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Star Trek Discovery Discussion: Point of Light image

Star Trek Discovery Discussion: Point of Light

E164 ยท Starfleet Boy - A Star Trek Podcast
45 Plays2 years ago

Season 2 episode 3, Point of light produces quite a fun discussion for the Starfleet Boy crew today.


Introduction and Guest Welcome

And we're back on another exciting episode of Starfleet Boy, where we have a casual and informal conversation about Star Trek. We are currently focused on Star Trek Discovery Season 2, Episode 3, Points of Light, or is it Point of Light? Point Singular, I believe. Point of Light.
Thank you. Thank you points of light and that and if you're new to Starfleet boy Hello, welcome.

Star Trek Journey and YouTube Insights

We're glad to have you here. If you like our discussion, please Comment below and also subscribe and do all those things and now I would like to welcome my guests I'm so pleased that we have the return of tracker prize Gary after many many
many episodes. He has returned to us. You're like Barkley. You come on like once a season. It was like K left. We've been waiting for him. We've been waiting for him. I go with Barkley. And so Gary is back and then we have our
You're becoming, you're quickly becoming one of my most prolific, you might be a co-host like by law, like you might have to be a co-host here. So Sean from Check on the Tube, I'm so happy to have you back.
Well, we'll, we'll talk about that. There's a weird blobby disease in this episode of discovery. So that's a good, a good thing. I just called it a disease for the first time. I never thought of that before, but I don't know if that's true. And then we have PJ who I've had discussions with on, uh, text treks channel after, um, we, we would do live, uh, post, uh, uh, short treks discussions and you're at bow track, right? Yeah.
Great. And there it is. It says it on the thing, too. So PJ, since you're new to Starfleet Boy, I know you, of course. But since you're new to Starfleet Boy, we love to always hear a little bit about your Star Trek story, like why you like Star Trek or love Star Trek, how you came to Star Trek, and what you're doing, because you're also a YouTuber and also you're active on Twitter. So we'd love to hear about your Trek adventures.
So go for it. Yeah, well, I guess I'm a casual YouTuber.

Star Trek Movies and Episodes Discussion

I don't do it as much as you guys. You guys like, you know, do a video every couple of days or maybe every day. I've seen all of your videos like on and off.
But what I do is just very casually just by myself, usually with no video, just talk about whatever I want to talk about. There's no real set schedule to it. It's pretty lazy and laid back. But I first started watching Star Trek in 89 or 90, I can't remember the exact year, at season two, because our local station used to air everything a season late.
But then when I started watching it on CBS in the early 90s, got into DS9, then Voyager. Loved seeing the movies, couldn't find anybody to go to generations of first contact or insurrectionary nemesis. I always went by myself, except for nemesis, somebody went with me there. Is this all in your town in Newfoundland where you live? Or did I say it right, by the way? Yeah.
I did, yes. Okay, go on, sorry. Yeah, I just had to let my cat in. Oh. Anyway, yeah, so I've been a fan for a good almost 30 years, I guess, so.

Episode Summary and Analysis

That's awesome. All right, cool. So you'll have to go back. If you haven't already seen Gary's introduction, he's like in season one of Starfleet Boy. And then if you want to see Sean's introduction, you can go back to the very, what is it like the third or fourth episode of Discovery that you came on, Sean? Didn't I do a TV first?
That's homework. No, you didn't. I'm pretty sure. Were you? I don't know. I know. It's definitely boys not known for his great memory. But now now we'll know that PJ. It's like, yeah, there's a lot to keep track of on the on the show.
PJ, since you know the show, we like to do a brief, we try to do a brief summary of the episode and then we go on to a casual and informal discussion. So this should be right up your alley. And I always offer the summary, the job of doing the summary to my guests first. So would any of you three gents like to do the summary or should I do it? I'm right.
Wait, what was that, Gary? I'm rusty. I think I'll keep it. You're passing? How about you, Sean? Well, no. Last time I did a good summary, and you actually impressed at my summary, so I'll leave it at that. I was. OK, well, very cool. I love a lot of your summaries, by the way. And then what about you, PJ? It's about Klingons.
You're going to do it. Yes, go. Go for it. Well, it's all about Tilly and well, it opens up with that, you know, that race in the. Around the corridor is the what is it called? The half mile or something until he's hallucinating. She's seen that ghost and. You know, Burnham's there and she congratulates her and all this. And then what do we go to the Klingons after that or?
I think I think like so I saw this episode two days ago. You're totally fine. I will help you a little bit because I just saw it again. So basically we find out that Lieutenant Spock is psycho and he's murdering his his caretakers or something like that. He's murdering

Klingon Politics and Makeup Challenges

Tilly is having a hallucination of someone she knew in like high school and the hallucinations like very crazy and scary and her name's May and she's like really demanding and she makes Tilly goof up on the bridge and Burnham is obsessed
with finding out what's going on with Spock. Amanda comes to visit. Super melodrama. I loved it, by the way. But so Amanda comes to visit. She's pissed that Spock is in this psychiatric ward. Or actually, we find out he escaped. He killed people and escaped. Sorry. So she's pissed about it because she doesn't believe that's like Spock. Pike doesn't believe that's like Spock. And Burnham doesn't believe that's like Spock. Pike doesn't like to use holograms, which I think is awesome.
and then what else? Come on. We have to talk about that. Well, the thing on stuff, they get into cold shot trying to take over the... That's right. ...the real position and all this. It's just like his son. You notice that? Yeah, the actor plays in the exact same way.
I think my dad and I speak the same, I'm not sure. But it happens sometimes, it happens. Yeah, I noticed that. I was like, did they take the same actor? And then he started speaking. I was like, yeah, they did. Scanith Mitchell again.
What about paint that has like technology in it? That was cool. Like we were skipping ahead. So wait, the summary. So the summary. So the Klingons are are are having like continuing to have battles. Apparently the D7 battle cruiser is Laurel and Tyler's idea or the resurrecting because some people have told me it actually appeared in enterprise. I didn't I don't remember that episode, but like I heard that it actually may have appeared before.
You guys might know better than I do. Anyways, it's kind of cool stuff going on. The Klingons look interesting. We can talk about that. And then finally, we get a preview of the Section 31 show when Jojo appears.
and like it was like a pilot within a within an episode I thought and we had Giorgio and she's badass and I'm very curious to see what uh uh Gary thinks of her empress giorgio or what a security consultant giorgio and then that's it the episode ends it doesn't really do a lot in terms of uh the red angel storyline uh except for
that it seems like this is a break period because like there's only seven dots and I don't know if the whole season is going to be about this or if it's going to be a mid-season up till mid-season thing but next episode looks really exciting and that's all I got. I stole the summary from you PJ, sorry. I stole it. Captain's prerogative. Does anybody care about these Klingons or what? Okay, I'll tell you what. Go ahead.
I like the idea of a modern Star Trek show showing us, how should I say this, the political dynamics of various races. I like the idea of having, this is what's going on on Earth, this is what's going on like on Andor, this is what's going on on Conos. And I like the idea of seeing all of these different races. And I would have liked to see Romulans, even if they never interact with the Federation and Starfleet, just see what's going on with the Romans. I like that idea. It's just that the characters- I can tell you what's going on with the Romulans.
Yeah, they're playing against Picard, right? Yes, it's true. He doesn't exist. But I agree that the characters that we're given
like the Klingon characters that we're given, they're not interesting to me. I just, I don't care about Lorel one single bit. I don't care about Vox slash Tyler one single bit. Of the three things that I want to be accomplished this season is get rid of the spore drive, kill Tyler and kill Lorel. Wow. That's what I need. And then the show can move on. I feel like these things that dragging the show down, they're like remnants of season one.
and they need to be gone because we have this pike, we have this red angel, we have mystery, we have a great Amanda Grayson.

Impact and Critique of Star Trek Discovery

And I feel like the show is trying to propel itself somewhere, but it's being weighed down by these anchors of season one. Do you think Amanda Grayson is a descendant of Dick Grayson who played, who was the original Robin? You ever thought about that? It might be spelled differently, I don't know.
She becomes an ex-joker. That's what you're implying. Oh, my God. Wow. I felt the opposite, except I still don't really care too much about what's going on with the Klingons. But I have to admit that this season I care a little bit more. And I actually am on Team Lorelle. I kind of want to see where this goes. I should preface and say that I watched this episode with my mother, which is already an exciting thing. Like last season, I tried to watch Star Trek.
Discovery with my mother and she hated it. She could not stand it. The Klingons were too scary for her She was like just not into like the darkness and she just like didn't want to watch it at all So this season when she saw Captain Pike, I think she has like a little attraction to him like to ants and males because she
Star Trek as long and maybe even kids maybe next not too young but like you know like 10 year olds and 11 year olds like I would love for Star Trek to be that and I don't know that that's ever going to be the case again because it is like you know in the age of like the Expanse and Game of Thrones like how can Star Trek have you know like any prominence as a show without being more adult but I do think that this season's tone is really exciting and the Klingons I think need more work like
to be honest
I really think that I have to agree with the critiques that say that the makeup is still a burden. The actors look like they're struggling to act in these costumes. And I do think that that's true. But overall, I'm really enjoying finding out stuff about this period of Klingon, like what you said earlier.
you know, popping in on the Klingon politics. And then I do think you're right. Like, I think it'd be neat to just get a Romulan perspective or pop into, or even Andor, like, or Tellarite, you know, Tellar, sorry, and see what's going on there. I think that I like that about Star Trek Discovery. But I also felt that in this episode, it was well balanced because the Klingons weren't the whole show. Like, there was enough other stuff in this episode to kind of balance out
the overall enjoyment of the episode. I think they didn't go too far for me as far as how much Klingon was in the sauce, as Kit Walski likes to say. I want to add one last thing to what I said. Though I'm not exactly a fan of these Klingon characters and not exactly a fan of what they're doing with the Klingons on the show, I kind of feel like that you couldn't just abandon the Klingons completely after season one. They needed serious course correction.
that you needed to kind of explain the evolution or something. You couldn't just leave them after season one like, oh, well, they just, they will win home. They have like a terrorist leading them and moving on, right? You needed to kind of do something about it. So even if I'm not a fan, I understand the need. And putting here on the Klingons doesn't fix them either. Just,
Yeah. I don't, I don't understand why people in season two or season three, if there's going to be season three, like especially utilize the Klingons in season three. What if there's an attack on the Klingons against a certain race we haven't heard of in cannon before say, and the Klingons are desperate and they

Character Development and Logical Consistency

use the augment virus again, thinking they perfected it, but they don't realize that it affects them long-term. So like five years down the road, they can,
the the the
Can we, does anyone have any images of the Klingons from this episode? Are there any online that we could share? And I'll tell you what, it is interesting because they, they, they have this, the, the production team behind Discovery have this tendency of like, we stand behind what we did, but then they go on and show us the new Klingons and they didn't just put hair, like Lorella is completely remodeled.
Yeah, they they toned down the ridges they they pulled like they put her Cranium correctly because it was like long it was elongated and ugly They did a whole lot of work on it because they just they realized that it was done what they did And they didn't tone down the other Klingons. They did they made her. Yeah, her uncle is just wacky, right? Her uncle is all huge. I don't know. Yeah
I did like to look at Cole Shaw, though, that guy. Adam's sad he's dead now. He's the one I would have liked to see. It's like the same thing they did in season one. I wanted to see D'Kuvma continue on, and then they killed him the first episode. They killed a good Klingon. My favorite Klingon. Here are the Klingons from this episode of Star Trek Discovery that were in this episode.
What the hell? That's the relevant. No, I do think it's interesting that they did try to do this. Like there was that one you were just referring to the one Klingon that has like a like a kind of like a weird mustache or whatever. I don't know. And some strange hair. I mean, look at Chris Christopher. What's his name? Oh, my God. I'm such a bad remember of actors names. Christopher Lloyd.
The doctor's going to hate me even more than he does now. No, but that was only the second iteration of that.
redesign Klingons for the right I think that like I think that because of all the changes that we've seen throughout all of Star Trek for Klingons that I think it's like a safe assumption to say that like Klingons don't really care about manipulating their Appearance like I think they're down for like genetic engineering. I think they're down for You know to that we think we think about it
We think that remain Klingon means visually, right? Like that's probably why I think a lot of people are kind of thrown off about this, but maybe to Klingons, since they are super alien, right? Like maybe it just means something completely different and we're learning more about that. And that's the way I'm kind of taking it at the moment just to see where, you know, to kind of like not think about it too much. Visual changes of the past
don't justify modern day visual changes. Like it's not because in the sixties or in the seventies or in the eighties, um, people didn't care about cannon or continuity that today we don't today. The fandom has changed today. Like the, what the expectations of the audience are different. And we have, we have the ability to, to like make good looking
old school Klingons, right? Why go in wacky directions? And then they don't change the Vulcans. Like the Vulcans are fine. We leave them exactly as they are because they're iconic, but then like the Klingons are not. I don't know. Well, the Klingons are iconic to a lot of people. I mean, I think, I think for like a lot, I mean the fact that there's a Klingon, what's up with a dictionary. What do you mean? What's going on with their neck? Well,
Look at it. It's a little holy in anyway. You mean like a waffle? Does it look like a waffle tube? It does look like a waffle. Waffle make.
Well, if you think about it, like most times, like the traditional Klingon outfit covered their neck, right? So it's conceivable that there's more going on underneath there. We don't really see ever, to my knowledge, a shirtless Klingon until Star Trek Discovery. So who knows what's going on? Oh, is Worf ever shirtless on TNG? Does anyone remember? Is that something? Hey, Klingons never had those necks before. That's a redesign to reimagine.
Something that they're gonna explain at all, I don't think. Now, you know what they've done now? They put the hair, they put the wigs on the Klingons. And in the minds of Alex Kurtzman and everybody at Star Trek Discovery, they fixed it. But fans are gonna say, you know, it's not good enough or whatever. And they should introduce the augment virus to fix it. That's the easiest frigging way to do it. Do it in a couple episodes.
The problem is you'll notice that. They might do it in a couple of seasons, though, and that would be fine, too, I think. Can I bring up a point about the way Klingons look? You know the Klingons in TOS, which are just guys in makeup, right? Ridges. Hello? OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You broke up a little bit. We heard you. You all went black. Oh, no. We've lost our way back. That's all that happens. The TOS Klingons. OK, the TOS Klingons.
Look at Star Trek six, the undiscovered country. Look at how subtle their ridges are and how like more human they look. Everybody's cutting in and out right now. Oh, it's probably, it happens just hanging there. Uh, this is a common occurrence on Starfleet boy. It it's, uh, we're, we're talking across vast distances. So just stay there, hang in there. Um, anyway, what I'm saying is the Klingons from undiscovered country,
seem to me like the Klingons in TOS. It's like there are the reimagined TOS Klingons with the pretty much no ridges, except they're very subtle. Look at Christopher Plummer. He's a human with like a bald cap and a little bit of ridge. That's it. You could imagine at some point we could see, you could incorporate all the Klingon designs from all the movies to
But they don't do that. Their idea is to reimagine it. They looked at Lord of the Rings and they saw the orcs and they said, that works. And then they looked at Game of Thrones and they said, let's combine Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones and make thing orcs. And I hate that actual, I actually hate that term, but in effect, that's what it is. Like I just can't deny it anymore. I'm like, but the rest, there's other parts of this episode. They're actually very good. And I think we should probably.
I've seen what you said kind of like a lot on the internet and I agree in this regard to me I think up until now the main reason I think the reason I'm repulsed by the choices that the production team made personally about the Klingon makeup is because I don't see the actors and I watch shows to see great performances as much as I do for special effects and
and as well as story. I think that for me, when an actor can shine through, I think Mary Chifo is a really interesting person personally. I follow her on Twitter and for the most part what I've seen, she's pretty neat. I've seen interviews with her and I would love to see more of her sounding like
how she normally sounds and act being able to like, you know, convey that. So I agree 100% that like the Klingon makeup is not the ideal situation to showcase or show off the ability of these talented actors. And the same goes for who plays Cole. He's Ken Mitchell. Kenneth Mitchell is also an amazing person. And I think he actually like,
you know, is creating this, like, pretty cool character. I mean, like, Old Man Cole was pretty interesting. Like, I kind of loved how, you know, like, you could see this, like, imagine with, like, better, more forgiving, more perhaps, like, enhancing makeup.
how they could do better. And I think that's why you you reference the Christopher Plummer thing. I'm glad you did because Christopher Plummer is a superb actor. And there's no doubt in your mind when you watch his performance in Star Trek six that it is, in fact, Christopher Plummer like being this Klingon character. And he also does some unique and like interesting things and brings a lot of depth into like how we think of Klingons, like all of that performance in Star Trek six is awesome because
For the first time, you don't have Klingons grunting and mispronouncing words. They're speaking standard or whatever you want to call it, as well as Captain Kirk and Spock are. And so I love that. And Worf, obviously, is the reason why. It's weird. Star Trek VI came after TNG, so Worf is actually responsible for that in many ways. But...
But yeah, so yeah, I do think that that's fun. Are you guys have any more comments on the Klingons or should we move on to the other stuff? To illustrate what you just said, I think the Star Trek fandom will all agree on Jeffrey Combs. Right? Wayun and, oh, I gotta forget his name in the Enterprise, the Andorian that he plays.
No. Shran. Shran, right? Weyun and Shran. They're both very, very alien species. They're both very different races. They have different motivations. He acts very differently as both characters, but you can see him. You can see his face. You can see his performance. You can see his emotions. And it makes those characters so compelling. And I think those are why they're like Trek fan favorite characters.
Awesome. Gary, do you have anything to say on the Klingons before we move on to the next subject? Disgusting. What, they're gross? Did you say they're disgusting? Yeah, they were disgusting. I mean, they are. I guess they are.

Realism in Fight Scenes and Klingon Biology

That's true.
OK, we watched the episode with Together with Trekker Prize. And you watched it with Mrs. Trekker Prize. Yeah. Does she want to say hi to the audience? I think you spoke. OK, OK. All right, not today. One day I'm going to get Mrs. Trekker Prize on the show. It's a goal. Anyways, go on. I don't know.
OK, first off, you didn't get too much structure, but we watched the structure six times together. And then we watched this one. And we say that those are not going on, first off. Gary, Gary, can I? No, no argument. Don't open this argument. Don't open this argument. Gary, can we get you to hold the thing? Can we get you to hold the thing up again? Because you're breaking up a lot. But you weren't when you were holding it up.
I know, it's so annoying, right? I know. So basically, they just discussed things. I don't think the makeup improved, at least in the recipes. I did like more subtle makeup. But I did find them discussing that the fight scene just was unnecessary, and the way how they presented them again
root for killers
The fight scene was awesome. That whack and then the blood splattering everywhere and like, come on, it was really great. No, no. You don't watch enough TV series to see enough fight scenes to compare. I didn't watch Game of Thrones, but Esther pointed out that it was actually the Game of Thrones.
And my mom also thought, but she actually said, I like this better than Game of Thrones. So she's digging it, like my mother is, at least.
You know what bugged me? They CG this pink blood everywhere. And that's fine. It's pink blood, lol, the Klingons. But they CG the blood, but then the blood doesn't appear on there. There's no physical makeup. The blood never appears on any of their uniforms or any of their costumes. Which then is like, that's just dumb, right? That's not how you do fight scenes. That's cheap as fuck. You can't just CG.
They've toned down the violence. Yeah, they add CG blood. Red blood and what they're doing and what they did in Star Trek 6 where they showed Pink Blood to get the PG-13 rating. And then they got the red blood on the coast again in the show either. So. Do you guys have any idea what the official Star Trek stance is on the Pink Blood versus Red Blood? Like, is there anything? They never explained it. Well, they used it for to get a cheaper, better rating.
Yeah. That's the, that's the official, like behind the scenes explanation. I had seen a theory that said that the pink blood was pink. Um, when, uh, like it was in zero G, which was interesting, but then this episode just disproves that. So that's that's gone. So sometimes it's pink. Sometimes it's red. I didn't like all the lightning and stuff. It's like an overproduced fight scene. Like there's, it's like,
There's thunder crashing, there's lightning flashing. It's just so overdone. And I didn't like the choreography. I just couldn't. Yeah. If you actually take the time to look at the fights individually, it's very much, sorry to bash on this movie, but it's very much last Jedi. In the way that the fight scenes, they're kind of like, well, that's not really a fight, is it? It's just, anyway, I wasn't a fan of the fight scene. Just for a little clarification,
check on memory of plot types. They have all the different colors and everything listed. And the clean gun is listed under pink lavender. They don't have the, no, they actually have the red as well. So yeah, okay. So this argument is kind of...
Oh, the Picard crystal will tell us the truth.

Evolution of Klingon Portrayal

Look at what happens to Starfleet boy when you look at the Picard crystal.
that's the
I want to fix this. I have to fix this bot. You wanted to move on from the Klingon. I did. So let's talk about... I have to talk about bot.
I have to talk about that gets mad at Lorelle for not talking like for not speaking to him in Klingon is I'm a Klingon speak to me and Klingon treat me like a Klingon why aren't you speaking in Klingon why are you speaking in English good point so double standards boy
I took the whole thing to be like, Lorel is like kind of freaked out by him. Look, so okay, so think about, despite what you may think about the Klingons or anything like that, if you were to kind of just like disassociate all your feelings about the production design, et cetera, et cetera, like on a story level, what happened to
Voke slash Tyler is insane. Like they merge two people into one person. And I think that's why I'm appreciating the character a little bit more this season, because I do see that Shahzad Latif, the actor who plays this character, is kind of playing him like an insane person. Like he does. You're right. But you're right about what you're saying. But I feel like it's
But I think it's a really good move to take Tyler, Ash, Voke, whatever he is, out of the Laurel situation and out of the Burnham situation and put him on Section 31, right? Because now we can explore the character on his own.
and not have him like kind of being this like thorn in the side of both Laurel and of Burnham and it's also kind of weird too like if you think about the situation that is going on like it's I've never seen this on Star Trek and I and I don't think anything even it's like if you think about it from just like a pure like story perspective whether you're bored by it or not it is new and I do appreciate that and I'm this season I'm a little more interested I kind of like that this episode uh one of the objectives was definitely to get
This out of Laurel's story so that she can kind of whatever they're gonna do with Laurel is gonna be independent of them There's a couple of theories that the little baby grows up to be you know anything from like the albino and DS9 to to another character in in Star Trek, so there's a couple of theories which are interesting and
But I do see how all of that is like Super Star Trek Game of Thrones like I definitely don't deny that like there is like a strong This is something new. We don't we're not used to seeing this kind of thing necessarily in Star Trek But I would also argue that Game of Thrones Battlestar Galactica even the Expanse has to give a nod to shows like DS9 and
that really, I think, did change television and how television is. I do think that Star Trek, at one point, was super revolutionary and changed the way TV is. Is Star Trek Discovery doing that? No. Is that an expectation of mine? Yes. But it could come back. It could happen in season three. That moment between Lorel and Ash Tyler, where he's like, yeah, you speak English, blah, blah, blah.
When, uh, when he reveals to her, like, you know, when you touch me, the intimacy feels like a violation. And she immediately withdraws as like, she's a very good understanding and like kind person in that sense. And I liked that about her. And, you know, I thought just occurred to me, maybe she's beautified herself or made herself look less rugged to kind of appeal to him more because she believes he's more human than Klingon.
but he believes he's more Klingon than human. So, I don't know. He's all kinds of fucked up. I mean, like, it's just like, he's like. My main beef with him is what they did with them in season one, like episode 15, because essentially what they're trying to explain is they took a Klingon, they made him look like a human, and then they essentially
placed the human consciousness or the human mind of this real Tyler on his own mind. And then they activated the VOC. The Tyler went away, the VOC came out, and then he got all mad.
In episode 15, they, all of a sudden out of the blue, established that he can now essentially control and access both people. He can now either be Tyler, either be Valk, access the memories of both, access the capacities of both, and that's just, that's just. That's called black convenience. Yeah, but that's not right at all. But actually, for Doctor Who fans. This is Doctor Who.
I know it's not Doctor Who, but just for Doctor Who fans, Gary, you can remember when Rory, a character named Rory died and like had a memory of his previous life because he was a duplicate created by Autons or something. It was like some crazy thing. I love it. I think that those kinds of science fiction concepts are crazy. Do you think Laurel is going to eventually become like this? Like do you guys, this is a female Klingon from the original series. It's true. She would look more like that.
that chick from Star Trek 6, you know what I'm saying? She wouldn't, they wouldn't go to the extreme nowadays of having just actors in face paint. They wouldn't do that.
Let me find as a first. She's cool. The problem is once you establish that it's like it's a personality that's been placed on top of another personality and that once you activate the original one, the other one goes away, you can't then just like it's I understand you're like the appeal of sci-fi concepts, but they have to make sense within each other. You can't just like replace them by another and like do whatever that plausible, believable, right? Valk transforming into Ash Tyler and then consequently, he becomes two of them.
makes no sense. Not only does it not make sense, the process in which he was changed makes no sense. Transporters take apart every part of your being, how could they not detect, like, you know, how they have to identify people like, like with the handprint stuff? Wouldn't a transporter already know everything about you?
But okay, that's like season one floor. So I'll just leave that to season one. The problem is here in this episode, we're banking on the fact that he can still access both memories. So we're still we're still using the flaws of season one. I actually don't just the problem. I don't think we're going to see too much of the Klingon stuff though in this season, maybe one or two more episodes.
I think it's all going to be about Tyler and Section 31 now. OK, I don't think so. They're going to show us a lot of Lorelle. Mary Chifo is a very important actor to the cast and crew of Discovery. She represents all that is feminism and strong female characters, et cetera. She is very vocal about that, and they will not dismiss her or put her aside. They want that. They target.
people that are attracted to that. So they will have her. Okay. Well, hopefully we don't see too much because I just want them. I agree. I think the last episode you get to this kind of promise that now we're going to go on the next red burst adventure. Now we're going to go on the night and it was going to be like an episodic thing. And then they kind of, they do this bottle episode. I like the Tilly storyline. Mary Wiseman is like perfect in that role. I had criticisms in episode one.
with episode two and three, like she's better than she's ever been. She's more useful than she's ever been. She's smarter than she's ever been. She's losing her mind and she still can function at least to a degree. I love the conversation between her and Burnham.
where Burnham actually admits. I thought that was cool. What was cool about this is that there's a lot of critiques about Burnham's like know-it-all type of attitude and everything. And here she admits, she's like, I love a mystery basically. I think she's kind of like establishing herself to be that person who does want to solve these like unsolvable things and stuff like that.
So a few episodes ago on Starfleet Boy, we talked about how we, in a joking way, that at the end of the arc, we're going to discover that the Red Angel is possibly Burnham, and we came up with a nickname for her called Mother Burnham. And I thought it was funny that we actually do have a mother on Star Trek discovering it's Mother Laurel.
What do you guys think, since Mother Laurel is obviously never mentioned in any subsequent series, right? Problem of a, that's the problem of a prequel show, right? Is like, how do you explain this like really important character never coming up ever again? That being said, what do you guys think the show, what direction ultimately do you think the show is going in with Laurel's character? And like, what do you think is gonna be the outcome and how are they gonna tie it into like a way that we all think like, oh, that ties in perfectly with like future Trek?
It doesn't matter. Have you ever heard of Wolf? Okay. Have you ever heard Wolf mention any chancellor other than the active chancellors like Marth? Diana, you remind me of the great mother of the Klingon empire, Laurel, when you kiss me that way. God damn.
the the story of Tyler of book and Laurel, she does describe their romance as like, as as good as Kayla's and his his wife. So she sees herself as like a very important figure, but obviously she's not remembered. And that kind of makes me wonder, like, what's going to happen to her character?
No one mentions older like other chancellors ever in Star Trek. So it's like it doesn't matter if she has impact or not. And if she's not mentioned later on, if you know what I mean. Like it makes sense that she would never be mentioned just because I mean, we don't go around talking about, you know, every U.S. president that existed or whatever. That's true. Thanks for using the United States in this example, Sean. You're welcome.
Can I just say about Michael Burnham? Yeah. She has never been more likable as she has been in the last two episodes. Yeah. Cause she got put in a place by a Martha. It's changed overnight. Yes. Kurtzmann, the Kurtzmann directed episode is like, she's such a shrewd, like correcting, I'm right do this. And they make other characters look extremely dumb to put her over. And I think that's a Kurtzmann thing.
No. And then you get Jonathan Frakes. I'm sorry. People. No, I mean, I mean, just in this particular episode, I know she's had that thing before. Okay. What I'm talking about, like Connolly, specifically like Connolly is such the JJ Kurtzman type character that he'll put in a show or movie has no business being in Starfleet. He's questioning everybody. He's an asshole. It's not spurnum. He's not like some sexist racist guy who was just
going after Burnham. He corrects to ruin the elevator. And I'm thinking, how the hell is Pike tolerating this? How is this the guy who's going to replace Spock? That made no sense to me. It's like putting in a dumb character just to have him like, so you cheer when he dies later. And Michael Burnham in that episode is Michael Burnham from season one. She's very shrewd. And it's like, episode two, they said, we'll go in a different direction. And she's warm and she's inviting.
And when she's having conversations with Pike, it just feels very natural. They have great chemistry. And I'm falling in love with Michael Burner now. Even the Ash Tyler relationship, which irritated the shit out of me, except for a few good scenes last season. I love that little scene where they're talking to each other in the holograms, and they do varying shots of him there, her in her quarters.
him there and seeing her hologram and then you like a split screen of the sets I thought that was great that was one of that was actually the best hologram moment in the show so I'm gonna play devil's advocate just for a bit because I seem to be the only one that that's trying to defend Alex Kurtzman um the like the complaints that you have of episode one
That episode was written by Gretchen J. Berg and Aaron Harvitz, those both who got fired. And I mean, those were they were huge. I'm sorry, they were the problem. Yeah, they were they were just they were the problem with the writing. And their problem persisted into season one. It so happens that our experiment director that episode, I don't know how much influence he had.
on the script or on like the storytelling of the way it was done but he like they wrote the episode they were the problem and now they're gone and we see a clear improvement after like now that Kurtzman is show running I'm not saying Kurtzman is like the static messiah that we're all looking for right but I mean it seems to be getting better under his leadership if he's taken over and we start to see that in the later episodes like we truly see like
his, not direction, but his vision. And it actually is better, and it is more canon, I guess, or whatever. And it's just more satisfying as an overall TV show with a great narrative and a complete story. And that will be the proof in the pudding, I guess. But right now, I'm still unsure about Alex Kirkman. So. Fair enough. Based on his history. But he could very well improve. They gave him the five-year deal. Why did they do that? They must have faith in him.
They must. I mean, people like people don't like the fact he was associated with transformers, but he did transformers, I think one and two, but then he jumped out of that. So. Right. I mean, he was associated with the Kelvin timeline, but then we don't know how much he did with that.
I saw The Mummy, no, 2017, the Tom Cruise one. I mean, it's not an excellent movie by any means, but I found it not as terrible as people thought. And most of all, I thought it was all right, but he was tasked with introducing an entire cinematic universe in one Mummy movie. And I thought he did, like what he did wasn't bad, act that good in a while.
Do you guys think it's interesting at all that Section 31 is interested in preserving Laurel's position of power? Does that make sense to you? Burnham did that. Ash, when he contacted Burnham,
And then all of a sudden section 31 knows about it. I think they intercepted that like, what do you think section 31's plan ultimate plan is? Why are they interested in the discovery? Like, why are they interested in all of this? Like, is this in line with what you imagine section 31 to be like? These are questions I had during the episode. Points of interest for them. Yeah, absolutely. Section 31 desire.
Like they portrayed as mean bad guys and they're all dark and everything, but they desire peace and they desire like protection of the Federation, right? That's what they want. They're just willing to go to like more extreme means to do that, which means if they saw an opportunity to kind of maintain the Klingon Empire at bay and have it stable, then I think that that's a good thing for them. Like, okay, we can have the Klingon Empire remain stable. It's just that Starfleet,
can't go in there and assassinate someone and their house, but Section 31 can do that. So it is all for the good of Starfleet and for the good of the Federation and its citizens. It's just that they go to extreme measures. I just hope that they don't make them look like mustache-twirling bad guys, because that's not what Section 31 is. They're morally gray people, right, that still wants to protect the interests of the citizens of the Federation.
In this show, Pike describes them when he meets Giorgio, threat assessment and what is it? Threat assessment and covert ops. And that's all it is. It's just like the 23rd century version of that. And they don't show their badges. They don't show their badges. They don't walk around with badges on there. Well, they didn't see one.
Wait, did I- Yeah, my favorite, they're right on that now, where they have it in like a little, little, you know. PJ, you said when Pike meets, are you talking about from the trailer? What they said, the- Yeah, yeah, she's right, she's right. So, Georgia comes aboard, they discover it. That's right, that's right. And she flashes the badge, which she must love doing, she must do that like five times at the end. She's gonna be like, here's my badge, here's my badge, here's my badge. And I get how people are irritated about that, like they should be a little more.
I think I think it's not really yet. I really love Michelle Yeoh in all of her sword fighting movies. So actually, I kind of love that she's like an action star and that there might be a show that has more action stuff. Again, I know there's not a Doctor Who show, but there was a show called Torchwood. And I think of Georgia a lot like that show, like Captain Jack, in a sense, she's like a rebel character who
who is going to have her own organization. I kind of love that Star Trek is doing these like spin-off shows. I am curious about Section 31, especially after seeing the ship in this episode, especially after seeing that dual deck bridge and like all the kind of like little covert things. Even the style was very different. It was a blue kind of looking bridge. It was interesting. Everything's blue in the show.
It's the bluest of everything. Except for what they're jumping on, then it's all secret. The Section 31 ship being dark and blue wouldn't bother me if the rest of the show was normal. Like, if you would say the rest of the show is normal, Section 31, they're dark and blue, and they've dimmed the lights for Emperor Georgiou or whatever. It's like, OK, I can buy that. But then it's just like everything is always blue. And then this becomes blue plus. It's still intense.
So it was a bit much. But then I don't understand how, because they have viewing parties. We've seen behind the scenes images of everyone like Carson crew watching the episode. How does no one at no point ever say, isn't that just a little too monochrome?
I mean what if they're saying it what if they're saying you don't know. Well maybe but then wasn't alive wasn't like a live being dismissed. How do you know all this stuff you know all this stuff but then the show gives us a scene and the scene is blue.
I think that I'm letting go of because I don't agree with the aesthetics that's already been established. So now I have to stop focus on it because it's not going to change dramatically overnight. It's not going to turn into my ideal Star Trek show. I don't have any involvement in it that has a controlling interest.
But I have to say that, like, this season, what's exciting is that, like, all of that stuff is less important because the story seems to be so good, at least for me, on a personal level. And I'm really into it. Like, I'm actually, like, really eating up all the stuff that's happening. Like, I definitely want to know what the Red Angels is. I have a theory, guys, if you want to hear about it, or it's a desire. I would love it if, at the end of this arc, the Red Angels revealed to be
William Shatner Could you just imagine if like William Shatner he's like playing like maybe like I just posted this on Twitter But maybe he's like playing a mirror universe Captain Kirk who's old and from the future He's like come back to stop lieutenant Spock from from from failing
Oh my God. The reaction is like perfect. I have a theory about the rare angel and I think it's the most obvious one that they're iconians. They're using, they're leading the discovery on a final like, you know, voyage to save a bunch of shit. And then they're going to say, okay, stop using the network now because we're the only ones who are sophisticated enough to control it without destroying the multiverse like they almost did last season.
the Mirrorverse people use the Spore technology. They almost destroyed existence itself. So on that basis, it should have been banned. But they're still using it, and that's OK, just as long as it's connected to the Red Angels. Because the Iconians have something like where they can have gateways or instantly travel between one point and another, right? So it would make sense to have the Iconians kind of like
be this species, the red angel or the red angels. It could be only one thing. It could be like one godly creature or people. So I don't know. Do you guys have any theories as to what, what, or who may is she, they say what she is an episode in the episode.
Yeah, she's, she's a multi-dimensional parasite. Right. But like, why is she presenting as this character? She knows Stamets. She calls him the cat. Like there's these like little mysteries, like whatever she is. Like I get what I get that there was a fungus that was infected. It was the same thing that appeared as Coba. And now do you think, do you think that that's what it is? I don't think she was a ghost though.
I would like Discovery to have someone cough lightly in season two. And then another person cough lightly by the end of season two and gradually as the seasons go by, everyone coughs more until someone coughs blood and dies. And then they establish that it's the spore drive.
and that the spore drive has been affecting the crew all along and that's why they shut it down because it's just killing everyone, right? And it's a terrible thing. And they managed to save some crew members, but some crew members die. Stamets dies, Tilly dies. All of the people that were involved with it directly died. I know, but it would be amazing if they set it up now, right? If they started having people cough and eventually killed them, it would be amazing. You'd be like, Oh my God. And that's why they shut down the spore drive because it's not viable. It's terrible. It kills people.
That's my, that's my want to need. You want Chattner? I want that. I do want Chattner. It's true. What about you, Gary? What do you want out of, out of Star Trek Discovery season two? What do you want out of Star Trek Discovery season two? Like what would be your desired outcome for the end of the season? And then PJ, the same question to you. I know you've kind of answered it, but still.
Ah, more backstory. I really want just one more backstory about Captain Mike. I really want more backstory about how Spock became the person who came in your journey. I want his mystery to be solved. I don't care about the Klingon, I don't care about the D-7 all the way. Great.
Wait, Gary, could you hold your thing all the way up? I am holding it. Oh, now you sound way better. Okay. Like, hold your thing. I'm like a bunch of mumbo. So wait, you said you basically care. The thing that you care the most about is the Spock and Pike. Spike and Spock. So you care about the original series. It's horrible for Discovery. Yeah.
But I mean, I would I wouldn't mind if if Ethan Peck is phenomenal as a as a Spock as Lieutenant Spock at this period. Like, I already love Anson Mount's portrayal of Captain Pike. Like, I think it would be great if they got a spinoff series. Also, I know everything to spin off as Kit Walski would say at this point, but I wouldn't mind that at all.
We, we probably should wrap up this discussion and give our rating soon unless you guys have like in your notes, like some serious notes, but I have breaking news. Oh, 36 minutes ago, Chris Obie just tweeted live from Montreal, baby. Soon going to do some crazy posting about some new Star Trek discovery season. It's lit. So this Chris Obie is to cover, right? Right. So to come as talking Star Trek discovery, and he's in Montreal, like they film in Toronto.
What's the point of that? What would be the point of flashing back to the Kuba again? Is he just not dead? Surprise. Surprise. Go ahead, Gary. Tell us what you think. Nah. Oh, Gary. Come on, you had a thought. It's not going to be anything. He's probably just making some tweets to get some more followers.
so is to give them a
I you know what not what what piece me up at the beginning season one as well they announced everyone like so grandly like oh Chris Obi oh we share you and let me just tell them in the first episode so I don't think it's so much significance maybe they're gonna say like who who must baby is you know alive because in the next cry or something but they're never gonna show Chris Obi in the screen anymore I don't think that I wouldn't double the thing
I forget who it was but someone said that in science fiction you never really die and like so you never know like what could what could be the reason it could be Takuma's clone maybe I did have a chat that that oh my god the same thing
that's right, that's right. That's actually where I probably heard about it. Who was that one? Section 31 saved Tokuvmer, an extremist at the battle of the binary stars. But if he comes back, if he comes back, we have to see Captain Lorcan, Georgia as well.
We already have Jojo. I will say one thing. I dislike Michelle Yeoh's performance as Emperor Jojo. She's an amazing actor. She's very talented. And I think that Captain Jojo was one of the best things that Discovery gave us because it suited Michelle Yeoh very well. But then I didn't like Emperor Jojo at all. I think that doing this kind of dark and gritty character doesn't suit her.
or at least this Doc and Gritty character from the suit. And I enjoyed the fact that now Emperor Jojo is kind of trying to be like Captain Jojo in the prime timeline, because it almost seems like they noticed that the performance wasn't as compelling. And so they're trying to bring back the Captain Jojo performance. That's how I felt about it. So I'm happy. Michelle Yeoh is like a really great actress. And then you watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, or
Even recently, I saw Crazy Rich Asians. She's really good in that. But for some reason, her acting is just not as good when she plays Emperor Georgiou. Even her line reading is a little off, it seems. But when she was playing Captain Georgiou, she was a bit more natural. I don't know, it's weird. She's not able to grasp the evil character.
character doesn't suit her. Well we get glimpses in this episode of a different dynamic because I like the one scene I know that maybe it's a little too cheesy or whatever but I kind of like the scene where Ash Tyler Voke were holding the baby on the bridge of the section 31 ship and
and for a moment you see like a little smile as Giorgio's looking at the baby because who can't who let's you know like who what good soul it's possible but like for a moment there i just saw something interesting in the character where i was like and then she gets really serious when when uh uh tyler looks at her like like pretending not to be interested you know but then she's actually consistently
Well, it does. But I think I think she actually knew Laurel would make the choice. I think she knew all she had to present Laurel with these things to see where Laurel's head is, so to speak. Right. Like she has to see if like Laurel is not here anymore. That's for sure.
You just don't want me to get my points across and I get it. I get what you're trying to do. You're trying to distract me and you're very good at it. He's saying something interesting. Let me interrupt him. I don't agree with that. Let me interrupt him.
Well, anyways, I want to close the show by asking you guys what was your absolute favorite moment in this episode? Now that we've talked about all the things that we have like critiques about what just like worked beautifully in this episode, what was your favorite scene? Each of you and Gary, you have to participate.
Should I go first then? Yeah, I would love it. Okay, so my favorite thing probably feeling in the sickbay and Sarah just explains to her like, you're going to go, I'm not in the sickbay. Yeah. Okay. You're going to engineering. Yeah. Yeah. So you're still going to do the command training and you're lucky because captain bike has a sense of humor. That was the best thing in the whole
Next. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Next. Well, my favorite scene was the one where Tilly goes, she goes back to her quarters and Michael is there and Tilly asked first, Michael Burnham was like, what's wrong? And Tilly's like, where are you crying? She's like, I asked first. And they had that moment. And Mary Wiseman's acting is like, Amy, I'm not joking here.
level, any award-winning level in that particular scene when she reveals to Michael that she's been hallucinating about me and all this stuff. And then Michael gives her that prep pep talk about, you know, how come the rock interacted with you and interacted with spores? How come it didn't shock me? You don't need the doctor. You need Stamets. So that particular scene sticks out to me. So pretty good.
your turn track on the tube um ironically it was a it was a Klingon section 31 thing that i enjoyed it's not so much it's not so much a scene but it's it's more what you understand the the like the whole um way the rail um presents the like the um she lies about the events she says that um what's his name uh cole shah
came to kill the baby. But then, so he killed the baby, and then Tyler. No, Tyler killed the baby. She says Tyler killed the baby. She accuses Tyler of killing. Tyler killed the baby. Yeah. She lies about that. But she says, so Tyler killed the baby. And then, so he came to defend the baby. And then they got into a fight and killed each other. And then she says, so that's a proof that the Klingon houses can unite.
I really like that. So it is clearly a lie that's been established by Section 31, or at least like Georgia. It's not a Lorelle lie, she's not clever enough. But I really enjoyed that. I thought it was very sneaky, very well done. And I don't know, it just, I was like, oh, that's interesting that she would say that. And that that's how she's going to maintain control. I like that. I'm not so much a fan of the scene itself.
where she's talking to all of the other Klingons, but I liked that kind of reveal, that explanation. All the scenes you guys mentioned are really awesome and I'm glad mine is different. My favorite scene was when Burnham and Amanda are talking to Pike in his ready room about breaking into the medical files and then they have that whole exchange and you get a lot of
You get a really cool what you expect about Pike and then also learning some new things that shed more light on the world of discovery, if you will. I know that you hate that term, Sean, the world of discovery, but we are in the world of discovery. Why do I hate that term?
because you don't want it to be separate from like Star Trek you think like right now that it's like not Star Trek completely and it's like when I start using that you're like no that's wrong it's it is Star Trek that's what CBS say and it's boom you can't differentiate it I know that's why you hate it
So anyways, with the world of Discovery, I don't think it's exclusive from being Star Trek. It's just that we're learning so much about this era, this time period, why is everything weird? And we're still learning about those things. But what I did like is that there was this moment where the captain at the Starbase at Spock was stationed for his medical rehabilitation or whatever he was doing there.
says you're one of two captains that I know that still uses view screens and I think that's so interesting because later on that's all anyone ever uses so like I'm curious like what happens that stops you know just a lot of thoughts like that come up you know it's like it's interesting they don't say anything but they threw that in there and I think it's important I think it's also a nod to the fans who are puzzled like we are where they're like it doesn't make sense that there's like
augmented humans and like, you know, robots, possibly. Well, I don't think we've actually seen a robot, but I don't know what REM is. But this time right now, they're using flat screens where you see a flat image, right? Now, I believe I don't know about TOS, but I know in TNG the screens are hollow screens. Yeah, I think the perspective changes on the other side. Right. So I think that's the flat screens and the holograms are going to merge into the hollow screens.
And I think, uh, like there's a book called desperate hours where they talk about how they imply that holograms are easily hackable. Oh, they could be a, that's probably what, you know, you can impersonate someone else with a hog. I bet you ever George, you saw that communicate between Ash Tyler and Michael Burnham.
And then she shows up like right after. Interesting. That's very interesting. Anyways, a lot of things to explore, but that was my favorite scene. I thought I just continue to be in love with Captain Pike. And those are my closing for my favorite scene. So I think it's time we give our rating unless you guys have any other thoughts to present.
I always go first because no one believes my rating and believe it or not I had a higher rating when I came into this discussion This happens often to me. So my rating was much higher, but now it's a little bit lower And so I give this episode a 9 I had originally 10 for this episode as well. But the final Starfleet boy rating is a 9
So Gary, in case you don't know, the last two episodes got tens for me. And so we finally break the streak and we go down to a nine. So now it's now it's here. Whoever wants to go next. I would give it a five. Wow.
That's like a dramatic error. You just brought the average way down. You just undo my nine. It's half a good episode. That is the way I see it. One half is not good and the other half is good. I like it. There's one thing about the Klingon stuff that I like. I like Cole Shaw just to laugh at him. It's like unintentional humor because he gets in there and he's like so predictable. Like what he's going to say, like, he's like,
Federation puppet and he saw like, it's so, it's so over the top and like villainy, but like the whole soap opera baby drama. Didn't, didn't care for, I like some of the section 31 stuff, but I liked the Tilly stuff more than anything. And, you know, I give the laptops and the previous episode, like maybe a six.
So this is the worst one technically for me in the season, but I can't imagine it's going to get worse than this. All right. Let's hear the other ratings. Let's see what the average is going to be. Do you want to go last John? Is that why you're laughing? I can go last. I can go whenever.
Gary, what do you want? You usually give Gary the last. Let's save Gary. I'll save Gary the last. I give the episode a 6. A 6. There were a lot of things that I enjoyed, a few things that I didn't enjoy. It's on par with episode one of the season, I think. It's like a dramatic upgrade from season one, generally speaking.
Um, but, but there still are a few floors. And I think that the few floors that I saw in this episode are the same ones that I saw in episode one. It's kind of like that season one clinging on. Whereas episode two was, it was its own thing was, this was the new discovery. It's the new world of discovery. All right. Um, so yeah, six.
A whole new world. That's where we'll be. A thrilling chase. A wondrous place for you and me. Sorry. All right, Gary. I have to recover. Give me one. Okay, Toby. John and I have been having some other drinks during this. I only have coffee. I had a beer. Come on. It's fine. Go on.
Okay, so we had a Klingon story. We had Burnham. Hang on. No, I know. We had Section 31. We had Saru and Tilly. And they have a baby Klingon. I only get this five thing that I noticed in the show. I only get about one. So I give it to...
A 2? Wow! Oh my god! Well, so wait, what is the average? A 9, a 5, a 6, and a 2. Let's see. Hey Siri, what's the average of 9, 5, 6, and 2? I haven't. It's a 5.7.
That seems right. That seems like perfect. That's pretty close to my stick, so I'm fine, right? So I represent, like, the extremists. Like, I'm the Vulcan extremist. You always do. You always are. You gave 10 to Episode 1. That makes no sense. I know. It doesn't make sense to you, but it makes sense to me. Wow. And then Gary's the other extremist. If he would have asked for, like, you know, even, like, nine?
Because I really enjoyed that. Oh really? New Eden. For the first one, I would give like seven.
But this one, a solid two. Solid two. An average of about, we'll round up because the captain's prerogative to a six. So I'd say that's pretty cool. Come on, 5.75. It's safe to just round it up to a six. You have to believe the math. This is it. We'll make things look better. Fine, 5.75 from the... He makes the rules up as he goes along. I do, that's true, I do. You can't trust him.
Hey guys, this was super enjoyable having you on. Uh, can you guys tell the audience anything that you'd like to promote? We don't have like a large audience, PJ, but you know, there's quite a few people, maybe like five or six. I don't have a large audience either. So if you'll go ahead, PJ, I'll let you get started. And if you'll, you want to promote anything or talk about anything. You can find me on my YouTube channel, Bo Trek, which you may find some videos on there sometime.
And, uh, you can find me on Twitter at PJs channel one. Awesome. And what is, can I, can you, I just asked, like, I don't know if this is an ignorant question, cause maybe you talked about it already, but why boat Trek? What does that mean? Uh, it's actually boat wreck, like a boat wreck. And then I was like, I said, Oh, well I'm from, I'm from like Eastern Canada. So boats and Trek, uh,
We have two Canadians. I think I was high. You know, I think I was high. It's interesting. What's the Twitter handle? PJ's channel. One. So we have two Canadians and a Brit slash Hungarian and an American on our show. That's quite international, I would say. It's very cool. I'm not Canadian. What? I'm not Canadian.
Two people living in Canada. I'm sorry. Are you from New Zealand? Yes, it's New Zealand. This is always a point of contention. And he speaks really good French and I'm learning. At least you don't say that I'm Australian. I don't. There's a difference in the accent. My accent makes no sense. My accent is a discovery, Klingon visual redesign of an accent.
Gary, would you like- New Zealand is more ee, ee, nee. And Australia is more relaxed. PJ, please don't ever do your New Zealand accent ever again. I'm just kidding. No, I wasn't doing it. I was just saying, like, they have more ee and-
It's a sharper sound, it seems. So that's why I can tell, but nobody else can. Sean's accent is a mix, actually. I have to say, he sounds like, he's like Captain Picard. I feel like he has that Captain Picard accent. It's a little British, a little New Zealand, a little French. It's a little bit of accent. No, you sound American. You sound American. Like most Canadians, to be honest.
This is not my natural accent. By the way, I'm speaking more clearly than I usually do. Really? Can we hear your sorry? I know. I'm sorry. This is distracting. But we're off topic audience. I apologize. But can we hear your actual ratings? They're already done. Can we just hear your actual your real accent real quick? Well, you got to stop telling me what to do. It sounds like you're going to get out of me.
It sounds like a Northeastern American accent, actually, to be honest. So maybe there's some truth to that because you're so close. We have an Irish twang, so I like it. Is that a Fargo? No, Fargo is more like the middle.
the bears. Yeah, it's like a Minnesota slash Midwest accent is what we would call it here. All these accents. I don't know what material and everybody sounds like you're from Fargo. When, when you go to Ontario, Canada, it's like, it was like, hello, how are you? Yeah. How you doing?
Speaking of accent, Gary's accent sounds very British to me. He sounds like a Londoner. So I don't know. He lost his Hungarian. I don't know what your Hungarian accent would have sounded like. But Gary, what do you have? My British accent is very Indian, actually. Thank you. Thank you. Wow. Wow. That's really good. You should cut this out. No, I can't. We don't edit. You're going to be over. No one has gone before. Wow. That's really good.
You sound like my relatives in England. That's really awesome. Oh my god, there's no one out there. Wow. Gary, stop. Quit while you're at it. I sincerely apologize to everyone. That was actually really good. That's why I'm a little shocked. I regret. I regret. I regret. I'm never going to speak Indian dialect again.
No, it was really cute. It was really cute. I liked it. Gary, what, as an Indian person of Descent of Indian, I approve your Indian accent. It was very good. Can you tell me what you're promoting? Because this is going to go on right after we finish recording. So what are you promoting? I'm promoting track and view for fantastic content. And I'm promoting Star Street Boy. Awesome. And I'm promoting both track as well.
Nice. I actually just subscribe. Make them subscribe and give them a hug. Since you won't promote yourself, I will promote you. Everyone head over to Trekker Prize's channel. It's very awesome. Gary mixes a little bit of his journey through life, which I love. I love knowing more about Gary.
along with his knowledge of Star Trek. He's also an Orville fan. I have to admit, Gary, I have not watched a single episode of season two of the Orville yet, but I will catch up soon. I believe it's available on demand and I'm curious to see because there's a lot of buzz still on the internet about the Orville.
And if you go to Tracker Prize, you could also get Doctor Who news. There's a bunch of awesome things and I definitely recommend you tune in. Also, Gary is a very extremely gifted designer slash graphic designer slash artistic director, whatever you want him to be.
That's the breaking up. The channel is, it's a garbled audio. Can you hear me? It's something wrong. Wait, I have to fix it. That's not good. Go to to find out more. Right? Creative Trekky? I don't know. I got it wrong. What's your domain for your, for your graphic design?
That's a creative Oh my God. Yes. I knew it. My memory. That's amazing. I never get that right. All right. Now it's your turn. It's my turn. Yes. You'll, what are you promoting this week?

Recommendations: True Detective and The Expanse

True detective.
I think everyone should watch True Detective. Season one is amazing. Season two is misunderstood. It's not as good, but it's still good. And season three is really looking really good. Season two was awesome.
I don't know if I'll tune in to True Detective, but I will say that another show that we both watch, and I don't know if you guys are watching it, is The Expanse, and so we're having our Expanse moments since we had True Detective. Sci-fi related The Expanse. That is the advice that people need to watch.
Yes. So watch The Expanse. Amazon just released all three seasons, previous seasons. If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch it as part of your membership. Otherwise, you've got to figure out another way to find it. But season four is coming soon and we're very excited here.
and Starfleet boy for that. So thank you guys.

Podcast Promotion and Conclusion

I just want to promote all of all of you guys, obviously, and just say that tune into Drunk Space Nine. It's a brand new show. It's very exciting. I'm very excited about it. I'm doing something completely different than I've ever done. Unfortunately, it's only available via podcast, but you could go to iTunes and search for Drunk Space Nine. We are no longer rogue.
Drunk Space Nine. We got into an agreement with the Cardassian Empire and now we are Drunk Space Nine again. So I'm excited about that. And that's all we've got. First one. Live long and prosper. And we'll see you next time.