With the first animated Transformers movie in almost 40 years hitting theaters this weekend with Transformers One, Zach and Chris return to the original for this week's Everything Actioncast and talk The Tranformers: The Movie.
Coming between the second and third seasons of the classic 80s cartoon series, The Transformers: The Movie is set in the far-off future of 2005, where the Decepticons have taken control of Cybertron. As the war between the Autobots and Decepticons reaches a climactic showdown, both sides are threatened by the arrival of Unicron (Orson Welles). This massive planet-sized robot devours planets for fuel. The guys talk about the brutal deaths of most of the well-known Transformers characters, the excellent soundtrack, the celebrity voice cast, Unicron's inner workings, and much more.
Next week, we're weaponizing a hardware store and discussing The Equalizer (2014) to celebrate the Denzel action movie's 10th anniversary.
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