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Star Trek Discovery - Short Treks Discussion: The Escape Artist image

Star Trek Discovery - Short Treks Discussion: The Escape Artist

E160 ยท Starfleet Boy - A Star Trek Podcast
36 Plays2 years ago

Our somewhat short, somewhat monitored, chaperoned, discussion of the latest and the greatest episode of Star Trek Discovery's Short Treks. I"m joined once again by Sean from Trek on the Tube and the Doctor. We get a little cray in this episode and we hope you do too!

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Introduction to Short Treks and 'The Escape Artist'

we have a new format for our Short Treks discussion. Hello, welcome back audience. On a brand new exciting episode of Starfleet Boy where we have a casual and informal conversation about Star Trek. Today we're focused on Star Trek Discovery and we are here to
talk about the most recent Short Treks episode, The Escape Artists, starring and directed by, if I'm not mistaken, Rainn Wilson as Heartcourt Fenton Mud. I will do the episode summary unless you would like to, Sean, unless you have a strong desire to do it. I think that I've done enough episode summaries for one day.
Oh, wow. He's still a little sore about our TNG moment. Well, I mean, I apologize again. Can I just. Oh, this could be interesting. I'm just going to read the friggin. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Yeah. We're also joined by the doctor, but he's only in observation mode, although I suspect he will have an opinion or two to offer. And it will have a rating.
The doctor's the wild card. I'll just say he's the wild card today in our discussion or perhaps if there's a debate which I don't think there will be the moderator.

Harry Mudd's Bounty Troubles

So the short Trek episode The Escape Artist is about Harry Mudd and his terrible lot in life where he keeps getting picked up by bounty hunters. He's got a bad name and unfortunately there's a bounty
On him, the Federation is offering 100,000 credits, I think they say, for the capture and return of Harry Mudd. Among other things, several counts of attempted murder, as well as penetration of a space whale, I think, was one of the counts against him. Anyways, we see a montage of sequences or montages or both.
of Harry Mudd trying to escape these terrible situations where he's being captured and it's very funny and entertaining and we get to see him trying to manipulate all his bounty hunter captures and the episode ends in a surprise when the Tellarite bounty hunter who seems to be the main focus other than Harry Mudd brings Harry to the USS D'Amelio

Revealing the Android Duplicates

And it is revealed that, oh, guess what? You have an Android fake Harry Mud. That's not the real him. And we have a cargo hold filled with Harry Mud androids who were also delivered to us just this week by other unsuspecting bounty hunters. So you've been duped. And then it shows Harry Mud reveals himself as the
Source of the androids he's been selling cop Android copy himself. Yes. I told you it's really good or I don't know if I told you that He's been selling Android copies of himself to make money So that he can collect a smaller award. He offers himself for like 50,000 credits So that these bounty hunters would sell him to the Federation for a hundred thousand credits but meanwhile he sold like seven of them so he's made tons of money and that is
That's it.

Tying into 'I, Mudd' and Praise for Conciseness

I think that I got the summary, right? The episode is genuinely awesome. This is what short tricks should be. It's small, it's concise, it gets straight to the point. It has that moment where it frustrated me just a little bit because I was thinking, you know, Harry Mudd, the last time we saw him in Discovery, was off with Stella, his wife.
or his wife to be at least. He was supposed to go off to Stella's planet and in this episode you find him captured by a bounty hunter and you're like, wait a minute, but then it turns out it's just an android version of him.
In fact, he's actually on the Duke ship at the end. I think something happened between season one of Discovery and this episode, which is kind of cool because it shows you what's going on and it kind of fills in, but in a way that's entertaining, fun and lighthearted, but also clever because I did not suspect
that ending. Not at all. And it ties in beautifully with TOS, even though, of course, nothing else visually ties in beautifully with TOS. But story-wise, I think this was one of the best weaving into TOS that they've done. I agree.
So do you understand what happened? So this episode ties in with Mudd's planet then, right? Mudd's what? Yes.

Connections to Star Trek Canon

I'm Mudd, the episode I'm Mudd. I'm Mudd. OK, that's cool. This is really cool, because essentially, I mean, it makes no sense that in the original series, he's capable of creating these androids that are so perfect, et cetera, et cetera.
compared to how we describe data in TNG, right? I mean, they're not as perfect as data, but yes. But they're not as perfect. But then it is fun, because in this episode, you see that there's precedent to him doing that, because he's already created a whole bunch of Androids that have copies of him.
And then he's selling them off, getting money from selling them off. He's disguised as a woman, by the way. You never suspect it's him, because you have this bounty hunter in full woman armor with the big wrist plates and everything, and a helmet, and there's a modified voice. And so you're thinking, she's the badass character. She's awesome. And it turns out it's just Harry Mudd in disguise, selling off these other Harry Mudds, these Harry Mudd copies.
to other bounty hunters. It was really well executed and it ties into original series really well. I don't know, I loved it.
I'm normally on a discussion. I've been participating on text tracks post episode discussions, but I was sick with flu, so I couldn't go on. I'm still actually, I don't know if you can hear the congestion. I'm doing a good job. I'm trying to keep it. One of the Harry Mudd androids is wearing the blue. Yeah, the classic Harry Mudd. Two of them are wearing Harry Mudd outfits.

Creative Directions for Future Series

on the short treks episode He brought up a lot of good good points like that as well and I think that like what was One thing that they talked about is like the writer of this was is the writer of the upcoming? Star Trek anime like hop Megan
So I thought like it was a really well if they're if they're dabbling and experimenting and showing different ways like I don't mind this direction too much obviously not for a whole series but I think one of the things that was brought up is that like it kind of gives me a little excitement to see what the lower decks cartoon is gonna be like and I'm gonna mute myself while I blow my nose gentlemen.
No, that's cool. I didn't realize it was going to tie into it. Okay, so it shows that Mike McMahan, he knows this canon, right? But we all knew that because he's been writing those fake TNG season eight plots, like comedy plots on Twitter for a while. Yeah.
They even have a book and everything. But he knows about the original series, he knows about... What's it called? TNG. And I've even tweeted at him a few things, like, I want to see the Phylogeans, which are racing the animated series again. And he responded to that. So he knows about the animated series, the original series, next generation. He is a Star Trek fan.
And so when they would, when they gave him the opportunity to write a Harry mud story, he didn't just go off and do his own thing. He really did tied into who Harry mud is in the original series. I have to say also, uh, just, uh, from a personal perspective, I was the least interested or excited about this episode. Cause I didn't really connect with Harry mud, uh, before this. Like I didn't really like, I didn't really care for the kind of insane version of him. That was, you haven't watched the office.
I have. I know, I know. You know, we're in Wilson. So how can you not be happy for anything like, but like, I wanted more, I wanted rain Wilson to do more of an interpretation of Harry mud and less of this like angry rain Wilson person that he usually does. And so I thought there was too much rain Wilson, perhaps, uh, in Harry mud. And in this episode, I actually saw Harry month. I actually have to say like, by the end was like,
Yeah, but it was more along the lines of how I personally envisioned Harry Mudd. It starts off with, so before it's revealed that you're following the Android, like one of the Android versions of Harry Mudd, you think that you're following the actual Harry Mudd. Right. And he is the kind of discovery Mudd that you have. He's like a kind of angry at Starfleet, angry at the Federation kind of, you know, he almost seems like an aggressive warlike guy rather than just
Well, he continues to paint this interesting idea, which again is antithetical to what we later see in TOS, because we don't even, I don't remember, I have to kind of really dive deep into TOS again, but I don't remember if Harry Mudd was like accusatory of the Federation in the original series in any way, or if that kind of like vibe ever came across.
But Harry Mudd that we've met in Discovery is definitely like a hater. He thinks that the Federation, you know, sits on these laurels and like of, you know, morals and things like that. But they're actually awful, you know, which is a running.
You know, which is there's a lot of interesting evidence for that, even in TNG as we as we go through our discussions. But

Federation's Flaws and Societal Issues

but regardless, it's never from the perspective of of Star Trek. We've always taken the Federation side. We've always taken Starfleet side. And and here we have a character who is vehemently opposed to what the Federation represents. And then we get the idea that even among worlds of the Federation, what the Tellarites are at this point, if I'm not mistaken.
You still have Telluride. It's not like there's an end to poverty in all of the Federation, apparently, because this Telluride is hustling to get money. And, you know, and things still happen. Obviously, like one of the plot would be human bounty hunters as well.
No, I'm sure. But the fact that like there's bounty hunters among the world of the Federation is kind of like a new thing. Like, you know, I don't know. I just never I never thought of it before. And it's kind of interesting. It's to see another side that and it is more realistic. This is the kind of scum that turns up Deep Space Nine.
Well, this is where it started presenting itself. Star Trek changed completely with Deep Space Nine because of this exact same thing. I'm not saying it's new. I'm saying it is something that... I would argue that. I would argue that.
I think I think the original show Had a less pristine View of the Federation the next generation down. I think things are a little more perfect Next generation because in the original show obviously you had Harry Mudd to begin with You had other scoundrels you had these outposts where they were
buying wives you know uh the ride slave trade which is never really mentioned in tng if i'm not mistaken okay but like all of these these okay that's the interesting thing though that's not starfleet as such they're just kind of like federation citizens because they are humans and but then they're living like on a federation colony but then i don't think that what they're doing is exactly legal buying wives because then like
What's his name? Harry mud turns up and he's trying to, he's trying to like peddle these three wives, right? Yeah. In the first episode and they're like old and dying, but he's, he's like drug them or use some sort of product to make him look young and beautiful. Right. Yeah. But that's highly illegal, but I think that the purchasing of them,
is highly illegal as well. Yes, I think that I think that like, I guess when you do dive into the to the kind of like things that are going on, maybe there are these references, but the tone and discovery and in these short tracks is definitely way darker than Star Trek has ever been, in my opinion, anyways, but.
But that's what was delightful about this episode is that I think the tone shifted a little. There was a little bit more light than we're used to seeing. Of course, I'm still not pleased with a lot of the visuals, but that's just a personal thing. I don't think Discovery is represented the way I would envision a retelling or a reimagining. Even if I were reimagining Star Trek, I wouldn't reimagine it this way.
Harry mud start like the Harry mud that we see in the beginning which turns out to be an Android at first is this kind of angry Frustrated Harry mud and then when he's revealed to be an Android and then there's all the other androids because the Federation ship that they roll up to Have they've already got all these fake Harry muds in storage and that becomes very funny
because then you have like all of these like six or seven of Rainn Wilson's going all parts of the Caribbean three. They're all bugged out. They're all trying to say the same sentence. They're all trying to react the same way because they're not perfected robots, right? They're kind of crappy. That's lighter in tone and it's funny and it is more Harry Mudd. And that's when you see the Harry Mudd from the original series more than before.
Regarding the sets and the visuals, I don't have as much complaints regarding this as I do with Discovery because Discovery is a show on a Starfleet ship that's supposed to represent Starfleet ships that are basically
like the Enterprise should be on this, like on the original series. Whereas this is, it's a bounty hunter ship. Harry Mudd is like another bounty hunter ship. These guys are unaffiliated with the, like the Starfleet. They can have any kind of design they want. The view screen on the bounty hunter ship is really small. They use like the window from Spock's quarters, apparently, as like they recycle that set. So the screen is very small.
And it looks like the original series view screen because it is so small. And then when you think about it, it's not a window. It has to be a view screen, like a highly generated screen, like we have in all of the rest of stuff, right? So I thought the visuals were good in this one. I'm not too keen on how they represent the Tellarites. They got the tusks and everything, I don't know.
I thought that visually this episode works. It's it's very dark. I agree with that They think father II They make everything father Ian
black. I mean, this ain't no Cloverfield. I don't know why they, they got to turn the lights down so much, but... I think Fatherion Textract's discussion said something about how the Tellarites have been redesigned a lot. They were even redesigned in Enterprise. Which design do you like the best? I would argue that the Tellarites from Enterprise are not a redesign. They are
Like I just, how can I say this? They're an update because the, the, the, like the Tellarites that are represented in the Tellarites that we see in the original series, the makeup is shit. All right. You get what they're going for, but the makeup is shit. And in an enterprise, they take that and they do this like exactly the same thing, but with good makeup.
And so it looks like the same species. And then Discovery, they have this obsession with constantly revitalizing and rejuvenating all of the designs, and we have to do our own take and whatever. No, you don't have to do your own take. They convinced that if they do something too similar to what was before, then they won't be...
So look at that. That's the same thing. Oh yeah. I'm presenting for those of you. That's the same thing, but done better. In my opinion, this is weird. And then if you, and then here, and then if you click on that, that is, that is, that is a visual redesign.
And I don't know where this one is from. Enterprise, I guess. Yeah, that's from Enterprise. That's from Enterprise. What do they look like now? They look like this. They look like, yeah. They're more like wild boars. That's a shit quality. Click on the one underneath that one. Click on the one underneath that. Oh, here we go. This one, okay. Yeah. They look like that now.
Can you see it, Doctor? They look more like... Well, they look like dwarves or space pirates now. Yeah. They've got all of these tusks. They didn't have tusks before, though. They didn't have tusks before. No, that's a new edition, which no one knows.
Quite what to make of it. The noses are completely different as well. By the way, this is the actor, if I'm not mistaken. Here he's in the season one episode in the Mirror Universe playing some kind of general or something like that in the Resistance or the Alliance or whatever they call themselves.
And I don't have a clear picture of him from this, but it's the same actor playing. Oh, is it really? That's what I think that's what we found out on IMDB or whatever. Okay. So I think that the design is too radical a change. I can get behind the Andorian redesign. I can see it. This is too radical a change for me.
Um, but then other than that, the rest of the short tricks is fine. And I mean, I can't, okay. As much as I, as much as I disapprove of discovery, doing all these radical designs, I can't disapprove of short tricks for keeping the same designs as discovery. I mean, they at least have to be consistent with themselves, right? Right. So I can't, I can't, I can't complain about that. I mean, they use the same teller. This is there on the show, which is, I mean, that's good.
But other than that, the story in itself is good. There's a reveal. It doesn't drag on for too long. I think this is one of the shortest short tricks. It's like 13 minutes or 12 minutes long only. Okay. I have a question though. Okay. I don't understand why they didn't release this one first.
Honestly, if they wanted to hide people for short treks, they had to release this one first, not the shit, whatever, like, runaway was. That was ass. Strong feelings there. Anyway, what was your question, Doctor? Well, now I have two questions. Now that you mentioned the release pattern of the short treks, which is, what is the intention of the short treks? Is it meant to be
Is all this supposed to be somehow relevant to the second season, just like the Doctor Who mini episodes were supposed to be directly relevant to? That's a question that I had. I was originally told, no, that they wouldn't tie in. However, the Saru episode, the brightest star, is definitely going to have some kind of connection to season two because they've shown snippets in the trailer that definitely look like they're connected to the short Trek's episode.
I don't know if they're just using the same character.
We'll see. I don't know. I'm

Short Treks as Experimental Platform

just saying that there's a strong implication. And I don't doubt that Harry Mudd's going to be back. I mean, is he supposed to not? He's definitely going to be in season two at some point. I have a feeling. I thought short tricks would be that sometimes you have an idea, for example, the idea that they had for Bird Box, the movie, which everyone's talking about. Right. Sometimes you have an idea.
which isn't worthy of a movie, which isn't worthy of a TV show, and which isn't worthy of an entire episode, but you would like to expand on the idea just a little. So you use this out of the box, like this new format that you create. You say, hey, we don't have any timetable. We don't have any time schedule. We can release a 10 to 20 minute episode whenever we want. And boom.
And then so there you go. And then in the same time, it serves as a way of expanding the Star Trek universe. You don't have to focus it on a Starfleet character. You don't have to focus it on humans at all. You can just do like, we have an idea, right? There's like a floating fiction space and he needs to eat trees, but there are no trees in space. How does he survive? Boom. You make a 13 minute episode about that, right?
And then I thought that's what it was going to be. But then they went and they did like one episode like that, which is Calypso, because that's about a guy in the future. I like that. That's the only one that did. And then, um, all of the others are like characters from Discovery. We do Tilly, we do Suru, we do Harry Mudd, which is kind of strange because for a concept that was, it was,
to me presented or I thought of it as like, we're going to think outside the box and do things that we can't even tie into our show. Like we have this idea, but it doesn't fit in discovery. So we're going to do it separately. I thought that's what they were going to do. Instead, they're just like adding more to discovery.
I thought that's what Discovery was going to be when I thought it was going to be an anthology show and I was really excited about that. And so it already failed. It wasn't going to be an anthology show for very long. That idea didn't last long. But I mean, they'd be wearing these uniforms. They would have been awesome. They would have been hopping around. I understand CBS for refusing that in the first place because that would have been way too expensive.
They would have had to build like a TNG complete set for like one season and then rip it down and then build an original series set for one season, rip it down, build an enterprise season series set. There's a guy, George Lucas, that I could have introduced them to who knows how to film an entire movie.
without a single set being built. No, I mean, I know what you mean. It's it's a million times better when there's a real set. I'm not arguing with that. But I mean, there's shortcuts. It makes more sense to do one show that takes place on one show, at least for the beginning. Right. Right. And then but I understand. I understand why it wasn't a like, like financially for the same reason.
I also got the impression that like this was kind of like a way to kind of, you know, and rightfully so, I guess, to keep people subscribing to their, their legal and that that's what it's become. Right. Originally, I thought it was going to be this. We have like we have a lot of creative minds and we're going to use these creative minds to expand on Star Trek by talking about like these out of the
I don't know, these weird things that we can't expand on in the show.

CBS All Access Strategy

But then it turns out all of this is just a way to keep people subscribed to CBS All Access while they wait for the next season of Discovery to arrive. Because they release one a month and you need to keep subscribed every month. And it's weird that marketing is really wrong. It's only on CBS All Access. It's not international. Like, I don't know. I don't know what they're doing with this. It's more trick.
It just turns out that they released them in the very wrong order because the fourth is the best, then it's the third, then it's the second and the first. But wouldn't you rather go out with a bang than like have to be disappointed at the last episode before? I would have rather they're only released one.
I hear, I see what you're saying. I mean, I get it. I don't know. Okay. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be insulting, but like sometimes things don't work out, right? Sometimes your favorite musician will make a song that is, that is ass, right? It's just terrible because sometimes creatively you think something works. You think it works and then it turns out it doesn't. All right. But what I don't understand is there's a lot of people
A lot of people working on Star Trek and working on Star Trek short tricks and Discovery. Why did no one like just eventually say, like have the guts to say this is boring and it makes no sense and it finishes like completely dumb. Why are we releasing this? We need to rewrite the story or we need to, we need to change it somehow or you know, whatever. Like we wasted money on making this short tricks. It's just the short tricks. Let's make another one instead. Why did no one like pull the plug on that?
That brings us to our reoccurring segment on Starfleet Boy, which is Sean and I are for higher CVS. We'll do coffee, we'll do all kinds of things. We don't have to have any kind of title or anything like that, but we're happy to work for you and we will always give our honest opinions. Which is the same point. I think short tricks should be used as a way because, okay,
Star Trek used to bring in, um, fan scripts. Yeah. All right. We talked about that. Right. And then apparently it became kind of very difficult to deal with because then you have rights management. Yeah. Lawsuits and what have you. So I understand why that doesn't exist anymore. So now they have a, like a team of writers that write their 13 episodes or so. Okay. I understand that, but short tricks is different. Short tricks.
is the perfect format and the perfect, it gives you the perfect opportunity to bring in people that have nothing to do with the industry, that don't know anything about writing, that just have creative minds and they have ideas. Bring in people that have ideas that have this concept and you can have writers be with them and like
be the writers of the actual episode, but bring in people that have new ideas and they can help you expand Star Trek. It's the perfect, like it's a concept and a format that doesn't exist yet. I try and make it unique instead of just making low budget short discovery episodes. I think we've definitely seen that there's been some shakeups and breakups over there. I mean, it's a very public with Twitter and everything we're like learning
Up to the minute news, Saudi Arabia is corrupt. Oh, and John Van Siders gets hired as Star Trek chief, right? So season two, possibly we won't see all of his changes take effect there, because I think he didn't start it out, right, from the beginning. But I think that now-
No, but, uh, uh, is it, uh, uh, John Van Siders or something? He's the new head of Star Trek. What's the, what's his title? And he's supposed to. Okay. He's vice something. So he's not the head. Oh, he's the new vice vice. Let's look it up. Let's use the internet.
Yeah, no, he's not in charge as such. The thing is, creatively, Alex Kurtzman is the showrunner of the TV universe that they're setting up. Alex Kurtzman is the one that has, you know, he's got the get go. He says yes or no to what's going on. But then it's his production company that's producing everything. So he's saying yes to everything he makes. I'm willing to say that he'll definitely look. You're very silent. Oh, doctor.
Well, I, you had a second question, didn't you? Yeah. Okay. So this short trek takes place after the events of discovery, which in and of themselves takes place, was it 10

Short Treks Timeline Clarification

years before? Pretty much no series. Okay. This take this episode takes place after probably episode five of discovery. That's for sure. But it could take place at any point during discovery.
Right. And then and then also the previous one, the brightest star took place way before discovery when Captain Jones was a lieutenant. Yeah. So and then the one before that takes place a thousand years in the future. And then the one. Right. So they're all over the. But but OK, but OK, I'm just sure because when you guys told me about the androids are like, oh, OK, this is a tie in to
to IMOD, but IMOD takes place.
often much later. So then these are different androids, correct? These are Android copies of himself. These are copies of himself rudimentary copies of himself that are programmed to protest being arrested long enough and to convince you that it's the real Harry mud so that you as a bounty hunter will take it to the Federation and he's selling them himself. He's selling his own copies of himself.
Okay. The genius of the episode is in the details because first of all, first of all, this, this Tellarite bounty hunter talks about the fact that Harry Mudd not only stole something from him, but also made love to his sister. Right. And the thing is, the thing is the Harry Mudd, he's talking to Harry Mudd and Harry Mudd's like, I don't remember that.
But you think he's lying. You think it's the real Harry Mudd lying. But it turns out it's not the real Harry Mudd lying. It's the android that doesn't know what he's talking about. And never did that. The android just doesn't know. And so all he does is protest. And then this episode is segmented with like
Other other arrests you think it's past or you think it's past arrests or past captures of the real Harry Mudd. What it is, it's just other Harry Mudd androids that have been captured. And what's funny is he's using the same arguments and he's saying the same sentences to every bounty hunter.
So the way the episode is made is you think Harry Mudd just keeps on using the same lame excuses. That's not the case. It's just that the androids, you understand, are all programmed to say the same thing. Protest in the same way. It is very well written. It is very well directed. This is Harry Mudd, Rainn Wilson's first directing debut. So I don't know how much he directed. I don't know how much he was hands on. Usually they have someone help them.
But the episode is well made. You've been completely spoiled now. But I think it's good. Really? But he made the Androids?
He made- okay. It's not- It would seem so. It would seem so. It's implied, yeah. Because at the end, you see him take off his helmet. He's got his, like, his breast armor. But he takes off his helmet. It's revealed that it's Harry Mudd. And he's in his ship. But it could eat- He's got all these Harry Mudd- He's got all these Harry Mudd slaves. Android slaves, like, bringing him during cocktails and building shit and stuff.
And then you see the helmet that he wore in the Discovery episode. You see little Easter eggs like that. I mean, the androids could be building more androids for him. I mean, Harry Mudd's totally the kind of character- But then that's an iRobot situation and you don't want that.
Well, but but Harry Mudd's totally the kind of character that just looks looks for every opportunity. See, this is like the more crafty, funny, you know, Harry Mudd. The reason why I liked it so much is it reminds me of that of the Harry Mudd that we we find later in. What is your problem, doctor, with the fact that I just now I need to watch the I need to read. I must I must because I just want to see how it all ties in.
because I my impression was that mud was somebody who took advantage of situations but he himself was not very techie or or you know he was the guy who just found object a and and it doesn't it doesn't dispute that
I just need to rewatch the episode. I'm under the impression. I am under the impression that in the iMUD episode, he is only able to make or create androids because there was already a system in place on the planet that created androids. That's what I remember, but then I might be mistaken. If that's the case,
Then this makes this episode kinda weird, because he's making the androids himself, rather than discovering a planet that makes them later on. That's the thing, this ship that he's in, which is a recycled Klingon ship from season 1,
With a few extra nacellas that they're strapped onto it. It's the dukeship from season one It's the it's the same like remember he's thought one of the things he's accused of is regicide and he says Regicide he's only a duke, right? So we we get the I don't think that counts this regicide by the way a duke No, I know but that's what he's arguing but killing a baron killing a baron or a lord That's like those aren't regicides. I
Okay, fine. But an emperor is an emperor, we just said, but his father is bigger than a king. And his his father law, the Duke, that's the same. It's I'm pretty sure I have to watch it again, but I'm pretty sure it's the same exact ship. So he's either somehow commandeered the ship or he has his own way to move. You're talking about the ship that picks him up. Yeah. And there's a completely different ship, totally different ship. Let's find it. I mean, it's absolutely different because the Duke, you're talking about looks like a boat. This one looks like a spiky dildo.
Or a Python code. That's not what I expected at all. It's not the same shit. First of all, why would you even know what a spiky dildo looks like? First of all, well, imagine a dildo with spike, right? I mean, why would that even be in your consciousness? Hey, why would that come out first of all as a comparison item? First of all?
You know, and pinecone is the second thing you come up with, right? Like, that's not the first thing you come up with. It's the second one.
That's the first question before any other question. And then after that, I can provide no answer. While you answer that question, I'll look up the ships online and we'll see for the two of you arguing. Let me make a plug for this wonderful new book that I got for Christmas, which is from Eagle Moss. No, not Eagle Moss.
Yes. Eagle Moss, uh, Star Trek, designing starships, the enterprise and beyond. I recommend everyone get this book. I forgot it for me. And, uh, it has wonderful illustrations, pre-production sketches, and, uh, none of the ships in here looks like a spiky dildo, but, um,
Is it episode seven or is it episode six, I think. I said episode five. I'm looking up the Baron's ship, right? Okay. I'm trying to find it. Episode seven. I don't know. He's like the father of Stella, his wife to be. His wife to be in Discovery, but his ex-wife in the original series. We've never actually seen them married.
Anyways, he's horrible to Stella and her father and I think that that's the same ship. It's not you're wrong.
History will prove me right. Audience, this is what I usually call the resources of the internet. Audience, please comment below and let us know what you think. You got me a Twitter poll. Yes. Actually, there is actually a current running for the next four days. Twitter poll. Please go check it out. The question I asked, I'm going to ask it on the air because I think it's a fun question, doctor, that you might be interested in. Here, let me pull it up here. Do you have a website? Me?
Yeah., doctor. It's a little behind. It's not up to date. Is that where the Twitter poll is? No, it's on Twitter. Oh, it's on Twitter. Doctor. Got y'all.
So what I wrote, the question I posed, and I'll give you the results so far is I currently watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine on Netflix. However, if CBS All Access would release a remastered version episodically, say once a month, I would totally switch to watching it there.
Do you feel the same? So my idea is like, don't remaster it all at once. Take your fucking time and just release it like once a month, like a new episode. And that would keep people coming back and it's DS nine remastered. There we go. I don't think, but as much as it's amazing, I don't think that that, I don't think that time is their problem. I think it's just the cost of it. And even like.
Yeah costs cost comes down with with time like if you really if you only have if you only have two animators as opposed to 10 which you need to do it in like let's say You know a week the further the further of his wife is a baron baron Grimes
bear on grime so stuffy boy is wrong again we'll have to look it up but anyways tell us if the ship is the same if you think it is if it actually is if anyone's done the research uh or went on that tip but that's what i thought uh and then just so you know
61% of people agree that, yes, they would switch from Netflix to CBS All Access if they would release a remastered, episodically premiering version of Deep Space Nine. 18% say no, Doctor. 12% say, screw you, CBS. And 9% say, DS9 is on Netflix. So 9% of people didn't even know Star Trek DS9 is on Netflix. So I want you to look
I want you to open the chat and look up what I've, what I've written. Oh, okay. Where? Oh, in our chat. Yeah. That is the name of the ship of the baron. That's the baron's ship, right?
Wow. You have a picture of the festoon? Which means, what is it? Like a china? A garland of flowers, I think, is what a festoon is, according to
Oh, geez. I think you find that app. I'm seeing an image right here of the festoon. Let me see if I can... There you go. Okay, can you share an image of the festoon? Oh, yeah. I got it. Please. You got it? I think I've got it too. And you know what? Okay. That ship is absolutely not. Starfleet Boy is wrong again. That ship was absolutely... Can you share it on screen? Yeah, I'm trying to pull it up. For the world to see?
All right, but we need to be fully sure we need to see the. Well, I'm trying to find the other one. Well, come on. I'm 100% fully sure that I'm right. Yes. I do think you're right. Based on this new telemetry, new old telemetry. Hold on. We're posting it right now. All right. Here's the, the rear of the festoon.
There it is. I'm not even sure that's the rear. I'm pretty sure that's the front, isn't it? I don't know. Oh, maybe. It's essentially a boat. It's like a boat. But it's space. Yeah. Sorry, red lights make me think of the rear for some reason.
It looks just like a garland of flowers. That's the festoon. All right, so you're right, because it does look like the other the other ship. The other ship does look like it. It's true. The other one does look like a prickly prickly dildo. Wow.
It does, it does. Until we find out the name, we're calling the USS Prickly Dildo. Did they kit-smash, like, I don't know. Yeah, well, I'll tell you. Okay. That looks like they, they, they kit-smashed the one in the short one that we haven't seen. Okay. That's for sure.
I found it. Oh, yes. Show me. All right. It looks at the prickly dildo. It looks the prickly dildo. It's not at all the same ship. Not even remotely the same ship as the festoon. All I could do is blame my flu that I was under duress. What that is is a kit bash with a million discovery nacelles attached to a Klingon dildo.
ship because that that's one of the Klingon ship like if you were to look at the eagle moss discovery collection um discovery ships um one of the Klingon ships is that exact spiky thing in the middle do you think that was an homage intentional to kit bashing uh guys i don't know why they would do that when they have the power to cg
I mean, no, I mean, I'm saying these are not models. Right. It's, but it's, it's, yeah, that's the thing they see. Equivalent of kit bashing. They're taking other CG models and kind of taking things from them and, you know, it's a virtual version of it. Are they just trying to like insinuate that he modified a clean on ship or something? Maybe.
Unclear. Unclear. Unclear. That's all we can say. All right. I think it's time to give ratings and I don't recall that I gave the other three at this moment, but I definitely give this one. Probably wrong ratings. I give this one a seven. Okay. Out of 10 stars.
Um, yeah, I'll give it a 7.5. Nice. Wow. You liked it a little more than I did. We have a first time Starfleet boy. Enjoyed this episode. I think it was great. I love rain Wilson. He gets bonus points for being rain Wilson.
It was good. I'll watch it again because I'm going to do my review. Which we're all looking forward to. I'll be accused of being paid by CBS because I enjoy the show. Well, because I enjoyed this episode. But then I'm accused of being like a warmonger hater when I dislike an episode, so whatever.
you're you're learning an important lesson in life uh trek on the tube or shawn which is you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't so just do i don't know those do okay okay i don't know what that was that was Starfleet boy that leads to that that statement leads to crime doesn't it
Uh, no, no, I'm not in no way in no way. We're keeping with Harry. Okay. I think that's enough. Goodness accused of perpetuating crime on my show. Have, is this the death of accuracy or what is it? Are we now murdering accuracy, which is one of the lines in the episode? That wasn't, that wasn't a funny line.
I didn't enjoy that line, I'm sorry. Any thoughts based on our discussion, Doctor? For your Twitter, Paul, I put screw you, CBS.
I couldn't help it. He gave him the option. It's true. But a good poll answers many questions if possible. So I feel like I'm getting the answer to a few questions, not just the one I... Gentlemen, no, I'll let you take us out. Actually, I like that. Take us out. Take us out, Doctor.
Where am I going? I don't know where we're going. Second star to the right and straight up to the morning. And live long and prosper, everybody. What is that? What is that? Oh, he has it. Look, he has what I can't see. Sean, say something. He's that's the. Oh, my gosh, Sean. Sean was that was well, I.
This is what will be attached next to my door. As you enter the room, you'll hear the sound of the TOS door. Oh, that's awesome. I'll be able to press that if I want to signal someone and talk. Oh, that's cool. It also does the red alert. Wait a minute. It gets really obnoxious, the red alert.
Well, be sure to bring that with you. It's not doing it, but whatever. Okay. Be sure to bring that with you. The real low is annoying. On your first episode of Drunk Space Nine, which, uh, if you guys will indulge me, I have a quick to, to the very small audience, but I love you, uh, that we have, uh, a little, what are you doing?
Real quickly, Drunk Space Nine has been sucked into the Celestial Temple, and it's being swirled around in there, and some new things are happening, and the prophets are going to relaunch it very soon, so stay tuned for more news on Drunk Space Nine. But in the meantime, you can listen to Rogue Drunk Space Nine.
by searching for rogue drunk space 9 on iTunes or Google or whatever it's starting to come up and you can follow drunk space 9 to part do on Twitter and we look forward to
to taking it to the next level. Alright, that's it. This name of place is where we host, just in case you're wondering, Dr. Twitter. Twitter. I must explore this world of Twitter. There's so many of us on there.
The doctor follows me low key on Twitter. I won't tell you how. I must explore this Twitter. But we need the real doctor. You must come to the Twitter. All right, everybody. See you next time. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper.