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Dungeons of Quandary: The Final Door Part 5 image

Dungeons of Quandary: The Final Door Part 5

Dungeon Problems!
15 Plays1 year ago

The Dungeons of Quandary are self-contained adventures filled with puzzles and Mysteries!

After the conversation with the Rakshasa, the adventurers decide to go and warn Dru and Isadora about the danger they may be in. With the herbalists section explored, where will they go next?
Mr. Baca (Babu)
Mr. Bluejibbles (Lerion)
Lion5kmr5k (Arlen)


Theme song composed by Thedungeonmaestro on tiktok and Instagra


Introduction to 'The Dungeons of Quandary, The Final Door'

Hello my friends, welcome to Dungeon Problems and our special little mini-series that's turning longer than I expected it to be. The Dungeons of Quandary, The Final Door.
You guys actually did a great job solving the puzzle last session. You did a good job. You solved the whole puzzle. I was just going to say that's what happens when you ask people that have no clue how to solve puzzles. Join your puzzles. Exactly.

Character Introductions

So today we have three adventurers that you've already heard. This would be the fifth episode, five episodes worth of content from. So we are going to start off with Mr. Baka, who's playing. I am playing Baba Kun. And then we have the Bard, who unfortunately could not persuade someone into a foursome, but that wasn't his fault. He probably could have if he was facing someone else.
I didn't even get the opportunity to. I was trying, but I was not allowed to officially try. The Rakshasa knows what it wants. And then with the truest statement ever, we have Mr. Blue Gipples who is playing. Larian of the Silverwing, Wood Elf Monk. And our final player is...
MrLion5k, MrLion. Who is
who inclined her about stuff.

Ariana's Transformation and Rune Debate

So last session, we started off pretty, pretty interesting. You met Drew and you vibed really well with Drew. You all, you know, it was very simpatico, as they say, where you, you know, got along, got some answers, you know, you figured out that there is a powerful illusion slash necromancy spell on Ariana that seems to have turned her skin yellow and with black polka dots.
And you're like, oh, that's interesting. And then you went through a little bit more of the herbalist and you found a puzzle involving a statue with a moving arm that turned some runes readable. And you solve the puzzle in the monster manual, a pretty common kind of puzzle that you can find with the PLW page line word.
And you have a couple of different translations that you think you have. You have infuses cold, immunity cold, or vulnerability cold. And you still don't quite know I'm pulling for infuses cold. That's the one I'm really rooting for. Don't crop that one out. No, that's the right one. Or is it? I'm reporting that message.

Serona's Conflict and Ariana's Re-Education

So, then you spoke to Serona before you spoke to her. You did get her a little... Riled up. Riled up. That is the correct way of putting it, Bob. In more ways than one. Maybe she was already that way when you first got her, but the catnip that you threw at her certainly helped. And she offered to answer your questions and give you the answers you seek in exchange for...
Stopping the infatuation that drew has for Isadora you took that to mean to kill Isadora and who knows maybe that's the way to do it Maybe it's not maybe there are other ways But you got into a little argument about her you threatened her to tell everyone that she's an evil cold-hearted bitch And she kind of laughed that off But then once the threats became too real she tried to teleport you away Using a little magic homebrew spell of mine that will either come out before this or come out after that she
probably it will come out well before this. You can look on my Instagram for that spell, homebrew spell. Unfortunately, only Arlen succumbed to it and he was teleported away. And so was Ariana. You discovered she's also God. And when you asked Serona about it, she said, she's being re-educated by Oserum. And then she slammed the door on your faces.
And that's where we have left off. And hopefully you can make new friends this session. Friends who will help you solve more problems.

Song of Mysteries and Strategy Discussion

Sure a mountain never grows and winds a toothless spider Darkness fills up empty pools and times an endless fighter What we're here for is mysteries, but puzzles yet unsolved So sad secrets lost to history as doubts and problems solved alone
Dungeon zoo, problem zoo, puzzle zoo To solve them all Dungeon zoo, problem zoo, puzzle zoo To solve them all
The door has slammed in your face. Arlen has come back to running a little out of breath, maybe. It's invigorating. In Quizet Man, you need to get better stamina. That's a very good sign. I mean, we obviously got a reaction, a pretty strong reaction out of this person that
at first was very cool, calm, collected, and new. New in their head, they had the upper hand. And when we gave them a bit more information about what we were capable of, they very quickly lost it. That's the sign of somebody that knows they might be in trouble. I feel like we could have gotten more information before you started threatening this. I mean, we might have. We might not have. Who knows?
It's a demon. It's a fiend. You can't trust them. That's very true. And we know that we got to them. We know that they're squirming a bit right now.

Planning Against Serona

Are they? Can I look through the keyhole? There is no keyhole on the store.
Before we leave on our way out, should we go see Drew and just let him know that that she's plotting? Well, if you recall, I agree. Yes, we should make. Let's start heading towards Drew. Drew is not fond. Of. Serona. Remember, he was like, yeah, Serona, don't do shit. She just sits on her ass. Yes, that's quite lazy.
thought process on. But we should just let him know and tell him to keep Isadora close. Yes. In fact, as we're walking past through the area Isadora is in, right? Yep. I would I would say we should. Alright, let's let's stop here and have Isadora come with us that. Like we should probably talk to Isadora and Drew together.
Right. Unless we have reason to speak with them separately first. Not really. I mean, the only person that she seemed pissed that we would talk to it is fucking Alfred, so we can say what we want to these two. Let's go talk to every other person that's friendly to us and get them weaponized. Up to the sitch, you know. See if Drew can fucking put that plant in a bag and bring it with him.
Does Isadora follow us willingly? What do you say to her? Or do we have to force her? We have news, and we need to speak with you and Drew together if that would be... if you'd be so kind to come to the... Is that a... it's like a greenhouse? Or just a... Give me your persuasion check.
Yes, finally. I'm painting up a do not disturb sign for the door. That's a 10 plus 10, so 20. Oh, yeah, sure. It's been a little bit since I've seen my hubby. I can definitely come say hello to him. Yeah, hopefully he's come down from his little trip he was on, at least a little bit.
Uh, yeah. I mean, after all these years, it's kind of having some, uh, it doesn't, it's lost some of its potency. So probably. How many years is that, by the way? Um, well, I've known him for about three and he's been indulging since then. So, um, okay. Do you know how long he was in here before you met him?

Isadora and Drew's Relationship

I'm not exactly sure he was here when I got here. Uh, okay.
Could be four years, could be eight. Who knows? Nobody knows. So she starts following you, following you through. Where are you going? We're just going to go see Drew, I believe. Yep.
All right, you make your way through back to that kind of garden greenhouse and he is in the back chamber digging up one of the flower beds. And as he's digging up the flower bed, you hear a little dink as he pulls out from the flower bed.

Discovery of the Magical Dagger

And he's like, what the hell is this? And he pulls out a dagger. He says, this is kind of weird to find inside. Did I lose this here, man? That's kind of crazy. Oh, whoa. What's up, dudes? Oh, it's the Dora, Mia Moore. Yeah, what's up, girl? And they go in for a kiss.
Is he still holding the dagger in his hand? Yeah. May I have a look at that before you start with the smooching? Oh yeah, sure. Here you go, bro. I'm going to grab it, and then I'm going to offload it to Arlen. I know you're going to be like, inquisitive man, look at this. OK, I'll have a look at the dagger. Is it just a dagger?
Yeah, it looks like it's been buried deep in this dirt, so it's kind of grimy, covered in dirt. It's in the grooves of the handle. Pushing on his shoulder. Use the monocle, you fool. You look at it. Give me a perception check. Be more inquisitive. 28.
this is why we get you to look at things yeah you you see a very slight aura of magic around the dagger it's not too much it's pretty faint and as you're kind of looking at it something in the corner of your eye
catches in the monocle and you look up at the ceiling and there is a slightly glowing orb that seems to be turning and you see it's an eyeball as it looks at you. It appears we have been watched gentlemen. I bet I could hit that eyeball with that dagger. I betcha I could too. I betcha I could hit it with my dart.

Shielding from Serona's Surveillance

I'm gonna pull out a cigarette. Pull out a cigarette? Yeah, in Australia, we call them darts. Okay, cool. All right, make a dexterity throw. Well, actually, you don't see this. Only Arlen sees it. I will. Yeah, true. That's two handed. I will pull out a dagger.
I mean you can just kind of pinch the monocle on your eye. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll pinch it in my eye. Does it have a chain that you can attach? Give me an attack roll. 18.
It goes right through this eyeball as it turns and looks directly at you with your passive perception. It doesn't. Unfortunately, the sensor cannot be attacked. As you look at this eyeball, you see, it looks very familiar. It's the cat-like eyes of Sarona. Me can't talk in doing that yet. Anyone have a dispelling magic?
Is there any, is there like a set of ears as well with the eyes? As, as he asked this question, you see the eyeball changes into a set of tiger ears just to hear what you're saying. No, like, um, so would we know like what the spell is? Give me an arcana check. You should have done this in quiz of demands or fucking or bud.
Oh, 19, 20, 30, 20. You've heard of many spells such as this. You think it might be the clairvoyant spell, a usually invisible censor that you can... Would I know if it's like vision only or vision and hearing? You know that it can switch between the two. Keep an eye on it. If it switches to ears, we stop talking.
We could just move rooms. They may be able to, I mean. If you've got a close, like a camera system, it's probably everywhere, right? Expect those eyes and ears to be in every room. Well, I mean, it's a pretty high level spell from my knowledge. I don't think they can willingly cast it at any moment.
Can we go into another room and yeah, can we just walk into another room back out while looking at the eye following us? We walk into the aqueduct room and close the door. Is there an eye in there? You walk into the aqueduct and you look around. Yeah, you see an eye in there. Passes. They do.
They do have a camera system set up, but I only saw two eyes. How do they focus on all these? I have an idea. How big is the the greenhouse room? There are two kind of rooms that are connected to one another by a small like five by five little connecting hallway. But the actual greenhouse parts of it are probably about 40 by 40. I don't know. Do you have the spell comprehend languages?
Who? Anyone. Yeah. I could just write on the wall and thieves can't, and then someone could cast Confrehend Languages on someone else, and so they could only read it, but they can't. Look, I can... I can dabble in magic myself, and I can cast the Silent Spell. I got something that we could easily work with, so let's all go back to the greenhouse room. Y'all gather round.
You're just watching us fucking like ask Leomans tiny hut. OK. All right, everybody inside. Is there an eyeball in the hut? There is not. Yes, we can see the hut walls transparent. Let's see, I got to bring this down here so I can see it. Can you change it? Nine creatures of medium size or smaller can fit in the dome.
The creatures. Spells and other magical effects cannot extend through. It's opaque through opaque, so it would not be seen through. Yeah, OK, so yeah, that can can't be seen through and no magic can go very clever by. So we can speak freely in here. This hut is here for eight hours.
So we can come back to it. We can bring people to it. We can talk to it. Or if I need to, I can cast it somewhere else if I need to. All right.

Exposing Serona's Intentions

We brought a ritual spell to Drew and Zadora to let you know that Serona wants to get busy with Drew and wants Isadora out of the picture, like out out of the picture.
Well, that means you just leave or kill you and we don't. She wasn't ready to specify, but that was. Maybe a little bit implied. Because she finds you useless because you have no magic. Serona is an evil person and has control over her husband. What's his name? Elfric Elfric.
I always knew she was a witch man. I don't know if she's a witch but she's definitely a rakshasa and they are fiends.
Drew, she wants you specifically because you have magical abilities. That's the only reason she wants you. It's not, I mean, maybe it is a sexual thing too, but mainly it's because she wants to be able to control you. Is Drew a good looking dude? I'm gonna roll with day 20 and see if Drew is a really good looking dude. Hmm, below average. It's definitely the magic. He's not your type.
Thanks for deciding that for me. So how do you feel about that, Drew? Well, I wrote a six. What are your thoughts? Well, I never liked her, man. I just put up with her because Alfred loves her. And of course, I love you, Isadora. You're my one true cat nap. I want you to be with me forever. And Isadora goes, I love you too.
I I'm scared, though. She's so dangerous. Yeah. Well, can you get rid of her? That's why we're here. I hesitate to ask, but she seems really dangerous. She definitely is. You're not wrong. And we're you're the first people we're talking to, but we might be working on getting a few other
more powerful people involved to deal with her. At this point, she's given us some information. We went to her because this book that we found was missing a page. She's the one that tore it out. She claims that it has, and we have also kind of concluded that it has information on how to get out of this place.
And how the archways worked properly. She has this page. And burned it. Burned the page. Maybe she wrote about it in her diary. Good point. I didn't know she kept a diary. Probably a spicy diary based on what you put. That one's in roses.
Might take a little while to get through. That's our autobiography, North Thorns and Roses. But we may have to... Do you know where she keeps this diary? Probably somewhere in the bedroom. As specific as you can possibly be. Unfortunately, I don't know. She's obviously her diary. She keeps it pretty close at hand. Does she ever leave her room?
Sometimes, yes, she'll go meet with the worshippers a little bit. And occasionally with the warlords, she often might trade with them a little bit because she knows magic and they typically don't. Well, I could get inside her room with or without keys. I do not need her to allow me inside.

Speculating Serona's Alliances

But if she catches me in there,
And I know who she speaks with specifically with the warlords. I'm not 100% sure. But I think Marco fist, the second in command. I think she often deals with him. Have you ever met unwell?
Oh, um, well, he's so nice. So sweet. How high up is he? Oh, he's third in command, but mostly just because he's respected. But he doesn't like to fight. And so... But is he quite powerful if he's forced? I don't know. I've never seen him fight.
I did hear he's the reason why the fighting between the the artificers and the warlords has been on hold for a little bit. He he put a stop to it somehow. Well, that's that's a good sign of just somebody that's respected and powerful. If, you know, somebody can come in there and stop, you know, essentially a battle of war, that person, I would I would hold them in high respect.
Well, we need to, we need to sort this out because I mean, I can sneak into her room and possibly like I'm, I'm quite stealthy and I have my ways of moving around. I am also pretty stealthy, but if there's magic, could I watch me? It's, it's more getting inside. Although I could actually get us inside. Both of us. I, yeah.
Not all three, but both like two, two of us. I'm very sneaky and I could get myself inside, too. And I'm sure you could all get inside her since some of you have such action. No, but it would like literally I could get in a room regardless unless she puts like a towel underneath it like and blocks the door. A towel underneath the door. Oh, I know. OK. Drew Isadora.
Yeah, man. Serona has claimed that she's friends with Osiram from the cultists. I believe it. They're both creepy sons, bitches. We, you know, are aware that Osiram is a powerful person themselves. We just were trying to figure out who else the Serona may have on their side.
Are you familiar? Do you know of her meeting with anybody or anybody that comes here to meet with Serona? I, man, I think she, as we said, Marko Fest and Oserum are probably, I don't think she really meets with the artificers too much. They have magic. Everyone give me an insight check. Give me an insight check. Hmm. Big 12.
That's a 19. 13. Arlen, as Drew mentions, the Artificers, Isadora flinches slightly. Yeah, I don't think they don't jive too well, because they're both magic users. So she might be like, threatened by them. Maybe I'm not sure.
Good to know. The artifice is a bit spooky too. Remember what we were told from that corpse?

Ally Gathering and Potion Planning

Maybe not to be trusted. Are we safe here? No. Oh, I mean. I mean, keep on doing exactly what you've been doing and everything.
We'll be fine, but... Keep Isadora safe... closer, I should say. Yeah, man. She'll stay in here with me, like, this is my sanctuary. I mean, I'm sure you guys spend a lot of time together anyway, you know? It's just... We have been drifting apart recently, my dear. We should... we should reconnect, you know? Yeah. Going to the door looks... I would like that. Maybe we can... maybe we can prune some of the roses.
several to the far reaches of the dungeon or something, perhaps. Well, I would say stick close around where a lot of people are, too. I don't want you wandering off to where there's nobody around, and Serona takes advantage of that. Because obviously she's got eyes and ears everywhere. Yeah, I'm not afraid. If she tries to come in here and get at me, I'll give her the old
lightning bolt up the ass. Yeah. Stay close to your pets. They'll help you. Yeah. Can I think... What do I know about Rock Shasa? Give me a history check or a nature check or an arcana check. 16 for history.
You pretty much know the same stuff that Arlen knew. Fiends, usually some powerful magic they hunger for magic souls. When he mentions like, yeah, I'll just fight her back with magic. Am I like, yeah, that's a good idea. It's probably one of the best ways to hurt her. Okay. Usually like fiends and stuff aren't hurt with like mundane weapons.
Yeah. All right. So Drew is the Dora, uh, keep on keeping on. Right on, man. And is there anybody else? Is there anybody else in the, the group here that you know, that's a hundred percent like front would be on our side, not Sarona. Uh, like among us, the herbalists. Yeah.
Well, it's just the four of us and Alfred's her husband, man. They love each other, I think. Although if you're saying you're controlling him. Yeah, I don't. I don't know that like he might be honest. I don't I'd be hesitant to try and he's he's got some powerful shit of his own in that in that same sense. The potions that you guys make
Is there, do you know of a potion that might be able to, or could make one that might be able to break that control over Elthric? If we were able to get him to drink it? Yeah, I have a couple ideas of what could work. Yeah, you guys work on that. Right-o, Montapitan! We're gonna go, where are we going next? Warlords?
either the warlords or we go back to the worshippers and make sure Ariana's safe. I think we go find her dad. He seems like a respectable, legit, you know, dude.

Archway Investigation and Guard Encounter

I think if we were able to talk to him, we might be able to convince him to be on our side, which would be very good.
And also while we're there, we could take a look at the archway. Let's not forget why we're here. Yeah, they have two archways. Oh, yeah. Welcome to episode 10, where we finally look at an archway. Twice the reason to go. We looked at two. OK. Yeah, we looked at two. All right. Well, we'll get started on the potions. Come back.
And he'll be like, oh, Isadora, go grab the shears over there for me, love. He'll lean in and just be like, can you like check up on us ever so often? Just to make sure she hasn't. Yeah. Just be aware that she is watching. Yeah, yeah. At all times. You know, if you guys need to talk about whatever's happening, this hut will stay here for the next eight hours.
Yes. Yeah, no, I will definitely use that. Appreciate it, bro. Oh, no. If the tiny huts are rocking, don't call him a knock-in. It's OK, because we can't even see in. We're just going to walk inside and go, oh, come on.
So he'll go out and Isadore and him will start collecting plants from the flower beds. So we want to check on the awards. Yeah. When we go out of the hut, can we still see the eye or ear? Well, you can't because you don't have the monocle, but Mr. Monocle Man can. Mr. Monocle Man, what's up there? Is that eyes or ears?
It is eyes. It is currently eyes. Fuck you. Turn to it, drop my pants and moon it. No. And then I pull my pants up and then we march away. Everyone make a constitution saving throw?
I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Too late. I've already made one. What did you get? You're fine, Lee. You're not free! You did. So you guys make your way through the Warlord
section is to the northeast of you guys as you go into the main corridor. The door stands in front of you and you can actually see this one has a wooden shutter on it. Yep, so just remember these guys bloodthirsty. They don't get along to the offices. One of the commanders wants to kill everyone and take power.
Sounds like fun. I think we could be great friends with these people. Does there is there like a handle for the like slider on both sides? Like on both sides now? Well, I got like amazing grip strength. Can I just like fucking give me a slight of hand check? Twenty three.
Really? Well, fuck. I'm a clim- I'm a climber. My fucking my my fingertips hold the power of the universe. Jesus Christ. You just take your fingers and you wrench this thing and you look through it and you can see there is a palisade right in front of this door with wooden spikes right at it. The hallway splits into two sections. Give me a stealth check on opening this. Ooh.
15. So you are so close to being a one. You do it relatively quietly and down the northern kind of way of the corridor that you're looking into, you can see a doorway and in front of it stands a guard in chain mail with a long halberid.
And then towards the eastern end of the tunnel, you see these strange contraptions going from floor to ceiling, these wooden pillars. And you see these blades hanging off the wooden pillars, dozens of blades on each pillar. Do we want to knock or do we want to let ourselves in? I mean, I think they may pull out to knock. Yeah.
The door here is here. You know, doors are meant to be knocked on, right? I mean, I can just get in there. I'm going to shadow step inside and be like, say I'm on one side of the door and then I'm going to shadow step back out and I'm on the other side of the door. I feel that. It's silent. Shadow step is quiet. Action. So you shadow step. Oh, you just break in through the door. Give me a stealth roll again.
god this is where I roll really badly it's much worse no not much worse but it's worse 13
13. So you shadow step in. The guard on the northern side doesn't seem to react as you appear. And you're about to shadow step out, and suddenly you look at those wooden poles going from ceiling to floor on the eastern section. And they start spinning rapidly, blades, dozens of blades at all angles and heights, rapidly spinning. And the guard's going to go, who's there?
And he's gonna see you and say, hey stop! You shadow step out. And you hear, since the thing is still open, OY! There's an intruder! Someone just stepped in and stepped out by ways of darkness! Check every chamber! Get Marco! Get Marco! And as you shadow stepped out, you're looking through and the pillars stop spinning.
Well, what an interesting, uh... Turn of events. Revelations. We've just made here. You could have told me those fucking pillars were gonna do some shit. I didn't realize I didn't want to do anything. Why did you just not... You two. As you guys are arguing, the guard is slowly approaching the door with the Halberd seeing that it's open. And says, state your business. Marco will deal with you.
Wait, who's Marko? Sorry. Is that his full name, Marko?

Negotiations with Marco Fist

Marko Fist. As you say that, from down the corridor where the spinning pillars were, they're no longer spilling, comes this short
bulbous figure with these teeny tiny wings on their back with an elongated jaw you know that this is a hob they are short little the best way to think of them is like kind of goblinoid but they're creatures for my own world
He is carrying a big shimitar on his back and he's wearing, uh, beaten leather armor. And he's going to look at you and say, the fuck do you want? My God, this place brings in all fucking all walks of life. What'd you say? We're here to speak with unwell. You don't got no business with unwell. You didn't even knock.
Aren't you polite? Why should I let you in when you're just gonna break in like that? I'd start knocking on the door. Oh. Wise guy, eh? Yeah. Make a persuasion check. Look, we didn't mean any disrespect. I was just trying something. And it just happened to go crazy. You guys are the ones that left the latch open.
19. He's lucky I like wise guys. I thought you did. I thought you did. Wise guy. Wise guy. Why do you want to speak to Unwell? What's your business with him? We have a private piece of information that he needs to know. Well, it's too bad he's not here right now. Because if you want to go in, it's not going to be too private here.
What do you mean? Well, if you want to go see him, I just got to know what you want to tell him. I'm not just going to let strangers in and talk to one of our guys. Well, I know you're you're the boss here, right, Martin? Not yet. Who's the well, and who's the boss?
Dorino, you don't gotta meet with him right now. He's busy. You seem like the one that's really in charge either way. Like, obviously, you're doing the stuff and doing the thing. You're not wrong about that. You're not wrong about that. The one that does the stuff and does the things is the one that's obviously in charge, right? Yeah, or soon he'll be. Why don't you come with us, show us the way to Unwell, and you can sit in and
You're welcome to listen to the conversation. It's just not for everybody out here to hear. And it doesn't really, you know, it's nothing big or concerning about your group of people or any other group here. It's just, you know, a private thing for unguel to hear. Does that make sense? It's a family thing. You like family, right?
I wouldn't know. I ate my brothers and sisters. You like family, right? And perhaps afterwards, if we have your permission, we would be interested in maybe investigating your archways a bit to see if we can try and figure out the way to get out. Hmm.
We believe we may be able to- I can bring you Stonewell. We'll see what you have to say to him. I agree. No one else needs to know but me. The archways? That's our private property. You'll have to give me something in exchange. We can figure that out.
come on in he's gonna open the door and as he starts to lead you down the eastern way he's going to look at the pillars and go sit boys and you saw they were about to start spinning but they stopped
He's going to lead you down the east a little bit and it goes a little bit more to the east and north, but the southern way. It seems to have branched into multiple corridors. And he takes you down the southern way and through a door with a kind of sharp turning corridor.

Unwell's Reflection and Reunion

And you see Unwell standing in this chamber.
When he, uh, when he, uh, spoke to the pillars, would, uh, would I be able to know if that was like, was he casting a spell? You didn't see any magic or anything like that. Or he was giving like a command word. Would I be able to, your best guess would be, it would be a command word. Okay.
So as you guys enter the twisted and turned hallway here, it's mostly bare except for small alcove. On the ground of this alcove is a mosaic of golden and silver tiles. It depicts an elven warrior holding a shield covered in red plants and a spear whose blade is replaced with a rose flower. Unwell, a light green skinned tortle.
with massive wrinkles on his face is sitting looking at this mosaic. Yo, Unwell, you gotta guess here. And he's going to look up and go, yes, may I help you? Unwell.
That is I. How do you feel about family? You like family? Family. Family is the reeds that bind us together, but they are not always our blood, but those who we've come to love and cherish. It's a very good way to put it.
We have a reason to be here. That. May may show that someone of your actual blood, your actual blood family is trying to find you. I. Did not think I had any. I've always worn protection. Oh, you know, protection. Oh, they only guarantee 99 percent.
I would love to meet some of my family. And within the last 400 years, I never thought about having a family. But being trapped here for the last 100 years, it seems like would be a good time to start. As this conversation is happening, what's Marco's reaction? Give me an insight check.
You should have got the Inquisitor man to do it. I mean, you all can. What'd you get? 21. 21. 21? Yeah, I got that. Look at the Inquisitor man.
So with a 21, you guys, so Hobbs have these very long jaws. I think kind of like triangular jaws. And this smile just breaks out on this face, filled with fangs. And you can tell his mind is working and weaving.
Does he seem like he's happy? Or is he? Oh, he's happy. Does he want to eat a child? He does not want to eat a child, but he you can see he's definitely found some leverage. Great. Yeah.

Archway Access and Observations

Unwell, if you'd like, we could take you to where your daughter is. She's here? She's here. She came all the way to try and find you. I would like that. It would be nice to meet.
Ah, very well. I mean, we could go now if you'd like. Marco, is it okay if Unwell leaves for, you know, an hour and goes on a little day trip? I's got no control over Unwell. He's his free man. He can do what he wants. Alright, you know, I just wanted to make sure that we were okay with the man that's running things. I's appreciate that. I'll remember that. I'll remember you's.
Ah, good, good. All right. Unwell, you want to go for a short walk? Yes. I think it's time for change. I've been looking at this mural for 20 years now and it's time for something new. Is this mural been here all the whole time? You've been here? Yes. I can't think of it.
It is beautiful. Elves. Elves are so... Look at these two fine specimen. Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Don't forget intelligent. Yes, and look at the fine warrior of this elf here. The shield, the spear.
But it's also so poetic, instead of a blade, the rose symbolizing love and caring. It is such a beautiful piece of art. But I think it is time to meet some family. I agree. Give us one moment. Can we have a look at this?
as well. I'm a quite a fan of of artwork myself and so is the Inquisitor Elf, you know, and seeing things that resemble our culture. Certainly. Take your time. I haven't met any family in 400 years. What's another 10 minutes or so? You don't need to guilt trip us on well. We're going to be as fast as we can.
With no pressure. No pressure. It's another 400 years of wedding. I only lived to 500, so whatever. It goes into man. Why don't we have a peek? Can I give him an advantage? Can I help him look over it and investigate it? Investigate it?
Sure, give me an investigation check with Advantage. I mean, I already have an investigation check. Oh, true, okay. Don't forget to put your glasses on. I could also put on the mon- I'll put on the monocler at the same time as I am. Whatever, man. Okay. Well, you know, I'll be nice because, uh, Larian wants you to look at it, and you're both kind of looking at it. Give me a history check with Advantage.
Okay, well, do you still want the investigation check I just rolled? No, it's- you're looking at it with your monocle and looking at it. It's beautiful. It's artwork. He was also a 24, so... You did really- you investigated the fuck out of that guy!
Why do they keep going custom too? 17. 17. So I rolled like shit. This figure looks familiar. And as you both kind of look at it, you realize this is not the first time you've kind of seen this figure. It looks complete now. Whereas you saw something very similar. It's the same shield, the same spear, the same
Uh, shape of this, but not as a mosaic. As a statue. Oh, this is, this is quite lovely. Would you mind? I'm going to pull out some, my painter's supply kit. Sure. Give me a sleight of hand or sleight of hand or performance. Uh, definitely sleight of hand. Fuck I roll like shit.
You do a crew draw of it. You manage to get kind of the important bits of it, the shield, the spear. It looks kind of like an amorphous blob besides that. God, I can't believe I roll so badly. And I bet I could draw better than you. I mean, you probably could, but are you proficient in drawing? Well, then shut up.
Don't mock me. This is my life's work. Yes, we'll put that up on the fridge, dear. All right, I'm ready to go. But I'm going to imprint it in my brain so I can try and recall it later. But look at it on the face.
Alright, you have this kind of imprinted in your mind now. And Unwell goes, I'm ready whenever you are. Is there anything else you'd like to do before we go? Well, we want to hurry because of what we know. Look, we we want to, sorry, continue, bad man. I was gonna say let's
I mean, we definitely, as we've mentioned, want to look at the archways, but we're going to have to trade for that. That makes sense, as Marco here has said. Marco, sharing is caring, my friend. Did you want to see? Marco, you know Dorino wants to start making allies.
And Marco will go, yeah, but we can't just be giving away all of our secrets, you know? I mean, is it really a secret? Have you guys figured them out yet?
He is right, Marco. Any help can be appreciated. You know what, Marco? To keep you satisfied, we have two here. We can show you one. How that sounds more than fair. And Marco's gonna kind of hiss a little bit and say, he do's what you want.
do what you want. Oh, Marco just said do what we want. I will take it both if we can. Not use, not use. Ah, but Unwell can show us both. I could, but out of respect for my, the second in command of our faction, I can show you one. Would you like to see the forge or the pictures?
Forged are the pictures. Which one, guys? Well, I'm a painter. I personally would say the pictures, but I'm going to look down at the picture I just painted. Practice makes perfect. Perhaps we could do the forge. I don't mind. I'll follow your lead on this one, guys.
Let's take a look at the pictures. That's my vote anyway. Yeah, we'll do pictures then. Our pictures it is. You egos.
the pictures. Wonderful. Follow me, my new friends. And he's going to start leading you back the way you came. And as you guys exit into the main corridor, the things are gonna start spinning and he's just gonna go, now, now, calm down. They're friends. And they're going to stop spinning. And he now leads you through the north corridor.
And through a door you go and you find yourself in a small bedroom. Seven beds sit against the walls of this chamber. It appears to be a place where the members of the Warlord faction can rest and recuperate. And there is a small door just to the east of you and you go through it. And through this door, he says, this is our first archway.
This chamber has a massive stone archway to the south. To the right of it lies three pictures hanging from the wall. They're worn with age, but you can just make out some detail.
Picture number one. You're looking at it and you see a man whose features are indiscernible, stands by the archway. In one hand is a dagger and with a cut hand he is drawing a symbol of a sword on the top of the archway.
Picture two shows this indescernable man standing, sorry, picture two shows a dagger sitting with just its hilt being seen in a pile of dirt and plants. And then picture three, the indescernable man stands by a training dummy. His shirt is off, but you can see a strange birthmark of a shield on his back.
This is our archway. Quite interesting. Very interesting. I'm at a loss. It's so beautiful. Yes. Yes, it is.
Can I look at the second picture again and get the description? Picture number two. A dagger sits with just its hilt being seen in a pile of dirt and plants. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Picture one. Sorry. The one where it's the drawing.
A man whose features are indiscernible stands by the archway, in one hand is a dagger, and with a cut hand, the other one, he is drawing the symbol of a sword on the top of the arch.
Unfortunately, I do not. Although, I have kind of a big birthmark on my back. You want to hear something really crazy right now, Alan? Sorry. No, I was just going to say. Yeah, actually, yeah. What does it look like?
Is he talking about his shell? It's my shell. Sorry. A little tortilla. Both of the elves. And I'm like, what? Did that go right over your fucking heads? He might have had this shield tattooed on his back or something. I don't know. This is the first time I've ever seen a tortle. I'm from the fucking forest. This is the second time you've seen a tortle. Oh, yeah, that's true. OK. Thanks for the fucking technicality.
I mean, we are taking Unwell to meet his daughter that we have met. Hopefully. But thank you for letting us see this.

Maintaining Secrecy from Serona

I believe we've we've got some things to stew on now. I believe we best make haste to see your daughter. In case no bad things happen.
Let us- Not to be foreboding. Let us go, then. What's your top speed? He runs out the door. Is he quick? Is he really quick? He is really quick. I'm going to speed walk after him. I got 60 feet moving. Speed walk after him. You're keeping pretty good track with him.
He just has 120 feet of movement speed. He just zooms by. If I if I dash, I got 120. You guys are. We should pause momentarily before we go in, because we mean we know Ariana is back in the cultists, so we don't want to just go straight up in there with unwell until we know what's going on first. Yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like unwell is, you know.
I just wanted to see how fast he was moving. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't like, all right, yes, let's go. And then we get where it is. Yeah. Let's move. So you guys are now standing in the kind of main chamber that you first came into. All right. Or before that happens or sorry, not before that happens, but as we get in there,
Can you pull out your little thing and check for eyeballs out here? There is an eyeball in the corner of the room. Hi! There's another eyeball. We might need to make our way over to Drew's place first. I mean, if it's just an eyeball for now, it's fine. You can't hear us.
Just keep an eye on it. Keep an eye on the eye. I guess I keep an eye on the eye. Keep an eye on the eye. Is it actually going to change, though, if it wants this much to listening, or going to just? Yeah, actually, I don't know. Does it have a visual indicator of if it's seeing or listening? You don't know yet. I mean, I rolled a pretty good history check to know, didn't I? I don't remember.
Not well enough for that. You know, it can hear and it can see, but not at the same time. Yeah, damn it. If you were like a wizard, I'd probably give it to you, but you're not. What languages do you speak? Oh, well. I speak common. I speak... I speak tortelies.
I speak Draconic. I speak Elvish. I speak Abidabi. Those are the languages I speak. Do you speak any of those badmands? Yeah, I speak Elvish. Yeah, we all do. What about Draconic?
I don't speak Draconic. Do we think that... I don't speak tortelies. Do we think that the... We don't, we also don't know what... They speak. Corona speaks. So we... Yes. I mean, Elvish... Elvish is more common than common. Guys, let's be honest. I mean, I can speak Elvish, I can speak Sylvan, I can speak deep speech, and I can speak celestial.
We got some sensitive information. We could write it down and just like angle it away from the eye. This is true. You want to be our writer also, Mr. Painter?
I got to check how much how much paper I've got left. I thought I had some. Maybe I actually don't have paper at all. We could also write it in the dirt. Yeah, true. But yeah, huddle around it. Yeah, I guess that's the play. I have the nicest handwriting. I will do it. Let's go. What are you writing?
What are we going to write? I mean, we're just going to write, um, like obviously to tell him. You're trying not to say anything. So you said you're going to try and write it. So what are you going to write? Yeah, that's a, that's what I'm going to, I'm going to write about, um, like Ariana and let him know that that's who we're looking for. Ask if he's met them.
And then I'm going to look at the Bard Man for confirmation that this is to keep writing. Or is that not what we want to say? Bard Man? Sorry, I missed half of that. I was looking at my inventory to see what I had in my inventory. Basically, I'm just writing about Ariana and letting him know that that's who it is. And then I'm also going to say that
We went and we saw Serona, the Rakshasa. So I'm writing a few lines and then I'm gonna scribble it out with my foot and then write more lines again so I'm not writing a fucking paragraph in the dirt. And then I'll write that we saw Serona
she teleported us away or like attempted to teleport us away managed to actually like succeed on Ariana when we were bringing her to see him and that she's currently undergoing and I'm putting this in the quote marks cation close the quote marks and that could be bad so we need to hurry
I'm really excited to meet you. As you write that, he looks panicked, and he is going to run to the cultists, the worshipper's door, and he's going to start banging on it.

Unwell's Reunion and Tragic Event

Yeah, I'm shimmering. I'm shimmering. The door is going to open and you see a dwarf standing there with red long hair and a red long beard wearing these white robes. She is a woman dwarf. And you go. Hello there. Can I help you? You've not seen him before. No, inquisitive man.
You know the drill. What? You've got the monocle. You put the monocle on and you look at this person and it is Harad the Yuan Tea. Nah. Rip Harad. Rip Harad. Oh guacamole, this is going south. Can I help you with
something. It's going quacky. Yes. Hello. Hello, Harad. I am more rain. You are also Harad. Harad's not here right now.
May I take a message? And Omwell's gonna go, we're here to see Ariana, is she in? And the dwarf is gonna go, give me one second, please. And she is going to walk towards the north, towards the bed. But she doesn't shut the door, right?
She does not shut the door now. I'm going to follow. Leryon's going to follow. She should also be aware that the thing that they worship, Unwell, is some sort of tentacle creature. We're not too sure. Unwell's going to look very nervous for a second as he's going to step through following you.
they lead you towards the bed chambers. And you see Ariana there standing by the door and she turns and she goes, hello there. What can I do for you?
He made a drink. You remember us. Yes. Do you know who this is? And I am pointing at Unwell. You point at Unwell and he comes into the room and she looks and she goes. Father?
and she's going to step forward a little bit. And Unwell's gonna rush forward and go, oh my, you look just like your mother. And everyone give me an insight check. Is that what it looks like? Oh, a natural one, dude. I'm just like, rolling so bad. Nine. So I rolled a one. Thank goodness. Oh, man, what a fucking teacher.
Unwell rushes forward and goes, you look just like your mother. Ariana's gonna go, my mother. You abandoned her. And she pulls out a knife and stabs it into Unwell's neck and pulls it out. He grips at the blood.
and falls down dead. And that is where we are going to end it. And that is where we are going to end it for tonight.

Episode Conclusion and Technical Issues

What the fuck?
Thank you so much for listening, my friends, to this episode of Dungeon Problems, the dungeons of quandary, the fight- I should- I should shorten these fucking names! Jesus! The final doors! We've been joined by three adventurers who, I think, figured out a whole bunch of stuff today, maybe. Stuff is starting to click together. What do you guys think? Do you think some stuff is starting to click?
I mean, we've sort of figured out at least two of the archways. We've got sorted. We just don't know which one's correct. We've still got another freaking three to go. But things are starting to click. The overarching enemy is coming together. We've figured two out, but we've seen three.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Dungeon Problems podcast, the Dungeons of Quandary miniseries. Unfortunately, I have some rather bad news. The final installments of this adventure are not going to come out. Unfortunately, I tried a new way of recording them and it recorded my player's audio great.
and it didn't record my audio at all. So, in the ears of the listeners, this adventure is going to remain unknown. Fortunately, we did finish it with the players. They had a blast. Thank you so much for Mr. Bluegibbles, Mr. Baka, and Mr. Lion 5K for playing.
in this adventure thank you so much to the dungeon maestro for the wonderful theme song that is at the beginning of every episode go check him out on instagram and tick tock if you like music return in two weeks when i have an interview with fire and dice on instagram he is a wonderful creator putting out a lot of great content and we talk about puzzles what else would we talk about
Again, my apologies that you guys are not gonna be able to finish this adventure. If you're curious how it ended, please shoot me a message and I'd love to tell ya. Thank you so much, have fun, do your best, and remember, I believe in you.