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Dungeons of Quandary: The Final Door Part 2

Dungeon Problems!
12 Plays1 year ago

The Dungeons of Quandary are self-contained adventures filled with puzzles and Mysteries!

Last time our adventurers made their way into the dungeon and met with the 4 factions, after choosing to see what the Worshippers had to offer they found a few mysteries. The tortle Airiana wanted to meet her father, a member of the warlords, Ungwell. Harad wanted the party's help in usurping Osryum. When they went to find "The Lord" Lerion was attacked by a strange tentacle. And that is where we find our adventurers.

Mr. Baca (Babu)
Mr. Bluejibbles (Lerion)
Lion5kmr5k (Arlen)


Themesong composed by Thedungeonmaestro on tiktok and Instagram


Introduction of the Adventurers

Hello my friends, it's me, EarthosCreations, again with another Dungeons of Quandary. This one's called the Dungeon of the Final Door. I have three brave adventurers who have seen some shit now and are questioning some things maybe. Today I am joined with, we're gonna start at the end this time with a fan favorite, Mr. Baka. Mr. Baka, who are you playing today?
Hello, I am continuing to play Babukun. I am a large human, at least according to my small elf friends. And I am kind of a boisterous bard. And then up next we have his small companion who is played by Mr. Blue Gipples. Mr. Blue Gipples, who are you playing today?
Continuing to play laryn of the silver wing Um, I mean i'm six foot tall i'm pretty fucking tall as well. Okay? Don't write me off. I'm old boy And last but not least We have the mr. Lion 5k. Mr. Lion That's a mouthful right there. Who are you playing? Who are you playing?
and continue to play Arlen, a high elf, inquisitive rogue, who's around six foot two, taller than the other elf. So I'm superior now. I'm fucking the short. I'm the shortest? God damn. I just made up my height now, so. Nice, nice.

Alliances in the Dungeon

Well, last episode, they made it to the dungeon of the final door. They were greeted by the leaders of the four factions, the worshippers, the warlords, the artificers, and the herbalists.
For some reason, they decide to go with the worshippers, the beings and the white cloaks who drank too much of the Kool-Aid. For some reason. For some reason, I don't know. And they managed to make some friends there, Ariana.
the U-Tortle, who wants to meet her father, Unwell of the Warlords, Harad the Yuan-T, who is not all that he seems. He wants to kill Oserum, the leader of the Worshippers, and he's trying to get our brave adventurers to help him. After talking with him, they... they solved the puzzle! They solved the puzzle right before that!
They solved the backwards writing on the worshipper's archway and decoded a riddle that they think they have solved. They just have to find someone who speaks Leonin. Then they made their way to the bed chambers and where they believed the Lord of the worshippers is.

Larian's Tentacle Encounter

Our friend Larian stuck his face down by the door jam. See if he could look within and a tentacle almost got him. And Osiris came out and said, you are not permitted to see our lord yet.
And that is where we are picking up. This strange androgynous elf is looking at you with the most expression you have seen yet. And we will see if you can solve more dungeon problems.
Sure a mountain never grows and winds a toothless spider Darkness fills up empty pools and turns an endless spider What we're here for is mysteries, but puzzles yet unsolved So I set secrets lost to history as doubts and problems solve their own challenges
problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all dungeon zoom, problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all
Insert the song. Osyrum is looking at you with anger. Did we all see the tentacle? Oh, yeah, you all saw this tentacle. It really went for it. Fun fact, octopus tentacles can get within very small cracks.
It looked like something you should be proud of. It looked like an octopus tentacle from your vantage point.
This looks like, you know, looks like this is where some people sleep. That door right there, apparently that's got to be the kitchen because y'all are making calamari in there and all the cooks are just kind of singing along with each other. I mean, I'm looking forward to whatever tonight's meal is going to be, but I'm definitely expecting some calamari. If the fight doesn't instantly break out, Larian's going to get back to his feet.
I'm not being on the ground. I'm still expecting I'm worried. I already don't like it.
I'm dead set on now. I want some calamari. Have you met the others? We have met a few. We met the Heron guy. We met Ariana. We saw a big Minotaur man, but we never talked. Doesn't seem like you have a lot of followers.
We have enough. They are constantly moving about and doing the work that we need them to. And if you help them out, aid the collective and you shall meet our Lord and the knowledge he grants us.

Mission from Osiris

Are they also being fed to your Lord? Those that have fed. Howard said that anybody that lays eyes on him is consumed or whatever.
He said dies. That is not true. Harad always has been slightly an unbeliever, but he does the work we need him to. Well, in that case, can you point us towards somebody who has laid eyes on him apart from yourself? You have already seen one. Ignar the Minotaur. We didn't tell you we saw a Minotaur.
Well, okay, yeah, I mean I'm very forgetful in my my young dating age Well, we didn't meet him we saw him yes, he has met our Lord and I
Yeah, but you also talk to him, so we can't take your word for it. Fair enough. You can also talk to Sekyat. Sekyat has met our Lord as well. So there's more than Herod led us to believe. I do not know why Harad lied to you. If he wasn't so strong...
Oh, I would probably introduce him to our Lord. If he wasn't so strong, you say. Continue. You're saying that. You just kill Herod. Just because. If that is what our Lord wished, it would be done.
Not what your Lord wished, but you just said, you, if he wasn't so strong, you would introduce him to the Lord, which from my understanding- I think he meant literally introduce him to the Lord. Literally. I don't think he meant- Well, everything we know is that most people that are introduced to the Lord are killed.
I mean, Hera didn't even give us any names. So... But, Sarah, is that a true statement that a lot of the people that are introduced to the Lord die? I just need to know because if you're going to be introduced, I've got to know what I'm getting into. Those who have failed the Lord are devoured.
Those of us, those who are proven to be helpful for the collective are granted knowledge and power. Knowledge and power. Knowledge. Tell me, Babu, you, you seem like the most
How do I put this nicely? Persuasive. Oh. Persuasive of your little band. Well. We don't sing. I would very much like to see what archways the others have. If you can gain me the knowledge of what archways the other factions control,
I will grant you an audience with our Lord, and you will not be devoured. When you say what archways they have, what do you mean? What do we need to find for you? Do I just need to go there and paint these archways? Do we just need to- A description of what they look like and potentially the puzzles that they contain? Well, I assume they look exactly like yours.
If it... I hope not, but because we have not been able to solve our puzzle. Oh, that's... Yeah, so we looked at that puzzle and boy, I must say... Quite, quite intricate. You've solved it? No, what made you think that? Make deception checks! Make fucking deception checks! Happily. Deception, let's go. I'm not happy about this. I've...
Three. 19. Who ever said, we never mentioned that. Never once. Not one time. Oh, Serum, we'll look at the two of you and go. If you have solved it and you have opened the portal, that would be a great boon to us. We never solved it. We have solved it and opened the portal. Would we be standing here right now? If you would, we would be gone.
You don't know if that's the correct portal to enter through. Of course not. If you get it open and we can examine it and potentially prove that is the right one, I will consider that a boon as well. That would be the biggest boon. I have archways and you don't know which one's the right one. You just think the one you have is the right one. I believe it is.
And I know how to identify the correct one once it is opened. Mind divulging that information? You are not worthy. Knowledge is quite helpful. In whose eyes? In my eyes. Why don't you ask the Lord if we're worthy? What worth are you? My worth is I speak to the Lord.
So you're able to talk to some octopus and that makes you worthy? It's not anger. Yes. And he is going to phase back through the door at that point. I look back under it. No, I can see it. I will sit all the way back and then.
But there's no so there's no keyhole or anything. And you can't obviously can't see that the crack on the side. So the the bottom is the only way to get a peek inside. Damn.

Meeting Ignor the Minotaur

You could drill off something. Is the brain. It is that without my drill.
So is there anything, I don't remember if we specify, is there anything else in this room that sort of stands out? You were just standing in a simple bedchamber. If I use my eye for detail or I can use a bonus action to make a perception check as far as hidden creature or object. Give me your perception check. What to make an investigation check to uncover what to set for clues. Yeah, just specifically. Like it's a 29. You find
a spell scroll underneath the pillow. The tooth fairy was quite generous. Am I able to decipher what this spell scroll is? You can try with an arcana check. It will be kind of hard for you because you don't know magic.
Someone who does know magic maybe I'll go into the big man and Already got there I Did roll already? Well, he can give you the help action and cuz yeah, I'm looking over your shoulder like I'll let you do in there I got this is something I mean It's worse it's 11 so 13
I mean, he has a plus five, so he's not rolling terrible. You know, like, I mean, he is rolling terrible. It's actually a pretty simple spell. Bards know this spell. It's a very basic spell. It is a spell of disguise self. I know that. We might we could probably use that maybe when we when we go into the warlords and we take Ariana with us. Yeah.
I mean, that's one use, one possibility. Are there any, uh, like loose pieces of wood around? Loose pieces of wood. Yeah. There's a pretty loose piece of wood, like a bed, like, uh, one of those, you know, like underneath beds, they have like the pieces of wood to help hold the mattress up. All the slats. Yeah. The slats you could, okay. Somebody's gonna fall through their bed, dude.
I think it's more of a flat piece of wood. I would like to carve into that wood. How long is it? Can I break it? Probably about, yeah, you could break it. I want to break it to a little, small little thing. I want to use my wood carver's tools to carve an octopus. Give me a sleight of hand check. OK.
It's for Woodcarver's tools, it's to carve an intricate pattern as a DC15. Or at least that's what it says. Are you proficient in Woodcarver? I am. And I don't know how I see my. Your proficiency bonus is plus three. Proficiency bonus? Yeah.
Is it, it's my roll plus what? Are you proficient in sleight of hand? I am. Then it's just- Oh, well then, then, then 21. 21? Yeah, you carve a very great likeness of an octopus. In fact, you make it so the tentacle is wrapping around something and potentially that could be Larian's face if you wanted, but you didn't quite go into that detail yet. Okay.
I think we're ready to go now. Y'all ready to go now? Where are we going next? I recommend the herbalists. We don't want to speak to any of these people who have seen the Lord. Yeah, unless we want to find Ignor the Minotaur. Do we have to go back past the fucked up statue?
That's what that was where you saw it. Yeah. But do we have to go past there anyway to get out of here? No, no. OK. Fuck. I was going to say, if we go on pass or anyway, we might as well just like stop and have a chat if you're still there. Well, I I honestly don't mind where we go. I'm just. Ready to get away. We can always speak to him in the letter that.
We could. I think we know enough. We know this Lord is a tentacle monster and likes to suck on faces. As we leave the room, I'm going to stick that picture on the wall and then right menu above it. It's stuck there. All right. Now that you've had your fun,
Let us go. To the herbalists or to the warlords? I would say the herbalists. We have a couple leads to go there. We might be able to find the missing page in this book that spoke about the archways. Do we think we're coming back here before we go to the warlords after the herbalists? Or should we bring Ariana just for a little day trip? I'm sure they would enjoy a field trip of sorts. You can try.
I agree. Let's bring half. Oh, well, if we're going back that way, we might as well speak to the minutes of them. No.
All right, you walk back through the worshippers kind of chambers through the kind of dual split hallway, the hallway with bookshelves, the archway, the library, the statue where the ruined elven face is, where the Minotaur currently is standing.

Exploring the Summoning Chamber

And there is one door you haven't gone through yet, where she said... If you must talk to the menial in the tool. Go ahead.
And in all the chambers you go to, you haven't been into that summoning chamber yet. You do not find Ariana. Perhaps.
We're in the summoning chamber right now? No, you haven't gone in there yet. You've kind of just walked through throughout. Who's nearby us? Is the Minotaur nearby? Harad and the Minotaur. Harad is still in the library. The Minotaur is where the statue was. Osiris is where the tentacle monster is.
Since we speak to Ignor for a real equipment, then it's right here. Maybe, uh, I'm going to invest. I'm going to investigate the summoning chamber door. I can reinvest to see if it's locked and you'd like to talk to ignore. All right. What do you say to 16? 16 of my thing, 16. I don't know.
I'll walk up to the minotaur and be like, how big are you? Ah, hello. I am eight foot one. He's bigger than me. Yes. What are you doing here?
I am fixing the statue. Oh, you're working with Ariana. Yes. Do you know where she is? No.
We've heard that you've seen your Lord. Are you able to tell us anything about them? He is beautiful. So smart. So kind.
Did you always speak this slowly? I don't remember. Where are you from? I am from my lord. Does he?
If, may I incite him to try and see if he's under any sort of influence of like magic or drugs or anything like that? Sure, give me an insight check. See if something's sort of massive. A dirty 20, a 10 plus 7. His eyes seem very vacant. He's looking at you, but he's also looking behind you.
your eyes just are not like catching. Like normally when you talk to someone, you look kind of like in their eyes and sometimes you blink or you look away a little bit. Like people don't sustain full eye contact at all times. That would be eerily creepy. And that's what's happening right now. He is maintaining eye contact, but you can tell he's just like looking past you at the same time.
Do you remember your mother? Yes. What's the oldest thing you can remember? I remember the beauty of my Lord.
So smart. So kind. Do you know where Sekyut is? No. Very well. Carry on. We're going to get that much out of here.
Yeah, seeing as we're sorry seems we're up like right next to the statue now is there any like The like name plates or is there anything sort of like identifies the statue in any sort of way? Give me an investigation check Larian with your investigation you the door is not locked or trapped to the seven chamber and
with my eyes of my newt sea, I get advantage on investigation checks. You got spectacles? Yes, so that's a 27th on investigation. Jesus Christ. You are looking and the only thing you see
is a little plaque on the back of it. And it says, Weaver of the banners always look closely at the messages within.
Repeat that again. Weaver of the banners always look closer at the messages within. Weaver of the banners always look closer at the messages within. I'll point this out to the other two as well. And the statue is of what again? The only thing you can tell is the elven woman.
Elven woman and had asked like look like their face was damaged by acid. Yep Is it like really bad acid damage or is it like just yeah slight like it's a blank face with like pockets and holes in it All the features have been burned off what are they so in there you said the minotaur is like repairing it and
He's taking a chisel to the face and trying to chisel out features. Can we tell what kind of features? Is he giving her a tentacle beard? Give me an art check. An art check? I'm a painter, so could I have...
Yeah, y'all give you advantage. Advantage? Hell yeah. So what's an art check? Would that be like in? Yeah, just in. I don't know. There's no art check. All right. Advantage. Oh, that's bad. Oh, it's even worse. Ten. Oh, no. I was so close to having nine down, dude.
He seems to be making a nose. You don't see any tentacle beard right now. It's like a squidward nose. Is it the villager from Minecraft? It's the opposite of a squidward nose. It goes up.
Like, you know, how the where people take a photo and then shrink the face on the head. So the face is so small. He's up there. Well, Zarian believes Lightning can't strike the same place twice. He's going to drop down and look under the door into the same chamber, push the door open. As you bend down to look under, you see a little bit of light and some like I see toward the legs.
You don't see tortle legs, but as the door swings open, you see a book lies on a small table with a summoning circle of dark magic in front of it. In the corner of the room is a strange contraption of metals and arcane glyphs. Is the book 60 feet away from me or like within 60 feet? It's within 30 feet. It's pretty close. And you would say this is dimly lit right this room? It is dimly lit.
I'm just going to shadow step to the book. You open it. There are 11 pages to this book. It's a very thin book. The first page just has simple writing on it in common. The collected knowledge of Oserum from fledgling magic user, mastery of the undead, to planar traveler.
Quite bold words for someone stuck in a dungeon. I'm gonna flick through a couple of pages and just skim. How many pages would you like to flip through? Like 11?
So the first page is that introduction. The second page, well, the first page with actual writing on it, as you're perusing it, give me a arcana check. As you know, sorry, give me a wisdom saving throw. Seven. Seven. Uh-oh.
You are going to take 13 points of psychic damage as you begin to look at this arcane writing. Now give me an arcana check. You cannot decipher any of this. This is actually making my head

Deciphering Osirim's Book

hurt. And I love knowledge.
Big man, have a look at this. Are you walking it back to me or? Do I feel like if I pick the book up, it's going to fuck me up? Well, you already got fucked up, so what are the chances of it fucking you up twice? No, I'm not stupid. OK, like how do I feel? I mean, I can realize that you're reading it is what caused the psychic damage.
Because you tried to read it without being trained in Arcana at all. Yeah, but approach. Well, I just saw you Misty step over to it. So I'm assuming you saw something in the room that
Oh I didn't see anything I just didn't feel like walking. I will sort this out. I will walk in front and I will look for traps. Okay and quiz it to man. Give me an investigation check with your minute seeing. That does help with the suite. You sure it's not minute seeing? Minute seeing maybe. The minutes drag on. It's minute and 19. You see no traps inside this room.
guard. There are traps everywhere. Step carefully and follow me and I'll start taking really ridiculous steps and just make my way to the other elf. I follow him and I don't know that I'm any better than... What's your name? Larian. Arlen. Arlen.
Uh, decent, but I don't know magic. Well, I know the spell presentation. That's about it. I'll clean the book a little bit. All right. Sure. Let me, let me do this. Uh, let's take a look at page. What page was he on? Uh, he didn't even make it past the second page. Okay. Well, I'll just look at it at the same page he's on that I saw him. All right. Give me a check.
So you start deciphering this and you realize that reading a spell book like this, so you take it very slowly and carefully. And you start showing the others kind of how to do it. So everyone can kind of read this now without taking pain and interacting with it.
The first page of real writing speaks about spells of necromancy and undead spirits. The second page of writing has research on the outer planes of existence. The third page, a diary entry of the first spell that Osiram cast. The fourth page, a diagram about how magic interacts with other magic.
The fifth page, instructions to cast the spell, toll the dead. The sixth page has an entry about a trip to the eternal domain, the other plane of existence. The seventh page has a vivisection of a zombie on it.
The eighth page has a map of the eternal domain of Lahar, the Lord of Knowledge. The ninth page has a study on exercises to train the hand to cast spells. And the 10th page has research on how necromantic magics about casting necromantic magic on oneself. I'll drop that all in the chat as well. So you have that.
What was Osterum's first spell? The first spell that he cast was... chill touch. It looks like Osterum's like elementary school notes. The other entries are much more advanced than that. Yeah, I mean you get to like, you know, just he's...
isn't nothing really advanced until you get to anything like page six or seven then it's like okay well wait and i also dropped the introduction as well uh the introduction i'm counting as page zero then there's only 10 things what's the 11th page
Well, so there are 11 pieces of paper inside the book. It goes from zero to 10. Come on. Right. Right. Well, it doesn't look like Ariana's in this room. Does it? She's not in this room that you can see. Was there another door we missed? I don't believe so. We didn't pass her on the way.
Nope, you did not find her in any of the chambers. Did we actually look in the room with with Herod? Yeah, so I'll say that you did say you were going to go looking for her. Maybe we should question that. Aaron guy. Why? Yeah, Herod, Herod said Ariana was was fine for us to take. Why should we question him?
Well, because Ariana was very, uh, skeptical of Ariana was also a young total, not wise to the world. They're 64. I'm sure they've got some experience. She's a young adult turtle. It's also been alive for 64 years. When I was a century old, I still didn't know much.
You know that first century to do the. But I think we should continue looking, give it one more brief once over and then we head off, I guess. I mean, if there and there's no more doors, the most common thing to do would be to ask the. Population like a you know, have you seen this person or we asked what's his name, Ignis?
I'm pretty sure that dude doesn't have a brain anymore. Like I'm pretty sure he met the Lord in there. The, the, the one that the only other option is second at all, whatever his name was. Do we know where he is? Did we see him in our travels? Could be. Are there any other doors that we haven't opened?
Not in the faction of the worshippers area. You have not seen any other doors. Perhaps Herod gave her notice that we were going to leave and we were maybe going to bring her and so she's waiting for us outside. Yeah. No one has solved my book puzzle here. There's a puzzle? Oh fuck. Everything's a puzzle. Everything's a puzzle.
What was on what was the you said there was a contraption or something in the room? A metal contraption of arcane glyph spheres and just metal work. Look, big man, I'm gonna be honest, this doesn't look like any of any use to us. I think we can just leave this one. I woke up to the contraption. Okay.
So it's just a bunch of different runes and all that, is it? Yeah, runes, random pieces of metal sticking out of spheres, etched with runes. While he's got the stuffing around, I'm going to have a short rest in the corner. Are they able to be adjusted? No. No? They don't move when you interact with them. And there's a summoning circle in front of the book. Yep.
Well, is there anything on the summoning circle at all? Well, I mean, I'll check. Oh boy. I will. What? You've never seen a circle like this before. You don't, you think it's just pretty little etchings into the ground. It don't party. Hey, Bob, man, what do you think of these circles?
What do you think of them? They're pretty. They're pretty. They are pretty. They are pretty. Let's see what I think of these circles. You could have had advantage. 21.
It's a pretty simple circle that can be used to summon minor creatures from the Netherrealm's hellish places. It seals them inside. Nothing really bigger than an imp, maybe a succubus, but
Would I be able to tell if this summoning circle directly relates to what we've read in the book in some sense? It does. In the book, you have read sections about planar travel. And, you know, there was, you know,
There was the page that talked about research on the outer planes of existence, where there was mini sketching of this circle in the diary entry about a trip to the eternal domain. Oserum talked about learning the true name of a foul entity. So it does connect with what you're reading in the book, but you don't know if that necessarily means it connects to the puzzle itself.

Solving the Book Puzzle

with my check on the on the circle, would I be able to tell it all when it was last used or like just generally like. There's no there's no smell of brimstone and sulfur and that sort of stuff. So not not extremely recent of any in any way. Who has the book right now? It's still on the ride.
I don't, I mean, you're all kind of, what's, uh, everyone's passive perception. Mine's 20. Oh, don't even ask. 20. Well, mine's 16. Because of the rogue. 21 passive investigations, 17 passive insight. You're looking at this book, uh, and you're realizing that as you're kind of like looking at it,
The binding of the book seems wrong. It seems like it's been undone. So, walk up and look at, pick it up and look at it, does it look, oh god, does anything happen when I pick it up? Nothing happens when you pick it up. By undone, does it look like, what do you mean by undone?
So it's one of those old-fashioned journals that has the string that's wrapping through it. You see the string on one of the pages hasn't gone through the hole that it was supposed to. You see some of the pages are slightly colored differently than the one before it, the one after it. You see that it's very loose on some of the pages, as if someone has taken the book apart.
Yeah. Are the other pages at all numbered? Do they have like different numbers that don't correlate? So does it go from like one to like then three back to like two? They do not have numbers on the pages. That would be too easy.
What are the colors of the pages? Are they like different shades of certain colors that look like they would be able to change or? I will say that is such a minute detail that most people would not realize. You know, it's really just like, like one page has like, you know, a little spot from a drop of water and, you know, stuff like that. It's not super.
noticeable. For example, page three, a diary entry of the about the first spell oserum cast and page four, a diagram of how magic interacts with each other. They both have kind of a circle of where you think water might have accidentally gone spilled on it. Yeah.
You also don't have to solve this puzzle if you don't want to, you can continue on. I'm now enthralled with this puzzle, I must do it. What do you two think? I just wish I'm freaking meditating unless you think enough time for a short rest has passed. Yeah, you can take a short rest if you like, but you only get two short rests and a long rest. What do you think, Babu? This is one of my short rests, it's fun.
This has to do directly with the person that, well, wants to introduce us to the Lord or have us devoured by the Lord. So I think it's probably something we should figure out. And you said there's also a binding on the book? Yes, it seems as if someone's taken it apart. If this was a diary of sorts about his
You know, the information that he has gathered, surely it would be in chronological order. Why is things it seems quite out of order? Am I able to try and rebind the book at all? Yeah, that's, you know, not too difficult. You can take you're going to take all the pages out. And I guess so. OK, yeah, no, that's pretty simple. And you have like the long string that you can weave behind.
How are you going to re-bind it? Chronologically. Where would we start? Chronologically. There's no issue with doing that at all. We know exactly. Someone who's never bound a book before. I don't know how to do this. You just put the pages in order and tie them together.
I guess I will. But somebody's so smart. You are a fool. There's no numbers on these pages, though. Well, what's going to be the first page? We have tried. I got to read through them again. Let him know that he's a master. I'm dead to planer. OK, so diary entry will go the first page because we're going to go from the title because that's how it works. OK, so. This page will be
So page five, the fifth page instructions to cast a spell total debt that one. I know. No, no, I'm sorry. I mean the note. Okay. So I think first page will go the diary entry. What's the number associated with that? Which one there's more than one diary entry. Okay. Well, diary entry about the first spell ocean cast, because I'm going based off of the title of the book, the collective knowledge of awesome from fledging magic user mastery of undead to plan a travel. Yeah. So there's quite a head over in that order.
But would the diagram come first or the instructions to cast the first spell? Well, yeah, that's why fledgling magic user I'd assume would be the diary entry of the first spell cast that they cast. Would it not be the instruction before the diary entry? The instructions.
Oh yes, I believe it would start out with the study. It would start with the study on exercise. But the first spell he cast wasn't told the dead, was it? No. No. No, the first spell that you identified from the diary entry was Chiltouch. Was Chiltouch. Maybe three. Then five. Three, five, nine are all in the realm of fledgling magic. Five, nine. Yeah.
And then 359 or 35910? Or would it go to zombie stuff first? You don't just go directly to zombie stuff. Well, the research on using necromantic magic on oneself. I don't think he would use it on himself at the start.
I think it would be one. Give me an arcana check as you read that page. Who? Yeah, anyone. I guess I'll roll a godless at nine. He rolled a two. I rolled a natural one.
16 Lee Molly. Oh my god with a 16 you see a word in there Babu that the others don't quite recognize As soon as you read it They might recognize it as Lichdom Lichdom Lichdom
I believe the second part would be would go one pages one, seven, ten. You're going to be one, seven, then ten. Oh, but. I believe. One species as well. Oh, yeah.
spells, necromancy, lended spirits. Is the viva section. And then 10 is researching them to use the magic on oneself. Yeah. But four could also fit in there somewhere. A diagram of how magic interacts. Oh, that should go in the beginning. Perhaps that should be in the beginning. So maybe three.
was five three five three five four the nine maybe I believe I personally believe nine should be closer to the front
You reckon nine should be near the first pages, but wouldn't it make sense if nine was the last because it's on how to train the hand. Oh, yeah. So maybe it would be nine first, then three, because it's how to cast spells with the hand. Oh, shit. Let me post that. Whatever. So nine, then three, maybe.
Yeah. Study and exercise a train of hand to cast spells, then the spell they first cast. Then it would be five. I only told the dead. Then it would be four. And then one. Speak the spells. Then one. Then seven. Possibly seven.
Then 10. And then we could go two. Eight after that. Two, eight. And then six. Then six. So if we bind it, the binding that we have is
I type that right. It'd be nine, three, five, four, one, seven, 10, two, eight, six is how we're going to try bind it. All right. Give me a slight of hand. Mr. Has never bound a book before. Shit. That was a rogue. Not good. A slight of hand.
I'm not that type of rogue. He's an inquisitor. I mean, he's inquisitive. He has a magnifying glass. Oh my God. Can I help him? You found him! You idiot! Yeah, you have helped. Let me handle this. I'll roll again because I have helped. It's much better, 17. All right. What was your first roll?
Six. Okay, your first roll actually did it because it's just a five. You just have the loop string around it. Yeah. As you... Is binding a book not rocket science? As you put this book together and bind it really uncomfortably, the book begins to glow and you feel it grow slightly lighter.
and then heavier in just an instant. You open it up and the pages now have a giant cut out section of it and inside is a small silver monocle. Well Spectacle Boy, you want to try that one on for size? I will take the monocle. Okay.
I don't have the big man look at it. Anything like just just looking at sorry if I if just looking at the monocle is there any thing strange about it or anything that pops out just just seems like a pretty simple monocle. If I put my eye through it, do I see anything different? If I look at the book with it, you don't see anything different.
Can anybody detect magic? Do we think this thing is magical? Might be magical. Is there anything on the contraption that looks like there would be a place for a monocle? You don't see anything on the contraption. That would be a place for a monocle. But look at the contraption through the monocle. You look at the contraption through the monocle and
All of the pieces of metal and arcane glyphs and spheres are all now connected to one another in kind of a globe-like apparatus. Do we need... Because this thing summons creatures, correct?
What would be our purpose? Do we need a creature to help us? Maybe this is, well, I don't know if we need a creature to help us, but I mean, we've gotten this far. I guess. Sunken cost fallacy all the way. We've got it. You're only a loser if you quit.
So go ahead. No, you can go ahead. I was just going to say, you know, I was like, does he see anything particular about these runes or anything through there as he's looking through there? Not that you can decipher, just looks different now. It looks fully put together. What are they? What writing is it? Can we like make out what text it is? Like what language?
It's just arcane writing, really. It's, you know, various different, like it's a wizarding language. You could try and decipher it if you wanted, but it would take an arcana check. Oh, if I'm looking at the runes outside, not, or not with the monocle, they're in different places right now than when he looks through them with the monocle. Yes. Well, you can also look through the monocle. I can like share it.
I will go try to move one of the runes physically to where it would be if I were looking through the monocle. The runes do not move. What if we look at, does the magic circle change if you look at the other monocles? It does not.
I look at Laryon through the monocle. You see a ten foot tall fucking devil. Does he?

Revealing Ariana

No. I'm actually an arch devil. Sorry, guys. Damn. Not again. Not again. Um.
that. So it's all lit up. There's a bunch of different bits of metal, different ruins. Are we able to decipher it at all? Well, Babu can give me a Arcana check. Because he's a magic man. That's a 1921.
21. So you realize that as you're looking at these glyphs, these don't really make too much sense. It's illusion magic. And it looks like it's just woven to hide what it really looks like. It's not meant to activate anything. It's just a test of illusion magic.
to make a sustainable illusion that when it's interacted with physically doesn't revert to its true form. Most of the time, you know, with illusion magic, if you like touch an illusion, your mind goes, I'm not actually touching this. This can't be right. And that helps break the illusion magic. This is meant to not break.
If I look through the monocle and I cast a minor illusion on the machine to make it look exactly like the monocle, like what I'm seeing through the monocle, does that do anything? So like all the like, because you said the runes are like kind of out of out of order, right? Yeah. So you cast minor illusion to look like that.
And you're first looking at it and it looks like what you... This is the order I imagine you do. Look through the monocle, see what it looks like, cast a spell, it looks like that. And then I look through the monocle again. Look through the monocle. To guarantee, yeah. You can see the two layers of spells. So you can see through your own illusion right now.
using the monocle. Okay, so we can see through your own. And also the illusion that makes it look like a broken pile of scrap. If we if I take the monocle and look through it, if I like
angle myself in different areas. Does it look like the pieces will almost line up to form something at all? No, it looks like it's just a bit of arcane working to make a permanent illusion.
This machine is starting to really piss me off. Frustrating. This entire time it's not even part of the puzzle, it's just something that's there just to fuck with us. Does it look like, have we tried interacting with the machine at all? Yeah. You touched it, nothing could move really.
What if I try really hard to move things? I try even harder. I have magical hands. Give me an athletics check I guess. My hands are a plus one. I got plus one hands. I do. I have plus one hands. What do the plus one hands do?
Let's have a look. Give me an athletics check. 15. You work so hard and your brain is like fighting against this illusion and you bend one of the metal pieces into kind of the cylindrical shape that you can see through the gem and the illusion finally breaks and now you have the spherical
Ah, massive metal and arcane runes before you. Road Force, baby, works every time. Alright, cool, cool. You got to take it from here, I'm beat. Give me your beat. Is it able to move and change now that it's been reverted back or not? That's still just some of the stuff.
You're looking at it and you realize that Larian broke the arcane illusion magic that was making it appear that way. And now this is now a non-functioning magical item that has no purpose now. Oh, well, you know, sometimes you got to break things to know things. Can't do anything with that.
So Larian, what did we learn? Many things. And knowledge is the most important thing of all. What did you learn? I've heard it's only half the battle. I learned that I can break magical tools with my fists. Well, not even my fists, but my hands. And that is pretty impressive.
If you guys didn't want me to break it, you should have figured it out faster, you know? Didn't expect you to break it. Well, I didn't expect to break it either. I was trying something. All right, we need to. Well, this. Let's find Ariana. Let's find Ariana and let's get out of here.
I'm going to walk into the library before they realize that we broke their machines. I'm going to try. Can you lock the door? Give me a. Oh, do you have a lock on you? No, does it not just have like a fucking door handle that give me a sleight of hand check if you have these tools, you have. Well, Alan has these tools, yeah.
Well, I would I would rather they didn't realize I broke them their toys Slide of hand You just reverse unlocking the door also known as locking the door. I mean if you're not good at this Mr. Rogue, I I can I can handle this no problem. What'd you get?
You close the door behind and you slide your thieves tools in. It's a pretty simple lock and you lock it behind you. You think the person who has the key will probably be able to unlock it. Yeah, let me just gotta buy some time. You guys are now standing in the chamber with that disfigured elven statue and Ignar the Minotaur.
Why, Ignar just watched us fucking lock this door. He's looking at you, but he's like looking past you. What does he look like through the monocle? You look at him through the monocle? Yeah. So you look at him through the monocle and you're gazing as all the others are looking at this eight foot six tall minotaur.
And suddenly you see a four foot three small tortled girl. Ariana is standing where Ignar is, and that is where we are going to end for this week. Oh my god. It's on a trick. It knows Ariana. Ariana is Ignar.

Conclusion and Promotions

Thank you so much for our three players who joined us today, Mr. Baka, Mr. Blue Jibbles, and Mr. Lion 5K, Mr. 5K. Join us again in two weeks when part three of the Dungeons of Quandary, The Final Door, releases.
If you like the theme song, it was done by the dungeon maestro on TikTok and Instagram, so go check him out. I'm EarthosCreations on all social media, so drop me a follow. I'd love to hear what you think of the podcast. If you enjoyed it, please leave a review and tell your friends and family, spread the word. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for listening this week. Have fun, do your best, and remember, I believe in you.