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Episode 153: "The Penguin" Episode 7 Review!! image

Episode 153: "The Penguin" Episode 7 Review!!

S8 E153 ยท The Popcorn Podcast
47 Plays4 months ago

This week on the show the boys review episode 7 of "The Penguin"! This episode was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast recording it! We hope you all enjoy it and we will talk to you later!!

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Lastly, thanks to our editors Colin Gallagher & Carson Stienstra for making this show happen!

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Egg Preferences and Kitchen Mishaps

We are discussing eggs. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled scrambled. Yeah, bitch. Well, no, cuz like my eggs make my like stomach hurt. Yeah. Yeah, I don't like that. Okay. I like runny eggs. We were just saying before runny eggs by themselves are gross. Like if you're just eating eggs alone, runny eggs kind of gross. If you got some like a bagel or some scoop it up. Fantastic. Big egg guy. I like eggs. I've been on opening up injuries home.
I tried making oatmeal the other day, I put in too much water and it fucking exploded all over the microwave.

Podcast Reintroduction and Upcoming Topics

I was like, I was so excited. And then just all over. That's horrible. First off, that I can just imagine your face looking into the microwave. God damn it. Fuck. Do you have any gum?
Right now? yeah No, do you throw up or something? No. Why do you just need gum? I don't want gum. No, I don't have it. I'm going to see if there's any gum in there. Do the intro. Okay. Welcome back, everyone, to the Five Groom podcast. I'm Tommy Carista, and that was my co-host, Tony Gallopin left. But yeah, we're here to talk about the penguin. I know that we haven't done a couple episode episodes in a couple of days, a couple of weeks, but we're back and we're going to fix it.

Speculations on Penguin Series and Batman's Role

Well, yeah, so we're here to talk about the penangling. And before we get into that, I actually want to talk to you about something. Oh, me? I rewatched cinema, right? I raised my score on letterbox. That's ridiculous. Connor Callback loved it.
Why? It flew by the second thought. Really? Bedroom scene. Forgot how long that shit was. Yeah, it's terrifying. He was covering myself with a pillow. quite Terrified. But yeah, I raised it to a three and a half till four. Wow. I love that movie. I did find gum by the way. I can tell. Can you hear me chewing? What are you doing? Can you hear me chewing in the mic? Yeah. Okay, good. I was going on here to find the news.
Gotcha. Yeah, I hope I don't chew it in the mic. That would that be kind of gross. But um yeah, do you want to tell the people why we haven't been reviewing the penguin? So I wasn't watching.
The show that I was like, it's okay, but I'm not like super hooked yet. I got hooked and I've been watching it every week. And this guy was like, it's amazing. And he hasn't, he just didn't watch it until this week. I did not say it was amazing. It's very good. It is very good. That's how I still feel. Like it's, it is very good. And I am hope now, like I want to see what happens, especially now that I thought it was going to be 10 episodes. I didn't realize it was eight. yeah So I'm excited for the finale.
I feel like he's gonna show up. Batman's gonna just pop in. No, I feel like it's gonna be the end and like Oz is gonna win and he's gonna be like about to kill Sofia. And then Sofia is like, who the fuck is that? And you just hear, bu bum, bum, bum, bum. It's gonna be at the end. And Penguin's gonna hit her, it's the bat. That'd be nice. And that just ends. Yeah. Yeah, that's it.
Uh, cause that is something we gotta talk about is I've seen so many people talking about it. Like why is Batman not showing up? Cause this is, I thought it was going to be like very underground stuff. Like, you know, there's no reason for him to find out. But as we see, especially in this episode, some pretty wild shit happened. How was he not getting involved? Well, he might, he might affect the movie. Cool. Yeah, it might drop. Well, yeah.
But, um, I think he will, they might hint at him being, I don't think you're going to see the suit or anything. Yeah, no, that's, I mean, that's what I was thinking the whole time is like, people are going to mention, like, we got to go on the ground, the bachelor looking for us, but.
It would be nice if the season ends with the music by. Yeah, it's just it's just such a cool thing. I mean, it would have been a cool thing to just have him like every once in a while. They mentioned like the bats looking for us. You just like, you know, I mean, it's the basis for the beginning of the movie is just everybody's worried about he's looking over their shoulder like it's you know, it's fear is his main weapon. So it would have been cool to kind of see that through this show. But at the same time, you don't need it. So I'm not upset. He hasn't been.
talked about at all in the show, but at the same time, it it would have been cool. Yeah, like I mean, I love Batman. Of course, I want to see him because it's going to be a long time until the movie comes out. Yeah. But I feel like that's the point that I'm every they don't want to ever feel like it's Batman's story. And then we're seeing penguins. I like this thing. This is penguins story. This is his thing. And I feel like Batman might be more important than he's been dealing with right now.
Maybe. He said he's flooded. Yeah, it's pretty fucked up. Lots of people are dead. Prime says running rampant. Yeah. right you know he's like cut fuckba lot of comes out of a few yeah and He's probably still investigating because like the the basis of this trilogy that it's going to be is like the political

Film and Series Reviews: Recent and Upcoming

corruption. So I'm sure he's more so looking into that. And we do see some more of that in episode six. Yeah, Senator.
Council. Council wouldn't be a senator. That's that's a big deal. That's a big deal. Being a senator. Speaking of senator, have they said what state this Gotham is in? I don't think they have. Is it in Jersey? Okay. All right. That makes sense. It's the only time I remember them saying it was a joke or two. They said it was in the state of New York. Yeah. Yeah. The light doesn't work. Maybe you shut the fuck up.
see what you joe and you not him It an interruption from my father. Very nice. But I wasn't gonna say, fuck, I lost my chance. Oh, before we talk more about the penguin, I want to talk about the noobs. So first of all, Steven Sutterberg's new film is i've actually going to release date, January 17. It's called Presence. It's a ghost film. But it looks really cool. Cool. See, I won't post it. Cool. That's pretty cool. and like a you be like Wow. Nice. Did Um Heretic come out yet? I said that today. I'm down to see that.
Really? Yeah. I do have work today. I'll see you tomorrow. Today. I'll see you twice. Wait. Okay. I always want Terrifier again. Terrifier 3. Why? Was that your fourth time? Second. Okay. It was so much harder to watch this stuff. Great. I didn't know what was going to happen. Yeah. But yeah, that was scary. Outer Banks season four, part two was officially streaming on November 7th. Started watching part one.
It came out. Shit. Dude, I have no idea. But it's going to end with season five. It's going to be the final season of the show. Yeah. We've got a poster for a neon thing from the end, starring Tilda Swinton and George McKay. Keira Knightley has a new spy series coming out called Black Bells. It's six episodes. It debuts on December 5th. Looks kind of trash.
Uh-huh. Godzilla Minus One is now officially the highest rated Godzilla film with a number of reviews here. Sweet. And he's also the director of Godzilla Minus One is confirmed that there will be a sequel. And he's also known Kevin Feige. Yeah. Godzilla versus Ant-Man. That's what I want. That'd be sweet. Uh-huh.
I love the more out of banks, don't care about debt, don't care about that. Oh, I didn't see them through. First reviews have come in to 94%. Of course it is. Fucking love that. It's the greatest film series of all time.
ah then um We got an exclusive clip from Honora, the new film, which is getting helmed as the best movie of the year. Yep. I do have to see it. I really want to see it. Although I will say,
Kind of like old news at this point. I have a feeling. Comes out December 20th. The Brutalist. That teaser, that teaser that came out? Yeah, that came out like two weeks ago. We just haven't talked about it. That movie. If it's bad, I'm going to be very, very fucking sad.

TV Series Updates and Future Expectations

I'm not a Asian. Why? He's a dick. Is he? He's a great actor. He's a piece of shit. He's a great actor. He did one good movie. To Peaky Blinders.
fucking really cool. It's not a movie, but it's just pure rule of cool. Just is he rules and big blinders? Yeah, rule. Yeah. Yeah, the brutalist. It looks better. We fucking good. It looks awesome. Just the score in that little teaser. Oh, so goddamn good.
Yeah, predators. No, predators. No, I think it's just predators. Your boy did. Shane Black. Oh, yeah. Directed it. He's also in the first one. He's in the first one. Shane Black helped write it, yeah. Oh, yeah. Pretty sure. Yeah, and then he was one of the, he was like the first guy that dies yeah because he was like the only not jacked guy and they were like, fucking kill of this guy. life yeah Heretic is certified fresher than 96% with 90 critical reviews. I'm so excited to see Heretic. I love you. I've heard it's really good. like I haven't seen any more recent trailers, but I remember the first trailer that came out. So cool. It was pretty cool, but I was kind of like, what the fuck is what is this movie? a bat like This is a horror movie? It's about women. We're all religion.
ah no greatest most prize teaser for the and that doubt dixon season three ah dyes That's just three already? I really want wanna to watch it because I love Norman Reedus. Today, not today. Three days ago was Matthew McConaughey's birthday. Don't really care. Horns down, bitch. Horns down. Horns up, Dave. Ohio State fan.
I wish you maybe weren't wrong. Just throwing out all of it. You have no allegiance. Um, so the weekly prize was from the past weekend. What do you think the top three films were? Was Wild Robot number one? Number two. All right. 7.5 mil. The fuck else is out right now? The one movie is like a big name franchise.
Because they both franchises. I don't even, I don't, I don't even remember. ah Number three is Smile 2, 6.8 million. Number one, $26 million, Venom the Last Dance. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that piece of shit. I don't want to watch it. Neither do I. I still haven't seen the second one. I don't have much interest. It's the same one I always say with that movie. It's a Venom, let there be some property damage. I hate that movie.
yeah um we if you know so No, wasn't it wasn't because you didn't see it. It was Nicky. That's very weird. Holy shit. Uh, the best Christmas pageant ever is certified fresh and a hundred percent on the popcorn meter for Audience Wars. I hate that news, Audience Wars. Uh, the horror sequel, The Blackfone 2 has officially started production and is set to release the hit theaters October 17th of 2025. Sweet. Why the fuck are they making a sequel? I don't know. Is it going to be, maybe it's going to be a prequel? I don't know. Maybe.
Cause yeah, I had no idea what they're going to do. Maybe it's just more ghosts. Maybe he's a ghost now. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe there's like, you know, the phone just appears in the kid's room and he's like, ah God damn it. To kill a ghost now. Uh, we got our first special little teaser of stranger things. It didn't show them except play the music and show the episode titles. Episode titles go as the follow, the crawl, the vanishing of nothing.
Uh, the 12 boat hasn't been revealed yet. Yeah, I think it's gonna be Holly Wheeler.

Penguin Series Analysis: Key Events and Tensions

The daughter, the little girl. The, wait, which one was that? Stacy's, uh, Nancy's sister. I forgot about her. Yeah, I think she's going to be here. All right. Uh, the term of a trap, sorcerer, shock jock, which I have a feeling that's enough so someone dies in. Cause shock jocks are like loud. Okay. Uh, after that, it goes escape from handss um I think there's something to do with Dungeon and Dragon. Probably Russian thing. I was thinking. The bridge and finally the right side off. Yeah. I'm pumped for season five. 1987. Yeah. And they said all these episodes are like an hour and a half, two hours long. Yeah, they said just filming movies. Yeah, it's like eight movies. That's pretty cool. So I'm pumped for this for this season.
I mean, Stranger Things has been a consistently pretty good show. I know a lot of people didn't totally enjoy season three, but then season four brought it right back. like season looks I figured what two was. I didn't even watch the story. Really? Yeah, I only watched it because I don't watch four so much. Yeah. And I was like, oh, fuck, yes I guess I gotta watch the show. Yeah. I mean, the thing with Stranger Things is that season one will probably always be the best because it was the only season that's actually scary because you don't know what's going on. like I found four the scary and the best.
I mean, I think season four has like the best action and like production because they finally just when i just threw a fucking blank check at him. But um yeah, I think season one is always going to be the best because cool it was when you're still figuring things out. And, you know, now that you kind of understand the upside down, not understand it, there's still like mystery there, but you kind of get like what's in it.
just now at the end of four year Yeah, it's it's turned into much more of like an action espionage adventure show than a horror show. But I think it's made that, you know, that turn very well. I think they've done a really good job. don think they did very much tune three Yeah, they still tried to make it horror, but it wasn't as scary because you kind of you understand it. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, season one is fantastic, though. And it's it's been it's been good. Season four was probably the second best season. but So I loved four and five times.
Mm-hmm Yeah, that's all the news I have all right went through now gets time to talk about anyway So the way we're gonna do this is that we are going to do a quick little breakdown there is that we skip and work you so Yeah, don'ts review though I think we did one and two that there's no way that we I'm pretty sure we did one and two You can You look it up now. We should have done this before. I should. Penguin episode. I'm going to look up the episodes so we know what it's all about. Penguin episode two. And that is it. Yep. Wow. OK. Let me pull up the episodes.
I mean, we can probably just talk about like, I mean, you watched it yesterday, so you probably remember better than me. Yeah. just Just talk about it blending together and then we'll talk about episode seven because we just watched seven. So this is going to be a general recap of three through six. Yeah. And then we'll talk about episode seven because we just watched that one.
Oh, I really, I did see three. Like I don't really see him. He just didn't do a thought about it. Gotcha. That's when they're just making the trades and then Vic's pretty much giving me options and he can leave. Yeah. And go leave with his girlfriend, which I thought was a really good scene. Yeah. It was good. He was giving him an option. It is up to him. Yeah, yeah. Oz does let, he's like, all right, whatever. But I, I mean, I didn't even get, like, you know, like, Vic's not gonna leave because the show, but the same time I was like, oh, he's not leaving because he, he doesn't want to save, he loves this life. Yeah. He loves the idea. What are you doing?
adjusting the clasps on your pants. What? It looks like you're going to fix my pants. I was like, what is this going to do? um But yeah, it was really important to watch him kind of have the battle with this decision. Is he going to leave to say, is Oz going to be trying to leave him? Yeah. And I think he's using Oz as an excuse of why he has to stay.
and He's like, oh no, he'll kill me. You know, he's not going though. He actually doesn't care for Vic and he doesn't like Vic. Yeah. This was the episode that they gave us. This was like Vic's episode. We saw like his kind of recap of him during the floods and stuff, which I thought was very good. and um yeah it worked yeah Yeah. We also meet Squid in the beginning. He's a fucking dick.
squidnet Yeah, he's in like the beginning and he's like, and Vic is like, God damn it. Why is he here? Um, yeah. The three main falls out Sophia and Vic separately, but it follows those who kind of figuring out how they can get the bliss out there. Is that when they're at the club? Yeah. Yeah. That helps them sell. Yeah. And then he drops it. He has the PTSD attack. And then the end of the episode is.
that comes back with some vengeance. Yeah. typess of smoke car That's what I said. He got hit pretty fucking hard. That's what I said. But people were like, oh, he has his first kill. I was like, no. His second.
I mean, he could have lived, he could have. But I mean, people say it was his first kill when he killed, I mean, whatever. The episode's already, you you know, there's a next episode out. When he killed Squid, it was much more like personal, like he watched him die. Yeah, so that that was probably like a more meaningful like first kill because if he did kill the guy with the car,
He still killed him, but he also got out of there fast. He didn't get to see it. He fucking shots with like five feet away and watched him bleed. That probably was much more impactful. yeah Not for squid, I could care out to eat diet. I was going to use a dick. I felt bad for Vic. But yeah, so we watched them. Oz is going to start to make moves in the tent to take control of the Gotham drug trade with the New Drug Blitz. ah We'll see Vic with his girlfriend as I was saying. And he's kind of come to this decision. If he's going to leave town with her, start a new life for her, she's going to stay and help Oz. And he mentioned doesn't make that a sin to stay with Oz just in the nick of time as Oz is then confronted with Sophia by the warriors. And Vic shows up in full.
Well, man, fashion just smokes the dude with the car, crushes him between the other car. So leave Sophia, odds get in, they should drive away. Yeah. I mean, it it was, dude, that, that stare that Sophia gives him too, when, uh, I forget the, Maroni's wife's name, but, um, so I mean, she has a name, but I don't remember it. one Sorry. Um, she was great, but you yeah yeah, was, she got her come up with. Yeah. Well, I didn't know that at all.
Not really. I was like, you deserve this. Why are you bouncing? I'm shaking my leg. Just stimming? Yeah. That's stare that Sofia gives Oz when Moroni just tells him that he's been playing both sides. o Man, she's scary. like yeah um yeah That was a good episode. I think you know all these episodes have been pretty consistent in their um in their quality, which is good, because it's just been a good show overall. But then we get to episode four, which is, I think... I think it's the best episode. Yeah. I think it was the standout for being the closest thing to a solo episode, because it's just Sofia's backstory. Yeah, obviously in the episode, isn't it? Yeah. Well, he's in it a little bit, because he was just driving. I met my own day, because Vic doesn't show up.
um Yeah, so that just because it was like ah a flashback episode, it kind of stands out a little more and it was a great episode. People were saying it was the best episode of the show when it came out and I can totally see why.
um because it just, it stands out the most. And it was a damn good episode. It was fucking, it was scary, but, um, I know you had some problems with it because you kind of called it that she wasn't going to be the hangman to start out with. Yeah. So what were my texts? Yeah. Cause I was made a note, sing a copy and paste it. Oh yeah. Text Ryan. What the fuck? I hate shit. Why is she not the hanging? Ryan.
I mean, she is now, I like it, it makes her more sympathetic, and I like that she basically became a little father here. This shit's insane. And I really like, I think one of my favorites is that I haven't seen a ton of co-tongue work yet, and I texted you about it. I love the scene when she first was arrested, not arrested, when she's actually put in the prison. yeah And they like, wash it down. I mean, I don't know if you can say you love that scene. No, I like but yeah how nerve-wracking, terrifying. It's disgusting. Yeah, it really comes to me. I like seeing all the time like that. Yeah, when they're like washing her off and shit. in ampo Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's sad. ah The whole, but I like to not make the head doctor was cool. I like seeing Arkham. Yeah. It's just such a cool place to me. And I like that it's what it's called Arkham State Hospital. Yeah. It's not asylum. Yeah. They didn't even call it asylum. I think they did. Yeah. State Hospital. and that's State Pediatric. I don't remember.
neighbor still yeah magpie fucking scary not she got she deserved to don't if you're that creepy deserve you get yeah as what is what it is um Did you think that the girl, when she first executed, she was walking after her. I thought it was something different, but then she beats her ass. No, it was a good episode. I loved seeing, like you said, seeing Inside of Arkham was super cool. and i kind of like like They kept it very similar from the Batman. I watched like the the after the episode.
thing. um It's the same place or is it set? They just remade it like they they watched like, you know, the the design from the Batman. I mean, it's like one shot of a couple cells, but they still kept that general look of like very octagonal and on you know, it it just looks cool. Grime. Yeah, grimey disgusting. it's It's a horrible place to be. But I think that it works really well. because it loves when it do and Yeah. Yeah. um No, I think it was a really, really good episode and very good backstory for Sophia. And I love her descent into madness, into becoming the hangman. Like it, it works really well. I know you were upset that they changed it where she wasn't the hangman to begin with, but, um, totally still want to hang it she to hang it's true. Yeah. But she's effectively, yeah. because then she kind of desent it became like allzyme Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was good. But yeah, the way, the way she kind of.
turns bad. She breaks bad. it It was, it was, it was effective. It was good. getting back Yeah. It's just, it's just a phrase. I know. Dude, I think, I knew I'm no watching like the season that they're on take back. What? Like I like to watch it pretty bad. I like swiping. I'm like, yeah, I just watched two episodes of Breaking Bad on my phone. I'm actually really watching Breaking Bad. Okay. I might change my opinions. All right. Um, I think, uh,
He says, what's her name? Sophia's real name. What's her name? Sophia? Oh, Kristin Malai. Yeah, Malai. She is awesome. She's my favorite part of the show. And I think she has all my favorite like scenes. Yeah. Like scenes with her and me. Giganti yeah with the table. Yeah. She just put John down like a dog.
Yeah, I mean, it's it's awesome. because now you Yeah, you said she put Johnny down like a dog. holy fuck you put like a doll Yeah. damn Yeah. I mean, it it was really was at the end of episode four. I think it will. No, I think that was five those five. Yeah. Because then she doesn't do what she does. yeah Which she doesn't five. yeah Yeah. Yeah. Because the end of four is her gassing the house, right? Yeah. Is it? Or is that the end of five?
I think that's the end of four. Give it one second. The end of four is when they guess the family. Yeah. Five is when they kill them or the wife and son and moves the bliss factory to the underground railway. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So for when she guessed the family, I, did you like that she saved the, the niece? Yeah. Just put her in her home.
Well, she didn't do that. The cops were like, where the fuck do we bring this girl? I don't know, she didn't just take care of her. She's a little busy right now. She's not busy murdering people. Well, she wanted her she's gonna be into that to. Is she? Yeah, they came from. OK, I don't know. Yeah, I think she she let the cops take the niece because like she doesn't want her to be a part of this life. Yeah, she had kept her around. She would have been seeing this and, you know, she would have been involved in it and would have put her in danger. So I think she just kind of let the cops take her. And I don't think she wanted her to be put in a home, especially not like a home like that, where, you know, in episode seven, we'll talk about when she goes to visit her.
um Looks like the strangest thing stranger things place. all um Yeah. But I think it was, she kind of realized like it's it's kind of the best option for her because she hasn't wanted to be a part of this life. But um yeah, it was a good was a good ending for that. I love just walking around in that yellow dress with the gas mask. It's fucking creepy. She just walks into Johnny's room. like Come on, dickhead. Put some hands on Johnny. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, she is a fine woman.

Sophia's Backstory and Character Development

I love her. I love her in how many ways. It's such a different look. Yeah. Like she's so much more like that. Yeah, she's like North Jersey look. Yeah. She's also probably like 10 years younger. Like more than adorable. In Palm Springs with Jesse Eisenberg. Oh, that is her. Yeah. Yeah. Like that she has a good adorable look to her. Yeah. She's like more hard. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you're talking about. Moving on to what you said. So five has Oz.
great First of all, it has odds deciding against him. Are you laughing at me saying Jimmy Crookett? That episode opens with odds, and then it has to give you a demo of what you saw. It's a really cool shot of him with his head turns on getting set, too. And they usually have a bang bang, so the two guys get dropped in the barbershop.
Then from there, he goes to murder me in prison. And he's like, hey, you have your son? He's like, I'm not going to hurt him. I'm like, pretty much. Ozzy and Ozzy wanted to know how he can get what he wants. The police show up at the Falcon compound. They're a house. And they finally get by. That's what happened. It was cool seeing the the cops from the first season of the movie now moving into the show. And just kind of continuing the world.
Yeah. Also, I forgot to mention episode four that the cop that arrests Sofia is the one from the Batman. The guy who is at the Penguin Club. Yeah. and Yeah. That's pretty cool. Yeah. The guy who they're like, he's moon knight. He's not. He's moon knighting as a cop. Yeah. That guy, he's the one who arrests Sofia. Yeah. needs mean what a thing is going tonight and thing is a car do he batman beat that dude a was hit someone that i lost loved that minute Of course you did. So good. i know we lost monday
from there. Oh, she has to be tied up in the basement. and she's lay up until She's dead. yeah a hi dog he's Yeah. She's crazy. Love it. Just giving him hypothermia. Just throwing ice water on him. Then the conversation between Vic and Oz's mom, which was a really nice scene. We were talking about life very much. And he's saying, like oh, shes going he does this for you. All that kind of stuff.
uh, I think it was to me with the priorities that I said you can bring in guard. That's it. One inch from a pretty much. And she brings a whole squabble. Yeah, of course. And as his main right-hand thing, I forgot the guy's name. He's in like the whole scene. Yeah. They take them down. They shoot all. Yeah. Well, the shootout starts after he lights them on fucking fire. No, he shoots them first. He doesn't light them on fire yet. I don't think so. Yeah. No, I think it starts after. That was it?
Yeah. Because he lights him on fire and then, or maybe not. I don't remember. Either way. the No, they shoot out first. Okay, fine. But when he, um, he lets the sun go, he's soaking wet and it was just gasoline. And then Oz lights him on fire, which sets off the sprinkler system and then ruins all the, uh, the blessed thing. Two buckets left. Yeah. I didn't know, uh, no, I hated. How does she not know that it was gasoline?
Yeah, I was wondering now that they didn't smell it. Not as soon as they got a smile, they just really took gasoline. It's a very distinct to smell.
But oh no, I'd like to see how the drug gets destroyed. I got all those little things. Yeah. And I love how Oz just stares at him. Like he's... And he starts smiling. Yeah. It was creepy.
Because we've been waiting for that the whole series of him like, you know, he's obviously a bad dude, like episode one, he he is going to kill Vic, like he's, you know, he's not a good fucking guy. But the whole series, we see him have some humanity, especially with his mom and stuff.
like cause the pain isn't yeah worse she be he's just a gangster Yeah. And then like when he's talking to Sophia and two and three, and he's trying to be nice to her, like, you know, he's playing both sides and trying to, you know, he's slimy, but a horrible person yeah, but then, you know, as in the fall yeah, he's starting to get really, really bad. So it was cool seeing him kind of break down like that and be happy with his actions, even though they're, they're horrific. Yeah. And that we get Sophia talking with her from a therapist, uh,
I always forget the guy's act for me. He's in Sons of Anarchy. Yeah, I'm gonna have these juices, so we played in Sons of Anarchy. Sounds of anarchy. Sounds? Sons of anarchy. Sweet. And, um, you know, I'm really psyched if I it. Okay, I did. Ooh, dude. I am so sorry. I gave a little heart attack. Yeah. I gotta leave.
Oh, for class? Class of 130. Go from there, we then have the conversation between them. And from there, we go into the main hall of the faculty house. And as we, they have all the new henchmen, all the drivers who are not made men yet. And people suddenly, you're part of this new family, we met along with outcomes for the gigantes. And as she's saying this, being like, well,
she slow down and she decides to shoot him in the fucking face and his blood is all over this may just bumped out She's like, is this okay? Can I do this? And she's like fucking wherever you want, man If you say that the wrong guy doesn't get a dollar. like Really? Yeah, he's in the back. He's like trying to go, and it's all gone. And that guy gets the most. He grabs the whole thing. Yeah, I'm sure. There's just loose pills, and you just see like the blood all over it. Really good scene. Yeah. um From there, we get... Oh, we haven't seen them when they actually go to Crown Point, because they can no longer stay at Oz's apartment. Yep. Oz's mother and Vic. And that's when we see Squid again, see them going to the apartment.
I really thought there was someone who was going to come to that. Yeah, I thought he was going to follow him in. Yeah, trying to break him. It works how they bring that back. From there, we have Oz conversation with his prostitute, girlfriend, side piece thing. I don't think. It's a disrespectful thing. They have a thing. They're not dating. They have a thing. Yeah, but I wouldn't call the woman a thing. I'm not calling her a thing.
um The fucking ladybug.
Stop being a ladybug. I do. There's a ladybug driving over here. There's a ladybug in my garden. They are intense predators. on that They are absolute predators. From there, Oz gets very mad that she won't go with him, which kind of makes sense why she doesn't lay her on. Then we have Moroni's hidden hide in the water, trying to make sure he doesn't die. Yeah, after... I forgot that Oz had him stabbed. Yeah.
And no, he killed the guard. I wish they showed him, showed him kill the guard. Yeah. That was, that was a great call when he called him. He's like, thought that would work dumbass. Thanks for the keys. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
So he goes to talk to her at first. When he first goes to the house, she is not very nice to him. She tells him he's not good enough. He couldn't give her what she needed. Then we go to the station and he brings back the show where the new operation is going to be for Bliss because it's wet and it can help
That is the end of episode of the mood. Five, then we go to six, and then this episode is, despite the attempt to have him back in the corner, Oz having all the stuff destroyed, Oz is now at this, I don't know how long the time is, they don't really say how long it's been, but it's been some time in between episodes, because now it's dead later. Which is really cool to see Gotham. Yeah. now Because isn't Batman 2 taking place in the corner, right? Yeah, so this is bleeding right into that. um Also, did you not, did you think like,
He's just going to the back gate. Like, I understand they're probably in different places. But it's the same as this one, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure it is. But then like penguins in Crown Point and then the Batman's probably in, you know. When I saw them, it's like I was like, is it just going to be him riding? Yeah, it's Vic, but... Really cool, buddy. It's a big guy. He's strapped up now.
he But yeah, it's really cool to see how things are changed. He has this massive crew now. He has all the drugs, he has all the stuff. And then we see pretty much Sophia and Maria just trying to find him. No one will talk about it, no one will say what it is.
And then while the women of the night eventually assist Sophia, and it's the girl that was flirting with Nick early in the season, she sends her upstairs and you find out that the head prostitute woman that's with Oz, I still remember her name. She told the girl to do it to make it easy to send you some cash, which was a really good scene too.
She keeps asking, she wants no odds, she won't tell, but she says no. And I really liked the scene about the clothes, where she's like, are these for you or for them? and just from it like Everyone's different. She's like, sometimes it is for me. And we talked about odds, and I thought it was a really good scene between the two of them. And I really also thought it was capping her at the end. Yeah, for sure. I thought she was the whole time, but I think... um Because Sophia is looking for her the whole time. That's why the the lady sent the the main girl, the other girl down to talk to Sophia and bring her up because she knew that Sophia was looking for her. So she's like, I'll just meet her on my terms. it's easier Yeah. Why not?
um But I liked that Sophia takes petty on her because, you know, they're kind of in the same boat. Like they were kind of with Sophia and her dad. They were kind of just being taken advantage of and they were kind of being used. And then, you know, the conversation about, you know, why does Oz like this? And she's like, he just likes it with the wig. You see me like this before he didn't like it. So it was a it was a really good scene. it Really, ah both actresses were doing a fantastic job.
um Yeah, I think it it helped Sofia's character out too, because you show that it shows that she still kind of takes pity on some people. She's not fully crazy. I mean, she's fucking nuts. But she still has evil. She's crazy. yeah i evil Yeah, she's really just evil towards bad because yeah, she because I was fucked her over. I can't the episode. I thought that was the beginning. Yeah, that's the third like final act. Sure. is Yeah. It was a great scene where Mark is cooking dinner for Sophia and he talks about his family. Being very like fatherly. I love the casting of him. Oh yeah, Colonial Brown is great. He's a great choice. yeah Keyword was.
um I do like that back like that the decision making in that. That they're pretty much setting up a new era of Gotham for patterns in this new Batman. Because Falco's dead. The Falco family's gone. And now it's Oz. We're going to see the interaction between Squid and Vic. Vic's saying he can't really get on the job right now. No way that he can really interact. It's got some cash for him. Squid's being a little bit of a dick. He says you're going to take him to see Oz.
start walking, Vic whips around, shoots him in the throat. Yeah. And Vic's very sad about it. Which makes sense because he just shot and killed someone. He's never done that before. Yeah. And I like the scene with Oz where he tells him, and Oz is like, it gets easier. That's that's a fucked up thing with that. Yeah. <unk> It's tough because it, A, shows that Oz has, you know, but obviously been around and he's killed people before and he's not he's not afraid of it anymore. But it also shows that Oz is like,
He realizes Vic's not going anywhere now. its you're You're going to do this more. It's always comforting him. like you know You're not getting out of this. You're going to keep doing this, but it's going to get easier for you. It's just like like what was the part when you said things can be bad, like but then there's lines like that that are just people have had to experience things and not the average person has to do. Yeah. There's a scene where Oz's mother is stuck in a bathtub, which is really sad.
And I like that she's pretty much saying, I don't want to live like this. like If I get to that point, please. Kill me. Yeah. Very sad. I thought she was going to dislike her. I've grown to like her a lot more. Yeah. Because I like the like whole point of her story. I mean, she's been fantastic. like She's just really, really, really good. um And it's been a great you know like kind of balancing point for Oz to kind of go back and have to deal with this and be a little bit more soft. Even as Mom talks down, yeah like he just has to deal with it from everyone. There's a really good steam between the councilman and Penguin or Oz. Dude, that looked like it hurt so bad. Yeah. Squeezing everything.
oh Oh, he's like, it was he's like, let me see a tie. I thought he was going to clean up his blood, all of the guys. there for he swipes his backgainst And so again, it's very Sopranos-esque, which I think we talked about in the first episode. from I feel like it kind of deviated. A little bit. yeah Like more like, it found like,
Like my stuff is all going yeah, but it went more like story. Yeah, then the scene with the cards backing out he got more yeah ah like that was that was this that was guys little one right there But still like that they still can find these moments of like It's not yet it's like kind a normally funny idea. Mm-hmm. Just gonna odds is so Jersey and makes it so much better Yeah, yeah but yeah thought that was a really well done scene from there. That's when she has the conversation with the head prostitute and I think she's a prostitute.
I mean, yeah. Me, sure. Pretty much. I don't know if she's having sex with these people. strickping Well, she might not be, but she's, you know, in charge. She's the madam. She's the chair. I think that's what they call it. I don't like the head prostitute. I've never used the word. Are you sure? Yeah, I swear. From there, what happened? that Oh, they talked about the drugs and how well things have been going. Austin has all like the small families meet together. Very frat-like scene. It looked like, I missed like a line dialogue with the exchange of beer. It looks like the sparkling waters I drank. I was like, are they drinking sparkling fucking water? And then it just like happened. I'm like, that would be a weird take. But yeah, I really liked that scene. It was so different.
It's a little hokey. Like, it's not something I think is going to happen. Yeah. But it's a comic book. I can let those things live because I can like visualize it happen yeah and in series or something. Yeah. And it it was also cool seeing like, you know, because Oz can't do this by himself. He needs those smaller families to come and help him because, you know, he's going out against fire, which is a huge family. Well, yeah. And now the Gigantes and the Morones are still coming after him who were the two biggest families. So yeah, he needs the help. And I love the scene where he's talking to the ah the Irish dudes and he's like, you built these bridges and they won't let you cross them. That was a great part of the scene. They don't give you, they don't give you the respect. They don't give you the name. They don't give you. Yeah. yeah
And that after that scene is the final scene of the episode in which Vic and Oz's mom are at the apartment now which hadn't had power and Oz now got the power turned back on because of the counselor.

Anticipating Penguin Series Climax

And we see a really nice scene where they dance together and it slowly pans out and we see Sophia standing at the crowbar. yeah what could And that is the end of episode six. Now going into our actual view, this is episode seven which is Top Hat.
top hat to Kenny, please put on a top hat and a monocle just wants like a joke for yeah it could be like holiday costume. Yeah. I'm so down. I forgot about that show. It it should be fun. Does it start the DC universe? And I mean, it's, what's it's Rick likes dad, right? Yeah. It is funny. man It's Frank Villa. Is it?
low frank grill but my that's the whole mini ah everyone please and cat that's pretty yeah He's like, listen, I know you really wanted to be Deathstroke, but we're not doing that anymore. Like, I know you got that role and you really wanted it. Is it? yeah Wait, who the fuck am I thinking of? frankk gri is one awayrilla in civil war where's like the um That's who it is. like Fuck.
Who plays Death's Trip? Joe Magna, yes. That's the one. That's the one. Got him confused. Great role in he? Yeah, you know, isn't that clip of the guy doing the stripping and like the convenience throwing the girls just watching him? No. Oh my God, dude. such a I think like one is a great movie. Who actually put some respect on the movies? Now episode seven was, I think, my favorite episode so far. Yeah, it was good. I really love the flashback.
yeah that was And for those who don't know, the guy who's a the gangster that you eat in this episode, in the flashback, that's Calvin's actual dad in the comics. Pretty cool little Easter. Yeah, not in this though. Not in this. Not because we know who the dad is, and that's his massive father. We see Oz and his brothers and his mom, and you can tell right away how much Oz loves his mom, because that's all he wants to do, is spend time with that helper. So what they're told to go outside and do is two siblings, siblings.
and sibling sibling and they're told to give the books to uh the gangster keep forgetting his name but that breakfast no looks like Jason Schwartzman I mean no it doesn't look like Jason Schwartzman it doesn't I'm looking at him no I mean it it doesn't I think his name was like Rex or something but then they go to play flashlight tag in the underground Subway. And the two siblings, two brothers decide to hide underground more down a ladder from Oz, knowing Oz really is going to have a hard time getting down there with him. Like, uh, slips on the ladder trying to get down with him and says, fuck this, I'm not letting this get me to tell you. And he shuts them in this room, not knowing if this is where the excess water goes in the city of Gotham. He goes back to the house, says that they went to the movies to see Beetlejuice, and they decide to have a date night at their own.
and us, and we slowly watch, cut back from then to the door as the bank go and they see the wall and ride, and then silence. So us, I do go back. because I did not mean to kill him. No. He did not throw it open. No. And you see like in the, in the future, in the present day, when, you know, people talk about, he's very defensive about his brothers, like Vic in the last episode, or maybe it was this episode, tried to bring him up and he was like, don't, you don't fucking talk about. No, it was that scene in the dark. Yeah. When he talks about like killing people. Yeah. Like he clearly loved his brothers and and he didn't mean to do that. But at the same time, it just shows like, you know, it shows how rash he can be.
You know? Yeah, because he, like, no matter if you don't have a door, you still shouldn't shut someone in that area. Yeah. But that's just him being angry. He lets his anger get the best of them. Yeah. Once the flashlight ends, we get the shot of him walking up to the apartment, which is a great little one. And he's like, thank you, councilman. And he says, look at the lights. This looks really nice. It's such a shitty area. ah He gets in there. He finds Vic has been beaten. And he says it simply as took ah his mother. And I thought he was getting ready for a shootout.
Mm-hmm, but there is nothing gives yourself up and Maroney beats the brakes off along with a goth club. Yeah, you got jolt. Yeah what C'mon now. What do you mean? C'mon, please 25 and play the game. Don't matter. Yeah, it's not my problem. But it was cool when I like that he likes, he's like, nickck you gotta get out of here, like he doesn't make him like, stay, he's like, I need to get me armed. Really cool. Yeah. Then we have the whole scene with Sophia and Oz's mom, which was such a good scene. Especially when the mom's walking shit. I never understood this house, so he's got no light to it.
But then she has the dementia that's in all of them. And she starts freaking out about her sons and all that. It's really exciting. Sophia is pretty sad she's upset about it. Yeah.
Because Sophia cares about women more than anything. like any Any woman that she meets, she's going to be inherently sympathetic to her because her whole life has been you know watching men just you know take advantage and kill women. like your Your father just fucking strangled her mom. She found her. It was terrible. And then she gets taken advantage of. and sent to Arkham. So anytime she sees a woman, she's inherently, you know, um what's the word? I don't know. She feels bad for me. She wants to help. with him so Yeah, empathetic. Yeah, perfect. So yeah, she definitely feels for Oz's mom, but at the same time, I think she hates Oz so much that she doesn't want to hurt her, but she's willing to, you know, keep holding her captive so that Oz has to come and see her. Yeah. When they were at the factory where the Bliss is being held for Oz in the underground, somebody had
Jesus, too many crickets. And Maroni hasn't tied it up. And it's like, you've been working for the, you all work for the gigante and Maroni found out all the workers.
We're doing an idea, and we know that the power is going in. Now, to the guys, let's just cut them out, and it kind of sends everything into chaos. Oz is right at the end, or his secondary guy behind Vic, that we talked about earlier, gets shot and killed as soon as that starts. And then we get the showdown between Mervini and Oz, finally. We get the stirrups and fucking Mervini has it on the deck.
Did you like that? yes You did? Okay, good. So did I. Yeah. Because I think it it works for, you know, it's a good ending for Moroni because it shows like he was he was always so brass and stuff and finally just caught up to him and his heart fucking exploded. yeah But also I think it works for Oz because Oz wanted nothing more than to kill Maroney himself and that was taken from him. And he just, you clearly see he's pissed about it. He unloads like five shots. That's an awesome shot too. Like Wayne shot up at him. Yeah, it was awesome. um Yeah, I think it
It can be seen as kind of underwhelming that he just has a heart attack, but I think it works well for the story because it's less closure for Oz. And he's just going to have to deal with that. And it just makes him angrier and kind of you know more um unrestful. was so I don't know. That's not a word. He's not satisfied. Yeah, he's not satisfied.
So I think that works. Well, I liked it. I love that shot. It's, um, it's more of a ready to see us. And they put on the ring, which you didn't really deserve cause you didn't kill him. He didn't, but that's, that's the point. the like the show Yeah. It's the penguin. He was just taking shit.
Let me get the scene that you talked about earlier when Sophia goes to meet with her niece, rather than a scene. Very sad place that she's stuck in there. Well, she sees that her niece is cutting herself, which is really sad. She doesn't really do much about it though. Did you do this yourself?
him. But yeah, okay. Yeah, it is said that the the niece is like, yeah how about the fucking the therapist, the doctor she's with? And he's like, yeah, your niece is talking to the police. You want me to do something about it? She's like, no, dickhead. I think he's in a really cool edition. I wonder who he's going to be in the second season. I don't know. I like the, uh, the opening of, I think it was the opening of six when he's tied up on the chair. know you live in a life and man let me ragnish Yeah, yeah, that was that was fun. um Yeah, but just the way he's like, I can go take care of it. She's like, No, you're not doing that.
um then of a meeting that as so lady but No, trying to catch dust gonna kill
She's going to meet up with us so she can get in and bring them to her. Yeah. Then the car gets there. And right away, something seems off. You can't see anyone. It's just the headlights driving up. I feel as if you try and run him over. Because slowly, it was like ancient clothes. As soon as the guy got out, it's a fucking bomb. Yeah. I didn't expect the bomb. Really? I really didn't know. As soon as he got out and ran, I was like, yeah. I mean, I should have. But the way that Sophia was talking, it was obviously a red herring. You're supposed to think that it's the mom's body in the back.
and you know Oz obviously thought that because he's very slow and like crying to the opening yeah and then uh I just left all the movies yeah he didn't even yell he didn't say shit and then when it explodes you see the one guy's like what is that and then ahizing the whole thing yeah yeah it's where his uh where his brothers died I did not think it was gonna be that big of an explosion No, that level. I mean, that's, that's what I was saying in the beginning. Like how? That man's got to get involved in that and fucking level the city block. Bruce Wayne just makes a donation. He doesn't like going down the left side. He gets scared. Batman needs to. That doesn't happen. again rob Yeah. Okay. um Do you think that's where his parents died from?
i feeling i was wondering i wonder if though i really explain his parents dad I don't think they need to. I mean, we've seen it several times now.
Because also where Jason Todd stole the tires from that movie. Little fucking shit. I love Jason Todd. I doubt they're going to do Red Hood. I don't think it's going that far. Or do they say they're doing that? the Is that like in the Batman universe? No. Oh, I was thinking about DC in total. Why did I do that? Yeah, I was going to Ty is the one that said he wants to do the death of the family. I'm sure. Yeah, I'm sure it'd be great. Yeah. Well, that would probably be more than the trilogy that they're going with. I'd need a couple more. Yeah, go faster. You're doing the right time. Yeah. You're going to eat off to best life. Uh-huh. And I look at my flashback and I was just dancing with his mom. And she's like, I want everything. That's why I deserve to be happy.
And then you walk over, you see everyone's reaction pretty much too thermally. And then Oz gets hit, right? Yeah, it's

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the cop that Sophia hired earlier with the drops. Oh, my job? Yeah. He's like, hey, penguin. He's like, you call me? And he just smacks him in the fucking head. Yeah. And then what happens after that? It ends. That's the end of the episode? Yeah. He gets dropped, and then it packs out. It doesn't go. Oh, I think Oz is dead people in a while. Yeah, they blew up a city block.
I don't know. They don't have had their homeless. It's Crown Point. They're not living anywhere. Like their homes got destroyed. um In the DC universe. Hold on, dude. That's fucked up. That's really fucked up. um Yeah, that's the end of Seven as we will go into the finale of Season One, which was called a great or little thing, truth or reveal as the power shift between Oz and Sophia comes to a head.
Yeah. I think it's going to be a good finale. I'm, I'm very excited for it. Um, yeah. As it 94. Sweet. It'd go up on IGN from a fucking five. Yeah.
I can't fucking stop. I hate IGN. They gave fucking Agatha like a nine, I think. Gave this a five. I did not watch that show. No, I have zero interest. Yeah, but what? Captain Vaughn is naked in it. What? First woman to show her butt on MCF. Okay. I saw that. yeah Great. Cool. Yeah, what? Okay. um So but do you think do you think the Batman will show up at all? I think we might see the bat symbol or something. I don't think you'll see him. Yeah.
Oh, that would be nice. And like, he like looks at me and Vic's like, what's that? And he's like, we got to get out of here. Yeah. And then it's just like, I'll tell you just, and just at like the very end, like the last scene of the show, like the finale plays out and there's like a conclusion where like Oz beat Sophia or, or vice versa. I don't i don't know how it's going to go. Um, what are they going to read happily? every Yeah. There's a happy ending. That's there's not going to be a happy ending in the show. Um, nick walking out this episode no, I don't think so either. She's very sad. Yeah. nate Nick becomes Robert. Maybe. Um. Where becomes Zaz? Could be. was That was my theory. It would be fucked. Yeah. just ah I had that theory for no other reason than you had you named him Victor. That's it.
I didn't name him Victor. No, I'm saying like the writer's name. No, no, no, no, his name no, no. You name a DC character, Victor. I'm going to go with Victor's ass for sure. It has to be. Christopher Nolan did Victor's ass. Did he?
Yeah, he's like, oh, that would begin with a sad little ritual. All right. Cool. Yeah. But I think it's going to like, the finale is going to play out and then, you know, whatever the ending is, it's like satisfying for the characters. But like right before somebody can kill somebody, the Batman shows up. And so they're like,
What is that? Like, it's the bat. And he comes down and just starts throwing at him. I think he's just throwing at him and going, it's the bat. That's all I want. It's just him going, it's the bat. That's all I want. Yeah, that'll be so fun. The vengeance. Dude, how about when he said, I got you. I got you.
Yeah, that was good. Um, yeah, I'm pumped for this finale. I think it's going to be really good. I think it's going to be a lot of action. It seems like they're literally, gear enough for like a war yeah, it seems like they're gearing up for just a final confrontation. And that's what the episode is going to be about. I hope it is a little bit longer than that. Cause I was kind of disappointed this one. i was sure It was 45 minutes long. Um, but things on it might be, yeah.
Well, I think that it could be a bad thing because that's been like, dude, every like season TV that's come out in the past like two years has said the same problem. The last episode or two is the shortest one and it just hurts it. Like I don't understand. It can work if you like set up an hour and eight. All right, cool.
So it'll be an hour long. um Yeah. Cause they had the email. Yeah. So yeah. I mean, I, I, every, a lot of shows have had that problem of like the finale is very short and it kind of hurts it. But I think this show is set up a finale where like I said, like this could just be the final confrontation where Oz goes to save his mom. And that's the end of the show. This could be short, but at the same time, there's obviously other things you got to close up, like with Vic and stuff. Yeah. go mom storyline got Close up.
Uh, Sophia and the therapist, kind of like her mental stuff, you gotta finish it out. You gotta have some, something to do with the mommy's death. Like now there's no head of the family. Like where are they going? Where's their allegiance go to now? Um, yeah, like there's still a good bit that you need to figure out.
I'm excited. I have a feeling we're going to see another villain in this episode. Yeah, maybe. Like kind of hitting what the next season's going to be. Mm-hmm. Because they said they'd be in the shell of it. Yeah. With someone else. Yeah, cool. The Joker just hit me a psychopath like Dexter.
think maybe. de which fucking Professor Pig. I would love to see a live action. It's just such a goofy comic book character. I mean, he's terrifying, but yeah. fucking creep your bastone but yeah that yeah like the gentlemanman No, I think that's it. It's been a very good show. I'm pumped for the finale. I finally come around. It is a good show. It's not just good. It's hooked me. It's gotten me. It's claws. The penguin got me. I got you. Now, before we get going, I'd recommend this to you. Ryan, do you have one? I do have one. I watched it last night. It's going to be the Deer Hunter.
You've never seen a deer coming? No, I never saw it. Do you like to watch movies? Yeah. It's fucking terrible. It's so sad. yeah The whole movie is fucked up. yeah but i um I'd always obviously like heard of it and seen it. and like I knew it was going to be like a lot of... I mean, it's three hours long.
but I thought it was going to be more of like a vietnam like war movie. It's not at all. They're in Vietnam for like 45 minutes. Yeah, it's more like a drama. It's more of an actual effect. Yeah, it's a drama. um But also, like the thing with those movies, especially older movies, is that they're three hours long, and a lot of those three hours is like a five-minute scene of just the still camera, and they're like just driving around.
But I think this movie pulls it off really well because it's one of the few movies where like towards the end, they're like, remember when we went here? And I was like getting flashbacks of like watching that scene. I'm like, oh, fuck, dude. I do remember that. Like it actually worked really, really well. The length is it's it's worked. It works in its favor. um Yeah. But I also thought it was really funny when they um because it takes place in Pennsylvania. Yeah. And like the deer hunting scenes there in this, I was watching them like That is not Pennsylvania. That is way too nice. I looked it up. It's Washington state. It's like some national park. I'm like, that is not Pennsylvania. Then they go back to the fucking the factory town. I'm like, that's Pennsylvania. yeah's mar Yeah. There's more gravel than grass. That's Pennsylvania. It's all fucking gray and wet. Perfect. yeah There we go. like That's my home. Well, we have a recommendation. I'm recommending magic Mike. Okay.
Dude, what do you think Matt is going to want to add? Let's see, 84? 78. I feel like that's going to be low, but... I was going to say 79. It should be like 95. 78. 78. Didn't think of that in the house. Where did it go?
veryconen magical magic like sensitive directions smart scream and strong to forms to allow audiences to have their beefakking easy to that is tagline sweet ah cha tim joe i can help matt armmer alex petrie matthew mccon
Yeah, pretty good. Yeah, Steven Soderbergh. Really? I love Magic Marvel 1.
How many are there? Three. There's three of them. Because the one just came out. like yeah that is answer too Yeah. Speaking of The Last Dance, we were doing that next? What was that? Venom 3. The Last Dance. No, we're not. I spent too much time my on the podcast. I love it. Yeah. Fuck, you hate that. I kind of want to see it so that I have something to fill out on my worst movies. Yeah, you got to add some. Because I want to tell them that.
Yeah, I haven't seen them any bad movies this year. But we do have to do that very late because Brutalist comes out December 20th. Oh, so we're like, well, we could be like the first we get jagged. Yeah, do it actually after the year. Yeah. Uh-oh. What?
What's that face about? What? Well, thank you guys so much for tuning into this week's episode. I have no question though, again, it was my friend. And he makes you call out some other socials, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitch. Create that.

Gaming Conversations and Tech Issues

Is that what you put on the story? Put it Twitch? sure I'm streaming today. You're streaming today. What are you streaming? I'm streaming chasmphobia. We're streaming admin. We're streaming MLB and we're streaming Call of Duty. Damn.
Give you a nice. Make sure you turn voice chat off on call duty before you. Yeah, it's already off. I have a headset for me. Do you? Don't break it again. I didn't break it. You broke it. One of them cut the thing on it so it looked more like a singing headset. I was very mad. That's cool. But yeah, the next thing we're probably going to be reviewing is either Heretic. Venom 3.

Upcoming Movie Reviews and Closing Remarks

Venom three or we have black yourself. We've kind of cleaned his lot. Conclave's out, right? Yeah, I do. I want to see that. But yeah, thanks so much for tuning in. We'll see you next episode.