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Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

S2 E28 · Everything Actioncast
50 Plays6 months ago

This week on the Everything Actioncast, Zach and Chris enter the MCU multiverse and discuss Deadpool  & Wolverine (Spoilers!)

The only MCU film of 2024, Deadpool & Wolverine finds Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) trying to save his universe, the Fox Marvel/X-Men universe, after the death of its "anchor being", the Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) who died in Logan is causing the universe to slowly die.  Rogue TVA agent Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen) wants to speed up the process with a device called a "Time Ripper," and Wade is forced to navigate the multiverse to find a new Wolverine who can stabilize his universe.  The guys talk about the many mind-blowing cameos, the logistics of the timeline, the awesome action sequences, Deadpool's potential future in the MCU, and more.

Next week, we're revisiting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) as the movie celebrates its 10th anniversary and Tales of the TMNT debuts on Paramount+.

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Hey, hello and welcome to the Everything Action Cast podcast for the week of July 29th, 2024. I'm your host Zach. I'm your co-host Chris.

Deadpool/Wolverine Movie Impact Discussion

And this week, let's fucking go because we're talking about Deadpool and Wolverine, the ah the biggest R-rated movie, at least opening of all time. It's probably gonna be one of the biggest R-rated movies ever at the box office. ah And the only the old MC we've ever seen this year, we're gonna be like a TV show or two here, but this is the only big MC release.
And yeah, the, uh, the culmination, it's like, it's like, it's the grand finale of like the Fox universe, like the Fox kind of like X-Men, uh, Daredevil, Electra, Fantastic Four, all all that, uh, all that stuff. This is like, this is like the grand, send out the grand finale of it all. In this case, this would have been the Phase one's ending or um this the This is like the end game of like the but Fox universe. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, obviously see spoilers. We're going to dive into like everything. are Most of what happened in Depot Wolverine, including like all the insane trail cameos and you know ah yeah all the all the big like reveals and Easter eggs and plot

Spoiler Alert: Movie Details and Comic Con Experience

beats. So if you've not seen the movie, stop.
ah go see it, you're probably like one of a dozen of people who haven't seen the movie yet.
But yeah, let's ah let's jump right in. and and actually ah So we both we obviously both saw it. um Chris, you actually saw it at Comic Con, which is I'm sure was like a crazy experience. Oh, yeah. Because of just the being so like in the trenches of nerdom at Comic Con, And the parkour and more dedicated were seeing it Thursday or Special Preview Night Wednesday at Comic Con. So the murmur is already pretty good. And you know um the community was pretty nice at like keeping spoilers like free in the the area. But it was only a matter of time by like Saturday and Sunday. If you didn't see it, it was just like talked about or mentioned
hinted at or stuff was just trending in Comic-Con because of the movie. Yeah, that's what I can say about that experience. Yeah, it's i mean it's also it's i mean it's all over like ah TikTok and like YouTube shorts and any of that kind of place. like If you're scrolling through, you're definitely going to see some like in-theater like handheld cam footage of scenes from the movie now. fucking pirated videos. I will say though, I think Thursday night is where they did the like drone show with the lights and did like the Deadpool like marketing in the sky and it's like
That got me hyped. I always was very excited to see the movie with friends, but watching that marketing and then just the like the anticipation in the area, just the weird fandom, like Deadpool meetups, and then the photo ops, and I think that night, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman were at Comic Con, at Hall H. ye So that was just like, okay, I need to see this movie. Now I'm i'm all hyped. so Yeah, I got like a 10 p.m. showing on Friday, which is like saving an energy at Comic Con, sacrificing the. The like night to go see a movie seems weird, but it totally is worth it, I think, at least seeing it in the crowd, seeing like a good company, seeing it on a movie theater that had no kids. Yeah, mean this is the first Deadpool movie I've seen that didn't have kids in it.
And this this is definitely like a no way home kind of situation where it's like, ah you you got you had to you had to see it like opening weekend. like It's like there're like there's huge reveals, there's huge like returns of characters that you like you weren't expecting or ah maybe you were expecting and then they show up, it's awesome. Or it's huge implications for the future, so. Maybe, I don't know. well why i what Why is there crying? You're gonna see you're going to see like people theorize and all these other theories and then how the next show is gonna tie in. So I get the Thor crying part. That was pretty funny. The running gag of that. Do you think that's actually gonna happen or is that just like a joke? I don't know.

Deadpool in the MCU and Marvel Multiverse

I don't know how like Deadpool factors into like the MCU.
like like Like, like, is he, like, if he shows up like a team up, like, is he going to be like, he's going to be fourth wall breaking still, but then everyone everyone's else is just like normal? like
if Or if they're trying to, you know, trying to do like a you know a serious, like, you know, but it was Avengers doomsday, it's just like he's fighting Dr. Doom, but still like making like these like weird decides of like, how much money do you get paid Dr. Doom?
They can go either way. Deadpool is one of those characters that it can be something that is canonical or it was a one-off and will never need to go back just because it's just used as a joke. Marvel's pretty good though at showing foreshadow. The problem I see is that you're not supposed to take this movie serious until something like, or things down the line connects to us.
Yeah. Cause it doesn't, there doesn't seem to be any threads except for, yeah, except for like, why like the, like the, the, the, the weird Thor scene, but like, there's not anything that's like really like, Oh, this is like setting up like the future of the MCU. Like it's it's more of like. Oh, we we saved we saved the Fox universe from being destroyed. ah So that that will still exist in like the side the side of the MCU. But now we're like we're going forward in the MCU, whatever that means for Deadpool.
Because he's back in like you know Earth, 1,055 or whatever like the that the Fox universe is. So he's not like hes still not officially in the MCU. True. that That's what I mean, where I still don't know the future implications because essentially he's just in reserve. Yeah. Until whenever they need him, whenever they do a multiverse event. So that doesn't count as the MCU to me, just because technically everything is the Marvel universe, the comics, the but video games, the movies. They're saying that it all exists. It's everything everywhere all at once. Yeah. For Marvel. So.
I got a taste from that from the Spider-Verse where technically those movies happen at the same time as all the other movies. Yeah, i mean they got them and yeah they got they go into like Venom across the Spider-Verse at one point. So as I'm saying, and and Deadpool can now do that technically. Yeah. And it makes sense in its own way, but when you start Figuring out like every Marvel series that does multiverses some of the jargon carries over some of it doesn't some of the like anchor things and What's that thing? Dr. Strange that was pivotal where it's like if it's too many multiverses it collides it takes out both worlds. Oh I can't version. Oh, yeah accursions. Yeah So there is some
This shared jargon between, I think, Dr. Strange, Multiverse of Madness, and Deadpool yeah pull Wolverine. did I think they used the word incursion once.
The only Dr. Strange thing was, like this I feel like it was like the sling ring. Loki is the like the big MCU factor in Deadpool wolverary and Wolverine.
Like, it you know, it's it's the TVA, it's, you know, them monitoring the multiverse and it's like the whole it's like the whole plot, like what what little plot there is of or like, you know, like, because be Like a one nitpick is like the like the plot is like very thin it's just like it's barely it's just like just enough to like have Deadpool Wolverine like actually like you know it gives them like ah Objective to do a fulfill but it's like if you're going in like expensive like I like this like deep like intricate plot It's like not there. It's just like Like this this like rogue TVA guys gonna blow up the Fox universe if they don't stop him so
It does feel like a comic movie where a com book story where you needed to read prior events so that when you read this specific story, it doesn't have the time. It might be a blur where it's like, hey, sea issue, blah, blah, blah. And it's from a character you've probably never read before. Yeah, it's like if you haven't seen the prior Deadpool movies, both seasons of Loki, Logan, ah like Electra. Electra for Destiny 4.
That's another cameo. I mean, Blade, but like there's ah like like there's not really there's not really like any like direct references. like You can just play like, oh, it's it's it's like you know it it's Blade, and that's all you need to really know. There's not like any like like references to like the the best movies. I think if you've been paying attention to Marvel like news releases and the drama behind it, the jokes land a lot better.
Because they're making fun of just the history of Marvel and how like the how it's been like a rocky road for novel, proper movies. Well, there's a lot of good jokes about the current MCU, which is like when Wade first finds the Wolverine he's going to team up with for the rest of the movie, he's just like, well, you're joining at a low point. It's like, welcome to the MCU. You're joining at a low point. And technically, he's not in the MCU proper. He's still tangent. He's still in another universe. So I don't know how that's going to happen. Unless somehow they're going to swap with a MCU version of themselves. But I think in the MCU, there's no version of the X-Men still. so that's time it's it's It's coming, yeah. So I mean, the MCU X-Men are still like yeah on the horizon. I think, essentially, we're not going to get any more Avengers movies. We're then just going to get X-Men movies for a little bit.
We're going to start them young. It's probably a younger generation. It's probably going to be first class again. Do you think after like secret wars? Yeah. So your wars might do the thing where it's contest of champions, where they'll just merge another reality. And then some parts are modern. in Some parts are like a youthful group, just like that one time in X-Men, if you know this, where they brought in to they made Cyclops in in the comic series insane. They made them like two maniacal. So then in order to fix it, they brought in a younger version of Cyclops from like his past. So he can

Multiverse Timelines and Character Integration

time skip to the future.
And then they deal with the past, the future one or the present one. And then they send the old young one back. And then because the young one is like, he learned the lesson of what to do, the future one, like the present one doesn't exist anymore. So like, they just get like a new version. They did that. It was insane.
And I think they said the so the end credits scene of the Marvels is in the Fox universe. like the So like it's in like the you know Deadpool X-Men universe.
But that has like no implications now. Yeah. So so that was it was going to be it was gonna be destroyed now. It's not going to be destroyed. But then here's the thing I have with the timeline. As soon as you start penciling it out, So, Logan is supposed to be in the future of Deadpool. Deadpool, technically, first two Deadpool movies, take place before 2029. Logan's supposed to be 2029. Yeah. So, pulling Logan back in the past, or he's from the future of that version, so he's in the future of like,
27, you know, I'm trying to, um ah you know, I'm trying to say where he's from, from that universe. And he goes back to Deadpool's universe, which is probably a younger one compared to the Fox one. But yeah, like that's why I'm i'm a little confused once, you know, I can't get over that. i can with like I think, I mean, I think there's some stuff, there's some stuff that's like, yeah, it definitely, it definitely could be clearer with like, you know, Wade using cables, like time travel device. Because he uses it at the end of Deadpool 2 to like you know like reverse a lot of things that happened. I travel versus multi-versus. Yeah, because that was... I was confused how he ended up in like ah like or this was like the sacred timeline for 616 where he was interviewing with like Happy to join the Avengers. But then he then he gets rejected and he goes back to his own timeline or his own universe. i'm like
I was like, is this like a like a does ah the mark like the MCU like six had its own Deadpool and that's gonna be the Deadpool we found out but then it's like oh but now we're like back in like the regular like the original Deadpool universe with like that Deadpool I thought ah I was like is there two Deadpools that were following or like that we're gonna like have to deal with but then it's like no it's it's it's just the same Wade, he's somehow ended up traveled to like the other universe and like interviewed for the Avengers and then left, and then I rejected him and went back to his universe and became a a minivan salesman.
Which everything everything everything with like, i well like one another nitpick is like, if if you're a fan of like the like you know original, like the the characters that you created for Deadpool, like all that cast of characters, they get like very short shrift to this movie. Oh, they're just in it for basically lunch, and then they just aren't for like for like one party. It's a lot of weird stuff like like they they they break Wayne and Vanessa up off screen. Yeah, but it's told on a flashback. So you get just the highlight of their breakup. Yeah, but but that that's what's like the like, like, like the one the driving force, like the emotional like driving force away, but it doesn't really like it doesn't really it's like so thinly like
like you like ah use this it's like like it's like this is This is supposed to be like his driving force, and they like barely explain it or get into it.
And then, like, Dipinder has like one line. I think, like, Negus 19, Warheads, and Yukio have like one like one scene. Colossus, i I think, has maybe one line, not even. like you talked no it's like it's like and then like i think like it's like shatter star in the background this if he has no like it was tans there he has no lines oh no i think he has a line maybe like maybe like one line yeah he has more lines and colossus i mean pete pete and blind l both have a bunch of great seeds like they're just two that actually like it yo get get some like uh some good stuff and and and this one is like like the og deadpool cast but yeah it's it's great it's it's all about
Wade and Wolverine and all the cameo characters that show up in the full Wade. I think that's fine. Yeah. Because people saw this knowing that it's a Deadpool Wolverine. They want to know when they can get to Wolverine. And the movie makes you work through it. It shows you just enough with the intro, which was good. What do you think about that? Well, what part of the intro? Like where you're saying? The fan sequence, the credits. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that I mean, yeah, right. I mean, right from the bat. So he is like gets off to like a hilarious, awesome great start. I mean, we're just like, wait, it's like I know you're all wondering how we're going to like not like desecrate the memory of Logan. And the answer is we're not. It's like literally digging up Logan's corpse. Did you see the thing about James Mango said about like multiverses and how it ruins the art of media, like how it ruins the storytelling? Oh, boy.
i like I love that they just they' like not only did they go for it, they went for it in the most extreme way possible. of just like like Not only did they dig up Logan's corpse, but Dipple was like using it as a weapon to like kill people. And then, meanwhile, Ed Sink's playing in the background. You got Dance Pool, who went right around, dancing the background. Wait, that's what they called it? Like his, um, cause that wasn't Ryan Reynolds dancing. It was like, he has like a, like a dance, like a dance double. And, but they called him, he's like, build his dance pool. Oh, yeah. I don't think Ryan Reynolds can dance like that. No, but yeah, that was, that was, that that was fantastic. and
And it's also, you know, kicking things off like just like an awesome like action sequence, which is like pretty much all the action scenes in this movie are awesome.

Wolverine and Deadpool Dynamics

They're like, you know, we get lots of cool slow. Well, that's like everything you would want from like, especially the like the Wolverine Deadpool fights is like in there. They know, they know, exist like Ryan Reynolds and the two Japanese are like, you could tell that they're fans and they know exactly what the fans want to see. And then then they give it to us. Oh, yeah. When you have two nearly invincible characters who already like have a tight relationship where it's either they they are calm or they're exploding at each other. Mm hmm. It's going to make for great buddy, cop, cop chemistry. And unlike funny cop chemistry, it's like Deadpool is allowed to go rogue and do silly things that get people killed. Where in a cop movie, cop kind of like rush hour, you would never see like Chris Tucker do that. Yeah.
like the freedom it's able to do I know in the comic this happens a lot especially if it's a Deadpool specific team up but in a Wolverine team up like he's not funny and that's like the point depending on the the team up but this is like a little bit of both and Deadpool is able to call it out, where it's like, oh, we're gonna have we're going to bond later. We're going to have like a dramatic third act reveal. We're going to do this. And exactly that's what happens. Should we should we we go to our backstories now or wait for the third act, like the third act dramatic reveal?
And then like like right right right when the then they they're like first three fights are going to start, wait until it's like, get your special sock ray nerds. This this is what you're ready is what you're ready for. This can be good.
Oh, go ahead. Yeah. Did you see this movie in a crowded movie theater? Yeah. OK, so I saw this movie in a like like it was crowded, but it was every pretty much like just center view. No one was on the front row. No one was like, you know, everyone pretty much sat to like in groups of like they all know each other. No random person was all like a nice reserved seating. And I say that because. It's either everyone was clapping and cheering or no one was, you know what I mean? Like it was a calm group. It wasn't some asshole like ruining it for everyone, shouted things or like filming. So I had a good experience. So when they start revealing cameos, I think right after the, uh, like actually, eh, you want to talk about just the multiverse Wolverines first?
Well, yeah. So, so I mean, basic basically, so the basic premise is yeah, because, because because Logan, so the the Logan, would like the Wolverine who died in Logan was like the anchor being, which is another like TVA multiverse kind of like concept that they introduced where it's like, there's one character like holds the entire universe together. And if he dies then, or if they they die, then the universe slowly dies. So because Logan died, like the Fox universe is, is dying, but then. Matthew Faden, who plays Paradox, like the TV agent, wants to like was like mercy he kill that the Fox universe and like speed it up, so he's he's created a device called Time Ripper. and you know Another yeah which and there is TV agent is gobbledygook, device.
um but So then Wade's like, well, I'm going to go... like And then Paradox offers him like a chance like, you can join you can join the MCU, but the universe is going to die. And then it's like, well, I'm going to save my universe. And so then, yeah, he goes on like ah likeos and like jumps around the multiverse trying to find like a a new Wolverine to replace Logan that died in Logan. and we Yeah, we get so we get tons of great fanservice references and like there's like so direct comic book references. like There's like the reference to that X-Men cover where Wolverine's hung up on the X-Cross on his field of skulls. I don't know where that one's from. That's from X-Men 1. I think Wade even says it like in the the movie, but it's like like a very specific like cover. X-Men 123 or something. but like ah
That's like it's it's like a very famous like X-Men cover. But what I guess something actually happens Wolverine he gets... I think it's like a dark it's like a dart so and one of those like you know like X-Men dark future kind of things. I kind of it was like oh this has to be from some things but just having Wolverine just start screaming like okay yeah all right. Yeah X-Men 251 is uh that Uncandy X-Men 251 is that comic. And then you also get like a comic accurate Wolverine, which is like a super short, like Hugh Jackman, that was hilarious. ah you get You get like the like the John Byrne, like yellow and yellow and brown Wolverine fighting the Hulk.
And then the mind blowing one is you get a Wolverine played by Henry Cavill. the cavalry. I'm just I just want him to be Wolverine too. Just do it. Yeah. Just pull the trigger. I don't know why does Henry Cavill not want to be Wolverine.
I mean, like like he's like. I mean, he's not the Witcher anymore, so what else is going to do? He's, uh, I mean, he's shepherding like the, like, it like a war hammer 40 K universe at Amazon. So that's what I think his main thing is right now.
Like he's, ah he's going to start some like live action, like war hammer 40 K show and then the like, like also like helping produce like an entire like universe of shows over there. I guess. yeah play wover Yeah, yeah, I mean that was yeah, I mean he was the brief the brief Sequence we got of that was like like I was like, yeah, that's I'm on board for that he He even did a little bit like you like mission to possibly arm our pump and then like what? but it's push push weights back into the portal I wonder if that's intentional if he knew and you also get you also get like you get Age of Apocalypse Wolverine was like the one who's like missing a hand you get like the get patch and
So that was, yeah, that whole sequence is is just a fun, awesome, like you a Wolverine fan, like X-Men fan. That was just like ah a great, just like so tons of fan servers, tons of like, like giving you tons of like Wolverines you've never seen before in live action. Oh, so one of them that stands out is, so did it imply that in one universe the Mark Ruffalo Hulk fought Wolverine? I think that was, I think it was, that was the John Byrne, like ah the yellow and brown Wolverine. Right. Right. But the Hulk is, yeah oh yeah but yeah I think it's it's like the MCU Hulk. or So it's like a version. It's like a version of that Hulk. Yeah. It'd be funny. It was like the Ang Lee Hulk. Was that, was that a Fox movie? I think so.
Yeah, because it's it's weird because I was like, I i was looking to go through like figuring out like what there's a universal movie, which which i think I think is why like the rights to the Hulk are weird. Because I think Universal so like owns partially owns part of the rights to the like the Wolverine, like ah Incredible Hulk. Because they made because they made like the first Hulk movie. Which I think is like my like partially why we we haven't seen like a like a standalone Hulk movie again since Incredible Hulk.
I mean, when I went to Universal, I got my share of the whole broad. As they renovated it, it's not going anywhere. Yeah.
Yeah, ton tons of tons of great ah Wolverine ah like references and cameos. But then Wade finally finds the one he's going to team up with in the first movie, which is like this you know bitter, angry one that's in a bar. Um, you quickly find out he's, he's like the worst Wolverine in the multiverse because he like let the X-Men die. He like, he like disappeared. And then like, when he was gone, all the X-Men got killed. You probably should have asked that before you recruited him. I feel like Wade's selection was just, all right, I tried five people. You haven't immediately tried to like kill me or punch me through the wall. Let's go.
If anything, you just prove how like terrible I shouldn't pick you because you just drank a bottle of whiskey and blacked out. Yeah.
But he he he is wearing the the classic yellow and blue costume that you know everyone's been waiting for Hugh Jack to wear for like two decades. Oh, yeah. Not the first colors he ever wore, but it's the most popular. Yeah.
Actually, no, it is. I think when he first fights Wolverine, he's wearing... Wait, when he fights the Hulk? Yeah, I think he's wearing, like, the whistles, the ones. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, because the yellow and brown one doesn't come up until, like, like, let's take the second costume, and then, like, X-Men, like, 90s X-Men put him back in, like, the yellow and blue suit. Yeah, I just remember his first appearance. He actually had, like, whiskers on his face. Yeah, because he's the Wolverine, yeah. He's, like, literally the Wolverine. I'm surprised no one... He didn't do that. There should have been a version of seeing that. Yeah. Unless the little one of Wolverine is like that. We didn't see we's his costume. Maybe maybe that Wolverine where it's like the the Whisker costume.
but yeah but yes But they both get they both get like ah they go but get pruned and sent to the void where tut I think it seems like like most of the like the Fox universe has been like pruned and sent there. because Because this is where like or like all the cameos are, there's all these like characters from other past movies are there.
kind They kind of run afoul of a Mad Max convoy that includes like Sabertooth and Pyro and It's like, it's like a version of the Russian for the Punisher movies. It's not like, it's not Kevin Nash, but it's like, it's like a version of it's implied. Yeah. It is sad to think that basically because we're the, they they've changed hands, the studios, these universes are just dead. I guess the meta joke is that because there's no more movies, they just go to the void. Yeah. I mean, there's a story. Oh no, these movies are alive in a way.
the giant 20th century Fox logos is like in the void as well.

Fanservice and Cameos

And then we get, I think, i I mean, there's so many great cameras, like, like, one of the best cameos is Chris Evans shows up, and they they like hide, they're like, high like, You think, oh, it's a cap variant. And then it's a huge setup. And then like Wade's super excited. He's going to say Avengers Assemble. And then you find out Chris Evans is playing Johnny Storm for the fan Fantastic Four movies. Great setup. Great build up. I think basically everyone's excited for something, but I think everyone's are laughing in the theater for the flame on.
Yeah, that i mean that joke is so good. Like because because Wade's like he's like going like Avengers asemitum because I was like flame on it's like wait, what? What'd you say? like And then the joke that like pyro just like like just totally brooks him because he's controls fire and then like he just like like has that like horrible like comedy fall up to like that whatever that like radio tower ever is he falls onto. Yeah, I thought he died. Yeah, that that would have been it. That's the rest of the cameo. But yeah, I was kind of glad that there was more.
I kind of I kind of wish like. ah ah If they somehow if they had like Michael b Jordan show up after like because because like they they all get taken to the like the corpse of others like a giant the giant man corpse that is being used as like the base for the like the second villain ah Cassandra Nova.
and and then they get there and then like she rips like Johnny's flesh off at your point like basically talks it's just like like talks her into like killing him because he's like like Wade's saying all these horrible things that like Johnny was saying about her and then I do like that basically uh wait at at this point in the thing like we don't know how Johnny has been reacting but He, he pretty much is that Chris Evans like Joker that like if you saw four year old Virgin, not four year old Virgin, like not another teen movie. Yeah. And like that comedic actor, like, like, like, like pre-kitten America, Chris Evans, like also like the losers and like that, like that kind of stuff, like yeah that stuff was Evans. Yeah. Been a while. I mean, I didn't see, uh, the gray man yet. He's in that one.
he I mean, he's he's more psycho than that. than like can eat like He's comedically psycho with that one, I guess.
but there is there is in in depth like The-credits scene is is great if you stay for that, because like you like you you you find out like Chris Evans, like Giant Storm, actually did say all the horrible things that Wade accuses him of that got him killed. So it's like so it's like yeah actually like he was his fault that he got killed.
It's a quarter. And yeah, look what happened. But I thought i thought it was like funny. It's like, ah you know, like if if Michael B. Jordan showed up afterwards, it's like, it's like, oh, we got new we got new we got new fly a giant storm like. Like another one. And he does the same thing as the first one. It's just it's just killed again. Yeah. Mm hmm. I don't have been funny. They don't. Yeah. They don't don't have anyone from fit fit for four four four six showing up in this one. Even even though like in the ah like There's like the Green Day kind of like ah sentimental, like we had a scenes video over the end credits. and They have like footage foot fitness and fit for stick, but none of them show up. I thought it would be nice if they at least included it. Like at least one cameo, one reference to it. Yeah. But instead, it became like ah like a love letter to that error of Fox Marvel.
but Yeah, but it's been seven. Wait, we will be like eventually they escape and then they wind up. ah watch they They have a a ridiculous fight inside of a Honda Odyssey, which is like one of the craziest like bits of like product place I've ever seen. Where it's like, we're going to we're going to make your like make your minivan like as bloody and destroy as possible. Yeah, yeah. But also show awesome. We're gonna say how awesome it is that it like survived this fight. Yeah, I wonder if that... Well, I think one of the things that Wade was selling was Honda's, right? there's i He was selling... like I think he was like selling like like Dodges or like Chevy vans, and because he and he's also like like shitting on Kia's. But then but like he sees Honda's eyes, he's like, this thing's a piece of shit. like
Which also, which I mentioned, it's also Hana Asi belongs to Nice Pool, who is like ah a Deadpool that doesn't have any like crazy scarring or like apparently cancer or anything. He's just like Ryan Reynolds. No powers. It's just like, yeah, ah a very sweet, nice Ryan Reynolds, who has, who owns ah Dog Pool, which is which is one of the best running jokes for Dog Pool is like, who is like, Dogpool was like the like the absolute perfect like synergy of cute and disgusting. And not ah not a fake dog, a real dog. Yes, a real dog, named Peggy, who is a like apparently like everyone loves now.
But yeah, that that that was a great running break through the like the entire movie, where it's like every time like there's like like two sequences that montages where Peggy's dog was running. It's Wade, and they're just like you're playing like it's like Lady in Red, and then, I think it was Gugudel's second song they played.
But yeah, they but the have the have yeah this this crazy fight in the inside the the minivan, where it's just like it's totally it gets totally bloody, and Windows destroyed. and then ah But then, I guess i guess they just like wear each other out, because they can't kill each other. is And then um they get driven by a mysterious person to a a location, and you find out it's X-23. You have to Keen coming back from Logan. And I was trying to figure out, do you think, is is it the Laura from Logan, or is it a variant of Laura that got pruned? I don't know. Because she because she said she seems like she has all the experiences from Logan.
But then why would why would she got why would she have gotten pruned? I guess maybe because they're pruned the whole entire fuck universe. but Well, the TVA works in in a weird way. They mentioned that basically everyone they've pruned has been people that would disrupt. Be a threat to them. Yeah, would be a threat to the universe. Yeah. So she got pruned, because I think in the future, she probably tries to do something. And then they're like, if you do that, you there's a consequence. So they pruned her at that point. But it is weird because normally when they take a person, they prune the whole thing. So the one thing they may destroy is that that time variance. And then it'd be even weirder, because it'd be 10 years after Logan, because she's grown up now. And Logan was like, 2018? Yeah. yeah
So so yeah it's even like farther in timeline than like even like like Logan was. Yeah, yeah. So she's from the furthest timeline in the Fox. Yeah. As soon as she turned around and be like, no, no, you got to do this and this. We can rent this. Yeah. But yeah, she mentioned like how the Evil Corn Company did this. Oh my god. don Yeah, I forgot about that. That was like part of like the plot of Logan. It was like, yeah, that that Evil Company like it's like the It was like the robot, it was like the robot vehicles and then like, yeah, like corn was everywhere.
But yeah, but she, she, she brings it to like their hideout and then she's working with like a resistance group that includes, so you got Electra, Jennifer Garner back from Electra. You've got motherfucking Blade who has a slice back. And then you have the craziest one of all, Chang Tatum. as Gambit from the Unmade Gambit movie. I do like the intro to all these people. They're like, every everyone keeps ramping up the people. Yep. And the music is changes and then they all have a slow will walk in. Yep. That would be cool. And every and everything with Chantayda was like gold. Like every joke, everything was everything about that is Gambit was great. Comic book accurate Gambit.
yes not exactly as great as we all thought yeah he like he looks a little goofy if they're definitely playing it up is like a joke more of a joke than like a you know a serious take on like the animated version like the comic book animated version of gambit but it was still everything about it was still like super fun I love weight every every comment Wade made about it with like the uh is your dialogue close to the minions like and then like he's like he's like chain table just like like devolve it's like nonsense to like cajun gibberish like i mean that's kind of how he was at least in the comp in the tv show i think in the uh
comic it's not as much like nonsensical as this like metaphors and then yeah so french just random French like yeah yeah I think I think you did say the other because the he call think call wait or someone wanted me at one point or something I can't remember if you said more to me
But there is, I do, I do love that you get to see like how his like game its powers would work in like an R rated universe. Cause he's like explicitly exploding people with his cards. Yeah. And they're cool. They're little bombs and, you know, showing we, we all know Shane Tatum isn't doing all those moves, but now it, it looks nice. And having it play in a group, it's great. Uh, yeah, there's, there's, there's, there's a big, there's, but they they all, they all team up and they have, there's a big fight at, uh, Cassandra Nova's hideout with like, so it with this team, this team, all, all, all these members of this team coming together to stop her.

Cinematography and Plot Inconsistencies

But look well I was like, that fight is like weirdly like the, lead like the, the way it's shot is like the, like the worst shot of like the entire movie. It is. It's almost as if.
They ran out of budget. And then then, all right, let's just get a whole bunch of prop costumes and stunt people. We don't need to show their face. We don't have to focus on the the like emotion. Let's just focus on people flying at each other. Because every because every other every other action sequence is like very it's like you know wide shots. It's slow-mo. You can tell exactly what's happening, who's doing everything. And then that seat that fight, I mean, there's there's some cool moments in it. But like the whole thing is like very it's like shaky cam and like edited. kind of like more fast-paced in the other scene, so it's like, yeah, so something was to happen in that scene sequence, like just for like, where they couldn't shoot like shoot the the way they shot the other sequences. Do you remember X-Men Last Stand, where they actually had that fight with the military and the mutants, and they basically had to use their fists? Because Magneto took all the guns, or whatever.
it was like that it was just or or it reminded me also like kick-ass 2 where they have that big fight at the end yeah or it's a lot of noise it just doesn't like you can't you can't track on one specific thing i mean they they mentioned every hero does get like a super slow-mo attack. Yeah, everybody gets a cool scene. Like you get like, you know, Blake gets to like, well like his classic, like he shoots someone and they like, they like get blow into a wall. and I kind of, I kind of wish he had done like the, like, you know, like a fist pump, like from the first movie, he doesn't do that, but yeah. And he, he also gets to use like, uh, one of the punishers, which apparently there was, there was a punisher at one point and then, but they died and, but they still have this rocket launcher and he gets like rocket launcher open the base.
oh's there's an There's also a great reference to like Daredevil, where it's just like, they're like, ah like oh Daredevil was here, but he died. And it's like, wait it's like oh, I'm so sorry. It's just like, it's fine. I mean, that had to be the Ben Affleck one. Yeah.
i like i feel like charlie co like i guess i mean I guess Charlie Cox is like firmly in the MCU, so he would have been pruned, maybe. But like i I feel like Charlie Cox would have been like down to go. like um um I'll show up as Daredevil. Yeah. I mean, he still wavers chance again. There's still there's still but whatever Daredevil born again comes out, like whatever that's going to happen.
So yeah. You want to talk about Cassandra? You want to talk about her stick? I was just going to mention the Punisher. I do kind of wish like one of the Punisher actors had shown up because that would have been like super fun. We talked about that already. I think we talked about it before we started recording. No, no, you mentioned Dolph, and we were like, Dolph, Dolph. Yeah, that was before we started recording. Yeah. yeah that that yeah that would but that would I feel like Dolph would have been totally down to be like, just like, hey, remember me? I was the Punisher. Then Deadpool could have made some crazy comment about it. I don't know if Tom Shane would show up. I mean, maybe. I feel like he's like too self-serious sometimes. I don't know if he's too self-serious to show up.
And then, and John Berthel, I feel like is like way too intense to show up in the devil movie. like oh Like his, his, his Punisher would have been like, we just like told the anger, grew us like with the tone of this movie. He doesn't make jokes. No.
It's, it it's, it's so like, I feel like the best one would have been Ray Stevenson, RIP. Like, I feel like his, like partial war zone Punisher would have been like a perfect kind of like that, like insanely over the top tone would have been I feel it would have fit pretty well in this movie. Very underrated Punisher. Yeah. But yeah, Cassandra Nova, ah who we haven't really talked about too much. But yeah, yeah other like the main villain of the movie.
So in this version, they're going with Cassandra Nova that isn't an alien. They're going for that. She was, I guess Charles's twin in one timeline.
She was, she basically got Sylvie. Like they, basic like when she was like an infant, they pruned her because they saw that she was like, we're going to become like a sort of like world destroying a threat or something. So they basically pruned like a ah baby Cassandra Nova and like, she ended up in the void that she like loves the void because she controls it.
except except for except for ah like having to like sacrifice people every once in a while it's like a liath but but my thing is she's powerful enough that she hasn't figured out how to escape until recently right she she doesn't i feel like if she had a chance to leave she would but what this i think it's the whole thing is like she like She, like, she loves the void because like, uh, it's like, she's like on, on like, no one's telling her that like control her powers. You can just like unleash your powers in any way she wants and she controls everyone and she can kill whoever she wants and do whatever she wants. But do you age in the void? I don't, I don't know.
That's the thing. She's been there since she was born. and it's like was so sorry yeah she she obviously She grew up obviously, but then, yeah, I don't know how, how, it's it's it's a It's like, ah I feel like the voice outside of time. So it's like. That's the point of it. Yeah. It's outside of time. So I don't know how she grew up in it. How she left and then grew up and came back. Because like how how long was i Kid Loki there? And he's still a kid. So it's like. Yeah. I mean, not to fundamentally ruin the structure. Or is Cassandra only looking like an adult, but she's actually like a young girl.
a baby. Maybe she's secretly a baby. That would but that be even weirder than it what we we got this movie. Yeah. I do. I do love her. Like her go to move is like sticking your fingers in the people's brains.
I don't know if that was like she had to do that in the comic too. I think I think I saw I've seen like people have been posting panels of like that like the character does that in the comics too like like and like like phases phases her and it like it's the people people's like like I said like just like charles xaver like like telepathally like read their minds like actually reaching into their mind like grabbing their brain like reading their reader minds so she can enter their like dream world yeah have a dream warrior sequence
and And obviously, when she does the Wade, Wade has like tons of commentary about it. Oh, yeah. And then it's great later on when when ah everyone ah everyone ends up back in like the the Fox universe, like Earth 1055. And then she does it she like puts she like grabs Paradox's head and like is just dragging around like a puppet.
which that's ah paradox is such a great like is so great because like he's such a pompous asshole and then like as soon as he like he just crumbles like a little like like a baby like yeah yeah uh definitely someone who is a administrator but the moment he's got his hands dirty he doesn't know what to do so i i did like that uh you know it's still that bureaucracy that he thinks he's wants to be in control of but he can't actually protect himself Yeah, he has, he has zero, zero, like, and if if anyone even like hints at fighting him, like he'll, he'll crumble, like, like leave, like a leaf like so his only power is like, is like being like, uh, he's like management. like And, uh, you've seen billions, right? Or no of it. um I know of it. Yeah. Yeah. Apparently he's sort of like that too. Like the character is sort of like supposed to be, is he a, is he a billions or is he a succession? I thought it was ah a succession. Yeah.
Sorry. Yeah, it's like very similar in the tone of rich people trying to stay rich. Mm-hmm. I think, was it was it Matthew McFadden on, was he on Dutton Abbey? Was that one of those big things? I know. One of them was the Three Musketeers. I think the only thing i've I remember him from before, like, other stuff was like he was on, I think it was Ripper Street. Did you guys see that? I heard of it, but I've never seen it. Yeah. I think the one prior to that I know him from was Robin Hood, the Russell Crowe one. Oh, yep. I think he was a sheriff of Nottingham.
but Yeah, he's yeah he's he's great. He's like the perfect, just like, smarmy, pompous, like, British asshole. I feel like if it wasn't him, if you need another guy that's like him, pick the dude that was Peter something, the voice actor for Darth Maul. He was also in John Wick 2 as a sommelier. Oh, Peter Serafinowicz. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Almost interchangeable. I wasn't, was it? You need him to be like, pompous. I feel like Peter Serafinowicz was in the MCU in some capacity.
Oh, yes. its Guardians. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, just bring them back. Tying the tech. Make the tech. Yeah. Mm hmm.
But no, the. Having Mr. Paradox there was a nice change of pace because it's really just about the TVA being the main villain or like the Black Ops TVA being a main villain. the Yeah. Then it's like the move aside. Here comes a Sandra Kane who Because there's Nova, yeah, who's like Cassandra Nova, who I think is way more powerful threat. And yes, see but then, you know, it's like a nice like, oh, she she has a heart. But now when it came to this, like she put it aside for the greater destruction. Yeah, cause she because she he helps. She helps Wade and Wolverine escape the void. But then she follows them. Then she's like, oh, I'm just like, I followed you because I want to like use like this time river thing I heard about to like destroy every universe. and then not Then the void.
avoidably the only universe exists and I'll rule over that.
Yeah, I don't, hit is it's kind of weird because does that mean any Omega level psychic can just get into the Ripper and then do the same thing she's doing? Yeah, the timer for such a McGuffin, but there's no explain. It's like, oh, he's anti matter matter. And that's like the only explanation for it. But I think if you just have to tell like, uh, Omega level, I guess, because, well, it seems like it's a bomb because there's like, there's like a countdown to like, right? And you're set off, but then it's, but in like Cassandra puts her, like, she like puts her arms, like these gauntlets is like, like, like jacking it up or like using it like, it was like,
manually doing it, so like like whatever ripping time, I guess. yeah It's not shredding anything. It's just people's mixing. Well, it's it's doing it's doing the same it's ah doing the same like spaghetti effect that ah we saw in Loki season two. Yeah, but that's because time at the end was unraveling. Yeah. So the universe was unraveling. It's also weird. like like what it like Can Loki not do anything about it? like he's you know Because he's like sitting on that throne. the god of He's like the god in the multiverse now. He can't just be like, oh. Uh, this year's unraveling at like pull the string. I'll keep it from like unraveling. Like, I feel like he, I feel like he, he would like have some sort of like, like effect of like, he would see that's happening and be like, nope. like Yeah. I mean, unless he's just like not paying attention to what's in his hand. He's just, he's just like, totally he's just totally pass like, he's just totally passive, like watcher now. Like he can't do anything.
Yeah, eventually everyone becomes the Watcher. Yeah. And we're just watching this thing instead of actually getting involved.
But well, Cassandra's like ripping

Iconic Costumes and Character Charisma

time. We we get the the big finale action sequence, which is ah she calls in the Deadpool core, which is all the crazy Deadpool variants that were in the void. ah and And then Wade and Wolverine get to fight them. I do like how they mentioned that, oh no, like Deadpool's a common thing in the void. But Wolverines are rare, like they or they have never seen a Wolverine there before. Yeah.
And then we we get the the big, which I've seen like several TikToks and YouTube ah short videos of like people filming the the scene exact the scene, but like when ah Hugh Jackman puts up the cowl, for the first time and like has the full Wolverine mask on which it's I like that it's like it's like subtly you don't really realize what he's doing at first outside because he's never you don't really you don't realize that costume has a cowl he's never put it up it's just like behind his head I guess and then he's like then he reached my head and you're like wait what and then you see him pull it up it's like oh my god he's putting the guy he's putting the mask on hey but
it's implied that his mask is all flexible because he was able to like tuck it behind his neck and then yeah it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like you just like roll up behind his neck a apparently or something yeah yeah and then like the the wings to his face on a rubber yeah yeah it's like all rubber i guess hmm speaking of that i bought that popcorn bucket of course you did yeah man uh you got a side note like San Diego Comic Con, like, that was the only place you buy that bucket within like, like 10 square miles. Well, yeah, AMC had a booth, right? there were they hit up AMC had a booth and it was just selling popcorn buckets, because that's like- They were selling everything else, but like the Wolverine one specifically didn't go on sale until Saturday. So if people like, ri that all the other AMC's ran out, then you only had to buy it at Comic Con. So,
It's like after seeing the movie, like I waited in line to buy it for people just because some people like, Hey, I don't, I don't have the time to wait. It's like, I waited maybe five minutes. Got it. It was like, Oh yeah. It was easy. Cause I was there really early. And then immediately like I think I turned around and it was just like, that line is now two hours long. I was third in line. <unk> So I get it. People were really excited about Wolverine anything. after this movie.
But yeah, yeah. Seeing that pop up. It seems like, yeah, you're right. Like we've never seen it live action anywhere. Not even on TV show, like live action, not even in commercials. Like the only weird, you know, put it on to see what it looks like. there was that There was that weird, like, was was it was it the Wolverine had like the end credits scene where it's like, they it's in a briefcase, but obviously he never wears it. And then. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah. It's ah oh there's isn't it also in another X-Men thing where it's just like a Wolverine thing.
The only, the only one I remember like is like, yeah, there was like, I think it it was, was it, It was an alternate ending, or like lead scene. It was like, I think it was like the yellow and brown suit was like in like a briefcase. Yeah. Like a case. And then it's like, oh, here you go. I think it was the Wolverine. I think Magneto and like Professor X bring it to him. And then like Days of Future Pass, and then he didn't wear that suit. So it's just like. Well, he ditched that outfit. Yeah.
He's just back in like the regular like but Fox like black leather outfit. The leather daddy fighter pilot.
but Yeah, I mean, that's not just like like obvious. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are their fans. They know what the fans want to see. They want to see Hugh Jackman in like the full ah for cowl, finally, after like over 20 years.
And then the whole fight against the Deadpool core is great cause it's like this awesome like one, one take site. You're just like, it's, it's, it's, it's basically like the fight from like old boy or like other movies, copy little boy, which is like, like the site, you're like just scrolling to the side and see like a one take like fight.
I did enjoy that. I also thought like, wait a minute, aren't these all mostly Deadpool's same powers and. This isn't like I knew what was going to happen at the end of that. Well, yeah, it's it's you're seeing them and all get killed and you're like, oh, but they're killing them. And then then yeah it's the real the end of like they all start regenerating and coming back and like zombies. It's like, oh, you're just like, oh, fuck like. But then but then you get the the hilarious bit with ah where Peter comes to save the day again. He's wearing a Deadpool costume. Yeah, he's wearing a Deadpool costume.
and And then all the Deadpools are like, Peter! Yeah! And apparently apparently they all have a Peter. But he's like an awesome legend. Yeah. I guess like he's the heart of Deadpool. Yeah, that's like one of the funniest bits is like, Peter is such just like a boring, average guy, but then like he's like, everyone loves him. like And like, he can't die. And then he's like, he's like, like saving the universe by like just being Peter. He's the true anchor point. Yeah.
they That joke called the joke, like the joke, like all the Deadpools like loving him was like, I can't remember you're like, you know, well, even shadows like the original movie where it's like, like all the vampires like love, like, um, what's his name? The friend, the friend who shows the internet. He's like, yeah, we love you. Yeah. So then he like goes off to like party with all the Deadpools.
And then, um, yeah, then we, then we will bring it like, go to, they go to stop like the, uh, the time ripper and they have to like, you have to, you have to click combine the anti-matter and matter together. And, but then whoever does it will kill it to get killed. But then, but then it it's like, it's like almost exactly same ending as like guardians of the galaxy one yeah where it's like, if, if he, yeah if he, if he share the, share the bird, share the power, where then we can survive. It is weird. Uh, just because I saw that I was like, Oh, they're doing the same thing where it's like who can withstand the power and, and if they could stabilize it by the power of friendship. hu And there's also, there's also like a bit about like, it's like kind of like the bit from like, uh, uh, end game where like black widow and Hawkeye were fighting fight each other to see who sacrificed each other. Who would be the sacrifice?
Cause like Wolverine's like, well, I don't, I don't have anything to live for. I'll, I'll suck on myself. And then like, we like knocks him over the head. and Like he was the one who's like locks himself in like the room. But I did see someone points out where Wolverine could just slash through that. Yeah. Like his claws. He, why is he trying to ram the door down? Yeah.
But yeah, he, but he gets in there. They, they, they, they, they hold hands. They combined, they combined. They're regenerative powers. His top of the costume rips off. You get the Hugh Jackman abs shot. I love the way it's reaction to that. I'm just like, ooh, all right. I love how blatant it is. It's just like they're lingering on it. Hugh Jackman's abs and chest. I don't know if that's Hugh Jackman's real body. I think there's something. I think there's some CG.
I mean, i'm I'm sure, I'm sure he, like, you know, yeah, he got like some sort of, it was, it was, he got the sumptuous shape. I don't know if you got like, you know, like X-men or just Wolverine shape or anything, but. Cause I think that was like that Wolverine bodies leaner than I think Hugh Jackman has ever been. Uh, but it was a nice surprise and it was, you know, they play up the whole like, Hey, like check out this bod, like, you know, you're not thinking naughty things. You're gonna.
especially with the TVA guy who keeps staring at things. I think the joke I like about that, the callback, is that like, who's on the phone, huh? Like HR is i yeah and like, And the bit earlier where Wade is going to fall on top of him, and he's just like, yes, come to me. And then he gets to fall into the portal.
And then after they like so they stopped like the time-repper and they killed Cassandra, when they come out and like every ah all all TV agents, they're just like ogling Wolverine. And then like wait it's like, put a shirt on. like
Oh, and and also that a little bit at the end where Peter comes back in, and then like he's like hitting on Hunter B-15 from Loki, and she's like, you do it. yeah i mean because like because like peter Because Peter has like peter has peter peter has this like bizarre Riz. like like yeah like He's like super confident and everyone loves him, but he's just like up the ah the most like boring bland like white guy ever. Well, I mean, he's also with his dick is pressed against his leg. Did you not notice that one? Yeah, yeah. That podcast was very tight.
That probably helps. ah Yeah, I kind of didn't mind if one of them died during this. You know, the noble sacrifice. If you're telling me that Wolverine came back, but then he died, it's like a noble thing. And it's like, all right, now I gotta find another one, bring back the Henry Cavill one. but Yeah. Where Wolverine transforms into another type of Wolverine. Well, yeah I guess like the the thing is like that, like, because they both like they both sacrifice themselves but then like I guess Wolverine sacrifice like made him the new anchor he's the new anchor being ah like he replaced his like that that like sacrifice that he was was willing to make like made him the new like Logan but so anchor being and so the universe safety a Logan to be there I don't think they needed to like find a replacement he would just live out like Logan's destiny in this universe
Well, no because it it seems like cause like because of his like you know that that big heroic like like ah action he made that like made him like that that like gave him like the anchor being status. like Because because before the like the the universe is like slowly dying until like that moment. And then when he was like willing to like sacrifice himself, that gave him like the like same like you know status that like Logan had when he like sacrificed himself in Logan.
like you like like this the like The Wolverine in this movie but like wasn't like the anchor of being into until like he did like that heroic sacrifice. ah And then after that, like like he became the anchor being, and the universe was stabilized again.
but you got which i I guess Wade didn't have any anchor being status. so you just like there like He He still doesn't have any heroic like ah status or anything.
yeah i guess see just or or Or or we'll still we'll still have to find out like his like, cause he has some sort of, the TVA said he has some sort of like higher calling eventually at some point. Yeah. To die in yeah that's a dia thtor arms.
Fighting Dr. Doom, maybe? Or like in the Secret Wars? Yeah.
And then, yeah, this is pretty much it. They go back to Wade's birthday party and then Wolverine and X-ray figure there. Is it the same day in that timeline? Maybe. Because the TVA, they throw them in the portal and then... Yes, they don't really... They come back the same instant they left. I don't know. Or they just got everyone back together again, is like, Hey, we're having a make, we're having a makeup party. Cause like, we you got ah abducted from the first party. like Yeah, I think so. Cause that's why when Peter's at work, that's when Wade shows up. So it could be like the next day or something.
And then is it, and apparently they just pull like X 23 out of the void. I would have liked to seen like, I guess we don't really know if they survived or not, but like, if they did survive, like I would have liked to see like the other, like the other team members kind of like, in their back in their own universes maybe or something? Or just like back in like the Fox universe? Well, I think it's going to be like ambiguous. Yeah. with that Because I think even Blade and Electra said like, either way, they're getting it. what yeah Yeah, this is like they're like the closure. They get closure. They get one yeah one last chance for people to remember them. And and like that's meta. Like really, that is for like yeah Jennifer Carter's coming back. No. Wesley Snipes is like 60.
Although I mean he did say he's the only blade and the only blade there will be. That's because still the blade production is still delayed. I think Zach in the next year if they don't get made I think we can bid. We can be the directors of the writers. Who knows it'll be hot stock. Do you remember when I was talking about AMC going down the drain I was like we could bid on that.
I'm trying to remember, because I think it's been like, it's been, I think it's an almost. Five years, man. Five five years since Blader was announced. It was announced in 2019. Yeah. They did a Hall of H panel and then it was we announcing that' like There's like the one last thing for that panel. It's like, yo hey, it's like, Marjolee, put on this blade hat. You're blade now. And then they're just like, yeah, and nothing.
They've got two or three directors and like a bunch of writers.
yeah think But yeah get but we get like yeah, we get to like the to wrap things up. We get like the like the yeah the the the Green Day score, behind the scenes montage, where it's just like like like the final farewell of the Fox universe for for good and for bad. like It was it was that was such a roller coaster of like ah a series where it's just like, there's some great movies in that series. And then there's some just like absolutely terrible ones, like some of the worst movies ever made. Oh, yeah. A lot of crazy ups and downs. And you know compared to MCU, MCU might have a few movies that have hiccups or aren't the best, but they haven't reached the levels of like the Fox level. No, MCU has not had X-Men Origins Wolverine or Dark Phoenix. like
But yeah, but the montage definitely made it. It was like, oh, like that was that that was a good time. Like, I'm sorry, I'm glad I had like never had fun making those movies fairly. Even though they were they seem like they had a good time. And yeah, I think that's like the magic of the movies is that they pretty much. Like.

Fox Universe Retrospective and MCU Praise

They they enjoyed being in it. A few of them did, at least. They didn't show like the Blade 3 behind the scene. Oh my god, yeah. They didn't show any Blade because it that was like a ah New Line movie. That wasn't like a Fox movie. I guess they weren't allowed then.
Yeah, there must have. It's like, you can have like, most times you can show up, but you can't show any like footage for from the movies that we made. like We can't acknowledge that existed. Yeah.
You know what it is? It's just going to be like private footage of Ryan Reynolds' camera where he's being berated by Wesley Snipes on scenes. Yeah.
the The whole thing where like they couldn't call him Wesley Snipes. They or like they they couldn't take Wesley. They'd call him Blade. He was an actor. And there was like that like the one scene where it it's like, you said to open your eyes, Wesley. I don't know if my eyes. They had to CG his eyes open. What? I know that one. there's yeah there's like There's like a scene where like it's just like, he's supposed to this oh he's supposed to just open his eyes, and then there's he's like, no, I'm not doing that. And it's just like, you CG, like put like CGI eyeballs on him, and it opens. Is that the end scene of that movie? I haven't seen Blade of Trinity in forever, so I don't remember exactly where it was, but I just i just remember that was like, I think it was like Patton Oswalt or someone saying that was just like, yeah, they they had like CG eyeballs on the Wesley Slimes, because you're confused. He was just like lying there, like sleeping basically.
And then, yeah, he wouldn't, he wouldn't acknowledge anyone unless they called him blade.
But it it seems like, uh, you know, tax issues and whatever else happened is is ah he's, you know, he's much more, uh, involved now, like having a good time.
Yeah, Devil Wolverine, a fantastic movie. ah Definitely one of the best MCU movies in recent, recent memory.
I mean, I think probably the best ones is like, or one of the best ones is like No Way Home. Like, I feel like this is like a No Way Home level MCU movie. Oh, yeah. Yeah. In terms of the history, the the meta, the just like the fandom. Yeah, it's it's it's a it's a it's a big celebration of like these specific characters and like the Fox universe and you know, just superhero movies in general. And like if you're you know, if you're watching since like the first X-Men movie, you you get paid off. If you're watching you like the MCU stuff, you get paid off like.
Just, you know, the pay the payoff of like Wolverine finding and a costume, a comic actor costume.
So yeah, definitely to tons of fun. Definitely, uh, one of the best movies of the year.
mean what what What do you think the consequences are going to be from this? I mean, I feel, I mean, i've I've had the only major one is that like the, the Fox universe exists on the sidelines. Now we know that so then they can pull Fox characters in if they want from the, into the MCU for like, you know, multi first crossovers. o I like besides X 23. I don't know who else. I mean, it's it's I mean, like I like they're going to they're going to fill the joke that Wade makes them like they're going to make a huge act with them because movie he's 90.
I mean, they' I feel like they'll definitely pull like it's I don't know if it like it'll probably only be like the big like crossovers, but I'm sure like they'll probably pull Deadpool and it's like at some point again. they might pull huge, like, unless they like, like, uh, maybe before they cast, like they're like, you know, they're the brand new X-Men that are going to have for the MCU, like the official, like six one six X-Men made the polls, Hugh Jackman and again for something. I probably just want more movie for him. Yeah. Well, we'll see. I mean, this movie really revitalized Marvel movies, but maybe not MCU movies just yet.
Just because there's so much, like, connections and, like, things they have to explain to, like, have him meet, like... You know... Like Captain America, or... Yeah. The new Iron Man, or... I'm trying to think, like... What, like, The Guardians, maybe? I don't think, you know, I don't even make a new Guardians movie. Like, you know, I'm trying to think, what's another phase, pre-phase 5 character to phase 6 that, like, Deadpool can meet and it'd be, like, something. Thor is the only one right now, because Chris Hemsworth's got like two movies under his belt, like contracts, so he'll do these two more. Well, we got, um, there's Captain America Brave New World coming up, which clearly was filming like during this or like this. So there'll be any sort of. CGI Deadpool in there. Yeah. Thunderbolts is coming up next year. Uh, Fantastic Four, which is going to be a prequel in the sixties says that won't have anything to do with anything that's like currently occurring.
And then Avengers doomsday, the Avengers secret war. It's like the upcoming movies.
And then, and then shows, which I mean, there's like, you know, there's like the egg of the show. There's like, uh, what other shows are like? I think what, what if season three is coming up? Let's do a one of Deadpool show. Well, but they should they should definitely look at, you know, just to what if that will kill the Marvel universe like that that comic. You know, like he gets rejected a second time, so he just goes insane. Or like, what was the one where like? um Was it was Deadpool kills like? ah
Was it was it literature? There's like there's no literary figures. Yeah, yeah he's he's killing like the like like constantly the characters like like like the like bass like the most baseline like inspirations for characters like cat and a ham and stuff and that like They'll kill like a character's like assess with someone Yeah, it's like or or like or like Jekyll better Jekyll and that that that kills the ah Hulk because Like the trouble because basically dr. Jekyll mistried It's clever. but Yeah, like the origins. Mm-hmm
It is weird to think that one day Deadpool becomes sort of like an archetype character where it's like, Oh, you want someone that breaks the third world? Like third, the fourth wall, like a Deadpool. It's like, all right. So you basically have a Deadpool character in your thing.
What was, was leaving sure a gentleman at Fox movie? Yep. Just bring in the league. Can you imagine if that, like the like reference there brought somebody in for that? like Or like, or like, like, uh, during that, like that search for like a Wolverine, like, like Deadpool just ends up like a different Fox universe. Like some like weird, like, like the story, gentlemen universe, like, like a Van Helsing or something. I think it was a universal movie, but like, Oh man. Can you imagine he ends up in a Van Helsing and it's just like, Oh, Hey, like we want to recruit you. It's like, Oh, you're not Wolverine. Close. Van Helsing is sort of like Wolverine.
And there was, I think they use a song from The Greatest Showman, but like, can you imagine if you like, like Deadpool just like ended up in like The Greatest Showman for like a second or something that was like going to universes. Well, did you notice the Deadpool that is from the, like a Greatest Showman Deadpool? Yeah. they They use one of the songs and like, like, ah like in the soundtrack.
I didn't know that ah The Greatest Showman was right after like Logan.
Yeah, it it was like it was like a sleeper hit because it came out like Christmas and it did' do it it like it didn't open very well, but then it was just like exploded. And like like going into January, it was one of the biggest movies of like the year. Still haven't seen it.
But yeah, this was an amazing movie. I feel like The Hype Might Die Down near the end of the summer, as typical Deadpool movies do. But the memes, the jokes, the I've seen amount of people trying to cosplay as Deadpool is going to still be alive for a while. Yeah. ah Did you see that they added the Wolverine and Deadpool walk around characters in Disney World and Disneyland? think I think it's just Disneyland. because i don't I don't think this world can have Marvel characters in their park. Oh, wow. Because that was that deal with they can't have anything east of the Mississippi, I think Marvel related because Universal has the rights to it.
Huh. but it's weird because they had Dr. Strange, but I guess the universal doesn't have Dr. Strange, so you can't have that. I think that's, I i i think it might be part of, like if' like, characters that the universe doesn't have in their parks, I think they can have, but like, you can't have, you know, sp you can't have Spider-Man Hulk or your mankind in America, like. Oh. I think that's why, I think that's why they're like going all in on Guardians. Like, they like, you know, Cozzagree-Wine and Epcot, because the Guardians aren't at Universal, so it's like, yeah, anything that's not a universe they can have in Disney World, but then,
Disneyland they gave whoever they want because ah that deal ah deal was like only only east of Mississippi.
So they have like yeah you know they have like all the interior of like Avengers campus in Disneyland. Gotcha.
But ah yes, I think that'll do it for this week's show. that Definitely, if you've come this this far and still haven't seen Deadpool Wolverine, I don't know what you're doing, but go see it. And we'll be back next week. We're going to talk about another comic book

TMNT Anniversary and Future Releases

universe. We're jumping back to 2014, talking about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Michael Bay-produced reboot, because it's celebrating its 10th anniversary. And also, Tales of the Team NT is coming out next week. Got to pay my plus. the spin-off of the actually good recent Turtles movie. But we're heading back to the the ugly ugly world of the TMNT for 2014 and talking about all that, all the stuff they got wrong and maybe some of the stuff they got right. But we'll dig into all that next week.

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