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Star Trek the Next Generation - The Next Phase

E154 · Starfleet Boy - A Star Trek Podcast
40 Plays5 years ago

Geordi and Ro are caught out of phase and must find a way to stop the Enterprise from going to warp. This is a really cool episode that involves both action and some seriously deep science concepts. Find out what Sean & I thought of this exciting episode of Star Trek the Next Generation.


Casual Star Trek Intro

Welcome to Starfleet Boy, where we have a casual and informal discussion about our beloved series, Star Trek.
I already have Humbert's rating. Oh god. Did he do a, okay. Interesting. Well, he didn't give a number. Oh. And we're back. Another exciting episode of So Pro, Starfleet boy. Hashtag So Pro.
so pro i'm sending i'm sending a text i haven't got my notes so pro i wasn't i wasn't really okay i'm here now that the camera is not focused everything's broken okay
I love it. It's kind of cool that the audience gets to see, uh, what this normally very well polished show off guard every once in a while. All right.

Engaging the Audience: Twitter Poll

I actually, uh, just while I was waiting for you, uh, you know how like when you're waiting on something, sometimes you do things just like on the, like on the whim.
I put out a poll on the on the Twitter about this episode so we'll know hopefully by the end of our discussion what what the Twitter audience thinks oh wow okay it's a meta today's rating today's ratings are gonna be super meta we're gonna need algebra to figure out the final rating
Okay. Alright, so we'll see what happens.

Playful Episode Summary Banter

Star Trek The Next Generation, the next phase. I always extend the courtesy. Would you like to do the summary or shall I? No, I did a recent summary, didn't I?
Yes you did. You're off the hook. You're not oblige anymore. You're a seasoned vet. You're my XO. The previous XO. I now have the privilege of deciding when I can do my episode summaries. Because I do accept to do some now and then.
The previous XO was found walking in plant dirt in his quarters, shooting at a television screen. And there we go, the expense. It drops.

Transporter Accident: Tension and Surprises

Boom, boom, boom. Got to get in there somehow. All right. So what were you saying?
i was saying you're going to do the episode summary that's what i was saying about easy-peasy all right so um... there is a romellan ship that uh... that is in need of aid so the enterprise uh... goes in uh... offers its aid in fact the episode just starts on you know we're we're on this romellan ship uh... helping the romellans out there having some kind of problem data explosion
So Geordi discovers that he needs to take this one part and replicate it. So he lets Commander Riker know, and Riker's like, asks the commander of the Romulanship, can we replicate this? It's all very cool in terms of this beginning scenes procedure, by the way, like how they handled all the
security and everything like that. But anyways, Jordy and Ensign Ro are going to beam back to the ship to get this thing replicated. And then there's a transporter accident and everyone assumes they're dead. However, including the audience, if you're watching this for the first time, you might have thought they were actually dead, but they're not dead. It must have been a very interesting first watch when it first came out on TV.
Yeah, I do actually remember wondering where the show what direction the show was going in. But, you know, I also thought, you know, just like kind of halfway through, I remember being like there, you know, once they reveal a test that there might be a scientific explanation for it. It was like I went on that. I know I should keep this discussion because you're doing the summary, but they do keep it whole. They do. They do keep us like 11 minutes.
wondering. Yeah, we don't see them for 11 minutes out of what 43 I think it is. So that is quite a long time to hold it. Yeah, I guess that's true. I mean, Jordy, you kind of guessed, well, then I killed Jordy, right? But but then you think in instant row, maybe they would, you know, she's not the main character. So maybe they did do this, right? Yeah, I mean, I think there was a little anxiety about whether or not there is this clique, there is this cliche that in the 90s, the black guy would always die first.
Was that a cliche? Yeah, it's always been a cliche. Is that true? Yes. How can you not notice? I don't really think so. I mean, the shows I watched every- No, not the TV shows. There's lots of people that- Movies. Movies. Oh, well the movies I watched like- In horror films or- Like it was equal.
You would always have, because they would always have this, I suppose it was this misrepresented token black guy that they would have in the movies that he would be like the wise cracking black guy, but then he would die first. I don't disagree that there were poorly executed
like B movies that like definitely had like token anything characters. I mean, like you're, you're focusing on black people, but Asians a lot. And so do, and so do Hispanics actually, which is not as common, but, but you do. And then the Irish seem to always get characterized as well. So the fringe by the way. Okay. And the French, the French seem to get characterized. So I don't know. I don't know what you're trying to say here, Sean, but I, but I grew up in a, we were talking about

Character Focus: Ro and Riker

You're it get off my summary Get off my goddamn summary Texting while you do your summary or you do summaries from now on young XO I Don't even remember what I was saying well anyways I
you're terrible you're terrible you totally got me off track but since you did that I'm just gonna do this to you I'm your favorite host that you love to hate I don't hate you at all actually I think you're quite awesome oh look at that you're actually you're also hold on I'm doing something here you're also
one of the most ubiquitous. Do you hear it? Do you hear it in the background? Yes, the expense theme. This is a team discussion. Come on. Audience, we're out of phase. We're out of phase in this episode. And that's why we're acting so crazy right now to be appropriate. I mean, you're watching the expense. I'm sending messages. This isn't this isn't provisional at all. The episode is really good.
What's that? The episode is really good. We should be talking about it. I know it's good. We are going to talk about it.

Clichés and Token Characters

I just have to get this out of my face. Can we finish the summary? Hold on. This has to get out of my system. It's my show, God damn it. You sidetracked me. I'll just look somewhere else for you. God damn. Who are you texting if we may ask? If we, the larger, the star-flight audience at large, who I represent, if we may ask, who are you texting?
I, um, I sent messages to my friends because, as you know, because I've sent this privately to you, I took a picture of my baby on the tube holding a Star Trek original series phaser. And so I've been sending that to, you know, my mum and my friends and what have you. And so I, you know, I'm finished now. It's over. I'm done. I'm, I'm, I'm with your summary.
Very good, very proper. So, all right. Anyways, they think they're dead. Well, Ro thinks she's dead at first because she's kind of wandering the ship alone. And then she meets Geordi and she convinces him, or tries to convince him rather, that they're both dead. And Geordi's just not having it. He refuses to believe that the afterlife is with Ensign Ro on the Enterprise.
he's like expecting a beach with like beautiful people and like lots of you know you know the he was expecting a heaven i i presume uh of something if at all if anything at all non-awkward um interactions with um with with woman that's what he was expecting right yes unlucky in life so he wanted to be lucky after death
wow you actually nailed it that's true it's totally true that's how i envision but ensign but ensign row and apparently bajoran heaven seems really boring because it's a lot of like hours of like but they do seem like a boring people what's that they do seem like a boring people oh my god
Are they the token boring people perhaps? Since we're talking about tokens. They seem boring. They're all agro all the time as well. They have this... Moving on. They are all a little agro, but you would be too if the Cardassians occupied your home world for over 30 years. I guess so.
To be fair, O'Brien's a human and he's constantly aggro as well. Oh god.

Evolution of TV Title Sequences

Just blasting the expats. It keeps trying, it keeps trying to come in.
it's so beautiful okay it is anyways that that is the way to do um a title sequence and and a theme song by the way if if anyone's looking to create a tv show
Something cool Discovery can do. We're going to have a moment since we're talking about titles. Oh, come on. We haven't even finished the summary. Something really great that Battlestar Galactica did in its opening credits is that the opening credits would change slightly to remind you of certain important things. And Game of Thrones does this also. I don't know if you noticed, but sometimes you have to notice. Because Game of Thrones started at 30 seconds. Now it's like seven minutes.
Just keep on adding shit. This is the longest opening title sequence and the most monotonous music No, I love the games and we put it on good
Yeah, Battle on Fire has a tendency of doing that as well. I realized that each season where they were updating it to like change because they have the shadow war and then it changes and this and that. Oh, that's cool. That's clever. So anyways, Battlestar Galactica did it and the Expanse kind of does it a little bit too. And I'm kind of hoping we see a different opening seat like a title sequence in for Discovery. I also want to understand why the hell they had like the hand thing in Discovery.
Oh, like Touching God or whatever. Yeah, they got plenty of stuff in there. Da Vinci's reference there. But you're right. I do hope we have a different opening title sequence for season two. Just like a montage of Pike.
What's that? A montage of Pike. I know, I just... Ants and Melts. And like a bonus Chris Evans. For no reason, just... I mean, why wouldn't you? Psychologists are going to be watching these episodes and they'll be like, that guy Sean has some interesting opinions about Chris Evans and Ants and Melt. But I don't blame you, who could?
Yeah, so anyways, data is trying to figure out what's causing these like residual Artron, was it Artron radiation? Chronotron, come on, boy. Oh, darn it, chronotron particles. Artron radiation is from Dr. Who. Chronotron particles are like a recurring particle, by the way, in a lot of modern stuff like TNG, Deep Space Nine. Right, because it has to do with cloaking and stuff like that. Cloaking and time travel and shenanigans.
Anyways, it's discovered throughout the episode that the Romulans are working on an experimental cloaking device, which is a phase cloak. And we actually come back to this technology later on because it turns out the Federation was also working on something like this. So in this episode, the Romulans had based their research on initial Klingon research.
Apparently, that's what they mentioned. And so it turns out iteration we're dealing with this as well.

Sci-Fi Concepts: Phase Cloak Technology

Everyone's trying to cloak and become things. Well, you know, face cloak. The reason a face cloak is amazing is because as it's described in the episode, like a ship could actually like pass through solid
You know, solid things like matter, any matter actually, unharmed. And so it could sit in the middle of a planet, for example, and hide out where you can't even get it. And so it can really do some crazy stuff.
It's like deep science fiction. But it's the kind of thing that you don't want to go. Like if the if your warp drive goes wrong, you essentially come to a full stop or you go too far and then you can just get home. Right. But if you well, yeah, the face goes wrong, then you kind of become part of the planet, which is not something you're looking forward to. That's and that's why we don't see face clicks because it's probably too unstable. Adi adi adi adi. But anyway, but a second to the one that
The Pegasus does it, though. The Pegasus. Goddamn, Will. I thought I could trust you and then you will put this bomb on our friendship. Shit.
How am I supposed to get you out of this one? This is the most un-forgot thing to say. Shit. It'd be great if in the sequel to TNG... Oh, he's like an angry old man saying swear words all the time. Well, but that they have like...
I think that the Picard show would be a great show to bring expletives into Star Trek with and just hearing Patrick Stewart as Picard. He strives to be the best of humanity. What's that? He strives to be the best of humanity. He wouldn't say swear words. You think cursing is a bad thing?
Well, I was told so. I don't think so. I swear, I swear all the time, but it's been ingrained in my body. And those who told you so cursed in private as well. There was a study that came out. My mother says very little curse words.
oh that's in front of you and and le bebe but perhaps in her mind she's like maybe i love your french by the way thank you
Anyways, finally, the episode culminates in, you know, there's a couple things going on. It's a pretty cool episode in that regard. And so other than trying to figure out what these chronotonic particles are doing and trying to get rid of them so they can actually safely warp.
Jordy and Ro are on a mission to stop them from warping and also to try to get back to being solid because the Romulans are super skinny. Even though the Enterprise is trying to help, they decide to send back a muon wave, I think, or something like that. Or they send muons in a wave back to the Enterprise, which is giving the Romulan ship energy in a very interesting way.
the roman commander looks at is like his uh...
Um, so, so now we have a time limit because, uh, once the enterprise finishes the repairs and warps, it's going to go kaboom and blow up. So, uh, we're, we're racing, we're racing against time anyways.

Phased State Mission Urgency

Uh, also there happens to be a Romulan centurion that is also phased and he realizes that Jordy and, um, and row are in phase. So he decides to try to stop them, even though, you know,
his offices will make an exp
He's out of phase and he looks pretty bummed in the beginning shot. He's like, how the hell am I ever going to get out of this? At least Ro has Jordy who's trying to figure it out using his mad science skills. But this guy was just on his own. He was just, uh, great.
Now, this is the rest of my life. And you know the Romulans, if they're not interested, they're like, oh, the guy disappeared. Whoop-de-doo. Another casualty. Forget it. They don't have a data looking at chroniton particles. For the star empire, right? Come on. Are they token Romulans? Anyways, I'm just curious. Are they? Wouldn't Spock be the token Romulan? Because somehow no one notices that he doesn't have a forehead?
Is it Spock the token Vulcan there token Vulcan maybe But he's always he's always been the token Vulcan because he's not he's not really Vulcan And now he has a beard so that everyone's offended now Well, the summary is already 17 minutes I know Wasn't this supposed to be short?
okay sorry am i am i am i am i am i am i allowed to vote on the poll that you you did on twitter or yeah i might i won't know it doesn't yeah it doesn't tell me it doesn't tell me who voted it's perfect you could totally vote okay can i vote like 16 times with all of these different accounts and hack the system no i can only vote once right
oh wow audience oh they can't hear this oh yeah the polls gonna be on for 24 hours I don't know if I'm publishing this one today or next week so okay it's gonna be really meta we'll see it might be today it might be today well I might wait till the poll just just to see what your influence can can gather

Data's Unique Memorial Party

Can't gather anyways, so also in the meantime data is striving to create the perfect memorial for Row and Jordy and he comes up with a party which I think is great and I'm just going on record is saying that that is exactly the kind of memorial is this the only time we see balloons other than the episode of discovery in Star Trek and
what i can't i find that hard to believe i don't know this is the only time i've ever noticed that this is balloons there was there were balloons in the frat party that we had in discovery but then
Well, TNG did it first or later, depending on where you're talking about. Well, they did it first. Discoveries trying to do everything first, but sorry, Discovery. Someone else. Someone already did it. Sorry. Sorry, we did that already. Shit. Even completely redesigning the Klingons you didn't do first, so.
Right. This is true. This is true. I mean, yeah. Do something first for real, god damn it. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Because even your ship isn't done first. It's like based on an old design that was rejected.
I like when you get that sarcasm voice. Even your ship isn't done first. Yeah, I'm from the 1920s now. Hey. Which it's going to be really fun talking about. It's going to be really fun talking about doing the Times Arrow California Western accents with you. Oh, yes. I'm going to train my Mark Twain.
I've been doing this one for years. Could you help out a 49er? It's like my favorite one. That's like my favorite guy in the episode. This is so appropriate because it's old time travel that we're doing this episode in advance, right? Well, you know, we're not limited by time or space or dimensions.
Finally I am Although there's 20 minutes later finally The culmination of all these efforts and by the way, they kicked this Romulan out into space Which I have a lot of questions about how the phasing works due to and that you may I'm troubled by the phasing help me answer
No. But anyways, they kicked this Romulan out into space.

Survival and Resolution

And Data and Geordi and Rho end up at the memorial. And just before Rho can find out what Commander Riker was going to say about her, they blow up a phaser to create tons of these particles, forcing Data to
to use the most powerful setting for the decontamination sweep, and that causes them to phase back into reality. There was an earlier scene that I forgot to tell you where Jordy discovers that the beam that he's cleaning these particles with also reconstitutes their bodies. So that's how crazy dense this episode is. Anyways, they reappear.
They reappear and Geordi, how quickly his crew forget him, tries to stop the Enterprise from warping and the response is, Captain Picard, was that order coming from you? He's like, that was Mr. La Forge, god damn it. Don't warp.
Shit, Jordy. What the fuck? We all thought you were dead.

Scientific Logic of Phasing

I have none of this. You're dead, or you're alive. Pick one. God damn it, I was hoping to get drunk. Yeah, Ryker was hoping to get drunk. He walks into 10 Ford with a huge grin on his face, like, hey. I know he's so happy. I'm going to pick up my trombone and pick up a woman, all right?
Oh boy, not the captain, not- not Captain Picard. Alright, now that we got through the summary shot.
What should we talk about? Should we talk about the society stuff? Or the religious stuff? Or the philosophical stuff? Okay, so let's talk about how the phasing doesn't work first. Wait, what's that? The phasing. Let's talk about how the phasing doesn't work right. Let's get that out of the way. I don't understand that. I love the whole concept of the episode. I don't understand why they don't phase through the floor.
Because they face through the walls and then they throw out of the bulkhead, but then how is he affected by the non-oxygen that's in space? Because they're occupying the same space. So they need oxygen still. Or they need an environment or an atmosphere, right?
My impression is that they're out of phase and there's some there's something about being in that state where at the end Jordy has to eat like a lot of food he's starving right so it implies that like they would have died eventually like in this phase well because they didn't bring food with them like everyone should have like a compulsory food basket on them in case this happens
Right like nothing. Yeah, exactly. But I but I wonder also if like phase space is Is a place where they would have found like it, you know, what if this Romulan ends up? somehow Landing on a planet and because there's that one scene where he died the panels and she realizes it's solid so she's also like what's solid and what's not like I think and I think phasing because probably sitting on a chair
What's that? That Romulan dude was sitting on a chair originally. I was like, why is he sitting on a chair? Because they tricked you into thinking that he's not fazed, but he is. But then part of the trap was that he was sitting on a chair. And that's why it didn't occur to you. If he was just standing in the corner of the room, you'd be like, why is this guy not going to yell at that?
What I think is happening is that when the the phase cloak failed, at least on, you know, like what I'm guessing is happening if I had to Trexplain it is that it created these like waves or particles, you know, like unleash these like phase waves or particles. And so.
they're just kind of like blobs floating around near the roman ship and so sometimes so i think that like sometimes it also affects environments and that's why they were like these chronotons particles or whatever so that would be a good way to like explain the ambiguity presented by i think the phase cloak but
In all but I couldn't make sense of it like I couldn't make sense of it back then when I first saw it and I can't I can't really make sense It is a mistake. It's just in all fairness I think it is just a mistake and it was like they need to be walking up on the on the ground and they need to pass through this bulkhead and
Well, but you could argue that like the, for example, the artificial gravity generators might actually affect phase space in some way. So, you know what I mean? Like we don't understand how phasing works. They're in some sort of state of flux. And so you just don't know what's going on, right? Right. Exactly. So that that's the way that I think you can buy it and it can just work. It happens to work in favor of the plot. What's that? It just all happens to work in favor of the plot.

Philosophical Themes: Life After Death

Of course. But that aside, I think the episode for me still wins, in a sense, because yes, that's a huge thing. It's a huge mystery, but it's not really the main point of this episode, I don't think. Oh, absolutely. This is just because we're watching this episode with a critical eye. And so this is why this comes at us like, wait a minute. But that's not the focus of the episode.
Right. The focus is definitely like I think the idea of life after death and then like, you know, like how the crew would have mourned a lot. I do remember like if we're talking about, you know, things that shows do over and over again, whether they're good or bad, it's this idea of like, you know, and I remember I can't remember specifically what happened a lot where like, you know, people think you're dead and or you're in a ghost state or something and you get to like,
see things, you know, that you normally wouldn't see and it's like an interesting idea. I think it is. I do think that the doctor was saying that Enterprise does this with Hoshi also.
Yeah, there's like a same sort of transporter malfunction shit going on. And then I definitely know that the original series, I can't tell you which episode it was, but there's the one where like Spock is wearing the space suit, you know, the iconic original series space suit with the gigantic. I want one so bad. You want one of those really? Okay. I would totally wear it on the show too.
Well, I mean, yeah Anyways, there's that episode where they're phasing and like, you know or he's phased out or whatever of real space So it's not like the first time it's done it either. It's cook that phases out of real space. Oh, is that is that right? In the tholian web, I think it is. That's what you're talking about. Oh
Oh, that is that. That's the B plot or the A plot. That's right. Yeah, I forgot about that. But okay, separate I do time is separated the two events in my mind. I thought that there was like two different episodes. I don't think it is. So the there's the eternal question of like, what, what is there after death, but you know, that that's kind of unanswerable.
But on a more realistic level, there's always this question of what would people say about me once I'm dead, right? Because people are all like, you know, I got friends, like a family, but do they really like you? Or are they just going to insult you once you're dead, right? And so there's this kind of compelling thing which Ro has this whole arc about, like she really wants to know what Mike is going to say about her.
like you know and yeah and it's interesting because like Geordi seems unconcerned with it I think partially because he's convinced he's not dead okay maybe he also probably knows that he's like he's awesome right loved yeah he's like he's awesome he has no issues
There was that really touching. I have a lack of self-confidence, which means I wouldn't be as confident as I would assume that I was dead as well. I'd be like, I fucked this, I'm dead. God damn it. You know, so you're saying like, maybe I hope whenever this out-of-phasingness happens for you, I'm there with you to convince you you're not dead. I hope so. I'll be the Jordy to your row. I don't know how to take that. Okay. With the Jordy to my row.
There was a lot of touching moments in this episode and I thought like, one thing I have to say, since we are also we do also present critiques is that like I was extremely distracted by the makeup around Michelle Forbes eyes and like this early Bajoran makeup, it's kind of intense I thought, like,
Kira only has the little, like, later, but Jordans just have the little ridges on their nose. I didn't notice. But it seems like her eyebrows, like, do you ever notice in this one, like, in some of these scenes, like, she has these really, really crazy ridges that go across her eyebrows? I just, I didn't, okay, so I've never noticed that as being makeup application. I just never thought she was very pretty.
Well, it doesn't matter. I'm not talking about prettiness. I'm just talking about distracted. Like, okay. I, it's just that I never noticed if she's not pretty, I won't look at her. No, not at all. I just listened to him. Every time she comes on screen, I close my eyes and imagine my wife. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Okay.
As humans somewhat sometimes we find people more attractive than others and sometimes you know But it's just that I've never I've never actually noticed that it has something to do with makeup. I still look at their makeup I Just can't I can't I can't I can't look at Laurel
Turn the volume up. I'll listen, but I won't watch. We might be on to something. There might be something valid here. Okay, I will say something. Like season two, Lorelle, which is technically, they're calling it Lorelle 3.0. Oh, because she changed. Because she changed. Lorelle 1.0, yeah, was like normal Lorelle. Then she was Scarlett. Now she's this one. I think she's looking a lot better. And I think the makeup is a lot better, but I also like the fact that she's looking more plump.
I know that I think they were trying to go for like the skinny we've been starving out here for quite a while look but I like the rounded face the realm better
You like Empress Lorelle living her best life. I do. I also, I hate this song because, okay, so people that are unaware, Mary Chifo just released a video in which she was dancing to a Demi Lovato song. And so I find the song horrible to not be too harsh. I find the song to be horrible.
oh the song okay guys but i mean that's just i suppose my tastes but you get a great look at you get a great look at that at the the like the the costume that she has and i'm looking forward to seeing that in the series because they might enhance that a little bit with like a cg or filter or anything and shazad latif is all wearing a stop the uniform i know which was you know spoiler was it maybe
And anything can happen on Star Trek Discovery is what I'm doing. Anything, literally anything and everything will happen on Star Trek Discovery. They make a point of doing that. So I'm not even going to think about it until it airs. And then we try to not think about it once it's aired, right?
Speaking of which, Sean, I don't know if I'll have the time. After we're done talking about this episode, I'd love to share some thoughts about Calypso.
Okay. Do you want to do like a separate short recording or do you want to? I think we should. Okay. Okay. Deal. All right. Audience. There's going to be a separate recording bonus. Look at that. There's so much, so much content being produced in, in like this, this awesome because of this awesome TNG episode. Um, anyways, you had something more to say. I was going to, I was going to pass on to something else that I've got in my notes, but if you carry on.
No, well, I just wanted to comment on that idea. It's like something I think I personally have grappled with going back and forth with. And I wouldn't be surprised if like most humans like wonder, like, is there a life after death? And like, I think it's like something that, like,
Star Trek tackled in a very interesting and unique way. Like it, the episode was about that, but there was an, somehow it wasn't about that. You know what I mean? It's about so many things like all wrapped up into one. Absolutely. It's just one of those questions that's kind of like, it's left hanging in your

Personal Afterlife Musings

life. And so I suppose in this context, it was much more present, but the episode doesn't focus around that.
I would like there to be an afterlife, and in the afterlife, my personal idea of an afterlife is I would like to wake up, and it's dark, it's like this weird room or whatever, and my eyes start adjusting, and I realize that, oh, I'm on the Enterprise D, and I walk out, and I look in my quarters, I find a mirror, and I see that my rank pip says that I'm the captain.
and then i'll just simply stroll onto the bridge and be like second star to the right and straight on till morning engage what about you do you have an idea of the afterlife i don't i don't i really don't know i really don't know
What's the coolest afterlife you've encountered in fiction or even you can bring religion into this? What is the coolest afterlife that you've encountered in your studies? The coolest idea of afterlife? I don't know. I don't remember them. What have I encountered afterlife-wise? I don't know.
They don't. Well, there's, there's Ragnarok or not Ragnarok, but like the, you know, there's like mythological afterlives. Like in Greek, in Greek mythology, you went, you went, uh, either to the Elysian fields or. Okay. So in Norse mythology, mythology, you got that, the Valhalla, which is freaking awesome, right? Right. You're in like the great, the great hall of all the legends and you're drinking and you got, you know,
But it's hard to earn a place in Valhalla right you have to be a warrior you have to like your enemies like there's like quite a thing I haven't quite done that yet I'm worthy
I'm not there yet. I haven't yet killed anyone in battle. Yes is the operative word. It is legal to actually provoke someone in a duel in Canada nowadays. Of course it's illegal to actually kill someone.
So, you know, but you mean I could go, I could, you and I could, like, I could be mad at you, walk up to you and slap you with a glove. Absolutely. In a public place. Absolutely. In Canada and be like, I challenge you to a duel and that we shall decide our arguments based on this duel. Yep. Yep. And then we would have to choose our weapons, but then like to abide to another law, which is you can't kill me, would have to choose a weapon that is harmless. Like, I don't know, like a bottle of champagne and try to hit each other with a cork or something.
But, um, we could do a legal duel. How about lightsabers? Can we use lightsabers? Well, just, you know, okay. We'd be hitting each other with sticks. Plastic sticks! Which, fair enough, but... Alright, I think like a good one would be laser tag. Okay.
laser tags a good dueling system. Oh wow. Cause I just learned something about Canada. I know, I know that in America, uh, it's cause apparently they've been recently removing old, you know, useless laws. Um, and so that like, there was a law that said you can't challenge anyone to a duel. And so this took it away because like, no one's going to challenge anyone to a duel anyway. This is not going to happen. But now that there's no law about it, like someone might. Yeah. But then you can't kill anyone. So what's the point, right?
Well, dueling, yeah. Like you said, safe dueling 2.0. 2.0? I don't know. By the way, Wolf is very proud of Jordy.
And I suppose we're all Aaron, but they don't talk about Robert too much. Um, he's very proud that Jordy died in the line of duty. Um, I know he's doing his job. He's very happy for him. He's, he's going to, you know, I suppose the earth version of store before, but, um,
Yeah, I mean, I think Worf would think that like there's an honor, a place for pagans that, you know, like an honorable place for non Klingons. And that's where Geordi is. That's it. So it is so interesting that like this episode does present various
views of the afterlife and kind of evokes those kinds of thoughts. I think it's a great episode if you want to have like a discussion about philosophy and religion and science and like there's just so much in here. Now going back to the kind of what's that? You asked me about afterlife, right?
I don't know what I would want or what I would desire, but I'll tell you what. It would be, okay, so the classic, it would be great to see all the people that have already died, so you'd be reunited with loved ones that have passed on, etc. If you have a family, a wife and children, you'd like to see them join you. And I would also like to still have access to all of the new movies that come out and stuff, because if I were to die now, I wouldn't see Avengers 4, right?
All right. And that would suck. But like, okay. So I would, I would still want like everything to be like, I would like a heaven streaming service where I can stream all of my movies and TV shows and listen to my music. Cause it would be a bummer if your favorite artists is like puts out his best album, but you're dead, right? Can't listen to it. Well, you could just wait till they die and then you'll meet them in the afterlife. And then, well, maybe not. You don't know how life life is. Maybe you're in like a ghetto and he's in the VIP lounge.
I think that there's something to I think that there's something that any like at the very least humans have glimpsed another possibility right like you know there's people that have claimed to have come back from the dead there's people who have claimed to you know never be able to confirm any of that though it all is just claims though
Of course, but not to say that they're lying. It's just like one of those things that, like, as long as written oral history, written history has been concerned, there's always been some kind of myth about, you know, what happens after we die. And I think it's wonderful. I mean, like, I think like trying to explain, you know, like if you really think about life, if you were to just strip away the imagination for a moment and just like look at life completely from the from what it wouldn't like an objective lens, if you can.
It's hard, because we're not, you know, we're living it, right? But think about it, like, you're hanging out, you're talking to someone, and all of a sudden, like, a meteorite comes up in the sky and hits them in the head, and they plop down.
All right, you didn't have to go media, right? Yeah, I mean it has my example has to be a little imaginative, right? Because I'm trying to describe something that I'm trying to remove all imagination from this example, but I have to have the meteor.
so then all of a sudden that person you were talking to is laying there motionless and you have no more access to their thoughts or their feelings or anything like that you have no access to this person at all so what does that look like like what do you you know like what is that like it's a lot of fire
Where are they? Their bodies here, but like what inhabited their bodies is no longer present, right? And we feel this like idea of like, Oh, like, you know, surely my thoughts and things like that live on after, after I die. There's this whole thing about the, this whole thing about the 12 or 13 grams, right? Do you remember that? Do you know what that is?
Oh, yeah, there's like all kinds of stories and there's this thing. OK, so remember that like supposedly you lighten. Yeah. So when you die, of course, you lose all of your, you know, you know, internal stuff, your pee, your poo and everything comes out right. But then you're left with the body that's emptied basically. But then they figured out that you still lose like a certain 13 grams, 12 point, however it is. And it's the same amount for like basically every body.
And so people have theorized that that's the soul leaving. Which is interesting. It's super interesting. I don't know. I just feel like one thing that's an interesting... Our internal role errands leave us. What's that? Our internal role errands leave us because she just gives up. She says we did, right?
Yeah, it's true. It's true. All I know is that whatever it is, I kind of agree with Worf that to die is an awfully big adventure, right? It's the ultimate. I wouldn't want to die. I really enjoy life.
But I know that when it's time, whatever that is, whether it's being struck by a meteor or whatever, that I feel pretty ready to like, to like, discover whatever's next, even if it's oblivion, because even that in itself is a discovery, right?
the way you think but I think it is nice to have that positivity and optimism still for the end of life right for the end of what our life is because as much as it is intriguing and you can find optimism and delight in discovering what comes next you still want to live a full life right you still want to finish this life that you can because then you're missing out on so much in this life
Yeah, it's true. I think that Ro wasn't very happy with the party in general. Well, it's better than two hours of Bajoran chanting. What kind of fear, right? What's that? It's better than two hours of Bajoran chanting.
I Don't know I think I think she was more Concentrated on like what Riker was gonna say. She was she really wanted to know what he was gonna say. I Think they were trying to like
I mean well there was that episode where they have this like when they lose their minds or their memories rather and so they they they just think they're lovers so there's definitely a connection between Okay, so I was talking about this with my wife. She's like they have six one day, and I was like I don't think so
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were doing it all that episode that episode where they okay, but they were but they were technically not themselves They were beside themselves, right? They were right, but you still they still engaged in the physical. I mean the deed engaged in the physical It doesn't matter that they were out of their minds that still happen It just wasn't something they would do in their normal minds, I suppose But you think there's like a latent
There must be like an attraction because I think even out of your mind to like kind of go off what you were saying earlier about not finding Michelle Forbes attractive. Okay. But I think that like even out of my mind, I wouldn't, I wouldn't make love to say Donald Trump.
right exactly i don't know you'd have to be really screwed up to like like like the kind of like i don't know what i don't even know how to describe what you'd have to be to do that but
beside yourself to say the least yes anyway fair enough I could you happen to see it did you happen to see my photos of the of the Kelvin Enterprise yet yes I look I watched I saw them they were very like I like your photos
I very much like your photos. I like the ability that you have to take macro photos because I find them very complicated to do. When I was a child, I collected Hot Wheels cars and I always wanted to take hyper-realistic macro photos of my Hot Wheels cars, but my camera was too cheap and crappy, so it wouldn't look good. But then I am fascinated by this. There's a trend that exists on the internet.
Which is to take, um, like macro photos of hyper realistic toys or miniatures. And they fool you into thinking they're actually real, like a boat or a spaceship or something. Well, Star Wars, there's a lot of Star Wars art, like that photography art. Yeah, I think it's really a lot of the behind the scenes footage shows that.
Yeah, if I had like a lot of resources, I would have actually shot these against a black background and probably... That's the one thing that I think is missing. You have to redo a photo shoot there with a space background or a planet background or something.
Well, maybe Eagle Moss will fly me out to their studios and let me play with their equipment. I'll tell you what, Eagle Moss should release a background, a backdrop for your favorite ships there. Take your Enterprise-D, put it in there, like there's a planet or something, and so you can put the ship you want in when you're taking pictures.
And then you can display your favorite ship in that one each time. That would be nice. I think this one has a blurry enough background where it could totally be in a nebula. Maybe it's because I know what the background is that I don't see it, but yeah, okay. What is that background? What is the background? Well, it's your disk and your office, isn't it? Yeah, it's a computer. It's good. But no, I do like the photos.
Thank you. I just wanted, I just wanted to bring him up so I could show him off a little bit. It was fun to do that. What I have to say though is that like the ultimate credit.
You know, regardless of like, the reason it was fun to do this and why I wanted to do is that the models, they're not perfect by any means. However, they are good enough to like create imagery that I think is very close to the feeling you get when you're watching these ships on cinema.
because that's the thing is that like you know one thing I love about this enterprise in particular and we really are going way off so I'll stop you know just kind of say this real quick is that
As an alternate version of the Enterprise, I think it nails it in terms of like the feeling with the lines and everything. It's so bizarre looking from some angles, but from other angles, it looks absolutely perfect. And so I really like it. I think it was designed to be photographed with these weird kind of like lenses and things like that. Oh, well, they do a lot of different camera angles and stuff like a 9 anyway.
I think I like every... they do a lot of weird angles in Sachiko 9, in the Kelvin timeline in general. Okay, so I think like most people when Sachiko 9 came out, I didn't know what to think and so I didn't like it. I defaulted to, this isn't such, I don't like it. But then, in retrospect, I quite like Sachiko 9 now. It's into darkness that I have a lot of problems with. But I think, you know, when I look at it now, I find the Kelvin timeline's aesthetic
to be just how it should be. It is the Kelvin timeline. It doesn't please me as much as the aesthetic of the Prime timeline, but for what it's supposed to be and for what it's trying to be, then I can't take that away from it. It works. I don't like the Enterprise ships from the Kelvin timeline too much, but they are Kelvin ships.
Yeah, they don't infringe on your idea of what the prime time is. No, absolutely. On the contrary, they build the Star Trek universe in a way that I suppose nothing else has done before. So, they innovated.
more first times all right so are we ready there's nothing else that i have in my notes except that i did i do it was like i i did think that um captain picard uh took it all very well

Professionalism vs Emotional Impact

Okay, so this is something very important. This is something very important. He did tell a nice story about Jordy. I was like, I know you're right. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no, no. It's just I'm going to bounce off what you said. He took it very well, right? He took it very well. He was very professional about the whole thing. And actually the whole crew was right. They just lost two valued members of their crew. One of them, which they've known for a long, long time.
But they continue doing their job over professionally. They have to save these Romulan people. They have to help the ship and what have you.
And I think that ties into what the marketing team behind Discovery have been saying about the Star Trek of all. They've been saying that in the original series and the next generation, we have this reset button, where in every episode, the crew is back to normal, and they don't seem to remember or be impacted by what happened before. And so the Discovery production team were trying to better represent how the events of your life kind of impact you in Discovery.
And my argument always was, well, Kirk and Picard and their crews are like the top brass, right? The highest of Starfleet, which is in itself the highest of humans. And so these guys are professionals. Whatever happens to them one week, they have to put that aside and carry on their job correctly the next week. And that's why we have this kind of reset plan. And I think this illustrates this very well. They lose Geordi and Ro, but they carry on doing their job.
I just would have liked to have seen a scene with tears, I guess. I don't know, like... Oh, to have it resonate a little more.
What's that? To have it resonate a little more, like the impact of death. Just a little bit more, especially Geordi. Like I could get like why maybe Ro, perhaps they weren't as attached to, but like I feel like by season five they've been through, you know, Geordi's been tortured so many times and like, but like, you know, they're playing poker. I think they could have done it together. Without necessarily going in, without necessarily going straight to tears, they could have had this thing where like,
when the transporter chief announces, like, I've lost them, you would have this kind of moment where maybe, you know, Riker and Picard have this moment, not necessarily where they look at each other, but where they kind of like, oh shit. Because when you lose, when the death of a friend is announced, it comes as a blow, right? From experience, it comes, you feel like you're hitting the face.
and it seems like it seems like also I think I think also another thing that like if I'm really gonna dive in a little deeper is that like in past episodes when there's a transporter accident it's not to say that this has to happen every time but there's at least some sort of like biological residue or something you know like they don't just like get zapped into this is different because they were technically transported somewhere else
Well, they were cloaked, right? So there was no residue to have because there was no problem since they became cloaked.
Right, and so it gave me the sense of almost like they were just like, oh well, Jordy and Ro are dead. Shit happens. Oh well. It was down to happen to one day, these transporters are always malfunctioning. Say la vie. Is it because of Brian wasn't prisons? Captain, don't you think it's odd that there was no biological residue? Odd. Why would I find that odd? What not?
It's because of Brian wasn't there they didn't have a Brian They didn't have a chief of Brian would have been all over that shit. It's so true. It's so true He would have had an emotional tear up. He would have cried He would have gone to see Keiko and cried in his quarters because he lost Well, especially yeah, and then and that kind of reminded me that there's really
Not any other characters in engineering besides Geordi that we actually get to know other than like, I mean, you know, and Chief O'Brien's not necessarily an engineer. He's like a transporter chief. So it's like, he doesn't become an engineer until he's on Deep Space Nine. But not that you say that. It's interesting. They could have used that character because they have this kind of replacement chief engineer, this replacement transporter chief. And we know nothing about her except the fact that she's just essentially replacing O'Brien.
it would have been interesting to have her have like this kind of breakdown throughout the episode like they put me on duty this week and I friggin lost the chief engineer and just have her have this mental breakdown and have more scenes with Deanna Troy where she's like you know
I killed these people. I feel bad about this. And you have to like counsel her and say, look, this happens. It just turns out you, you know, bad luck, I suppose. Right. So I think that's where the episode kind of like, I think it had to sacrifice certain things in order to get so much information, you know, like it's pretty dead. There was so much going on. Yeah. So I think that it would have been nice to just have like maybe even counselor Troy, like, you know, intend forward.
During the funeral crying, you know, like even though it's a party like if she breaks down and starts crying I think it would have been the right note To give us just that balance of like because not everyone's

Potential for a Two-Part Episode

gonna like want to have a party, right? You know, some people really do want to mourn show people staying in their quarters Okay, so what if we've done this in two episodes and throughout the first episode we hadn't seen a row and Jordy at all and we assumed that they were actually did and the first episode was everyone dealing with it and in the second episode Like the the teaser that they have in the beginning is oh my god. They're actually there
And then the second episode is they try to get the ending of the first episode is they actually meet each other and they're like, wait a second. Wait a minute. Like this whole thing. Yeah.
That would have been really great, but of course the two-parter this season was unification, so I think they didn't have anymore two-parter. Oh, time zero. What's that? Time zero. Oh, it's part one of time zero is the season. Unification, okay. The beginning of next season, yeah. But yeah, so I think that was the only thing... What's that? This would have been a better two-parter episode than unification. Oh, come on.
You and your Spock hate, man. You really gotta stop. Just love him. Just love Spock, man. Embrace Spock. Embrace Spock. Come on. Not my Spock. I remember. You're pissed that Star Trek is about Spock. Star Trek is about Spock, damn it. Star Trek is about Spock.
The same way the X-Men franchise is about Wolverine. Pisses me off. Pisses me off. Anyways, so I'm glad we both saw that. And the Star Wars franchise is all about the same freaking family.
I know. Well, you got to focus on something, right? Well, look at the wizarding world. They haven't made everything about our button. Now they've made it like another franchise, which is about other people. I know. Which, by the way, I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. The crimes of Grindelwald. I haven't seen it. Apparently this post-critic scenes.
Oh, you know what? You missed that. I didn't even think to wait for a post-credit scene. How did you? Apparently, there was like some big shit. Okay, I haven't seen it. I'm going, I will be seeing it on Tuesday. Hold on, so wait, wait. There was a post-credit scene in the first one? No. But there was one in this, there is one in this one? Yes, because now... See, I was like, oh, they don't do that, so I left. They don't do that. Yeah, they do. I should never have left. Yeah, they do. Come on. This is big shit now. This is big.
It is pretty big. Alright, Sean. I've never been a huge Harry Potter fan. I'm alright with the movies, but Fantastic Beasts, I'm a fanboy. I love that shit. Oh nice. It's amazing. You can pull off a Newt Scamander or a Theseus Scamander cosplay. A what?
Newt Scamander, the main character. And what's the other one you said? His brother's name is Theseus. That's in the trailer! I'm not spoiling anything if you watch the trailer. I don't watch trailers because they spoil things.
You don't watch trailers? You do a whole review on the Star Trek Discovery trailer. I have to watch the Discovery trailers because I have to get them views, right? No, I watch teasers. I watch small snippets. Or if I watch a trailer, it's because the movie I don't really care about and I can be spoiled like Dark Phoenix.
tell us how you really feel about the dark phoenix the phoenix the dark phoenix how i really feel about the dark phoenix i feel no i really don't want to know underwhelmed i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i would i want to know is do you have any more notes on this i don't i don't whatever i don't have any more notes oh i said the sound effect of passing through is a little weird
So they have, yeah, so passing through, actually it's passing through like an object, a computer or something, they have this kind of thing which is fine, but then when you're passing through another human, it's kind of weird to have that, I would expect a biological sound, but then we don't know how phasing works, so.
Like, what would it buy? What kind of bar? I really don't want to go there. I literally don't want to start making sounds. Every time they walk through a human, there's a fart sound to the air. Okay. I've also written, it was, there was a very 90s running through the walls scene. Oh yeah. Because they have that in movies where they run through the walls, but usually they break through the walls and stuff, but this time they were just phasing through the walls and it was very, it was the science fiction version of a 90s running through the walls scene.
Star Trek though it is like a science fiction show has a tendency to be a time capsule of the time they were created in.
It's true. We do see people just chilling in their quarters in that scene that you're talking about. And there's this one guy who's doing like pushups. There's like, there's a gym, but you know, whatever. There's a bath, right? Was there a bath going on or something like that? And then this intimate dinner where, uh, where they have no idea that everyone's fighting and running through the intimate dinner. That's so funny.
So that was good to you. All right, cool. You gotta be careful and start so you can't get your freak on everywhere because maybe there's Royal Air and there's gonna be running through your quarters at some point, right? Well, if there are ghosts, it kind of freaks me out that they could just be like watching you in your most intimate moments, just chilling. I'll tell you what, one of my best friends at work keeps on telling me to put my hand in front of my mouth when I yawn because he says if you don't do that, then a ghost will put his penis in your mouth.
So, I mean, how does that freak you out now? You got, like, ghosts floating around. That is information that we didn't need to know about

Humorous Ghostly Pranks

on Starfleet. But now it's forever recorded in the... You can edit this, right? It's here. You can give credit to your good friend who came up with this ghost theory. It's actually quite horrifying and really... It is. It is very scary. And it has a tendency to make you really want to cover your mouth when you yawn.
Yeah, just the visual alone, even though I am gay, of a ghost putting its penis in my mouth, makes me not want to yawn without counting on it. Homosexuality has nothing to do with this. This is like a ghost that you don't want, right?
floating around your face so do you think if they never if they actually were under in an afterlife and they were stuck on the enterprise they'd just go and like do things like awful things like try to stick their their private parts and like our beloved crew's mouths i don't think they would know i don't think they're too capable of doing that
And I actually think that this specific pairing of characters would take quite a while before they would get intimate. I'm assuming they would, because if you're stuck with just one person for the rest of your life, you probably would. But I think they would take, you know, time. It's not like Ro and Riker. They would be like, what are you going to do? Like, we're bored. It's just, you know.
well we're dead anyways yeah that's gonna change my rank doesn't my rank doesn't matter anymore just throws off the pips okay all right so i will go first as is customary uh let's see if hambert gave a more specific rating but i reckon his rating for this episode is under five that is you're not allowed to reckon his rating that doesn't count that doesn't count in the in the
Well, I'll just tell you what he wrote when I said, I'm curious about your rating. He says, poor Sean. I've never fully seen this episode, but what I have isn't pretty. Enterprise did a similar up. So, so I'm guessing his rating is very low. Well, he's wrong. It doesn't count though. It doesn't count dismissed.
Right. Dismissed. However, I enjoyed the episode. We are counted. Excellent. However, we are counting the rating from my little Twitter poll. So as of this moment, uh, five people have voted and all of the votes are above six. Uh, 40% of the votes are between six and seven and 60% of the votes give it between eight and 10. Okay.
Now it's 67% between eight and ten. No, so it just went up. That's crazy Live right now is going out really live because you're gonna upload this in what how long don't know you So my rating for this episode because it was fun and and you know like kind of cool to watch I I gave it above a five for sure I
It's not an episode that I really watch like I don't think about this episode to go watch So it can't get a 10 like it's not on the list of like oh I definitely want to see this episode again I kind of remember everything I need to know about it and got everything I wanted out of it And I didn't find any really new things in this rewatch that I that I didn't already think about before
Although I did have fun talking to you about it So I'm gonna go ahead and give this episode a 7.5 a good old solid 7.5 for this episode, okay Well, I'm gonna give it a 7.5 as well
whoa it's a rare occurrence it is it is a rare occurrence i kind of forced it i was okay i was gonna say eight and then i was gonna say seven by the end of the discussion but then i thought it would be you know it's nice to do we do 7.5 together thank you i appreciate that yeah it's an episode that i do enjoy it does have small issues but you know i enjoy it this is the kind of story that you can do without having like an action-packed story
But then it is good. I love the scheming Romulans and the visuals are great. Oh, and I have to talk about this. There's this one moment where he's like, Jordi has just discovered that he can be fixed by the thingamajig. And his hand has more trouble phasing through the disc or the console. And the CG was really well done in that moment where he tries to put his hand in and it doesn't quite go in.
Right, and yeah, you guys should like kind of like exactly. No, I thought so too. All right, sweet man.
audience tell us what you think in the comments below and please there's actually a lot a lot of cool new content since the last time we spoke up on Sean's YouTube page Trek on the Tube very very nice videos up there go check them out there's the Easter eggs for Calypso the discovery just review an Easter eggs which is pretty cool
And did you do your video for the Section 31 show yet? No, I probably won't be doing it. I know I said I would be doing a video about that, but I probably won't. But I changed my mind. Yeah, apparently it is just rumors more than anything else. And Michelle Liu's involvement is absolutely not confirmed.
It's not it's more like a Wish list thing that it's exciting to well It's exciting to see all the hubbub that occurred about it because a lot of people got all excited about it And I don't blame them Michelle. Yo is pretty cool. I do want to see her. I love Michelle. Yo doing I don't like Emperor, Georgia
No, I think that Michelle Yeoh she's like an awful person I think she's like no, she's the worst human I think Michelle Yeoh is a very talented actor. She's absolutely amazing I just think you liked Captain George. Oh, I love Captain George. Oh, I think Captain George is amazing and I think that's why Michelle Yeoh is amazing I think Captain George is a character that suits Michelle Yeoh and suits her talents
And I think that sometimes, as great as an actor can be, sometimes they just don't match or suit the characters or the roles that they're given. And I think that that's the case for Emperor Jojo. I'm not convinced by her performance as the Emperor.
I see. I'm not convinced that it's a bad performance. Anyways, we could talk about it more on our calypso, calypso discussion. A quickie coming up. All right, everybody live long and prosper and we'll see you next time. See you.