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S2 E9 · FrndsvsFrnds
66 Plays2 years ago

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Parmesan Wings and Video Game Life Boosts

Friends, I hear we talk nothing talk debate
Nothing but basketball, yo. That was JT. We got KB right here. Yo. We adding the stat man. Stat man, stat man. Yeah, that's me. What's good? How y'all feeling? We are in exceptional space right now. The sound engineer's wife just made some chicken. We're like Parmesan. We're like Parmesan wings. Better than Buffalo Wild Wings. It was right here. It was going down. Better than Wingstop. Do not get it twisted.
Like, I just feel great. It's like, you know, in a video game, when you pick up chicken off the street and get life from it, it feels like that. You get the extra life, extra life. Yeah, the extra life. Wait, oh, I'm about to survive now. Yeah, for real, for real. Streets are rigged. Bro, we in here,

LeBron, Foul Controversy, and Pat Bev's Camera Antics

man. So, man, this past couple of weeks has been crazy in the basketball world. So I do want to highlight one thing, yo. How'd y'all feel about LeBron crying about that foul, bro? Real shit. Yo, Pat Bev interviewed the next day about it.
about that whole situation with him doing the camera and how LeBron fell. Yo, whose camera was it? Whose camera? Nah, he actually went to one of the freelancers like, yo, can I borrow that? No, no, no. He went to one of the people like, can I have that? Yeah. That person had the picture and showed it to the ref. And the ref was like, yo, Pat, I got to. But Pat. Oh, he teed him? Yeah, he teed him. Automatically. All crazy. But you know, the funny thing about that was,
Pat went to LeBron the next day, was like, yo, that's the work. I've never seen you like that before. And LeBron even admit that. He's like, yo, I was at my wit's end. Yo, it was deep for him, son. He got on his knees. He got on his knees. But I feel like he was like this. He got on his knees, son.
But you know, the funny thing is, if they had won, they would have moved up so many spots up, I think to either the fourth or the sixth seed. That's how crazy the West is. That's how tight the West is. The West used to be what the East was and how they sucked. The West, it's just like, bruh, literally one game, you can move up so quickly. Yeah. But you know what? You almost feel like
Why not have that display after you lose? I feel like that's set the tone for them to lose. But you know the, even though they, even though- No one should've O.T. after that though. Yeah. But you know the funny thing is, he should've did that when J.R. fucked up in the finals. He kinda did! No, he just did this! I mean, that was his emotion right there in there though. Yeah, but like- No, that's, that's, that's a, that's a, that's the reaction I have to like Corey doing something
in the house, you know what I'm saying? Don't take the garbage out, the truck didn't came, it's leaving. And our garbage men are assholes. Shout out to your department. Yeah, Allentown. I'm tired of y'all, and I'mma file a complaint.

Kyrie's Trade Request: Silence as Strategy?

That chicken got you feeling extra good. I told you chicken and beer you are that you eat But besides that we had you know, we just had to alert that Kyrie Bro Kyrie just demanded a trade only because him and his agent was like yo He wants to be here long term. Can you pay him? The nets were like
We'll talk to you later. But you know what? Now they get to, they get to lay back on the Kyrie has an attitude thing. He's difficult to work with thing. Cause everybody's going to, everybody's going to shoot at it from that angle now. Kyrie did. How? You know, and this is where I say, think about it. Kyrie knew that they didn't want to give him a contract.
You know, as soon as he says, I want a trade request, the media is going to jump on that. And like Kyle said, he's hard to work with. No, that made him seem like he's not hard to work with, though. He's like, hey. You don't get a contract, and then you think that you're going to show your displeasure by asking for a trade request. You should have just been like, bet. Because at the end of the day, if they're not going to give him a contract that he's wanting,
I'm going into free agency. Okay, bet. You're losing out on me. If you don't trade me, what do you get out of me after free agency? Nothing. He should have stayed quiet. So you're saying the fact that he's demanding to trade and before, like, you know... Already makes, like you said, makes him look bad. I like Kyrie. You know for many different reasons I like Kyrie. You're from Jersey. We love Kyrie. But Kyrie should have just said, okay, bet.
You don't want to give that to me? Bet. I'm going to do me. I'm going to take my services elsewhere, and you're not getting anything back for me.
Cause they're not, they're really not. Yeah, cause think about it. No team is going to go trade for him knowing that, are you going to sign a contract extension? Okay, let's put it this way. And no offense to this team. Let's say Kyrie gets traded to Houston. Houston is trash right now. Yes, they're on the come up, but you're not going for a championship. No, but my point is like, yo, I'm not getting a championship. So why should I resign with you if you're trash?
Yeah, they got Jabari Smith Jr. But what do you have that's going to make me want to stay with them?
Go to the next, sure. But we got Jaylen Brunson, that's not gonna work. But, oh, we could take Randall away, I'll be okay. Right, so you wanna start point guard, don't do this. I still have to coach that game tomorrow. No, I know that. No, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, cause you know Randall be in his feelings when we be losing, he be in his feelings. But anyway, but I'm just saying like,
Anywhere unless it's to the one team that I know he wants to go because he wants to be back being Robin to Batman He would only go to LeBron and have no problem Waiting to get a contract because he knows if he goes with Braun you at least know I'm getting to the finals with Brian with Brian Because if they do think about if you think about it doing a trade you're gonna probably have to trade you're gonna obviously trade Kyrie Plus an extra player
to get Rush's $47 million contract. You're gonna have to make the contracts work, unless you do a three-team trade. But for that to work, that would mean LeBron would get his robin, KD would be doing cocaine because then he would get Russell, and Russell would be like, okay, so now I get to be robin again, but then I'm gonna shoot like I used to do in OKC. So again, there's the only way that works. Unless you wanna do something interesting and go do Kyrie for,
What's his name? Holiday, up in Milwaukee. That would help the Greek freak. That would work contract work. Or would you go to Phoenix and then trade Chris Paul and do whatever you gotta do to make the contracts work? Didn't they say they wasn't gonna trade him?
Just because they say that in the media doesn't mean they're secretly not doing that. Would you rather have a Chris Paul who gets injured every season in the playoffs? Or would you have a Kyrie who, depending on his emotions, in the media, you would get someone who's not gonna be hurt in the playoffs? Kyrie and Book would be different. That would be dope. That would be different. Because you got Booker, you got Kyrie, you got Mikel Bridges, you got punk-ass DeAndre Aiten who, depending on his mood, him and Coach Williams will have a problem.
I would do that trade in the heartbeat if I was Phoenix, if that would work. It would help them out. He said punk ass DeAndre. No, no, no. A.N. was cool until he was like, yo, me and Coach, we haven't talked. OK. Coach could have been the bigger man and spoke. But again, DeAndre Aiten, when it came time to Dallas, what did you do? You suck. So what did the coach do? You rockin' bench.
I think they just have natural beef, yo. I think they just really don't like each other. Because Williams, Monte Williams, came from that coach, Pop Tree, where yo, I'm the coach, you the player, you won't respect whatever I do. Facts. So... Toasted at, by the way. Yeah. As his coach. And by the way, he got drafted by the Knicks. I am dealing with this same situation with a middle school basketball team.
We are losing gains by average of like 50 points. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, a tough grind, but I think I understand. Damn. I'm gonna give you something. I'm gonna give you and JT something to get real mad at me.
What's up? I was going to wait till the end, but I'm going to just get you all pissed off at me and our fans. You're going to start early?

LeBron's Scoring Record: Era and Impact Debate

Yeah, great. We've been drinking. We've been drinking. We've been drinking. We've been eating chicken, chicken, and beer. You are what you eat, but OK. How much credit do you give LeBron beating Kareem's record? Do you think it was actually something magnificent, or do you think it was just OK? Is it that major?
I mean, I wish somebody would say something to me for breaking the all time NBA record. All right. I'm gonna be that guy. I will say this, bro. It's a lot. I will have to say in it. And this is something I want us to do a whole segment on with your stat analysis. And we can go back in deep and we can tell our viewers everything. I'm gonna give it to you now. I would say this. I would say this though.
Hey bruh, he get all the credit. Like, I ain't saying shit. He get all the credit. But do you think it was as him, Kareem breaking it was magical versus LeBron. Which one, which one breaking, owning it is more magical? I would say at this point, Bron, because if you think about it at our time right now, like not even going back to, bruh, like,
This dude really he's figured out the game. He is the only player that I we know that came out of high school. That's just was like Kobe masterful. Kobe would have broke it if he hadn't gotten hurt if he would. But think about it. No, no, no, no. He did. LeBron hasn't gotten hurt. No, he's a good injury. You know, right. And Jordan, the suspension.
Every year, he's figured out how to actually put up numbers. And that's not his thing. That's not his game. No, he's a past person. But now I'm going to give you some stats. Now think about this. What's up? OK. So we know the record is 300. He went on his shit. Yeah, I didn't see y'all. You got a pen. Yeah, I got it. What's up? Kareem's record is 38,387 points. OK? Yeah. He was one for 18 from 3 Point Land.
Oh, Reem? Yeah. Like, his career? Career. Damn. Now think about this. Hey, you! Now listen. Wait, how long was the three-point? Do you know? Do you know what the year the three-point started? Because Reem been there for a long time. No, he was. And you don't have that one. No, I actually wrote it down and then not on this paper.
but when he came into the league not with nine line when actually when wilt was towards the end of his career that's when the three point came in but koreen was never a three-point person yeah no no so let me give you this okay so brawn as you know currently he's at 30 uh
The wings gettin' to him, boy. The wings gettin' to him, son. It's crisp like the butter crust. Bronze shot, okay, bronze from three-point land is 34%. Shot 22,232 points out of 6,481.
That, in total, has made 6,758 points. If you remember, Kareem was in that three-point era, but he didn't. If we took out Bronze currently, he would be at 31,629 points. And we took out three points? If we took out three points, yeah, he would be ranked fifth.
behind Malone, Kobe and Jordan. So when I say this, if you think about it, Kareem did it all on two pointers. Yes, he was in the air where there was three pointers involved, but he was one for 18. That wasn't his natural game. However,
Brian had the three pointer to help him speed up that opportunity to get to close to where Kareem is. But he had to learn. Remember Brian coming in? His first thing was attack. Then he started to get stronger in the post. His three pointer wasn't really...
He just started doing it. No, I know. And he's 34% from three-point land. So do you think... That's not a great percentage, really. I know. But 6,000 points came out of the three-pointers. He would be at 31,000. He would be top five. So do you think him breaking Kareem is magical? Yes. That's a low percentage shot. He makes 6,000. He makes 6,000. But again,
Jordan, you know, wasn't a real shooter at a three point line. Kobe was Malone barely shot. He didn't have to. I know that. But I'm saying like he really. Kareem did it all in the twos. If LeBron did it mainly in the twos, I'd be like, OK, cool. Now, the only thing I say that is.
It's the way, no, it piss me off, it's the way his health is. He's able to do that, but you gotta remember, he hasn't been injured, so he can put up numbers. Yes, the 6,000 points is a huge thing to put in place, but his numbers, as in like, he stays healthy, and he's able to go to, bruh, it's been like, what, it was like four or five years straight, Braum was in the finals, at least a conference Eastern finals, bro.
And then he went to the west, he was still there. Remember, because he was with... Yeah, so it was longer than that. So it was continuous of him playing. I was saying... Dominating. It was his health that got him that. It was his smarts. I can respect that. And you can't penalize somebody for being more skilled. No, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying, people can think about, hey, Kareem did it all in twos. One for 18 from three-point land.
But LeBron had that extra kick with the three-pointers. I don't see how that's more impressive. You're thinking that you couldn't make threes. No, I don't think he couldn't. That was just wasn't his game. That wasn't his game. Green came up in that time. It wasn't there. I do your game, and I do Steve Nash's game, and I do everybody's game. I'm just saying, I do everybody's game, and I scored more points than you did.
Kareem passed the sticks. You think Kareem passed the sticks like that? No, Kareem passed the sticks. You had your time. You had your afro. You had your speeches. At some point he did. He had the throwback jersey. He had the Bill Cosby moments where he wanted to lecture.
Have a you know that he did and then he stopped but you know, it's fun. He's still be saying he'd be more focused on on weed weed Karim pass the sticks
So wait a minute. So wait, are you saying that Bron got an extra 6,000 boosts? Like he got like that booster, that booster back. Because he's a better three point shooter. Hey, think about it. Bron shot it just in twos. That's not less impressive.
If he did it without, if he did it the same way Kareem did it, would it be more impressive or would it be like whatever to you? No. So you're telling me it's magical because he did it. Do you know what that would look like? So that means he would have dumped 4,000 more times. You feel like that's- Well Kareem Skyhooked it. No, but I'm saying like, do you want to see LeBron Skyhook? He could do it. They wouldn't look cool. No, okay. Now think about this. If this fool actually played two more years, he probably would have broke it with them alone.
Carl, really? Yeah, because he was at thirty six thousand two hundred ninety eight. That's a and Kobe was hurt for those last three years. Who was it? Who was the shooter? Who was hitting those threes on Kareem's teams? I don't think anybody was shooting three years like that towards them. Byron Scott. Yeah, he was a he was a shooter. Byron Scott was a shooter. So you're saying they didn't have to do it.
Showtime Lakers was all about. Let's do this. He was transitioned. Let's do this. Without threes, do you beat the Warriors? No, you lose. You can't not hit threes and beat the Warriors in the finals. He didn't really shoot. Okay. The fact that he hit that many threes is not less impressive. That's more impressive. 6,000 points.
hitting a low percentage shot but the thing is even it's a low percentage shot his percentage ain't up there like that that's not his I feel like it's not his game like that's so even though it's not even his game just like we're giving Kareem points for that's not his game no I'm not hearing points he hit them all right yo our fans in the in the in the bio in our comments who's
Is it gonna be Braun or is it gonna be Kareem? What? But more impressive? Yeah. Let us know what you think. I told you I was gonna piss people off. Do you think it's less impressive that he hit 6,758 and counting? That many threes? I mean, we'll find out. Don't you wish you could do that?
You know, the funny thing is, think about this. Stefan Curry is nowhere near top 10 for points. And that's crazy. Wow. Nowhere near? He's nowhere near. Top 10? No. I literally just gave you top five. Believe it or not, you know who's number 10? Melo. And that's sad. It is. I think he's 29,000 points. And he's at top 10. Curry's not there. KD is top 25.
Something to think about, but just for y'all, because I was pissing you off, especially literally this guy right here, now we got to talk about the important things, rumors.

All-Star Reserves: Who Got Snubbed?

How do you all feel about the All-Stars reserves? The reserves, it's crazy. The reserve, some of the reserves should be starting, yo. Shout out to, first of all, I feel bad. I feel bad for Joelle. Yo, that's crazy. My man really, I'm not even a citrus fan like that. He got disrespected. He did. He's the one that should be, should be,
He should be tight. He should be mad. He should be the person that should be really upset. But he's not even talking that much because he... No, he said some shit. He said, like, a couple words. But really, if anybody has the right to complain... 100% him. Who's better centering him? But, you know, when they change the rules on how they pick... They let players pick... Players and fans and all that nonsense. But when you think about it,
There's a couple other people who've been disrespected. One, Jaylen Brunson.
For sure. That's like, that's like a name. Pascal got disrespected. I said, he's sneakily sneakily. He got disrespected. crowd feels like this person got disrespected and I told him earlier that I don't feel bad for him. Hardin. I didn't say all that. What I said was it's weird that he's not there. He was hurt most of the season. And he has something to say. He was hurt. And he hasn't really been James Harden like that in Philly. I understand that Jalen Brunson, that's just,
That's just him not being like that. Bam got in, Jalen Brown, DeMartha Rosen, Joel Embiid, Tyrese Halliburton, Drew Holliday, Julia Redness. Hopper deserved that. You saw what he did? He's correct. He put Wally, he put Wally's picture on his social media. I was like, hey.
So while he was talking about was a highlight now, I remember while he's urban So so Tyler he's on there now. He's he's an all-star, but you know what he said, right? Wally said he didn't deserve to really be an all-star. He said he's a Fake one to be all-star basically. He's trying to be all-star. He said he's not gonna be an all-star he
Literally said he's not gonna be able to all-star. He had to apologize. The next game he apologized. The next man was like, Wally, you gonna have to say sorry. Yeah. And then he made it. And then that's what all his social media, all his accounts is Wally up there. His picture of Wally right there when he said it.
That's hilarious. Hey, that's funny, but I really funny. Oh, we're dealing. I wouldn't like where his jersey to. Oh, yes. Yo, that would be sick. Yo, that would be over here. Just had an idea. Halliburton, listen to him. Yo, Reese, get you a while he's a jersey and wear that.
All-star game Do that he probably should Yeah, that's gonna be a short and we're gonna tag him. That's me funny as if he does her make that happen man Definitely make that happen and bring some wings Bring back the wings crazy, but I feel bad also for
why Drew Holliday should not have gotten that over Pascale. Pascale Siakum. Siakum, yeah. But what about Sacramento, like Fox?
Fox not on there. God, you know, it's got on there. But no, it's about you. If you have not been watching the Kings play, you missing out on some things. I mean, I know a lot of people don't like the King. I mean, they're not fans of the Kings unless you in Sacramento like that. But they've been hoping as a bonus and put up numbers. He's first in a lot of categories. I would have gave it to him over Paul George.
Okay, so this is the line up. I must say, I haven't been watching a lot of Clippers. And by the way, there's another person who shouldn't have gotten it, Jaron Jackson Jr. He was hurt most of me. Yeah, he was out for mad long. That was a surprise to me. Yeah, it was. So you got... That was a surprise. You got Sabonis, you got John, you got Lori from the Jazz. No, he got, yeah. Lori definitely served that. Yeah, oh yeah. Hey, I like it. Jaron Jackson did not. Fun fact about Lori, so when the Knicks had Prozingas,
We got off for three first round picks to trade Prozingis away because Phil actually wanted Laurie, but we had Prozingis already. We were going to go draft Laurie, but they both played the same way. Yeah, it doesn't matter. He would have fucked it up. And then we got and then we got shot and Alexander and then we got Paul George. Paul George don't deserve it.
I have it. I mean, over Fox, Paul George, who I know Paul George game is like he's like Kyrie and a little mix of like big guard. Yeah. Like, yo, his handles is crazy. I love Paul George, but it depends on what he do. Yeah. What he kills me.
I could trade Paul George for Kyrie to go to the Clippers. Now, the weird thing is, is Kawhi Leonard any of these conversations? Fun fact, Kawhi, nah, and like a couple weeks ago, last week, Kawhi did some disrespectful stuff. He was like, yo, yeah, because I posted on our page. He was like, yo, I have no problem with us trading for a point guard. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I was like, but your point guard is Reggie Jackson. I was like, damn, so Reggie's passing you the ball and you say into the media, I want a better point guard.
That's that's John Wallace hurt. And I'm just like, yo, OK, John was doing this stuff. But when he got hurt, that was that. But again, you're saying to the media, you want to point guard when you got to Reggie Jackson isn't a starter. He's someone that comes off the bench. That's good because John Wall was hurt. But you're saying that and then you're going to practice. And Reggie, they're looking at you like. That's why you want to deal with that. How do you deal with it? Here we go.
What happened with the Warriors? What did Draymond do? That's how you deal with it. You turn the cameras on. That's how you deal with it. Throw that ball right off the front of his face. That's disrespectful.
That's hurtful. Just get to him right there. Remember, on NBA Street, they called it off the Heezy. Remember that? Yeah. Hit you in the forehead with the ball. You ain't right. Hey, bro, did we even get to the first time that we're training?

NBA Trade Rumors: Zach Levine and Team Fit

No. No. I told you I could. Ain't there some crazy stuff going on? I told you I can't really act with that. Ain't there crazy stuff going on? So, I mean, the first thing we got going on is trades and everything like that. All right, so I'm going to give you a couple of lists. Yeah, what's up? What's up?
Chicago wants to trade a brother. He goes by the name of Zach Levine. Rumors have it, there's four teams interested in him. LA. LA is one. New York is another. Dallas is another. And Miami. I've been having such a good time tonight. I don't want to get on the next thing. Like, I don't want to ask.
but you know what I'm giving her your ass. You know you're gonna have to trade, RJ. You're not gonna trade. No, are you serious? Cap space? Yeah, you're gonna have to make it work. Unless you're trading Randall. Are you trading Randall? No, they're not doing it. They don't need to. We need a shooting guard.
Your punk ass wants Grayson Allen. We need a shooter. I didn't say I wanted Grayson Allen. Yo, next episode, we're gonna pull that clap. Let me check the text again. I said he would be a nice fit if we got him. For the load of my work fans. For the load load. I'll be working when we be getting these text messages, y'all. Some of them. We be going after them. Some of them make me sick. I'll be like, yo, what?
You be like, oh, hold up, man, hold up. Hold it right into the set there, yo. People were beeping at me and all that, swerving around me, all that. You know where I would like him? There's two teams out of the four that are interested. LA's actually not the one. Really? No. I'm interested in him going to Dallas because your boy needs a shooter.
That wouldn't be bad. I'm also interested in Miami. I bet he's interested in Miami, too. So what would you do? So Kyle Lowry would have to go and make Tyler maybe. Or Trey Tyler for him. Remember, everything got to be cap, salary cap. I'll go. That's messing up your whole career, little kid. I don't care. Jimmy, I don't care. Does that really help?
Chicago, why does that help Jimmy? That means you have to shoot guard Jimmy's not a small for Jimmy complain the small for him But when it's like small ball lineups Jimmy will do whatever he needs to do to win. That's that's that's a dog in him He will do he can do like you can guard bigger players correct like he can do that like he's defensive wise and then he's got Yeah, but um
Nah, I guess. I would do that for him, because he needs shooters. Tyler, for me, be like... That's Matt shooting guards in the lineup. That's Tyler Hero, Levine, and Butler. That's all really shoot for. Yeah, but I was saying Tyler's gonna get shipped out.
Oh, so so then you would have Levine at the two. So by the three, Kyle Irish would be there depending on how the salaries can work out if you do that. But what was Chicago do that? No, Chicago's basically going to trade one of them. If not now, definitely the offseason.
Ball has basically, they said Ball was coming back by January. They said brother's knee is still hurting. He is the new Penny Hardaway. All right, I'll put us up. Who do you think is worse, Penny Hill?
or Rose as Lonzo Ball. Nah, take the Rose off. No, but think about it. He's still a murderer right now. He's still a murderer. We doing him dirty. No, because he, you know him and Tibbs are close. Tibbs talked to him about it. He's probably telling him, hey, but that's what I'm saying. He's still a murderer right now. No, but I'm saying the injury, how it messed up their career.
It messed up Rose's career for a while. Remember when we first got him? He was still scared. I think it messed up that part of his game. That's what I'm talking about.
He still D-rolls. Like, you don't even remember. Penny? No, I say Grant. Grant was a father. I was going to say, but Grant? But everyone remembers when Grant came back, because he went to Phoenix, and he was hooping. And he was still playing hard. Yeah, but I'm saying, like, out of those three injuries, whose injury reminds you of Lonzo's? I say Penny.
Penny was never the same after that. So yeah, Penny was way up here You know and after that it was like it wasn't no he plays different. He was gone. Where's penny hardware? We don't know how this game is gonna be right now
What? For Lonzo? He might never come. He might not never touch a bench. He might never. We don't know. He's been going on like three years. Lonzo's been messed up since he actually got hurt playing as a Laker. You know, remember they said, like, he said he can't walk down the stairs. Yeah. What? I didn't know that. He said it hurts to walk down the stairs. It hurts to walk down the stairs. But that's what pisses me off with management. I'm like, yo, you already know that.
Yeah. Dang. Like that was recently. He just got his jumper right. He just got his jumper right. That's a damn shame. So that's why I said, like, you know, who and Kyle's right. It's Penny, but Penny was whooping as an all-star, got to the championship. Only reason why I say D-Rose is like literally D-Rose or even the minute when he came to the next, he was still scared to do what he was doing back then because he was always worried about his knee. That's the thing. He didn't disappear. He just wasn't the same. That D-Rose, but that's like, that's like Vince Carter.
Vince Carter wasn't that Vince Carter, but he was still old Vince Carter. I'd rather take him over Lonzo any day. That's what I'm saying. You know, Lonzo, I'm afraid we won't see him like that no more.
Now, luckily, his game was never as super high flying and all that. He's a point guard. And that's the crazy thing. He fixed his jump shot. He wasn't really jumping out the gym like that. No. He was he was just crafty in his other ways. Yeah. And, you know, the pass of the facilitator. Yeah. Jason Kidder of this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was supposed to be. I see that. I see that knee. Missing a knee.
I'm missing a whole knee gone, bro. So you think the Lakers for Zach? I think that would be nice for him. Go back home, UCLA, you know what I'm saying? You know, he also lives in Washington, too. He be talking bullshit from time to time. He be like, yo, I'm really Washington. But he's Cali, too. That's what he said? Because he was also interested in being up north in Portland. If he wants to.
Where do you think it would be best for? For Levine? Yeah. Definitely not the Knicks. Nah, like I said, I've been doing, you know, I've been feeling really good. I don't want to talk about the Knicks right now. Oh, I got a player coming up that we want to talk about. Or the Jets. This respect. Nah, son.
Dallas is interesting. That's the situation where he can step in. I didn't see that happen. If that happens, that'd be nice. They wanted him at a free agency. I was saying Luca could be set. Luca could be set. And then he's going into a situation where they got some battles under their boat. They're hungry. It's Luca, you know what I'm saying? And he's
actually improving that team, you don't know what you might see. So you say Dallas? Dallas. I'd rather see him ball in Dallas. I'm gonna give you another play that's literally gonna get probably traded at the deadline. O.G. Ananuba.
I got some dogs on that one. I have dogs on that one. Guess what? First of all, the rumor is the Knicks already tried to say, we'll give three first round picks. Hell, I was already pissed off with that. But let me tell you the teams, the Pelicans, the Suns, the Blazers, the Knicks. You said give them? Yeah, three.
Stop. Don't talk about that. What else? So what team goes best for him? I would say this. The Knicks would benefit if we got him. But not for that. Not for that, bro. Heck no. You just got hurt with the wrist. You can't tell me at this point. Oh, yo, he flunked. Hey, yo, that ball was dangerous. I was like, oh, no, I'm not doing that. It's like, but we're probably going to need some draft picks, like seven of them. No, get out of here. Hey, but he's not.
I think it would fit well for us if we did that. It would be Bronson, RJ, OG, Randall, and Mitch when he come back. Yeah, but then he just hurt two minutes late. He's AD. Without shooting, without shooting, he's AD.
We could trade for AED for all that. I don't want that to happen. I'd be mad as hell. He'd get hurt on the place. The same thing. Why would you be mad? You're the same shit. At least he's an all-star. The escalator. Do they have anything where he could hurt himself? The bathroom. I'm going to give you another player. Sadiq Bae from Detroit.
Okay, Sadiq. The tree got a lot of players that's on the trade-out there. Yeah, and I'll just combine it. Um, Bogdan Bonavich. Those two players. They look at him. Guess what? The Knicks are interested in both. Oh, really? For Sadiq, especially. I don't want him. I actually like him. He's averaging, like, 14, 15 points a game. I'll take Bruck, because he could actually play the three and then move RJ to the two where he's supposed to be. I would do that. But, um, for Bogdanovich, here's a couple teams. The Lakers, the Bucks,
The Knicks and even the Suns have been interested. I'd be surprised if we even shoot that shot, but he's going somewhere. He gonna go somewhere to a team that's gonna be contending, like really, that's gonna be pushing to me. And I'm not saying if he goes to the Lakers that they're contending, but it will make that team better. Bucks, if he goes to the Bucks, bro, it's over. Yeah, because Middleton's been messed up. If he goes to the Bucks, it's over.
I think it's over. The bucks are just elevating. Like, they ain't going to be on point. I got two more players for you. And then we're going to get off this top. Who? Punk ass, snitch ass, D'Andro Russell. I knew it was going to be him. Once you put the snitching in there. Once you put the snitching out. Daddy, how I look? Like a damn snitch. Drag it in. For the rest of his life. Yo, do you know who wants him?
Nobody's been interested. The Timberwolves want him going. Whatever. And he just had a nice solid game though in the fourth quarter. But he's a free agent at the end of the season. I'm going to talk about this player, but it's also including Kyrie. This person has been getting interested by getting traded to Utah. And it goes by the name of Russell Russbrook.
Now to Utah, that's interesting. That was to me personally, that was suck for who? I mean, if I was Russ, I'm like, damn, I'm getting to the playoffs better than the Lakers. Yeah, you are. And it's the height. But I don't like Utah like that, like the jazz. But it like you were saying, like, that would just be good for him. I think that energy that team has right now.
The hypeness they got going on you got you got bro over there Yeah, and Laura y'all like that's he can work with that. It's like it's a low not Low maintenance team low maintenance team is kind of like him going back to OKC the only issue I feel like that he's gonna demand having the basketball in his hand that's gonna mess up sexton and
but it won't hurt Lori. I feel like Lori will, I think he'll treat like KD. He's still gonna be a big shot, yeah. He gonna treat him like KD. He gonna have to. I just feel like Sexton finally got on a team that he can actually control and run the show the way he wants to and also makes Lori look good. What about Clarkson? How you think it's affecting him? Clarkson's already said, yo, I'm not interested, like, whatever. They offered him a contract extension in the media. He was like, no one tried to offer me a contract extension.
So there goes that. So basically, and then another player who basically like, they're trying to trade them off and try to get a first round pick is Malik Beasley. But since this art, since we're all friends and this, our company's name is friends versus our podcast name, friends versus friends. I had got this clip, which the bronze will have to play about friendship.
I'm gonna talk to you about this one player. I'm not even gonna say his name. He thought he had a real friend in this player. And he was surprised when he asked his friend this question. Got a friend in me. Yeah. Jabron, if you could please be so kind, please run this clip.
So they talking about Russ called me out of nowhere. Like I know Russ, me and Russ cool, say what up to each other if I see you, but a lot of people, you just don't have a number. Like, I got respect for you, but I just don't have that relationship to that deal. So he did me like, yo, what's your number? I'm like, fuck me, what's my number? Text me like, yo, DC trying to get me, but they saying you don't want to leave.
No, this is being particular. This is my franchise. I'm like, what you mean they want you? Like, yeah, they want to trade you. Like, all right. I'm like, I ain't believing it. So I asked my agent. Then I start hearing about it. Like, you know, be rumors. But like certain rumors when you're in front of main source, you know what I mean? Like, I know it's a business. I ain't tripping. Right. Y'all come out here, work out for a month. Brad all mad about this. I'm like, bro, you can I get it. I mean, but.
He like, we had a real conversation. He's like, man, the man talked about it. My brother, nothing against him, still loving the death. You know what I mean? It was there for me when my mom passed, when a lot of motherfuckers won't. You know what I mean? So I'm like, we talking. And I'm like, what we gonna do? Like, we gonna run it back one more year? You don't know. Once he said I got to think about it, I knew I was shaded.
I didn't know that.
But when he asked him, like, yo, bro, you want to run this back? And you telling me I got to think about it? Now, you and me, we go way back to Kutztown. I'm going to pause on you for a second. You and me go way back. So if you and I were on the same team, and I'm like, yo, Kyle, JT calling me saying that you want JT over me, you try to run this back, and then you tell me like you normally would?
You know what's crazy? I probably would rather not even, before I even do that to you, I'd go to him and I'd be like, how much do you want to live in DC right now? You know what I'm saying? Like, I heard it's nice in Miami. You know what I'm saying? Like, I would do it like that. I'd be like, yo.
I'm gonna be like, I think it's time. We about to do a T-Mac, Vince Carter joint. We can still be like LeBron and everything. I'm gonna go down there and visit you, like Chris Paul. We gonna do all of that. And then JG called me up and be like, hey, yo, my man like, yo.
Yo, I'm coming to DC, I'm gonna be like, where? Why does it have to come to that? But that's checked out. But like everyone knows in the media, they were like brothers and yo, when you see them in the games, they hype, they're always looking at you, they're always talking. But behind closed doors, they really, really weren't friends like that. It was like, yo, I want you gone. Because I think Russ could do better than what you do. How much of that do you think is,
John Wall just being a really good teammate and trying to win, trying to make something work. The fact that we all thought that they were best friends. To be honest, I always thought when Bill came into the league, I didn't think Bill was going to be that great. I thought he was going to be robbing to
He was killing. When I saw that, I was like, yeah. I didn't think he was. He came out of Florida. I was like, okay, so you gonna be a shooter? He got a bag. We've seen him who? I was leaving New York and y'all niggas were coming into you. But that sucked because John Woe wasn't playing. He was hurt. But again, like, yo, I'm coming to you and you can't keep it real?
I think that's the part. That messed me up for him. There's a lot of people who don't want to have the confrontation like that. That's why he must have been like, I'm going to give you some insight, too. I'm going to just think about it. I would be like, yo, you about to pack your bags. When war got hurt, management was looking like, because remember, think about it. Walt did get hurt from time to time. Yeah. And Bill was by himself doing it by himself.
They put Wall and Bill together. They were trying to get them against each other. They started talking to Bill more than Wall. So they started catering to Bill. That always happens. Which is kind of messed up how management be doing that, because you'll have two players. I actually respect Jordan and Pippin, because Jordan knew he was Jordan. Pippin knew he was Robin. But he never let the organization mess him up with the relationship that him and Jordan had.
Bill and, yeah, like after that, they started piping it. First future, then Jordan Jr. But the point was like, yo, they never let magic get in between their hustle and game to winning championships. Yeah, that was also, they didn't have social media to blow everything up like that. That's true, they didn't make that a scheme kind of story. Yeah, but you know what's funny about that? Like... We never knew Scotty was a hater until... Nah.
But until no until Horace Horace Grant actually says something remember the Jordan rules and the last dance Jordan would do that But what I found out doing like research in general back in the day when we were kids What the news reporters would do like let's say JT was Jordan
And let's just say, and by the way, Jibron is Tony Cool Coach. But let's just say JT's getting interviewed by the media.
And JT starts giving us an insight about you being emotional. Like back in the day, they would ask the players like, yo, can I actually report this? And the players would say yes or no. But now, because of social media, you're just free for all. But back then, players controlled the media to a point if you were a star player. A star player would be like, if you say this, I'm not doing any more interviews with you.
versus now with social media, anything you record, it don't matter if you get a record, it's just going up there. Yeah. Yo, you said it. I built a locker room tying all your shoelaces together real hard. That guy said I was emotional.
So do you really think it's important for players to actually play with their friends or really focus like how Jordan and Kobe were, where you're saying like, yo, I don't care that you're my friend.

Friendship vs. Professionalism Among Teammates

I'm going to be your friend later on. Isaiah Thomas and actually Magic John were truly good friends, but they weren't friends when they played against each other. And they didn't really socialize that much until after the season ended. I actually, I still really respect that.
I still really respect that because I'm coming from the NFL world. I'm a big football head. I'm more than this. The NFL is too damn friendly. You mean the NBA is too damn friendly? No, I'm saying the NFL. That's always the NBA. I was going to say both of them were the same. No, but I'm saying I feel like it started in the NFL. That's what shocked me first. I was like, why do you?
Should like be friends with them afterwards. Yeah, I think it's worse than the NBA than NFL but maybe now because think about Yeah, bra messed that up. He started a little trend and when bra retires, how do you you know like we're not gonna disclose right but we're older than
Most of the NBA players, minus like KD and now all of that. Shit, we are. But when you think about it now, when the next wave, which is like Tatum, Brown, even Simmons, and his emotionalness, do you think that NBA is going to change once Bron leaves? Or do you think it's going to be continuing, hey, I want to play with my friend at all costs? Because I feel like most of these players
are all about friends, but they're also becoming more selfish about making sure they're getting their money at all costs and making sure, hey, if this person got to go, it is what it is. I'll just get another friend of mine to play. Yeah, that's how it is, though. Why does it have to be a friend? Because they just want to be with somebody they're cool with all the time. And at the same point in time, that doesn't really gel all the way. Yeah.
It doesn't really work. Even though you play with them, it's like, hey, you don't need somebody that's your friend all the time. Like you just need someone that you can work with. I respect the whole thing where, okay, me and this person aren't the best of friends and maybe we don't like each other. But, uh, he who? Yeah. You know what I'm saying? This is the best thing for our team. And you know, JT's over there.
In Sacramento. In Sacramento. Why you got to be in Sacramento? He's going over there. He's in Vancouver. You know what I'm talking about? Time out for all of y'all who don't know. Vancouver had a squad. Better uniforms too. Mike Miller. What are you doing there? Stromile Swift. Swift? Yeah. Yeah. Greg Anthony was the point guard there. Damn, really? Yeah. Expansion draft. I did not know that dude. They took Greg Anthony.
I didn't even know Anthony was there. This is them with the teal jerseys, yo. Go back and look at that. But since this guy's in Vancouver, you know, let's say what, right after the season,
But before you shut everything down socially again to go into soldier mode to go back with the team, we might get our families together or whatever. But what's wrong with me going at your head on some competition?
I don't think, I think we come from an era where people were like, and we all play sports in high school. We came from an era where like, even in our sports, we were cool with them, but we were cool later on. Like, we all- Yeah, you had the respect. We were like, good to see you, but like, y'all, I gotta do what I gotta do. Exactly. But here nowadays, I think you will know what messed it up is when AAU Circus were trying to get everybody the top player to play with each other and they became friends.
Like, for example, D-Rose didn't do that, but KD did with Beasley. Remember him, Beasley, and Bill Walker were all friends. But that didn't really happen before all of that. Everyone was like, yo, I'm this great person in this AAU program. I'm great down south. I'm great in the west. I'm great in the east. We'll meet up. We'll meet up. I'll see you. I'll see you. But that was it.
Like, I didn't even know, and none of y'all probably know this, Kendrick Perkins was cool with Brown back in the day, like when they were in high school. Like, all that. He did an interview, he was like, yo, when we were all Allen, all McDonald's, all Americans, he was like, yo, I knew Brown back then, even before I got into the league. Like, I knew Brown, we would see each other in the circuits. But when you think about it, like, yeah, they played together, but...
they were they weren't like that friendly friendly like how yeah but this era is like you know i want to play with x and y no matter what and yo you're messing up your bag you're also messing up your opportunity to develop because just because you have your friend your friend might not be that best person for you long term and then you're setting up this bradley bill situation for
me to go behind your back and take your kind of the converter. You know what I'm saying? My wife and I just had a dirty boy. I have you wait in the end. I just wait in the car real quick. I'm going in the auto zone, getting my parts together. He got another thing coming, you know, some good stuff. Remember Maury?
I want my money. No, he was annoying. I was surprised they didn't kill him right there. If you all are our age bracket, you should know Goodfella, classic. I got a cousin that I had to repeatedly admonish because he was like, well, I don't really think that's that good of a movie. I was like, it's one of the greatest movies of all time. I've ever seen. When we were in college, yo, one night we were in college just chilling in the dorm. We watched that at like at three o'clock in the morning.
And then we saw a disrespectful ignorant movie where Kyle almost said he was gonna write to beat Oh, yeah beat he had the movies. It was called hood rat. Oh, yeah It was like like Willard
Remember that movie, Willard, with the rat man? It was like that, but just BET. You know what that means. It's so bad, bro. Bad entertainment television.
It was bad. All I remember was Ice-T saying something like, he got eaten up by rats. He threatened one of his girls. He was like, yo, I'm going to give you some sunglasses. I guess that meant he was going to give her a black eye and cover them with sunglasses.
That's a really funny threat. I would give you some sunglasses. And the rats tore him up. He needed low management, which by the way, our next talk. Who, Ice-T? Yeah, he needed some low management. He didn't understand. He didn't know how to organize his job? No, not at all. He must've been born as hell to do that. What we got going on on low management?

NBA Load Management: Fan Expectations vs. Reality

As much as we all get mad at even talking about Mr. Stephen A. Smith,
Him and J Will, which by the way, I feel like he's like the elevated version of Stephen A Smith. I really do believe like, yo, coming from- Elevated version? Yeah, when I mean by that, like- More conscious or something? No, not even, like, he can actually talk, because Stephen A Smith did play basketball at Winston State State, at height in college, but J- But J- J Will is with, by the way, shout out to Jersey,
He actually can talk like Stephen A correctly. But he's a player. And a player. It makes sense. And I feel like, believe it or not, once Stephen A actually retires, I feel like Jay Williams is going to be the next Stephen A, but actually have more to say. Kind of like how J.J. Reza is. But I feel like... I'm sleeping, my boy. Nah, I ain't sleeping on him.
But I feel like for the next black man who's going to be on TV and actually trying to talk that stuff. Maybe Jay. It's going to be Jay. Like, I feel like he's getting groomed for that. But him and Jay, him and Stephen A and Jay Williams actually had like a real discussion where at times I actually understood Stephen A. But I was more understanding Jay Williams. Yo, Gibrod, I know you got something up your sleeve. Please provide me that next clip. Yo, my man five. You got something to say. Hey.
What I'm talking about, Jay, is an attitude on the part of the players. If you know that 19,000 people came to an arena to see you, it might help if you wasn't sitting on a bench in street clothes with a smile on your face, walking and jumping around like there was nothing wrong with you when they came to see you play.
You see what I'm saying? It's like, you got a guard against that. And what you have is a situation, what you have is a situation, we're seeing it too often. Again, no one's questioning the legitimacy of injuries. What we're saying is we know that load management is an element in the game. We know that the players are not only the ones guilty of it, you have management and executives and owners that play a role in it.
We also have to acknowledge that with the money that's in the game and the money that the players are getting paid, there are times where they give you the impression, so what? Deal with it. This is the way it is. Get over it. So what? You paid your money. And I'm saying you got to be careful about that.
You have to be mindful of the fact that somebody might not know better. And all they know is that they traveled 3,000 miles to see you play, or they came to the game once, because they can't afford season tickets. You gotta pay attention to all of these things. Steven, I understand all that, but I can't make everybody happy all the damn time.
I can't make everybody happy. A kid that drives all the way to see me play in Chicago when I played my year for the Bulls. If I happen to roll my ankle and I'm sitting out because the team's like, we're on a back to back and we want to make sure that you're ready for it. That's not what I said. But we start questioning the legitimacy of injuries. That's what we're doing. We're saying, well, you know what?
No we're not. Because guys 20, I understand how fans look at it, Stephen A. I'm not saying you, but it's like, well, cause guys 20 years ago played through that injury. That means since I came all the way down here, you have to play through that injury. I'm like, well, hold on a second. The science is telling me I shouldn't play through this injury. Cause there's a lingering effect on what this happens. So if you want to fix it, then let's drop it down to 70 games. Let's cancel back to backs.
There's going to be an economic issue with that, but let's lower games in. Wait a minute. I'm with Steve Kerr on this. I don't mind the season being dropped to 72 games. That doesn't bother me at all. That doesn't bother me at all. But how much you want to make a bet? I'm willing to bet my check that it could be 72 games and you still going to have cats that take nights off. And oh, by the way, they'll be ready to play tomorrow night. There's a difference between being injured and resting.
Okay, so I got a couple questions for y'all. What's up? I got like four questions. Whose side are you on? Are you on Stephen A's or are you on Jay Williams? I actually understand what Stephen A's saying. I love it. Yeah, that's weird. Because I usually don't follow up with bro like that. Okay, so you Stephen A, you.
I said, I'm like, I kind of understand. Are you independent? No, you want to go to Stephen? I know. I kind of understand what's saying, but I hear where Jay is staying, though. Like, it's just like like how you were saying, like, yo, I follow up, brothers, like Stephen didn't make no bad points either. Like, I don't know. Like, it's kind of weird. Like, I mean, he was a side on that one once you get.
Like, if you really listen to what Stephen A is saying, it's like there's a tact to it. Like, goddamn, I mean, you're supposed to be injured.
You know where this shot's coming from. Sit down. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The shot came from. OK, so you're clearly not injured. The shot came from when LeBron did not play against Brooklyn. The next game, right? And then they said you came back. I was just about to say that. That's what I'm saying. And then you come and play Nick and bust the Nick's ass. Exactly. But that's exactly what I was going to say. It's like, are you injured or are you just upset, bro?
Were you just upset? That's what, that to me as a fan, that's what I thought I'm like, were you injured or were you upset? Because in that game, I saw you cry. I saw you sit on this, on this, on the bench with your, with a towel over your head, just sitting there like this. That, and that kind of tarnished LeBron, but that made you look like, come on, bro. Like you the best player of all time. It's like, yo, you the face of the league. You're not supposed to do that. There's many times that Kobe's been pissed off. Jordan's been pissed off.
Garnet and Jordan got beat up all the time by the Pistons Isaiah and you know Isaiah they get look at him like he's like a thug But he never let his emotions like that get to him. Yeah, but except that time he didn't want to shake Jordan's hand
I don't blame him. Fun fact about that. You know why he didn't do that, right? Why he do it. I thought he said something like they didn't normally like sometimes that happened. They didn't know. So one time during the playoffs when Jordan was like, I'm trying to play a clean game that was really implying like Detroit was like a dirty team. Yeah. And he was basically making it sound like Isaiah was a dirty guy.
But Zeke was never that dude. His team was dirty. Yeah, and Zeke had to say, he was like, yo, that wasn't me. Yeah. Which kind of is messed up on Jordan, even though we're getting off the topic. But kind of messed up, you messed up Isaiah going to be with that dream team that should have went. Yeah. And he made sure, he told, and I think one doctor was like, yo, you can pick anyone you want. He ain't coming.
Which was he made sure he made sure I say it wasn't that but is he knows he knew he was like I knew it was but that messed up that he was gonna get a medal but going back to There's one thing I didn't like And by the way, I'm Warren Jay Williams side
Players are their own business, and when I be my dad, their play is their bread and butter. If they feel like they don't want to play, they're worrying about their future, their money. So when I don't feel like playing, yes, the fans come to see me, but I'm more worried about if I have a twinge, I want to make sure
They can't use that against me for having a poor game that you're not going to give me my back. I know you're looking at me like that don't mean nothing, but again, you know management looks at everything. And if that means you played a horrible game, but you actually your ankle was bothering you.
Yes, LeBron was bothered by ankle, but then ended up playing the next game. We don't know, like Jay Williams said, you don't know how my body felt that moment. I could have felt bad. Is there any reason why we can't know that? That's a hip-hop violation. That makes me feel like, what time is it?
857 okay in about seven hours I'll be on my way to Harrisburg to do my job and then after that you know I don't want to do that
I have no out, you know what I'm saying? I gotta do it. I get paid to do it. But at the end of the day, you know, you know, especially in football, you know, and I both know you are replaceable as quick as possible. Any, any inclination that you're, that would hold up a little bit more if you're not doing an Andrew Bynum dancing in the club and then coming. He was a dickhead.
That made it worse that he was really He was getting to he was that's I think that's a rule like that's what Stephen a Sam like if it's gonna be that the let it be that
Say like I got something twitchy and I'm concerned. We have concerns about this body part. But then again. But don't come near and show up on a scooter. Skateboard down to. Crit walk. You know what I'm saying? Doing all of that and just blatantly not be hurt. Playing with my money. You're right. And if it wasn't a back to back like that in New York, would he have played though? You know what I'm saying? If he were to travel to a different city,
If you want to, you know, I think they were doing their East Coast tour at that time, obviously. But if it was like Boston, do you think he still would have played? Yeah, definitely, because Boston is that playoff team that's going to go to the finals. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. But Brooklyn's going to. And Brooklyn would have the thing. That's the thing. Like, why did he do that? But he knew this was easy. But the method is the method. Yeah, that was the method. Come on. And then KD's not there. If KD was there, would he have played? Like, all right, cool. I'm going to push through, because KD's are his competition. I don't know.
I think that's what I'm saying. Like, I think he can choose so much with that. I think if his body in quotations was hurting, I think he might have bit the bullet. The one thing I don't think they definitely should not change it from 82 to 72 because back in the 80s and the 90s, people like Ewing, except when he got hurt, Barkley, Jordan, they played them all 82 games. Yeah. So changing that won't make a difference.
I feel like, again, Kobe was that last era where, unless you... He was different though. Yeah, because Jordan was that person. And what gets me with LeBron, which now, you're gonna hear me play like Jay Williams, I'm on both sides. LeBron's seen what Jordan's done and what's Kobe's done, but you decide to do low management.
We decided to sit out games. Kobe Kobe went to a Jordan game and supposedly Jordan was actually hurting. But he heard that Jordan actually played. He was like, yo, I will never sit out of a game because Jordan played hurt. 80 times when I remember and I didn't go to the game as family members, I went to the game and he came up in Jersey when the New Jersey Nets was, you know, had a squad for Jordan.
Did not he started the game for a little bit. Guess what? You know, he went to Atlantic City the night before the gamble. Of course, he probably know that we know that now. But he was the next. It was the next. He didn't need to play. But I feel like it's that early. He suited up. It was like, you know, give the fans what they want.
he came out there dropped a couple buggies and sat down but he played though at least you suited up bro come on i feel like it's that era i feel like the touchy fillies of how people feel nowadays i feel like and i believe in that i feel like brahm started it because like i said when kobe passed that torch to him
The whole way of the NBA changed. But you know what? I'll say this. If it's going to be that, let it be that. Oh, it's going to be a different thing when bra leaves. But we the people get to be pissed about it. You can't put a finger in our face. No, you're right. Because you know what we pay to go to where we go. Bruh, I've been to games, yeah. Got work tomorrow morning. Still got to get on a train. Still got to get off the path and drive all the way back to our home. You know what I'm saying? Still got to go to work.
But I understand both sides, like Jay Williams was basically on both sides. But at the end of the day, I'm the athlete. I'm protecting myself. So protect yourself and be selfish about

Athlete Self-Preservation: LeBron's Evolution

it. But when you get cussed out at Starbucks, don't cry. Guess what? Guess what? This Arab basketball, they cry about everything. And they're going to continue. I'm egging your car.
But that's how Ron stays staying around and LeBron hasn't done that too often where it's like I think after that grand injury he started doing it
Cause he didn't do that really in Cleveland. Cause he ain't had no injuries like that. But I think once that happened, it hurt now. I'm like, oh, hold up now. I mean, you got a point that like, he really hasn't done it that much because Bron used to play like all the damn time. But when he had that little injury in the groin and to me, I mean, but that's soreness, you know, playing, but it's just like playing, you know, hooping, like in the, you know, continuously like that. It's not like Achilles.
like Kobe or he would have played that man shot two free throws after that and walked off that's greatness that's greatness right there come on now that's greatness if that man could have suited up he would have played the next game he really could have but he that don't was it was they said that Joe remember they had to hide AI's Jersey
Again, again, this is we're talking about different eras. He didn't want like he had something going on and still wanted to play and he would I guess he would routinely still get back into the games.

Allen Iverson's Commitment: Playing Through Pain

Because it's like you're going to tell a I know in Philly. You know what I'm saying? Right. So what they had to do is like, you know what, we don't even have a jersey right now. You know, the same package. You can't have it. You know, somebody would go hide his jersey because like people who ball, they really want to play.
Now, if you're really injured, I'm saying, like, I understand that. But how do you define injuries? Why don't you tell us? Why is that your business? Because I'm paying, asshole. What are you talking about? You're right. You're right. But why should I tell? I'm the customer. Oh, so the customer's always right?
So when someone comes to you, when you go to their job and they tell you to pick up a load of diarrhea on the ground because they're the customer, you going to do it?

Should Athletes Explain Absences to Fans?

Okay, if I say no and they start cursing, they can curse and I'm getting in my van and I'm leaving. Correct. But they have the right to be mad.
So the players have the right not to say anything. Well, here's the other thing. That's also not my job. It's not my job to tell you. It's the coach and the trainers. So I'm saying if that doesn't happen, then I can still be mad at the fact that that didn't happen. I'm not. I'm agreeing with you. You could be mad at LeBron. You could be mad at Kawhi. You could be mad at Paul George and B. Is it that people are actually mad at the person? I feel like the athletes are being kind of defensive.
that's like you want to be selfish fine yeah you want to do everything for you fine you want to play with your friends fine you want to have something to say on political matters that's fine you want to do all of that but think you're not gonna get any pushback for it

Social Media Backlash and Athlete Criticism

From all of America there in social media somebody's gonna have something to say as long as like I agree They you can say whatever you want and the player has to eat it. But again, I Mean, I tell you that's not even disrespectful. No, we're gonna and if you don't tell me that's fine if nobody says anything but I don't think now I
I'm all right. I don't really care. Yeah. Like now. He was not. He was a person who started this. Cause if you're going to be like, I don't have to tell you, Timmy, you're like, well, I don't have to listen to your concerns about your mental health. Cause people are cursing you out on your burner account. You know what I'm saying? I don't care about that. He always getting the sign out of his J sign into his.
But it's like, listen, you can't have it both ways. Everybody's trying to get their cake and eat it too. Yeah. So I'm saying pick a struggle. They want it all. You want to load manage, load manage, but deal with what we got to say. That's fair. And get your millions. But you shouldn't have me explain why I'm taking that day off. Yeah, but.
That's the only thing I'm saying. Who's requiring them to say, at the end of the day, they still don't have to. No, but they have to say why they're not playing. People are still getting on their ass. That's cool. That's true. That's the price of being an athlete. But when you're getting mad, Harry is load management. And or the reason why you shouldn't get mad at the player or why he's sitting out. That's all I'm saying. If the player wants to sit out, if you want to sit out of a game,
Should you have to tell the fans why you're doing it? Maybe not. Listen. No. Listen. That's not your business. Listen. That's not your business. Even if that's the case, because I really haven't had conversations with a lot of people who are like,
They should have told me. It's more like a disappointment and you can't be mad at anybody for being like, wow, I was kind of hoping to see LeBron today because it's the

Jimmy Butler's Positive Fan Interaction

Lakers. It was like young boy that came up to Miami. He's like, I threw such and such miles to see Jimmy Butler and nobody knew Jimmy Butler was going to be hurt. That's why I say it should be. But you had to say it, but now he came back.
and did pictures with bruh yeah the next day he took pictures with it was two people i thought it was the same day same night he came back out okay yeah he took pictures with two kids now see that was dope that was dope with that kid yeah that's cool and i respect that
but imagine if he had been like well i don't care because i was doing the best for myself and then that's what majority of the players have been doing to me now that's cool like that i don't know now again i'm saying do you want to take that route you know what i'm saying do that
be about that, but then... You can concurse that, that's fair. Don't ask me why I'm doing it. Was somebody on their podcast doing you dirty? Friends versus friends. Then what can you say? Nah, that's fair. When people start talking trash on Twitter, what can you say?
You did it your way, check. You got your money, check. You get to play when you're ready to play, check. You didn't have to explain to Kyle Bird all the way out here, check. I'm talking trash on Twitter. Fair enough. Don't cry. Guess what?

Fan Disappointment with Player Absences

That's fair. Don't panic. But I get mad at fans like, yo, yes, we pay. We're the paying customer. But I shouldn't have to say to the fans, yo, the reason why I didn't, I had a tinge. This dude got problems with authority or something. You know what I'm saying?
You can't give me that and let me know. You know what? That's not even the thing. That don't even be it. It's the fact that we didn't even know that. And we just show up. No, but guess what? Because at the end of the day, does it even matter? But guess what? I would never bought these tickets. Sadly enough, like Jay was saying, that could be management at the last second deciding that. So the player could have been... So Brock could have been... I'm not going to use Brock. Jalen Bronson. Jalen could have been wanting to play. But then...
but then Rose or Tip just saying, yo, I'm pulling you tonight, you're not playing. But that's fine, but stop trying to act like that doesn't suck for me. Nah, bruh. That sucks. I haven't disagreed with you. All I'm saying is, yo, don't have me explain to you. That's not my job. You want to be real? I don't care. There we go. I don't even care about the reason. There we go. Let somebody know. Let them know. And then I'm like, let them know what? I wish I would have known before I paid
Season tickets? We do not get season tickets for anything. You know what I'm saying? We too broke. You know what I'm saying? We really don't. And that's even more of a reason why, okay, you don't have to let me know why. And you know, maybe you don't even have the time to let me know in advance. I can't even get my money back. The least you could do
is not be whack about the fact that it still sucks for me and my kids. Guess what? This is why I say all the time, I miss, we're too young to be to say the 80s game, but we're old enough to say the 90s and early 2000 was the best of our lives. We played, people were balling. Again, as I say, Kobe and Jordan held the league in a certain standard.
Brian made it a way where my opinion and my feelings are important. I'm not about touchy-feely, especially now because, by the way, I'll bring him up for a second.

Ben Simmons' Mental Health and Performance

Yes, Ben Simmons had a right for mental health, but now mental health isn't his excuse why he doesn't want to shoot. He's now of an issue. And I do feel from time to time... I wasn't even up on that last time. It's annoying. I feel like, believe it or not, now I feel like they're using
ticky-tack injuries for him not to play. Because he just won't shoot. So you think they're just saying that, oh, yeah. Yo, your knee sore? OK. You'll be gone again or two. Because they don't want to have to say that and just doesn't want to shoot. Yeah, you become a liability. Yeah, for me, now we even did this whole segment about how it's business. It works two ways. You're a basketball player that doesn't shoot. Go away.
I want my money still. You? For not doing your job? I do everything but shoot. I agree. I agree. But I'm just saying, Ben Simmons does everything but shoot. That's a problem. Yes, but he thinks he's still entitled to his $30 million.
I can't say what I would say to in that room. He ain't trying to get us cut. YouTube doesn't allow it. And it wouldn't be a long conversation. All right, since I told you this episode, I was running out. And I'll keep your ass up out of that chair and get out my own. Stink leader will come out of you. For all of y'all who don't know, watch Boondocks.
Yo, I would be possessed, I would be a man possessed. Can you imagine that? You know what you go through on a daily basis. Can you imagine just, and even just getting a phone call that the kids did something and you're like, and you finally hang up and you're like, Ben, what do you want? I don't want to shoot anymore.
Get out my... Get all the way... I'm calling security. I'm calling security. Please take him away from me. I don't want to see his face right now. A-Bro, why are you in your hypeness, bro? Yeah, run this game. I'm not even giving an option. I'm just saying, run the game. I need the music first. Jabron, run that. He said, yo, drop my intro before I go out. You know I got a stretch.
So we need to get the flicker of lights light through the roof. My man doing burpees next. Not in here, they only got the space like that. Shout out to Prime Grooves Studio. Hey. Located on Instagram. Hey G, are you with me?

Could LeBron's Team Beat Historic Celtics?

Yo, that is mad cool that we get to be out on this show. But there was a picture circulating around everywhere. Paul Pierce puts it up. He's got questions. J.R. Smith got answers. The Celtics. Who's beating the Celtics? That was the question. We have a question too. Well, not really a question. It's a foregone conclusion. There's a record that's going to be broken.
It's not really even gonna be against the Celtics. But I'm gonna, we wanna play a game called what happens first, what's more likely. If they played that game, LeBron needs 25 points.
Cause you know, the games that everybody thinks that he's going to break that record, the tickets are up to like 92, like. Someone at OKC said $75,000 for a ticket. With 95,000. That's Dick. OKC? So imagine, all right, we're going to have that Celtics team, but we're going to have LeBron with the shape of his team right now. Wait, the Laker team right now? Yeah. And let's say without AD or something, right?
Why would I eat that? Why not? My man coughs and he's gonna be hurt. Because now we're gonna play. Do the Lakers solve that question? Do the Lakers beat the charged up Celtics right now? Or are the Celtics able to stop him from getting 25 in that game? Just the one game where you know he's supposed to break that record.

LeBron vs. Celtics: Scoring 25 Points for a Record?

What's more likely to happen
Who gets their problem solved first? That Laker squad, which included KG, Pierce. You mean the Celtic squad? The Celtic squad. The current Celtic squad or that one in that picture? The one in the picture. You were media. No, you said that Laker squad. But my bad. The Celtic squad. Yeah, it was wrong. Strike two. All right, cool. So KG, Pierce.
And they would have to play the Lakers as they are. Smart, smart. Yeah. Lakers right now. And you're saying AD can't be there? It don't make a difference. He can't be there. No, because they got Thomas Bryant who will be coming in. Can they stop him from scoring the goal? Let's say they win if they stop. Are these guys prime? Or they just, you know. In the picture. In the picture how they are. JD looked like he came from a homeless shelter. Paul Perez looked like he came out of rehab.
Poppier's can't look like he just got it. He was at the strip club all night, and it's just like, three. And he was. And he was. And he was like, it's six, seven in the morning. He's like, dang, I've been here all night in the morning. You should know better. That's all right. So, does, does, does, does LeBron.
Does LeBron solve their problem by beating that team with his current team right now?

Former NBA Players in Hypothetical Match-ups

Or is that team able to stop LeBron from scoring his hypothetical 25 points that he needs to break the record, Kareem's record, in their face? I say, LeBron, get that 25. He ain't going to win the game, but he going to get that 25. Who's guarding it? Come hell or high water.
We just said Paul Pierce looked like he came out of a rehab strip club. That means LeBron is going to get that 25 points. And that's what he's saying. Will LeBron get it? Yeah. Yeah. He said that they're that they will get that. But they're definitely not going to win the game. That's you know what? Yeah.
and you taking AD out? Are y'all putting AD in the game or not? Hey, let's even put him in. You got a bump of a player in Pierce. You got an old homeless dude of KG. Oh, I mean, I'm thinking KG going to be KG though. No, KG saw the picture. He look homeless. I know, but I can see Paul Pierce. He's fucking me homeless. I can't see KG be like that though. KG's still that dog though. I don't care. Yo, he too old. He look homeless.
He look homeless. Russell Westbrook. No, no, no, no, let me say, no, no, no, no, let me bring this up. I'm gonna cut your game short for two seconds. Did you see after the game LeBron was pissed off and you saw Russell like

Westbrook's Bench Behavior vs. LeBron's Demeanor

Oh, he was smiling. My man really smiled like that, and he was all happy. I was like, yo. He ain't caring. I was like, Westbrook, you ain't played a whole fourth quarter. You got an OT. And he was talking with Pat Babb on the bench like crazy. He was arguing about something. And Bron was just like, yo, are y'all serious right now? So, all right. So he's playing that Reggie Miller rule. Yeah. So Smart would get shut down.
That's that's that's a wash Brown You put two old timers at and you got Brown Brown's gonna score 20 points at least Tatum won't say I'm gonna get dropped 30 Pierce might get 12 or 10 KG gonna do five 18 KG's getting homeless
and they probably had that dog in him. He just didn't go. The dog, the dog, he going to your place. No, he going to your job. He didn't get no haircut. He going to your job and he's going to lay to rest. Bruh. People are starting to pierce together where I work. It's not like that, whatever you're thinking. It's not like that. I don't think. But I perform some services. Very important services for our country. Yeah, that's it.
I support you. I don't think KG would be an X-Factor. I think Pierce would just get too winded after, because you know he's smoking weed like, but this is not what you know. He could shoot. He could shoot, but then he gonna have like a heart attack or something going down the court. He ain't got it. Tatum dirty.
So you're saying LeBron's gonna get 25, break the record, and they gonna win. He gonna get 40 again. That's what he said. He get 40. And they're gonna win. Yeah. Okay,

LeBron's Crucial Miss: Analyzing the Decision

put it this way. Think about this. If LeBron did not get fouled, if he didn't get, if that call did not happen, if he had gotten that call, they would have won that game.
They would have won that game. And Bra got it. It kind of looked to me like he was going to really miss that layup anyway. He should have dumped it. Someone said that in the comments. He pulled a U-ing in the finals. He should have dumped it. Instead of finger rolling. He should have yammed that shit. But I didn't know. To be honest, I thought Bra was purposely trying to get fouled.
I don't think he was, like you're saying, going for that later. Why are you trying to get fouled? Your arm is right here. They do that. But they do that. You're right here. No one's like Kobe and Jordan trying to score like that. But it's right here.
he beat the defender there it's me that was their best out of bounds play because i've been watching them fool when they do some stupid shit that was the best out of bounds play i've ever seen that's why if you ask me it looked like you you know when you go up and it's like you wanted to do something but something kind of is in the way you second guess at the last yeah and you end up kind just
You think he did that? It kind of looked like he was getting ready to miss anyway. But then he would have got fouled. Like properly he would have got that call fouled.
And he would have made one. He still would have said no. Because he got fouled clear as day. Yeah, but guess what? I'm saying, if he didn't get fouled, right, and he still meant like. If he still missed it, then that's his stupidity. If that, I mean, you miss shots sometimes, but. Yeah, but that was clear. Like literally, yo, when you saw him get the ball and he went right up there, like I was like, oh snap. He was right there. That's just called smoking a layup. I still say Brian wins the game against that crew. And he gets 40. He smoked the layup.
I'm guaranteeing that 25. He's getting 25 plus N winning. I would hope. Especially when you got two old timers on there. I thought he was going to say they're going to be at their prime. If he said prime, I still say he's getting at 25. Correct. Well, I don't think about winning. No. That's why I said we have it. It would have been a blowout. That would have been a blowout. Because the match up with AD and KG would have been cool. Rui. And guess what? If you actually... I wasn't even thinking about how do we like that.
Instead of smart? Yeah. That would have been a complete blowout. KG, Pierce, Tatum, Brown, Ray Allen. That's a blowout. Is that Jaylen, maybe at the one? Oh, you said smart still? No. Oh. You said Ray, Ray, Brown, Tatum, Pierce, KG. It just had Brown at the one then. Yeah, he could do that. Yeah. Who beating his team? The Bulls.
Detroit. Now, that's why J.R. said, yo, who J.R. was like, everybody. A lot of a lot of teams. By the way, shout out to J.R. from the Jersey. Hey, all day in J. I had one more thing to piss you all off. That's OK. Send us home. Hey, yo, it's friends versus friends. We see you on next episode.