. Anyways, the scene that I was trying to refer to was the one where he's sitting in front of Data much later on, after Data's given him, like, lots of money. The guy thinks Data's, like, super, like, naive. He thinks, like, oh my god, this guy has no idea how things work around here. Hey, he's just giving me all his money. He's got these old-ass expressions, too. They're awesome.
It's true. I do. I do wonder, though, like I think that like that. I think they did. Why don't you guys still talk like that? What? Some Americans still do talk like that. What does he say? I was raised. They like they paid you for what was it? They pegged you for something. I wrote it down down it. Let me guess. Did you write it down?
I should have written the expressions down. They're all amazing. Yeah, they're really cool. So those are all real expressions. I often wonder how people spoke like in the actual reality because we only have the like there were movies. I'm pretty sure around this time there were still silent films. So we don't really have like too much, but there's a lot of radio broadcast. They wouldn't have written stuff like they wouldn't have had that as written dialogue in their movie. Like you pig me for whatever, like a schmuck or something like they wouldn't have written that down.
but right so they came up with an uh probably a more innocent version of it but uh i suppose music is the closest thing we can get all the hotel scenes were good like um oh it looks like the missus booted you out in the middle of the night just the way he talks at play i do everything else around here so there's no jobs do you hear that i do like that that other scene where like he laughs i'm a ship to come in hey
What was the source of your jocular reaction? I thought that was great. And he looks at him like, what the heck are you talking about? What kind of jive are you speaking with today? What kind of jive? I will say that data becomes very much more data when they need him to be. Because he doesn't speak like that on the enterprise.
it almost seems like he's trying to alienate people once he like once he realizes that he's like in this out of place you think he's like he's like trying to like keep Jack as far away but you'd be right because he doesn't want him to know what he's invented in fact that that same scene where um
Well, anyways, the part that touched me as an American was when he's like, this is the American dream, right here. A guy walks off the street in his pajamas and he ends up a millionaire and inventing the next, uh, uh, horseless carriage. Or at the garage and make a million bucks. I'm waiting for my, I'm waiting for my ship to come in this night. Do you have a ship? But I also want to go.
I like Jack as a character like who knows you know what Jack London really would have been like you know but I think probably they base this on some you know some some sort of some kind of like factual understanding of the character one hopes but he's got so much into his rhythm he's like yeah can't stay in one place too long you know
I'm always looking for the angle. He says that. He says that. Yeah, he likes it. I think that like today, if you redid this, Tom Holland could play this character. Oh, absolutely. Oh, yes. They like that's the kind of like vibe. Oh, yeah. Actor gives it. There you go. We just casted Star Trek Beyond Beyond. Tom Holland should play Jack London. Jack London should be the reason why the timeline is restored back to what we're supposed to have.
The Kelvin universe resolves in a nice little bow and then it leads right into the Picard show and then they announce that CBS and Paramount are one happy entity again. That is one happy timeline. That ain't the timeline we're living in.
Oh, Frederick LaRue is the name of the character. Yeah, I wanted to look that up, but I didn't have time. I had a lot of questions that I didn't do any research for. So audience, if you have the answers, please type below and let us know what you discover about these interesting mysteries. That's a great episode.
Honestly, it's one of those great episodes of Star Trek it's it's got everything that you want And it leaves you with a huge cliffhanger What's going on? All right
And you're dying to talk about part two, right? Cause it's, is it just as awesome? Does it hold up? I think it does. I think, I think generally speaking, this is one of the time travel stories that I can, I can get behind because I have trouble with time travel, right? I think the resolution is clever.
this one coming up you're right but the rev look the way they do it is clever here yeah it doesn't like exactly yeah it's super i think that there's like um uh there's a full circle as the man says there's a loop that works here um unlike looper um the movie which is kind of weird but yeah no i i enjoy this i'm looking at my notes i've got nothing else
Well, we talked about so much. Okay, I was right. It's Guinan technically eavesdropping because she, she, she approached Samuel Clemens. Yeah. There's like, um, before Jordy and Data speaking, Data leaves and then Guinan creeps up like, Hey, that was intense. Oh, but you know, you know, what's funny about that is that like, she probably learned it from Mark Twain.
she's like she's like it's probably a good idea to eavesdrop on these like these crazy ass conversations because you have to think about it from her perspective she's waiting till this moment to tell Picard you have to go back into the past like she's been like she's been sitting on this for years she's been sitting on this for years because like she's had a secret that she's known which she can't say i can't do that because then it would i can't keep secrets like that
well Gaiden can she's I don't she may not have done a good job because obviously Picard loves her so she sought him out right like to be his friend at some point we don't really I don't think they that she says she remembered the first time we meet well we we've never seen the first time Picard re-meets Gaiden right re-meets Gaiden yeah exactly
No, it's Picard meets Guinan. Is this that Guinan meets Picard at a different time that Picard meets Guinan?
Yeah, it's crazy. I love all of the concepts of this episode. Just the fact that people could be living out of phase at a different time variance. It's so creepy. It got me thinking, as a kid, I would be sitting in my living room watching an episode like, is this actually a cave somewhere? Could there be a different out of variance phase where this house hasn't been built and there's something else going on, like the hunting, there's a tree? I like the idea.
The center of this episode of Star Trek the next duration this enterprise This episode was searching the situation Kind of touches on I think what now we we hear a lot about is the multiverse, right? We not only hear about it in science, but you know like a lot of you know Marvel's and science fiction franchises Science fiction talks about the multiverse a lot so I think this was like a really grounded way of like showing you what?
what might actually be happening in a physical world, like in a world where physics works the way physics works in art, like in reality, you know what I mean? In reality, eh? Data like this, people come to San Francisco from all over the world and across time and other planets. I mean, some people have type R's and some people have type L's, that's just how it is.
By the way, I do want to take a minute to say that for me, there's a huge sentimental attachment to the fact that this episode was set in San Francisco. I know I was a bad, I was a bad a bad representative of California, but I grew up traveling to San Francisco every summer and and when I was a kid because my family live out there. And so there was a special layer. It's like if you
saw Montreal. If they had picked Montreal for this episode, for example, you might have similar feelings or Paris. Well, I'll tell you what. If you don't skip the intro of TNG, which I'm sure you do because we have that button now on YouTube, on Netflix, if you don't skip the intro of TNG, you will see that at some point they actually used a map of New Zealand inside a planet or a sun or whatever it is. And every time I see that, I'm like, oh my god, there's New Zealand on screen. It is just like a
It's supposed to be like a spot or like a different color shape inside of a planet. But every time I see it, I'm like, that's New Zealand. They didn't even bother to change it or switch it up. They just took it and copy pasted it, right? That's amazing. Now look for that now that I didn't know that. And every time I'm so proud to see New Zealand. And then every time I don't forget to mention that there's like a penal colony in New Zealand because they reference it. They talk about New Zealand.
And it seems like New Zealand would be a great place for prisoners. All the sheep. It's nice. It's pleasant. It's a beautiful place. This podcast is sponsored by New Zealand. And San Francisco. And San Francisco. And what is it? Coffee?
But it brings me to what I was going to present to you. Have you ever traveled to San Francisco with your wife? Never.
Never. The only place I've been in the United States, in the entire United States, is... What is it? Ticonderoga, I think it's called? Oh, in New York? In New York, because they have the Star Trek set tour there, and so we went to see the original series set tour. Oh, I remember seeing that on your feeds. We saw it, but that's the only place I've been to in the United States, and I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of different places. I want to do like this big road trip and stuff.
Well, when your child is old enough to travel, you should take a family trip to San Francisco. It is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Oh, really? And it's breathtaking. Yes, it's it's a breathtaking the episode. That's one of the things about the episode, if I had to critique something, is that like it doesn't showcase or showcase the beauty of San Francisco. Like what? But then that's not the focus of the episode, is it? And it was probably not in just like a very small studio set.
Yeah, a couple. Yeah, because they had like the reception, the hotel, you know, yeah, but they had a lot of cool sets, but they, yeah. And we, I, not that I can remember, but the wheel, I don't think we even see the golden gate bridge. It might not even been constructed or it might've been under construction at this point, but there were still even, you know, it's hard to say this, but even without the golden gate bridge, San Francisco is just a beautiful city. And I think they could have, uh, they could, that's the only thing I would say. Well, it would have been missing. It's, it's part of those, I mean, I suppose.
every city or many many cities in many many states in the united states are worth going to see i agree i agree but san francisco is is one that i think uh everyone in the world should see it's a it's that kind of city so you should definitely do a family trip there and maybe i can meet you because it's like a second home to me so oh well that would be interesting that's a project we have a plan so i'm looking at the golden gate bridge now
Yeah, it's a beautiful place. It's the bridge on which Caesar and his band of merry apes beat the shadow of cops in Ryze or Dawn of Hanavius. I forgot that it's a post-apocalyptic San Francisco in those movies, that's right.
Well, fortunately, current day San Francisco is very family-friendly. No damn bloody apes are going to be going around doing mischief when we visit San Francisco. All right, so is there anything else we need to cover for this episode? I think that's about it. I've managed to go through all of my notes.
Well, I, I have to say that, you know, time's arrow holds up as one of the really great episodes of, uh, of a Star Trek. And so my rating is a 10. I'm sure you weren't surprised. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it was going to be a 10.
No, I know you know. You know, you know. When you know, you know. When you know, you know. Mr. Data, when you know, when you know, you know. You gotta, you gotta roll with the punches, Mr. Data. That's the great thing about America, Mr. Data, is some jamok can walk off the street with a, with a, with wearing his pajamas. And then all of a sudden he's a, he's like a millionaire, right? That's so great. I can't wait till my ship sails in, Mr. Data. It's got a, it's got gold on it. That was a funny scene where he's like,
You have a ship, like David Cope's got up just for like one second. Guy doesn't even explain himself. He's like, yeah, got gold on it.
Fine I give it a nine. It's Yeah, I give it a nine. I think it's a great episode. Oh my gosh. That's a Sean 10. Oh my god. That's great. I Think it is one of the better episodes of TNG and
We certainly had a good time talking about it too, right? This is one of the episodes. You see, we talked about the previous episode, The Inner Light, where you think that it would be an episode that would be like it's a good pick to introduce someone into Star Trek. I think that you need further context or a little more depth to it, but I think this could work.

Impact of Two-Part Episodes

the two-parter you mean like the two-party shown as a Shown as like an immersive two-part experience the show like the same way they they piloted Discovery in two episodes. Yeah, like a big two-episode showcase then you would have done the same thing with this times are apart one part two I think that this is a good way to get people immersed in Star Trek Because I think is like yeah. Yeah, I agree I mean, but I I think that I think that about a lot of episodes, but but yeah, I definitely agree
Well, so a 9 and a 10 so that a 9.7 because tens are come on. Come on. Is that can I actually contact the doctor and get him like to weigh in on this? No, that's not fair. Doctor, if you're watching this episode, please chime in in the comments with your with your rate with your anger to see what you thought with your anger. If it's a nine and a 10, it's a nine point five.
All right fine a 9.5 it is for time zero The last episode can't complain because we get to rate the second part of this episode. You know when I know
It's coming soon.

Season 5 Recap & Future Plans

The next thing we're going to talk about, folks, as always, is a season five recap of Star Trek The Next Invasion, like just going over, you know, do we still think the same things about the episodes? Like, where do they fit in the whole season? And how does the season rate against previous seasons? And then after that, we'll go right into season six. It's been wonderful having you on this journey. Sean, thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me.
Season five I really appreciate your time and I just like really enjoy talking Star Trek with you Do you have anything you want to talk about? It's the last time I kind of forced you to promote something this time. I'll be more considerate
and ask you if you wanted to talk about it. I have nothing much to promote. I'm looking forward to seeing the next short trick, which I will talk about soon. As soon as that comes out, I'll try and put out a video. And I'm also watching through my Star Trek Season 1 DVD. I'm looking at the bonus scenes and the bonus features, the extended scenes. And some

Acknowledgement of Star Trek Production Team

of them are interesting. Some of them are aggravating because I disagree strongly with the things that are said.
But a lot of the behind-the-scenes footage of how they create things, how they do that, is great. If anyone from the production team is watching now, and I'm not talking about the executive producers, but I'm talking about the people that were involved in the creation of the props and sets and all the people that do all that hard work, I congratulate you very much, and I thank you very much, because even if I don't necessarily agree with the design or the aesthetic,
There's a lot of hard work that went into this and it really is some good quality stuff.
Well, I will say that again in my official video when it comes out. Yeah. No. Well, now I said I'm now I'm super curious. You better put that that video out soon. It's going to be a good one. I don't have the Blu-rays, but I guess you're also now compelling me to buy them. So good job. Sponsored Sean sponsored by Star Trek CVS.
Go buy the blu-ray for Star Trek Discovery. Astonishingly, I've never been accused of being paid by CBS. That's probably because my reviews are generally negative. But you wouldn't say no, right? Like I think CBS should pay you.
I wouldn't mind being paid by anyone, to be honest.

Sponsorship & Independence

Just, it's fine. Nor would I. That's the great thing about America in Canada. A jamoke could walk off the street in his pajamas and make a million dollars. I do have an ounce of respectability in the sense that I would agree to being paid by CBS, but I would establish that my reviews are my reviews and that my opinions are my own and that I wouldn't
change my opinion based on the fact that they're paying me. They couldn't pay me to say the episodes are good if they're not, if I don't think they are. Yes. CBS, you can pay me to bring coffee to people on your set. I'm so happy to do any job. I'm very happy to do any job. Sean bakes really well, by the way, and he could bake pastries.

Cultural Heritage & Authenticity

You'd have to fly him out to Toronto. He'd be separated from his family.
During filming, but I think they could deal with it Maybe you could fly the whole family out and they could be stay in a hotel in Toronto. I don't know come on Did they even do that they don't even do that for like the important people? Why would they do that for me, right? But has anyone ever taste your baked goods? I mean like like I think you probably put a lot of love into them So they're probably delicious like I can imagine I mean I if I were an executive at CVS I would fly you out just to taste your baked goods
Yeah, it's totally fine. What kind of goods do you bake, by the way? Do you mind revealing that to our audience? I bake everything and anything. Nice. There you go. Pretty much anything that is like a French pastry, I will do. And I've even done, my wife and I, we did our first pumpkin, first pumpkin pie ever, like last night. So we're becoming Americans now. We're doing the American and Canadian things. Is pumpkin pie considered American? Is that right? I think it is. Isn't that pumpkin pie?
Well, we always say it's as American as apple pie. That's like a real... And how is apple pie American? Exactly. Well, that's what I'm saying. That's the actual expression. French. People say, well, isn't that as American as apple pie? Okay. Is apple pie French? I think pretty much everything pastry related is French. Le pie de pombe? Is it Le pie de pombe? What do you call for it? What do you call it?
Apple pie in French, how do you say it? Tat de pomme, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat, tat,
in one of his scenes while he's wooing some... Would it be terrible if Picard is like a... I would enjoy. I would enjoy. I would like them to train Picard. I would like them to train Sephathic Stewart to speak a bit of French and have him speak better French in the Picard show. That would be nice because... You don't think... I thought Picard's French sounded pretty authentic when he speaks it, no? No. Oh, wow. He sounds like an Englishman speaking French.
But I mean, I think there are some Englishmen that would claim that the English invented French anyway, so But not the people
Not the people who know anything about language. On that note, have we exhausted even our side conversations?

Conclusion & Audience Appreciation

We totally have exhausted everything. Sean, it was great to have you. Thank you again. And then audience, if you've made it this far, I appreciate you. Thank you so much for tuning in to Starfleet Boy. You don't appreciate them if they haven't made it this far. You don't appreciate the people that only watch half.
I appreciate the ones that made it this far the most. If you made it this far, I can't help it. This is a long journey. If you made it this far, that means you sat through 87 minutes of Sean and I.
Being ourselves. That's it. That's a huge. That's a huge ask. It is it truly is Wow, so I thank you and I I hope to I hope to see you soon. I do have something to promote. Okay coming soon drunk space 9 continues as rogue drug space 9 I've already I've already recorded the first episode. I hope I hope to release it soon. So
That's a little teaser for the crossover for the crossover fans Anyways On that note live long and prosper my friend. Bye everyone. Thank you for having me yet again