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Star Trek Discovery Discussion: Brother image

Star Trek Discovery Discussion: Brother

E162 ยท Starfleet Boy - A Star Trek Podcast
46 Plays2 years ago

Aside from having a great time hanging out we get pretty deep into some of the Season 2 Premiere episode's best and worst moments. Tune in and let us know your thoughts but also remember this is heavy on spoilers so if you aren't not caught up avoid at all costs.


Intro and Season Two Premiere Discussion

And we're back on another exciting episode of Starfleet Boy, where we have a casual and informal conversation about Star Trek. And today, we're talking about Star Trek Discovery, the premiere episode of season two, Brother. Why did you say it that way? Why did you say the premiere? That's on the glass. That's high stuff. I wrote this. I had time to write it. He's right. That's right.
First, I'd like to also say since it is a time of celebration, I am celebrating. I don't think I'm allowed to say what this is on YouTube, but Nick probably has a clue. He just knocked off. I was just cheersing.
Hey, sorry. Sorry.

Star Trek Premiere Excitement and Picard Impressions

And Sean is the designated runabout pilot. I am. Oh, lame. Let me get my. So technically this video is not sponsored by Coca Cola, nor is it very nice to drink great news. Yeah. OK. Happy couple of days after Star Trek Discovery Day, guys. Oh, sorry, I already. OK, here we go.
And I think you mean happy couple days after the Star Trek premiere, I think is what you meant to say. Yes, the premiere.

Kid Spock's Dynamics and Amanda's Mystery

It was so awesome to be at the premiere. Was that a Picard impression you were doing? I'm trying to work on my not angry Picard. I can do angry Picard, I feel adequately, to convey that he's very upset at you right now, Mr. Data. That's not like standard Picard. That's alone with Beverly Picard that you just did.
That's true. Yeah, that's very accurate. That is exactly what I was going for. I like it. I like that. Who doesn't want to be alone with Beverly or talking to someone? I don't want to be alone with Beverly. Also, her son doesn't want to be alone with Beverly. That's true. Where does she not want to be alone with him? I'm just saying that kids. Yeah, well, he's a weird kid. He's a weird dude.
The rest of my summary is... He's not as weird as door slamming Spock, right? Control. Control. Control yourselves. Kid Spock was a special child. That's one way to put it.
He was. Can we just call him Kid Spock? Hashtag Kid Spock K. Listen, all right. They've been hanging and banging, brother. OK, that's a fact. You know what? I don't think Amanda had three very special children. OK, wait. Stop. People don't know what we're talking about. I don't know what we're talking about. I happen to know from the video.

Discovery's Plot and Captain Pike's Role

No, wait. Discovery discussion. Listen, I happen to know from YouTube analytics that my audio. Discovery premiere discussion, Sean.
Okay. Premiere. The premiere must be drawn at the premiere. Sorry, I'm done now. That's a really though. I encourage there. There's always room for a Picard and which is which is funny because the movie in French is actually called Premiere contact.
Yeah, you would say it that way. I would. I would. Yeah. Yeah. I would. Yeah. Mr. Impicable French speaking man. Yeah. You guys want to hear my summary? That I wrote or not? Yes! Will you just... Okay. Jesus!
Discovery is on its way to vlogging. Why are you so close to your microphone all of a sudden? Oh, sorry. Because I have to do it softer. I'm doing my reading voice. All right. I'm not going to interrupt anymore. It's like when Burnham does the Cassini narration. Imagine it like that. Just that's the part of the show that I'm doing right now. Let me interrupt this. Let me interrupt this action for a brief announcement.
Let me interrupt Star Trek for an art film. Okay, so here we go.

Tig Notaro's Character and Asteroid Rescue

Discovery is on its way to Vulcan when it suddenly thrust into a crazy-ass adventure surrounding seven, count them, red signals that appear as they are all of a sudden. They're just like, boom, clap. So fast to Discovery. Yeah.
I choked on my own excitement there. True professional. Meanwhile, Captain Pike decides to take over the Discovery because the Enterprise catastrophically damaged.
something happened or someone happened to it. Someone may have sabotaged it. That's how William Shatner actually says that word. She does, I promise. You can look it up. It's the correct way to say that word because that's how William Shatner says it. Anyway, that's true. I thought you were doing a Kelvin universe reference with the sabotage song.
That's right. That's what I thought you were doing. I was like, wow. Yeah, I was. I was also doing that. No, you were. I've already sabotaged my summary, guys. Yeah, you did. All right. So anyways, the the discovery decides to go to the location of this like signal red thing that the enterprise was trying to investigate before it broke down.
And they discover an asteroid that's hurtling towards or rather it's an orbit around a star and it's like crazy and there's all sorts of debris because it's constantly exploding and there's gravity wells, big deep gravity wells and shallow gravity wells.
Tig Notaro peers and she's been taking care of these like really sad, pathetic, dying Starfleet officers, or rather maybe crew members, I'm not sure, just like random ranks. Yeah, it's people that don't matter. That's sad to think about, but I think they all matter. There's going to be like a spin-off series about those guys. I hope so, yeah. Everyone's getting their own spin-off series.
Okay, a very artistic, like, short trick on the bully and just hooked up to his heart. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's actually just 13

Captain Pike, Red Angel Vision, and Burnham's Abilities

minutes of filming him just lying there. Just laying there. Yeah, I'd watch it. Yeah, for sure. And then it'd be awesome. They cut to some space, silence. You're alone in space. Yeah, as long as Tig Notaro is there, I'm happy.
She's going to be in the background like working on stuff. Yeah. I learned a lot. Now and then she drops a comment like, I don't know if you're going to make it, but we'll have to see. Yeah. She's fantastic. Everything about her performance as this commander, or commander, was that a rank commander? Yeah. Yeah. We're a true professional. Okay. Did his research. Is she not just playing herself?
She's actually doing an impression slightly of Janet Reno space It's like space Janet Reno. Yeah, but that's not many people Not many people. I don't know Maybe well, it's not enough that her name is commander Reno. So in the show, it's true. It's true It's kind of right on the nose. But anyway, sorry continue with your
summary summary just summary commander Reno's like pretty awesome she built this thing that um flies around and has kids and wow i really hope you know if somebody hadn't actually watched the episode and now they're hearing this just this amazing amazing description they'd be like
What? What do you mean she built something that has kids? I don't understand. It flies around in those kids. Yeah, it flies around. It's this big and it's a bunch of kids. I want to see that thing in death mode, though. Honestly, it was pretty cool as a as a guy. It's a robot grown. OK, for people that didn't see. I know. Yes, a robot drone, a thing that Tignotaro created anyway. So we go.
So they save all these people by transporting them back to the Discovery like so many other times in Star Trek.
We've used the transport just to save dying people. Yes. That's very true. The same way we use cards to save people in our world. But I was very excited about this way. And we could talk about it at length after the summer, which is almost over, I promise. Yeah, this is going longer than the episode. Sorry, sorry. OK, we're all out of time.
We've only been talking for 14 minutes. It's way shorter than my usual summaries. Anyways. That's not a good thing. You keep interrupting, God damn it. Anyways. Yeah, Sean.
So the Enterprise, we find out that the Enterprise is beyond repair at the moment. They have no estimate on when it's going to be repaired after, oh, we, sorry, we rescue a fragment of this asteroid because there's some kind of like dark matter quality to the material of the asteroid that might be important towards making some kind of renewable energy source, which is interesting, but we know nothing happens because dilithium crystals are still in use by the next generation. So it's kind of weird. But anyways,
Yeah, it's not like there was ever, is there an energy crisis going on? Because they haven't touched on that. I could believe that there's an energy crisis in this time period. I feel like that was expressed slightly in the original series, but maybe not. In season seven of TNG, it's established that using the warp drive continuously is destroying subspace. Yeah, it's subspace. And so they tell everyone to go at warp five maximum.
So this what they did here with the crystal is they're going to tie it into the Picard show and Picard will actually be working with a team of engineers to create a new energy source that is not war driving that will not damage subspace. There you go. I love it. I love it. I agree with that.
What's going to happen is the asteroid in discovery is going to start slowly expanding Outwards so that way in the future the Picard show the asteroid is actually getting larger and then Picard has to go Beverly on a medical ship
It's a dried up category. I think at the end of the episode where time expands, it encompasses the entire discovery. It's going to explode and then Captain Picard will come back in time and say, oh shit, I've done something. And now everything's different. Excuse me. He would say, he would say male. What's that? He would say male. What have I done?
That would be amazing if Discovery just becomes the Picard show. I could then follow along with Discovery. I would be totally cool with it. It would be 100% my favorite show at that point. You're crazy. I am crazy. I love Star Trek. You're a crazy person. Can you imagine though he explodes out of it? It's like,
I think at this point, I don't it could happen. Yeah. Or he comes out in an ice like frozen and he's like, you know, and they're like, what is this crazy man that has come through this thing? And he has no memory. He's called Batman. You know, I don't know who I am or what I am, but the audience does. Do you guys know what killed the dinosaurs?
It was the icing. Sean, don't get me started on fucking Batman and Robin right now, okay? Can we just now?
This episode was better than Batman and Robin. That is a ridiculous thing. Are we doing compare? Wait. OK, one more thing for the summary. Right. Captain Pike decides to stay on board and be a co-captain with Saru. So that's awesome and interesting. And we'll see. Oh, and then he has a dynamic. You also missed out the very important vision that Burnham actually saw the Red Angel. And then told no one about it and kept that to herself. She hasn't told anyone yet.
We saw the red. They've gone all the way back to to where they were towing the enterprise. And she was she she took a nap.
and you know she's doing personal things. She was really busy getting the asteroid coming up with a special plan on how to slingshot an asteroid into the cargo bay and then catch it with a giant gravity well generator thing inside the cargo bay. I have beef with a piece of technology by the way.
Which technology, the gravity? Instant gravity. I have beef with a small metal frisbee that can then become, deploy itself to become this huge ass thing. That's not how tech works in Star Trek. That's Mary Poppins right there. That's some magic. That's some Iron Man shit is what that really is. That's some shenanigans. That's some Iron Man shit. We don't use vibranium
you know, in Starfleet. It's called something else. It's called, it's called, you know, it's the same tech as Captain Marvel has for her helmet. That's what it is. It's deuterium. The Enterprise D's hull is made of deuterium because it's an amazing epic metal. But it doesn't unfold out of nowhere. It doesn't work that way. Also, the helmet unfolds the same way.
The helmet unfolds the same way. And so it's not even justifiable for the middle, but then there's also the glass that deploys. Where does the glass go? This is ridiculous. I think it is. Well, I think it is ridiculous. But I think I think it's being done for a reason. Still, I mean, it's not being done for a reason inside of the suit at the top. There's a tiny little replicator. And in there, it replicates the helmet supplies as it goes over the person's head. I love that. That's why they're looking for like an unlimited energy.
They're wasting it on stupid things. I thought to myself when I first saw the episode and his thing wouldn't shut, I said to myself, well, geez, wouldn't it have been a lot easier if you just had an actual fucking helmet on? You wouldn't have had that problem. You would have put your helmet on and then you would have ejected and it would have been fine. By the way... We're calling that segment, you're welcome, Elon Musk, and I'll make sure to tag him.
Because that was an amazing idea for how that should work. And I think Elon Musk might be in. He said, he's going to be on Mars. Pike's helmet is unable to attach itself. It's not working correctly. And then Burnham develops an entire plan, which is eject them into space, but the helmet's still not on. And then exactly at the moment where she says, go, his helmet comes on. But that's really lucky, right? That she could have just killed him.
Well, I what I thought was going to happen was they were going to do kind of like a. Like a Guardians of the Galaxy kind of style thing where he was going to be blown into space and like he was going to be like, I can't breathe, you know, and she was going to I thought she was going to catch him with her ship and like she was going to put him in there. And then when she ejected, then I was like.
are they gonna what is she gonna like hold hold her hands over his face like what is she gonna do multiple times because i thought okay maybe it's the uh eject like maybe it's the um the override ejection that they did on discovery maybe that activated his helmet no that's not it because his helmet he activates it by hitting it
once again because could the jolt of the eject have like caused the helmet to move down that's a very very lucky guess now we know that pike doesn't die because we've seen the rest of star trek right but right she didn't know that that was going in universe they didn't know that like they haven't seen star trek right and she had no reason to assume
that forcing the ejection piece of his craft would cause the rest of the helmet to go down. She had no reason to assume that. So again, I thought

Burnham and Spock's Estrangement Theories

it was just going to be a situation where he was going to be exposed to space. So you don't die if you get exposed to space immediately.
That's just something they do in movies, you know, but obviously you're going to get fucked up. But I thought he was just going to get fucked up for a little bit. And I thought that's what they were going to do. Like he was going to get injured and then she was going to have to take command of the mission. That's where I thought they were kind of going with them. Well, he's and she's already pretty much in command of the mission. Well, she's in command of the whole Starfleet. She's in command of actually everything. Yeah, yeah. I mean, she did president. It's fine. She did stand up to Admiral Cornwall. It was pretty embarrassing.
Well, Admiral Cornwall's a pretty lame admiral, to be honest. No, she's not. I love Admiral Cornwall. She's my mother admiral. Really? There are so many better admirals. There are so many worse admirals because they all become terrorists. I really think she reminds me a little bit of Admiral Nechayev. Admiral Nechayev? No. Nechayev always knew what was going on. Wow. I like what you called her. Remember, we're PG-13 on Starfleet.
She always had, she always knew it. You know what Admiral I didn't like? Is the one that called Picard on Picard day. And then he's all like, she's all like, Captain Picard day. He's like, I'm a role model. That's a different, I know for sure. Cause I just watched this episode and it's just old woman. She's like, I'm sure you are. And she like hangs up and it's like, Oh yeah, I've never had fun in my entire life. But I hang up the line.
I want you to meet Picard, your newest boss, Admiral Evil. That's right. Well, all animals are typically jerks in Star Trek. That's a fact. And they did keep that going in season one when they had the
that friggin' white dude on board the whatever that got his ship cut in half. He was not a jerk. He was a total jerk. Really? For total jerk, yeah. Was he not like the hero that...
He did he did catch them with his tractor beam, but he wasn't ass about it He was kind of shitty about it like what the hell happened George Joe and she's like yeah He totally got killed because he had time to be shitty about it if he was Just standing there looking super uncomfortable in the uniform size he chose for that day
Yeah, looking a little Okay, well the thing is they didn't actually because he was only there for one episode. So didn't what's his name? They didn't actually make a uniform for him. They probably just gave him look his uniform, right? He's Admiral Chonk, right is what he is Wow He's a little chunky
Okay, we're talking about the wrong pilot. We're talking about the new pilot. The new pilot. The things that we like. Let's talk about the things that we liked. Pilot 2.0. I like the pike speech. I think everyone likes the pike introduction and speech. I think everyone can agree on that. He's on the bridge. He's telling everyone that he's piked. 10 points to Gryffindor.
Yeah. Is he Gryffindor? I feel like he wouldn't be. Is he Gryffindor? Ike is 100% Gryffindor. I'm sorry. There's no... I feel like he's Hufflepuff, right? No, no. Burnham's Hufflepuff. She wants to be Gryffindor and she's in Hufflepuff. She has Gryffindor envy.
That's why the sorting system doesn't work. You know what? The official website, Pottermore told me that I'm a Hufflepuff. And at first I was offended. And then I realized that Newton Hufflepuff, so I'm fine with it. But now I will defend Hufflepuff against everyone else. So I won't let you put Burnham in my house. Burnham lives with Hagrid. Do you have a house, Nick?
I don't have a house. I should go into Pottermore while we're talking. You should get your official Pottermore house. Yeah, idiot. If you're a Gryffindor, can we be Harry and Ron? Why do I have to go to Hogwarts? Okay, maybe I want to go to that crazy Russian school with everyone slamming sticks and stuff. You might want to go to the old girl school.
Oh batons is not for me, but you can go there. You're not you're not an apple puff. You're in fucking fucking trash Ravenclaw. OK, wow. Yeah, that was a burn, Sean.
Yeah. Oh, my God. I originally I think I have told the story before I originally got Slytherin and then I wrote to Pottermore and asked to be changed to Gryffindor and they did it. You can't do that. Harry Potter and I. Doesn't that make me the Harry Potter? Who are you? I'm the Harry Potter of Pottermore.
Pottermore. I'm Harry Pottermore. There you go. That's completely unfair. So is that what we liked the most about Star Trek Discovery's premiere for season two is Harry Potter? I think the scene that I enjoyed the most was Pike's speech and Pike's introduction. That was the scene that I enjoyed the most of the entire episode. I didn't like the Nascar space race.
Now that was lame. I would have just jacked that out. I would have ripped that out. I hated Linus the sneezing sorry. I wish I had VR, a VR version of that scene. I think those kind of those goggles would be amazing for a Star Trek game, right? Like let's just do like a, but that's too much pod racing for Star Trek for me. Well, the problem that took me out of it is
They were going at a ludicrous speed. They had to follow that freaking asteroid, which was crashing into a full stop. No, I get that. But my point is that human beings
being like, you have one person that was part of the test program and three people that have never used this device before ever. And they are piloting it at ludicrous speeds. And it just seemed so unrealistic. Even the guy being an asshole about like, I know how to adjust the trajectory. It's like, no, you wouldn't. And, you know, I know how to do it. Don't talk to me. Yeah, shock a bro, you know, and then he gets blown up. Okay, they would have had beta do this.
Right, they would have had data do it. Yeah, right, right. Discovery's already implying that it's breaking the no enhancement barrier or law that was in the federate that one assumes that everyone's got a fucking thing now. Yeah, everyone's got an enhancement of some kind. So I think that it's plausible in discovery for Burnham to be so spectacular
and also be enhanced in ways they're not visible like Detmer. That's the kind of sentence that shouldn't exist though. It's plausible. It's plausible in Discovery. Yeah, let's not even. Let's not get there yet. But we are in the Discovery era. Let's not get there yet. I can't. Okay. I would have removed that entire scene.
of the
Moving on. A fourth time I watched that scene though, I had my iPhone in a Google like cardboard thing and I had my headphones on and was like loud, just loud enough to not break my ears and I was like maybe a little drunk.
And I just thought it was like, holy crap, this is an amazing scene. So I highly recommend you 3D print yourselves a Google. Yeah, that's exactly what I'll do. When you've had enough of watching Star Trek Discovery, you start experiencing it, right? Yeah, I agree. This is probably the point where you do Red Alert on Drunk Space Nine, which I'll tell you more about later.
But a whole lot of things happen where they save the people, they beam the people, they do all this. And I guess it's not too bad, I guess. It is pretty standard Starfleet mission, beaming people. It just annoys me because Mary Sue Burnham is like the most amazing person ever.
I don't want to get to the marriage you think. The first time you said marriage to you on surf. Hold on. That's important that we talk. We need to talk about it. But that's going to take a lot of time. And then my second favorite moment is Pike and Burnham talking about being on the ship. And it's just like they're still trying to make the scene dynamic because they're always turning cameras and what have you. But it's just people talking. Yeah, I know. Burnham. But they have.
Okay. No, that was really great. That was really great. But I felt like it was really weird for me. And this is why I kind of brought this up in my video, but it was really weird to me.
when they had that huge speech with Pike, and it was really great. And it's like, this guy knows what's up.

Pike's Leadership and Comparison to Classic Star Trek

He's a badass. He's a seasoned captain. He's going to lead this crew great. They warp into this location. He's given a big rousing thing about, listen, if there's people down there, we're not going to leave him, because Saru was giving him the bad news. And he goes, listen, I already know about all the bad news. And then Burnham hits him with the bad news. And he's like, I don't care. I know what it is. I want options. Don't give me this. And then she kind of undercuts
his capability when she's like what I was going to say was we could do this and this to him and almost kind of like chastises him for getting like heated. I don't know it just really bugged me. She felt like the popular kid mouthing off to like the teacher school teacher. That's what it felt like. It's like the replacement teacher right?
Right, a substitute, yeah. Yeah, it was a bit it was a bit weird. But then that's that's the major problem with with Burnham is like you can make her as amazing as you want in her abilities. She will always be insanely annoying and arrogant.
What's the most annoying thing about Burnham the character? Let's talk about that for a second. What's like the top of your list in terms of things that annoy you about Michael Burnham? Well, she needs no one. She can clearly be her own captain and her own crew. And like no one else is useful. She's done everything. Every time there's a new piece of technology that's presented, I tested it.
Like every time there's a new something, she's already done it. What have you. I just feel like Spock did that already. Like in the end, data does that. And like, you know, Georgie, like it's not. Why is it not true? Okay. TNG everyone has their own field of expertise. Yes. There are some characters that are stronger or better than others because like data is Spock is right. But.
odo is essentially stronger than everyone else but they all have their field of expertise and they're all awkward in certain ways burn them apart from the fact she's impolite she has no real like
disadvantage. She's just bitter at everything for no reason, but she doesn't even have a designated post. She's supposed to be a science officer, but then she's like the best engineer. She's also like an amazing pilot. She can also clearly lead everyone.
In a sense, she's responsible for putting the Federation in peril and then also saving it, right? She's a metaphor for the spore drive, to be honest, because the spore drive is just completely too badass for what it is in the context of Star Trek, and she's just too badass for the context of the series. I don't know. I know I don't use the word Mary Sue often, but she really is one. She's just...
too much. Yeah, I mean, I would say that it really kind of. I just think that Captain Kirk is a Mary Sue then by that standard. But he would be a Gary Stu. Okay. So the thing is, I would say that. You cannot compare something that comes out in 2017, 2018, something that comes out in 1966, right? Where there are clearly only three characters on the show.
And you have a dynamic between those three characters. And Captain Cook is our hero. He's our protagonist, Captain. It's the same, but they're telling the same story. That's what Star Trek's always doing. Okay, TV. That's the problem with the Oval. The Oval is not good TV nowadays. It's mediocre TV for the 90s. TV has gotten better since then. You should learn from your mistakes. Star Trek should do the same. Star Trek should be on the forefront of making things better, but instead they copy the Oval.
and do lighter sneezing jokes. But the same problems that you have with TOS should not come back in discovery.
at all. I think the thing is is that like I don't think that Discovery has like had enough time with the audience to be ranked perfectly you know to finally say like oh it has to end at some point right like for us to be like oh this is where it falls ultimately in the start. I believe that with all the shows that exist pre-discovery and all the shows that will exist post-discovery, Discovery will forever remain one of the lowest ranked shows
And everyone that enjoys discovery a lot now will eventually come down from the hype cloud and think, wait a minute, this was actually pretty shit. And that's going to happen when the Picard show airs, so it's coming soon. I mean, that may be true, but I do think that
but it's different for everyone, right? Because someone might love Voyager. Sorry. Someone may love Voyager and another person might love TOS and you can't convince that person. I think that we all have a Star Trek ranking DNA, right? So like-minded folks kind of gather around each other and that's just how life works, right? So
It'll be interesting to see, but I think that whatever the average is of that is intrigued at the very least by Discovery. And I think that's okay because this was an awesome reboot, in a sense, in my opinion. And I think it's going to grow the show into something... Oh, what are you whispering? It's not a reboot.
He can't use the word reboot when it's not a reboot. It is a continuation of the current story. It's not a reboot. No. No. Sean has banned certain ideas and words from the show now. We won't call it a reboot. They just spun off from their own show. It's a visual representation.
it's they took their own characters and it's an art film guys we can just call it an art film it's a reboot it's an art show it's taking a great deal of artistic license with what um okay you know what they should finish this the same way they finish enterprise this should all be like a holographic simulation but interpreted by someone like someone did their own take on history this is all like fictional history right
Yeah. Imagine if Discovery would have been like, imagine if Discovery would have been like this. But that would be a short, but that would be a short treks. Like they wouldn't release it as part of it. No one would really know. It'll be a short treks and only people who watch short treks will know the truth about Discovery. That's true. It's in the Marvel one shots because the real Mandarin exists in the MCU, but no one knows because it was only confirmed in like a one shot that they did. Yeah.
So when you did you just convey, I miss that. OK, the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 is not the Mandarin. It's been been Kingsley pretending to be an actor, pretending to be the Mandarin, right? Right.
OK, but but in a Marvel one shot that they released post movie that no one watched and no one cares about, it's confirmed that the real Mandarin exists because he sends a dude to kill Ben Kingsley impersonating him. And he says we're not we're not happy about this. But then like no one knows because no one watches the Marvel one shots and they've stopped releasing them anyway. Oh, wow.
But the real Mandarin exists somewhere. Yeah Guys to give it that first thing we watch everything Star Trek Star Trek on it well what I was just about to say was Marvel gave up on the one shots and somebody should have probably told CBS that because they
If I had money, I'd be sipping jippers on a beach somewhere. Oh, come on. That was fun. That was the only good one. I love that one. I love that. What is the alien race that that non is the red, the redshirt in the episode? I think she's a buzzer and it's not confirmed. She's a Barzan. Thank you. I was trying to remember and I was not. I have not seen any confirmation yet, though. No, no. But it's likely it's likely that she's a Barzan. Right.
I would think so. Maybe it's just like an alien race that's inspired by. I wish it could be something new. I would have loved it if she becomes the Barzan that that we see in TNG. That would have been amazing. But I don't think that's going to happen. It is strange because in TNG the Barzan like I think they're not part of the Federation. They're not part of like no one's a Starfleet. They're not part of the Federation. Well, what if what if while she was on her home planet,
There was a separate alien race that accidentally dropped a piece of technology on it, and then she used some kind of knowledge that she had within herself to figure out how to send a transmission to Captain Philippa Giorgio, who came to her planet, landed in front of everyone in a shuttlecraft, picked her up, and then left only with her, and then she left her own family behind to die in a ritualistic sacrifice.
She's the Barzan that wrote the Discovery Holosuite program. And she plays herself in it. I like that. That's actually pretty good. Oh, wow. I think they look like... That's why there's a Geordie visor and shit. That's why this enhance people, because they're writing this from the future. And they kind of forgot that no one was like that in the past.
What will it finally be? I think if you say it, it doesn't come true because CBS watches all of our shows with like a massive computer. I think some of them and Alex Kurtzman sit down and watch hours of like, they watch all of the three hour trachea discussions, right? You know a lot about Alex Kurtzman, is he married?
I don't know. He doesn't have a Twitter account. Lucky him because I would bombard that guy. That's why he doesn't have one. That's why he doesn't have one. Honey, there's this creepy guy that won't stop messaging me. His name is kind of catchy, the Trek on the Tube. Should I go look at his stuff? He sends one angry tweet at me about Canon and then he sends a nice tweet because he wants to be hired. I don't understand.
It's constantly flipping between mad and wanting to bring me coffee. Honey, do you think CBS has enough money to buy his brand so we can relaunch After Trek? After Trek. Oh, God. After Trek on the Tube. After Trek on the Tube. I'm so angry right now. Are we not getting After Trek anymore? Is that done? After Trek was canceled and it's going to be replaced by Facebook Live Streams because that's new media.
What's Facebook live stream? What does that mean? I don't know. I don't know what it is. I don't have Facebooks. I don't know. Listen, they should just hire me. I'll do the damn after track and I'll just rip it apart for 15 minutes and then we can close it out.
That's fine. That's the perfect way to bank on the people that don't actually watch Discovery. You'd have everyone that doesn't watch Discovery, but they watch The Oval because it's playing at the same time. They would watch Aftertrick with Nick bashing on Discovery. You can bank on the lovers and on the haters at the same time. It's amazing. Good idea. Do you think that it's a calculated risk? Do you think that they know that there's more viewers of Star Trek?
a calculated risk putting it up head to head with the Orville. They put it on the 17th 01 because it's the 1701. Isn't it now airing every Thursday? I wouldn't think so. Aren't they just going to shift it back to Sunday?
No, I don't believe so, but I don't know. They put it on Thursdays? They put it on Thursdays. At the same time as the Orville. Isn't that like? Can we just talk about how we're talking about we're talking about a lie. We're talking about a release schedule for a show that's only released online. It's like these are so stupid. Just released the whole season. Why even have a mid-season break? It's so dumb. I wish for this. I can't argue with you on that 2019.
Okay, I want to binge the show, okay Every every episode is finished Okay, and they're only doing it because they force people to pay for CBS All Access That's the only reason they do that mate. It's made which you pay Would you pay $50 a year to have a binge privilege? Not for CBS All Access
No, but for something like let's say that I would I would pay I would pay $50 a year to have a video on demand platform that has all of Star Trek and every time they have a show like a season of a show that's finished that is dump it on there and I'll just watch it not pay like I'd pay that but this would be like on top of your 999 subscription you would have to pay an additional $50 a year to get your what what 999 subscription binge mode you would turn on binge mode and
No, it's just snow. I would just pay for it. I would pay for it. And just give me these friggin' shells. Yeah, that's like, wouldn't you do that, right? So CVS, you heard it here first. Just give us the show. Turn on binge mode. Just do it. Turn on binge mode. As soon as you have a show that's done, just release it. Boom.
right give it in like every like every other video on demand company on the planet and then you can you can also do your after tricks you don't like your short tricks you don't even have to do them in like just as soon as you have I hope Netflix can buy Star Trek from both
I hope Netflix stops buying anything. No, it won't happen. Take over Star Trek. It would be amazing. Or Amazon. I'm down for Amazon to own Star Trek too. Netflix will make Christmas specials with Star Trek if they own it. I'm so about that. That's like my dream come true. I gotta be honest with you. I gotta be honest with you. I would be totally about a really stupid Christmas special. You would not.
Yeah, we totally would just give you seriously if they didn't agree Listen somebody somebody gave us gifted the planet earth
the Star Wars Holiday Special. And that is one of the greatest things ever made. And it's one of the best things ever made, because it is literally the worst. And I would love to see the Star Trek version of that. I would totally be on board for that. But that's neither here nor there, because it's never going to happen. This is known as the Jeff Bezos section of Starfleet Boy. So I'll make sure to tag you in this part. Yeah. I learned how to do that now. I can tag you in your part.
I'd rather you not tag me in my part. Yeah, I don't like the way to go. It's not that kind of stream, bro. It's not that kind of stream. Okay? That's a different kind of stream. Audience, this is a disclaimer. I'm sorry if you didn't know. I'll put it in the description. There are so many spoilers, not just for structural discovery, but literally every possible thing. We spoil everything. Yeah, we do.
Yeah, this is the spoiler show. That's what we should call it. This is the spoiler show. It's, it's... It's well known. Okay, so let's, let's... It's definitely spoiled. So, what do you guys think happened between Michael and Spock? I've already said mine, which is that they're hanging and banging, but that's my opinion. It would be so weird if that's what it is. It's so awkward. Yeah, it is. You don't have to go upon Michael Burnham like that.
It would be really weird. It would be very weird. Okay, so essentially, okay, I want to break this down. I want to break this down a bit. Now I'm listening to you. I'm just doing the pon par. Sorry, go ahead. Wow. The idea is there's a mystery that happened, right? So something happened between Michael and Spock that has essentially estranged them.
and they haven't spoken in years. And essentially Michael was never expecting to talk to Spock again. But this same event has like made Spock distant with his father or was he already distant with him? He was already distant with him. He said that he hadn't talked to him in years. Okay. So is it not just Spock as a dick?
Well, people are saying online that, which would be a great theory, but for one reason, people are saying that the reason why Spock doesn't talk to his father and his sister is because of that whole situation, I think it was Lave, where Serik had to decide which one of them was gonna go to the Vulcan Science Academy, which one wasn't? Yeah, because his dad, yeah. So people are saying that was the cause, and I would agree with that, except when they were having the conversation in this episode, Serik did not seem aware of what the problem was.
And clearly he would know that that would be the reason. So there's obviously something else that has occurred. No, no, absolutely. Several years earlier. That's a different issue. Sarik blames himself. Very good connecting the dots there. He blames himself because he decided to send Spock to the Vulcan Science Academy and Burnham to Starfleet Academy.
It kind of makes their choices for them. Yeah, it makes their choices for them. But Spock doesn't want to go to the Vulcan Science Institute, sorry. He wants to go to this Academy. And then so that hurts Burnham because she wasn't allowed to go to the Vulcan Institute, she wanted to go there.
Right. There's a lot of Vulcan instituting going on because okay. When writing this episode, did they not forget that Spock is half human now? Because I felt like they kept on talking about him as if he was completely Vulcan. Like you need to teach him empathy. I didn't get that, that impression at all. Oh no, you're right. They keep on talking about how he doesn't know empathy. You, you like, it seems as if like he was too Vulcan. I'm not saying
Okay, I could have sworn in somewhere in Trek. That's a new hashtag somewhere in Trek. It's established that Spock has, there is something wrong with Spock in a sense. He's always kind of had to struggle with something that no other Vulcan
Typically has to deal with and and and what he chooses to do over and over is to repress the human side of his Being right and so it leads to a lot of problems with Spock I think that's like even Leonard Nimoy Kind of like conveyed if I if I'm not mistaken in that kind of vibe So it's interesting to me for what's happening here because I kind of imagined Kid Spock as like this insanely brilliant smart
kid who has lots of emotional problems because he doesn't know what to do with emotions, which he has super deeply or at least he feels them like a human does, perhaps.
OK, Spock, they're talking about empathy and Burnham says to Sariq, like, don't worry, he's got plenty of empathy. Right. And then he says, you said something that I don't know, Lareda. I think he's in the boots for sure at some point, because I think he's and Spock struggles with some of these things in Star Trek six. He actually like mind.
probes without permission on and and on lieutenant valerius and i know it's for a very important reason like the fucking kid oh shit yeah but like yeah so he assaulted burnham in some way with like some he could have done something like that i i don't doubt it and that's why it was so painful it would be retroactively even more painful for Spock no that doesn't that doesn't
I agree that that would be a great idea. I agree that that would be a great idea, but she said very clearly in the episode that it was her fault. It wouldn't be her fault if he mind melded her forcefully. Those were so many wasted words. It was great theories, guys, but they ruined it.
In the animated series, Spock gets lost in the desert, and the adult hymn needs to go and save himself. What do you think Burnham did to Spock? And so, Burnham tried to save, Kid Burnham tried to save Kid Spock, but Adult Spock arrived and saved Kid Spock, and so Kid Burnham was left to die, but then she thought, no, I don't know.
I don't know. I think what's going to happen, I think it's very obvious. I just see like Kid Burnham at the end of the show, like just there, like blood coming out of her mouth. It's terrible. You think that they sexualized each other?
and the
Cybok wanted to go to a liberal arts institute on Vulcan and Burnham wanted to support him and Spock didn't and they got into a huge fallout. Who could play who could play Cybok at this around this time period in your minds? William Shatner. Yes, please. I vote for that always, of course. OK, so you are the big how old at this point? I think 102. I'm not sure how Vulcan is.
Yeah, you guys are saying Kid Spock, but Spock in that scene in Star Trek Discovery was 35.
Just saying that's true. That's true. Yeah, but who would play kid cybok? No He's upstairs in his room listening to like death metal music He's off chilling with some you know Vulcan pusses you think it could have been simple as cybok discovered like the Rolling Stones and Then that changed his whole perspective. He's like out there like getting lit. He's like, yeah, bro shockery
And then he like stumbles home and sex like get a job you can't live here anymore you smell like Prince I'm like Prince. Don't you talk to me that way The fucking princess yeah, oh you think spot you think Spock and cyborg fought over Burnham, right?
I think maybe she was hanging and banging them both. I mean, that's what was going on. This is not what's happening at all. OK, so I do have a legitimate question, though, about the sequence. I have a legitimate question because I thought about this. So there's several things that don't make sense in my mind, and maybe you guys can clear it out. In the first season, we see a flashback early on of Sarik finding a young
Michael Burnham, like a very young Michael Burnham, in what appears to be like the weird Vulcan learning centers, and he finds her. It's implied that that's where her parents died, but her parents are both humans, so that was really weird that she's in the Vulcan learning center, but okay, that happened. Serik then finds her, and then when we see the flashback in this episode, she is clearly several years older, with a completely different hairstyle,
than what she was when he found her. So how the fuck long was it before he brought her home?
I don't think it's a civil. Yes, I think it's a civil. The way I see it. Burnham tells the story. She is. You guys remember actually older. Burnham. Yes. Look at the picture. Burnham tells the story of her parents death. And I feel like there's some time in between because remember, she tells Ash Tyler like that she was hiding in a cupboard when the Klingons like killed her parents. Do you guys remember any of that? OK, so she was. So she knows.
No, what happened so then she was present for another Klingon attack at a Vulcan writing so she's just super She's just all the time fucked up There the second time the first like he's like he gives her the hand, you know, he's my mind to your mind It's like Sarah actually you have to get consent for that, but it's unrelated and so he does consent
Oh, that's what the whole season four of Enterprise was about is how Paul got mine raped. All right. Listen, come on. Spot. There's a lot of. He connects with everyone. Rocks, computers.
Yeah, yeah, that was my Leonard by the way, but seriously the way she appeared in that flashback and look at the the way that she appeared in this flashback and she's completely older with Not to mention the fact that it's a wildly different haircut, but I don't understand so was that before? But they could hire a younger actress or tried to keep her hair the same but the flashback sequences don't make any sense because
Was she already in the House of Sarek and learning on Vulcan when then she also got attacked? Was there an attack on Vulcan that we don't know about? Okay, I think so. Okay, what must have happened is he, oh no, because then it was before. Okay, so you're saying she was, she was all rich, she was already on, she was already on Vulcan with her parents, right? With her real parents. No, they were on a colony. They were in a different colony. Her parents got attacked and killed. Then Sarek supposedly found her. Then she was on Vulcan.
Supposedly at some point she was dropped off at Serik's house But then she was also in a sequence where the learning center she was at that was the Vulcan learning centers with the weird dip downs that was attacked and Serik had to mind what meld with her So was that before after he brought her back to the house because if it was after she looks younger there So I don't know what they're I don't know what's in the water at the house. It's Eric. It could be my truck explanation It could be that that's Eric
first came into contact with Burnham after her parents were killed. And then he brought her to foster to orphan care on Vulcan. Like maybe there's such a thing and would pay for her education. But he wasn't participating. Oh, no, no, no. Because in this episode, he's like the most unspeakable horror has happened. A child has come to us. Why would he suddenly suddenly say that? You're right. Right. It doesn't make any sense. Like the con. It's been two. OK, wait a minute. Here we are. Here we go.
I'm not going to read the entire paragraph because it's too long, but she was born on Earth in 2226. In the early 2230s, her and her parents were stationed on Dr. E. Alpha. They originally planned a vacation to Mars, but she begged to stay on the colony a few more days to witness a nearby supernova. The Klingons attacked. Burnham's father attempted to barricade the door. Her mother hid with her in the cabinet.
She did not witness the death of her parents, but she learned everything that happened later on. So the Klingons, they ate the family dinner and sat at the table very Klingon-like. She was then raised, it just goes on to, she was then raised
on Vulcan by Sirac and Amanda Grayson. She was the first ever human to attend the Vulcan Learning Center. While she was stationed, while she was living on Vulcan, there was an attack by Vulcan logic extremists that we saw in that one episode. They were the ones that attacked the Learning Center. That's where he does the mind meld. He gives her a part of his catra, saves the life.
I guess it doesn't explain the visual incongruities, though, because you would expect Burnham to age correctly throughout that whole ladder. And this implies that it's the first time we're meeting. Yeah, so it implies that
The first time we see Burnham is in this episode where she has the hair all human-like. And then it implies that the scene that we saw with the Vulcan extremists attacking the Vulcan Learning Center is later on when she's gone full Vulcan. Right. Are we correct? She's younger. She looks younger in that scene than she does in the one that we just saw. That's simply put, because they decided to film one scene after the other, but they have the actress growing up.
Spock was having one of these like hippy dippy mental visions that he's been having, which he calls nightmares or whatever. And he sees Burnham's death and he tells her about it. And she freaks out and like assaults him in some way. It's actually Burnham who's the abuser. She's like, I'm not going to die. I'm not going to do it. Those Klingons killed my parents. You think I'm going to die. I want revenge. There's some crazy shit like that. You think you can see the future.
you can see the future well because he's already traveled so much throughout time he's got like some kind of crazy saying spot does something like he he he sees he sees a vision of bernum dying or some shit so he wants to protect her
And he also doesn't want to get attached to her, so he never gets attached. He never gets attached because he's afraid he'll die. And he keeps trying to fix his first adventures as a time traveler, is that he keeps trying to fix Burnham's parents getting killed. So that's why in season two, she's in a different age.
because Spock has already fixed it and it went wrong again so there's actually like several times death is like death which is the red angel of death is like I watch my soul I want yeah I like Spock is and Spock is messing with Spock has a vision of burning dying so that's why he never get attached to her because he doesn't want to feel pain when she dies
And what he does is he sabotages, he sabotages one of the tests or some shit. Sabotage! He sabotages one of the tests or some shit so that she's not accepted like to the Vulcan learning. Not accepted! Because he wants to keep her on Vulcan to protect her and she gets mad at him.
She's all like that's the empathy that he feels because he wants to help her and save her but he does not think so wrong that then they get estranged they get all mad and then she goes off to do Starfleet and he does too and Okay, that works. I mean unless unless I do think that Come on. That works. God. I really hope that they don't go this way I really hope that they don't go this way but what I think they're gonna do is That the red woman is the Iconians. I think the red woman's just gonna be Burnham. Oh
a burden from the future something happens then she becomes that that's why the red woman has been speaking with Spock because she obviously knows him and that's also why she appeared in a vision to herself and why she wasn't like there to show herself to any of any other person so is the woman in Africa that threw the ashes in the sky to make the galaxy is that bottom as well yes correct that is also correct
Yes. At this point, Captain Picard just spoke to me. I'm not saying that Captain Picard isn't Burnham, but I'm saying that.
Yeah. This is my favorite interpretation of Star Wars. Is it Burnham? But I'm not saying that he is Burnham, you know? Okay, so we are Burnham. We are Burnham. What I'm thinking is, is not every life form in the galaxy is Burnham, but Burnham is every life form in the galaxy, if you know what I'm saying.
Or maybe in a very positive way, like if we could spin it into a beautiful thing, Burnham is the new Mary Sue. She's like, F Mary Sue, I'm Burnham. Look at what I can do. She's even more. She's even more. OK, you know how we have Mother Nature on this planet? Well, in space, you have Mother Space, right? You have Mother Burnham. Yeah, it's Mother Burnham. Yeah, Mother Michael. Mother Space. And I would love her. Mother Michael.
Hey, get your mother Michael! I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it into a... I don't want to turn it
For sure. I think that's it. Bring your starship a little closer. I think what happened was is Burnham at some point in the past. This is a terrible review.
Burnham at some point in the future is on the discovery. The discovery gets destroyed and it falls into like a black hole or something. She makes a deal with Space Davy Jones and...
to raise the discovery 10 years prior, she gets to still serve on the discovery for 10 additional years. But at the end of it, she has to serve on Davy Jones's, the USS Flying Dutchman for 100. And it works because the flashbacks and discovery are just as bad as the flashbacks in Pirates Five, right?
Do you guys from your own, do you guys from your own brains? I did not know this, but from your own brains, do you know where else regulation 19 appeared in Star Trek? 19 sections T. Not, no, this section's new, but it was, it was regulation 19. Oh.
Starfleet boy failed again. There is no other. I know. I know that. You know what Starfleet boy thought was a section unseen in his research? What was that? Was regulation 191 article 14, which was on Voyager. And it was like, I was like, that's not even it doesn't even have the word section in it. There's a few numbers. There's a few numbers.
There's a one on nine. Can we talk about, for my benefit, can we talk about Captain Pike and Anson Mount for a moment? He's amazing. Yes. A hundred percent, don't you think? Captain Mike is amazing. Anson Mount is amazing. He's a beacon of light.
in this show. I think that's what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to just come in to this like dark environment, just be like, shut the fuck up, boy. Yeah, she did. She did give him that. She did give him that tree. But at the end, who's following who? But what pisses me off? He put him in the blue uniform. Leave him in yellow. He looks awesome. The whole thing is the whole reason that he's staying on Discovery is stupid, though. I just have to say.
What is the reason? His ship is damaged and has to undergo severe repairs. His ship. So he's leaving behind his entire crew of a couple of hundred people. Two hundred and three.
To then hang out. Yeah, that's right. He's lost a couple and to hang out on the discovery to look at red bursts because he's suddenly the only person available to do that. Give me a break. No. Okay. What happened was everyone 80% of Starfleet died.
I think that when Spock requested leave, Captain Pike probably investigated a little bit as a friend might do more than like, you know, in a suspicious way and started to read up on Burnham. And so I think after the whole crazy incident that occurred, he was like, all right, you know, meaning crazy, whatever the sabotage was that knocked out the enterprise except for its propulsion system, right?
Nick, come on.
he was like oh shit is the discovery nearby i need to talk to that lady right now but i don't want it to be like what's that he's like discovered the spore drive so he's like let's go to that ship and he commandeers it which in the threat level that they're
Proclaiming Starfleet's given him the authority to come near any vessel you want So if the Enterprise is down the natural course is to say crew fix this shit I'm gonna already have a competent crew in this Other ship we're gonna go on low-risk missions to investigate the red bursts that appeared suddenly blah blah blah
So that's how he's looking at it. Plus he was hoping, I think in my mind, wait, wait, I think he was hoping that Burnham would want to look at Spock's personal logs because only she would have access under these conditions. Like I don't think personal logs can even be given to captains. It would only be the family members and she's registered as a sister. So that was a play security offices.
that's true worth it yeah i didn't get it in the drum head too but my photo doesn't need any authority by anyone he just wants he just looks at everything he just does and if he can't if he can't see it he asks what the heck it he doesn't go true he just turns into liquid and enters into it but pike for a while okay but the problem really is the problem is is that the the premise at the end and really just the premise of the beginning is
that why is it that Captain Pike specifically has to be the one to investigate these red bursts? That makes sense to me. That makes sense to me. It is fanservice, but it does make sense to me. He was on a five-year mission while all the shenanigans were happening, and he came back. So you assume the war ends, everyone gets a medal, fantastic, you're amazing people. Some time passes, right? Some time passes,
Yeah. And then all of a sudden, like the enterprise comes back and then all of a sudden he goes to investigate this ship. That's when he comes to the USS Discovery and says, now I need to commandeer this ship because this is the ship we need. But he's the most experienced captain because he's done the five year mission and he's back. I'm supposing there are other people out there on other Constitution class vessels that are still doing their missions, but they're still out there.
All right. Pike is back. He's the most experienced captain and they're giving him the scientific ship. This is the one ship that is closest to the Enterprise. One could argue that the Enterprise broke down just because she knew it would put Pike in this position.
but my problem is is that pike is this it's just it's just incongruent like okay i could see maybe at the beginning it was an emergency like georgia was decorated but she's dead um pike yes pike's decorated matt dick is probably out somewhere doing his shenanigans archer is long dead with cook unit and who was the fifth one who was the fifth one i think it was robert april it was robert april robert april's lost
yeah he's in he's in time he's the great bird of the galaxy so out of the out of the five most decorated captains in the fleet only pike is is alive or currently active i get that okay so i'll let that slide though i'll let that slide for the beginning but he's he's a he's he's portrayed as this as this great captain
And I understand it was an emergency situation and they needed to investigate the last red burst that was remaining because the other ones disappeared. They did that. He should go back to his ship.
It's his ship, it's his crew, he needs to make sure that the refits are good and that the ship is repaired. And Discovery, just from a military standpoint, the Discovery needs to start working with their captain that hasn't actually been assigned. Yeah, but Pike's personally invested, isn't he? Because he has to find Spock. Now they have to find Spock. It is, yeah. And that's the thing, it doesn't make sense, other than the fact that it's because that's what the plot needs, because it tends to have Pike. The only person higher than him currently is Admiral Cornwell, and she's terrible.
So if he says to her, I want to be on Discovery, she's like, OK, whatever. I'm scared of thing-offs anyway. OK, whatever. Whatever. I'm scared of thing-offs anyway. I think we need a New Zealand actor to play an admiral, but it has to be a total jerk. And I nominate you, Sean, to New Zealand. Me? Oh, thanks. I nominate Cliff Kottas. Cliff Kottas is an amazing actor.
And he has a very good New Zealand accent. I don't. I have a trash accent. Yeah, we need a good Kiwi accent up there. Cliff Curtis, if you don't know him, he's Fire Lord Ozai in the last Airbender movie. He's also Travis from Fear the Walking Dead and that one dude from The Meg.
Yeah, I have a question for the first time you were watching the episode. Were you for a moment believing that Spock would be on the transporter pad or did you remember from the trailer and like kind of figured out that it was I didn't give a shit.
I didn't think about it for one thing, not one. I'm at this point now where I do not dislike discovery nor do I like it, I just don't care. I'm hyped for the rest that's coming out but this, I didn't, I was genuinely happy when I saw the hopes. The pike speech, I was like, this is awesome. Then they got into the
pod racing, and I was like, well, True Detective was really good today. Oh my God. Because I was True Detective and Mashahala Ali is an amazing actor.
And you think you would come on Star Trek discovery. It might improve the show. No, not at all. I think he should stay well away. What? Oh, he's too good for that shit. So he is. I mean, he's doing true detective. And I mean, if I'm being honest, if I'm being honest, like, which you should always bringing bringing in like having Jason Isaacs.
Michelle Yeo and Anson Mount already is outclassing the rest of the actors and actresses on Discovery. They really can't bring in any more guest stars. Chris Obi was awesome as well. He was, that's true. I mean, there was a few other characters. I mean, even the Rainn Wilson, again, these actors are
they're a cut above. So when they're on screen and they're interacting with the other actors that aren't so hot, like it's super obvious. And it's, it's they need to stare at shit. I'm not too distraught about the acting on Discovery. I think the acting is not too bad on Discovery. I have huge problems with like some of the acting on the oval, for example. Discovery is not too bad for me.
Um, I think that I felt, I think that Mary, Mary Wiseman episode to Mary Wiseman is, um, I think that the Tilly that we saw on the first few episodes of discovery was it worked, but now I think they're pushing it too far. They're going like, they, they.
moving into parody Tilly now it's it's too Tilly right I feel like they're pushing that too far and at some point it's not going to work anymore the comedy isn't going to work anymore well I think that scene with her and Stamets worked for me because it kind of made light of that with this where you know at first that's what didn't work for me it was it was just a little too much
I'm loving that. Which one are you talking about? The one in the beginning of the episode or the one at the end? I personally have to give a hats off to Alex Kurtzman at this point because I actually fell into the episode like in terms of like suspension of disbelief and just overall like engagement and enjoyment of it. It really captivated me. And so, you know, not a bad thing, not a good thing. It's just what happened
It's true. I would say that this was the very first episode of Discovery where I was not, like when I knew it, I knew I had to rewatch it to make my review, but I was not dreading the fact that I was going to have to go through it again. It was the very first time that I was like, okay, and there were scenes that I actually stopped taking my notes and it was actually watching it as opposed to just using it. I'm just saying it was the first episode that I didn't absolutely dread the idea.
It does feel a lot like season one for the moment, but I gotta say that this episode. Season one episode one.
No, well, OK, it felt like a remake of the pilot. OK, right. It did feel like that. But I think it's a reboot. It's a reboot. It's a reboot. It's a reboot challenge. It's because it's a reboot challenge. It's good. It's a great show, too. It's great. Welcome to Star Trek Discovery season one, a whole new adventure. It's what it said in the trailer. It said that in the trailer, a whole new adventure, a whole new track, a brand new track. They said you've never seen this track before except for the last time.
Motherfucker. PG-13 warning. Mother fracker. We can use Battlestar Galactica terminology. Don't get close to that microphone, Sean. I saw that. Fracker. Gretchen J. Berg and Aaron Hobbits, those who fired, wrote this episode. And so this is what they wanted to do. But it's probably heavily doctored, just saying.
I, okay. They were understood and apparently they went way over budget with the, with the production of it all. So they could have gone, they could have gone under budget. They got rid of the pod race scene. They could have probably came in under budget, but then would they have shot for the trailer? But they would have had a better episode too. So I don't know. Good trailer.
beta episode? Just try my method that I told you about. Lenny Kravitz. Lenny Kravitz. Try watching the scene again with headphones and that Google... No, I refuse. No, that's a big N-O for that. Just try it. Audience, try it. You need to make the series good for me to watch in any situation because you don't know how I'm going to watch it. I don't comply to your rules. You're damn right, Sean. I should be able to print off the script and braille.
There happens to be... I'm not making fun of the blind, by the way. I'm just using the old visual. The Book of Eli is an amazing movie. The Book of Eli is an amazing movie and that guy couldn't see shit. I'll tell you what, it's going to be a little shocking Starfleet Boy Regulation. This episode made me want to go out and buy the Blu-ray of Season 1.
no that's like that's like saying i love the avengers it makes me want to go watch it makes me want to go buy the amazing spider-man 2 wait sean didn't you get the blu-ray for um discovering yeah i got your dvd and i'm giving oh yeah the dvd yeah okay
I'm giving it away. Let he who cast the first stone. Yeah, I had money like that. I'd be sitting on a beach somewhere. Hey, look, I want to get I want to give a great, a great big shout out to Amazon because I bought the DVD at quite a bit, quite an expensive price. Yeah. But apparently when they sent it to me.
they realized that you could buy it cheaper at some other place and so they sent me like a discount like they they returned money they gave me a return they like they reimbursed like fucking 50% of the dvd i like it um so congratulations amazon for realizing that starstruck discovery season one is not worth that much
and for giving me my money back. What are you talking about? Rotten Tomatoes says it's the highest rated TV show of all time. What are you talking about? Rotten Tomatoes is dumb.

Rotten Tomatoes Ratings and Film Critiques

It's the highest rated. Rotten Tomatoes is not a direct website. Do you mean like the most ratings or like the highest rated like beyond their friends?
Rotten Tomatoes is stupid. Rotten Tomatoes does have it right, but it was TV Guide that had it listed as in the top 20 of the new shows of 2018 that premiered. All of these top 20 lists are stupid. It was like in the top five. The worst shows ever run there. Yeah, remember that list? I remember that list because it was like a bunch of shows that no one's ever heard of and then Star Trek Discovery was like in there and it's like... I just have a personal list and the expanse is still on the top at the moment is all I'll say. Fanboy.
You know if Gary was here, he would just say the Orville. This is how stupid Rotten Tomatoes is. They have glass glass at 35%. I haven't seen it yet, but there's no way a movie
is 35%. It can't be that bad, right? But it also has Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse at 97. There's no way a movie could be that bad. There is, but not this movie. But not Glass. Not Glass, right? And Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse may be a very good movie, but there's no way it's a 97. That's three points away from being the perfect movie. Do you guys ever wonder if you're outliers? Bumblebee is 92.
Ninety two percent. Is that a critic score or a user score? OK, I don't know what that all that means. I only know I remember. OK, I'm going to I'm going to click on Bumblebee. OK, because it has two. It has the user score and the critic score. OK, I've clicked on Bumblebee. It's loading. It has this is the look up ratings for other movies, not having any audience audience audience.
Audience score has it at 79 and critics has it at 92, but then what's the difference between an audience and a critic nowadays? If you have a blog, you're a critic, right? I have a search for a question when you're done. When you're done, I have a search for a question. This is dumb. This is stupid. The Grand Tour, season one, was it like 98? 98? Grand Tour? Yes.
Yeah. No. Yes. According to Rotten Tomatoes. I have a question. This is a question. Okay. Perhaps I don't know if it falls in that category, but it's a question I'm interested.

Discovery's Artistic Choices and Character Critiques

I'm curious to know what your answer is, which is, do you think this first half of the season is going to be focused on Spock brother? And then the second half of the season will be focused on sister Saru.
No, I don't think they're gonna break it up like in the transporter room. He brings up his sisters whose name is Sriracha
That's true in the trailer. Sriracha. It's Sriracha. No, he's right. That's 100%. Sriracha, his sister's name's Source. Yeah, her sister's name after the South. She's the South spouse. She's the South spouse on Kelpo. Oh, no. That's the joke. Saru. Just Saru. It's like Source. Just Source. You think when he goes to save her, you think she's going to be like, why did you leave me all those years ago?
Yes, it's going to be awful. Hey, Dick. Hey, what did you leave? Sorry, I can see you leaving. And he's like he's like covering his eyes in the shuttlecraft. I think they'll play Elton John's Daniel to to that scene where it'll be like Daniel Saru is leaving tonight in a shuttlecraft. I mean, red jet light. They'll just reuse. They'll just reuse Lenny Kravitz. They already have the rights to that now. So let's use that.
That's true. Yeah, they will. That's gonna be in the season at some point. I actually was surprised that they didn't play it. I'm surprised it wasn't during that podcast. Okay, let's do some actual reviewing. The CG was great. And the makeup was great. Yes. That's true. And the sets are good. Yes. And the acting was good. Yes.
there you go that that's that's some that's some story to be read again wait so what was bad you just covered like everything what was the bad thing uh the writing uh the writing was the writing was still tough the writing was still tough uh i i am very curious to see
I didn't like the fact that Commander Reno disappeared after they beamed over to the Discovery. She was not seen for the rest of the episode, so that was really lame. I didn't like the fact that Stamets, who is the chief engineer of Discovery, just because he's sad because his fiance or husband or whatever it was died, his spouse died. He just went to go mope in his room and left essentially an ensign in charge of engineering.
Did not like some of the sequences like with Saru not realizing that when they brought the shields down and During the transporter sequence that they were gonna be Succumbed to asteroids and like like just do just turn on the phasers and start blessing those motherfuckers like what's the big deal? Actually, I did wonder why
why that could happen and that like there was no mention as far as i recall and i've watched it like five times of like the death toll or like what like it would have been interesting to see a cg scene from inside the destruction you know that giant asteroid smashed into it because seru's a fucking retard yeah you're right
that's why he's not ready to be a captain that's why he's like he's like he gets back to the discoveries like mr. Saru status report I don't know why he has a British accent when I was in Mojave I learned you need a status report after every single mission
Well, when I was in Mojave, I learned you're just going to get into a cold stream. You got to jump right in. I love that. I love that. He can just say whatever he wants. It was so good. What are you saying? Yeah, I mean, like a big asteroid smashed into the front of it probably killed several people, but because he just forgot. No, they addressed it. They addressed it. This one guy with like a broken leg or some shit, or he's wounded in sickbay with burnum.
And maybe that's true, but that's really stupid. It was stupid that it happened to begin with. These are these are command level. OK, I also. Let me let me get this straight. Just like the magic technology. You didn't think to raise the shield or take evasive action when you saw this asteroid heading at the Discovery. Well, it's clear to me that you just cannot captain or coke or be a temporary captain of the ship, but maybe you can be a co-captain. What do you say? OK, Captain.
And he think he would have seen the asteroid covering with his big eyes. In all fairness, in all fairness. Can you stay with us for two seasons maybe?

Character Analysis: Saru and Star Trek Tech Humor

Everyone wants to be captain. All the audience, everyone wants to be captain, but in all fairness, he's just not ready. He never was ready to be captain. I need to remember she's only a commander and she's pretty
I mean she's the I mean she's again she's mother she's mother michael so that she's mother michael right she's not mother michael yet we haven't gotten to the end did you first pick up on the fact that syrek just casually drops that he contacted me like very well wait wait wait wait what happened what did you say
I said, you look very handsome when you're doing this. Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you. So Rick, talking to Burnham, casually drops that he contacted, like, High Chancellor Laurel and asked her about the red person. She's like, and I give a fuck. But like,
He contacted Lorelle, like, just like, yo, what's up? Remember that time I accepted to, like, blow up your planet and annihilate your species? Yeah, it doesn't matter. Have you seen those red bursts?
Yeah, she was just some idiot now. She's High Chancellor Laurel like oh shoot So she was just somebody at NASA's just somebody with power. Hmm. Yeah, this sounds well this actually Never mind that sounds actually pretty normal
These things happen in other people's lives and now they're happening in mine. The difference is she's a strong female character in Discovery, so she won't do anything wrong.
She's done so much wrong. What are you talking about? I know she's done so much wrong, but what are you saying? She's very proud to be a role model for the actress. The actress is proud to be a role model, not Laurel. Laurel probably would be like,
I am the worst role model. I want to drink your blood. I want to cut your throat and drink your blood. She has to die this season. Can you be proud if thousands of kids were like, holy shit, I know she's a bitch, but I love Loral. It's got to be like insane. Not kids, but maybe teenagers. Or maybe people like us are reaching out to her. I don't know. It's thousands though. That's very true.
Is it inappropriate if I just hold the microphone in my hand now? I have to always do this because my recording is my gain is set so low because I have this goddamn cat in my lap.
Yeah, I know, cats. There's a contradiction between the tick that they use also, I gotta be honest, because they have the patent enhancers from like, the TNG patent enhancers are essentially like a long dealer with a light. They remind me of those standing warmers they put outside at like restaurants.
That's what they look like. That's what they look like. To a pleasure device. It's like the first thing that comes to your mind and it's very exciting. The last one was a spiky dildo. Yeah, a lot of tech's going on up there. Trek on the lube, I think, is what it should be called.
Good grief, man. Is there something you want to say? I sense the story is not complete, Burnham. Should you want to speak about it, I will make avail myself. You gave me this, by the way. I shall avail myself of you. I shall avail myself. Dude, come on. Is your universal translator not working or some shit? Anyway. I shall avail myself. What is this? What?
Michael, one time your mother and I walked in on you and sparked in one of your mind-mail sessions and we were very embarrassed about it. Is there something more to this? We're hanging and banging, brother. That's not spark. I'm hanging and banging, brother.
Could it be that the House of Sarek is super dysfunctional? I think it could. I think it's pretty much established that the House of Sarek has always been very dysfunctional. The only normal person is Amanda Grayson. That's actually incorrect. She's the one that's making it crazy. She's like, another child, Sarek.
I can't, I can't feel it. I can't feel it. I can't feel it. I can't feel it.
That's going to move nicely. She's on a mission to screw up every child in the galaxy. I want to see human females. Don't do this to my mind. I can never forget these concepts once they're introduced. What they do is they create fucked up children, but they make them really smart so that they'll be very important in the grand scheme of things.
Oh, Game of Thrones Star Trek. Chaos is a ladder. But that's okay because Mother Michael will fix everything in the end and reset the timeline. She'll say, don't worry, the timeline is safe here. The EV suits looked a bit like Power Rangers, didn't they?
Yes, I say. But they also look like something from the JJ universe to me. They also look very Kelvin. They look like Kelvin power rangers. And this speeding through asteroids is, I admit, also something that reminds me of the JJ universe, like, almost shot. But not like, like, yeah, like the kind of bad part of Into Darkness. I like the cringy. The cringy beyond music scene. I watched it as you go in VR.
as close to VR as you can get. That was like the fourth time. I think Nick is absent at this point. He's doing something with his cat. Leave him alone. No, he's sending messages on our private Twitter, on our subspace channel.
Oh, am I meant to see this? Hold on. You're probably meant to see this because it's your subspace channel. Oh, geez. It's your frequency. Come on. Well, in the meantime, do we have any other things that we love before we get to all the other nitpicking?

Mixed Reviews and Critique of Prequel Tropes

OK, I just want to say that I'm conflicted a bit by this episode because I enjoyed myself. But I'm also frustrated with a lot of things that Discovery does. But I think that's just a recurring thing.
I am intrigued to see where it goes, where the story goes, but then, I don't know. At this point, I'm more excited about Piccata, I'm more excited about Lower Dix, and Discovery is just kind of, it's what I'm getting in the meantime, right?
I hear you. I finally found the message at the same time. I was trying to multitask, but I heard you. Nick, come back to us. Come back to us, Nick. He needs to come back before we do the ratings, right? So now we need to find something else to say before we do the ratings. Well, since it's just you and I.
Can you just tell me again what your final conclusion was there that you said? Oh my gosh, you weren't multitasking. You were writing and you didn't listen to me. I didn't listen to you and I'm so sorry. That was the worst thing ever. I try never to do that. You know, I'm usually very engaged. You're horrible. I'm old man Picard doesn't have the attention span that the young man Picard had. So in the episode, Mashallah Ali is investigating the disappearance of two children.
And it's very intriguing. And I couldn't stop thinking about True Detective as I was watching Star Trek Discovery. Wow. That's like the worst thing ever. I can't wait to hear what your rating is. Nick, if you're back, you go next for the rating so we don't lose you. You guys already know mine is a 10. You're fucking kidding me, right? I have a closing thought. I do. It's a 10. OK, I got to go in like five minutes.
All right, give your rating. God damn it. OK, I give this episode a six. Let's ask Nick what his rating is on on the chat, on the Twitter chat. OK, on the subspace frequencies. Come on. Frequency. Communicate with us. What is your rating? We are wrapping up. Yeah, I gave it a six. It's it's not a bad episode. It's just OK. It's not groundbreaking.
Um, and it is, it is a bit too close to what season one delivered, delivered us for the moment, but it is much better than many of those terrible season one episodes. It's just that I feel like they don't really care about a lot of things, right? They don't, I don't know. The enterprise was supposed to be completely broken down, but it arrived that like,
with all its lights on and it had life support and it had, they could communicate and they could transport people. 50 spoke beards, give us a real rating, come on. You argue with them when it's my turn to talk. Speak, speak.
I think that the ill-fated young Ensign, or Lieutenant Connolly, I think his lieutenant was his rank. Ranks don't matter, as Pike says. I said it best when he says, I love a roller coaster. And right now it seems like it's
like the highest it's ever been because season one was so bad for me like overall um there were a few like the thing that i think the reason for my very high rating which many people probably think is unreasonable uh to say that this episode is a 10 but the reason for that high rating for me personally which is what i always base my ratings on not like what others are going to think
is that it was such a well of refreshingness after this kind of like lacking show that was presented in season one. So even this as a pilot, like I really, I wrote on Twitter, my initial kind of thought that I could organize after I watched it was that it felt like I was watching the first episode of Star Trek Discovery. I could have skipped the whole first season. In fact, you realize that.
What's that? This is the third time we've said this, because we said it for the pilot, and then we said it for episode three, which was the new pilot, because it starts on Discovery. This is the official time, Sean. This is the official time. This is the first time it's official. Official Starblade Boy canon.
I see what you mean. If this were the actual pilot of Discovery, it would have been hands down the best pilot ever for Star Trek. And it would have had me really hyped. If this was the first season of Discovery, I would have been really hyped. The problem is it does come with baggage and you can't just ignore it. As much as you want to, you can't.
And they're not ignoring it though. I think that like they're acknowledging it. They had a last time on like they had the last season. They're bringing in some elements. It's we know we're going to see Lorel again. So I mean, I think that nothing is unfixable. You know, like I think that like at this stage of the show, it's like something that like can evolve. It's still evolving. I mean, think about it like season one of TNG, which also was
Pretty shitty in the first... Well, TNG isn't that bad, but the first season still is shit, and it wasn't fixed by the rest of it. Right, so what... So if TNG, which is this hallowed show that everyone loves, can have flaws, I also am open to, like, Discovery having flaws, but I'm actually really excited for the first time in a while, where I'm like, oh, okay, I actually want to see... Like, it's what Nick said earlier, I kind of summed it up for me best to... It was like,
He didn't dread doing the nose for it. And I feel like that to me is like huge considering how discovery has fared so far Throughout season one with a few exceptions which you know are our bright stars There's seven possibly seven red beautiful bright moments in season one that they could bring in the season two But I love it. I love it. I think it's exciting. I still have the same exact qualms I've always had with prequel shows which is one there's no danger of
There's no sense of like Spock is gonna die or you know, you're not afraid for Pike's life. You know what happens to him Yeah, like you know what happens soon. There's all these like things and then be You know, this is again a very personal problem But just like I just don't think it looks the way Star Trek should look but that's not something that I have any You know that that's not something that I would prevent from would prevent me from watching this show and
as far as from watching this episode is concerned I'm really excited like I'm hoping season two like just makes me keep forgiving those two major incongruities and I and I get that vibe so 10 10 from SoHale.
go down first. All right. 50. Oh, give us a real rating one through 10. Nothing from Kent Walsky. So you guys will have to just go over to his channel and try to make an assessment of how he feels based on his content. And I say the same thing for Sean's. He hasn't put his video up yet. I don't think, right? Not yet. No, no, no, no. I could have worked on it today, but you know, I was doing this.
I appreciate it. This is very we love you for that. Alright, well thank you so much for joining me on this discussion and we'll live long and prosper and we'll see you next time. See ya. That was nice.