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Episode 147: "Deadpool and Wolverine" Review image

Episode 147: "Deadpool and Wolverine" Review

S8 E147 ยท The Popcorn Podcast
46 Plays6 months ago

This week on the show the boys review the newest entry in the MCU "Deadpool and Wolverine"! This episode was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast recording it! We hope you all enjoy it and we will talk to you later!!

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Lastly, thanks to our editors Colin Gallagher & Carson Stienstra for making this show happen!

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Introduction and Film Overview

Welcome back. Welcome back, everyone, to the popcorn podcast. I'm Tom Acresta, alongside me, my co-host Ryan Farran. Today, we're here to talk about Marvel's newest film in the MCU, Deadpool and Wolverine, which is directed by Sean Levy's son, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. um and Before we get into this episode, like always, Ryan, how are you doing today? Just gave myself the worst wedgie ever doing that. It was a terrible idea. um feel reinvigorated. We just did the ah the two boys episodes or review and then I had some chocolate and now I'm back.
You ready to go? I'm back, dude. humed I'm back. I'm going to crash out in about 20 minutes before the Phillies game. um But yeah, Deadpool and Wolverine.

Anticipation and Success of the Film

This film has been hyped up. we Everyone's been waiting for this film. We've wanted this since 2010. We've all been waiting to see Hugh Jackman and Deadpool on the screen together. And we finally got it. And it's finally here. And yeah, the world's on fire with it. It has already made over 350 million dollars and it's still in this opening weekend. Had a budget of 200 million. Again, as I said, Sean Levy was the director. Ryan Reynolds worked as one of the writers. Hugh Jackman was a huge part in the writing part, in the writing of the script, which had to be written rewritten, I think it said four times, which is crazy that it still was as good as it was with all this done. And yeah, but before we do our initial review, just want to go quickly through the
What everyone else is thinking so far. So IMDB has an 8.3 out of 10. Rotten Tomatoes is 79. Metacritic 56. Google 96. And the audience score is a 97 on Rotten Tomatoes. The critic consensus is that Ryan Reynolds makes himself at home the MCU well with wit while Hugh Jackman provides an adamantium backbone to proceedings in Deadpool and Marine in a relevant ron- Hold on.
Jesus, dude. Get professional. In a relevant rut with a surprising sauce butt for this new era of superhero films. Yeah, stop sniffing pepper before these things.

Plot and Humor Elements

Oh yeah, I know. That white pepper made me go crazy. Yeah, the white yeah that's a good thing to say. White pepper. It means salt, guys. He doesn't know what that is. I'm kidding. Army, please do your whole test of stupid shit. um I hope you get drunk, guys. I know I'm going to get one tomorrow. um Yeah, and the quick synopsis of this film is that Deadpool is peaceful as it comes crashing down with a time variant Authority recruits him to help safeguard the multiverse He soon reunites with the would-be pal Wolverine to complete the mission and save his world from an external threat So before I tell you Ryan, right? Give you in his book We are going to do a little bit of a spoiler free portion then again We'll go in or suppose but we'll give you guys a heads up before we spoil anything that happens in this film Of course, I love seeing Robert Downey jr. No, that does not happen. That's not that you'd not spoil it
um but yeah Ryan, what ah what are your some of your initial thoughts? um It was super fun. I loved every second of it. was It was incredible. um It was just so much fun. It's the second time I said it in about 15 seconds, but I mean it. It was it was just a great time. it's It's exactly what it needs to be. It's funny. It's just as funny as the other ones. so It keeps the same humor, which is just Ryan Reynolds at this point. um It adds on. it It does a great job of using MCU things and not changing them at all. like it's Obviously, the TVA is a just big part of this movie. That's not the secret at all. But the way they use it, I thought it was really well done. like It doesn't change anything. It it keeps stuff from low-key. Obviously, they even mention low-key a few times because it's Deadpool and he knows everything. um yeah they They do a really good job of just implementing this.
um into the MCU, specifically just through the TVA because that's kind of the only thing. It's the main MCU thing that's used in this movie, but I loved it because it was really just a love letter to Fox and all the Fox Marvel movies, all of them. It just works super well. All of the cameos that went through, obviously there's a ton of them that are in the trailer. Fuck you. um There's a ton of them that are in the trailer, so a lot of them people know already. But there's a ton that you don't expect, and it's not that one. Thank God. That's the only spoiler I'm going to give. Fuck you.

Impact of Self-Contained Storylines in the MCU

Yeah. It was just such a good time. The only time I did use the bathroom during this movie, which I never do. Did you? But I had to go. You didn't realize you got up? I didn't. Yeah, I got up. I was sitting next to you. I didn't realize. He was at the end.
so that's why My only downside of this movie, which it's a downside and it's a downside that in in a normal movie it would be a much bigger downside, but in a superhero movie and more so a Deadpool movie which is just a comedy. It's incredibly predictable. like It's just the superhero yeah like um what's the word formula. It's just that to a T. You know everything is going to happen, but that's not the point of the movie. I had no problem going to the bathroom during the finale, basically. like you was As soon as that like final fight, well, yeah, it was the final fight. As soon as that ended, I was like, all right, I got i got like a minute to go and hit the can real fast. I'm not going to miss anything.
and I came back and I saw a few more good jokes and that was that. It's just, it's a great time. It's an incredibly fun movie. But if you're looking for something that's going to change the superhero genre, this is not, I don't know why you would think this is the movie to do that. yeah It's not going to. But it's exactly what it needed to be. There's a lot of fun and I don't think it disappointed at all for me. Now you feel differently. that I made a comment during our previous episode which might have given off the wrong idea of what I think about this movie. I wrote a little bit of like opening remarks. Those are a lot of notes. that's a long You wrote a fucking paper. so Right off the bat. I thought that the comedy was the best thing we've ever gotten in the MCU. It's funnier than any movie that's ever been part of this universe. yeah by i mean By leaps and bounds.
Which also, it does help that they're able to make the jokes that they are able to make. Yes, it's R rated. Obviously, being R rated. Now, it's definitely not as R rated as the previous two. They don't... But they need to be that. Yeah. Yeah. I think, like... They still went... Like, it couldn't have been... They said fuck enough that it couldn't be that. The other ones, they definitely take it one step further. Not that in a bad way, I'm just saying. Yeah. Well, I think this one was more violent than the others. More bloody than the others. More bloody. Yeah. I don't know if it's more violent, because a lot But... of people get limbs cut off and heads be rolling in the other ones. Well, this one, too. Does the head get cut off? There's a lot. I mean, that one dude.
Everything. Oh. ah You wouldn't put that on. Iron Man movie. No, you're not. um but Oh, um I know that some people truly believe that this is the film that fixes the MCU. I don't think it does that. No. it is This is as Ryan said, it's a love letter to the Fox era. like The early 2000s cinematic universe. And please watch through the credits because there's a very nice The credits are very wholesome. Yeah, it's a great little goodbye. i guess the credit I mean, it's not really a spoiler because it's not a part of the movie, but it's just all the gag reels from the past X-Men movies. all of them yeah an entire foxx world It's very, very nice. And it's all like Hugh Jackman saying like why you got in the role. And then Ryan Reynolds talking about on the set of X-Men Origins Wolverine. He was like, I just want to play Deadpool. It was very, very sweet for that whole compilation. So definitely stay and watch that. And the post-credits scene.
Yeah, the post-credits scene was good. ah yeah it And it's more that I did enjoy this movie. i love I had a great time watching this movie. It's more that, again, I think it's just my feelings towards Marvel and Toad at this point. Great movie. A very fun movie. It's better for me to word it. It doesn't go anywhere, though. This is not changing what the future has. Yeah, it's it's its its own story. Yeah, this is a solo kind of film that just happens to now be in the MCU. But it's definitely still a Fox movie that now is MCU. Yeah.
But I think for the MCU, I think that is something that I wanted more from in the MCU. Like obviously the fun part of the Marvel movies is that they all connect and they all lead into one another. But I feel like so many of them are like every single movie now in phase four has been like the world's gonna like the multiverse is gonna end. We need to save everything everywhere and every super like every single movie takes on too much at once, which I think is a massive downfall. I think having Having just like a solo story that's very um self-contained. It affects him. yeah It's not affecting everyone. It's self-contained. You need to have those now and again just to build the characters. and Then you bring them into an Avengers movie or something bigger where they can have more effect on the on the universe as a whole. but it's I don't think it's a bad thing at all to have a very self-contained story that just builds on these characters and gives us a fun adventure to watch. It's not a bad thing to have every now and again.
So I think that's what Marvel needed more. Yeah. And I hope they realize that because the way it's going. Yeah, absolutely. You can totally make better movies and have different stories. like There's a reason all the Marvel movies feel the same. It's not just the formula. It's because like they're all written the exact same. but They're not taking the time to make these characters different and have their own stories and have their own self-contained personal adventures where you find out more about them. Then they join and then you know it's all that. It's fun. <unk> That's what made the first one. It's so great because you know, they do lead into one another there's little hints, but These are more solo films to set up them eventually all having to come together. Yeah, these more recent ones have just been a piece of the puzzle. Yeah, which you know
Trying to explain it. I'm not explaining it. I'm doing the best I can. um Hugh Jackman, I thought was the best part of this movie is he had some great emotional scenes in this that were so much heavier and it gave, it evened out with Deadpool shenanigans and it brought that light hardness that I wanted from Deadpool, not light hardness, the comedy from Deadpool, but it also gave something, put something at risk. Like a lot of Deadpool's, it's a big criticism, Deadpool, is that there's never anything really that's going to happen. Yeah. Like, you know, he's going to be fine. You can't die. Yeah. This puts something at risk. This made it a possibility. And yeah, from there I thought the costumes were fantastic. Every single person that you see in this movie that's a hero, great. Loved it. I thought Deadpool's suit looked better in this movie, which I was not sure if I was thought that way.
going into it, but I like the brighter red, I like the Deadpool belt, like very much the aesthetic to it, of course Wolverine, the yellow and blue is something we've been waiting for since the first X-Men movie. Yeah. A negative for me though is of course something that's again been killing the MCU in recent years is the villains. I thought Emma Corn and Matthew McFadden gave their best with what they were given as these villains. ah Cassandra Nova, who's a huge villain in the comics, very powerful being. um And then I don't know it was his name wasn't Mobius was it? No, it it says Mobius and Mobius under his name. No, that's fine. That's someone will throw something right? It's proxy Some process of something yucks. It's something along those lines. I think it is it's proximus right proximus I think it is because I remember hearing that and being like that's the ape from the movie
Is that the Proxima Caesar? Oh my god, it is! Holy shit. But yeah, they both tried.

Villains and Opening Sequence

It was not their performance that it causes. It was the character. There was nothing there. The villains, again, lackluster. That wasn't enough for me. um Yeah, just very forgettable, because in a couple of movies, I'm going to forget that Matthew McFadden was in this movie. I agree with that. I agree with Matthew McFadden, but I also think that- I like the same. I just wish there was more with it. I will give you that, but I think Matthew McFadden is... You do have a point. I agree. I'm going to forget about him. Two movies from now, he's going to go out in my head. I'm going to be like, oh shit, he's in this. Tom, what are you doing here? Go run fucking whatever it's called.
um But he's a good like, he's not the main villain. Cassandra Nova is the main villain. He's a good secondary villain where you just go in and he's a dickhead and then you hate him and that's it. I think he does a good job in that. And like you said, it's not the performance, it's just the writing. But you're right, he's not super memorable, but I think he does his job enough as just the hateable villain who just you just want to see die. yeah you know I think he does a good job of that. He doesn't either. as well
kind of it's totally spoiling um The cameos if you want to call them that I'll get more into that when we talk about them um Each one of them was very special. It was cool. It was amazing actually it was very cheerful and the opening to this movie is the best opening in the MCU movie could be my favorite opening in a Marvel movie or superhero movie. I absolutely loved every second of it. Yeah. The credits in sync was the best choice to make for it. It's like, it's that with a Batman. Yeah. Like are my favorite now opening. The Deadpool credits are just so good. Yeah. And I like this one more than the other too. And I love the first though. The first one is so funny. If you're the car, all that shit. Kicking his legs. It's so good.
um But yeah, i remember when that came out like a couple years before Deadpool there was like a rendering of it You mean when my mouth leave it? He doesn't get it, but it was right. It wasn't but do I remember that came out? I was in like I was in grade school still and I watched that I'm like who is dead You know Deadpool's no, I don't really read kind of really have comics now I do I do have a question when I see you It's not a spoiler thing. This is just something I thought about. Mm-hmm. So I When we saw No Way Home and when most of the world saw No Way Home, those first three months, people were like, this is the greatest superhero movie ever. There's nothing wrong with this movie. It's

Post-Excitement Backlash

perfection. Me and you walked out of it and thought it was the greatest thing since Slay's Bread. yeah In our review, we felt that way, exactly. um But then eventually, those next three months, the fourth, fifth, and sixth month of it being out, that's when the internet comes and shits on it and fucks it. It says all this bad shit about the movie. Is this going to happen with Deadpool? Because the audience is saying it's the greatest superhero movie we ever.
Which right away, I don't think that at all. yeah I don't think it's the great suit. I don't think it's the best thing in Marvel. I think it's the best thing in Marvel. It's the best thing in phase four. This is in phase four. What is this, five? No, this isn't part of the fantasy. I don't know. Because um pure I don't even know if it's the best thing is in any game to me. But what's better? Black Panther 2. Black Panther 2 was really good. This is more fun though. This is much more of an enjoyable fun time, but actual film wise. But yeah, that's what I wanted to ask because I know it's going to come, but I don't know if that happens with Deadpool. But critics have definitely not been as nice to this movie. Yeah, no. 79.
That could end up being lower. If at the pace, that could end up being lower than Deadpool 2. Which I think is 68. I think IGN gave it a 7. But IGN is also the dumbest pieces of shit that I like. They either nail it or like... The worst. thing It's ridiculous. um Yeah, I think totally it's kind of like every movie has that little like grace period of you know the movie high where you you go in and you see it and you love it for like for a week and then you'd look at you know you look back on, you see another trailer and you're like, okay, that was pretty good, but I you know i definitely kind of fought and fell off it a little bit. Maybe you see it again, you don't like it as much.
You know, there's very few movies. ah If you see a movie twice and you like it more the second time, it's a special movie. Yeah. Like, it it really is. Um, or two. Okay. Um, shut up. Now, I do think this movie is going to fall off a little bit, but I don't think it's going to be as much as Spider-Man Homecoming. Cause I feel like No Way Home. Not Homecoming, No Way Home. I feel like No Way Home held it better. At least for me. Like, I have a feeling No Way Home will hold up better when I go back and watch it. Maybe. list The eyes of that hold up right yeah movie. This had a lot of practical stuff, which was really fun to watch Yeah, but it's also a thing with comedies like once you it's like heart once you know the jump scares It's not as fun once you know the jokes if they're not as funny Yeah, unless it that's the same thing what you just said if you can watch a harmony economy multiple times and always laugh or Always feel that tension again. That's a good good comedy movie, which I think is
I hope this is, because the first two Deadpools I still laugh at it, so I hope I can go back to this one and laugh at it. I hope it doesn't fall off that people like look back on it. Because then at one point it was that No Way Home is the worst Spider-Man movie. It got so bad with people hating on it. The internet fucking sucks. It ruins film. They already are ripping on this movie. Before it even came out, they were like, this movie is dog shit. The trailers look like shit. People just love to hate. I understand. Yeah, you are. Not anymore.
I'd never had Twitter, so I'm not, but I just saw a bunch of stuff on that at one point. They ruined it. Ridiculous. Fucking X. Stupid bullshit. But yeah, I think that there's as much as we can really talk about about the spoiling. Yeah. Yeah. We got our thoughts out. yeah Yeah. It's a good movie. I don't think it's good. It's going to give our scores before we. Oh yeah. Good point. Before we tell the non-spoiler people. So what do you want to give? 86.
I mean, it's not, you know, I thought it was really enjoyable, but it's not, like I said, it's super predictable. So I wasn't watching it for like, what's going to happen. I knew it was going to happen, but it was still just a good time. It's a good score. I mean, if you give every move, you make as many success. I'm giving it 83. and
okay Don't get that. Don't do that. I wasn't giving a look. Yeah, we were happy with an 83 when Rotten Tomatoes gave it. Well, they gave it an 84, but... Dude, if the croton sniff of fucking 48, I'll be fucking happy. If the croton sniff's 30, dude, it'll be a miracle. That movie looks like shit. That little fucking... Dude, I want... Because I think I was just talking to my brother as we watched it. We watched it again. Why is it so slow? Like, the movements in the car are very... Because the movie's bad. Yeah. I was expecting... Like, if anything, I thought the action would at least look good. No. That action looked... It looks terrible. I like him healing himself, because that's something that's very important to me with The Crow. Mm-hmm. Especially with the book. I have not a lie. I almost gagged it when I saw his bone down. Graphic novel.
It's my book or a comic. It's a graphic novel. You should know last time we talked about it. But yeah, 83.

Spoilers and Surprise Cameos

I like the movie. I think the cameos were... I don't even think they're cameos. They're just characters that we didn't know were coming because they're in the movie. It's not one scene. Are you talking about Deadpool or the crow still? What cameos are in the crow line? Fucking Ben Affleck fuck. No, what about Deadpool? I'm saying the canyos. I don't even think that they are canyos. They're just hitting characters because they are in the movie. They're the canyos. Characters. Yeah. It's more so the... um
The villains are more so cameos, because you get like, we're in spoilers now. No. You got to make sure that they- Okay, no. Okay. Well, yeah, you're right. The the cameos, quote unquote, are main characters, or side characters, but they're very important to the plot, especially the you know the four main ones that we get towards more towards the end. um But yeah, they do a good job of making it. It's not like Marvel where they just pop up for a second, have a little quip, and then they go away like, was that a show and so? like Yeah, these people have, like, stuff to do. Yeah. they're They're important. They use the cameos very, very effectively. Good job, Sean Levy. Yeah. And Ryan Reynolds and everyone else that worked on this movie. But yeah, success. And everybody for signing on to have this following up. They said they just they texted them the main four ones later. And they all answered first text, yes. It doesn't matter if pay or anything. They just wanted to do it.
I'm surprised with who won. I think we'll talk about when we get to it, but I have a feeling we're talking about the same people, same person. But yeah, if you don't want to get spoiled for it, you haven't seen it yet, definitely go watch the film and then come back and listen to the rest of our review and hear what we're talking about because we would love to see other people's reactions, see what everyone else has about these characters showing up and the film itself. But yeah, so make sure you're getting off now cuz we're gonna spoil something. Yeah, just go see the movie. Yeah, it's a great its enjoy it It's a very fun. Hi. It's enjoyable. If you love Deadpool, you will love this movie Now to the spoiler portion of this episode the orgy scene was crazy There's no word you see You're really weird if there was Deadpool would that. I would my favorite jokes are any time that they mentioned Blake Lively
Yeah. When he's like... By the way, it was Blake Lively. It was. Lady Deadpool. It's in the credits. We just didn't notice it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I heard her voice. I figured it was her. I couldn't hear it. I could tell it was her voice. But... I love her. Like, love my life. Number one at my list. Thanks. I'm obsessed. Nice job, bud. Smooth. I'm not smooth. Blake Lively. Dude, you're in. You're in. You're even moving 83. I don't think I'm in. um Her husband's Ryan fucking Reynolds. No, anytime when he was like, the human body has 206 bones. Unless you're me watching Gossip Girls and 207. The scene when him and Hugh take the rocket foot and then land and crash. He's like, if you don't get off him, I'm gonna tell Blake. All these little things just chatting out to his wife were just such cool little things. But yeah, I mean... Yeah, I guess we should talk about the canyons.
What are you looking at? Nothing. I just want to be a fucking nice Deadpool. I fucking hated him. Dude. Oh, I thought it was so fun. Oh, God. I was just waiting. If it had gone on for another like minute, it would have gotten old, but it was like... Oh, no. I got excited once it came to its climax. Yeah. That was fun. No, dude. the The funniest joke of the entire movie was that I could break the fourth wall slightly too. The proposal. No, dude, it's not. He just goes, proposal. i thought he's I think he says the proposal. Oh, in my head, I think he united states i thought it was just proposal, which made me laugh even though more. They just looked down on my proposal. That was my favorite joke in the entire movie, because the way Deadpool was like, what the fuck was that? He's like, okay, you can regenerate, right? Regeneration.
What? How was I supposed to know? I like that he kept the Canadian accent, too. Pretty nice Deadpool. Yeah. It's just so funny. Dogpool. Awesome. Yeah, Dogpool. Loved him every time he showed up. She showed up. Ladypool was cool. It's cool to see. Yeah. After all these years. Baby Deadpool. Baby Deadpool. The Flying Skull. It's called Headpool. Headpool. Mm-hmm. Here, which one was it from? Raxam Deadpool. Raxam Deadpool got me excited. That was cool. Yeah. They showed him a couple times. I thought it was going to be knock on any. Yeah. It wasn't. He's the TV agent, I think, in the beginning when they showed it to his house. The one that he's like, say, I don't have sex with you, I don't have sex with you. He points to the other one, I think that's Rob McConaughey. He's like, I can't see your eyes. Yeah. That's why I think it's McConaughey. Because he is a TV agent, we just don't know which one yet. Okay. Because I did say in Rexham, he was like, are you going to tell Rob that we cut him out of Deadpool yet? Are you going to tell him? Do they cut him? I don't know. I hope they cut him out. It could have just been a joke, but Ryan Reynolds was like, do I have to tell him now that we cut him out of the movie? I hope they cut him. That'd be similar. But yeah, the camera is the stuff that I think people want to hear the most about anything. First of all, the first one with Chris Evans. With great. Fantastic reveal. I mean, they have the Captain America music. He's wearing a robe. You can kind of see like red on his speech. And white. Yeah, and white and blue. So you're like, oh man, we got Captain America back.
I didn't, as soon as I heard his voice, I was like, it's the human torch. Dude, I- See, I- If you think about it. I figured, once he took the hood down, and he was, like, Chris Evans was a little bit of weight, he dropped the muscle, because he just, he doesn't have- He doesn't need to be there anymore. So, when I saw him, he was a little skinnier, I was like, oh, well, that's Captain America's looking. No short notice I get it Chris alright, but when he said flame on I I had no idea you didn't think the brown hair was a giveaway I mean a little bit But I just didn't piece it together because the whole like they just threw me off with the music and everything and Deadpool was hugging him He's like I know who this is yeah
I was pumped. I mean, I was a little bit, I was a little disappointed it was Captain America. Not for any shit like, oh, cruise seven should have stayed gone. But just like, ah you could have brought somebody cooler into this, you know? like so oh Before he said flam on. Yeah. Somebody who like, oh, we haven't seen in a while, you know, but. When he said flame on, I got pumped. Cause he was like, he's like, say your thing, a vet and flame on. What the fuck? Oh my God, so cool. Nigga bitch. My pyro falls and hits the fucking ras is not so on a fucking telephone neck in his bad. I thought he died. so And then he dies so much worse. I'm trying to think of what else.
I mean, four obvious ones. Yeah, the four item for X-23, which we all knew. which When they asked Sean Levy why they were able to do it, he was like, he's like, because I just wanted to show people like, oh, here you go. Here's one. And he's like, if we're willing to show you that, who do we have? And I think it works, because when they showed X right there, I was like, What the fuck do they have that they can just release a scene that she's in? And they were in line. They had Jennifer Gardner, which we knew of coming back from one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. Yeah, we did know that. We did. But it's still in the moment. It was so cool. Yeah. And then we had Wesley Snipes as Blade. Best one. Which, can I tell you something? I went home, and my mom was like, so who's in it? I'm like, I don't want to tell you. She waited up telling her, my mom. It was like, all right, was Jennifer Gardner as Electra?
Wesley Snipes is Blade and Channing Tatum as Gambit. And she was like, oh, Jennifer Garner, that's cool. I knew about Wesley Snipes though. I was like, how the fuck did you know about, well, how did you know about that? Did we miss something on like the Today Show or some bullshit? People were so shocked that he did it. I had no, my mom knew without a doubt Wesley Snipes was in that move. Yeah, no, he was the one that most people were like shocked though. Yeah, I had no idea. He came to one, I thought about that that might happen because he and Ryan Reynolds are such close friends. Yeah. All that kind of stuff. The history. Yeah. that But Wesley Snipes, especially with how his ah tenure as Blade ended, and it wasn't a very happy ending. No. Agree. It wasn't a very happy separation between the company and him. And just to see him back, oh my god. And he still got it. Yeah. but My dude's still a dog. Absolutely. And had his cool, his knife. They showed him the fight. Oh my god. get out so i I squealed a little bit when he showed up. Yeah. I was very excited. That was the one that mattered the most to me.
I still love that scene where he refused to open his eyes so they could see CGI designs. Well, that movie's fucking terrible. I wouldn't have opened my eyes either, but they made me do that shit. Yeah. But I was amazed. They got involved in that movie. Like, he was in that movie. He's the villain. I don't forget about that. It's a terrible movie. Yeah. Thank you. I bet Wesley Snipes probably did it. It's like, fuck Fox, dude. Disney bought him. I'll go fucking... I'll go back now that they're gone. Yeah. You know? It's great. I'm the only blade. Just looks at the camera I like the joke about when him and Proxima's are talking and he's like so we need to come to in the MC. He's like and He turns and looks at that other camera. It's like the light shot. He walks up to it. Fuck Fox and it smashes his head into the camera
Dude, that wouldn't... He's... I mean, he's the perfect character, for my moment. Like, Hugh Jackman, him, and even Wesley Snipes now seem, again, really loving the first... They're just people that are born to play certain characters. Yeah. I love Jan Tails Gambit. Not some saying... putting him in that same conversation at all. But those three, definitely, are just people that are born to play someone, and they just fit the vibe of it. Yeah. and There should never be another Deadpool. There should never be another Wolverine. There will be, they just want to never reach these marks. yeah Same with, I don't think Mahershali can even be Wesley Snipes.
That's a very specific style. Yeah, no, you're never gonna be Wesley Snatch's Blade. I think he's gonna have to be different if that movie ever happens. Well, the director left. I know that, but that happens in half the movies. This isn't having five dogs. Chaos walking, part two. Oh, man. Yeah, I still have some faith. I have no faith in the movie. I still have some faith in Mahershal Ali, because he's just such a fantastic actor. I will pay you $5. He does not play Blade. I'm not taking that bet, because he probably won't. But I still

Hugh Jackman's Performance and Costume Details

want to see it. I don't think there's a chance he plays Blade now. I just got nothing for him. On the chanting tape, it was Gambit though. So much fun. The Cajun accent is so funny. Who is your dialect coach? Who's in key after position? Yeah, it was just so good. And seeing him walk out in full costume. They went for a game. It was dope.
I like the, me and Ryan, they kind of get joking about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's divorce. He's like, I'm so sorry about that. It's fine. It's fine. Which is funny. And of course, those two did end happily together. like In real life, they just broke up. But it was a nice joke to put on there. yeah um Yes, I do that gambit costume like look great. It was so at it was so good that it looked goofy You know what I mean? See it look good converse Susie's are moving around and I was like, look yeah when he's standing there and like the middle like his face looked a little like Too like tight. I it up. Yeah, but when he started like actually doing action stuff It looked really good. Gambit's powers are so fucking awesome. Very cool
Boom. People just blow up. Yeah. Who played them in X-Men Origins? Yeah, that's what it was. Horrible. Terrible. Horrible. Movie. Horrible. Gambit. There's no redeeming part of that movie. Actually, yes, sir. It's the opening scene. Yeah, the opening credits. That's it. And Lee Trevor's good saber tooth. We don't talk about the rest of the movie. is great. It's fucking terrible. He does suck. My mouth is like terrible in that movie. It's not his fault, dude. They they took the Merc with a Mouth. That's how you show his mouths shut it's not him that scene. I understand that. yeah But they just took his face and put it on someone. Yeah. Horrible to say. he was Supposedly that was like a huge, that almost like ruined Deadpool's chances. Yeah. Because of his distaste towards the studio. The swords came out of his fucking wrists. Yeah, because you remember he was like a built together mutant of all the X-Men. Yeah. Fucking dumb. So dumb.
God. Well, it was, and yeah, but I mean, this movie in total, like the cameras are great. This movie is just a, it's a well made superhero movie. Like it is enjoyable. There's so many funny little things, but then Hugh Jackman adds so much debt to it. Yeah. Like learning, learning why he had the suit on from when they found them. Oh, fucking cameo. We can talk about fucking Henry Cavill. Yeah. Holy fuck. Yeah. I had seen a, um, I mean, i it was fake then, but I had seen a, um, a picture of Henry Cavill playing Magneto. So I had the idea in my head that he was going to come in and play Magneto. But as soon as he turned around and was Wolverine, I was like, Oh my God, I guess he's not Magneto. Yeah. But I was still like, Holy shit. Yeah. Cause that was always him.
Yeah, I really wanted to see Dan Radcliffe. Yeah, it's kind of pissed. We still got him. I forget what his name is when he has the eye patch. When he's in there. I want to say slave, but I don't think it's a slave. It's not slave, but it's something with an S. Yeah. um But we got comic accurate Wolverine. My dad, thought that was the fun you could hear my dad from behind. He was laughing for five minutes over that. i'm not a lot I covered my mouth. I knew I was going to start cackling. i exist so It was so funny looking. and Especially because I'm the one who's been asking. yeah I've asked on here several times for like short and stout dead or not that Wolverine and just seeing that I was like, oh fuck, I'm wrong. You can do it shorter actor. yeah
Like Taren Egerton, Daniel Radcliffe. You can't do a comic, actually. Taren Egerton. Oh, when you try to say his name. I could not pronounce his name. Oh, no, you got comic accurate ah suit Logan like the brown suit ways like but wait, you know that when we fought the Hulk then the claws opened up and we saw the saw the Hulk which is so cool. because That's something that people have been asking for since 2000 when we first we came out there. Eric Bannon in the fight. And there's an old like flash game of that ah computer. Oh, first one. Yeah. Yeah, probably. I played it like once. I couldn't figure it. I was too young to like figure it out. Oh, and old man Logan was there.
They gave it here like she said more like a Logan like the lights old man for Logan I was expecting like blind all kind of woke up front door should kill them. Yeah, okay sucks Why it's not as cool blind. Okay going with Wolverine through the wasteland sick No, the best is the Hulk in that whole same like universe. Mm-hmm has to kill himself. So yeah, that's that's fun. It's a great guy. There's so many good comments learn to fix your shit make better product But yeah, all the different parents will bring was cool We'll just make your own stories Marvel Do this did like this wasn't from this wasn't ripped straight out of a comic book. Yeah, there's been Deadpool Yeah, can say they definitely used. Yeah other iterations of stuff, but this was insane, but like make your own store don't do you don't have to do World War Hulk? Yeah
make a close Hulk Solo movie though, but you can because Mark Ruffalo isn't that kind of Hulk, which sucks. Could've been. Could've been. Not either. Not as Professor Hulk. Yeah. Um, but yeah, what I was saying about Hugh Jackman, like all the like little scenes, like him explaining, like we learned why he has a suit on all this stuff when he lost all the X-Men cause he didn't want to be a team.

Chemistry Between Lead Actors

All those scenes were so good. They were so emotional. You can actually tell like how upset he was through these things. Yeah. I mean, I really enjoyed Hugh Jackman. Seeing him back was just... Seeing him was like, okay. Like, you know he's in it. there's When he pulled the mask on... Oh.
You came. I don't move i had a nerd gasm. No joke. I was so fucking excited. that was that All of a sudden, it was I was four years old again watching X-Men. It was like a flash of like that time. You like full on like squirmed and you i was you and you did a little like Trump thing. I did a little Trump thing. I was so excited. yeah i mean I have been waiting for this since I was definitely four years old watching the X-Men movies and just um And the joke that comes next, to he's like, Batman, we can move your neck. like there's just they The timing on Ryan Reynolds is perfect. He knows exactly when to say a joke, how to set it up, and all those things. He's just fantastic as Deadpool. Perfect. And it's just taking over his entire personality in the real world. You're watching his old movies. ah Yeah, he's always been. He's always been. But they've now just let him do it. Yeah. like
Definitely before he they had made cuts. Now they're just like, go out there, do Ryan Reynolds. yeah Be Deadpool. Be yourself. I mean, this movie was just so great. All the cameos. We see everybody. Juggernaut, Azazel. I think Psylocke was in there. um Toad. Toad was in there. I love Toad. Yeah. All the good guy cameos that that kind of work with them through the movie. Like we said earlier, they're actual characters, which was so fun to see. They're not just there for you know to make the fans happy. They're a part of the movie, which was just a really smart thing to do. like They're not just there for a couple of minutes. Dr. Strange, multiverse awareness. Great. um Yeah. I mean, it's it was just such a fun movie. It was a great time. and i think
Yeah, um the villain, I already forgot her name, Cassandra Noah. I don't think she was bad, the actress did a great job. That's what I was saying, like I just wish it was more. Yeah, Emma Corrin, is that her name? She did great, but yeah, I think you could do more. But it's also that's also a thing with those like uber, you know those Omega level mutants, the super powerful ones is like, how do you beat them? You know that they're kind of unbeatable like why in the final battle? Why didn't she just snap and kill all of them immediately? You're always gonna have those questions that like, you know, why don't the Avengers help people when yeah, they're so always come around Yeah, why spider-man saving New York the Avengers, you know, they've been off day. i guess Yeah, you see their tower in the back yeah and Speaking of Avengers at the end when they're you come he's like when you get Shwarma, did you know the Avengers found each woman?
that was That was a good little joke. i just It was such a nice movie. Everyone was like, oh, this is his introduction to join the Marvels in Nike. He's still in his world. He's still in the Fox world. Yeah, he's still in... like He's in his universe. The universe is not with them now. 10,006 or something like that. Yeah. Oh, I like to see it happy. Yeah, it's the... In Earth, six months actually. like That was the actual one that was actually happy. So who was he talking to? Who's he talking about? Is he talking about Kevin Feige? What do you mean? When he's like, when do I get to meet the big guy? He's talking about Tony Stark. Was he? Because that was still 2018, so he was still... Oh, I forgot that's what happened. I forgot, because I'm thinking Endgame came out in 2018. Yeah, but in that universe, it's 2020. It's 2024 or whatever. 2025, I think. I forgot about that. That's who it was. Yeah. Damn, that would have been cool. But yeah, no, this movie's just a good time. It's enjoyable.
it's It's kind of hard to talk about because all this a lot of the scenes are just jokes. like There's not a ton of exposition. I mean, like I said, like it's not a superhero movie. like here I mean, you care, but you know. It it is very much so. You know where the story's going to eventually go. It's a comedy. It is a comedy first. But if you love Deadpool, this does this takes the other Deadpools. As much as I still think one is my favorite Deadpool, because it's probably why I think it's the best one. Yeah. This one takes Deadpool and puts the most Comic accurate version of that character. Yeah, they let him fully go for this one. They didn't pull any punches Yes, no restraints to this movie. Yeah and the opening When he's like everyone was wondering how we're gonna handle this was such care with Logan and he just digs up the body Was such a funny. I don't know how jeans mangled. That was the thing. He was okay with them doing I
Did Mangle turn off on it? Yeah. You said it was OK? Hugh Jackman asked him if it was OK. That's funny. So I guess because it's not really that he doesn't know. Yeah. And he used his body to kill the TV. So funny. It was perfect. Because he just says, I'm disrespecting this course. It's fine. I mean, where is his hand? Yeah. It falls. So funny. And he gets stuck in the dude. So good. Have you seen who have been doing the dance now? In my Deadpool cosplay. Really? Yeah, with the hands behind their back. That's great. Dude, Ryan Brown, that man can dance. And now we see him what, dude? I don't think it was him dancing. Ah! What the fuck was that? I'm a spider. That was a bug on my back. Why would it have been Ryan Brown dancing? Because he didn't dance the other ones. He had like hired somebody to dance for him. Oh, but he danced. But now he knows how to dance. Maybe.
with um What's the movie The Wolf Arrow? Oh my god, was that a tick? Did you get a tick? I may have had a tick on my back. You're gonna have to check me for a bullseye. What was that? I apologize. If the tick bit me and I get Lyme disease, that would suck. Oh, don't die. Shit. Well, now we gotta to burn that thing. This is it actually a dick. I think it might have been. Well, we'll be back. We have some technical difficulties to deal with. Welcome back, everyone. This is, uh... This is part two... This is part two of our Deadpool review. I guess we're just coming back. You guys even noticed there's like a difference in time or anything like that. But, uh, yeah, so Ryan got bit by a dick.
We're recording our review last time. You didn't get Lyme disease. I've been feeling super achy and tired and overall there's a big like red bull's eye on my back. Other than that, I'm doing pretty good. um I don't think I got Lyme disease because it was a dog tick. So my dog's probably gonna die this week, but other than that, not bad. Not bad. We're back. It's been like five days since we tried recording this and you know, we were late for the Phillies game. So we had to, we had to call it off. Um, Philly's got the dub. Thank God. Finally. I mean, it was one, at least we won a game. I'm just happy we won one. Now we lost four in a row after that, but, um,
This is unbearable. The purify's so confused they're like, why are they talking about the fillies? They're in the middle of talking about Deadpool. Yeah. Now, we had to pause it. is I did check where we were in the video, just so. OK. All right, then you lead off, because i don't I don't remember what we were talking about. Yeah, we were we're at the 40-minute mark, and we had late just started talking about the Deadpool dancing, which you were telling me that Deadpool is not dancing, and you were right. No, no I was right. Yep. And yeah, the guy that guy's getting a lot of traction all of a sudden. It's good for him. He's getting some good ah publicity. And they he released his audition and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, intro to this movie.
The best intro in a Marvel movie. I'm pretty sure we talked about that already. And we've talked about a lot of it. We were really at the end of the episode. We were kind of just... Yeah, we were kind of winding down. Now we got to finish this. What if we just record like three minutes and they're like, all right, that's it. We can do that. No, we can do like 10 more. What else are we going to talk about? We're probably going to repeat half the sentences that we already said. I don't know. It's been too long. I don't remember anymore. We could just do this as like an outro to the video. We could just do this as an outro. Yeah, I think I could talk about some of the cameos that I figured out. Not that I figured out, that I saw from like all the all the Deadpools. Oh, yeah, like Paul Mullen. Yeah, Paul Mullen was Rexxum. He's that. He's every fucking work. Paul Mullen.
Yeah, good job. That guy. We watched that. And Blake Lively was Lady Deadpool. McConaughey was Cowboy Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds was Kid Deadpool. And Baby Deadpool. And he was Baby Deadpool. Yup. Yup. Now there's some really good ones. That's all I remember. Yeah, there were some good ones. It was a good time. Rob McElhenney's cameo was cut from the final cut of the

Theater Experience and Rewatchability

movie. Yup. It was the one in the trailer when the thing grabs and he goes, Yeah. Yeah. He was supposed to be a TVA agent in the, in the void. How does that even happen? And they cut that. I don't know, man. Probably just like an accident. And he was like, Oh, I gotta to get home. I'm not supposed to be here. I mean, it is nice so funny that he, that it got cut and they even said it in Rexham. Ryan Reynolds was like, are are we going to tell him that we cut his bar yet?
This movie was a lot of fun and there's already so much discourse about it and I will say one little like final negative I just kind of want to put out there is that you definitely have to see this movie in the theater within these first three weeks of being out my opinion because I don't know how well this movie holds up once you watch it at home now knowing everything that happens. I've been thinking about this. I mean, yeah, well, that's the thing with any, like, we talked about this the first time too. Like, it's kind of the same thing with any comic book movie, not comic book movie, any comedy movie, or movie that's like really heavily relies on cameos and shock value and stuff like that. Once you know what's coming, it's it's not surprising anymore. So you're not going to get called off guard. You're not going to be like, oh man, there's, there's you know, Jan and Tatum.
Wesley Snipes and all that shit. It's a you know it's not gonna hit the same. So yeah, see it in theaters with people who are gonna laugh with you and it just makes it more fun. But you know I don't think, because what we were talking about earlier, by earlier, I mean four fucking days ago, um is if it will hold up on like later watches if you watch it again. And I think, yeah, it can. But just like any other comedy, like you're gonna kinda know what jokes are coming. You're gonna know what part of the movie you're at, what happens afterwards, how everything ends up. But I still don't think that takes away from the movie because you know you see movies the first time. I don't think a movie being rewatchable makes it better. I think that there's a lot of great movies that aren't very rewatchable because you know what's going to happen. um I also think there's a lot of shitty movies that are really rewatchable like Batman and Robin because it's just funny, but it's a dog shit movie. Yeah, sure. Amazing Spider-Man 2 that you have on a background for some God-forsaken reason.
Um, yeah, I don't think rewatchability makes a movie good. I think, you know, good movies are more often than not rewatchable, but I don't think it's a make or break thing for any type of movie. No, and I don't mean it just as like rewatchable. I mean, is the movie good enough to stand on its own legs outside of the cameos and first time jokes? Yeah. I mean, I hope it is. I hope I watch it. I think so. I still find it funny and enjoyable. Yeah, totally. I mean, you will have to wait and see. and it's you know It's up to you. It's personal preference. It's just how you're feeling.
yeah Yeah, I mean, no way home still hits for me at home, seeing them all show up for the first time. Yeah, except for that. I will say this movie did not have like, when they're I knew they're gonna be cameo. So I like took a mental note to see if there are any like pause breaks like in Spider-Man. There are not there are jokes that I missed because people were laughing too loud. They're like, or like the cameos came in people were like, oh my god, it's Wesley Snipes. And I didn't hear the next joke like this, you know, doesn't have a joke with him. I don't really remember what it was, but like we can't say it on the podcast. I didn't think. Oh, well, he says he says in the one word. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot about that. Very funny. Not that range, but the other that and but this word. Yeah.
They, um, that was really funny. They, especially them coming was this nice comeback, especially with all the quote unquote beef that they had in blade tranny, which, uh, Wesley Snipes said that they crushed Lee two years after blade three. Yeah. They said it was never, never really. Yeah. Never even like a real... It was probably just like that beat that people get into when they do these kind of movies. Especially when it's a shit movie. like when you're stuck with some guy for... ah I don't even know, like four months or so probably shooting this. You just get tired of people, and you're like, this guy is so fucking annoying. this You go from Van Wyler to this bullshit. Get the fuck out of here, you know? Hey, you watch your goddamn mouth. Van Wyler is a masterpiece. I understand that.
I'm just saying. I i watched Van Wilder, I was like 9. That's aggressive. My cousin showed me. You also watched 7 when you were like 6 or Saving Private Ryan when you were 5. Your parents did not. No, no my father. yeah okay My mother did not know these things when they were happening. That's all I really have to say about that because I was watching through most of it and I and got all of my points across really. And we were really genuinely like at the end.
So yeah, we're really close our thoughts and it was just more to like let you guys know Ryan's not dead and kind of like finish our thoughts So just didn't end with Ryan be like you gotta check me for a bullseye. I'm like, okay, we'll be back I did yelp a little bit. That was kind of embarrassing, but I Was just I was very startled by finding a tick on my bed. but You were startled watching the video very star I don't know. I don't like talk. Yeah, you know, I don't like bugs and ticks ticks freaked me out There's a kid on my soccer team. They got Lyme disease when I was a kid and and he couldn't play soccer anymore I've always been freaked out because I'm like I don't I don't want to you know I don't want have to stop playing sports not that I play any sports. I'm gonna say you don't really Play sports, but yeah, but if I get Lyme disease no more baseball videos probably Maybe if it's that bad he's got still in the bucket now Just yeah, uh-huh perfect, but yeah, those are my ah thoughts on Deadpool Do you have any thoughts you want to add?
um I mean, yeah, Tommy's right. Go see this in the theater. It's it's just a better experience when you're when you're able to watch it with people who will laugh with you. It just it makes it funnier. It makes it better. um yeah do Do your best to go see this in theaters. I'm not going to say this is a movie that needs IMAX or anything. ah it's It's really not. But if you can see it in IMAX, then you know go ahead. um Stop watching that bullshit.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Anyways, Deadpool 3 lived up to the hype in my opinion. It was a very, very good movie, a very fun movie. I mean, everybody did a great job. Hugh Jackman coming back. Didn't didn't miss a beat. It felt, you know, it was a great comeback. It didn't feel disrespectful at all. You know, Ryan Reynolds just is Deadpool at this point. Everybody did a great job. So I thought the movie lived up to the hype in my opinion. And I really, like really, really liked the first two Deadpool movies. So i was I was happy with it.
I'm in agreement. I think it lived up to... I mean I don't know if it reached the quality I thought it was gonna get. Like I thought... How do I word this? It was a very good superhero movie. I think I was expecting more out of the actual like... filmmaking aspect may be a little bit more something that but all in all i mean it's still very super enjoyable and a lot of fun ryan riles as you said is is deadpool huge action is wolverine canada thing all landed for me and i think it is so super enjoy when i think if you love that we love wolverine if you love that fox era you're gonna love this movie you can have the same the style to feeling i had sinned throughout it but again that could change my watch it again hopefully i enjoyed maybe a little bit more now knowing what's coming and kind of just
Gonna sit with it a little bit more this time and not have you laughing when I'm trying to just kind of concentrate Yeah, and I think that the filmmaking aspect like yeah this none of the shots are gonna blow you away in this movie But other stuff like the costumes are fantastic. The Deadpool suit is incredible with Wolverine suits great the gambit suit is like Accurate for some reason like they just didn't have to do that, but they did it just ah like A lot of like the classic filmmaking stuff that we would look at, like the you know the sound and the the shots and the cine like all that shit, that's not going to blow you away, but a lot of like the stuff you don't really notice because it just goes over your head. It was pretty good. I think the one thing that it was really lacking in was the set design. I thought it was just really basic, especially in the void, which like it it makes sense for the void. It's called the void. you know it's It's going to be a little barren, but I thought also having you know
different helicopters in the background and all sorts of stuff. you know They ride in on like a fantastic Ford Mobile. The 20th Century Fox logo is in the ground. There's some really fun stuff that you can look at and see. The 20th Century Fox logo made me laugh. ah yeah that and That was like the first thing we all got, like a set image of. yeah Which is funny because if you think about it, it means that 20th Century Fox That logo was somewhere in the MCU at some point, and they were like, now this has to go. This is a bad timeline. This has to go. The thing that doesn't exist anywhere in our world. They're like, this had this you can't build this.
Yeah, that is true. Just to reinvent the endgame, Fox Studios is just out there. ah um what' i go say oh One little thing I did mean to mention is that supposedly, I don't know if this is 100% confirmed, but it's been on a lot of pages, so I'm just going to say it's a rumor, ah that the universe that we see at the end of Marvel's and the post-credits scene is the universe that Deadpool and Wolverine are in. Oh. That'd be interesting. CGI beast. Shit. Oh. And um and not Storm. Interesting. I told you it wasn't Storm from the beginning. He didn't listen. What is it? Phasma?
phasma Is that what it is? Is that somebody else? Captain phasmo the hell is that thanks yeah put a captain in there no that's's it no yeah it's maria rambow because monni is the one with captain um um that movie sucked but are you looking up captain fasma now shake out the assma yeah you sound like Yeah, that's from Star Wars. Yeah, I i couldn't think of who Captain Phasma was. I was just making sure that is a real character from something. I think Phasma or Phase or some bullshit like that. I don't know. Maybe we'll look it up. Probably never gonna see that again. No, we're not. So I don't think. Fission. Fusion? Wait. Sorry. Oh, just got a Teemu discount. Oh.
I kind of want your information so bad. But yeah, moving on from Deadpool though. Ryan, what's your recommendation of the week for everyone? I got to be honest. I really, really thought of one earlier and now I cannot remember it. I really add one. Binary. That's the character name, right? That's what it is. Binary. Yep, sounds like it. Debut 1982's X-Men, Uncanny X-Men. That's where Wolverine's on the cross.
Is it? Yeah, there's the poster for Uncanny X-Men. Very, very good comic run. Is it X-Men? Is it 164 though? No, it's not. I think there's only one Uncanny X-Men. Okay, yeah. Volume one, issue 164.
There's over 160 something issues with this. It's a great poster. I was so excited seeing Uncanny Wolverine. Very cool. Great. It's not you. We're just going in a different direction. yeah Fucking skulls on the ground. ah Let's see. what do what What do I want to recommend? um Oh, I started watching Shogun. Oh, no. That really affects Shogun. Yeah, I got through the first episode. It's very good. A lot of reading. but that's very understandable and I'm glad they went for it. You know, I'm glad it's not just English all the way through because you know, it makes sense. I do love that. Like, I don't know the historical accurate. I assume it's very accurate because that's what people were saying, but I love how they all think English is just Portuguese. So they're like, do you say no, I just kind of funny. I think I'm on episode three. I gotta get back into it.
So I watched episode one. I haven't started Cobra Kai yet. I'm on episode three of the four of The Bear. yeah Three is Shogun. I'm struggling right now. Yeah, I gotta i gotta watch more stuff too. It's the hole that One Tree Hell has on me right now. what What else did you put on now? You put on something, Fox. No, I didn't. X-Men Origins. X-Men Origins Wolverine. No. I'm gonna recommend the movie I have on in the background right now. And we got to tear down we got to see a character from this movie's show off. You fucking piece of shit. God dammit. This is Daredevil. Sorry, Ben Affleck, 2004. Great movie. Highly underrated. Shot on the throat. Well, not this cut. Don't ever watch the PG-13 version. Go get the director's cuts. Rated R. So much better.
They cut a couple of the scenes from this one as well. Great, yeah. Yeah, go watch it. What's the line? He's like, you see that light? That's not God. That's the C train. Yeah, that's one of the best lines of the line. I love that scene. It's so fucking stupid. Oh my God. Yeah, he's like, because he's like, don't follow lights. And it's not heaven. It's the C station train. And he just lets the dude get hit. It's so dumb. There don't kill people such a dumb line. No, I don't care about the killing people. I'm saying the line is so fucking stupid You know, it's a great line a daredevil thing when punishers Hasn't captured on the roof in the show and they let me says like the only difference between you and me is a bad day Yeah, there's a great line Did I didn't realize he was coming back for Deadpool? Was it reborn or what is it called? You know reborn? Oh
Yeah, that's what I meant. Did I say that? Oh, yeah. Whoops. Are you talking about Bernthal? Yeah, I didn't. I genuinely forgot. I just forgot. I forgot. And then I saw a set photo and I'm like, ooh, he looks bold. Yeah, was the was it the one where Tim and Daredevil walking together? Yeah. Yeah, it's a cool picture. Yeah. Thank god they got rid of that bullshit yellow suit. Oh, they got rid of that stupid suit from Netflix, too. Oh my god. That was a good suit. I don't want to hear it with this fucking suit. This suit is a thousand times better. It's not a bad suit, but it's not better than the Netflix one. The Netflix one is so cool, though. But this is comic accurate. Okay, fucking Robert Pattinson's suit isn't comic accurate, but you love that. Yes, it is. Well, yes, it is. Okay.
There's numerous suits that look like that. What obscure comic? Yeah, of course. Because there's like an Arkham City. it looked It looks like the Arkham Asylum. No, the Arkham City suit. That's really what it looks like. This was shortened years. Up to you. It's up to your interpretation, Tom. I don't know why we're still recording. We already did. We were going to do like three minutes. Now we're at 17. We're at 18 now. This is incredible. Yeah, thank you guys so much for tuning into this week's episode. Our next episode will be our review of the penultimate episode of House of the Dragon. And then after that, we'll be reviewing, hopefully, Ryan will do a- The singular- The sixth and seventh episode of House of the Dragon. No. We were fucked up and didn't do that. I thought we did do six. No. Oh, no. Okay. Did I ever watch- Yeah, we're gonna do six and seven.
You're not watching that tonight. No, I watched seven. I don't know if i want I had to watch six. But did you? There's no way you skipped six. There's no way. um But yeah, thank you guys so much for tuning in. Make sure to continue following all of our socials. And yeah, we will see you in the next week's episode. All right. Check for ticks. What? I said check for ticks. Check for ticks.