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Star Trek the Next Generation Discussion: Time's Arrow Part II image

Star Trek the Next Generation Discussion: Time's Arrow Part II

E161 ยท Starfleet Boy - A Star Trek Podcast
42 Plays2 years ago

The long awaited discussion about Time's arrow part II, future viewers will be grateful they don't have to wait. We have some interesting discourse on this episode, tune in and let us know what you think.


Introduction to Starfleet Boy and Drunk Space 9

And we're back on another exciting episode of Starfleet Boy, where we have a casual and informal conversation about Star Trek. And no, this is not the show where we do that drunk. So if you're looking for drunk space nine, go to for all the latest information about that.

Learning French for Star Trek Podcast

and while we're at while we're at it i'm joined uh very fondly after like a holiday break uh by trek on the tube hello sean hello welcome back thank you for having me how do you say welcome back in french uh this will be a venue ah
what Sean said to the audience. Welcome back, audience. By the way, I'm learning French so I can understand your French Star Trek podcast. Oh, wow. It's not my French podcast. I know. I know the one you're on.

French-speaking Star Trek Communities

Sorry. Could you please properly promote?
Could you there are two people that I there are two kind of French communities that I'm associated with one is French community from France and the other one is a French speaking community from Quebec And so they they they both do their own thing they both have their own podcast I think they're hosted on the same site Just because I think it makes things easier just like every everyone regrouped But um, yeah, I try to participate as much as I can with
But they have a lot of people to organize, and so it's always hard to get, you know, the dates that suits everyone. They always have these special calendars that you have to, you have to tick the boxes, check the boxes, like what dates you want to be on.
Do they have a better system? Okay, they have a better system than you, because we're recording now.

Accents and Cultural Influences

They have the system where you check the boxes for the dates that you want to be on the show, like a month in advance, let's say. And then they'll pick the date where the most people are there. So they can get maybe four or five people on.
It's very democratic. I like that. How long do you think it should take me to become conversational enough in French to be on the podcast?
I don't know, I couldn't tell you that. What should I set as my goal? In a year, should I be conversational? Should we have practice sessions? Is that possible? I know that people, when they live in a country, they learn the language, but they'll tell you that under a year, they start speaking the language, but then they're like immersed in the country, in the culture. I already know. So you need to start working French movies and French TV shows. I think the French films.
I'll tell you this, and you didn't know this about Starfleet Boy, but now you and the audience will know this. My second obsession in terms of cultures is I'm a Francophile. I'm an Anglophile first, and then I'm a Francophile. Sorry, people of origin. Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Picard is a character. Why do you think I love him? Why do you think I love him?
I walked through France on Le Chamon Saint-Jacques in 2010 and I learned how to say something really well so that people would talk to me in English, which was... And then people would always say, ah, but your French is so nice. And I would say, I only know this.
Which is a very touristy thing to do. I mean, a lot of people would do that. But I tricked the French into speaking English.

Cultural Shows and Melting Pot Cultures

They do very well. They speak English superbly, by the way. Really? They do it reluctantly.
Because I think a lot of people, the French accent is very famous, and so I believe people are self-conscious about how do I sound? My wife's accent isn't horrible. It's not as disastrous as many French accents are, but she's very self-conscious about it. She doesn't enjoy her accent.
So my accent makes no sense whatsoever. So, I mean, come on. Well, you have kind of, I still hear the New Zealand if I admit, I'm not an expert. Really? Okay. I've been watching Eye Zombie recently. Kiwi, the Kiwi. Kiwi. I've been trying to catch up with my Eye Zombie episodes. And so the main, she's from New Zealand in there.
And so she usually, she's American in the show. So she talks with an American accent. But just in the last episode that I watched, she did a New Zealand accent. And I was like, I don't sound like that at all. All right. My family tells like that. I skyped, I skyped with my cousin the other day. She just like made fun of me. She was looking at a girlfriend making fun of me because like my accent isn't right anyway.
Get it right. Get it right. Get it right. Watch Flight of the Conchords. Watch Flight of the Conchords. That's what I need to do. I need to listen to some more Shiny. Shiny, eh? Jane and Brit. I can't do it. So after that... Because my cousin's name is Brit. Brit. Is it Brit? Brit? It's Brit.
I don't think there's one New Zealand accent. I think it's just like England. There's regional ones, and you probably have a different... Well, New Zealand is a bit of a melting pot. So, I mean, there's a lot of different cultures that have kind of culminated into becoming, you know, what is New Zealand. And so I think there's a lot of different accents that are kind of mixing together there. Speaking of a melting pot... Because Taika Waititi has a very different accent, for example.

Mark Twain and Utopian Skepticism

It's true.
Speaking of a melting pot, Sean, this episode reveals just what a melting pot the United Federation of Plants is in that epic scene where Councillor Troy talks to Samuel Clemens about the Federation and he... She's all like, you don't understand.
Young lady, I come from a time when men achieve power and wealth by standing on the backs of the poor, where prejudice and power is an end unto itself. And you're telling me that isn't how it is anymore? Starfleet twain is not bad at all.
That's worth giving up cigars for. Do you want to do the episode summary or shall I? Oh my god. I love he has these random moments in his voice. He's kind of like, what's his name? The other guy. And you know, every time he speaks, he speaks kind of like this, right?
Yeah, it's a common. It's a great thing that we talked about accents in the beginning of this episode because I'm totally intrigued by all the crazy accents in San Francisco, but Mark Twain's particular way of speaking was apparently a way that Americans actually spoke. I think he was unique among
Among, uh, the way people spoke. He had like his own thing going on. I mean, if, if the representation is that I've seen of him

Plot Points and Character Dynamics in "Times Arrow Part Two"

on screen, uh, accurate or at least somewhat accurate, then he seemed like kind of an eccentric dude. Right. It's true. In case you didn't know Oswald Oswald, you could be mayor of the city. If they voted for you, but you got to say something nice, right?
That's, I like Raspier or older. You need to put a little more rasp. You got to get a little rasp. He started becoming like the weird, you know, shop guy in all of the movies. He would always sell the weird things. He's, he brings the, like the, the crazy remote to Adam Sandler and click. And he also is the one that transforms Kevin Spacey into a cat in the worst movie.
I think Star Trek Discovery should cast Christopher Walken. No, he should play a human admiral. He should be like an argument to tell. All right. So today we're talking about, in case you haven't caught on yet, audience, we're talking about Times Arrow part two.
Um, Sean, I asked you already and I don't remember your answer. Are you doing the summary today? I can do it. All right. I can do it. Okay. Awesome. Last time on Star Trek, the next generation. I know. I love the recap. Sorry, go. We love the recaps. That was so good. It was such a, it said all the right, like it reminded you that Captain Picard. And now the conclusion.
It reminded you that Captain Picard did not want to go save Data. That his first priority in the last episode was not to Data, and Riker was all, ugh, crazy.
I can't lie. And then so that's why it's like so good after I hadn't seen it in a while to remember when Worf is so heartless and he's like, sir, we should just destroy this thing, which, by the way, would have killed everybody. Just FYI, Worf. Calm down, Worf. So anyways, yes, I do like those recaps. He does calm down because eventually they give him the Defiant and he doesn't just he doesn't blow everything up.
I mean, he blows most things up because there's a war, but not every- Wharf gets his day, it's true. He also looks bitter in red. Yes, he does look way better in red, it's true. Captain Wharf. Captain Wharf, the CW.
um episodes don't worry all right so this episode picks up god knows how long after the first one is it a few weeks maybe i think it's like days but yeah days okay let's say a week because the rent is due um oh that's right it could be a month it could be a month that's probably weekly isn't it
You know what day it is today, Mr. Pickard. Mr. Pickard. Mr. Pickard. Do you know what the fucking time is even? I don't see a watch on your wrist. Yeah. Stupid person.
How would that man be reading out of a book when he can't blimmin' see? Mr. Pickard. I want me goddamn money, Mr. Pickard. I want me goddamn money. Or I'll have a bit of that one over there. Anyway, okay. So the episode picks up, let's say about a week after the events of the first episode.
Mark Twain's talking about Samuel Clemens is talking about the events that have transpired. Data is still trying to whip up a motorized engine right now. He's still trying to whip up his techno, whatever it is. His techno thing. His modulator. Yeah.
It's the modulator that that opens the time vortex thing. But it's also got like a seismograph thing on it because you can like detect what I don't know, tacky on surges, whatever they are. It's driving Jack London crazy.
And then the rest of the crew. I don't normally let folks in the hotel, Mr. Clements. I hope you don't mind not telling anybody. So the rest of the crew that have been stranded in this time period
I think they're aware that data is there. Well, they're aware that data is there. They haven't found data yet. They're off doing their own shenanigans, trying to figure out why so many people are dying from cholera. Shouldn't be killing so many people. And so they find out that two...
two individuals, a couple of sorts, or two doctors. We see at the beginning of the episode, and they look like aliens. It's kind of awesome, because you're like, oh my god, those two look scary, even though they're inhuman. Well, it turns out they are full on scary, because they're the ones that are grabbing the humans and bringing them to their own planet.
and um basically they suck the energy they're like they feed off their life force they're space inventors oh they're space inventors they totally take they suck their spaghetti right yeah dude oh my god we just found we just found the source of harry potter this is the subconscious source okay harry potter doesn't get
No. And I mean, okay, fine. But that is awesome too. That data's head is 500 years older than his body. Yeah. Kind of cool. These two individuals are doing these terrible things because they're the ones that are taking it and they, uh, they managed to, um, they managed to intervene and stop them from, from stealing one of these people. Right.
Oh, God, he's pulling out his crystal again. Oh, God. The episode's fuzzy. What's that? What happens next? The episode's fuzzy to me. What happens next? When was the last time you watched it? I know what happens. I know what happens. The mist of the policeman comes in, right? And he's all like, what are you folks doing? Because everyone's weird. There's Picard's trying to pretend like he's changing the light bulbs or something. That's right. That's right, yeah.
All right. And then Jordy's all, you know, we're in his sci fi shit. So he's like he's. It's a great moment because they are. They're pretending to be an acting troupe later on and they're all having to like act, which is kind of fun. And then they'll have then they'll have to act in like in these various characters that they have. Anyway, Mr. The Policeman isn't isn't happy with all this. Riker tries to tries to pull like a policeman move, but he's not convincing.
Um, so then they run away like a bunch of terrorists from, uh, from the hospital, their future terrorists. He's like, I know there's people here from the future and they are trying to confound us. And let me give you a warning. You will not succeed with your foul intentions. Mr. Data, I promise you that.
It's a good thing that their intentions were fell and that Trigger Happy Riker shot the alien, right? Because it activated Data's watching me gig. And so Data came running, well he came rolling on his carriage.
and then everyone just hops in. Everyone hops in and he's like, no time for hello, we'll explain it later on. Then we find out how Guinan meets Picard. That was important too, which is epic actually. I have a whole note. They roll up in the hotel room. The rent is due again or still.
I'm supposing that, you know, sometime off screen, everything was explained to data because he's, he's all down with the gig. He reads, he reads out of the play like everyone else. Right. No, I think that like they, oh, no, I think maybe I saw a different episode. They hadn't found each other till that moment when data's head gets chopped off. And then, or did I? That's after though, isn't it?
Oh no, both of us are failing at the order because time travel is so weird. It's because this episode makes you think too hard. It's a great episode, I love it. It is a great episode. But anyways, at some point, I don't remember.

Comparison of "Times Arrow" Parts

Rare times when Angie executes a part two correctly.
Yeah, I think this is better than the first part. And I probably gave the first part a 10. So I have to know. With this like amazing cliffhanger. And then the second part, it's kind of underwhelming, right? That's how I feel about best of both worlds. Interesting.
And then that's how i feel about you know a lot of things i prefer. But you're right part two was much was very thrilling and exciting and and and and the great. But anyone was spot re unification unification i love you vacation.
But part one is better than part two. There you go. And so this one is different, though, because part two is better than part one. But I couldn't, for the life of me, apparently finish this episode, recap, right? No, you're going to finish it right now. Oh, because Humberty! Yes! The Doctor! The Doctor has arrived!
Oh my god, that was so loud. It's the Dalek. That's why Daleks, they can hurt you with their voice. It just happens. Oh my god. They're the ones that go exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate. Yeah. Yes. Wow. Happy new year to everyone. Happy new year, doctor. We forgot. We forgot it was a new year. Happy new year. Doctor, you didn't miss much. We were just on our episode.
Wow, well you started at three. Yeah. Wow, you just arrived in time to rain it in. Alright, John and I took a break from the summary to say actually how much we like this episode in terms of against the first one. We liked it better than than part one and Sean was observing that most of the time part ones are better than the part twos, so he was pleased.
You're all pleased about that. I don't remember what you think about this from memory. So i'm curious Are you capable of doing like an episode like a part two an episode recap in let's say two minutes Are you capable? Yes, no, not you i'm able to do anything Yeah, I can do a an episode recap in two minutes. Yes. All right. Let's hear it. Let's hear it for this one. Okay unprofessionally
All right, so oh my gosh, you're testing me here. OK, so the episode. The crew, the bridge crew of the Enterprise, they journey into the past and eventually they catch up with.
They're they're trying to find the these. What are the names of the aliens? The Ofidians. And they're also trying to find data and they're trying to find data. Well, no, they are they really trying to find data? This is where we got stuck on the last. This is the exact point where it is dead, right? The journey in the past. And no, they're really trying to find out what destroyed data. They're not expecting the. OK, fine. That's true.
And they eventually do find data. But the crew, they somehow managed to find all these clothes just very easily and they find a very
that they find a place to stay with despite the fact that they have no money. And they're experts. Dixon Hill prepared them for this. No, no, there's no excuse. This is Dixon Hill. Everything in Dixon Hill prepared them for traveling into the past. No, no, no, no. Yes. No excuse for them finding all this with no money. And the episode really
They very quickly find evidence of the aliens from the future visitors who I will not tolerate in this hospital. They engage the aliens in some way, I think.
When did you forget? I just saw

Time Travel Mechanics and Paradoxes

this episode. I saw it like a month ago. I'm the freshest mind on this episode. And you guys, you guys are not doing well. Data, meanwhile, Data and Guinan are arguing over Mark Twain, how annoying he is. He is very annoying, but he's entertaining as all hell, too. And eventually, Data,
Mark Twain ends up in the fucking future and counselor Troy shows him around the enterprise. Data has this device that is monitoring the whatever the radiation temporal radiation from these aliens and he finds a spike. So he goes to investigate and he, that's where he encounters the crew, the rest of the bridge crew. And they all jump on this, this wagon or something. They all,
cart off and uh you were not ready you were not ready for a two-minute summary doctor i'm sorry two minutes are not over okay
I mean, you've interrupted me three times. To be fair, you're absolutely correct. I will stay quiet. And I saw this like a month ago. You got the gist of it, though. I got the gist of it. If you guys don't mind, since I just saw the episode, if I may chime in with what I thought might have been happening on screen.
I know I'm hijacking the summary even though I gave it to you guys Well, it's all the episodes almost over once data and the crew get together. They're like, okay we have to dispatch these aliens and they go back to the cave and Mark Twain follows them and Mark Twain goes into future Picard stays in the past
And Breicher's like, Guinan, what am I supposed to do? And Guinan's like, I don't want to say it because I don't want to mess up the timelines. And somehow, I don't know, Picard slips like a piece of copper that apparently wasn't there before. I don't know. That just makes no sense to me. But there's a piece of copper that Jordy like, oh, a piece of copper. If I take this out, Data's head works. And
You know, Mark Twain goes back to the past and Picard goes back to the to the future to the future. And and nobody cares about these aliens after this. And I don't care for this episode at all. Oh, wow. There, that's the summary.
Actually, your summary ended up being amazing. It was very good. It did get to the point. Can someone just explain to me the whole thing with the little piece of copper in Data's head? Are you going to tell me that all the way, okay, in the first episode, they didn't run a full diagnostics on that freaking head?
Well, they didn't have the body part. They didn't have the body part, even though we've seen the head functions without the body. But I don't understand why nobody thought to just activate data and ask him, hey, how the hell did you lose your your body?
I mean, obviously they had functions or data could have swapped his head because he still had his regular head. They could have done so many other things. They made it in the first episode. They made it like sound like, oh, this head is never going to work because it that said it's gone. You know, Kaput and yet Jordy.
just takes out this little thing, this little piece of paper, and oh, everything works. It was an iron fight. Maybe it was too obvious. That's the thing. He ran every scan that he's ever ran, right? But he never would have thought that there was like a piece of metal stuck in there. It was just too obvious. It was too obvious. I call bullshit on that.
100%, 101%. They actually have data's actual functioning head.
next to the non-functioning head. I'm sure there's a way that you could have asked the computer, computer, compare both heads, is there any difference? The problem is, okay, but the problem, okay, the problem is solved because if you remember Data was, his panties were caught in a twist because he really wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery. Remember Picard wanted to keep him. That could have been a plot point if Data never left the enterprise. But if you recall in the first episode, sir,
Picard even tries to keep him on the enterprise in his wisdom knowing that this is the only way to break the paradox is to like not let the obvious happen. But Data insists and then we find out that his own modulators were the only thing that can remember open the
the rift or whatever, and so they use his modulators to see what's going on in this phase-shifted reality, and that's when he gets into trouble while he disappears. And so you negate that, sir, in your assessment of Mr. Lafarge's resources. Jordy has that freaking thing, that visor. He couldn't have seen the piece of paper.
He did! When he finally looked with his visor, that's when he got... So he hadn't bothered to look until the whole adventure went over? Yes. Okay, that's... I call bullshit. He had his eyes closed. He never stood a one. He had his eyes closed. He had his eyes...
My god, he's only a god he's only a human god damn it Give the guy a break Jordy's not perfect. I know he's a miracle until now that discrepancy Had never annoyed me because I had never noticed I'd never thought of it Now the only thing I can imagine is that the piece of paper actually wasn't there and
before, that somehow temporally... Oh God, so this is like a looper situation. Right, because it's only until Picard... In looper, you have all of your limbs until they cut one of your limbs off in the past, and then you're gonna lose it in the moment. Precisely.
Precisely, that's the only thing I can think of because Guyton is like is not giving Riker any any clues as to what to do because she knows Picard has to be there for a while to figure it out I mean it all it all depends on on how we perceive time in One could argue that oh that time of both time is cause and effect. Yeah, exactly. I
I like that you explained the best explanation for your own problem. No, it's still a problem to me because that's the way time functions in other Star Trek episodes. Yeah, I agree. Time doesn't function like that in the rest of Star Trek. Time isn't as
I don't know. It's all experimental stuff. The inherent problem with time travel episodes is that they have to kind of go on A, the current knowledge of the time of how temporal mechanics works.
and be a way to present it that doesn't boggle the mind. And I kind of enjoy the mind boggling aspects of time travel. But I admit that Trek is not an expert. When you watch Doctor Who, there's some payoffs to these really intricate time travel conundrums or paradoxes or whatever. And Star Trek doesn't do it on a regular basis. And I think it actually shouldn't be Star Trek's
like go to for I agree I think Star Trek should never use time travel ever again or or so rarely it should just yeah there should be like a moratorium on it for like 10 years or something like that so I agree completely with with with that being said this is one of the times time travel stories that I enjoy the most it is to me it works as well
I couldn't get past the thing I just said. I couldn't get past the fact in the first episode, they devoted a lot of time in the script to the challenges data had arriving in the past. You had to find a way to get clothing. You had to find a way to get money in order to obtain a place to stay.
Those are the challenges that one looks forward to when you see one of these time travel episodes. It harkens back to City on the Edge of Forever, where Kirk and Spock had the same challenges. How the hell do we hide Spock's ears?
Spucks, he's building the same machine, right? And he's building the same machine, essentially. Yeah, that's like that's a good that's a good call on that. It looks the same. And so for part two to come along and a bridge crew just. They have every they're already wearing period costumes. The Troy and Crusher already have their hairs done.
I mean, but they skip ahead. You understand that they skip ahead like a few weeks. So like, I would like to have seen that. I would like to have seen data though. Do you need to see it again? Well, that's, that's, I think it's, it's, it's more of a challenge. The trade-off we get for me, what I focused on, I think you're absolutely right with your points, but the trade-off we get is that beautiful Guinan Picard moment when
Guinan meets Picard for the very first time and Picard already knows her and knows her well. It's like up until now that has been Guinan's relationship with Picard and today and in this episode it flips the other way which is amazing and I thought it was well done acted beautifully by Stuart that scene when they when they open the door and there he is and she sees him and he's like do you know me and she's like should I and he goes
She goes, do I know you? And he goes, very well, not yet, but you will. And it's just this like there's this butter in his voice and like this like, I don't know. I like I felt it didn't didn't do a thing for me. Wow. Didn't do a thing for me. I still don't understand. The episode actually sours me slightly on on the Guinan Picard relationship, because it's just by this point, I feel like we should have an explanation as to
What the hell is their relationship? It's that it's what you saw today. It's some time in a cave. No, it's that Picard And she had to hold the secret for 500 freaking years before he was born like which is kind of Interesting in and of itself. Is that why they met they met again before the Enterprise though. I
Yes, exactly. There is an untold story of Picard now meeting Guinan for the first time, right? We know how Guinan meets Picard now, we understand that. We don't know the story of how Picard met Guinan. As far as I know, unless the Doctor's vast knowledge of the expanding universe, we don't have the
on screen a million books that explain this it's possible i don't know i haven't read them all i haven't read one i i i didn't find i i didn't there was no butter and also think of it this way like when pick farts to meet for me what was having breakfast uh what was profound also watching this episode maybe it's me becoming an old man here old man so ale Starfleet boy

Guinan's Character Depth

but for me what was epically profound about that moment too was that like things I didn't think about before were like this is a Guinan before the Borg destroy her homeworld. She talks about in this episode she talked or in the previous one she talks today about like don't tell my don't tell my father we know that Guinan has since lost her
Homeworld and her father. And we know a little bit about her story from Star Trek Generations, where we see her as a refugee from something, possibly the Borg attack. So it kind of dates, it kind of dates the events a little bit and shows you that like, oh yeah, like this is when she was trying to get to the Nexus. So I think Guinan is actually quite a wonderful, there's like more payoff now to this moment because- Where's her planet? Where's her home planet?
We don't know. I don't know. I don't think it's ever been at least as far as like what I know from on screen because I'm pretty good on the on screen stuff. I don't have any idea. But the Allureans come up again in DS9. There are others, as we know, there's Soren and then there's that crazy one who is Prince Humperdinck in Princess Bride. That's the episode with the Bulls, right? Right.
God. So I know I saw all that watching it this time. I'm not saying that was present, you know, when I first saw it. I don't think I cared as much about this episode. But to me, those kind of moments and then just the acting like at the end when Picard I'm making all my impassioned pleas here, doctor, at the end, I like I like very good. Yes. And I like the concept that they they live out of phase.
And I like the concept that they've somehow found this way to gather the life force of some other being and they suck that and that's how they live. I find that fascinating, right? I also find it fascinating that our only choice is to completely utterly destroy them.
You know, there was plenty of room, you know, considering this is a two parter. I was expecting this to be a setup for more with this alien race. I mean, they devoted a whole two parter to this and we never see these people again. I think this race is more interesting than
what we saw in Enterprise and that whole temporal. The syllabon. The syllabon. These are way more interesting. Yeah, the syllabon is just the worst thing ever. We have we have schisms coming up this season, which I think that's pretty
freaky stuff too and it's kind of on the same vein of like uh beings existing outside of our immediately present you know our our viewable universe so just like right next door to our universe but they can interact with our universe it's kind of there's yeah it's very creepy and i think there there was plenty of territory to explore here and instead they just kind of threw the episode away and and
they made it into this, oh, let's just throw everybody in the costume and run around, you know, early America with Mark Twain in tow. And it just didn't, I would have preferred a story what was much more about the aliens.
And, you know, maybe we didn't need to have the whole bridge crew go back in time. Maybe we could have just make it. Maybe it could have just been a data episode. Well, they left command of the enterprise.
OK, but my point is is that they kind of went for the silly.

Criticism of Mark Twain's Role

And and I actually think this episode would have worked better if it had just been data somehow, data and guidance, let's say. And and maybe if they threw Picard in at the end somehow, I don't know. But to me, it was just superfluous to have, you know, Troy and then, you know, that the whole scene where the one who uses Carmichael.
I hated Mrs. Carmichael. Oh, that was just, you know, and then they're rehearsing Midsummer Night's stream. That's great. All the stuff you're citing is you hate. I hate it. I hated it. I hated it. And then the thing and just to complete my hatred for this is seeing that really got under my skin.
And just made me just foam at the mouth literally Was the part where they bring mark twain on the enterprise mark twain is one of the greatest writers of the 19th century and he had very very harsh and legitimate criticisms about humanity Coming to grips with the industrial revolution, which was a you know, a thing that was happening in the moment and to take him
And to have and and and he and he starts, you know Talking about stuff on the enterprise and then you have Troy's like, oh no, mr Twain. We've solved all that You don't have to worry about all that and and i'm just like and that rotten berry utopian bullshit and just throwing it at mark Twain And i'm like don't insult mark everything mark twain says is still relevant today And i'm sorry, but I I love star trek. It's relevant today But should it be?
We were nowhere near that utopian crap and and I just it just bothered me that they just kind of like oh mark Silly rabbit tricks are for kids seen or it's just like oh mark twin. You don't know what you're talking about I read that totally different than you did I and also I just have to say that like Kalmaty doctor because
Because because because first of all, Star Trek is set in the future. And so it's supposed to be like better than today. Like it's and that's what I thought. You know, that's what I read. That's what I read. So Mark Twain, they don't have to see it as an insult. I thought it was an insult. I totally read it as an insult. I know they didn't mean it that way. I know that they didn't mean it that way. I legitimately think they thought it was clever.
I don't think they were trying to reinforce the idea that Star Trek is about becoming better. It's an optimist show and it's about how humanity will eventually reach
You know, this good that we see in TNG, it'll eventually overcome all the problems that Mike Wayne talks about. And I think it's kind of a way of paying off everything that he would complain about. It's like, hey, look, we managed to fix all this. But I don't think they said it in a way that was like disrespectful or anything. And again, I have no, I don't have like extensive knowledge about the guy. No, about what he said. So maybe, you know,
I'll agree. I'll agree that I didn't feel the interaction was so simplistic, perhaps. But I mean, it's a show geared at like a wide audience. Like I can't you know, you can't get it. You can't go too crazy with the philosophy as though although I would have loved it. I would have loved it as a kid. I'm I'm not saying that you can't. It's just that for a wider audience, you kind of got to keep it simplistic. And the statement he makes, I wrote it down in my notes because he says, young lady, I come from a time
when men achieve power and wealth by standing on the backs of the poor where prejudice and intolerance are commonplace and and end onto itself and you're telling me that isn't how it is anymore he actually like acknowledges he's like you're kind of acting like rude here you're telling you know like he kind of acknowledges exactly the anger that you that you
profess here doctor because even mark twain's like hey listen i'm being serious here and she says no with genuine she says no that's not a problem anymore we have other problems it's true like that's where the conversation should have gone like you know racism still exists because like we hate you know klingons and robin if the robin is way too much
It is interesting to note that those kind of problems no longer exist within the Federation. Within the Federation, too, is what she's also saying, yeah. But the Federation also turns a blind eye to a lot of other species and races. Right. But that's not his fault that Troy is so indoctrinated. I mean, I think it is actually kind of like a message. Federation is fucking scary.
But it's a good scene. It's actually a good scene and she responds. One thing that I liked, one thing that I liked that she said to kind of counter him was she said.
You guys. There's something sinister at work. Mark has not been happy with the Federation. He wasn't. Remember, he even says, I know you guys say you're explorers, but surely you have weapons of mass destruction. And he's right. Actually, they do. Right. He's actually correct. They do. But it is. But I think it's a wreck. Ain't afraid of blowing up no fucking Chronos. Right. There we go. Yeah. You don't know that. You don't watch Star Trek or have you seen it?
How do you know that, James? I read Wikipedia. Oh man. Oh man.
Maybe it is the best way to distill the episode Or the show so I'm glad you're following along but um The memory alpha pages as they pop up. Yeah Just just just like dr. Who man Speaking of which I Don't get me off I'm still on my
I don't know. I would have been happier with the episode if they hadn't taken Mark Twain on the Enterprise and just slapped him with the utopian stuff. I mean, if they had taken some other character who wasn't Mark Twain, I think I would have handled that scene a little better. But I just it just seemed to get on. I don't know. I've read Twain. I've read a lot of Twain. So that's why I know.
I imagine Twain being there and looking around and being, guys, this is bullshit, man. Look at the end. OK, look at the end. Nothing concerning Mark Twain bothers me in the episode. But I will say this. I do disagree with using famous people in time travel episodes. It is generally speaking. This isn't Star Trek. This is just generally speaking. I disagree with like you go back in time and then, oh, of course, they have to meet, you know, Abraham Lincoln.
or whatever. Why do you got to do it? Like, why do you got to do that? Right. I disagree with that. And so I just agree with the fact that they use Mark Twain. I think it depends on the actor, because if Daniel Day Lewis was going to reprise his role as Lincoln on Star Trek, I'm all I'm all aboard it. I'm like, let's go. How are we going to meet Lincoln? I mean, come on, it's Daniel Day Lewis. I think it all depends on a bunch of factors. I will say, though, that I agree that like if I weren't so sentimentally attached
to the idea. So first of all, at the end, Picard, when he finally meets Mark Twain in that moment when he runs across town, poor Mark Twain, like old man Twain, running across town to give Picard the offidian and the instructions from the Enterprise crew, right?
And it is convenient that only one person could go back through the portal. The aliens are called the Davidians, by the way. Right, the Davidians. It's like the Branch Davidians. Oh yeah, that's right. Anyways, it's weird. I didn't pick up on that.
But anyways, Mark Twain gives him the sink. Picard looks at him with such reverence that I have to say Patrick Stewart in that moment makes me believe that that's Mark Twain. He like makes me believe that like Picard actually met Mark Twain. Like yeah, it's like not even an actor. They pulled Mark Twain out of history and put him in the episode.
Come on. What's the actor's name who plays Teddy Roosevelt in? Oh, you come on the one in the line. Brian Keith and Brian Keith, we're going to play Teddy Roosevelt on Star Trek. Tell me you wouldn't watch it. All right.
Played the part twice, by the way, twice. Rarely. We played it in a miniseries, an older Teddy Roosevelt. But on the point about having historical, real historical figures in these episodes, I completely agree. And we haven't even talked about Jack London, which I thought that was just like, that was just adding, I'm like, oh, come on now. Really? That was amazing. OK, he's a nice character, right?
Mr. Clements, I'm so, please don't tell anyone. OK, up until he's revealed, that's how awful he betrays data. He betrays data and let Samuel Clements into the room. So corny. So Samuel Clements met Jack London and I'm sorry. I mean, come on, guys. I mean, oh, I know. So.
The doctor is actually studied in history. So I do recall even at the time you had these objections because history was was is and always has been your your chief person.

Race or Socio-economic Status Debate

The ease, the ease that they get into the the Presidio, the cave at the family. Isn't that a military? It kind of all just happens at once also, then because they like the
The lights flash and the portal opens and everyone jumps through. Mark Twain has this very energetic jump, by the way. Yeah, right. My favorite thing is when he arrives on the Enterprise and he completely like is just like, oh, well, let's go explore this wharf's face when he walks out with Counselor Troy when he like literally like just turns to the camera and he's like, that's my expression. Mark Twain doesn't pick up on a wharf, does he?
He does. He had, remember he had the whole visceral reaction to him sort of like, oh, he's trying not to be rude. His gentleman, his gentleman upbringing gives him. I have a question about a very specific scene, right? When they're in the hospital trying to figure out why everyone's dying of cholera,
Mr. The Policeman, Officer Man, comes in and so he's all telling them that they shouldn't be here. They're all suspects and what have you. He grabs the cane from Jordy and says, you shouldn't have this. This is a gentleman's cane.
is he saying that because Geordie's black or is he saying that Geordie's wearing like well this is watching it recently that's what I thought but as a child I never thought of his skin color I always thought that maybe he was wearing like crappy clothes and that the cane was too like
It looked too expensive to be in his position. I would say it's safe to say that that was a commentary on the prejudices of the day. I don't think that like even though there are there are because you can't rip an iPhone from someone wearing crappy clothes nowadays and say it's probably stolen.
There were Africans, people of African descent at the time who traveled, they were freemen and particularly I think English, I'm not mistaken, Humber, you're the better historian here, but I think the English particularly contrast. So like there was a tolerance towards, I mean, it wasn't like they assumed that this was like an escaped slave or anything like that, but there was still an intolerance bigotry towards people of darker
Skin colors who didn't look like everyone else. So you think the cane was a race thing? 100% I comment. I don't know. I'm not sure because then on the flip side you have Guinan
who's obviously an African-American woman running around in- She's very well respected. She's very well respected. She's running around in upper-class circles. I think the show goes out of its way to kind of avoid race at all. Yeah, maybe it should have been. I think it might be socio-economic, I think. So yeah, it's more like- I don't know. Your clothes look too cheap for you to be having this cane. Interesting. You probably stole it.
Right. And they probably worst. I mean, they must have been stolen to begin with the clothes. I mean, Jordy, so I mean, right. So he's right. The cop is his instincts are right. Well, he gets it all. He gets it right. You hit the Sunday. That was the highlight of the episode. I know. That's a really good question. Riker is often the highlight of every episode. Just a little. Yeah. That's a really good question. I think the show could have actually addressed it.
a little better. I don't think it's clear.
I think they went out of their way to not even talk about race. I mean, because even with Mark Twain, he hardly, you know, mentioned anything about race or whatever. So well, one would expect that they drop on comments about data. But then that's the joke. And like, where are you from? I'm from Europe. He's a Frenchman. La Dida. Yeah. Yeah. But then that's all there is. That's just in regards to the fact that he's very pale. Right. But that goes back to Dixon Hill. That goes back to the the Holodeck episode.
my impression is that uh i don't like the dixon hill episodes my impression from history is that that it would be more likely a racist remark than a socioeconomic remark or both it could have been both you know period okay
I don't think the screenwriter was doing that much thinking to begin with. Here we go. I just think we were really going for a very fun sort of turn your brain off kind of rump. It was supposed to be light, which granted, I mean, it works generally because I mean, the two of you like it.
I am just not in the mood. I didn't find it fun, but I'm in the minority. I admit to it. Do these two episodes, are they written? Because they usually write these episodes like on the go, right? Right. Back in Tangy. They were doing this weekly. Yeah, two different writers sometimes, yeah. Would they write these two potters?
at the same time, or would they do like, we're doing a part one, and then they all go on break for however many weeks, and then when they come back, they write part two. Yes, right, exactly. But when they come back, even if it's the same writers, they're in a different mindset. They have like, they just spent like Christmas with the families and whatnot, and they're all happy. And so do you think they have like, they have this epic tale that they want to tell, they go on holidays, you know, they open their prisons, they come back to work, they're all happy, and so they make this a comedy.
I think, well, I don't know about the case with this particular episode, but I know with the previous two parties, including the Borg, it is two different writers. So there's not even this, like you can't even have the grand epic because
Really what it is is the first writer, his or her job is just get the best cliffhanger you can get. And then the writer coming after has to somehow climb out of that. This is a Star Wars episode seven and eight situation. Correct.
Correct. I think this is one of those times where we need to go to the space database memory alpha and I'd like to read from the story and script notes because I think they're relevant to some of the thoughts that we're expressing here and it might give us some more insight in the original script guide and claim to be from a well-known Boston family
and that she was a close relative of Judge Truman Williams. Clemens checked her story and received a telegram from Williams who had never heard of Guinan. So that was in the original script. Ronald Moore regretted that Moore wasn't done with the 1890s period. An idea dropped due to time and budget would have had the crew staying for several months. They would meet a cafe run by Picard where the running joke was how bad his food was.
et cetera, and that's from The Companion. I can feel you're so disintegrating right now.

Original Script Ideas and Actor Wishes

Wow. It could have been worse. In this episode, Samuel Clemens, it could have been, aka Mark Twain, mentions that he wrote a book about time travel. He's referring to, of course,
Connecticut Great King Arthur's Court, which was published in 1889, four years before the episode's time setting. This book inspired the 1998 movie, A Night in Camelot, starring Whoopi Goldberg. This book is also referenced in Voyager's Spirit Folk, in which Catherine Janeway gives a copy of said book to the holodeck character of Michael Sullivan.
Towards the end of the episode, Captain Picard mentioned Samuel Clemens will write the books he was to have written after our encounter. Indeed, Clemens wrote seven books after 1893. The last one, The Mysterious Stranger, was published posthumously.
have you read the mysterious Stranger Doctor? I haven't actually. Clemens recommends that Jack go and see Alaska, the Klondike, the Aurora Borealis, however gold was not struck in the Klondike until 1896. In 1893 the region was not commonly known.
But is it the same screenwriter for both episodes? It's, uh, let's see who gets the credit here. Jerry Taylor. I think, I don't know about, and story by Joe Manosky. So we like them. And that's part two. Yeah. And part one, here we go. Let me see. I have to go backwards here.
was a story by Jiminowski and teleplay by Jiminowski and Michael Pillar. Okay, so it's the same thing as best of both worlds. Pillar, I believe, wrote part one. So both stories are by the same person, but then the teleplay was done by two different people. Correct. So the story is the same person.
But the story can be very. I mean, how different is the story? Well, it explains the tone shift. I mean, you were saying it was too light hearted for you. Perhaps Jerry Taylor took a different approach than Michael Pillar would have. OK, wait a minute. So just like to be clear.
Does the teleplay change the story a lot? Or is it just kind of like the on-screen interpretation of the story? I don't know about this particular case, but it can, yeah. I think the story, it would be like if I told both of you my story and asked each of you to write a half of it, you guys would collaborate a little, but ultimately it would depend on your voice as a writer. And maybe Jerry Taylor's voice
just went in a different direction than Michael Pillars does. But I don't have a complaint. I would have said that was like the director had more influence on that. In Booby Trap, here's an interesting thing. In Booby Trap, Guy Don't Tell is Jordy LaForge. She is attracted to bald men because long ago, one was very kind to her. We actually mentioned that when we talked about that episode discussion.
In Ensign Rogan, it tells Rolaren that an old man helped her out when she was in serious trouble. Both references are seen here when Picard saves her life in the 19th century. We forgot to mention that in our summary. Well, I mean, that might... I don't know.
Do you think that, do you think that's it? I think so. Actually, cause we talked, we actually talked about it in both, in both instances, knowing what we know now, it seems like, you know, Yeah, absolutely. She's totally referring to Captain Picard. I don't think so.
Data spent and it could be more who knows where old man Picard will go with in terms of time travel. It could be possible that old man Picard has more adventures with Guided in the future.
Data spends the rest of his life with a head that's, I mentioned this, that's more than 500 years old. The age of his head never seemed to affect him, nor was the fact ever mentioned again. It is possible that Geordi brought the 500 year old head back up to spec when it was returned to the 24th century.
Okay, so that's the TNG one. The TNG one is Data's head is 500 years old. The Deep Space Nine one is that O'Brien dies and is replaced by another O'Brien from like, what is it, five minutes in the past or five minutes in the future or something. And in Voyager, Harry Kim dies and so does the baby, Naomi. And they're replaced by the doppelganger, Carrie Kim, and the doppelganger baby from the other Voyager.
Whoa. And then so Harry Kim, Harry, okay, Harry Kim dies in episode like in season two. And so does the baby and they actually Jack like the Kim and the baby from the other from the other enterprise that from the other story Voyager that disappears. And so you follow like a different Kim from that point on. Yeah, it's never it's never it's never referred to again or like explained again. But then
We have the wrong Kim, and the wrong O'Brien, and the wrong Baby, and the wrong Data's head. And a second Riker running around. And a second Riker, which has an appearance on Deep Space Nine. Did you keen-eyed Trekkie's notice who Samuel Clemens as an actor is? Cybok.
Jerry Harden, and it says here that he was Radu, which I remember on the episode Broken Back When the Brow Breaks. Remember Radu?
I liked it better when it was cybok. I don't know. And in voyagers episode emanations, he's going to play someone called naria. So he comes back to Star Trek in voyager. He, uh, I really hope we see cybok in this season of discovery. I don't think we will. I really know. I really want, I really want a young, I wanted to, I want a young cybok. I want, I want,
One piece of Star Trek content that isn't Star Trek 5 that acknowledges Cyborg. You want to take away Star Trek's power? You want to take it away from Star Trek 5? The funny thing with Star Trek canon, the current explanation of Star Trek canon as you read it could actually exclude Star Trek 5.
What? If you were to read it. You can never take Star Trek V out of the equation. You're wrong. You are wrong. Well, if you want to read it, if you want to read it, you can. I don't want to get my paint taken away. And I want to see some young sidewalk running around.
a prince of Vulcan is talking about you realize that space of Jesus was coming no one ever talks about the fact that the Vulcan princess was married to a Vulcan princess so cyborg yeah he's a prince of Vulcan instead of Prince of Persia you can have Prince of Vulcan yes he's no one wants to see a show about cyborg
Yes, I totally would watch a show about Cybok. Cybok, the Prince of Vulcan on CW. Notice they didn't even put Star Trek in the title, just Cybok, the Prince of Vulcan. I mean, that'll get him. Okay, that could be a short tricks.
We have a short text to do after this. By the way, Doctor, if you want to hang out for that. Are we going to wrap this up? Yes.

Episode Ratings and Conclusions

Well, I've other than giving some mention to Jerry Hardin, which I wanted to do because I was totally I totally enjoyed Samuel Clemens, the performance, the characterization, et cetera, et cetera. I was convinced that it's props and acting in this
Yeah, I want to say that it's definitely not. I don't know about you guys, but it's not the best in if you were to put if you were to start rating all the season closing endings together. This is definitely not the worst and it's definitely not the best, but I thought it was great. And that's why I'm giving it in its context here a 10.
There you go. And that Gary would probably give it a 10 also. And now it's your turn. You can't just assume Gary would give it a 10. Come on. No, I think we can assume Gary would give it a 10. It's safe to say Gary would give it a 10. Gary would also give it a 10. I refuse to assume things, especially after saying I'll just give it a 10.
You just jump right on and say, yes. So what are the real ratings, gentlemen? What are the real ratings? Hold on. You should just go next, doctor. We should save yours for last month. Well, yeah, I think it's obvious what mine is. I can't imagine. I think Sean is probably closer to the real rating. Let's find out. OK, well, here's the thing. I gave part one a nine.
Apparently. That's right. You did. I was I saw that. And I came into this discussion saying that part two is better than part one. It is. You're right. That would make it a very high rating. Don't let the. You can add point one. Come on. But then he you know, he bugs me with the with the with the piece of, you know, tin foil.
in the brain, right? You see, he ripped his Doritos packet open and then put a part in there. I meant to talk to you about that. I meant to talk to you about that. First of all, Captain Picard has a basic understanding of androids, right? Like he's been working with Data. He's pretty technically- No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. You remember that scene. You remember that scene where Data talks about his mind and he says, I have a part four instead of a part three. And he's like,
Well, but it implies, hang on, it implies that he's been studying at least, no, he might have been studying a different type of, he might have been studying a different type. Anyways, it's obvious that he's able to encrypt a message using binary, which is what Dave, what data actually says in the episode is that he uses binary, a binary encoding system to send a message. And he's able to like in the similar fashion, I'll admit,
It's the same as like when Picard suddenly awakens as a Borg and grabs onto Geordi's arm and says, you know, sleep, right? Sleep data. It's like a similar, you know, kind of anxiety inducing moment where Data wakes up suddenly and he's like, no torpedo. You can't fix it.
Yes. He broke it. I say pick hard hands. The doctor talked about the popcorn that's stuck in his brain and now it's broken. So the episode is being demoted to not being as good as part one. It doesn't break TNG tradition. TNG has solid part ones and weak part twos. But I still like the episode. I enjoy the episode. I'm fine.
I give it an eight, which is still probably very high. It's still pretty high. It's so pretty high. Yeah, it is lower than nine.
so all right doctor oh god i'm sorry i i give it a three oh it's higher than i actually please three three b to three based on the way you were carrying on i was thinking you were going to give it a one so this is tng we're talking about and you're giving it three i mean discovery is like a minus 12 right for you yeah absolutely absolutely yeah this is a three
Is it three? No, because I mean, you know, I mean, like you said, the production values are good and and and the cost. There's a lot. There's a lot of effort. There's a lot. Or can we negotiate afford to negotiate ratings? Come on, sir. Is that your final answer? This is not the government shutdown, sir. All right. No.
So the hell gives you, right? So hell gives you the option to rate the episode, but then he only gives you four choices like 10, nine, eight, seven. You have to vote for one. Wow. Uh, I am not the dictator of Star Trek. Uh, anyways, maybe anyways, on that note,
I am so pleased that we got together for another exciting episode of Starblight Boy. This was one of the most challenging ones. I had trouble with your opinions today, Doctor, so I really enjoyed it. You also had trouble with our summaries.
Well, I did. OK, fair to be fair. I I can't I couldn't believe how bad those summaries were starting to sound out. You guys saved it at the end. It came it came together nicely. I didn't. And if you want to hear, I think, you know, obviously I should have just given my episode summary. I did pass it on. So I was a sore. I was a sore sport there. I shouldn't have interrupted so many times. I apologize.
There. See, Starfleet Boy can't apologize. It can happen. Wow. No answer from the Peanut Gallery. Thanks a lot, guys. Thanks a lot. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper, too. And we'll see you next time. See ya. Bye.