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Dungeons of Quandary: The Final Door Part 4 image

Dungeons of Quandary: The Final Door Part 4

Dungeon Problems!
12 Plays1 year ago

The Dungeons of Quandary are self-contained adventures filled with puzzles and Mysteries!

The adventurers have survived a fight with a corpse flower, only to have met Dru the Herbalist whose pet it was. Can they continue questioning the herbalists and figure out how to help Ariana?
Mr. Baca (Babu)
Mr. Bluejibbles (Lerion)
Lion5kmr5k (Arlen)


Theme song composed by Thedungeonmaestro on tiktok and Instagra


Introduction & Player Introduction

Hello my friends, and welcome to the fourth episode of the Dungeons of Quandary, The Final Door. The little mini one-shot adventures that are all about puzzles, and the excitingness and the confusion that happens because of puzzles. Today, I, EarthosCreations,
I'm joined by three wonderful individuals who have agreed to come back after going through the first three episodes. Uh, today we are joined by Mr. Lion 5K, Mr. Lion, Lion, Lion, whatever. Lion, who are you playing? And what do you think so far of the adventure? Uh, I'm playing Arlen, the High Elf, Inclusive of Rogue and, uh, Adventure, Adventure Fun, Puzzle, Puzzle Good.
And underneath him we have Mr. Baka, who is playing? I am playing Baba Kun, the bard. The bard, right? Yeah, bard. And what does Baba Kun think of the adventure, or you think of the adventure so far? Baba Kun is loving it. He likes puzzles. He does not like being as hurt as he currently is. He did.
Oh, that's me. And we have our final adventure, who's played by Mr. Blue Gipples. Mr. Blue Gipples, who are you playing? Larian of the Silver Wing, a monk. And yeah, the adventure has been good. The last fight was good. Got to watch the bard get smacked around.
Yes, last time. I just edited this and I don't remember anything about it really.

Unveiling Illusions

The last time you started off by emerging after solving this strange book puzzle and you got a monocle of true seeing, which then you proceed to try and figure out what it did.
And I don't remember how I edited it, but it took you like 20 minutes to figure out you're looking at a useless pile of crap. You then emerged from that chamber and looked at Ignar the Minotaur and saw that he wasn't Ignar the Minotaur, but really Ariana the Tortle. And you were like, whoa, what's that? And then I think
If I'm... was it Arlen? Arlen tried to break the illusion and it didn't quite work out. And then you followed Ignar back to his bait chamber where he fell asleep and suddenly he was Ariana the Tortle.
You took her on a little adventure to go see the Herbalist, but before seeing the Herbalist, you stopped by the dead corpse that was just in the middle of the main chamber when you guys came here. You used everyone's favorite spell of speak with dead to gain some information. It was Alakar, who used to be the third lieutenant of the Artificers or Artificers, whichever one you want to pronounce it, because we don't shame pronunciations here.
And once you spoke to him, then you found out that he was killed by the leader of, no, the leader is Alikar. Yeah. Yeah, the leader is Alikar. The name you gave us was Andar.
Yeah, Andar, that random name I came up with right then and there, because I didn't have a name for it. And so you were like, okay, let's file this in the back of the cabinet. And you went into the Herbalist, you met Isadora, who directed you to the different places. You know what, I'm gonna let, what were you guys looking for

Language Lessons & Ariana's Condition

at the Herbalist? What were you guys thinking you could find there?
Well, we needed to see the leader because he was a Leonan, and we needed to learn how to say something in Leonan. How to proclaim yourself the king. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we got to go and roar and say Hakuna Mustafa. And then while we were there, two birds with one stone, we were going to show them the tortle and see if they could, like, fucking fix her.
And then we'll find out what's wrong. Oh yeah, and Serona as well, because we found a book on the archways and there was pages missing. And they were the last person. The last person to have it. Yeah. Ripped socket pages out of the library book. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. I'm angry. Someone get shot. Pissed.
Wonderful. So you spoke to the Leonin. He told you the words to translate. Then you went you actually investigate a little bit about the archway that's at the herbalists. You didn't discover anything really there. You found a statue of an elven warrior with a kind of like a staff in one hand and a shield in another.
And then you proceed to go into the chamber where they grow some medicinal plants, and you were attacked by a giant corpse flower. You fought it off, you beat it up. I think there was like a nat 20 involved of killing it. Yep, yep. You can detector it. Beautiful. And then Drew came out of another chamber and was like, no, you've killed my child, my pet! No!
And that is where we are going to start off today to see if these three can solve some more dungeon problems.
Sure amounts and never grows And wins a toothless spider Darkness fills up empty pools And turns an endless spider What we're here for is mysteries But puzzles yet unsolved Such that secrets last to history

Corpse Flower Confrontation

Has dungeon problems solved alone?
Dungeon zoom, problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all. Dungeon zoom, problem zoom, puzzle zoom to solve them all.
I wouldn't count on it. She's going to be back. We will try. So my friends, you are standing now in a kind of two tiered chamber with plant beds in them. You just completely murked this plant that was in the very first one. The other ones didn't come alive and attack you or anything like that, but drew the
He's a tabaxi, actually. He's wearing these greenish robes and he's carrying a pail of water over his shoulder and he goes, you've killed my pet. Why would you do that? Because your pet was trying to eat us.
Oh, maybe if you had some more control. Yeah, I mean, I did yell at you through the door and you just said, Oh, hold on a moment. Like, like nothing was a problem. So, you know, but obviously there was a problem. I thought I, I, I, I'm sorry. I thought you were being sarcastic. Frederick doesn't usually eat people. But then again, we haven't a fair bit of sarcasm in me, but this time I was not.
There was also a corpse already in the plant. Yeah, that's a... Do you not have a corpse? How do you guys dispose of your dead? You just told us he doesn't eat people. Not living people? We have a very small area, right? Did you see a graveyard in the dungeons? No. How do you think we grow our food?
We did see just a body laying out there in the middle of nowhere, you know, just hanging out. Oh, yeah, I was supposed to collect it. Oh, that's right. I was supposed to collect him like a week ago. And I just we had a chance to have a nice little chat with him. So no big deal. I guess it's not true. Dead men don't tell no tales, but very much not true.
Well, I'm Drew. I'm sorry, Alfred attacked you. Yes, Alfred, the corpse flower. Oh, sorry. No, that's sorry. I've been, I've been getting into the, I've been getting into the plants a little bit too much. Give me, give me just a second and I'll be right with you, my friends. He's going to go to this giant, uh,
plant now that's been like burst its bulbs have been burst he's going to start chanting a few words and he takes this like kind of dust and throws it on the plant and you see the vines start to grow again and the bulbs start to inflate and he'll go oh I'm sorry baby they were mean weren't they and the plants gonna go and you know and he'll turn and say um what can I help you with

Potion Effects on Ariana

We were told that you have some, you've dabbled in some magic or herbology or... Yeah, man, I grow all the plants here. I'm quite a stew, you know? All the plants? Oh, yeah. I love growing plants.
Anyway, on the subject of, I guess, magic, we have this friend of ours. She's with us, right? Oh yeah, she's like, I see her back at the door, she looks a little scared. Come on in! Ariana, come on over. She'll slowly approach, she's giving a wide berth to the corpse flower whose tendrils are kind of starting to go all over Drew.
Oh, yeah, Ariana. Yeah, cool, man. I didn't know you were here. Did you finally leave those crazy people? And she'll just go, um, no, I'm still with the crazy people, but I'm just helping out my new friends. Nice. Um, so we, we noted that Ariana is, has some, uh,
I'm not sure if it's magic that's been cast on her or what, but she's like two different people. Like, you know, we all got a little different people in us depending on who we're hanging out with. Have you ever realized that, my dudes? Like sometimes you act differently around different people.
Yeah, yeah, there's this ancient proverb that I've heard that we all wear three masks. We wear the mask of the most commonly worn mask when we're around
our acquaintances and other people that we wouldn't call friends and we have another mask that we wear when we are with our closest friends and then we also wear a mask that we don't show anyone at all except for ourselves. That's righteous, man. I can jive with that. Yeah. So is it like that she just
I don't think that's what's going on here. We like saw her and then went into like another room for just a couple minutes and came back out and she was turned completely into something else. Like, whoa, it was an illusion type of thing, but.
Yo, OK. Yo, I got this. I got this figure. I can hold on. Give me give me one second. Let me let me get out for it down. And he's going to swap at the plant that's kind of grabbing onto him. He's going to go around the corner a little bit and you see three more flower beds, some roses, some red plants, these different types of ivy. He opens up kind of a little drawer at the base of one of them.
And you see just rows of potion bottles. Some are full, some are empty, and he's going to pull one out and be like, yo, you know, Ariana, drink this, do that. And she's just going to look at you as she takes it in her hand and she just goes. Do we do we think this is safe? And I.
What's in that? If I look at the potion, give it a sniff, investigate it, would I be able to tell what it is? Give me a nature check. Okay, it's not terrible. 13.
You don't smell any kind of like the obvious signs of poison and stuff like that, like acidic burning or like lye or something like that. It smells kind of like honeysuckle, which you're like, it's not something trying to overpower another scent. It's just that scent. And he'll look at you and go, yeah.
I've essentially distilled this potion to reveal magic that is on other people, you know? Like, you drink it and if like a curse is on you or something, it will let us just identify. It's very cool. Yeah, it's completely safe. And Ariana's still gonna look at you for kind of the go-ahead as she like uncorks it. And may I incite chicken when he says it's completely safe? Sure. Just to be on the safe side.
Give me that insight roll. That's an 18 on my end. That's better than mine's. I rolled an eight. I rolled a 17. So close to a 20. 17 and 18. You realize he's not telling the full truth, but it's not malicious. He's not like, hey, once they drink the potion, they'll be poisoned. It's more like there's...
Can I tell like he's not, he's not doing something that would intentionally hurt. Yeah. That might be sneaky fun type of thing, but he's not like going to kill somebody or maybe. Yeah. It's pretty much when you see the long line of pharmaceutical side effects, it's like the top one, you know, that are just like, oh yeah, like you might get some coughing and stuff like that.
It's not like the bottom ones that are like, you will die. You'll bleed from every orifice. If you stand up for more than three seconds, you'll collapse. Take this medicine. It will make you feel better. Well, oh, yeah. Yeah. All right. And I think I think it's fine. I don't. Drew, Drew's not a doesn't seem to be a bad fellow. You show if I.
Oh well, I haven't drunk the Kool-Aid yet, but might as well do it now. And she'll chug it back. And as she swallows, she has this greenish skin, and suddenly it turns yellow, like a bright yellow. And you can see these black polka dots start to appear all over her body. And Drew's gonna look in and go,
Yo, that's interesting. You're right, yo, there is some powerful illusion magic cast on her, but you see these black dots on her, man? That means there's also a little bit of necromancy. That's weird. Usually illusion and necromancy, the only way they go into combined together is to like cover up the undead and shit, but she doesn't look undead to me.
So I can't tell you what that is, man. That's beyond me. I'm typically like flower power, bro. So, that's weird though. There's little bits of necromancy sprinkled on in that spell. But she's definitely under a spell. Alright, who would you recommend we could talk to at this point?
I mean, do you think it's a malicious spell? Did she try and bite you or something? Serona might know. She deals with some of that more uki-er, spooky-er shit. She is kind of uki-er and spookier. Yeah, she's crazy, man. You know, Oserim, but I get the feeling you don't really want to involve him, considering that you brought her here.
Yeah, they creep me out. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. Calamari, man. Freaky shit. Yo, I miss Calamari. Um, would you happen to know where Sobrono is?
Oh yeah, she's probably in the bedchambers.

Seeking Serona's Insight

She doesn't do shit, to be honest with you. Sometimes I wish we didn't bring her into the fold, but Isadora? Oh, beautiful Isadora, man. Love of my life. She was like, yo, Drew, we should spread the love to everyone. And I was like, yo, but she kind of harshes my mellow.
So she just lays around in the, she doesn't do much work. Like I'm cultivating the plants, uh, Alfred's working with the others. Uh, as a door, she mixes a bunch of the potions and helps with that. And she's such a great saleswoman. Like people come in and it's like, is it Dora? What's up? I'd love that woman. Oh, I, we were told like everybody here,
is married or like, you know, has someone like, who's your partner? Oh, me and Isadora, man. We sneak. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We got it. We got that. And then Alfred's married to Serona. I don't know what he sees in her. I think it's because of the hands, but that kind of I don't know why, but I guess he's into weird shit. But everybody's got their thing. Yeah.
What do you mean, the hands? Oh, oh yeah, I suppose you don't. She's the rakshasa, man. Her hands are on backwards. It's crazy. You don't like how my hands are like this right now, and my forearms are facing down, and my hand palms are facing down. Rakshasas, man, their hands, when their forearms are down, are up. It's really trippy, dude. Interesting.
Yeah, I mean, when I got Alfred drunk one time, he was telling me about the shit that you can do with that. It's a little weird, but hey, no shame. No shame. All right, well, I think we've exhausted everything here. One last question. How long is she going to be like that?
Well, it seems pretty, I mean, I don't think I've ever seen someone's body turn that yellow. She's pretty yellow. So... Oh, you're talking about how yellow... Like, I thought you meant how long the spell's gonna... No, the yellow, that should fade in, like, uh... Four hours or so, maybe? Possibly? Wow, you rolled quite high. Yeah.
I mean, it's not unpleasant. She looks kind of like a very stunted giraffe. Don't you think? I don't know if Arianna wants to be walking around looking like a giraffe. Yeah, I really don't like this, but I guess it's...
It's okay, I just won't be able to hide. Well, I couldn't really hide either because I have like a 200 pound shell on my back. So it is what it is. And how do you feel about meeting your potential father? Not gonna do that until you turn back. Yeah, I think that would be.
That would be a little weird, to be honest. Hey, dad, it's the child you never met who has like 200 siblings. Also, I'm yellow and black with polka dots. Yeah. You know, I think it looks pretty cool. So I mean, thank you. You know, if any luck, one of the serona will be out to help. Hopefully. Well, let's get a move on. Time is short. Did you guys all want to like burn one with true before we leave?
burn one plant, maybe. Well, yeah, that's, that's the point. Literally are going to burn a plant. I'm sorry. I don't, I don't think, I don't think my shit's going to do anything for you guys. I'm sorry. This is that special Nip, you know?
That's all right. And he pulls out a little bag and he starts like batting it and he realizes he's catnip. Fucking catnip, yeah. They're all fucking, they're all Leonin, Tabaxi, Rakshasa. They're all cat people over here, dude. Which one was the Rakshasa? Was that Sarona? Was that Sarona? Sarona's the Rakshasa, yeah. I heard that she was a Leonin. Could I have a bag of that nip just to have?
Yeah, sure, man. That would be one gold piece. Sure, here. He'll catch it. He'll bite it and say, yeah, that's that good shit. And he'll throw you a bag of catnip. Is there a lot of, like, comments? Like, what's the economy like down here?
I'm still hoping to get out bros, you know like Just cuz we're just trying to live in peace and harmony down here. Eventually. Someone's gonna break in You know, then we'll all go home. How long have you been down here for? Oh, you know just like four years I Think I'll least you with your loved ones Well, I've been down here for four years. I
I don't know. Think about it. I suppose it's hard to tell. I could have been down here for more, man. Oh, this trip is going badly. Oh, I'm going to leave. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. When the crisis kicks in.
As you guys start going and start leaving, are you going to go back the way you came or are you going to check out that other little side door that he came out of? Oh, was that like a completely different area or was that? Yeah, he came out of a different side door. I thought it was like a little shack or something like it was... You didn't really look in, but...
You do a quick little look and you open up the door and a quick look through just reveals.
A stone basin sitting in the middle of this small chamber with an aqueduct coming out from down the ceiling. A lever sits in the open in order to control the flow of the water from the aqueduct to the pool. As you guys kinda stick your head in there to look, you just start hearing Drew go, has it been four years or has it been eight? Am I still the person I was when I came into this place or have I changed?
Do we want to check this thing out? Are you going to check this thing out? Is there anything else that seems to fit it? So this room is like an aqueduct and there's a stone base in the center and there's a lever right next to it? Yep. The lever seems to control the kind of shutter that allows the water to come in. I don't think there's a puzzle in here.
I'll put on the monocle of true seeing just to be safe. Just to see if I can see anything. The water glows slightly gold when you put the monocle on.

Golden Water Discovery

The water glows a bit gold when I see through the monocle. Can Larian roll a history check or something to see if that rings any bells? Sure.
golden water? I guess I'll wander up. Oh my god. You find it's weird that you can't see this without the monocle on. And that usually describes something like this monocle is a monocle of true seeing. So it's obviously a little bit magical. And there are many cases of magical water throughout history. You know,
you just can't tell which case it could be. It could be the magical water that turns you into an ever-living dragon. It could be the water that reverses your age and sends you back to childhood. It could be the water that makes you grow. I pop my head out the door and yell at Drew. It makes you grow. Hey, Drew, man, what does this magic water do?
Do I even know what this magic water does anymore? How long has it been since I've been in there, man? Has that been two minutes? Or has it been 20 minutes? Or maybe I was never there to begin with. It was like two minutes. Yeah. Give me a persuasion check to see if you can calm him down. All right, I can do this. That's 10 plus 10, so 20.
Fuck. Okay, shit. Okay. He's gonna go. Oh, yeah, man. It was two minutes ago. Time does not change. It's all relative. Oh, yeah, that water. That's a we managed to dig that out. You know, when we were expanding a little bit, it helps the plants grow. We did discover it does have some pretty good benefits when people drink it for the first time. That's pretty much it's like kind of healing water.
Serona one time drank it after she'd done a bunch of spell work, and it managed to give her a little bit more juice to work with. It can also heal if someone's injured, but it's really only a one-time use. Once your body takes it in, it's like your body's like, cool, we got this one time. You don't get it again because hydration magic. Well, you have any bottles of this?
I mean, yeah, I got I got some active bottles if you want. I mean, you can just dip it into the here and he throws three bottles to you. Yeah, I mean, he gives us bottles of it. You can fill it yourself. What about your servant, bro? Come on. All right, I'm going to I'm just going to scoop scoop some up.
and keep it. I'm not actually going to drink it just yet. I drink mine straight up. All right. Are you going to try and regain some magic or regain some healing?
I would probably go for some healing. Alright, you drink it straight up, you gain 5d6 points of healing back. 5d6? Alright. 5d6. That would be good. Welcome to the one shot mechanic to get you healing or magic back without having to take a long or short rest, but not being over useful. I need more d6.
DMs. If you're thinking of a way of doing it, I always recommend water. That only works once, because water is the healing magic of the world. It's called hydrating yourself. Be healthy. Yeah. Get hydrated. Stop drinking coffee. Eat your vegetables. Eat them. 5D6, yeah. Okay. You know what? Eat your celery and your cucumbers, because you know what those have? Water. Cucumber. No. Cucumber.
Man, that batch, that guy, he just lives in my head right free. Okay, so 20 total. You should be basically full health, right? No. No. How much damage? Yeah. Damn. I took 35 in one shot.
That did it, yeah. That was over half of my HP and one hit. I lost 35 in that one hit. Don't worry, there aren't too many fights in this in theory. In theory. We do have like, we can short rest if we need to.
We also get one long rest, I believe. We short rested once so far. So we have one more, correct? Did we? Someone took a short rest while you were investigating. I think we talked about it. I think we talked about it. Yeah, so someone's already short rested once. I think it was... I think it was me. Yeah, I think it was... I'm not going to be too stingy. You can either get a short rest off or you can't.
Yeah, OK, I did take a short risk count as like a party. No, you guys were fucking around. So I took a short rest. OK, that's good. All right. So you guys now have two bottles. For Babu, it will not work anymore, so. Well, yes, all of them.
What do you guys do now? How do we know? How do we know that's true, though? Fill up your bottle, Babu, just in case. Actually, I would do it just in case. In the water and start drinking, drinking, drinking. I'm thirsty. Once you guys start drinking, you don't feel anything special. Yeah. Are you just full on drinking from the basin right now? Just like, hey, I'm just going to pull the lever so water flows on top of you. Water comes barreling down the aqueduct.
Then I splash up and literally it's like a commercial with Fabio. Like my, my hair does the whole Fibonacci sequence. You know, as I come out, the light glints off of it, you know, and I'm like, what I'm a fucking bard. You know, there's a special thing for this called performance. Let's see how you roll. I can do that.
What do I got? Well while while he's doing that I'm learning would like Okay, that was quick 19 yeah, you look like Fabio. It's just glorious to behold Thanks, I need a little bit of it. You can see like the streak of water now up and down the Chamber like it just flows perfectly through
How many people in this place have drank from this water? That's a tough one to say, man. When the warlords have gotten seriously hurt, we'll share it with them. The artificers also occasionally get hurt too. I don't really think the worshippers have really used it. We reserve it for like the big injuries, you know, like when someone's like head gets chopped off.
We can heal head chopped off. No, no one's had that happen yet. Plus, I don't know if that would work. Anyway, you should. Would we put the water in their body or we put the water in the mouth if that happened? Good question. Maybe in the keister. Shove it up the butt. Yeah. You should fill that vial back up, though.
What's the word for that? Could be the word for water. Arion, what's the word for that? For what? If you do it up the keister with a drink, what do they call that? I feel like we're going to be editing this fuck out. You got to butt-chug the potion? I love what you're trying to get me to say. Butt-chug would be one of the terms, yeah.
That's what it commonly goes by in my land. All right. So you guys filled that vial back up because we might need it.
You have three vials of this water now as you start to head out towards back through the archway chamber. You can see it as you guys walk and you go through the little corridor that twisted and turned. And Isadora will see you coming as you kind of near like the main entrance to the herbalist and she'll say, oh, are you guys all done now? Did you speak with everyone you...
know where one of the fans will run it, I mean. Oh, yes, just there's that door right there to your right right now. Just take that and you'll probably go through our kind of preparation chamber. So just be careful when you do that. Preparation for what? Potions. That's where we make the potions for the most part. There's no corpse flowers in there, is there? So we just had a bad experience. Oh, you met Alfred.
Oh, he killed Alfred. Yeah, we killed him. He tried to eat us alive. It's true. I should go see if my husband's okay. Well, he's fine. He just resurrected. I mean, he is on the tipping point of, you know, good trip, bad trip. So maybe... Oh, is he hitting the catnip again?
Like, yeah, he is. He's taken quite a bit. I always hate when he gets like this. I just tell you guys, you take that door to the right and you are hit with an acidic smell and a hazy smoke that's filling this room. This is where the herbalists mix their potions. There is a giant metal vat
with bubbling liquid inside against one wall. And then a couple small tables opposite of it that are filled with beakers, calendars, all the equipment that you would expect from herbalists and potion brewing. And then there's a little doorway across the way from you. Do we see anything that would be interesting to us in here? Like any potions already made, like just sitting around,
You know, ready to be nabbed. Give me an investigation check. You should have done this line. Oh my God, did Larry and just cannot roll. I was going back to you from these people. I was going back through all like the game log and my roles stuck and it's continuing. That was a fix.
You're you're not you don't you would you're kind of looking for potions that have like little labels and stoppers on them. But you're not finding any that you think for the most part, all these potions are currently being brewed. What are you trying to look for? Take negative inspiration for that. I know what you're trying to do. Anything that can be of use.
Now we'll come back later. Continue. There's no puzzle-y looking things here. There's not like a big jigsaw puzzle on the wall with like a missing piece or something. I do have a wonderful puzzle that's not for audio format where, you know, like the old games where you'd like move a piece of the tile and like you'd have to move all of them. There's websites where you can do that and it's so much fun.
It's so much fun. No, there's no jigsaw puzzles or something like that.
All right for a D&D game put together a jigsaw puzzle and just put it you can get your own pictures printed This is the beauty listers I'm keeping this part in because this is the beauty of you know You get new ideas from other people as you talk about puzzles talk to your friends talk to your players You get to learn how to think about new puzzles Order a jig a pre-made jigsaw puzzle with a paint picture on it that you want them to find or map and make them put it together or Yeah, there's websites for this if you're playing online
You can upload your own pictures and do it that way. Or you can describe each piece and how it looks and see if they can do it.
You find a piece with a hole on the top right. It's a corner piece and a little spudgeoning part on the end of it. Guys, guys, why don't you have fun? There's only 300 more pieces you have to do. So this piece right here looks like... My players would hate me. So yeah, there's a door. Would you like to go through the door? Yes. There was a door across, not Isadora.
You guys cross the chamber and you open up the door across the way and you find yourself in a turning corridor. As the corridor kind of turns around, there is a statue standing right at the curve of a man wearing the robes of a cleric.

Statue Puzzle & Monster Manual

A small circle is etched into the ground in front of him with golden runes.
There is a, I'll repeat that last part. There is a small circle etched in front of him in golden runes. And as you kind of go around the corner, you see another doorway at the end. What is this statue? Does it look similar to the one that was facing the archway?
It's not the same person being depicted, but you do notice elven features on it. As a cleric, correct? You see a lot of what you would associate to be a clerical robe on it, with a tabard and the things that go down in the front, unlike a wizard robe, which is more flowing with a cape, even though Edna Maude always told us, do not wear capes. No capes. No capes. No capes.
There's hope for us, yeah. Rogue, rogue. Unbeknownst to us, that was one of the puzzles. Rogue, investigate that thing for me, please. Thank you. Look, I know what we're good at. I will walk up and set suit. Can I make out what the runes could mean? Do they look magical in nature or?
What language are they in? You are looking at it and they are incredibly faded. You can kind of see the outlines of them, but having been faded so much, you can't quite make them out.
As you begin to look at the statue, you see that it's this clerical looking guy. One of his arms is folded behind his back and the other arm is pointing up. You know, look at the roof. You look at the roof and you're not really seeing anything on there. It's just the solid white marble stone. Even if I like trace his finger to where he's looking, like pointing. You're not seeing anything.
I'm going to check his hand. The hand behind his back? Sorry. I'll check the hand behind his back. Yeah, do that. You don't see anything with the hand behind his back. I thought it was the old trick. Is there any sort of engraving on the back like with one of them or is it just blank? No, you're not seeing any engraving on the statue. If I...
If I stand in the circle, does anything happen immediately if I stand in the circle? No. Nothing happens. This in mind for later, we may find more news. Yeah, we have to come back to this one. If I put the monocle of true seeing on and look at the ruins, can I make them out more?
You can't make them out in that regard, but as you kind of look around, you notice that the statue itself has a little bit of illusion magic covering up the shoulder of the arm that is outstretched. It seems to be covering it. It seems as if the statue, which was carved from marble, the arm was carved separately.
and someone used illusion magic to block out the creases of it. Okay. Does the arm detach? How big is the statue? The statue itself is about probably like six to seven feet tall. Oh, so it's not like... Are you gonna check to see if the arm detaches? It would still be very heavy.
If the arm and then as you grab it, you can you can move it up and down. No way. What's the hand doing on this arm? That hand is pointing pointing. OK, so I pointed down at the golden circle.
maybe point it down at the golden circle and the rooms shine to life and become clear and you can read now only one with the manual can beat the monsters within p272 l8 w2
p155 l10 w3 open the monster manual should i actually go grab the monster manual for this i think i think you should yeah
272 or 155. Line 8. Word 2. We'll go with the first one. 272 first. 272 is the Skellington. Skellington? Skeleton, line 8. Word 2 is infuses.
Infuses. Yeah, Infuses. Okay, so keep that in mind. Infuses to 155. And then 155 is all the stuff with the giants. I don't, there's no like miles though.
Yeah. So now I will say this is where it gets a little tough. I'll be a little nice because Mr. Baca, are you looking at a PDF of it or are you looking at a PDF of it? Yeah. Because there are different ways of reading it and counting. Well, I don't know. Line 10.
Like, but, uh, P one 55, maybe it's bad. I mean, if it's the stat block, yeah, I'm on PDF. I'm on step, look over how am I on the right? Yeah. If you're, if you do it, page one 55, the first stat block is frost giant. And if you do this, apply the same line, 10 word three, you get the word cold.
I don't know if that's right. The two words together just generically make some type of sense. In what context? What was the line, only one with the manual? Only one with the manual can beat the monsters with it.
And then you read the rock giant, you read the frost giant stat block, because that was really the only thing on that page, besides the pictures, right? Well, there's the hill giant step block on that one as well. The hill giant, the frost giant stat block and the hill giant stat block. But I feel like. Page one, be five, line 10, word three. Yeah. I mean, I don't know how to apply it differently than we already did.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Otherwise, you'd get infused giant. Infuse is giant, but... How are you getting giant? Well, that's just if we look at the hill giant one, but I don't know if that's correct.
So I feel like maybe you did Frost Giant first instead. Yeah, I did Frost Giant. Yeah, that seems like it makes sense. But you only did the stat block. Do the first one again. One, two, three. You mean page 272?
Yep. So yeah, do pick, do the first one again. Cause you did the frost giant stat block to seven. Oh, one, two, three, four, five, six. How many wasn't eight eight word to immunities. Immunities cold is what I would get then.
Maybe if I read for the stat block of the skeleton. Yeah, instead of going down. Does the if we are doing the stat block, does the do the ASI count as one line or two lines? Because you have I wasn't counting them at all. Because I don't know if they would count.
I'm doing literally one line at a time. Skeleton, 81 dead, armor class, hit points, speed, STR, 10, damage. And what do you get? That would be line eight would end up being the line above what... So it'd be vulnerabilities code then. Vulnerabilities. So, I mean, that's a big difference, whether it's vulnerabilities or vulnerabilities.
Well, I think we'll find out, I guess. I mean, yeah. Who has cold? Do we have cold magic? Everything that does like icy and cool stuff? I don't think so. Maybe. Let's see if I. Not really. Yeah, just remember, we don't have fucking spell casters with us. We have a bard. I must spell caster.
Oh, keep telling yourself that, Babu. Babu is the spell gaster. Babu is the spell gaster. I appreciate the invitation. I can just make someone cold. Maybe that'll hurt them enough. So yeah, paid like.
I guess, do we read it as the stat block? I mean, if you... I guess it is on the left-hand side of the page. Yeah. So you would read that way and then... I mean, Earth has also said... You guys read only the stat block. It kind of made it quite obvious. Yeah, so... Did I or did I just want to trick you?
Well, so it's either. So these are the possible answers we got earlier. So the possibly incorrect one was infused as cold or it's immunity cold or vulnerability cold. Something to do with the cold. Considering it says that you need the monster manual to defeat this enemy.
That would make it, you know, the information is to help us defeat the enemy. And I think vulnerability is more information than cold immunity, you know? But what about infused as cold? That makes sense, too. It does. Hardly. Maybe it is the cold.
Well, I think we'll find out. We have to deduce a little bit here. On the frost giant stat block, if you do it the way I did and counting the ASI as two lines, that gets us to cold. If we don't do that, then the word would be perception. And that doesn't, I mean. No, that's definitely cold, Steven. I would say probably cold. Infuse its perception. Infuse its perception.
So if we apply that to the other stat block, that gets us 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 1, 2, 3, 6,
word to that gives us vulnerability, vulnerability perception. I can see you bitch. I mean, that works with an investigator. I'm saying if, if we do it, if we do it the same way that we get cold, then we get vulnerability.
I feel like makes sense. If we do it the other way, where we don't count the ASI as two lines, then we get perception immunity. Yeah, so it's weird. It makes much more sense to say vulnerability cold than it does in perception immunity. It's immune to be perceived fuck. Oh, how do I beat it?
I think that's right. Well, do you have a deal with the vulnerability cold then? Do you have any, uh, anything to help with that? Can you make my own, Mr. Bard man? I don't, I don't make things cold. I mean, why would a bard need to make things cold? I mean, other than if I were to make your beer frosty while I play you a tune.
I was under the assumption you knew spells and shit. I do, and I thunderclap him. The damage that's in, right? Cool. Love that. Do you thunderclap him? Sure. I think I have evasion.
As a monkey, I probably do. It would be a deck save. Give me that deck save. It's a cantrip. Oh, god, dude, I'm rolling terribly. I probably failed it, so I take half, but I still take half. Let's see, it's 1d6. Actually, it's 2d6. What's your save?
One and a three. So you take four damage. Two. As you do this thunderclap. That's fucked up. You hear a voice from the door go, excuse me, would you keep it down? Some of us are trying to rest. I just got like fucking launched into the wall. Well, you said I didn't know how to do magic, so I had to show you.
and I don't think casting light would have had the same effect. I'm going to reach into the little baggie that Drew gave me and throw it in the other room. Throw some of the catnip in the other room. Close door though. Yeah, the door is closed. Doesn't even look just handful of catnip at the door.
All right. Give me a just throw me a dexterity check. All right. Save. You want a deck saving or just a deck? Just a check. Yeah, that's a. Eleven. So you throw it in and you hear. Oh, God, what? Oh.
Come in. Come in. Well, that would have surely loosened her up a bit. Yeah, I mean, hey, all right. I'll open the door and like, let's go. Let's let's go talk to Serona. You open up the door and you see a small square chamber.
that as you enter, you realize it's not quite a square. There are two semi-circles that are carved into it.
And as you kind of look at the feature of this room, it is in the shape of a heart. And in each kind of circular part of the heart there are two large beds covered in red pillows on one of which is sprawled
a rakshasa woman in these white robes that are not like the worshipper robes. There's a long V cut in the center of it and you can see the little fur poking out and she's sprawled and you see this catnip all over the bed now and she's kind of laying over and says oh

Serona's Offer & Manipulation

Visitors come in and as she holds up her arm, beckoning towards you, you realize that her hands are on backwards. And she has to turn her arm in a weird way to beckon you forward with her clawed hands. Come, come and lay with me. We may have fucked up here. Are you the one who's grown up?
And you know my name, but I do not know yours, sir. Indulge me. What is your name? Uh, are you talking to me? Yes. My name is Baba Kunp. Baba.
Hmm, I like it. As she waves her hand a little bit and you feel a tug at the front of your arm or pulling you forward.
We're not here for the pleasantries right now. Maybe once we have figured out the problem we're trying to solve with our friend here, Ariana, we can indulge, but we have pressing matters.
That's not the kind of pressing that you're thinking of. Well, lets us get down to business then so we can get to more pleasurable things. What is it you require of me? Your friend Drew said you may be able to help. Drew, what a
Tasty bad. Um, right. Uh, said you may help us with the problem we have with our friend Ariana here, who has been, I guess, inflicted with both illusion and necromancy magic
to that makes her sometimes not a tortle and sometimes, or sometimes a tortle and sometimes a cent. I knew it started with tar or ended with tar. I might be able to do something about that. You mentioned there was something else as well. Just ask me outright and I can tell you a price.
Something else? Yes, you mentioned that there are two things you had. Um, yeah. You also... Yes, an L. A Nazi boy. So...breakable. Um...
Yeah, you bring me instead So there's this book there was with the worshipers about the the arches arches archways And there's a page teared out of it and you were the last one to use it We're just wondering if by chance you may have that page or if you know what happened to the page I do I
Burned that page, because it leads me to be the only one who has the knowledge. Knowledge is power. And what is that knowledge? Well, you've asked two things of me, and I've not asked anything from you yet. I think it's time for a little squid-proque whoa, maybe.
I mean, you're welcome to ask if the equation here is asking and asking, but you haven't provided anything for us. No answer. I can give you the answers that you seek, but you must give me something I seek as well. And what is it that you seek or want? I want Drew.
It sounds like you've already had, Drew. Not in the way that I want him. That bitch, Isadora, stands in my way. Rid me of Isadora.
I don't care how, I don't care what you do, but Make It So Drew is no longer infatuated with her, and I shall give you what you seek. And what are... If you were to just see, and you didn't know who Isadora is, but you just saw that person walking down the road,
What would your perception of Isadora be? Not of what you know of who Isadora is, but if you just saw that person and you had no idea who it was walking down the street, what would you think? She's a very beautiful woman, but
She always has that banked expression. She seems kind of like an airhead, which I know she is. I mean, she does seem to be like making a lot of cool potions. She just follows the instructions I've written out and Drew has created. She's really just the face that sells them.
So Drew to you is a tasty snack and Isadora is an airhead. Yes. And your partner is who? Alfred. Alfred. He is such a noble man. So would you be
having, uh, drew as a tasty snack alongside Elfric? Or would you be ridding yourself of Elfric as well? Why only have one when you can have two meals? Why only have two when you can have three?
I unfortunately do not swing that way. She is of no use to me. She does not have any magic in her. How do you know if you've never tried? Because I know magic and she has none. Where is... what's the end goal here other than having a snack?
I want them both for myself. That is it. I don't have to explain anything else to you. All I have to tell you is what I want, and if you provide it, then I'll give you what you want. You asked us to rid... get rid of Isadora.
Like if we're ridding the world of somebody, I believe we are owed more of an explanation than just, you know. I didn't say you had to rid the world of her, just end Drew's infatuation with her. They're married. 50% of marriages end in divorce nowadays, don't you know? That's a little bit longer process than we have time for.
Marriage in this dungeon is such a fickle thing. All you have to do is make it so he doesn't love her anymore. That's not how love works. You would have an easier time doing something like that than we would. I cannot control the minds of people. I can only control their bodies.
I think you would really enjoy a third meal. You're going to try polyamory and you're going to like it by George. But how does, um, what was the Leonin's name? Alfred. Sorry. Alfred. And what would Alfred think of this?
He does what I want him to. He's such a good kitty. Is there like, can I do a perception check of the room? Is there like chains and whips on the walls? Sure, give me your perception check. Oh. The one time you run through just another 10 minutes. Yeah, yeah. No. Fucking hell, 20 things.
You do see on the bed that she's on, there are ropes tied to the banisters of it, but that's about it. So is this a one time meal thing or are you looking for a permanent? No. He is going to be mine once she is gone. So what are you going to do with Elfric? He'll be mine too.
I'm pretty sure we've noticed and we're told that this whole area in here with the herbalists is quite monogamous. Things change when annoying bitches are gone. It really sounds like you want us to kill this person. I don't care what you do. Only that you get rid of her.
You're the one saying kill. I have never said that. If that's the route you wish to take, who am I to stop you? We really should have played someone with the ability to charm, guys. With what? We have a bomb, you mean. We have someone with the ability to charm. I mean, I'm very persuasive about, you know, having two or three mills.
I have convinced many people to have three meals in the past. I don't know why, you know. I'm just picturing Bobby now working as like, uh, fucking, I just watched this movie today to Yenta the matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof, just going around being like, do you want to try threesomes? Yes, you do. What about foursomes?
They're for you. Could I could I persuade you otherwise? I mean, we can't really just get rid of Isadora in any way since. You understand that everybody here is trapped until somebody finds a way out like that, that's like, you know,
having a roommate that just is still here that you used to have, you know, somebody used to have a relationship with it. Like, that's weird, right? They're just going to be next door. Also, what is the end goal? If everybody escapes, then what? Then I have two powerful magic users under my control. I do not need Isadora.
I do not want Isadora. It sounds quite conflicting. We've spoken with Isadora. I didn't get the same vibe.
She seems quite helpful in the short time that we've spoken with her. Oh, she's been helpful for you? Quite manipulative. Oh, so she gave you every, she's helped you out with your little problems, has she? We didn't ask her about our problems. Then go ask her if you think she'll be more help than I will. See what I care.
What I'm trying to understand is you say that Alfred is like under your control, but Alfred seems like he's trying to escape. Drew seems like he wants to escape. Isadora wants to escape. You have the knowledge to help them potentially escape and yet you withhold that. How do you think you would feel if we brought this up to Alfred?
You see a shift in her demeanor as she leans forward on the bed and says, if you try and tamper with Alfred, you'll find yourself unable to escape because there won't be anything left of you. I mean, we could just go next door and let the warlords know that you've got the information.
You think the warlords scare me? And the cultists. You really think. And the artifices. And the artifices. And you take all of them on? And not in the sense that we've been talking previously. They're not right. They're not right. Well, there are many different ways to fight. No.
Yes, but the beauty of this place is they won't get along. You can go to the Warlords and say, oh, Sirona has the ability to escape and they might attack, but then the Artificers, you can go to them and, oh, they might attack too. And it will start a big, bloody battle that no one will win. I mean, if we're not in the battle, we by kind of default win.
True. If you're the only one standing at the end, you kind of win. But then you don't get the information that you want. You know, we might not even need this information. And you don't get through. I feel like we've already figured out one of the archways, figuring out the rest. Didn't feel that much of an issue. This information is trivial. As much as I love knowledge,
I hate people who burn books. Well, I'm sorry that my desires are not something you will deal with. Your desires are trivial. Maybe too. Of the body only. You said it yourself, knowledge is power.
And yet here you are chasing after carnal desires. How do you know that it's just carnal? Well, I mean, look at you, half naked, lying on a bed, wanting to control two men. What what do I know about rakshashas in general? Give me a
Arcana or a nature check. I'll allow you a history with disadvantage. He doesn't care about disadvantage. I don't. Don't you have like a plus 50? 13. I wrote one decent one and then went for one. Damn.
So 13 total. You know that Rakshasas are highly magical. And they deal in souls, they deal in magic. And for the most part, they are evil creatures. They
are known to try and find ways to control other people and manipulate them and are constantly seeking magic. And that's pretty much everything she's also indicated to you. You're not sure exactly if they have a way of taking out information from people, magic from people or something like that, but
So far, it seemed like she's just seeking control. I'm going to pull a little bit more of the catnip out of the bag and flick it over. I threw the whole bag in. I threw a handful. I reached into the bag, threw a handful. I'm going to throw some more at her. I don't expect her to get more high. I expect her to at least sniff at it or whatever a cat does.
You see a little gust of air pick it up and have it swirl around her. While that happens, and she's slightly distracted by it, I'm casting Charm Person. Okay. Ah, this will go well and short. Yeah. Get some crossover ready. We may have to kill a bitch. Okay.
My saving throw on that is a 15. It is indeed a 15. I don't see a roll, so I don't know what you rolled. So I'm not over there. I know. Because charm person affects humanoids. Doesn't affect beings. And she'll look at you and say,
I am so disappointed in you. You looked like such strong men. And everyone is going to have to give me. Let's see.
Fuck. A... Wisdom saving throw, please. Fuck. Dude, if I roll bad, I'm gonna be really upset. I rolled six. 20. 20. Not a dirty 20. Yeah, mine's a dirty 20 as well. All right. You guys, the two of you...
Why can I never remember? Oh, wait, is this is this some sort of charm? It is not a charm, unfortunately. Okay, you have ancestry. Yeah. It is a spell.
Some go on. Larian and Babu, you guys resist this feeling as you feel your bodies begin to stretch out slightly. And then you manage to control the shaking in your body for a second. And you look over at Arlen and you see his body begin to shake and shake.
and then just seems to disappear as he moves quickly away. Arlen, you have found yourself in the main chamber where you first stepped through with the corpse. And... Serona is going to look at the two of you and say, that is impressive, you resisted, but your friend is no longer here to help you.
Leave now and we will have no more trouble. Try and talk to Alfred about my plans and you shall find yourself in danger. You have a choice now. Leave or stay. No, I mean, you have a choice. It seems like you are the only one here that
If everybody else knew what you were doing, you would be enemy number one against the entire underground or dungeon here, if we could convince them. And I can be quite convincing. Well, if I can start... Oh, you have a choice. Well, is that... I was just saying, obviously, while they're speaking, if I could begin the process of dashing back to them, I would.
Alright, you begin dashing back. You get to the door, and it is locked. Oh shit. And she's going to look at you, Bagu. I can pick it. You are such a brave man. You know what? Try it. See what happens.
It has been so hard down here. Do we have permission to speak to Alaric? That's what I'm getting from this? Sure. If you want to tell him, if you wish to tell everyone my plans and my knowledge, I'm excited to see what happens. Can we get that in writing, please? Verbal bond is all that you need. Go. Have fun. Words are binding. You can't seek revenge for this.
Oh, I didn't say that. I said you can go tell him. You can tell everyone. I'll help you and you'll probably enjoy this as far as just a. What's the word I'm looking for a? Visualization or I guess might you say and I'll pull out the wand of binding. That we got earlier and I'm not doing this in a threatening manner. I'm just doing this as in a.
active. Here's here's our our binding terms and I'll cast bind use the Wanda binding on her hands. Because she's in a bondage, obviously. And what? What's that? I don't know. You gave me the Wanda binding. God. Somehow. I don't know. So you can you can cast hold person.
With our whole monster, you can also get a monster. Yeah, five charges. Yeah. So you have it has seven charges, so you can do one hold monster per per day. To 17 potential. Would you like to do that one? You want there? I think save it. I think. All right, we'll say we'll we'll say that you share. Thank you.
In the other essence, I will go over and grab a rope off of the wall and say, all right, here's our terms of binding, and I'll wrap it around her hands if she's willing. She is not. I thought you wanted to play. You've bored me now, making these threats. Leave. I'm done with you. You haven't even started threatening yet.
All right. Well, good talk. I'm going to go for a high five. Oh, I'm going to try and shake a shake a hand. Oh, I can't do that either. Bye. Arlen, are you going to bang on the door? I'll gently knock and see if anyone answers. All right. Give me a knocking check. Knock check.
the door is going to open and uh is the door is gonna say oh what are you doing out there you know i'm wondering the same thing may i come back in how what happened how did you get out there it's a long story really um you might hear about it in a moment
Well, come on in. All are welcome. So we'll walk back in. Now start heading in that direction of where the last were. All right. And what are you two going to do? We'll take her leave and leave the bedroom on. Come on, Arianna. Whatever. We know where we're not wanted. Oh, you now notice Arianna's not here.
Oh god, she's probably a fucking minotaur somewhere again. Was she out there with me when I was teleporter? No. She wasn't. Everyone made me a history check. Rack your brains. Rackin' my brainish, little jay history. Erty. 21. Jesus Christ. That's a decent roll.
16 did you say 30? Yeah, you wrote 30
19 plus 11. So somehow, Arlen can still, even though his body was going to those strange convulsions, he still can accurately remember everything that was going on. And she was doing the very same thing. Her body was moving at like kind of super speed, and she seemed to have teleported away at the same time. But she wasn't with you. We're still exiting the room then? Yeah. I'll
I probably would have noticed that as well, though. I rolled a 21. Yeah, you probably noticed that, too. Yeah, she's back with Oserum. I think it's time for her to receive some re-education on politeness and who she spends time with. Oh, you're familiar with Oserum? Yes, he is a good friend of mine. Son of a bitch. Bit of a friend.
Well, you were just leaving and the door is going to shut on you. And that is where we are going to end for tonight.
Thank you, my friends, for listening to this episode of Dungeon Problems, the Dungeons of Quandary, the Final Door miniseries.

Conclusion & Future Hints

Thank you to my three players, MrLion5k, MrBaka, and MrBlueGibbles, for trying to conquer this dungeon. Come back in two weeks when they try and figure out what happened to Ariana, and see if they can defeat the plans of Sharona.
The theme song was produced and written by the Dungeon Maestro on TikTok and Instagram. If you enjoyed listening to this, please leave a review or tell your friends and family about it or anyone in your D&D group, any DMs that you know. It really helps out a small podcast to kind of spread the word.
I'm EarthosCreations, you can find me on all social media, check out my homebrew creations, the puzzles that I write, and stuff like that. Thank you so much for listening again, have fun, do your best, and remember, I believe in you.