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Interview with Dungeonmastermoms

Dungeon Problems!
69 Plays6 months ago

I got the chance to interview Dungeonmaster Moms from Instagram and we got to explore playing TTRPGs with Children. We talk about how to make puzzles good for kids and taking those puzzles and making them work for adults.

She also faced two great puzzles, one of which was probably the hardest I've done yet!

Check her out on instagram at



Introduction and Special Guest

Hello, my friends, and welcome to another Dungeon Problems podcast, the podcast that you're listening to right now. I'm Arthur's Creations. I run this podcast because I have an abundance of free time on my hands. I really don't. But thank you for listening to my mad ramblings and puzzles. And today I have a very special guest.
a wonderful experience for all of you because we are going to tackle some really hard-hitting questions today. Today I am joined by Junction Master Moms on Instagram, a wonderful creator who's doing a lot of cool stuff.
especially with puzzles, in my opinion, on the age-old adage, I think that's the right word, adage, of, hey, DMs, make your puzzles easy enough for children to solve for your players. And we now have a Dungeon Master here who runs games for children. Welcome, Dungeon Master's mom.

Fantasy World of Etherea

How are you today? Thank you. Yeah, I'm doing great. I'm excited to talk to you. and Yeah, if if you're supposed to make puzzles for kids, then I'm doing it. I love it. I saw recently you put up a post about your writing a book, correct? And you were putting out a call for characters. what's What's that project? Tell us a little bit about it. Well, it's a pretty big project. So it's... um
but but Really, it's a whole concept that is a combination of kids on tabletop role-playing games similar to Dungeons and Dragons.
and kids' books. And they all are in the same fantasy world. My fantasy world is called Etherea. So the first two parts of the project that I'm working on right now, one is an illustrated children's picture book that parents could read to their kids. Like that is a bedtime story.

Engaging Kids in Tabletop Games

And it's just a great introduction to playing tabletop role-playing games and some of the like classic creatures, monsters, races, and classes that you would um expect to find in traditional Dungeons and Dragons. And then the the game that I'm coming out with hopefully around the same time is going to be a kid-friendly like
ages four and up can play with a parent or an older sibling and they can actually go into the world of etherea and do similar quests and meet similar people that they already know from the children's books so they kind of all tie together and ideally there'll be expansions on the game and some more books to come but but one thing at a time one book one game is where we're starting I just pictured a whole line of like beanie babies and placement of like miniatures and stuff like that, where like, yeah you'll have like a beanie baby owl bear, you know, so it'll be cute and cuddly for kids. But you can also use... That's so precious. That's yeah incredible. I just bought for a friend the ABCs of D and&D for your kids book. Oh, I love that one. Yeah, my kids love that book. They ask for it all the time.
but to go Do you have an idea of when this and when this stuff is coming out so we can keep an eye on it or is it still in that in the works? It's definitely still in the process. I'm hoping that the book should come out at the end of this year. I'm really hoping to get it out by December, you know, around Christmas time, just in case people need gift ideas, but it'll either be the end of this year or the beginning of 2025.
You heard it here,

The Art of Puzzles

listeners. Go follow Dungeon master's mom dungeon Master on Instagram. That way you can find out when this book is coming out so you can buy it if you have kids. You can buy it if you're reading level, you're still warming up to it. ah For whatever reason, it go check her out so you can keep apprised of all the cool stuff that she is doing. So the question I ask at the beginning,
to gauge how this whole conversation is going to go. Do you like puzzles? Do you hate puzzles? Are you blasรฉ about puzzles?
um Okay, it's mostly love. I mostly love puzzles. There's a small percentage of puzzles that I hate. Maybe that's true for most people, but mostly I love puzzles. There's just some that like,
I cannot get my mind wrapped around. Usually things that have to do with like spatial relations. It's not an intelligence that I'm high on. So like, if you think of like the game portal, the video game portal, can't do it. Can't do it. No, absolutely not. Makes me mad. Pretty much every other kind of puzzle. Excellent. Love it.
That's interesting. I, I have been finding everyone has like, obviously everyone has strengths and weaknesses, but like you don't think about it with puzzles because ah when I first started this, people were like, I was like under the impression that it was like people either like them or hate them, but it's very much certain types of puzzles that people hate. Like I like logic puzzles, like the old, like,
Russell is wearing a red coat. Ivan is wearing a blue coat. What coat is Jimmy wearing? Those types of puzzles I'm really good at. But then puzzles involving like numbers and stuff I'm not very good at. And so spatial puzzles. Do you do you have an idea of what cost of what about those types of puzzles cause you problems or is it just you just can't do them?
I don't know. It's like, I just can't get into the right headspace to figure it out and like watching other people do it. I'm like, Oh my God, how did like that feels like magic. How did you know to do that? And I just, I don't know. It's, it's something that I don't have the, maybe I could learn, maybe I could practice and get better, but I,
Those are the ones that like, if I come across something like that in a video game or in a D and&D session, I just pass it over and I'm like, nope, this

Simplifying D&D for Children

one's not for me. That's on you, teammate. You got this.
I like that you said it's like magic because that's very much I've heard people into in a podcast I've played with people like this, or it's like they'll solve a puzzle this week. Oh, yeah, here we go. That's the solution. I just look at them like they're Merlin or like Morgana casting a giant spell and I'm like, Oh, what? How did you it's I you imagine that's kind of what like the original concept of magic was. Someone figured something out that no one else could, so then they got burned as a witch. Unfortunately.
unfortunately yeah Yeah. it's ah you know I feel like everybody has their things that they're really good at, but that's why that's why I like to play on a team. What's your favorite type of puzzle to come up against?
Um, you know, I was thinking about this earlier. I feel like honestly, my favorite types of puzzles are the ones that are most like a traditional like tabletop, like puzzle piece put together type of puzzle. So like usually in the gaming world, how we end up seeing them is those like slider puzzles where you have like the different pictures and you have to have them all line up. I'm actually really good at those.
I love running those types because I'll find a website that you can insert your own picture into and then just forward it. If it's a virtual game, you can forward it. Or like I used to have a touchscreen TV. Now I don't. I need to get one again. So it would be like on the on the TV for all my players in person. They could actually like touch you and move it. Those puzzles are so much fun.
They are fun. They are fun. And I feel like I'm, I'm usually the one on the team with the people that we play with that like, I'll just like look at it and I don't even touch it. I just like look at it and figure it out in my mind that I'm like, step back guys, watch this. And I'm just like, do, do, do, do, do, done. And then they think I'm magic, which makes me feel good.
That reminds me of the people who can do like the Rubik's cubes in their head. They'll look at it and then just suddenly start being like... Oh, yeah those people are crazy. Can you do a Rubik's Cube out of curiosity? I cannot do a Rubik's Cube. No, I can't. I know there's... Not without cheating. Not without looking up like the system for how you how you gain it. I knew there was a system. ah One time I tricked some people into thinking I could do it by peeling off the stickers and putting them in the right thing. Oh, that's dirty.
Oh, it was bad. That's how I knew that robes were going to be one of my favorite classes out there or far. There you go. ro or bar So you run games for um um one of your kids or probably not both. Yeah, so my kids are four and two. The four year old's been playing with us since she was three, um like playing as an actual character.
Now keep in mind the games that I run are way simplified. So like you're picturing a three-year-old playing Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition full ruleset, full mechanics. It's not what I do. i I bring it down way, way down, simplify it. Obviously she can't read yet, so I help her with like the reading bits and some of the math bits.
so She does make all her own decisions and play as an individual character, but but obviously we, you know, we help her out. And sometimes we'll throw in a few NPCs to help her out if she's like really not getting it. We'll be like, hey, come this way, says the little cat. What's this light, you know?
stuff like that. That sounds absolutely adorable. It's so fun. It's so fun. She's four doing this. I yeah don't even think I could. and I can't even imagine myself doing this at four. Like part of me is like, I don't even think I could walk at four personally. like Yeah, well she's pretty incredible too. She's definitely, well she's got two nerds for parents, poor thing. And she's been in the fantasy gaming world forever because she was just born right into a household of it. So she's very into all of that. Do any of other kids play with you like cousins, friends, stuff like that? or Yeah, we have some really close friends that are like family to us and they have kids that are like in that four to seven range and they play with us pretty often.
And then we mix in adults too. So if we have friends over or people in town or like, you know, a lot of times my husband will play with us, like they, they play too. We all just come to the table together. It sounds like it's probably the most bonkers game ever, like just pure chaos, but amazing chaos at the same time. Do you run puzzles for them? I do. I do. Um,
I run a lot of different puzzles for them and some I think would translate well to adults. Some probably not, they'd be too easy. So like one of the things I started doing really early on when I started adopting the game to play with my daughter is I started using those like pre-k worksheets. I don't know. They're like free on the internet. You can print them out and it'll be like a picture with a bunch of different fruits and then it'll say like how many apples or whatever and there's like a picture of an apple and then a box where you put the number and it's like how many limes and another box and so she'd have to count in the picture and come up with the number and then like the number combination would make the code to get in the treasure chest or something like that.
So adults, obviously that would be super easy for, but like for a three, four year old, even like a five, six year old, it's enough where they have to do something to come up with the answer. So they have fun with it. So you say adults might find that to be really easy, but at the same time, I know like.
You said that she doesn't quite read yet. So she obviously probably can't read if it says something like, count how many apples there are, correct? Right, right. Yeah, so usually it's just the picture and then like a picture of an apple with a blank next to it. So you have to kind of infer the count the apples part. So does she infer that on her own sometimes? Or is it

Teamwork and Creativity in Puzzles

like, you'll give her a little nudges?
I usually let her try it on her own and then as she starts getting frustrated or losing attention, I'll like have a hint for her. And typically whenever I'm planning a puzzle, I'll have in my mind kind of like two or three tiers of hints of like, okay, if she's still not giving it, then I'll say this or I'll show this. And she like never means all of them.
She sounds a lot smarter than, I mean, this would love my players. She sounds a lot smarter than some of my players. They don't listen to me. They hear my voice enough. We overthink it, right? That's the problem we have on so many puzzles is we make it too complicated inside our own minds when like sometimes the answer is actually kind of simple. And kids get the simple a lot quicker. They're like, oh, yeah, it's just this.
I think one of the things you just said how you take some of these puzzles for kids and you could see them very easily going to adults. That puzzle you just shared I think would be very simple too if you have apples, bananas, and oranges. you know If you just give them the picture and a coat and a keypad.
if they count how many it is, but then add the twist that it has to be in alphabetical order, not based on how the pictures is, that makes it harder. And that might be hard enough to stump the adults. One simple little thing can take a kids puzzle, good for kids, air quotations for listeners, and make it into challenging enough for an adult. What are some of the other puzzles you've run for them?
So I've done some that are like magic based. So it's like, okay, you come up to a door, you can't open it. It seems like it's magically sealed. And if you look at the door, there's like some runes on the door, right? So maybe one of them is like a little flame rune for fire. And one of them is like a little water drop for water. And you just, that's what you see. And then,
they have to figure out like, oh, I have to cast fire magic at it and oh, well then that one glows and then I have to like throw water at him and then that one glows and that opens the door. So little things like that. That's perfect.
like It's good enough for kids. And also, I like adults. Those are stuff I see in video games. Like, I think Yeah. there's one just like that in Skyrim. Like, it's just like, oh, there's a fire. That's probably where the idea came from because I play a lot of Skyrim.
i just I just made the big faux pas of all gamers. i have I had Skyrim on my Xbox back when I had an Xbox, now I have it on my PC, but I had a hankering and I was like, oh, I'll buy it on my Switch now. I don't know how much money the Oblivion or whoever that, in whoever made Skyrim has made, but they've probably made a lot of money from people rebuying it on all the different platforms.
Yeah, I have at least two versions of it. So yeah, they they definitely are. yeah And the puzzles in there are apparently good for kids and adults. Yeah, I think so. I mean, they're usually simple enough, but still interesting, you know, still a bit of a challenge, which is always good.
You mentioned sometimes you have um like a seven year old playing with you. Do you find that you can scale the puzzles a little bit for that kid exactly? If you know they're playing, like give them a little bit of a harder puzzle or do you keep the puzzles pretty similar no matter what age they are, if they're kids. Yeah, kind of depends. Sometimes I will scale them a bit or like,
If I know for sure that we're going to play a game where I'm going to have like a seven-year-old and say my daughter, then in one encounter I'll have like two different puzzles, one that I really want her to do and one that I really want the older kid to do. So then theirs is harder, maybe it involves some like more reading or you know a skill that she she probably couldn't do on her own but the older kid could do it or the older kid could tell her how to do it so now they're working together. That kind of reminds me of the uh I don't know what the name of the game is but there was this game that was pretty popular for a while it was a two-player game uh little like man or a little woman and you had to go together to solve stuff
I wonder if you could do that in a puzzle. Make it very dependent on helping one another. Yeah. Well, I need to think on that some more because that would be good.
Yeah, like, because i I find one of the things that happens with puzzles is it's very, as you said earlier, like, you're like, okay, I don't like this type of puzzle. Here you go, teammate. Or if you're like, this is my puzzle, give it to me. It would be cool to see a puzzle that's dependent very much on like working together. um and There's a video game on Jackbox I believe that you pretty much like you see one thing on your phone and your partner sees another thing and you have to explain what to do to your partner. It would be interesting to see if you could have a puzzle for that seven-year-old where they have to explain what to do for the four-year-old.
Oh man, that would be cool. I'd really make them work together. You'll either love each other after or hate each other after. Right, ah right. I know it's it's funny, i I'm thinking now like now that we're talking about working together about a puzzle that I ran a few weeks ago where ah basically it was like the way to open something was to pull on like two ropes at the same time but they were on opposite sides of the chamber and so my thought was like okay they'll figure out that like they both have to do it at the same time to make it work while they made it work but the way they made it work was that one of them like pulled one and stayed there
And then the other person, instead of pulling it, like anchored it to some like junk weapons that they took off some goblins in the chamber before to like weigh it down so that they didn't have to stand there. And I was like, OK, I mean, that works. like That's weird, but it works. So it's interesting to see, too, how like people come up with solutions that are not the solutions that I thought they would find.
but It works and as the DM you just have to be like, okay, yeah, it opens. That is, I've discussed it many times of like, sometimes with like riddles and stuff like that your players will come up with creative stuff.
i think a kids will always come up with very creative, out of the box, weird solutions.

Guidance in Puzzle-Solving

And I think as a DM, I would struggle a little bit with putting my adult rational brain behind some of their weird solutions. If have you ever been so shocked by a solution, just been like, No, I can't allow this to work. Or is it always just like, you know what, kid, good job, you did it.
yeah Yeah, I usually just let it happen because at the end of the day, I just want us to have fun. But it's definitely things where I'm thinking like, okay, if I wasn't just trying to have fun with you, and if you weren't just a kid, I might have to say no to that. But whatever, we we're here to just be creative and silly. So sure, sure, that works great.
You also mentioned that sometimes they'll get frustrated. They'll you know start giving up. ah And that happens with regular with adult players, not regular players. That's yeah the wrong work. But with adult players, um and there's a very specific way of the way that I you know kind of tell my players, try and give them little hints. How do you give your kids hints?
i think It depends on the puzzle. um Sometimes I'll have something like some kind of visual aid like already drawn up or some kind of note or something that they get passed to them that um that gives them like the next hint or some kind of clue. Usually I think I just end up telling them or, you know, so kind of giving them like a well,
What if you looked at it this way though, you know, like what if you turned it around or like some kind of way of changing the way they're thinking about it that's not going to take them down the right path to kind of like guide them in the direction. That's very, I've never really thought about that of the puzzle of being like,
Well, what if you looked at this way? What if you're like, if they're examining something and they're just a little off and you're like, what if you examine something else guys?
Little gentle and nudges, but I, what's your system? I need to know about yours now. Maybe I can borrow it. It's. I think one of the big things I like to do, and it might not work for kids, is I like to go over the information that they have. Because sometimes I'm hearing it in my voice and like kind of maybe subconsciously I put it in the order it should be in. ah But if me just kind of saying back to them what they already know really seems to help them a lot. I wonder if that would work with kids.
Because maybe sometimes they're just so discombobulated. I think it would. And I feel like I've done a version of that before and it has helped. I think I've done a version of it before and it hasn't too, that they've just looked at me and been like, and?
Come on, mom. Yeah. Hurry up. Tell us what else to do. I mean, that's the beautiful I find sometimes adults always can kind of think the same way. Like we're all taught the same way in school. You know, we have very, well, we do do out of the box thinking with kids. They all think so differently and they're all so different. Every person is different, but I think it's just so much more when you're a kid and that would be a real strength for puzzles. You need people to think differently.
For sure. And, you know, especially like with the really young kids that I play with sometimes, they've never really played a video game. They've never really played a another role playing board game. So they don't like have that video game mentality already of like, Oh, I've seen something like this before and the way I solved it was this.
They're coming at it with like no no prior experience that looks similar. So I feel like that helps, too, for them to just have a lot wider range, maybe have a harder time, too, but to have a more divergent thoughts about it than like you or I would that have played the video games and all that stuff.
That's so true because I find a lot of the puzzles that I read, a lot of the puzzles I've seen in games, like we just talked about one with the the fire and the water where we're like, oh, maybe that gave us a thing from Skyrim. When I make puzzles, I try and come at it with just literally an empty brain of thinking about nothing except for just like, maybe that's why some of my puzzles are completely out there.
twelve I think that's important to do because your players need to experience something a little bit new. They're not going to learn and kids are able to look at it completely differently because they have no idea. They don't, they're not used to it. water Off the wall.
I have so many questions about woods like running games for just this young of kids because like part of me is like so fascinating where it must be. I've seen like stories online of like, oh, I ran ah my kids in D and&D and they instead of fighting the wolves, offended them and now they are wolf terrors. What's the craziest story of something that your kid did during a D and&D game?
Oh gosh. Man, they do crazy stuff like all the time.
i This is my fault as a DM. I totally had this one coming. But I, for whatever reason, decided to gift my daughter's character a pet elephant.
Um, yeah, she answered a, a riddle really well. And, um, there were like three options. If you answered the riddle, you could get treasure or wisdom or friendship. And in my mind, the friendship one, if she picked that was going to be like, okay, she gets a little animal companion. So she picked friendship. She answered correctly. She wanted an elephant.
for her companion. So I, you know, being the yes and DM that I am, I was like, yes, you get an elephant. We actually had a miniature of an elephant from our wild spider minis kit. So I was like, here you go. Here's your elephant. That darn elephant wants to come everywhere and do all the things.
all the time. And the number of times I have to tell this girl, your elephant will not come in this cave. Your elephant does not fit in the tavern. I just, and the elephant is like a constant thing now. It's a constant like just wild, funny battle that we have every time we sit down. Because anytime her character goes anywhere, she's like, and I bring my elephant. like oh The elephant's back.

Crafting Riddles for Different Audiences

so like Wait until she learns a large reduce and then you won't be able to stop her. I know I'm i'm never giving that to her. I'm never letting her have that.
that is ah You have to be really careful what you give people. I mean, that's true for all characters, right? You have to be really careful what you give them because sometimes they will really use it and you will regret it. I had a friend who was adamant first game first kind of real campaign he's ever played adamant that at one point he wanted to put two bags of holding together. He That was it. So I made up a whole chart knowing that he was going to do it eventually of random things that can happen. And it ended up creating a three mile wide crater in my world that just devoured a whole desert, essentially. It was beautiful. I loved it. He was so happy. Now, you just brought up riddles.
yeah Which, that is the one type of puzzle I would never think to run for a child. Because, A, riddles also might be one of my bad things, mostly making them, because I always think I know the right answer, but players will give me completely different answers. yeah What is a riddle for a child? like What are they different than like, obviously, they're not going to be token level riddles of now I have a yellow center and blah, blah, blah. No, and my daughter knows the answer to all those anyways. So she's very okay. I'm just gonna put this out there. Your daughter's the coolest person in the world. She's very knowledgeable on the habit and the Lord of the Rings. i That
um Yeah, if I had if I had a nerd crown or something like that i Your daughter literally just became the coolest person in the world. ah She really is the coolest um She really is. I mean, I'm biased but she's very cool for a kid. Um But anyway, I dig that riddles. Um so for really for the little ones for like five and under, I try to make them super simple. So I'll say something like, uh, you know, I'll start with like, Oh, I fly high in the sky and sometimes I cry. Okay. And then if they're like not guessing the right kind of stuff, I'm like, well, it's when I cry, we call it rain.
you know like stuff like that right so i'll kind of like start with something vague which a lot of times they get and then i'll kind of like add on little clarifiers onto it until they get it because i want them to get it Listeners, I am not ashamed to admit I did not get the riddle until you said rain. I am not ashamed to admit that, where I was just like, at first I was thinking like the sun. And I'm like, no, sun doesn't cry. Then I'm like, the moon? No. Stars? We got shooting stars. But no, it's just like that. You weren't going to get there. You were going to get there. Eventually. Eventually. I shouldn't give you enough time, I think. Let's give you some credit.
i You're gonna stump me here in a little bit. You're gonna return the favor. i I really like that idea because I struggle making riddles. So I think a good way of making maybe more challenging riddles is start off with the very basic.
And then just for adults, not for kids, but start off with a very basic like, Oh, it flies across the sky and it rains. Great. You have your beginning, then change some words. It flies across the sky and tears come down or, and then on the breeze, tears come down. and Yeah. i Like kind of work backwards. Yeah. that makes I think I think that's a cool way of taking your children puzzles and making them adult. Think of them as the base bone. That's not a good way of putting it, but the base bone and then growing from there. Yeah.
yeah and listen Personally, I'm not really very good at riddles either, especially in creating them, but I do find it easier to make riddles for children than for adults because I don't feel like I have to make them that tricky. Yeah.
You have to make them. In fact, I think even like when we make puzzles, we strive to make it so people can solve them. But yeah as you said, for kids, you really, you really do want them to solve them because it's about having fun. and Yeah. In D and&D, they always say it's not the DM versus the player. ah But adults really want to be challenged. Kids just want to have the imagination. They just want to play. They just want to play.
Yeah, they don't care as much about the challenge piece as an adult would, I think. Listeners, I challenge you in the next year. Play a game with some kids. I would advise you getting kids that you're related to if you don't have kids of your own um or friends, you know. But definitely, I think it's a great challenge for DMs and a great kind of way of building your skills by working with kids. And it's wonderful that you can put it so easily. You make it seem like it's, you know, oh, this is such an easy thing to develop. But at the same time, you put a lot of work into these

Children's Imagination in Gaming

games. I imagine and you have to think of so much because kids will think of so much.
They will and you know, I can kind of use that to my advantage because they will kind of write some of it for me as long as I can be on my toes and go with it they will come up with it a lot if I if I do like a low prep session and you know, we're just like in a town exploring or something or in a forest like If I have a few things for them to interact with, they'll kind of make up what they want to do and I can just build on it. It turns out being kind of crazy sometimes, but yeah, it's fun. That's the whole point.
I just remembered that I don't, this is me dating myself here, but those old like play mats that had like the streets and the towns would like, I remember those so fondly. And that would be such a cool map for your D and D game. Just be like, Hey guys, welcome to the town. And you just plop down this giant old, I'm going to find one of those now. yeah man I haven't seen one of those in so long. Those were great though.
That's it. Uh, listeners, my PO box is one, two, three, send me this, please. Uh, please, if you find one of those rugs, I want to, I, I won't lie. I'm seriously going to go looking after this. Uh, really make my friends weirded out when they walk into my house and like, why is this here? Are you two again? I'm like, Oh, just you wait till we play D and D. I love it. I love it.
You see to get like a dollhouse or something to put on top of it. Oh, I have on my I have a dollhouse. There you go. And you can hide puzzles in the dollhouse like secret doors and oh, oh, there goes my bank account right there. Oh, God.

Puzzle Challenge with Special Guest

Well, you mentioned that soon I'm going to stump you. I think it's a perfect time now to see if you can solve some dungeon problems of my own. Okay, I'll give that a go.
It's going to be fun. Once you get warmed up, once you get revved, I have two for you. I have an official one and I have one that I wrote today because for some reason I cannot i cannot prep prep for my puzzles. So we have two puzzles today, one of my own and one official one. Which one would you like to try and solve first?
Let's do yours first. mind first Now, I tried to do this one with kids in mind a little bit. That being said, I could have done a little bit more kid friendly, but we'll see how it goes. You come to a chamber where one ethereal man stands in a black hood. He stands on a wooden platform. There's another ghost standing next to him with a noose of mist fitted around his neck.
The executioner says, try as you might, you cannot save this man. His fate was sealed when he angered my Lord. Only four words can save him. I shall give you eight tries to announce the words. Solve it without needing all the letters and my Lord's treasure is yours. But you only get one try for that. Fail and death shall come.
And as he says this, these flaming lines appear of behind him. On the top is one line. Underneath that is seven lines. And then underneath that is three lines. And then underneath that is eight lines.
I like that.
Okay, we've got a hangman type situation, I think.
Oh, that's it. That's all I get, huh? Eight tries. That's all you get. Hmm. Okay, I'm trying to decide if I want to go like the Wheel of Fortune route where I just start guessing common letters or if I want to try to figure out if I can pick anything up from the surroundings to give me clues. Can I get you to say the speech that the man said again? The speech the man said. ah Try as you might. You cannot save this man. His fate was sealed when he angered my lord. Only four words can save him. I shall give you eight tries to announce the words.
Solve it without needing all the letters and my Lord's treasure is yours. But on you own but ye only get one try for that one. Fail and death shall come.
ah Dang, that didn't help me at all. I guess if I'm imagining that we're playing D&D, this is basically a D and&D puzzle,
If I can, I'd like to, I guess, investigate and see if there's anything around here, like around the, I don't know, I'm picturing it like a slab. I'm really in real fortune mindset right now, which I'm sure is not what you're thinking, but, um you know, the area where these little smoky blanks turned up. Okay.
Well, looking at them, it is clearly magic. There seems to be ah some form of magic. And as you get closer, you're standing right by the gallows and you find a small podium right underneath it with all these different little blocks on it with letters on them.
They seem to be buttons. Ooh, OK. OK, podium with the letter buttons. on
Can I see what the letters are? Like, is it the whole alphabet, or is it just ah some random letters? It is the whole alphabet. The whole alphabet.
Okay. I'm going to press the E. So you press the E and in those flaming spaces, you see an E a appear on the second row in the second line. And then in the seventh line, the final one.
And then on the fourth row, the very bottom one, you see an E appear in the sixth line. Okay, I'm going to press the A.
You press the A, and in the second row, the fifth line has an A on it. And that is it. oh
Okay, and nothing has happened with the gallows. Nothing's happened with the gallows. The executioner's standing there, his hand on the lever, but he's not moving. The man, the ethereal ghostly man with the noose, he just looks ah so scared.
Poor guy. Okay, I'm gonna press the R.
On the second row, the sixth line has an R in it. So as it stands right now, you have a blank row at top. The second row has an E in the second, an A in the fifth, an R in the sixth, and an E in the seventh, and then the bottom,
row has an E in the two, three, four, five, sixth row, and the sixth line. I think I'm getting somewhere.
Let me press the I button. The very top row, that singular line, now has an I. The third row has an I in the second space, the middle.
And the fourth row, the very first line now has an I.
OK, let me pass the L. The L. On the second row, the fourth line has an L. And that is it. What? That's not what I needed.
OK, I'm going to press the D. The second row, the first one now has a D.
And that's sharing it. Dang it! OK, I'm going to press the C. The C, the second row, the third line has a C. And then in the fourth row, the fifth line has a C.
Okay, that helps a little, but not much. Ooh, I'm gonna press the M. You press the M and in the third row, the last line, the third line has an M. Okay.
Ooh. Okay, I'm gonna say the words. You're gonna try and say it without filling them all in? I'm gonna try to say the words. I declare him innocent.
As you say that, a light shines down on the man, on the ethereal man with the noose. And you see his spirit rise up and suddenly coins and gems begin to fall from the air as you have gained the Lord's treasure and beaten the puzzle.

Tackling Complex D&D Puzzles

I like that one. That was fun.
So the eight, you had eight tries. It wasn't how many tries you had to guess the letters. So though I think you managed to do it on like the seventh one. It was actually how most people play hangman with the head, the body, two arms, two legs, and two feet. You had eight wrong guesses to do. Wrong guesses of letters. But I didn't guess any wrong letters. Yeah. One for one right there. There we go. What are some of your thoughts on that puzzle?
I like it. I really like the setup, how it was fairly easy to see that it was like a hangman situation. Like I feel like you described all the aspects of it really well for me to be like, oh, it's hangman. And then the definitely like the podium with the the letter buttons is helpful. I think it'd be interesting to like i don't I mean, I guess it'd be easier this way, but if you like only had the letters that you would need and you have to like, put them in the right places, you know, kind of like a word scramble. like they feel like nice work I feel like that would make it easier in some ways. So then like, maybe you just wouldn't have as many chances. or yeah i I like that. I never thought of doing like a hangman incorporation, but that's really cool.
I was thinking as I was making this puzzle today, I was like kids, what do kids yeah what your kids play a lot? And you can use different words for it. You can change it up. I didn't want to make what he said impact it too much because sometimes kids don't, you'll say it and it will be right out the window for them in one ear and out the other. ah Obviously and not a lot of kids probably know the words like declare and innocent. Yeah.
You could say, you could say, I say him in a center. I set him free, something like that. Ooh, yeah. Now, a change I made on the fly because of your investigation was I threw that, the buttons in there. When I originally wrote it, there were no buttons because when you asked that A, I was like, well, you have to find something else. But it also occurred to me, if you just said like, oh, I want to try I,
or U or A. Those are words. So the ghost might interpret that as you... Right? Like, is that the words that are going to count against me? Yeah. Yeah. So that would be... And if you know you're trying ah work to fill in the words right there, the ghost might say, no, you failed. So I think that that podium, the buns really hammered it home and also made it so it didn't potentially break. Yeah. Yeah, that was fun. I like it. Good puzzle. Thank you. All right. So for this next puzzle, it's an official puzzle from, hopefully you haven't read it, cover to cover, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. One of my favorites. I have it, but I don't think I've read the puzzle section. This is my favorite
book that they put out and also the one I hate the most because this was the first mention of puzzles in fifth edition and I'm so angry about that. So I've actually sent you something on Instagram right now. A little handout because this one does require a handout.
Which I'll try my best to describe for those listeners at home. I'm so sorry. Uh, listeners, if you're at home, open up to page. Does the handout have a page on it page one 90 of Tasha's culture and of everything. And you can see the handout.
You enter a dimly lit chamber. Nine dwarf skulls rest near a four foot square set of tiles in the room and carved into a nearby stone altar is the following inscription. Brave warriors met the demise foretold. Their secret cat shall yet unfold.
If crowns placed correctly on the shrine, celestial beds for four of nine. And for listening to that home, this ah shrine, this handout that's given to them is a four by four grid that has above on it, has a like a Roman numeral three, a no Roman numeral one, and a Roman numeral two, and a Roman numeral three.
ah horizontally and then vertically three, two, three, and one. And then on several of these tiles are carved stars.
There's a star. Well, I'm not going to scribe the stars are for you listeners. Go pick up Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. one i Go get your book. Go get your book, guys. Unless you're driving. If you're driving listening to this episode, I appreciate you. But don't look it up and drive. Be safe.
OK. So.
Okay, we're just gonna start playing around with things and see what happens and you know, maybe we won't die. Okay, so and play I up one of the skulls.
I mean, I don't know if it matters which one I pick up. So I guess I'll just pick up the one that's the furthest to my left. Alright, yep, the skulls pop up really easily. They're very easy to move ah So yeah, you pick that up Perfect and I'm gonna place it on the bottom row second column star bottom row second column star you place a skull there and the tile lights up white and
Could be good, could be not good. Don't seem bad. um Okay, I'm gonna pick up the next skull. I'm just kind of going from left to right, picking these up in that order. So now pick up the next one and set that one on the fourth row, third column.
start fourth row third column all right you do that and it shines black for a second and a necrotic bolt of energy is going to sting you you take one point of damage oh no okay so that made it unhappy um
pick the skull back up and put it back where it was. That just happened. All right, you pick it up. No, I'm going to give you 10 HP for this thing. You're a level one fighter, 10 HP. Oh, I might need more than that. Okay, so I'm down to nine now. Already. Okay, I did that one.
okay i'm gonna go ahead and pick up that same skull and i'm gonna put it on the third row second column star third row second column star all right ah unfortunately as you do this it shines black and you get another bolt dang it So right now you have a skull that is shining white on the fourth row, the second column on that star. Yeah, we like that one.
I'm going to pick one up and put it on the first column, third row star. First column, third row star, right. First column, third row star. You do that and it glows white. Yes. Okay. We're not getting hurt. That's good.
Okay. Now I'm going to take another one of the skulls and put it on.
Do I have to like step on these to get to other ones or can I? No, you can. It's small enough that you can. Okay. Place. Maybe you have like one of those like shuffleboard sticks in your slide. There we go. Okay. Okay. I'm like, I don't really want to step on anything over here. It looks kind of spooky. It's going to shock me again. Okay. So I want to put one on first row, first column, first row, first column, that star right there. You do that.
I hope I have this. Are you doing the rows from down to top? That's what I imagine. That's I imagine you're doing. Yes. Yes. Yes. We're caught up at the same. This is one of the joys of virtual puzzles where it's like, make sure you double check that you guys are all doing something. So first row,
First fall on that top, yep, that top left one with the star on. Yeah, the top left corner one. You put one there and it lights up white. Yay. Okay, but nothing else is happening yet. Nothing else is happening. You have three skulls down. Okay.
I'm gonna put one of the other skulls on the top right most ones. So top top row, left column. Top row, left column. You do that and it lights up white.
And that's it? we have That's it. We have four skulls down.
Okay, so I've got one there, one there, one there, one there.
Okay, NPC friend. Your barbarian's gonna come up to you and say, ooh, I'd like that there's these tiles, but what do these with the numbers mean? I don't speak Roman. And somehow I recognize their numbers.
What's up with that? Okay, still got health points to spend, right? Let's put one on the second red from the top and third column from the left.
Third column to the left. You do that and it lights up white and nothing else happens. Okay, I want to put another one in the top left third row from from the top far left column. Far right column.
Far right, yep. I can't do my lefts and rights anymore. All right. I can't either. You do that and it lights up white and nothing happens.
So we have two skulls, three skulls left. Three skulls left. Yes, three skulls left.
some markers or something here. I'm just going to draw on my paper the old fashioned way. Okay, so we did. There's nine skulls. There's one here. There's one here. I just have to catch myself up here.
Six skulls.
I have six skulls put down three left to go, right? Yep.
Okay. This is the part where I try to see if I'm missing anything obvious. I don't see anything I'm missing that's obvious to me at this point.
Something about resting places for nine. So that's the nine skulls, I'm assuming. Can't remember any of the other words, but I don't. Brave warriors met their demise foretold. Their secret kept shall yet unfold. If crowns placed correctly on the shrine, celestial beds for four of nine. Oh, four of nine.
Okay, okay, that might matter. Okay, but did I try that already?
Okay, I can't remember if I tried this, but we're gonna do it again, because I don't think I did. We put one of the skulls on the third row down.
and the second column from the left on that star. The second column, it shines black and you take a stinging damage. Okay, so not that one. You have tried that one, unfortunately. I tried that one already. Turn it. Yep. The barbarian's gonna come up and say, there's there's one there already. why There's one and one.
oh one and one One there already.
thought I thought it was getting somewhere, but now I'm feeling questioning myself again. The barbarian's going to, I always love using the barbarian. I screw using a wizard. I would be the smart guy, right? The barbarian's gotta to be the clever one. He's going to point at the Roman numeral one at the top and say, you already have one. It's just like connect four. You put one there and it's one. Uh-huh, okay, yeah. I gotcha. How many health points am I down, now three?
I definitely tried that one.
Okay, it's like next floor. I already got one there. One. Okay, hold on, hold on. Maybe we're getting somewhere now. Oh, I see the wheel a-turning. It's turning, it's turning. Okay, so we got one, one. Okay, yeah.
Okay, I don't know how I got so many right in the first place because it's not what I was thinking. Okay, so we need one up here. There, but I can't go here.
Nothing can go down here. Okay. It's one of those darn logic puzzles you were talking about earlier that you like. The ones that are like, oh, it can't go here, so it has to go here. OK, I'm going to put one on the top row, third column. Top row, third column.
It shines white.
OK, let me put one on the second row from the top on the first column. On the first column? Yeah. You do that and it lights up white. Oh, good. You have one skull remaining.
painting Okay, do that last one Same row second row from the top and the furthest right The far right column, yeah You do that and it shines black Unfortunately, so you take one damage you are down to five hit points Not doing good Not doing good. Okay. What did I do wrong here? The barbarian looks at you and says, we look very close, but maybe move some of them around a little bit. You got one left, right? So all the skulls are on now, except one is currently shining black.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. That one you just put down second row far right is shining black. They're all on there. I'll say this is a I as a DM, I'm having some trouble thinking about what clues I could give to really help. aye especially like that I had it and then I think maybe I messed myself up somewhere in the logic.
I see there's essentially two just two moves yeah yeah have you to make and you can you can do it. ah
So right now on that that second row from the top, you have three skulls, but there's a two there. Right.
So the barbarians like, we have to get rid of one of those skulls ah home and put it somewhere else. but where But where? Oh, maybe it could go there. Okay. Let's try this. Let's try the third row, third column. No, I thought it couldn't go there, but I definitely did.
Okay, third row, third column. Which skull from that second row are you going to move? Yeah, the but the fourth column. one You're going to move the fourth column, second row to the third column, third row? Yes. As you do that, it shines black. Can you take another hit point?
And he says, but now that third column has three, but it only says two.
no yeah very true I will say at this point, you're you're looking at yourself anyway. I have two hands. I could just pick up two skulls and and trade them. That might work. but Put them same time.
Remember, let's get the pass to me. You were very close with that. So I would say, in theory, if we go back to what you just had, second row, third, three, there's one that you could move that would solve it, besides the one you just moved. Okay.
Okay, okay. So if I put that one back, let's go ahead and don't put that one back. Just leave it. Leave it where it is for the moment. Don't move it.
Maybe this is the kind of puzzle I'm not. Maybe this is it. I only found a new kind of puzzle. This does seem a little spatial. It does. It does. It's hurting my brain.
So if we go back to the second row has three in them, we need to we need to move one of these to make it. And I like that we moved it to the third third row. But the question is, which one? The first column has a three above it. And how many do we have right there? Three. Three. Second column has one. We have one there.
and plan Second column has two, and we have two there. And the third column has three, and we have three there. So all the columns are correct right now. First row has three. right Second row has three right now. Third row has two, and first row has one.
So the second row and the third row are incorrect.
So which columns do we move if all the columns are correct? Oh, OK. OK. OK. OK. Maybe. Let's see if we can do this here. Let's take the one on the third column, second row from the top. Yep. And move it down.
and the same pollen down to the third row. You do that, and all the skulls shine white. The ones on the stars, their eyes are filled with these giant diamonds as you have solved that puzzle. I don't know why that last step was so hard, babe. Man, it was. It tricked me. I think you can classify that as a spatial puzzle.

Favorite Puzzles and Encouragement

because it was very much looking at the spaces of it. um yeah I think one thing I realized right there at the end, one of the ways I should have described, because in the puzzle itself, it doesn't talk about the lights or anything like that. I should have made it like the lights also appearing where the the column numbers and the row numbers are, so you know that that's correct. I think that might have helped a little bit. I might have helped some.
So that wasn't your favorite. You did it. You beat that puzzle. Not my favorite. I got down to half health, so not great. am Might have gone better if I just started throwing skulls randomly. you had four You had four hit points left. You could have done it. Yeah, might might have worked better. It also probably would have gone a lot better. The problem with running these puzzles like this is that you don't have other people. You have me, but there's only so much I can do. Right, right. Puzzles are very much, it would be interesting to see how that would go running it for a kid. I know. Does does your daughter know her numbers for the most part? Mm-hmm. I think I would probably do it with a- I think if I put just numbers, not Roman numerals, I feel like maybe.
So the phone game that I know that's very much like this does have regular numbers. happening And it does kind of like, if you put it down, it will be like, okay, that's correct. Okay, that's wrong. It's wrong on this place. ah So it'd be interesting. I think maybe doing it on a smaller grid, with like maybe a three by three, although I don't know if that would work. It'd be interesting. Yeah.
I might have to play with that a little bit, because I like the concept of it. And yeah, I think maybe with a little bit more guidance and making it slightly more clear on the numbers thing, I feel like it could fit into a kid's game. Well, listeners, once again, my puzzle trumps the official content puzzle, because my puzzles are just so much better. Yeah, they're more fun. Don't need my ego to get any bigger.
and But you've solved too. You did it. There you go. I did it. I feel accomplished now. Yes, that was the goal.
We have the final question now. What has been your favorite puzzle? in anything, life, movies, TV, video games, whatever. I almost feel like I'm cheating to give this the answer, but my favorite puzzle is actually a like puzzle like with the pieces that go together on the table just like doing like a jigsaw puzzle. I don't think anyone else has answered that yet and I don't like it. No, apart from the game just I like to just do the puzzle.
do you Do you find it's very relaxing, like lo-fi, and you just get sucked into it? yeah Yeah, I feel like it's just like a Zen kind of moment of like focusing on that and having some like clear mind space. I actually don't prefer to do it with other people. I'd rather just do it by myself.
the other people kind of annoy me. I'm like, get, you know, it's sort of like, get out of my kitchen kind of situation. Why why are you, why are you grabbing all the corner pieces? No, those are mine. Stop doing that. I have it sorted in a way. Like, I just want to do it. That's very true. I feel like with jigsaw puzzles, your way, of like any other puzzle, you can think of how other people do it. But jigsaw puzzles, if someone tries to mess with your strategy, it's done. No, don't. Don't mess with my system, please.
I see that in my escape room. We have a thing, a puzzle that you kind of have to piece together like that in one of our rooms. And that's the one I will see the most people fight over and be like, don't come near me. I'm solving this and stay over there. And and that just is so ironic. Yeah, that would be me. That's what I'd be doing. Have you ever seen those ah speed ah jigsaw puzzle competitions? No.
Those are insane. They go hardcore. They literally like, it's all timed. Everyone's at their thing. They have the same puzzle. And then they go begin and they toss it over and they start like rifling through. It's, oh, you should check it out. I'm going to set up on YouTube tomorrow. That sounds cool. Four years, four years from now we'll be in the summer Olympics. ah yeah Probably not.
but Well, listeners, you've now just spent a good chunk of your time listening to us speak about puzzles, kids, and all that crazy galore. Thank you all so much for listening today. My name is EarthosCreations, or Ben, or late for supper, depending on who's calling me something.
the theme song was done by the dungeon maestro on tiktok and instagram so go check him out and also check out our special guest today dungeon master moms thank you so much for joining us plug your project plug whatever you want right now tell the listeners where they can find you what you're doing all the fun and galore ah Yeah, and the place I'm the most active is definitely Instagram. So I'm dungeon master moms on Instagram. And also working on my website, it is up but there's not a whole lot on it yet. Although if you're listening to this in a month or in a few months in the future, go check out game master
and are Game Master Moms is my business. Dungeon Master Moms is my Instagram handle, so some people get those kind of twisted up. But I'm not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast, so ah my official business doesn't have the Dungeon Master label in it.
But yeah, that's pretty much me. And like I said, I'll be coming out with the children's book, hopefully end of the year and hopefully the game at the same time or shortly after that. So you guys can play with your kids and start having all the fun that I get to have. That's amazing. oh Do you ever like take videos of you guys playing or is it purely pictures?
I take videos sometimes. I actually just like yesterday put up my first video that was actually like an unedited, unfiltered live play. It's like a 30 minute clip, but you can actually see us like doing it in real time. Cause people kept asking me like, what does it actually look like when you do it? And I was like, well, nothing special that I guess I'll show you, but it's definitely doable. I feel like anybody could do it. The kids bring the joy and the fun and the creativity. You just have to show up and roll a bit. That's awesome. I'm going to go
Kidnap some of my friend's kids and play D&D. No, I won't. Please do not call. Please tell me to listen to that. I will not do that at all. Just keep it babysitting and then it's fine. They will love it. Like, can I babysit your kids? I'll babysit your kid. I'll pay you for the right to babysit your kid. They just need some polyhedron dice to go do to play.
Well, thank you so much for joining us tonight. Listeners, have fun, do your best, and remember, we believe in you. Goodbye.