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Deja Vu 76ers In Trouble Again

64 Plays1 year ago

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Intro: Health, Humor, and Skittles in Vegas

But yeah, this is friends versus friends yo, what's good how y'all feeling Not this is kicking though like you got your refresh you got something hydrating you right now at the moment
Skittles Yeah, right with the skittles and just get drunk and pass out in Vegas with skittles he passed out in Vegas drunk and Then he tried to run from the cops and he messed up his car
Marchand did that? Yeah. I didn't even know that. But he's still the GOAT though. Marchand that dude. He the realest one out there, yo. Still realest, yo. But bruh,

Evan Fournier's Discontent and Trade Talks

yo. So we got some crazy NBA news, highlights, what's going up, adding what's up with the news and rumors. What we got so far? I'm going to throw y'all a monkey wrench. I want y'all to remember these numbers.
contract number remember one year nine million dollars another year ten million second year ten million third year ten million fourth year thirteen million just remember that nine ten ten fourteen okay all right first rumor
The Knicks. We don't talk about the Knicks that much. Mr. Evan Fournier. Disrespecting Tibbs. Disrespecting the Knicks. He said he wants to spit on the face of the Knicks because of them not trying to let him play. Oh, he was mad? Yeah, but the rumor is San Antonio's interested in trading for him. Okay. Bye. Go to San Antonio. What's the problem?
Well, we got to make that trade happen. Rumor has it that the play that we're interested in is Doug McDermott.
No. Former Nick. No. Former Nick. I'm good. I'm good. Why not? I'm good. Why not? I mean, get rid of Evan, but yeah. You get a 6'8 stretch. You get a bootleg version of Rich Novak. Steve knows that though. He's that rich. I knew something was wrong with that. Rich Novak. It didn't feel right. Rich Novak. No, Novak was dirty though. Novak was that guy. But you get a 6'8 version of him.
He better really be spot up like that. He was. But we traded him away. We had him. He's not going to start. Listen, we don't have to do. But we got too many. We got too many guards. He's not going to start. That's another thing. He's going to come off the bench. Is he going to actually play? He's going to have to.
No, he don't have to. We need shooters. We do need shooters, but it probably won't happen. You might as well do it. He wants to leave. He's collecting dust.

International NBA Games and Expansion Rumors

He's mad about that. He ain't talking about junk, too. What's funny to me is, does he really think he's going to go to San Antonio and be Robert Orie?
He'll probably hook there. Yeah, he'll definitely play there. Oh, I'm not staying correct. Pop will play him. Pop will play him. Pop will play him. And plus, you know Victor's down there. You know the French connection. That's facts. So there you go. That's the major rumor for the next. Man, you started that off with that in the rumor. That? No, we're going to get good. What's up? Another good one.
I know we all like to travel. November 9th, Magic, the Hawks versus Magic in Mexico City. That's good. This is Orlando's fourth time going to Mexico. This is going to be the 32nd game in Mexico since 1992. More out of country games outside of the US and Canada of all time. Yeah. I like that move. I like that move. There's going to be a team there.
Well, that's the funny thing about it. Like the rumor has been like in by 2025 when they have the whole new media agreement, which ESPN is getting scared. Everyone's trying to go to the streaming services.
there's at least bare minimum gonna be two teams. Everyone is dying to have Seattle come back to the SuperSonic. That needs to happen. Bron has been preaching about trying to have Las Vegas, which the rumor is basically when Bron retires, that's the team he wants to own. Like he wants to be like Jordan, the full ownership of that. Of a team that sucks for like 10 years. Yeah. And you already know as a GM for Bron, how's that gonna work?
He might do like Jordan and make horrible decisions. We don't know that. Has he made horrible decisions making trades? No, he's won shit, but him making trades. Y'all always say that right there at the end of the day.

Damian Lillard's Future and Trade Speculations

Remember, yeah, it was the actual GM. Look, I don't know anymore.
the other the other the other team the other place everyone's been dying for is Mexico City but out of the three only two most likely going to happen everyone's dying for Seattle and Seattle there has been rumors for years that they have
a group of millionaires, billionaires who are willing to actually create a new arena. Seattle's already down for it. So we already know most likely that's going to be that one. The other one, everyone thinks bronze getting what he wants. It's going to be Vegas. Adam Silver wants it down to Mexico City. He wants to be more international. It's going to be apparently the goofy tournament and nobody cares about that's a Vegas.
Oh no, the final four. He's got the whole format from like Europe or something, right? Yeah, he's biting. He's trying to get that extra, some extra views. I don't know. But drop it in the comments. Are you interested in seeing Mexico City, Seattle, or Vegas as the next expansion teams down there? That's going to be high on Seattle. Are you interested in traveling to Mexico City? Yeah, I've been to Mexico when I was younger.
That's true. Don't resort. Don't say it like that. It makes me sound old too. We're the same age. Back in the day when we were young. It sounds like you're talking about something in the 70s. This is like 2017. I've been there too.
The rumors have been, Dame is still stuck. No one's trying to make a deal with Dame. Dame wants to go to Miami. Stephen A. Smith wants them to come to New York. Boston has been rumored, but Boston just did some interesting things. The wild card that's been talked about is Utah. Utah has the pieces to go trade. Did you say that last episode? He's going to Utah. I was just saying that. But the rumors are there.
Yo, is it a possibility that he's actually gonna stay with the Blazers? Or like... I thought he was shipping to Boston or Miami. Like, those are like, yeah, we going there. Like, it's actually gonna happen.
Can he do that now that he's made a big deal about trying to leave? Can he do that? Can he just stay now? I don't think it's going to happen until a long time. This might be stretched all the way into the beginning of the training cap if it happens. If not... So that he's going to just get put on a team in the middle of there.
The start of the season. Don't act like that doesn't happen. Look at James Harden. Look at Ben Simmons. Yeah, look at him both. Duds. Both of them teams lost out in the same tree. Yeah. I still can see him better off like, damn. I think that Miami or Boston would better fit no matter what.
Utah, I feel bad for brother. That's what he wants, but we haven't heard nothing about that since the last time we recorded.

Zion Williamson's Financial Mismanagement and Rookie Contract

Facts. I haven't. Time will tell. No, but I heard Steven Smith begging for him to come to New York. He was willing to give up quickly. He's willing to give up RJ. He's willing to give up Mitchell Robinson. He's willing to give up certain pieces to get it for that to happen. Me, personally?
I like how Brunson has been handling and I only think he's gonna get better being a younger player versus Dame. Dame I get scared because he gets injury prone now. He's not Dame that we knew when he was coming out the league out of Weber State. He's older, the knees are messing up, he's always getting hurt each season. We got a fresh Brunson, why we gonna mess that up?
because dame raps dame dollar does not rap dame dollar he has no music on itunes which is good which one would you rather hear kd's raps or dame's
I'll be damned. I don't know. Nah, I've heard it. I know. He'd be randomly going on Instagram. KD actually rapped when he was with OKC. No. And it was not. It was like... You talk about that little clip when he was just like spitting at him or was there? Yeah, but no, there was something else. There was something else. Like, I got to find the clip and send it to y'all. Don't let his burner account find us on accident again. Yeah, he's like, y'all suck. I sent you the clip earlier this week. Ryan Davis had a...
He had to put, you know, listen. He put him to shame. He put him to shame. KD stayed trolling. And Ryan Davis, you know the comedian, shout out to Ryan Davis. He kept it real. And KD was trolling.
But now, remember, I told you those numbers. All right. He stays in the media. Mr. Zion Williams. Zion and his family has been sued by a tech company for not paying $1.8 million loan. What was the issue? I mean, I know he has to pay it back, but what's the company? It was the backstory. Lee Anderson, Zion's stepfather, who's also his business manager, strike one.
They, this tech company called Anchor in California, they wanted him to be a brand ambassador. Okay, the file was like, yo, we need... Not Anchor, a different A-N-K-R. Anchor.
Oh, the charger company. Yeah. Oh, you know them? Yeah. Yeah. You owe them money too? You owe them money too? They owe me millions. Yo, tag them in the group. Let's see if they get us some money.
No, and we'll get sued. That's a lie. That's a lie. But I know who the company is, the charging company. Yeah, don't get it sued. They have magnetic chargers they go to back here for. I'm giving them street promo. That's why I said tag them. You need to get some sponsorship. I'm giving them street promo. So they asked for $150,000 up front for them to be brand ambassadors, but they took it as a loan.
So they said, Anderson the father said they represented, they said that they needed a loan urgency because the family had taken out on expensive investments including purchasing a certain real estate in New Orleans and couldn't meet their obligations due to temporary suspension of payments from Williamson sponsors as dealing results of injuries.
Oh my god, yo. Anderson said to the lawsuit, they went into a forbearance agreement in which the company agreed not to sue if they received payment of $500,000 April 25th of 2023.
Uh, they didn't get money. Outstanding balance due was still in July 26, July 6, 2023. Anchor received $500,000 on time, but $300,000 of that was going towards interest from that $1.8 million unpaid. That interest was

Jaylen Brown's Contract and Celtics' Championship Hopes

that high that's already that much? Remember those numbers I just said to you. Add it up. Remember what I just said to y'all. I just told you, $9 million?
one year, 10 million another season, another 10 million third season, and 13, four season. That was Zion's rookie contract. My question to you all, where did all his money go? Yes, you know. KMC. He knows his New Orleans. We know the taxes, we know his agent, we know miscellaneous things, AKA Mariah Mills.
You're telling me that you needed money alone because of you not knowing how to handle your money? Yes, yes. That's what we're learning here today. He mismanaged his life. And you had your stepdad as your... Skipped that financial literacy class like big time. Doesn't that suck? This is the one time we hear about his stepdad and it's him fumbling a deal.
This is what they mean when they say mo money mo problems shout out to biggie. Rest in peace I owe somebody money, which I never do but like I wouldn't even borrow that much money and then they're like well the interest Just got 500 K for me be blessed get away from me. You're I'm saying like that was the interest. I'll choke you I
That's funny. I ain't gonna stay in the news. No matter what. Yeah, they're on stages. You know, he should be in the news for messed up big time with actually playing basketball
That would be nice. Good luck. Hopefully, he's ready for training camp. He's going to put himself in a position where he's going to assign some new contract. It's going to sound nice. And it's all going to go to strippers that he has to pay off. Remember, he signed his rookie extension. He got money now. Five years, 193. That contract extension. How much of that is going to? Mariah Mills. Or whatever other win that. He had a separate bank account for that joint.
He had a summer bake company. Yes, he put all the money in there. He was dropping bread on her. And the new sneakers dropped, too. I kind of like them. You going to pick them up? Oh, yeah. No, they are ankle breakers. You know I've got to have support. They're going to be on court. I like the way they look. They're going to sell a lot of sneakers. Dang. All right, we'll see. You know what I'm talking about, right? Nah, I ain't seen him yet. Nah, I ain't seen him yet. You already know he always going to pay attention to them. Yeah, he's a sneaker head. He needs to know.
He's the woes of sneakers. He is. We will talk about that nickname. But go ahead, continue with what you about to do. So homie got, remember, his five year 193 contract extension comes into effect this season. He better pay that low. We are pocket watching this episode.
It ain't my fault. Yeah, he is, yo. It ain't my fault. Hey, he really is, yo. He roped into this. He reading everybody's things. If I could cuss out. Yo, that's bad funny. Or YouTube by some guy. If you continue saying this, we're going to go to our first topic. Our first topic.
And you all want to talk to me about pocket watching again. What's up? We're going to talk about Mr. Jalen Brown. Jalen Brown. Oh, yeah. He got paid big money. He got historically paid. Big money. A man around town. Jabron, if you'd be so kind, we got to hear from Uncle Perk about this million dollars that he received. Seeing. Did the expectations go up when it comes with a price tag like this, Perk?
Oh, yes. Yes, indeed. Yes, ma'am. And listen, here's the thing. When it comes down to the expectations, first of all, in the city of Boston, the state of Massachusetts, we're talking about championships in a damn way. So now, look, we already, we have been waiting over the last three or four years for Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum to deliver one championship.
Now you're under this big deal right now. One championship is not going to be enough. And we're talking about, like Sinead said, a guy that's just entering or scratching the surface of his prime. Him and Jason Tatum are going to have to take that next leap of being able to cut down on turnovers while making others around them better. The great KG said this.
This is when you know you have made it. When you're able to go out there and get you 30 and get somebody else alongside of you 15 to 10. Five years, 304 million. Contract essential. With a trade kicker that's less than the traditional 15%.
Money bags. Big money. He the big dog now. And he wants to be the mayor of Boston. Yo. His little speech was funny. I ain't gonna front. I was like, not funny, but you know, I respect him. I was just like, Boston? Boston for that? Nah. I ain't. I just thought about that. No. Black Wall Street? I just thought about that. What? I mean, in Boston though. Yeah, like in Boston? Come on

Boston Celtics' Team Dynamics and Dame Lillard Fit

now. Nah.
Never was a fan. I had to go to a conference up there. You know they would stop there. They'd be like, hold up now. Chill out. It'd be worse than the first one they tried. I see. In Oklahoma City. Well, they were a lot. Now, the Oklahoma City was like...
It was taking over. Cops, not paying attention to them, but now I don't want to talk about bad things. Yo, his 2022-23 stats, everything was a season high for him. 26 points, rebounds, almost seven, field goal percentage, 49%, free throw percentage, 76%. Now, we're going to talk about Marvel. With great power comes great responsibility.
Is he going to be able, Spiderman quote? Yeah, Spiderman is my favorite Marvel character. Is this brother going to be able to bring Boston, not one, not two, three championships in the near future? He got five year deal. He can't take one. He can't get one. He has to get more than one.
I think they'd be lucky to get one. What are you talking about? I like how they stuck the Tatum in him. They're still together, but... Tatum's up for a contract extension next year. Five years, 334 million dollars. He's getting greased, yeah. I think they just need that final piece. That KP trade is finalized, isn't it? It's finalized. Oh, I forgot about that. All they need is a point guard. Like, who dare to... But he's injury prone.
Derek White, remember he was subbing in that point at one point? Yeah, but he comes off the bench. I know, but that's just that they're going to start them. Like, you know what I'm saying? But they need a point guard. They get a point. Like if they get that dame, if they do get dame, it would be weird to see him in that green. But if they get them, that'll be that'd be interesting. Cap got to work. You want to see like.
Somebody's not gonna get paid, somebody will get paid. It's not even just someone's not getting paid. Who are you giving up for? Dame's money gotta match with whatever you're trading out. Yeah. So that's not the guy they need though, is it? They need a point guard. They need a point guard. They need a point guard like Dame. They got a shooting guard. They got a small forward. They got a Senator Williams who's just like Mitchell. They got Horford because Horford's gonna start a power forward because Prezingis is rumored to be coming off the bench. He's still there. Yeah.
Yeah, he's still there. The point guard is what they need. They need him though. No, definitely. I'm just, yeah. Fun fact since Jaylen Brown got the richest contract. Who are the richest contracts out there? Are they new contracts? Who knew? Recently knew, like in the past year or two. Oh, past year or two? Yeah. You should know one.
Definitely no one. Devin Booker. Nah. But this is teammate. I'll give you that one. Oh, KD. Nah, it's not any KD. D'Andre Ayton? Nah. How many teammates he got? You forgot. CP3? Ayton? No. Bradley Bill at 251. Oh, Bill. Giannis at 228. And the Joker, second place now, 276.
Jalen Brown now has the highest paid contract ever. He got big bag. Okay.
We're gonna start seeing that more often now. Yeah, that's, them numbers is always gonna skyrocket. Let's go and get up there. Shout out to his agent. His agent is a nice guy, Jason Goulash. You know him? You know Goulash? Goulash. Yeah, you know bro? No, but bro did a very good job for his contract. So traditionally, a lot of NBA contracts are 12 months. So every month they get their paycheck. What he did for Jalen was,
His contract's gonna run. His payments are gonna run for the six months. So he's getting more money up front. Oh wow. More upfront money than anyone else. Yeah, he did him right. That's what's up. That's nice. And that agent used to work for another firm, but he created his own firm just recently and Jaylen went with him.

Ben Simmons' Role and Brooklyn Nets' Potential

Loyalty is that loyalty? Sure enough did. Now, since you are worrying about me talking about people's money, we're gonna talk about somebody like Kanye West be like, wake up Mr. West, wake up Mr. Simmons. Mr. West. Mr. Simmons, he just recently had a birthday. He recently just had a surgery too? So what?
No, why not interested he's a basketball player that doesn't play basketball he hurt I
He really had an injury this time. He really is hurt. He had a whole back injury, didn't he? Like, he had a surgery and everything. Like, he really is hurt. And then it reactivated on him this year again. All right, you don't care. Well, guess what? Jabron, if you'd be so kind, the next clip, since we got to let you listen to why you should care about Mr. Simmons. So I'm going to start with the number one hater on our show, Perk. What are some realistic expectations for Simmons this year?
Well, first of all, I'm not the number one hater. That's the first thing. Second of all, here's the thing. Today is his birthday. He turned 27 years old.
NBA player prime is 27 to the age of what, 33, 34? So Ben Simmons has officially entered the prime of his career. And when I look at Ben Simmons, the way that this Brooklyn Nets team is currently constructed, you have Spencer Denwiddie, you have Cam Johnson, you have all these pieces around him that are shooters, right? So you have an opportunity to let Ben Simmons be a facilitator.
You have an opportunity to let Ben Simmons push the pace. The only thing that Ben Simmons needs to focus on is finishing around the basket. I don't care if he takes a jump shot this season to be honest with you. He just needs to work on having the confidence to finish. Not pass up layups, not miss layups.
but finish with ducks and authority. But when you have guys like Bridges and Cam Johnson, guys that could cut, that could move without having to basketball and be floor spaces, it's set up perfectly for Ben Simmons to go out there and succeed. Yeah, I agree.
with Perk on the latter half of his argument, because ever since there was so much focus, particularly when he was in Philly, we need to see him, you know, develop a three-point shot. He needs to be a floor spacer. Remember when they used to cheer in warm-ups when he'd hit him before the game and things like that? That's when the pressure really started building up individually. And then, you know, obviously now in Brooklyn, that was part of what followed him there. And so I think Perk's right. Like, do what got you to the league and not anything else, because that's the best way that you can feel like yourself. You know,
differently about Mr. Simmons. I have a change of heart
Now I care even less. I don't care. Like they're talking. I think it's cute down there talking like he's gonna play. I mean it sounds cool. I haven't seen him play in like four years. I'm not interested really.
Yeah, it's been a long time. He don't have no sneakers. He don't have no players. If they were cool, I would but yeah, I've seen him more like I almost don't even know his number on the team anymore.
I know what it is. I don't know his number. It's 10. It's 25. It's 10. Oh, he changed. He don't like 10, and he remembers that. Oh, it's 10? Yeah. He's 10 on Brooklyn. He does have a wild session with the number 10. I don't want to talk about that here. My cousin, Kaitlyn, will love that. He tries to get it out of me. I don't know what the problem is. I don't care about Ben Simmons' career right now, because he doesn't actually play.
I think it sounds good that he won't necessarily be expected to be as much of a shooter when he actually does come back to play but it's like let's cross that bridge when it comes to it.
I think when he comes back, he'd be all right. We've seen players that don't shoot be effective on the team. Number one player we all know, Draymond. Draymond does that very well. He doesn't shoot. He just kicks people in the nuts. Yeah, we need that. You need that on the team once in a while. But no, he doesn't need to shoot. If he shoots, he shoots. But what we don't need for him is to pass up an open layup.
which he did the last time we saw him play. No, that's the last time we saw him play. No, that's for real. That's the last time he actually really was playing. No, he's played in Brooklyn. He's suited. He didn't really play that much, but he's played. So that's not the last time we saw him. That's the last time I see him effectively an all star. Yeah, maybe that's the last time he was actually looked at as an all star. Yes, that's correct. And this is why I am indifferent about
He's playing. But I got a question for both of y'all now. He'll be all right. I got a question. Bridges, he's straight. Yeah, we're gonna talk about that now. You got Bridges, you got Cam Johnson, shout out to UNC. You got...
They just traded away Joe Harris. They lost Seth. Seth loved who? Seth went to Dallas, free agency. Their center department is very interesting. Cam Thomas, a young player who's probably gonna either come off the bench or possibly beat a shooting guard. He was going off though. He's a shooter.
Now, think about another point guard that didn't really, well, he tried to shoot but was horrible at shooting until he got a mid-range jumper.
Rondo. Now think about how Rondo was still effective with a very good team. Do you think Simmons can actually run a team, shoot whenever he feels like it, and actually make Brooklyn an effective team with the young gun kids that he actually has? Being 27, 28 years old, he's not a real vet, vet, old vet, but he at least knows how to actually get people the ball when they actually are open.
we don't know because he doesn't play yeah but i'm saying if he does play do you think he actually can make brooklyn a contending deep playoff team i'm not saying he can no idea himself can do that as a player but he can make them better you know what i'm interested to see
Over there in Brooklyn, they got a lot of places where you can get oxtail pizza. Yo, what? I don't care about this. Nah, I used to call this the crack shop when I used to work in Brooklyn. There was this chicken place. Yo, I'm so mad that they closed up. The chicken was so... Yo, chicken breast. You know breast, chicken breast is always dry. That thing was moist as ever.
Moist. Moist and it's good. Flavorful. You want your chicken moist. Flavorful. Some things are better than moist. But the oxtail pizza, you definitely need to go get that. But I said, like I said, the crack chicken was a very good place. And I used to go there every Friday. Oh wow.
It was addictive. That's why I call it crack chicken. But Brooklyn, for real, for real, I really do feel like with Simmons, I really do believe like there is a possibility that if he stays healthy, they got a coach and Jacques Vaughan, who used to be a point guard, he used to play in the NBA, coach under pop. He did coach in Orlando.
So he knows how to deal with players. It's not like Steve Nash, who was a Hall of Famer MVP. Who wasn't doing the right stuff. That wasn't doing the right thing that KD wanted him, but anyway. Had the squad. I do believe Brooklyn is actually going to be an affected team if they let Simmons play without putting the pressure of him having to shoot at a certain rate that they knew. They're not going to, nah, everybody knows that's not his role. Yeah, but Philly didn't.
at the last minute they didn't know like when he was I think we all have amnesia when he was there like he didn't shoot when he was in Philly people just figured out he couldn't shoot and they were just like whoa like we don't even have to guard bro like that's it but when you're still scoring 20 points
In the paint? Yes, but when you're seeing that in your first round pick, first pick overall, and you're expecting so much from him, the expectation of the first pick overall, you're not supposed to be a passive punk.
At the end of the day, everybody figured out what he could do later in his career, and that's when he got exposed. He just got exposed. He got figured out later. Usually, you can get figured out quick in the NBA. He also didn't want to play for Philly. I think he actually would have been better in LA. You see what I'm talking about.
No, no, no, no, no. He's switching it up. No, no, I'm not switching it up. I just think like, yo, he didn't want to be there. I think he didn't care. He got his money. Because thinking about that, after he got his money, you saw the exposure. He did what he needed to do to get his first contract. That wasn't it. What do you mean? After that last play.
He got Doc. Yup. Oh no. No, that's not my boy. Let's go back to the clips. That is not. I felt bad for us, but he was never supposed to be on that team after that play. Doc said some things he should have probably should have said awarded it better. And that's when Simmons was bitching and just wasn't feeling some type was feeling some type of way. He got paid after that. Yeah, he got paid, but he didn't care. He got his money.
Yeah, but that's when after that play and after that, that seriously got exposed. That was acting on the cake. But that was it after that. But he was always exposed. No. You didn't know that he couldn't shoot? Everybody knew he couldn't, but everybody was still playing on him after a while. Because he was still hungry to get that contract. After he got that contract, he didn't care. Okay, so basically after his contract, when he comes to Brooklyn and he actually has what? What type of numbers is gonna make you feel like, oh, he can actually play again. You make it seem like he's not gonna hoop when he come back.
We don't know, like Kyle said. I'm saying I don't care. He don't care. That's different from I don't know. I'm expecting 20 points out of the guy. It's not going to be 20

James Harden and Joel Embiid's Uncertain Futures

points, bro. What do you think he's getting? He shouldn't be getting six, six, and six.
No, it should be double-double. It should be double-double. It should be a double-double. That should always be double-double with him because he's always getting rebounds, always getting assists. But the way everybody's talking about him, talking shit about him, it's like, oh, he can't do that, or he don't want to play. Yo, he's going to be a double-double type player. When he comes back for the Brooklyn, he's going to be effective. But he's going to need 20 points. Not really? No, with Bridges, no. It would be nice. It would be nice, but that's not going to happen. 20 points.
No. What points do you think he's going to get? More than 10? You said 20 points. 15 and 12. 15 and 12. Yeah, 15 and 12 rebounds? Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, he was heavy on the rebound. And assist. He's going to have assist. He should have. He'll always be a triple double. He's magic. If it's going to happen. Whoa. So what's the other part of the triple? I think he got to be 20 points, 10 rebounds, 12 assists. Yeah.
But since we have to be on the topic of Philadelphia, and the player you thought was the better player out of the deal, we gotta talk about the deja vu that Philadelphia is having. Mr. Gibran, play that clip.
Now that we're here, what do you think are the biggest storylines heading into this year? I mean, I feel like I've lived this movie before. Was I sitting here a couple of Julys ago and having this conversation about the Philadelphia 76ers wondering if there was a player who would show up to camp and then if he did show up, what would he do?
We're back there again. It's James Harden, not Ben Simmons this year. And I can't believe we're living this movie again. There's obviously different personalities and people involved here. But the sense around the Sixers now is the situation with James Harden probably goes unresolved this summer. Doesn't seem like there's much movement at all. And obviously, that can change at any moment. Someone can pick up a phone call, pick up a phone and make a call. But this James Harden situation in Philadelphia feels like it could be a long standoff.
Yeah, just like the situation in Portland. Yeah, it could be a long stand up with David Lillard. Like we have watched these movies before. They never really end well. They are box office for a while and then people get very tired of them. And so I think going into the season that it feels like that's where right back there right. Philadelphia 76 except James Harden has one year on his deal, right? Well, and at this point, it's just another stalemate sitting here going. All right. It's a little bit of chicken who's going to make a move first perk your most intriguing storyline for this season.
Well, you know what? It's just what Ramona was just talking about. Y'all ready for this? No. If I'm Joe L and B, I know y'all not, but if I'm Joe L and B, I might just walk up in the office or want to have a phone conversation with Daryl Morey and the ownership group of the 76ers and say, you know what?
If we can't fix this James Harden situation expeditiously, then it's time for me to move on. Right now, I'm to the point where the Philadelphia 76 is just blowing up because I'm thinking about the James Harden situation. He won out.
But Darryl Morey is not gonna just trade him away for picks and a rising star, right? Darryl Morey wants back like an all-George type caliber player for James Harden. That's not gonna happen. So all of a sudden, if you do get James Harden going into the training camp,
He don't want to be there. So what is it with right now with them beads? If it's not about championships, then it's not about nothing. This is a center that has had an injury history, right? And so his prime is not like a Giannis prime because of the injuries that he's had in the past. Right now, the window for the Philadelphia 76ers and Joel Embiid should be in a conversation. And to me, it's not that wide open anymore.
Deja Vu all over again. Yeah. Kyle over here texting his agent. Ask him questions why harden is about to leave. If everybody else can get money just sitting on their bench wearing Gucci, I want some money too. Harden thinks that he really is the star of every team that he goes to from Houston. Yeah. And now the issue is
No one really wants to trade for him. Or Dao Morley, the GM, thinks that he's going to get a King's Ransom, a KD deal. He not. But the question, the big issue is now the big fella. And he said, he just said this this week, he was like, I just want to win a championship, whatever it takes. I don't know where that's going to be, whether it's Philly or anywhere else.
I think it's time for you all, not you all, but people like Jabron, who's a 6'er fan, I think it's time to get worried that Mr. Embiid is trying to check out. Oh yeah, he's making moves. Bronz just got married. Congratulations. He's out. Poor soul. Welcome to the club. He's going to Miami. Actually, the next one, too. Yeah, but then we got to worry about his knees. Yeah. And what we'd have to give up to get him over here.
They already said interesting of that would be RJ, Randall, or if not Randall, it would be Mitchell. Mitchell, that's, wait. Quigley, Grimes. Just the whole team. Pix. So if I think a better fit for him would be Miami, what would Miami have to give up?
starting at Tyler Herro and they also got to do BAM. No, they can't. They can't give it a BAM. BAM has to be in an equation to make it work. BAM has to be in an equation to make it work. BAM's got to go. No. Look at the contract. The contract's got to match up. That's a giant hole that they fully would have in there. You need at least BAM.
I'd be wild if they got different. You heard what Tobias Harris' father said, who's his agent? No, he didn't. What'd he say? He was like, no idea. Stop lying. We heard him. Stop lying. You already know I'd be on the web looking at stuff. He was like, yo, Philly has not used his son the right way.
He's a overall guy, like a glue guy. I like his game though. I like his game. I like his game. I like his game. Remember he got that max contract, 100 million plus over Jimmy. And Jimmy was like, you picked Tobias over me? Yeah, that was dirty. Jimmy should have got that. Every year Jimmy proves himself, bro. I don't care. He's that guy.

Speculative NBA Moves and Team-Building Strategies

But you know Jimmy wants Embiid. The only Nick connection is Leon Rose was his agent. And Embiid loved Leon Rose because he looked out for him as the agent, made sure everything was lined up from the right way. And the whole thing with the Nicks,
I take him, but then he has that he has a constant knee injury. You already know he wear the mask. You get the bumps and bruises. Is it someone that you would actually take or would you risk at all with what we have? We talk about for who? For MD. What about the Knicks? For the Knicks? Nah, I mean, I would it would be dope. I don't like.
Man, it's a former MVP. Why not have him on the squad? You know what I'm saying? I know you're taking the injuries and stuff like that, but if we have to get rid of the whole squad and future picks that we have, I would give like a couple of players and then the rest of the remaining picks maybe to see what happens. That would be a little risky, but still, I am not going to give up the squad already. What you're talking about is the cycle again.
Yeah, that's going back to the old things. I don't like that. I like keeping picks. And then Tibbs gets fired and then the next coach that comes over doesn't really work with him. Mike D'Antoni again. Yeah, I'm good on all of that. As far as the Knicks go, you might as well just...
Build the team, do the draft, couple years, do that. I don't think the answer is to gut it for, you know, a star and then everything. An annoying star. Yeah. The better bet will be. Who wants to win a championship too? He's not coming.
As a matter of fact, what's the ETA predictions of when he's actually going to leave if he is willing to leave? Is it next season? Before the season? Is it next season? The rumor has been they said, Yo, Harden is the reason why MP really wants to go now because of the whole situation that's going on.
Hard and bees looking like yo, when are you gonna give me that piece? They're actually gonna help me go to the finals. Yeah, go the distance Yeah, remember he didn't want harder. He wanted bill. Yeah. Yep He was pissed off that and every year it keeps everyone keeps thinking is this the final time for and be delete? It's been rumored that this might be the final time and
If Hardin stays this year, it's definitely going to be the time when the NBA is going to be like, yo, it's time for me to go. Yeah, we've seen it before when the star player is like, yo, I've been asking for help not getting it and they ship off. Sadly, that's how it's been going nowadays. They just leave instead of sticking it out and actually it's some reverse where the team will actually get the player, but it hasn't been working out. You don't want to end up like, dang.
No, I wouldn't want to end up like Dame at all. I mean, Philly is a better city to me, but still, like, nah, you don't want to end up like Dame. It'd be too late, and you just re-nig like Dame did, like, oh, I'll stay here, and then now you want to go, but nobody's picking you up. So, yeah. Now, at the same time, everybody can't win. Facts. I say you put your, you know, put your roots down somewhere and just try to win by beating everyone. He want the players. He ain't getting them.
They keep screwing him over. I was like, yo, I want this player. They're like, nah, you'll be all right. You can figure it out. Stephen A Smith said, because James Harden wrote some cryptic tweet online, he wants them gone. He was basically like, look in the mirror. It's you. You're the problem. Stephen A also thinks Maxie is the future. No. And the runner with him. A lot of Philly fans think that too. Yeah.
Maxi, Maxi, Maxi. That's crazy. Nah, I'm good. He boasts. Yeah, he do, but he's the future. But guess what? If in B goes, this is the last bit of trust the process. Think about all the players. The process has been untrusted for a while. That stopped. Think about how many players that came up trust the process. I actually disagree. I think they had a shot and they missed. The last time they had a shot is with that squad where Jimmy was in.
when they lost the Kawhi. That was the last time. But they had it. They would have kept Jimmy, I think. And they missed. They would have kept that squad. If they would have kept the main pieces of that squad, the next season, they would have been all right. They lost. Just like the Clippers, they had a shot at it. They had a shot. They had an endo. Brett Brown. They missed. Their time is now over.

Off-season Entertainment Ideas

Everybody can't win. That's the point.
The Phillies process is complete. It's time for them to go away now. I know you have a process. You have a game. Kinda, yeah. Let's have it. All right, Gibron. Play this man's clip.
Y'all know, yeah, it's going on now. I mean, y'all do know, it's the off-season. Every off-season, it's boring. I'm sorry, I don't watch baseball like that. I go to mixed games. I can't believe watching. What kind of league would y'all rather see, rather than off-season, before we get to see football?
There's a lot of weird options out there. Like, would you rather watch basketball players play a different sport, a track league for a different... No, think about it, like a track and field league from different sports, soccer players, baseball players, golf. That would be funny if they did that Ultimate Frisbee with Black Golf or something. What about chess boxing?
You know some of these players have been investing in like pickleball. Pickleball? Yeah, that's that new way. That's a gym video game. Yeah, that's a gym game. That's a gym sport. That chess boxing thing is real, by the way. They do that in Europe somewhere. Russia. I don't know if it's Russia. I don't remember. You know they probably do. If somebody does it, they box in his chest off to the side where people aren't in the ring. I'm just saying, people
do what they gotta do to fill the void between the NBA and the NFL and college football and all that. The big three. The big three. I mess with the big three. Shout out Cube.
Shout out to the dog. You already know. The OG triple. Craig. But what would you watch? I mean, I did watch the XFO just on the street. Is that a real thing? I would say like. Doesn't have to be real. You said USFO? Yeah. And they do golf. A lot of players already do that. Courageous. They had a car that occurred. Yeah, he killed. But would you watch that? I can't. I can't watch golf like that. I could. I don't know. I can't.
I would say if they did, it'd be funny. This is what I wasn't thinking. If they did slam ball, that'd be hilarious. Someone brought that back. They posted that. It's back. If they did slam ball, that'd be funny. If basketball players would do slam ball in the off-season, that'd be hilarious. Or do like a real intense dodge ball tournament. That would be funny to me. Maybe. I think I'd actually watch women's 11-11 football
if they would actually, because they have leagues like that. Yeah, they do, they do. It's not. I'm going to watch that. The lingerie. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Now listen, listen, for the record, for the record, when I talk about women's football, I'm not talking about, well, flag is cool too. That's an Olympic sport now, I believe. But when they play 11 on 11, it's kind of interesting. I just would like to see a little bit more often in the off season, just on a football junkie. I'll watch almost anybody play football.
You gotta pick one. I think he wants to do the lingerie, John. Yo, get Victoria C. Good to sponsor us for that. What? Let's see. To be completely honest. The football one. Yeah. What about like a like a Madden league or watch?
regular college athletes and everything. People in the off season do Tekken tournaments or something. Now you're going to tell me I'm bugging, but what about the retired Hall of Famers playing like a 7 on 7?
Nah, I don't want to see anybody old Terry, but they got, they could be like 45. That's old enough. What? You see T.O. T.O. still in shape? Yeah, T.O. like he'll be, he still think he's going to play in the NFL. You see him do Staley. Here we go, the people are running. He's fat.
Yeah, Stanley's big. Yeah, he a coach now. Yeah, he a big dude now. That's what I'm saying. I don't want to see a bunch of just like, I want to see people in the off-season just being bored, doing a Street Fighter Alpha tournament or something. You want to see Tekken in real life. Not in real life, but I'm just saying, that would kind of be cool. Somebody's getting rested. Happens all the time and like, Eagles, Cowboys. No, I'm not. I'm staying far away from all that.
Go get a couple more.

Bronny James' Health Scare and Sports Health Importance

But before we actually end this up, all of us being fathers, prayers for continual guidance and strength for Bronnie. The craziness of being at USC, thank God he wasn't by himself shooting in the gym like practicing solo. Because that would have been crazy. When he had cardiac arrest and the staff actually got, revived him and everything, got him to the hospital.
I can't have anybody messing up my face for the camera.
I like how Braun actually has a PR person. They've kept it close to the vest. They've said what they wanted people to know that he got out the hospital, he's recovering fine. All of us being fathers, that's something that you don't even want to see here. Get a call, get a text. I'm just happy that he's alive. I'm happy that the people that were there, that were supposed to be there, it's actually got him to safety and they were quick to call the parents to make sure to get there to the hospital as possible.
Yeah, saved his life, man. That was big. I hope he gets to play this year, but now there's gonna be a lot of questions. Because remember Shaq's son, Sharif, when he was at UCLA, he had the heart issue and he couldn't play his first freshman year. Yeah, surgery and everything. Yeah. Sharif actually reached out to him and said, yo, like, I actually know what's going on. Everybody's saying, get well, God bless. But it's like, if you need, you want to talk about it? Because he went through the same exact thing.
reach out to me, because I went through the same thing. Same thing like Hamlin. He reached out to Bron. Because Bron reached out to him when he woke up. We seen this a lot, yo. You know what I'm saying? So it's a big time decision for that family. We wish him well for whatever decision he tries to make. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I'm sorry to make that a sad ending, but send us home. Yeah, yo. Yo, this is friends versus friends. We are out of here. We're going to see you next episode. Peace.