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Invasive Species Conclusion! image

Invasive Species Conclusion!

Dungeon Problems!
28 Plays7 months ago

An actual play game of Monster of the Week! The hunters have come face to face with the Strangling Lotus! Are they able to defeat it and stop the threat to Oak Hallow?


Amako- Played by Dani

Frey- Played by Allie

Maewhyn- Played by Bri

Music Provided by EpidemicSound and Nerdimus Maximus Studios


Introduction to Mysteries and Dungeon Themes

Sure amounts and never grows And wins a toothless spider Darkness fills up the deep holes And turns an endless spider What we're here for is mysteries But puzzles yet unsolved So set secrets lost to history As dungeon problems solve them all Dungeon Zoo, problem zoo, parts of the zoo, to solve them all. Dungeon Zoo, problem zoo, parts of the zoo, to solve them all.

Invasive Species Miniseries Episode Five Begins

Hello, my friends. Welcome to episode five of the Invasive Species miniseries for the Dungeon Problems podcast. I'm EarthosCreations, your host, and the person running this podcast for now until I get eaten by a strange plant and turned it into a pod person. I hate when that happens. Right? That's the worst. so Just another frickin' Thursday. Just another question. That's a Thursday. It's Thursday today. I'm joined by the three people who you probably like more than me. Three. Let's see. Let's see. Fabuloso. Me, yes. We use that already. Incomprehensible. Oh, I like that. Yeah, I know. I have an ad. I have Miriam Webster's book right now. Good.
wonderful hunters who are doing so well.

Character Introductions: Amaco, Maywin, and Frey

We're going to start off today with Donnie. Donnie, who are you playing today? I'm playing Amaco. She used to be a minor deity hundreds of years ago until humanity kind of forgot about the old gods and She decided to live a life of isolation until she felt something inside of her snap and realized that her sibling had died and she went to investigate and at some point met up with some hunters whom she decided to join.
Wonderful. A minor deity who now has a worshipper. i have a little bit less minor and i mean what a quality worshipper he is so i mean honestly what more does a deity need honestly joining amico on their adventure we have brie who is playing maywin a quiet five foot nothing mercenary who
Usually kept to herself, but now she's kind of tangled up in this mess with her two friends and she wouldn't want to be any other way.
And last and certainly not least, we have Ali who is playing. I'll be playing Frey, a tall, brooding, burglar-turned-mercenary. Frey is street savvy, packs a punch, picks locks like no one's business, and she used to be a little bit of a loner on the types of jobs that she would take, and now is finding the power of friendship is really helping her to get through um the current situation. Considering that Frey's been the only one hurt so far, really, it's a good thing they have Frey that can heal up.
My poor muscle mommy. Yeah. Someone's got to take it for us. So last time, last adventure episode four, you can go listen to it. Have fun. Enjoy it. I'm back for episode five. Do it. We dare you. I cast Command. Become a worshipper. Become a worshipper. Oh no, Donnie becomes a real life minor deity now. No, come yeah I mean, we've established long ago that I'm an eldritch entity. So yeah what are you

Exploration and Discovery of the Demonic Flower

talking about? her for years now So it all ended with them entering the bottom level of the water treatment plant where the now new clean water gets shuffled back into the lake and dispersed throughout the village of Ocalo.
They've come and they have found vines growing throughout this chamber. In the center of it is a giant pool where there's a whirlpool currently going on. these is a car There's a column in the center of it with wooden paddles stirring the water. On top of this probably about 15 foot tall column is the strangling of bogus. a purple and red flower whose bulbs have opened to reveal this kind of demonic face in the center of it with a jaw that looks like it can swallow someone whole with thorns as tea. There's a small outlet of a,
God, and that's this word up last episode two hi ah like There is a small pipe that you can tell the water comes from higher up in the water treatment plant off to the right side. You can see several levers are by it with vines growing up around them. They seem to control the flow of water. there's a couple different There's a table where they have cleaning products, different things that they use in the water where they set it off. Then there are actually several flower beds.
built into this chamber where there's probably a dozen to two dozen flowers being grown that you believe the druids might end at the very end of the cycle to really give it that fresh smell as the water goes out. There's also a bubbling concoction vat where they are mixing some stuff that it appears like. But all of this is covered in vines. As you guys are coming down the corridor, you look into the railing and this flower opens up before you. And the floor is yours.
math terifying
yeah Masks on immediately immediately. Can you really quick as a clarifying question, um when we like enter this chamber, are we like entering at like a floor level or we're like up high and we're like ah eye level with this plant on the um like the tower thingy? You are currently kind of eye level.

Combat with the Demonic Flower

It does slope down and into the chamber. So as you're entering it, you are eye level of it. Okay, masks on. Masks on. Your masks are on, and it's a good thing you do that, because you do see these smaller bulbs are growing along the vines. The ones that gave you so much fun earlier in the mystery. So much fun.
No trauma at all. oh I think when we like roll into this chamber, I like hit the brakes, um see this huge demonic flower. And I look at my two friends and I'm like, I guess we're going in.
That flower has teeth. Yeah.
I wonder if it takes damage like a human does. And I want to fucking go. um I would like to try to shoot the face that's in this lotus flower. All right. You've come to a screeching bolt. Your assault rifle comes right. You're probably on the driver's side, which we're in America, or about we're in my weird fantasy world, but they have American driving rules. So you're sitting on the left side right now. And if I remember correctly, Maywin is right next to you. And she just sees us this, like the barrel of your assault rifle comes out and you start to unload. Give me a kick some ass roll. Okay.
Oh, no, that is two ones. but um that gonna be that That is an experience role. All right. That's a total of four. um ah Do with that what you will. Oh, I will do that. what I will. You start to pull out, but you realize something. You forgot to reload after you burst through that wall. And so you all just, as you see, fray so ready for this. You just hear that click, click, click, click. Damn, that's embarrassing. You realize your chamber is completely empty. I told this can happen to everyone. Who is telling you that on the code? What?
I don't listen to them. People on the TV and on the internet. Okay. Someone showed me the internet the other day. Oh, no. That's I can imagine. Awful. We'll still circle back to that. bit But you see these kind of like, this flower begins to rotate slightly on this column and you see these strange kind of stalks turning to you and you look at them and they are hollow. And suddenly, Frey, you see these black little seeds start shooting out towards you. You're going to take too far as it returns the favor and you hear the tires of your buggy pop as these
See, start ricocheting.
Gotta mark this off my sheet. Hold on. Are you now? Two damage? Yep, two damage. um I am currently unstable. Can I standing behind Frey in that buggy just try and use my flaming sword to like create a shield in front of her and take some of that damage. ah Burn it away essentially before it hits her. all Alright. I would say that is a help someone role. So that's cool. Or no that might be a protect someone. Oh yeah that makes more sense. I like that better because my stat is better for that. Yeah so roll me a
protect someone from harm. Okay. God, I'm rolling so well again. i'm annoyed ah That's a 12. Wow. No, 13. Because I can do math, obviously. Well, so now you get to choose an extra. So what this would do is you would take the harm instead, but you can suffer a little harm. So minus one, All impending danger is now focused on you. You inflict harm on the enemy or you hold the enemy back. What does I inflict harm on the enemy look like? Like the seeds blow back or? However you want it.
ah i just I want to do that and I imagine as i like I swing my flaming sword in front of Frey as the seeds start like pelting in our direction and some of them catch fire and get blown back towards the flower and are hitting the flower instead. Hell yeah. Redible. Okay. So you do that, Frey, you no longer have any harm as Amaco is going to take this on. Don't forget, if you have armor, you reduce it by whatever your armor is. So you're taking two horn, but if you have armor one, you would reduce it by one. And you send these seeds back. And the plant, you would assume it's kind of like a howl of pain, but it's like a weird low humming.
as just right at the kind of tip of what your hearing can perceive. As you see these vines begin to rocket out along the walls and begin to kind of slither down towards you guys on the buggy. I will say the buggy's tires are still popped. He protected Trey, but the buggy has taken some damage. As these vines are beginning to come down, I shed a tear for Carl's card. Pour one out for the buggy. When Amaco does her flameshield, Maywen dashes out from the buggy and is mask on. um Trying to get as close as she can to the flower and trying to take out vines
along the way, probably with her shotgun, I think. All right. Are you going to run down the corridor or are you going to like jump off the kind of walkway that you're on now? Oh, she's for sure jumping. That's a badass shotgun in there. Give me an act under pressure roll. Uh-oh.
Okay. Uh, six plus four, 10.
All right. You jump off and it is a bout a kind of a 15 foot drop almost, but you roll and you are now kind of at the edge of the water. Your feet are in it as you start to unload with your shotgun. Taking out these vines that are starting to creep down and crawl everywhere And can I as a last last action Jinx the flower For their next thing. Okay, what does Jinx do? So ah you encourage coincidences to occur the way you want when you Jinx the target roll weird on a 10 hold 2 7 and 9 hold 1 on the mist keeper holds 2 over you and
I can do it to interfere with a hunter, help a hunter, interfere with a monster, minion or bystander, inflict harm, have someone find something or have someone lose something and I would like to interfere with the monster. Alright, roll me a weird roll back. Weird rolls are all I do.
9 plus 2 is 11.
All right. Yeah. So you get a hold too. So the first hold you want to do is interfere with the monster? Yes. All right. So your shotgun blasts are usually very spread out, but you, as you're rolling, you do it in such a great way that it actually begins to chop off at the vines right where they were starting to spread out. So this entire kind of section that you're in, the vines are coming down towards your friends and you've jumped off there, you've severed them and they are dropping down dead. So they're the area around Frey and Amaco and you now are kind of clear of vines. As you do this, you see this lotus flower begins to descend the column.
and it begins to climb down into the water. You are standing in the water and you can see that there is a a hole at the bottom where the water is funneling out and going into the lake. Can I ah use my angel wings to teleport over to where Maywyn is at the edge of the water? and I want to kind of like dip my sword into the water and I want to turn it into holy water by blessing it hoping that it has some protective effect on the water in the lake and or that it deals some damage to the plant okay that is so cool turn stuff into holy water is that one of your
No, but that's what I'm doing now. Wonderful. ah Great. Give me a use a magic role. Because this sounds like use magic here. that will water doock I would say so. ah That's three plus six is nine plus one is 10. you guys are all roll very dirt im Sorry, I got these dice as a birthday present and they are doing me so many favors. I'll start lying.
You do that. I'll start lying and saying I have bad rules. Yeah, exactly. That would be boring. All right. So on a 10 plus, the magic works without issue. It sounds like you're trying to bar this creature from. So I'm like you said, the water is going out into the lake. So I'm trying to like keep the plant disease essentially from spreading and contaminating the entire lake. I want to create some kind of protection.
for the lake and yeah like you said either keep the plant contained or if the holy water has some effect on I don't know seeds in the water spreading out anything like that I want to try and contain it or stop it or slow it down by making the water less habitable for the plant essentially. You have a choice to make. Do you want to make it so it repels the plant altogether or make it so it's harmful to the plant in anything it might release? Harmful to the plant.
Okay, so it falls into the water, it's climbed down, and you see it begin to smoke and bubble as it touches the water. And it does not like it. It is going to use some vines to repel itself over to the wall, where the pipe, because I can remember that word, is. And you see it pull one of these levers by this pipe. As you hear the rumbling from within, as a geyser of water comes shooting out, it's going to knock Maywen and Amaco off your feet as you get pushed to the far wall, as it begins to change this water, as it's trying to flush it out.
Do we take any damage from that? You don't take any damage, but you have been pushed and knocked off your feet. That's so weird. OK, so this lotus is actively trying to essentially like flush itself out of the system. Right now it's trying to flush this water out of the system. Oh, the holy water. OK. But we do assume that it is trying to use the waterways to spread whatever it is it's doing um what how many levers can we see the like where are the levers that the the lotus pulled they are kind of below this pipe this pipe is probably about 10 feet off it does go right over the kind of water area but the levers are below it there's about three or four of them
i this I don't so think this will work. so would Where I am at the top of this slope and like behind the the Jeep with the popped tires for cover, um can I like try to shoot at the lever that I just saw poll to like get it to it back so the water stops hitting them and pushing them like against the wall? Sure. Give me another act under pressure roll. A muscle mommy and a sharpshooter. We'll see. what did Sorry, what did you say it was? Act under pressure.
ah Eight. Eight. Ooh, okay. The keeper is going to give you a worse outcome, a hard choice, or a price to pay. So yes, you can shoot this lever.
But the current angle you're at, you can see that it might go, it's going to go through another lever as well. That you don't know what this does. Ooh.
ah Do I have, okay. Is that what you're, is that what happens? Yeah, so you can make a choice. You can do this. You can shoot that lever. But you do know that if you do this, you're going to also shoot another lever as well. Oh man, but what if one of those levers just drops all of that, like clears the middle and just goes whoosh. Um, I don't, maybe I shouldn't do this. Let's go get one. Let's go get one. Darn it. Um, um good okay. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it.
so it i in across you shoot this lever and it hits the lever right in front of it at the same time and you guys both you all hear the click click as the levers change over at first you don't quite notice anything until you see that center column starts spinning even more rapidly. Going faster and faster as these long wooden ore-like things are starting to really create friction. Water is spraying everywhere in this chamber right now. The lotus is going to look up at you, Fray, and the vines are going to come ripping up along the
the kind of walkway and pull you over as you've kind of hidden yourself. You are pulled over this walkway and dragged down to the ground near it. um Like pulled it down from that like big ah sloping. Can I okay, can I do anything to try to grab onto the frame of the dune buggy?
Sure, that is yet another act under pressure. Is Prey getting pulled down towards Amika and I? Or in a different direction? No, you are on the other side now. Oh, right. I got smacked. I only got a five. yep On a five, you are pulled right off, and you try and grab onto that dude. bug and you're reaching for anything, including the fuel coil.

Creative Combat Strategies Against Demonic Flower

As you get pulled over, you pull the fuel coil with you and gasoline starts spraying all around. It's just going to make it easier to set the place on fire. It's It's what we were going to do anyway. It's fine. This is what we wanted. I love it when a plan works out. It's all coming together.
And you are now on the ground and it's pulling you towards it. Right. Okay. Um, so there's just like water flying everywhere and also gasoline. Get it in your eyes. Close your mouth. Oh, we have masks on. Right, right, right. We're good. We're good. It's not getting into our faces. Can I use my big knife to try to sever the vines that are pulling me for the water? All right. Do a kick some ass roll.
That's a 10. A 10? Oh, yeah. you You kick some ass right there. a You can also choose you gain advantage, take plus one forward, or get plus one forward to another hunter. You inflict terrible harm, plus one harm, or you suffer less harm. Because this thing, these vines are going to start grabbing and kind of tearing at you at the same time. Oh, um. Can I, um do I have to choose if I wanted to give the plus one to another hunter, do I have to choose that hunter right now? Or could I like hold that and- I'll say you could hold it until you wanna give it. Okay. I'll tell you for a time. Sure. Can't be like two weeks from now. I wait until the end. So you are going to,
how much harm does your knife deal?
The knife only does one harm. All right. And these vines are going to deal two harm to you as they tear at you, but you have cut yourself free.
I am once again unstable. Maywin and Amaco, you guys are at the other side of this chamber. The water has pushed you down on the ground. You're kind of like slammed up against the wall. I level up these plant beds. As you see the dirt in the plant bed begin to move and suddenly a pale black A pale hand with these black tendrils going underneath the skin begins to pull itself out of the soil. And do you see this man with this haircut that has parted in the center and green robes as he groans at you. And he starts clawing his way towards you.
and comes out of the flower bed.
OK, I would like to summon my monster into the world, I think. All right. Give me a news magic roll. You ink? Oh, no. Six plus one is only seven. But what happens if I give the plus my plus one?
I think it's always seven to nine is the range. You do also have your hacks, which you can use as well. I believe I do. Yeah. Um, I was just going to use another lock point to make it a 12. So we're going to do that. That's three luck points right there. We're almost halfway to fun time. I'm trying. That's all I want. All right. So describe this how you're summoning this creature from the aether and what type of creature is it? I think um
just like how Maehwen portals in like the inky black puddles I think since she was already smacked around and is on the ground she just rolls over and she has both palms on the ground and a giant puddle opens up underneath her but instead of her sinking down something rises out of it and I think what I would like is um like a
If you took an Eldritch Horror alligator that slithers its way up out of this inky black puddle, you know, I wanted something equally as lethal in water and on land.
That's so cool. Does it have like, tentacles coming out of its back and like... Yeah, it's got like, it's got like 12 eyes. and all of its teeth are all fucked up and it's got tentacles and it's a real Cthulhu looking ass alligator. Awesome, yeah it pulls itself out of this black tendrils and it's going to look at you for a second and it just goes, mistress, what is your command?
I will point to the lotus flower. um
Take this down or die trying. As you all see this alligator, spawn, tentacle, whatever thing. Straight out of Florida. straight out of Florida and come crawling and it how many legs does it have? We'll say eight. eight eight These eight legs look and just move unnaturally fast as it comes and takes a bite out of the lotus. And you can see the flowers, leaves that unfurled start to get ripped out and thrown about.
as it goes charging, but that does leave you open, Maywin, as Druid four zombie comes out and he is going to take one massive arm and smack you, dealing two harm to you. I can't believe he would hit a woman.
Oh, hey, that makes me unstable. That's for sure.
Two unstable people. Remind me what unstable means. It means I can just hurt you whenever I like. Cool. I take so long. how is How is that different from other times? Well, this is in-game. Damn. I'm a bad bitch. You can't kill me. You can't kill me. Do I get a retaliation? Like a reaction. What would you like to do?
Is he like, like backhand? Oh yeah. He's right. Yeah. He just swung his arm. Yeah. Okay. Picture, picture those emo kids in that movie underneath the bridge, that viral from like, like the mid 2000s and they're doing like that.
Yeah. Yeah. You know that. every The rawr XD kids just raving under the bridge. Yeah, that's what he's doing right now. ona They were so free though. Um, okay. So Maven's head is going to snap with the force of the hit and she's going to use that momentum to pull her fist back and go right into zombie face. We're going to go blow for glow. All right. Do you have, can you one like, do you have a little,
Oh, I mean, no. youre going glo or bla I can make it magical and put like some Scoopy shirt on my hands if you want. Yeah. What do you want to do? That changes it up a little bit. Oh, we'll do hex and target immediately suffers to harm. What to say? I have a plus weird to see if you can get your four and six is 10.
So you're using, you're going to try and hex it and punch it with like hex force. Yeah. Okay. And Tanya, oh yeah, that will do it. You, you get hold too. So you're dealing two harm to it. it
You're just going to use both and you're, you're kind of hexed punch. You can feel the magic and you get it right on the jaw as you feel this weakened bone just crack underneath the pressure pushing it back a couple feet fuck yeah i use my time can i just uh swing at him from the other side with my sword like i imagine him like his head flying to one side with the punch and then i hit him from the other side with my sword
Yeah, ah ping pong his head. Yeah, no, tick a tick some ass right there. Okay. That's 12. Just kidding. It was a six. I meant I meant two. two yeah All right, so a 12. Yeah, you do you do really well with your 12. You can gain advantage Uh, inflict terrible harm. So plus one arm suffer less harm or force them where you want them. Um, I'm going to do suffer this harm. Okay. Cause as you slash his arm is going to come and he's going to try and whack you. So you would take two harm normally. So minus one for suffer less harm. So you would only take one.
Minus one for my armor so I take them. Yeah, and how much damage does your sword do? ah Three fire holy Three fire holy. Oh Yeah, he looks a rock right now and he's going to the ah And you see from his back you see the skin beginning to Puncture as vines come shooting out of his back and slamming up to the ceiling above you. As the rocks of the ceiling start to get dislodged, and you see these giant chunks of rock begin to fall towards the two of you.

Introduction of Druid Zombie and Multi-Threat Battle

like I grab Maywin and using my angel wings, try and get us out of there. Thanks, mom.
So that's carrying someone, so you are going to have to roll for that. Yeah, I have to roll for it.
Well, it's not a problem because it rolled an 11. Your dice are on fire, yeah. I'm never using it. Where are you teleporting? I want to get back closer to where the buggy is, where it was safe, at least from earlier, where Frey cut off all of the vines and give us like this vantage point up top again. You guys see this vantage point. And as you get up there, you hear footsteps running from behind you. And you suddenly hear from down the corridor. Um, excuse me, ma'ams. Uh, Drew and Alfonso said I could, uh, bring this to you through. He said that you might be looking for this.
as Druid Sorensen is going to come down the hallway. No! He has a giant tack on his back that is this giant cylinder and you can see this liquid sloshing and he has one of those like flamethrower like guns but it's like a liquid splatoon gun. Hold on. And he's gonna come
No, don't act. You have to keep that in. Hold on now. old He comes running up beside you. He is clearly out of breath. And he just goes, yeah I reckon I made it just in time. Truett Alfonso said that this is going to help out, supposedly.
I yell from below. yeah i'm like
Why are you here? Who was Alfonso again? The guy at the greenhouse that we left the plant with. Oh, yes. Yes. We grabbed the pack. Yeah, he said ah he was testing with the seed that you left him. And this apparently causes the little seed to shrivel and die. He said it it was actually purely by accident. He was trying to make a souffle for lunch. Um, and he accidentally spilled the, the, uh, the container of baking soda on it. While he's talking, I imagine I'm just like, uh, cutting off vines in the background that try and get at us because he's taking so long. I'm gonna go super play i'm grabbing the pack off of him. Um, Nicole, you can fly, right? No, I can fly fly.
no like angel wings teleport fly fly okay okay okay fly fly oh okay okay did you say you guys teleported oh sorry no go ahead i was gonna say did you guys teleport up onto the top like at the uh my the cars okay that's all i was wondering as frey you All right, look at what's going on. You can barely make out these voices. This crocodile and the lotus are currently battering out one another. I forgot about the crocodile. It is very weird that the crocodile is doing some damage, but the lotus is just engulfing it and dragging it towards its mouth. And, Frey, you feel in
your arms where this lotus start to drag you down, you see these little black vines begin to poke out of your skin. You are going to take one arm as these vines begin moving and crawling through your body. You got to lose the arm. We'll just chop it off. I could get a really cool bionic one. Pretty bad bitch move honestly. So, Frey is not looking so hot. i um I am two boxes away from dying. Oh my god. I'm imagining that I'm like um like dragging myself across the floor and like trying like getting away from the lotus and then finding these like weird little vines like creeping out of my skin and just like picking them and and like trying to brush them off.
um As you do that, give me a read a bad situation role. Right? Yep. Nine.
nine. So you get a hold one. You can ask one of these questions. What's my best way in? What's my best way out? Are there any dangers we haven't noticed? What's the biggest threat? What's most vulnerable to me? What's the best way being yourself? but Yeah. Um, I feel like if I do, I feel like the best way to protect us would probably just be us not being in the room. this lotus Um,
Like, yeah, I'll go. That's kind of that's the one I'm leaning toward, honestly, is that how do I like protect myself? So you just heard from up above all about Gerudo Hanzo and stuff like that. And you're kind of crawling away looking at yourself. And you notice that each of these vines is coming from a very familiar black seed that has embedded itself inside of your arm. And you just heard, oh, we just, and yeah this baking soda and water really helps it killed that black seed you left with Druid Alphonso. So you think some sort of mixture like that might kill these seeds inside of you? Could I like...
Are all of I'm thinking of some of the vines that I like cut off at this like at the source where they're not connected to the Lotus anymore. um If there are like if there are vines that I've cut or that one of us have have cut and they're kind of like on the walls of that sloping ramp. Can I like try to climb up the ramp back up to the car? You can you definitely can do that. Can I help by reaching down law is afraid All right.
ah Um, Amiko give me a help out role. And then, uh, Frey, you're also going to give me an act under pressure role as you feel these vines poking and you can feel them wiggling starting to head up your neck. No, oh yeah I'm imagining I'm like, I want to get up there. I want to shove my arm shoulder deep in the baking soda we pulled from the other room. I'm gonna spray you down. I got a 10 on the health roll. So you get a plus one to this, right?
Okay, so that makes it a nine. And did I technically, would you say that I gave Brie the plus? No, I didn't give Brie the plus one because you turned the, your roll into a 12. Could I use the plus one to make my nine into a 10? Yep, because this is part of that monster that you you did. So yeah, you are you climb up, you get pulled over by Amaco, and you are now up with your friends.
I start rummaging through the buggy looking for the baking soda. You pull out the arm and hammer, laundry detergent with baking soda power. With baking soda power. um I think I also at the same time, I like noticed that Drew Sorensen is here. I'm like, what? um Can I like i what's What's happening with Maywyn and Amaco and Sorenson right now? Amaco helped you up and they kind of are all just up at the top right now. um Can I like grab a handful, like pour this like arm and hammer onto my hand and just smoosh it onto my my arm and see what happens?
It is painful. It is very painful doing this, but you do see these black seeds begin to bubble and plop out of your skin. Can I try and I want to use my leon hands and try and help fray along a little bit? All right, do your leon hands roll. Fray is trying not to pass out.
a That's a 10 again. A 10. All right. And that heals Fray too as well? Yes. Heals me for two. Nice. So as you do this, you're kind of focusing on Fray. You're watching as Fray is just rubbing this laundry detergent all over. You hear a roar from down below and you see this strange, fey crocodile abomination get pulled into the mouth of the lotus flower. It's eight legs tearing and you see it get chopped in half and melt into view. But it has done a fair amount of damage on the lotus as you see these vines and leaves of the lotus are just falling down.
You don't notice as the zombie Druid 4 comes up and bashes into Sorenson, causing Sorenson to fall backwards.
And he lands on his cylinder and you see a crack begin to develop as this liquid begins to seep out. But he takes his little gun thing and he's going to spray the je druid four zombie. And you just see his face begin to melt off as these black vines come crawling out of him. you And he collapses dead.
So I've had this idea, and I don't know now that we have like what this liquid and like the um the baking soda and everything, I don't know if we have to do this or if it would be helpful, but I was thinking, what if but if you guys used magic and I could like try to use any strength that I have to yeet the buggy at the lotus? And then like maybe I could or if you guys use magic to like throw it at the lotus and I could shoot it since there's like gasoline everywhere and like maybe we could light it on fire. You want a giant flaming catapult? Yeah we definitely should do that. I'm in it. I'm in it. Yes. Yes. I mean I could like Angel Wing help teleport it towards instead of taking people would you allow me to
Not carry the entire thing, but with help from Maywyn and her magic, try and yeet it.
Yes, it's going to be difficult. I can do one thing that is beyond human limitations. And chucking, yeeting, or buggy sounds like that to me. ah huh
Okay, so, Maywen's going to throw this buggy while Amico uses the Angel Winds to try and teleport it right above.
Yeah, so the way I picture it, and tell me if y'all are on board with this, Maywen, with her magical steroids, is going to yeet this thing up into a portal And then basically, Amaco is gonna like, blip it out here, blip it in here, and the message is just gonna... And I'm setting it on fire while it drops. Fucking crazy. And I'm gonna, um, I'm gonna cut any of the, like, gasoline lines and stuff, like, underneath the cars. the Stab holes in all of the all the cleaning supplies. Yeah! Okay.
So maybe when you're going to use your magic to throw it into a portal? or Do we need the portal? Or can you just yeet it to where the thing is? Oh, I thought you were portaling it. No, I'm not portaling it. I'm not doing portals. like I could help direct it to where it needs to go. But if you can just yeet it, then we don't need that. I mean, I can try to just need it. I can help with my angel wings. I'm trying to help with the teleporting myself. Yeah, sorry. That's what I meant by totally. Yeah. So both of you may when Rola used magic Amaco, it's plus weird for your angel wings.

Teamwork and Final Battle Tactics

I don't. Yeah. OK. And then, Fray, give me an act under pressure rule as they're getting ready to do this. You just start stabbing at all the cleaning supplies, cutting the like the fuel lines. I got an 11. Okay, I got a 10 total. Let's go. I got a 9. Let's go.
10s are all... What'd you get again? 3? No, 11. 11 all right the only one that's a little questionable is that nine no then i'm gonna use my worshipper plus one if you're gonna ruin our car stunt then i'm gonna use my worshipper plus one all right then you do that you feel the prayer of ah of carl as you may when you kind of grab the end of this buggy I also forgot it was Carl. It's so fitting Carl is actually aiding in us sacrificing his fucking crowd. What a heroic act. What a hero.
Maywen, you gather your kind of magic at the base of your legs because everyone knows you lift with your legs and not with your back. never As you all see these black inky tendrils kind of cover Maywen's legs as she grabs the back handles of the buggy and throws it over At the same time, Fray's just cutting and stabbing with abandon. Amico's gonna fly next to it and bring it right over the lotus and let it begin to drop. Set it on fire.
Give me a use magic, Amico, till set it on fire. I mean, there's gasoline everywhere and my sword is on fire.
so Yeah, I'll give you that one. It begins to catch fire and drop down on the o lotus.
The lotus is going to have it land squarely because you guys have just done such a good job. It's starting to burn as you see all of these different cleaning supplies like pouring out of the wreckage as it just
burns and burns. You see these vines begin to flop everywhere, all catching fires. This entire room starts to go up. A black cloud of smoke begins to appear as this lotus is burning and flailing around.
Is there still any liquid in the cylinder that Serenson has? There is. Can I? I just wanna... I'm assuming he's is still kinda like wobbly on his feet. yeah ah I just wanna grab him and... Don't make that face. And where are you going to eat him over the side? To be fair, I was contemplating it. but No, can I just ah like where like we're up on like the ledge on on the edge, essentially. ah yeah If I were to break the cylinder, would that spill down to where the plant is or? It could. Do we see
Like, do all of the vines and everything react to what is happening to the lotus? Yeah, a lot of the vines are connected to this thing. And you can see them all start to go up as well and fire and burn. Do we want to save this? Do you want to keep this? Just in case? or Yeah, let's keep it for the way out.
I can I just wait like what is the the cylinder made out of? It's a glass cylinder. Think the think the thing on the ship in Lilo and Stitch that. Oh, that's what I was imagining. um Would I be able with the heat from my sword to kind of like patch up the crack a little bit so the liquid is no longer flowing out? Give me a act under pressure roll. What do I roll for flex tape?
what do i What do I roll to pull out a welding equipment? ah Yeah. ah That's another 10. Jesus, you cannot roll bad. I mean, it's always like, usually one die is not that great, but the other one is usually a five or a six, so that in total, That's so sad for you, Donnie, that you're holding so well. I know you'd be so good. Because I'm not getting any experience. So you melt this glass and kind of repair it using your sword to get it into shape. There's a weird kind of, you know, like that kind of melted plastic look to it. ah It's not pretty. That's kind of dented in it. But you have sealed the crack.
And I just pull Sorensen up so he's like standing properly and stable on his feet again and give him like a pad on the shoulder. Well, maybe you're up for a raise after all. Thank you. I aim to please ma'am. This man is going to be brain dead from smoke inhalation.
I didn't even think of that. Chemical smoking. It's ironic you should mention that because you were also unstable. I have a mask. Oh yeah, you damn it. yeah Get wrecked. but Maybe my mask got cracked when I got smacked. You guys are now standing. You see this lotus burning. Smoke is starting to gather in the chamber. But this lotus, you see as these vines begin to crumble and the main bulb of it just falls to ash. And the only thing that remains now where this lotus was sitting
is this seed about the size of a watermelon. And it's just sitting among the ash and burning vines.
We should probably grab that. Mm-hmm. I'm going to try to talk to it. Ooh. I can go get it and you talk to it. OK. And I'll just, uh, angel wings down there try and grab it and go back yeah you grab it you come back up can i while that's happening is there are there any like controls or levers that i see that might like um help with airflow could i try to like i know that there were levels levers for like the water moving and stuff um could i see if there's like a like an industrial fan or something to like get some of this smoke out of here
have two more le you haven' been shot at I have two levers that I haven't shot. I think it was four. Yeah, I think there were four total. Yeah, I will say, I mean, it's pretty easy as you look around, you see like light switches and stuff like that. You find one of those Honeywell little AC control things. And at first you're like, what are all these buttons do? Then you notice it says fan, off, on and auto. You just click on and fans in the ceiling begin to whirl as the smoke begins to clear.

Discussion on Future Plans and Guild Issues

Can I just say that this time I know what Honeywell is? I just didn't ask. Yay! But only because I have seen a fan at Ben's house that said, uh, Honeywell. Classic. They have a monopoly on. You should get all of these. You should get all of these sponsorships. I wish. The most random ones.
Amiko, you are back with your friends now. You have this giant watermelon-sized seed in your arms. You can feel it pulsing slightly. Naywen, very tired at this point, is going to try to use her magic again to communicate with something that you do not share a language with.
All right. Give me your used magic, girl.
Five and five is ten plus two is twelve. I'm gonna do these more left points.
Gosh, he's gonna go through those so fast. ah this You get the sense, this is where all the aura, this is the heart of this creature, the seed of this creature. You know that It's the very base of it. It's like if you boil everything down, there's no more real sentience to this thing. It just wants to grow. But you get, you sense an immense fear as you notice it really hated the flame and the water.
And one of the things it really was afraid of was being near the water, which started to boil slightly because you guys threw a giant flaming buggy. So we cook it for dinner. It ate my alligator. Oh, that's real. That's really rude. Super rude. Okay. Um,
I don't think this is like an imminent threat right now but it really did not like the fire or the holy water so if we need to like contain it again. um I don't know what to do with this though. Do we send it back to the fae? Do we give it to the druids to like monitor? Well, we still aren't sure where it like where exactly it came from or like, you know, like who if someone went like sent it over purposely, um like from the fae, I'm wondering maybe we should bring it back to Drew and Alfonso since he like already accidentally found not a cure, but a way to stop the the seeds. Maybe if he like maybe we can bring him this and he could just stock up on
baking powder you while he while he does his studies? Yeah, something else for him to look at at least. Yeah, I also feel we should. I don't know, are we just gonna expect another delivery and we will be doing all of this again next week? True, good question. Like what what is behind this? Is this just a plan trying to
Get a new home? Or is this the war? Is there a, um, which druid or which person is in charge of the, um, post office? I know that there's the woman who, her mind is erased, but who is handled like, um, actually like knowing that the packages are coming from the fae and everything. Uh, so postmaster Josephine was in charge of the post office and based what you guys kind of found earlier, drew Harold was in charge of kind of communicating with the Fae. He's the top drew it. He was the one wiping her mind and stuff like that.
I think, um, I think that we should maybe we can, before giving this to Alfonso, maybe we can use this as a bargaining chip and say, Hey, we have this thing, Druid Herald, what the hell is going on? Like, do you know about this? Yeah, I like that. Yeah. The Sorensen, Sorensen's still with us. um
Man, we look crazy right now, probably. I want to turn to him and just... Where is Druid Herald right now? And did he know that any of this was going down? Yeah, once ah once we kind of found the tunnel underneath the post office, We put together a plan. Alfonso gave me this stuff to bring through the tunnel because he sensed that it was kind of all connected. Druid Heritage should be coming soon. He was kind of organizing some of the more senior Druids to come. ah I believe they talked to
Captain Ron about picking him up. But Captain Ron was quite insistent saying, ah, I got to stay here because they might need a quick ex-fill, as he said. Oh, that's so nice of Captain Ron. So I imagine we could he'll probably meet us at the docks if you guys think. oh that I'm a little nervous about that giant watermelon thing right there, but we can I'm sure you'll be at the docks and he reaches over and he's like a deputy deputy what's going on at the docks is I got through the tunnel
and you hear ah the squawk of a walkie talkie and you'll just hear a voice. Yep, ah most of the council is at the docks right now. They heard about what the hunters were doing and they were coming to come to the island. Do you want me to disperse them, send them home? You want me to, what do you want, sir? No, sir, we're gonna, we're gonna communicate at the docks. We'll be there half an hour about probably. Depends on how long it takes us to walk back up. Oh my god, we have to walk.
I forgot. Fuck, we don't have a v car. Damn. Is the service elevator still functional? No, okay. I didn't think so. It had vines shot through it. Well, the vines are all gone now. Actually, as you guys look around, all the vines have withered and died everywhere as you're kind of walking through the tunnel back to the next chamber.
All right, let's get out of here.
Um, so, okay. Hold on. Something I just thought of. Should we, before we leave this chamber, you know how druid four, the zombified druid four, like climbed out of the dirt and was trying to attack you? Should we check any of the other plants that are in this room to see if they are zombified people that were... Oh my God. Yeah, there are still people in the same. Greg and Daryl are still in the same. And Emma. No, nevermind, be killed um know and well we Emma. We freed from her mortal coil. Yeah, that's a good call. Sure. You investigate the other plant beds and you do find two corpses of deceased workers.
Oh, that's so sad. Fray patters off on the bank.
Muscles and brains. I know, right? com I think um we can, I maybe look around and see if there's just like a cloth or like a burlap sack or something that we can just like cover the bodies and just make note that we can like let the council know. You find find one of those tarp things and you cover the bodies.
And I guess we just make our way back through the plant ah to the docks.
All right. It takes probably about 25 minutes to walk around and around the entire water treatment plant. You come out and you find waiting on the docks to the island, to the ferry, Carl and Captain Ron Edrick. And as Carl sees you, goes, oh, Mademoiselle, you've returned. Yes. Oh. My goddess. I am so happy to see you are still alive. But where is my baby? She was very brave. And she brought us victory.
I'm sure she is in a better place now. car happened she saved all of us including me could we say that i have the car key could i like have grabbed the car keys before we needed it could i give him like a charm or other the keys like from the car you pull out the car keys the little The Eiffel Tower! The Eiffel Tower! I forgot the Eiffel Tower charm! It's slightly melted and burned from the heat. And he just goes, I shall cherish it always. She'll be the first holy relic to amigo.
but Forget about the sun symbols. I'm going to go with France now. and yeah an eel foen house on top you're french now ah As the fairy pulls out, you see this water treatment plant is completely dark now. They've turned off the electricity. They i've shut it down for the night. It's a long half hour ride over the lake and as you pull into the dock you find a contingent of probably about seven men and women all in these green robes in front of them as you guys land and come off a big
bear of a man steps forward and his robes are cut low and there's a big tuft of hair and he has a massive beard. That's just streaked with white in the center. He's gonna go, you are the hunters that Druid Sorensen sent for. And you are the druid that did not help us.
im Druid Herald? Ashamed, yes.
I am ashamed, I thought that it was not quite, I did not think that a fey mischief would cause so much trouble. I did not think it was something that we would not either wait out or if it was anything. I thank you for your help. And he's actually you going to pull a giant sack of gold coins. Apology accepted. And he's going to hand it to you and say, I know this is what you ruined swords and promised you. And you have the thanks of Ocala. If you ever need a place to stay, this will be a sanctuary for you. Did you find the fae that was doing this?
we I guess I look at my companions like would I guess that would have been a fae creature um it had a face we like describe the the lotus flower um and kind of like the being inside of it that's it's disturbing quite honestly very disturbing do you do you know how it got here that seems like That seems like a you question, ah Druid Herald. How you're saying that you don't know how like the fae trickery got in, but do you not run the post office and the packages that come in and out? I do arrange them. And when they arrive, it is the postmaster Josephine.
We kind of have a hypnosis placed on her to make it so if she's not really in danger. It can be very overwhelming traveling between the aether here. So we try and make it so her mind doesn't crumble under the strain of it. But I reach out to my contacts and they they're the ones who put together the packages that we require and she goes into the aether and picks them up. brings them out and then we wipe her mind to make her forget the I guess the best words tribulations that she would go through. It is not an easy journey. ah But she also forgot that she was supposed to get 13 packages and not 14. That does not seem like the hypnosis is very as long as we give accurate
instructions, she should follow them to the letter. Does she usually have like a shipping manifest or something that details what exactly she should be bringing back?
She should, yeah, we do keep records of that. Unfortunately, my understanding is she's now at the infirmary because her post office caught fire. That's how we discovered the tunnel. Yeah, no idea how that happened. Drew Sorensen, do you have a deputy seal with her when she was found? And Drew Sorensen's going to I go on his walkie-talkie and say, Deputy Ryan, uh, report, how is, uh, did the doctors, did the Druids give a, uh, estimate on how Postmaster Josephine is doing? And you're just going to hear a crackle on the other side of it, and you're gonna hear, uh, she's not here anymore. any more Josephine. She uses-
Okay. She's gone, sir. have Have we seen Josephine before? You have not seen her before. Fuck. Damn. I look at Harold and like into the eyes of all the like druid council and say, yeah um it sounds like you have a bigger problem on your hands and find your postmaster.
We will try and figure out where she went in the infirmary. Thank your guild masters for being so expedient. I know drd herson or Druid swords and just sent the request a day or two ago. ah So we are quite pleased that the guild is so responsible. We'll pass along your remarks. You have the thanks of our people.
Thank you very much. Please spend the night. We have some rooms prepared for you at the Toadstool Inn. Thank you very much once again. The entire council is in your debt.
I wish I could say it was our pleasure, but it wasn't.
The druid council all kind of separates druid swords and is going to show you to the toadstool inn where there is a very nice kirkuchi board. so is it Next to a pipe.
there They show you to a series of suites where there are a couple different rooms connected to a main room with a charcuterie board set up and some nice glasses of wine. They are very thankful. And the night passes. I don't know if you go to sleep immediately, if you stay up, if you would like to do anything. Oh, Maywyn is staying up and partying. With the townspeople, with the homies, with anyone she can party with.
After partying, I think I'd probably like sheepishly ask Maywyn and Amiko, can we all stay in the same room tonight? Oh yeah, I can't sleep alone now. Please. yeah I'll take first watch.
And then I, and maybe as we're, um, oh, sorry. I was going to say, as we're like lying there, like maybe drifting off, um, Frey is like, Oh, I can't believe we have to, we have to go back to the guild tomorrow. All of our shit is there. All of our shit is there. It feels like so much time has passed. I'm going to have to sneak back in. I wasn't supposed to be here. That sounds like a morning problem. They're never going to let me out of the room.
and I could also get our stuff out in case we don't want to go back they do like you the most I mean also they won't see me I can just bamf in there I kind of I kind of love this I'm like i I look at you guys and I'm like what do we I guess we don't have to go back I could also just steal some more like papers with possible jobs we start our own rogue guild oh we start our own guild yes i love this i mean there's some weird stuff going on there i would still like to know why they didn't take this job but i'm just saying we have options this is a problem for tomorrow
I'll probably have a headache tomorrow and you see Amaco just in one go downing like a bottle of white wine. Yeah, what does a deity's alcohol tolerance look like? No idea. She's willing to find out. We're gonna find out.
So a night of revelry and fun happens. Several of the villagers that you know have come and you know said thank you in person. Alfonso stops by. Captain Ron Edrick actually comes by with a giant cask for the road of his homemade meat. Incredible. Jerome also stops by. You do notice like his hair is very wet. Like he has not left the shower in the last couple hours. And he thanks you immensely. The morning comes. Amiko, you indeed do have a white wine headache. As you all pile into the van. It's not sake.
and You pile into the van that you've come in. uh before you do that you clean out all the monsters and the celsius's from the trip there we open the door and all of the cans just start falling out oh god damn it you take the road out of oak hallow not quite sure where you're going to go if you're going to return to the guild start your own road guild or just
travel together as friends. The journey is quite pleasant. The kind of oppressive aura that settled around the town has lifted. You're all kind of doing your own things right now. Amico's trying to get rid of this headache. Maywin is maybe, did you guys hold on to the seed? Oh, i did we want I feel like we probably left it with Alfonso. I think that was the plan. I feel like next week a new piece of paper will show up at the Guild about a seed the size of a watermelon having taken over a town, and but that's okay.
We'll deal with it. Maybe someone named Josephine causing a lot of trouble. Well, we'll have a head start. Yeah. And I mean, we need to pay our bills next month as well. So this is true. Job security. The drive out of the town is peaceful because you don't have the seed with you. Amico and Maywin are in the back. Well, Frey is driving out because Frey is the best driver as you guys just clearly.
been figured out. It's relaxing. It's peaceful. For as you're driving, your friends are in the back. You're not quite sure where you're going. And then you hear a small ding coming from the dashboard of the van. And you see a small icon appear on the dashboard. The icon of a little letter, the symbol, and you hear, you've got mail.

Visions, Messages, and Unresolved Threats

And as it opens up, you see that the sender is listed as a unknown. There's no subject in the subject line. There's just a single line of text on this email. What happened to Lexian?
Maywen, as you are sitting in the back, you're kind of looking out that side window. it's quite content as you're driving. You have had a couple of different weird experiences. There's lo-fi music playing on the radio as you look out as the trees are passing by. As you are driving at a reasonable speed, you see a figure standing on the edge of the woods. A person dressed in very similar elegant robes to Amico, who you recognize from a shared vision.
They look at you and offer you just a faint smile and a wave as you drive past them, as their form fades to mist.
Amiko, you're sitting there trying to nurse this headache. And you hear your name on the wind for just a second. And it reminds you of the old days, the days when people used to pray to you. and used to speak your name with joy and glee. You know if you focus, you can see who's recently said your name. And you do just that. You focus your magic and your vision gets taken to a small room with a bed, dresser, and a separate bathroom. A hotel room. There's a woman kneeling by the dresser. She's wearing the blue shirt of a mail carrier.
And her voice just says, they defeated the Strangling Lotus, my lord. um I'm confused. Your sister, Amika, was there. She was working with some hunters of the guild. You said the guild would not interfere that they had sanctioned this. There's a brief pause as if someone's responding. Yes, my lord, Sana. But I thought I would get my revenge on their druids. No, my lord, I shall obey. and then your vision returns as you guys are pulling out of Ocala. And that is where we're going to end this mystery.

Podcast Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Ah! Motherfucker! Oh, dear God. Thank you all so much for listening to this mini-series, The Invasive Species of My Dungeon Problems podcast. I am EarthosCreations. You can find me on
everywhere. I don't really do Twitch. Don't look for me on Twitch. I'll tell them who knows, maybe someday. You can find me on Instagram. and That's the best one. I'm very, very fun on Instagram. The theme song was done by the Dungeon Maestro on TikTok and Instagram. Go check them out if you're looking for some wonderful music. And I've been joined fra by three fiery but yeah three fire hunters. who just want to burn the world apparently yeah we do
But, starting off, we have Ally. Ally, who are you playing and what did you think of the mystery? I played Frey, our muscle mommy burglar, who's learning how to make friends and not be so alone. And Frey is feeling um satisfied that the Lotus Monster has been taken care of, but feeling very wary of um of Oak Hollow in general and and kind of knowing that like something else is is gonna be on the horizon, this isn't finished.
Awesome. And Brie, who are you playing and what did they think of the mystery? I played Maywyn and Maywyn loved every step of the way. She lives for the chaos and any any excuse she could get to get out of the guild. This was a great time she had with her friends and she helped a lot of people and she's hopeful to start their own guild. maybe in the future together. But they'll never lock their guild mates in their rooms.
And last but not least, we have Donnie. Donnie, who are you playing and what did they think of the mystery? I played Alakol and the headache she had from drinking too much white wine is slowly turning into this dark cloud of foreshadowing that her worst fears seem to be coming true of her older brother messing with the world essentially. And ah yeah, but also she is grateful that she ah
She's taking a step in the right direction, finding stuff out. So silver linings in the black clouds of foreshadowing.
Thank you all so much for listening. In two weeks, I have an interview with someone. I don't know. I don't know who. But I'll be doing some more interviews. And then maybe after that, we'll see if these three brave hunters have more adventures in store. Thank you all so much. Have fun. Do your best. And remember, we believe in you. Bye. Bye.