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Dungeon Problems: The Invasive Species Part 1 image

Dungeon Problems: The Invasive Species Part 1

Dungeon Problems!
41 Plays9 months ago

An actual play game of Monster of the Week! Three hunters who work for the Guild have found a job that was supposedly declined. Unsure of why they make their way to Oak Hallow to figure out why some people have gone missing. Can they discover what is causing these disappearances?


Amako- Played by Dani

Frey- Played by Allie

Maewhyn- Played by Bri

Come back in two weeks for Part 2!


Introduction to Mysteries and Podcast Series

Sure, a mountain never grows and winds a toothless spider. Darkness fills up the deep holes and turns an endless spider. What we're here for is mysteries, but puzzles yet unsolved. So I set secrets lost to history, as don't your problems solve them all? Don't you know?
Hello, my friends, and welcome to another episode of the Dungeon Problems podcast, episode 5627. I don't know. On your knowledge, this is going to be the first episode of a little mini series for Monster of the Week.
a wonderful game, which is all about solving mysteries, which are puzzles, trying to figure out what the monster is, what their goals are, and how to stop them.

Character Introductions and Guild's Mission

So in this inaugural game, I've invited three beautiful, beautiful souls who are going to hopefully figure out who the monster is. Today, I am joined by Brie. Brie, who are you going to be playing? I play Maywyn, or Wynn.
who is a quiet five foot nothing woman with olive skin, milky white eyes and long wild red hair that she keeps braided with a black ribbon behind her back exposing her sigil shaped scar on the side of her neck. She's been a mercenary for a while now, but she prefers to keep to herself and who or whatever being it is that she's always whispering to.
Awesome. Maewyn is going to be joined by another hunter played by Donnie. Donnie, who are you playing? I'm playing Amaco or Amy as her friends would call her and about a thousand years ago she used to be a minor deity but then the old gods kind of got forgotten and she chose a life of isolation until recently she felt something inside of her snap
and she realized that her sibling had unexpectedly died and so she's come out of isolation and has started investigating her sibling's death and upon doing so, has happened upon some unlikely allies in the form of Maywyn and Frey.
Speaking of Fray, Fray is going to be played by Ally. Ally, who is Fray? Fray is a tall, brooding, burglar-turned-mercenary. Fray is street-savvy, packs a punch, and picks locks like no one's business. She's used to doing odd jobs to make ends meet, utilizing her thieving prowess to put a roof over her head and to run from a pass she's not yet ready to process.
These three hunters are joined together by their association with the guild.
The Guild is a organization that has ties all over Malleoth. They do odd jobs, not so odd jobs and really odd jobs for the people of Malleoth. They are based in the Silver City, which I just figured out like an hour ago. So they, while working for the Guild, found a job. Frey was looking maybe not so legally inside their
offices and found a job that struck them all as a little odd. So they have made their way to Oak Hallow, the small town where plants galore are grown under the supervision of the Druids of the High Oak. They are coming into the small village from the northern road, driving along
In Frei, in, uh, it was a rental car, if I remember correctly, right? You didn't take one of Frei cars. Uh, what car did you take?

Journey to Oak Hallow and its Environs

What car did you guys take? I had to be kind of a bigger one because Frei was spider manning on the bottom of it. So it has to be, it has a little lift to it.
All right, one of those kind of now is it going to be one of those old like, like stoner vans with the two doors that open up? Or is it going to be like a U-Haul? Like, like one of the sliding door U-Hauls? I kind of play a summer van. Yeah, something with a sliding door so that like we didn't really stop at all to let Freight like climb up from
beneath the car. I just kind of pulled her in while Megan was driving. Oh yeah, for sure. So you guys have been traveling for about a day. Would you say that you would stop like kind of midday to rest for the evening and go show up in the morning to Okelo or do you think you'd be pulling in around the nighttime?
Oh, I don't know. I think we should head straight there. Because if we're stopped anywhere between point A and B and they know we're going here because that's what the job say, you know. Yeah. All right. So sunset is fast coming as you pull onto the main road heading into Oak Hollow.
Your first vision of this village is the giant lake that sits in the middle of it. There's a small little island with a massive stone structure on it, which based on your general knowledge, that is the water treatment facility where they treat all the water that grows the plants that give them life. There are various irrigation rivers that flow throughout this area with wooden bridges that cross it.
You guys are coming in where they grow the food. So there are high stocks of corn, potato plants, tomatoes, sunflowers, and various other food crops that I can't think of the name right now.
You see that this village, unlike many of the more modern villages, the buildings that make up this area are very, most of them are made out of wood. They seem to blend into their surroundings.
you guys are heading in through the northwestern area you see the wooden pier with a few ships that fish along the small lake you see the lonely woods way down south as you pull in
And as you reach kind of the outskirts, past all the fields, the lights of the streets are beginning to come on as the sun is setting. And you notice that they're not metal lamp posts. They are actually giant stalks of plants. And they end in a giant bulb of a flower that is giving a light blue light that's just emanating throughout. It's very natural.
So, Maewen, you are driving. Yes. Where do you think you're going to head as you guys come into this village? Um, Amiko, where are we supposed to be going?

The Druid's Call for Help

I will pull out the... No, I don't have the stolen letter. Frey has the stolen letter. I have the fake job. I have the fake job. Well, that's right.
I can only tell you the wrong place. I will start reading out the wrong letter until the phrase stops me.
I'm like, as I as I pull out the the druid letter from my pocket, I'm like, definitely backseat driving. As the wind is driving, since I'm usually the driver, I pull out the letter and I'm like, you know, you could stand to go a little bit faster. Anyway, here's the letter. Yeah, I take out the letter and I read it out loud.
And I don't remember what it says. I suddenly forgot how to read. You dig at this red letter and you begin to read the request for services to whom it may concern. We have been beset with an issue that seems we must rely on your guild to handle.
Several of our greenhouse workers and floral attendants have gone missing in the last few weeks. It is our fear that this may be due to fey interference due to the fact that these disappearances began to occur right as we began cultivation of our foreign greenhouses for the season.
Our efforts to locate the cause has been for naught. There appear to be little signs of disturbances. I know our order and your guild have not always seen eye to eye on several issues in our hemisphere, but I hope that it will not deter you from aiding us. We wish to offer you a price of 10,000 gold pieces for any assistance that you may be able to send us.
Please hurry. Harvest season is upon us and we need all of our attendants to successfully grow the herbs and littles for our fair realm. Regards, Drude Sorenson, High Branch of the Order of Oaks. Yeah, I totally knew that. Yeah, me too. How far of a drive is that from where we are now?
So you guys are right now in the kind of outskirts of the village, the town, and you are now entering where Ocalo is. You know, upon your
knowledge of it, you know, the main kind of areas for things to be like kind of found is there's the water treatment facility. People go to the pier to hang out. There are the town offices, the Church of Nature. There is the research facility where your order doesn't know much about what goes on in there.
The guilds would love to know what they're kind of researching because that might be worth a fair amount of money There's the high school the elementary school the fungi fields You do know where the foreign plant greenhouse is But you don't
white know where you could find the druid swords and you have an idea of maybe the church of nature because he is one of the druids or the town offices might be a good place to start searching okay um it looks like the town offices are kind of oh they're they're right next to the church of nature let's go
to the church maybe because even if um mr man's is not there they'll likely have a place for us to stay um and at least like settle in if we're going to be here for a little while yeah that sounds good okay okay so you drive along you pass the herbology library
which is renowned for all the lore of plants and stuff that's housed within. They don't really have a thriving fiction section or a thriving history section. It seems like it's purely plant knowledge in there.
At this time of night, the pier is actually kind of busy. There are people fishing off of it. There are a couple carnival rides on it. You see a couple boats coming in. You see the ferry that goes from the pier to the water treatment facility.
you go over the wooden bridge only stopping for a quick second because as you get to the bridge there is a strange flower at the beginning of it that as you come up you see this giant red ball
And a car comes rattling over the wooden bridges. And then as it gets off and you're sitting there idling, the bulb goes inside of itself and a new one comes out. That is green. It's so cute. You go over the bridge and you park in the parking lot of the Church of Nature.
It is a, it's actually not a building like most of the buildings you see. It is actually a giant sycamore tree that has many different kind of smaller buildings built up in the branches. And there is a giant glass door crafted into the front. That is so beautiful. Yeah, that's so cute.
Uh, Maywin's gonna get out immediately and start stretching after her drive. All of your empty monster cans come tumbling out onto the ground. You mean myself, CSK? How I run.
Yes, your Celsius strawberry lemonade can. We're playing Monster of the Week, it's Monster. You're right. Yeah, fail. If I could give you inspiration right there, Allie, I would give you inspiration. Thank you, you're too kind. We'll remember it for the next D&D session. Right? How are we doing after the drive? Is everybody okay? Do we need to pee?
um i'm feeling i'm feeling pretty okay you know i mean we could always use a uh a pit stop for a bio break a little bathroom little bathroom break we're all feeling okay about our uh trees yeah i kind of just shrug i'm like we're here i just you know thought i would do a little check-in
See where we're at. Okay. I don't think we could, even if we wanted to. Yeah, I think I say I will be interested in what kind of reception we get going back after this. If we go back, because if we get this 10,000 gold to the Three Ways,
I'm not going back there. You right? I don't. I think she's locking you up like a little child. I probably wouldn't go back if that kept happening to me. Yeah. Yeah, I'll uh, I got, I got plans for that after this. That stinky man. Stinky man. Um, and I start walking up to this church, I guess.
So you walk up to the glass doors pushing your way through. There are only a couple dozen cars in the driveway right now. You do look past this giant tree, and there's another driveway where the town offices are, and that parking lot is a little bit more full. It's probably around 4.30 or so, so people are starting to leave.
As you go through these two doors, you find yourself in a massive kind of circular chamber that just leads up and up with a spiral staircase right in the center that seems to go up at least a dozen floors. And sitting right before that spiral staircase is a small little wooden desk that's growing out of the ground. And there's a woman sitting right behind it and she goes, oh,
Blessed day, welcome to the Church of Nature. I don't think I've ever seen you here before. Maywin slinks back and lets Amaco take the lead. Well, it took a long drive just to get here. It's not in our usual neighborhood, but we're very happy to be here. My name is Amaco and these are my friends, Maywin and Frey.
It's a pleasure to meet you. I will in about 32 minutes when my shift is over. But I'm just joking. It's always nice to help out around here. Is there something I can help you with? Services aren't until sundown.
Oh, um, we were actually hoping to find Joy Sorensen.
Oh, yes, well, most of the Druids do keep offices here. Being as he's the Druid in charge of the town security, his main offices are actually the next building over. I think in the eastern wing of the town offices, you could probably find him there, although he may be leaving soon, just because 5 o'clock quitting time.
Well, that is very fair. I hope you don't consider us rude if we then just make a run for it and try to catch him before he leaves for his well-earned, you know, free evening. But it was very lovely talking to you for sure and I hope we do see you again.
Oh, yes, I'm here every day of the week, except for Saturday and Sunday. So it was a pleasure meeting you and no, no hard feelings. I'm just the receptionist, you know, it's my job to point people out to the correct way. You're not just a receptionist. Exactly. You've been most helpful in kind.
Unfortunately, I'm waiting for student loan approval so I can get my theology degree, but maybe soon I'll be a druid myself. Oh, good luck for that. We will keep our fingers crossed that everything works out for you, but I am afraid we do need to rush off right now, but see you again very soon. Enjoy your evening and thank you again for your help.
And this Awako just turns around on her heels and marches out the door. Speedwalking. Now, do you guys want to drive over there or are you going to just walk? There's a couple paths we could take. All the buildings are in kind of a same complex. I feel probably walking. Yeah.
get the car collect around for that right exactly pop a tire over on the way over there and kill some flower beds oh my god they probably wouldn't like sacrilege yeah we'll just we'll walk speed walk
All right, yeah, so you guys speedwalk heading over. The path you're taking does follow this little lake. And there is just, you see that the water treatment plant on that little island actually has several kind of water wheels that are constantly flowing the water around, pulling it from some places and sending it elsewhere. It seems like they're using maybe some form of magic. You do know often in
the settlements and stuff like that. Magic is hidden away. Most average people don't know about magic and sometimes the higher ups, the people who control the world will work it off like science. So you think there might be a little bit of magic involved here.
As you guys walk along, you are greeted by the town offices, which are three buildings, one that is kind of a single floor, but it's probably the widest of all of them. Then there is the
kind of northern building which has three floors to it that's painted with Disney green so as you're approaching don't even see it at that moment and then there is a kind of smaller building that has
kind of a smaller area, but there is a large stone building right behind it. And you see bars on the windows of that stone building, which looks reminiscently like a jail. Do we try the first, the wide floor one?
Yeah, I see we make whichever one looks maybe like the most like the offices. I guess maybe we walk for the wide first floor building. All right. You walk through the you're walking up to that door and you see a wooden sign at the entrance of it that says Ocalo town offices, mayors,
mayor's offices, there's a sign arrow pointing up to the very tall building that seems to blend in. It says gathering hall and auditorium, main building, police offices, eastern building, jail, eastern building. What? Where would a
Oh, she said he was security, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's right. Amacliff is just going to start walking around and just going like, Joy Torrance in. Hello. Yoo-hoo. Big summer blowout.
You start like, are you yelling this? Are you just saying? Not full on yelling, but definitely above a normal conversational level of volume, just like not yelling. So people to buildings over can hear me. But if anyone was in any of the rooms in this hallway or anywhere behind a closed door, they would hear me.
Okay. Um, as you are, uh, so you guys aren't actually in the building yet. This was right outside that you saw. So are you going into that flat building and doing this, or are you still going to stay outside? I'm like sticking my head in and just going to start like joy.
So your voice is echoing all throughout this hall and this kind of flat building. And there is a man walking and he's like, oh, he's in the next building over. He's where the jail is and the security offices. Shouldn't be too hard to miss him once you go in there. Oh, perfect. Thank you. And I'll just turn around again, not saying another word.
Very purposefully striding to the building with the bars on the windows. Maywin has a little shiver, like PTSD. Or Maywin. So you entered this the smaller kind of building and you first walk in and there is a door immediately when you go in.
with a little intercom to the side of it and a large glass window with a little cutout hole in it. Sitting behind that glass window is a kind of portly man. He has his feet up and a cowboy hat just over his head and he appears to be just leaning back and resting. Wait, what are we going to say to this man that we're from the guild to help?

Meeting with Druid Sorenson

Would they contact the guild?
That is such a good question. I mean, I don't think so. Like, why would, why would they verify if they were, I feel like they would just be happy that they said someone. They sounded pretty desperate. Yeah. And I think it would be most believable if we tell them that we're from the guild, um, as opposed to like finding people. Right. Yeah. Random people who like, Oh, well we heard this. Right. Right, right, right. Okay. Yeah. Just, just making sure. We're supposed to be here. We are supposed to be here. Yes.
Sure am. Supposed to be here. I will walk up to the glass where the person is sitting behind and not understanding the principle of an intercom, just forcefully knock on the glass. You're cop knocking? Like, hello, impatiently. Hello. He's gonna get jumbled up over. Oh, ah.
Hi there! How can I help you today? What can I do for ya? Is the sound muffled? Is he using the intercom or anything? Or is he just like mirroring what I'm doing? So there's actually a hole in the glass window. Oh, okay good. So you can hear him perfectly. Okay good. Uh... Do you have an appointment?
No, but we urgently need to speak with him. He's expecting us. We managed to come here earlier than we thought we could, so we're trying to catch him before he leaves, actually. Uh-oh. It looks like he probably made it right on time. He's doing his... Oh yeah, right about now he's settling for his wrap-up work donut.
uh so uh give me give me one uh yo Sorenson uh you got uh three people here to see you uh and then you'll hear just a muffle that sounds like all right oh let him in and he'll be like all right uh through the door two doors down on the left hand side uh have a blessed day i like it he's going to
press a button and you're gonna hear the door in front of you buzz. Who's going first? I look confused for a moment and then just push the door. It's a pull door. Oh my god. What is this? You got a
Gotta pull it. Hold on a second. And he presses his button again and I very deliberately pull my hands on the handle and pull it. Oh, OK, OK. And then just as if nothing happened purposefully march in there, finding the door indicated.
So as you guys are approaching the store, it actually opens. And a kind of smaller man sticks his head out. He is wearing a green robe with a bandolier that has a cult revolver underneath his left arm. He has a very bushy beard that, as you are approaching, you see it's actually covered in crumbs of doughnuts. And he goes, hi, hi there. What can I do for you?
I think I like, I walk forward and I like take this note and I just put it on the desk, like slam it, maybe not slam it down on the desk, but like I put it down on the desk and I push it toward him and say, we're here because we got this. Oh, you're members of the, please come in, come in. I only have two chairs. I'm sorry, I can grab. I mean, I'm okay standing if you have another donut.
He's going to look around, and you see a little table across down the hallway a little bit. He runs over to it, grabs an entire pink box, and comes running in, kind of like a little child, happy that he has an excuse to eat more doughnuts. What a mood. I'm going to get real hate if any cops listen to this. I'm so sorry. Don't apologize.
So he closes the doors you guys enter motions puts He has a small computer on his desk. You see that there are fish aligning the walls. He seems to be avid Fisher Fisherman
Yeah. Yeah, fish him with. And he puts the box of donuts down in front of his computer and says, please, I'm that. Wow, I just sent that in like two days ago. I mean, that's that's impressive. Your guild. I was a little afraid sending in the request, but the guild is very efficient. I. Yeah, that's everything I've heard about them. Thank you so much.
What can I do? How can I help you? I don't know if I can be any help, honestly. I've admitted I've been really incompetent recently. Maybe you could start by telling us a little bit about who's gone missing and the circumstances under which they've gone missing.
For the most part, we didn't really quite notice it. We do hire a lot of seasonal workers here who come and go as they please. People who really just want to get in touch with the land. Sometimes college kids on internships. Sometimes people who are just like, oh, modern technology has really been bumming me out. I want to go live with the Druids for a while because they think we don't have technology here.
They're like really mistaken to be honest with you. Like I don't get where that came from. I think that the thing that we when we first noticed something was going on and started to do a tally of people like maybe five days ago Emma Salvatore disappeared.
She was doing a audit of the fungi fields, and she just vanished. We don't quite know what happened to her. I investigated the area, I looked with my deputies, and I didn't see any signs of really foul play. I did find her boots. Both boots? Yeah, both boots. They were just sitting there.
What does your investigative process look like, Mr. Sorenzo? Well, first, I usually start off by eating a pre-ritual donut just to really get my brain and appetite going. Blood sugar working. Absolutely. Exactly. We employed a little bit of the
He's going to look you guys all up and down and kind of look at what are you guys carrying with you right now? What equipment do you have on you right now? That's a great question. Did you guys get me an assault rifle? You never turned it in.
Incredible. Then I casually have a big knife in like a holster on my belt. I have a revolver on my belt and then just like an assault rifle slung again across my back. In very stark contrast to how Freya's looking, it looks very combat ready and ready to kick some ass.
has like this very flowy almost white pristine dress on that has like beading at the waist and her very long black straight hair is like going down to her waist and she like keeps fussing with it a little bit every now and then and at her side like almost concealed by the flowiness of her dress she's wearing a sheath for a katana
but it would not be obvious at all. And like I said, very stark contrast to the image that Frey is presenting. Oh yeah. I'm definitely like, I look not dirty, but like I look like gruff, rough around the edges. You're probably a little dirty. Probably a little dirty. I was underneath the car, but yeah, a little grimy.
Especially in comparison to Amako, who has like this almost ethereal glow about her and just looks very pristine. Like white porcelain skin, white dress, very stark contrast to her long black hair. So the white looks even cleaner. Maywyn is very frumpy looking with her loose clothing.
um but she has visible weapons she has a shotgun um kind of like hung at her hip down down her leg a little bit but that's all he he looks you all up and down and says um obviously you are
very proficient and I'm guessing hunters. I'm not too skilled in magic myself but I did do a little divination. Unfortunately I didn't come up with anything except for that Emma was grabbed. And that's about all I could tell from my divination. I didn't find any
tracks of anyone else besides her I didn't find it didn't even appear like there was a fight she was literally just yanked out of her breath yeah yanked out of her boots exactly interesting what um sorry what
What magic users are there in the general vicinity? Do you have magic users? The higher ups of the order are typically pretty proficient. In recent years, the training has fallen a little bit. Many of our initiator ruins and stuff
I don't know if they even have the proficiency in it, to be honest with you. There is the Druid Herald. He's kind of the leader of the Order right now. He's probably the most proficient. He leads most of the rites, the ceremonies, to help the plants grow and stuff like that. And then there are a couple other Druids who I would say are pretty proficient.
Besides besides this person, Emma, that you mentioned, and I know that you said that you may have folks coming to going. And so I don't know if you have record of all the people who disappeared, but you have any other names of people who are currently missing? Yeah, I mean, there's there's Greg. Just Greg. Greg and Daryl. I'll be. And then I'll be honest with you, it's
they're we're probably missing a couple too just because they are seasonal i'll try and gather more information about anyone who hasn't shown up yet uh but yeah that's pretty much just a couple of farm hands and floral people uh
Yeah, so I can definitely put together more lists, but as far as I can tell, it's really just seasonal workers. It's only like two or three that I found. Greg, Darryl and George. They haven't found.
There might be, to be honest with you, I can really start going through the dormitories. And so far, it seems like they're all disappearing from the fields. It is, you know, the food fields, the flower fields, the fungi fields are where they are disappearing from.
So they don't necessarily all work in the same department. They're working out in the field, but maybe with different products. Yes. Yes. It seems like it's mostly field. Besides Emma, Emma, for the most part, she works out of town offices. She's human resources. So she has offices.
here so she was just doing an audit out in the field that's I won't lie I feel kind of bad about this but if she hadn't disappeared we might not really have noticed but what exactly made you reach out to the guild I mean not to be harsh or anything but a missing person isn't exactly out of the ordinary in most cities or towns and
is something that unfortunately happens on occasion. And like you said, it's not that many people. So what exactly made you decide to not hand this over to local law enforcement? I am the head of the local law force. I'm local law. I mean, I'm assuming you have offices that you could delegate this to. Yes. Well, you met Carlson.
How do I... trying not to get too self-deprecating here, but I have strengths. I'm very good at crowd control, very good at, you know, just the typical like, oh, we're having a festival. Let's walk through the festival, accept food from the vendors, you know, to, you know, not, you know, make sure that the drunk guys are not being too rowdy. And I do...
I've dealt with very minor fae who have made their way into town, like the flower pixies who just start eating the flowers. That's relatively easy for me to deal with, but when I couldn't even divine what happened, and quite frankly I have no evidence, I have not found a single shred of evidence besides the boots, I knew this was
well beyond my abilities. I felt that we were dealing with a powerful fae that, quite frankly, I don't carry around an assault rifle. I honestly should probably check our armory and make sure that our stuff is cleaned and ready, but it felt more like something that professionals should handle.
Could you tell us more about, is there a certain season that we're in right now? What is the significance of whatever harvester growing season that we're in right now? Is it for a certain holiday or of certain crops? Well, it's just the general, a lot of our medicinal plants start to get harvested now.
The one that I mentioned in the notes that we just set up our foreign greenhouse, which is, you know, most people don't know this, but we do grow plants from the aether plane, the plane where the phae come from. And we were just preparing to get that all set up. And it just really struck me as well.
So with that being set up right now, I'm worried that maybe something should not be growing there, should not be, or maybe something was brought in by accident. Maybe a fae came in with the shipment because, well, the
The process of getting plants from the Aether Realm is not quite like the post office is like, okay, let's get in a box. We do source it from the post office technically, but we kind of wipe the mind of Postmaster Josephine when we do that. We kind of just, whoop, you know, oh, you didn't notice the giant portal that just opened up in you.
I don't think, she's very nice, she's very sweet, but I don't think she could handle a portal to the other realm being opened up in her closed office after hours to bring in crates from a fey realm. Maybe, I never, that's above my pay grade. So you're risking brain damage on her? No, no, mind wiping is actually really safe. You'd be surprised how much it's used in therapy.
I don't know if you keep doing it on a regular basis and I don't know how long she's been in this job and it doesn't sound too healthy. That's all above my pay grade, I'm sorry. I feel like pretty much everything is above your pay grade at this point.
Call him out. I noticed that you have been talking about you have dealings with the Fae, you received shipments from the Fae, and there are times when what the Fae unwittingly slipped through the cracks and entered this realm in this town when they're not

Town's Fey Dealings and Investigation Plans

supposed to? Why aren't they allowed? Well, I mean, history
we haven't really the fey haven't been in this realm for millennium now according to the myths and legends and like kind of the history that most people don't know when they were here there was so much chaos fey are beings of chaos and it was just their good fey their bad fey their neutral fey you know occasionally people we do have a fey come through who's like
Oh, I just need to pick up more hair for the dog or something like that. I can't. We don't have golden labradugals in the Fey route. I just need that specifically and I just want to pick it up myself. You know, that's all very closely monitored and stuff like that. But occasionally a mischievous Fey does get through the cracks. So if you were
shipping or getting creates of material from the faith plane. Are they getting anything in return? Oh yeah, I mean gold usually. Sometimes we'll you know trade them food and stuff because we have stuff that grows here that they can't get. You wouldn't believe like
Three leaf clovers, like we think those are just common and you would think they share about four leaf clovers, but really three leaf clovers do wonders for fae metabolism. So that's a really big market that we have. So I'm not too worried about the fae that we have dealings with. That being said, I don't know exactly.
I look at my Patriots and I say, well, it sounds like we have a couple of places that we can start to check out. I think we should look at the corn greenhouse, the maybe even check the mail room where Postmaster Josephine.
work, perhaps do a little snooping around there for any traces of leftover magic. And then you're good at finding your way around the post office. I sure am. Anyway. And I will we will go to the post office and I will not make a mess. I like I look at when I'll have the band-aids ready.
I roll my eyes. And maybe we check out the feel that the folks... Yeah, I would also like to talk to Drew Terrell.
Given that it is a bit later in the afternoon, would it be possible to put us up in a room or a tavern so that we can start our investigation tomorrow? Would we be able to stay on the premises?
Certainly, there is the Toadstool Inn. We can definitely requisition you some rooms there for helping us out. Bridget is a very kind innkeeper. She might, she'll be able to help you out and definitely, yeah. I appreciate you guys coming, I really do.
I'm way over my head. I can tell. I'll keep you posted. Do you have a cell phone I can text? If something, if I get any more information?
Does the guild give us work phone? I was going to say I keep forgetting this was like modern world meets a little bit of like fantasy and you said cell phones and I was like, excuse me? Why would we have sending stuff? A message may have. Yeah.
I would say Maywin and Freya, you guys probably both have cell phones. I don't have one. You probably have an Okea. No, I have one, but I've never turned it on. It's just this thing that I carry around with me. And I don't really know what to do with it. And also just sit there like, please don't contact me. Just reach out to them. You just have it to look normal.
Yeah. Sometimes I hold it in my hand like upside down and it's obviously not turned on or anything but just to appear like I'm one of the cool kids. One of the cool kids. Hell yeah. Yeah I guess we give him one of our numbers. Okay he's like oh here and he'll give you his business card.
and say, yeah, you mentioned you wanted to talk to Harold, Drew Harold. I can try and arrange that. He's probably busy for the night with the nightly rituals. But after the morning rituals, and then the midday rituals, and then the three o'clock rituals,
I can probably squeeze you in between the morning and the midday rituals. Perfect. I would appreciate that. Between all these rituals, would you be able to tell us, are these rituals only things that your townsfolk take part in? Something that outsiders aren't allowed to do or see? What exactly are your rituals?
I mean, there are various rituals for everything. Most are like, the morning ones pretty much just greeting the sun and hoping for a great day of work. Most of them are not very, they're just, you know, kind of the ones that you go through the motions. Town folks, outsiders are welcome to join in.
uh you know you don't see too big of a crowd usually for most of the rituals just because really real believers go to like the morning ritual people will go to that one but the three o'clock ritual that's really not that popular um
So you're definitely welcome to join. I'm sorry, I forget that the people who are actually trained in this, the word ritual has a different connotation. They are by no means really magical rituals. They're really just fluff that we put on for the people. I take it you're not of the religious sort.
I obviously nature is beautiful. I love it and I've devoted my life to it. And I so hope that's why I contacted you to protect it. Um, but I am finding the kind of pomp and circumstance of the modern religions that's coming out really is just really weakening it as a whole. Well, if, uh,
You want a little less pomp and a little more dark circumstance. I have some ideas that I could teach your druids. Give me any kind of day for a second. And he's just like. And we'll take our leave now.
He starts nervously eating a donut with pink frosting and little hearts on it. Yeah. I'm very happy to see that people who have a wide range of beliefs have come to eat us and that's what we need. Thank you very much. I can clearly tell that you are all very proficient. You're just a sweet little bean.
Amaco is really, really bored of this conversation and thinks that everything he is saying at this point is just fluff that he's telling us. So I just grabbed two of the remaining donuts and just stand up and walk out the door. I love Amaco.
Yeah, I guess we'd be being proficient somewhere else. Yeah, maybe we go to the Toadstool Tavern? Is that what it was? The Toadstool Inn, yes. And find Bridget.
the toadstool in, he will give you some directions to it. It's kind of it's kind of near where the elementary school is along one of those roads in kind of the busier town section. Shops are there as you guys are leaving and walking down the out of the police station, the security offices.

Nighttime Mystery and Investigation

You see that the parking lot is a lot more empty now.
There are very few people here. And the same with the Church of Nature, people are actually starting to go there. And as you're walking out, beginning to head down the path, you hear
a faint alarm coming from the taller building of the town offices, the Disney Green that you can barely see. And night is falling so it's pretty dark here except for the street lamps and you do see there's a light on on the second floor.
A second floor of the Disney building or of the Tapper? The Disney building. And that's where the alarm is coming from? Yes, it's very quiet right here. Is the light that's on like a regular light in the room or is it like someone with a flashlight or something like that? You think it's a regular light. It is pretty bright and the alarm stops.
Did it sound like an alarm or like I'm almost thinking of like when church bells fall? Was it like something to call people to a one of the rituals? It sounded like an ADT door alarm. Oh, so specific. Maybe we should ADT solutions. Sponsor my post.
I feel ostracized as a German who has no idea what ADT alarm means. You have no idea? I mean... It's not that exciting. Their marketing is just charming. Sorry, Bri, you go ahead.
Maywen probably wouldn't like engage too much because the threat is not imminent to her or her friends. But she might because she's curious do a little observe place like she did with the phrase room. Give me a use magic roll. Three plus three is six plus two is eight.
And she's not really like stopping. She's just like doing this passively while she's walking with everyone else. While you do that, Amaco is just waffling on about, can you believe they're like the Church of Nature and then he hands out a paper business card? It's so bad for the environment. It really is. For real.
He goes on hating on modern religion and how he's all about nature and the balance of nature. And then he just kills trees for his ugly business card. Yeah. Maywen, your eyes are kind of, I imagine, misting over slightly as you're kind of following. Maybe you have a finger wrapped around someone's belt loop. Oh, yeah. She definitely has two fingers, like tap, just holding onto one of their shoulders as she's being led behind.
You, your eyes kind of like, your vision kind of leaves your body and travels towards the light. You see a small office building. There is a woman with long curly blonde hair.
at like kind of meandering through this office, ripping open filing cabinets. As you are watching this, she turns and looks up at you. And you see her face is deeply pale. Her eyes have no life in them. And you see these green bulbs of flowers growing out of her skin.
We never got a description of what Emma looked like, did we? Oh, rats. I don't think we got a description of her. Um, um, I'm gonna grab... Is she barefoot? Is she barefoot? You are looking and you see muddy footprints coming all over that office and she has no boots on. I grab Amico and Frey.
We're portaling right in there, baby. Incredible. Can I portal with people? I'm going to say that is a big magic. OK. Portaling with people. And this is, you know, second story. Probably, you know, a big jump. I've never been there before. Yes. I'm going to say that to do this, you are going to have to roll a used magic.
And if you mess this up, if you get a big failure on this, it's going to be potentially disastrous. Okay. Like, suddenly Amico's like half in the building, half out of the building. Yeah. No, not really that, but...
And if you're donning, go ahead. Oh, sorry. I was going to say, if you're also if you're not wanting to risk that, now that I know that I actually have skills that will help me to like get into a building better, better, we could always I could try to pick the locks. That as a burglar, you have burglar proficiencies and can open doors. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. It's wild. It's wild. Who would have thought?
My only concern is that however she got in there, she can just bloop out just as quickly. I mean, I'm cool if you're teleporting me inside and if Frey wants to go for the door and that way the door is open for us if we need to make a run for it. And if there's other people. You bamf us in and Frey takes care of the door and then swiftly follows.
Okay. Okay. Are we good with that? I would like to take that risk. Yay! Split the party! Split the party! I will say, Monster of the Week split the party is a lot less worse than Black TD.
Can I support Mei Wen with the spell in any way? Having observed her perform this type of magic, on a smaller scale previously, would I have any understanding of what she might need to perform this?
I would say that you could understand that it could take a lot out of her. And since you were also kind of magical and divine, you could help channel energy into her to help with this. So you would be able to use the help action. But I will also say you will be exposing yourself to danger.
Yeah, but I want to kind of like use the same energy that I use to heal someone, like a positive energy that I pull from within myself and just hold on to Maywin's hand and just have it flow from my veins into hers essentially to give her a little boost for that big jump we're about to make. Okay, so you're trying to use your kind of lay on hands thing in a way?
Well, that's how I'm flavoring it. But if mechanically it's the help's sake, then I'm cool with that. No, I can see because this is potentially harmful to her physically to like pull and open up the skate. So I will say you can use that role and we'll see how it goes forward. OK.
Maywin, so Maywin, you are teleporting you and Amaco in, and Frey, you are going to try and run through. Yeah. So we got both. We'll see if I can get them first. We'll see if I can get them covered. All right. So we will start off with Maywin and Amaco. Maywin, give me a used magic roll into Amaco, your Lay on Hands.
uh i got a 11 for leon hands okay i'm never getting any expertise my roles are too good you're too good i'm a little annoyed i'm a little annoyed to be honest ani said i want ale yeah where did you get mail
before she teleports. So she has, so we'll say like, Maywin has her two fingers just on Amiko's shoulders and we're just like, being chatty and being glad around. And Maywin stops and grabs Amiko's shoulder, full grab, Talon claws, and just goes, I see her. And she rolled a 13. Oh, damn. All right.
And Frey, you are beginning to bolt. You're standing at the front door of this kind of office building, and it is locked. Yeah, I book it for the door. Is the lock on this office door magical by chance? You don't sense that it's magical at all, really. I was going to see if I could use the skeleton key. But anyways, skeleton key will still do that, I believe.
That's kind of the whole point of the skeleton key, right? Yeah. I guess so. I didn't want to use it unfairly if it says it opens any magically sealed lock, which is why it was magical. Yeah. But in that case, I'm just going to I'm going to use my my good old reliable lock picking skill. And I'm going to attempt to break in and I can use as I can use sharp roll with plus sharp for this. OK.
That's an 11. That's an 11. You pop open that lock, you rip open the doors, and you start running. The first kind of room you're in, you can see it goes as a very long hallway with different cubicles set up. There is a wooden desk very similar to the church that is set up right there. To your left and right there are two staircases that go up.
And yeah, that's what you see right in front of you. Can I, as a clarifying question, so for this burglar background, it says on a 10 plus, you pick three of the following and it says that I can either that I can choose to get in undetected, get out undetected. Don't leave a mess to find what you were after. Is this since I was able, like, am I able to use any like some of those to apply to the situation? Let me read the burglar for a second.
Man, I don't leave a mess. Yeah, yeah. Burglar. Driver, burglar when you break. Don't.
Yeah, so you get to pick two of those. So you pick the lock and you pick two of those. Oh, even if I got a... I was gonna say, yeah, I rolled an 11. Yeah. Okay, then I would like to... Okay, cool. I would like to get in undetected. And do you want me to pick all three right now? Could I pick two and then like decide on the other one later? Or would you rather I pick all of them? I would say you have to pick all three right now.
Okay. Um, I'm going to do a get in undetected, don't leave a mess and find what I'm after. All right. So you, uh,
you get in and you quickly realize, like, you see that there are the sensors for the ADT alarm systems along this door. And you actually, as you start opening it, you cover up the sensor so it still recognizes that the door is closed. I don't know if that's how they fucking work or not, but they do in my world. It is now. And you get in and the door, you close the door right behind you. You don't hear that alarm a while ago.
And like, as you were coming in, you like, knocked your boots against the door in a ritualistic habit. And there's no mud, no nothing trailing behind you.
Um, and as you get in, um, you see two little signs on the, like right in front of you, one that's like, uh, administrative wing, uh, town chancellor, druid initiate training. And then on the two staircases, one staircase says to level three, uh,
where Treasury, Mayor's Office, and then Town, then the other staircase says Level 2, HR Department. Yeah, I run for HR. You know that it was on the second level that you saw them like, and you started running. We're all left to use. I have a complaint to file with HR.
Maywin and Amiko, you guys are now in this room with this strange woman and she looks at you. She seems undetermined for a second as she's rifling through. She pulls a file out and just opens it in front of her face.

Encounter with the Vine Creature

So she is unbothered by our presence? Yes, right now. I'm gonna turn to Amiko. Can you play defense
if I dig around and see if there's anything going on in that brain of hers. Absolutely. And I will instinctively step between Maehwen and what we assume is Emma while Maehwen does her thing. And on the hilt of my katana.
And I'm going to use my tune in ability to tune your mind to a monster or minion. OK. Does that take a roll at all or? Roll a plus weird. All right. Roll your plus weird. Six plus three is nine, plus two is 11. Nice. Yeah. There goes all my experience.
Yeah, you're all rolling so much better right now. Tell me about it. So frustrating. Alright, so what happens when you get an 11? On a 10 plus hold three. Spend one hold to ask the keeper one of the following questions and gain plus one ongoing while acting on the answers. I don't know what plus one ongoing means. So that means.
every time that you do something related to these questions that you're going to have answered right now, you have a plus one to your roles, no matter what the role is, as long as it's semi related to this. Okay, so how does that work if I'm relaying information to Amaco and we're acting as a new
Uh, that is just for you. Okay. Okay. Um, so the questions I have, I can ask is where is the creature right now? What is it planning to do? Who is it going to attack next? Who does it regard as the biggest threat and how can I attract its attention? So I can answer three of these. Okay. Uh, first I... Please don't ask where's the creature right now.
I can't see. What is it planning to do? Right now it is looking at this folder. It looks very intently on this. It doesn't seem to really be reading it though. It seems to be looking straight at it.
interesting um i'll say to amiko she's just staring at this but i don't think she's reading or possibly comprehending i think someone else is looking through her eyes i'm gonna still making sure my body acts like a shield for me when
step a little closer and around to where Emma is. And I'm going to try and have a look at the file. Just not disturb her, not pull it from her hands or anything. Just try and look over her shoulder and see what exactly it is she's looking at. Okay. Let's ask the other two questions right now and then we will handle that. Okay. I'll ask
How can I attract its attention since she seems pretty focused on her task? The best way would you think is a physical attack. Actually getting up in it. Okay. I'm almost wondering if you should ask about like whatever it's fearing or like feeling threatened by.
yeah i think that was my kind of me my my next one like who does it regard as the biggest threat right now you think that probably regards you as the biggest threat because it sensed magic okay so when you portaled in with the magic it kind of
Like, it's weird being inside this thing's mind because there really isn't any thoughts coming in. You, you're like, oh, you just get like words from it, like magic, you know, people, stuff like that. It's very disjointed. But right now in your mind, you're looking into its mind and you see you. Okay.
Now, Amico, you're looking over its shoulder and you see that it's reading through personnel files. Personnel files specifically to do with the water treatment plant. You see the names Jerome Parrish and Captain Ron Edrick.
and as you come up behind it you also notice that its back is beginning to ride and move as these viney tendrils are coming out of these green seeds and bulbs on its body and suddenly an explosion of vines are going to whip around and
They are going to begin whipping and slashing at you guys. Maywen, you are going to take two harm as this room is filled with these vines. And Amiko, you are going to take one harm. Dre, you're running up the stairs and down the hallway. It's not too far, but you actually see as you're running, you see all these
small little offices with glass windows and glass doors and suddenly about three doors in front of you. The glass shatters as these green vines come erupting out of it and now this thing's vines are just whirling around the room. Now combat in Monster of the Week. Would I have been able to
Protect may win since I was trying to position myself in a way where my body was shielding her Yep, you can use the Protect someone so you roll plus top and you might be able to take some of this harm from them Choose what you do but That's an eight
All right. So you are going to suffer some or all of the harm they were going to get. I will say you will suffer to harm and may win will suffer silly one because there's like a dozen of these vines just exploding around the room. Thanks.
Now combat is still very much a conversation like we were having. You guys decide what to do, and then based on what you do, I react. So you guys, there's no initiative, there's no anything like that. You choose what you want to do. Okay.
Can I definitely want to try to get into the fray with my comrades? Can I pull out my knife and brandish it and maybe try to start going into the room swinging at some of these vines so as to not get hurt?
Okay. Uh, roll a kick some ass roll. Oh, incredible. I have a plus two. That is incredible. Uh, that's a nine.
on a nine, seven plus you and whenever you're fighting inflict harm on each other. The amount of harm is based on the established dangers in the game. That means you inflict the harm rating of your weapon and your enemy inflicts their attacks arm rating on you. So what is your daggers harm rating? One.
one. So you are going to start slashing at these vines. And you're starting to cut them, but it actually makes them all recede slightly and then explode with even more force around everyone. Everyone is going to take one harm. I'm so sorry. You're doing your thing, babe.
At this point I'm gonna unsheathe my katana and the moment I pull it out it just starts erupting in flames, illuminating the room right in front of me and giving an eerie glow. And still making sure I shield Maywyn as much as I possibly can standing between her and the creature
I want to start slicing and dicing with my flaming sword. Roll your kick some ass. Just for your information, I have the smite move, so my divine weapon and body automatically count as a weakness against the monster, in case that makes a difference.
Okay. Is this weapon doing fire completely? It is fire and holy for three harm. Okay. The imagery for this is incredible. Yeah. So that is a tough roll. Okay. And that is a 10. Yeah. Plus two 10.
Alright, so on a 10, you gain, you can choose one extra effect, so you're still potentially going to be harmed. You gain advantage, take plus one forward or give plus one forward to another hunter. You inflict terrible harm, so plus one harm. You suffer less harm, minus one, or you force them where you want them. What would you like to do?
How far is the reach of these tentacles and does it seem like they can just extend however far the creature wants or is there a limit to the reach? You're in kind of a 10 by 10 room right now and they are filling this room. Then I'm gonna because I'm gonna stay like here as a shield I'm gonna
If I do the suffer less harm is that is gonna keep until the next attack that I receive from the creature or So you are gonna be receiving an attack right now? Okay, so it's actually react. Okay, then I'm gonna do the suffer less harm for minus one So you
You charge in with your katana, swing it down. It's currently flaming and glowing. How much harm do you do, Toto? So it's three. Three? Three harm. And you notice as you hit this thing, it is burning brightly. All these vines are starting to erupt in fire and it howls in pain.
in a completely inhuman cry. Probably the only thing you've really heard from it. And it is starting to catch fire from this. It's going to try and slam at you, but you managed to jump out of the way slightly and you only take one harm. Out of curiosity, do any of you have armor at all? Oh, I do.
So if you have an armor one, you always take one less farm. So right now, if you have an armor one, you will take zero farm. Oh, okay. Would there be a section on the character sheet that says armor? Or is it like an item you gain? It's in your gear. Gotcha. Okay. And to answer your question, Allie, there is no non-lethal damage.
Okay. So we're going to have Monster of the Week and you kill the monsters. Okay. Why didn't you know if we were trying to get information from this freaking plant? Well, that's kind of, okay. So when this says trap, does that mean hold in one place? Is this like a hold person?
It all depends on how you describe it. If you're like, I want to summon an ethereal globe around it that contains it completely, then yes. If you're like, oh, I want to seal all the doors magically locking them, then it's not so much for a person. If you're like, I want to drain all of its blood and make it so it limbically can't move. Ooh, limbically. OK.
I would like to use magic to trap a specific person, minion, or monster. And what I'm thinking is I would like the same inky black that comes out for my portals is going to come out and basically zip-dye this bitch's vines to stop hitting my friends. Okay. Roll your use magic roll.
Sorry, one dropped. Four plus three is seven, plus two is nine. All right.
All right, you summon the tendrils around all the vines, binding the vines to its body. You can tell this is not going to last very long. As you do this, it kind of wiggles a little bit and begins running immediately for the glass window and jumps out the window.
falling two stories down, you hear a sickening snap as it hits the ground. And you guys all kind of look out the window as the shadowy tendrils eliminate, and it begins, its leg broken behind it, crawling towards the lake. And that is where we are going to end for today. Oh my God!
Thank you all so much for listening to the very first, well, very first-ish, I won't go into that, very first-ish Monster of the Week episode for this Dungeon Problems podcast. I've been EarthosCreations, you can find me at EarthosCreations everywhere, and this is going to drop in, well, the next one after this will drop in two weeks, hopefully. So look forward to that. I've been joined tonight by three,
I can't think, I need to open my first doors up to think of better ways to describe them. We'll say Radiant Souls today. We've been joined by, we started, we ended with her earlier, but we've been joined by Allie. Allie, who have you been playing? I've been playing Frey, and I'm really curious about whatever the documents are that supposed Emma was looking at, and I think it's gonna have something to do with the water treatment facility.
And then down lower we have Donnie. Donnie, who were you playing? I was playing Armacole, our divine hunter, and she is trying to make up for the druid's incompetence. And then last but certainly not least, we have Bree playing. Maewen, who can't wait to get her grubby little paws around whoever is controlling that poor girl.
Because oh my god. Thank you guys so much for playing today. The theme song was done by the Dungeon Maestro on Instagram and TikTok. Go check them out. Look out for the next episode when it drops because it's going to be a doozy as they try and solve this mystery. Thank you all so much for listening. Have fun, do your best, and remember, I believe in you.