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The Invasive Species Part 2

S1 E23 · Dungeon Problems!
35 Plays9 months ago

An actual play game of Monster of the Week! Three hunters who work for the Guild have found a job that was supposedly declined. They have managed to defeat this strange zombie-like creature and managed to find a few clues! 


Amako- Played by Dani

Frey- Played by Allie

Maewhyn- Played by Bri

Come back in two weeks for Part 3!


Introduction to Surreal Themes

Sure, a mountain never grows and winds a toothless spider. Darkness fills up the deep holes and turns an endless spider. What we're here for is mysteries, but puzzles yet unsolved. So set secrets lost to history, as don't your problems solve them all? Touch it too.

Dungeon Problems Podcast Series Introduction

Hello my friends and welcome to the second part
of the Invasive Species miniseries for Monster of the Week for my Dungeon Problems podcast. Yes, I know what I'm saying. I'm Arthur's Creations. You hopefully like me and you follow me and you listen to this podcast. If you don't know anything about me yet. Hey, welcome. Glad to have you here and hopefully you enjoy this. I would definitely listen to the first one first. But, you know, you do you boo, you do you.

Character Introductions

Uh, today I'm joined by the same three people I was joined by two weeks ago. Uh, I didn't, they decided to come back and that makes me very happy. We're being held against our will. Someone call help, please. Oh God, I'm going to get in so much trouble now. Welcome listeners to the real mystery. Where are my players, Kurt?
I was abducted from my home country. Oh no, you're miles from home. Oh no. Oh no, I'm going to get in trouble. You've already heard their laughter and their joking so far. Today we're going to start off with Ally. Ally, who are you playing today?
I will be playing Frey, a tall, brooding burglar turned mercenary. Frey is street savvy, packs a punch, and picks locks like no one's business. She's used to doing odd jobs to make ends meet, utilizing her thieving prowess to keep a roof over her head and to run from her path. Very nice, very nice. She's very fun and she knows how to disable ADT fire alarms and stuff. Yeah, I do.
And sometimes I'm successful at breaking into places. Yeah, ADT hates her.

Bree's Social Media Mention

Next to her we have Bree who's also known as Fates Whispering. Fates Whispering? Fates Whisper. Fates Whisper on TikTok and Instagram.
Go check her out. She does oracle pulls, tarot readings, so much wonderful and beautiful decks, and just dice rolling that is amazing. Brie, who are you playing today? That's sweet. I'm Brie, and I'm playing Maywyn, or Wynn, a mercenary who's been in the game for a while, but prefers to keep to herself. She's a five foot nothing woman with olive skin, milky white eyes, and long, wild red hair braided down her back.
Nice, nice. There we go. And last but not least, we have Donnie, who is not in her home country right now, but of her free will. Of her own volition. I was told I like it to be here. I'm very happy and healthy. I am fed three times a day. And I have plenty of water.
Oh, and who are you going to be playing today, Donnie? Thank you for having me. I'm going to be playing Amaco or Emmy as her friends call her. She used to be a minor deity several hundreds of years ago and kind of accepted her fate of fading into oblivion as her and other deities just started to vanish and become less important.
until at some point she felt something snap and realized that one of her siblings had died. And so she decided to start investigating. And while doing so, met up with some new friends, namely Mae-win and Frey. And that's how she ended up where she is.
Awesome. Great. I'm just going to put a disclaimer out there. If you do seriously think someone is being held against the will and or you have, you know, things where you are seriously concerned about people, please reach out to the local authorities. You know, better to check and not just leave the pie. If you see signs of stuff like that, please report it. That's definitely not happening here. It's definitely not happening here.
Take it very seriously if it does happen. Just covering my ass is not legally the standpoint.
Last adventure. Well, no, same adventure. Last day, I guess. Last recording. Last time. Last session. Last time. I don't know why I didn't just say that.

The Guild's New Job

Time soup already. Time soup already. You guys, being members of the Guild, had found a job that the Guild seemed to pass up on, which was odd because it was for a lot of money.
the Druids of Ocalo are seeking aid in finding missing people before the harvest season hits them. So you guys all piled into a rental car and drove to Ocalo with lots of copious amounts of monsters and celsuses keeping you going. You get there,
You get there and you stop off first at the Church of Nature and you speak to a wonderful greeter there. She points you to where Druid Sorensen, the druid in charge of the security in his little police office. You go there and you find a very pleasant deputy and a very pleasant druid who is a little portly, likes his donuts.
But you discover that they are kind of acting useless in terms of policing. So you decide to take it into your own hands. He tells you that Emma has gone missing and she was in the fungi fields. The only thing found from her was her shoes, her boots. Not that they were lost in the scuffle. She seemed to have just been risen right out of them.
So you are like, okay, well, let's go settle in at the Toolstool Inn with Bridget. Get some runes there. But before you can actually do that, you hear an alarm going off, a building next to you, what we have dubbed the Disney Grooming Building. That's right. You can see a light going on, and Maywyn, using her spooky powers, spotted a woman in an office, in an office tearing it apart.
And I think it was Amico who asked if she was wearing boots and she was not. So Frey decides to break into the building effortlessly, flawlessly, incredibly smoothly. Then correctly
Guess who's the staircase to go up to? And Maywyn and Domico just teleport right into the office. You have a short little encounter with this strange being. You do spot before you actually start fighting her that she's going through some HR paperwork for two people, Captain Ron Edrick and Jerome Parrish. You then get a little too close to her for her little thing
and weird viney tentacles come shooting out of her.

Vine Attack in the Office

You all get a little bit hurt, but you hurt her a lot as well. But unfortunately she does slightly escape by jumping out a window and she is now currently crawling towards the lake in the center of town. And that is where our hunters are currently standing
by a gaping window watching this broken poor woman crawling towards the water. So what would you guys like to do? Maywin wants to run to the window
and Quickscan is anybody, anybody here. There's an alarm going off. Where is the security force to address this alarm? Because it's not us. So the alarm that originally went off and drew your attention here was very quick for the most part. You
Frey would have noticed when Frey first walked in that there's one of those little keypads by the door that someone can put their coats in. So if workers come after hours, they can shut off the alarm. So you're not, you think the alarm, you just really got lucky and spotted it.
At this time of night, it is now roughly around six, seven o'clock at night. The sun is beginning to set. There's really not any people in this area. There is the small, little, very competent police station. You know, that's like two buildings down. Yeah, the police station doesn't hear anything. Yeah, the window crashed, the body thumped.
I mean, honestly, he really didn't seem too competent, so I wouldn't hold my breath. We can't just let her get into the water, I think. Regardless of whether we can help her, like she probably has information. Did she take the files with her? The file is sitting on.
the ground, not sitting. It's falling too. The file pulled up a chair, crossed its little file legs. Then I will politely offer the file some tea in the ground.
I want to, I want to pick up the files and just keep them for our perusing. That's smart. You pick them up. They're in a nice little manila folder. A little bit of a shovel, but you do the tippity tap on the desk and make it all line up. Do we want to follow her or? Yeah.
We, we gotta I think maybe we're just gonna run out of the building and head for the stairs because she's sure as shit not jumping out of a window. Oh, yeah, I could. I look at you guys and I say I ran up the stairs. I know exactly where to go. Like follow me. We can run out. Yes. Okay, let's go. Okay. Maybe we trip an alarm on the way out to get more attention.
Oh, purposefully, I break, I punch a window. Ask in the sand and confuse my sword to smash some windows. We'll cause a little mayhem on the way out.
Oddly enough, the breaking of the window didn't trigger any alarms. What the fuck? You seem like ADT didn't do a great job putting sensors around this point. They just have the fake, they have the sign up to deter people, but there's not actually- Oh my god. The smile you're on camera, there's nothing there. Wowie.
You guys are rushing out of the building and her leg is broken, but you reach outside. You find a trail of not red blood like you would expect. There's this green viscous fluid that's leading through the parking lot into the grass. Like it slopes down to go down into the lake and
You at that point, running down broken leg, she's right now right on the edge of the water. Oh, God. Like I'll I'll leap and like try to grab her. Is she corporeal? Did we like is she? Yeah, I couldn't remember if she was like ghostly or OK. Yeah, I cut off like tentacles and stuff. Right. Right. Right.
Yeah, I wanna like leap forward and try to like grapple her. All right, roll me a kick some ass, girl. Hell yeah, I have a plus due to that. Hell yeah. Oopsie daisy. That's a six. I cry, I miss.
I throw myself in the water. Yeah. So you're going to mark off an experience because you fail. I am so experienced, guys. Yeah, you are bad. If you roll a 10 plus, you choose one extra on a miss. You get your ass kicked instead. You suffer from being captured, but don't conflict any harm back.
Okay, that's actually like, that's okay. I don't know that I was necessarily intending to harm her. So like, if I fuck myself up a little bit, having tried to jump after her, like, I don't know, that makes sense. Yeah, so I will say, you do tack her.
But you unfortunately are so off balance that she rolls and starts, these tentacles start coming out of her back and enveloping you, dragging you towards the lake.
Oh, my God. Oh, can I like, OK, also, feel free to interrupt me, guys. But I think if she's starting to drag me toward the lake with these tentacles, I think I either like I would like to pull out my knife and I'm either trying to like cut the tentacles off or I'm like sticking the knife really hard into the ground to try to like pull myself away. OK, which one would you like to do?
Hmm. Um. I think I probably just start swinging at the vines, honestly. All right, roll me another kick some ass roll. I'm using two different dice for this.

Tense Combat and Injury

Kick an ass. Is there anything Maywin can do to help this roll? I don't know. What would Maywin like to do to help this roll? Oh, man. Um.
While you think I got a nine. A nine? Okay. I guess. Well, remember you tell me what you want to try and do and I'll tell you what it actually is. You can you can try and make it based off of your
moves and hope that I choose the right one. Yeah, okay. I guess, I guess I would be trying to protect Frey. Um, maybe, maybe Maywen would pull out her shotgun and just really hope that she doesn't hit Frey.
me out I should don't roll low okay you know what no this feels bad uh you go on babe with your knives you got it I can jump in with my flaming sword and I would like to not cut it the tentacles that are holding free but try and go for like
weak spots in the legs if she still has legs. Her other leg. Her one good leg. I want to try and immobilize her as much as I can so she doesn't have an option to flee and drag Frey with her. Okay. Then roll me an act under pressure on my count.
Now, with a nine-three-year-or kick some ass, you do cut these tentacles. You're starting to slice them off. It is tough because she starts actually wailing with her arms down underneath you, and her knees are wildly flailing. She just kind of is like magicarping on top of you like that. Oh, no. And remind me, did she?
While she's Magikarping, did I take, um, did I take harm earlier? Not from the initial tackle. Okay. But you are going to take harm from this. You are going to take two harm as you Magikarp's on top of you. But you are, you're starting to really get loose. And what did you get, Amika, on your? Uh, I got an eight. An eight?
Okay, that is act under pressure. If you get a 10 plus, you do what you set out to do. On a 7 to 9, the keeper is going to give you a worst outcome, a hard choice, or a price to pay. Let's see. No perfect rolls this time. No perfect. But not bad enough to get experience. We'll see. Come on, I don't want the mediocre rolls.
On that note, if you remember, if you do get your experience, I think it's five experience, you level up. If you have four harm, I think you all have seven in total that you can take. If you get four harm, you become unstable.
I'm at three harm, but I also only need one more experience to level up, which is exciting. Oh my god. That works. This is also not Legend of Zelda. If you level up, you do not heal perfectly. Oh, wow. That's unfortunate. I can't just go to a goddess statue. So, Amiko, you're slashing with your flaming sword, being very careful. You do not hit, well, you have a choice you can make. You can...
hit Frey and do some damage to Frey, not full flaming sword hurt to Frey. I would say you'd split up the arm between that and this weird undead corpse zombie thingy. Or you can, while you're doing this,
being even more careful but you kind of miss that there is a rock a large rock next to your this tussle and hitting that rock causes your sword to crack making it vulnerable
You can hit me, it's okay. Knowing that I can lay on hands, Frey, I'm gonna nick her. You saved my life many years ago and I'm gonna risk yours now, but don't worry, I can heal you. I'll patch you back up. This is gonna hurt, stab. What is the harm that you inflict with your sword? It's too harm.
to harm. So are you going to give the radiant harm to Frey or fire harm to Frey? Fire would cauterize the wound. That's what I was thinking. Incredible. Yeah. At least she's not getting infected. Right. And Frey, what is the harm rating on your knife because you've been cutting? Oh, it's only one harm.
Okay, unfortunately or fortunately.
Your swords, you guys are digging into this. And as that final sword swing comes through, it's right at the belly. And this is, unfortunately, how you hurt Freight. You drive it through the belly, poking out this giant seed from within the core of Emma. It pokes out and your sword stabs into the side of Freight. You are now, unfortunately, unstable.
It sure am. This lifeless body of Emma slumps down. And it seems to begin to wither. Oh, my God. You're now free, Fry.
Do I, as she's, as I like wriggle free and go like back up this like, um, embankment, um, can I like drag her with me so that we could try to like take a look at her closer or is she literally like disintegrating in front of me?

Emma's Mummification Mystery

She's not disintegrating. She's more mummifying-ish.
Okay. Not like full on like suddenly all the, but it's like as you see a flower beneath the slowly wilted. Okay. So yeah, you can drag her away from the water. Yeah, I drag her up so that the three of us could maybe take a better look at her. And the seed is just on the ground now, or is it? Yep.
Or you can have it being paled into your sofa, whatever you want. That's not a bad idea, so you don't have to touch it. I just, like, when you try and, like, half an avocado and you get, like, the... The pits. Yeah, the pits, like, to get it out. I just look at it confused for a moment. Can I take a look at that seed on the go? I'll just hand over my sword.
The whole sword. How heavy is the sword? I turn off the flames. It's not overly heavy. I appreciate turning the fire off, thank you. So I, being a magic user, there's something... It says, banish a spirit or curse from the person, object, or place that it habits. Can I flavor that in a way where I'm just kind of searching to see if there is one?
You know? Like, seeing what is up with this little seed. Okay. Give me a... Use some magic. Uh-oh. Two plus two is four, plus two is six. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh, but you get experience. Thank goodness. How does using luck work?
You have, I think, what is it, seven luck points or? Seven luck, it's seven harm and seven luck points, I believe. I don't, yeah. You can, that will get you an automatic success. But once you use your luck points, like, as long as you play Mayweather, it's not like, oh, these next adventure, when you level up, you get your luck points back. There are,
some advance like when you really get higher level you can get them back i believe but uh once you use them i can fuck things up fate is against you i'm gonna attempt fate and use a luck point then
works without issue, choose your effect. So you're doing banish, a spirit, or curse from a person, object, or place it in habits, but re-flavoring it a little bit, which I'm always down for. Yeah. You kind of send your awareness into the scene, because you already have the ability to send your awareness places and connect people mentally. So you're using that in a way.
you sense that there is a connection. This thing is not a sentient scene in itself, but there is a connection and you kind of
fraud it a little bit. Just give it a little poke just to see what it does. If you can banish it from the seed, if it's a living thing inside, and you see from the bottom of the seed, a little sprout comes out and starts trying to get down to the ground. So it is, it's not sentient itself, but it seems like it's trying to get back to the sentient thing.
Um, I don't want to let this sprout hit the ground. Do we have a container? An empty container? Is there an empty monster can? We have a whole bunch of monster cans. Yeah. Yeah. I want an empty monster can to just like, put this little thing in. That's so degenerate.
Uh-oh. Roll to see if there's any monster left in the kingdom. Oh, no. It's just going to make it more powerful. So, of course. So, yeah, you pop it in. And as you do that, you hear, like, little clinking on the king. Not the knocking. Just, like, it seems like it's just it's not, like, erupting through or anything like that. But it does stop after a short little while.
So you get a sense the seed is not sentient in itself, but it has been connected to something sentient. Yeah. Does the seed look different now that the sprout left it? Right before it went in the can, the sprout was coming out at the bottom. It was kind of like when you first do that home experiment where you take the little seeds and you put them in the damp paper towel and it starts germinating.
Yeah. It just is like that. It just cracked forward. Looking at it, you do see a whole bunch of cracks. So you think it might like she was being controlled from and that's probably what is withering inside of her right now.
I wonder if we could use this seed to find, like, the source, you know? Because it seems to be trying to... It's trying to go somewhere with this sprout. But I don't want to just... Was it just trying to get back to Emma or is it like an... whatever was controlling Emma?
or to the ground where it has access to a whole ecosystem. Right. I don't know, but I don't think any of them are good options. No. Yeah. What time is it? Like six or seven? Yeah, it's borderline. You hold your finger up and form a little sundial. I got a cell phone, but I don't got a time on it.
Nope. No, no. Weirdly not. I'll do the sundial. It's 632 and 48 seconds. Okay, thank you. And in Japan, it is currently no. Yeah. Um, I don't, what do we, what do we do with this? I don't want to sleep in the same room as this thing.
Do we trust the folks here enough to bring this to them and ask, what is this? Have you seen this before? I'll put it in a safe at least. Every hotel room has that little- Yeah, I was gonna say, do you think there's a safe in our tavern room? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We can try that. They might have some kind of protocol for
these things. I don't know who was left around though. There's gotta be like a night security.
So based on everything you just said, I would say that you guys can think of through like a couple different places. There is the library that you guys passed on the way in. You could go see if the Toadstool Inn has little room sakes. The police station probably has some place, you know, contraband kind of area, or you could
Try and see if you can go to the foreign greenhouse, the research facility. There are a couple of different places you could begin gathering information if you'd like potentially.
want to maybe try checking out the research center? Or like, does anyone feel strongly about trying to go back to the like deputy person or? No. Yeah, I was gonna say I didn't really want to go back to him either. Not at all. Thank God, because I don't remember his accent. We can try the research center or like the I'm a little nervous to go to the foreign greenhouse, but like that might be a good option too.
I don't really want to leave the seat with the police or anyone. I mean, we don't really know what's going on. And while they seem to try and want to get the solved, we also don't know who is involved in what and how competent they are. I look down at the ground and I say, what about the body?
Oh no. You have a flaming sword, just cut it up. Oh my god, defile the body? Absolutely not. I mean, she's wilted already. Yeah, so what does she look like? So you said that she kind of just like, like got like a darker like rotting sort of like as if like a plant was like rotting or dying. So looking closer at her now, hey, she's not wearing any boots. She
is very pale and these kind of seed-like things were poking out of her skin, kind of like a bulb or something like that with little sprouts. Those have begun to wither and just shrivel. Do you want to like touch the body at all or how deep are you getting in this investigation?
Hey, like, well, I want to, but also I'm unstable and I don't know what that means. So I don't know if I can afford to take more harm right now. That stable just means randomly I hurt you. Oh, you're taking damage. I'm credible. I'm gonna grab my sword back from me when and just say to Fray, maybe just turn around for a moment. And I want to use my sword and just start
poking around. Maybe it does not turn around. So you're poking the body? Yeah, but using my sword without the flames on, but just instead of using my hand, I just want to use the sword to see if there's any reaction if I cause it more harm, essentially.
So the first thing, there is no reaction from the body. It does not move. No vines come shooting out at you. You do notice that you go to touch the arm a little bit. As you poke it, the whole arm moves. It seems as if rigor mortis has set in. Not like, oh, right now, it is set in.
This was not, she was no longer alive. She has been dead for at least a few hours. Are her eyes open? Yes. Do they look like a normal person's eyes or is there any sign left off her having been controlled? Do the eyes look weird? Are they glazed over anything that wouldn't be normal?
any morticians out there that are listening to this, please shoot me a Twitter, a message on. I would love to know if this is actually a thing that happens, but her eyes have lost their shine. It's not like there's a fog over them or anything like that, but it is just like staring into the void in a way. Okay.
like do they lose their shine? No, I don't know. Morticians let me know. Does she still have anything on her? Like she was wearing clothes, right? So does she have pockets that I could poke around in? Sure, yeah, you start poking in. You find a set of keys. You will find
dirt just like in the pockets under the fingernails. You will also find stuck to the bottom of her feet as you're kind of like investigating. There appears to be just like a piece of tape
It's well worn, it's clear tape. It's not like scotch or anything like that. It is a very solid piece of tape. Hey you guys, did you see that? She has like a tape on her foot. I'm gonna peel it off. There's that sickening as you pull and peel it off.
It is, it is a solid piece of tape. It's not like, like a winky dinky little slipper. It is like probably, you know, about width wise, the size of your hand. It's got those weird sort of weird edges. Anything in between the tape and her foot. Anything written on the other side of the tape. Anything written on her foot. On the other side of you, of the tape.
You see letters, and it's right after a tear. G-I-L-E. Guile? Gilly? And did you say that those letters were on her skin or on the underside of it? It's on the tape. It's a clear tape, but it is a black
uh, like opaqueness to it. It's not like bold or anything like that. It's kind of like opaque. Are they printed or does it look like someone wrote the letters on the tape? Printed. It is very uniform. It's right in the center of it. Like it's fragile tape. Oh my God. Because there was a tear, right?
So, yeah, there was a tear like where someone ripped it and no letters you can read right after that tear. So there might be letters missing. But I think, yeah, it might be that like the word is fragile. Yeah. I mean, maybe it's from the shipment. If she was if she was.
I don't know, expecting a shipment of plants or whatever from the Feywild and she was checking them out and then something happened. She got this stuck on her foot. Did it seem like when Maywyn pulled the piece of tape off, did anything happen to Maywyn when she touched the body? No.
Okay. Didn't even think about it. Well, because I'm wondering, I think I offer to like, pick up to like hold Emma's body. Like if we want to bring her and this seed to either like the greenhouse or some researcher or someone. Maybe they could like tell us more. We should get her to someone. Yeah.
I gingerly pick up her body. Should we just get the car? Okay. The car is like a hundred feet. You can literally see it. It's underneath one of those like light poles, the lights shining down. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Where are we bringing her?
Probably, probably is Sorensen here, still? Whoever's in there. I know they're not the most competent, but they're probably the best people to handle her body, I guess. I mean at least hopefully if we bring her to him right away,
We won't get implicated. Right. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So maybe we go to the police station and we could say like we all like we're coming here first to let you know, but like we are going to take her to like the researchers or like ask them if they're going to or something. Yeah. Yeah, that works. I like that.
Oh, right. You bring the body into a police station, kind of slinging it. I don't know if you guys are going to carry it. Oh, yeah. I have a quick question that raised my hand. I was wondering if I thought the weird blood was really interesting. And I'm wondering if I could just use my knife to like scoop a little bit of that like viscous green blood and just like have it on my knife and maybe put it in like a little like a vial or something in a monster can.

Discovery of 'Blood Goo'

Yeah. Yeah.
out now yes investigators if you can't find something to put your clues in just put it in a monster can yeah no recycling that up i'll say there's probably like a little uh
Like in the back of all the guilds, rental cars, they have a travel investigation kit that usually has the bear, like clue, like envelope bags, stuff like that. So you do put it in a little stopper. Do you follow procedure and like wrap and tape and write who sealed it up and so there's a chain of command and custody. What does the label say, Fro?
What do I write on it? What do you call it? I write blood goo question mark. You have a vial of blood goo question mark.
You guys carry the body of Emma into the Colby station. I don't know if you do it five minutes. Carrie, if you weekend at Bernie's it, do you just like swing it in between you guys like a child? I think I just like Carrie, I've like got her in my arms like like Princess Carrie, like, yeah, like a Princess Carrie. Okay.
The deputy that's in that very first room looks up as you guys come in, and it's just an utter shock for a second. He doesn't even buzz you, and he just runs to the front yelling, Truett Sorensen! Truett Sorensen! And he's going to stick his head out of his office, mid-donut in his mouth, and just goes, oh, shit. Now I do have to remember his accent. Fuck. He was so good.
I feel like I remember the only accident I can do with Southern accent. Not very well though. Oh shit.
Let you give me a second. I'm just going to be right back. And he goes running down the hall. You hear a door open and then footsteps going down stairs after about two minutes. An elevator door dings right next to you. And the elevator comes up and he has a morgue table. I reckon we can put that. That's Emma. Where where'd you find her?
Oh, in her office. Actually, rifling through some papers. I don't know why we didn't think to look there. That seems odd. Oh, gee. Bomb bastard sign. I'm not surprised. Bless your heart. Oh, well, uh,
Case solved? No, not really. What makes you think that? Well, we got the missing person. Oh, wait, no, there are more. Does she look normal to you? I'm holding her and putting her on the table. Does she look normal to you? Is this what normal bodies look like? Don't you want to know what happened to her? She's dead. Didn't you hear the alarm out there?
Oh, damn it. We missed that again, which we need to get a bigger light for that. I swear. I swear. Well, mystery not solved. All right. Yeah, you know, you're right. She does look not like what a dead person looks like. You can see just ringing the hilt of a sword, like her fingernails digging into her own skin. No.
Just going to take a step back away from the droid. Will, we can keep her here on us. That might be best to preserve the integrity of any clues that we might be able to find her. I can get the corner in here first thing in the morning, but Billy, Billy don't wake up before 12.

Discussion on Emma's Body Investigation

Billy's going to have to wake up before 12.
We'll give him a, like a private house call. We'll show up to his house. Yeah, we'll make him up. Well, actually Billy Billy doesn't have he sleeps in the hurts. Even better. Easy. Our coroner is a weird guy. Won't lie to you. Um, does, um,
Would you be able to have one of the research folks join the coroner looking at this body? Because it truly doesn't seem like your average death or your average post-mortem body. And I think this has something to do with the fae. And someone with more knowledge should take a look as well.
And magic, somebody adapting magic, should also be there. That's true. We should give this to the proper people. Yeah, no, Billy really isn't the proper people. I won't lie to you. I can't even get into the mistakes that he's made.
I'll loop in Druid Alfonso. He's the Druid in charge of the foreign greenhouse. I think he might be a little bit more suitable than a researcher's just because they're more kind of mundane. Like, oh, this plant's good for if you're losing your hair. This plant's good for if you're... I don't even... I don't... Their work is beyond me.
But I can certainly loop in Drew Delphamzo, Sokar Moraine. He might also be a good guy to loop in. He's one of the researchers. So yeah, I'll see when I can bring him in and keep you on the loop on that one. I got one of your cell phone numbers. I can figure that out. My deputy can help me with that as well.
When is the earliest that this can happen tomorrow? Hopefully the druid Alfonso and their researchers will be up well before 12. Oh yeah they typically wake up for sunrise because that's a good time for the flowers and the plants so it's really just our corner.
I guess I might, I might be willing to admit that those on the security payroll and like, you know, that sort of payroll, we're a little bit lackadaisical. The other payrolls are... No kidding. So, yeah, no, that we'll probably start getting, they'll be here first, like, I'll reach out to them. I'll send them a message tonight, you know, a little
little snail. I'll send them a message somehow. I don't even think I really have their numbers. Nah, I can find it. I'm the police. I got access to that sort of stuff. I put my head in my hands. Maywin looks comical, exhausted, just. Are we about ready to head out?
Yeah, yeah, I think I think it's time. You have some broken windows to fix, by the way. Oh, he looks out to the windows. What? No, those are all fine. Oh, okay. My bad. Are we? Are we leaving? Did we show them the seed?
I don't want to show them the seat, I don't think. Incredible. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. I think I'm gonna keep this little man in my little pocket. Nice. Okay. All right. Druid. Thank you for your help and your hard work. We are going to be going now. He starts wheeling the body of Emma into the elevator to take it down.
On our way out, do we see the hearse that Corner boy is sleeping in? Billy. Billy? You do not see the hearse that Billy is sleeping in. Alright, okay. Never mind. I was gonna give him a little boot stomp on the door while we were walking back.
um do we want to go visit the the greenhouses while no one is there to get a tour for ourselves before we turn in for the night how are we feeling oh fray you're fucked up a little bit who me yeah you with your unstable i'm like i'm like i'm like actively please and i'm like um what do you mean yeah what do you mean you don't want me to shock
Look at that and try and help. I hang my head. Yes, please. I want to step up to Fray and do what I've probably done a hundred times already. You might be jinxing. I mean, it's not always gone well in the past. And I want to just put my hands on
her shoulders and just squeeze her a little and try to heal her a little bit. All right, Rollier plus cool. Lay on those hands. I'm gonna lay on those hands. Oh, I rolled a double six. Whoa. Or a 13. Hell yeah. I healed too. Yep, too high. And that takes away the unstable.
That takes away the unstable, and you know what? Technically, you're not advanced or anything like that, but I'll say with this sort of thing, you see these hands go on to fray, and this bright light begins to heal that cut that Amiko's sword did. And from that cut, as it begins to heal up, a little vine crawls out.
Crawl's out of- wha- Oh! No, no. Can I- I stomp on it. I stomp on it immediately. You smoosh that vine. And it splatters. It's kind of like the slug speared away. Crawl's out of fright? Out of my, like, cut? Yep. Out of your cut. Can I have a closer look at the wound? Is it completely closed now?
It has closed up. You don't see any movement inside the skin of Fray. Nothing like that. I grab Fray's face. Look at me in the eyes. And I want to do the same thing I did with the seed, except I want to look around for the same feeling that the seed gave me. All right. Do some use of magic. Wait, where's my thing?
Six plus two is eight. All right. Six plus two is eight. What a horrible little laugh. You do it.
You don't sense any foreign consciousness in Fred. You don't see, you don't feel any of this consciousness and you are directly looking for it. Maywen, you do feel this consciousness right now. You feel it enveloping the very air in the West. You feel it in the ground.
far away you you are now just connected to this consciousness and it feels you too oh oh no oh no um you feel it begins to grow closer inch by inch
worming its way towards you. Slowly. Fray. I have your head in a little bit of a death grip and I am staring at you in the eyes and I feel like as this happens, you see like first there is full relief. There's nothing here.
phrase good and then it's horror and then it's confusion and more horror and I let go and I'm gonna spin around click and and we gotta go we gotta go something something is coming from that way and I point west and and I saw it and it saw me and I think
I think whatever the seed in my pocket is, is calling it. Are we safe anywhere? I don't know. I don't know. Do we go west and meet it? Shall we destroy the seed? Maybe we destroy the seed. Oh man. What if there's more information that we or the researchers can get from it?
Okay. Maybe I mean, if it's, if it's not approaching too quickly, we can head to the greenhouses and see what we can find. And if you are able to feel how close it is may win, then we might know when to get out of there. But if it can now find us because we have the seed. I kind of take us on the clock. Yeah, we
We'll have to face it sooner or later. Yeah, let's see what we can find out about this seed before we destroy it. Okay. Okay. Does Maywynn get a sense at all of like how far away this presence is or this consciousness is? All the real sense is from the West, not
It's not close, like it's not like walk out the door, which is to the lesson. Oh, there it is. It's more just like kind of being like you log on to AIM and you see that someone is live, you know they're live.
you know, generally where they probably are in the vicinity of this town. But you're not sure are they, you know, in their living at their living room computer? Are they on their phone? How are they accessing this? You don't quite know. West? Yeah. Is that worthy? Is that also where the greenhouses are?
The greenhouse is down to the south. Oh, south. So you guys are at the town offices right now, which is in the eastern section.

Journey to the Greenhouse

The research facility is pretty much right next to you. It's up a hill, a series of hills. It does have a large thorny kind of maleficent fence surrounding it with a gatehouse. You know, there's, you came from the west originally passed by the pier
and the medicinal plant fields. The foreign plant greenhouses far southwest past the fungi fields which are directly to the south over the bridges, stuff like that. I would say let's move south. Let's give ourselves a little tour of the premises.
And then see what we can find out and hopefully Maywin will be able to pick up if this ominous presence is coming any closer. As we're walking, then Maywin will kind of stay in step with Amaco.
I know you've been places that we haven't been before, since before the guild. Have you seen anything like this? Do you know? It's like a host, almost. At least that's what it feels like. Like a parasite. Yeah, I mean, I've seen things like people
being possessed but I can't say I've seen a vine crawling out of a person. Yeah. Yeah. Nothing like this plant-based.
do I think I like as we're walking and I'm like hearing you guys talking and I say do we do you guys think that this consciousness that may win feels is connecting with the seed or the little guy that we have trapped that jumped out of it? I mean if it's a plant then it might just all be connected somehow but
I think, okay, so I think the seed is just a mode of transportation, right? Like how plants kind of put spores out. And then the sprout is the actual, I guess, like source of energy traveling within the seed. That being said, I don't know, like do we
I don't know. I don't know how to handle this. Do we rip it apart? I mean, personally, I would just burn it, but... What happens if we plant it? Like, not in the ground, but like in its own pot, you know? Is it gonna be like a Feed Me Seymour situation? Or... That's canon in this universe now.
little shot before us. Maybe, maybe that's something that we can bring up to the people in the greenhouse or the researchers when we see them is, is that an option to in a like closed off safe environment? Right, a controlled setting. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And you were saying sorry, you were saying to plant the seed and not the sprout or the which one?
I think they're connected, right? Like it's a little seed pod and the sprout coming out of it. The sprout and the sprout are connected. Yeah. Oh, they're like li- Yeah. The vine is smushed. They're kind of very different things, in a way. Like the vine seemed more like a, like a jungle vine kind of thing and the seed is more like a sprout, a root.
As we talk about this, I'm just scraping off the smushed vine from the soles of my shoe. Remembering that I stomped on it. So you guys are reaching the green. You're going down. Are you going to the research facility or are you going to the foreign plant greenhouse? I think we were going to the greenhouse.
Yeah. Are you driving or are you walking? Oh, I kind of assumed we were walking. I think I also assumed we were walking. You would see that as we were walking, Amakol was automatically steering towards where the car is parked because she's very excited about going in the car again. She would just drive everywhere. She's not driving herself, but she wants to drive everywhere.
passenger princess for life. I love it. So you guys get to the car, start driving there, and you go clattering over the wooden bridge to the south to go into the more kind of living area of the village.
The South is more where workers will live, residents, you'll find little shops, little coffee shops, the coffee bean, you know, you are driving through this, you drive
through the fungi fields, the roads actually are going to drive through it. You see small little beds. You see downed trees that have various mushrooms poking out of them. You see massive ones that are over 30 feet tall and make just small little shelters. You swear you for a second as you drive by, you see a cable or elf just living in one, but you're not 100% sure.
You cross over another wooden bridge, one of the five that are in this village, and you're driving past these small houses into the large woods. A small trail leads you, you follow the little wooden signposts.
leads you to the Thorn Plant greenhouse, a massive glass building in the center of the woods that has no trees covering it, except for you do see that there are shades throughout to block sunlight when they want.
There's no guard house leading to this one like you've seen at the research facility. You come up to the front door, there's just a small little parking garage there, probably only just one floor. As you guys get out, there's only a couple lights in this greenhouse right now. It's just a singular rectangular building that's probably a couple hundred feet long.
It's a massive greenhouse. You see, as you guys are approaching the lights leading up to it, you get to the front door, which is locked. There's a little button on the side of it with a sign next to it that says, for shipping and receiving, please press the button. I will hand the keys that I have to Frey.
that I took off Emma. Oh, yeah, can I try the keys? Like any of Emma's keys? Go through the keys and you don't find one that works there. Um, I look to my friends and I say, do we want to knock or am I trying to get us in here?
Do we see any signs of activity here still? Lights on anywhere or? The shades are drawn on many of these kind of glass pane windows. It's fully glass all the way around. But you do see some openings. Light is coming through a little bit in some places. So there are some people inside potentially.
Maybe we try knocking or hitting the button just so as not to arouse suspicion. If we break in, we are supposed to be here. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We hit the button. You hit the button and you don't hear like a baler or anything like that. There's a small little robotic voice that comes on and goes, ADT mobile solutions connecting you with clients now.
Please hold. Oh my god. And after about 30 seconds you hear a voice come through a little speaker. Yes, what can I help you with today? Hi, we have a seed we need to drop off. A really important seed. Are you with the post office? We were not expecting delivery at this time.
Yeah, we weren't expecting the seed either. It's kind of, kind of a rush job. Give me a persuade someone role there, Maywin. Or, yeah, give me a manipulate someone. Ah, Maywin. One, two. I swear to god I rolled double sixes, which is incredible because I have zero charm.
Incredible. Nice. Incredible. Oh, yes. Give me a second. I will come let you in. And you wait probably about maybe a minute or so. And the door opens up to reveal just this massive greenery inside. It's like walking into the biggest
garden center that you've ever been in. Just neat rows of small wooden tables. The smell of flowers and different plants just assaults your nose in ironically a pleasant manner. Not like, you know, just being completely bombarded, but it seems to waft out. There is a tall, thin, lanky male
with a very long haircut that goes down past his shoulders. There's dirt smeared on his face, and he wears very wire-themed spectacles. I'm sorry, I do not recognize you. We were hired by your druids to take care of this.
Oh, you are the guild. Yes. Come in. Yes. Come in. Let me let me you said you have seat for me. Yeah, we think. Oh, sorts. Okay. Wonderful. Let me let me bring you
into the back we can go through this the seed I guess I wasn't expecting anything I already got all my packages from Josephina this week but I guess I will take a new seed here I'm always welcome to figure out new stuff and yeah I am Drew Dalphonso I will follow me

Meeting Druid Alphonso

and he will begin leading you through the roads. You're walking through this greenhouse, which has plants that you probably have seen in the guild. There are plants that you know will help promote healing past an extraordinary level, kind of like the lay on hands that Amaco does, where it's just like flash and boom, healed. Something most normal people do not have.
You see Venus fly traps that are the size of cows, massive bulbs. These are locked behind gated areas. You see sunflowers that are right now kind of just drooping their head as you guys walk, automatic lights come on to guide your way. As those UV lights come on, the sunflowers
begin to move and go towards the lights. You see these small humanoid faces on them going, oh, yes. And you guys continue down to a small series of cubicles that are there. And Alphonso will say, step on into my, I guess, I don't really call it my office. I more just call it the place where I don't have to look at plants all the time. Yes.
Under my breath to my friends, isn't this the guy that Sorensen was going to call in the morning? I think so. So maybe, and when you say that, I think I respond by like under my breath as we're following him to these cubicles. I think I say like, are we telling him where we got the seed? Maybe.
Let him have a look at it before we say anything and just gauge his reaction. Yeah, see what he comes to on his own, I think. Yeah, so I guess we follow him in. This cubicle area is just a series of small desks with colanders, vials, potting plants, soil. You see soil that has gold in it.
It's just like gold, dust, you see all these different things that you recognize not as being from this plane of existence. You see bugs in small glass jars that are just, I can't even really describe what they look like. Think of like the worst spider with hair and legs and nope.
It's these insects are not something you ever want to see in life. Oh, my skin. It's awful. And he will take a small rolling table with a series of magnifying glasses on it and little scalpels and stuff like that. And they'll say, are you trying to identify the seed? Are you trying to germinate it? You said it's for me.
I think we have all we can handle right now. Those, those Venus five traps, they will, they'll get you. They will get you. I have enough problems to worry about, but, uh, I think you brought to me, so give it to me. I present him the monster camp. I think we're identifying
identifying. Okay. He looks at it and he is like, Oh, okay. And he shakes the monster can until the seed comes dropping out. It's, you know, some, it's just small enough to filter the whole opening, but it's bigger than what most seeds would be. That sprout that had come out seems to be writhing. He's like, Oh, this is, this is not natural.
I think you already knew that. That is why you're here. I do not recognize this genome. It looks, I guess, kind of like a... And he's going to pull out a book from underneath the table and start flipping through it. Yes, I don't recognize this genome, but
It certainly is a flower that is fae in origin, most certainly. It appears to still be alive and germinated, but I would say maybe it's sentient. Can I try something with it? Like, do you want it to... Do you want me to dissect it? Can I try stuff that could be harmful?
What are the rules you want to put in place for Alfonso so he doesn't mess with whatever you guys are into? I think I look at you guys and then maybe tell Alfonso like I'll say is there anything you can do to
look into if this seed can, like, control things? This, like, this being? You said that if it might be sentient. Yeah, the magical aspects. Yeah. Yes, I might be able to. Yes, that to me.
He starts going through his different desks. He gets a mortar and pestle out and starts crunching up some of these insects into it and takes various minerals from around the table, mixes it. He's going to chant and sprinkle this on the seed. You see this sprout begin to flail wildly as he looks at it and his eyes go green for a second.
And you just hear him say, this is not the creature itself, but it will infect people. This seed allows it to control its minions. It wants to disperse the seed everywhere. It wants to control everything.
Soon we will all be its thralls. And soon... Oh, and he shakes his head and his eyes go back to normal and he says, oh yeah, that's fucked up. That is, no. No, no. It's not something we would have here. No. Well, we do experiment with different types of plants from the aether. We do not experiment with this sort of plant. No.
I, you are going to be hearing from Sorenson tomorrow morning. And I think given that you, that you're going to be pulled into this tomorrow anyway, we'll give you a little insight into where we got this. This was inside one of your citizens, Emma Salvatore, who had gone missing.
I had heard she'd gone missing. I hadn't... I've been so busy that I haven't been up to date on the local goings-on. We just got probably the largest shipment in recently. But... that's... that is... she's deceased? Very much so, yes. That is... and you said this seed was inside of her? Piloted her.
Yeah, she was able to like, she had vines coming out of her skin. She attacked us. Her blood hasn't been blood anymore. Yeah, I pull out the I pull out a little vial of blood goo question mark. I lift up my foot and show the remains of the smushed vine on my soul. This is very
This is very, uh, concerning, certainly. Yeah. How did you stop her? Is that she was attacked you? Like what? What, uh, what did you do? Did you? Well, there's no two ways about it. We had to fight her. Okay. But that's work that stopped. I will say I'm a little concerned because it sounds like you were able to stop her.
I guess the best word to use is zombie in a way, but it seems like it didn't have any effect on the actual seed itself. It seems like this thing is still very much thriving and trying to do its master's will. Yeah, I think there's a lot more where this came from.
I was able to I guess connect with whatever the source is in this seed and it is there's more coming whatever it is that's coming what it looks like how much I don't know but this seems to be
like an infection of sorts. That is concerning to say the least. You can say yes or no to this, but I think we should maybe try and stop the seed right now. I mean, if the infection seems to be spreading from the seeds,
There are a couple things I can try to stop it from being alive if you want. Well, you have, you have, you said it was a flower seed? A seed that comes from a flowering plant? Yes, it looks like something that would flower eventually. Did you get a recent shipment of flowering plants in?
The research equipment that we got was of various, you know, we got at least about 13 packages. Some were flowering seeds, some were, you know, just regular herbs. Not regular, but magic herbs. Not that type of magic herbs. That's, that is, though technically we do grow that, but that is more technically mundane.
so i am a business none of these this seed was not uh one of the one of the seeds for the flowering clients that we got but now that you mention it i ordered 13 things but we got 14 packages
Josephine said it must have been some kind of mistake. And I don't know, you know, I don't know why it was shipped here. I didn't order it. Josephine's memory was probably wiped, huh? I didn't do that. That's I. Yeah, she said it must have been some sort of mistake and she she took it back with her.
So I post office. Yes. The post offices to the west of the lake. Yes, it is in the probably maybe like 10 minutes away from here and stuff up a couple of streets. Was she going to send it back? I believe so. I won't lie. I don't really like
the trades that we have with the Fae are I just tell the druid Harrotson what I need and he deals with the trading of the Fae so I did you know Josephine said that she was going to mention it to him which strikes me as odd because she doesn't really know about
the deals, the trades. I don't think we've ever had to send something back like that. The packages? These come in. Are they marked with fragile tape?

Seed Infection and Fae Connection

Oh, yes, typically. There's like, I won't buy a lot of the ones we get are living. So we want to make sure that they come secure. Yeah. Yeah, you know, and he'll actually like go
outside of the cubicle a little bit and come out with a giant box. He's just carrying it and he'll plop it down and he'll like to show you along the seams of it like, yes, this is a, and it matches the tape exactly. Maywin pulls the tape out of her pocket, she kept it, and puts it, lines it up perfectly with the tape on the box.
um just just for comparison and to the druid uh she says since you're in this now this was on the bottom of emma's foot when she finally yeah yes i understand what you are putting down when she died
Well, when she stopped moving. Then she died again. The second time. When her corporeal form was dotted with its processes. Right, yeah. But, okay, so let's say, let's say this source somehow got control of Emma. We found her in her office, but she had fragile tape
on the bottom of her foot. So she would have had to go into the post office before her office. But what would she need from the post office? Would she have brought anything regarding the audit to the post office? I don't know.
I look at Alfonso, I'm like, sorry, I know you don't know this information. Yeah, I'm sorry, that is not my department. My payroll is separate.
Um, do you think if there is potentially a shipment of these seeds and that are now sitting in the post office, do you think it would be, should we kill this sprout that we currently have that might be calling out to them? Or do we bring it with us to help us lead us to where a whole bunch of these other seeds might be? Like a radar. Hmm.
I think that I think both options are very viable. I think it's plants are all different in all varieties.
I think maybe right now if you want we should discover how to kill it because if you come up against a whole bunch of stuff like this, this is I think very infant. Look at this little sprout, it is just teeny tiny. Perhaps it is not normally so teeny tiny. If it was completely controlling a body, I think it would have to be all throughout the body.
So maybe figure out what kills it now so you can do that later. But that being said, if you can't even find it, then what's the purpose of knowing how to kill it? I think I don't know if we'll have any trouble finding it because I think it's trying to find us.
I think that might be a good time for me to be like, maybe you should leave now. But it's coming to find you. I don't want it to find Alfonso. Alfonso, you're kind of in this now. You can't pitch out. You're in it. I guess I am in it to win it, as they say. That's right. We were going to win this damn thing.
So would you like God to for me to try and figure it out right now? Or maybe we leave it with you to do we want him to dissect it maybe like well if we're like gonna go make our way to this post office.
or do like or grow it. There could also be benefit to like trying to let it grow. But then if we don't know how to kill it. I mean, if you step if Amaco stepped on a vine earlier or something. Oh, I I lift up my shirt. I'm like, oh, by the way. And I gesture to the now healed cut on my side and I say,
My friend here, upon impaling this seed out of Emma's body, accidentally nicked me in the side. And as she was healing this wound here, there was a little vine. And I like shiver as I'm saying this. There was a little vine that jumped out of the thud.
Now to my knowledge, there isn't any, I feel normal. I don't think that there's anything wrong with me at the moment, but there was quite literally a little plant that came out of the wound in my side that Amaco stepped on and killed it. So don't handle the seed with any open wound. I don't think I have any, but I hope to not get any either.
so that is very I do have very good protocols about handling fey plants because they I mean if I didn't I'd probably be eaten by one of those fly traps I use that word because because that is what they
that we normally call them, but they're actually really called Venus human traps because they can trap humans. So I do have very strict protocols in case you would like me to investigate this. And yeah. Yeah, I say we I think that we I say that we try to figure out as much as we can from this before destroying it.
So maybe if you're able to investigate this further, find out any more information about this, that would be helpful in our overall, in this overall case. Awesome. Yes, I can certainly do that. If you'd like, I can page you. If you'd like, do you all still have pagers? Is that something kids have nowadays? I just look confused and free. I look at me when.
Mayman's looking at the ground. We don't. We have phones, so... What was even the point of pagers if people always had phones? Yeah. Yeah. Chew on that for a little while. We're gonna go to the post office and make sure there's not a tiny army of seeds hunting out hosts.
Awesome. Yes, that sounds like a plan. I will get to work. If you want to show yourselves out, please feel free. Do not get too close to the pumpkins. Those will explode. Noted. Yes, I will get straight to work on this and I will. What is your number? I think whoever gave their number to the police, maybe we use that same number.
Is that mine? I think it was yours. Okay, I give him my my phone number. Well, interesting. It is. I don't think I've seen a number like this. In what way? Let me see if I have this right. I just want to make sure 588 and no. Yeah, 588 to 300 Empire today. That is your number.
Mm hmm. It sure is. Mm hmm. Okay, I shall I shall call you. Yes, I shall call you. My number, you'll recognize it when it comes up. Don't worry, it will come up. It won't just say Alphonso color ID. Very nice. Okay. All right.
Thank you, Elconzo. By the way, you do have to press the button before leaving the greenhouse. Like, there's a button on the door, you have to press that. We do that just so most plants don't know how to press buttons. So if they try and leave, they can't get out the door. What do you mean, most plants? If they try and leave. At most? Yes, if they try to leave, they can't get out. Okay. Yeah. Don't worry about the most. We have those away from the button.
Can you just make sure you keep the seed and the little thing growing out of it contained, please?
I can certainly do that. He actually like, he'll take a sheet off of a nearby desk that covers up a giant enclosed vent area. And right before he puts the seat in, he opens up the door and he takes this like this weird like flint and steel kind of things and sparks it light in front of the top of the ceiling.
And it's like, yes, I have this containment thing. One push of this button. Seed is incinerated. Perfect. If that works. Not all seeds can be burned. Hopefully, yes. Well, fingers grow. I have a double things. Don't worry. Don't worry. Yes, wonderful. Have a wonderful time. I will enjoy. Actually, no, I won't enjoy this. This sounds really dangerous.
But that will be very careful. Alfonso is very careful. You got it. I clap him on the back to the post office. All right. You guys get to the front door of the greenhouse and you push the button. You push the button. The door is open. I'm looking around for any plans trying to sneak out with us. You didn't see that. Oh my God.
Oh boy. I'm gonna go roll, read a bad situation. What is that? A shark? Okay, let's see. Oh, come on. What's with the high rolls? I'm so pissed off. That's an 11. Oh my God. That's awesome. So you get a hold three, so you can ask three of these questions.
Are there any dangers we haven't noticed? The dangers that you haven't noticed is that Alfonso is the only one here. Something bad happens to Alfonso is the only one here. So there's one question that's what's
my best way in. Aside from the button that apparently means someone else has to buzz us in, can I ask or can I find out if there's another way to get in where Alfonso is? You do see that there are pipes
along the ground where water is being brought in. They're not small little itty bitty pipes, they are actually pretty large graded pipes. And that would be a way into the facility through the pipes? Yes. So the sewer system essentially? Yes.
What else? Maybe. Do you want to ask what the what's the biggest threat? Yeah, I don't know if any of these plants are sentient. It sounds like some of them are dangerous, but like I should identify which one's the most dangerous. I was thinking more in terms of if there's any other dangerous plants that our seed
creature thing could merge with or turn into a more powerful plant as in that might be a threat but yeah but but let's go with what's the biggest threat the biggest threat to you right now is the you
As you guys are walking along, you see a bunch of wooden barrels that say miracle grow. How many? And there is a strong magical eminence from these. Did we do the right thing? Oh, I don't like the idea of him having the plant thing at

Debate on Magical Barrels

all. But I don't see what else we could do aside from just
incinerated ourselves. So how big are these barrels? They're not very, they're kind of like small cloth barrels. They're not massive, you know, things. In fact, the barrel, there is a thing that says only one cup for a human sized plant is necessary. How close to the door? And
any entrance to the sewer systems are they they are on like the main walkway so they're probably maybe like 50 feet from the door you can see like the sewer entrances are the water entrances not quite sewer maybe but you see they are on the side of the wall so those are pretty far i don't like
how close they have this magical plant growing stuff to a greenhouse full of overpowered magical plants. Do we want to move this away just in case one of the plants does learn how to press a button or also what I mean Afonso considers himself very careful,
What if something does happen and he does get infected and he goes out and he eats whatever is in these barrels? How many barrels were there? Just two. Okay. Do we see any of them inside the greenhouse? No, you haven't seen any as you guys are walking. I just grabbed one.
I can just portal them. Oh, I just want to get rid of them. I don't want them here. Yeah. No, that's a good point. I don't like that. Because what if he does get infected? We can bring them back if nothing happens, but I don't want them here. Yeah. Okay. Um, I mean, even just putting them in the trunk of the car might help.
Would we know that, I mean, obviously it's magical plant food or whatever. Would, for example, Maywin be able to tell if another magically inclined person could suss out where the barrels went if we just put them in our trunk? They do have a strong magical aura coming from them. So you do think
You know, anyone who's kind of attuned to that stuff would be like, that's weird. That's suspicious. I could be able to have barrels from a mile away. Yeah. They might not know that it's the barrels. They might just be like, oh, OK, that car has maybe they have like the Holy Hand Grenade in there. And you have Fonsil, mate. Yeah, he does work with them, so he might be able to recognize like the magical signature in a way.
and Alfonso infected by a seed definitely yeah he would probably tear into the trunk but also if we're leaving now with the car if we just take the plant food with us leave it in the trunk we no longer have the seed
What if we're heading to the post office where there's potentially another box full of the seeds? Good point. Maybe we just- Did you say, Maywen, that we could just throw these in a little pocket dimension? Sort of? Portal them somewhere? Yeah, I have an idea where I could put them. Then maybe do that? I open up a portal directly underneath the barrels.
Six plus two plus two is ten. Nice. Yeah. Okay, the barrels go shooting into this hole. Where do they end up? In Bart's bed. Middle management Bart. Back at the guild. Yeah, they just crash right all over it.
All right, so I will say this is a far distance you're sending it. So it's more of a magic. Yeah, it's not so much a just a simple thing. So it's worth it. I am going to ask you to make two more use magic rules. Okay.
Ooh, 4 and... 4, 1, and 2 is 7. 6, 1, and 2 is 9. Alright. So a 10, 7, and a 9, I think it was. Wonderful. It goes through the portal. You do feel that the portal is connected to the guild. You kind of know the way to bypass the wards there.
So as you, the barrels did reach the guild. They're safe. I lied. Great.

Cliffhanger Ending

Let's check out this post office before we have more zombies potentially upon us. There's no way they just have a box of sentient seeds, right?
There's no way. Somebody would notice. Do we know if Josephine is the only person working at the post office? Like, is it a really small one that just handles this or? You don't know. Oh goody. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. I'm sure it's fine.
You guys begin to pile into your car. You see, just as you guys are, the doors closing, the lights inside Alfonso's little cubicle are going to town. He seems to be working hard. You hear him go, hmm, yes, that is weird. Oh,
Oh, no, bad, bad sprout. Okay, good. And you guys pile into the car and begin driving through the small woods. You pile into the car driving back along the main road through the area. You take the right turn towards the post office.
and you notice that the post office lights are on. It is currently nine o'clock at night. As your car pulls into the parking spot in front of this two-story building, you exit the car getting ready to go into the post office.
You don't notice the vines that were beginning to creep along the trees begin to crawl down the trees through the grass along the edges of the street, heading towards the post office. And that's where we are going to end for today. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Thank you all so much for listening and dealing with my great, great accents that I am so proficient at. I'm EarthosCreations. You can find me at EarthosCreations on all social media. Look me up. I'm fun. I'm cool. I'm hip. No, I'm not. I'm not hip. I am fun, but not hip. Definitely not hip. I've been joined by three invigorating
tantalizing, I don't know. We take it. Let's start off with Amaco. Amaco, well, Danny, who have you been playing and what do you think is happening right now in this mystery? I've been playing Amaco, a divine hunter who has kind of been on the hunt for what's happened to her brother and
or her sibling and who has killed them. And while doing that, has stumbled in with Frey and Maywyn here. And she thinks that whatever has come from the Feywild is some type of plant monster and she wants to burn all of it down. All right. Now we also have Bree. Bree.
Who are you playing and what do you think? I am playing Maywyn, a weird, spooky mercenary who is starting to think this is an inside job. Yeah, yeah. All right. And also you can find her at Fates Whispers on Instagram, TikTok. Come get it over. Yeah.
Kofi, right Kofi? Is that how you pronounce it? That's such a good question. I don't know how to say it. Kofi, Kofi. Kofi sounds very lo-fi. Yes, it's supposed to be like a coffee, like give someone a tip so they can get a coffee. That's the whole thing. That's true. That's so smart actually.
Go check her out in all those places. And last but not least, we have Allie. Allie, who are you playing and what does she think?
I was playing Frey, a sneaky, angry burglar who is feeling like, one, the post office is going to have a box full of these sentient seeds, and two, I just had a second idea and now I forgot it.
rats. Hold on. What was it? Oh, that it may. I'm now if Ray is now doubting the the how smart it was to leave the seed with Alfonso. Oh, yeah, I'm nervous. And I don't know if that was the right move. And I think that we're going to find a box full of seeds and maybe potentially already zombified people in the post office.
But what is the choice we made? Amaco has had no faith whatsoever and is expecting Alfonso to be taken over by a plant.
Well, you heard it here, folks. Hopefully Alfonso survives, but they don't have faith in him at all! Thank you all so much for listening. The theme song was written and created and played by the Dungeon Maestro on TikTok. Come back in two weeks time to see what is in the post office, if anything. Who knows? I don't.
Thank you all so much for listening again. Have fun, do your best, and remember, we believe in you. Bye!