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Everything Action Commentary: Madame Web (2024)

Everything Actioncast
50 Plays8 months ago

For this month's Everything Action Commentary, Zach and Chris catch Digital Pimp's Joe and Phil in their web to watch the 2024 theatrical bomb turned Netflix hit, Madame Web.

Dakota Johnson stars as Cassie Webb, a paramedic in New York City in 2003.  After a near-death experience while on a rescue call, Cassie starts to experience deja vu and slowly realizes she is getting glimpses of the future.  When she has visions of three young girls (Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced, and Celeste O'Connor) getting attacked and killed by a mysterious attacker, she decides to intervene and help them.  The assassin is Ezekiel Sims (Tahar Rahim), who shares Cassie's precognitive abilities and enhanced strength and agility. He has visions of the three girls killing him with superpowers in the future.  While watching Madame Web, the guys point out all the Pepsi product placement, the insane camera zooms and editing, the correct and incorrect way to do CPR, the hilariously terrible dialogue, try to figure out anything about Ezekiel and his plans, and more.

You can stream Madame Web on Netflix and watch along with the Everything Action crew.

You can follow Joe on X/Twitter @joedunn721 and Instagram @joerules

Follow Phil/Digital Pimp on X/Twitter @pimptour and Instagram @digitalpimponline.  Check out their booth at this year's San Diego Comic-Con and head over to

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Introduction and Overview

Hello and welcome to another Every Nation Commentaries or commentary for June, 24. I'm your I'm your co-host Chris. And yeah, this month our web has captured ah two of the digital digital pimps. We got Joe.

Madam Web and Spider-Man Universe

Hey, how's it going? And Phil. Hello. And yeah, we are watching the ah theatrical bomb, but Netflix phenomenon, Badum Web this month. the latest movie in the uh was it sony's spider-man universe tm is the official um like cinebeck universe the spum the spum or scum or whatever the acronym is but yeah we've all seen it except for chris so chris is going in fresh into madam web but all the uh
all the crazy ADR and edit continuity errors, everything else we're going to dive into. Yeah, I'm excited. I haven't done a blind superhero watch like this in a long time. I think how do you we watched Morbius. Have you seen Morbius before? what did it cometer chris or Was that also blood? No, that one I've so I heard about and I've seen so many clips that i pieced it together. I was able to figure out that movie pretty well. And then a lot of people spoiled a lot about Morbius because it was like all the meme-able things were like the best parts of that movie. Yeah. This this was like I didn't see a lot of memes anymore. It was like as soon as this was released, it was just like silence. This whole movie is a meme. yeah
like You couldn't capture anything in a 10 second like short. it was It was pretty much like just watch the movie and you don't understand. Yeah, you have to experience the entire thing.

Film Production and Design Critique

i mean If there's anything from that what what Phil mentioned about the popcorn bucket, it's just like, wow, like that that is the bare bones. Everything is like such low effort. like The acting is low effort. The trying to maintain the continuity of the setting is low effort. The popcorn bucket is like the the distillation of this entire movie. The popcorn bucket is just, ah so I bought a Madam Web popcorn bucket and it literally just has the Madam Web logo on it. No pictures, not a nice like tin. It's a plastic popcorn bucket that just says Madam Web on two sides. So I mean, I kind of, judge lately I'm judging movies by popcorn buckets. So it's a good measure. Wait, so where does that put Dune or Dune 2?
I'm pretty high up there. I mean, it's one of the smooths of the year, yeah. Yeah, I'm going to agree. Now I understand. And then people will read that one. Oh, man. Chris, before the show, you revealed two things. You revealed that you are a huge Spider-Man fan. You knew so much about the comics, even in our brief conversation. But you also revealed that you did not feel like you had to go see Madame Webb in the theater. So why weren't you drawn to Cassandra Webb? I think because like I was connected to the web and

Themes and Popularity Dynamics

then i my own latent abilities that came from just choking on a soda gave me that 4 vision to be here. You had a vision and you're like, I can't i need to avoid this. yeah already like from initial yeah I wasn't ready to take it on yet. I had to get assemble a crew of people.
you need to um You need to accept the power and then you'll get, or with acceptor responsibility and you'll get the power. That's like the, the inversing of what they ah the great power, great responsibility in this movie. Yeah. Also, I'm going to be honest. I think if I dragged my like fiance into it, it it would just be like an argument in a car ride home. It just like explain it. Like why this is wrong. And she's just like, doesn't give a crap. And I'm just like, it it came out on Valentine's day. I know. That's what we mentioned. Like this is a Valentine's day movie.
Yeah, I say my my past self save my future self like a headache like an argument Yes, I feel like there's so like I can't remember there's like something else came out Oh, it's like Bob Marley one love was like there That was like the the two like and people referred to be like I want to see Bob Marley I want to see the Bob Marley ball pick instead of the latest Yeah, ah it was a weird season. Yeah, weird season to say, OK, let's go see your romantic movie or something like not even not even an option. But, you know, this would be a great summer rewatch, though.
So, yes, so we are all on Netflix where it has been apparently blowing up. It's like one of the most popular movies on Netflix since it came out. um and'os at zero And So if you want to pause this, sync up. Uh, just load up mad web and have it pause at zero right before the Sony logo comes up. And then I'll get to

Comparisons with Morbius

give a countdown. We'll get started here. So five, four, three, two, one play.
So exciting. Ooh, it's a Sony movie. yeah
You guys mentioned Morbius, but do you like Morbius? No. that's I know if what you guys have been doing is but like, I feel like this this is worse than Morbius. least more At least Morbius had like like some sort of like ah personality.
like I don't know. I feel like I don't know. I said to Joe after I watched Madam Web, like, if this movie came on Netflix and like I had nothing else better to do, I would put it on in the background. I don't know that I can say the same for Morbius, though. But Morbius has weird out of place sequences, like a dance number and and like it like in my role, man, like housing. He's like housing like Gogurt of like the IV bag. He's got that bat tornado. Mm hmm.
Also, just look at this title. Whoa, what? I blinked. I was like, is that another production company? It's like, this is actually the movie credit?
Hello there. I see you're watching Madam Web, and you've made a mistake.
Like there there are very many questionable decisions that like everybody involved, not, not I'm saying might trying tell you like production of the movie, but like in universe, like we'll find out here that she's pregnant. but Very pregnant. Yeah.
Oh my God. But she loves spiders. It's worth it, Phil. If you love if you're passionate about something, you need to, We need to keep going. We've got to go to the Amazon with strangers. And I do love right off the bat, we get we to see like how awful the ADR is on a SQL.
Okay. So, uh, at least Morbiz was like, he used bat blood to do science. She is studying venom blood to do mystery things. Like it's not like she's spider ailment, right? I mean, don't get too, I mean, it's, it's, it's, she's looking for a cure because they think that ah Cassie, baby Cassie has like some sort of genetic disorder.

Comic Book Connections

So she's desperate. Yeah. That's why she's. Oh.
But the the idea of trivia is like the disorder that they could reveal later on that Cassie has in the womb is like you can't detect it in the womb like it's possible. Yeah, cause i like what sickness does she have that she was like already finding a cure?
So did anybody read the like the comics ah back when Ezekiel was a thing? Yep. When was he a thing? Uh, 2004, three. He, he like was seeking out to fight Peter cause of like a mantle of like a spider demi demi-god. Oh wow. And he didn't wear a suit. He was just like dude wearing like a black suit and white shirt and no shoes. And no shoes. Yeah. I mean they do that and they don't even show her fighting the spider.
but ah I love all the, um, Like all these like digital zooms that make no sense. What? What? Like an action? zoom like zoom it's like whoa Whoa. Wow. is you This is like a, yeah like a digital island, like yeah an L short, like a lonely island short, right? Like it's just like zoom, zoom out. It's like they're, they think of zoom, they're like emphasizing like the drama or something. Oh my god. Let's go. He shot a pregnant woman. That is not a good thing. She got shot right in the baby. I need to spite her. All right.
Let's so everyone say something nice about this scene.
Uh, for another country that doesn't understand what Spider-Man is, this is not bad. Not bad. Like, if if you told me this was like a Brazilian Spider-Man movie, I'm like, oh, actually not bad then. Like they they understood half the concept. That shot where he was just jumping across the trees and the camera tilted was pretty cool.
Los Arrónias. I wish I could take credit for this joke, but I was, I was, uh, I saw a red thread that said they showed these people here and they were like, Matt and Webb was so bad. They, um, retroactively made Spider-Man like cultural appropriation. Yep. ah show He just, yeah, he's filled in all the, like the empty like spaces.
Oh God. So like. Watching this in the theater, I was like, she's in the Amazon. And we know Cassie ends up in New York just because of the trailer. How the hell does she get from point A to point B? These Brazilian Spider-Men, they go up and beyond. Yeah, I want to see the lead scene where one of them has to go to New York City and be like, we're leaving this baby in the foster system. She was born in the Amazon, so she's technically Brazilian. They left the baby at a firehouse, and that's how she got a job. Yup. But she has no ID. There's no social security number.
how does she exist yeah brazilian spider-man can fake it i don't know oh guys it's the 90s because there's a blockbuster ah i think well it's supposed to be 2003 right three that's right yeah they just yeah two thousand and three yeah so blockbusters were still open i think but died oh yeah they were like on the decline yeah but i think they were like really on this decline in brooklyn or wherever this is and Manhattan. I think they're I don't think I've ever seen a ah blockbuster in Manhattan before.
Yes, it's insane to think like, technically in this universe, yeah, Dakota Johnson is like Brazilian.
So my kids and I, we do this thing where when we're in the theater, we wait until we see the main character of the movie before we eat a piece of candy. And sometimes that could be crazy, like in, across the Spider-Verse, Miles doesn't show up. There's like, for like 20 minutes, there's like 20 minutes of Spider-Gwen. But in this movie, when the baby pops out of in the water, I was like, I nudged my daughter, I was like, that's her. ah yeah It's weapon time.
How soon do we know that this is Uncle Ben? like Is that review that clear to everyone right now? Did I just spoil that for Chris? Sorry. We all of that because it was like marketed. It was like, wow, Uncle Ben. You're like, cool. Yeah. But I'm like, what is this? like I mean, it says Parker there on the shirt. I think it's paramedic. I like Adam Scott as Ben Parker too. I think that's good casting. It was a good casting for him.
Also, our our first Pepsi sighting, she has a Mountain Dew. Take a drink, everybody. Take a shot of Mountain Dew every time you see a Mountain Dew. Look, it's supposed to be a 16 year old Sidney Sweet. Did they even digitally de-age her? No. It's just like the hair, the glasses. They literally you put like glasses on her and part of her hair differently. No, but they gave her like or like an older person like an older size outfit. like It looks like ill-fitted clothes. That's the best they can do. like It's hilarious that like both Citi Sweeney and Glenn Powell have like movies this year where it's like they're trying to like make like put glasses on them. It's like, hit me, I just came out. They're trying to make Glenn Powell look ugly. that Is that a Mountain Dew coat, right? I see.
ye Yep. Yeah. Take a drink. but
How? This is nothing like Chicago, like fire.
Yeah, they've got met you in Chicago once. yeah
They're doing it. right Is that like a breakfast at Tiffany's is playing in the background? That's like a 2003 song. That's like a 90s song.
Well, that's a timeless one.
so it's So this isn't the MCU, so you like it wouldn't be Mercedo May, May, right? What? Like participant dating? Yeah. It would have been cool if they'd done that, but... It's Sally Field. Yeah, I was going to say Sally Field. Were they saying, like, oh, maybe Andrew Garfield's the Spider-Man of the Venomverse. I was hoping we'd get a D.H. Sally Field and then... Yeah, like a CG recreation from, like, smoking the Bandit or something. Since Madame Web in the comics is super old, I wanted to get an aged up Dakota Johnson.
Let's just say she's like 30 in this one. So in in 2020, she's 50. I mean, yeah, I guess that checks out. Yeah, I mean, like. Because ah I know they flash forward, but you don't see her and it like she's supposed to look like comic book accurate, Madam Web. What is happening to her? Yeah. Well, like, so like my favorite thing about this movie is that like, you know, um Madam Webb in the comics, she's supposed to be like, maybe 60, at least 60 if not older, but she's older than like, you know, Peter Parker, whatever.
um But Dakota Johnson, obviously in her 30s. But the the three spider women that are teenagers in this movie and to her to them, she is ancient. Oh, yep. Oh, she becomes like a like the new boomer.
Everyone love your milk-flavored milk flavored milk. rough milk bran milk After all that, you didn't throw it away.
so they know' how like and yeah ah so The picture was from like Sweeney's like step brother, right? but yep yeah
but so i I wonder you know how like in most Spider-Man things, it's the Parker curse or the curse of the Spider-Person where it's like the tragedy always befolds them. And that's their like driving point. She doesn't have that, right? like Her mom died before she was born, so there goes that part. Well, they'll get to it, but like the best one of my favorite parts is like they all all the girls have like Compete like increasingly insane like backstories like tragic backstories My god, her mom was obsessed. Oh, so where'd all this stuff come from? Like the Iranians just like gathered it all up. It's like well the ca yeah this This goes with the baby dr Foster cares like make sure she has a suitcase with her
So like Joe and I talked about this before, you know, we hopped on, but like, um I think there are like, there's like actually like interesting movies in between these scenes. Like if you were like ah her mom dies and went like when she's a paramedic in New York, like how does she get back to New York? yeah Is it like that one of the Iranians like, you know, like fish out of water in New York? um Oh, I want to see that movie. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a Brazilian Spider-Man trapped in New York.
I mean, all those but Brazilian Spider-Man were also midwives. So he just got a job as a midwife in men New in York. Well, they didn't I mean, they didn't hang around. They're not in New York still. It's like, here's this baby. We got to go back to here's her South America. like
It's easy to be a ah Brazilian Spider-Man midwife, though, because that pool of spider milk does all the heavy lifting.
Get it? It's a web. No, this is just New York's pollution. Yep. It's like the East River or whatever. river it's just Don't go in the East River. like is This is just the Guanas Canal.
there must be some superhero that got superpowers from falling into the Hudson River, right? Oh my God.
So like like, I think people are too harsh on Madam Web because this is a really, I was about to say good, but that's not the right word. It's an adequate period like superhero movie from the the early 2000s. That is what everyone has said when I've asked about this movie. yeah For like people who appreciate like superhero movies, they're like, it's just it's out of place. yeah this This feels like it was sealed in like a vault. and like They made it in 2003 and they sealed it in a vault and they're like, oh, hey, we found this Madame Web movie.
like Yeah, basically not i mean Daredevil and Ghost Rider. That's what they would have said. yeah That is verbatimly like what people have like posted on my Facebook when I told people I was going to see this. It was like, hey, it's not as bad as Electra, but it's not as good as Daredevil. That's still not like a good thing. That's a very narrow like with the range.
I will say her dream sequence feels weird in this movie, but that was a very comic book thing. like that feel That felt very much like a comic book sequence.
I feel like if she didn't move so much in the water, it would have been a nice dream sequence. But it's violently moving like that. It's sort of like a Willy Wonka thing, where it's like the the tunnel that makes nonsense. Well, she has Nicolas Cage's powers from next. That's the entire movie. Yes. She can see two minutes into the future. Yep. I did remember that. There is a next element to this movie.
And you guys say next, and I know exactly what you're talking about. How many people listening do you think know about the movie next? Well, I think we we need to counter it next, right, Chris? We did. Yeah.
Oh, you notice the bad guys going to opera. Oh, he loves it. Bad guys who love the opera. What if he went in there and it was like just a kingpin was around him? Vultures. There's just a digital insert of Michael Clark Duncan. Oh, you think it's that you think is that universe? Could be. Who knows? it Definitely the MCU. So I visited Afrio. Also, is he showing up like hours into the performance? I'm fashionably late. um It's been going on for two hours. He leans over and is like, what's going on? What did I miss? What did I miss? Yeah.
Also, they never explained about like, where did where does the sequel get like, is it because we'll find out in a second, he has like a tons of money and like, he's like some sort of powerful figure now. It's like, is that from the spider? I think he might have sold the spider. No, he keeps it in his bed, and spoiler alert. Yeah. In his bedroom. There it is. It's right there. It's this special spider. He gave it a terrarium? Yep. And he named it, and he loves it.
But yeah, they they never explained what he does. Did he form a company? Did he like and inherit money? I do like that he brought home an age-appropriate woman. It's not like he got some younger like arm candy, he got like a woman that would match like his status in life. Yeah, but there's a reason. Yeah. Oh, no, there's always a no no one bangs a hot old lady on purpose.
They took my spider. All right, so here's your first glimpse at your only glimpse at superheroes. ah So Ezekiel in the comics kind of looks like this. Yeah, I mean, it's it's pretty. Like 80 percent accurate, I would say.
So, I mean, one of the biggest things about this movie was this is what people wanted. They wanted yeah superhero stuff. And they were mad that they didn't get enough. I was like really thrown off. I was like, wait, this is not the whole movie like this costume look. yeah like that they're even like built to it they're like built to like ah it's like oh they they got the powers the end and they're teaming up it's like nope the next one that's the one that will be in
Oh my god.
You're not good at pillow talk, are you? Yeah. yeah so like they like The first time through watching this, like um like I thought they like they had a date, not that he seduced her. Right. I thought he knew her too. Yeah, exactly. Like, because this this conversation would make sense in that context. But you find out soon that they just met. Yeah, he like he like he walked through to opera late and picked up, like, beautiful woman, according to the credits. I, I called it. I was like, he doesn't know he's just there to cougar hunt. He doesn't like opera at all.
he he's a he's a Big fan of like whatever, was was the show like Jill Hennings was on? Like, was it Crossing Jordan or? Like another reference that only the next crowd will understand. We're hitting all the, was that 2003? At least. yeah Crossing Jordan was around that time.
Wait, I work for the National Security Agency.
where's let me just look here to go let me just get my gun your password password one yeah no one knew about password protection back in like 2003 yeah passwords were a new thing back then
You know, I'm not mad at her. That's a pretty good password. Well, you need a special character. Are they? Yeah. Are you Liz Capital? Are you Liz Capital? Yeah. She's dying. like Is it case sensitive?
So in and the comics, what powers does he have exactly? it's like just super shrank then he gets sick to walls like almost spider-man but no no webbing okay and does he poison people is that like his big move kind of it's like toxicity yeah like slow boy like a spider bite is it i bet he has to bite them he can't just like grab your hand that's great pepsi and my god i like
Are all Pepsi products represented? Like, do we get a, was it Starry later on? That's too early. I think at this point, Sierra missed. Sierra missed, yeah. Was like was like Pepsi Blue 2003? It might've been, yeah. It's like, try hey, try this new soda. It's Pepsi Blue.
but Omar Epps. Mike Epps, yeah. Yeah, Mike Epps.
eat it Did he do any marketing that he was doing? I forgot. yeah I felt like a lot of people I saw were were just like, wait, I know that actor. he can't I think he faked COVID. He's like, this will pass it pass over in a week.
Well, I feel like, didn't everyone just like, disown it? Like, they were just like, yeah, this movie's garbage. Like, city scene, he was just like, I only did this movie so I could have like, a better relationship with Sony. Is that Emma Roberts? Yep. Yep. What? Emma Roberts. Yeah, yeah.
He's doing spy stuff. He's doing none yet. None your business. Thing.
like just so excited I think that was like a real reaction with Jessica Johnson. It's like her realizing she's in this movie.
think it's okay to go to a party and be socially awkward because people expect that but to sit that close but like I would totally be the person in the back yeah there's a woman like in the kitchen like one foot out yeah it's so easy to be that person she's also the last one to enter this room and so she ended up in the front row time to bring this party down yeah
All right, this movie is criticized for not being, not not having a lighthearted tone. This is a funny scene. Like but what's happening here is fun.
As long as it's not Peter. Wait, wait. Is Dakota Johnson give, like, Mary, like, playing tickets to the, like, Amazon or something? It's like a baby shower gift?
Stop asking the sad girl. You're talking to her. I see this horrible meatball. yeah
we where We can't legally say the name.
She's the worst party yet. yeah They don't they don't don't really do any sort of thing to like indicate that she's having like ah a vision. Well, I mean, that's how it would be. If this really happened to you, you would be like, what's going on? You wouldn't say, like, but I see what you're saying. That movie didn't do anything. It is like such a visual, like ah a flash or like a snap or something. Yeah. Well, you just think this person is having like ah an episode. Yeah.
Some good CPO.
yeah i think I think, was I think, how does it get better? Someone else like mentioned like, yeah, ah all, all of Cassie's like paramedic thing is just like doing catch compressions. Even like if it's like a gaping wound or like, I mean, these camera movements are bad that it That was a good looking scene other than the Jessica brushes. Man, who would have guessed that the firework factory would blow up.
See, I don't mind this where it is a little more deja vu, but you're right. but Without any visual flair, it just seems weird. It's, I mean, it's disorienting for the audience, but I mean, it's also supposed to be disorienting for her in the film's defense. But you're right. Like, there should be some sort of real, like, moment. i He's okay. I did five minutes of chest compressions, even though he wasn't unconscious. He's been dead for a minute.
He did a good job of this.
Save him, Cassie. Save him. He'll be fine. Connect the web. I do like this, though, because she's at a point where she doesn't believe the vision she's seen. So it makes sense that she would not stop him because she's like, I'm just having these weird visions. She's like she hasn't connected it yet, so it makes sense. if If you told me this wasn't a superhero movie, it was just a woman with visions, this would make sense too. right like I think because we're coming in with the hype that this is a Madam Web movie, so it's kind of implied that she can be heroic, right but dan she ends up being weird, and like at least this part. Well, so like I always thought like like after watching the movie and like
They kind of shoehorned the superior stuff in there. And I thought if they had just left that out and made it like a straight, like, like thriller movie, it would be decent. I wonder if the director tried that approach and then the studio was like, you got to give us something. OK, sure. That's that's the that's the reason why Sydney Sweeney is in the Spider Woman costume. It is, yeah. That's like their entire marketing.
I kind of wish there was a movement in movies where they're secretly hidden in superhero movies again. They did that with Unbreakable. Yeah, it is. But I you know, like I want that.
Because it kind of implies that in this universe, no, there has been no superheroes yet. Like no one's like there's no word for superheroes, there's no um like whispers of rumors of anything, you know? Is it like that in like the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies, though? yes They don't reference me. Yeah. No, like, yeah, they're going back to basics where no there's no connection, but there's also no metahumans. Yeah.
So every time they do these movies, it seems like you're the first of your kind. It's like, I guess. Yeah.
It's just one spider. I think yeah think he's just one spider that's lived live for 30 years.
You know how crazy advanced that technology is in 2003? That's based on him describing them from a dream. yeah I can't even tell you what a heifer is. I can't even tell you what a heifer is. I can't even tell you what a heifer is. I can't even tell you what a heifer is. I can't even tell you what a heifer is. I can't even tell you what a heifer is. I can't Now make them even tell you what a heifer babies just for fun. is.
from I don't know where my money comes from, but I pay you a fortune. It's ironic, but he got his all his money from ah his family company as a shoe company.
See, this is good. This is normal. She has visions. She goes to the eye doctor. I appreciate that.
I kind of want her to go through the the line of these things where she sees a doctor, like then sees an eye doctor, then then sees like a dentist, like a pediatrist, and then eventually like Miss Cleo, she calls that. It's 2003, Miss Cleo was so popular. Call me now.
When did Miss Cleo die? Any guesses? Dead, right? Oh, she's dead, but yeah, I think she died in like... 2011? Oh really? She saw it coming though. Come on. That was good. I love that Cassie's watching like A Christmas Carol in the middle of summer just because it has like future visions in it. Yeah, she went to her Roku and she's like, uh, movies about visions? No, she went to her DVR. Yeah. Oh god, you're right. My web TV.
actually with that tv i don't know on tv this is this is probably like like uh some local like uhf shale or something yeah also that is a huge apartment for a paramedic well maybe that brazilian group left her some money her mom was like absurdly wealthy for some reason
Also, why is she watching a Christmas movie in, like, the summer? That's what I just said, yeah. Because it's yeah because it it's only because, like, the movie wants you to be like, oh yeah, Future Visions. That's thematically accurate. There's so many other movies that to do that besides, like, Ebenezer. Yeah. She just talked to Scrooge too, guys. she She's not well.
I must become the bird woman. Guys, the the broken glass kind of looks like a web. If this movie was set in the 2010s, this would have been like an iPhone being dropped. And then that's how you get that Spiderman edition phone.
Did you guys ever drop a smartphone before? Instant web. Yeah. dropped many smartphones. Yeah, a that web look and you're like, up oh, oh, thank God for tempered glass like 10 years later. My kid just broke her phone and my wife wanted to replace it, but I was like, no, it's a right of passage. You have to live with it for a few.
Well, Mike Epps is dead, but a pigeon lives. She's going to name him Mike X. Mike X is on her.
on my gifts baby steps you can't save your paramedic friend but you could save the New York pigeon probably took a shit on your food that was like in your kitchen look how much time they're giving to her figuring it out it was a full 30 seconds of her looking around now what New York movie isn't complete without without a visit to a train station Mm hmm. And the train station, it has a center and then it kind of splits off into a bunch of tunnels for the trains, a lot like a web. but Why isn't that she not called Madam Tunnel?
Why is Cassie going to Great Desert Station? She's running away, right? She's like, I can't deal with these birds. oh Yeah, I forget. Why is she going there? I don't think the movie knows. She's not going to that funeral. She's going somewhere else, I guess. All right. That's right. It's a funeral that she's- Oh, yeah. Like a funeral. I'll just throw on jeans and a t-shirt and go to this funeral.
my My best leather jacket. Yeah.
This guy has no shoes on and he's more dressed for a few. Oh, she's wearing black. Yeah. All right. All right.
All right. This is the first big scene where they do the like she's really got it together. And in terms of her figuring stuff out, I really do think it's well paced like. Some guy died, a pigeon lives, what happens next?
but she didn't do what That was the movie's equivalent of like, save the cat sequence. Right, right. So you know she's a good person? She's a good person. and Ezekiel killed kill that same bird. Also guys, a guy's playing a PSP that isn't out yet. Oh.
They don't have the right to use Daily Bugle in this one, right? No, there's a reference later to it, too. OK. Yeah. Well, I think that woman just walked in with a Daily Bugle copy. Yeah, I can tell. I think they can use it, yeah. OK. Man, what was Jonah writing about in, like, 2003? There was no Spider-Man. It was a completely, like, normal newspaper. It was just the news. Yep. All it took was Spider-Man to show up and then his whole paper was just insulting him.
Oh my god. Again, that's just New York. Yeah. That's just New York. And typical New York, usually someone shows up on the train and asks for change or says, hey, I'm sorry to do this, but I need money to blah, blah, blah. Right next to her? Yeah! Look how many seats there are! Is that even a packed train?
Oh god.
Honestly, this scene could have been an editing nightmare, but but it is working. I'm going to defend this movie as we go.
No New Yorker gives that much eye contact to another New Yorker on a train. That's a fight. ah like guys
That's crazy, dude. I mean, that what she's doing now is the most normal thing you'll see on a train in New York City. But it's still crazy. I'm a um a paramedic off the train. Oh, she took her skateboard. Oh my god, you're right. He is just wearing no shoes. Is he going to just barefoot through New York? Yeah. Can you imagine what the bottom of his feet look like? Oh my god.
I see you, Madam. also why isn't he rich enough not to hire like a team or something he's got he's got one person he's got a lot of money on that one person he can't yeah he's got like 10 monitors guys yes well he's got he's got all that money from whatever
Why are you running? Evil Spider-Man!
I like how, yeah, no let no one else is seeing it. Everyone else on the platform is just like, whatever. See, in 2003, tic-tacs weren't a thing yet, so this is not a viral stunt. That's just a man doing that in New York. Yeah. American Idol.
Bro, that's hilarious. That does appear Dakota Johnson ism.
Does Madame Web use a skateboard in the comics? Is he gleaming the cube?
So like how did Ezekiel get his own spider suit? They don't explain it, right? No, they they never explained it. he he you It's like he copied like the Luxor radius or whatever, but maybe. He changed into it really quick, too. Yeah.
Oh my god. Why did they instantly arrest her? Because she took the girls. Oh my god. It's like some kind of man spider.
It's like, we've got a luchador fighting people in the subway. But Ezekiel's not smart enough to like make webs, so he doesn't have any webs. But he has his toxins, I guess. But yeah that that kind of happens in a comic. That's why he doesn't really fight people besides Spider-Man a lot.
He doesn't have a costume in the comics, does he? No. Let's steal the most conspicuous vehicle we can. So that's interesting. um So they gave him a Spider-Man costume because they wanted it to be closer to Spider-Man. The studio was like, all right, you don't need to make the girls have powers and have suits, but you got to give us a the bad guys got to have a suit. Yeah. They were like, we need an evil Spider-Man? Yeah. But he's not the one you know, like he just does the acrobatics.
Tell me your names!
So they stole the plot from Terminator in this one, right? Or it's like, sort oh yeah yeah, she's the cow Reese in the future. Like her mind's from the future. Her mind's two minutes in the future. and Mind is a terminator two minutes in the future Luckily it's three have like ah like a bolo out for Cassie this happened like five minutes ago not even
No one's all ceiling guy, what? Who beat up those cops? Yeah.
So I think that this reference to J. Jonah Jameson, right? That's right. yeah Yeah. Because like her uncle, her father, like is it? It's not Robbie, is it? or is So i in the comics, Maddie Franklin, I think is a adopted by Jonah.
I don't actually know what happened. I want to say it was like in the ninety late 90s. That was a thing. Oh, for real? Yeah. Wait, Maddie. My lore only was good at Spider-Man. This is a little bit beyond me.
Also, a lot of reintroductions to Maddie was like her being in, I think, Spider-Verse.
Yeah. I mean, like she was, I don't know. Like, honestly, I probably read maybe like half a dozen comments with her in it.
And I do like if they're going to have like a spider woman, they just did not want to touch Jessica Drew. They're just like, no, let's do everyone else but her. Yeah.
Where are they? Central Park? It's like like the deep woods.
They're in like upstate New York. They're like where Connecticut and like the Major Deacon end. I don't know where this is.
I love It's great. it's Such a nice touch. I don't give a shit.
I flip off a lot of people. I need an adult. I need an adult. Has it been a day or a couple of days that she's been able to see the future? I think it's only been a day. This is like fell in the river. Well, I mean, the guy's funeral wouldn't be the next day, right? Oh, no. I was thinking about like the pigeon where she figured out the trick. Oh, sure, sure, sure. For all we know, she kept seeing that like weird hallucination for a while and then she finally addressed it.
Can't do it on command. ah Worst kind of superhero, right? I can only do it when you're not looking at me. Yeah. DecoJudge is straining to try to do it. I predict you could be mad at me. Oh, wow.
you know you hours bro
Like, all right, I like this movie. Like, I'm cool with this movie. This is one of the things where it's just like, you know, you can't leave kids in the woods. I mean, I mean, you gets to it's crazy. You're later. does I mean, if you told me yeah if you told me this is like a slasher movie, this makes sense. to Leave these kind of people like out in the woods by themselves. You can't. And like they have no car. They don't know where they are. Like you've got to put them in a hotel room at least. Yeah. can we trust you you're in the
You are two hours outside of New York City. Yeah.
Ain't no way. She just leaves them there. She also took their so one cell phone and threw it in the traffic, so. Yeah. I think she just said, see you never, and then pulled away.
ah Again, you mentioned that there there's a movie within a movie of this. yeah This alone is just the perspective the perspective of these girls who are just a total stranger, just abandoned them in the woods. yeah Yeah, these are people that I just met. Yeah, abducted them from the train, drove them out into the woods, left them there. Like, well, also she stole cab and like, uh, I guess spoiler alert for Chris. He hasn't watched it yet. Uh, but she keeps this cab for a really long time. Yes. What? And no, no, no, notice before stolen or missing. They're, they're very easy to track. Like at the end of the movie, by the end of the movie, they're calling it Madam cab.
Can you just drive into a parking lot and and just leave your cab there? Like wasn't there being an attendant? All right, in her defense again, she is a, she's a driver, she's a parametric driver. So she would know the neighborhood. She would know spots where she could do this sort of stuff. Like change license plates and break the law. But she wouldn't know the streets. Okay, I'll give you credit on that one. She knows, but at least say it out loud or something. I'll just, like, you know, she's like, oh, I know a place that, like, ditch a cab. No, not ditch a cab. It's her cab parked. Oh, just she drove home. She went home. Yeah. Oh, that's true. That's her house. And all she did was, like, take the plates off. Even though there was, like a judges funny like there's like, the sign on on top of the cab that tells them what cab it is. and
Charlie has like a car, Jack LoJack. That's it. LoJack.
Oh, yeah. Spider people. That's what I was looking for. So, Chris, I don't know if you know if you know this or not, but the the line, the famous line that was in the trailers that blew up the Internet is not actually in the movie. I did hear about that, where it like cheap says a very awkward sentence about this, where it's like, I was born in the the Amazon or the spider people, blah, blah, blah. Like, what? I don't know what it is that Sony's doing, but like they had that Morbius line, too, that was in the trailer that they didn't put in in that movie either.
The one where he's like joking about being that I fed him. Yeah. No, I'm just kidding. I'm Dr. Michael Mortis. But Sony's playing these weird games. They are not hanging off. Like I don't know if this is just some sort of like weird scenes. Yeah, this this is legit. I mean, we stepped on it. I'm so sorry, Chris, but that is probably the best moment of the movie. Yeah, OK.
I, I kind of was paid into the conversation. No context. And I saw that. I was like, wait, what? And then like, Oh, she's trying to climb the wall. Maybe, maybe I've spent hours. I just thought this was like a blooper that left in of just her like going crazy and i would hundred percent go back and watch that after we're done of her reading the notebook. And then like, okay, I think let me try the wall touch. It really is fun.
It's that guy.
Who took this photo? Who? The spider did. but It's like the same day she got shot. It's like they took a selfie together. And wrote their names on the back. It seems like he has an age, like 30 years. And then isn't that the year that No, she was, she was born in 1978 or 1973. Yeah. three So that's like, who developed the film, the Brazilian Spider-Man. Yeah. Most of the Ronniest, they have a photo developing. Like I said, there's a whole other movie that we're missing. Guys, that spider milk can develop the film too. Just run it through there.
Where? You're in the middle of the woods.
All right. In defense of the movie, they are building up everyone's backstory and they're also doing really good character stuff like everyone's got their own personalities. This is a good scene. There's no Pepsi. Isabelle Merson is good at math. That's her whole personality. Also, so she has glasses on. or so he when havelu
She's got to use some of her Dora the Explorer skills. Oh my god, you're right. I keep forgetting. That's such an underrated movie, the Dora the Explorer movie. It really is fun, yeah.
But not the fire. But not the fire. Oh my god, you're right. Holy cow. The great 2003 fire that decimated the Upstate New Orleans. Yeah. The Anorondacks. I don't know where they are. Yeah.
Yeah, they're not spraying anti-tick ticks. Yeah.
ah you know who's following the music yeah what new york diner looks like this they' they're like not nowhere near close to new york anymore like guys this could be a jersey diner maybe even diner we have ticks it was a time word yeah oh there's a daily bugle truck
So is it like four in the morning? Cause like they don't drop off a newspaper's like in the afternoon. It's the evening edition.
Keep coming. to they would not There's no way that we eat that much food.
I get that teenage metabolism. This is like a flash metabolism. So, okay. Not, not to spoil much, but do they have spider powers already? And that's what makes them like, know okay so they're just New York teens. but like there's appetite There's like no hint to this movie. Like how would they get their powers?
This movie would've been really different if they were just not like pretty young people. If they were just like average-looking people, it's like, yeah, let's just go seduce these teens.
Is there even a picture of the girls on that Daily Bugle? No, it's like a blurry photo of like a cab or something say like that street. Yeah, he reads it. It's like girls fear-deducted. He's like, those are girls.
Ain't no way girls is hotter being out here. Is this the first time in a movie where the trucker's the good guy reporting lost teens? yeah
Oh, they're in Jersey. They're they're in Churchill, New Jersey. A totally wild place. How far is that from New York City? Not a real place at all, but like probably like 45 minutes away. i don't I don't know. Like my cab. Yeah. Yeah.
Wait, so she she stole a cab, crossed a bridge or tunnel into Jersey, dropped off these kids, and then drove back on a bridge or tunnel back into New York. Five hours minimum.
like you back for him yeah and then you're gone I'm not sure if anyone's here had the displeasure of driving in like around with like um Grand Central Plaza is, and like yeah or like where the the train station is. yeah like so only There's only like two bridges at that point. It's like either the Holland or the Lincoln, and they're all nightmarish no matter what decade. not only It's not like she went back to Manhattan. She went back to her apartment in Queens, right? so like Yeah. she yeah um That's another hour. At least. but it's ah It's a nightmare. No wonder it's like 4 AM. Yeah. yeah
He's like, I found the fire the forest on fire, but you guys were gone. Is he just following their trails now? Cassie has like inexplicable like tracking abilities. like We'll find out later on. but
So I know diners are fast and loose with the rules, but this isn't a Denny's. You just can't get up on the table. I was going to say, if you were in Waffle House. yeah Waffle House, and I hop in a bad neighborhood.
Also, why was this not a New York Comic Con experience, where you can go outside and just dance on a diner table from Adam Webb? To a song that hasn't been released yet.
Maybe someone actually had the Britney Spears like CD. Oh, it's a midtown vibe. I think the thing I read it was like um like the album that Toxic is on, did it come out to like November? It's clearly like summer. <unk> so but yeah I do like how this guy walks in with that spider suit on. and no It just looks weird in context. Yeah. It's not even like they turn out he broke the light, made it look more sinister. He just looks like a stuntman walked in here. Was he just walking on those fan blades? Yeah, that's how good he is. Hey, do you you guys get it? Ezekiel's a toxic.
ah She's like, I got to walk through the woods again. Like, why am I walking? I have a car.
Oh, my God, what? She's like, I got to the verse three of. so
They could have played another song, but like just because they just wanted toxic in there. Yeah, they needed the like symbolism of toxic. I mean, guys, come on. It's a good song, too. Yeah. it was it was big Biggie for toxic he was also in Fargo.
Those kids look so freaked out when she got up on that table.
Well, it makes sense because if you just like, no one does that. No one goes, hey, like I'm just dancing the table. You're gonna yeah okay. You're a crazy person. ah You don't, but you don't drive behind a log truck. We also found a station too. Well, I think that came out like around this time. but i destination joe Yeah. I was like, coyote ugly. They're like, we're going to do a coyote ugly. Oh, you're right. How's is not can't fight the moonlight.
That's messed up. it's so As a log truck driver, that's probably your nightmare.
yeah He strolls in like. Again, like the Terminator, she did the I'll be back and hit him with a car, so. My power bill. Oh no. Toxic. He's slivly toxic. But it's not like instant. Like he has to hold you in there. Yes. Stop squirming. Stop squirming.
Everything it just looks like a drunk cosplayer. You know, it looks like a drunk cosplayer grabbing onto things.
You kids are like act like kids.
So this one should be called parent web, right? Mama web.
You're all in Time Out. You're all in Madam Time Out.
Oh, Kristina, is a Mario a character from the comics? I don't think so. i That one. But I will try to Google it to make sure.
Like spider web?
See a hotel, normal. Stole the cab, drove it into Jersey, back into New York, back into Jersey, at his hotel. And she's had it for a while now. Yeah. She's on camera somewhere. And no one around here, no one suspicious that there's like a New York City cab just like in the middle of nowhere. I mean, back in the time, you could just like telecap and drive you to other states. Anywhere, yeah. If you wanted to pay like however many hundreds of dollars it was. Oh my god, so much.
Oh, okay. So one thing about Zico, I kind of forgot was he was Cindy Moon's mentor. Who's Sydney? Cindy Moon was the Korean. Yeah, so. Oh, all right.
I kind of tapered off from like constant Spider-Man comic reading in like the late 2000s, like I love to see youre just like. every Everyone has a tragic backstory. Oh, everyone's trauma dumping now. Yep. Cool. what one One has a ah so ah crazy mom. One has parents to ignore her and like left her to fight for herself and the other is deported.
yeah dora Dora's like living by herself in an apartment because her dad got deported.
Guess he's like, i'm I'm Brazilian, I understand. He's a South American also from... I'm like, what? He's a fellow South American.
No. she Just walks out. She just hands them the the photo that like Sydney Suites brother like gave him and time this isn't for me. I'm done.
I mean, if you were making play pipe bombs in this hotel room, this would be Terminator. Oh yeah.
Alright, so she's the Terminator. The girls are John Connor. Also, can I just make them share all one bed? There's two beds here. She's having a sleep there. She's like, you can all share one bed or sleep in the woods. It's your choice.
Also, is this like the standard hotel for like every movie? like i Motel. Motel. I've seen this set like three different things. It seems so familiar. Well, the wallpaper and the fight was but here the flooring is like like shining like over the hotel like pattern. But like I've been I've seen Jersey motels and like they don't look like this. This looks like a like a L.A. like motel.
Oh, you think it was actually used in other movies, that same hotel. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, this is a.
Like the hotel from Fargo. Oh, from maybe there's a TV show too that it's a double one like that. Yeah. Well, whatever. If I ever see that hotel in another movie, it'll be the the Madam Web Trauma Dump Hotel.
Going back to the scene of the crime. Left her fake license plate there. No license plate, or did she get a new one? I just tore him off, but then- We should put fake ones on. That makes it even more suspicious. Yeah, yeah, now now there's a cab driving around with no license plates.
So they have like a like a Rake hella red connection now. The force web. My shoe went by.
My spider business. My entire business based on a spider.
So in the comic, Ezekiel gets spider powers from praying to a spider totem. That's pretty cool. Yeah, because there's like a spider demigod. that That's why him and Spider-Man are like fighting for who's the the right to be the like ah hand of the spider. But yeah, like they they totally like got rid of that in later Spider-Man stories. They're like, I just dropped that. Yeah.
How does Madame Web get her powers in the comics? I remember, I think she just had like foresight. She it was just a thing in that universe, you know. Yeah. It's only three o'clock in the morning. Oh, geez. One, two, three.
Head count.
Okay, technically in the comic series, she's um she's a mutant. Oh, is that right? Yes. Yeah. A spider mutant.
I'm going to teach you my one skill I know is a paramedic.
Wait, this becomes a CPR lesson? Yeah. Oh my god, what? If you ever want to save lives, watching this scene is as good as taking a lifeguard class. Although, but I think the rhythm's wrong. It's not like the stay-in-a-live rhythm. So that's the wrong way for a minute.
I've seen adult movies that begin like this. gez And also also like Cassie's like, It's like, Oh, you got switched. You got switched constantly. You got switched. It costs. It's like, you can do it for like a while. you if You get tired. Like it's just a bunch of Palm strikes to the heart. You can get tired from this, but yet not, but they're like so instantly switching. like
No. so
I get this is a wholesome moment, but it's a really weird time to be teaching CPR, right? like Yeah. They've been awake for exactly three seconds. Yeah. and I love like how pro Cassie is like, I taught them something. It's the wrong thing.
Thanks. How about Lux, you know?
In the Amazon when she died. Yeah, I know, right? So close. Lots of gasping in the movie theater but at that boom at that moment. All three people that went to see it in theater. Exactly.
What? What? Yup. Alright, so this is moment number two. That is ridiculous. Like you can't pause. Like they put a they put a ticking clock on this movie like with them being on the run and everything. She can't just go away for it ends up being like a week. It's a week. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. What? Like she actually goes to Peru. Yeah. Yeah. She's leaving. Yeah. She's going to she's going to drive her stolen cab to the airport. What? Get on a plane is a wanted criminal. That is not an urgency. What?
There's like an Amber Alert going out and she is leaving the country. Also this cab is smashed to hell now too. I mean, technically it's three Amber Alerts. yeah yeah What? She's just in Peru? Yup. You blinked, but she made it. No no problems. Post 9-11 New York City, she was able to leave the country as a criminal. She got that puddle jumping all the way through. Really close. Post 9-11. It's not even like 10 years later because we live in the post 9-11 now. You just can't do this. And she left that cab at the airport with a sign that said Peru or bust. It's a not stolen.
See, maybe in a plot point, she could have contact one of the the spider people to be like, hey, could you like pick me up or send like this is the best part of the movie right here. ah What if that was just rolled off the cliff?
where so she has a map and a picture. On the map, there's a spot that says, and this is where I died. It's the middle of the Amazon. Wait, is she going back to where that like the ah camp was? She's going to see the exact spider web that opened the movie. yeah
she just have a compass doesnt have any sort She doesn't even bring bug spray. This is too big of a leap. There had to be a better way to... I mean, what does she even do here? I can't remember. Yeah. Ezekiel could have kidnapped her and brought her here, and that would have made sense. That's true. I think she's gonna like, yeah, I think she's gonna hold the picture and be like, oh i good, I found it. like She found that exact like selfie location? Like literally like literally the exact angle, the exact like... That tree hasn't grown a bit. Yep, yep, there we go, yep. No!
Oh, they have like normal day jobs. Cool. He's like, the 70s were a weird time. I've been standing here for 30 years.
Wait, do do spiders have healing properties? That one did, apparently. that one Also, this this guy, like, knew Cassie's mom for, like, 10 minutes, and she, would like, could barely talk because she was shot in the chest. Well, maybe it's implied, like we said, there's a better movie somewhere, where, like, she was part of his research? Yeah. You know, like, he was a guardian, so he didn't want him, he didn't want her to find it, like, so soon. You probably wanted her to hang out, so... He's gonna push her in. He's gonna push her in, guys. This is the Asgard pool, isn't it? Like, from, like... Age Ultron? Yeah.
So like they could have had this guy be in America and have him be the guy that brought her back and have him explain all that and all this nonsense at the same time. Have her ever have him be like her like a dot like stepdad or something like, yeah, like I'm your dad. Just like I'm your guardian and you know occasionally check in with her. That like watches over secretly. So if he's the guy that brought her to New York and he's still in New York. got She just gets Dr. Strange. Yes, she did. yeah Is that his power or is that just the pool's power? This must be. And we're watching the beginning of the movie again. Oh, God. Oh, no, actually it's looping. Oh, my God. We're all having that madam web vision. Did Cassie take this picture?
and We're just watching the first 10 minutes again.
I'm pretty sure all the jostling with a pregnant woman in the trees didn't help. We accidentally drowned her. ah
We're going to find out that the healing properties that she was like researching was for like a pharmaceutical, goal like chemical makeup company. It's like whatever the evil like Roxxon or something evil like Marvel Company. Yeah. We're just trying to find like a beauty cream.
what But I don't have a muscular disorder. I really could have used an acting coach there.
Can Madam Web view time like this in the comics? Or is this the pool? No, no, I think she can do this. She can do this. OK. Yeah, it's like in her head. And then she can also open up portals. Oh, say what? Color dimensions. Yeah. Yeah. So she can. It's almost like Dr. Strange's spirit. What does he call it? Like when he's. Yeah, that's how the actual planning. But yeah, time she can do it through time. Uh, they kind of beefed her up because like they they kind of wrote that into a wall. Yeah. So she was like intangible. So they put her in this like machine that can also like do that. Oh,
oh shit. They're having a lake house moment. in my Tell her she's going to die.
so Don't trust Ezekiel. Yeah, don't cross that street.
So you know what I mean? Like when it's this and she doesn't move around, it's nice. But when it's like all jarring and shaky, just it doesn't look good as an introduction. Yeah, as an extra to Howard Powers work and everything. Yeah.
so she She didn't get pushed in the water. No.
But he can do it too, right? Because it's like he's connected to the web.
um no I think he might just have like Ezekiel powers like he's like crawl on trees and stuff ah How did he get those power how it he just like oh you didn't but he didn't have like a word for it Yeah, they should have a word for it like I'm assuming Ezekiel let that spider bite him too and then that's how he got his powers but we don't know. Oh no he was cursed. They said because he stole the spider from the forest he was cursed. so curs with Cursed with like super powers. I know what a bad curse.
like He got the opposite of like the Pirates of the Caribbean curse of like the the Black Pearl.
of the curse asset gold. He got the curse of the spider where he went back into New York and was insanely rich and has these full abilities. Yes, but he's he has to wear no shoes. Is that his curse? like you can't wear shoes
I do like how um this EMT and her EMT partner know how to be off the grid. Yeah. Or maybe they're just so poor that like they they just don't have no cell service, no ones internet. like they just You can't be found living in this area of Queens. The grid is curtains. Just close the curtains. What were they watching? Did you see what movie it was? Some all horror movie. yeah
You're a paramedic. OK, so yeah you know what I'm thinking? um This one wants to give birth because like he she's just ended up with three extra roommates. She's like, no, like I do slavery. I got here. What's good, though, is they all know how to do CPR, so. Yes.
Thank you, random girls. I just met like an hour ago. No, they've been there all week. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's been a week. Yeah. You guys are best friends right now.
Don't look out the window, stupid.
Video technology from a random like corner store but is not that sharp. yeah They have NSA technology. She hit enhance, bro. Oh,
oh good thing her stolen cab is still there at the airport.
ah What if she realizes it when she goes in there and slips on the kitchen floor?
oh yeah ah like She's putting the clues together because she saw a puddle of water.
Oh, it's busted. Time for an upgrade.
She knows math guys, as well as apples earlier in the movie. That was cool.
Wait, they're in Manhattan?
Yeah, why would they go into Manhattan? Maybe that that's where her hospital is. Yeah, but if you're like an emergency, you go to any hospital. As long as yours. Yeah, that's true. Well, I mean, he's driving. like It was weird because like when I was born in New York, like my mom gave labor in Brooklyn, but they ended up going to Staten Island. Really? Yeah. It was like, all right. The hospital's full. You're going to Staten Island.
So in this world of 2003, people, if they saw something abnormal, it always was like, is this a terrorist thing? Like that happened a lot in real life. In 2003 for sure. Yeah. So I'm thinking in this universe, they're just like, oh, like they're not questioning terrorism or Aikido or anything. Yeah, it hasn't come up much. So it's like they didn't they didn't capture 2003 completely.
I like that hitting a sequel with her, whatever vehicle she's in is her mood now. That's his weakness. Cars. Guys, she just opened the door and said, come with me if you want to live. I swear to God.
And then, yeah, he's going to walk through the fire like a T 1000. Yeah.
See, without spider webs, that's just a guy running.
I mean, we don't know how much cocaine she uses. Oh, come on. Really? It's a bad plan.
It's fun.
The problem is I saw this from the trailer. Oh, that's like in the trailer. Mm hmm. You know what they didn't show on the trailer? Her going to Peru for like an hour. Yeah, for a week.
yeah I'm pretty sure like you can't let's shoot cars like. car as like
Why does it, like, wind blow your hair now when she gets visions? Well, that's when you know that her vision power is being powerful. Yeah. It's actually affecting the visuals now. Yeah, she can control it. That's the wind blow. yeah
We need to go to the incredibly dangerous fireworks factory. The Pepsi fireworks factory. Yeah, yes. So they're still in Queens, apparently.
Pepsi presents the factory. fire factorctory yeah They were like, I'm going to take you to the hospital via Times Square.
And then back to Queens. We're a family now. We're family because your parents don't care where you are for the last week. Yes, all your parents have abandoned you. So by the law of New York City, I have to. So they don't know that they've become future. Spider women. No, no. And she even at the end of the movie, does she must know. Yeah, she knows. I don't I don't think at this point, it's because even knows why is he going to try to kill him about the reason why they're trying to kill them. And is he going to know?
For all you know, like, they just show it with knives and stab them. It's not like they become superheroes themselves. Yeah.
Take this. What? we have one yeah We have blow up all these explosives. This is the best idea I could come up with.
Wait, this is a place that like they they they had a fire here already, right? Yeah, this is where my caps died, yeah. Yes. Same place as before. But but ah but it's it's it's full of explosives for fireworks. But that was like a gaping hole open to the public. Yeah.
In the well-known firework district. And and there's still there's crates that's full of explosives. It's out. After the horrible accident they had.
that already had like a fire accident. so yeah yeah What? How's there more stuff to blow up? The cops are just like, it's fine. Run to the Pepsi. and It's been a while since we had Pepsi. That's true. It has been, yeah.
She's starting to believe. What firework put a hole in the brick wall? Hey, these are industrial-strained fireworks. Yes. and of That wall was sponsored by Pepsi. It would have been hilarious if that was like Pepsi cans, like smack wall.
It's a Pepsi Cola Firework Factory? Yes. yeah
Let the person with the premonition leave. Don't just do that. This place is a mess.
Who set up all these fireworks?
That's so why I don't climb upon this broken shit. Climb the Pepsi side.
Wait, where does helicopter come from? I think Cassie called it like a i said there was a fire at the fireworks factory. OK, and she knew that like they'll send a helicopter, I guess. Oh, man, that guy's going to die. Welp, they're dead. Good job, Cassie. You murdered three

Character Skills and Humor

people. Or like, I mean, whatever many people that crew in that helicopter is. yeah Oh my god, there's a skateboard reference. She's legolas-ing.
Well, I mean, you got to pay off the the whole um thing that she had to skateboard before. Yeah. I mean, that's it, but... Yeah, they yeah they all need to use their special skills. Okay, so one person did math, one person did skateboard. Cindy Sweet. Yeah, what what is Cindy Sweet's special skill? Like... Promodump. Just fucking tell sad stories. Dancing dancing to dancing the Britney Spears. Her ill-fitting clothing will save her day. but
They're like hey with this bullshit. Yeah Can can oh she can't he can't see this, okay Yeah, he had to touch too. So you can see And he's he's like physical like
What's happening? How did she

Storytelling Choices and Humor

do it? Exactly. Multiple man powers. Yeah. Oh, she took to responsibility and she gets the power. I don't know what that means. We're just able to do that. That's definitely not a meta web comic ability. Oh, it's a telepath, not a like, uh, like Like, you know, it's going to be like mental stuff, not an actual like move, like physical. And that's our man right there.
You know, I'm I'm kind of proud of this movie not doing there's no like girl power moment. You know, like girls get the job done.
I do appreciate the the restraint on that.
put your back su
Pepsi's your future.
It's the choice of a generation. It'll be all right. Oh my god. Yup. That is the pee, the pee from the Pepsi kills him. Yup. I feel like Cassie really missed out on like some sort of like Pepsi based like pun though. Like

Plot Inconsistencies and Changes

drink up. like
So the Pepsi is the fifth spider person then. Yes.
So like when I watched this originally, like what happens like in a future scene? like I'm paying attention now because I was like, how did they get to that future scene? And I don't want to spoil for Chris. But we'll get to it. And I don't i i i don't see it. she She got hit in the face with a firework and she has no damage. her face I mean, not that you know. of it's it's It's so internal.
Also, are these the same fireworks that blew a hole in a wall? Yes. Yes. yeah So how is her head still on her body? Thank God they learned CPR.
Oh, no, she's getting tired, guys. Could you swap? it Oh, boy good, they swapped it.
her eyes are a little damaged i mean she has like they're like vaguely irritated that wasn't from the firework we see their new mom she blind but we saved her
I mean, she's got rid of guys now. And there he is. I mean, some, some unnamed baby spider baby.
I can't wait to adopt him one day and then die.
so dark
I do like that there's no hint that he's gonna say like, with great power comes great responsibility. He doesn't get to say that at all. And that's Uncle Ben's big thing. they it's foot tonight's head
Yes. They're all my daughters. first Aren't you wanted by like the government for kidnapping these women? No, that was a sightseeing person.
Yeah. How do they, how do they clear up like the charges? Like, Oh yeah, she didn't kidnap us. She's our mom. She didn't kidnap us. They need to explain why an

Character Exploration and Soundtrack

and NYPD helicopter exploded. Yeah. Like they just totally are skipping that, huh? They're skipping a lot of stuff. This is the time jump Phil was talking about. Yeah. Wait, when is she moving to Dr. Strange's house? Yeah, there's like the the watchtower now. These are all good questions. So I get that she's blind. And why is she in a wheelchair? The muscle dystrophy. They mentioned that about the disease that she has. But but it the spider cured that. I thought it cured it. I guess not. I guess it came back.
That was there was a powerful like fireworks that hit her in the face that also paralyzed her. Took away her her health, I guess. Yeah.
But like there's there's like a different like there's a movie in between like when she was in the hospital and like now, right now. Yeah. Because like like she's a different character now. and She doesn't act like anything like she was in the previous hour and a half of movie.
and And all the girls' families just like ah i agreed to like, oh yeah, you can adopt our daughters, we don't care. Just blind hey like wheelchair pound person or adopting our teen daughters in New York. Yeah, where's this movie?
It's true, she's super different. And what its that makes me sad because she's like a cryptic weirdo now. Pepsi! yeah Just be the cryptic weirdo throughout the whole movie. Don't don't do the what we saw before. No, be the cool weirdo from before. Just blind. Cool awkward weirdo. Yeah, like I don't want to hang out with this Madam Web. No. I don't want to watch American Idol with this Madam Web. Well, she can't watch American Idol anymore. Aw, she knows who wins.
and this is terrible that costume is what yeah that shot kills me i can't even so so so she's like yeah her she she'll like ask for protect herself into like to help them i guess is what but that's but that's the outfit she picks yeah yep yep well i mean she is blind honestly so she can't see

Narrative Critique and Enjoyment

she which looks like
Um, what is up with the soundtrack in this movie? I love it. Give me some cranberries. I love it. But but this is like, this it's not 2003 song either. iss It's like, yeah, yeah it so has nothing to do with like, uh, spider future or spiders or it's a good song. Yeah. Yeah. For like. like a wedding reception or something, or like a romantic. What what is happening for a Spider-Man type movie? Give me Nickelback. Like, Nickelback thrived in 2003. Well, if they really wanted to like do like the like 2000 Spider, like superhero, so they should have like a new metal going on right now. Like some so like some seather or something. but They used Nickelback in Spider-Man 2. Okay, double up.
So Chris, what did you think? It was like everything I expected. And it was just like a total mishandling of these characters. I was going to say, if you cut it off there, that's a perfect like quote for the box art. Yeah. It's everything you think. And then there's this unexpected shit that you're just a lot of creative choices waiting to do it. Yeah. Well, it's just huge points. You know, like, like Joe was saying, like, there are visual points, there are narrative structure that makes sense. And then they do a bunch to like, undo that, like, actively to undo that. Yeah, but the story points were just like, like, they had like a choice, and they made the wrong choice.
It's like, we're going to ADR the villain for the entire movie. We're going to do all these weird like digital zooms. But here's the like pretentious thing. This movie's about like possibilities. you know like Not everything's written. But I don't know what's up with like movies that do that lately, where they always make the wrong outcome choices. you know It's like in any kind of decision where it's like, oh, I can do A or B. It's like they choose C, which is like not even a choice. And they went with that. Oh, by the way, Netflix decided not to show me the rest of the credits and just instantly kicked me out to watch something else. That's a typical Netflix meme. Oh, I thought that's like if thought that was like, you want to hit man? Yeah, yeah. Same thing. It was like, hey, man, watch this. I'm like, oh, no. But um
Yeah, this is this was everything I can't believe of like, huh, I time warp back to 2003, where like, they just could like lightly touch comic book stuff, but don't want to like commit. They want, they want to be as like, little to do with like the actual comic book as possible for a comic book movie. But honestly, I think like that's the direction that they should have gone with this movie. And i hope I'm hoping with like Craven 2, where it's like it's it's a Spider-Man property, yes, but it's like it's a different type of movie. Because like imagine this was like a Final Destination kind of movie. It'd be decent. It'd be decent, yeah yeah. I would think that...
if on paper, they definitely did some sort of like, some sort of research like, okay, let's not try to be this, let's not try to do that. And you could tell at some points, but then the points that really are distracting, I think is just the like, Madam Web trying to talk to these teens part that like, really like draws it out. And I'm like, huh, we're focusing a lot about her becoming like a parent. Yeah. So but then just ah but but it is abandoning them for like extended periods of time. Yeah, the abandoning and then the week in Peru were huge missteps for me. Like it didn't work. I will say this about the movie. I took both my kids to see it. They were eight and or another nine and 13. And when we were on the way there, I kind of prepped them. I said to them, like, you know what, this movie is not getting great reviews. You know, people are kind of like making fun of it. So like.
I tried to lower their expectations. I was like, this might not be good. And I encouraged them. I said, if there's a moment in the movie that you think is silly, don't be afraid to laugh. We're going to go in expecting that sort of behavior. So be ready for that. And then halfway through the movie, a son leans over to me and says, that is pretty good. And I was like, yeah, it's not bad. It's fun. I think that lowering of expectations was a huge thing for us. We really went in. expecting the worst and getting something that was halfway fun. um So I will forever be a defender of Madden Web. I think it's a good time. I'm not gonna deny that. like Again, this is a great, watch it with like lower expectations, like you said, and then you gotta have the right mindset and company. yeah you know if you If you're trying to shit on it actively, you're gonna it's not gonna be a constant like train wreck, because it's not. And the thing is, it's it's not like a,
It's not like it's so bad. It's good because there are reasonable logical points. Right. So it's like it's hard. Sometimes we're just watching it, you know, even for our commentary, we're just like, all right, like it's got to explain. But there are decent points that if this wasn't a superhero movie would just make sense. But yeah, this was something like I totally understand the critical reviews and just sort of like you You know like you guys even said like there's no way to explain it besides watching it and when you do you're like I get it from here But yeah, this is is my first we watch how many times have you guys seen this movie? I miss my second time watching it Also second. Yeah second for me too So and a movie about deja vu-ing
How's that feel? I thought it replayed OK. Mm

Performance and Speculation

hmm. I will say, honestly, I did fall asleep during some parts of the movie. Like I do most movies now. Wait, while we we're talking. so like So parts of these are like completely fresh to me. I was like, Oh, first viewing. All right. Well, I mean, ah this was definitely like it it ranked higher than Morbius to me now. And I think like you said Morbius was like higher than this. I think I think I prefer more we because like it has more like insanity to it. Like, you know, the Matt Smith dancing scene and more, but now and like, yeah, I'm just like devouring fake blood. and Morbius is wild. It's definitely trying different things. Yeah. he's a little more And and jar Jared, Jared, let us go like going for it compared to like Dakota Johnson is just like, I feel it feels it feels like to go koras feels like she's like being held hostage.
Yeah, this feels like a contract obligation. Like, I feel like she filmed the beginning, the end scene where she is, Madam Web. I feel like they filmed that first. And then they did the other parts. And then she was just like less and less. I don't know if I've seen the interviews, but I feel like a lot of them were like, oh, I'm in a Marvel movie, like an MCU movie. It's like, oh, no, you're in a Sony Marvel up movie. And they're like, oh, no.
Yeah, she's not the best in this. It really is, like, you could feel the energy shift in her acting in this. But I don't have a muscular disorder.
Yeah, I feel like you could have just as soon as we were competing to see who could be most disaffected. I mean, in in a sense of like, when you're an actor, you go, if you act, either you choose the scenery to be the best parts of a bad movie, or you be like, the least like, committed. So that way you have the most excuses to like, she on atly she did both. And I feel like she went that route.
Because you can't like, commit 100% and then have to be a churn wreck. And she's like, Oh, this was not a passion project. But then when you watch the movie, you're like, No, you 100% were about this.
Yeah, I think it's just it feels yeah somebody she felt he was like, oh, no, this is not like ah a Marvel Marvel movie. Like butre we're in that with the other universe. Yeah, I've seen her in good movies and this is just not one of them. Like Bad Times The El Royale. That was a good movie. That was a good movie. I was like, that's the same actress.
this was like uh like her like 50 shades style was like i don't know like late like late stay like the third one i'm just like i don't care about this anymore like but get me out of this what are the chances will we'll see her again in any movie like i mean i don't mean to go to code to justice i mean but we won't get a madam web 2 but will we see madam web pop up in Like, do you guys, like, yes, you're like, so you're like, after credit scene for Craven, where my my bet is on like a Morbius, sort of like Morbius, like, ah like, or like Venom after credit scene in Craven, where it's like, they're like, continue that child thing. We're like, we're building our sister six.
I mean, I think they dropped that. They're trying not to connect these. But honestly, I think the the most likely thing is it's going to wait for like at least eight years. And then

Financial Struggles and Future Commentaries

then they're going to do a surprise Spider-Man across the like a Spider-Verse live action movie. And then that's where they recruit her back in. And then it's going to be one of those was like, check out who joined. wo People will love it. They'll go crazy for it. Yeah. They did that Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. So like, why not Madam Web? It's true. They're going to work it out. So like Andrew Garfield is actually able to come back and Spider-Man for this weird Venom verse. I'd be like, he'll be 57 years old. Do you think Sony is stupid enough to think that because of all the popularity on Netflix that Madam Web got, like, they'll re-release it into theaters and nobody will watch it again? Yeah, they did learn on the left side, yeah.
And I think even though even though like how well it's doing on Netflix, I think it lost way too much money in theaters to be like... there There was not enough Pepsi placement for them to get the fuck back. I mean, that could have bounced off some stuff, but yeah, it was like... Actually, I don't think this movie cost that much, but um um even even that still, it didn't make nearly enough worldwide to even probably break even or...
But yeah, I guess we'll have to see in ah when it's Craven came out, like December or October. I think he's still getting pushed back again. ah Probably, yeah. ven Venom's The Last Dance, maybe there'll be something in that movie. Is that movie coming out before Craven? Yeah, that's coming out like like September, I think. How is that movie like coming out way before Craven?
and the The code justice shows at the end of like, anded I'm just like, hey, it's Eddie, I'm recruiting you for the spider spider team I'm building. Use the mentor of these girls. You have to give you to explain how they get spider powers, please. Yes. They're all symbiotes.
All right. Well, but yeah, that but that but but that was Madame Web. Yes.
We've entered the web and we came out better for it. We're all we're all connected by the web. but
ah So Joe, where can people see more of your stuff? Oh, and I'm Joe Rules on Instagram. So those are the best places, I think. What about you, Phil? um So
We have some conventions coming up. In July, we will be at San Diego Comic Con in the webcomic section. I think the only other one we have on the um the schedule right now is New York Comic Con after that in October, although I'm sure we'll do some in between that, probably like Baltimore. But I think
it I think we're DigitalPimp online on Instagram and Pimp Tour on X, formerly Twitter.
Be careful, we can see your likes now. and We can't see your likes anymore. So you can like whatever you want. You can like whatever slate just stuff you want.
And, uh, yeah, so Chris, I, we are, you know, everything' head over there, check all of our other stuff out, check out the earlier your podcasts, movie reviews, trailers, all kinds of other stuff over there. And we'll be back next month with another commentary. And, uh, yeah, so for Christian, Joe and jo Phil, I am Zach and we will see you next time. For more for every action, head to You can also find us on Facebook. at facebook slash everything dot.action and follow us on x at evaction we're also on instagram and threads at everything.action find more episodes of the podcast on apple podcast spotify or your at podcast epic choice and be sure to rate and subscribe