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Invasive Species Part 4: Mini series image

Invasive Species Part 4: Mini series

Dungeon Problems!
31 Plays8 months ago

An actual play game of Monster of the Week! After speaking with Jerome, the hunters heard a radio call saying that a strange tunnel has been found underneath the Post office. WIll they head there or are their sights set on the Water Treatment Plant?


Amako- Played by Dani

Frey- Played by Allie

Maewhyn- Played by Bri

Come back in two weeks for the conclusion!


Introduction to 'The Invasive Species' Episode

Sure a mountain never grows and winds a toothless spider. Darkness fills up the deep holes and turns an endless spider. What we're here for is mysteries, but puzzles yet unsolved. So I set secrets lost to history as dungeon problems solve them all. Dungeon zone, problem zone. Was a zoo to solve them all Dungeon zoo, goblin zoo Was a zoo to solve them all
Hello, my friends, and welcome to the second attempt to start episode four of the Dungeon Problems miniseries, The Invasive Species, a monster of the week actual play. I'm Art Those

Meet the Hunters: Frey, Amaco, and Maywen

Creations, my name is on this, so you should know who I am. ah If you don't, hello, I love you, predominantly. I'm joined by three amazing splendiferous Hunters. Yeah, change that I had to go one up. one wow yeah We're going to start off today with Ally. Ally, who are you playing today?
I will be playing Frey, a tall, brooding, burglar-turned-mercenary. um She's street savvy, packs a punch, she's a big old lock picker, does a lot of odd jobs to make ends meet, um uses her thieving prowess to keep a roof of roof over her head, um and to run from her, as we saw last time, very traumatic path.
A special shout out to Allie today for completely noticing we weren't recording when we first tried this. So everyone in the comments are, I don't know. And I still stumbled over my intro. I damn it. I mean, the trauma was real. So it was that's fair. we came It all came back. It did. Yeah, I was just awash with emotion. oh Speaking of trauma, we have another traumatized hunter die Who are you playing today? Hi, I'm playing Amaco, a divine hunter who used to be a minor deity hundreds and hundreds of years ago until people kind of stopped believing in the old gods and she faded away like a lot of her peers and ah kind of just minded her own business until she felt something inside of her snap and realized that
her sibling Kiyomi had died and she went to investigate and when doing so a kind of just stumbled in with the guild and got to know some other hunters.
And one of those other hunters managed to save them from the trauma last time. Three, who are you playing? I'm playing the Maywen who's usually the one doing the traumatizing. So that was a good switch for her. ah She's a quiet five foot nothing woman who's no stranger to the mercenary game or the dark side of the spirit world.
And yeah, I mean, Bart is probably shaking in his bed at this point. Absolutely confused and traumatized when a giant pile of miracle grow. uh fertilizer lands on him yeah it was the gross stuff too oh really smelling yeah really smelling Well, last session, last episode, you guys burned down a post office. You discovered a little bit about yourself through this hypnotic slash hallucinogenic spore that overtook you guys. You managed to save someone from being overtaken by the vines and learned a little bit about that. But now you have a choice before you in a way.
You know that Captain Ron Edrick is about to set sail for the water treatment plant with the night crew. and But

Deciding the Next Move: Water Plant or Tunnel?

you also know you your favorite NPC in the entire world, Druid Sorensen, is potentially about to make him his way down into a dark tunnel that he found below the post office where definitely nothing bad could happen to him. So what are you guys going to do?
The tunnel's definitely bad. Like, if we're pretty sure the source is at the water treatment plant, if we get rid of that, then maybe he'll be OK in the tunnel. Right? And maybe you scared away any potential threats that were like right at the beginning of the tunnel, given that it was given that we burned it down. so Maybe. Or pissed it off really bad. That's true. Maybe. Well, we'll see what happens to Drew at Sorenson.
I mean, will we be sad if something happens to him or is that collateral damage? Right. It's one life versus the lives of many. Right. Are are we saying this in an earshot of like the captain and of Jerome and everybody? Oh, I'm a quote. I'm a quote. Definitely is. She has no tact. I guess I love it. Go. The captain could go. and give back up to his buddy, right? Well, so the captain is just, you know, he's a boat captain. Yeah, I'm thinking he'll bring us probably to the plant. Oh, land I was thinking like captain of the guard or something. Boat captain. Baby, okay, you know how we just helped Jerome? We throw him back into harm's way and ask him to go help. Yes. Through its origin. Yeah. He now owes us a life debt.
You see him quickly get into his car at the words of life death. It's one of those like instant like hybrids that just turns on and just bolts out at the same time. I'm really tempted to just snap him. I mean, don't worry. I can get back to him anytime, so. What? He can't run from me. I know what he looks like. I will always find him. That's so spooky, I love it. Okay, I mean... To help and protect, of course. Of course. And nothing at all nefarious and no agenda. Listen, I know from personal experience how important a life debt is. So... You know, you don't just run from that. It looks like he's running.
I think I i turn to, Frey turns to Captain Ron, and I say, um were

Convincing Captain Ron: The Journey Begins

can you give us a ride to this this water treatment plant? I think it's now or never, and if you guys want to get rid of this problem, I like look at my my friends um and look for any like sign of agreement. Yeah. um Yeah, so i but yeah I think I look at him and I'm like, um you like you will take us there right now. Not a question. I didn't. So you've made it to the end of the pier and you say this to Captain Ron Edrick, who picture the most saltiest
sailor swab decker that you can he's got that full-on raincoat that is bright yellow on with that hat that like flops every which way he has a little corn cob pipe in his mouth and he's just gonna say well I learned long ago you don't argue with a lady who knows what they want. So I guess we're casting off now. I guess those who are not here for the night shift are going to miss the boat and miss their pay. But let's get on board. I promise you, sir, whether someone's if someone's missing their pay tonight, that might mean that they will live to continue to be paid tomorrow. Also, my friends enjoy being getting paid. so
they will be happy to take that money off your hands if you're worried about that. I'm not in charge of payroll. That's not on my payroll. I'm just in charge of getting people to the island and move back from the island and checking various things, but. Well, then what are you waiting for? yeahp yep If you There is the, you know, I guess the word for it is the sightseeing deck. If you want to go on there, I'll start off. We'll get underway and get to the island as quickly as possible. Usually takes about 30 minutes ride. I can push the engines, but that's never a good thing.
You should push the engine. Push the engines? All right. yeah And I point back at like the car that's peeling away with Jerome in it and be like, did you see what happened to your good old buddy there? Do you want that to happen to you? I actually did see it a little bit. I just saw him getting dragged towards the parking lot. I was on my way to help, but he managed to get up and get away. And he managed to get up and get away because of our friend.
Thank you. Jerome's a very, very good helper. I enjoy him a lot on the ship. I wouldn't know by the way that he peeled out of here. Well, I think trauma has a way of affecting everyone differently. I don't want to talk about trauma.
I'm gonna go up to the the deck and I'm gonna get us up underway. There's some water bottles if you'd like some water and it'll take us about half an hour. It's one of those ferries which can take cars but you see that the area for cars has just been outfitted to hold cargo and stuff like that because there's no need for the cars on a small island where the water treatment plant is. There's a small sightseeing deck on the second floor with seats. There seems to be a little cafe there but it's one of those like at first you get excited because you see the menu but then you see like oh it's really just danishes and you know all curate machines they don't actually really have anything.
You guys are sitting there for about half an hour as the ferry pulls out onto the water. It's kind of choppy actually out on here. You can see that there are these small miniature drone like mini ships that are going around and like making sure the water is going in the way that it should. all the water ins lake is put throughout small aqueducts to feed the fields and to make sure that everything that needs to grow has water. So you guys are sitting on this boat for about half an hour. If you'd like to talk about anything, make any preparations before you get to the water treatment plant. Amaco

Ferry Ride Strategies and Titanic Moments

is actually gonna
go up to the sightseeing deck and stand and I don't know the proper terms of ships, but like the very front part and she's going to do like the Titanic thing. She's like, I just saw this new movie where like the two people were standing at the front of the ship and it looked really fun. And so she's just standing there and like at the very a tip of the boat and enjoying the breeze and just that the spreading out her arms, having her Kate and Theo moment. Did you see at the end of the movie, Namako? No, it was so long. and You're right. And Maven, she's sitting behind Namako and she looks to fry her. She mimes a little full. Full?
and phrase just I'm just like standing there like tapping my feet and I have my arms crossed and as you're miming that I'm like a little laugh so what what are we how do we find who's responsible for this I don't I feel like they're not gonna be just waiting for us at the water treatment plant But if we don't take care of... Go ahead. Can you sense anything now?
I can try. it I mean, since you had that weird brush with the creature, I don't know. Yeah. What do you think it would be dangerous to try and sense it again? I mean, no more dangerous than walking into the planet itself, I don't think. I only could feel, I didn't feel like a consciousness, like something, something that, like it just, just the vines themselves, you know, nothing beyond that. But I guess I could try to dig deeper and see what's pushing the vine.
Yeah, how big of a presence is at the water plant. Really good, an idea of the nature of it, if it's they or otherwise.
Is that going to be a big magic role? God? Just give me a regular used magic right now because you've been doing it a whole bunch. okay
No way. Five and five and two is twelve. So as you're traveling over the water connecting to this monster that you have become in tune with throughout this mystery, you feel like this entire lake has this aura, this consciousness around it. It seems to be spreading out now from this lake and you are heading directly to it. You realize it is going to be hard to pinpoint it on this island because it is so enveloped in the aura of the entire place.
But as you're doing that, you are realizing that that's its goal. It wants to spread. It wants to get out and get as far as possible among the land. So you think that somewhere in the, like, you don't want to go to the part of the plant where it's like, here's the break room. It might be in the break room. you know it's going to be somewhere that is going to give it the best chances to get out and affect all of the water, all of the land. Can I try to like push out a message to this consciousness and see if there's any kind of a response?
You can. But you know the way that you're going to have to do that is with a direct connection with the seat. That we just dropped off at a babysitter.
Okay. Um. Maylan would relay. uh that tom mcclellan and fray while she's feeling it um yeah when you um when you relay that to us um i say um
when we When we get to the plant, I think we should find ah the first place that we should go. We should find the the source of where the treated water leaves the facility and get spread out amongst the gardens and pipes and the land around. like There's got to be some central place where after the water is treated or
when it processed like it then goes out mm-hmm I wonder if it's some kind of not chemical but someone is I don't know adding something I One of the notes that I have from ah one of our last sessions, I wrote that Alfonso doesn't recognize the seed but can tell it's fae, and that it's alive. The seed will infect people, wants to control everything, and is being used as a vessel probably by some other creature or thing. Oh my god, that's right. Because we thought it came into the post office. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, they expected packages but got 14.
OK. I'm thinking two things. um One, I want to do kind of whatever the equivalent of like a perception check would be as we're like going across the water. But the other thing I want to do as well is like um I want to go and talk to you Captain Ron like while he's steering the ship and like at like I have a question for him, but whichever one you want to resolve first. OK, what are you kind of looking for? um you're looking around I think maybe I'm looking to see if there's any movement like any abnormal movement under the waves or if there's anything I don't know some anything that like shouldn't be there or like is indicative of like some foreign entity okay give me a read a bad situation role
Oh, that's only a seven. A seven. and All right. You have luck points. I do. And I don't know if that's going to make much of a difference. Well, with a seven to nine, you get to hold one. So you get to ask one of the questions, are there any dangers we haven't noticed? That sounds kind of like what you're asking. You don't notice any strange movement under the water. This is a very, like, it's not quite a like massive lake, but nor is it a small pond. So it is pretty deep.
You are not seeing any movement that is strange to you. You don't see any fish going throughout. You don't see like vines creeping throughout. So you don't see anything in the water that is a danger to you as you are kind of walking up to the third floor of this ferry where Captain Ron Edrick is guiding the ship. ah It's an open cockpit. It's one of those like but with like the little shed, but the back is open. He's steering and he looks at you and says, oh, what can I help you with?

Exploring the Water Treatment Plant Layout

ah I was wondering if you happen to have any knowledge of the layout of this plant or perhaps a map of the interior of the treatment facility.
um I don't have a map, unfortunately, for some reason. I didn't think about having a map when, you know, in the employee a guidebook that we have says, you know, use maps or really help people find their way around and help paint the picture. I don't know why I didn't do a map. But yeah, what do you what are you kind of looking for? um If you guys did you guys do you think you came up with me to talk to him or no? Yeah.
I would follow that. Then I probably, I like look to you guys to essentially be like, how much are we disclosing to this guy? I feel like at this point it's kind of like, he's gonna, we're at the climax, shit's gonna yeah go down. So incredible. I really don't care. Cool. I turn back to the captain, I say, um frankly, sir, we're looking for the cause of what might be um ah the like the source of what might be causing things like you just saw happen to your employee.
um We need to get as deep into the water treatment facility plant as possible and find where um someone might be tampering with where like when the water is outsourced out of the plant. Because I'm sure you don't want something like that happening to more of your people. Oh no, that sounds absolutely horrible. Usually the pumping out of the water is one of the last steps. And the water treatment plant is built in a circle, kind of. It brings in dirty water, water from the sewage through pipes, through the pump station. That is kind of the outer circle. And then it just gets constantly screened through the bar screens,
the grit and sludge removal all the way to the center where there's the disinfection final treatment that is right at the center of the plant in kind of the inner ring. It's actually down in the center there's a large cavern where all the water flows into it and then flows out of the bottom of the island back in. So If you're worried about something getting in and then being stopped, it would probably be all the way in the center of the island. So you would have to get through, you know, it's not hard to get through, I guess. You know, it's a very large, have you ever been to a Coliseum before? It's kind of like that in a way. and Not in a couple hundred years, but yeah. Couple hundred years?
It's just her sense of humor. Just... Abaco looks confused at Captain Ron.
Yeah, I mean... I don't really know how to respond to that, but... Where were you going with the whole Coliseum thing? Oh, well... So it's it's built in a circular building. ah There's the higher up levels and, you know, the crowd, the more important things happen down at the bottom. So you're going to want to get to the center of the Coliseum. If you're thinking someone's tampering and trying to send out something dangerous, because if they do it at the top, at the beginning of it, then, you know, it's hopefully you would get removed. Knock on metal barge.
but that would probably be your best bet, the disinfection final treatment chamber. And when we get there, are there any employees that we, will are there, is there anyone who's like working there right now or anyone that we should expect to run into? Any employees, any folks who like are usually on this shift, like within the plant? Yeah, there's gonna be a couple, a couple of employees really. There's not too much work that gets done overnight. It's mostly maintaining. There's Carl who takes care of a lot of the maintenance.
then there's Druid four. Yeah, that's a weird one. He's a weird one. Druid four. Like the number four? Yeah. Don't ask me why he's named that. Maybe that's something with the Druids. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but he's most likely inside the plant, you know, maintaining all the things that need to be done.
How long has druids four been there? I'm not 100% sure. I've been faring him across for probably the last two years or so.
I think he was still receiving his training. He's relatively new. A lot of the druids don't like to do the water treatment plant because you come home smelling of the chemicals and the shit and all that. So it's kind of one of those when you've pissed off You know, the druids in charge, you get kind of shunted off to take care of the poo. And how long has Carl been there? Oh, Carl's been there for probably like four or five decades. Oh, wow. He's absolutely bad. I honestly think he might live there. I can't remember the last time I ferried him off. Wow. OK, good to know. Who did he piss off?
I don't know. I think he just likes it there. like I mean, is is Carl the big bad here? If he's been there for four or five decades, is he being punished? Is he a really bad person? Don't look into that. That's an idea.
Yeah, I mean, i I see most people who come and go. I've never seen Carl leave the island. Hmm. What? That being said, it's just my job to ferry people. I don't always notice. Sometimes I don't even greet them when they come on. Especially when I have Jerome working, you he'll handle, you know, getting people on and off and I'll handle more of the boat maintenance. Oh, so it's not because you're rude. No, no, I i don't like to think of myself as rude, but Then again, I don't think I would have missed him in about five years of this job, so maybe he just never has left. Can I ask him for a general description of what Carl and Druid IV look like, if he knows? Oh, yeah. Well, last time I saw Carl. Yeah, you

Meet Carl and Druid Four: The Mysterious Employees

know, like 40, 50 years ago.
Yeah, I think it was about three years ago. He put on a little weight from what I last heard. He likes to wear this big brown coat and he tends to wear these strange like goggles that have different lenses on them and they can like grow and shrink based on how close he needs to. You'll notice him because of his peculiar accent. the He's a weird one to talk to. And then Druid four, where's the green roads of the Druids? Last time I saw him, he had one of those haircuts that seemed to park in the middle and go over the eyes slightly. Often he'll be having his Walkman in, which I think is probably not a great idea, but he really does enjoy music. I thank him and
I guess look to my my friends here and say you know do you guys think that we should be we probably shouldn't split up I'm sure and and with all of this going on but I think we should be prioritizing maybe like getting to the center of the plant and keeping an eye out for these two and maybe trying to talk to them get more information if we see them. I think um We should, if they're feeling elements in the plant, I wonder if they would wait here on the boat for us to talk to them. Cause I don't, I don't know if it's a good idea for anybody to be in there when we're taking care of business. Do you think maybe trying to like ask them to come out and wait outside? Yeah, I think so. How big is the facility? Like,
is he Would it be difficult to locate those two people because it's so vast or would it be relatively easy to find where they are? It's kind of a large plant. um If you like when we when we dock, we do have the intercom system there. We can put out a general call and see because it does, you know, we'll typically do like last call for the fairy of the morning, stuff like that. So we do have to, it does, it goes throughout the entire plant. So if you're looking to get them to come to you, that might be a good way of doing it. Yeah, I think we should waste time trying to find them, especially Carl, who wouldn't be going to the fairy.
change Can we use that intercom system already or does that only work once we're there? Oh no, unfortunately it only works once we're there. It's five little it's on there. we're We're going to be pulling in in about five minutes or so. you can You can see it from here and you guys will see the island with a massive wooden circular building and it's very high up the first kind of ring you see is probably about three or four stories tall and then you can see that the building slopes in it is completely covered and it slopes in so it looks what you would picture Colosseum to look like and there's a small little dock
with a shack right by it. The shack has two stories and he's going to say, yeah, that's a that's a shack where they wait for the ferry if it's raining and things like that. I also have a little office there. I have some paperwork and the intercom is set up there. Once we land, I can get that all up and running for you. Please. Yeah. Yeah. So sooner we get them out the better.
All right, yeah. Give me one second. That literally took us like two minutes out of our five-man travel talk. So I'm going to ease us in and get us all set up.
Can you fight, Captain Ron? Did you what? Can you fight? I didn't know to throw throw hands over a keg or two, but ah I don't think I'm really, as per, I have, you know, a, you know, a cleaver for fishing and stuff like that, but I don't have a start off shotgun and an assault rifle like you got on your back. And, uh, you know, I don't think a giant, so I don't think I can do the type of fighting that you guys might be amped up for. As long as you can defend yourself.
for the time being. I just, you know, be careful. Do you think I should, do you want me to stay there for you guys? Or should I, like, if they come, should I get them out? I mean, I'm perfectly willing to stay and, you know, make sure you guys can get out, but if you're... I mean, you you can maybe take the boat back into the water a little bit once the other two guys are on it and then wait for us but also if you don't feel comfortable doing that we do have another way out so it's not super necessary but either way you should keep your cleaver close if you do stay and if any
plans or other weird things come close. Maybe just imagine they're trying to steal your drink.
I ah can do that, yeah. And protect your drink. I will need a drink after this. You and me both. So he's going to, as you guys pull into the dock, he's going to run down. He's going to throw the lines over quickly. and going to bring you guys to the shack. The first floor is really just a sitting area. Picture rows of benches, maybe a small little, like one of those little coffee stations at the the banks that are always like, oh, come to the bank, we have coffee for you. And you're just like, we know this is not actually really good coffee. It's green mountain coffee. It's the subpar coffee of the world.
and he is going to bring you up to the second floor. His office does not have a lot. The biggest thing in this office is the giant swordfish just hanging on the wall. It's like, yeah, I caught that beauty off the coast a while ago. Not the coast here, I do take vacations. there is one of those can you turn on the in your I just I think I went as he's saying that I interrupted him like that's nice and oh sorry yeah intercoms right here ah would one of you like to make an announcement or should I just do it
you will be more to it probably yeah i think that they were like to listen maybe Yeah, they would be alarmed if they heard a different voice if you're usually the person to do it. Just tell them it's an emergency and to come to the boat. certainly ye um
Kyle and Druid four, this is Captain Ron Edrick. If you would please come to the fairy shack um at not your earliest convenience right now, that would actually be very appreciated. um Yeah, get it screwed up. with Emergency. Emergency, emergency. It's a wooden building. We might not want to yell out fire. Fire. Fire, fire in the wooden building. And you guys hear this reverberate all throughout the island. As you look out onto the island, you see those long holes with the big speakers on them just scattered throughout.
and after to probably about five, about five minutes or so, you see a dune buggy tearing up the street that comes from the Coliseum and it's going to just screech to a halt in front of the shack and a mound of dirt is going to come flying up and out of it comes this little rotund man in a long brown jacket. with these goggles that make his eyes look as big as dinner plates. As he looks up at the window and he just goes, what are you talking about? There's no fire. I pull out my sword and show him the flaming plate. Oh, OK. That is the fire. but a Technically, he wasn't lying. No, no.
What can I do for you? Yes, lovely ladies. Hello. Is Carl here? Oh, oh, four. Oh yeah. Oh, this is Carl. Once you're four is not here, no. wow Give me, give me a second. He pulls out a tablet and he's just going to go, Oh, Okay, let me see. And as he's walking up the stairs, his glasses are getting slightly bigger.
That is definitely the pod right there. I don't see Druid 4 anywhere, but the last movement cut on the cameras was in and biological reduction chamber.
And he's gonna flip the tablet around and you see this kind of medium sized chamber with these rows and rows of what you would think are flower beds. And they just have moss growing through them and they're on the ground and water is flowing through the moss. And as the camera kind of pans, you see a gaping hole in the ground. And right by that hole, there's a door that is completely open, double doors. And there are vines growing out of those double doors. And you just see a pair of headphones and a Walkman on the ground. Oh, no. Poor bastard. Never had a chance.
Carl, we're going to need you

Carl's Unusual Hygiene: A Curious Revelation

to stay on the boat and not leave the boat. We, we, we, I can do that, yes. Do I have to go out on the water though? I have not taken a bath in 40 years and I do not want to go out on the water. What does Carl smell like?
Carl smells. Maywen bends down to be like, and smells him. Just takes a, you're so brave. Carl smells.
Like he's just been digging through the earth for the last four years. And he just... It's weirdly it doesn't smell bad. It just smells earthy. It smells like the first spring rain.
Can I look at Carl like in the eyes and um and like point to the tablet that he showed us and say, have you seen anything like this before? Like gesturing to the like the hole in the wall and all of the specifically the vines and everything. And would I want to like watch his face to see if he reacts in any way. No, i I was just in the bar screens cleaning the mouth. I was not aware. That's usually how I spend the beginning of the night. Just cleaning the bars. I've not heard anything, but I've been on the outer rings. The inner rings is where that is. That's right by the center. And how much do you interact with the druid for? Not very often. He he often says, girl, why don't you take a bath? And I just don't, I don't, I don't like talking to him very much, no.
Um, does it seem like could I do like a read a bad situation or something like that to try to see if he's like telling the truth about like that he's never seen anything like the vines or anything like that? Sure. Give me a read a bad situation. It is weird that he smells like spring and earn when he hasn't had a bath in so long. That's what I'm thinking. I got a 10. He's not lying to you. He's looking you directly in the eye and the way his goggles are set up, you can see every movement of his eyes. What's the biggest threat? Yeah, I'll do let's do what's the biggest threat right now and what's most vulnerable to me. good The biggest threat is you are currently on an island. And unlike a conventional
water treatment plants that's mostly like metals and stuff like that. Your view of that screen lets you know that the way that they're cleaning this water has a lot to do with nature. They're using natural ways of doing this. The whole building is wood and dirt and you know this whole place seems like if this thing can burrow through the ground and moves through the ground you are pretty much walking on it right now. What's most vulnerable to me is the fact that you haven't found a way to stop this thing so far. you Your healing magics that Amaco has done has seemed to do a good way, but you have no idea what can stop this thing from really hurting you or spreading this curse, spreading this disease, whatever it is. So your most vulnerable thing to you right now is your lack of information.
Okay. Um, I turned to my friends and I say, how likely do you think it is that that hole in the wall leads to, um, whatever tunnel that we just heard was underneath the post office? I would bet good money. Do we think that Druid four has gone into this tunnel or do you think he's hoping that we entered the tunnel to trap us in there? I mean, the Walkman is on the floor, maybe he was grabbed. Yeah, that could be bait though. I'm also weird about Druid for some reason.
We have to go down anyway. Yeah. Yeah, no matter if he's a victim or if he's like, planning a trap for us.
We'll have to go. Um, are there any kind of like, um, can we ask Carl or the captain, are there any like walkie talkies or anything that we could do to signal like, I don't know if something, if they noticed something on the outside, could they like, um, uh, maybe we can ask them to, yeah, to like give us a heads up or say something over the intercom or is there a way that we could like reach them or like a little, almost like a pager or something? We do have walkie-talkies. Let me probably, in the first kind of ring, there's the security office. You could grab some walkie-talkies from there. We can keep an eye on you with the tablet, or you can take the tablet yourself if you'd like. Oh, but this is my tablet. why Why are you giving them my tablet?
And he just looks at the short man and just goes, come on, come on. This is no time to get possessive. I think I trust Pearl with the tablet though. I mean, if you live- My mother used to give me the tablet every day. I'm very good. She called me a tablet kid. No, no. I feel if someone on the outside had the tablet to keep an eye on things and us and alert us to any dangers literally creeping up or closing in that would probably be useful especially since he has knowledge of the whole layout yeah and you could if we need to make a run for it or find a specific place guide us like through this maze
Yeah, could we tell Carl and or the captain, um like could we get grab like brad the walkie talkies and maybe say like, if you see anything like abnormal that's happening on the tablet. ah We need you to like contact us, let us know, try to give us a heads up. It's probably going to be dangerous in there and we'll need every ounce of a heads up or a head start that we can. ah can we Can we leave a walkie with you and can you? Can you really like help us to to navigate this? Yeah, I can do that for you, definitely.
I just need that walkie and the security office is one of the first doors when you first enter the plant. If you want to take my buggy too. There the has what's is is the word I'm looking for?
Well, we have an access shaft with the elevator that the buggy can fit in and you can Use the buggy to get there if you'd like. but How long does it take to get to the center? Well, you'll have to get the buggy to the elevator. And that I think is probably about a 10 minute ride down. It pretty much just goes straight down so we can bring supplies where they need to go pretty quickly.
you know that is once you get to the security office you're going to have just have to keep driving around ah but to be the a entrance to the service elevator is kind of a quarter of the mile down the road
Um, I do have proficiency in driving if you, or like I have a plus one ongoing while driving. So if you want me to jump in the buggy and we go and get the walkies and and bring one back. Maybe we do that. Yeah. I like that. We speed. Yes. I put my foot fully down to the ground on the pedal. I also want to like zoom. ah We zoom. I'll just

Security Office Search: Tools for the Mission

definitely scope out the area and listen for any sounds and feel for any vibes.
Okay. So you guys pile into the buggy and Carl gives you the little keys with the little fob that says, Carl's cart. Does he have anything on his key chain? He actually has. a little Eiffel Tower on his kitchen, which is weird because France does not exist in this world. You don't, you're like, what is this weird? Did you build this? What is this? I have seen this in dreams. I dream of this every night as I lay my head to the best. I should talk to a doctor about that. The doctors do not to know anything. It looks very phallic.
carl yeah He is. Is he having naughty dreams? Like, that thing looks very phallic, I don't know.
You could just ask people that on the phone. Why not? Do you really want to know the answer? Do you want that answer? Oh. Sure. No. But we don't have time now and we obviously not now. You're right.
You guys are going to speed off in the cart and get to the front doors of the water treatment plant. Just simple wooden double doors. You push it open to a hallway that circles around and around. Luckily, most of the doors in the beginning are labeled. The very first door on the right is labeled employee lockers. The second one is security office. Down the way a little bit, you see canteen. This seems like this first kind of level is just for employees, breaks, general storage and stuff like that. You go into the security office, which is fortunately not locked. That would be very awkward. But you know, you break through that lock in a minute. And well, we'll see.
There are very security cameras in this room. It's kind of one of those big kind of desks where like the monitors are built into it with like dozens of buttons, which you like, they have to have a purpose, but like you're like, what could these purposes be? Like you see a knob that changes the channels and stuff like that. It seems like a whole lot of buttons that probably do nothing. And then sitting on a little desk is a charging station for the walkie talkies, which probably have done them herself. There also are several walkers marked security officers only. I say we grab one walkie for each of us. Three walkies plus, do we want to get one for the captain and one for Carl?
Maybe we grab five walkies and can we just like snoop in? Are any of these lockers open? Can we like take a little peek into these, into the lockers and see? Like, I don't know if any of Druid four's things would be in there, but like, I want i want to do a quick snoop. I want to look for weapons.
So you're looking through these lockers and it's pretty much just uniforms for the most part. You're looking specifically for weapons, Maywin, and you find these batons. And at the end of these batons are two little prongs and a button. As you press the button, the prongs begin to have a little charge of electricity. Oh, I'm taking that pressure. All right. Do you have an electrical baton now? Oh, hell yeah. Hell yeah.
But for the most part, it seems like just the security officers, besides the electro photons, don't really carry guns or anything like that. What about keys? Find a key card as well. That it says all access pass. What a weird thing to name your key card. Um, we grab it. I guess we, do we do a quick trip? Do we all want to get back in the buggy and go back to, uh, drop off the walkies or like, should like one or two of us go? I don't think, I don't know that we should split up a party. I mean, if you give me like five seconds, I can't get the right. Oh, I hand them to you. Um, I, uh, look at Amaco and I say, can you portal these to them?
Well, yeah, kind of. And I'll take the walkies and ah ah suddenly this flash of golden light appears for a second as I'm gone and appear back at the dock on the ship with using my angel wings. Incredible! What the fuck?
I'm not taking people with me, I actually don't have to fall for it. Incredible. So I just appear in like the same flash of golden light and like for a second it's like as if angel wings are like glittering ah in in the air like golden fireworks as I appear back on the ship and I just hand them two walkies, don't say anything and just bamf out again.
Amaco, as you bamf back, you hear in the back of your mind, what a beautiful woman. She's like an angel. I, I shout the votes of my life to her and to her appearing in my life now. And for the next role that you get of, the next role that you're going to make you. But you know what, for the next hour, you can choose to add a plus one to your role as you have gained a worship. for Oh, shit. Oh, that's huge. Carl's like, what kind of fever dream am I? Yeah. Oh, that's awesome.
All done. Incredible. will You just like pouff poof back and we're like, perfect, amazing. How long have you been hiding those? Well, ah being on Earth is kind of weird and sometimes it messes with my power a little. Why am I telling you this? I'm a little confused. You're a little confused. Me too. and I don't know what you're talking about. I put a hand on your shoulder and I'm like, we'll table this for later.
Okay. There is, and you can, you can see Amiko is just like going in her mind, going through what she usually has prepared as replies and suddenly is like, Oh, there was a bit of witch back at the family tree. Yes. that Sometimes I have magical surges. Mm-hmm. Convenient surge. Let's go. Yeah, I guess we go wherever, whatever direction gets us to start like going deeper into the facility, we'll start that way. And we each have a walkie. Are you going to go through the facility or are you going to take the service elevator? Oh, just kidding. Do we want to do the service elevator? Does that lead like right to where the, you said that there was like a, what level does that go down to or what area?
In theory, he said it was a service level, so you imagine it could go down all the levels. What level was the hole in the wall?
That was on the third to last level, the aeration and biological reduction level. One other quick question. um Are there any kind of like gas masks or air like any kind of like masks or anything in either in the security office or that we see on the first floor. Like I'm wondering if I think we should probably go down to that third to last tier. But if it has to do with like aeration and like biological things. I'm wondering I don't know do we like could we look for do we see any um like have access to any kind of like gas masks or anything?
Yeah, there's gotta to be like a prep room. Yeah, I was gonna say either in the lockers or down where that area is probably. Yeah, you want to take a you take a little bit of time to look through some of the doors on this first level app. And you do find a kind of storage room where there are full on containment suits with you know, like the whole white things with, you know, the big things. You do also find a series of the smaller gas masks that you can picture. So yeah, you can find those. That stands to reason that those are here. Are we suiting up in the hazmat suits or are we just doing the little gas masks?
Oh, they're so unflattering though. And they're hot. coming from real-life experience. They get warm. Oh, they're hot that way. I was like... Yeah. I mean... yeah We're not kink-shaming anyone. It's okay. Love me a baddie and a hazel. A baddie and a hazie. Wow. um I think it's probably best to just do masks so we can still access weather. Oh, that's so true. Yeah. We grab them, and I guess we go to that service elevator.

Descending with a Buggy: Strategic Movements

I think we should go to that third to last level. Yeah. Mm-hmm. All right. You guys grab these masks.
and you take that doom buggy and follow the road farther down kind of following the circular path and it leads slightly down into the building a little bit where you see an outside door of a wooden elevator with buttons. You press it and the doors after a moment open up to reveal a very deep shaft with the wooden platform that is big enough for probably about 10 to 15 people or the dune buggy and a couple people boxes and sit stuff like that. You get on it and there is a panel
with the buttons with the different floors, the pump station, the bar screens, grit sludge removal, primary sedamation, aeration and biological reduction, final sedamation, and disinfection final treatment. All of these things sound so gross. It probably is. You can see Amaco is like ah pulling a sash from her waist and is using it to tie up her dress. like That is floor length and is now like pulling it up to where her knees are, so it's not hitting the floor yeah anymore.
That's smart, yeah. I guess when we like get into the um the service elevator, can I um try getting Carl on my walkie and just be like, we we found the elevator. um We're headed down. Can you see us on the tablet?
Yes, i I can see you on the tablet. I have not seen much movement yet of anything. But I can see you. The service elevator is good. Are you taking my buggy with you? Are you going to leave that up top? I can come get it with my spare key so I can leave it there for you. Maybe. but do we we'll We'll hang on to the buggy for now. I think we'll keep it. In case we need to make a quick escape. should a and He should stay on the boat. like What is he talking about? guy also i'm like Also, don't come over here.
Yeah, fucking stay. Stay. Sit. Please, please be careful with her. She is all I have in this life. Oh no. Carl, you sad, sad man. That's because he hasn't left the island in 50 years. I'm like, guys, why? I turned to you guys and I'm like, I had my finger on the walkie. He can hear you.
Good, somebody needs to tell him. Sad, sad Carl.
Sad, sad, pathetic Carl. Gonna work on that next, I suppose. You pull that buggy into the elevator. It is a good amount of room for all of you and that buggy. Wait, pride you back in. Ooh, yeah. Oh. Or are you a... I think i'm goingnna i'm I'm thinking like what is the optimal, easiest, fastest way for us to like do things? And if we need to get away, then I'm like backing in so that my, the front of the buggy is like facing that door. Strategic, I like it.
I do like a 12 point turn.
Yeah. but It's a small opening. Yeah. The Austin Powers thing. um do you What do you guys think? Should we be trying like ah any levels before um the the aeration floor?
I mean, we could have a quick peek and see how far things have spread, but I would say we don't waste a lot of time on the other levels. Just maybe a quick glance if we already see vines or something. Yeah, I think on the off chance Druid 4 is a victim here. We should probably get down there. Alright, so you're going to take quick ah quick glances at all of the floors as you kind of go. Unless there's 25 or something. no yeah There's very few. So the elevator starts to move. And as it gets down to the first floor, the door behind you guys opens because the exit was up there for entering, but then it enters on the opposite side of the elevator.
I mean, yeah, but if we're later using the buggy to get away, yeah no, we'll be driving out the other way again. So the car is in the right direction for getting away, just not for moving on. Like, guys, don't worry. I've driven backwards before, too. yeah The first floor is the pump station. It opens up and you can see that there are these massive
Pipes. Pipes. Pipes. Pipes that are bringing water in and dumping it into a pool that is swirling and sending it into different pipes. Down to the second floor you go to the bar screens, which are these massive wooden spikes that are in the ground by where this water is emptying into a kind of river that's going around all of these. You can see large chunks of rocks being caught in between these bars. The next floor has viney floor. It has, again, yet another river, but with viney, but not like the vines you were seeing.
freaking tricking us. Finding meshed screens where like dirt and grime and poop are being caught because it's too big to go through. You can see like a fish caught in these mesh screens. Then down to the fourth floor and as it opens you see the primary sedimentation where the water is coming down from the ceiling and kind of like the rain and it's landing on these beds that you've seen gold panners using and it's just vibrating but the vibration stops as these bulbed vines start coming out of the ground and encircling it and you hear the walkie-talkie
screeching out. Mademoiselle's something is coming up the elevator shaft. It's, it's a very, I don't quite know how to describe it. It's like a tendril of vines coming. I pull out my knife. How many? How big? If I had to guess it is, it's many vines and they're kind of coalescing together and they're going to, it looks like they're going to random or something. Yeah, we jump out. Everybody out.
I'm so sorry, Carl. I don't know if, do I have the buggy on? Do I like, do I drive out or are we just? Can you tell?
I, I, do we have, sorry. So we're like at the, like the door is open. We're like the elevator. The door's open. You are now on the fourth floor.
Okay. I like, I do a quick, like I've kept the car on while we're like thinking that we're going to need to get out. Can I just really thick? Really? Whoa. Really quick. Really quick. Throw it in reverse. Throw it back. Um, and, uh, and zoom. Yeah. And zoom out of the, um, the elevator.
All right. You mean act under pressure rule. OK. And can I, since this is a car, can I add a plus one for the driver ability? OK, cool. You said act under pressure. Yep.
um That's a 12. I got a six and a four on the dice. Let's go. Plus plus one. Hell yeah. Damn. All right. Yeah. no you You come tearing out of that elevator and you are now in the center of the primary sedamation chamber. You kind of screech to a halt right as you see the elevator get smashed up and vines are just shooting through the entire shaft and they're starting to crawl out of the open door.
Are these hallways in general? Could we like just start zooming in the buggy like down a hall? I guess we probably don't want to stay and like try to start swinging at anything. I think we just we zoom deeper into this floor. We zoom and I think on the pole if you want to stand up at the back with that nice flame sword you have I will slice and dice anything that comes yeah too close and make green veggies out of it. I love that. All right, so if you begin zooming along this corridor and this corridor is going down. It's kind of like a spiral staircase as you're kind of going around. you see So we're directing.
You are drifting down this. The vines are proceeding to chase after you, and you start seeing them on the walls. Amiko, give me a kick some ass roll as some of the vines are beginning to catch up to you. Okay.
That's, uh, tough, right? Yep. So that's six plus four is tough. Hell yeah. Nice. you slash through these vines as they start to grab this buggy has one of those like back like metal bars with a long flag sitting on the back of it and they're starting to grasp onto it but you are sp slashing away with it as this is happening you're seeing these vines are starting to poke out of the stone walls here right as you're driving
doing your drifting, you see some of these vines are starting to coalesce into making a small barricade in front of you, trying to make a wall so you can't pass through it. What are

Vine Chase and Frey's Assault: Clearing the Path

you going to do? An eye, oh man. Or anyone. I was also, I'm like, okay, I have an assault rifle. I could shoot at the vines while, oh my God, I'm like, I have one hand on the wheel. And I put on the pedal, put like pedals on the ground, one hand on the wheel. I pull my assault rifle off my back. I'm tired. Yes, yes. Fray is so hot. Maywin's also got hands on the wheel. Fray is so hot. What did you say Maywin is doing? All right. Maywin's gripping the wheel. Incredible. I love it.
Fray is so hot and they're not even wearing a hazmat suit. I know. So hot. Fray, give me a help someone. Okay. Help out roll. And then, oh sorry, not Fray, sorry. May would give me a help out roll. And then once that's resolved, Fray, we're going to get a act under fesher bowl again. I got a six.
But I want to use a luck point.
That's two luck points. It is. I can't wait to see what happens. Do I get to add the driving plus one to this again or no? Yeah. um That's another do indeed. Yeah.
I'm going to say no on this one, because you're more trying to shoot this thing as you're doing. But you do get a plus one. Oh, so that is a 12. I would have been an 11 without the driving, and then a plus one from the help. So a 12, baby.
Yeah. Wow. Rolling hot tonight really well. Maywen, you are, you grab onto this fuel. and you begin to help out but a vine is going to come and hit the side of the of the buggy that you're on and you begin to tug by accident the wrong way to make it to like possibly flip over but your hand seizes up for a second and you just hear in your head that same voice that you saw in Amika's vision
Don't worry, I have you. As that happens, your arm stays true as you're keeping the steady as Trey begins to unload with her assault rifle. di detect Blasting a hole into these vines and drives right through it. You're passing it down and you pull out into a large chamber where you see these moss covered walls that water's flowing through. You see that massive hole that's been dug into the ground. Two open double doors leading down into another corridor that continues down and that blockman on ground.
You come bursting into this chamber and the vines are following you.
How quickly are they following? You have a little bit of time, but not an insane amount of time. Is there any way ah we could build like a barrier around the hole that I could set ablaze without it catching on to everything else around this whole stupid wooden building. So you want from the corridor that you just came out of? Yeah, just if there's a way we could with fire block the vines that are actively chasing us right now or if there would be too much risk of the entire building catching fire. OK.
I'll say there are two ways you can do this. You can try and grab some like tables and chairs that are set up and use a act under pressure roll. Or you can try and use your sword to create like a wall of fire channeling your magic through it and use magic.
So if I use my sword doing it, I don't need to use actual materials that we have to collect. I would just cut it in the ground essentially. Yeah, I would say you're essentially the use magic effect of bar, purse, placer, portal to a specific person or type of creature. So you'll be using the fire from your sword to create like a wall of fire. Okay, then I'm gonna try that and I just wanna like usher the others down the hole. And then I'm gonna use my sword to like draw a circle around it. So at least the vines from the outside might be a little bit deterred and we won't get ah ambushed from all sides hopefully.
So you're going to do this in the hole that's going underground or the chamber that you just, the hallway. I don't know. What do you think makes more sense? yeah Wherever we just came from. Yeah, the hallway. Yeah. So we can deal with the chamber. And I'm going to try and do it in a way that doesn't set the whole place on fire. ah since Since it's magical fire that you're summoning. there's less there's a very less chance of that so roll a used magic which is a plus weird okay uh that's 11 hell yeah okay that i'm i'm a little annoyed i'm not getting any experience it's fucking time because i i'm doing so well you use your sword and you
I'm annoying.
As your sword digs into the ground and you make this a lie, the fire shoots up blocking this corridor. You see that? It's avoiding the walls. It's your magic. It's your fire. You control it. Damn right it is. And you see these vines are starting to hit onto this fire, catch a blaze, and smoke begins to pour into the chamber, but they're not in too much danger from that yet.
Would I be able, at a later point, if I decided I no longer want the fire there to like tell it to go away? Yeah. Okay. Can you remind us again what do we see like right in front of us in this new chamber? It's like the hole in the wall, the um like the mossy, yeah. So there are large pillars of moss where the water is flowing through it and kind of catching to make sure that there's a final, think of it kind of like sand, that final layer of the filtration.
and the river continues on pretty much right in the center of the room is this gaping kind of tunnel now that something has ripped out of the ground and you can see that it slopes down and out towards the west where the post office was. Then there is a Walkman right by it that seems discarded and you can hear the faint sound of music playing from it. You hear, don't you forget about me. And then there are these two double doors leading out that seem to continue the tunnel down to the final bell. Okay so are we thinking do we probably do we want to like continue in the water plant like further into the center like I'm i'm wondering if this tunnel if we're thinking this connects with the post office.
Do we think that whatever is in here that we are chasing after that we're looking for, do we think it has tried to like run out of the plant and like out through the post office or do we think it like went deeper in? Like would it be a waste of our time if we tried to um like head back to the post office through this tunnel? I mean it came in via the post office right and I would assume it's trying to use the water cycle to spread out further. So while I think there might be danger in the direction of the post office, I would think that the plants will be spreading towards yeah here. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense.
So I guess do we want to go deeper into the facility? And maybe now we're just on like higher alert.
Yeah, I mean hopefully if the police are at the post office and they're trying to get into the source, hopefully they will be deterred a little while longer by the rubble and the situation not being safe. only Or they just see a lot of vines and just turn around and leave.
so and I feel like we need to find the druid for more urgently than we need to protect the people at the post office and I'm not just saying that because Sorenson is an idiot but he is but he is but I'm not being spiteful just for the record it has been noted on the record thank you
Are you taking the buggy down this corridor as well? Or are you leaving the buggy here? What do you guys think? I think we take it. Yeah. I mean, even if it's just to block something at some point or use it as a shield. Yeah. For Carl. Yeah. Oh, drive it. Run things over. Yeah, Carl's not getting this bag. Take it as far as we can. Yeah, I'm continuing to drive.
all right so you guys are driving down this final corridor heading deeper down it's starting to get even more narrow as you guys are going the buggy can still fit you pass by a couple doors of uh you see one door that reads office of the druids you see a door that says caution cleaning chemicals and supplies You see a door that breeds rest area. And then as you pass by the final door. Hang on. We're not passing by the cleaning supplies. We're loading up on flammable chemicals.
weapons and goals Yes. We're loading the buggy up with flammable chemicals and cleaning. ah but supplies if there are any.
OK, you're going to go into the cleaning supply closet. We're going to blow this place up. It's the most heroic place to be. So yes, I will I will just tell Freya to slow down and ah so I can like check which story was and then like stop for a moment and I'll just ah run into the cleaning supplies closet and then be very confused for a moment, not really knowing what anything is, even if it's just regular cleaning supplies.

Stocking Up: Preparing for Battle with Flammable Supplies

ah But I'm going to start looking for like symbols that you know, like the little flame thing on the labels and trying to grab a few ah canisters or whatever they are. Okay. You
There are several things that you can see as you enter this chamber. You can see a rack of mops and squeegees and all that. You see a shelving unit filled with bleach, ammonia, various different cleaning supplies. You see, i'll I'll give you three cleaning supplies that you see. You see bleach, you see arm and with baking soda. Why are you using things again that a German person doesn't know? It's the security company thing all over again. um over a It's good stuff.
And the final cleaning supply you see is... I don't know any German cleaning supplies. Well, you you just do an American one and Amaco is going to yell to Frey, which one is most flammable? You see Frosh brand cleaning supplies. Oh, that's that's an ecological brand. They're probably not super flammable.
So bleach, almond hammer, detergent with ah baking soda added, and frosh mineral cleaning supplies. Wait, can we change one of those? Can we change one of those to like an air freshener in an aerosol can so I can have a flamethrower? Please. ah
yeah You see Lysol air fresheners, now in clean linen set. Oh, I wanted the fresh rain scent.
Oh. You also see the discontinued line of unfresh rain set. Unfresh, stale rain.
Oh, Karl's favorite. Probably. um Yeah, whatever you grab, how many things can you grab?
Fair amount in your hand. I mean, I would go like. Just scoop. I'll say you have a a bunch of all of it as you load back up into the buggy and continue down and the hallway opens up and you can see that it continues spiraling down into a very small tight chamber where pipes are beginning to come out of the walls and empty down into a circular pool at the base. This circular pool in the center of it has a massive pillar with these
wooden paddles that are spinning in it, creating a whirlpool that seems to be draining down at the base of the chamber. This pillar is completely covered in vines that are not stopping it from moving. They seem to be moving with it. And as you guys are pulling up, you are now kind of at the top of this chamber and you're looking right out at the top of this pillar where the vines are all coming out of a giant lotus flower. And

Confronting the Lotus Flower: A Major Threat Appears

as you enter,
the vines from this lotus flower begin to come off the pillar and slam into the wall surrounding you guys and begin creeping down towards you. As you see this lotus flower begin to open and at the center of it there is a face A giant face and a mouth filled with rosy thorns howls at you. and And that is where we're going to end for today. No! Wait, are lotus flowers the thing that like made everyone traumatized?
Were they the little bulbs? Yes, it was a lotus. This is a giant version of that. Yeah.
Thank you, my friends, for listening to this, the full episode, but not the final episode. Sorry, unfortunately, not the final episode for you who were looking forward to it because they have now come face to face with the. Flower man. Strangling lotus. oh oh And come back in two weeks to see how they deal with this massive carnivorous plant that wants to control everything.
I'm Arthur's Creations. You can find me on TikTok and Instagram and I don't use Twitter really. Don't look for me on there. Twitter's weird. I hate it. ah Thank you so much for listening. The theme song has been done by the Dungeon Maestro on TikTok and Instagram. He's doing a whole bunch of new stuff recently. I would go check him um out or them out. I don't know what pronouns they use. I think he, but that's neither here nor there right now. And I have been joined by some
There's only so many adjectives out there in the world, and I don't think any of them do you guys justice. There's literally so many. You know what? We'll just use what we just heard. Fabuloso. um You're you going with a cleaning supply name? Because you're about to clean up this monster. like clean Hell yeah yeah. Starting off with Brie, who are you playing and what do they think is going to happen now? I play Maywen and she thinks the gas masks were a really good idea.
And where can they find youe um you, You can find me on TikTok and Instagram at Fates Whisperer. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. You will learn much there. And Donnie, who are you playing? And what do they think is going to happen next? Or what do they want to happen next? I was playing Amaco, our divine hunter. and Aamako, after having a traumatizing vision vision of her siblings, is worried that her older brother has something to do with what is going on. Ooh. You have a devotee now.
i have it But I have a new worshipper, so everything's fine. that's great Scratch that. I'm not worried at all. but that's action Cosmic balance. Last but not least, we have Ali. Ali, who are you playing? And what do they think is going to happen next? I've been playing Frey, who we've decided canonically is just a really hot burglar just throwing firearms around. So bad. So badass. Frey is also very happy about having the gas mask.
And is now thinking, I think Frey was very suspicious of Druid IV as the the person kind of at the center of the of all of this, um but is now thinking that like it could it that this um strangling lotus could be, um that is likely the thing at the center of this. I think she's feeling less suspicious of Druid IV and of Carl and just like, we need to get rid of this plant. All right, come back in two weeks to see if they can do that. Thank you all so much for listening today. Have fun, do your best, and remember, we believe in you. Bye! Bye!