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Star Trek the Next Generation Discussion: Realm of Fear image

Star Trek the Next Generation Discussion: Realm of Fear

Starfleet Boy - A Star Trek Podcast
53 Plays1 year ago

Reginald Barclay thinks he's going nuts when he keeps seeing apparitions in the transporter beam, but it turns out he's not going crazy and it humans! Check out our discussion for this exciting episode of Star Trek the Next Generation and let us know what you think too!


Introduction and Guest Appearance

And we're back on another exciting episode of Starfleet Boy, where we have a casual and informal conversation about Star Trek. Today we are super excited to have Starfleet Lord. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. I just went through it. I just put us on the air.

Show Format and Authenticity

We're not really live, by the way.
We don't do this live, no. No, but I don't edit either. So it's just like being it's the same. So if someone says something horrible, we won't edit it out. Oh, neither of us. Yeah. But not being live gives me the chance to just in case you like what if right now you said something like I am Zool and I'm here to destroy the earth. I have to cut that out in good conscience. I assume that's a Star Trek reference.
And that should tell you everything you need to know, dear listeners, about my knowledge at Star Trek. Oh, wait. I'm still failing. So we're live and I'm still not in my headphones. Hold on. Oh. Yeah. So this is the part where the audio files who listen to our show are going to freak out. Hold on a second. What is going on? Stand by. Hello, audio files.

Technical Glitches and Humor

While I tend to my technical difficulties, Jamie, do you want to give the episode summary? Are you prepared to do that? Yeah, sure. Okay. So the episode this week was six times don't you? Oh wait, you can't. It's not recording correctly. Hold on. Oh my goodness. Be one second here. Here we go.
All right. The beats. Come on. Let's do your thing. Connect. All right. Is this just an issue? You can't hear yourself. Yeah. Well, you have to be inside my ears, not outside. Oh, you couldn't hear me. No, exactly. I was improvising.

Improv and Comedy Discussion

I was doing what you do. Wow. That's nice. That was my sketch comedy. It was great. I loved it. I'd watch it again. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it.
We're ready to go. All right, great.

Star Trek 'Realm of Fear' Episode Review

Yeah, so we watched season six, episode two. That would be an episode called Realm of Darkness. Realm of Fear, I apologize. Realm of Fear. I don't know where Realm of Darkness came from.
Sounds like something anyway, so all right we watch from fear Realm of darkness is just life life is just No, it's true, but it's heavy yeah, it's incredible about that Starfleet boys a heavy show Look at the lighting look at the lighting Kate
It is, it's moody, it's moody. It's moody and mildly sexually suggestive. Just like your writing. Cheers. I got some water. Yeah.
All right, so Realm of Fear opens with, of course, the Enterprise coming up on a lost ship that was on some mission. Every episode starts that way. They can't communicate with the ship. They can't reach it. They got to go to the ship because the ion field is too dense between them.
the ships, you know, everyone knows how that works. So anyway, it's too dense and they're like, no, we can't just talk to these people, we gotta go. So they start beaming people over. And Lieutenant, or is it, yeah, Lieutenant Reg, I'm not sure. Yeah, Reginald Barkley, he's an awesome character, I'm sorry you don't know, I'm sorry I gave you an episode where you don't know anything about him. No, it's cool, all right, so Lieutenant Reginald Barkley,
Is asked to be over to do like some some diagnostics on the scene and he's never he's somehow managed to net to never be during this his whole time on the enterprise and he's very nervous about it he's terrified.
in today's world that would be like if you're saying oh yeah i'll fly over to do that thing for you and then you arrive three days later and not told anyone that you drove there that's the same that's right it would be it would be just like that yes so uh yeah he he describes it as mortal terror uh he he doesn't go initially he doesn't go he actually goes to see counselor troy

Barkley's Transporter Phobia

Uh, gets a little bit of advice and she like has him like start doing like a little tap behind his ear to release endorphins, which I thought was sexually suggested as well. Have you ever tried it though? I'm doing it right now and it really works. Like you feel.
You feel really great when you do it. Here, we're flexing right now. Jamie and I are flexing, audience, in case you're wondering. Hell yeah. Hell yeah, man. All right. I love it. It's good. So he's given this trick, and he uses that trick as a fix-all. He's like, yeah, you're right. I can just do that, and it works. And he brings himself back over to the Hall of Deck. Is that where you're being from? No.
No, no, I won't. I won't interrupt your summary, but it's not the holiday. The transporter room. The transporter room. So yeah, I have so many terms flying around my head right now. This is a very technical episode. I apologize for that too, but I have all the answers. So any questions that you have about the technical stuff I can answer for you. All right. Well, we'll get to that soon. So, um, uh, O'Brien, the engineer,
relates to Reg's fear. I'm just going to call him Reg because that's what he's referred to many times in the episode. So he relates to Reg's fear to a fear of spiders, to O'Brien's arachnophobia.
So he kind of like tells him the story about how you you know sometimes you just gotta like dive headfirst into what you're most afraid of to be able to overcome or live with your fears and
It does work because Reginald Barkley gets on over to that other ship. He beams, he's very nervous about it. There's a whole sequence where you actually see him going through the ion field. If I'm not mistaken, Jamie, that was the first time being transported was ever depicted on Star Trek. Yeah, it looked like it was the first time.
Didn't look that great, but it was cool. It was cool. So he gets over it. Have you ever used, have you ever used Dr. Bronner's Castile soap peppermint? Peppermint one. That's what it feels like to transfer. Your body feels like it's just completely been put back together. I guess. Yeah. That's a way of just tingling and doing all that.
So, yeah, he gets to the ship, he meets up with the team, all of them are like, hey, nice of you to show up. And he, whatever, does whatever he has to do. It's kind of not really important in the episode, but then he's expected to beam back to bring some evidence back to the enterprise.

Transporter Psychosis and Humor

He actually, while beaming, sees this like thing in the matter stream. It's kind of like a worm, like a space worm, but really it looks like a space penis. I mean, I can't be the only person who thought this. And I really can't be the only person who thought this. It very much looks like a little space penis. Just like uncircumcised, like whole foreskin.
just going right through and it like anyway just gets up in his face and stuff it does look like that but i swear to you i never thought it even has like a weird mouth like that i swear it looks like the urethra of the penis it is
Now I find that I might be dumb for never having seen that, but that isn't me. That's true. It was the first thing I thought immediately. It was like, wow, that is, um, and I'm, I don't know. I feel like I'm, uh, I'm giving up a very, very dirty vibe, uh, so far on this episode, but it's not something I
No, that's my official. From this point on, that's my stance. It is a penis. It might be where all four skins go to die, actually, is what it is. Yeah, that's what it is. That's what it is. That's what it is. That's what it is. We all have it. I'm just floating out there. Go on. By the way, I have to tell you, your summary is one of the best summaries. So I'm captivated. Go on. Great. Thank you. I hope your listeners feel the same way. I have said so.
So basically, the episode continues. And actually, I took a note that basically, that Berkeley's fear of transporting is basically made to be akin to a fear of flying. They discuss the odds of it happening. That's something you would get lost in the matter stream, and it's almost never happened. It's, in theory, the safest way to travel. But it's so unhuman that it is terrifying.
This is a very unnatural thing. At this point, we have Dr. Crusher in the lab too. They have a body from the ship. Is that right?
They have, yeah, they beamed over and they found this dead guy, but then none of the other crew is around. That's right. Yeah, they're all missing.

Discovery of Microbial Life Forms

That's right. Everyone else is missing. The crew ends up being the foreskin. That's right. That's right. I mean, spoilers, but that, I mean, it makes no sense, but it's just... I just want to remind everyone right now that we're trying to be PG-13. Oh.
Just stay in that, whatever you think that is, just stay in that realm. Okay. Audience, also, you too. All right. We're gonna do our best. Darnedest. Okay, so this dead body starts coming back to life.
And honestly, I still don't understand the purpose of it in the larger sense of the episode, but we'll just leave that detail in there for now. And Reg's arm actually starts to flare up with like hard particles the way you see them in the matter stream. Yeah, it's true. But he thinks he's hallucinating. He thinks he is suffering from transporter psychosis.
which they like elaborate would include hallucinating, paranoia, he becomes very paranoid obviously on the ship, and that there's no treatment for him.
But really, he's actually more of a hypochondriac. It's kind of what the point of view of the episode is trying to show you at that point. They're trying to suggest that. There's a lot of humor, I thought, in this episode. And I think those things that you described are all very humorous in a way, in a weird way. Yeah, it's kind of like a dark, dark humor. A dark comedy, yeah. I thought it was very interesting. I'll just stop here to say this. I thought it was so interesting how the episode
Basically the whole episode was just about this thing that they do every episode all the time that we take for granted is just something that we're cool with. Which of course it isn't. It'd be terrifying if you ask anyone today to be beamed into a bunch of particles and then reassembled.
No one would want to do it. I'm sorry. No one would want to do it. I would do it. I know you would do it. I know you would do it. Trust that. You know me well enough to know that I would do it. I know you would do it. So I should say most people would be initially reluctant until we, no matter how much science was behind it, we could be shown that it is indeed very effective.
The behind the scenes that you never see, those people that run gung-ho into these crazy situations of science. Yeah, the red shirts, I believe. The red shirts. They all find a disclosure when they join Starfleet that at any minute, they could give their lives. So I feel the same way. I feel like, oh, you want to test your transporter technology on a human? Absolutely. But if it fails and I die, you have to leave $200 million for my next of kin. Yeah.
And that's, yeah, that'd be like my stability, but then I'd go. If someone's willing to enjoy something that much, I would probably do it.
That's not an invitation corporate world. I heard that your country has a Space Force coming soon. I would want to wait a few presidencies to join the Space Force. I would definitely want to be part of the administrative and brainstorming.
The source is listening to available for consulting. Yeah. Oh yeah. Actually Jamie, we could team up and consult Space Force. Let's just do it. I think we should. I think they're taking private contractors.
This is the space if you're listening to this this is our idea But don't just hop just hop on the bandwagon. Let us do it first. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, does Canada have a space? No Canada where I live Canada does have a space program
We still send astronauts to the International Space Station quite often, actually. We don't launch ships from Canada. Did you see that movie, Life, the horror movie? No, I haven't. I haven't seen it, actually. I do recall. We won't talk about it on this episode, but you should check it out anyways. All right. I'll check it out. I'll check it out. Back to back to Berkeley. Right.
I'm predicting your rating, go on. Okay, all right. So basically, Data scanned Berkeley's pulse for 20 minutes during a random meeting for some other unrelated activity.

Barkley's Heroic Moment

And basically, he recognizes that something's wrong with Berkeley.
And so Lebar Burton has to go over, because I believe Reg is insubordinate. Is that right? Yeah. Right, right. All right, OK. So he finds him in distress. And then eventually, we see him just pacing around the ship from anxiety.
Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. What's up? He was a hot mess. No, no. Yeah, he was totally back there. So you're so good at summarizing. Oh, great. You're rewatching the episode right now. I was transported. Right on. Keep going. I mean, that was such a great problem. I just want to say it took me a minute to register that.
That was good, really good, really good, seamless. Okay, so Counselor Troy ends up relieving him of his duty, at least temporarily. And we see him trying to reduce his stress, et cetera, with these stress reduction programs. But he can't do anything. He can't stop thinking about it. And his arm, careful, So-Hale. So-Hale almost just knocked his mic right down.
This is really a wild ride for you. So, okay. I'm into it. So Lieutenant Barkley's arm is still like flaring up even more than before, even his face a little bit at some point.
And he goes down to the transporter room. Anyway, not the holodeck. He goes down there and gets O'Brien and he calls him in the middle of the night to transport him out of the ship and right back into

Comedic End with O'Brien's Tarantula

the ship.
Because you can't stop thinking about that that Pinochet thing that you saw in the the Manistream. So and there were no, I mean, there were slight fluctuations in his data the last time you beamed, but it's not unusual. So no one really suspects anything. But O'Brien reluctantly does it.
And Lieutenant Barclay sees it again, and he starts freaking out. So he actually makes Orion call like an executive meeting on the ship. And wake everyone up, it was true. Just wake everyone up. We've got Captain Peacart in there. We've got just all the big things. What is the meaning of this? That's right. That's right. So at that point, he tells everyone what's going on.
And he doesn't show them his arm or anything. You woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that you have transporter psychosis. What the fuck? Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. We're trying to keep this speech. I know. I know. I'm trying to. I'm trying to. We're all trying, Jamie. All right. Thank you for calling me out. No worries. No worries.
Okay, so P-card actually does the one thing no one has done in the whole episode, which is believe him. And so he basically orders a really detailed scan and analysis of all the equipment related to the transporter on the ship. And they're eventually testing samples of some sort.
and something explodes and Lieutenant Barkley is down and his arm is flaring up and his face is flaring up, everything's going wild and eventually they discover that in fact there are these microbial life forms in the ion field between the transporters that have entered Lieutenant Barkley's body which is why they're flaring up every time because he those
microbial life forms are also on the samples that we're testing. So anytime he's close to those samples, he'd kind of flare up and be in a lot of pain. So he's not hallucinating. It's revealed. He's not losing his mind. He's actually really suffering from his ailments. And basically they end up coming to the, they come up with this plan. It's the only way to, to,
Um, which is that he's got to be suspended in the matter stream, uh, for about 30 to 40 seconds, uh, microbial life forms out. Right. Right. So we, uh, we see him beam up into there. He's terrified. Uh, of course the odds of him like dematerializing, uh, are much, much higher than they are when they would then if he was in there for three or four seconds, like they usually would be.
So he's in there and all of a sudden the penises start coming just like whoa and he kind of like he's terrified but he has like a moment he has like a really big moment where he just
like grabs one he does the gravity he decides to go for it just grabs it and uh and he comes back so that they get me back to the ship in one piece more of the story more of the story if they grab that dick if there's this
There's a strange penis thing in front of you in the transporter field. Grab it. Just grab it. That's right. It's not a penis. It's a human being. Go on. Timeless advice that anyone can follow. So yeah, all that. To say he grabs it and when he comes back to the ship, he's not just holding a penis. He's holding a fully formed human being who was a crew member on the ship from the start of the episode.
As you mentioned earlier, the phallic shaped things in the MatterStream were actually the crew members who've been stuck in the MatterStream all this time. And the only reason they were able to survive is because the MatterStream was amplifying their pattern in such a manner that they could last longer than you can in that state.
And so they realized
That's right. That's right. So basically, I mean, that's basically it. The rest of the crew shows up. They all beam into the field to get the rest of the crew. They save them. And it's all because of Lieutenant Barkley.
And at the very end of the episode is a little tag where O'Brien meets, uh, Barkley at the, uh, I call it the simple hall club, but I'm not sure exactly. 10 forward. Yes. Okay. 10 forward. So you miss them there. They're having a drink and, uh,
O'Brien actually shows him that he, on one of his missions, captured a tarantula and he brings it around with him because he's called Christina. That's right. Her name is Christina and he kind of brings it around. It's like part of his dealing with his arachnophobia.
And he gets up to go grab a drink, and Lieutenant Barkley, who's now like a changed man, he's strong, he can transport, he's no longer afraid, he's overcome his fears, turns out it ends on kind of a cute note where you see that he's actually quite afraid of this tarantula at the end of the episode. But it's just a funny, light thing. And I thought it was cute. Yeah, and that's about it. I think that's everything.
Like I said, I really liked the whole having a look at this thing that happens all the time in the series and actually evaluating it from a very human perspective.

Philosophical Reflection on Technology

That was a great summary. I really think that whole opening sequence of our show today was 24 minutes, so that's a promising start.
We do tend to go long when we're both on this ship. On Starfleet Boy, we're playing the long game, like what Simon Sinek talks about, like the infinity game. We're not here to cater to the moment.
and weird things happening in the world around every moment. We're going to just talk about what we saw in that moment. That's it. And that's it. That's what it's about. Say la vie, as they say in French. How do you really say that? Can you say it for us? Yes. Well, just say la vie. That's all.
Very cool. Yeah. There's a French Star Trek podcast. I don't know if I think I told you this offline. Yeah, you have. That's right. And I'm learning French, but I'm doing a terrible job at it. I haven't learned more than a few things. And that's about all I know. I mean, that's not terrible.
I think you should get a translator for the episode.

Playful French Language Segment

So like you start speaking English and then your volume like is faded out and we hear a French translator come over. Can we try that as I do in unsolicited advertisement for Apple?
Did you translate me into French? All right, cool. Okay, sure. You know I'm more Leopold. Okay. All right. All right. So today's episode is unofficially brought to you by Apple computers because I had the pleasure of writing my notes today on my iPad. Okay. I thought you wanted me to start. Yes.
No, okay. Okay, wait. I'll find it. I don't know if we're going to do it this week. Translate that. No, no, I get it. It's shorter. I'll go shorter. Go, go, go. Translate that. The episode of Georgie is presented by Apple. Apple, the new iPad. Extra-large, with series. And perfect for all of you.
Only there at all. I feel like that was awesome. Thank you. Yeah. Okay. Thanks. I don't think it was that good, but I'm glad you think so. Yeah. We have a small audience in Montreal and I think it's just the people I talked to.
whatever it would be very cool for me to learn french uh and transport and transport over to montreal i have a question for you now that we're in our discussion yeah uh would you it's already been tested let's say those first people like ran you know ran through it already and like it worked and they came out themselves on the other side and they've transported like hundreds of thousands of
objects and like animals and like nothing there's been no problem right so now transporters are ubiquitous like you're probably you know what says 10 years from now let's just pretend sure absolutely would you then would you understand Berkeley's fears or would you or would you be using a transporter to go from like you know say like Montreal to LA or LA you know anywhere anywhere on the planet instantaneously you could go yeah yeah
I would use it sooner than most is what I would say. I feel like I'm pretty open-minded when it comes to that stuff and I'm not very afraid. I understand the fear. I think most children when they fly for the first time are actually quite afraid of the idea of getting in an airplane. It's very unnatural. But you can adjust to those things. And I feel like I am cognizant of that enough to
to be able to get in there, no problem. I don't think I'll actually ever have to make that decision. Who likes sitting in a plane for like six hours? Nah, if you can just be there in a few seconds. I think the transporter is not something we'll ever see in our life. It's really in the realm of Star Trek. In Star Trek, 300 years from now, there might be a transporter like what we see on Star Trek, but I don't think we'll see it in our lifetime.
But we did see the transportation of an atom, though, in our lab. We're making some big progress. Yeah, let's not knock scientists down. We're making big progress. There is actually a real effort to do this, and it makes complete sense because it would transform the human race. It would be transformative.
If we had transporter technology, it's like, yeah, definitely look forward to and develop. Same, same. And if there's, you know, just like a cure to, or like, you know, something that could extend life between now and then to get us there.
I'd be into it. Me too. There's a wine you can drink that has some kind of magical stem cell technology in it that will rejuvenate you. And I'm not really sure, but it's quite expensive.
Only vampires can afford it. Yeah, that's outrageous. But also the whole concept is outrageous. Stem cells in your wine.
No, it's like, yeah, it's like a pure, it's a purified stem cell rich type of beverage that has the same effects as wine. It is wine. I think it's stem cells. I'm into it. I'm into it. I actually don't think I would drink that. I think it stems to hoity toity, maybe a little elitist, but uh,
But what if we just put, maybe we could just put stem cells in the water supply. See that would be scary. That would be scary. But it would also be really interesting to see how that affects an entire population. Maybe it would just prolong everyone's misery, which is not necessarily a good thing. It's not easy being a human being, Jamie. It sure isn't.
You know what? It's hard being human. It's hard being human. It's hard out here for a human. That's right. It is hard out here for a human. This stuff, it's only getting worse, man. It's only getting worse.
Well, yes, okay. You disagree with that, I know. No, I told you in the beginning we were dark. We could go dark. You heard that your first life is not getting any better. I think what I'd like to say though is that I think that's probably a wrong statement for me. I think life does get better
Like, I remember it being really difficult to be a child growing up in the 80s. You were all in constant fear for, well, where I lived. Maybe that was because where I lived. I don't know. But I was in constant fear of shootings and things like that. And so I don't think I would want to go back to that life now. You know what? I mean, you're totally right. I mean, so obviously, this is a very perspective driven thing.
So life is not getting worse for everyone. As a matter of fact, myself personally, I'd say things are good. As I got older, life got better. Things are good for me because right now we're hanging out and sharing our friendship, which we do with my entire audience. That's what we do. We're broadcasting our love to hopefully create more bonds between listeners.
Love lift us all where we belong. Love inspires love. That's what we're saying.
Oh, look, I have a heart. I happen to have a pipe cleaner. That is. Were you cleaning pipes at any point? Yes, I was, but not recently. Like when I lived in Seattle, that's why I have the pipe cleaners. That was a while ago. It was cute. It was over a year ago. I'm so sad. But I love the look at the shadow of a palm tree in the background. It's quite lovely. I have no idea.
I'm in the tropics. My skin is glowing rich with a healthy sheen. I love that. I love that. It's nothing like winter here where you need to be fully immersed in a type of moisturizer for about
three hours before you're allowed to leave the house. Moisturizers should have stem cells. And did you know that there are moisturizers? I have to do a plug. It's an obligation, I'm sorry. There are certain moisturizers, like those made by Quintessence, which have Swiss Apple stem cells in them. And so there you go. That's amazing. I am going to look that up, and I will live to be
145. You will, you will. I happen to know from its personal experience. Do you know I'm actually not 40. I'm 80 years old, but I appeared to be a 40 year old man. And so there you go. We like you regardless. That is not a true. That's not true. Don't go fact checking that I don't need the X file showing up at my doorstep. But I mean, if it's Mulder and Scully, they can.
Oh, yeah. I'm down. I'm down for an adventure. Has there ever been a hotter duo? No. Well, okay. So you've seen enough Star Trek episodes, but Katzen Picard and Dr. Crusher have that kind of like... Oh my God. So actually in Realm of Fear, there's a scene where everyone's in the meeting scene and everyone's listening to Lieutenant Barkley and they were standing so close to each other.
Dr. Crusher and Captain Peacard in this meeting. I did recall that. I do recall the senior talking. I was like, wow. I was like this. Like it was kind of like TMI guys like PDA. Like don't you know what I mean? But one thing you got to love about Peacard is that he's kind of always like I think our next next.
I think our next joint venture on Facebook, for the audience, you may not understand this completely, but Jamie and I do some artistic projects together, and one of them is our profile. And one of them is our profile pictures. So Jamie, I think that we should recreate the pose.
And you would be Captain Picard, of course, and I'll be Beverly and I will do, I will create the best. Okay. No problem. Well, you have to, you speak French. You're a native. That's right. That's totally fine. Young bearded, lots of hair. Yes.
What do you think of someone being born in France having a British accent like Patrick Stewart's? Is it something laughable to you as a European traveled person, as a very well traveled Europe and back person? Yeah, I mean, I definitely find it odd. I find it odd, but it speaks to the larger trend that used to be very popular, which was if American produced content
had anyone from a non-English country, they just had British accents, which doesn't happen anymore. Thank God. Oh, yes. Not like a great thing. Especially, so when it applies from the English to the French, it's maybe not such a big deal. But when it applies to someone from Ghana, it's like, hey, why are you making them speak in a British accent? That's just whitewashing the culture.
So as far as people are concerned, I have no problems with it personally, you know, whatever. Because Patrick Stewart is such a genius actor that you're like, okay, I can excuse. Yeah. Well, also, you could totally have a French last name and be English. I mean, his parents could have been, much like is actually the case, a lot of immigrants in North America, so not immigrants now, but when it was just being settled,
The early settlers, many of them were French, and they eventually like bled down into the United States after independence happened in the States. A lot of formerly Canadians, I guess, even though Canada was not a country at the time, but French people migrated down to the United States to get away from the monarchy. And so a lot of Americans have French last names that are just pronounced in English ways, much like you would say Picard when it's actually Picard.
Or La Fayette, for example, is one that I hear a lot, which La Fayette is a French name. That's funny. We pronounce it Lafayette here, I think. Exactly, yeah. It's a very different pronunciation. Over time, the pronunciation just becomes American or English. So I suspect that's actually what the case is with Picard.
I like that. I've given it thought before. I have given it thought before. That's really good. I'm glad you asked. Really good. I have some questions. Let me see if my facial technology. Oh, it did. It worked. I got in to my notes. Where'd you go? Oh, there you are. I'm ready. Google's been great, but our internet's been bad. So sometimes I did a podcast episode yesterday and it zonked out.
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. It has been a bit wonky at night, but... You mentioned the ship in the beginning. It's the USS Yosemite. Okay. And it was a caught in a stream of plasma and that was very techie stuff. Yeah.
I actually didn't interrupt you in your summary. I was like, oh, you didn't remember the ship. I just at this point, I'm just like, oh, it's another ship that. Oh, did you recognize? This was my question. Did you recognize the actor who played Barkley at all? Had you ever seen the team as a kid or have you ever heard of the team? I have heard of the team. I did not watch the team, so I did not recognize him. I did seem familiar.
Yeah, so that's Dwight Schultz. And so we have to give a shout out to Dwight Schultz. And he's a genius actor. And he plays Mad Dog Murdock on the A-Team. And if you listen, actually, like I have become so weird. But, you know, we listen to so much media nowadays. It's like this constantly stream of information coming through into our lives.
We'll have to talk about how you think future people handle that. But anyways, Dwight Schultz is also just really enchanting to listen to. And I can't recall off top my head, but if you do a quick search on YouTube for him, you'll come upon many kinds of links to interviews with him. And he's just delightful to listen to. Let's see. Let me just pull up my IMDB real quick. Cool. That's a blog download of the app, folks. Awesome. Let's check out Dwight Schultz, see what he got up to.
My phone is definitely listening to me because
It went right into my chest. While you look that up, trivia bit, the Heisenberg compensators are something that are mentioned when they're dissecting the transporter and looking for clues as to why the transporter is not functioning and why these things are happening to Barkley. And that, I think, is a reference to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is a
Yeah, absolutely. What would that be called?
a postulate in physics or something like that. Um, I'm not sure, but it's a theory. It's a theory. It's a theory. It's a theory. You know what? That that's way, what it is is it's sorry, audience for, uh, and Jamie, what it is is it's, it's in the title. It's a principle. It's a principle. It's a principle. Correct. I mean, it was right there the whole time, the whole time, right? The whole time it was right there. Did you find white Schultz on IMDB?
Yeah, so he has been doing voiceover work in the video game industry for a long time. I would say it was ahead of his time. Have you played any of the games that he did voice over on?
Yes, many of them. He was involved in Crash Bandicoot. I mean, he did so many games. It's actually quite terrifying. Anyone who played Final Fantasy games, anytime this millennium, you definitely heard him. He's been in many a Spider-Man game. With a Final Fantasy movie, Spirits Within, one of the first of all CGI movies. So, I mean, wow, this is actually, this is quite significant.
He doesn't do a lot of lab acts and stuff anymore. That's for sure. He was on Stargate, SG1. Yes, he was. Did you watch that show? Are you Stargate fan? No, it's a good show. I haven't.
haven't really dug my, my, my, sunk my teeth into it. I'd be down to do some stargate, stargate discussions with you offline, offline, or maybe do an experimental, experimental stargate.
You should, you can become star. I can be stargate boy. You can be stargate boy. That's me. Oh my gosh. And we could merge. We could merge our shows. Yeah. Like the Andromeda galaxy hitting the Milky Way. Oh, you totally called out in your summary. I wrote another, I wrote notes about your summary on my iPad and you totally called out the, um,
the parallel, you brought attention to the parallel between flying and driving or flying being the best kind of way of transporting. That reminded me to point out to you, and maybe this is not news to the audience, but that this was the first time that we've ever dived this deep into the kind of like,
the lore or like the meat of what society is like in the future. It's really nerdy and exciting. It's really cool actually. I think it's one of the coolest things I've seen the show do. It's like, yeah. So the new show, Star Trek Discovery actually just had a huge, this is really, really timely. You're not watching Star Trek Discovery, Jamie, right? No, that's right.
Okay, so I'm going to cover your ears, like, if you don't want to know. But the latest episode of Star Trek Discovery...
deals with something very similar in concept and that's like an organic version of a transporter so like imagine if like you know nature invented a Transporter so you like this thing envelops you and then he constructs you Adam by Adam and then you appear on another side of the planet in a pod and Yeah, so that's that's kind of like the equivalent and so it's such a trippy thing but travel is such a human what is your
I mean, instantaneous travel is a big thing and I just, I think it's something we should definitely develop. Elon Musk is going to Mars. Who could we pitch this to? Audience, who could we pitch?
Until then, Jamie, on a personal note, have you ever experienced anxiety flying? Is that something you want to share? If not, I'll share mine. Sure. I haven't experienced a lot of it. I think the first time I flew as a kid, I was terrified. And I think all the pressure changes really psyched me out. The blocking in my ears. I just remember feeling like my ears were blocked for
like weeks after flying the first time, which they probably weren't. I was probably just psyched out because I never
So I was like nonstop yawning, chewing gum, trying to unblock my ears, which no one would fly if your ears were clogged up for five weeks after the fact. But yeah, I've never really had any serious anxiety. I'm very content to be like, the data says it's safe. I'm fine. This turbulence can't shake me. Even though I feel like I hit a lot of turbulence,
Oh, well, I hope that's not like a curse. I hope that's just a normal thing that turns occurs all the time. You can you can totally relate that to what Barkley like other others may have experienced these like anomalies going but but Barkley's sensitivity to it. Like, that's right. That's right. It means something. It means that if you see a penis in the matter stream,
If we hit turbulence and penises start falling from the overhead compartments, I know exactly what to do. Just grab them. Grab them. Get right at them.
They're human beings, they're not penises. Oh my gosh, this is, I don't know what to do, I can't stop. It's fine, so tell us about your experience. You've incepted this idea into my brain. I didn't incept anything. Gene Roddenberry incepted this idea. There's no way no one thought, hey, no, there's no way, no one on the production team or in the writer's room or like when they saw the episode, they were like,
hey, this is just a penis, right? Like it looks like a penis. A lot, like a lot of water. It's not the job of art to like be sensitive to its audience. It's the job of the audience to bend to the art. No, I don't know. It's something that's impressive art.
No, I agree with I don't I don't agree with myself. Okay. I take it back. I take it back. I was just trying to find something profound to say about that. I mean, you get us out of the penis, the penis mode. It's really me. It's just me who gets out of the penis mode. And I'm gonna do that. No, no, no, no. I mean, I'm right there with you. I'm right there with you. So yeah, I want to hear about your experience. Thanks. It's fine.
Oh, so first of all, since you mentioned the first time flying, my very first time flying was close to the age of two. And all I can remember is something that I might even be making up. You know how those early memories are. They're just kind of like pictures, right? I don't know if that's your experience, but that's mine.
And I remember being walked through the aisles. It was a long flight. It was from Pakistan to America and through Germany. It was like it's Pakistan, Germany to and then to California. This was a very long flight. And I do remember just like walking through the aisles of the airline and that being like something wondrous and also the ear popping. I actually remember. But that might be a later flight because I've flown a lot at the top.
But the first time I started getting anxiety was not till very recently. You know, we've had a few like airline accidents that in my lifetime we've had a few airline accidents and I just like kind of like can't help but get into a flight and think, Oh no, is this going to, is this my last moment on earth? Yeah, it could be, but you could also think that every time you get in a car, um,
which has a higher fatality rate, right? No, it's true. I'm not saying that it's not true. I'm just saying that the anxiety does exist. Of course it does. It's the closest thing I can relate to Barkley with a transporter. I actually am flying a lot and I enjoy it with a little bit of help from the liquor.
right loosen out that's too bad actually do you have to have to be considered that how synth the whole like cannot work like you can't go to the transporter room and be drunk uh you can't go and just like yeah synth the halls and everything so if you're trying to like you have to face your tension you just in the future in the future you just have to face your fears like barkley does and i think
you know that's like the ultimate thing uh i do remember as a kid feeling when i saw this episode for the first time i swear i didn't think of the penises i think i was just a little too young to like to have made those connections because i was like i was i was that time
And then I think like the second time I watched it, which was more in my adulthood, like in my early twenties, I probably thought that it was like bad, but I don't know that I just never thought it was a penis. Like I need, I mean, I need there to be like more
more pubic hair. There has to be something, there has to be something more for it to- If there was this tronum and some curly hair, it would have been a little more obvious. But, you know, we, on Starfleet Boy, and this is now, this is going to be a secret episode of Drunk Space Nine. I'm just gonna, we're throwing out the rating system. Audience, if you're, if you've gotten this far, I'm sorry, but it's rated R today. Just tune out if you're not into it.
That's right. That's right. If you're a 12 year old, if you're a 12 year old... Go away. I think YouTube does a good job. I think it does a good job. I marked myself, you know, in all the appropriate categories.
No, we got to go away. Anyways, just trying to say we're trying to save the episode hard right now. We're hoping this is salvageable. It might end up on Pornhub. This is the most fun I've had on a sharply boy in a while. This is this is the most fun I've had hanging out. Just this is what we're doing. We're having a Google hangout. Have you considered posting these videos to Pornhub? I will not do that like that. Like the most explicit ones. It's just a thought.
No, I mean, you can just make the description like no sex, but a lot of talk about penis. Look, and space penises. There's there's a market. Anyway, look, so now this episode will not, it will not definitely not be marketable to anyone under the age of 18, I'm afraid, or whatever the age of consent may be.
I read the I read the big thing that like legal document that YouTube expects you to read. Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, like over time. Yeah. There's nothing I read in one sitting. It was more like, oh, I have a question. Let me refer to the smart way to use it.
But the problem is that it changes. It's a living document, you know. So we just go with the droit de vie here on Starfleet. Yeah, see, I learned another. There are a lot of French expressions out there, for sure. Droit de vie is a good one, too. I mean, it just feels right, you know.
Do you think there's a USS Joie de Ville out there, like in the Star Trek universe? Yeah, USS Joie de Ville. You know, maybe. I mean, how many ships are there? How many USS ships are there?
That's a really good question. It depends on the timeline. A Google search will, I don't have that information on top of my head. Jamie, I'm going to give you an estimate. The Google search will reveal the actual size of the Federation Navy. I don't have Google.
What is that? Everyone has Google. It's not a thing you have. Just Google exists with or without you, regardless of whether or not you want it.
It does. Yeah. It's like the boundaries of the universe. It's like, no, it's just they're there. You can't do anything about it. On the Joe Rogan podcast, Joe Rogan called to light in a recent episode. I think it was the one with Brian Cox or someone. I forget which episode it was.
He says that Google removed the don't be evil, uh, like, uh, you know, mission statement from it's, it's, it's, uh, it's like, is that right? Yeah. Well, that's what he said. I don't know if it's, I don't know where to verify that's information, uh, from what a thing to do of all the ones that block off don't be evil, although maybe they're just being honest. Cause let's face it, they're evil.
I have to say that, like, I... Oh my god, the connection's, like, going over here, and I think it's because I just... Yeah, we're good. We're going right back. Star Trek, because Star Trek actually deals with, like, evil a couple of times. It's an interesting way of dealing with it.
I think Star Trek has always tried to give a little bit of sympathy to the devil because the concept of evil is so interesting because I don't know about you, but I strongly associate it with the supernatural. But then I personally don't think the supernatural exists. I think what we perceive as the supernatural may just be another dimension or perhaps whatever.
So it's like, that's a tough question. That's a super hard question. That's a tough question. So like removing don't be evil, does that acknowledge that, oh, maybe you're just trying to say that like true evil is a fiction or are you, I don't know what it's gone deep. I mean, yeah, it could be. You're right. It could be. It could be. I just get the feeling that it was like a liability for them.
It's like, let's take this. I think they should. I don't know if there's anyone in the audience that listens that is somehow associated with Google, but I propose, and maybe someone else has already proposed this, but maybe they should replace Don't Be Evil officially with, it feels good to be good.
It feels good to be good. I like that. It feels good to be good. I mean, I think that says the same thing. Yeah, it does. And from a legal standpoint, it doesn't tell you not to be evil.
I mean, I'm just saying that's exactly how Google would consider it. You're like, it's good to be good. But if you choose to be evil, we won't do anything about it. It feels good to be good. That should be, in fact, Starfleet was first mission statement as a corporation or an entity if we were one, which I'm not sure if we are. I think we are. It feels good to be good. We share that with you, Google, if you use it.
That should be humanity's statement of purpose. Well, yeah, I mean, it should be. It really truly should be. And unfortunately, it is. It is in Star Trek. It is in Star Trek. That's why we have entertainment. To give us the inspire good things. At least in part, that is why we have entertainment.
This episode is also great, I think, because when I was a kid, the kinds of anxieties I dealt with as like, I think I was like a 15 year old when this episode aired, were anxieties set around like, you know, just the usual things like romance and like, you know, moving out of the nest, that kind of thing.
It's interesting how life is later on how things turn out but I remember like the plexing was something that I did and I think yeah and my group of friends actually we plexed whenever it was like it was like a stressful situation that was a real thing. Let's flex. Are you stressed?
Then plex, see look, are you stressed? Then plex, so you can plex. They should add that to the list of Google mantras. If you're stressed, plex.
If you were if you if you were on the enterprise and you were going through like anxiety would you do you like counselor Troy and how she like you know does therapy or or would you think she's like too much based on what you've seen of her? Uh no I feel like she's good she's good she's a little old school uh she's like she's uh very very involved in the session she's like uh
All right, I'm going to tell you an X amount of things. I'm going to give you a coping mechanism, do this, do that. I think the new wave of therapy is a lot more laid back, just kind of like, yeah, I'm listening. And they don't really say much. But they say things, but they're just like, mm-hmm, yeah. Yeah, do you think that's because? And then blah, blah, blah. But yeah, if she was canceling me, I'd be like, OK, cool. Let's try it out. Why not?
Why not? She seems smart. Do you sense that they're friends? Because they are. Oh my gosh. No. That's a conflict of interest. No. Well, so that's the thing in the future. Counselor Troy, the conflicts of interest don't don't really exist in the future. Counselor Troy is so professional. Like every one of the great things about Star Trek the next generation, I think as a show.
If you keep doing this, the one thing they all seem to share in common is that in the end, they're always very professional. These people work with each other and they hold each other's lives in their hands. You don't trust counselor Troy. She may not feel comfortable working with you and it's like, she's not going to let that happen. She's a pro.
That's great. I don't think humans could ever pull it off. I think that we can. Psychologists are allowed to have friends, Jamie. Well, of course they are, but I don't think it's more advised for them to conduct therapy for their friends. Oh, gotcha. Well, they became friends through her... Oh, that's the part I left out. Yeah. They're friends because of the therapy.
So you're saying that on this whole ship like Councillor Troi, she can't be friends with everyone. She's like counseling everyone. Yeah, I mean it's complicated. The situation is very complicated. You're like a strict person when it comes to professionalism. Yeah, hell yeah.
by the way I look. No, I can't. You look like Jesus. Jesus was mad. He was like, I'm going to die for this.
You could play, if you're ever interested in acting, I don't know if this is a role that will ever appear, but you could play, I don't think you even know who this character is, you might, but you could play a young cybok, which is Spock's half-brother. Cybok is the son of a Vulcan princess. I think you should be auditioning for that role. Can you imagine putting on pointy ear prosthetics and like,
big eyebrows. Like, yeah, like, yeah, having like the Vulcan eyebrows and just being like, you'd be an Uber. So Vulcans are, Vulcans are, you know, a logical society. They, they value logic in the same way that we would, we would regard religion or, you know, anything. Everything is like, they serve logic and they think of it as a concept higher than just like, you know, a philosophy or whatever.
And so they also believe that they should have an emotion. So I don't know why I'm prepping you for this role that you might not even be interested in. But anyways, you probably already knew all this, but look it up if you didn't. Just go for a Vulcan, be a Vulcan.
I'm kind of into that. I'm into it. I have to warn you, though, you have to be practiced in not expressing emotion. Oh, I sure am. No, you're not. You're very good at it. Yeah, I know. I can be. I can be. No, for a role. Yes, I agree. Yes, you could. I agree. I have confidence in that. Me too. Good and proper. What else do we want to talk about this episode?
Whatever you would like to talk about. Well, did you have any sci-fi questions? Are there any questions about the transporter? I'm really excited to know what you think of that technology and how it works. What's the maximum distance you can transport over? Oh, that's a great question.
Because there's a part of it that's kind of like, why don't they just get it? It totally varies. In this episode, it would not be a great distance. It would be the distance safely, within the safe parameters, I would say it would be the distance of a standard orbit above a planet to the surface.
And that's considering, and that of course is like considering that the conditions are favorable because as you saw in this episode, like they had to link the two transporters together in order to even send the crew over in such a fashion that's not a regular practice. So, you know, the stream of energy traveling between the two stars was that, you know,
it caused that much interference. So it all depends. But like, yes, I would say standard orbit would be the safe distance you could transport. And that's what like, what is the standard orbit from Earth's surface to to the ground? 20 miles? Okay, no idea. Oh, I use the metric system. But I'm not sure.
As a matter of fact, we were talking about traveling by transporter on Earth. I don't know if you know this, but on Earth in the future, in Star Trek, if you look at Star Trek as an oracle for what the future should be like, they predict that there still is other forms of transport.
transport from Miami to, let's say, Pakistan, which is something that I might do in the future if I were still born in Pakistan in the future. Sure, yeah. Those kind of things you'd still take shuttles for, but the shuttle's like an hour. Travel on the planet is fast no matter what. And there's trains, too, that traverse the continent. They're on floating tracks.
which is really cool too. So the earth has like a magnificent array of forms of travel. So I think like the future society has less anxiety about travel because there's a lot more options available and people aren't stressed out about, you know, like traveling one way or another. Right, right. There's a wide array of options available. I like that a lot actually. I mean, that makes sense. I mean, obviously they can't just transport everywhere. It would be horrible.
I think in somewhere perhaps, what is promising is like the Teslas with the self-driving, just autonomous vehicles I feel are a very exciting concept because I think that
Anyone who wants to automate their vehicle should be able to with like a simple kit or something like that. And the CEO of the company I currently work for called Compass portrays this like beautiful kind of vision about a life where you go to bed at night and your car goes out and makes tons of money for you driving around passengers by itself. And then it comes back and parks in its little charging area.
And then you get in and you go to work. And when I think of a vision like that, I'm like, oh, yeah, it's like you can conceive a world in which if you're a driver and that's how you make your living, you can actually continue to make that living by using automation to your benefit. That's really cool. I've never considered that. That's really sweet.
Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. Make money while you sleep. That's the slug. Make money while you sleep. Yeah. I'm going to invest in a couple of self-driven cars and be a billionaire.
I think you should tell. At least you can at least live a life where you can buy the groceries. Yeah, like a billion dollars worth of book. That's nuts. A billion dollars worth of groceries would be an amazing thing if you gave it away to the world. Yes, yes. I hope that's about perishables in there too. It feels good to be good. It feels good to be good.
Well, I want to mention, Jamie, since we're having such a great time and singing, that the audience on YouTube doesn't get

Celebrating the Music Composer

to experience this. But for the audience that's listening in podcast form, you are the composer of the Starfleet Boy theme. Oh, that's correct. Sure am.
Yeah, and it plays at the beginning of every episode. There's over a hundred, well, sorry, in the beginning of, from season some place on, we have over a hundred episodes. So you're saying a lot. It is the official theme and it will be until add info. Well, I have to ask you or commission you to do one for the original series, which is the next Star Trek adventure.
Well, that's exciting. I did not know that. Yeah, you have plenty of time. We have a whole season. It's going to be another year. Yeah, no, no. It's good to have more coming down the pipeline. Just mull over that and think of the original series because you are our, you know, it's like I saw this documentary with Steven Spielberg working with John Williams. And, you know, if Starfleet boy wants to work with someone, it's going to be you. And so therefore I also recommend you to our audience at large.
Jamie gives awesome things with music. Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you. Can we take this moment to also bring light to an album that you just released? And do you mind telling the complete, imagine that you've never heard of you as an artist. Do you mind pitching to my audience who you are? Yeah, sure. So I write and record under the artist's name, Find.
That's spelled F, question mark, and D. And in October of last year, I released a Darkwave EP. So that would be Dark Synthwave Music. It's instrumental.
If you're familiar with Synthwave, it's just it's Synthwave with a little moodier, kind of like this show. It's very dark and heavy. So I released an EP by the name of Temper tantrum, which is available on all major streaming platforms. So Apple Music, Spotify title.
YouTube music, Google Play, all of them. It's also on SoundCloud. You can purchase it on Bandcamp. You can purchase it in the iTunes store if you like. And that's about it. Just check it out. Give it a good listen, especially if you're into instrumental music or electronic music as well. So yeah, that's pretty much what I do. That's what I do.
Was that an okay pitch? Yeah. I think you did a good job. I mean, like, you know, I think that I was going to interrupt you at one point, but you filled in the part. Look, if you like the music of someone like maybe John Carpenter, you know, you'll probably like this.
Oh, wow. Well, I didn't know. I didn't I didn't know to I don't now have to listen to John Carpenter's music. That's awesome, because I like your music. So I can only imagine I'm going to like John Carpenter's music. So that's very kind of you. You actually have insepted beautifully. I have iTunes music and I use the algorithm to my to create these like, you know, new playlists and things like that.
whenever you introduce a new artist into your playlist it it allows that music to like kind of it changes the whole thing it's a really cool i don't know how it works in the background but uh yeah but it was neat today i was listening to my to my chill mix and you came in i immediately it was like oh that's jamie like it put you in there and i was oh nice cool i'm glad i did that but it's really cool there
I have no idea. And they won't tell me how they do that for sure. Unless you wanted to work for them and like, you know, they being Apple. That's right. That's right. I would never, I would never.
What? What are you kidding? Apple's a great company to work for. I would never. No, I'm forcing you to take that back. I'm too anti-establishment. You are the establishment. I don't know what you're doing. I mean, I am the establishment. I know. So I don't understand why you're anti-yourself. You're a great person. Stop being anti-yourself. Well, thank you. No, I'm more of a small business guy.
Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world. They're like Google, they're just everywhere. They're great. I'm not knocking Apple. I'm not knocking Apple. Everyone buy a PC. I'm not knocking Apple.
I hope in French you didn't say some horrible things when you were doing it. No, I didn't. I didn't. I grit my teeth the whole way through, but I said some nice things about the iPad.
Well, not a great many people have probably made it this far into our discussion because we haven't really talked about Star Trek. So it's OK. You usually don't. Was there any other question about the transporter technology or even about Barkley or any of the characters? Does Barkley come up? Is Barkley in any other episodes of the show?
Yeah, I think that there, I think you can easily, if you go back and, you know, do the Dwight Schultz IMDb Star Trek filter or whatever, right? You can see his other episodes. I highly, actually, if you're bored and just have a beer and watch the other episodes, because they're all delightful starting from the first one, and he'll keep on coming back. And he actually, the character,
Traverses, I don't think he appears on Deep Space Nine, but he may. And he definitely appears on Voyager, who's actually crucial to the ending of Voyager. And he comes back in the film. So Barkley is like a beloved, and he's like the Q or like, he's the character that they keep bringing back. And I think everyone, the majority of people agree that he's like a fan favorite. Oh, wow. Well, I'm happy. I'm glad I got to watch one of his episodes then.
Well, since this is your first exposure to him, what were your impressions of this character? Like, what were your raw feelings? I felt like he was meek. He was very meek. Ah, interesting, yeah. Now that may just be how he probably is, just how he was portrayed in this episode, given these circumstances. But I was kind of like, oh, this dude looks like he's always in a flop sweat. Like, just like panicking, late to work every day, kind of like...
you know, kind of like, like maybe he forgets to brush his teeth a few times a week. Like, yeah, he overwhelmed. That's kind of the vibe I got, but I liked him. He was endearing and he was very, very human. Yeah. That's like definitely part of his struggle. You kind of nailed it. So yeah, I would say that that's true about him, but he, my lighting, like I got really monochrome.
Yeah, you are, uh, that palm tree is gone. Let me demonstrate. We've been talking for a long time. Yeah. But let me demonstrate Apple technology and it's fine. Oh my gosh. Hey, everyone, brace yourselves. Hey Siri, change the lights to yellow. My goodness. That's like a nice yellow. Yeah. It's kind of nice. Let me try this. Let me try this. Hey Siri, turn the lights to blue.
I have to do it. Hey Siri, turn the lights to blue. Oh. Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately now, if someone's listening to this, we probably just annoyed the hell out of them. No. Because we may have changed their lights. Well, if you're listening to this, check out the YouTube. Maybe check out the YouTube video. Check it out. Check it out. All right. Wait, wait. Hit the like. Subscribe.
Oh, yes. That's what you do on YouTube. I think we should give it our Oh, look, just look at this lighting. You look great. You look stunning. The iPad lighting. Hello. It's your natural, natural state of existence. Oh, look at Oh, look at those gorgeous notes. You always have such nice notes mine. Not so nice.
Just plain old handwritten notes, like some ancient antiquity. I think that's vaguely paradoxical, but it doesn't matter. It is vaguely paradoxical. But anyways, Jamie, what do you rate this episode? Okay, I am going to give this episode a
I'm going to give this an 8 out of 10. Am I rating these out of 10? I know I usually say something ridiculous. I'm going to rate this a flying space penis out of 10. And I mean it in a good way.
I meant to give my rating first, you beat me to it. The same rating. I prematurely rated. We're totally aligned on our own. Yeah. I thought it was a great episode in the sense that the idea behind it was awesome. As a 21st century human who doesn't get to deal with any of that technology,
It was great to be reminded that a lot of these mundane things are actually quite terrifying or can be terrifying. And that space is scary. And technology can be a little scary. I thought it was my introduction to Lieutenant Barkley. Really interesting character, well-acted.
And I was glad that they didn't assign too much importance to the actual mission, which wasn't that interesting. But they knew not to. So yeah, it was great. Great. Solid 8 out of 10. Excellent. I just adjusted my light.
you've manually adjusted your lighting like some ancient time. Starblight Boy is such a long show that like we have to traverse from like day to night time. It is, yeah. It's like so crazy.
We go on. I have to agree with some of the stuff that you said in your summary about the effects. I don't know when we were talking about it. Like you said, the effects weren't the greatest and things like that. But I do think the remaster, the original effects were a lot worse. And the remaster, I found it delightful to see how the transporter field looks and things like that. But it did still feel
like the the worm penis slash foreskin thing was uh it was not quite thought of well thought of and like it moved it moved in a clunky manner and it looked it definitely looked like a puppet a puppet yes yes you know and so it was definitely like a failure of the episode and i think like you know so i can't i can't in good conscience give it a uh a higher rating than eight but the reason it gets an eight for me is just the performances were like outstanding as usual
at this level, at this point in next generation. And there's a lot of thought provoking concepts and I do, I have to say that like, I actually found myself remembering those things as an adult and it's nice. And we had some of that introspection in our discussion even, which was, you know, for better.
But I think that many who watch will also feel that. So yeah, an eight is the rating for this episode, I agree. Yeah, I love agreeing. Yeah, so 80 minutes later we come to a close. I had the time of my life. So did I. And I owe it all to you.
I would all to you. And lift us up where we belong, just to bring that. It's true. It's true. Jamie, thank you for doing this. I have no problem, starfish. I will continue our conversation offline. Audience, I'm sorry you can't. I know it's enticing, but you can't stick around for more. I apologize. But we got to follow some kind of decorum and be professional. Sorry. We have to be professionals. Yeah.
All right, so you'll have to pay for the meet and greet if you want to talk with us more. All right. Translate this to French, please. As the job of the translate, the official Starfleet boyfriend translator. We also, Sean speaks French, who's who's on many of the episodes of Starfleet, but you're the official translator. I'm going to let him know. Oh, I'm flattered. All right. So live long and prosper and we'll see you next time. Live long and prosper.
I don't know how to say live long and prosper in French. But you didn't do that. Can you do it? Are you able to? Oh, it's right hand, but it's supposed to be right.

Farewells and Cultural Exchange

Oh, right hand. Yeah, that's right. There you go. All right. Now say it again. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. There you go. I looked into the camera for it too. So if you're watching on YouTube,
That's awesome. Merci beaucoup. All right. Au revoir.