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Audio Fixed! The Invasive Species Part 3 image

Audio Fixed! The Invasive Species Part 3

Dungeon Problems!
42 Plays8 months ago

An actual play game of Monster of the Week! The Mystery has ramped up as they make their way to the Post Office, hoping to find the monster responsible. When they get there will they find something they can't handle, or will their friendship save them.


Amako- Played by Dani

Frey- Played by Allie

Maewhyn- Played by Bri

Come back in two weeks for Part 4!


Introduction to Dungeon Problems Podcast

Hello, people. Again, you're here. I'm impressed. I'm scared at how much your fault. No, I'm not. Actually, I love you all. Thank you all so much for coming to the Dungeon Problems Podcast.
Sure a mountain never grows and winds a toothless spider. Darkness fills up the deep holes and turns an endless spider. What we're here for is mysteries, but puzzles yet unsolved. So I set secrets lost to history as there's a problem solved alone. Dungeon zoom, problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all. Dungeon zoom, problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all.
My name is Arthas Creations. I am a podcast runner. God, I really need to get better at

Monster of the Week: Invasive Species Miniseries

these. You're here because you have enjoyed this Monster of the Week game that we're kind of miniseries right now that is called the Invasive Species miniseries. I am joined by three, let's think of a good word for this one. Hmm. Ooh.
investigative. Plant chopping. bla Plant planting. Plant chopping. Yeah, talk like stomping. Muscled, strong, every time. They are wonderful human beings have agreed to investigate this mystery that I put before them. We're going to start off with Donnie. Donnie, who are you playing today? I'm playing Amaco, who used to be a minor deity. several hundreds hundreds of years ago and has returned to Earth after she realized one of her siblings has been killed and she wants to investigate that. And while on the tracks of whoever did what was done, she kind of fell in with a very wrong crowd, namely Frey and Maywyn, whom she is joined by today.
Awesome. Now, Allie, who are you playing of those two? I'll be playing Frey, a tall, brooding, burglar-turned-mercenary. Frey is street-savvy, packs a punch, and picks locks like no one's business. She's used to doing odd jobs to make ends meet, utilizing her thieving prowess to keep a roof over her head and to run from her past. And last and certainly not least, we have Bree. a spooky mercenary with milky white eyes and long wild red hair braided down her back. She's always in contact with some being or beings.
Oh, I read tarot and do all kinds of different forms of divination. So if you like runes or oracles or dice pendulums, I am your girl. Fates whisper on Instagram. I have a ah link tree there. You can book a reading

Investigation at the Post Office

with me through it. It would be really cool. Oh my God. Do it. He's amazing. Do it. Do it. to it can Do Do it. Don't think about this strange plant that's been telling you to do it. Just do it. Just let this plant control you and do it.
So last session, players, the hunters, not players, it's a little different in Monster of the Week. The hunters looked out the window at the fallen corpse of Emma and ran down the stairs and caught up to it. After a little bit of dangerous ah knife work and sword work, they managed to take a seed out from the belly of Emma's corpse, and it sprouted slightly. But Emma was defeated, no longer moving.
but you didn't realize that she was dead long before this, so no hard feelings about that. She's probably actually very thankful. Her spirit is very thankful that you stopped this man control. You took it into a police station where you guys dealt with your favorite people in the world. just the best NPCs ever. And they took the body and instead of being like, okay, we're done for tonight, you decide to head to the foreign greenhouse with the seed. You didn't leave that with the police because that would have gone so great. You took it to the foreign greenhouse and met Alfonso who is also a wonderful NPC that I think you actually do like, but don't trust completely to be safe. I think that's accurate. Good fair estimation right there.
He did a couple experiments you saw inside the fallen greenhouse. He was like, you know what? This seems really bad. It is taking over people. It's infecting people. I can try and figure out how to stop it. So he is currently doing that. As you guys left, Maywyn decided to, at the advice of Amaco, get rid of some Miracle Grow fertilizer. by recording it to barks that chambers in the guild you got into your and to begin heading towards the several clues that you found along the way seemed to point in that the strange tape that just has gile on it which you've discovered to mean fragile you've solved the first puzzle i i didn't even mention that yeah that was a puzzle and you solved it by figuring out what's missing
Go team!
You... I figured out a couple different things about it there. Alfonso had received a package that he wasn't supposed to, so he sent it back to the post office, and you're like, this season's definitely a little odd. Especially since Josephina is mind-white, and you don't quite know what that entails. So you all jumped into your car and headed over to the post office, turned the corner, parked right in front of it, and you notice that this two-story building still has its lights on. What none of you unfortunately saw is the fact that these vines were starting to creep through the trees where the fallen greenhouse was, but now they have turned back and have begun to head your way. But you don't know that because you weren't there for that!
So you guys are now standing outside the post office. This is a cute little red and white building that has just a sign out front of it over the main door that says post office. There's a little letter opening beside it where people can put their letters and stuff after hours. It's not big enough for parcels. Unfortunately, they do have to come back during the business days. You do see that it's closed on Tuesdays. Fortunately, it's not Tuesday.
I don't know what day of the week it is, but it is after like nine o'clock now. So you're a little suspicious that the lights are on. The lights are on on the second floor, not the first floor. Before we go in, have you guys? What if Josephine is getting mind wiped because she's an unwilling accomplice to something happening?
inside you know i was just thinking oh i had not considered that she is the employee there and if it if this is like an inside thing it would be kind of perfect for your only means of sending things in and out has no idea what's happening
Absolutely. um I think that is a really viable. That's a ah really potential option of what's happening.

Confrontation with Vines and Personal Fears

Because they're like, they're like controlling her like the scenes control people.
I don't know. Do we remind do we know who's doing the mind wiping again?
I believe Alfonso did mention that's typically handled by Haraldson, the talk druid. He's the one in charge of dealing with a fae, that sort of stuff. He's on the- he's my top list right now. I'm suspicious.
But I guess we get out of the we get out of the car. um I turn around and look for vines. No, I don't do that. um i think i I just like walk right up to the door and start like knocking on it. You want to try the keys again, just to see if... like Oh, that's another good idea. I mean, possibly this one doesn't fit either, but just to see where Emma got keys from. Yeah, absolutely. I try Emma's keys um first to see if any of those fit. Emma's keys unfortunately do not work. um Does this lock look, ah can I like investigate the lock? You can. It looks pretty mundane.
Okay, so not magical. I'm not getting like a sense of magic from the lock. Not magical. There is also a vault on the door as well. You do figure this is a post office. It probably needs to be a little bit more secure than someone's house and stuff like that. Okay. um So I do go ahead and knock after trying the keys. um does any Do we hear any movement from inside the post office? You knock on the door, you don't hear any movement at all. Okay, can I use my burglar ability to try to break in? yeah sir like yeah yeah um Okay, so i roll that lock well now I have an extra I have a plus two to sharp now.
That's an eight. An eight, so you get an undetected, you get out undetected, you don't leave a mess, you find what you were after. I'm gonna choose. um how How much do we care about getting in or out undetected? No, not at all. um
I think, um, I'll just, I'll go with, um, don't leave a mess and we find what we're after. Okay. That's a weird, like you break into a secure location, you find what you were after. You know what? Very simple, very easy on this one. You, the lock on the door handle is easy peasy, lemon squeezy for you. You, you're a pro. you failed a couple times already. I know what to do. The deadbolt is a little bit harder for you.
and you have a shim, a shimmy that you do manage to get in there. I don't know where you pull it from. I don't know if you have a little bag. If you just like pull it out from behind your back, somehow you have a shimmy on hand. You retch it in and you click it. It is a very audible click that happens, but nothing's broken. You didn't have to break any glass, anything like that. So you swing the door open, and as that door opens, you notice why it was so hard to open. The the bolt on it was being held by vines. I knew it. to see down the floor, you guys find yourselves, well, this room is pretty dark, but- We find ourselves.
I'm taking that advantage away from oh sad day you the street lights provide just enough light to see inside this first room where you see that it's pretty much just a counter. There are several desks where people can fill out parcel address forms, do various things. There is a long white sheet hanging from one wall with a camera set up where people can take their passport photos. There is a glass wall behind where you can see into the sorting room of the
post office and the clerk often will stand back there and do transactions there. To the right there is a door that is closed and to the left there is a door that's just creaked open and you can see the wall there is covered with PO boxes. As you guys, the light shines, you notice that the vines are receding through that glass, the openings in the glass window into the sorting room. And you see way in the back, there is a hatch open where these vines are going down into.
There's a hatch in. Sorry. So do we go into, I guess we, we probably go right into this room unless there's somewhere else you guys want to go. Yeah, we're, ah we're in there, I think.
are Are any of the vines like, are they kind of just, um are they moving? Like are any of them like reaching for us or? They're not, these vines that were at the deadbolt door are not reaching for you. They're seeding way back. Oh, gotcha, okay. As you do enter and look around, you see that there are these other vines that are starting to come out. And they have these small little kind of glowing bones. I don't want to touch those. We should have brought gas. now. Can I?
I think when Maywen sees that they're all commuting to one place um I think she wants to put a stop to that immediately like ah you're stuck in here with us buddy yeah that's it that's all it is um one of the use magic things is bar a place or portal to a specific person or tip of creature does that mean I can just like fools like you can't enter here
Yeah, you set like a magical board, it's however you want to flavor it. You want to be like, I know thy name, thou is barred, something like that. Although you don't know its name, so that one won't work. Maven's gonna reach around Frey and grab, just like snap off a little piece of a vine that was entangled into the the lock. and she is going to twist it up into a little ball and then crush it in her hand and she blows her what was in her hand towards the hatch and the door and it's like a ah sheet of
it's It's like a its sharp glass that slides over the hatch and slices the vines. So but whatever was like halfway in, they're just they fall down. And then there's no one else can enter.
Please. Use your use magic. ah Six plus two is eight plus two is ten. I can. All right. So describe what you did again. who So she crushes a vine and blows the remains with her magic towards the hatch and a magic sheet of glass slides into place, slicing off the remaining vines from entering.
Yeah. All right. You do that, and the vines currently in the room that you're in are severed from that hatch. And you see- I don't know how long that's gonna go. From where you guys are staying in- But it'll hold for a little bit.
but No, that's great. um And does it seem like all of the the vines were originating from there? like So everything in the room kind of like falls limp. From what you can see right now, yes. OK. I think on my way to I want to go check out the door that's creaked open. But I'm walking over to it. Can I like cut off?

Jerome Parrish's Attack

I want to like use my knife to cut off um one of the little like glowing bulbs and like without touching it, use the knife to like scrape it into another like vial or something. OK. You.
Take your knife and cut the bulb off. And as you do that, the bulb pops open to reveal a small black and red lotus flower. And a spurt of spores comes out right into your face. Of course it does. OK. What is phrase worst in here? Oh, no. Frey is scared of not having a purpose. um Like the thought of leaving behind um the life that she knows now, um even if she might be happier, um like she feels like what would I do? how Like what life do I have beyond this? You.
See just in this whole post office disappeared as these spores settle over your face. You see the door closed to this post office. You see Maywyn and Amaco getting into the car. pulling out as the tail lights leave you behind. You call desperately on your cell phone, trying to reach the guild, being like, hey, I need a pickup. I'm stuck here. And you're like, as you call, it says, this phone is no longer in service. Please hang up and try again.
You open up the door to the post office and start running out. You run into Drew at Sorensen and you're like, I need to reach my friends. They're leaving their left. And he goes, I'm sorry, who who are you? i i I reckon I can't help you, ma'am. And you are now standing alone on the streets. Your friends have driven off. The guild is not reaching out to you. And Amiko and Maywen, you guys see Frey just bolt out the door for a second. After the spore hit them right in the face.
if if you If you guys follow me, I think you find me out like a cup like outside the door. I'm not like continuing to run away, but I think I just like fall to my knees and I'm kind of just like like sitting there and like looking out at where in the vision I saw the car like disappear to. I'm going to follow you and Amaco is going to use the same hand gesture that she's used on you dozens of times to heal up cuts and bruises. Not to actually heal you, but seeing you shaking on the ground, just to do a comforting touch you are used to, and you'll just feel her hands on your shoulders while I wait for a reaction from you.
Beywin's going to come off from the pool and realizing this is not a medical emergency but a psychological one. She's going to sit on the ground in front of you and just, I think, probably just hold your hands. and wait. So there is someone in front of you and somebody behind you and you are safe. I'm gonna start crying. Oh my god. Ah, Amakazu used kind of your leon hands. I mean not actually healing her in like a physical sense but I
want to like give her the same comfort of like I do the same I imagine I do the same hand motions and gestures every time and like reach on her shoulders and she would feel like the same little tap that my index finger does like a little Morse code that's just between us that's like the the motions I go through when I do my lay on hands So that is like a comforting sensation as I'm trying to pull her out of like whatever it is that's clouding her mind.
Maywin and Amiko, both of you roll health out. So plus cool. Eight.
I hated and I love it that I rolled a five. Nice. Nice. Jane that experience, Donnie.
Maewen, you are now sitting with Frey and holding their hand trying to just be there and connect with them.
Just, you feel the sadness coming from Frey. You are connected to them. You've been with them for so long and you can see you the tears streaming down her face. But you can feel a slight squeeze in your hand as Frey also feels, even though she's standing right now in the streets alone, Someone is still there with her. Amiko, you're doing these movements, trying to get that feeling. And you are kind of unused to dealing with these sorts of situations, connecting so much with someone. Because you've been on your own for a while. You think this is helping a little bit. But you don't notice that from the ground out,
in front of the post office where there's some beautiful tulips growing that suddenly these little bulbs begin to shoot out and they explode right behind you as you're trying to breathe trying to help as you breathe in these spores and you you are realizing that you're helping ah
You're trying your best to help her. And you see these spores settle over you for a little bit. And you are no longer on the street with prey. You're standing in front of your old temple. It's a nice spring day. You see your brother standing by the front door. And he says, you come. Come, Mama, come. It's time. We we must bring Kiyomi to the next round.
We will be with them again. Everything is going to be okay. As the temple door opens, you see the long archways that lead up to the shrine at the far end, and there lies your sibling's body.

Post Office Aftermath and New Discoveries

In the white robes that your family has often worn, you know that this is not the end. You will all be together again because you are more than just the corporeal bodies. You are more divine. As you and your brother kneel before your sibling's corpse, you begin a prayer, a prayer of life to join all of your souls together.
Mae, when you saw this explosion of this spores take over Amaco, and she has that same kind of dazed expression on her face for a second, but maybe there's a slight smile as well. And they are not reacting to you at all right now. What would you like to do?
scrambles over to Amiko and gives her a little shake and says no no no no no come on I can't I need one of you here with me come on sweet girl it shakes her a little bit harder I'm I want to enter both of their minds and see if I can pull them back pull them back to me
I'm going to say this is a big magic roll. You're going to roll a used magic. And this, you know, this is going to be dangerous because you are over your mind completely. Uh, four plus five is nine plus two is 10 11. Right. You're standing on the street and for a second you felt a hand and you were like, why, why does this feel so familiar? And from behind you, you see a light coming and it is, uh,
it is another, uh, car. that pulls up behind you and out steps Maywin. She has returned for you. Amiko, you are kneeling with your brother and Kiyomi, beginning this prayer. And Maywin, what do you say as you walk through these temple doors to Amiko?
in a gentle voice because she is in a temple. Amiko, we're not done yet. We have people to help. Amiko, in her vision, just far so brows for a moment and looks over her shoulder as if she heard a voice. knowing full well that no one else is at the temple right now and that it was not her brother Sano talking and just blinks rapidly as if to clear something away and keeps listening intently no longer fully focused on the task at hand and feeling torn inside about wanting to be reunited with Kiyomi
But at the same time, this feeling of obligation and a connection as if someone is pulling on a hard string, dragging her somewhere else. You'll hear, this isn't real. And I need to wake up, Fry.
I look up at my brother.
who I know or at least highly suspect is not trustworthy at this point in time, study his features and see like a little flicker as if the image is off a little bit, blinking more.
Just looking back and forth between Kiyomi and Sano, unsure of what to do.
That temple begins to fade as you realize this can't be real. This is not your brother. This is not Kiyomi. And that Maywen has to be real. You take her hand and walk through the temple doors. Maywen, as you get that last look in the temple, you see this figure on the shrine. This, uh, well, Amiko, do you want to describe what Kiyomi looks like? The king.
At the shrine before us, as I hold Maywyn's hand, I take one less glance at Kiyomi and they are lying there with skin that is very similar to Armacost that looks almost like translucent porcelain. No blemish whatsoever and shiny black hair just falling a little bit in like their face and they look very peaceful and they're wearing these what may win would probably assume to be like ceremonial robes white with the most precious golden like threads woven into the fabric in intricate patterns that
could probably be described even for someone who doesn't hail from the temple as having some sort of religious or ritualistic significance and there are candles placed around them and you can see that out of six candles four have already gone out or been blown out and you can assume that probably if all of them go out Kiyomi's soul is expected to transcend to the next place. But just as the last two candles are about to be blown out by Sano, my brother, I grab Maywin's hand very tightly and just tear my gaze away from Kiyomi. It is breaking my heart on the inside, letting go of them again.
not having been there as they died, close my eyes and let Meywen leave me out of the temple.
Meywen, as this happens, you hear a voice slightly in your head.
Maywin, Maywin,
please help. And now you are standing at that car, looking at Fray in the middle of the street, and Amaco gets out of the other door. What do you all do for Fray?
I think I'm still like there on my knees and looking at them with tears in my eyes and I say, why'd you come back? We would never leave you. This isn't real. And we're here to take you home. And I hug her. I run to her and I hug her. So she has physical touch, something to ground her.
I don't think that I have a home anymore, but, and I squeeze you as ah as I hug you back and say, um but at least I have you guys. People can be home too. I nod hearing Amiko say that um and maybe like reach my my arm out, like inviting her to join this this hug. And I'm just like crying. And in your ears, if even if someone was standing just a feet away from us, they wouldn't hear. But in your ears, you can hear amokal whisper. If there's one thing I have learned in my hundreds of years of existence, is that you built your own home.
And no one can take that away from you. We are building blocks in your home.
And there's a door fastened to these building blocks that is always open. And hell, even if it wasn't, you would get in anyway.
And you would feel her smile against your ear as you like, chuckles out the last part, knowing that no fucking door could ever hold you.
I have chills, oh my god. I'm crying a little bit.
As you say this, the kind of dark street that you are all mentally in right now begins to fade as you find yourself, ironically, still on that street. The car has not been pulled out of its parking spot. The door to the post office is still wide open as these bulbs begin to recede into the earth. And just then, Frank, your cell phone begins to ring. I wipe my eyes with a confused look, pull my phone out of my pocket, um and clear my throat. And I answer, hello?
Oh hey there miss, I just wanted to call because we just unfortunately received a very distressing call that Jerome Parrish was attacked out on the pier. Just now, ah we got the call in. He was just doing some late night work and something tried to grab him. I reckon that might be interesting. I'm sending my deputy over there to take a statement right now, but I reckon I should probably tell you that.
I like spot her and I'm like, yeah, I reckon. Do you have, I, we, I need a moment. And then I give, I like shove the phone at, at Maywin. Cause I know that Amaco is not going to know how to use the phone. Oh my God. True. Oh, she would use the phone. Just her manners would Maywin takes the phone and listens to this fan.
Uh, oh, I'm sorry if I caught you at a bad time, uh, but it seemed like something, I mean, you picked up, so must not have been too bad. Yeah, we're a little bit busy trying to solve your town's problem. Uh, the pier, you said? Yeah, that's where, it might not even be related, just saying, I mean. People get attacked all the time. Well, oh, it's in the background. In the background, I'm like grumbling and I'm like, Jerome's name was on the files. Now we're going to have to go there. what What do we do at the post office? Like I'm getting like really upset. I was just watching you pay us back and forth with the phone. Oh, okay. Yep. Thank you for the permission. We are going to handle that right now.
like you yeah Thank Thank you. Would you pick me up some donuts on the? I've already. No. um Seeing Frei pace back and forth, I will pull out the files that I took from Emma and hand them to her. And while I do i do that, and then I just stride past her, pull out my flaming sword and I try and set the post office on fire. oh I'm not gonna stop that. Burn it down, babe. I'm with it. Okay. My god. Wonderful. Wonderful. Just very nonchalantly, just pass on the files, march on, pull out the sword and
stick it into whatever flammable material I can find. No, you would not think that a building dedicated to sending letters, partials, various things like that would have a lot of flammable stuff in it, but go figure. Yeah, no, you start walking through that front room with your sword and tough is stuff is going. I hang back with Fray and I'm like, she needed that. Yeah. Yeah, I agree.
All right. Yeah, that post office is really starting to go. We should leave. We should go. I think I'm done. Um, proud of you. Let's go to the pier, I think.
Maywen, can you can you drive us? I want to I want to read over these files before we get there. Yes, absolutely.
Alright, you begin to drive over to the pier. It's not a very long drive. You go over the bridge to that section. You've been there already before. As you're reading through these files, Fred, what are you looking for? I am looking for what is this nature um i am looking Jerome's um job title, any other names or people that are associated with him. Yeah, any anything anything that has to do with his title, his job ah responsibilities, um other people he's associated with.
All right, so you're looking through and you are reading through. He is a part-time worker. He does work for the town as a deckhand for the ferry. The ferry that Captain Ron Edrick uses on the pier to get from the pier to the water treatment plant. He also works part-time at the water treatment plant as a kind of a stockhand who you know deals with restocking stuff, moving stuff from one place on the water treatment plant. Really just, you know, he's a laborer there. He doesn't isn't really in charge of moving, of doing anything in terms of the water treatment.
ah You also see he's a fisherman as well. He has three part-time jobs. How do he juggles it all, you're not quite sure. But the there's a little note at the bottom of the file that says, note security clearance level one.
Is that lowest clearance? You do... You're not quite sure, honestly. That's true in real life ending it and Okay. yeah im sure and i Can I flip immediately? And we have the... Sorry, we have the forms for both Jerome and Captain Ron, right? Yep. I want to immediately flip to the files of Ron and look to see what level clearance he has. His level clearance is level 2. He serves as the ferryman, but he also is in charge of upkeep and responsible for checking many of the pipes and outlets of all the
islands of the island to make sure that water's flowing properly. That's the magic that moves the water to all the fields and functioning. So he he seems to have a little bit more of a job in there. and twisting. Yeah, I share this with my friends and I say um whoever whoever attacked Jerome, I'm assuming someone who's been taken over by one of these seeds, is trying to get into the and highest level of security in this water treatment plant. They have to be. And I explained the security clearance notes that I read. We should have should have found these guys after we handled Emma.
Oh, we can't go back now. He's alive, right, Jerome? Did he survive? I think so. Okay. Okay. As we get there, I think, yeah, I'm like, let's keep a let's keep a sharp eye on him if he's even if he's alive. And just keep an eye on any weird anything weird about him. Yeah, you know, like if he's like throwing me. Yeah, got it. So you guys pull into the pier. It is now probably 10 o'clock at night.
most of the more carnival rides. it's It's very, it's one of those weird like, yes it's a dock for ships but it's also has like small carnival rides with it. Like one of the like ones that has all the swings flying around it, carnival games. Not a full-on roller coaster, one of those little kitty dragon roller coasters that just goes up a little bit and down a little bit. Most of these are shut down at this point. It's a Wednesday night. People don't really go to the pier at this time. You do see a flashing police car.
that is just in front of it. The deputy is standing with a tall African-American man who looks really disheveled at this point. He is wearing a smock that you often see in fishermen. He has long rubber gloves. He's pointing down at his leg where his jeans are completely ripped up on his right side as they seem to be talking. I shove the papers back in my pocket. And I guess we get out and we, I run right up to these two. But I want to keep a little bit of physical space from Jerome. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. As you guys are approaching, you hear Jerome say, it tried to drag me towards over the parking lot. I couldn't see it was dark. All the lights were busted. i
I'm really not sure how I got away. It seemed to let me go. I tried to fight it. I was just getting ready. I was fighting. And I guess it just didn't want didn't want any more fight for me. I wonder if this had anything to do with the moment that, uh, Maywin's magic cut off the vines that were like coming through that, um, that hatch. Like I wonder if when you cut those off, if that, if something like released this man. her
Or if something got inside him and therefore stopped struggling. Yeah, the job was done. Does he have like, physical open wounds that we can see? Yeah, there are probably half a dozen on his head. Um, okay. Um, Amiko, how surgical can you be with that sword?
Just in case.
I was thinking of trying something else. Okay.
And I just want to ah walk up to Jerome. I'm not going to say anything. I'm a close bedside manners are horrible to non-existent does not acknowledge the office does not acknowledge anyone. I'm supposed to be here. that's right I just, grab Jerome's head like at his temples and I want to try and use my cast out evil. o What is that? Move to see if there's anything inside him that I can banish. Alright, what is cast out evil? You may banish an unnatural creature from your presence. It's a
tough roll and if I roll a 10 plus it is banished immediately on a seven to nine it takes a little while and the creature still has time to make one or two actions and well on a miss something is keeping it there and I fail. All right roll your plus tough.
Ooh, that's 11. Nice. 11. You grab this man's temples and he looks at you in shock, his green eyes spring open just like, what the fuck is going on here? As you just channel your divinity through yourself. through your hands into him and just you sense there is something inside of him you just push and push and push it down as you all see these dozen or so vines begin to wiggle out of his leg and drop down and they
just begin to shrivel and die as you come back and he looks down at his leg and goes, what is that? Don't look at it. Look at me. Don't look at it. Eyes up. Look at me. oh i and I start stomping on the vines. Don't look. Don't do it. That was inside of me? What? And there's plenty more where that came from. But you're okay now. There's more? No, maybe not in you. I don't know. It seemed like what was inside of you came out. I shrug and I continue to just stomp on the vine. You can see at this moment as you start verbally fumbling that Amiko who is a very like
elegant creature, very flowy movements usually just turned rigid as she held on to Jerome. And then as you start fumbling, just chuckles for a moment and let's go and you can see the fluidity returning to her movements and just give you a smile. Yeah, he's clean. I mean, of that. I don' i don't know his hygiene routine or anything. I don't know about the rest of you.
I don't know where your hands have been. You know where good. Probably in some fish. In? You're right. Yeah, actually. Ew. Thank you. I appreciate your... That does... I did see stuff like that right before I was attacked coming out of out of the grass. That's... I think I need to shower. I turn to the deputy here, who whoever is there from the police station, and I say, you need to tell your town that they need to stay indoors and lock their doors and their windows. ah Because there is something that is crawling around the land here, and it is going to continue infecting people, and we need to do something about it. Oh, yeah, definitely, definitely. um
And where's Captain Ron? Oh, Jerome's going to say he's he's out on the ferry. He's going to get ready to take the night shift out for the night shift to the water treatment plant. He's probably about to set off. I was going to be joining him shortly, but I'm going to go home and shower. We got to get to him.
Yeah, thank you again. I appreciate whatever the fuck you just did to me. Just don't think about it too much. I i reckon that's the best option. At all. Ever, actually. ah like From experience, people who think about it too much just start vomiting uncontrollably, so maybe don't do that. Okay.
Is there a way to radio the captain, call him, or... I mean, the... What was the other thing, a pager? Does he have pages that we can use to connect to him? We can probably get him on the shortwave, but the the fairy is just like right at the end of the dock, right at the end of the pier. Oh, good. So, I mean, he should be leaving for like another five minutes or so.
Well, okay, then you go shower and we'll go our way. Okay, I'm gonna, he takes out a set of car keys and he starts running towards this car. You know those little spaces and parking lots that have little floral things in between all the different roads. You see him like start to jump over and he just like, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. And he backs away from it and goes all the way around it. At this point, Amaco just turns to the police officer, gives him a nod, like first time acknowledging him, completely having taken over the situation, and then just turns on a heel and walks off. He returns that little bow. He's going to run to his car and pull out the walkie in there. As you guys start walking down the pier, you're going to hear him say, I'm Drew Dzornson. I've been told by the
The hunters that we need to tell people to stay inside or curp you, stay away from grass and land. Something might be crawling through it. And then you hear and like a buzz and a, all right, I copy that. I'm just here at the post office putting out this fire with the fire. You're going to want to get over here soon. I'm going to need your help. In the basement there's a ah crater, a tunnel. I'm gonna, I might have to go down there and explore it if something's crawling in there. And that's where we're going to end for today. We're gonna kill this. Are you kidding me? Oops.
Thank you all so much for listening to part three of The Invasive Species, where we meet more NPCs. But luckily, they don't seem so bad at this point. And we're discovering some. We might actually be close to figuring out what's going on. I've been Earth Those Creations. You can find me on all social media platforms as Earth Those Creations, where I do stuff. That makes it sound weird. No, I'm not an OnlyFans page. Please don't think that. I do.
I've been joined by three spectacular divine ladies. We have Brie. Brie, who have you been playing today? And what do they think about what's going on? I've been playing Maywyn and she It's feeling very pulled in multiple directions right now. Sorenson might be okay.
Might be. Who knows? He can be confident. Maybe. He's a grown man. Yeah. Next we have Donny Donny who have you been playing and what do they think? I have been playing Amaco who thinks that There's always going to be a few casualties.
No remorse for the fire. I love it. Ali, who have you been playing? And they are no longer alone. They have found their home. I'm gonna start crying. I've been playing Frey, who is still feeling a little shaken, but comforted by the fact that her friends are in fact here. And she is thinking that something whatever tunnel is underneath the post office um potentially leads to the water treatment facility.
All right. Well, the theme song. Well, come back in two weeks to see if that's correct and see if Drew at Sorenson survives. Who knows? Who knows? The theme song was done by the Dungeon Maestro on TikTok and Instagram. You can also find Brie at fake whispers on Instagram, TikTok or Ko-fi, Ko-fi, something, something where you can go get a tarot reading from them and oracle reading as well or a dice roll or other stuff like yeah runes, pendulum, general witchcraft everything,
everything witchy go there and some cool information about why witchy and what witchy and how witchy and how witchy thank you all so much for listening today thank you all so much for playing today have fun do your best and remember we believe in you