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AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004) image

AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)

S2 E30 · Everything Actioncast
42 Plays6 months ago

This week on the Everything Actioncast, whoever wins, we lose because we're talking about 2004's AVP: Alien vs. Predator, which came out 20 years ago this week. There's also a new Alien movie, Alien: Romulus, in theaters right now.

Directed by schlockmeister Paul WS Anderson, AVP: Alien vs Predator pits the two intergalactic entities against each other in an Antarctic pyramid discovered by Weyland Industries.  The company's head, Charles Weyland (Lance Henriksen) wants to claim the structure in his name as one last grand action before he dies from a terminal disease and he assembles a team that includes scientists, drillers and Alexa Woods (Sanaa Lathan), an expert guide in arctic environments.  The group explores the pyramid but soon finds themselves caught between the Xenomorphs and the Predators, with the pyramid being a training ground for young Predator warriors to prove themselves or die in a rite of passage.  Zach and Chris discuss how there was over a decade of hype for this battle from the comics and games, the lack of any interesting kills thanks to the PG-13 rating, how the Antarctic environment doesn't affect anything, how quickly most of the Predators die, and more.

You can watch AVP: Alien vs Predator on Hulu.  Next week, we're talking about John Woo's action classic The Killer as the new version, also directed by Woo, hits Peacock.

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Podcast Introduction

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Hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast podcast for the week of August 12th, 2024.

Episode Theme: Alien vs. Predator

I'm your host Zach. I'm your host Chris. yeah And this week, whoever wins, we lose because we're talking about 2004's Alien vs. Predator, um which came out 20 years ago this week. And also coincidentally, there's a new ah Alien movie, if you're hearing this in theaters right now, Alien Remus, which apparently is getting extremely good reviews, and is apparently one of the ah the best entries in the in that franchise since Aliens.

Disappointment with AVP (2004) & Its PG-13 Rating

ah But Alien vs. Predator 2004 is not one of the best entries in either franchise.
um And so it's such a you know such a like build up to it and then it was it was kind of like it's such a disappointment when it finally came out because we had like Since 1989 when the like the first universe predator comic came out from Dark Horse It was just like like all this build up like Imagining what it would be like to see them on the big screen fighting each other And it was a watered-down piece of PG-13 a kind of mess of a movie and
Uh, man, like, did you see this movie in theaters or did you see this? like im I was trying to remember if I saw it in theaters. I don't think I did. Okay. I saw this in theaters and it was memorable. It was like everyone in the theater just understood, I think by the halfway point that it's just an open market to make fun of it. People are just shouting comments or laughing and just sort of like cheering for the wrong things.
It was great, like just because, yeah, I was like patient, you know, I was seeing quiet. We didn't have like good cell phones back in 2004. So you couldn't like take a photo or anything. But yeah, seeing seeing the turn and like I was with basically like a lot of like people in the crowd like you could set you could see in that it was because it's like a superhero movie at the time, you know, it's just like it's not it's not a great date movie. It's it's not meant for casual fans who've never seen a predator or an alien because well, no introduction for them. Well, but but then it's weird because like they're they're making they making like p just a teen to try to appeal to like the mainstream. But then it's like everyone, everyone who's interested, like doesn't want it. They want it as like bloody as possible because like all the previous entries have been like predator like alien aliens, you know, these like violent dark movies. It's like, oh, these are teen sanitized, like
that That's what you guys want for like their first like huge battle. you If you're trying to introduce someone to an alien franchise, and this is the first one, it's going to be confusing. Oh, yeah. And a lot of kids at PG-13, at least back then, were not looking for aliens. And then Predator was like definitely not geared to kids anymore. I mean, they were at one point when they made the action figures and stuff, but not by 2004. That was a hard press to get like a young kid into a Predator.

AVP's Mythology & Pyramids Confusion

let alone for them to understand like, Oh yeah, no, there's just like these hunters and they come to earth. And then, well, this movie kind of sets up their own, like its own kind of mythology for the, the predators that was like, I don't know if it's if that's like Canada, the rest of like the other movies are just like, it's so like weird side thing, but I think it was too much lore that sort of didn't make sense. Yeah.
out predators came to earth and then they've been like teaching humans how to like build pyramids and stuff and yeah they can do they imply that the humans are made from predators like they they were the prometheans i don't think so i think i think they showed they showed up and like like you know thousands of years ago and showed like the i guess i guess the ancestors of what's because like it's like the pyramid has Egyptian was Egyptian as tech and like Colombian or like like it's like it's like the three different cultures in the same pyramid. And so it's like it's like this is like the source of like i all the cultures that build pyramids. But then the the preator predators arrived on Earth showed showed humans how to build pyramids. And then
Also, and then like, but then they wanted like a sacrifice in return. So then every, was every hundred years they come back and, uh, human sacrifice themselves to be like, get face hugged and generate aliens. And then aliens, they had the aliens. So, okay. This is something I'm confused about. Is it implied that basically the pyramid that they find in this setting? of In, a in, in, in Ericka. Yeah.
right in artica is that the same pyramid that basically failed one time and then they blew it up i think that might have been i think maybe a different they had like several places that they were uh doing the hunt in because because that would because yeah wait wait wait wait does that mean like like whatever native tribe built this pyramid, like they never explain. There's other ones that make sense. It's like, okay, maybe Mayans or like Columbia, like predated Columbians, like they built it in their like tropical territory. But like, then they show us this Arctic, which they really heavily market. This movie takes place in like the Arctic for a while. And then it's like, wait, who built this? It's like, nevermind.
Well, I do love that the like Sebastian, like the like archaeologist guy, just like instantly knows everything. He's explaining everything. He reads like he reads one hieroglyphic. He's just like, I know. This is the sacrificial chamber. This is where they brought everything in.
put aliens in their faces. and I think I know why too because I think this is what like two years after Dan Brown wrote the DaVinci code. is it Essentially they had like a DaVinci code guy with them. Some linguistic guy.
Did DaVinci code? What year did DaVinci code? But it's's is it it's just so it's so funny how like absolutely sure he is of everything. He's not even saying, like oh, I think this is what it means. So I'm guessing what this might means. He's like, I definitely know that this is like this is what's going on in the temple. like you's Here's the entire backstory. I'm reading off this like ah oh yeah combined culture by symbol wall. So basically, yeah. like Whoever helped write this screenplay for AVP definitely read
angels and demons because essentially that's the same thing like yeah angels and demons came first in the novel 2000 and it was like the beginning of the phase of cryptologists of like just throw cryptologists and shit was the ancient alien stuff going on yeah or that because i don't think that was like um like going on yet but that it's also it's it's that's also like i mean it this is definitely like in that kind of vein of like oh yeah aliens like helped us build everything
Uh, I think the aliens building the pyramids was always like a, um, thing. Yeah. Yeah. Big thing. But, uh, I'm thinking like this didn't help like make more conspiracy theorists. Like, you know, if you, if you really want to kind of slow down that movement, just keep making AVP movies that basically say date the priorities came and they they they started a fucking, you know, Taco Bell or something. You're like, oh, you know, i'm like the sillier. Yeah. Well, yeah, there's there's it's it's it was this entire like religion based around the predators, basically, where this whatever, whatever cultures was, ah worship them as gods and gay gave them people, people they use as like cattle, basically, to like breed aliens. And if the predators lose, they blow up the entire culture.
Yeah, which happens which happens somewhere but not not really not this Antarctic pyramid because it's still standing question here's here's another thing where they It seems like wherever they built the pyramid right they must utilize the surroundings to Like build the pyramid to keep like a queen in it. Yeah, does every temple have a queen in it? We're thinking always Queens from So there's nothing in the pyramid that indicates that like, hey oh, the Arctic, hit like, has an Arctic always been like this? And then then like, why did they build it 2000 feet underground? Was this before, like, it became the Antarctic? We have no idea. And the movie just like the problem is I'm still stuck on it is because the movie spends 40 minutes setting up the setting. Yeah. And then as soon as you're in the pyramid, it's like you could have be anywhere. It's like they don't even complain about, oh, like
how Cold it is yeah yeah coldt cold cold does not come into a factor really at all in this movie like no one freezes to death There's nothing like yeah, there's no one's frostbite It's like and and then intentionly the Queen is but that doesn't count because we have no idea that's alien cold technology or like just the Arctic yeah, I think I think the predators predators like it must be super like kind of like cryogenic fruit freezing or something to like and But all their all their mechanisms that they activate every 100 years say ah you know unfreeze the queen and get like eggs going. So yeah, and then they made like ah in the beginning of the movie where they kind of laser a hole to the pyramid. Yeah.
ah Yeah, and and I know like this is the plot where

Character Analysis: Weyland as a Villain?

Waylon's just like, Oh, you see this fucking like heat signal, we got to go to it to be so great. But yeah, for for like what they discovered, they should have brought way more people like way more things besides like,
I don't know, like crew of 50. Not even ah it's like it's like was it for scientists and then an ice expert and then like the the digging crew, I guess. The digging crew was like way more people. like Yeah. They were expecting this to be probably like are we a couple of weeks or something. A couple of weeks or something. But they even set up a base camp. They just sort of I mean, maybe they did off screen, but they um they really rushed trying to get down that hole.
Yeah. And then the whole thing with the ice, like the we were talking about an article, it goes through this whole buildup of Son of Lathan is like, oh, she's telling him, oh, this is the most dangerous terrain in the world. I need to train you guys for like months before you're ready to go into ice. And then it's just like, does nothing happens. It's just like, like Lance Hendricks is like, we're going now. And she's like, all right. And then everyone's fine. and I forgot that. They walk from the ship, it's like 10 minutes to the hole and that's it. So they do make a big deal in the first act about that, because that's the reason why she stays, because she's worried about if she leaves, they'll get a second rate survival expert guide. Yeah, they make it seem like it's going to be this track. They have to track this crazy distance to get to the pyramid. But it's literally a short drive from the ship and the snow cats, and then they're there.
Well I understand too if she was there first like she knows the terrain she knows like how to get to that whaling station. did It didn't make it seem like she just got there like she's just like oh like I don't know where everything is she just read a map. It must have been on like this the satellite or something there's oh here's here's here's that whaling station yeah.
But it's not like she grew up there. It's not like she, um, my father died at this station. Like, you know, I think if they, if that whaling station haunted her words, like my father died there or like my family owned it, something to tie in. And then it's like, oh, all this time, this alien pyramid's been underground and I didn't know. And maybe her father was obsessed with it too. Yeah. know Something to really make yeah like,
more impactful than she sort of just needs the job because she's an environmentalist and they've repaid her for like her time, but then they were going to offer her more when they found anti-technology. She's the best ice expert. And then she would she would hold herself. ah i She's like a yeah, it's like I ah got it like a like a guide like a tour guide. he got sure but Yeah.
and then she really only uses like she still have her skills like once when she saves Lance Henriksen like when he's sliding down the ice tube with like the ice axe yeah it's like what like it's not it's not even a callback later is that like it's something she can do to an alien It's not like she, if they made her weapon look like an ice pick or something. Yeah. she't She doesn't, she doesn't even use the ice axe to kill like an alien or anything. She like, so it's just like,

Lance Henriksen's Sci-fi Legacy

cause she uses like, um, the fighters own like spears and stuff. But then they, he may, he makes your weapons. Oh, we'll get into that. Yeah. get Into the weird alien crafting system that sort of just shows up and no one's ever done that again.
Oh, we should probably mention before we go on. um This is a Paul Davis Anderson joint. So, uh, you know, hot off. Uh, I think he had, he was coming off one of the Resident Evil movies. ah re Oh, the original, the OG Resident Evil was the one before this one. It wasn't even too like after this. He he made Apocalypse count the same year as Alien vs Predator. Holy shit. I saw. But but he didn't, he didn't, het he didn't direct Apocalypse though. He just wrote it. Still, I gave this man money. Yeah.
Paul James Sanders is just like what a rollercoaster of like a career. It's just like like he makes like like so like just pure schlock and then but then also some like but it's like it's either good schlock like Mortal Kombat or it's like just terrible schlock like I don't know, Monster Hunter. i Remember that? Yeah. I think Netflix stopped recommending it to me. I'm also I'm also shocked that like Mila Jova was in this movie. ah Were they together yet?
I think they were dating, possibly. ah it might may It might have been right before they started dating. Oh, yeah well, yeah, they started dating during Resident Evil. So, yeah, they were they were together but for for when he was making this. I don't know. Maybe he just didn't want her to be like in every one of his movies at the time. She's probably busy with like apocalypse. She had to film a single apocalypse.
but Yeah. but I, I, let's talk about just like Weyland's plan about this. Um, typical Weyland industry thing where, um, like a venture, capital he's a capitalist who's just like, I need to get my hands on his hand in tech. Fine. But why does he hire basically a secret mercenary crew? And then he's introduced like he is in, uh, hard target.
where he's wearing like he looks way more like a crime boss than just like a businessman. He's got a henchman. He's legit got a right hand man. It's very confusing. Well, I mean, I guess he's i guess he did he was he's doing something right for his company because they survive you know however many hundreds of years into the future.
I mean, it's just like stable. I mean, if you consider Alien Resurrection part of the lore, not that stable because they get bought out by Walmart. Well, I guess this is like the so this would be like chronologically like the third movie in like both franchises, I guess, because you have Predator, Predator 2 and then this one. And then Requiem and then you get into like the like future, but like I guess Prometheus and then Alien Covenant and Alien.
It's like the timeline.
I guess. I mean, I mean, because it's canonical. Now it's like confusing. Yeah. Well, because because Requiem takes place like literally like seconds after this two week ends. Like Requiem absurd. Oh, yeah. So that's another thing. I was watching this and I like I regret watching this because it's not a movie I always want to see. But it made me want to see Requiem more.
Like, Requiem does everything that I, like, want out of this kind of concept. It, um, I mean, it definitely, it, it fixes, that it's, you know, it's R-rated. But I, I just remember, I, I haven't seen in a while, but I just remember, like, Requiem was like, the I think the big issue with that was, it's like, everything's so dark, like, it's shot, like, you can't tell what's happening a lot of times, because, like, there's no lights going, it's like, the lighting is terrible.
Yeah, yeah, that's the one problem. That's like, well, a few problems, but, um, that's the biggest gripe. I think it's just that like, you just got turned your brightness up on your TV, which is not a great movie experience, but yeah, definitely. I saw that theater too. And like, I think I saw that was here. Yeah. Uh, but yeah. Waylon, even though it's Lance Henderson, it just, it's so weird that uh this dying man is just trying to trek into basically uh like a really hard survival thing already like already he's not even at the pyramid and the survival expert is just like you're not gonna make it like yeah you have like what we say like lung cancer or something like something like that it's like the prayer just like scans them at one point and just like sees like like polyps everywhere in its lungs just like you're not worth killing oh my it's not even like black
you know, lumps, it was just some sort, he basically had the T-Virus in there. Yeah, it's just, yeah, it's like, his lungs are just like, it's all all just like, he's like pink, just like blobs all over. and he's He's like, what is what is he even, what is he like inhaling? is He's like sucking on some sort of like inhaler, but like, what is that even doing? Oxygen? Maybe. That's how he's doing his chemo is inhaling it like that. he' suck He's sucking radiation. and But one of the accidental things I think this movie did was to show that the Wailing Corp people, like whoever is the head leader at the time, wants some sort of miracle cure or answers to life. I do like that. Like that's like an accident that that connects with like Prometheus from this. They never really explained.
Why, like, why we get like, you know, Bishop, like why see he's like, white why this guy from like 2004 is the model for like an Android later, like hundreds of years later. I'm also thinking he's not the first whalian, right? He's no like the fourth. So at some point in the future, someone opened a photo album and was like, let's make, you know, great, great grandpa the the model that everyone has to like order around a spaceship. Because because, you had yeah, you had like Horrible aged makeup ah Guy Pearce and Prometheus But then all the androids and like those two movies were like Michael Fazbender Yeah, and they didn't want to make a robot out of that but then i mean They made a Fazbender maybe because they're like alright like the whoever wanted the bishop model

Critique: Pacing & Action Delivery in AVP

um oh, but then there but there was like the um
Cuz like alien 3 there was like the actual like not ah not an Android there was like actually was like the wait like the ah Let's have some answers was like actually like a Human yeah, well that one itself to debate some people think he's an Android some people think he was a ah Human The other alien versus predator reboot game that came out was also a weird other Whelan robot clone it gets weird um they just never explore it like i don't think they'll ever get answers because i think whoever started writing that they just refused to answer and disney just certainly doesn't want to give uh directly it was just it was just like uh they're trying to like appeal to like the fans like hey lance harris is here remember he was an aliens
and aliening it three It's cool to see him back. He honestly looks like out of everyone. He's sort of like an anchor like actor. That's nice to see him because Arnold was going to come back for this like Danny Glover won't be back for this. I think I think this completed his like cat trick where because he got killed by a predator in this one and then obviously a alien or aliens and then Terminator. So he's he's been killed by all three creatures. If you want to go by the aliens rule, he didn't really die by aliens. Yeah. and He got shot off by Ripley. He was attacked by aliens, but he didn't get killed by aliens. Mortally damaged by aliens. But that doesn't count. I think he yeah said to Ripley, just like, oh, like, just turn me off. Like, he doesn't want to, like,
function yeah I get what do you mean, yeah. I would say it's a pass, but if you want to get very technical, no. Because cause I think it's it's him and Bill Paxton that have gotten killed by all three. Okay, okay. See, then what all three, but then Michael Bean got technically killed by a Terminator and then like morally wounded by an alien. Yeah, but he was never in a predatory movie, so. Unfortunately, maybe he'll show up one day when they when they inevitably rebooted again.
But yeah, but yeah, so so yeah, it's like the alien for spreader. um So. They so everyone, everyone goes in this pyramid and um And we fight yeahs it takes, um it takes me so long to get to like what we actually want to see, which is an alien fighting a predator. It's like, I think you're talking about, yeah, it's like 40 minutes of buildup. And then I think I actually, I actually timed it when I was watching it this time. I think it think it's it gets close. It's like 53 minutes before like you get like a, you know, they're like locked up in like a grapple finally. Like an alien is like fighting a predator finally.
Even then, the predators don't seem like they're doing much. They're, like, tossing around the humans. At least the core cast of humans. Yeah, you get you get a little bit, you get a little predator action early on where they kill, like, the like crew that stays up above ground, where everyone else goes up below ground. But it's, like, it's kind of just like they get pulled off screen, and it's not, like, it's not anything like classic predator, like, Rupinder Spide's out or anything. Right, right.
and then the one guy falls down the hole? ah Yeah, he's the main driller guy. Yeah. It was cool that he survived all the way down there, but now he... I mean, I don't know how they saw him. Oh, maybe they did see him initially and they like ignored him until the other guy showed up and was just like, nah, I got to kill you for seeing us. Mm hmm. But I mean, I It's a drilling crew up there. It wasn't like soldiers. It wasn't like armed mercenaries up there. It was really mostly the drilling crew hanging out at surface level. Yeah, I feel like they have like two security people. ah Three BME.
there's like It's like the one the one girl who looks like she's from The Matrix, and then Colin Salmon, and then the other guy. like The guy guy the the guy with like from Sunset Anarchy.
I kind of forgot he was in this. It was like a really, I don't know. This was with the, this, the super weird, like they try to like give him like a character of like when he was like bonding with like the dorky British guy. Yeah. The geologists. Yeah. Is he a geologist or what is, what is his like, I think it was a chemist or something. Yeah.
You wanted to know like how old the building was. you Yeah. Dirt or something. I think geologists, we don't really see. He's more like having a tour, like a venture because he's taking photos and yeah. Talking about his kids. Like just try to try to get sympathy. Like I have kids. And then like you like fire away to basically get killed in this kind of series.
Yeah. But then, like, he tiny funny guy like like when pyramid starts turning it into cube, where it's like, it's like locking, like, it's like walls closing in, like locking in and like, like changing the pyramid. um And they get stuck together. And then, like, he's like, Oh, do you have kids? He's like, Yeah, I have a son. And then he's like, he's like, he falls to the floor and that gets killed.
So it's like, well, too bad for your kid, I guess.
But yeah, the ah yeah the the pre predators, I think it's it's for like, ah they're like, it it's the whole thing is like this like training, ah or like ah it's like a initiation where they're like, they've never hunted before, so it's like their first big hunt. And then if they kill like an alien, they they become like full predator hunters, I guess.
But guess I guess it's guess thats to explain why like two of them like instantly get killed. Yeah, like they get killed by basically one alien.
One of them wasn't paying attention. It's like spirit to the back by a tail. And then the other one's kind of crazy, because the one predator is fighting. In the first big fight, that predator, it seems like he's got the upper hand, but then he also gets killed.
Yeah. It's bad pacing for showing if you're, if you're a bigger fan than an alien fan, you're just like so heartbroken just because I get it. These are the new guys that are trying to earn their guns. I think at this point, they didn't really explain that. That's sort of like interpret it later. They had to, well, I think if the humans that weren't there, they would have like, I guess they would have gone into it. Purge were gone into the pyramid, gone to like that.
Uh, like altar or whatever it got, they got in there like blasters. And then that's how they, then they would fight their way out, fight their way out. Yeah. But then the humans steal the blasters. So then that's like, so then they have to like, personally use like just the rest of their like cool gadgets that apparently don't really, they don't work that well. Yeah, they don't work. Yeah. Yeah. Compared to, um, pray.
where the guy's blaster wasn't as powerful like the predator. And then he really fought with like his hands and he had like his shield like yet. Yeah. And that's supposed to be in the past. And then this predator, these predators are like way more buff. I think that's another thing. They're like giant sized predators compared to the leaner, more agile predators. Yeah. They're like, they're like, they're like, like the predator predator, like the Arnold movie predator.
Oh, they didn't like, um, was it, was it predators? They established there's like two, like two distinct species or something. Yeah. I mean, there's more in the, in the world, but still but this was, uh, just if you're expecting like a Sean cloud, Van Damme size predator, just get like a hulking predator that like, how do these guys fit through doorways? Like very narrow hallways for these guys.
and i am um And they're like they're collapsing into like tiny, narrow hall, like passageways, too. So it's like what if what happens if the predator gets stuck and they're just like stuck? It's just like, well, I'm dead now. I'm stuck in this tiny, like crawl space. Well, yeah, know those chambers where I'm like this, that's not like the aliens are pulling levers. That is just the pyramid itself. It's part it's part part of the test. Yeah. So the predator, like the Yautja,
Whoever was the engineer of pyramids, they're just like, this would be a fun, hard house design to put in here. Yeah, it's not it's not enough for you're hunting the like the deadliest creature in the universe, but we we got to make it even more challenging by making it the the walls and doors close on you. Also, did you notice that as the movie goes on, the aliens really turn that into a hive? like It looks more and more like a Geiger hallway.
Oh, the the entire, I feel like the whole like alien, like, you know, like birth, like the evolution process is like so sped up this movie, like, even with like other ones, like,

Alien Lifecycle Portrayal Issues

it's like the the Queen instantly has eggs. yeah Yeah, she lays eggs instantly. They instantly hatch. And then people, then you have full grown, like, Xenomorphs running around within yeah like an hour or two.
But I also feel like there were more aliens full grown xenomorphs before they had the eggs, right? Before they had, like it seemed like the queen was awoken. She spit out a few eggs, but by the time the humans figured out about the face huggers, they were still like walking around fully grown xenomorphs. So it missed the like a phase.
Well, there was like, it was like the initial, everyone got trapped who got trapped in like the sacrificial chamber got like face hugged. Oh, okay. So the big, everyone. So there was like five or six people in there, I guess they got face hugged. Okay. That makes sense. So you had five or six aliens, but then they captured like.
the the Scottish, the Scottish chemistry guy. And then they, they captured the capture Sebastian at like at one point eventually then, but he, but then he gets killed. Like Lex has to kill him before the chest buster burst out of his chest. So like, yeah, like the time framing just seems like it happens in minutes because the, the fact that the people in the sacrificial chamber get turned and have like aliens.
Oh, they they get xenomorph basically. And then those guys get out of the chamber and then they start fighting the predators like right after. Like it's not like there everyone took a break and a breather. It just seems like, OK, well, we're going to go down this hallway and holy shit. Now there's a fully grown xenomorph coming. Yes.
And it like depends on when it happens. I would understand if they also thought out a human and then they face hugged a human during the same time or they face hugged or there was another, like there was a a frozen set of xenomorphs to kind of start the party. Yeah. That would have been fine too. Like it was like, okay. I also think the editing could have been better because they could have done, they could have done don a, okay. They unfrozen a few like, um,
like soldier Xenomorphs and then as the pyramid gets more ramped up Then they like release the Queen. So it's like ah like Ramping up the difficulty. Mm-hmm. And that puts some tension in the movie, you know the more I talk about this more I'm like, I think I could have right up Hmm, but yeah, no it doesn't that make more sense? Yeah, Cause I feel like the queen is like a surprise. We have a queen. The last time we saw a queen was aliens too or aliens, you know? And yeah it's like an impressive puppet. Like the, this, it's like one of the biggest animatronics at the time. And then this queen looks to be more agile than the other queen. Like that was aliens where this thing is,
like horribly pregnant and and and enslaved. And I don't know if they also explain that the queen can also like figure out the hive movement by like powers. Like apparently- Some sort of, so sort yeah, some sort of like call or like psychic connection or something. Cause like, those leading morphs like, so like, listen and like run, they like, she like calls them to like come and like use like, ah like,
Intentionally wound her so that her like acid spills like onto like all the chains and like unlocks her chains The predators at the time would put like on asses of the bowl like chains on Yeah, they would do it for like hundreds of years like the xenomorphs never figured out like oh We should yeah, we can like use her blood to like free our queen and like take over this planet. Oh because the movie also points out that the alien skin is is proof. Yes. Then you should also take the skin and coat it on your armor. All the shit you they wear is not acid proof. It's like unless they enjoy the challenge. It's it's it's I'm sure it's probably like the predator, like it's for their honor or something. It looks like that would be that'd be like an honorable to like use like acid proof armor or whatever.
but guesss I guess it's fine if ah ah your human all ah ally uses it as a skull, as like a shield and like ah a tail spear. Yeah, because Sun of Lathan like kind of unintentionally kills a Xenomorph by just like kind of like holding up the predator spear. and then But because she she did kill it, the one surviving predator, who apparently is nicknamed Scar, um kind of initiates her into like the hunts, because she got a kill, and then like makes makes her like a an alien head shield, and then yeah turns her tail into a spear. And then they're like they're like buddies for this the movie.
i I think everyone in my theater at that point lost their goddamn mind because I remember this moment of like, oh, we're like, whoa, what's he going to do? And then we see the head shield pan. Yep. Which I don't think she uses too well in this whole movie, right? I feel like she drops it like almost immediately. She never uses it to defend herself against the alien. Oh, I think that's the sad part. But in and just seeing like ah like that head
gloves show up and I just remember like laughing so hard and someone in the crowd just shouted like oh he made her a friend and we're just like oh my god like yeah they're they're they're friends now no no I meant like the head oh yeah like a puppet yeah he made her a puppet friend we're like oh my god it was me and like a few core friends and then just strangers just riffing on that movie but like everyone lost their goddamn mind on that And then it's weird because, um, apparently like the prayers understand English because she's like asking him, like, like his plan. And then he makes like the bomb motion. And then she's like, Oh, we're going to blow him up. He's like, yeah. I mean, he didn't even mean like gurgle. was Like, I think they also forgot that predators like to mimic sounds, you know, like in predator one and two,
If they hear a noise, they can mimic it back as a taunt or something. But but they never never implied that they it's like that they didn't understand what they were doing. They were just like they they just took the sound. It's like an intimidation thing. But they didn't like understand the context of it. They were just like like it was like, oh, this weird sound. I'm going to play it back to like scare these people. Like that's true. Now, if you subscribe to the same belief as Predator, where it can and has vocal cords, like it can laugh.
So English. Yeah. Well, I think I think in Predator, it was like mimicking like Billy's laugh. He was like playing back. I was playing back Billy's laugh because they only do like they're like Predator growl or yell. Oh, OK. I didn't know that. Forgot that too much. I would rather see another movie. But this is what I say. Like, I don't think they understand. They never like implied the prayers. I understand English or like, you know, like, oh, he's laughing. I'm going to use this laughing. I think it's just like they were like,
Oh, this is some weird sound this animal is making. I'm not like play that. Gotcha. Uh. So. I mean, it's cool that he made improvised weapons, but I also feel like in this temple there would be another weapons cache somewhere. Yeah, or she can you like he's got his like scar has like ah his the the throwing disc still. I don't think no, I don't think she can handle.
Well, I know. Give her the spear, which she eventually gets anyway. And then he uses the disc. And then he's got the blaster, too, right? Still? Or like... Yeah. Yeah. So it's like he's got... It gets dropped later, but he doesn't use it besides... He uses it once to kill three aliens. That's it. Which is supposed to be like... Oh, shit. He's got his blaster now. Now he's fully armed and ready to take down tons of aliens.
He uses like one seed.
I'm also confused. it Where the hell did the other blasters? I think Sebastian was carrying one, and then someone else was carrying it. Waylon had one, and then Son of Lathan took it, and put it in her bag. That's why she had it. and she's like we got give It's like, this is a prison. I give the wardens back their guns.
And then she gave the one back to Scar. But I think i think the the other ones were like with people who got like killed by aliens. So they're just like lost. Or in like backpacks like somewhere in Semple.
Oh, I do. I do like one of the kills i like it like or like it didn't go all the way. But I do like that. um like Colin Salmon who was in Resident Evil and you know the the infamous like laser scene where it gets cut like into like cubes. I like that like they're like starting to do that. They start to do that again and when he gets caught in the net and it's like squeezing it on him. But it like it it doesn't cut him all the way just squeezes. Yeah because it's because he's a teen so then they have to like kill

PG-13 Impact on Memorable Death Scenes

him with a spear or something to like end him.
But yeah, that would have been great if he had cut like a cube again. And then like if he showed up in like another like Paul Anderson movie, just like it's always, it's always like Colosseum, always it's like chopping the cubes in Paul Anderson movies. Or even shows up in like Bond, gets queued up back and like die another day. Like Death Race, he just like, he just shows up there, he's like, oh, he gets thrown into like a, this was like a car weapon or something.
sort of ice chipper yeah yeah uh that was a nice homage to that uh but i feel like that's the only time we really pay attention to some of the deaths was just that one core yeah there's that there's not a lot of cool kills it's it's it's just a lot of like off screen they get stabbed but they can't show it because it's a piece of d and so Like Lancer, like that's Harrison gets like stabbed, like it's like the in the gut and that that's it. But you don't see it. And then all the people are just getting like dragged off a screen. They're like dragged off screen. and His death is really weird because it it's shot like a music video stylized when he calls and then when his body body like is still like it is as if it as if like a secondary crew had to come into that and then film like a PG 13 safe shot. But it's like no blood.
There was no impact. It was just, oh, he's out of the movie. And now Lance Henderson can go cash his check.
And it was just because he picked up a gun? No, no. he he would he like made a improvised flamethrower out of his oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah that's right yep uh which again i don't know what that was because if that's what he was inhaling he was inhaling like butane yeah and like i think i know what's giving you those uh cancer but yeah cancer you're just inhaling butane and then like yeah then the scars was like what the fuck bro like
Or I'll kill you now. If he was going to go down, he's going to go down fighting an alien. It's tech I guess. yeah
but yeah eventually so Eventually the queen gets out and then that's like the big finale is that our friend duo has to fight the queen. and
which but and like also like so like so you know Scar's but taken out a bunch of aliens but then he like he pretty much gets like killed by the Queen almost immediately or like almost morally wounded by the Queen almost immediately well he Scar takes a whole bunch of damage he gets acid thrown in his armor and like another alien stabs him through like this shoulder yep then the Queen stabs him through like this the gut yeah and also not to spoil much he's already infected Yes. That's something he doesn't tell anybody, which it's it's such a weird. There's a, it's a shot of like, there's a face or flying at him and then it cuts away. And then, then that's like the, yeah, the big reveal is like, Oh, he actually did like it. He didn't catch it in time. He got face hugged and then ah like it got affected by an alien.
Also, did you feel this movie was trying to be 3D? I'm trying to remember like... mark It wasn't, it wasn't, no. But it has 3DS shots, that's like coming right at you. Yep. Like that fitly like like that like this slowmoll like face hugger shot where he's like leaping, leaps at the person, like the the matrix girl and then hedges her face and stuff.
like Or like when the predator throws, like when Scar throws the, eight like like the xenomorph at the screen. yeah Like the the first big fight.
Yeah, I think this this is, this is like the, the 3D craze hadn't like caught on yet. That was like, I think it was a couple of years away. I feel like this is very close to it. I think i Avatar was like 2009, the first ones. And that was like definitely what kicked off like the yeah the big like 3D revival.
And yeah, it's such a, such a, such a, we were to kill the queen too. They just like tire to like a water tower and like push her, push her into the ocean.
Uh, which I feel like that, that like water tower probably was empty. So it's hollow. Or, or, or, or it's, I guess it would be, frozen like the water be frozen and there's still water in it. So I guess it would be heavier.
But it was like 100 like that welding station was like 100 like 1904. It was like 100 years ago when they got built. Is it because the one thing I don't understand was she the the like queen looked like it might be heavier than the water tower.
Like, you know, I didn't understand how this hundred, like at least 150 year old wooden water tower is like modernized. It has like modern piping and all that. Like the station might be hundreds of year old, but I think like it had like a modern update because there's, there's a lot of things in that station that doesn't quite make sense. But the whale bones that are just laid out there, like the whaling station would just drag out the carcass and just leave it outside. Yeah.
they they They just cut meat off and it's left like left to like but cut off whatever they need that they wanted and like left like the rest of it to like rot. I don't know. Like it was a cool setting. It definitely was like let's ignore this set until the final because that place was built for an action set. But yeah, the the water tower being the anchor is different. I understand they found like an anchor or they used a vehicle or something heavy, but I couldn't figure out why the queen couldn't rip the chain off. Or like, it was such a cop-out instead of a cool predator kill or some sort of drill.

The Queen Alien's Defeat: A Letdown?

I was thinking maybe the heat drill that the drilling crew brought, maybe they'll throw it in the path. Something logical, it makes sense. Or even the predator summons a beam from space that drill another hole and it hits the queen.
Yeah. There's so's so much stuff they set up that they could have used. They just that didn't use it. It's like, Oh, they push her into the ocean and then she kind of just like gives up. And this is like, well, I i got, I got beat. I'm just going to give up now and say, I don't like aliens need air to breathe. Right. I don't, yeah. I don't know how they, I don't know how they would deal with like being underwater. I think we see, we see the swim and like alien resurrection, I think. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
But yeah, the Queen the queen is doing it like no struggling, no trying to swim back up to the surface. Just like, well, I lost. Good job. but I'm just going to sink down into the ocean now.
Yeah, I mean, it's just a little anticlimactic, just because I maybe think, mate, if you really want to tie into a better writing, have, uh, what's her face, use the ice pick to, like, stab the queen in the face or something, and then it's like, now the queen is, like, like really more... Yeah, like like, yeah, like, like, like, Santa Lathan uses her, like, she uses her own weapons, quote-unquote, like, the ones she knows, like, what ice axes and, like... Or just use that alien head that... Punch it, yeah.
Yeah, i think I think she puts down the but yeah like the shield because she finds a gun. And she's like, oh, I'll use the gun now. like Wow. Can you imagine being the predator? like I made you this really like cool shield that would be good for you. and And you just use the one gun bullet. Yeah, think she she she uses all the the remaining bullets to put like Sebastian out of his misery.
And then, yeah, like we like you mentioned, there's like the stinger scene is like the but the elder predators show up and they take Scar. um They give ah lex a give her Scar's spear as a trophy because she like you know killed the queen, killed an alien. She has she has a predator like scar. She's going to have like that scar on her face for the rest of her life. So I was just going to explain that to people.
Well, I mean, if you don't know that, you just think it's a random wilderness thing. Yeah. Maybe. I mean, it could be a worse scar, but I think I would have put the scar not on your cheek. have have like Can you put it like on my like chest somewhere? like im Yeah, somewhere not on my now my face. She's an environmentalist. She has to go speak in front of people. And it's like, hey, where'd you get that like you know alien, like obviously, a yautja?
thing like, ah and um, so not, not to deviate so much, but technically the predator, the 2000, like 18 movie. Yeah. Is, is, is the like tie-in to this. Yeah. It's directly like her spear is like, yeah, on the ship at the end or something.
which I can rehearse on display. and And like, when they go like, like Jake, you see is like weird, but like like, I thought that, well, that spear was on top of the Arctic. So that's, that's, I guess that's fine. They like went back and snatched it again, but I'm surprised she wasn't working with them. She also wasn't like trying to like bring back. Cause it's like, unlike everyone else, like I think like what, like Danny Glover, he killed just a predator. Dutch killed a predator.
She didn't kill a predator. I guess dutch Dutch like mortally wounded the predator and then like like he's like, oh I'm defeated. I'm going to use my nuke. True. and dan did Yeah, Daniel ever did straight up kill like a predator. Yeah, he had a knife fight with a predator. Yeah.
I guess like it doesn't. It's like an honor thing, but I don't know. I feel like the predator would have been like, oh, hey, no, this doesn't count. You have to kill one. You can't just be there when it dies. Well, I guess it's because like that, like it was like. She participated in like the rite of passage that like, and she killed, she killed a xenomorph to like that. So then like, she's like technically she's a hunter. Like that's what they're, they're like, we're trying to do.
I guess i guess's she's lucky like he didn't put it like on her forehead, like because like he puts it on his a forehead. he He takes his mask off, like he puts it right on his forehead. guess I guess the cheek is like a a slightly better place, I guess, than right in the middle of her forehead, like this is like crazy alien symbol. True. In the comic, there is a woman who was worthy to be a like a human yaucha hunter.
I want to say something. Machiko. Machiko, yeah. And she gets the branding and she just gets like a custom armor and she just goes to space and like, I don't know how she communicates with them, but she's part of that pack. I think Machiko comes back in the new Marvel like storylines.
but But yeah, the stinger scene is they they bring Scar's body on the ship and they're going to leave Earth. But then, yeah, surprise. He got like he got face-sogged off screen. And and then a predator alien burst out of his chest, like a like a larva predator alien that will wreak havoc in Alien versus Predator Requiem. Which, you know, I didn't mind. I didn't mind the predator alien.
because I was excited later on with this record. I'm like, Hey, you remember that predalian? We're going to tie it in. I think that's the first time I've seen a predalian.
I do. I do appreciate it. Like right off the bat, they're like, Hey, this is our ratings. They like, they like horribly murdered like that father and son.
they're like hunting in the woods oh yeah well but also cool to see that basically this move that that movie wasn't playing around they are straight up gonna like kill whatever it gets in its way

Future Crossovers & Franchise Hopes

but yeah ah This movie, again, it this never lives up to like the hype of the comics, the games. And I played the games and I get like they were trying to modernize it, keep it in the present instead of the colonial space marines. But. I mean, I really don't want this franchise to die. I want I really want a colonial space marines predator alien crossover. Mm hmm.
yeah Just for for the amount of years that we were like waiting to like you know the tease of like the skull in predator 2 and then like the other Dark Horse comics There's like all that hype of just like and like yeah, it's like yeah, they're funny ah like on screen like a person person to fight aliens It's gonna be awesome, and it's like there's like one one actual like fight between an alien a predator and Yeah. Like a full, like, like, like, like like brawl. And then the rest of it, the rest of it is just like quick kills or like they're not they don't fight each other at all. Like it's or they're killing aliens, are killing humans, and not predators. It's like, man. Well, I mean, I get the aliens because it would have been cool to see more aliens hunting and and killing people early in the movie to sort of explain
i like okay now it's like prepped and now the predators have to go and and fight whatever's in there to get worthy because it's like hard to get the gun and hard to come out with the guns but and and just like waiting for the predators to run in and hopefully the humans never like have the predators never had a problem where the humans grabbed the guns before they did
I guess because every other every other group was like worshipping them or like, well, because they they mentioned because in 1904, they came because they mentioned like, oh, the whaling, like, ah set up got like the hunters got like disappeared in 1904. But like what what the person did is he just drag the dragon. them It's like the temple and like force them to be like the aliens, I guess.
Because i'm sure I'm sure there were there were like willing like you know native ah people that were in 1904 in Antarctica to like sacrifice themselves for a tell that for the predators.
but like This time, it was like, the you they looked out and it happened to be like this like scientific crew that got facehogged.
Yeah, just there's a lot of there's a lot of like weird beats where if you think about it for too long, it's like, wait, that doesn't make any sense. Oh, yeah, that's his whole movie. And I think Requiem, the praising Requiem, there's not enough time. There's so much things happen that you can't just focus on one point long enough. Yeah. Only because it's like so much like ridiculousness that happens. While this, there's a lot of laws. There's a lot of parts where um What's his face? The cryptologist guy. He wants to explain more of the story. Yeah. Right. One thing, the audience is on board with the idea. It was like, no, no, no. Let's keep explaining. Let me read you more wall text.
And then they go back to scenes of ah other guys getting like taken by the alien.
But I always felt like it's weird that the predators had to murder everyone on top of the surface. Like they not only murder them, but then also do like trophy hunting. yeah what What happened when like the Flashlight where it was like thousands of aliens, like how did they get that out of control? I'm also thinking the maybe the aliens escaped. And because it it wasn't like in a pit, it was like all level ground. So maybe if you ran out, it was like a city. Yeah, it was like that one of us went horribly wrong and then like face huggers and like got out and they're sort of like infecting everyone in like the city or something. Or the queen walk out the back door because the queens can escape. It seemed like there was not a lot of security to stop the queen. As long as the queen can squeeze her way out the front door. Mm hmm. She's fine. There's no deterrent. Maybe again, maybe it's supposed to interpret that basically up until the Antarctic temple,
um They've always done it in jungles just because it was like easy for them. And then they realized, okay, we keep losing these pyramids in a jungle. Let's build one in the Arctic. Wasn't the whole thing that the prayers love heat? Yeah, they can see. I don't know. See what I mean? Like, that's why I'm like the Arctic has nothing even to do with freeze a death. She fell in the ocean. You could fall into the ocean in a lot of places too.

Franchise Restoration: Current Movies Discussion

Yeah, because thats I mean, it's the whole thing of that's why they're in like the jungle and Columbia and like in the and original one is whether you're in like Los Angeles because during a heat wave and the second one. It's conflict and heat is what draws the predators. But then it's two two two two things that you think of. What do you think of Antarctica? Yeah, I think of how hot the daytime is. Yes.
how How many wars happened there? In a remote ah whaling station, you're going to have just like the best of the best hanging around there.
But yeah, but hopefully, you haven't seen it yet, but hopefully Alien Rammus is the kind of return to form for the Alien franchise that we're hoping it is. And, you know, we got prey a couple of years ago, which is like a a big return to form for predator. And we're getting, we're getting another, a sequel to that movie at some point soon. So hopefully, hopefully both franchises are on the right track again. Enter some, uh, some pretty big disappointments. The the predator was awful.
ah The predator had like a fun cast of people, but just the dumbest like plot beats. plot and then just like editing, editing was horrible. Like I always remember like everyone just always mentions like, um, like no, no one really stood around like how he died. They couldn't figure out how he died. Cause it was shot so horribly. He shot, he shot himself in the head with a, with a private gun, but like you couldn't, you couldn't understand like watching it, how it happened or like what happens. Also, was that movie rated R? It was, yeah.
It's like they could have showed it. They could have really took their time to show the more and the mistake, but it's not. I also remember that movie being more of a dark comedy than an actual like action movie. Yeah. Cause it was, cause all the guys were like, it was like the a team or like the bad news bears kind of like, they were like, they all, they're all like locked up. They're like, like army midmates or something. I got locked up for like weird military crimes. Tom Jane had like, like a Tourette's.
I mean, I'm fine with like misfit soldiers that they all knew each other or they all just sort of were on the same bus. Mm hmm. But, uh, yeah, no, let's not get into too much of that because we can talk another whole episode about just the stupid mutant predators that happen. And then the dog who comes like an ally from a gunshot wound. When they when they they shoot in the head, and like basic like you like ah the bottom eyes, the bottom eyes and then it becomes friendly. yeah but but when Whenever that movie has ah an anniversary, but or if there's no Predator movie be'd coming up, we'll have to talk about something with that one or like Predator or something. It's weird because I think that means this movie is better than that movie. Man, that's that's such a tough call. It is. ah its It's not like a win-win situation. like but that That's a whoever wins, we lose situation. Yeah, that is. which is That's probably the best the best part of Alienware Spreader is like the tagline because that's like that's a great tagline.
It's probably the most enduring thing about this movie, is that tagline. is kind of Which is kind of like a sad statement about the end of the movie, when the tagline's the best part of it. but But yeah, so that was Alien for Predator, a happy 20th anniversary. And I'm definitely going to go see

Episode Outro & Next Week's Preview

Alien Ronmas soon. So there might be a review of the site ah probably early next week for that, so come back for that.
And ah next week, I'll come back to for the podcast. We're diving into John Woo's classic, The Killer, because John Woo's new killer is coming out on Peacock. He's remaking his own movie in what seems like a drastically different fashion. Oh, yeah. We'll dive into like all the chow you on fat action next week. so Come back for that.
And head over to Slate, we all got all of our usual news, reviews, features, trailers, all kinds of stuff. Head over there and check all that out. And yes, of course, I'm Zach, and we will see you next week. For more from Everything Action, head to You can also find us on Facebook at facebook slash everything dot.action, and follow us on X at Evie Action. We're also on Instagram and threads at everything.action.
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