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Dungeons of Quandary: The Final Door Part 3 image

Dungeons of Quandary: The Final Door Part 3

Dungeon Problems!
13 Plays1 year ago

The Dungeons of Quandary are self-contained adventures filled with puzzles and Mysteries!

After discovering that something isn't quite right with the members of the Worshippers, illusions that seem all too real, the party plans to meet with the other factions. Can the other factions be of use or are there problems to be solved with each one?

Mr. Baca (Babu)
Mr. Bluejibbles (Lerion)
Lion5kmr5k (Arlen)


Themesong composed by Thedungeonmaestro on tiktok and Instagram


Introduction to The Dungeons of Quandary

Come once again to my podcast. I'm EarthosCreations. This is the Dungeon Problems podcast, the special miniseries, the Dungeons of Quandary, the Dungeon of the Final Door.

Meet the Adventurers: Larian, Baba Kun, and Arlen

I have three brave adventurers with me tonight who are trying to see if they can conquer the puzzles within. We're going to start off tonight with Mr. Bluegibbles, who is playing Larian of the Silverwing, Wood Elf Monk,

Recap of Previous Events: The Magical Book and Monocle

Way of the Shadow, and he has magic hands. Then we have Mr. Baka, who is playing... I am playing Baba Kun. He is a large, boisterous human bard.
And our final contestant is Mr. Lion 5K, Mr. Lion 5K, Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Lion 5K, Mr. Lion 5K, Mr. Hello, I'm playing Arlen, the High Elf Inquisitor rogue. I see my new things, good. Minute, minute things, good. I see things in minutes. Yeah, everything within minutes. Yeah.
During our last game they angered Oserim for a little bit but managed to calm him down and talk to them about what they've heard from some of the other members of the worshippers and they assured them that no one actually died from meeting the Lord. That was just something crazy unless they failed the Lord and then they did die.
If they can help the Lord out, they stay alive and it's all peaceful and good and harmony.
So they talked a little bit about how they want to proceed and found, while looking for Ariana to see if she'll come with them, they found a magical book and solved the puzzle of the missing pages or the reordered pages. And then solved the puzzle of the useless contraption that had absolutely nothing to do with the puzzle. That's when my magic hands came in.

The Minotaur Illusion and the Puzzle of Darkness

By beating this book puzzle, they received a monocle of true sight and they left the chamber, looked upon ignore the Minotaur, and realized that it was Ariana? What? And now, once again, they have another puzzle before them. So let's see if they can solve some dungeon problems.
Sure amounts and never grows, and wins are to the spider Darkness fills up empty halls, and turns an endless spider What we're here for is mysteries, but puzzles yet unsolved So sad secrets lost to history, as doubts and problems solved alone
Dungeon zoom, problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all.

Exploring Illusions: Ariana, Ignar, and the Monocle

Dungeon zoom, problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all.
You've now seen the strange sight before you. What are you going to do? Ariana, what's going on here? Sort of tilt my head a little bit as I'm looking at them. Ignor does not respond to you. You're saying that this is Ariana?
I guess it kind of makes sense. I can see that I will walk up and I will kneel down and look, Ariana, directly in the eyes through the illusion. Are you looking through the monocle as you do that or

Testing the Reality of the Minotaur Illusion

are you not looking? Yes, I'm looking through the monocle as I do it. Kneel down in front of this minotaur and grabbed by the wife. We know what you're looking at.
You're looking at her through this monocle and she had that same dazed expression that Ignar has on her face Does she have Kool-Aid on her lips? You do not see Kool-Aid on her lips If I stand up and just sort of try like touch Ignar on the shoulders my hand just passed through or does that make actual connection?
Give me, what did we do for Larian's magic hands? Is this light of hand? No, it was an athletics. Give me an athletics check. I'm going to break the Minotaur. Can I ask a question before you do that, though? When we walked past Ignar and he was, it was working on the statue. Did it look fucking weird?
Like was the minotaur actually like holding the chisel and stuff in its hands like with it up to its face? Yes. So it looked legit. Okay. It wasn't, it didn't look really silly or anything. No, it wasn't his king. It's just choosing. Yeah. Chiseling. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, just an illusion. If it's just an illusion, it could have looked silly.
Three three minus one. You put your hand and you're touching the Minotaur and he looks at you and he goes. Yes. Sort of look back at the others and

Dazed Expressions: Connections Between Ariana and Ignar

also say so this monocle can see I'm getting through illusions and stuff and I could see Ariana in.
the Minotaur. The Minotaur's an illusion. Fuck. Can anyone dispel magic? Big man. Why would you ever want to get rid of magic? Because the total is stuck inside a fucking Minotaur.
But also Ariana has the same expression as our minute-tall friend. Ah, we warned her not to drink the goulade. Well, we were given the go-ahead to take Ariana with us. This is not Ariana, though. Technically. Wow, if anyone wants to try and stop us, we'll put the monocle on their face.
Are we going to have trouble for showing the monocle? No, look, it doesn't matter. We should take Arianna with us to the herbalists. I'm certain they will be able to thought this nonsense. Maybe. Maybe is better than Novi. Let's go. That is true.
I don't think we've got anything left to do here. Yeah, let's go to the, uh, the herbless, I guess, and see if... Ignar! Good news! You're coming with us! I have to finish the statue. It's okay! How do I save us permission? You're allowed to come with us. Give me a... deception check.
Did I say that? I meant the big man was gonna say it. Too late. Fuck. Deception? This is the truth. No, the truth is, Harrod said you could take Ariana with you.

Ariana's Identity Crisis and the Herbalists Plan

Exactly, and this is Ariana. Pray for big roles.
Could I get assistance though? Cause I did hear, um, Baba or Babu. I was in the middle of saying, yeah, you know, you should come with us. All right. You can have advantage. Thank you for the pity advantage. I appreciate it. So that's a 10 and a 10 together. And it's a 20. Yeah.
No, the Lord says I need to finish this. We can take care of that. Don't worry about it. I'm going to cast Mage Hand and take the hammer and I don't know how that works, but. Yeah, I'm just going to I'm just going to clap twice and it's going to a beautiful elven face is going to appear.
with minor illusions. I did it! Yes, yes, good luck. Let us go. Let me grab my things. What do you need? We can help. I need... In fact, it's only gonna be a day trip.
And he's going to start walking slowly towards the bedrooms. Oh, the bedrooms are this way. And I start leading him out of the. Out of the place. Give me a. Oh, you're going to lead him. Give me the athletics pose grapple. Your memory is not that great. I've got to show you where the beds are.
Negative negative natural ones. No, I'm just like, she's right. Just getting dragged. You're dragging you along and he goes into the bed and he lays down in this bed and falls asleep. The impression on the bed, is it like half the bed or is it the whole bed?
The bed is very well slept in. So it's the impressions in the whole bed then. Right. It is the depression that we see. Is it the depression of Ariana? Or is the whole bed being pressed down by a Minotaur? Give me a perception check. I'll do that. Oh my God, bro. I just cannot roll.
I got like two natural 20s in the first session and now it's just terrible. I got a 19. You are looking at it and the whole bed just seems to be a little weighed down, but you're looking at the mattress kind of and you see there is the shape of a shell poking out of it. How do we fix this?
We could try dispelling it. It's time to spell magic, do we? The big man, mate. Like I said before, why would you ever get rid of magic? So we can fix this. Well, you should have told me that a long time ago. I didn't meet you until 10 minutes ago, dude.
The form of Ignar the Minotaur fades away and Ariana is now in the bed. Perhaps that's when she's awake. She's a Minotaur when she's sleeping.
We just wear minotaur. We just talk to her, though. She's a wear minotaur. That would be fucked up. When we talk to her, she wasn't. Yeah, they seem like they were. They seem like they were there, if you get what I mean. Well, maybe Ariana's personality comes out when Ignar's asleep and then when Ariana goes to sleep, Ignar comes out.

Andar's Secrets: Artifice and Warlords

Or somebody's just fucking with the whole situation with magic. How heavy is Ariana? Oh, she's heavy. She's like 200 pounds. Big man. Yes. Help me. Okay, I'll help you. What are we doing? I'll take the legs. You take the top half. You should carry this. Yeah. You start. Are you helping big man?
Yeah, sure. Let's lift this tortle. You start picking her up and she's going to jolt away and go, Oh, what? What are you doing? Oh, my goodness. Man, that's a very bad personality. Sorry about that story. What?
We saw some strange things in the last like five minutes. I'm seeing some strange things in the last five minutes. I get that and I'm on board with you. What's your relationship with Ignar? Ignar? Yeah, do you know who that is? Yeah, I haven't talked to him much. Have you ever been in the same room as Ignar?
No. Are you completely certain you and Ignar are not the same person? I think I know who I am. I think you do too. And I think you should come with us. Where are we going? Herod gave us permission to bring you with us. We're going to see the warlords. But first we gotta stop at the herbalists. But you are to be our diplomat of sorts.
Oh, okay, um... I'm awfully tired. No, don't do it. Stay awake. Don't make me put these magical hands to work. Excuse me, sir. Not like that. No, no, okay, let's go. I'm already a little skeeved out, but you know what? Man, me too. Let's go.
Let's go. Lead the way and I will be right behind you. Do you have a change of clothes besides your white robes? Is the IS just as soon as she's wearing white robes. Do you have a change of clothes to maybe fit in with? Yeah, I have. I have the clothing that I originally wore when I got here.
Yeah, you would give me some privacy, maybe. Definitely. We can do that. We can we can definitely. I think we just bring her in the white robes. If we leave her alone, she's going to turn back into this goddamn minotaur. But can you be sure once we take our eyes off of her? That won't happen. No, we can't be certain of that. Exactly.
I would much rather not change with you watching me. I didn't suggest that. I said, just leave the white robes on. Okay. Let's, let's go before I wake up. The old doting is go doting is shat situations. All right. Let's make our way out of here.
So you guys are going to leave through the door that you originally came in. And you're now standing in that main chamber with the dais and the original archway. And there are three other doorways out of here. Fabulous. One moment. The Leonin was on the far side.
Just bear with me for one moment. When we came in here, didn't we, was, is that a dead body over there? That is a dead body that we never investigated, yes. We should probably take, I mean, it makes sense that we would kind of just look at what this dead body is. That's in Chamberlain, up in the marble archway, a blue stone stage with a corpse to the right that had been cut open.
Mr. Investigator, Inquisitor, DS, do you see anything with your little tiny eyes? I would investigate the props for anything unusual. And does my monocle choose to pick up anything strange with it as well? Your monocle picks up nothing strange from it. Give me a medicine check.
I'm pretty sure he's dead. Nine. Nine? Yeah, he's been dead for a very short amount of time.
There are just, it looks like the sword that was in him ripped through his stomach in a very clean fashion. Someone who knows how to wield a blade did this. So is he wearing anything? What is he wearing? He is wearing chain mail. Okay.
So it could have been part of the war world, maybe an art of peace. I can't imagine the herbalists wearing chain mail. Yeah. So is there any like insignia on, on him at all? There is a small badge on his, uh, lapel that says for honor. I have an idea and hear, hear me out. Why don't we just ask him?
We could do that. He's dead though. Dead doesn't really mean dead all the time. And I will cast Speak with Dead. Well, why would you want to bring someone back to life? Ask them questions, of course. You cast Speak with Dead. And I know why you took this spell, because it worked so well last time.
He starts to shudder and and move and he sits up and he looks at his belly with his guts hanging out and he just goes. Oh, my God. Oh, no. I'm going to huddle with everybody real quick, quietly. We can only ask him like five questions, so be careful.
What do you wanna ask him then? To ask who he is, what group he was a part of. Why he's here. How he died. That's four. How many questions do we get to ask you? Five. You motherfucker. So you were correct. Yeah, anyway.
That counts as a question. Yeah. All right. So let's ask. Do we want to start with who he was or do we want to start with what group he was a part of? My good sir. Why are you here? I was killed here.
No shit, Sherlock. Okay. My name's actually Dave. Who are you? I am Andar of the Artificers. Okay, it's two and one. Who killed you? Killed by
If I look at the body again, is there any distinguishing marks on it apart from that big open wound on its chest or stomach? There is a little heart-shaped birthmark. Oh, cute.

Herbalists and the Mystery of the Archways

Okay, so that's what the three questions we've asked? No, four.
So we can ask one more. Because. Well, we could ask who our car is. We could ask. We can figure that out. Yeah, it's probably a warlord because the warlords and the artifice has had a bit of a fight before it was stopped. Plenty of people we can ask. Maybe we could ask.
Why that person killed them? Well, I think we can figure that out because there was a fight that happened. But I'm assuming maybe he died before the fight. I want to know. I'm quite curious. Why? Because this body was here when we arrived. Yeah, they were all here. Well, the body is old by the looks of it. Yeah.
But how old? You think the Artifices and the Warlords just showed up and were like, hey yo, what are some new people here? Wait, who's that dead body there? Oh, that's just fucking Greg from just three days ago. The Warlords killed him. Well, they probably know that they killed him because they fought before it stops. Well, actually, we did get told that there was a fight not long ago. I literally said that like five times already.
I just read books. Not well enough. What was your purpose when you were alive here? I served as the third in command of the artificers. I'll give one more because I'm sitting here like.
Waiting for it. All right. Do you reckon he'd tell us about the archway or not? We'd have to investigate ourselves. Maybe there's like a secret code word that could get us into the artifices. I mean, they invited us. Yeah, but then we turned them down. Yeah, they might be quite pissed.
You turning them down. I was standing right there with my sister in blue. And then you walked away. I reckon we asked him about the archway. That's just what type of question about the archway. Do we find it? I mean, we obviously find it a little interesting that.
he's here and four people were just standing there and he's a dead body. A dead body is one thing, but a dead body that has been drained of blood and has had, is split open and had their guts removed. That's a little odd. That's definitely odd. If the fight was like months ago, obviously the artifices can come here. So they didn't come and collect the body to like then bury it or whatever. Maybe there is no way to bury it.
Well, there's no other dead bodies laying around. Yeah, but do you think they'd put their third in command just like out here? Yeah, that's what I mean. They're dissected. And it's pretty weird. I agree. But I'm not sure what we can do about it. What is your question for me? I am tired and would like to return to my eternal last. You've just been sleeping for freaking ages. You can wait one second.
You're going to sleep forever. You've got you've got time. Don't worry about it. We'll get you a pillow. Thank you. Should we ask him if ask him why he was dissected? I'm not sure he would know because he was dead when it happened, probably. I'm not sure how it works. I don't know if they get like
I mean, it's right now consciousness. Yeah, after they did. That's exactly exactly exactly. It's fucking that word. All right. I wrote it perfectly, too. I spelled it perfectly. Inquisitor, do you have any. Inquisitions.
I don't know what else we could ask him besides something about their archway. I mean, we could ask him a question about the other groups. If we wanted to, he might know something. He's a certain command. Yeah, we probably could ask him something about the artifice himself, since he was there at the moment.
I just don't think we're going to hear much out of him if we ask him about the archway. Yeah, that's true. What is the most important piece of information you have? I know Alakar's secret. Yeah, we'll tell us. You motherfucker! All right, that's it.
I'm gonna exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang- exang
Hey, Ariana, do you know anyone by the name of other? Good idea. Let's ask Ariana. Yes, she's the one in charge of the artificers. She's the first in command. Ah, you see? This is why I don't listen to you guys, because I know everything. No, the third in command was murdered by the first in command, and the first in command has a secret that the third in command knew about.
Yeah, that seems like what we just discovered. It's a plus for this gentleman. Like a good broth. Month after month. Yeah, so the herbalist store is right down there to the southwest. The artificers are to the southeast and the warlords are to the south. We've still got some leads to follow up with the herbalists.
We'll go herbalists first, so if we learn anything new, we can change our course from there. The herbalists, they welcome most people through at least some of their doors. I would caution going just immediately into the doors of the warlords and the artificers without getting permission, I guess. I can't help but notice you keep saying artificers.
I believe you'd the pronunciation is artificial. I humbly apologize. You're obviously more knowledgeable than me. I think it's just the accent. It matters. Yeah, obviously from two different parts of the world. All right, to the herbalists. Do we want to knock first or should we just walk waltz on then?
the door opens as you knock on it and there's a beautiful woman with auburn hair standing there she looks at you and goes hello hello there are you um are you hurt
And you look beyond her and there's a small chamber with dozens of shelves on one of the walls. Potion bottles and medical salves fill these jars that are on the shelves. And then there's also a small table across from it where it looks like she was finishing making some potions. I was not hurt until this door opened and your beauty pierced my heart. Oh, you...
Ignore this man. You flirt. Um... I should let you know I am... I am betrothed. Um... So, I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me. Well, you know... Can't win them all. Is there... An inquisitor man? Can I check something really quickly? What do you want to check? I'm gonna grab the monocle and I'm gonna look at Ariana with it. Is she a minotaur? If I look at her through the monocle... She is not a minotaur.
is still herself with Rookay. She is still herself. Curious. I'm just always wearing the monocle, so I guess if I pick up anything, she'd let me know, please. Curious. Well, you took off your spectacles of my new thing. Can I just wear the monocle over the top? Yeah.
I thought you had to like kind of pinch the monocle with your eye though to like... I mean I can just hold it here I suppose as well. You're just walking around there. I think the eyes of my new being are like part of his eye. They're like little like lenses that you can put in there. Yeah they're lenses in the eye. Oh okay okay I thought they were like spectacles never mind. No.
Um, no, we're not here. We're here to potentially talk to, um, I'm assuming your leader was the Leonin we saw out here earlier and potentially Serona if they are available. Oh, yes. Alfred. Uh, he is most likely deeper in.
our land. I do have to warn you, we do work with some volatile chemicals here. He's most likely just lounging in the archway chamber. He likes to spend time there and collect his thoughts. And then, Serona, she's probably in the in the bedroom.
No, she spent a lot of time in there since her husband, Alfred, is generally not to... He does his own thoughts and plans. We must ask, are we free to enter the Archway Chamber? Oh yes, of course, of course.
We don't mind. Obviously, I think we should all work together to try and escape here. We're all stuck here. I think it's kind of silly that everyone wants to kill each other and be the only ones to escape because what does that really do? I agree. Quite foolish. Is there anybody here that you're friends with or anybody in this area that is familiar with illusions or
Making illusions real in particular? Probably Sirona. She has magical experience. She often... I don't quite know what magic she wields, but she does some magic. My husband Drew. He's a Claire. What did he draw? A druid.
He drew my heart. I'm a painter, you see. Cold place. Can they have another few different items there if you want?
Um, if we could go and maybe have a conversation with Alfred that probably did as well. Sure. Um, he's, he's, uh, so if you see right there, there's, there's a small little, um, opening there that, that to the.
uh... to the south that goes to the bed chambers and kind of our preparation area uh... just be a little careful volatile chemicals again uh... and then just straight straight to the west there's a couple different corridors that will open up to uh... the archway chamber which connects to our our growing chamber and our water chamber uh... so just be careful all there too volatile you know dangerous plants and blah blah
Yeah, anything else I can help you with? No, we need it, I believe. We should just head to go see Alfred. Have a wonderful time. Thank you. Nice meeting you. Isadora, by the way. I don't think I've introduced myself. I apologize. I apologize. So rude. Isadora, yes. Isadora.
I am Alan. These are my two companions. I'm Bob again. There we are. It is a pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure. Pleasure is all ours. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, just to the west through one corridor and then you'll find the archway chamber pass there.
Fred, thank you. I guess we will head on the archway first. I guess so. Might be able to convince Alfred to tell us how to proclaim ourselves Lord and the language of Leonin. Maybe that'll do something.
We'll see what the Miatre says as well. So you guys go through a couple doors, a simple corridor that took several sharp turns and at the end of it is another doorway which opens up to a small anti-chamber which sits before the main room of this chamber. So it kind of splits into two parts.
There's a plush sofa that sits opposite of a door to the west where you see this leonin with the reddish fur sitting lounging, just kind of looking up at the ceiling as you enter. Past that is a much wider chamber that contains a singular archway of stone.
across from it is a statue of an elven warrior there's a long staff in their right hand and a shield on the left all these archways have elven statues with them quite peculiar does the elven this elven statue also have an inscription on the back like the last one give me a we'd have to approach investigation i will
Alfred's not going to say anything when we walk past him. He's just looking up at the ceiling. Just staring at the ceiling. As you pass by and begin to investigate this statue, you find no writing. Is there a plaque, though? You don't find any plaque.
Hmm is the face damaged on this one or is it still nope? It is a beautiful pristine elven warrior Does the rest of the physical statue outside of the face? Look, it's the same or identical to the other statue Hmm, or is it in a different pose? No, it isn't a different pose the other statue didn't have a shield and that had a glaive
But does it look like, um, with the facial features match the other body as well? Or like, do we get the feeling that this might be the same elf just with like different attire on? Uh, no, this one is a man. Okay. That's why we went wrong. He's got a huge penis.
This one. Only you'd put a giant penis on the other statue. You turn the Squidward nose upside down. I can do whatever I want with my minor illusion. You can't stop me. Any five foot long if I want it to be. Yeah, and my magic hands. So the archways in this same room. Yes. Does the arch this archway, if we as we woke up to it, also have reading writing on it?
It does not. And it's just a plain stone archway. Interesting. What's on the other side of it? Is it just like in the room and it's like a starch where you can like? Yup. It's just not, you can go through it a couple of times. Looking with the monocle on. Do I see anything change with it? You don't see anything change with the monocle. What if we look at Alfred? If I look at Alfred.
As you look at Alfred with the monocle, yeah, nothing changes. Cool. And he goes, Oh, hello there. Hello, good day. Um, are you looking for something in particular or what are, is there anything I can help you with? We're looking for you. Oh, well, that's, it's easy for me, my friends. You have found me.
Uh, we were, you know, you, you, you had invited us before, I believe. Yes. Yes. And then you decided to go with the worshipers. Any choice, but what a wild ride that is. We haven't decided.
You know, I, we found kind of a fragile piece here. It's not a great living. We have little to eat, but we managed to stay alive and to survive. Um, I've been looking at the archway. The, uh, these worshipers, they've got some calamari. I have not had any moons.
But I was just curious, actually, you know, I'm a studious man myself. I was just wondering, I'm quite interested in the language of the Leonin.

Seeking Drew's Wisdom: Minotaur Illusion Cure

How would you proclaim yourself Lord?
most likely with a roar of great substance. And then are you looking for like the actual like to say I am the Lord? Is that what? Yes, yes, yes, yes. In the land in your in your native tongue. Well,
Most likely you would start off with a giant roar, proclaim yourself as the strongest of the Leonin, and then you would say something along the lines. I guess the more literal translation would be Hakuna Mustafa? Hakuna Mustafa, you say? Yes. I think I've read in a book that it's actually Matata. Well,
Well, I respect your learned wisdom, and I'm sure very book-smart, but I am actually a Leonin. It would be Mustafa. I hope he loves you. Mustafa. Hakuna Mustafa with a big roar. Very peculiar. Well, big man, you think you can roar like that?
I can draw. Do you ask him to draw for you? Well, not right now, but I'm just saying, does he think he's capable? Because he is the biggest of us all. The biggest and the thickest. Not in that way. You sickos. I also have the biggest girth. God damn.
But we also have another problem here. So, I mean, we're investigating archway and things, and we're just wondering, is there anything special about it that you've noticed? But also, our friend here has a bit of a problem turning into Minotaur. I'm just wondering if you've ever encountered that before. The classic case of Minotaurus. You know? Minotaurus Ternicus.
I've not heard of that disease before. The druid might have an idea. He's just beyond, but be careful in the planting chamber. Why should we be careful in the planting chamber? Volatile plants. Oh yes.
I would hate for something to happen to an esteemed guest. To answer your question about the archway, I've thought about it. And it seems there's something about that statue. It looks beautiful, but I feel like its beauty could be enhanced somehow. I just don't know how. I've looked at
I've looked throughout this dungeon. I've fortunately been able to deliver potions, stuff like that. I haven't seen everywhere, but it seems like the architecture and the designs and artwork among the dungeon are connected. It's not just independent. I'm wondering if there are clues elsewhere. Yes, well, we saw a similar statue to yours in the worshipper's den.
Yes, I have. I've seen that one. Quite the mingled face on it though. Yes, I thought they could be related and they are very similar stone working. I didn't gain any sort of insight into this statue. They are different. Built by the same person, perhaps. Does the statue already damaged when you saw? Yeah, I think it's been damaged for as long as anyone's been here.
What question did you have inquisitive man? I was gonna ask, if I look at the statue with the monocle on, does anything change? Nothing changes. We need to enhance their beauty. You know what, I think dimples are pretty cute. I will go and stand next to the statue. No, that was ugly as fuck.
No, no, no, no. No, no, no. By the contrast, I get it. The ugly man stands there and it makes the statue more beautiful. Unfortunately, nothing happens. You found a loophole to your. It's it's the classic, you know, how the how the high school girls do it. Fucking hell. Oh, God.
They always have an ugly friend. I mean, guys do that too. It's true. I totally lost where I was. Yeah, I think we need to go see the druid. I cannot think of anything. I'm not a makeup artist to enhance the beauty.
of this statue is not I am and make up the same thing look I focus more on abstract art Mr. Runner as well so we need to find her because she may know something about the book and to be honest beauty is in the eye of the beholder you gotta fucking chop it off sometimes and just to be clear the your druids name
Is Drew? Yes. Drew the druid. Yes. Very good. Rude the druid druid. His last name is actually Nazar. So Drew Nazar, the druid. So Drew the druid druid, but his name, last name is Nazar. Uh, Larian. Drew.
A picture of Drew, the druid. While he's drawing? While he's drawing. Drew, Drew, Drewing. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I could, but I don't think that's going to be productive.

Battle with the Animated Plant

And I'll just ask. I'm sure I'm sure it's my last investigation, but there's nothing else that sort of stands out with the statue. No, nothing else on it than markings or anything. It's just just nothing. You do need a bonus action like that to find a secret. Let's go talk to Drew. Maybe we can draw some information from Drew. Drew.
I mean, I want to help out Ariana. She's been very helpful for us. I'm kind of worried about this minitorious tourniquets disease that she seems to have. We haven't even had a conversation with her about that. She has no idea what we're talking about. We did, actually. And she was like, what the fuck? She's like, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Yeah. Because we talked about how her and Ignar have never been in the same room.
like Batman. I'm not saying I'm Batman, but you've never seen me and Batman in the same room together, have you? So would you guys like to go to the? I believe we're going to see Drew. All right. All right. You
walk through the door across from the couch and you find yourself in a large chamber that has two parts to it a front and a small hallway to the back chamber and inside there are six flower beds of dark brown soil each one is filled with the strange flowers and plants of all shapes and sizes
You hear sounds coming from a doorway immediately to your right. The sounds of water being put into a bucket and a man grunting. I'll knock on the door. I'll be out in just a second.
Hold on, I'm just getting water, hold on. As you knock on the door, you see a tendril from one of the flower beds begin to move towards you. And you dodge right out of the way as this hulking mass of bulbs and flowers and tentacles to vines begins to move. And you're going to roll initiative.
God yeah, yeah to paint the picture of kind of this combat scene
Arlen and Larian are about 30 feet from this flower bed where this massive, massive flowers and bulbs is arising, about 30 feet away from you. Babu is about 20 feet away at this door. This thing has these long, viney tentacles that are reaching out. Babu, you are up first. What would you like to do?
I draw my sword and shield and I yell at Drew and say, Drew, your plants are getting out of hand. And I will try to stick one of the tendrils with my rapier to the ground, like stick it through like tethering it through the to the ground. All right. Give me an attack roll. All right. Let's see what we get. Oh, that's not going to hit.
11. That will just miss as you stab into the ground. There's like the stone cobblestone and you just avoid nicking your sword, but the vine has moved out of the way. Is there anything else you would like to do? Yeah, let's attack again. Same thing, trying to pin it down.
That will be a sixteen. Sixteen will hit. Roll your damage. Let's see. Let me get a. Eight here. That's a three. So seven.
Yeah. This tentacle, you stab into it and it rips out. This purplish sap is coming out of the wound, but the tentacles still flailing in the air and preparing to attack. Is there anything else you would like to do? Uh, yeah. Oh, sorry. That's two more points on there. Forgot I had dueling, uh, damage.
I will bonus action point over at Larian and be like, you got this, bud.
Do you want to move around this planter a little bit? Also, I do believe in flanking. That's why I made Ghibli use it, but entirely up to you if you would like to move. There are a couple different planters in different positions, but.
how many are there do we see that are there three in this very first chamber and then there's a small chamber past it with three more three that are hostile right now just this one this very first one has arisen all right and i will move back behind it to where strategically that uh my allies would be able to
flank with me. I have 60 feet of movement so it wouldn't even fucking matter. I could have just run around to the other side. But I'm just going to push up to it and be like, oh thanks for the setup boy. And just start fucking giving it the fucking left right good night. Just start punching at it with my hands. My magic hands. I'm going to show you how to feel good. 15. 15, well hit. Let's go.
Wow damage big damage 10 damage on that So with that's with the left and then I come in with the right Dodging and weaving the little fucking tentacles on this thing boo-boo one more For a 20 Dirty 20. Oh, yeah, that's gonna hit and another Another 10 damage How is this?
I don't really see this thing as much of a threat, so I'm not even going to like Flurry of Blows or anything. Okay. You're punching and weaving, dodging. I'm getting advantage on these hits too, I just forgot. That's fine. I might all move out of the way. I'm going to move, shift myself out of the way and let Arlen take advantage of that instead.
Alright, as you aim one of these punches, you knock one of these yellowish bulbs on the top of it, dismantling it, pushing it back, and you see underneath this mass of bulbs and vines, there are corpses interwoven within. Like beating the ballbag. Whoa! They've been feeding this thing people. Arlen, it is your turn.
Arlen will take a couple steps back a little bit further away from it and pull out his light crossbow. Okay. I will simply take a shot at it. With a negative one. Strength, that thing's probably heavy. Man. No, it's a light crossbow. Advantage. Oh, no way. You don't have advantage. 11 is going to miss. Cool. That's my turn. I can't do anything else.
Road don't get to a text. That is awful. Yeah, that's what range range are like suck. Yeah, I thought roads got a couple of texts at first. I don't like it. Oh, yeah, a few levels in Ranger. You.
So you have not, you moved at all. So Arlen is still about 30 feet back and Babu and Larry on. I moved a little bit back. I said a little bit back. All right. Maybe like 10 feet. You're kind of standing at the door right now, aiming. Oh, I like at the door. Yeah. That's probably why it threw you off a little bit. A tentacle vine is going to come at Larry. And what is Larian's AC?
18. Going to miss you. Then that is a nat 20 on Babu. Babu get ready for some damage. What happens when you're huge? You can't dodge. You're going to take 15 bludgeoning damage.
and you are going to take 20 poison damage. As this tentacle wraps around your throat and begins to squeeze and these vines are going to begin digging into your flesh poisoning you. Okay, things looking a bit more dangerous to Larry and now, after seeing that. And it is now Babu's turn.
Babu, you are within 10 feet of this thing, and you are now being hit with this overwhelming stench of death and decay. Please give me a Constitution saving throw. You got this, buddy. I didn't roll bad. It's a 14. You are not poisoned, and you are now immune to the stench of death. Stench of death. It is your turn.
Well, um, that hurt very much. Um, was not expecting that. And I will, uh, see, does it look like this thing is even. Oh yeah, it is taken some that's vines are beginning to be ripped. The bulbs, some of the bulbs have been punched or deflating slightly, but it is still moving quite well. Okay.
I will just go ahead and attack it. You do have advantage if you move around a little bit. Yeah, I'll take a step or two, however I need to, to do that. Do I have to do four? So that's definitely going to hit. So we'll do a blade flourish, and we'll
Um, do the, uh, defensive. So that's the D eight. That's seven plus four. So that's 11 and then another D eight. Um, so 11 plus four, that's 15, um, 15 damage to it. And then, um, my AC is increased by four until the end of my next turn.
OK, nice. And do you want to take your second attack? Yes. That's going to be an 18 plus seven, so that'll hit another. That's eight. Oh, sorry, there was another plus two to that last one because defense or, yeah, dueling. Yeah, that's. Twelve plus two, 14 more damage.
All right, your blade is slashing, cutting off these vines. You think you've got about half of the vines right now as they are arriving on the floor a little bit. Anything else you would like to do? No, that's it. All right, Larian, it is your turn. Okey-dokey, I'm just gonna, yeah, just keep working the bulbs.
I'm going to un-unstrike. At the beginning of the turn. Oh, that's a natural 20. Sorry. You are within the century of death. Yes, so can't save. Can you be poisoned as a monk right now? I'm actually not sure. I was looking for something. Checking your features and traits. There it is. You might have full body.
Think I do because I was looking for it, but I couldn't find it, but I was looking in my actions things. That's probably why Can sense transit weapon training I have it I believe I Don't see it It's not in racial traits Would be in
Shadow wild stability improvements extra tax planning strike keep our shadow step evasion stillness of mind Sure, I think so is level 10 Okay, purity about okay, so so I don't have it so con safe con save But you got this real good and this might change your natural 20 Would it? Potentially, we'll see it will so I've got it. I got an eight. I
You are poisoned, so you have disadvantage on attack. But I rolled, I rolled my natural 20 on my first roll and I had advantage. So it would be a flat roll. Okay. I'm a kind and generous DM. So roll your double damage. Yeah. So 12 for the first one. And then I'll roll again and we'll only count the first number and three. So 15 total. Okay.
on that one and I'm gonna stunning strike. So I'm punching the bulb in the base and I'm trying to stun this plant. Okay, what does it have to make? DC 15 Consave. It's going to fail. So it's stunned until the end of my next turn.
So you punch deep into the bulb reaching past the corpses at the center of it and hitting what you believe to be like the central nervous system, these clusters of these white veiny-ish things that feel kind of like bark and you just punch right into it and you feel it reverberate underneath your strike. Is there anything else you would like to do?
No, just start coughing my lungs up because it smells bad. Don't you get a second attack? Oh, yeah, you're right. I do. I'm going to take another swing at this bad boy. After coughing my lungs up a bit, a flat roll because I got advantage. Yeah. So 22 to hit. You hit. Punch him again. 11 damage.
Is there any benefits to him being stunned too? Oh, we get advantage now on him. Yeah. Roll it again. See if you get an at 20. Well, do you count double? Do you count double? Like double advantage? Yeah. So advantage for flanking. If you, if, if you, oh, like you have two advantages versus one disadvantage. So that means one advantage. Okay. Well, I'll roll again then. Not 20. No. No.
Yeah, it was about a roll, but not enough 20. All right. So just 11 damage. Would you like to move it all or? Oh, actually, sorry. I have a. Oh, no, a stunning strike. Never mind. Sorry, sorry, sorry. First time I suppose I move sort of away from the door and sort of like a circular motion sort of upwards into more like the center top bit of the room. OK. So maintain like 30, 40 feet distance from it. And I'll just sort of take another shot, reload and take another shot with the crossbow. It is done. So you haven't managed.
Let's go. Natural 20. Natural 20. Oh, this sneak damage. It was that door. So that's total weight. How did this work? Did it give me, what did it roll? Oh God. So. Rolled 46.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what it did here. So 28, then it rolled 9 damage, then... Oh, maybe it rolled twice for the damage and crit damage. Yeah, it would have. Okay, so 32, 41, 43 points of passing damage from that one shot.
I'm going to have to bring up a calculator. Wait, did it? I don't know how that worked. I don't know how it worked either. I think so. If the, if D&D Beyond didn't like be weird about it. Cause it's rolled two different lots of things. So yeah. Why did it roll two different lots of things? Cause I think one, then one sneak attack. How much sneak attack do you get? I get 46.
Ok yeah that did roll it twice by the looks of it. So yeah 9, 16, so 25. 43 damage on that crit. It didn't add the plus 5. 86 for his stealth, for his sneak attack damage didn't it? That's a fireball. Alright, so you did 43 total? Yep.
How does it look when you killed this thing? Oh shit! I guess I'll just sort of like, as I'm lining up, I'll sort of line up and just sort of get all the bulbs that it has left just sort of lining up and I'll fire and all the bulbs will sort of pass all its remaining bulbs all at once and just make it sort of explode.

Conclusion: Credits and Next Episode Invitation

As that happens, the bulbs all kind of like scrunch together at the port and erupt with this green powder of just, and the whole thing collapses down on this flower bed. The door opens and out walks this man in green robes, preceded by a plume of smoke. And he's got this long frizzy hair and he looks at you and goes,
Whoa, man. What did you do to my pet?
And that's where we're going to end tonight's session. Thank you, my friends, for listening to part three of the Dungeons of Quandary, The Final Door. I'd like to thank my three players, Mr. Baka, Mr. Blue Jibbles, and Mr. Lion 5K for joining me on this little adventure.
and trying to figure out my puzzles. If you like the theme song, it was composed by the Dungeon Maestro on TikTok and Instagram. Go check them out. You can also find me, EarthosCreations, on all social media underneath that. Return in two weeks for part four to see what they can uncover in the herbalists area and what else they might explore.
If you enjoyed listening to this or any of my episodes, please leave a review if you can. Tell your friends. It would really help me out, and I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much. Have fun. Do your best. And remember, I believe in you.